Allegations of Biological Experiments in Viet Nam, 1966

In 2014, I came across reference to a document within the CIA's holding, that referenced an alleged incident which occurred…

October 27, 2015

The Current and Future Air Threats to the US Homeland (ICA 2001-O5HC), published July of 2002

This document was declassified by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and was originally published about 10 months after the 9/11…

May 6, 2015

CIA’s Role in the Study of UFOs, 1947-90

Published by the Central Intelligence Agency, 04/14/2007 A Die-Hard Issue Gerald K. Haines An extraordinary 95 percent of all Americans have…

March 16, 2015

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) UFO Collection

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has released nearly 1,000 pages on UFO material. These documents were one of the very…

March 15, 2015

Interrogations and Interrogation Techniques

Senate Select Committee on Intelligence On April 3, 2014, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence voted to send the Findings…

March 3, 2015