1 00:00:01,469 --> 00:00:07,079 John Greenewald: April 24 2021 Here we go. And we go. Are you 2 00:00:07,079 --> 00:00:10,559 ready to make a change battle lunia this Luis, I'm so excited 3 00:00:10,559 --> 00:00:16,409 for today. Luna. In the event known as the big phone home 4 00:00:16,409 --> 00:00:21,059 commences with a kickoff filled with passion, fun, determination 5 00:00:21,149 --> 00:00:25,649 and admission to demand more transparency from the US 6 00:00:25,649 --> 00:00:29,279 government and encourage scientific study of the UFO 7 00:00:29,279 --> 00:00:29,579 issue. 8 00:00:29,579 --> 00:00:33,569 Luis Jimenez: So today, you guys is all about activism, all about 9 00:00:33,569 --> 00:00:36,479 getting the word out on the UAP transparency train, 10 00:00:36,570 --> 00:00:39,570 John Greenewald: people from all over the world took part and 11 00:00:39,570 --> 00:00:43,140 1000s tuned in to see what it was all about. really wonderful 12 00:00:43,140 --> 00:00:46,890 to hear. Now. It's about to happen again. But this time, 13 00:00:46,920 --> 00:00:50,610 it's much bigger, and has a much more concentrated effort to 14 00:00:50,610 --> 00:00:54,450 bring people together. And yet again, ask the US government for 15 00:00:54,450 --> 00:00:58,590 transparency when it comes to unidentified aerial phenomenon. 16 00:00:59,580 --> 00:01:04,170 Joining me today, Luis Jimenez, the brainchild of the big phone 17 00:01:04,170 --> 00:01:07,500 home and host of the unidentified celebrity reviews. 18 00:01:08,670 --> 00:01:12,150 Joining as well is Michael Mehta Looney I think the host of the 19 00:01:12,150 --> 00:01:16,500 singularity lab is a digital marketer by trade, he saw 20 00:01:16,500 --> 00:01:20,250 Louise's vision and immediately jumped in to join forces and 21 00:01:20,250 --> 00:01:24,660 bring the entire project to a new level. So stay tuned, 22 00:01:24,990 --> 00:01:28,980 because you're about to explore the big foe home too, as we 23 00:01:28,980 --> 00:01:31,170 journey inside the black ball. 24 00:01:56,970 --> 00:01:59,490 That's right, everybody. As always, thank you so much for 25 00:01:59,490 --> 00:02:02,880 tuning in and making this your podcast or your live stream of 26 00:02:02,880 --> 00:02:05,670 choice. I'm your host, john Greenwald, Jr, founder and 27 00:02:05,670 --> 00:02:09,150 creator of the black vault calm. And today I'm doing what I feel 28 00:02:09,150 --> 00:02:12,030 anyway is something a little bit different. And I'm super excited 29 00:02:12,240 --> 00:02:16,020 to bring these two gentlemen on. I've got Luis Jimenez and 30 00:02:16,050 --> 00:02:20,340 Michael metal Looney, both very prominently placed here on 31 00:02:20,340 --> 00:02:23,040 YouTube, if that's how you are watching me right now. They've 32 00:02:23,040 --> 00:02:26,580 got the unidentified celebrity review. That would be Louisa 33 00:02:26,580 --> 00:02:30,990 show, and the singularity lab, which is Michael show, both of 34 00:02:30,990 --> 00:02:34,890 which are popular and growing in popularity. So I'm excited to 35 00:02:34,890 --> 00:02:38,190 have these two gents on you guys. Thanks for taking some 36 00:02:38,190 --> 00:02:41,940 time and spending it with me today. Heck, yeah. Excited to be 37 00:02:41,940 --> 00:02:45,390 here, john. It's our pleasure. Yeah. So I'm excited to bring 38 00:02:45,390 --> 00:02:49,680 you on because you have started Luis, I think that this was your 39 00:02:49,680 --> 00:02:52,620 brainchild. And please guys, correct me if I get any facts 40 00:02:52,620 --> 00:02:57,180 wrong. But you started something called the big phone home. Yeah, 41 00:02:57,210 --> 00:03:00,780 I want to start with you, Luis and tell me a little bit of a 42 00:03:00,780 --> 00:03:04,470 rundown of the big phone home. You've already done. One, the 43 00:03:04,470 --> 00:03:07,260 second one's coming. And we'll get to that. But in a nutshell, 44 00:03:07,260 --> 00:03:07,710 what is it? 45 00:03:08,340 --> 00:03:10,650 Luis Jimenez: It's essentially a gathering of professionals, 46 00:03:10,650 --> 00:03:16,140 amateurs, journalists, military members and enthusiasts to come 47 00:03:16,140 --> 00:03:20,430 together on the same day and call Congress and demand more 48 00:03:20,430 --> 00:03:24,960 transparency, more data, more more serious discussion, more 49 00:03:24,960 --> 00:03:30,390 scientific discussions, and and congressional hearings is what 50 00:03:30,390 --> 00:03:32,880 the main focus of the big phone home to is going to be. But 51 00:03:32,910 --> 00:03:35,850 that's essentially it. In a nutshell, it's just a way for us 52 00:03:35,850 --> 00:03:39,270 to find common ground. For the first one, it was 24 hours for 53 00:03:39,270 --> 00:03:44,220 this one, it'll be 24 full hours, like our eight hours live 54 00:03:44,220 --> 00:03:46,260 stream was the first one this one we're doing three live 55 00:03:46,260 --> 00:03:50,910 streams in eight hour sets. So you're getting around all day of 56 00:03:50,910 --> 00:03:53,580 shows in discussion, but 57 00:03:53,580 --> 00:03:56,280 John Greenewald: yeah, that's the idea. And it's the dates are 58 00:03:56,280 --> 00:04:00,870 coming up. We're less than 30 days away, September 4, fifth, 59 00:04:00,930 --> 00:04:04,440 and sixth. And Michael, I know that you played a role not only 60 00:04:04,440 --> 00:04:08,400 in the first one, but a big one in the second. What is it that 61 00:04:08,430 --> 00:04:11,700 that you aim to accomplish with all this same as Luis or do you 62 00:04:11,700 --> 00:04:14,640 have a different viewpoint? What are you trying to do with it? 63 00:04:15,090 --> 00:04:17,340 Michael Mataluni: Well, when I first heard about the original 64 00:04:17,340 --> 00:04:20,940 big phone home, I thought it was such a fabulous idea. And Luis 65 00:04:20,940 --> 00:04:24,390 reached out to me we had just met and done a podcast together 66 00:04:24,420 --> 00:04:27,390 and people were like, Man, you guys have some real chemistry. 67 00:04:27,780 --> 00:04:34,050 And so he invited me to co host the big phone home with him. And 68 00:04:34,050 --> 00:04:39,690 so you know, we ripped together a quick website and we just did 69 00:04:39,690 --> 00:04:44,250 everything Everything was low budget and the with the only 70 00:04:44,250 --> 00:04:48,960 goal of going live for eight hours and demanding that 71 00:04:49,230 --> 00:04:55,650 Congress released the UAP TF report on time and yeah, they 72 00:04:55,650 --> 00:04:59,190 did and we were thrilled about it. And so we believe that the 73 00:04:59,250 --> 00:05:02,190 if you want have, you know, we live in an age of conspiracy 74 00:05:02,190 --> 00:05:04,650 theories, right. So if you want to eliminate conspiracy 75 00:05:04,650 --> 00:05:07,650 theories, you have to tell the truth. And the more transparency 76 00:05:07,650 --> 00:05:10,620 you give, the less, the less you have of people filling in the 77 00:05:10,620 --> 00:05:13,350 blanks on their own. So that's what the big phone home two is 78 00:05:13,350 --> 00:05:17,880 all about. It's about getting hearings in Congress on the UAP 79 00:05:17,880 --> 00:05:22,020 phenomenon, so that we can make a lasting imprint in people's 80 00:05:22,020 --> 00:05:25,860 minds. And it becomes more real than ever, so that we can 81 00:05:25,920 --> 00:05:30,330 continue moving forward towards disclosure, whatever that means, 82 00:05:30,750 --> 00:05:31,110 in the end. 83 00:05:31,440 --> 00:05:33,540 John Greenewald: So getting rid of the conspiracy theory, what 84 00:05:33,540 --> 00:05:36,510 if the truth comes out? And it reinforces the conspiracy 85 00:05:36,510 --> 00:05:40,800 theory? It will, in what way? Yeah, well, you tell me I mean, 86 00:05:40,800 --> 00:05:43,980 the conspiracy theory, the conspiracy theory, obviously, is 87 00:05:43,980 --> 00:05:46,530 there's this massive cover up, I feel there is I feel the 88 00:05:46,530 --> 00:05:50,550 evidence is there. But if it What if it really truly just 89 00:05:50,550 --> 00:05:53,760 reinforces what we all feared, and that is the government is 90 00:05:54,180 --> 00:05:56,940 truly hiding this, there is an extra terrestrial connection, 91 00:05:56,940 --> 00:06:00,060 and the general public is going to be left in the dark? Do you 92 00:06:00,060 --> 00:06:03,810 feel that Congress would have the power to overturn a cover up 93 00:06:03,810 --> 00:06:04,350 like that? 94 00:06:06,120 --> 00:06:08,580 Luis Jimenez: Oh, I don't know if they have the power to 95 00:06:08,580 --> 00:06:11,820 overturn it completely. But I can tell you, it's definitely 96 00:06:11,820 --> 00:06:13,440 not going to happen if they don't hear from their 97 00:06:13,440 --> 00:06:17,610 constituency. And so that's the idea. We're trying to inspire 98 00:06:17,610 --> 00:06:22,290 people to pick up the phone and make a phone call to their local 99 00:06:22,290 --> 00:06:25,440 or state representative, which is already a huge task in itself 100 00:06:25,440 --> 00:06:28,410 if we actually succeed in that awesome. But will he also 101 00:06:28,410 --> 00:06:31,560 provide other tools for you to do it? Well, you don't have to 102 00:06:31,560 --> 00:06:33,870 pick up a phone, you can send an email, you could send a tweet, 103 00:06:33,870 --> 00:06:36,300 we're gonna make it we're gonna give you as many tools in this 104 00:06:36,300 --> 00:06:41,490 tool belt to activate yourself as you can. I don't think we can 105 00:06:41,490 --> 00:06:48,000 overturn a secret that big in one hearing or one event. I 106 00:06:48,000 --> 00:06:52,800 think if we're going to unravel that knot, it's going to be a 107 00:06:52,800 --> 00:06:57,780 1520 year process. But the way we get that process rolling, is 108 00:06:57,810 --> 00:07:02,370 to demand it. We have to ask for it. We've never done it before. 109 00:07:02,490 --> 00:07:06,270 So we might as well try it. And if it doesn't work, then we can 110 00:07:06,270 --> 00:07:09,960 say okay, well, we at least we tried. Yeah, but we have we've 111 00:07:09,960 --> 00:07:13,470 never even put in the effort before. And the first one, you 112 00:07:13,470 --> 00:07:16,170 know, it was essentially just me. And then Michael came in, he 113 00:07:16,170 --> 00:07:19,770 helped me build the website. He helped me hosted. But I mean, 114 00:07:19,770 --> 00:07:22,440 like he said, it was a shoestring budget, we were 115 00:07:22,440 --> 00:07:27,360 putting I was putting things together by myself a lot. And it 116 00:07:27,360 --> 00:07:31,050 was hard. It was really hard, but particularly when it came to 117 00:07:31,050 --> 00:07:34,590 picking, well, who were going to contact you know, so when I 118 00:07:34,590 --> 00:07:38,160 talked to Steven Bassett, he told me to focus on eight 119 00:07:38,160 --> 00:07:41,130 committees. And so those are the eight committees I focused on 120 00:07:41,130 --> 00:07:44,220 and and i really hit them hard as much as I could. And I 121 00:07:44,220 --> 00:07:48,540 encouraged my, my fan base and the people I didn't The reason 122 00:07:48,540 --> 00:07:52,650 why I asked so many people to come join me to do this effort 123 00:07:52,830 --> 00:07:56,340 is because I'm nobody I'm especially at the time I had 124 00:07:56,340 --> 00:08:00,870 less than 1000 subscribers. Now I've only got you know, 3700 I'm 125 00:08:00,870 --> 00:08:08,520 not. I'm not a tastemaker, or a trendsetter, yet. We get there 126 00:08:08,520 --> 00:08:08,910 one day, 127 00:08:08,910 --> 00:08:10,800 John Greenewald: that would be fun. You don't give yourself 128 00:08:10,800 --> 00:08:14,550 enough credit, man, you have done an amazing amount of pre 129 00:08:15,210 --> 00:08:17,550 accomplished. No, I'm being serious. And I'm not just saying 130 00:08:17,550 --> 00:08:20,430 that. So you got to make sure you give yourself some credit to 131 00:08:20,430 --> 00:08:21,360 because you've done a lot. 132 00:08:21,480 --> 00:08:25,020 Luis Jimenez: No, I look, I here's what I do is I set my 133 00:08:25,020 --> 00:08:28,860 expectations really low, as low as I can possibly set them. So 134 00:08:28,860 --> 00:08:32,610 that way if I exceed them, awesome, it's icing on the cake. 135 00:08:32,730 --> 00:08:35,640 But we've just I can't get excited. I can't start patting 136 00:08:35,640 --> 00:08:39,240 myself on the back end. Because there's so much more work to do. 137 00:08:39,480 --> 00:08:45,090 I need 50,000 people calling in the Congress not 500 I need an 138 00:08:45,120 --> 00:08:48,810 army of people to to to assemble. And that's why I 139 00:08:48,810 --> 00:08:52,770 reached out to all of these different people in the Twitter, 140 00:08:53,340 --> 00:08:57,780 UFO universe, I reached out to everybody, even if I didn't like 141 00:08:57,780 --> 00:09:01,110 them or didn't agree with them personally like them. I don't 142 00:09:01,110 --> 00:09:03,330 even know them. How can I not like them, but if my 143 00:09:03,330 --> 00:09:07,470 philosophies clash with them, I still wanted them to come on 144 00:09:07,470 --> 00:09:12,150 board because who out of all who's going to argue for now we 145 00:09:12,150 --> 00:09:14,910 shouldn't ask for congressional hearings? Who's gonna argue for 146 00:09:14,910 --> 00:09:19,260 that? Like, Mick was the only one I found who for some reason 147 00:09:19,260 --> 00:09:25,410 doesn't want more data? So fine, but I not doesn't, you know, I 148 00:09:25,410 --> 00:09:27,870 asked him to join the big phone home. We want to make Wes there 149 00:09:27,870 --> 00:09:31,530 because Mick West is a valuable voice in debunking a lot of 150 00:09:31,530 --> 00:09:35,340 these things that come across the table. He's valuable. And so 151 00:09:35,340 --> 00:09:38,070 that's why I wanted him there. Because I also want his 152 00:09:38,070 --> 00:09:42,090 following his men above verse to go, Hey, you