1 00:00:02,040 --> 00:00:05,850 John Greenewald: Missouri, it's the 19th most populous state in 2 00:00:05,850 --> 00:00:12,120 America, and it boasts more than 6 million residents. But hidden 3 00:00:12,150 --> 00:00:16,920 within its nearly 70,000 square miles, is an area known as 4 00:00:16,920 --> 00:00:21,780 Marley woods, but its exact location remains a total 5 00:00:21,780 --> 00:00:22,350 mystery. 6 00:00:30,120 --> 00:00:33,930 Ripe with paranormal activity, it rivals that of the more 7 00:00:33,930 --> 00:00:39,030 recognized Utah location known as skinwalker Ranch. Though 8 00:00:39,030 --> 00:00:42,960 Marlee woods, unlike the Utah location, which turned into a 9 00:00:42,960 --> 00:00:46,500 History Channel television series has stayed away from the 10 00:00:46,500 --> 00:00:53,130 TV cameras and any widespread notoriety. Ted Philips, a 11 00:00:53,130 --> 00:00:57,690 pioneering legend within the UFO field, spearheaded the research 12 00:00:57,720 --> 00:01:03,330 into this mysterious location. Although now passed away, his 13 00:01:03,330 --> 00:01:07,890 protege, and my guest today, Thomas ferrario continues to 14 00:01:07,890 --> 00:01:14,010 hunt for the truth. He's here to step into the vault and explain 15 00:01:14,010 --> 00:01:18,300 some of the darkest, deepest and most frightening experiences 16 00:01:18,300 --> 00:01:22,260 that he and others have encountered while there. And 17 00:01:22,260 --> 00:01:25,680 some of those experiences may have even left a lasting 18 00:01:25,680 --> 00:01:29,040 physical effect that will be with him for the rest of his 19 00:01:29,040 --> 00:01:35,100 life. Stay tuned, you're about to take a wild ride inside the 20 00:01:35,100 --> 00:01:35,790 black ball. 21 00:02:02,879 --> 00:02:05,579 That's right, everybody. As always, thank you so much for 22 00:02:05,579 --> 00:02:09,059 tuning in and making this your podcast or your live stream of 23 00:02:09,059 --> 00:02:11,969 choice. I'm your host, john Greenwald, Jr, founder and 24 00:02:11,969 --> 00:02:15,119 creator of the black vault calm. And today is going to be an 25 00:02:15,119 --> 00:02:18,149 exciting show, because I get to explore a topic that I've known 26 00:02:18,149 --> 00:02:22,769 about for a long time, due to my friendship and relationship with 27 00:02:22,769 --> 00:02:26,009 the late Ted Philips, but also my friendship with my guests 28 00:02:26,009 --> 00:02:29,609 today, Tom ferrario, who was one of the main researchers that 29 00:02:29,609 --> 00:02:33,869 worked with Ted's Ted, on his work on what's called Marlee 30 00:02:33,869 --> 00:02:37,019 woods. Now, we'll get to that in a minute. But Tom, thank you so 31 00:02:37,019 --> 00:02:38,429 much for joining the show. 32 00:02:40,140 --> 00:02:42,060 Thomas Ferrario: Oh, well, thank you, john, it's good to be back 33 00:02:42,060 --> 00:02:45,090 with you again. And we did all have a connection there for a 34 00:02:45,090 --> 00:02:48,960 while we work together. And it's good to be here. And of course, 35 00:02:48,960 --> 00:02:51,150 it's good to be anywhere right now. I'll tell you. 36 00:02:51,570 --> 00:02:54,300 John Greenewald: Yes, it certainly is. Well, I've been 37 00:02:54,300 --> 00:02:56,880 wanting to do a show with you for a long time. You and I have 38 00:02:56,880 --> 00:03:01,230 known each other for many, many many years and and I've 39 00:03:01,230 --> 00:03:05,490 respected you guys. Not only you but to but the team that you 40 00:03:05,490 --> 00:03:08,760 work with simply because you go for the science, the nuts and 41 00:03:08,760 --> 00:03:12,240 bolts, the evidence, and you really just kind of dig in. 42 00:03:12,480 --> 00:03:15,900 You're not in it for the the glitz and glamour and that that 43 00:03:15,900 --> 00:03:19,140 has always stuck with me over the years. And I've always 44 00:03:19,140 --> 00:03:23,700 appreciated that about you. Let me get you to give my audience a 45 00:03:23,700 --> 00:03:27,900 little bit of background, how did you get into UFO research, 46 00:03:27,900 --> 00:03:29,520 paranormal research and why 47 00:03:32,040 --> 00:03:35,850 Thomas Ferrario: I actually started in personal experiences, 48 00:03:35,850 --> 00:03:40,410 and I live in a rural community. And through my experiences and 49 00:03:40,410 --> 00:03:45,210 people reaching out to me and in a small community is taken very 50 00:03:45,210 --> 00:03:50,040 seriously. You know, people do not go around talking about you 51 00:03:50,040 --> 00:03:53,910 follow the UFOs what they've seen or experience. And when you 52 00:03:53,910 --> 00:03:57,720 get to be a trusted individual in that community. Let me tell 53 00:03:57,720 --> 00:04:02,040 you, there's a lot more experiences nationwide than you 54 00:04:02,040 --> 00:04:08,760 can imagine. And then I talked on a Sunday afternoon, I get a 55 00:04:08,760 --> 00:04:13,530 call to move on and contacted Walt Andrus, which at that time 56 00:04:13,530 --> 00:04:17,850 was in St. Louis, one of the co founders have moved on. And I 57 00:04:17,850 --> 00:04:21,660 spoke with him two hours on the phone and through my speaking 58 00:04:21,660 --> 00:04:26,940 with him, he just he thought I should be in the move on should 59 00:04:26,940 --> 00:04:31,050 get some training. And he assigned me to get some training 60 00:04:31,050 --> 00:04:34,470 and connected me with Bruce Whitman. Very great individual 61 00:04:34,470 --> 00:04:37,590 was state director for a movement in Missouri for many 62 00:04:37,590 --> 00:04:45,060 years. And I know you're, you know, Bruce well, and but Walt 63 00:04:45,060 --> 00:04:48,570 actually made me a section director on the phone. And when 64 00:04:48,570 --> 00:04:53,400 I contacted Bruce the first time, Bruce actually said, Well, 65 00:04:53,820 --> 00:04:56,640 first of all, I don't know who you are, and you're not even and 66 00:04:56,640 --> 00:05:00,540 move on. You can be a second director. So I said Well, Walt 67 00:05:00,540 --> 00:05:05,790 Andrews assigned me and so Bruce called him and we had a meeting 68 00:05:05,820 --> 00:05:10,500 the three of us and got me some training when you signed me with 69 00:05:10,500 --> 00:05:15,000 a gentleman named Jim cross, which was an Air Force captain 70 00:05:15,000 --> 00:05:19,500 in St. Louis, which I went out on cases with him. And Jim was a 71 00:05:19,500 --> 00:05:24,930 very nuts and bolts man also, he was a photographic analyst, also 72 00:05:24,930 --> 00:05:30,300 on the jet pilot. And I learned quite a bit working with Jim and 73 00:05:30,300 --> 00:05:34,590 then with Bruce, of course, but that's my background. And then 74 00:05:34,740 --> 00:05:39,570 that went into working with Bruce on conferences. and fun. I 75 00:05:39,570 --> 00:05:43,410 will tell you from the first lecture I heard, Jed and Phil 76 00:05:43,410 --> 00:05:49,200 have spoke at I was just amazed and blown away by the man and my 77 00:05:49,200 --> 00:05:53,580 dream was always to work with him. So I would send him letters 78 00:05:53,580 --> 00:05:57,120 and I finally got to meet him at one conference that we were 79 00:05:57,120 --> 00:06:02,220 working. And I offered my services to Ted and I was an 80 00:06:02,220 --> 00:06:06,510 electrician and work as an electrical engineer for some 81 00:06:06,540 --> 00:06:10,470 powerboat companies and along the way and, and Chad said, 82 00:06:10,470 --> 00:06:13,410 Well, he said if you're serious about it, let's see what you 83 00:06:13,410 --> 00:06:18,900 got. And so I that's how we met our first relationship was that 84 00:06:18,900 --> 00:06:22,980 a practical one I I did the wiring ran wires and foot 85 00:06:23,160 --> 00:06:29,340 cameras and Marley Woods up on windmills and alike and then we 86 00:06:29,340 --> 00:06:33,390 got to be over the years close friends and, and that's how my 87 00:06:33,390 --> 00:06:36,810 relationship with Ted started and how I got introduced to 88 00:06:36,810 --> 00:06:37,740 Marley woods. 89 00:06:39,480 --> 00:06:41,370 John Greenewald: Before we get into Marley woods, a quick 90 00:06:41,370 --> 00:06:44,400 background on Ted Phillips for those who aren't aware he 91 00:06:44,400 --> 00:06:48,330 recently passed away or I say recently, it's it's been what a 92 00:06:48,330 --> 00:06:49,470 year or two maybe? 93 00:06:50,399 --> 00:06:52,889 Thomas Ferrario: Yeah, was on March the 10th of last year, we 94 00:06:52,889 --> 00:06:57,869 lost it so bad. And I'll tell you, it's a big loss. And the 95 00:06:57,869 --> 00:07:02,429 time has gone so fast. And we had scheduled some memorials for 96 00:07:02,429 --> 00:07:08,219 him near his home and in Branson, Missouri. And we had a 97 00:07:08,219 --> 00:07:12,929 big hall, rented and several people were going to come and 98 00:07:13,199 --> 00:07:17,879 john filet had made a video and because of the darn virus, it 99 00:07:17,879 --> 00:07:22,199 just never happened. And we do have a video we're putting 100 00:07:22,199 --> 00:07:28,379 together right now it should be out. It'll err recently. I 101 00:07:28,379 --> 00:07:31,799 believe within the next couple of months. We'll have it out and 102 00:07:31,799 --> 00:07:34,379 I'll give you the details on that one one. It's out there. 103 00:07:34,979 --> 00:07:40,019 Um, but yeah, he was just an incredible man like you said a 104 00:07:40,019 --> 00:07:44,969 nuts and bolts man. And you know Ted's passion and you followed 105 00:07:44,969 --> 00:07:49,109 he started when he was a young boy. You know, his father worked 106 00:07:49,109 --> 00:07:53,759 at a radio station and got him an interview with two Air Force 107 00:07:53,759 --> 00:07:58,289 captains that bomber pilots from World War Two that had course 108 00:07:58,289 --> 00:08:02,249 the typical Foo Fighters and sightings and in I mean, close 109 00:08:02,249 --> 00:08:07,439 proximity to their plane within 20 foot their cockpit and these 110 00:08:07,439 --> 00:08:12,209 pilots hadn't. And like as Ted said, it didn't get any better 111 00:08:12,539 --> 00:08:17,609 speaking with anyone than Air Force pilots, so that that 112 00:08:17,609 --> 00:08:22,619 increased the passion in Ted and he was very much a nuts and 113 00:08:22,619 --> 00:08:26,399 bolts man, as you said he worked went to work with on a case 114 00:08:26,399 --> 00:08:30,599 actually in Missouri. People think Ted's first case was 115 00:08:30,599 --> 00:08:35,939 alonza Morris case, instead of girl, but actually, Alan got 116 00:08:36,329 --> 00:08:41,549 with 10 on a case in Missouri, which was a very monumental 117 00:08:41,549 --> 00:08:46,889 case, which we're working up background on that and getting 118 00:08:46,919 --> 00:08:52,169 going to get that out. We feel it's as groundbreaking as Lonnie 119 00:08:52,169 --> 00:08:55,889 Zamora case that's never been dealt with. And let me know 120 00:08:55,920 --> 00:08:58,170 John Greenewald: real quick you said Alan, just for those who 121 00:08:58,170 --> 00:09:01,680 aren't aware you're talking about Dr. J. Allen Hynek of the 122 00:09:01,680 --> 00:09:06,030 process I am name and, and so on. And Ted Phillips again, for 123 00:09:06,030 --> 00:09:09,540 those who aren't aware had worked under Dr. J. Allen Hynek, 124 00:09:09,540 --> 00:09:13,020 which is how he started. And I had produced a documentary for 125 00:09:13,020 --> 00:09:17,370 history channel where we explored Ted's origin story and 126 00:09:17,370 --> 00:09:22,350 tying back into Dr. J. Allen Hynek. It is an amazing, amazing 127 00:09:22,350 --> 00:09:26,730 story about how they came together and work together and 128 00:09:26,850 --> 00:09:32,700 so many years later how much Ted really did and continued the 129 00:09:32,700 --> 00:09:37,140 hard work that that obviously was pioneered by who trained him 130 00:09:37,170 --> 00:09:40,890 essentially which was Dr. J. Allen Hynek. So amazing history 131 00:09:40,890 --> 00:09:43,770 there and I appreciate your background. And and I want to 132 00:09:43,770 --> 00:09:47,760 segue into now Marley woods, simply because you've brought it 133 00:09:47,760 --> 00:09:51,660 up a couple of times. And also this is I would say a great time 134 00:09:51,660 --> 00:09:55,680 to explore it because everybody in the UFO field and even 135 00:09:55,740 --> 00:10:00,990 outside of the UFO community as a core. Now we see skinwalker 136 00:10:00,990 --> 00:10:04,530 Ranch as a History Channel documentary, you know, they're 137 00:10:04,530 --> 00:10:08,790 out there with television cameras. And in my opinion 138 00:10:08,790 --> 00:10:12,600 anyway, they give the impression that's just this unique, one of 139 00:10:12,600 --> 00:10:17,460 a kind area. But Marley Woods sounds like it is very much in 140 00:10:17,460 --> 00:10:20,610 comparison to something like skinwalker Ranch where you have 141 00:10:20,820 --> 00:10:24,480 all sorts of activity. So let me throw it to you, Tom, what is 142 00:10:24,480 --> 00:10:28,020 Marley woods? And what what what goes on there? 