James Comey is Fired: The Actual Documents

Background According to the White House press release on May 9, 2017: Today, President Donald J. Trump informed FBI Director…

January 21, 2018

FBI Classification Guidebooks

Background In November of 2017, I requested the FBI's "Classification Guidebook".  This consists of the, "FBI National Security Information Classification…

January 18, 2018

Council of Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE) Investigation into Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Inspector General General David Buckley

Background In October of 2012, multiple complaints were filed against the CIA's Inspector General David Buckley.  They detailed allegations of…

December 28, 2017

Hypnosis and the Department of Justice (DOJ)

Background According to the Department of Justice Criminal Resource Manual - Use of Hypnosis: "In certain limited cases, the use…

September 23, 2017

FBI Whistleblower Policy Directive 0971D, May 1, 2017

Background The purpose of this policy is to establish a single source of policy information for FBI whistleblower protections and…

August 1, 2017