1 00:00:38,580 --> 00:00:41,160 John Greenewald: That's right, everybody, as always, thank you 2 00:00:41,160 --> 00:00:45,630 so much for tuning in and making this your podcast or your live 3 00:00:45,630 --> 00:00:48,900 stream of choice. I'm your host, John Greenewald, Jr, founder and 4 00:00:48,900 --> 00:00:53,910 creator of the Black vault.com. And I am doing this live show, I 5 00:00:53,910 --> 00:00:57,480 didn't really think it was going to get along the way, every time 6 00:00:57,480 --> 00:01:01,770 I do these things, something drastic happens. And of course, 7 00:01:01,860 --> 00:01:05,100 that happened on this one as well. But I think everything has 8 00:01:05,100 --> 00:01:07,020 worked out with the phone systems, we're going to open up 9 00:01:07,020 --> 00:01:09,900 those phone lines in just a little bit. And that is 10 00:01:09,900 --> 00:01:13,800 something that I'm pretty excited about. So before we get 11 00:01:13,800 --> 00:01:17,250 there, though, I want to go through a couple of the updates 12 00:01:17,280 --> 00:01:21,900 that the black vault has posted. It's been about a month, since 13 00:01:21,900 --> 00:01:26,490 we have done a show like this and where I get to update you 14 00:01:26,490 --> 00:01:29,940 guys. And, you know, tell you a little bit about what's going on 15 00:01:29,940 --> 00:01:32,760 on the website, and what kind of documents and so on and so 16 00:01:32,760 --> 00:01:36,480 forth. So as people roll in here, I'm broadcasting these 17 00:01:36,480 --> 00:01:39,840 live shows now, throughout the social media platforms that the 18 00:01:39,840 --> 00:01:43,080 blackball reaches, so primarily is YouTube, if you're not 19 00:01:43,080 --> 00:01:45,900 watching on YouTube, that really is where most of the action 20 00:01:45,900 --> 00:01:50,340 happens, in fact, about 98 99% of the action. So if you're on 21 00:01:50,340 --> 00:01:52,890 Facebook, or Twitter's Periscope, I think they call it 22 00:01:52,890 --> 00:01:55,980 now. Or I thought they didn't call it that anymore, but I 23 00:01:55,980 --> 00:01:58,590 guess they still do. I don't know, I can't keep all of that 24 00:01:58,590 --> 00:02:01,020 straight. But regardless, it's blasting on all of those, 25 00:02:01,200 --> 00:02:05,910 YouTube's chat is pretty much going to be the most hoppin. So 26 00:02:05,910 --> 00:02:08,700 if you don't know how to get there, go to the black vault.com 27 00:02:08,970 --> 00:02:13,260 slash live. And that will bounce you to the YouTube channel. I've 28 00:02:13,260 --> 00:02:17,340 got access, though, to everybody on all the platforms. So I will 29 00:02:17,340 --> 00:02:22,410 be able to see, at least to the best of my ability. Anyway, all 30 00:02:22,410 --> 00:02:24,630 of those comments streaming through, but there's already a 31 00:02:24,630 --> 00:02:27,810 couple 100 people watching. We're just getting underway. So 32 00:02:27,810 --> 00:02:31,200 my guess is if history is going to repeat itself, there's no way 33 00:02:31,200 --> 00:02:34,200 I'm going to be able to watch that chat as we go, I will do my 34 00:02:34,200 --> 00:02:37,860 best. Those on YouTube, super chats are open, those are a 35 00:02:37,860 --> 00:02:41,430 great way to support the channel 100% of anything that comes in 36 00:02:41,430 --> 00:02:44,520 on a Super Chat goes right back into supporting this channel, 37 00:02:45,060 --> 00:02:48,120 interviews, live stream, stuff like that. So thank you for 38 00:02:48,120 --> 00:02:52,080 that, if you decide to do it, and those actually help stick 39 00:02:52,080 --> 00:02:55,020 out a little bit more in my I hear on this monitor when they 40 00:02:55,020 --> 00:03:00,420 come in. So with that, let me go ahead and start with some of the 41 00:03:00,960 --> 00:03:05,010 let's call them updates here in the last in the last month or so 42 00:03:05,010 --> 00:03:08,730 since we've talked last now first, on a personal note, I 43 00:03:08,730 --> 00:03:12,990 forgot to mention this already. If I stopped for a second or 44 00:03:12,990 --> 00:03:16,920 seemingly wince in pain, I didn't want to admit this, but 45 00:03:16,920 --> 00:03:20,040 I'm going to have to I did something to my back yesterday, 46 00:03:20,880 --> 00:03:25,740 I believe I was playing with my son and it is excruciating. So 47 00:03:25,740 --> 00:03:27,720 that was one of the reasons why I didn't think this show would 48 00:03:27,720 --> 00:03:32,670 go off tonight, but I really, really wanted to do it. And this 49 00:03:32,700 --> 00:03:36,930 is going to kind of help keep my mind off of that. So if I do 50 00:03:36,930 --> 00:03:39,570 kind of stop for a second, and maybe you'll see me shift. 51 00:03:40,050 --> 00:03:43,950 That's why it is absolutely awful, to be honest with you. 52 00:03:43,950 --> 00:03:47,460 But I usually don't get personal, especially about 53 00:03:47,460 --> 00:03:51,060 ailments but you guys might be able to pick up on it if you 54 00:03:51,060 --> 00:03:54,600 know me and have seen this channel before. So that was the 55 00:03:54,600 --> 00:03:57,450 quick explanation. So let's get rolling here. here's here's some 56 00:03:57,450 --> 00:04:00,270 of the updates. This I want to start with this is one of the 57 00:04:00,270 --> 00:04:02,820 most recent that I published this week. This was not 58 00:04:03,090 --> 00:04:06,570 available anywhere else I had done a FOIA request to NASA got 59 00:04:06,570 --> 00:04:09,840 quite a few different documents and discovered that Bill Nelson, 60 00:04:09,840 --> 00:04:13,560 the administrator for NASA, is 61 00:04:15,060 --> 00:04:20,670 or excuse me was going to be briefed on uaps this week, 62 00:04:20,670 --> 00:04:25,860 specifically, the 17th. Now I published this story and to be 63 00:04:25,860 --> 00:04:28,050 honest with you gave the Department of Defense and NASA 64 00:04:28,050 --> 00:04:32,310 about a week to respond. And of course they didn't. I published 65 00:04:32,310 --> 00:04:35,760 the story with the