know what, let's 153 00:09:42,090 --> 00:09:45,510 call Why might as well let's see if we can get some congressional 154 00:09:45,510 --> 00:09:47,790 hearings, because now you get people to testify in a 155 00:09:47,790 --> 00:09:50,670 congressional hearing. They're sworn under oath, if they get 156 00:09:50,670 --> 00:09:53,670 called lying under oath. Now there are some serious 157 00:09:53,670 --> 00:09:56,790 consequences to that are going to come with that. And that's 158 00:09:56,790 --> 00:09:59,580 what we have to do. We have to put the pressure but I can't do 159 00:09:59,580 --> 00:10:04,470 it by myself. Because I'm honestly man, I'm nobody, you 160 00:10:04,470 --> 00:10:08,880 know, I need john Greenwald, I need Jeremy korbel, I need Danny 161 00:10:08,880 --> 00:10:12,540 Silva. I need all of them. I need everybody on board just for 162 00:10:12,840 --> 00:10:16,350 three days, three days, and then we could go back to arguing 163 00:10:16,350 --> 00:10:19,170 about whatever the hell it is you want to argue, you know, 164 00:10:19,170 --> 00:10:23,040 like, we need to come together at this table for three days and 165 00:10:23,040 --> 00:10:27,660 demand congressional hearings. It's what we've been asked to 166 00:10:27,660 --> 00:10:33,090 do, by the people that are the leaders of this movement. And I 167 00:10:33,090 --> 00:10:34,950 don't think they would call themselves the leaders of this 168 00:10:34,950 --> 00:10:37,740 movement. But when you listen, when you look at Christopher 169 00:10:37,740 --> 00:10:41,580 melons, blogs, when you listen to the countless of hours of Lou 170 00:10:41,580 --> 00:10:44,970 Elizondo, speaking about this topic, the two things that they 171 00:10:45,000 --> 00:10:49,770 always tell you is, we need people to say something, we need 172 00:10:49,770 --> 00:10:53,520 people to activate themselves, nothing is going to happen. And 173 00:10:53,550 --> 00:10:56,340 and I'm sorry, to people aren't going to give us the information 174 00:10:56,340 --> 00:10:59,400 we want. Not three people, not five, not 100, it's going to 175 00:10:59,400 --> 00:11:06,120 take 1000s of us in one voice, demanding this. That's what I 176 00:11:06,120 --> 00:11:12,180 truly believe. Because for me, this issue is bipartisan, it's 177 00:11:12,180 --> 00:11:17,610 an issue that you can really pull a lot of ideas and 178 00:11:17,610 --> 00:11:21,840 philosophies and ways of thinking under this umbrella of 179 00:11:21,840 --> 00:11:27,150 UAP. Because if it's real, if it is a cover up as as you think it 180 00:11:27,150 --> 00:11:30,570 might be, john, at least that's the way that the the information 181 00:11:30,570 --> 00:11:34,650 is pointing, right? If that's what it turns out to be. All of 182 00:11:34,650 --> 00:11:40,740 a sudden, borders be nothing. You know, like, now we've become 183 00:11:40,770 --> 00:11:45,480 a planetary race. It's no longer, you know, let's draw 184 00:11:45,480 --> 00:11:48,510 lines in the sand and throw bombs at each other. It's Oh my 185 00:11:48,510 --> 00:11:53,520 God, we have now a common. I don't want to call it enemy 186 00:11:53,520 --> 00:11:57,780 because we don't know if it's an enemy, but a common goal, or a 187 00:11:57,780 --> 00:12:00,810 bully or whatever you want to call it. If this thing turns out 188 00:12:00,810 --> 00:12:04,290 to be money relevant. We would have to band together we would 189 00:12:04,290 --> 00:12:07,410 have to come together and even if it's not even if it's a piece 190 00:12:07,410 --> 00:12:11,010 bearing civilization or whatever it is, we still have to come 191 00:12:11,010 --> 00:12:13,650 together. We still have to erase these borders, because we have 192 00:12:13,650 --> 00:12:18,150 to catch up to a spacefaring civilization like, do you think 193 00:12:18,150 --> 00:12:21,390 they have borders? Do you think they just show up on planets and 194 00:12:21,390 --> 00:12:26,550 plant the flag and go, this is mine? No, I don't think that's 195 00:12:26,550 --> 00:12:32,130 the way they think. And, and I think eventually, this idea of 196 00:12:32,220 --> 00:12:35,850 and Elizondo says it all the time, you know, it's it's, we're 197 00:12:35,850 --> 00:12:40,650 gonna have to come together under one flag, you know, it 198 00:12:40,650 --> 00:12:42,960 doesn't necessarily have to be united states flag or Chinese 199 00:12:42,960 --> 00:12:45,900 flag or Russian flag, maybe we can meld all these things into 200 00:12:45,900 --> 00:12:48,960 one big beautiful flag that we can all fly under that we can 201 00:12:48,960 --> 00:12:51,840 all be proud to represent and stop looking at each other as 202 00:12:51,840 --> 00:12:54,660 the enemy and start looking at each other as solutions. 203 00:12:55,620 --> 00:12:59,280 John Greenewald: Mike, Michael, if the if the end goal for you 204 00:12:59,280 --> 00:13:05,310 guys, is those congressional hearings? If they happen? Number 205 00:13:05,310 --> 00:13:07,830 one, I know that you would want them public. But number two, 206 00:13:07,830 --> 00:13:11,010 what do you think would ultimately be revealed? Do you 207 00:13:11,010 --> 00:13:17,160 have this dream scenario? Do you have a thought prediction of 208 00:13:17,160 --> 00:13:20,670 what might happen? If you were to achieve that through the big 209 00:13:20,670 --> 00:13:21,060 phone? Oh, 210 00:13:21,090 --> 00:13:24,630 Michael Mataluni: yeah. So I do not have a dream scenario. I do 211 00:13:24,630 --> 00:13:27,750 not believe this is an end game, the big phone home to is is 212 00:13:27,750 --> 00:13:30,960 another chess move that we're looking to make and 213 00:13:30,960 --> 00:13:34,560 congressional hearings are a part of that. When it comes to 214 00:13:34,590 --> 00:13:37,830 the cover up? Or what's being covered up or what's being not 215 00:13:37,830 --> 00:13:41,190 not transparent? I don't know. Right? I don't have the I don't 216 00:13:41,190 --> 00:13:45,270 have the answer. I don't. And to be honest, to be frank, I'm 217 00:13:45,270 --> 00:13:49,410 really not interested in what I believe I'm interested in the 218 00:13:49,410 --> 00:13:52,980 truth. And so by revealing this your we know that the US 219 00:13:52,980 --> 00:13:56,250 government is very good at obfuscating. I can I can name 220 00:13:56,250 --> 00:14:00,690 many examples throughout history, including MK Ultra and 221 00:14:00,690 --> 00:14:05,730 the the Japanese dropping bombs on the United States that nobody 222 00:14:05,730 --> 00:14:08,580 ever knew about and fugo. I mean, there are so many things 223 00:14:08,580 --> 00:14:11,850 that the government tries to obviously obfuscate. And so our 224 00:14:11,850 --> 00:14:15,390 goal is simply to get to the truth to get to the get to the 225 00:14:15,390 --> 00:14:18,390 facts. And I think what Louie says about you know, people like 226 00:14:18,390 --> 00:14:21,450 people like Mick West and meta bunk, we need those people on 227 00:14:21,450 --> 00:14:23,850 our team, because the more voices we have, the better and 228 00:14:23,850 --> 00:14:27,570 it's good when you have people who can clarify and help debunk 229 00:14:27,570 --> 00:14:29,970 things that aren't things we should be looking at. But 230 00:14:29,970 --> 00:14:31,890 whether it's extraterrestrial, interdimensional ultra 231 00:14:31,890 --> 00:14:37,140 terrestrial, or us or them, right, it doesn't matter that 232 00:14:37,200 --> 00:14:40,920 what matters is we get to the bottom of it, because we need 233 00:14:40,920 --> 00:14:45,360 the truth in order to figure out what the next steps are on this 234 00:14:45,360 --> 00:14:48,450 journey. And we can't make good decisions without good data. And 235 00:14:48,450 --> 00:14:51,240 so I believe the information belongs to the people I believe 236 00:14:51,240 --> 00:14:54,600 the government is, was created for the people and by the people 237 00:14:54,600 --> 00:14:57,660 in the United States and we need to hold their butts accountable 238 00:14:57,660 --> 00:14:58,110 to that. 239 00:14:59,190 --> 00:15:01,320 John Greenewald: I'm bringing up the way All right now you guys 240 00:15:01,350 --> 00:15:04,800 did a great job with this, you have an area where you can find 241 00:15:04,800 --> 00:15:07,260 your representative, so who to contact and then essentially 242 00:15:07,260 --> 00:15:12,030 make a call, write an email or letter or send a tweet. When you 243 00:15:12,030 --> 00:15:17,310 guys did the big phone home one, do you have an idea of I know, 244 00:15:17,310 --> 00:15:20,040 Louis, you threw out a 500 number, but I don't know if that 245 00:15:20,040 --> 00:15:24,210 was just an analogy you were talking about? But do you have 246 00:15:24,210 --> 00:15:27,270 an idea of how many people did pick up the phone? How many 247 00:15:27,270 --> 00:15:29,550 people did send a letter or tweet, 248 00:15:29,580 --> 00:15:33,090 Luis Jimenez: I have no clue. There was no way for me to track 249 00:15:33,090 --> 00:15:36,420 that the only things I know are the statistics that my channel 250 00:15:36,420 --> 00:15:41,310 received. So you know, we had over 10,000 people watching the 251 00:15:41,310 --> 00:15:45,420 live streams when we did it. And then when I looked at somebody 252 00:15:45,420 --> 00:15:49,500 sent me the analytics of it, and it said that it reached 1.3 253 00:15:49,500 --> 00:15:52,740 million people. That means 1.3 million people were looking at 254 00:15:52,740 --> 00:15:55,140 their phones, and they were scrolling and we popped up in 255 00:15:55,140 --> 00:15:59,490 front of them. Right? Um, I have no clue. And that's a great 256 00:15:59,490 --> 00:16:02,790 question. And that was something eventually we're gonna have, 257 00:16:02,820 --> 00:16:05,520 we're gonna figure that out. As literally, I was thinking about 258 00:16:05,520 --> 00:16:09,150 it today. I'm like, man, how can we track this? It's so great. 259 00:16:09,270 --> 00:16:12,330 And I think maybe next time, if there's going to be if there's a 260 00:16:12,330 --> 00:16:16,800 way to do it, it would be you have to use the website, first 261 00:16:16,830 --> 00:16:19,560 send a letter, make a phone call, write an email, before you 262 00:16:19,560 --> 00:16:23,550 get a permission to join the live stream. Gotcha. So that 263 00:16:23,550 --> 00:16:25,890 way, whoever's in the live stream, made a phone call made a 264 00:16:25,890 --> 00:16:28,860 tweet or did something active, that would might be a way to 265 00:16:28,860 --> 00:16:33,720 track it. But it's just those are things that are really hard 266 00:16:33,720 --> 00:16:37,560 to implement. If you don't have an IT team, which we do. Now. 267 00:16:37,559 --> 00:16:41,339 John Greenewald: The first one was an April of 2021. Regardless 268 00:16:41,339 --> 00:16:43,559 of how many people took part, I'm sure you had quite a few 269 00:16:43,559 --> 00:16:45,719 just based on the people that were watching the stream. And, 270 00:16:45,989 --> 00:16:50,819 you know, I see how much interaction you get through UCR 271 00:16:50,819 --> 00:16:54,869 and and singularity lab. And I know that it's a very tight knit 272 00:16:54,869 --> 00:16:56,879 group. So I'm sure you had a lot of people that were sending 273 00:16:56,879 --> 00:16:59,579 those letters. Yeah. Did you ever hear about responses? 274 00:17:00,390 --> 00:17:03,210 Luis Jimenez: I've heard of a couple folks got responses to 275 00:17:03,210 --> 00:17:06,690 their letters. Some people got responses through emails. I 276 00:17:06,690 --> 00:17:09,420 don't think there were many phone calls that got returned. 277 00:17:09,780 --> 00:17:15,960 Um, I do know that we definitely got the attention of folks 278 00:17:15,960 --> 00:17:23,400 within the government. Lawmakers, God Navy, evade, 279 00:17:23,490 --> 00:17:28,050 we're on the radar now. So that's a good thing. Again, I 280 00:17:28,050 --> 00:17:30,900 you know, I was setting my expectations as low as possible. 281 00:17:30,900 --> 00:17:33,450 If I was like, I in my brain, I was like, if I could get 100 282 00:17:33,450 --> 00:17:36,240 people to call that would be successful. Honestly, like, 283 00:17:36,240 --> 00:17:41,160 that's a tough ask. Thankfully, though, at this around the same 284 00:17:41,160 --> 00:17:45,690 time, James Fox had also put out his website ua p act now. So I 285 00:17:45,690 --> 00:17:48,780 just kind of hijacked that and said, Hey, I'm gonna push this 286 00:17:48,780 --> 00:17:51,330 website, because this is a really great way to it's another 287 00:17:51,330 --> 00:17:56,490 tool in the tool belt, you know, and he also had a template to 288 00:17:56,490 --> 00:18:00,030 send the Congress. So I use his template, I use my template, I 289 00:18:00,030 --> 00:18:02,760 use his website and my website, and I said, Hey, here are the 290 00:18:02,760 --> 00:18:06,480 tools you guys do it. However you can, whatever is easiest for 291 00:18:06,480 --> 00:18:08,970 you, if you're the soccer mom who's busy, but you really have 292 00:18:08,970 --> 00:18:11,490 a passion for this, you could do a couple clicks of the button, 293 00:18:11,490 --> 00:18:15,120 and you've done your activism for the year. If you're a person 294 00:18:15,120 --> 00:18:18,690 like me, who's got some time and wants to do all three aspects, 295 00:18:18,690 --> 00:18:21,060 and then combine all three of those aspects and start reaching 296 00:18:21,090 --> 00:18:24,420 outside of their state to personally call these senators 297 00:18:24,420 --> 00:18:26,790 and congressmen that are specially and say, like the 298 00:18:26,790 --> 00:18:30,930 budget Oversight Committee, or the intelligence, subcommittees 299 00:18:30,930 --> 00:18:34,260 and things like that. Absolutely. Go for it. I mean, 300 00:18:34,260 --> 00:18:37,590 just I'm trying to provide the tools there. But man, I would 301 00:18:37,650 --> 00:18:40,890 kill to track it. Because I think that's important data 302 00:18:40,890 --> 00:18:44,940 that, you know, because if we're getting 5000 people, this time 303 00:18:44,940 --> 00:18:49,140 calling man, that's a lot. That's a lot of people to call 304 00:18:49,140 --> 00:18:51,750 to take their time out of a Saturday, Sunday or Monday to 305 00:18:51,780 --> 00:18:56,580 demand more UAP transparency, because like we talked about 306 00:18:56,580 --> 00:18:59,850 this all the show all the time on the show, our goal is to take 307 00:18:59,850 --> 00:19:03,510 this topic seriously, but never take ourselves too seriously. 