Central Intelligence Agency

1975 Memo Documenting the Destruction of CIA Drug Research Programs like MKULTRA

Background It is a fact that most documents relating to MKULTRA and other drug research programs were destroyed. In this…

May 7, 2020

Alleged Psychic Message Re: Assassination Threat Against Senator Edward Kennedy, April 1980

Background In April of 1980, the CIA's Domestic Contacts Division passed on a SECRET memo to the U.S. Secret Service…

April 23, 2020

Possible Resumption of Negotiations for US Reactor, Iran, February 1976

Background This document was first requested, but fully denied, in ISCAP appeal number 2009-054-doc3. It was a CIA document, and…

March 25, 2020

Another CIA UFO Document “Lost”

by John Greenewald, Jr. - The Black Vault - Originally Published March 20, 2020 In yet another example of UFO…

March 20, 2020

Crypto AG

Background Crypto AG was a Swiss company specializing in communications and information security. It was secretly jointly owned by the…

March 13, 2020