documents saying that administrator Nelson 66 00:04:35,760 --> 00:04:42,480 was set on the 17th to be briefed and wanted to see if 67 00:04:42,480 --> 00:04:46,230 they would comment they did not I published on Monday because 68 00:04:46,230 --> 00:04:50,310 his briefing was scheduled for Tuesday. And lo and behold a 69 00:04:50,310 --> 00:04:54,420 couple hours after I published I had a full comment and statement 70 00:04:54,420 --> 00:04:58,350 from the D o t. These were the documents that I got just so you 71 00:04:58,350 --> 00:05:02,580 guys know how some of these stories Unfold when I started 72 00:05:02,580 --> 00:05:05,220 fishing around via the Freedom of Information Act, and some of 73 00:05:05,220 --> 00:05:09,090 you guys who who are either getting into it, I know a lot of 74 00:05:09,090 --> 00:05:12,510 people that use the FOIA or thinking about using the FOIA 75 00:05:13,050 --> 00:05:16,140 like to hear these little extra tidbits, what you try and do is 76 00:05:16,140 --> 00:05:20,580 you find, literally the little nugget of gold in the stack of 77 00:05:20,580 --> 00:05:23,970 documents that comes in. Sometimes it is excruciating Lee 78 00:05:23,970 --> 00:05:27,600 boring, meaning you will get 1000 pages on something. And 79 00:05:27,600 --> 00:05:31,470 there's just like nothing there. That was kind of true with this 80 00:05:31,470 --> 00:05:35,160 NASA dump that they gave me. And there were quite a few different 81 00:05:35,160 --> 00:05:38,280 pages that came in response to my request, there were different 82 00:05:38,280 --> 00:05:41,850 emails and different documents and stuff like that, that came 83 00:05:41,850 --> 00:05:44,940 up with unidentified aerial phenomena as a keyword or 84 00:05:44,970 --> 00:05:49,770 different variations UAP. And you'll see on this side here, in 85 00:05:49,770 --> 00:05:55,620 this breakdown of our weekly update, and essentially what 86 00:05:55,650 --> 00:06:00,120 what this is, is is a schedule of events. It's sent out every 87 00:06:00,120 --> 00:06:03,480 week, this particular data dump that I got from NASA, there were 88 00:06:03,480 --> 00:06:07,680 a couple in there. And on August 17, you will see it says 89 00:06:07,680 --> 00:06:10,050 briefing to administrator on task force report on 90 00:06:10,050 --> 00:06:14,400 unidentified aerial phenomena. This was not known before, this 91 00:06:14,400 --> 00:06:18,960 was not something that was around had been reported by 92 00:06:18,960 --> 00:06:23,010 mainstream media, out of everything that I got that one 93 00:06:23,040 --> 00:06:27,810 line was the only interesting piece of this. And so that's 94 00:06:27,810 --> 00:06:32,490 where I went ahead and, and just glommed on to that sent press 95 00:06:32,490 --> 00:06:36,930 requests for comment to NASA, but also the do D anything that 96 00:06:36,930 --> 00:06:41,640 they do on UFOs, or uaps. goes right to Susan golf. It's no 97 00:06:41,640 --> 00:06:45,210 secret. So cc her on the same email, but was hoping that 98 00:06:45,210 --> 00:06:45,930 NASA's 99 00:06:47,190 --> 00:06:51,900 PR person for the administrator, who I've spoken with before, I 100 00:06:51,900 --> 00:06:55,050 was hoping she might be able to give me something she was not on 101 00:06:55,050 --> 00:06:58,440 behalf of the God came a couple hours after I published the 102 00:06:58,440 --> 00:07:03,480 story announcing it. In short, it was confirmed. So on Tuesday, 103 00:07:03,900 --> 00:07:08,280 Nelson, although they did not confirm through the press office 104 00:07:08,280 --> 00:07:11,700 that he was there. The documentation does that for us 105 00:07:11,850 --> 00:07:16,020 that the briefing was for the NASA administrator. So it seems 106 00:07:16,020 --> 00:07:18,510 like here's the point of these types of stories because that 107 00:07:18,510 --> 00:07:21,750 doesn't sound like all that big of a deal. What this shows is 108 00:07:21,780 --> 00:07:25,620 things are working, things are progressing. It seems like what 109 00:07:25,620 --> 00:07:29,550 the mainstream media after that UAP report came out, it seems 110 00:07:29,550 --> 00:07:31,800 like everything kind of really like took the wind out of the 111 00:07:31,800 --> 00:07:34,200 sails of the mainstream media covering this. That's the 112 00:07:34,200 --> 00:07:38,310 feeling that I got. It's because that report was not mind 113 00:07:38,310 --> 00:07:41,880 blowing. And I think the mainstream media was, was hoping 114 00:07:41,880 --> 00:07:45,540 that it would be. But these types of stories, albeit small, 115 00:07:45,540 --> 00:07:48,810 and are not, you know, mind blowing in itself. What they 116 00:07:48,810 --> 00:07:53,760 show is things are working agencies are getting involved at 117 00:07:53,760 --> 00:07:58,020 the top layer. And NASA being involved in this I published a 118 00:07:58,020 --> 00:08:01,290 story about a month ago, this one was from this week, but 119 00:08:01,290 --> 00:08:05,010 quite a few weeks ago, that showed that the UAP Task Force 120 00:08:05,190 --> 00:08:09,030 had reached out to NASA and said, Hey, we want to request a 121 00:08:09,030 --> 00:08:13,920 briefing with you guys, on uaps, which did unfold, I was able to 122 00:08:13,920 --> 00:08:17,070 confirm that as well. But this shows that things are 123 00:08:17,070 --> 00:08:21,540 progressing, the UAP Task Force is working. The UAP topic is 124 00:08:21,540 --> 00:08:25,740 important. This is obviously going to the NASA administrator 125 00:08:25,740 --> 00:08:30,240 and not some, you know, low level guy. This is the top. And 126 00:08:30,240 --> 00:08:35,010 so this shows that it really is progressing. So I dig stories 127 00:08:35,010 --> 00:08:38,670 like that, again, nothing on its own, that's completely mind 128 00:08:38,670 --> 00:08:42,630 blowing. But rather just another piece of the puzzle showing that 129 00:08:42,630 --> 00:08:46,950 we are getting somewhere that we're going somewhere. Another 130 00:08:46,950 --> 