Defense and Intelligence Abbreviations and Acronyms, Joint Military Intelligence College

Background This comprehensive list of intelligence abbreviations and acronyms includes those used presently, as well as those in use for…

December 23, 2019

The Evolution of the NASA-DoD Relationship from Sputnik to the Lunar Landing, Published April 18, 1997

Background Between Sputnik's launching in October 1957 and the lunar landing in July 1969 America sponsored five human spaceflight projects.…

April 26, 2019

Journal of Defense Research

Background Beginning in 1969, the Journal of Defense Research (JDR) has published defense related classified research, development and experimentation. The…

February 22, 2019

Anti-gravity Presentation, October 2004 – Non-Atomic Military Research And Development (NAMRAD)

Background This document was obtained from the Department of Defense in April of 2018. It was a PDF presentation used…

May 4, 2018

Reducing the United States Nuclear Arsenal, September 28, 1991

Background The following document was created in 1991 regarding the reduction of the nuclear weapons arsenal. I requested an MDR…

April 20, 2018