Uncategorized Documents

The following is a list of documents that have not yet been categorized into the other categories.  Until they are, they are listed here.

Air Crash in Up-State New York [6 Pages]

The Booklet: Intelligence – The Acme of Skill [32 Pages]

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Democratic Influence Through Internet Usage in the Peoples Republic of China [49 Pages, 4.75mb]

The Defense of Duffer’s Drift [78 Pages] – Fictional account of a young British officer’s misadventures during the Boer War

Department of Energy Super Computer [311 Pages]

Developments in Military Infrared and Laser Technology [12 Pages]

DoD Supercomputing Needs [24 Pages]

Hale-Bopp Comet [10 Pages]

Handbook of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army [142 Pages]

High Tech Composting System [132 Pages]

History of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The Joint Chiefs of Staff and National Policy, 1950 – 1952. Volume IV [306 Pages]

History of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: The Joint Chiefs of Staff and National Policy 1957-1960. Volume VII [277 Pages]

INFORMATION SECURITY: IRS Electronic Filing Systems [30 Pages]

Investigation into Enron Corporation Violating Criminal Statutes or Ethics Regulations [5 Pages]

Jesus the Strategic Leader [51 Pages]

Pan Am Flight 103 [435 Pages]

Princess Diana, Princess of Wales Although the request was accidentally spelled wrong – the response says it all.

Procedure To Derive Submarine Sonar Operational PNB NRDS Against Continuous Wave and Gaussian Signals [52 Pages]

Project Altair [161 Pages]

Project Duck, Final Report [39 Pages]

Project Softbook [3 Pages]

Psychological and Neurobiological Consequences of the Gulf War Experience [26 Pages]

Report of the Defense Science Board Task Force ON Control of Military Excess and Surplus Materiel [67 Pages]

Soviet Cruise Missiles – An Overview

Student Reactions to CIA On Campus Recruitment (1/1/1966)

Submarine of the Future [55 Pages]

U.S. Intelligence Community Legal Reference Book [688 Pages] – The Office of the Director of National Intelligence is announcing the U.S. Intelligence Community Legal Reference Book, published in Fall 2007. The Intelligence Community (IC) draws much of its authority and guidance from the body of law in this collection. As the Director of National Intelligence seeks to better integrate the IC, this book proves to be a useful resource to intelligence professionals across the Community.

Unintentional Document Shredding [14 Pages]

Unnamed Document [73 Pages]

The White House: Allegations of Damage During the 2001 Presidential Transition [220 Pages]

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This post was published on February 28, 2015 6:24 pm

John Greenewald

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