00:08:50,400 story that I went ahead and published here in the last 131 00:08:50,400 --> 00:08:54,000 couple of weeks was on the Senate Select Committee on 132 00:08:54,000 --> 00:08:57,990 Intelligence passing in their committee, the intelligence 133 00:08:57,990 --> 00:09:02,490 Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022. Now, just a refresher 134 00:09:02,520 --> 00:09:07,020 2020 ones same Act, which then ended up in the COVID relief 135 00:09:07,020 --> 00:09:10,950 package. And it's a very convoluted, confusing story. But 136 00:09:11,130 --> 00:09:15,420 regardless, the language that essentially mandated that report 137 00:09:15,840 --> 00:09:20,460 on uaps, that was published in June, that was from the 138 00:09:20,460 --> 00:09:25,080 intelligence Authorization Act for 2022. Now that's starting to 139 00:09:25,080 --> 00:09:29,040 come to fruition and starting to go through the process. That in 140 00:09:29,040 --> 00:09:34,800 itself is also progressing to the point where they also have 141 00:09:34,830 --> 00:09:38,550 UAP Task Force information in there. But also something was 142 00:09:38,550 --> 00:09:42,660 very interesting not only will there be periodic updates and 143 00:09:42,660 --> 00:09:45,360 and at this stage of the game anyway, that's what they're 144 00:09:45,390 --> 00:09:50,010 aiming for. There will be those updates in the reports, but also 145 00:09:50,010 --> 00:09:54,300 this line, availability of data on unidentified aerial 146 00:09:54,300 --> 00:09:57,690 phenomena. The director of national intelligence and the 147 00:09:57,690 --> 00:10:00,720 Secretary of Defense shall each in coordinate nation with each 148 00:10:00,720 --> 00:10:04,740 other, require each element of the intelligence community and 149 00:10:04,740 --> 00:10:08,010 the Department of Defense with data relating to unidentified 150 00:10:08,010 --> 00:10:11,700 aerial phenomena to make such data available immediately to 151 00:10:11,700 --> 00:10:16,110 the unidentified aerial phenomena Task Force, and to the 152 00:10:16,110 --> 00:10:22,230 National Air and Space Intelligence Center. What does 153 00:10:22,230 --> 00:10:27,960 that mean? It means that the Air Force is entering the game. The 154 00:10:27,960 --> 00:10:29,940 National Air and Space Intelligence Center is 155 00:10:29,940 --> 00:10:34,650 essentially showing that the UAP Task Force is working with that 156 00:10:34,650 --> 00:10:39,390 one military branch that is completely Mum, and has been mum 157 00:10:39,420 --> 00:10:44,550 on this topic for the most part. And they are heavily involved on 158 00:10:44,550 --> 00:10:47,970 this channel, I've done a video about the fact that the UAP task 159 00:10:47,970 --> 00:10:51,570 force report, or what's often referred to as the UAP task 160 00:10:51,570 --> 00:10:58,320 force report, was co authored by a Airforce Major General. And so 161 00:10:58,350 --> 00:11:02,010 even though we're not hearing from them, you see stuff like 162 00:11:02,010 --> 00:11:05,280 this and realize the Air Force is very much involved. But 163 00:11:05,280 --> 00:11:08,820 they're just not publicly involved. What level of their 164 00:11:08,820 --> 00:11:13,020 involvement is kind of anybody's guess I've still got numerous 165 00:11:13,050 --> 00:11:16,710 open cases, and tried to dig on that. And that'll play into my 166 00:11:16,710 --> 00:11:21,090 next story in a moment. But exactly what kind of role 167 00:11:21,090 --> 00:11:24,930 they're playing is a little bit of a mystery. So that is still 168 00:11:24,960 --> 00:11:28,620 unfolding. But for me, anyway, that was the difference about 169 00:11:28,620 --> 00:11:31,680 the language in this bill, and the National Air and Space 170 00:11:31,680 --> 00:11:34,170 Intelligence Center within the United States Air Force. 171 00:11:36,149 --> 00:11:38,729 Like I said, it plays into a little bit of my next story as 172 00:11:38,729 --> 00:11:41,579 well that I published, I received more internal 173 00:11:41,579 --> 00:11:45,539 communications from the United States Air Force, on uaps, and 174 00:11:45,539 --> 00:11:49,799 UFOs, some of which had never been published before. What's 175 00:11:49,799 --> 00:11:53,639 interesting about this is you see, and you can juxtapose the 176 00:11:53,639 --> 00:11:57,089 difference between internal communications from the United 177 00:11:57,089 --> 00:12:01,169 States Air Force, and let's say the United States Navy. And it's 178 00:12:01,169 --> 00:12:05,069 very interesting because they are drastically different in the 179 00:12:05,069 --> 00:12:10,139 way they view and handle the UAP topic and information, 180 00:12:10,139 --> 00:12:13,229 especially through the Office of Public Affairs, or the or, you 181 00:12:13,229 --> 00:12:16,799 know, aka the press office. And you can see how the Navy has 182 00:12:16,799 --> 00:12:20,549 been, in the past couple of years very open about not 183 00:12:20,549 --> 00:12:24,119 understanding the phenomena, how it's unidentified, how it's 184 00:12:24,119 --> 00:12:27,629 things that they can't, they can't understand, they can't 185 00:12:27,629 --> 00:12:32,039 figure out the Air Force's Press Office internally showed that 186 00:12:32,039 --> 00:12:35,879 they said they were talking about drones, and UAS is and the 187 00:12:35,879 --> 00:12:39,839 media turns it into UFOs, and aliens. And so those are two 188 00:12:39,839 --> 00:12:44,699 wildly different viewpoints from two different branches of our 189 00:12:44,699 --> 00:12:48,119 United States military. So it'll be very interesting as this all 190 00:12:48,119 --> 00:12:52,019 unfolds, to see how the United States Air Force essentially 191 00:12:52,019 --> 00:12:57,539 plays ball with the Navy's UAP task force, which is headed by 192 00:12:57,539 --> 00:13:01,589 the you know, Office of Naval Intelligence, I guess, is where 193 00:13:01,589 --> 00:13:06,329 it's technically at. Again, a lot of those details I'll be at 194 