FBI Naming and Commemoration Committee Meeting Minutes

Background Requests to name, rename, or commemorate FBI-occupied buildings or spaces must be submitted to the assistant director (AD), Facilities…

May 13, 2017

FBI wants nearly $200,000 for the 3.9 Million page FBI File on Koch Industries

Background In March of 2017, I requested all records regarding Koch Industries. According to Wikipedia: Koch Industries, Inc. is an…

May 11, 2017

FBI Assistance Provided to Local Law Enforcement During the Black Lives Matter Movement

Background Black Lives Matter (BLM) is an international activist movement, originating in the African-American community, that campaigns against violence and…

February 1, 2017

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Communication with Senators John McCain and Carl Levin re: Boston Bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev

Background Tamerlan Anzorovich Tsarnaevwas a terrorist who, with his brother Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, planted bombs at the Boston Marathon on April…

December 28, 2016

National Program Office – Project 908

Background According to Wikipedia: The National Program Office (NPO) was an office of the United States Government, established to ensure…

September 29, 2016