Newly Released Document Reveals Index of UFO Cases at the Pentagon’s AARO

The All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), the Pentagon's UFO investigation office, has released a list of UFO / UAP cases…

March 29, 2023

“Very Bright… Rotating White Light” UFO over Texas Described by Pilot in FAA ATC Recordings – 2148 EST 11/10/2022 | 0248 UTC 11/11/2022

The Black Vault received word of this incident by someone who wishes to remain anonymous, but had access to the…

January 3, 2023

Navy JAG Denies Major FOIA Appeal Further Solidifying UFO/UAP Secrecy

The U.S. Navy Office of the Judge Advocate General just rendered their decision and denied a major FOIA appeal submitted…

November 15, 2022

NASA Announces Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Study Team Members

Note: The below is a NASA Press Release issued October 21, 2022. It is archived here for reference and research…

October 21, 2022

Canadian UFO Reports

Note: This page can change and morph as documents are released. It is not considered a “final” published article. It…

October 7, 2022