00:13:06,329 --> 00:13:11,639 are rumored about right now are not solidified. In stone yet, 195 00:13:11,669 --> 00:13:14,879 because a lot of it has not come out. But definitely don't miss 196 00:13:14,879 --> 00:13:17,579 those documents, because there's a lot of interesting, 197 00:13:19,019 --> 00:13:25,139 interesting material in that. Now, I did tease this out, so to 198 00:13:25,139 --> 00:13:27,899 speak, you know, I always harp on people for teasing, but I 199 00:13:27,899 --> 00:13:31,379 figured a 40 minute heads up of what I was going to be talking 200 00:13:31,379 --> 00:13:36,299 about in this particular segment was okay, apologies if anybody 201 00:13:36,419 --> 00:13:40,559 hates teases like that. But I wanted to at least tell you guys 202 00:13:40,559 --> 00:13:42,599 that there was something new to the stream, it's not just an 203 00:13:42,599 --> 00:13:49,709 overview. The story that I'm working on right now, just to 204 00:13:49,709 --> 00:13:53,669 give you guys a little bit of a sneak peek is all about the to 205 00:13:53,669 --> 00:13:56,099 the stars Academy of Arts and Science. That's Tom DeLonge, his 206 00:13:56,099 --> 00:14:00,629 group and the agreement that he made with the United States 207 00:14:00,629 --> 00:14:01,049 Army. 208 00:14:02,580 --> 00:14:06,870 Now, just a quick refresher for those because it's been a while 209 00:14:06,870 --> 00:14:10,380 since we've really heard about this. This goes back to October 210 00:14:10,380 --> 00:14:14,760 of 2019. This was the story that I had published Back then, I was 211 00:14:14,760 --> 00:14:18,840 one of the very first to get the actual agreement. Now to the 212 00:14:18,840 --> 00:14:21,690 stars Academy released a press release, said that they had 213 00:14:21,690 --> 00:14:25,620 created this agreement with the United States Army, and that 214 00:14:25,620 --> 00:14:30,210 they were going to be utilizing essentially army facilities and 215 00:14:30,210 --> 00:14:37,020 equipment to analyze the UAP debris or pieces or however you 216 00:14:37,020 --> 00:14:42,000 want to refer to them within the United States Army. Now, 217 00:14:42,060 --> 00:14:45,810 regardless of what your thoughts are on this, I was immediately 218 00:14:45,840 --> 00:14:49,950 kind of taken aback by that announcement. Not necessarily 219 00:14:49,950 --> 00:14:53,490 that they made an agreement with the military. But the fact like 220 00:14:53,490 --> 00:14:57,690 my biggest concern was the fact that here they are collecting 221 00:14:57,720 --> 00:15:03,960 all of this UAP related material. And we've all talked 222 00:15:03,960 --> 00:15:06,600 about we're all pretty much in agreement, there is a cover up 223 00:15:06,600 --> 00:15:10,650 of some kind by the United States military and by the the 224 00:15:10,680 --> 00:15:15,090 United States government. You're taking all this UAP material and 225 00:15:15,090 --> 00:15:18,990 walking it back into the doors of the United States military, 226 00:15:19,230 --> 00:15:24,120 for testing. Now, on the surface, it seemed great. But as 227 00:15:24,120 --> 00:15:28,020 you dig, it was very concerning that that there was something, 228 00:15:28,380 --> 00:15:31,650 you know, going on here, like, why would you? Why would you do 229 00:15:31,650 --> 00:15:35,700 that. And although my critique is more about the claims they 230 00:15:35,700 --> 00:15:40,020 made, that has connected to the military to the d, o, t, to a 231 00:15:40,020 --> 00:15:45,360 tip to UFOs, and so on, I kind of left for the most part ttsa 232 00:15:45,360 --> 00:15:50,520 alone. But when this happened, that was when I just had to say 233 00:15:50,730 --> 00:15:53,580 something that this was that this was just a little bit 234 00:15:53,610 --> 00:15:58,560 bizarre. So the question mark, is what has happened. And since 235 00:15:58,560 --> 00:16:04,350 2019, October, to be exact, I followed the story, I've hit up 236 00:16:04,350 --> 00:16:08,730 the US Army combat capabilities development command, or the 237 00:16:08,730 --> 00:16:14,610 ground vehicle System Center, the GVS. C is the acronym and 238 00:16:14,610 --> 00:16:19,350 ask them what is going on, like, taxpayer money is going towards 239 00:16:19,350 --> 00:16:23,850 this. So at what level do we get to know as taxpayers in the 240 00:16:23,850 --> 00:16:27,210 general public What is going on? And for quite a long time, 241 00:16:27,210 --> 00:16:29,310 there's no update, no Update, I'm sorry, there's no movement, 242 00:16:29,310 --> 00:16:31,830 then COVID happened? No, nothing, you know, with COVID, 243 00:16:31,830 --> 00:16:35,520 and so on, and so forth. So I kept, I kept at it, kept filing 244 00:16:35,520 --> 00:16:39,780 requests, so on and so forth. And finally got some documents. 245 00:16:40,890 --> 00:16:43,470 Now, you can see here, this was an internal document for the 246 00:16:43,470 --> 00:16:47,100 media and public affairs activity, very similar to NASA 247 00:16:47,100 --> 00:16:51,420 that they send out these weekly internal updates, and so on. And 248 00:16:51,420 --> 00:16:54,990 this was in part of the data batch that I'm that I'm going to 249 00:16:55,020 --> 00:16:58,830 publish next week. I'm not hiding anything from you guys. 250 00:16:58,830 --> 00:17:01,830 It's just would be way too long to go over everything. So I'll 251 00:17:01,830 --> 00:17:04,680 publish everything next week. But just to kind of give you 252 00:17:04,680 --> 00:17:08,190 guys an idea, this was the internal communication. It was 253 00:17:08,190 --> 00:17:11,580 kind of neat to see that I was near the top here. In early 254 00:17:11,580 --> 00:17:14,370 March, A writer for the black vault contacted GVSU public 255 00:17:14,370 --> 00:17:17,310 affairs seeking an update on the work with to the stars Academy 256 00:17:17,310 --> 00:17:21,180 and the crater we shared with them. At the request of the do 257 00:17:21,180 --> 00:17:24,600 DS task force that was set up to work the various