308 00:19:03,720 --> 00:19:07,470 Because we're asking people to call Congress and demand more 309 00:19:07,470 --> 00:19:12,990 UAP data, instead of more police reform or instead of, you know, 310 00:19:13,020 --> 00:19:21,510 a more substantial, you know, progressive, you know, social 311 00:19:21,510 --> 00:19:25,200 rights legislation, like there's so many I don't want to get too 312 00:19:25,200 --> 00:19:27,690 specific because I don't want to piss anybody off. But there are 313 00:19:27,690 --> 00:19:30,900 other political platforms that we could be encouraging people 314 00:19:30,900 --> 00:19:33,990 to do. Like nobody's lost their life because there wasn't enough 315 00:19:33,990 --> 00:19:37,320 UAP data. You know, nobody's mother got lost, you know, 316 00:19:37,320 --> 00:19:40,560 gotten lost in the shuffle or never made it across a border 317 00:19:40,710 --> 00:19:44,460 because of mean people or you know, like this you a piece. 318 00:19:44,490 --> 00:19:49,680 It's important, but it's even for me, like this is not the 319 00:19:49,680 --> 00:19:53,400 front burner of the topics of what's happening in the world 320 00:19:53,400 --> 00:19:57,390 today. But I think man, it should be close to being 321 00:19:57,390 --> 00:20:00,000 switched out with something else because the current 322 00:20:00,000 --> 00:20:03,060 conversation, we just had a very interesting conversation on 323 00:20:03,060 --> 00:20:06,060 Michael's channel about drone technology, and how there's a 324 00:20:06,060 --> 00:20:12,270 huge hole in security when it comes to simple drone systems 325 00:20:12,300 --> 00:20:18,960 that can be swarm together and carry small payloads. Like, 326 00:20:19,200 --> 00:20:22,680 that's a very easy terrorist attack to coordinate that's on 327 00:20:22,680 --> 00:20:26,700 the same level of 911. And we hear this coming out of 328 00:20:26,700 --> 00:20:30,240 Elizondo. And Mellon, I say it's a it's a two part thing. They're 329 00:20:30,240 --> 00:20:33,510 trying to D stigmatize it. So maybe they can get a control of 330 00:20:33,510 --> 00:20:36,300 this drone issue. And then the double side of that is like, 331 00:20:36,300 --> 00:20:39,270 Well, hey, maybe we can also get some answers to this UAP thing 332 00:20:39,270 --> 00:20:42,810 that's insanely interesting. Yes, it is. It is. There's, 333 00:20:42,930 --> 00:20:45,270 there's so much paperwork, there's so much history that 334 00:20:45,270 --> 00:20:48,510 goes into what the hell's going on with this UAP man like 335 00:20:48,510 --> 00:20:50,940 there's gotta be something here. But especially when you get 336 00:20:51,090 --> 00:20:54,840 Elizondo, his emails being erased that you know, that folks 337 00:20:54,840 --> 00:20:58,680 like you were able to, to make public and make people aware of, 338 00:20:58,950 --> 00:21:02,220 like, these are all wonderful, progressive things. And I think 339 00:21:02,820 --> 00:21:06,840 it's it's like the marijuana discussion in 1994. Nobody would 340 00:21:06,840 --> 00:21:09,600 touch it with a template foot pole legally, especially if you 341 00:21:09,600 --> 00:21:13,530 were a senator or a congressman, today, it's almost a legalized 342 00:21:13,530 --> 00:21:16,200 substance. I mean, we're we're having the conversation. I mean, 343 00:21:16,230 --> 00:21:20,520 the president just denied it, which is crazy. But next 344 00:21:20,520 --> 00:21:23,580 president, I don't think Well, I mean, like, we're, it's gonna be 345 00:21:23,610 --> 00:21:29,160 a pretty much like beer in the United States. So those things 346 00:21:29,160 --> 00:21:33,060 don't happen unless, unless we talk about it unless we put the 347 00:21:33,060 --> 00:21:36,570 pressure unless we call unless we write and we have the ability 348 00:21:36,570 --> 00:21:40,620 to tweet at them. There's so many great tools to get in touch 349 00:21:40,620 --> 00:21:44,850 with these folks. And now that it you know, the thing that gets 350 00:21:44,850 --> 00:21:47,790 me excited about the big phone home, too, is if we've got 351 00:21:47,790 --> 00:21:50,190 10,000 people in the stream, which is what we had on the 352 00:21:50,190 --> 00:21:53,250 first one, and I think we're gonna exceed it. But let's just 353 00:21:53,250 --> 00:21:56,190 say we have 10,000. And I can get half of those people 354 00:21:56,190 --> 00:21:59,640 galvanized to tweet at Marco Rubio all at the same time. 355 00:22:01,200 --> 00:22:04,770 Now you've got some legitimate political power. Maybe we get 356 00:22:04,800 --> 00:22:08,100 Marco Rubio on the show, and we could talk to him for 15 or 20 357 00:22:08,100 --> 00:22:11,760 minutes about this topic, and express to him, the bipartisan 358 00:22:11,760 --> 00:22:14,670 pneus of it, like why it's a bipartisan issue and why 359 00:22:14,670 --> 00:22:17,580 government needs to do this, because government's got a trust 360 00:22:17,580 --> 00:22:21,420 issue right now, a big trust issue. And it's like every 361 00:22:21,420 --> 00:22:23,970 veteran that comes on the show has a trust with its own 362 00:22:23,970 --> 00:22:27,510 government. You know, every scientist, every journalist, 363 00:22:27,510 --> 00:22:30,660 every everyone who comes on the show, doesn't trust the 364 00:22:30,660 --> 00:22:34,380 government. Why? You have to start being like the mirror 365 00:22:34,380 --> 00:22:36,900 government. I know. It's not just one entity, there's many 366 00:22:36,900 --> 00:22:39,960 nuances and moving parts to the government. I'm not trying to 367 00:22:39,960 --> 00:22:44,040 just paint a brush here. But why don't people trust our 368 00:22:44,040 --> 00:22:44,520 government? 369 00:22:45,690 --> 00:22:49,110 John Greenewald: Well, decade's worth of lies, right one. But 370 00:22:49,140 --> 00:22:51,630 Michael, let me let me ask you, and I'll put you in the 371 00:22:51,630 --> 00:22:54,450 spotlight right now. Because, you know, Luis, you could tell 372 00:22:54,450 --> 00:22:58,800 the passion behind it and the intent for real results. Let's 373 00:22:58,800 --> 00:23:03,540 just pretend we blasted Marco Rubio, you got him on the show, 374 00:23:03,810 --> 00:23:07,410 you had 10 minutes with them to ask whatever you want, or tell 375 00:23:07,410 --> 00:23:10,320 him whatever you want. What would you ask him? Or what would 376 00:23:10,320 --> 00:23:10,740 you tell them? 377 00:23:11,970 --> 00:23:13,950 Michael Mataluni: Well, I mean, number one, I don't think he's 378 00:23:13,950 --> 00:23:17,100 going to share anything classified. So I would certainly 379 00:23:17,100 --> 00:23:20,670 push to get information beyond what we already know from Rubio. 380 00:23:20,670 --> 00:23:23,280 I mean, one of the things that he talks about very specifically 381 00:23:23,280 --> 00:23:26,490 and consistently is, we need to look at these things from the 382 00:23:26,490 --> 00:23:29,310 threat narrative perspective. And I think that's the only way 383 00:23:29,310 --> 00:23:33,270 you get the government even looking at this. And what he 384 00:23:33,270 --> 00:23:37,950 talks about is what he's been reporting on, which is the 385 00:23:37,980 --> 00:23:45,570 nuclear issues. UAE, UAE or UAE, turning off nuclear, you know, 386 00:23:45,600 --> 00:23:48,600 nuclear systems. And that is something truly extraordinary 387 00:23:48,600 --> 00:23:52,020 that we have to make sure that we get a handle on whether it's 388 00:23:52,080 --> 00:23:55,590 a purely UAP or you a V, we don't know. You know, again, 389 00:23:55,590 --> 00:23:58,680 Luis just mentioned this, we had somebody, David Hambling from 390 00:23:58,680 --> 00:24:01,260 Forbes magazine, and Popular Mechanics. He's a writer, and he 391 00:24:01,260 --> 00:24:03,930 was just on our show a couple minutes ago. And one of the 392 00:24:03,930 --> 00:24:06,840 things he was talking about was the threat of domestic terrorism 393 00:24:06,840 --> 00:24:11,490 with with UAE drones, etc. So that's something that we have to 394 00:24:11,520 --> 00:24:15,750 we need to manage and get our get our hands around. But when 395 00:24:15,750 --> 00:24:21,030 it comes to UAP, the reason that so many folks are fascinated by 396 00:24:21,030 --> 00:24:26,040 this topic. You know, what I want to know is what they know. 397 00:24:26,040 --> 00:24:29,040 And I think the biggest problem is I don't think Marco Rubio 398 00:24:29,040 --> 00:24:33,450 knows very much. But what I would push for Marco Rubio to do 399 00:24:33,450 --> 00:24:36,000 is push for congressional hearings, I would want him to 400 00:24:36,000 --> 00:24:40,560 know that there is a grassroots movement of people out there who 401 00:24:40,560 --> 00:24:44,760 are willing to lift you know, raise their fist, pick up their 402 00:24:44,760 --> 00:24:49,050 telephones and write to their senators that so he knows and 403 00:24:49,080 --> 00:24:53,100 others like him know that we're serious and we're demanding 404 00:24:53,130 --> 00:24:56,790 answers. It's not enough to placate us. It's not enough to 405 00:24:56,820 --> 00:24:59,970 obfuscate. It's not enough to tell us we've got everything 406 00:25:00,000 --> 00:25:04,440 under control, you need to develop or redevelop trust. And 407 00:25:04,440 --> 00:25:08,790 I know it sounds naive. But the goal here is to improve the 408 00:25:08,790 --> 00:25:13,590 relationship between the United States public and our governing 409 00:25:13,620 --> 00:25:17,400 our federal government, and it is at an all time low. And if 410 00:25:17,400 --> 00:25:20,340 this is the issue that can actually bring people together 411 00:25:20,370 --> 00:25:24,540 and build trust between the people and their government 412 00:25:24,540 --> 00:25:27,750 again, then hell, let's do it. Let's push for it. And maybe we 413 00:25:27,750 --> 00:25:31,260 can get some other things done. along the way. I think, you 414 00:25:31,260 --> 00:25:34,860 know, I think it's an extraordinary opportunity for us 415 00:25:34,860 --> 00:25:39,180 to be heard. And even though there are only 10,000 people who 416 00:25:39,210 --> 00:25:41,640 listened to the first big phone number were that on the first 417 00:25:41,640 --> 00:25:46,170 day of home from live, you know, our goal is to get more but even 418 00:25:46,170 --> 00:25:49,140 then, you know, I can't prove this. But we had anecdotal 419 00:25:49,140 --> 00:25:51,510 evidence, we had people come back who were connected to the 420 00:25:51,510 --> 00:25:54,240 Pentagon saying, What the hell are these guys doing? This is 421 00:25:54,240 --> 00:25:58,830 not cool. And so if we can get their attention with 10,000 422 00:25:58,830 --> 00:26:01,230 people, what can we do at 20? What can we do with 50? What can 423 00:26:01,230 --> 00:26:04,950 we do with 100,000 people across the spectrum, not just UFO 424 00:26:04,950 --> 00:26:08,190 Twitter, that's the most important thing. There are other 425 00:26:08,220 --> 00:26:11,670 real threats that need to be identified, that have to do with 426 00:26:11,670 --> 00:26:15,720 everyone, every single person United States has it has a role 427 00:26:15,720 --> 00:26:19,650 to play here has it can be impacted by this phenomenon. And 428 00:26:19,650 --> 00:26:24,870 we need to get ourselves together galvanized to create a 429 00:26:24,870 --> 00:26:27,630 movement that gets the transparency that we're looking 430 00:26:27,630 --> 00:26:31,140 for. And again, I don't have any vested interest in the outcome. 431 00:26:31,170 --> 00:26:33,780 All I have is a vested interest in the truth. 432 00:26:34,440 --> 00:26:37,830 John Greenewald: And kudos to you for that mindset. You guys 433 00:26:37,860 --> 00:26:40,800 brought up a couple times, and I agree with you the threat. 