143 00:10:29,400 --> 00:10:32,850 Thomas Ferrario: Marley Woods is, you know, we used to think 144 00:10:32,850 --> 00:10:37,020 they were these places were more unique. I will tell you that 145 00:10:37,020 --> 00:10:42,000 there are several across the globe. Not to the intensity, 146 00:10:42,000 --> 00:10:46,080 though I will say as skinwalker and Marley woods, you know, 147 00:10:46,140 --> 00:10:49,770 Morley Woods isn't. And I will go off just tell you Morley 148 00:10:49,770 --> 00:10:54,960 Woods is a fictitious name that Ted we all originally put 149 00:10:54,960 --> 00:10:58,590 together because we have to we owe it to the property owners, 150 00:10:58,590 --> 00:11:02,550 they asked us don't go looking on a map for Marley woods, it is 151 00:11:02,550 --> 00:11:07,170 totally fictitious name, to protect the participants in the 152 00:11:07,170 --> 00:11:11,700 ranch and everything that goes on there, because we had a 153 00:11:11,700 --> 00:11:15,600 little security issues in the beginning. And it doesn't get 154 00:11:15,600 --> 00:11:20,400 pretty, but it's an area that encompasses two miles east and 155 00:11:20,400 --> 00:11:25,830 west and three miles north and south. Now, it's comprised of 156 00:11:25,830 --> 00:11:30,720 two ranches. That one is 1200 acres and one's approaching 1000 157 00:11:30,720 --> 00:11:36,240 acres. With two, just two property owners that we work 158 00:11:36,240 --> 00:11:42,240 with that, trust us implicitly. And it is a place of high 159 00:11:42,240 --> 00:11:46,500 strangeness. And this goes back several generations, I will tell 160 00:11:46,500 --> 00:11:51,090 you, we tried to track it even going back to Native American 161 00:11:51,120 --> 00:11:56,520 culture, we have not been able to, we just recently found 162 00:11:56,550 --> 00:12:00,900 Native American, which we thought there wasn't any proof 163 00:12:00,900 --> 00:12:04,380 of them being in this area. And we just recently found some, 164 00:12:04,800 --> 00:12:08,760 actually some elements that that showed us that there had been a 165 00:12:08,760 --> 00:12:12,420 presence Native American presence on one of the sites 166 00:12:12,420 --> 00:12:18,450 with a natural spring in it. But it's an area that I will tell 167 00:12:18,450 --> 00:12:23,040 you it, it has the high strangeness everything you've 168 00:12:23,040 --> 00:12:27,720 seen on skinwalker I, I would tell you that we have that and 169 00:12:27,720 --> 00:12:33,180 much more it we have the unseen force. And I just list these 170 00:12:33,180 --> 00:12:39,090 briefly. Light ball activity cryptid activity, which includes 171 00:12:39,120 --> 00:12:45,390 large white animals, Beast cryptids, flying reptilian 172 00:12:45,390 --> 00:12:54,600 things. And it goes into cattle mutilations. energy sources, 173 00:12:54,600 --> 00:12:57,690 which is very much similar to what they're dealing with right 174 00:12:57,690 --> 00:13:02,580 now in skinwalker. We dealt with we did narrow it down, I will 175 00:13:02,580 --> 00:13:08,880 tell you to the the energy levels. And I will I am able to 176 00:13:08,880 --> 00:13:13,350 tell you right now that for a short time, we we did have a tie 177 00:13:13,380 --> 00:13:17,700 with a Bigelow Foundation, we worked with Colin Keller, and we 178 00:13:17,700 --> 00:13:22,770 had several other people with us we worked with and our energy, 179 00:13:22,770 --> 00:13:27,120 so we did narrow it down to in the microwave spectrum, we felt 180 00:13:27,120 --> 00:13:31,950 that most of our our problems were the energy sources, it led 181 00:13:31,950 --> 00:13:37,740 us do the and then this I must say with Ted, everything is 182 00:13:37,740 --> 00:13:41,010 documented and done. If you can't prove it scientifically, 183 00:13:41,310 --> 00:13:45,000 you don't even mention it. And there were a lot of things we 184 00:13:45,000 --> 00:13:49,500 didn't mention that went on that. Later on that we wish we 185 00:13:49,500 --> 00:13:54,990 would imagine that. But that was Ted's method. And he was for the 186 00:13:54,990 --> 00:13:59,040 scientific approach and method and that's what we had to do. 187 00:13:59,639 --> 00:14:04,019 John Greenewald: Can I ask you really quick to timestamp when 188 00:14:04,019 --> 00:14:08,339 you guys were there with Bigelow's funding or Colm 189 00:14:08,489 --> 00:14:11,519 Kelleher, his involvement? When was that? 190 00:14:13,260 --> 00:14:15,240 Thomas Ferrario: Oh, that was back, I would say in the 191 00:14:15,240 --> 00:14:24,090 2008 2009 period. And it was, you know, we had a relationship, 192 00:14:24,120 --> 00:14:28,890 they'd spend time with us. And they wanted us to come out and 193 00:14:28,890 --> 00:14:31,800 spend time with them at skinwalker. We never had the 194 00:14:31,800 --> 00:14:36,060 time or the ability because we were a small team. And quite 195 00:14:36,060 --> 00:14:40,350 frankly, we had things just exploding off the chart at that 196 00:14:40,350 --> 00:14:45,690 period at Morley that we were dealing with that like 10 nine 197 00:14:45,690 --> 00:14:52,020 and the team Adam Johnson and a gal that's a state director now, 198 00:14:52,050 --> 00:14:56,610 which I call her my sister. We're very close. She's the 199 00:14:56,610 --> 00:14:59,730 state director for move on now. Debbie Ziggler Meyer, I know you 200 00:14:59,730 --> 00:15:03,990 know that Debbie's a Debbie. And she's been on a lot of 201 00:15:05,490 --> 00:15:11,880 productions lately of late. Any Alaskan triangle, but uh, but we 202 00:15:11,880 --> 00:15:15,570 were, we were running our tails off out there at times. And we 203 00:15:15,570 --> 00:15:21,210 spent a lot of time out there 10 in our group besides the lecture 204 00:15:21,210 --> 00:15:25,260 circuit, and Marley woods, I was away from home more than I was 205 00:15:25,260 --> 00:15:29,880 at home, I'll tell you and but the high strangeness of this 206 00:15:29,910 --> 00:15:36,690 area is just it went off the scales at times. And I will tell 207 00:15:36,690 --> 00:15:40,530 you whenever you'd like me to get into it, there was a 208 00:15:40,530 --> 00:15:44,730 downside that Ted didn't like to speak of very much. It was the 209 00:15:44,730 --> 00:15:50,310 physical effects encountered by the team. And some of us. Yeah. 210 00:15:51,180 --> 00:15:54,090 Ted, Ted didn't like the researchers to be part of the 211 00:15:54,090 --> 00:15:59,010 research ever. So many didn't want to upset the ranchers, they 212 00:15:59,070 --> 00:16:00,180 the property owners. 213 00:16:00,690 --> 00:16:03,840 John Greenewald: I do want to get in. I do want to get into 214 00:16:03,840 --> 00:16:06,480 that. I want to ask you one. Yeah, I'm not sure if you can 215 00:16:06,480 --> 00:16:10,320 answer. So I'll apologize in advance, when you would. And the 216 00:16:10,320 --> 00:16:13,350 reason why I'm asking about the Bigelow connection, which was 217 00:16:13,650 --> 00:16:19,110 intriguing to me in the year, that was during the funding 218 00:16:19,110 --> 00:16:22,380 years that the Defense Intelligence Agency was giving 219 00:16:22,380 --> 00:16:28,440 money to Bigelow in a program called OS app. And so the 220 00:16:28,440 --> 00:16:32,910 question I have for you is around that timeframe. Was it 221 00:16:32,910 --> 00:16:36,720 ever bantered about that this was part of potentially a 222 00:16:36,720 --> 00:16:38,370 government research program. 223 00:16:40,890 --> 00:16:45,480 Thomas Ferrario: You know, believe me, we have had that 224 00:16:46,650 --> 00:16:52,170 question posed to us many times. We didn't see any signs of that. 225 00:16:52,860 --> 00:16:58,620 And I will tell you that through the years, Jetta corps working 226 00:16:58,620 --> 00:17:04,920 with Hynek and Project bluebook in the last stages, and we did 227 00:17:04,920 --> 00:17:10,530 do in early days, we there was a connection that when Ted parted 228 00:17:10,560 --> 00:17:15,000 with that area with the government connection, he was 229 00:17:15,000 --> 00:17:19,590 very cautious. He didn't want to associate or touch base with 230 00:17:19,590 --> 00:17:23,910 that culture at all in any way, shape, or form. So I know a lot 231 00:17:23,910 --> 00:17:29,250 of people thought that we never dealt with that. And Marlene, a 232 00:17:29,400 --> 00:17:32,640 lot of people have asked us did we think the government was 233 00:17:32,640 --> 00:17:38,010 monitoring us and Marley and had any way, shape or form 234 00:17:38,160 --> 00:17:42,540 interjected things in our reach as research? And I can tell you, 235 00:17:42,660 --> 00:17:49,530 quite frankly, I don't believe they did. And you know, what, 236 00:17:49,890 --> 00:17:54,240 the Bigelow aspect of it, we believe they were very honest 237 00:17:54,240 --> 00:17:57,780 with us. And we worked quite well for a while together. And 238 00:17:57,780 --> 00:18:02,310 concolor worked with us, and we enjoyed it. And it just didn't 239 00:18:02,310 --> 00:18:06,060 turn out to be a mutual agreement as we thought it would 240 00:18:06,060 --> 00:18:11,430 be. But it was a control issue. They're a property I, I'll just 241 00:18:11,430 --> 00:18:16,890 throw out there. And but I we really detected no government 242 00:18:16,890 --> 00:18:19,650 involvement at that time with any parties. 243 00:18:20,010 --> 00:18:22,200 John Greenewald: Gotcha. Well, I appreciate you fielding the 244 00:18:22,200 --> 00:18:25,710 question. So let's get into the the evidence aspect of it. 245 00:18:26,100 --> 00:18:31,980 Again, I know that you and Ted were both convinced that 246 00:18:31,980 --> 00:18:35,820 something was going on out there. Can Can Can you 247 00:18:36,060 --> 00:18:40,470 potentially answer for Ted as well. But for you what convinced 248 00:18:40,470 --> 00:18:44,310 you that there was something going on at Marlee woods, that 249 00:18:44,310 --> 00:18:48,180 that made you guys say, okay, we really need to investigate this. 250 00:18:50,880 --> 00:18:54,870 Thomas Ferrario: What convinced me in the early stages that as 251 00:18:54,870 --> 00:19:01,080 Ted hurt from the very beginning, Ted told me that out 252 00:19:01,080 --> 00:19:04,350 of all his years of doing a nut and bolt research, he had never 253 00:19:04,350 --> 00:19:08,400 actually experienced anything physically and morally was the 254 00:19:08,400 --> 00:19:13,470 first time he had actually seen any UFOs or anything. And it 255 00:19:13,470 --> 00:19:18,420 goes so much beyond the scene of a UFO or structured craft or 256 00:19:18,450 --> 00:19:23,220 mainly, what we experienced were light balls at Marlin. Once in a 257 00:19:23,220 --> 00:19:26,490 while there was structured crafts involved. But it was the 258 00:19:26,490 --> 00:19:31,620 intelligence aspect of it that we dealt with on an almost daily 259 00:19:31,620 --> 00:19:37,320 basis. That was always one step ahead of us. It read our weakest 260 00:19:37,320 --> 00:19:41,010 moments. It read when we were the least prepared to capture 261 00:19:41,010 --> 00:19:45,660 something on video or audio. And when we were prepared to capture 262 00:19:45,660 --> 00:19:49,890 something, and we started experiencing things, it would 263 00:19:49,890 --> 00:19:52,800 literally take out our equipment, sometimes it would 264 00:19:52,800 --> 00:19:57,060 burn out circuitry, it would eject and I'll date myself here 265 00:19:57,060 --> 00:20:06,450 we were using VHS tapes. We had a large raft of VHS tapes in the 266 00:20:06,450 --> 00:20:09,090 off, and I just want to throw out the property owners and 267 00:20:09,090 --> 00:20:15,480 Marley was so great. They built a two floor two level structure 268 00:20:15,480 --> 00:20:20,130 with a big observation deck for Ted to stay in and to have an 269 00:20:20,130 --> 00:20:24,750 office in and to work out of Mr. Lee. And later, they built us an 270 00:20:24,750 --> 00:20:31,620 outside open observation deck. But this entity, this 271 00:20:31,830 --> 00:20:37,290 intelligence would, it wiped VHS tapes clean, in one instance, 272 00:20:37,290 --> 00:20:43,320 injected tapes from the machine. When we switched to DVRs, it 273 00:20:43,320 --> 00:20:48,450 would burn out some of our DVRs that had multi our hundreds of 274 00:20:48,450 --> 00:20:53,640 hours of storage in them. And it would just always, it always had 275 00:20:53,640 --> 00:20:59,490 the upper hand. Now, one of the things I will tell you that we 276 00:20:59,490 --> 00:21:03,840 just recently did a video with jack fillet, which jack came on 277 00:21:03,840 --> 00:21:08,580 and spend time with us. There was an incident incident that 278 00:21:08,580 --> 00:21:14,220 happened with him that really turned him around. And it was a 279 00:21:14,250 --> 00:21:19,650 just briefly, I'll go into that the incident that happened was 280 00:21:19,650 --> 00:21:25,020 in the cabin that Douglas Trumbull donated s and he was 281 00:21:25,020 --> 00:21:28,560 actually there at this point with us and jack fillet was 282 00:21:28,560 --> 00:21:33,330 there. We set the camera on a table and a window facing north 283 00:21:33,360 --> 00:21:37,350 to capture what we call the North mystery light. And we lock 284 00:21:37,350 --> 00:21:42,180 the doors to the cabin. And the next morning, when we went in, 285 00:21:42,480 --> 00:21:46,770 the camera was turned 90 degrees away from the window on a locked 286 00:21:46,770 --> 00:21:52,110 tripod. And at first Douglas was very agitated at this. He said, 287 00:21:52,110 --> 00:21:56,700 Who's messing with us. And we said no one was in this cabin, 288 00:21:56,730 --> 00:22:01,980 Doug. So then john really picked up on that. And jack spoke about 289 00:22:01,980 --> 00:22:05,580 this a couple of times in the in in a lecture, he actually gave 290 00:22:06,030 --> 00:22:10,410 that the this phenomenon actually. And that's the way 291 00:22:10,410 --> 00:22:15,660 this would play with us. It would always show its upper hand 292 00:22:15,690 --> 00:22:21,960 and we were dealing with an intelligence we felt. And that's 293 00:22:22,440 --> 00:22:26,280 and then I was going into that Ted warned me in the beginning 294 00:22:26,310 --> 00:22:31,830 of how this at times could affect you. Like even when we 295 00:22:31,830 --> 00:22:35,700 were weren't in the field and we we slept in some mornings, and 296 00:22:35,760 --> 00:22:40,050 3am is the bewitching hour, I'll tell you not 12am like so many 297 00:22:40,050 --> 00:22:43,440 people think and you learn that fast and you follow up more, 298 00:22:43,740 --> 00:22:50,010 more things happen at 3am than at midnight. But I woke up one 299 00:22:50,010 --> 00:22:54,810 morning and Jed was sleeping in another bed across from me in 300 00:22:55,170 --> 00:23:00,150 the upper level of the office. And I just slept I felt like 301 00:23:00,150 --> 00:23:04,440 something shook me woke me up physically. And I woke up with 302 00:23:04,440 --> 00:23:10,260 an overwhelming sense of joy. And I don't know why To this day 303 00:23:10,260 --> 00:23:13,470 I ran out on the deck expecting to see the mothership or 304 00:23:13,470 --> 00:23:17,100 something I just knew something was there. And there was 305 00:23:17,100 --> 00:23:22,230 absolutely nothing. And my state of joy went to almost 306 00:23:22,230 --> 00:23:26,910 depression. And I went in and woke Ted up, which is something 307 00:23:26,910 --> 00:23:31,530 you really never wanted to do. Oh, and I told Ted what had 308 00:23:31,530 --> 00:23:34,680 happened. And he looked rolled over and looked at me and he 309 00:23:34,680 --> 00:23:41,670 said, he said, Well, Tom, welcome to Marley woods. So that 310 00:23:41,670 --> 00:23:46,890 was one of my first experiences and Marley. And but it was a 311 00:23:46,890 --> 00:23:48,270 very real reference. 