UFO related 258 00:17:24,600 --> 00:17:28,560 topics, we contacted that task force as public affairs officer 259 00:17:28,830 --> 00:17:32,670 to shift the query into their hands on May 5, no further 260 00:17:32,670 --> 00:17:36,660 details at this time status awaiting confirmation from do 261 00:17:36,660 --> 00:17:40,500 the task force of receipt of query. Here's what's interesting 262 00:17:40,500 --> 00:17:45,090 about this is have you figured out who that would be. And it 263 00:17:45,090 --> 00:17:49,560 looks like now the United States Army. In addition to all of the 264 00:17:49,560 --> 00:17:54,120 other agencies that has enlisted the help of Susan Goff has now 265 00:17:54,120 --> 00:17:59,400 done so themselves. And in regards to this crater with to 266 00:17:59,400 --> 00:18:02,820 the stars Academy, internally, they were saying to the UAP 267 00:18:02,820 --> 00:18:06,720 taskforce, and Susan golf, that apparently they're kind of 268 00:18:06,750 --> 00:18:09,570 keeping abreast of all of this and that they're involved as 269 00:18:09,570 --> 00:18:13,980 well. I was surprised to see that because no one ever told me 270 00:18:14,190 --> 00:18:18,690 that my inquiry about the credo with the United States Army was 271 00:18:18,690 --> 00:18:22,950 going back to the Department of Defense in likely Susan Gough's 272 00:18:23,010 --> 00:18:27,840 office, because she would be the PA o for the UAP Task Force. 273 00:18:28,320 --> 00:18:32,040 What was also interesting is why is the UAP Task Force involved. 274 00:18:32,580 --> 00:18:36,210 So now that concern that I had stated a couple years ago that 275 00:18:36,210 --> 00:18:41,910 you were walking back these pieces, I see this as now that 276 00:18:42,480 --> 00:18:46,530 those test results that were that were per the contract going 277 00:18:46,530 --> 00:18:50,700 to be shared with the United States Army in exchange for use 278 00:18:50,700 --> 00:18:54,150 of their equipment. So ttsa could essentially figure out 279 00:18:54,150 --> 00:18:54,930 what they have 280 00:18:56,190 --> 00:19:01,500 is going to the UAP taskforce. So it has broadened widely from 281 00:19:01,500 --> 00:19:05,280 that agreement that it was just going to be the GSC or sharing 282 00:19:05,280 --> 00:19:08,610 within the US Army. Now it's going to the task force, which 283 00:19:08,610 --> 00:19:12,240 works with pretty much every government agency. And so that 284 00:19:12,240 --> 00:19:16,440 is that concern, that although on the surface, that crater 285 00:19:16,440 --> 00:19:20,640 looked fun and good and dandy. You can see behind the scenes 286 00:19:20,640 --> 00:19:24,210 here, it has broadened and the fact that I wasn't aware that my 287 00:19:24,210 --> 00:19:28,530 stuff was going over to likely Susan golf. It showed me that a 288 00:19:28,530 --> 00:19:34,530 lot of roads now, even though we already knew that more roads are 289 00:19:34,530 --> 00:19:37,860 leading to the office of Susan golf who essentially is 290 00:19:37,860 --> 00:19:41,730 controlling the narrative but but seemingly, it's broadening 291 00:19:41,910 --> 00:19:47,220 and broadening to areas that in my opinion, it shouldn't. So 292 00:19:47,220 --> 00:19:51,990 when I started asking about the updates, you know, where their 293 00:19:51,990 --> 00:19:56,010 reports and so on. Internally, they were trying to figure out 294 00:19:56,010 --> 00:20:01,050 where they're now what I was told months ago Was know that 295 00:20:01,050 --> 00:20:04,650 there was no update. But keep in mind public affairs officers 296 00:20:04,650 --> 00:20:07,650 aren't always in tune with what's, you know, essentially, 297 00:20:08,100 --> 00:20:11,160 really taking place or unfolding. Why? Because if 298 00:20:11,160 --> 00:20:14,610 there's something that's ongoing, or it hasn't reached 299 00:20:14,610 --> 00:20:18,900 their office yet, or there's a multitude of reasons, I mean, 300 00:20:18,900 --> 00:20:21,870 they do have a lot of access, more access than what most 301 00:20:21,870 --> 00:20:29,880 people realize. However, the public affairs officers, still 302 00:20:29,880 --> 00:20:33,600 sometimes can miss things. So I already had cases filed to 303 00:20:33,600 --> 00:20:36,930 search internally for the documents on either 304 00:20:36,930 --> 00:20:41,220 communications with ttsa, the reports that were generated, 305 00:20:41,400 --> 00:20:46,080 what was going on. And you can see here on May 5, somebody's 306 00:20:46,110 --> 00:20:49,080 all the blackout redactions. Those are all exemption B six, 307 00:20:49,110 --> 00:20:52,680 that's Privacy Information. So those are people, their personal 308 00:20:52,680 --> 00:20:56,790 information, award names, mostly names that are blacked out, 309 00:20:56,880 --> 00:21:00,540 because they do keep that private. This was sent to again, 310 00:21:00,750 --> 00:21:06,270 to the gpsc. Another person who is in charge of the crater, can 311 00:21:06,270 --> 00:21:09,390 you provide me an update on the attached credit? It is? Is it 312 00:21:09,390 --> 00:21:12,150 still active? And have you received any reports from the 313 00:21:12,150 --> 00:21:16,680 company, the batch of documents that I'll post next week, 314 00:21:16,710 --> 00:21:19,980 there's a bunch of back and forth, nothing really of note, 315 00:21:20,010 --> 00:21:23,250 other than it was just kind of getting passed around. Finally, 316 00:21:23,280 --> 00:21:26,520 from what I could deduce about it, this was the person that was 317 00:21:26,520 --> 00:21:30,390 essentially in charge of that credit agreement. And they said 318 00:21:30,390 --> 00:21:35,820 no, redacted is planning to obtain more samples. Now, that's 319 00:21:35,820 --> 00:21:38,370 pretty straightforward. shortened to the point, but why 320 00:21:38,370 --> 00:21:42,390 is it important? Who's obtaining more samples? I would assume 321 00:21:42,390 --> 00:21:48,450 ttsa. The fact that this redaction is so small, I'm I, I 322 00:21:48,450 --> 00:21:51,870 rarely do it, where you measure characters and go, Well, what 323 00:21:51,870 --> 00:21:56,340 could that be? I'm not really sure. It could be the initials. 