Parapsychology in Intelligence: A Personal Review and Conclusions, by Dr. Kenneth A. Kress, Studies in Intelligence, Winter 1977

According to the author: The Central Intelligence Agency has investigated the controversial phenomenon called parapsychology as it relates to intelligence…

November 15, 2021

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Records on 9/11/01 Terrorist Attacks

The following documents have been declassified by the CIA pertaining to the 9/11 attacks. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Inspector General…

August 4, 2021

Facilitating Disaster: An Overview of 11 September Finance, 22 August 2002

"The financial transactions that supported the 11 September attacks in many ways reflected the overall nature of the operation, relying…

July 27, 2021

The CIA’s UFO Photograph Collection, Various Cases and Years

The following batch of photographs was obtained from the CIA via the Freedom of Information Act. Although no context appears…

June 12, 2021

A Study of Assassination – The CIA’s Assassination Manual, 1950s

Background This record was released in 1997 through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). It is often referred to as…

May 13, 2021