312 00:23:48,929 --> 00:23:51,659 John Greenewald: Before we get into the physical effects, 313 00:23:51,899 --> 00:23:54,539 because I want you to talk about that. Let me ask you just a 314 00:23:54,539 --> 00:23:59,579 quick question. Because as you describe these experiences, a 315 00:23:59,579 --> 00:24:04,949 lot of people will hear UFOs and lean towards alien. I keep 316 00:24:04,949 --> 00:24:12,359 hearing more of a spirit slash ghost kind of presence, 317 00:24:12,689 --> 00:24:16,259 depending upon you know, your belief sets in that. But but 318 00:24:16,259 --> 00:24:19,259 that's what I keep feeling from you as you explain these 319 00:24:19,259 --> 00:24:23,189 stories. Did you guys have a consensus of what type of 320 00:24:23,189 --> 00:24:25,469 intelligence you were dealing with? 321 00:24:27,450 --> 00:24:29,850 Thomas Ferrario: Absolutely, and I'm so glad you asked that 322 00:24:29,850 --> 00:24:34,950 point. And I will tell you and now this is going to step on the 323 00:24:34,950 --> 00:24:38,790 toes I know of a lot of youth ologists that want to think 324 00:24:38,850 --> 00:24:44,010 interplanetary. But I can speak from Ted felicite his 325 00:24:44,010 --> 00:24:48,900 experiences with Dr. J. Allen Hynek came to believe this and 326 00:24:48,930 --> 00:24:56,250 totally proved it. Ted's belief was this job fillet. 100% jack 327 00:24:56,250 --> 00:24:59,970 was on board with this before almost anybody and believes this 328 00:25:00,000 --> 00:25:05,040 100% and what they believe is and we all come to believe, and 329 00:25:05,040 --> 00:25:09,210 we actually documented improved satisfaction to our 330 00:25:09,210 --> 00:25:15,090 satisfaction. This is all in jocks words. It's frequency 331 00:25:15,090 --> 00:25:20,790 driven. Now, in layman's terms, that means dimensionally based. 332 00:25:21,450 --> 00:25:26,400 And what that says is, this is all dimensionally based. It's 333 00:25:26,400 --> 00:25:32,700 all dimensional. We feel there are portals out in Marley as all 334 00:25:32,700 --> 00:25:36,870 these other places such as skinwalker. things come through 335 00:25:36,900 --> 00:25:41,280 physically. We believe we caught one on one image doing this. 336 00:25:42,000 --> 00:25:46,620 When they're on your side, there is real physical, they leave, as 337 00:25:46,620 --> 00:25:52,020 Ted said, physical tangible tracks, physical trace cases. 338 00:25:52,770 --> 00:25:57,300 When they're not here, you can search the woods with 1000 men 339 00:25:57,300 --> 00:26:02,250 and it's going to phenomenon scoring. Now, we proved that on 340 00:26:02,250 --> 00:26:06,060 so many levels, and Marlene and they're they're touching on this 341 00:26:06,060 --> 00:26:12,930 a lot at skinwalker. Now that but I will tell you that they 342 00:26:13,110 --> 00:26:17,700 and if I have to put my money on anybody, I'm sorry. I know a lot 343 00:26:17,700 --> 00:26:20,100 of you follow just don't want to believe this and don't want to 344 00:26:20,100 --> 00:26:24,150 go in this realm. But personally, I'll put my money 345 00:26:24,150 --> 00:26:29,040 on. Dr. J. Allen Hynek, Ted Philips jacc, fillet inner 346 00:26:29,040 --> 00:26:33,270 others, Ray Stanford, a good friend of mine is another one. 347 00:26:34,860 --> 00:26:40,680 Douglas Trumbull. So I just believe that's truly what we're 348 00:26:40,680 --> 00:26:41,670 dealing with here. 349 00:26:42,840 --> 00:26:45,450 John Greenewald: And if it wasn't, you know, Ted leading 350 00:26:45,450 --> 00:26:50,280 the way and and you and me knowing you, I usually dismiss 351 00:26:50,280 --> 00:26:54,510 stories like this, to be honest with you, just simply because it 352 00:26:54,510 --> 00:26:58,500 seems a little bit far fetched. But in the same respect, like I 353 00:26:58,500 --> 00:27:02,940 said, you guys, are you and I've known you guys for years, which 354 00:27:02,940 --> 00:27:06,750 is the, you know, intriguing part of all of this. So let's 355 00:27:06,750 --> 00:27:12,090 get into the physical effect aspect. You've mentioned it a 356 00:27:12,090 --> 00:27:14,400 couple times, I want you to go into a little bit more detail 357 00:27:14,400 --> 00:27:18,840 here. You you you guys. And gals, I'm not sure if Debbie 358 00:27:18,840 --> 00:27:22,950 came came with you. I assume she might have. But But team of 359 00:27:23,250 --> 00:27:26,640 researchers small team goes out there. You guys experience some 360 00:27:26,640 --> 00:27:28,860 stuff. What was happening to you? 361 00:27:30,690 --> 00:27:32,910 Thomas Ferrario: Well, I'm going to touch it. I just want to go 362 00:27:32,910 --> 00:27:38,580 back just briefly quick and just say that, as you stated to john. 363 00:27:39,030 --> 00:27:43,680 In the beginning, I had very much problem. I did not I wanted 364 00:27:43,680 --> 00:27:47,160 to deal with a structured graph like Ted did. And I will tell 365 00:27:47,160 --> 00:27:51,870 you a little known little known fact is that Ted did have an 366 00:27:51,930 --> 00:27:56,970 outing with Dr. J. Allen Hynek for a short time. They became 367 00:27:56,970 --> 00:27:59,790 great friends again work with each other up to the point of 368 00:27:59,820 --> 00:28:03,870 Dr. J. Allen Hynek is passing. They have spoken work together a 369 00:28:03,870 --> 00:28:09,210 week before Dr. Heinrichs passing. Ted was very much 370 00:28:09,240 --> 00:28:15,750 against Dr. J on Hynix theory on this. Ted was a nuts and bolts 371 00:28:15,750 --> 00:28:18,210 man, he wanted to go there. That's what he wanted to do. And 372 00:28:18,210 --> 00:28:21,480 he didn't want to accept this. But over the years, and 373 00:28:21,480 --> 00:28:26,790 especially Ed Morley, he said that Alan was so far ahead of 374 00:28:26,790 --> 00:28:30,510 his time. And like Alan said, this is so much more than a 375 00:28:30,510 --> 00:28:33,750 structured craft and a little, little green guy coming here 376 00:28:33,750 --> 00:28:38,100 from Alpha Centauri. It's so much more involved and more than 377 00:28:38,100 --> 00:28:41,730 what that is that's so simplistic that that's not 378 00:28:41,730 --> 00:28:45,180 what's going on at all. So I just wanted to lay out there 379 00:28:45,180 --> 00:28:49,710 that that was hard for TEDx out. It was hard for me to accept, 380 00:28:50,310 --> 00:28:54,840 believe me. But it's real. And you got to go where the data 381 00:28:54,840 --> 00:28:58,980 lead you and what you experience. And that's what we 382 00:28:58,980 --> 00:29:03,570 felt. Now, getting into the physical attributes of this what 383 00:29:03,570 --> 00:29:08,730 we experienced. You know, we can get into the realm on an animal 384 00:29:08,730 --> 00:29:14,670 we had cattle mutilations in Marlin, and I'm telling you the 385 00:29:14,700 --> 00:29:17,730 Ted's first cattle mutilation before I was involved with him, 386 00:29:17,760 --> 00:29:22,290 he was called out there. And he seemed Academy late, typical, 387 00:29:22,290 --> 00:29:29,670 you know, the flesh, the phase of skull, sexual organs taken no 388 00:29:29,670 --> 00:29:34,860 blood, that same scenario. He came up on the rancher showed 389 00:29:34,860 --> 00:29:38,520 him the first one and get asked, How often does this go on and 390 00:29:38,520 --> 00:29:43,590 Marley? And a rancher said, well come with me Ted, and they walk 391 00:29:43,590 --> 00:29:48,510 behind the barn. And here the rancher head has stack of bleach 392 00:29:48,510 --> 00:29:55,500 white bones, about a 25 foot in diameter pile about 12 foot 393 00:29:55,500 --> 00:29:59,970 high, behind one old barn of what he claims to have been all 394 00:30:00,510 --> 00:30:05,880 Due to cattle mutilation, and the reason it was just thrown in 395 00:30:05,880 --> 00:30:10,740 this manner was there was no predation. There was no 396 00:30:10,740 --> 00:30:15,060 predators insect involved in most of these, nothing would 397 00:30:15,060 --> 00:30:20,760 touch this these carcasses. So that was absolutely a part of 398 00:30:20,760 --> 00:30:25,770 modeling the physical effects. We can go through it. Just 399 00:30:25,770 --> 00:30:30,750 before I get into the human aspects of this. We had a case 400 00:30:30,780 --> 00:30:35,460 called the horse barn incident, which we weren't Ted was called 401 00:30:35,580 --> 00:30:39,360 on a Saturday morning. We weren't out there at the time, 402 00:30:39,390 --> 00:30:43,230 the rancher said that you got to you got to get out of your dead. 403 00:30:43,860 --> 00:30:48,750 And he said, one of his prize horses had been affected by 404 00:30:48,750 --> 00:30:53,340 this. And we didn't get out there, unfortunately for six 405 00:30:53,340 --> 00:30:57,990 weeks. And when we got out there, it affected the rancher 406 00:30:57,990 --> 00:31:03,840 so greatly. And just briefly what that was. The rancher had a 407 00:31:03,840 --> 00:31:07,560 habit of going from the house, walking the perimeter of his 408 00:31:07,560 --> 00:31:12,540 pastures, the checking the fence line. He had a barn where he had 409 00:31:12,540 --> 00:31:16,380 his favorite riding horses favorite horse in in a corral. 410 00:31:17,010 --> 00:31:20,880 He always brought it some sugar in the morning. He dropped in 411 00:31:20,880 --> 00:31:24,780 and seen it The horse was perfectly fine. Eight to sugar, 412 00:31:24,780 --> 00:31:29,040 no problems. He closed the corral, went on his way check in 413 00:31:29,040 --> 00:31:33,090 the face of the fence line. And now he was within sight of this 414 00:31:33,090 --> 00:31:37,650 barn the whole time. He was probably no I'd say a quarter 415 00:31:37,650 --> 00:31:42,780 mile away from the barn. He ran the fence line came back up in 416 00:31:42,780 --> 00:31:45,960 front of the barn. And as he glanced over at the barn, he 417 00:31:45,960 --> 00:31:50,160 seen that corral door was ajar. And he said, Well, that's not 418 00:31:50,160 --> 00:31:51,630 right. I know I closed it. 419 00:31:52,950 --> 00:31:57,060 And what I will warn you what what follows is is really 420 00:31:57,060 --> 00:32:02,520 gruesome. He as he went in the corral, he describes as what he 421 00:32:02,520 --> 00:32:07,350 seen was a slaughter house in there that he said that there 422 00:32:07,350 --> 00:32:11,940 were there was flesh and blood on the the lower rafters of the 423 00:32:11,940 --> 00:32:16,890 barn. All the corral the wooden corral boards besides the gates, 424 00:32:17,370 --> 00:32:21,810 and and virtually what had been in a matter of 20 minutes, 425 00:32:22,440 --> 00:32:28,440 completely healthy horse had turned into a mass of horseflesh 426 00:32:28,890 --> 00:32:36,330 in his barn as such it it like it exploded. And we got out 427 00:32:36,330 --> 00:32:41,310 there, we took some sampling. There was no residual radiation 428 00:32:41,310 --> 00:32:46,020 of any type. We sent in the what we had. And now I will tell you 429 00:32:46,020 --> 00:32:51,780 that the samples we took were several weeks olds, so they 430 00:32:51,780 --> 00:32:56,580 weren't good sampling. But there was no chemical traces found in 431 00:32:56,580 --> 00:33:02,550 this No. It was to the degree that an explosive device was 432 00:33:02,550 --> 00:33:06,390 putting this horse but there was no residual of any type of 433 00:33:06,390 --> 00:33:11,550 explosives. And, and here again, thanks to Ted's experience in 434 00:33:11,550 --> 00:33:16,230 the field over the years, and another case he involved and 435 00:33:16,260 --> 00:33:19,740 I'll touch upon that sometime with you, Case he involved in 436 00:33:19,740 --> 00:33:23,520 Vietnam, when he was sent there, and Ted was sent all over the 437 00:33:23,520 --> 00:33:27,210 world for Allen Hynek when Alan had prior engagements and 438 00:33:27,210 --> 00:33:31,350 couldn't make it or health reasons, but Ted had come across 439 00:33:31,350 --> 00:33:35,730 this phenomenon before and what they had, after research they 440 00:33:35,760 --> 00:33:40,770 determined it was, but it was as if this horse had been placed in 441 00:33:40,770 --> 00:33:47,790 a microwave oven and exploded. And they're again, dealing with 442 00:33:47,790 --> 00:33:52,320 microwave, you have no residual radiation or you better not have 443 00:33:53,100 --> 00:33:55,950 Yes, like when you place a piece of meat in a microwave oven. 444 00:33:56,370 --> 00:33:58,920 There's not going to be anything residual on that piece of meat 445 00:33:58,950 --> 00:34:05,460 or better. And so that gets into the extreme