324 00:21:58,350 --> 00:22:03,570 I'm open to suggestions here. But it was so small that I 325 00:22:03,570 --> 00:22:08,430 figured that maybe they had just a, you know, code, word or 326 00:22:08,430 --> 00:22:11,550 letter, you know, to reference the credo agreement, I'm not 327 00:22:11,550 --> 00:22:15,780 really sure. But it could have been referencing ttsa, I took it 328 00:22:15,780 --> 00:22:20,130 as that ttsa is not doing anything, because they're trying 329 00:22:20,130 --> 00:22:23,970 to obtain more samples. Why that wouldn't pertain to the United 330 00:22:23,970 --> 00:22:28,170 States Army, or GVC, is because they're not supplying any 331 00:22:28,200 --> 00:22:31,470 material. They're supplying the equipment. So there's really 332 00:22:31,470 --> 00:22:34,950 kind of only one person or entity that could be, which 333 00:22:34,950 --> 00:22:43,050 would be ttsa. So in May of this year, nothing has happened. 334 00:22:44,100 --> 00:22:51,150 Nothing. Now, I will absolutely 100% be fair, and say we're 335 00:22:51,150 --> 00:22:55,860 dealing with a pandemic. So I get it, you know, things can 336 00:22:55,860 --> 00:23:00,630 happen. However, there have been times where I believe, and this 337 00:23:00,630 --> 00:23:03,810 is what I'm still working on in the story, that they could have 338 00:23:03,810 --> 00:23:07,830 done their testing, and yet nothing has happened. Now I 339 00:23:07,830 --> 00:23:14,820 spoke with ttsa. And I'll get to that in a moment. Why if if my 340 00:23:16,620 --> 00:23:20,100 interpretation of that is correct. And again, I'm open to 341 00:23:20,100 --> 00:23:23,550 other interpretations of who is collecting more samples. But I 342 00:23:23,550 --> 00:23:27,540 think it's obvious. What you're seeing on the screen here is a 343 00:23:27,540 --> 00:23:34,560 slide from a October of 2018. Presentation given by Luis 344 00:23:34,560 --> 00:23:41,880 Elizondo, and these were at the time, so that's 2018, the pieces 345 00:23:41,880 --> 00:23:48,810 of material connected to uaps. in some form or another. Some of 346 00:23:48,810 --> 00:23:54,270 these are known that that you can dig into each image. I think 347 00:23:54,300 --> 00:23:58,200 the majority of them are, I've heard one or two some people 348 00:23:58,200 --> 00:24:00,600 couldn't figure out I, to be honest with you. It's been a 349 00:24:00,600 --> 00:24:04,560 while since since I really dug into each and every image. I 350 00:24:04,560 --> 00:24:07,740 will say that I've I've known about some of these, this, this 351 00:24:07,740 --> 00:24:10,320 particular one that we point on the right screen. This 352 00:24:10,320 --> 00:24:14,130 particular one obviously Linda Moulton Howe, was on this this 353 00:24:14,130 --> 00:24:18,090 channel quite some time ago giving the very detailed 354 00:24:18,090 --> 00:24:24,150 breakdown about this piece and what its significance is. This 355 00:24:24,150 --> 00:24:28,020 one here you'll recognize from a television show that I produced 356 00:24:28,020 --> 00:24:32,790 many years ago from the History Channel. And I actually profiled 357 00:24:32,790 --> 00:24:36,750 this piece not only on UFO hunters, if you were a fan of 358 00:24:36,750 --> 00:24:40,530 that show, it was in season three, but I also introduced it 359 00:24:40,530 --> 00:24:44,760 to the television audiences in a documentary and produced also 360 00:24:44,760 --> 00:24:48,900 for History Channel, also called UFO hunters, but not connected 361 00:24:48,900 --> 00:24:53,850 to the Bill Burns series, which came quite a long time later, 362 00:24:54,300 --> 00:24:57,510 UFO hunters was just the name of the documentary that we had done 363 00:24:57,510 --> 00:25:02,700 and we were profiling people. Instead of essentially a case or 364 00:25:02,700 --> 00:25:06,030 something like that it was a fun show to do. But this particular 365 00:25:06,240 --> 00:25:09,210 piece we profiled there are a couple other ones I've dealt 366 00:25:09,210 --> 00:25:14,430 with on and off. But regardless, these are the the pieces that 367 00:25:15,360 --> 00:25:19,050 that were shown that Luis Elizondo said in his lecture. 368 00:25:19,380 --> 00:25:23,340 These are actual photographs of material in our possession. So 369 00:25:23,340 --> 00:25:27,060 they at least have this many I count probably 12. Within here, 370 00:25:27,060 --> 00:25:30,210 not sure if you want to count these as more than one. But 371 00:25:30,780 --> 00:25:37,110 regardless, 12 pieces to test. If you have 12 pieces that are 372 00:25:37,110 --> 00:25:40,680 connected to uaps, why wouldn't you do it? And I'm not really 373 00:25:40,680 --> 00:25:43,590 sure. So I wanted to make sure that I was understanding the 374 00:25:43,590 --> 00:25:45,870 story correctly, and the documents and the history, 375 00:25:46,080 --> 00:25:48,360 followed it for a couple years, and I want to make sure I'm 376 00:25:48,360 --> 00:25:51,660 accurate. So I reached out to ttsa. To my surprise, they 377 00:25:51,660 --> 00:25:55,290 responded, and to their credit, so I want to, you know, give 378 00:25:55,290 --> 00:25:58,860 them a public thanks for that, because for quite a long time, 379 00:25:59,070 --> 00:26:02,850 they would not respond at all. And so you'll see a lot of older 380 00:26:02,850 --> 00:26:06,060 articles, you know, contacted ttsa, no response contacted 381 00:26:06,060 --> 00:26:10,200 ttsa. They didn't respond. They did here. But it didn't add 382 00:26:10,200 --> 00:26:13,200 much. Thank you for your inquiry. In this regard, we must 383 00:26:13,200 --> 00:26:16,140 refer you to our SEC filings press release on our website and 384 00:26:16,140 --> 00:26:18,750 other public disclosures regarding the crater, we're not 385 00:26:18,750 --> 00:26:21,150 able to make any additional