Stargate Collection: Mars Exploration, May 22, 1984


The following document was obtained by The Black Vault through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), and was part of the “Stargate Collection” release.

This document, titled “Mars Exploration,” dated May 22, 1984, details a unique and unconventional exploration of Mars. It involves a remote viewer provided with coordinates to focus on Mars during a period approximately one million years B.C. The viewer describes observing geographical features like pyramids and severe dust storms, suggesting major geological disturbances. The document also mentions tall, thin figures, perceived as ancient Martians, facing environmental collapse and searching for new habitats. Additionally, the viewer describes large structures resembling shelters and channels, and recounts a journey by the Martians to a volatile, vegetation-rich environment. This exploration is part of a broader attempt to understand Mars through psychic means, providing a fascinating glimpse into the CIA’s exploration of extrasensory perception and remote viewing techniques.

In December of 2023, The Black Vault ran the below document through an AI image generator DALL-E as interpreted by ChatGPT 4, and between the two, these are four examples of what it came up with.

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Document Archive

Stargate Collection: Mars Exploration, May 22, 1984 [9 Pages, 0.5MB]

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This post was published on January 25, 2021 4:12 pm

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