434 00:26:41,760 --> 00:26:45,780 potential is what resonates in Washington, whether people like 435 00:26:45,780 --> 00:26:48,570 it or not, right, it's the T word that that a lot of people 436 00:26:48,570 --> 00:26:52,500 don't want to talk about. But I truly feel that the threat 437 00:26:52,500 --> 00:26:56,040 potential here, backed by evidence and decade's worth of 438 00:26:56,040 --> 00:26:59,250 declassified documents is there to show whatever this phenomena 439 00:26:59,250 --> 00:27:02,940 is that is being covered up what it is, I don't know, I wouldn't 440 00:27:02,940 --> 00:27:05,970 bet my house on any going theory, but I want to stick with 441 00:27:05,970 --> 00:27:09,570 the threat thing for a second. When you guys do the big phone 442 00:27:09,570 --> 00:27:11,610 home or when you're doing the shows, and when you're reaching 443 00:27:11,610 --> 00:27:15,240 out and getting people excited about this. Why do you think 444 00:27:15,240 --> 00:27:20,250 that there is an apprehension with some people to that threat 445 00:27:20,250 --> 00:27:23,340 potential. It's like if you say the T word. There's a lot of 446 00:27:23,340 --> 00:27:26,700 people that push back into whoa, wait, you can't go there. Or 447 00:27:26,820 --> 00:27:29,940 whoa, wait, it's a big conspiracy because well, maillet 448 00:27:29,940 --> 00:27:33,030 pushing it Elizondo is pushing it. Well, they're right to push 449 00:27:33,030 --> 00:27:36,030 it because it's true. But and that's one thing I've never 450 00:27:36,030 --> 00:27:39,810 harped on him for I've harped on him a lot for things. But that's 451 00:27:39,810 --> 00:27:43,710 one thing I've always been very much in line with. But for you 452 00:27:43,710 --> 00:27:48,120 guys, you know, with with the intention of what you have, is 453 00:27:48,120 --> 00:27:50,640 that something that we should ignore? Is it something we 454 00:27:50,640 --> 00:27:54,090 should spotlight or why do you think that every apprehension is 455 00:27:54,090 --> 00:27:55,890 there? And if one of you can answer 456 00:27:55,950 --> 00:27:57,600 Michael Mataluni: Yeah, well, let me let me real quick, and 457 00:27:57,600 --> 00:27:59,370 then I'll turn it over to you, Louise, because I have I have 458 00:27:59,400 --> 00:28:02,100 something to say about this. So specifically, I think one of the 459 00:28:02,130 --> 00:28:06,840 one of the problems with the threat narrative when it comes 460 00:28:06,840 --> 00:28:12,300 to folks who don't necessarily all none of us really know what 461 00:28:12,300 --> 00:28:16,770 this is, right? We don't know if there's an actual threat. Or it 462 00:28:16,770 --> 00:28:19,740 when you talk about the diamond into the roof view. ap is right, 463 00:28:19,740 --> 00:28:24,120 the the Dietrich and Fraser incident the Nimitz incident 464 00:28:24,120 --> 00:28:26,970 with the Tic Tac none of us know what that is, whether it's a 465 00:28:26,970 --> 00:28:30,450 threat or not. And I think there's a certain danger in 466 00:28:30,450 --> 00:28:32,580 saying and pointing to something like that and saying it's a 467 00:28:32,580 --> 00:28:36,480 threat, because it could make people afraid for literally no 468 00:28:36,480 --> 00:28:42,000 reason. Now, when it comes to drones and UHV. Absolutely, 469 00:28:42,000 --> 00:28:45,240 there's a potential threat and we should absolutely be talking 470 00:28:45,240 --> 00:28:47,340 about it. But I think it's important to distinguish those 471 00:28:47,340 --> 00:28:50,550 things. And I think there's a huge disconnect with people's 472 00:28:50,550 --> 00:28:54,450 ability to distinguish the phenomenon because we put it 473 00:28:54,450 --> 00:28:58,080 under one umbrella. And it's not, it's absolutely not we have 474 00:28:58,080 --> 00:29:02,160 real threats that are terrestrial that are coming from 475 00:29:02,160 --> 00:29:06,360 other countries and potentially could be harmful. We have 476 00:29:06,420 --> 00:29:10,770 unknown phenomenon like the what happened off the Nimitz that we 477 00:29:10,770 --> 00:29:15,000 just can't explain, and potentially many, many others. 478 00:29:15,120 --> 00:29:18,840 So I think it's dangerous to blanket it all under a single 479 00:29:18,840 --> 00:29:22,530 umbrella, and point to the threat narrative. But I think 480 00:29:22,560 --> 00:29:26,580 it's very important for us to be comfortable talking about the 481 00:29:26,580 --> 00:29:30,060 threat narrative when it comes to actual threats, like drone 482 00:29:30,060 --> 00:29:34,680 technology swarming and things that can offer a payload that 483 00:29:34,680 --> 00:29:38,370 are very easy to hide, and very easy to maneuver. 484 00:29:38,879 --> 00:29:40,409 John Greenewald: I just saw a headline the other day that the 485 00:29:40,409 --> 00:29:44,819 Air Force is experimenting with like mosquito sized drones, 486 00:29:45,659 --> 00:29:49,139 something to that effect, and I laughed because there's a CIA 487 00:29:49,139 --> 00:29:52,379 program that I just filmed a television series about it'll 488 00:29:52,379 --> 00:29:55,589 air I can't actually I shouldn't say the network, but it'll air 489 00:29:55,589 --> 00:29:57,899 on a major cable network. I'll announce it when I can. But 490 00:29:58,049 --> 00:30:01,979 regardless, we dealt with a CIA drone from like the 1960s. That 491 00:30:01,979 --> 00:30:05,129 was the size of a mosquito. Right? What was funny or a 492 00:30:05,129 --> 00:30:08,039 dragon fly? Excuse me. So what was funny was that they're 493 00:30:08,039 --> 00:30:10,649 profiling this thing in the mainstream media now with the 494 00:30:10,649 --> 00:30:13,109 Air Force. And it's like, well, wait a minute, guys, where have 495 00:30:13,109 --> 00:30:15,989 you been like they've had this stuff for decades and decades. 496 00:30:16,199 --> 00:30:19,139 So anyway, I always get a kick out of that, but the threat and 497 00:30:19,139 --> 00:30:23,399 I also punch the word potential, and connect it to threat because 498 00:30:23,399 --> 00:30:25,469 we don't know. And you're absolutely right. We shouldn't 499 00:30:25,469 --> 00:30:28,919 just blanket it. Luis, though. Let me bounce it to you. Do you 500 00:30:28,919 --> 00:30:33,329 think that that threat potential, that threat narrative 501 00:30:33,329 --> 00:30:36,299 that has been really kind of prevalent through the message of 502 00:30:36,299 --> 00:30:40,019 Luis Elizondo, and Christopher Mellon, and that entire push? Do 503 00:30:40,019 --> 00:30:42,929 you think that that is ultimately what resonated in 504 00:30:42,929 --> 00:30:44,369 Washington more than all else? 505 00:30:44,460 --> 00:30:47,760 Luis Jimenez: Definitely. And I'll tell you why I here's my 506 00:30:47,760 --> 00:30:50,820 theory on it is since the day I was born, which is August 507 00:30:50,820 --> 00:30:56,310 4 1980. So I'm 41 years old, I have not known this country to 508 00:30:56,310 --> 00:31:02,160 not have a threat. When I was really small, it was rocky 509 00:31:02,160 --> 00:31:06,840 versus Drago, you know, it was Russia and the United States, 510 00:31:06,870 --> 00:31:09,840 then the Berlin Wall fell, and we had no one to fight all of a 511 00:31:09,840 --> 00:31:13,590 sudden Saddam Hussein shows up. And even though we gave Saddam 512 00:31:13,590 --> 00:31:16,920 Hussein gas to, you know, and weapons to kill his own people, 513 00:31:16,920 --> 00:31:20,970 and we, we propped them up millions of different ways. We 514 00:31:20,970 --> 00:31:24,510 created Saddam Hussein, essentially. But now he's a 515 00:31:24,510 --> 00:31:31,080 threat. And so now we're in the first Gulf War. That was five, 516 00:31:31,080 --> 00:31:37,350 six years, then we had 911. And now it was terrorism is a 517 00:31:37,350 --> 00:31:40,890 threat. And Saddam Hussein is a threat and Afghanistan is a 518 00:31:40,890 --> 00:31:44,400 threat. And now I've been we've been at war since I've been 21 519 00:31:44,400 --> 00:31:49,620 years old, half my life an active military campaign that 520 00:31:49,620 --> 00:31:54,630 has cost this country trillions of dollars and millions of lives 521 00:31:54,660 --> 00:32:01,290 if you consider the other side. It angers me, it boils my blood 522 00:32:01,380 --> 00:32:05,400 when they paint the word threat on things it really really does. 523 00:32:05,400 --> 00:32:08,910 I don't have a good taste for it in my mouth, being the age that 524 00:32:08,910 --> 00:32:11,850 I am because every time they sell me a threat, that means 525 00:32:11,850 --> 00:32:15,330 they're trying to get a new something started it's usually a 526 00:32:15,330 --> 00:32:19,680 war of full fledged war. So when I heard threat for the first 527 00:32:19,680 --> 00:32:25,050 time I really hated it. hated it. Stepping back now seeing 528 00:32:25,050 --> 00:32:30,750 where things are. I understand why they did it. Because it 529 00:32:30,810 --> 00:32:35,640 immediately got some fires under the asses of some really 530 00:32:35,640 --> 00:32:38,970 important people that got the ball rolling that got the 531 00:32:38,970 --> 00:32:42,600 funding for a tip they got Lou Elizondo his position that got 532 00:32:42,600 --> 00:32:45,690 the videos that we got, you know, and and then we revealed 533 00:32:45,690 --> 00:32:47,970 that we've got this now UFO secret program that's been there 534 00:32:47,970 --> 00:32:57,330 for we think at least what 1012 years john maybe longer. Um it's 535 00:32:57,330 --> 00:33:03,930 funny of the change name of the program, from a tip to the UAP 536 00:33:03,930 --> 00:33:09,870 Task Force. I think they know that that word is a trigger for 537 00:33:09,870 --> 00:33:17,850 a lot of my generation. And they were wise to take it out. Um, 538 00:33:17,910 --> 00:33:22,560 that's my theory on it. But I understand why they did it. I 539 00:33:22,560 --> 00:33:26,880 don't think it's Is it a part of the big phone home discussion? 540 00:33:26,880 --> 00:33:31,860 It's a great question. I we never mentioned once the word 541 00:33:31,860 --> 00:33:36,150 threat in the first big phone home. It might come up in this 542 00:33:36,150 --> 00:33:38,700 one just because I think drones are going to be a big part of 543 00:33:38,700 --> 00:33:41,520 the discussion this we did the for the big phone home before 544 00:33:41,520 --> 00:33:44,580 the first Tyler rogue away article. That's how I went rogue 545 00:33:44,580 --> 00:33:48,810 away or that article opened my eyes to an issue that I had no 546 00:33:48,810 --> 00:33:52,740 clue about. Yeah, and I don't think most Americans have one 547 00:33:52,740 --> 00:33:57,090 iota of clue. And I think that article and and David Favre and 548 00:33:57,090 --> 00:34:00,510 Alex Dietrich, especially coming out on 60 minutes, adding layers 549 00:34:00,510 --> 00:34:07,230 and nuance to this story. And perspective was wonderful. But 550 00:34:07,800 --> 00:34:11,430 yeah, I think it'll be brought up. I think it's an important 551 00:34:11,430 --> 00:34:15,300 part to discuss, but I don't want to paint this phenomenon 552 00:34:15,330 --> 00:34:20,070 with a threat. If it was a threat, we would know. He would 553 00:34:20,070 --> 00:34:23,430 know like this would have been over a long time ago just 554 00:34:23,430 --> 00:34:29,070 redirect in any big rockin space to just plop boom done. No, no 555 00:34:29,070 --> 00:34:34,410 human issue. No, no, you know, Art of War where, you know, 556 00:34:34,500 --> 00:34:37,770 humans dig in like ticks and they becomes too expensive for 557 00:34:37,770 --> 00:34:40,290 the aliens to stay here because it's just the too much of a pain 558 00:34:40,290 --> 00:34:43,680 and they can end it all tomorrow, man. If they're real, 559 00:34:43,710 --> 00:34:48,090 if they're actually here, if that's what's happening. But 560 00:34:49,020 --> 00:34:52,140 yeah, I don't like painting. Something that we haven't 561 00:34:52,140 --> 00:34:56,880 interacted with yet. The enemy. Do you think that's a wise move? 562 00:34:56,940 --> 00:35:01,110 John Greenewald: You say that the threat narrative potential 563 00:35:01,110 --> 00:35:03,390 resonated the most in Washington. I don't disagree 564 00:35:03,390 --> 00:35:06,900 with that. What do you think resonates the most with the 565 00:35:06,900 --> 00:35:13,320 general public that will help motivate them to get in involved 566 00:35:13,320 --> 00:35:14,310 with the big phone home? 567 00:35:14,520 --> 00:35:18,660 Luis Jimenez: curiosity? curiosity? I think curiosity is 568 00:35:18,690 --> 00:35:21,900 the number one thing. And here's the golden opportunity that our 569 00:35:21,900 --> 00:35:24,960 government has. I mean, we talk about this all the time, man. 570 00:35:26,190 --> 00:35:29,160 I'm not interested in the process. I don't care how you 571 00:35:29,160 --> 00:35:32,580 collected the data. I just want to see the data. I just want to 572 00:35:32,580 --> 00:35:36,780 see it. I want to be able to go Hey, make West explain this. And 573 00:35:36,780 --> 00:35:41,610 him go. I can't. That's what I want to see. I want to see Neil 574 00:35:41,610 --> 00:35:47,010 deGrasse Tyson go, Oh, and I want to see his brain melt on 575 00:35:47,010 --> 00:35:50,430 CNN when they give him something that he can't explain. And I 576 00:35:50,430 --> 00:35:53,880 want to see the paradigm shift. That's what I want. Like, I 577 00:35:53,880 --> 00:35:57,630 don't care how we get to the to the end result. I really don't 578 00:35:57,630 --> 00:36:00,960 maybe in 30 years, we fight we finally get, you know, the full 579 00:36:00,960 --> 00:36:06,180 video or the full whatever. But um, yeah, I think it's 580 00:36:06,180 --> 00:36:09,870 curiosity, man. I think it's, it's people want to know, and 581 00:36:09,870 --> 00:36:12,270 they and again, the government has a golden opportunity if they 582 00:36:12,270 --> 00:36:15,300 give us just a little bit, a little bit of truth on this. 583 00:36:16,020 --> 00:36:22,590 Okay, just a little bit. It buys so much credit and runway for 584 00:36:22,590 --> 00:36:26,880 the government to approve pretty much whatever you want. Like you 585 00:36:26,880 --> 00:36:31,350 give us truth on UAP. I will let you I will let you open any 586 00:36:31,350 --> 00:36:34,830 program you want government, okay, you why you you wanna you 587 00:36:34,830 --> 00:36:38,130 want, I don't care. I don't care, dude. Just give me some 588 00:36:38,130 --> 00:36:40,920 truth. And I think they're starting to realize that I 589 00:36:40,920 --> 00:36:45,390 really do like, these analytics experts in our government aren't 590 00:36:45,390 --> 00:36:48,510 stupid man. They listen to our phone calls, they look at our 591 00:36:48,510 --> 00:36:51,540 emails, they look at our traffic, our web traffic and 592 00:36:51,540 --> 00:36:54,720 things that we look at. They know they can see how excited 593 00:36:54,720 --> 00:36:58,740 people get 160 Minutes interview drops, or, you know, the New 594 00:36:58,740 --> 00:37:02,010 Yorker puts out an article or Leslie Kane drops of knowledge 595 00:37:02,010 --> 00:37:05,040 like she does. People get excited. And they and they and 596 00:37:05,040 --> 00:37:07,560 they The first thing they do john, they look to the 597 00:37:07,560 --> 00:37:11,130 government for more What else you got, man? Like what else he 598 00:37:11,130 --> 00:37:15,330 like, it's dry. What else do you got? You know, and that's who we 599 00:37:15,330 --> 00:37:18,210 are with a lap dogs, man, we're sitting here we're looking up at 600 00:37:18,210 --> 00:37:21,600 a table and we're waiting for any scrap to fall on the floor. 