
Broken Arrow Incidents

Background A "broken arrow" is an accidental event that involves nuclear weapons or nuclear components but which does not create…

May 5, 2015

UFO Case: Malmstrom AFB UFO/Missile Incident (March 16, 1967)

Background In central Montana, Thursday morning March 16, 1967, the E-Flight Missile Combat Crew was below ground in the Echo-Flight…

March 4, 2015

Bent Spear: Minot Air Force Base (08-29-2007)

The 2007 United States Air Force nuclear weapons incident occurred at Minot Air Force Base and Barksdale Air Force Base…

March 1, 2015

Dull Sword Incidents

Background A "dull sword" is an Air Force reporting term that marks reports of minor incidents involving nuclear weapons, components…

March 1, 2015

Nuclear Weapons Surety Reports

Nuclear Weapons Surety is the materiel, personnel, and procedures that contribute to the safety, security, reliability, and control of nuclear…

March 1, 2015