information available at this 386 00:26:21,150 --> 00:26:24,450 time, no links, no references to what they're talking about. No 387 00:26:24,450 --> 00:26:28,200 nothing. So I was back to essentially scrounging through 388 00:26:28,200 --> 00:26:31,680 their SEC filings and trying to figure out what they meant the 389 00:26:31,680 --> 00:26:33,720 best that I could deduce, because I went through 390 00:26:33,720 --> 00:26:37,830 everything that I could find, the best that I could deduce was 391 00:26:37,860 --> 00:26:42,810 what they were referring to was this a transcript from the 2021 392 00:26:42,810 --> 00:26:46,860 meeting that they had for shareholders. So this particular 393 00:26:46,860 --> 00:26:49,590 story I'm working on is probably not going to be a surprise to 394 00:26:49,590 --> 00:26:53,850 shareholders, that they haven't done anything, because what they 395 00:26:54,060 --> 00:26:58,350 said here, specifically Tom DeLonge, CEO of the company, as 396 00:26:58,350 --> 00:27:01,830 announced earlier in 2019, we entered into a collaboration 397 00:27:01,830 --> 00:27:03,030 agreement with the US Army. 398 00:27:04,680 --> 00:27:07,770 This was the continuation and next step of our atom project to 399 00:27:07,770 --> 00:27:10,050 analyze and advance our understanding of the collected 400 00:27:10,050 --> 00:27:13,110 exotic materials. The scope of the army agreement covered 401 00:27:13,110 --> 00:27:16,950 metamaterial science, advanced communications, vehicle 402 00:27:16,950 --> 00:27:20,940 camouflage and beam energy propulsion. This contract spans 403 00:27:20,940 --> 00:27:25,860 five years, given the army, giving the army access to ttsa 404 00:27:25,860 --> 00:27:31,110 data to support Army Research, in return ttsa gains access to 405 00:27:31,110 --> 00:27:34,740 scientific expertise that accelerates the quality and pace 406 00:27:34,740 --> 00:27:39,180 of our research. We kicked off this partnership in early 2020, 407 00:27:39,180 --> 00:27:42,480 with excitement, hosting the principal officers in the US 408 00:27:42,480 --> 00:27:47,520 Army at our headquarters in San Diego. Unfortunately, shortly 409 00:27:47,520 --> 00:27:50,250 thereafter, the pandemic took over and all operations 410 00:27:50,250 --> 00:27:53,460 affiliated with our project, were closed due to safety 411 00:27:53,460 --> 00:27:57,330 concerns are redirected to focus on other government priorities 412 00:27:57,330 --> 00:28:01,200 concerning the national state of emergency. As there seems to be 413 00:28:01,200 --> 00:28:05,040 light on the horizon, to the end of the health crisis, I am 414 00:28:05,040 --> 00:28:08,100 confident we will have some interesting progress to report 415 00:28:08,100 --> 00:28:10,860 as the year progresses. So I want to make sure that I put 416 00:28:10,860 --> 00:28:16,050 that in there that and that's an acceptable explanation that it's 417 00:28:16,050 --> 00:28:19,440 COVID. You know, I mean, COVID, shut everything down. The last 418 00:28:19,440 --> 00:28:22,590 piece of the puzzle, and I don't have an answer for you guys yet. 419 00:28:23,010 --> 00:28:29,340 I'm hoping to get that Monday is you'll see internally, that the 420 00:28:29,340 --> 00:28:34,080 GVC never made reference to the fact that they were closed, or 421 00:28:34,080 --> 00:28:37,320 that the facilities were shut down. Or that there is nothing 422 00:28:37,320 --> 00:28:44,970 to report because the of COVID. It was because what we can I 423 00:28:44,970 --> 00:28:48,360 hate to word use the word assume, but let's call it deduce 424 00:28:48,540 --> 00:28:52,020 from the documents, that it's ttsa that's trying to get more 425 00:28:52,020 --> 00:28:57,750 samples. Again, I'm open to other interpretations from that. 426 00:28:57,870 --> 00:29:01,320 I just don't see it. So what are they waiting for going back to 427 00:29:01,320 --> 00:29:05,430 that slide? With all of the pieces that they have granted? 428 00:29:06,300 --> 00:29:09,480 11 out of the 12 may be absolutely nothing but what if 429 00:29:09,480 --> 00:29:12,180 they have something their facilities are there? And 430 00:29:12,180 --> 00:29:15,360 internally the GVS? He says yeah, there, you know, there's 431 00:29:15,360 --> 00:29:19,110 nothing here, still active, but nothing here, because they're 432 00:29:19,110 --> 00:29:27,060 going for more material. So what that means, I'll let you guys 433 00:29:27,060 --> 00:29:30,150 decide. That last piece of the puzzle why I didn't publish 434 00:29:30,150 --> 00:29:33,810 Friday was what is the army going to say? If they come back 435 00:29:33,810 --> 00:29:38,460 to me and say, you know, the the facilities have been shut down 436 00:29:38,460 --> 00:29:42,840 for a year and a half. I'll absolutely publish that. That's 437 00:29:42,840 --> 00:29:46,980 not a problem. I'm giving you guys all the information that I 438 00:29:46,980 --> 00:29:51,540 have at this point on this with the open ended question of you 439 00:29:51,540 --> 00:29:55,830 know what's going on like, why? If you guys are sitting on let's 440 00:29:55,830 --> 00:29:59,700 put it this way, if you guys are sitting on potentially the 441 00:29:59,700 --> 00:30:03,720 biggest Discovery of mankind, right? You've got pieces of 442 00:30:03,720 --> 00:30:09,210 potentially alien spacecraft. I get it COVID as a huge concern. 443 00:30:10,290 --> 00:30:13,170 But we are living our daily lives We are, we are going 444 00:30:13,170 --> 00:30:17,130 forward, we are moving forward. So if they are not locked down 445 00:30:17,130 --> 00:30:20,910 and internally, they're saying nothing about being closed. What 446 00:30:20,910 --> 00:30:26,700 is the holdup and we keep seeing stuff about entertainment, the 447 00:30:26,700 --> 00:30:29,730 entertainment division. And there's so many entertainment 448 00:30:29,730 --> 00:30:33,960 projects in development and in production and which is great, 449 00:30:34,020 --> 00:30:37,980 all my best wishes. But that means that they're working on 450 00:30:37,980 --> 00:30:44,100 stuff. So if the army is open, I would think that potentially 451 00:30:44,130 --> 00:30:48,990 alien pieces of something would be the best stuff that you could 452 00:30:48,990 --> 00:30:53,490 work on. But that's just me. But that is kind of the update. And 453 00:30:55,170 --> 00:30:57,420 we'll see what happens next week, I'll publish the rest of 454 00:30:57,420 --> 00:31:00,330 it. Here's the last story and then we'll open up the lines. 