601 00:37:21,600 --> 00:37:25,890 So we can just gobble it up. And the government knows this. And 602 00:37:25,890 --> 00:37:28,890 if they want more money for whatever toys they want to play 603 00:37:28,890 --> 00:37:33,510 with, just give us a little more truth. Anything, anything once a 604 00:37:33,510 --> 00:37:37,230 year, though, and give it to us in a serious way. Give it to us 605 00:37:37,230 --> 00:37:40,830 and a congressional format, you know, a hearings format, give it 606 00:37:40,830 --> 00:37:42,900 to us when we get the title, you know, I would love to see 607 00:37:42,900 --> 00:37:45,630 congressional hearings, what I'd like to see if we can get it 608 00:37:46,140 --> 00:37:49,800 like military day with like flavor and Dietrich come and 609 00:37:49,800 --> 00:37:53,520 tell Congress their story, then you'd get scientists you know, 610 00:37:53,940 --> 00:37:56,820 to come in and and and scientists who actually got to 611 00:37:56,820 --> 00:38:00,150 look at the data, okay, and then tell their version of what 612 00:38:00,150 --> 00:38:02,820 they're looking at. So then now we got a scientific perspective, 613 00:38:02,820 --> 00:38:06,300 and then we got this. And then you can bring in whoever the 614 00:38:06,300 --> 00:38:09,360 hell you want after that doesn't really matter to me. But I think 615 00:38:09,360 --> 00:38:12,270 it's got to be something short, concise, to the point. So 616 00:38:12,270 --> 00:38:15,090 congressmen can say, Okay, cool. We done here, because I gotta go 617 00:38:15,090 --> 00:38:17,430 back to my office and make some phone calls because I got money 618 00:38:17,430 --> 00:38:21,660 to raise, because that's 70% of my job. You know? So like, 619 00:38:21,870 --> 00:38:24,840 that's, I think it's curiosity. Man, curiosity is the thing 620 00:38:24,840 --> 00:38:26,940 that's going to drive people to pick up the phone, send an 621 00:38:26,940 --> 00:38:31,200 email, because people are curious on both sides. Doesn't 622 00:38:31,200 --> 00:38:34,470 matter, Republican, Democrat, independent? You're curious man. 623 00:38:35,340 --> 00:38:38,160 John Greenewald: Michael, do you agree curiosity will resonate 624 00:38:38,160 --> 00:38:40,440 the most with the public? Is there anything else? And how 625 00:38:40,440 --> 00:38:43,560 would you reach those that are maybe on the fence, my my 626 00:38:43,560 --> 00:38:46,350 channel, I love the audience that I have, because there's a 627 00:38:46,350 --> 00:38:48,570 lot of people that are going to be right there. And they're 628 00:38:48,570 --> 00:38:52,050 going to call for you. And and I know that for a fact. But what's 629 00:38:52,050 --> 00:38:54,510 also great about the audience that I know, that I built here 630 00:38:54,510 --> 00:38:57,270 on YouTube, is that there's some that aren't sure, and that they 631 00:38:57,270 --> 00:38:59,520 may not pick up the phone because, you know, they're not 632 00:38:59,520 --> 00:39:04,260 as passionate as me or you, or Luis or whomever that's ready to 633 00:39:04,260 --> 00:39:07,950 just go. How would you reach them? What would you say to 634 00:39:07,950 --> 00:39:11,700 those that that are kind of curious. But they're they're not 635 00:39:11,700 --> 00:39:14,310 sure what the motivation is to pick up the phone? What would 636 00:39:14,310 --> 00:39:19,830 you tell them? That's such an amazing question. No pressure. 637 00:39:19,980 --> 00:39:22,980 Yeah, no worries. No. Your project hinges on your answer. 638 00:39:24,750 --> 00:39:27,390 Do we get normies to call Congress for more? Yeah, 639 00:39:27,420 --> 00:39:30,210 Michael Mataluni: I mean, I'm not I I actually do think the 640 00:39:30,210 --> 00:39:36,540 threat narrative works for that. Is it ideal? No. Do I think that 641 00:39:36,540 --> 00:39:39,510 we should be pushing the threat narrative when it comes to this 642 00:39:39,510 --> 00:39:42,630 idea of extraterrestrial intelligence? Absolutely not. I 643 00:39:42,630 --> 00:39:44,970 don't, because I don't think it's the fact I think it's a I 644 00:39:44,970 --> 00:39:49,050 think it's a silly argument. But there are a lot of actual 645 00:39:49,050 --> 00:39:52,290 threats. There are a lot of real threats about thing from things 646 00:39:52,290 --> 00:39:56,400 that are flying in the sky by unknowns. And those are threats 647 00:39:56,400 --> 00:40:00,540 that we should be pushing. So when you have people Who are 648 00:40:00,540 --> 00:40:05,310 still on the fence about this? And you know, go listen, go 649 00:40:05,310 --> 00:40:07,350 listen right now to the singularity lab, the show we 650 00:40:07,350 --> 00:40:12,420 just did with David Hambling, who is sharing what he knows he 651 00:40:12,420 --> 00:40:16,770 wrote a book called drone swarms. how tiny has small 652 00:40:16,770 --> 00:40:21,690 drones will take over the world? This is a real phenomenon. That 653 00:40:21,720 --> 00:40:25,920 is without question. Right. I do believe there are other 654 00:40:25,920 --> 00:40:29,700 phenomenon that we can't explain with drones. But I think 655 00:40:29,700 --> 00:40:32,580 curiosity drives people for that. I don't think it drives 656 00:40:32,610 --> 00:40:37,470 people who don't believe in in, you know, potential Extra 657 00:40:37,470 --> 00:40:40,140 Terrestrial cover ups. I think the thing that's going to drive 658 00:40:40,140 --> 00:40:44,640 those people is the threat narrative surrounding drones. 659 00:40:44,670 --> 00:40:48,630 And what's what's coming? Because it is very real. It is 660 00:40:48,660 --> 00:40:52,500 it is it Luis and I like after the show, we're just sitting 661 00:40:52,500 --> 00:40:54,840 here to scratching our heads, like almost speechless going, 662 00:40:55,500 --> 00:41:01,560 Oh, my God, I can't I don't even I'm so shocked and shook by what 663 00:41:01,560 --> 00:41:05,190 we just talked about, and listened to and heard. Luckily, 664 00:41:05,190 --> 00:41:08,100 we have a very fun show. So we laugh a lot at ourselves, but we 665 00:41:08,100 --> 00:41:11,940 take the subject matter very seriously. But it's scary. And 666 00:41:11,940 --> 00:41:16,680 there are real things out there that are that are very present 667 00:41:16,680 --> 00:41:20,550 and very terrestrial, that we need transparency on from the 668 00:41:20,550 --> 00:41:23,100 government as well. So I believe we have two camps here, I 669 00:41:23,100 --> 00:41:27,750 believe we have the UFO UAP camp, who significantly believes 670 00:41:27,750 --> 00:41:30,090 that there is something very real either extraterrestrial 671 00:41:30,090 --> 00:41:33,570 interdimensional that is here, or maybe breakaway civilization, 672 00:41:33,600 --> 00:41:36,900 future humans with whichever hypothesis you want to put your 673 00:41:37,440 --> 00:41:42,600 finger on or you know, pick. And I think that is a very real 674 00:41:42,630 --> 00:41:45,210 possibility that we should be aware of. But in addition to 675 00:41:45,210 --> 00:41:51,000 that, there's this incredibly real technological, terrestrial 676 00:41:51,000 --> 00:41:55,020 problem that we're facing. And so I think you get the rest of 677 00:41:55,020 --> 00:41:58,260 the people who have no interest in UFOs, or think the silly 678 00:41:58,260 --> 00:42:01,560 topic. Those are, that's how you get those people. And I think 679 00:42:01,560 --> 00:42:02,400 you got to do both. 680 00:42:03,540 --> 00:42:06,060 John Greenewald: Michael sticking with you, do you and 681 00:42:06,060 --> 00:42:08,820 this is going towards personal beliefs. So you guys may not 682 00:42:08,820 --> 00:42:10,290 want to answer which is okay. I 683 00:42:10,290 --> 00:42:11,700 Michael Mataluni: love to speculate on my personal 684 00:42:11,700 --> 00:42:14,970 beliefs. But please know that I will be speculating and using my 685 00:42:14,970 --> 00:42:16,440 personal beliefs. So go ahead, 686 00:42:16,590 --> 00:42:19,590 John Greenewald: go. No, that's a good No. Good caveat. So when 687 00:42:19,590 --> 00:42:22,980 it comes to the objective here on I know, you said that you 688 00:42:22,980 --> 00:42:27,180 don't have any expectations. So with that being said, when it 689 00:42:27,180 --> 00:42:31,920 comes to the phenomena itself, when it comes to the true root 690 00:42:32,310 --> 00:42:36,270 of whatever this cover up, is covering up, whatever we may 691 00:42:36,300 --> 00:42:39,060 ultimately get in a public hearing. I have my doubts about 692 00:42:39,060 --> 00:42:42,780 that. If it's anything close to a extraterrestrial connected 693 00:42:42,780 --> 00:42:45,120 anything, I don't think that would be in a public hearing. 694 00:42:45,360 --> 00:42:48,450 But regardless on a personal level. And Michael, we'll start 695 00:42:48,450 --> 00:42:52,410 with you. And then Luis, I'll bring in Do you feel that at the 696 00:42:52,410 --> 00:42:55,590 heart of this, there is a portion that is connected to 697 00:42:55,590 --> 00:42:57,420 extraterrestrials? Are you convinced? 698 00:42:59,670 --> 00:43:04,110 Michael Mataluni: I'm not absolutely convinced? No. I do 699 00:43:04,140 --> 00:43:09,450 believe it's very possible. And my mind is wide open. You know, 700 00:43:09,450 --> 00:43:11,970 it's like the old adage, don't you know, keep your mind open. 701 00:43:11,970 --> 00:43:16,200 But delay brains fall out. That's where I'm at. The Tic Tac 702 00:43:16,230 --> 00:43:20,850 is a flavors incident like that. That's still to me. That's 703 00:43:20,850 --> 00:43:24,240 that's the most astounding. And maybe it's something we don't 704 00:43:24,240 --> 00:43:29,400 understand at all. Right? So yeah, you know, we just watched 705 00:43:29,400 --> 00:43:33,000 the Mirage men, we just reviewed it for our show the other on 706 00:43:33,000 --> 00:43:36,780 Wednesday on UCR. Check that out, guys. But one of the things 707 00:43:36,780 --> 00:43:40,170 that, you know, that show or that documentary really pointed 708 00:43:40,170 --> 00:43:44,520 out was the government's ability to obfuscate and you know, the 709 00:43:44,520 --> 00:43:50,520 potential for them, allowing this alien threat narrative to 710 00:43:50,520 --> 00:43:58,680 cover secret projects, secret technology. So when you look at 711 00:43:58,680 --> 00:44:02,400 it from that context, I don't think it's healthy to be certain 712 00:44:02,400 --> 00:44:05,340 in any particular way, because you could be wrong, and you 713 00:44:05,340 --> 00:44:07,860 don't wanna be putting all your eggs in one basket, that can be 714 00:44:07,860 --> 00:44:09,390 devastating for you. But we always talked about this in the 715 00:44:09,390 --> 00:44:12,840 show don't, it's so important not to invest your entire 716 00:44:12,870 --> 00:44:19,290 identity on an outcome. Because that leaves you vulnerable to 717 00:44:20,070 --> 00:44:23,490 bias. It leaves you vulnerable to irrationality, it leaves you 718 00:44:23,490 --> 00:44:27,360 vulnerable to depression, when you link your entire identity to 719 00:44:27,360 --> 00:44:31,230 an outcome, so it's dangerous. That's why I don't do that. Do I 720 00:44:31,230 --> 00:44:34,020 believe it's very possible there is an extra terrestrial cover. I 721 00:44:34,020 --> 00:44:38,850 still do. Do I believe that? It's a mix between the two? 722 00:44:39,120 --> 00:44:45,210 Sure. It could it be 99%. us tech and this threat narrative 723 00:44:45,210 --> 00:44:48,840 and obfuscation and point 01 percent Extra Terrestrial could 724 00:44:48,840 --> 00:44:51,330 be? I don't know, I don't have the answer to that question. But 725 00:44:51,330 --> 00:44:54,030 what I do know is we need transparency. We need it from 726 00:44:54,030 --> 00:44:57,840 the government. And we did it now and it doesn't matter what I 727 00:44:57,840 --> 00:44:58,440 believe. 728 00:44:58,770 --> 00:45:01,200 John Greenewald: Yeah. Well, that But no, but it does, you 729 00:45:01,200 --> 00:45:03,900 know, because I always love to get into people's passions and 730 00:45:03,900 --> 00:45:06,750 why they do what they do. And Louise, I'm pulling you in next. 731 00:45:06,750 --> 00:45:09,210 But really quickly on what you said a moment ago, I've tweeted 732 00:45:09,240 --> 00:45:13,470 a couple times about this and posted it on social media, I'm 733 00:45:13,470 --> 00:45:17,070 just saying tweet, because whatever. But regardless on 734 00:45:17,070 --> 00:45:20,100 social media, and even in a couple radio shows that I've 735 00:45:20,100 --> 00:45:26,010 done, talking about the value, the absolute hardcore value to 736 00:45:26,010 --> 00:45:29,760 the counter intelligence world, inside the intelligence 737 00:45:29,760 --> 00:45:34,080 community, when it comes to uaps is absolute gold, it is massive, 738 00:45:34,080 --> 00:45:37,800 the value is massive. Because regardless of if there is a 739 00:45:37,800 --> 00:45:40,920 small percentage, medium percentage, whatever connected 740 00:45:40,920 --> 00:45:45,120 to extraterrestrials, let's just say, regardless, that can all be 741 00:45:45,120 --> 00:45:49,710 used, even if it's 0%. That extra terrestrial connection, 742 00:45:49,710 --> 00:45:54,030 the idea yeah, can be used. And I don't want to go off on a 743 00:45:54,030 --> 00:45:56,610 tangent, I'll make another video and not take your gentleman's 744 00:45:56,610 --> 00:46:00,630 time away of bantering about it. But I did want to make a comment 745 00:46:00,630 --> 00:46:04,230 that you're you nailed it, because there is such a counter 746 00:46:04,230 --> 00:46:08,130 intelligence value to this entire debate, whatever the 747 00:46:08,130 --> 00:46:13,590 conclusion is, the CIA effort that has to be done to really 748 00:46:13,590 --> 00:46:19,860 talk about obfuscated ops god I'm getting Thank you. Drake. 