Vulnerability Assessment of Charged Particle Beam Weapons, September 1979


This document was discovered as a reference in another government records. I then filed a FOIA request for the report, and it took more than 5 years to track down the office that had it. It has now been reviewed and released to The Black Vault. You can download it below.


The objective of this analysis is to define and assess the vulnerabilities that might exist in prospective Soviet Charged Particle Beam Weapon (CPBW) systems.

This analysts will then establish the technological base required before countermeasure efforts can be pursued to negate such new weapon systems. Of primary concern in this effort is the vulnerabilities of an atmosphere Particle Beam Weapon systems; hence, only Charged Particle Beam Weapon systems will be addressed, not space-based Neutral Particle Beam Weapon systems.

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A secondary objective of this effort is to provide US designers and builders of such weapon systems with an insight into vulnerabilities that might exist in our own systems – thereby to facilitate the incorporation of counter-countermeasure techniques in our systems to probably “hardened” them against attack from early generation Soviet CPBW countermeasures.

Declassified Document

 Vulnerability Assessment of Charged Particle Beam Weapons, September 1979 [45 Pages, 2.1MB]

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This post was published on January 28, 2016 5:44 pm

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