cases of how this 446 00:34:06,030 --> 00:34:12,030 intelligence now Do we believe this thing set out to destroy 447 00:34:12,030 --> 00:34:18,930 this harsh? We have no proof of that. Was it a residual effect 448 00:34:18,930 --> 00:34:24,180 of energy? That was it was exposed to for you know, 449 00:34:24,180 --> 00:34:27,900 whatever reason? You know, we just don't we don't know that 450 00:34:27,900 --> 00:34:33,540 answer. But I will tell you that the area that this horse was in 451 00:34:34,110 --> 00:34:39,390 had been frequently it's in the in the area to the some of the 452 00:34:39,390 --> 00:34:43,980 cattle mutilations were. So for what reason and how this 453 00:34:43,980 --> 00:34:48,930 occurred. We don't know. But, but Ted did draw the conclusion 454 00:34:48,930 --> 00:34:52,170 and other people he sent this off to and he spoke with some of 455 00:34:52,170 --> 00:34:55,170 his, at the time some people that he had dealt with in the 456 00:34:55,170 --> 00:34:59,970 past and they all felt that this was from microwave radiation gun 457 00:35:01,589 --> 00:35:06,089 John Greenewald: Were there and not that I want to see them by 458 00:35:06,089 --> 00:35:09,329 the description but did you guys take pictures to the homeowners 459 00:35:09,329 --> 00:35:13,949 take pictures were they shown to and again this is not a distrust 460 00:35:13,949 --> 00:35:17,909 for your research ability but just like an outside third party 461 00:35:18,389 --> 00:35:22,619 either you know university level you know analysts scientists, 462 00:35:22,619 --> 00:35:26,969 whatever Did that happen or was this stuff just like nobody 463 00:35:26,969 --> 00:35:30,329 wanted to touch it, which is well is essentially took the 464 00:35:30,329 --> 00:35:30,719 lead. 465 00:35:32,160 --> 00:35:35,250 Thomas Ferrario: When we got there we took pictures I have a 466 00:35:35,250 --> 00:35:40,020 picture of myself taking some sampling, nailing down scraping 467 00:35:40,020 --> 00:35:42,630 some it's off the floor. Of course at that time, it was all 468 00:35:42,630 --> 00:35:47,820 dried material. Absolutely. Which is odd, no smells like a 469 00:35:47,820 --> 00:35:51,870 decaying animal, blood or you would expect there to be a 470 00:35:51,930 --> 00:35:56,820 really a, an odor there. Unusually, there was no odors 471 00:35:56,820 --> 00:36:01,920 there. And we did take pictures of myself sampling and Adam 472 00:36:01,920 --> 00:36:07,020 Johnson in the same barn, taking samples we have, there really 473 00:36:07,020 --> 00:36:10,560 wasn't a lot for us to catch on video or photo for the 474 00:36:10,560 --> 00:36:15,600 photographs. Unfortunately, this affected the property owner to 475 00:36:15,600 --> 00:36:20,970 the degree after this happened, he came down with a neighbor. 476 00:36:21,510 --> 00:36:26,880 And they took the large parts out and merged them. He did not 477 00:36:26,880 --> 00:36:31,200 take any photographs, which the minute he Ted told him about 478 00:36:31,200 --> 00:36:34,620 this, which he didn't even notify Ted for a week after this 479 00:36:34,620 --> 00:36:38,220 happened. He was so affected by this. And there were no he did 480 00:36:38,220 --> 00:36:42,690 not take any photographs. And I will tell you that after we did 481 00:36:42,690 --> 00:36:47,490 the investigation, and we did our sampling, Ted, we were going 482 00:36:47,490 --> 00:36:53,160 to return to that site. Below that ranchers house. He actually 483 00:36:53,190 --> 00:36:57,240 this small wooden there was an older barn, he actually was so 484 00:36:57,240 --> 00:37:00,270 affected by it, he burned the structure down he didn't want to 485 00:37:00,270 --> 00:37:03,600 have, he didn't he couldn't look at it anymore. So he actually 486 00:37:03,600 --> 00:37:07,740 burned this, this barn down rather than deal with it. So 487 00:37:08,700 --> 00:37:13,350 there you have just what we found when we took pictures. We 488 00:37:13,350 --> 00:37:16,800 wish we wish to God, he would have took some images. You know, 489 00:37:16,800 --> 00:37:22,590 those are sampling at the time, but there was none of that done. 490 00:37:22,710 --> 00:37:25,710 So. And that's one of the reasons why we wanted to 491 00:37:25,710 --> 00:37:30,150 establish a full time presence, at least one or two of us and 492 00:37:30,150 --> 00:37:34,740 Marlene, and and we were when we were working with the Bigelow 493 00:37:34,800 --> 00:37:38,460 team, that was our goal that we were going to get funding and be 494 00:37:38,460 --> 00:37:46,020 able to do that. And but that never occurred. And but it I 495 00:37:46,020 --> 00:37:49,110 will tell you that it was it's one of the more dramatic things 496 00:37:49,110 --> 00:37:50,370 that happened. And Marlene 497 00:37:52,500 --> 00:37:56,040 John Greenewald: would say that's a pretty dramatic and 498 00:37:56,040 --> 00:38:01,020 traumatic experience for all parties involved. Before we get 499 00:38:01,020 --> 00:38:05,490 into, you know more of the the research that you guys did, I do 500 00:38:05,490 --> 00:38:09,720 want you to talk about you had mentioned physical effects to 501 00:38:09,810 --> 00:38:13,890 you, to you and or maybe the team. Can you talk about those 502 00:38:13,890 --> 00:38:15,270 types of effects as well? 503 00:38:17,490 --> 00:38:20,940 Thomas Ferrario: Yes. And now this was an area, I will tell 504 00:38:20,940 --> 00:38:24,750 you that Ted spoke to us. Of course, Ted gave us full 505 00:38:24,750 --> 00:38:29,250 discretion to speak about do whatever we want it. If it was 506 00:38:29,250 --> 00:38:32,940 contrary to his wishes are affected the team, believe me, 507 00:38:32,940 --> 00:38:37,590 we would have been out of there. But we dealt with we went to a 508 00:38:37,590 --> 00:38:42,660 TED we felt what his wishes were. But he gave us, you know, 509 00:38:43,950 --> 00:38:49,140 the discrepancy to talk about it or deal with it. But he 510 00:38:49,140 --> 00:38:52,800 basically there were things out there that happened. And other 511 00:38:52,800 --> 00:38:57,390 aspects of Ted's life that Ted said, you know, Tom, after I'm 512 00:38:57,390 --> 00:39:01,290 gone, I don't give a damn what you do with this stuff. But I'd 513 00:39:01,290 --> 00:39:05,940 rather not we don't focus on this. Because Ted devoted so 514 00:39:05,940 --> 00:39:09,930 much of his life to Marlin. He didn't want to take the focus 515 00:39:09,930 --> 00:39:13,170 away from the research and Morley and what was going on in 516 00:39:13,170 --> 00:39:19,410 Marlin. And he felt that if we we got too dramatic with what 517 00:39:19,440 --> 00:39:24,360 happened to the researchers are some of the other things that 518 00:39:24,600 --> 00:39:30,030 were the reasons why Ted spoke of and why he devoted the rest 519 00:39:30,030 --> 00:39:32,910 of his life and morally because what he thought was going to 520 00:39:32,910 --> 00:39:37,320 occur and Marley, I'll tell you, he just didn't want to take the 521 00:39:37,320 --> 00:39:42,150 focus off that so he said that, you know, he'd rather we just 522 00:39:42,150 --> 00:39:47,220 speak about this after he was gone and then make that issues, 523 00:39:47,250 --> 00:39:50,640 those issues. We dealt with that it didn't take a focus away from 524 00:39:50,640 --> 00:39:56,040 the research on Marley itself, what was going on, and But 525 00:39:56,040 --> 00:40:00,000 anyway, I can get into the physical effects. Now. If you 526 00:40:00,000 --> 00:40:00,720 You'd like john, 527 00:40:00,720 --> 00:40:02,790 John Greenewald: please. Yeah, I'd like to hear about that. 528 00:40:03,990 --> 00:40:08,910 Thomas Ferrario: Okay. And what that mainly deals with is 529 00:40:08,940 --> 00:40:12,060 there's a phenomenon out in Marley, another thing we dealt 530 00:40:12,060 --> 00:40:15,090 with that the ranchers dealt with for years and years as far 531 00:40:15,090 --> 00:40:20,190 back as their, as they can remember. And it was called the 532 00:40:20,250 --> 00:40:26,640 the light beams. Now, what these light beams were, they were a 533 00:40:26,640 --> 00:40:31,830 pure, I don't want to compare him to a spotlight because 534 00:40:31,830 --> 00:40:35,400 that's not a fair, that's not apples. I mean, that's just not 535 00:40:35,400 --> 00:40:39,180 a fair comparison. Because what we experienced and we heard this 536 00:40:39,180 --> 00:40:44,730 for several, several times, we've heard this retold out 537 00:40:44,730 --> 00:40:49,680 there and but what that encompasses was a pure white 538 00:40:49,890 --> 00:40:55,950 light beam, sweeping the area as if hunting for something like it 539 00:40:55,950 --> 00:41:01,020 was looking for something, searching for something, for 540 00:41:01,020 --> 00:41:05,370 whatever reason, and we heard of that found and I by the ranchers 541 00:41:05,400 --> 00:41:10,230 several times. The first time we experienced that personally, 542 00:41:10,470 --> 00:41:17,850 Adam Johnson and I, we were in a deer stand on on a night, it was 543 00:41:17,850 --> 00:41:23,610 like 28 degrees. We were in a deer stand with cameras set up 544 00:41:23,610 --> 00:41:30,180 monitoring devices, EMF equipment, analog digital, the 545 00:41:30,180 --> 00:41:33,930 whole spectrum trying to be ready for some absolutely 546 00:41:33,930 --> 00:41:39,840 nothing. And there again, this stuff read your weakness. We 547 00:41:39,870 --> 00:41:44,400 decided to call it quits after three and a half hours. And we 548 00:41:44,400 --> 00:41:47,610 had our cameras we were putting away which is a stupid thing to 549 00:41:47,610 --> 00:41:52,440 do out there. We were getting all our stuff in our backpacks 550 00:41:52,440 --> 00:41:58,110 to climb down. And I noticed over at Adams side to the north, 551 00:41:58,980 --> 00:42:04,770 a light coming down, hitting the timber on a six acre field 552 00:42:05,550 --> 00:42:10,200 sweeping across the timber coming down into the pasture. 553 00:42:10,830 --> 00:42:15,660 And it came across the past year, right to the point our 554 00:42:15,660 --> 00:42:19,350 gear stand was on the opposite side of the field, in the timber 555 00:42:19,350 --> 00:42:24,540 right on the edge of the timber of that field. It swept across 556 00:42:24,540 --> 00:42:28,770 the field went right to the bottom of our deer stand as if 557 00:42:28,770 --> 00:42:32,340 it was going to come up into it with us and extinguished in an 558 00:42:32,340 --> 00:42:38,190 instant. Now, I was trying to see the source of this. And Adam 559 00:42:38,190 --> 00:42:41,790 was trying to get his cameras back out. Unfortunately, he got 560 00:42:41,790 --> 00:42:45,900 one up and running too late. He didn't get any it just switched 561 00:42:45,900 --> 00:42:50,460 off before he got his camera. I was trying to see the source 562 00:42:50,460 --> 00:42:55,560 from other light, which I did not I could not see. It just 563 00:42:55,560 --> 00:43:00,780 came out of the sky at that point. And so that's the first 564 00:43:00,780 --> 00:43:05,340 time we experienced that. And we were on radio with Ted, and 565 00:43:05,340 --> 00:43:09,990 asked Ted if he seen this. And Ted was in an upper another part 566 00:43:09,990 --> 00:43:14,220 of the property on another field on the timber with a property 567 00:43:14,220 --> 00:43:18,990 owner. They see no artifact of this what we were saying they 568 00:43:18,990 --> 00:43:22,860 were saying you know, it's impossible, we didn't see 569 00:43:22,860 --> 00:43:26,760 anything. Which there again, this brings into play the 570 00:43:26,760 --> 00:43:30,660 dimensional aspect of stuff is very dimensional. If you're not 571 00:43:30,660 --> 00:43:33,480 in the right place at the right time. You're not going to 572 00:43:33,480 --> 00:43:40,770 observe this or any artifacts of it. Now, there were no physical 573 00:43:40,770 --> 00:43:48,240 effects from that at that time. I was in that area with Adam. A 574 00:43:48,750 --> 00:43:54,120 second time it happened. It happened to 10 and I and this is 575 00:43:54,120 --> 00:43:58,500 one of Ted's most the very little shook Ted Phillips up I 576 00:43:58,500 --> 00:44:02,490 will tell you very little. This is one time that it shook him up 577 00:44:02,490 --> 00:44:05,490 to the point where he called his wife at home after it occurred 578 00:44:05,910 --> 00:44:10,320 and spoke with her. It's one of two incidents that shook Jen and 579 00:44:10,320 --> 00:44:15,720 Marley. That bad but we were in my vehicle coming back on site 580 00:44:15,720 --> 00:44:21,390 to on and this is a 1200 acre ranch. I'll tell you a gated 581 00:44:21,540 --> 00:44:26,040 area. It's a dirt road off a gravel road in the middle of 582 00:44:26,040 --> 00:44:30,060 1200 acres that no one has access to or can get access to. 583 00:44:31,500 --> 00:44:36,750 So there's no way this and no way this possibility that this 584 00:44:36,750 --> 00:44:42,000 was done to us but but I happen to look in my rearview mirror 585 00:44:42,000 --> 00:44:46,230 and I seen the same light, bright white intense light 586 00:44:46,230 --> 00:44:47,850 coming up the road behind us. 587 00:44:49,410 --> 00:44:53,910 It came up behind us and onto the vehicle and as it came in 588 00:44:53,910 --> 00:44:58,500 the back window of the vehicle. It lit up the interior of our 589 00:44:58,500 --> 00:45:03,810 vehicle to the degree where I remember seeing the vinyl grain 590 00:45:03,810 --> 00:45:08,370 and the dash and looking down the air vents in my vehicle to 591 00:45:08,370 --> 00:45:12,390 the furthermost point in what the Dustin I'm and I mean it was 592 00:45:12,390 --> 00:45:16,710 just I hate to draw the analogy again to close encounters in 593 00:45:16,710 --> 00:45:22,500 that scene. But that's what it was. And at that point I told 594 00:45:22,500 --> 00:45:27,120 Ted, I said, Are you seeing this Ted? and Ted looked over at me? 595 00:45:27,120 --> 00:45:30,600 And he said, Well, hell, yes, I'm seeing this done. And we 596 00:45:30,600 --> 00:45:34,020 both instinctively at that point, which is probably not a 597 00:45:34,020 --> 00:45:37,920 wise thing to do, we threw open the doors and jumped out of the 598 00:45:37,920 --> 00:45:44,340 vehicle, and looked up. And what we seen at that point was, which 599 00:45:44,340 --> 00:45:48,420 I don't know how I'm a little bit knowledgeable about 600 00:45:48,900 --> 00:45:54,000 lighting. And I have never seen in my life the effect I seen 601 00:45:54,000 --> 00:45:59,130 that night. And I don't know how you recreate it, but the light 602 00:45:59,130 --> 00:46:04,410 retracted from the vehicle with a vertically a cut off definite 603 00:46:04,410 --> 00:46:10,110 end. And it retracted into what Ted described as the aperture. 