749 00:46:19,860 --> 00:46:20,310 Every time 750 00:46:20,310 --> 00:46:24,090 Luis Jimenez: Michael says it, because he said about 14. Just 751 00:46:24,090 --> 00:46:28,620 today, yeah. He's it's his. It's his big dollar. Where did my 752 00:46:28,620 --> 00:46:29,490 last week here? 753 00:46:30,690 --> 00:46:33,180 John Greenewald: What's funny, yeah, anyway, but to muddy the 754 00:46:33,180 --> 00:46:36,360 waters, we'll just make it easier. But but for them to do 755 00:46:36,360 --> 00:46:39,180 that. They don't have to do a whole lot of effort, you know. 756 00:46:39,180 --> 00:46:42,540 And so easy thing is how the public plays a role, how the 757 00:46:42,540 --> 00:46:45,660 mainstream media plays a role, all in this counter intelligence 758 00:46:45,660 --> 00:46:48,690 effort, which doesn't take a whole lot of time, or energy. 759 00:46:48,690 --> 00:46:49,950 But anyway, yeah, well, 760 00:46:49,980 --> 00:46:51,810 Michael Mataluni: I just want to say, yeah, there's one thing I 761 00:46:51,810 --> 00:46:53,730 want to say about that, because we got in this whole big 762 00:46:53,760 --> 00:46:57,630 Twitter, beef today over of over this very issue, because we 763 00:46:57,630 --> 00:47:01,440 were, we were we had just watched Mirage men or I had just 764 00:47:01,440 --> 00:47:03,600 watched Mirage for the first time. And we were reviewing it 765 00:47:03,600 --> 00:47:06,960 on the unidentified celebrity view on Wednesday. And we were 766 00:47:06,960 --> 00:47:08,730 talking about Richard doty. And then we're talking about 767 00:47:08,730 --> 00:47:11,640 counterintelligence. And then we brought up Lou Elizondo, and we 768 00:47:11,640 --> 00:47:14,580 were just talking these things through, and some people got 769 00:47:14,580 --> 00:47:18,300 very upset that we were talking about it not giving, you know, 770 00:47:18,300 --> 00:47:21,300 Lou an opportunity to back up so even we did we didn't accuse Lou 771 00:47:21,300 --> 00:47:23,880 of anything. We didn't say we were having the conversation, I 772 00:47:23,880 --> 00:47:28,140 think it's important conversation to have. But, you 773 00:47:28,140 --> 00:47:31,530 know, the idea was, Well, why don't you Why don't you ask Lou 774 00:47:31,530 --> 00:47:35,550 if he's a disinformation agent? And I'm like, dude, do you hear 775 00:47:35,550 --> 00:47:36,030 yourself? 776 00:47:36,750 --> 00:47:38,520 John Greenewald: Yeah, he'll come out and say it. Like, what? 777 00:47:39,299 --> 00:47:41,069 Michael Mataluni: What What do you even mean by that? Like, 778 00:47:41,069 --> 00:47:43,319 that doesn't make any sense. Absolutely give somebody a 779 00:47:43,319 --> 00:47:45,569 chance to defend themselves, give them a chance to tell them 780 00:47:45,629 --> 00:47:48,029 about their background, bring him on, we do those things. 781 00:47:48,479 --> 00:47:51,149 Right. We have Luan all the time, and we're happy to have 782 00:47:51,149 --> 00:47:53,849 him back. And we appreciate and respect blue. And I don't think 783 00:47:53,849 --> 00:47:57,089 he's a different information agent. But I don't know. Right? 784 00:47:57,119 --> 00:48:00,839 I don't have that information. I can't prove that. But when you 785 00:48:00,839 --> 00:48:02,969 have something, you know, when you the idea of ask a 786 00:48:02,969 --> 00:48:05,999 disinformation agent, if they're a distributor, it's just it's so 787 00:48:05,999 --> 00:48:07,769 mind boggling. You know, 788 00:48:08,100 --> 00:48:10,320 John Greenewald: I there's a an Luis, I want to bring you in. 789 00:48:10,320 --> 00:48:14,460 But there is a apprehension by a portion of those involved in 790 00:48:14,460 --> 00:48:17,310 this conversation, whether it be on UFO, Twitter, or other social 791 00:48:17,310 --> 00:48:20,730 media, whatever, that if you do say anything that may seem 792 00:48:20,760 --> 00:48:24,840 remotely either insulting or insinuating something, you don't 793 00:48:24,840 --> 00:48:28,230 come after unity, you know, and what we have to remember, and 794 00:48:28,230 --> 00:48:30,030 this will get me in trouble. I'll get hate mail from this. 795 00:48:30,270 --> 00:48:33,240 But we have to remember and I like Lou as well. He's a counter 796 00:48:33,240 --> 00:48:36,930 intelligence guy at his core. And that's by his own word. And 797 00:48:36,930 --> 00:48:39,630 when you look at the debate that we're having, and Michael, 798 00:48:39,630 --> 00:48:42,660 you've said it a couple times about drones and that threat. 799 00:48:43,350 --> 00:48:46,020 That's exactly what Luis Elizondo put on the paper to 800 00:48:46,020 --> 00:48:49,410 describe the FLIR, the gimbal and the go fast. And even though 801 00:48:49,410 --> 00:48:52,110 I've asked him about that, that's not anything I'm saying 802 00:48:52,110 --> 00:48:55,980 behind his back. I asked him on my channel here in my interview, 803 00:48:56,610 --> 00:49:00,030 I'm with respect to him. I am not sold on the answer that I 804 00:49:00,030 --> 00:49:05,370 got. But regardless, there is another onionskin layer to all 805 00:49:05,370 --> 00:49:08,730 of this. And when I talk about that, that that ci value that 806 00:49:08,730 --> 00:49:12,150 counter intelligence value to all of this, to know that the 807 00:49:12,150 --> 00:49:14,910 guy in the Pentagon was counter intelligence that was heading 808 00:49:14,910 --> 00:49:17,910 this effort, if that's what he was doing. There's something to 809 00:49:17,910 --> 00:49:20,700 that, whether or not it's anything nefarious, I'm not 810 00:49:20,700 --> 00:49:24,900 insinuating that. It's something to absolutely, keep in mind. So 811 00:49:24,900 --> 00:49:27,720 Louise, let me come back to you to what we were talking about 812 00:49:28,380 --> 00:49:31,590 before and we kind of got a little bit sidetracked. So 813 00:49:31,590 --> 00:49:35,010 whichever, in that conversation that you want to comment on, by 814 00:49:35,010 --> 00:49:38,940 all means the floor is yours. Um, well, I guess the first 815 00:49:38,940 --> 00:49:43,260 question was, you know, do I have a belief system? Well, if 816 00:49:43,260 --> 00:49:46,440 you want to go there, so yeah, what I had asked was do you have 817 00:49:46,440 --> 00:49:48,930 pty? qurum on a personal level, 818 00:49:49,020 --> 00:49:51,270 Luis Jimenez: on a personal level, on a personal level, I've 819 00:49:51,270 --> 00:49:56,550 had a sighting. And so I always it's very hard for me to 820 00:49:56,550 --> 00:49:59,850 compartmentalize that, but I still try and do it as best I 821 00:49:59,850 --> 00:50:03,630 can. Even though I had a sighting, it was very close. It 822 00:50:03,630 --> 00:50:07,500 was life changing. I wasn't the only one who saw it. I had 1520 823 00:50:07,500 --> 00:50:12,750 people that saw with me as well, adults as well. Okay. Um, I 824 00:50:12,750 --> 00:50:15,120 still don't know, what I was looking at could have been 825 00:50:15,120 --> 00:50:19,920 military could have been a multitude of things. And not 826 00:50:19,920 --> 00:50:22,890 only that, it's just at this point, it's a 37 year old 827 00:50:22,890 --> 00:50:29,220 memory, it's or not 3627 28 year old memory. It happened a long 828 00:50:29,220 --> 00:50:33,690 time ago. So I can't, I can't put my flag in the ground and 829 00:50:33,690 --> 00:50:36,960 go, they're real. They're here. I've seen them. And I know, 830 00:50:37,230 --> 00:50:42,480 like, it's absurd for me to do that. But I have a pretty good 831 00:50:42,480 --> 00:50:47,100 idea. I think, you know, like, at least I believe, but I can 832 00:50:47,100 --> 00:50:54,360 never, here's the thing. This is my, my standard, right is, can I 833 00:50:54,360 --> 00:50:59,520 put this in front of a senator and convince them to look into 834 00:50:59,520 --> 00:51:04,080 this more to make this part of their daily routine? And if the 835 00:51:04,080 --> 00:51:08,700 answer's no, then I kick it to the curb. And that's what I got 836 00:51:08,700 --> 00:51:14,880 to do with my own personal beliefs and bias and, and so I'm 837 00:51:14,880 --> 00:51:18,720 gonna go with Michael, I don't know. Like, I don't know, I 838 00:51:18,720 --> 00:51:24,600 can't, I can't give you a solid answer. 100% I lean, you know, 839 00:51:24,630 --> 00:51:28,890 toward an extra terrestrial possibility. But there's no 840 00:51:28,890 --> 00:51:31,830 smoking gun. There's no evidence even though I have my own 841 00:51:31,830 --> 00:51:34,860 sighting, but I didn't see aliens. And even if I did see 842 00:51:34,860 --> 00:51:38,040 beings, how do I know? They're aliens? How do I know? They're 843 00:51:38,040 --> 00:51:41,670 from another planet? How don't like Sean Cahill told me he's 844 00:51:41,670 --> 00:51:43,860 like, how does anybody know anything? The only way you know 845 00:51:43,860 --> 00:51:46,740 is if you can follow the back to where they came from. And nobody 846 00:51:46,740 --> 00:51:50,070 has done that. Nobody's followed them back to where they came 847 00:51:50,070 --> 00:51:54,870 from. So nobody knows. Nobody has a clue. So I'm open for it 848 00:51:54,870 --> 00:51:58,530 to be anything. Um, and then what was the second thing that 849 00:51:58,530 --> 00:52:00,720 we touched on there that we sort of went on? 850 00:52:02,340 --> 00:52:04,800 John Greenewald: Yeah, well, the disinformation. 851 00:52:05,460 --> 00:52:06,780 Luis Jimenez: I mean, well, that's why I brought Lou 852 00:52:06,780 --> 00:52:09,990 Elizondo data on my show, because I want to hear from his 853 00:52:09,990 --> 00:52:12,270 father, which is a great episode, by the way, know what I 854 00:52:12,270 --> 00:52:14,940 mean? I want to hear from his dad, because I want to know what 855 00:52:14,940 --> 00:52:17,370 kind of man he raised. And we're gonna do that version of the 856 00:52:17,370 --> 00:52:21,000 show again soon, hopefully. Because it's very hard to get 857 00:52:21,030 --> 00:52:28,320 lose dad, to where Lou lives, and vice versa. So it's, um, it 858 00:52:28,320 --> 00:52:31,380 was an enlightening episode, because we got a picture into 859 00:52:31,380 --> 00:52:35,730 how this man was raised, and what his father believes about 860 00:52:35,730 --> 00:52:42,510 this, this mission that he's on, you know, most of the show was 861 00:52:42,510 --> 00:52:45,060 just learning about Cuba learning about Lou's upbringing, 862 00:52:45,060 --> 00:52:49,560 how he was raised, who his mother specifically and how he 863 00:52:49,560 --> 00:52:53,280 was influenced by his mom and how proud his father is of the 864 00:52:53,280 --> 00:52:57,390 man that he's become. are we calling is that is this 865 00:52:57,390 --> 00:53:01,230 information agent now to where we're gonna go? You know, like 866 00:53:01,230 --> 00:53:04,290 if he was such a disinformation agent, why would he do why would 867 00:53:04,290 --> 00:53:08,040 he put his family member on camera for us like that? I think 868 00:53:08,040 --> 00:53:12,120 there's a genuineness to him. I believe Lou, and the reason why 869 00:53:12,120 --> 00:53:15,690 I'm gonna go ahead and believe him is because he hasn't shown 870 00:53:15,690 --> 00:53:20,520 me yet that he's a liar. There's nothing that we've caught him on 871 00:53:20,520 --> 00:53:26,250 and go whoa, wait a second guy. What is this? You know, it's not 872 00:53:26,250 --> 00:53:30,000 like a Steven Greer, or even a Bible is are when we look at the 873 00:53:30,000 --> 00:53:32,880 story. We go, Wow, man, there's a lot of holes here. There's a 874 00:53:32,880 --> 00:53:35,490 lot of holes in Lou Elizondo story. But there's also a lot of 875 00:53:35,490 --> 00:53:38,490 credibility. And there's a lot of things he can't talk about. 876 00:53:38,730 --> 00:53:42,240 And there's a lot of things that he obfuscates right 877 00:53:42,270 --> 00:53:44,100 John Greenewald: there, rewinding word of the day, 878 00:53:45,570 --> 00:53:48,660 Luis Jimenez: right. But I'm gonna give him the benefit of 879 00:53:48,660 --> 00:53:52,740 the doubt, because the man has shown me as best he can, with 880 00:53:52,740 --> 00:53:57,030 every request that I give him, that he's trying to be honest 881 00:53:57,030 --> 00:54:00,030 and open and forward with you. So I'm gonna give the man the 882 00:54:00,030 --> 00:54:02,610 benefit of the doubt and say, I think he's being honest with me, 883 00:54:02,610 --> 00:54:06,810 even with his military background, even with all of the 884 00:54:06,810 --> 00:54:10,500 things I think he may have gotten into, because if this is 885 00:54:10,500 --> 00:54:15,210 a guy that interviewed and got information from terrorists at 886 00:54:15,210 --> 00:54:18,900 Guantanamo Bay, now if we know anything about Guantanamo Bay, 887 00:54:18,900 --> 00:54:23,760 the first thing that clicks in my brain waterboarding, illegal 888 00:54:23,760 --> 00:54:30,330 prison, you know, these are things that Castro did. Like I 889 00:54:30,330 --> 00:54:36,450 cannot fathom a Cuban immigrant who fought whose fathers fought 890 00:54:36,450 --> 00:54:41,040 in a revolution would go to a prison to torture somebody for 891 00:54:41,040 --> 00:54:44,820 information. It's very difficult for me to believe that or even 892 00:54:44,820 --> 00:54:51,900 think that way. I've got so much respect for this guy. And but we 893 00:54:51,900 --> 00:54:56,820 have to ask these questions. Like we have to be have the room 894 00:54:56,820 --> 00:55:01,350 to say, you know what, maybe Louis tell The truth, but maybe 895 00:55:01,350 --> 00:55:06,210 he was pushed to tell that truth. You know, maybe he was 896 00:55:06,390 --> 00:55:10,890 coerced into telling that truth. And maybe this is the, the line 897 00:55:10,920 --> 00:55:14,520 that the Gov the God wants out there. because like you said, 898 00:55:14,520 --> 00:55:20,010 john, it's an invaluable distraction to do a multitude of 899 00:55:20,010 --> 00:55:23,370 other things. Everybody's yelling and screaming about UFOs 900 00:55:23,490 --> 00:55:25,920 they can secretly tell the airforce Hey, get your shit 901 00:55:25,920 --> 00:55:28,380 together because this drone pumps gonna be it's gonna be a 902 00:55:28,380 --> 00:55:32,250 problem. Get your shit together right now. And they're secretly 903 00:55:32,250 --> 00:55:35,280 putting all of their resources into trying to figure out this 904 00:55:35,280 --> 00:55:39,360 drone issue. And, and they're they're, they're distracting 905 00:55:39,360 --> 00:55:43,440 everybody with the UFO puppet, you know, and maybe lose them. I 906 00:55:43,440 --> 00:55:48,810 don't think Lou knowingly is doing that. But a wouldn't shock 907 00:55:48,810 --> 00:55:53,460 me if he was pushed. And being used in that way without him 908 00:55:53,460 --> 00:55:53,940 knowing. 