Navy ‘Releases’ 2020 Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon “Information Memo”

Last week, the U.S. Navy released under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) a June 16, 2020, "Information Memo" on…

April 13, 2022

Newly Released NRO Documents Reveal Extent Of UAP Involvement and Contributions to UAP Task Force Report

Just weeks ago, The Black Vault secured a partial release of the classified UAP report given to Congress on June…

April 8, 2022

New Details Emerge About “Gimbal” UAP Encounter; Briefing Breakdown

https://youtu.be/QBIi4iU7CF4 In December of 2017, the "Gimbal" video was published by the NY Times. Since then, it has captivated believers…

April 6, 2022

U.S. Navy Releases Heavily Redacted UAP/UFO Briefing Given To Congress in October 2019

** FLASH ** The below is a FLASH story, wherein documents have JUST been released. In lieu of crafting a…

March 2, 2022

Mystery Drones of the SOCAL

The following article is published by The Black Vault with permission from the author, Dave Beaty. It can not be…

February 11, 2022