604 00:46:10,290 --> 00:46:13,860 You know, that twisting reflex of an old time camera, the way a 605 00:46:13,860 --> 00:46:20,100 twist, we see that light retract into that aperture. And when it 606 00:46:20,130 --> 00:46:25,740 when it closed, it was gone. I mean, there was no craft, there 607 00:46:25,740 --> 00:46:29,850 was no light ball, there was no, no remnant of that. It's just it 608 00:46:29,850 --> 00:46:35,730 was there, and it was gone. Now that that's what we experienced 609 00:46:35,730 --> 00:46:40,890 on that road. And we got back to site, one where we stayed the 610 00:46:41,010 --> 00:46:47,760 structure. And we got we pulled up to the structure. JACK got 611 00:46:47,760 --> 00:46:52,890 out. And he started taking his gear out of the car, and to take 612 00:46:52,890 --> 00:46:56,250 up into the building. And I noticed he just dropped some of 613 00:46:56,250 --> 00:46:59,250 it on the ground, which was so unusual for Ted to do. I mean, 614 00:46:59,250 --> 00:47:02,910 he took care of equipment, like he was meticulous, especially 615 00:47:02,910 --> 00:47:08,010 with cameras, since he was a professional photographer, but I 616 00:47:08,010 --> 00:47:11,550 said Ted was a matter. And he was over leaning on the building 617 00:47:11,550 --> 00:47:16,770 at that point. And he was vomiting. And I man, I was 618 00:47:16,770 --> 00:47:19,530 really worried about him. And because he had had some other 619 00:47:19,530 --> 00:47:23,520 health issues. And I said, Are you going to be okay, Ted? And 620 00:47:23,520 --> 00:47:27,090 he said, Well, I think so I don't know. And he's just let me 621 00:47:27,090 --> 00:47:30,690 stand here for a while. So he stood there for a while leaning 622 00:47:30,690 --> 00:47:35,220 on the building and finally got up, right. And he came over and 623 00:47:35,250 --> 00:47:38,070 grabbed this guy said, I'll get your cameras for you just go up 624 00:47:38,070 --> 00:47:42,900 and lay down. So he went up in late, lay down and that evening, 625 00:47:42,930 --> 00:47:49,230 and and at that point, I was thinking, Well, I'm you know, I 626 00:47:49,230 --> 00:47:52,830 didn't know if it was from what had happened or just Ted's 627 00:47:52,830 --> 00:47:57,330 health. And I thought, Well, I'm glad. I said in hindsight, I 628 00:47:57,330 --> 00:48:00,660 wish that would have happened to me. I said, Well, I'm glad that 629 00:48:00,660 --> 00:48:06,090 didn't happen to me. So anyway, that was the end. And about a 630 00:48:06,090 --> 00:48:10,770 day later that we left. We and the one thing I want to tell 631 00:48:10,770 --> 00:48:14,430 you, we told the property owners what had occurred, we did not 632 00:48:14,430 --> 00:48:17,250 share with them the physical tag getting sick or anything we 633 00:48:17,250 --> 00:48:21,030 never wanted to worry them and which in hindsight, I wish we 634 00:48:21,030 --> 00:48:23,340 would have shared everything with them. And I'll tell you 635 00:48:23,340 --> 00:48:31,560 why. We left that, that visit that trip and I came home. And 636 00:48:32,100 --> 00:48:39,060 about a week later. My scalpel in my head. And at this point, I 637 00:48:39,060 --> 00:48:44,070 will say I had dark brown hair then I got to wear condition I 638 00:48:44,070 --> 00:48:47,220 couldn't my head just hurt all the time. I couldn't even touch 639 00:48:47,220 --> 00:48:51,090 my hair. It hurts so bad. So I went in and this is all 640 00:48:51,090 --> 00:48:53,730 documented. I have the documentation. I went into my 641 00:48:53,730 --> 00:48:59,280 physician. He thought I had shingles at first they did test. 642 00:48:59,580 --> 00:49:03,390 I didn't have shingles. He looked at over and he said well 643 00:49:03,390 --> 00:49:06,360 it looks like maybe you got sunburned or some type of burn. 644 00:49:07,770 --> 00:49:12,270 And I was on strong opiates for a couple of weeks just to deal 645 00:49:12,270 --> 00:49:18,240 with the pain of my scalp. And I thought that would be the extent 646 00:49:18,240 --> 00:49:23,250 of it or be the worst part of it. And within a month my hair 647 00:49:23,250 --> 00:49:29,460 turned from dark brown to what you see today. Actually it was 648 00:49:29,460 --> 00:49:34,290 actually got to be white after that. And to this day, it's the 649 00:49:34,290 --> 00:49:40,470 color you see in the summary goes to white on top and usually 650 00:49:40,470 --> 00:49:41,220 like one 651 00:49:43,350 --> 00:49:46,950 and if that would have been the extent of my problems I would 652 00:49:46,950 --> 00:49:53,070 have been happy with. I started having about a year later. And I 653 00:49:53,070 --> 00:49:58,440 actually had put up with vision problems for a while. About I'd 654 00:49:58,440 --> 00:50:01,680 say a year later and I I have documentation of this, I went to 655 00:50:01,680 --> 00:50:06,660 the eye doctor. And my vision changed, which it does to this 656 00:50:06,660 --> 00:50:11,460 day. Some days, I have extremely good vision. Other days, I have 657 00:50:11,580 --> 00:50:15,630 eyeglasses, and it drives my eye doctor crazy, he doesn't even 658 00:50:15,630 --> 00:50:20,160 want to see me anymore because he tries to prescribe vision 659 00:50:20,250 --> 00:50:25,830 glasses for me. But I all I noticed my vertical lines on my 660 00:50:25,830 --> 00:50:30,570 vision, like looking at a doorpost would be waving my 661 00:50:30,570 --> 00:50:34,170 horizontal lines at times, especially my left eye would be 662 00:50:34,170 --> 00:50:38,280 completely, it'd be almost at a point be being disorienting, you 663 00:50:38,280 --> 00:50:43,710 know. So I went in, and they sent me in for tests. And, um, 664 00:50:44,040 --> 00:50:47,730 what they come up with that I had, and at the time, I wasn't 665 00:50:47,760 --> 00:50:52,440 the age I am now. They determined I had macular cyst, 666 00:50:53,040 --> 00:50:58,890 which is a step worse than cataracts. It's another level 667 00:50:58,920 --> 00:51:03,030 that they deal with Anna. And I said, Well, how do you get this? 668 00:51:03,060 --> 00:51:05,610 What's this cause from and they said, Well, we really don't know 669 00:51:05,610 --> 00:51:10,050 usually old age people get this. But we really don't know what 670 00:51:10,050 --> 00:51:16,890 causes this. So I went in and had an operation. I had macular 671 00:51:16,890 --> 00:51:20,700 cyst in both eyes, my right one is still in there, it's not that 672 00:51:20,700 --> 00:51:26,520 bad. The stage of the operation is that you can have extremely 673 00:51:26,520 --> 00:51:30,480 good outcome from it. Or you can lose vision from it because they 674 00:51:30,480 --> 00:51:34,860 have to laser this cyst off. And the macular they're dealing with 675 00:51:34,860 --> 00:51:39,630 it. It can, it's just touching go. So they did that on my left 676 00:51:39,630 --> 00:51:45,000 eye. They removed the macular cyst. They removed the cataracts 677 00:51:45,030 --> 00:51:49,410 in both eyes that I had after that. And what caused this, I 678 00:51:49,410 --> 00:51:54,240 was always after a reason. They had no explanation for this and 679 00:51:55,410 --> 00:51:59,550 the goods. The only good thing that I thank God I asked for was 680 00:51:59,610 --> 00:52:02,700 on when I was going back and they put a gas bubble on your 681 00:52:02,700 --> 00:52:07,110 eye, the surgery and everything. My vision came back and on my 682 00:52:07,110 --> 00:52:12,720 last visit vision visit to the surgeon in St. Louis, Missouri. 683 00:52:14,550 --> 00:52:19,050 That young eye doctor which was there doing removing the bandage 684 00:52:19,050 --> 00:52:22,650 and just doing the follow up work, took it off, and they 685 00:52:22,650 --> 00:52:28,230 checked my vision and it was all good. And I asked him just in 686 00:52:28,230 --> 00:52:32,190 passing and I'm so thankful I asked him I said, you know, I'm 687 00:52:32,190 --> 00:52:35,730 so curious, I I just would love to know what brought this on or 688 00:52:35,730 --> 00:52:40,980 what caused this. And this young surgeon looked at me so you 689 00:52:40,980 --> 00:52:44,310 know, I said we really don't know, he said, the only time 690 00:52:44,310 --> 00:52:47,940 I've ever seen this and he said we had a case he said last year 691 00:52:48,450 --> 00:52:52,680 with some cell tower workers. And one of the cell tower worker 692 00:52:52,680 --> 00:52:57,090 was up installing some microwave equipment. And they fired this 693 00:52:57,090 --> 00:53:01,440 thing up not knowing this guy was an off the tower. And they 694 00:53:01,440 --> 00:53:06,930 had to remove macular cyst from this gentleman's eye. Now, when 695 00:53:06,930 --> 00:53:11,550 he told me this, I mean, it blew me away. It just he looked at me 696 00:53:11,550 --> 00:53:14,580 and he said, What's the matter? And I said, I you don't know 697 00:53:14,580 --> 00:53:20,700 what that means to me. So I'm the minute he mentioned 698 00:53:20,700 --> 00:53:26,970 microwave, I will tell you it, it really set me back that it 699 00:53:26,970 --> 00:53:28,410 was more documentation. 700 00:53:29,430 --> 00:53:31,470 John Greenewald: Yeah, and for those who haven't caught it, and 701 00:53:31,470 --> 00:53:35,160 correct me if I'm wrong, I mean, I go back to the horse incident 702 00:53:36,090 --> 00:53:39,240 with with how you were describing essentially, like it 703 00:53:39,240 --> 00:53:43,050 was put in a microwave kind of thing and the gruesome scene 704 00:53:43,050 --> 00:53:46,260 there to what you experienced, because you didn't really have 705 00:53:46,260 --> 00:53:50,400 me convinced there until that end, where you have that, that 706 00:53:50,400 --> 00:53:53,910 connection that kind of puts a through line to all of that, 707 00:53:53,910 --> 00:53:57,810 which is, which is fascinating. I'm sure if you can can answer 708 00:53:57,810 --> 00:54:03,690 this. And it's okay if you can't, but did Ted also after 709 00:54:03,690 --> 00:54:08,400 that event and experience? Did he have ongoing health issues? 710 00:54:08,400 --> 00:54:11,970 You mentioned the vomiting, but anything long term? And if you 711 00:54:11,970 --> 00:54:13,620 can't answer that, I totally understand. 712 00:54:15,480 --> 00:54:18,750 Thomas Ferrario: He had long he had some health issues. I really 713 00:54:18,750 --> 00:54:22,350 don't believe any of them. They were ongoing. Before this 714 00:54:22,350 --> 00:54:26,610 incident. I really I believe me and Ted Knight talked about 715 00:54:26,610 --> 00:54:31,890 this. And, of course, Ted gave me the discretion to speak about 716 00:54:31,890 --> 00:54:35,640 this if I wanted to, but he'd rather I didn't. And we didn't. 717 00:54:35,730 --> 00:54:41,520 And Jen had no health issues. I feel except he got physically 718 00:54:41,520 --> 00:54:46,110 sick that night. I don't think he had any other residual health 719 00:54:46,110 --> 00:54:52,020 issues from this. I only try to draw conclusions that I was 720 00:54:52,020 --> 00:54:57,810 exposed a prior time to this, this time with Ted and there's 721 00:54:57,810 --> 00:55:01,530 another incidence. I'll speak about When I was out with an 722 00:55:01,530 --> 00:55:06,270 individual, and I think we were exposed to radiation, but the 723 00:55:06,270 --> 00:55:11,220 one thing I just want to bring up in passing that 10 rather, 724 00:55:12,420 --> 00:55:15,120 that we didn't speak with us with the property owners, he 725 00:55:15,120 --> 00:55:20,160 didn't want to upset them or worry them as far as what we 726 00:55:20,190 --> 00:55:23,580 what happened. And then there's a aspect that were out there on 727 00:55:23,580 --> 00:55:27,720 their property. We did never wanted to worry them that there 728 00:55:27,720 --> 00:55:32,550 be any kind of, you know, lawsuit or we we try to hold 729 00:55:32,550 --> 00:55:35,940 them responsible for this, which we never Ted would. And it was a 730 00:55:35,940 --> 00:55:39,570 father's thing from Ted's mind. But Ted didn't want to approach 731 00:55:39,570 --> 00:55:43,230 this with the property owners for several reasons. Now, I will 732 00:55:43,230 --> 00:55:48,600 tell you, in hindsight, that was the wrong thing to do. Because 733 00:55:48,750 --> 00:55:52,410 after Ted's passing one of the property owners, which I will 734 00:55:52,410 --> 00:55:57,180 tell you I'm in contact with almost at least once a month, 735 00:55:57,180 --> 00:56:01,170 sometimes twice a week, ongoing things happening and morally. 