909 00:55:54,540 --> 00:55:58,800 John Greenewald: I was. I was gonna make a joke a couple 910 00:55:58,800 --> 00:56:02,340 minutes ago that his dad that you had on his show was actually 911 00:56:02,340 --> 00:56:07,590 a former CIA retired. But you made it all serious. And I was 912 00:56:07,590 --> 00:56:11,790 like, I can't don't do that joke. And I'm just glad it's a 913 00:56:11,790 --> 00:56:15,240 joke as if it's true. What a baby he was he nothing has ever 914 00:56:15,240 --> 00:56:16,470 wanted seem so you never 915 00:56:16,470 --> 00:56:18,780 Luis Jimenez: know meetings never know. He was having 916 00:56:18,780 --> 00:56:22,800 meetings with US government officials and planning to go 917 00:56:22,830 --> 00:56:26,730 back to Cuba and attack Cuba. He was talking to the CIA, without 918 00:56:26,730 --> 00:56:30,210 a doubt his father. So he has those roots. He has those 919 00:56:30,210 --> 00:56:34,500 intelligence routes. I just I based off of the conversations 920 00:56:34,500 --> 00:56:38,310 that I've had. I don't feel that those are the men that I was 921 00:56:38,310 --> 00:56:40,650 presented with short, right. You know if that makes sense. 922 00:56:40,680 --> 00:56:43,020 John Greenewald: Yeah, no, no, absolutely. And that that leads 923 00:56:43,020 --> 00:56:47,550 into if you guys are okay with five, 510 more minutes, and I 924 00:56:47,880 --> 00:56:51,090 won't put you in a house that dark time is all your time. 925 00:56:51,120 --> 00:56:54,450 Right. Appreciate that. And even though that light hearted 926 00:56:54,450 --> 00:56:57,960 comment on my side, kind of leads into a very serious one, 927 00:56:57,960 --> 00:57:01,410 which I'd love to get both of your reactions to and Luis, 928 00:57:01,410 --> 00:57:04,560 we'll start with you. Let me preface it by saying I want 929 00:57:04,560 --> 00:57:07,410 everybody who's watching this video right now to take part in 930 00:57:07,410 --> 00:57:11,520 the big phone home to write. So let me say that up front. I 931 00:57:11,520 --> 00:57:14,670 think it is a awesome effort. That's why I wanted to bring you 932 00:57:14,670 --> 00:57:18,720 guys on and make sure that I encourage everybody to do it. 933 00:57:19,200 --> 00:57:22,170 But the reason why I wanted to say that for this particular 934 00:57:22,170 --> 00:57:25,620 question is I don't want to deter anybody. But it's a very 935 00:57:25,620 --> 00:57:29,370 important question that I'd like your reactions to. And that is 936 00:57:29,370 --> 00:57:32,970 for decades upon decades with ample evidence there is a cover 937 00:57:32,970 --> 00:57:36,000 up here with cover up of what who knows, but a cover up right? 938 00:57:36,000 --> 00:57:40,770 We can all comfortably say that with evidence that is 939 00:57:40,770 --> 00:57:43,830 orchestrated by the government by the intelligence community. 940 00:57:43,860 --> 00:57:48,060 It's one big gigantic house that's doing this. We are now 941 00:57:48,060 --> 00:57:51,600 demanding answers from that big gigantic house that has misled 942 00:57:51,600 --> 00:57:55,740 us for decades upon decades upon decades. So Luis, I'll start 943 00:57:55,740 --> 00:58:00,390 with you. If they were to come out with something, whether it 944 00:58:00,390 --> 00:58:03,810 be there's nothing to the topic, we looked into it, it's 945 00:58:04,380 --> 00:58:08,190 classified tech or whatever they want to say? Or if they say, 946 00:58:08,190 --> 00:58:09,960 look, there's really something to this, we're going to be 947 00:58:09,960 --> 00:58:13,920 investigating this for decades to come. Regardless of what that 948 00:58:13,920 --> 00:58:16,110 answer is, how can we trust it? 949 00:58:17,400 --> 00:58:21,420 Luis Jimenez: We can't. We can't. That's why we need 950 00:58:21,420 --> 00:58:25,170 bequests. That's why we need john Greenwald. You know, like 951 00:58:25,170 --> 00:58:27,900 that's why we need to have the conversations and think of every 952 00:58:27,900 --> 00:58:30,900 single angle of this information that's coming our way. That's 953 00:58:30,900 --> 00:58:33,780 why we need to dissect every video dissect every paper 954 00:58:33,780 --> 00:58:38,280 dissect everything as much as we can. You know, I rely a lot on 955 00:58:38,310 --> 00:58:41,100 the great investigators out there. You know, we do shows 956 00:58:41,100 --> 00:58:43,710 about a days a week, we can't we have full time jobs as well. 957 00:58:44,460 --> 00:58:47,070 This is not it, we'd love to make it one day where we can sit 958 00:58:47,070 --> 00:58:52,590 here and read. But you know, files and papers and and do like 959 00:58:52,590 --> 00:58:56,460 actual research, but which is a commentary show. You know, we 960 00:58:56,460 --> 00:59:00,270 hear the news, we talk about it, we discuss it, we figure out 961 00:59:00,270 --> 00:59:03,630 ways how can we use it to maybe take it to a senator, it gets 962 00:59:03,630 --> 00:59:07,020 some more data, but we can never trust it. But that's what we 963 00:59:07,020 --> 00:59:10,290 have. That's what we have right now. And I think part of getting 964 00:59:10,290 --> 00:59:13,770 the conversation going getting congressional hearings, and 965 00:59:13,770 --> 00:59:18,300 getting say a ua PTF report every single year is we could 966 00:59:18,300 --> 00:59:22,170 also start to lobby Congress to start giving some scientific 967 00:59:22,170 --> 00:59:27,420 grants public grants, so we can give Harvard more money we can 968 00:59:27,420 --> 00:59:34,590 give the you know, the ace, the GALILEO produkter No, I was 969 00:59:34,590 --> 00:59:38,430 gonna well, SETI, you know, Seth shostack, I don't think is on 970 00:59:38,430 --> 00:59:41,520 the level of what we wanted to really look at. But I was 971 00:59:41,520 --> 00:59:46,560 thinking of the SEO right now. So institutions of learning or 972 00:59:46,560 --> 00:59:52,110 institutions were higher level thinkers, PhDs, philosophers are 973 00:59:52,110 --> 00:59:55,410 coming together and give them the grants instead of giving a 974 00:59:55,410 --> 00:59:59,430 $20 million grant to a tip. Let's give a $20 million grant 975 00:59:59,430 --> 01:00:03,300 to the SEC. You, and let's start collecting this data ourselves. 976 01:00:03,360 --> 01:00:07,110 So that way, we don't have to rely on the government. But what 977 01:00:07,110 --> 01:00:10,980 would be cool. And I think, again, another golden 978 01:00:10,980 --> 01:00:14,970 opportunity for our government, and lawmakers to really think 979 01:00:14,970 --> 01:00:19,770 about and contemplate is, hey, we can give Harvard this you say 980 01:00:19,770 --> 01:00:25,350 $100 million grant to study this for the next four years. Um, 981 01:00:25,380 --> 01:00:29,550 they get the instruments, they get all everything set up. And 982 01:00:30,420 --> 01:00:35,040 they collect data, and whatever data they collect every year, 983 01:00:35,340 --> 01:00:39,660 the government and Harvard could come together and compare notes 984 01:00:39,900 --> 01:00:43,200 and say, Okay, here's where the data conflicts, here's where it 985 01:00:43,200 --> 01:00:47,670 meets, let's let's present this to the public. And then let's 986 01:00:47,670 --> 01:00:50,070 see where they want to go from there. Or let's see where the 987 01:00:50,070 --> 01:00:54,030 data takes us really is where it should go from there. But this 988 01:00:54,030 --> 01:00:57,510 idea that hey, look, we're willing to collect the data 989 01:00:57,510 --> 01:01:02,700 ourselves if you give us the the opportunity and the budget to do 990 01:01:02,700 --> 01:01:06,390 so. And then we'll also at the same time, we'll give you guys 991 01:01:06,390 --> 01:01:12,390 the budget to because we think that the the UA PTF, I 992 01:01:12,390 --> 01:01:15,270 personally would love for them to have $100 million budget 993 01:01:15,330 --> 01:01:20,190 every year, every year, give them a big budget. But with that 994 01:01:20,190 --> 01:01:25,050 budget, we want a report either every six months or every year 995 01:01:25,050 --> 01:01:29,310 at the very least. And we just want some transparency, we want 996 01:01:29,310 --> 01:01:32,370 an open discussion, we want scientists to be able to safely 997 01:01:32,370 --> 01:01:36,330 talk about this. The The goal of this is to D stigmatize 998 01:01:36,750 --> 01:01:39,780 congressional hearings are great, but really it's to D 999 01:01:39,780 --> 01:01:43,650 stigmatize the conversation for everybody. So we can start 1000 01:01:43,650 --> 01:01:48,060 moving forward on what solutions can we actually start talking 1001 01:01:48,060 --> 01:01:51,930 about like, we we need to scientifically measure these 1002 01:01:51,930 --> 01:01:57,570 things we need to have 50 you know, 500, more Avi loves would 1003 01:01:57,570 --> 01:02:01,650 be great. You know, we need more than one we we need Avi low res 1004 01:02:01,650 --> 01:02:05,130 what it might go last night, Jacqueline 11 5 million, which 1005 01:02:05,130 --> 01:02:09,540 is first ranty. 2 million almost straight, that dude needs at 90 1006 01:02:09,540 --> 01:02:13,710 million to launch the kind of study he wants, he needs more 1007 01:02:13,710 --> 01:02:16,230 money. And so that's where I think the government comes in, 1008 01:02:16,530 --> 01:02:19,290 just as long as there's no strings attached to that money 1009 01:02:19,290 --> 01:02:22,230 other than, hey, just compare the data you guys get to keep 1010 01:02:22,230 --> 01:02:25,620 it, it's yours. So public, anybody could come and open 1011 01:02:25,620 --> 01:02:29,220 source it and look at it and share it. But just bring it to 1012 01:02:29,220 --> 01:02:31,890 this meeting with us. And let's compare notes. And let's see 1013 01:02:31,890 --> 01:02:33,840 what we could pull from the government. Let's see if there's 1014 01:02:33,840 --> 01:02:37,800 any other data points, or videos or radar tracking or anything 1015 01:02:37,800 --> 01:02:40,080 that we can say, Oh, look at this, check this out public 1016 01:02:40,080 --> 01:02:43,020 level we got from them, you know, and now it's no longer 1017 01:02:43,440 --> 01:02:49,410 please, please give us please, government please. Like, just 1018 01:02:49,440 --> 01:02:51,750 give us the tools to be successful. And let us do the 1019 01:02:51,750 --> 01:02:53,070 work for you. That's all. 1020 01:02:53,819 --> 01:02:55,889 John Greenewald: Sadly, I think it would be a matter of time, if 1021 01:02:55,889 --> 01:02:58,649 some of those government funds went to a private corporation or 1022 01:02:58,649 --> 01:03:01,349 scientists for the conspiracy theories to start. I'm not 1023 01:03:01,349 --> 01:03:04,829 saying that I would, I would want to accentuate them. But I'm 1024 01:03:04,829 --> 01:03:08,309 saying that is the you know, the sad part of part of this is 1025 01:03:08,489 --> 01:03:12,419 anytime even just the money of government going into anything 1026 01:03:12,419 --> 01:03:16,799 or funding something on a public or private level, like a 1027 01:03:16,799 --> 01:03:20,879 Harvard, you know, comes with, with baggage, sadly. So Michael, 1028 01:03:21,089 --> 01:03:24,479 one of the last questions here, then the same to you, how do we 1029 01:03:24,479 --> 01:03:29,009 trust? If if we get those hearings, or we get more reports 1030 01:03:29,009 --> 01:03:33,239 or whatever it may be? How do we feel comfortable to say Okay, 1031 01:03:33,239 --> 01:03:35,639 now we're starting to see the truth? 