“UFO Documents” from NCIS – Naval Criminal Investigative Service


Sometimes, you never know what you are going to get with a FOIA Request.

As many of you know, The Black Vault has looked for UFO documents throughout nearly every government agency that exists. Recently, I filed a FOIA Request to the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) looking for UFO records.

I was surprised to learn, that responsive documents came up. NCIS informed me there were three closed investigations that dealt with UFOs, and were responsive to my request.

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After a short wait, I received the three investigations, and their corresponding records, which are below.

Though this isn’t the usual cache of UFO information. Instead, I discovered these records which prove the following:

  1. There are some severe psychological issues for our men and women in uniform after years of fighting wars like in Afghanistan and Iraq.  I think the first part of these records should serve as a grim reminder of the sacrifice (both mental, physical and psychological) that our men and women in uniform are making for our freedoms.
  2. If you run a blog, or website, or post on social networks — be careful what you say!  Someone, is always watching.
  3. Although “drones” have become the go-to explanation in the 21st century (just like Swamp Gas was the 20th century go-to), it appears that label may actually be true in some cases. But moreso, if you decide to fly a drone in or around a military installation — get ready for one wild invasion into your private life. In short – it just isn’t a good idea, so don’t do it.

Like I said — it’s not the usual!

Declassified Documents

 NCIS Closed Investigations – UFOs [60 Pages, 9.7MB]

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This post was published on April 21, 2016 2:58 pm

John Greenewald

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