736 00:56:02,190 --> 00:56:06,870 After Ted's passing. I just I thought I would I owed it to 737 00:56:06,870 --> 00:56:12,000 him. And I brought it up, I started small. And I spoke about 738 00:56:12,180 --> 00:56:18,090 my scalp issues and my hair. And the property owner shared with 739 00:56:18,090 --> 00:56:21,480 me said, Well, well, Tom, that's nothing new. I've been to the 740 00:56:21,480 --> 00:56:26,340 doctor three times from my head, I couldn't touch I had hair. And 741 00:56:26,340 --> 00:56:31,050 I said, I said Really? I said, I said, you never spoke about that 742 00:56:31,050 --> 00:56:38,160 with us. And the gentleman's name, I'll just call him john. I 743 00:56:38,160 --> 00:56:41,790 said, john, that you never spoke about this. And he said, Well, I 744 00:56:41,790 --> 00:56:45,240 went to the doctor. He said, it was usually after we seen this 745 00:56:45,240 --> 00:56:49,830 light beam sweeping or got close to us in the field. And he said, 746 00:56:49,920 --> 00:56:52,980 Well, what did the doctor determine? In your case? It was 747 00:56:53,970 --> 00:56:56,910 he said, Well, the our local doctor, the old doctor just 748 00:56:56,910 --> 00:57:00,390 called it, he said he'd seen it before he called a touchy scalp. 749 00:57:02,070 --> 00:57:07,260 He just told him, it would go away. Now, had we shared this 750 00:57:07,260 --> 00:57:11,940 with the property owner, we could have formed a bond there, 751 00:57:12,360 --> 00:57:17,550 you know, but but that it just it shows to be always be 752 00:57:17,550 --> 00:57:20,970 completely honest and share everything with the property 753 00:57:20,970 --> 00:57:23,850 owner and data you have with the people involved? Because you 754 00:57:23,850 --> 00:57:29,670 don't know what it could mean to them in a case. So that's just 755 00:57:29,670 --> 00:57:36,570 briefly touching on this. And it's why not go ahead. And 756 00:57:36,570 --> 00:57:39,360 John Greenewald: just gonna say it's a it's an amazing through 757 00:57:39,360 --> 00:57:45,540 line from the the effects on animals to you to the property 758 00:57:45,540 --> 00:57:49,140 owners that there is that that physical evidence that shows 759 00:57:49,140 --> 00:57:53,310 there's obviously something going on? Can I ask you about 760 00:57:53,310 --> 00:57:56,070 now present day, and I don't want to keep you obviously, all 761 00:57:56,070 --> 00:58:00,060 day, we're at an hour now. And it's a fascinating function. But 762 00:58:00,270 --> 00:58:03,990 But one of the things I want to make sure that I asked you is 763 00:58:04,320 --> 00:58:08,190 Are you still going out there, obviously. And sadly, Ted has 764 00:58:08,190 --> 00:58:11,820 passed away. And I'm sure that that that probably puts a 765 00:58:11,820 --> 00:58:14,940 hindrance a little bit on the investigation. But is it still 766 00:58:14,940 --> 00:58:18,750 ongoing? Do you have other cameras out there? I mean, 767 00:58:18,750 --> 00:58:20,940 what's what's the present day status? 768 00:58:22,920 --> 00:58:26,520 Thomas Ferrario: Yes, it's ongoing. I have been there just 769 00:58:26,520 --> 00:58:30,240 once since just passing now, which are you? There's people 770 00:58:30,240 --> 00:58:33,600 want to work with us. If it not been for this virus in this 771 00:58:33,600 --> 00:58:37,860 area. Though, the one property owner, he actually didn't 772 00:58:37,860 --> 00:58:43,260 believe in this virus. And it went from the point of not 773 00:58:43,260 --> 00:58:47,730 believing the virus was real to his neighbor, which was a great 774 00:58:47,730 --> 00:58:51,270 friend of his passed away, they found out with the virus, and 775 00:58:51,270 --> 00:58:54,870 where he came to town and they picked it up somewhere they 776 00:58:54,870 --> 00:58:58,290 believe they don't know where after his friend passed away, 777 00:58:58,350 --> 00:59:02,160 everybody out there and the property owners wife has health 778 00:59:02,160 --> 00:59:06,450 issues, even their family, they don't leave the ranch anymore. 779 00:59:07,620 --> 00:59:11,370 Their farmhouse and their farmhouse is not a joint to this 780 00:59:11,370 --> 00:59:14,850 acreage, which is Marley woods, they live on another ranch and 781 00:59:14,850 --> 00:59:20,700 another small piece of property. They don't even they go on I 782 00:59:20,700 --> 00:59:24,330 think a couple times now to town. And now it's starting to 783 00:59:24,330 --> 00:59:28,170 hit again in that area. But they even had family members just 784 00:59:28,170 --> 00:59:32,190 dropping groceries at the mailbox. They didn't allow 785 00:59:32,190 --> 00:59:35,790 anybody out there and the property owner said Tom anytime 786 00:59:35,790 --> 00:59:39,360 you want to go all by yourself, you have free rein You're You're 787 00:59:39,360 --> 00:59:43,080 welcome, but we rather nobody else is with you right now to 788 00:59:43,080 --> 00:59:47,130 this is over. So I respect your wishes completely. I don't want 789 00:59:47,130 --> 00:59:52,590 to be the one to push their, you know, buttons out there and but 790 00:59:52,620 --> 00:59:56,070 it the property owner there was a spell. It's in a little bit of 791 00:59:56,070 --> 01:00:01,020 a lull now, but I will tell you that two months ago Go, the 792 01:00:01,020 --> 01:00:05,040 property owner was calling me every other day at nine or 10 793 01:00:05,040 --> 01:00:10,770 o'clock in the evening telling me what the land what the they 794 01:00:10,770 --> 01:00:14,640 have an individual that lives out there and takes care of the 795 01:00:14,640 --> 01:00:19,860 property. And he calls him when things start happening and the 796 01:00:19,860 --> 01:00:23,220 individual will not come out of us. There's a mobile home out 797 01:00:23,220 --> 01:00:27,630 there for the individual that keeps the property and genja 798 01:00:27,630 --> 01:00:32,910 cattle and wishes very little cattle anymore Just for their 799 01:00:32,910 --> 01:00:37,830 own personal uses. And they keep it low key. And then the warm 800 01:00:37,860 --> 01:00:40,290 scenario they feed they don't let it go on to the fields 801 01:00:40,290 --> 01:00:47,190 anymore. But it, it there's so many dramatic things happening 802 01:00:47,190 --> 01:00:52,380 out there again. You know, we had reports he told me, we had a 803 01:00:52,380 --> 01:00:56,820 veterinarian that was out there. Kenny one of the nearby ranches, 804 01:00:57,030 --> 01:01:02,610 some cattle when she experienced this flying creature. She was 805 01:01:02,610 --> 01:01:05,400 out working cattle and the property owner wanted to bring 806 01:01:05,400 --> 01:01:11,190 her lunch. And that her her lunch, her medical bags where 807 01:01:11,190 --> 01:01:15,840 she was working with all their their truck was gone and hit she 808 01:01:15,840 --> 01:01:18,810 had seen something in there. She took out chase in her pickup 809 01:01:18,810 --> 01:01:22,650 truck across the field and tried to take she caught a couple 810 01:01:22,650 --> 01:01:26,940 pictures of it which I got. I posted on my Facebook page a 811 01:01:26,940 --> 01:01:31,650 couple of them sometimes. But I will tell you the high 812 01:01:31,650 --> 01:01:37,590 strangeness is has not decreased. It's increased if 813 01:01:37,590 --> 01:01:42,630 anything at times. And you know, last winter the property owner 814 01:01:42,690 --> 01:01:48,030 owner called and told me of a phenomena they'd never had. And 815 01:01:48,030 --> 01:01:52,170 I couldn't get out there at dead. It was extremely part of 816 01:01:52,200 --> 01:01:57,120 that part of the winter. But he found on the one pond near where 817 01:01:57,120 --> 01:02:03,930 the cattle are kept. It was very thin ice the light snow on on 818 01:02:03,930 --> 01:02:09,630 the ice. And he described what came down from the cattle onto 819 01:02:09,630 --> 01:02:15,030 this thin ice and left three toed tracks which he measured 820 01:02:15,060 --> 01:02:21,120 the 13 inches in diameter of a three toed track that went 821 01:02:21,120 --> 01:02:25,290 across this pond and went out into the center of the pond and 822 01:02:25,290 --> 01:02:29,220 terminate. It just came to an abrupt end in the pond on the 823 01:02:29,220 --> 01:02:33,600 light snow and this thin ice, which he told me said, he said 824 01:02:33,600 --> 01:02:37,260 Tom, there's no way he said it wouldn't have supported my foot. 825 01:02:37,290 --> 01:02:40,920 He said it. If you laid a large rock on air, it would have broke 826 01:02:40,920 --> 01:02:45,630 through. He said that it makes no sense. How can you lay down a 827 01:02:45,630 --> 01:02:50,400 13 inch three toe track of considerable weight on this thin 828 01:02:50,400 --> 01:02:53,190 ice and not break through and then terminate in the middle of 829 01:02:53,190 --> 01:02:58,020 the pond? You know that there again, the only explanation for 830 01:02:58,020 --> 01:03:04,020 this stuff is it's dimensionally based. It's so much of this when 831 01:03:04,020 --> 01:03:08,490 you see it. When it's it's dimensionally based, it's 832 01:03:08,490 --> 01:03:13,860 crossing over, depending what angle you are, from where it 833 01:03:13,860 --> 01:03:18,300 crosses, it has a totally different look or appearance. 834 01:03:19,680 --> 01:03:24,930 And, you know, it's just the only thing I can explain so much 835 01:03:24,930 --> 01:03:29,370 of what we dealt with. Mr. Lee, is this what they come to 836 01:03:29,370 --> 01:03:33,600 believe in proved in other cases, that this is all 837 01:03:33,690 --> 01:03:39,300 dimensionally based. It's frequency driven. And it you 838 01:03:39,300 --> 01:03:41,670 know, when this stuff comes across, it's as real and 839 01:03:41,670 --> 01:03:46,110 physical as you and I and when it's not there. It's not there. 840 01:03:46,170 --> 01:03:50,310 And it there are so many and morally cryptid sightings. The 841 01:03:50,310 --> 01:03:54,120 only Bigfoot sighting in the county was near Marley. The 842 01:03:54,120 --> 01:03:57,270 white animal which I know you're familiar with that case the 843 01:03:57,270 --> 01:04:02,430 large white animal polar bear slash sloths type animal. We 844 01:04:02,430 --> 01:04:08,250 found 16 inch long white hairs. We had tracks we had plaster 845 01:04:08,430 --> 01:04:13,560 cast we poured we've got the tracks we Ted sent in the hair 846 01:04:13,590 --> 01:04:17,490 to analysis some new Phyllis budding juror which I know you 847 01:04:17,490 --> 01:04:23,070 know her. It did they did Mac microscopy on some of the hairs. 848 01:04:23,610 --> 01:04:27,000 Another lab was so intrigued that we didn't have the money 849 01:04:27,000 --> 01:04:31,740 for DNA work and back then Neroli DNA was crude. But one of 850 01:04:31,740 --> 01:04:36,450 the labs was so intrigued they they further they further this 851 01:04:36,450 --> 01:04:40,680 down the chain in the in the lab and they did a very crude DNA. 852 01:04:41,070 --> 01:04:46,140 And it came back as no known match. On this 16 inch long 853 01:04:46,140 --> 01:04:50,460 white hair. We pulled out barbed wire fences. So what does that 854 01:04:51,600 --> 01:04:54,750 now do? We believe there's a living breathing population of 855 01:04:54,750 --> 01:04:58,590 these creatures out there. Of course we don't and Ted knew 856 01:04:58,590 --> 01:05:02,850 there wasn't Like when they're there, you have to believe no 857 01:05:02,850 --> 01:05:07,830 matter how crazy it sounds, and for what aim, the witnesses I, 858 01:05:08,370 --> 01:05:12,390 you know, when they tell you what they've seen and user, 859 01:05:12,840 --> 01:05:16,650 believe me hard and farmers that they don't make this stuff up 860 01:05:16,650 --> 01:05:20,970 for fun or gain. But when this stuff is there for whatever 861 01:05:20,970 --> 01:05:26,100 reason, and, you know, Ted come to believe sometimes. And people 862 01:05:26,100 --> 01:05:29,520 ask, Well, what what could the reason for this possibly be? Why 863 01:05:29,520 --> 01:05:34,890 would this stuff? You know, Ted came to believe hypothesis that 864 01:05:34,890 --> 01:05:40,200 sometimes not all the time. But sometimes this stuff is far. 865 01:05:40,710 --> 01:05:45,510 It's like we're the ones in the test lab and we're experimented 866 01:05:45,510 --> 01:05:50,250 on to see our reaction, how will react to this stuff, what we'll 867 01:05:50,250 --> 01:05:55,170 do, there's the element of fear, I will tell you that is used a 868 01:05:55,170 --> 01:06:00,390 lot. It's to gain a degenerate fear in the eyewitness 869 01:06:00,420 --> 01:06:06,480 testimonies of these people. And there is that element. So there 870 01:06:06,480 --> 01:06:12,450 you have, in a nutshell, of some of the high strangeness what we 871 01:06:12,450 --> 01:06:13,380 dealt with. 872 01:06:13,890 --> 01:06:18,060 John Greenewald: I mean, it's an amazing story. And and I'm so 873 01:06:18,060 --> 01:06:24,630 glad that I brought you on today to at least touch upon it. Can I 874 01:06:24,630 --> 01:06:31,500 in? Well, can I can I ask what? Where do you go next? Can I ask 875 01:06:31,500 --> 01:06:36,150 that? I mean, you know, what do you want to do at this point, 876 01:06:36,150 --> 01:06:40,410 because obviously, this phenomena, whatever it is, is 877 01:06:40,410 --> 01:06:44,010 still there. You can, you know, bring in technology that's much 878 01:06:44,010 --> 01:06:48,630 different than the VHS that you had mentioned earlier. If you 879 01:06:48,630 --> 01:06:51,720 had your way, what would happen next? 880 01:06:53,880 --> 01:06:58,620 Thomas Ferrario: You know, Ted wanted to further we wanted, Ted 881 01:06:58,620 --> 01:07:03,960 was so far ahead of his time. With technology that wasn't 882 01:07:03,960 --> 01:07:07,290 available at the time, he envisioned things and trumped up 883 01:07:07,290 --> 01:07:10,950 things and ways to do things. The technology wasn't there. 