1032 01:03:37,050 --> 01:03:39,330 Michael Mataluni: That's such a great question. And the answer 1033 01:03:39,330 --> 01:03:42,810 is and I'm going to piggyback on a couple things Louis said here 1034 01:03:42,810 --> 01:03:44,700 cuz I think they're really important and worth 1035 01:03:44,730 --> 01:03:49,050 accentuating. Number one is we don't write we can't trust the 1036 01:03:49,050 --> 01:03:51,450 government, we know that it's and then we can ask the 1037 01:03:51,450 --> 01:03:53,400 government if we can trust them. And they'll tell us Yes. And 1038 01:03:53,400 --> 01:03:56,850 we'll know the answer's no. So what we've got to do is exactly 1039 01:03:56,850 --> 01:03:59,640 what Avi Lowe is doing exactly what Luis is talking about. Now, 1040 01:03:59,640 --> 01:04:03,900 I would argue that I would. And this is Abby lobes argument he 1041 01:04:03,900 --> 01:04:06,870 argues that he doesn't want to even to look at the government 1042 01:04:06,870 --> 01:04:11,340 data because he wants to be free. He wants the freedom to 1043 01:04:11,340 --> 01:04:14,160 look wherever he wants to look, he wants to freedom not to 1044 01:04:14,160 --> 01:04:17,280 report back to them. He wants the freedom to gather the data 1045 01:04:17,280 --> 01:04:20,190 and report it as he sees fit. And I completely agree with 1046 01:04:20,190 --> 01:04:25,200 that. I wish the government was trustworthy enough for us to 1047 01:04:25,230 --> 01:04:28,440 partner with them in this but I think you have to completely 1048 01:04:29,550 --> 01:04:34,230 pull this out of the military industrial complex for us to get 1049 01:04:34,260 --> 01:04:39,660 the actual truth. You know, and whatever that is, and I believe 1050 01:04:40,170 --> 01:04:43,740 Abby and I talked about this several months ago on the 1051 01:04:43,740 --> 01:04:49,140 debrief, actually. And we were talking about how science so 1052 01:04:49,140 --> 01:04:52,440 often a scientist will come up with a hypothesis in academia, 1053 01:04:52,440 --> 01:04:57,030 they'll test it, the wait for peer review, and eventually the 1054 01:04:57,030 --> 01:04:59,460 public might see that data everything that's a mistake, he 1055 01:04:59,460 --> 01:05:02,370 thinks process of science should be transparent. He thinks the 1056 01:05:02,370 --> 01:05:06,000 data should be reported throughout, regardless of what 1057 01:05:06,000 --> 01:05:08,460 the results are just put it out there and make sure it's 1058 01:05:08,460 --> 01:05:10,410 transparent. And I think that's what he's going to do with the 1059 01:05:10,410 --> 01:05:12,450 GALILEO project. I hope that's what he's going to do with the 1060 01:05:12,450 --> 01:05:15,600 GALILEO project, because it sounded like he was sincere 1061 01:05:15,600 --> 01:05:19,560 about that when we spoke about this almost a year ago. So I 1062 01:05:19,560 --> 01:05:23,130 think that's the key. It's, we can't trust the government. But 1063 01:05:23,160 --> 01:05:25,980 the reason that we're doing the big phone home too, and the 1064 01:05:25,980 --> 01:05:29,280 reason we'll continue to do the big phone home, it's a game of 1065 01:05:29,280 --> 01:05:32,640 chess, we're looking to D stigmatize this topic. And if 1066 01:05:32,640 --> 01:05:35,910 you can have public congressional hearings, with 1067 01:05:35,910 --> 01:05:38,610 this topic, I don't expect anything from the government 1068 01:05:38,610 --> 01:05:42,960 from these hearings. What I hope and believe it will do is it 1069 01:05:42,960 --> 01:05:47,670 will impress upon the majority of people in this country that 1070 01:05:47,670 --> 01:05:50,250 this is a serious topic that should be taken seriously. Once 1071 01:05:50,250 --> 01:05:54,090 we have that, then we can get your money, Abbi, because that's 1072 01:05:54,120 --> 01:05:58,050 the key here. public approval, public opinion, public support. 1073 01:05:58,260 --> 01:06:02,130 Luis brought up marijuana earlier, marijuana took me 20 1074 01:06:02,130 --> 01:06:06,000 years, 25 years to get legalized when and what happened? And why? 1075 01:06:06,120 --> 01:06:09,630 Because of public support. So the big fan only 1076 01:06:09,630 --> 01:06:13,020 Luis Jimenez: that money, like they saw how much my state saw 1077 01:06:13,020 --> 01:06:17,250 how much money was in it. And it's, yes, there's a lot of 1078 01:06:17,250 --> 01:06:18,600 money in studying this, I think. 1079 01:06:19,140 --> 01:06:20,580 Michael Mataluni: I don't know, I don't know, we can have that 1080 01:06:20,610 --> 01:06:25,020 we can have that debate. But and come over to the unidentified 1081 01:06:25,020 --> 01:06:26,670 slavery review and the singularity lab, and you'll hear 1082 01:06:26,670 --> 01:06:30,120 us have these debates. But I think you know, I think the 1083 01:06:30,120 --> 01:06:35,370 bottom line is, we need the big fund home to the goal is to get 1084 01:06:35,400 --> 01:06:38,520 public hearing so that we can de stigmatize this topic in the 1085 01:06:38,520 --> 01:06:42,420 mind of the American people. Once we accomplish that, then we 1086 01:06:42,420 --> 01:06:47,670 continue to focus on things like the GALILEO project with Avi 1087 01:06:47,670 --> 01:06:51,120 Loeb and the SEIU and we start funding those things so that we 1088 01:06:51,120 --> 01:06:55,380 can sidestep the military industrial complex in the USG 1089 01:06:55,650 --> 01:06:58,770 and deliver the data directly to the people and that's the goal 1090 01:06:59,160 --> 01:07:00,120 of the big phone home. 1091 01:07:00,540 --> 01:07:02,910 John Greenewald: Awesome. And Louise, I want to give you the 1092 01:07:02,940 --> 01:07:07,230 last word here, obviously thank you both for your time. But just 1093 01:07:07,230 --> 01:07:11,550 in the closing minute here two minutes. Speak to everybody 1094 01:07:11,550 --> 01:07:16,470 watching what what do you want to say to them as your closing 1095 01:07:16,470 --> 01:07:19,830 words, to motivate them to either pick up the phone or on 1096 01:07:19,830 --> 01:07:24,000 the website they can write an email or letter or send a tweet 1097 01:07:25,380 --> 01:07:29,580 you know what what is it that you would say to them and the 1098 01:07:29,580 --> 01:07:30,180 floor is yours. 1099 01:07:32,160 --> 01:07:34,440 Luis Jimenez: It's looking to maritime you know, it's gut 1100 01:07:34,440 --> 01:07:36,720 check time. If you want more data if you want more 1101 01:07:36,720 --> 01:07:39,810 transparency, if you want more discussion, if you want more 1102 01:07:41,760 --> 01:07:43,650 things like congressional hearings, you want to de 1103 01:07:43,650 --> 01:07:46,440 stigmatize this topic. You want more Alex Dietrich's to come 1104 01:07:46,440 --> 01:07:49,110 out, you want more David framers to come forward, you want more 1105 01:07:49,710 --> 01:07:53,520 witnesses, you want more radar, you want more data. You want 1106 01:07:53,520 --> 01:07:57,510 more science, join us make a phone call, send an email, write 1107 01:07:57,510 --> 01:08:02,130 a tweet, you would be shocked how far it goes. Join us, either 1108 01:08:02,130 --> 01:08:05,640 one or all three days, you know, we're gonna have a focus on the 1109 01:08:05,640 --> 01:08:09,210 first day for amateurs. experiencers the ladies, we're 1110 01:08:09,210 --> 01:08:13,350 gonna have a ladies our Canadian reporters in, I'll be there for 1111 01:08:13,350 --> 01:08:17,250 today, john Greenwald will be there. I'm in the ladies our Oh, 1112 01:08:17,280 --> 01:08:24,210 there you go. That's funny, I like it. And then the second 1113 01:08:24,210 --> 01:08:32,070 day, we were thinking about, you know, journalists, scientists, 1114 01:08:32,100 --> 01:08:35,160 particularly, is what we're going to be focusing on the 1115 01:08:35,160 --> 01:08:38,010 second day, we've got Avi Loeb and the GALILEO members of the 1116 01:08:38,010 --> 01:08:41,460 GALILEO project, we're gonna have rich Hoffman, Simon reached 1117 01:08:41,460 --> 01:08:43,620 out to him but he agreed a while ago, we're gonna have rich 1118 01:08:43,620 --> 01:08:46,860 Hoffman, from the SEO and others, SEIU members, and we're 1119 01:08:46,860 --> 01:08:49,590 gonna focus on science, discussion of the UAP on the 1120 01:08:49,590 --> 01:08:51,840 second day, and then on the third day is going to be 1121 01:08:51,840 --> 01:08:55,290 veterans and current military members. So we're going to try 1122 01:08:55,290 --> 01:08:59,310 and cover all three gamuts of this discussion. So nobody's 1123 01:08:59,310 --> 01:09:02,880 left out. Nobody feels left out in the dark, we're going to have 1124 01:09:02,880 --> 01:09:06,360 fans interact, you're going to be able to call and share with 1125 01:09:06,360 --> 01:09:10,020 us your activism efforts in the last hour of every day. There's 1126 01:09:10,020 --> 01:09:12,420 going to be a lot of ways that we're all going to be able to 1127 01:09:12,420 --> 01:09:15,630 get together and tweet at senators and get their attention 1128 01:09:15,810 --> 01:09:19,260 and your you know, your help you guys can possibly help us get 1129 01:09:19,260 --> 01:09:23,280 guests on and and and put some fire under the feet. You know, 1130 01:09:23,280 --> 01:09:26,970 if I hadn't Senator Rubio in front of me, my question to him 1131 01:09:26,970 --> 01:09:28,560 would be what would congressional hearings look 1132 01:09:28,560 --> 01:09:31,170 like? How do you get the ball rolling on it? Who would you 1133 01:09:31,170 --> 01:09:34,110 talk to first things like that? Like, these aren't questions 1134 01:09:34,110 --> 01:09:37,320 that TMZ are asking, you know, like, these are questions that I 1135 01:09:37,320 --> 01:09:40,440 would like answers to even if he gives me a political flub 1136 01:09:40,440 --> 01:09:44,850 answer, but the only way we do it is if we come together on 1137 01:09:44,850 --> 01:09:51,000 these three days and just try to put in an effort just try and 1138 01:09:51,000 --> 01:09:54,060 and it doesn't have to be a lot I mean this we've got options 1139 01:09:54,060 --> 01:09:58,680 where you can sit down for hours and really dive deep into into 1140 01:09:58,770 --> 01:10:01,770 the contacting representative Or it could take you as little as 1141 01:10:01,770 --> 01:10:04,440 five minutes or two minutes or three minutes, whatever it's 1142 01:10:04,440 --> 01:10:07,740 going to end up being. But But the point is, is if you're 1143 01:10:07,740 --> 01:10:11,850 interested, if you're listening to this conversation, you're 1144 01:10:11,850 --> 01:10:15,390 curious you have to be, it's the only reason you're here. If 1145 01:10:15,390 --> 01:10:19,080 you're curious, pick up the phone with us September 3, or 1146 01:10:19,080 --> 01:10:21,720 fourth, fifth and six. And really, honestly, you could do 1147 01:10:21,720 --> 01:10:25,080 it anytime you want. The big phone home is not a date, it's a 1148 01:10:25,080 --> 01:10:29,970 state of mind. You know, if you want change, you have to, you 1149 01:10:29,970 --> 01:10:33,960 have to ask for it. So I hope that motivates you. 1150 01:10:34,860 --> 01:10:37,770 John Greenewald: That's awesome. It's a very, very well said, and 1151 01:10:37,770 --> 01:10:40,620 to both of you, thank you both very, very much for taking your 1152 01:10:40,620 --> 01:10:44,940 time. I do. I'll repeat it, encourage everybody that's 1153 01:10:44,940 --> 01:10:48,270 watching this take part in the big phone home to September 4, 1154 01:10:48,480 --> 01:10:51,510 fifth, and six, the address is on your screen if you're 1155 01:10:51,510 --> 01:10:54,270 watching on YouTube. And if you're listening on the podcast, 1156 01:10:54,300 --> 01:10:59,760 just go to the big phone home.com. And in the podcast 1157 01:10:59,760 --> 01:11:03,030 description in the YouTube description, there will be links 1158 01:11:03,030 --> 01:11:06,720 to all of Louise's channels, social media, Michael's channel, 1159 01:11:06,720 --> 01:11:10,260 and social media. And I highly recommend these two are a lot of 1160 01:11:10,260 --> 01:11:15,270 fun to be on their side of the interview. So it was a lot of 1161 01:11:15,270 --> 01:11:19,140 fun for me this time to switch roles, I had a fun opportunity 1162 01:11:19,140 --> 01:11:23,880 to be on both of your shows here in the last month or so at 1163 01:11:23,880 --> 01:11:27,390 different times and had a blast, you guys both asked great 1164 01:11:27,390 --> 01:11:30,720 questions, and you have a great balance between having fun and 1165 01:11:30,720 --> 01:11:34,740 asking great questions. So well done to both of you. And I wish 1166 01:11:34,740 --> 01:11:37,650 you all the best with this. And however I can help, definitely 1167 01:11:37,650 --> 01:11:40,920 let me know. So thank you guys. So much. One 1168 01:11:40,920 --> 01:11:42,930 Luis Jimenez: other quick thing, if I'm not sure when you're 1169 01:11:42,930 --> 01:11:45,360 going to post this interview, but if you go to the website, 1170 01:11:45,360 --> 01:11:48,150 and these buttons aren't working, we should have all of 1171 01:11:48,150 --> 01:11:52,260 these buttons and all of these systems in place. By August, I'm 1172 01:11:52,260 --> 01:11:55,800 gonna say just 12 just to give us an extra little bit extra 1173 01:11:55,800 --> 01:11:58,500 buffer. You know, the website right now it's just the 1174 01:11:58,500 --> 01:12:01,590 skeleton. But by the 12th week, all of this stuff should be 1175 01:12:01,590 --> 01:12:04,260 implemented in working maybe even sooner. But again, I'm just 1176 01:12:04,260 --> 01:12:06,750 saying the 12th just to give ourselves a buffer, but the 1177 01:12:06,750 --> 01:12:09,810 websites up just so you guys can get an idea of who's running it 1178 01:12:09,810 --> 01:12:12,540 who's going to be in it's going to be updated constantly. So 1179 01:12:12,540 --> 01:12:14,460 just know that about the website. But if you have any 1180 01:12:14,460 --> 01:12:17,670 questions, don't hesitate to reach out to us either through 1181 01:12:17,850 --> 01:12:22,170 email, which is the big phone home@gmail.com. Or you can reach 1182 01:12:22,170 --> 01:12:25,230 out through us on our show, you can watch our show and chat to 1183 01:12:25,230 --> 01:12:27,750 us there because we're live every single day Monday through 1184 01:12:27,750 --> 01:12:30,900 Friday. So yeah, that's it. Very good. Well, 1185 01:12:30,900 --> 01:12:32,610 John Greenewald: thank you for that. And thank you all for 1186 01:12:32,610 --> 01:12:36,090 listening and watching, we'll make sure that I get again, all 1187 01:12:36,090 --> 01:12:38,100 of your social media links, because I'm sure you would 1188 01:12:38,100 --> 01:12:41,010 encourage them to follow there as well and all of the updates 1189 01:12:41,010 --> 01:12:44,310 when the website changes will be posted there as well. But thank 1190 01:12:44,310 --> 01:12:48,030 you guys a lot for your time today. Thank you so much an 1191 01:12:48,060 --> 01:12:51,360 absolute honor and pleasure to be here. I appreciate that. And 1192 01:12:51,360 --> 01:12:53,700 thank you all for listening and watching. This is John 1193 01:12:53,700 --> 01:12:56,100 Greenewald Jr signing off, and we'll see you next time.