884 01:07:10,980 --> 01:07:15,600 Back in the early days, Ted was trying to duct tape cameras on 885 01:07:15,630 --> 01:07:19,770 remote control airplanes and helicopters, which of course 886 01:07:19,770 --> 01:07:24,030 now, we didn't have any success with that. He didn't. Of course, 887 01:07:24,990 --> 01:07:28,470 technology now with drones surpasses what he envisioned 888 01:07:28,470 --> 01:07:33,330 back then. jeden vision besides just having a 24 hour presence 889 01:07:33,330 --> 01:07:38,370 there, he envisioned a network of trail cams, that would would 890 01:07:38,370 --> 01:07:43,830 go back to a computer that anyone could go to our website 891 01:07:43,830 --> 01:07:47,310 back then we were trying to set up. But we didn't have internet 892 01:07:47,310 --> 01:07:51,030 connection after the time. But we were trying to set up some 893 01:07:51,030 --> 01:07:56,520 way of having security cameras online 24 hours a day to monitor 894 01:07:56,520 --> 01:07:59,880 these errors. Anybody could go to this website and watch see 895 01:07:59,880 --> 01:08:03,990 what was going on and Marley at any given time. Of course, now 896 01:08:03,990 --> 01:08:07,650 we have I've looked into I would like at one point, if we get the 897 01:08:07,650 --> 01:08:12,840 funding to complete Ted's work with cellular, of course, now 898 01:08:12,840 --> 01:08:17,400 that we have cellular trail cams that are out there, you can hook 899 01:08:17,400 --> 01:08:21,930 up cell you like a cell phone, and back to a main data point 900 01:08:21,930 --> 01:08:25,350 and distributed however you wish. In areas where you don't 901 01:08:25,350 --> 01:08:29,310 even have cell phone connection. I've looked in there's ways to 902 01:08:29,310 --> 01:08:33,990 do this now with cell phones. Yeah, it's extremely expensive. 903 01:08:34,350 --> 01:08:38,400 And that is in kinda in its infancy right now to the general 904 01:08:38,400 --> 01:08:43,800 public, the military hasn't. But you could hook these cameras up, 905 01:08:45,150 --> 01:08:49,290 you know, with a satphone to your source work anywhere in the 906 01:08:49,290 --> 01:08:53,790 United States you could turn on and you know, view what's going 907 01:08:53,790 --> 01:08:57,510 on this network and it would alert you when these trail cams 908 01:08:57,510 --> 01:09:02,070 go off. And you know, Douglas Trumbull bought us some state of 909 01:09:02,070 --> 01:09:08,100 the art back then solar power radio, trail cam said you could 910 01:09:08,550 --> 01:09:13,980 it had a mile line of sight, you could get it at three miles but 911 01:09:14,280 --> 01:09:16,830 of course in the woods and everything line of sight drops 912 01:09:16,830 --> 01:09:22,920 down to a quarter of a mile sometimes, but you could turn on 913 01:09:23,160 --> 01:09:26,670 a trail cam and watch it or it would alarm you if something set 914 01:09:26,670 --> 01:09:33,300 it off. But that was Ted's goal. To have the trail cam network, 915 01:09:34,320 --> 01:09:38,010 you could view anywhere anytime and would be recording this on a 916 01:09:38,010 --> 01:09:48,660 DVR. And, of course, like I said, you know, the if just the 917 01:09:48,660 --> 01:09:51,810 state of the technology back then, you know, with the drones, 918 01:09:51,840 --> 01:09:55,680 we didn't have the drone technology that's out there and 919 01:09:55,680 --> 01:09:59,190 Ted always envisioned when we had the one light source it came 920 01:09:59,190 --> 01:10:03,030 on which I think You've seen photos of I know, the most 921 01:10:03,030 --> 01:10:06,390 dramatic photo that Ted ever got was this one light source on the 922 01:10:06,390 --> 01:10:11,340 wood on the on the on the field through the timber he took with 923 01:10:11,340 --> 01:10:15,840 an with a golden arms you, you could see it through the timber 924 01:10:15,900 --> 01:10:21,690 and and it was he actually cleaned that up with different 925 01:10:21,690 --> 01:10:26,340 programs where you could it all focus into a shield like object 926 01:10:26,370 --> 01:10:30,510 in the middle of this field. And he always envisioned flying one 927 01:10:30,510 --> 01:10:35,400 of these drones. And if we'd had at that time, right into the 928 01:10:35,400 --> 01:10:41,130 heart of this, from our point A, at a line of sight into the well 929 01:10:41,130 --> 01:10:46,470 he believed these things to be were portals. And he said at one 930 01:10:46,470 --> 01:10:50,280 time, he said you would you should have smacked me if I ever 931 01:10:50,280 --> 01:10:55,050 said portal. But he said that's, that's what they were. But he 932 01:10:55,050 --> 01:10:58,800 envisioned flying this line of sight into the portal itself, 933 01:10:59,760 --> 01:11:05,670 which we tried to get there manually by vehicle. And just a 934 01:11:05,670 --> 01:11:09,000 demonstration real quick that one night, we've seen one of 935 01:11:09,000 --> 01:11:14,190 these where this always took place this one portal, and 10 I 936 01:11:14,190 --> 01:11:18,030 got in my vehicle, we we drove 70 mile an hour on crown on a 937 01:11:18,030 --> 01:11:21,480 county road to it. We got up to the field, we knew where it 938 01:11:21,480 --> 01:11:25,830 should be. There was no light, no artifact of it. And the 939 01:11:25,830 --> 01:11:29,610 property owner was back on site, one on the deck. And thank God. 940 01:11:30,330 --> 01:11:32,880 And this is the kind of things you've never you always have to 941 01:11:32,880 --> 01:11:36,300 be observant. We were on radio communication with a property 942 01:11:36,300 --> 01:11:39,870 owner. And the property owner said, Well, what do you guys 943 01:11:39,870 --> 01:11:43,920 see? And we said, well, we don't see anything. And I turned 944 01:11:43,920 --> 01:11:47,040 around my vehicle. And he he said, Well, Tom, I see your 945 01:11:47,040 --> 01:11:49,620 brake light on right next to it. 946 01:11:52,560 --> 01:11:58,050 I said, we can't see anything. And he said, Well, you should be 947 01:11:58,050 --> 01:12:01,050 there, I could see your brake line right next to this portal 948 01:12:01,110 --> 01:12:05,370 or this line. So that's how directional these things gonna 949 01:12:05,370 --> 01:12:11,280 appear. Now, how do you explain that? And that's what drove me 950 01:12:11,310 --> 01:12:15,900 crazy over the years. And Marlon will tell you but but there are 951 01:12:15,900 --> 01:12:22,110 other aspects that it's why Ted pays so many people as Why did 952 01:12:22,110 --> 01:12:25,980 Ted Phillips devote his rest of his life going out to Marley 953 01:12:25,980 --> 01:12:30,150 Woods time after time. That's some of the things that drove 954 01:12:30,150 --> 01:12:33,810 him crazy. And along with the thought there would be an event 955 01:12:33,810 --> 01:12:39,000 in Marley. Due to his past experiences, which he didn't 956 01:12:39,000 --> 01:12:43,590 share with the property owners from another case he was on. I 957 01:12:43,590 --> 01:12:47,520 will tell you that he said after I'm gone, he said, I don't care 958 01:12:47,520 --> 01:12:51,570 Tom, you can share with him but because he had felt at that time 959 01:12:51,600 --> 01:12:55,290 over the years, if it didn't happen, it wasn't going to. So 960 01:12:55,290 --> 01:12:58,470 he said you can you can share this with them whatever you 961 01:12:58,470 --> 01:13:02,880 like. And, but but that's what kept me going. And still 962 01:13:02,880 --> 01:13:05,310 interested in always back to Hollywood. 963 01:13:06,360 --> 01:13:09,690 John Greenewald: If you have one, a couple more minutes, I 964 01:13:09,690 --> 01:13:12,150 didn't mean to throw you off here by throwing Is this the 965 01:13:12,150 --> 01:13:13,560 picture that you were talking about? 966 01:13:16,080 --> 01:13:19,980 Thomas Ferrario: Yes, that is it. So that is absolutely. 967 01:13:20,340 --> 01:13:24,480 John Greenewald: That's the one that Ted took of this lie. Yeah. 968 01:13:24,480 --> 01:13:26,850 And and the reason why I wanted to see if you had a couple more 969 01:13:26,850 --> 01:13:30,780 minutes, is to explain some of these visuals. If you're okay, 970 01:13:31,080 --> 01:13:33,960 doing that. Would you Would you mind? 971 01:13:33,990 --> 01:13:37,200 Thomas Ferrario: That would be fine. So that would be great. 972 01:13:37,650 --> 01:13:39,540 John Greenewald: Yeah, yeah. Then let's just take a couple 973 01:13:39,540 --> 01:13:42,630 minutes. Hold on bear with me here because I've got the 974 01:13:42,630 --> 01:13:48,990 ability to let's start here. What are we looking at here? 975 01:13:51,750 --> 01:13:54,450 Thomas Ferrario: That is the light source on the ground. Now 976 01:13:54,450 --> 01:13:58,410 that isn't a light image that Ted took over the Northfield and 977 01:13:58,410 --> 01:14:02,130 Marley woods. That's what he called the ambers. And I will 978 01:14:02,130 --> 01:14:06,390 tell you that picture doesn't do it justice the issue here so off 979 01:14:07,050 --> 01:14:13,290 and you foggy that colorization is it's on a spectrum that I 980 01:14:13,290 --> 01:14:17,580 believe that the eye can interpret a camera. Very rarely 981 01:14:18,030 --> 01:14:24,510 can a chat experience experiment with some film emotions, trying 982 01:14:24,510 --> 01:14:29,610 to capture that on film. And unfortunately, you never could. 983 01:14:30,420 --> 01:14:35,040 But it's much more amber color with the naked eye than what you 984 01:14:35,040 --> 01:14:40,200 see there. You see a remnant of the amber but that that's what 985 01:14:40,200 --> 01:14:43,470 was he referred to as cambers and Marley. 986 01:14:44,190 --> 01:14:47,640 John Greenewald: I see. Okay, and then let's go let's do 987 01:14:47,640 --> 01:14:52,470 another one here. See, these? were some of the ones you sent 988 01:14:52,470 --> 01:14:54,090 over. What are we looking at here? 989 01:14:54,150 --> 01:14:57,930 Thomas Ferrario: That was a time lapse photo that dead duck. Oh, 990 01:14:57,960 --> 01:15:03,090 one of the heat shut up again. And, of course, the night sky, a 991 01:15:03,090 --> 01:15:06,960 time lapse, he took a one of the light balls, and one of the 992 01:15:06,960 --> 01:15:11,880 ambers. And I will tell you that it Ted had figured out with the, 993 01:15:11,910 --> 01:15:16,800 with the, with the time lapse film, that he did the 994 01:15:16,800 --> 01:15:20,910 calculations, and he estimated that this thing was traveling in 995 01:15:20,910 --> 01:15:28,230 excess of 15,000 miles an hour. Now, the light loss can remain 996 01:15:28,230 --> 01:15:32,670 motionless, they can hover, they can zip around, where you don't 997 01:15:32,670 --> 01:15:36,300 even heard, you can't really even perceive them at times. And 998 01:15:36,300 --> 01:15:41,070 if you catch the little, at the end of this line, this image, 999 01:15:41,340 --> 01:15:46,890 you can see the little hook it goes up and comes down. And that 1000 01:15:46,890 --> 01:15:51,510 is one of the key features in a dead set is just, it doesn't 1001 01:15:51,510 --> 01:15:56,520 apply to our physics because nothing can travel it in excess 1002 01:15:56,520 --> 01:16:01,680 of 15,000 miles an hour. And do that, you know, and but that's 1003 01:16:01,680 --> 01:16:03,120 so common and you follow eg 1004 01:16:04,560 --> 01:16:07,800 John Greenewald: Is there a span of sky of the time lapse that 1005 01:16:07,800 --> 01:16:10,470 you can kind of gauge for us? Like, are we talking about the 1006 01:16:10,470 --> 01:16:15,870 entire sky? Are we talking about a you know, a 30 foot angle? 1007 01:16:15,870 --> 01:16:17,760 What do we what's the span here? 1008 01:16:20,250 --> 01:16:24,300 Thomas Ferrario: Yeah, it's on the GPS on that I don't have it 1009 01:16:24,330 --> 01:16:29,730 the I would say you're looking at a, you know, in the panorama 1010 01:16:29,730 --> 01:16:33,540 of a night sky, you're talking about a third of the night sky 1011 01:16:33,570 --> 01:16:36,960 if you're looking up in that time lapse photography there. So 1012 01:16:36,960 --> 01:16:40,080 that's about under some magnification, I will add which. 1013 01:16:42,360 --> 01:16:47,340 And magnification, of course add some artifacts to it. But But 1014 01:16:47,340 --> 01:16:51,810 still the image is astounding. And and then again. So imagine 1015 01:16:51,810 --> 01:16:57,150 you follow the you if you look at that image, which did like 1016 01:16:57,180 --> 01:17:04,860 the untrained eye, but to dig gaps in that. And why. And 1017 01:17:04,950 --> 01:17:09,300 that's the tract of a light ball in excess of 15,000 miles an 1018 01:17:09,300 --> 01:17:13,860 hour where you see gaps in it. Now does that mean it? It 1019 01:17:13,860 --> 01:17:18,030 stopped and started? You know, we don't know. 1020 01:17:18,570 --> 01:17:22,410 John Greenewald: Gotcha. And I appreciate you staying over your 1021 01:17:22,410 --> 01:17:24,990 time because because some of these are pretty interesting. I 1022 01:17:24,990 --> 01:17:28,320 want to just get to two more here, which ultimately may be 1023 01:17:28,320 --> 01:17:33,060 connected. This is a casting right of one of the unknown 1024 01:17:33,930 --> 01:17:35,010 animals. 1025 01:17:36,270 --> 01:17:39,720 Thomas Ferrario: Oh, yeah, yeah, that's a trap we took of the 1026 01:17:39,720 --> 01:17:44,460 animal that was in a location where the property owner 1027 01:17:44,460 --> 01:17:51,240 actually had claimed he shot and this was the large why. And the 1028 01:17:51,240 --> 01:17:55,530 property, the guy works cattle, you can judge the way the cattle 1029 01:17:55,560 --> 01:18:00,390 he said this creature was in excess of 300 400 pounds. There 1030 01:18:00,390 --> 01:18:04,680 you go. I got it now. Yeah, that's the track that we took. 1031 01:18:04,860 --> 01:18:10,440 And it was in an area behind the barbed wire fence. And now this 1032 01:18:10,440 --> 01:18:16,620 gets really strange again. He said he shot this animal at a 1033 01:18:16,620 --> 01:18:22,560 good distance. He claims to the scope. He seen he he said he 1034 01:18:22,560 --> 01:18:26,160 made it red. Meaning he thought he hit it he thought he seen 1035 01:18:26,160 --> 01:18:32,730 what the animal at that point passed right through a four 1036 01:18:32,730 --> 01:18:36,570 strand barbed wire fence. Now I don't mean went over or under. 1037 01:18:36,750 --> 01:18:40,530 He claims that it just turned and walked through this fence. 1038 01:18:41,100 --> 01:18:47,010 Now, we found no blood at that site whatsoever. The strange 1039 01:18:47,010 --> 01:18:52,200 part about this is we did find a 16 inch long white hairs on the 1040 01:18:52,200 --> 01:18:57,180 bottom strand, and top strand of this fence. And I have images at 1041 01:18:57,180 --> 01:19:01,770 10 picking them off of this. Now, it makes no sense. It left 1042 01:19:01,770 --> 01:19:06,420 physical tracks in left hair on the fence. But the property 1043 01:19:06,420 --> 01:19:09,600 owner swears it just passed right through this four strand 1044 01:19:09,600 --> 01:19:16,110 barbed wire fence. Okay, wasn't there. So now I put that it's 1045 01:19:16,110 --> 01:19:16,920 impossible. 1046 01:19:16,980 --> 01:19:19,860 John Greenewald: I put that image of the hair on the screen. 1047 01:19:19,860 --> 01:19:23,340 I don't know if it's coming through on your end. Is this the 1048 01:19:23,340 --> 01:19:28,170 hair that you referenced earlier in the interview that had no 1049 01:19:28,170 --> 01:19:29,370 known match? 1050 01:19:32,430 --> 01:19:35,460 Thomas Ferrario: That's it. That's it. Yeah. And I don't 1051 01:19:35,460 --> 01:19:39,540 have the image yet. But that white hair on that is the hair 1052 01:19:39,540 --> 01:19:43,980 that we sent off. And Ted still has samples so that you know at 1053 01:19:43,980 --> 01:19:48,150 some point we'd like to send for further DNA, mitochondrial and 1054 01:19:48,180 --> 01:19:53,520 offer. What they can do now is unbelievable. But yes, that's 1055 01:19:53,520 --> 01:19:59,970 the hair and came back under my cross up and as you search it 1056 01:20:00,000 --> 01:20:06,510 Came back no known match. Now we have 16 inch long white hair, 1057 01:20:06,780 --> 01:20:15,450 there's no, no white ponies or dogs or anything in that area 1058 01:20:15,450 --> 01:20:20,130 has 16 inch long white hair. But we got it from the citing the 1059 01:20:20,130 --> 01:20:24,750 source of this it is physical trace evidence, you have to 1060 01:20:24,750 --> 01:20:31,500 accept it, and it leaves tracks. And that track there, it's hard, 1061 01:20:31,500 --> 01:20:35,940 it's the size of my open hand, it would fit right virtually in 1062 01:20:35,940 --> 01:20:40,200 my hand, it's that big. Wow. And stepping into that area, and I 1063 01:20:40,200 --> 01:20:45,390 will tell you, our we didn't compress the soil. And dedmon 1064 01:20:45,390 --> 01:20:48,210 did in one case, he did a compression test on the soil. 1065 01:20:48,750 --> 01:20:52,140 And he estimated was pretty hard at that day. He said it it looks 1066 01:20:52,140 --> 01:20:57,540 to him like it would did wait around 300 pounds or so. And 1067 01:20:57,540 --> 01:21:04,230 descriptions are from a white polar bear slash sloths. Some 1068 01:21:04,260 --> 01:21:09,930 compared to do I dare wolf. So what kind of cryptid this was, 1069 01:21:10,680 --> 01:21:14,910 you know, we have no idea. And we think there's a living 1070 01:21:14,910 --> 01:21:17,760 breathing population of these things out there running around. 1071 01:21:18,180 --> 01:21:21,630 We know there isn't it's was the only time ever seen Marley 1072 01:21:21,630 --> 01:21:25,260 woods, by the property owners, this creature, the one and only 1073 01:21:25,260 --> 01:21:31,140 appearance. Now I will say after he thought he shot it. The next 1074 01:21:31,140 --> 01:21:34,770 day, his daughter was on that piece of property. And she 1075 01:21:34,770 --> 01:21:41,370 claimed she seen two of them now, but they've never been 1076 01:21:41,400 --> 01:21:47,280 there. Now that is that is an image that the daughter took, 1077 01:21:48,120 --> 01:21:53,760 she had a camera with her very high magnification. And we we 1078 01:21:53,760 --> 01:21:59,040 tried to blow it up, she tried to zoom in on it very crude, 1079 01:21:59,040 --> 01:22:03,150 very poor image. That is the only known image we have of the 1080 01:22:03,150 --> 01:22:07,620 creature. And Ted use several types of filters to clean that 1081 01:22:07,620 --> 01:22:10,950 up and send it off. And you really can't tell anything 1082 01:22:10,950 --> 01:22:17,040 except that it's a very large pass the body, the neck and the 1083 01:22:17,880 --> 01:22:21,360 from what people that know what they're looking at. And one of 1084 01:22:21,360 --> 01:22:25,320 the veterinarians out there, we show this to show that the the 1085 01:22:25,320 --> 01:22:30,750 neck and head structure and that crude image just doesn't look 1086 01:22:30,900 --> 01:22:37,290 that it makes any sense. He from his expertise, it just doesn't 1087 01:22:37,290 --> 01:22:41,760 look like anything he could recognize her identify from the 1088 01:22:41,760 --> 01:22:46,650 structure of the neck and the head on it. So that's what we 1089 01:22:46,650 --> 01:22:50,250 had to work with the imagery. That's all we had. And we're 1090 01:22:50,250 --> 01:22:53,310 glad we had that. But that proves they were seeing 1091 01:22:53,310 --> 01:22:53,820 something. 1092 01:22:54,450 --> 01:22:58,740 John Greenewald: Yeah. Well, I wanted to end with this photo, 1093 01:22:59,280 --> 01:23:02,760 simply because it was there for me to grab. And I wanted to give 1094 01:23:02,760 --> 01:23:06,840 everybody an idea. This is you and Ted Philips standing side by 1095 01:23:06,840 --> 01:23:11,370 side. There's no date on my end. What do you remember when this 1096 01:23:11,370 --> 01:23:12,090 was taken? 1097 01:23:13,500 --> 01:23:20,580 Thomas Ferrario: That was taken probably early. I'd say 2006? 1098 01:23:21,300 --> 01:23:28,650 Early 2006. Yeah. Well, yeah, that was, I was. That was one of 1099 01:23:28,650 --> 01:23:32,490 the when I really got to be close with Ted out there. And we 1100 01:23:32,490 --> 01:23:36,270 formed a working relationship. And I was in a lot better shape. 1101 01:23:36,270 --> 01:23:39,150 Then Debbie and I were we were doing the move on dive team at 1102 01:23:39,150 --> 01:23:45,210 that point for move on, you know, and but yeah, that was 1103 01:23:45,210 --> 01:23:48,150 quite that's the structure behind us there. The metal 1104 01:23:48,150 --> 01:23:52,410 building you see is a two story structure, which was our office 1105 01:23:52,410 --> 01:23:55,950 in which the property owners I will tell you, I've even put on 1106 01:23:55,950 --> 01:23:59,940 the deed now to the property as Ted Phillips Morley would 1107 01:23:59,940 --> 01:24:05,280 Research Center they devoted to place to to. So that was really 1108 01:24:05,280 --> 01:24:11,430 great when they did that. And, but and it gets so crazy. JOHN, 1109 01:24:11,430 --> 01:24:15,330 in this business, I can tell you, that is actually the only 1110 01:24:15,570 --> 01:24:20,220 structure part of the structure we would show. We had actually 1111 01:24:20,220 --> 01:24:24,930 had showed photos of their of our building. And believe me or 1112 01:24:24,930 --> 01:24:28,950 not, there were people with a lot of time on our hands. They 1113 01:24:28,950 --> 01:24:33,660 got on GPS photos, and Google Earth. And there was one 1114 01:24:33,660 --> 01:24:37,470 individual that actually thinks he found Marley any zoomed in 1115 01:24:37,860 --> 01:24:41,910 how many hours he devoted to a define our structure on Google 1116 01:24:41,910 --> 01:24:45,840 Earth. I have no idea. But he actually found it on Google 1117 01:24:45,840 --> 01:24:50,610 Earth. Oh, wow. So that's the only image we would show after 1118 01:24:50,610 --> 01:24:53,370 that other building. And, and 1119 01:24:53,550 --> 01:24:56,040 John Greenewald: if it came through on your end, I have to 1120 01:24:56,040 --> 01:24:59,730 ask and it may mean absolutely nothing but that's skull back 1121 01:24:59,730 --> 01:25:04,050 there. That is mounted on the wall. I believe it's a skull. 1122 01:25:04,290 --> 01:25:06,630 Yeah. Is there? Is there a story behind that? 1123 01:25:07,980 --> 01:25:10,980 Thomas Ferrario: No, no, there really isn't the property owner 1124 01:25:10,980 --> 01:25:18,750 forever. It is. And the old cabin. There again, I don't have 1125 01:25:18,750 --> 01:25:22,200 a picture of a duck because the cabins next to the building, but 1126 01:25:22,200 --> 01:25:27,150 I will tell you they were avid deer hunters. And it goes into 1127 01:25:27,150 --> 01:25:29,880 another story but a hunter out there was an avid bear hunter 1128 01:25:29,880 --> 01:25:33,150 went up north and what happened to him and Marley, he would 1129 01:25:33,150 --> 01:25:36,600 never come back to Marley what he experienced but, but the one 1130 01:25:36,600 --> 01:25:42,570 front of the cabin is just full of skulls, deer skulls, you name 1131 01:25:42,570 --> 01:25:46,620 that type of critter and attain on that front of that log cabin. 1132 01:25:47,790 --> 01:25:52,140 But it's not related. Right? There again, I will check in 1133 01:25:52,140 --> 01:25:52,680 desk. 1134 01:25:53,820 --> 01:25:58,530 John Greenewald: Well, Tom, I thank you so much for spending 1135 01:25:58,530 --> 01:26:01,350 so much time with me. I know we kind of scheduled an hour. And 1136 01:26:01,620 --> 01:26:05,640 here we are an hour and a half. And that, you know, the photo 1137 01:26:05,640 --> 01:26:09,360 show and tell there was a little bit impromptu. So I appreciate 1138 01:26:09,360 --> 01:26:12,870 you playing ball with me on that, because I had the 1139 01:26:12,870 --> 01:26:15,780 capability to bring it up. And so I thought I'd do that and 1140 01:26:15,780 --> 01:26:19,290 have you explain what some of those photos are. But thank you 1141 01:26:19,290 --> 01:26:22,440 so incredibly much. And I wish you all the best. I want to 1142 01:26:22,440 --> 01:26:25,860 bring you back, though, and bring you back quickly. Because 1143 01:26:25,860 --> 01:26:31,020 we never even talked about another aspect of your work and 1144 01:26:31,020 --> 01:26:35,460 Ted's work which ties into the moon shaft project. So I'm 1145 01:26:35,460 --> 01:26:39,660 hoping that you had enough fun this hour and a half to come 1146 01:26:39,660 --> 01:26:43,710 back and talk about that. So you are absolutely invited. Anytime 1147 01:26:43,710 --> 01:26:44,400 you would like. 1148 01:26:47,550 --> 01:26:50,370 Thomas Ferrario: Well, I would love to do it, john. And I will 1149 01:26:50,370 --> 01:26:55,290 tell you, as Ted always said moon shaft is the Greatest Story 1150 01:26:55,290 --> 01:26:58,200 NEVER Told, and we're working with people that try to bring 1151 01:26:58,200 --> 01:27:04,800 that out. And all I can say is is I truly believe it's just 1152 01:27:04,800 --> 01:27:07,800 short is the story of instrumentality, that self 1153 01:27:07,800 --> 01:27:11,670 maintaining over eons of time that's sitting over in Slovakia 1154 01:27:11,670 --> 01:27:15,660 in a cave, and, uh, and it's there, believe me, and it's the 1155 01:27:15,660 --> 01:27:19,500 Greatest Story NEVER Told. And I truly believe it does been 1156 01:27:19,500 --> 01:27:19,800 there. 1157 01:27:20,280 --> 01:27:23,040 John Greenewald: Yeah. And and it's it is a fascinating story. 1158 01:27:23,040 --> 01:27:26,370 I talked at length with Ted about it many years ago. And 1159 01:27:26,400 --> 01:27:30,030 when you come back, we will definitely dive into that, 1160 01:27:30,030 --> 01:27:32,910 because that is a fascinating topic as well. But Tom, thank 1161 01:27:32,910 --> 01:27:36,780 you again. It's great to see you again, and stay safe out there. 1162 01:27:36,780 --> 01:27:39,630 But thank you. And we'll definitely do that second show 1163 01:27:39,630 --> 01:27:40,170 here soon. 1164 01:27:42,660 --> 01:27:45,990 Thomas Ferrario: Okay, john. Well, thank you. And I'd love to 1165 01:27:45,990 --> 01:27:49,560 do it. And I just want to tell you, Chad had such an 1166 01:27:49,560 --> 01:27:53,130 appreciation over the years working with you. And he really 1167 01:27:53,130 --> 01:27:57,180 respected your work and you as a friend and you were one of the 1168 01:27:57,180 --> 01:28:01,410 few believe me that Jed did trust and love to work with. So 1169 01:28:01,590 --> 01:28:03,120 I just want to thank you for the 1170 01:28:03,599 --> 01:28:05,249 John Greenewald: well I appreciate that. That means a 1171 01:28:05,249 --> 01:28:09,509 lot to here. And and thank you. Thank you for sharing that. And 1172 01:28:09,509 --> 01:28:13,589 And with that said again, thank you, Tom. And thank you all for 1173 01:28:13,589 --> 01:28:17,159 listening and watching please, if you can, if you like these 1174 01:28:17,159 --> 01:28:20,039 interviews, give the thumbs up, make sure you subscribe to the 1175 01:28:20,039 --> 01:28:23,249 channel, turn the notifications on. That way you're made aware 1176 01:28:23,249 --> 01:28:27,569 about interviews and videos just like this. So thanks again to 1177 01:28:27,569 --> 01:28:31,049 Tom, I wish him all the best with his further research. He is 1178 01:28:31,049 --> 01:28:33,389 somebody that I very much respect in this field and have 1179 01:28:33,389 --> 01:28:36,929 for a long time along with Ted Philips and those that work with 1180 01:28:36,929 --> 01:28:40,199 them on these projects. Thank you all again. This is John 1181 01:28:40,199 --> 01:28:42,629 Greenewald Jr signing off, and we'll see you next time.