455 00:31:01,080 --> 00:31:05,940 The last story was somewhat UFO related, the documents ended up 456 00:31:05,940 --> 00:31:09,810 not being even though it was about Bob vzaar of the area 51 457 00:31:09,810 --> 00:31:13,500 fame. Starting about two, three years ago, I started going after 458 00:31:13,890 --> 00:31:18,720 FBI files on united nuclear, that's his company that he is 459 00:31:19,680 --> 00:31:22,950 the owner of and still in operation today. I'm a science 460 00:31:22,950 --> 00:31:26,610 geek, there's some really cool stuff, I'm not gonna lie on his 461 00:31:26,610 --> 00:31:31,260 website. If for all you area 51, Bob has our fans. He's got some 462 00:31:31,260 --> 00:31:35,820 area 51 signed posters and stuff like that, that you can 463 00:31:35,820 --> 00:31:39,300 purchase. But also a lot of science, you know, stuff like 464 00:31:39,300 --> 00:31:43,920 that. And so he runs this company. And to my surprise, 465 00:31:43,920 --> 00:31:48,510 there was, you know, quite a hefty FBI file. And even though 466 00:31:48,510 --> 00:31:52,560 I know, Bob was in trouble with the law, and I knew that united 467 00:31:52,560 --> 00:31:56,340 nuclear at one time, got in trouble with the law, or at 468 00:31:56,340 --> 00:31:59,520 least one that I could think of, I was surprised that there was 469 00:31:59,520 --> 00:32:03,360 this kind of wide spanning file. So I had rounded down the file 470 00:32:03,360 --> 00:32:06,750 just because it would take about six years to get literally that 471 00:32:06,750 --> 00:32:09,780 was the estimate. So I rounded it down to a couple of key 472 00:32:09,780 --> 00:32:15,510 years. And that's what I published. Why I wanted to point 473 00:32:15,510 --> 00:32:20,490 this out is that the motivation for this was the 2017 raid of 474 00:32:20,490 --> 00:32:23,610 United nuclear, which was outlined in Jeremy core bells, 475 00:32:24,150 --> 00:32:29,940 documentary, it was very much framed that the FBI slash police 476 00:32:29,940 --> 00:32:32,760 were going in there and storming, essentially looking 477 00:32:32,760 --> 00:32:37,500 for element 115. That was the secret alien fuel that Bob has 478 00:32:37,500 --> 00:32:42,090 are had smuggled out of area 51 and kept somewhere. I know that 479 00:32:42,090 --> 00:32:46,890 there's a lecture by George Knapp, who said that Bob had 480 00:32:46,890 --> 00:32:51,090 taken it out to some place in the desert, and buried it. And 481 00:32:51,090 --> 00:32:55,590 that George knew, at least at one point where it was, again, 482 00:32:55,590 --> 00:32:58,080 it's that question of if you if you're sitting on the key to the 483 00:32:58,080 --> 00:33:01,740 universe here, you know, why would we just sit on it and just 484 00:33:01,740 --> 00:33:04,980 continue to hound on lazaros? education? I mean, blow this 485 00:33:04,980 --> 00:33:09,810 thing wide open. But regardless, there was no records. Now 486 00:33:09,810 --> 00:33:13,200 there's, there's a little bit of confusion. So I want to clarify, 487 00:33:13,230 --> 00:33:19,230 I saw it on Twitter, that the 2017 raid away from element 115 488 00:33:19,230 --> 00:33:23,820 was connected to a murder. That's That's true. I won't get 489 00:33:23,820 --> 00:33:28,080 into the legal gritty details of that. But if you look at the 490 00:33:28,080 --> 00:33:31,980 article that I published on the lazaar FBI files, I link over to 491 00:33:31,980 --> 00:33:37,380 another article that was written by Tim McMillan that obtained 492 00:33:37,380 --> 00:33:40,890 the original like two page summary from the police 493 00:33:40,890 --> 00:33:45,420 department on the case. The confusion was, well, there 494 00:33:45,420 --> 00:33:49,620 wouldn't be anything in United nucleus file, because that was 495 00:33:49,650 --> 00:33:53,640 in regards to another murder investigation. Let me say up 496 00:33:53,640 --> 00:33:55,920 front, I'm not making a conspiracy out of the fact that 497 00:33:55,920 --> 00:34:00,810 there's no 2017 era files and united nuclear. I find it 498 00:34:00,810 --> 00:34:04,980 interesting and intriguing. But I'm still pursuing that angle 499 00:34:04,980 --> 00:34:07,380 and trying to get other documents. But where I wanted to 500 00:34:07,380 --> 00:34:10,380 clarify, because this was a question that was brought up, 501 00:34:10,980 --> 00:34:13,650 was that if it was tied to a murder investigation wouldn't be 502 00:34:13,650 --> 00:34:18,120 in United nucleus file. And that it's no surprise it didn't come 503 00:34:18,120 --> 00:34:22,590 up. For those who dabble in the foyer or want to, there is 504 00:34:22,590 --> 00:34:27,120 something really key to requesting files through the 505 00:34:27,120 --> 00:34:31,860 Privacy Act or Freedom of Information Act with the FBI. A 506 00:34:31,860 --> 00:34:35,220 lot of people overlook this. I did for many years. So I'm 507 00:34:35,220 --> 00:34:38,730 passing it on to you guys. You add in there that you want to 508 00:34:38,730 --> 00:34:41,370 make sure that you're getting what are called cross references 509 00:34:41,370 --> 00:34:45,450 to the topic of your request. So whether that be on united 510 00:34:45,450 --> 00:34:51,840 nuclear, or Microsoft or Marilyn Monroe, or whomever or whatever 511 00:34:51,840 --> 00:34:55,680 you are requesting when you request cross references, what 512 00:34:55,680 --> 00:35:00,000 they do is they search for files also, that connect to and cross 513 00:35:00,000 --> 00:35:03,690 reference the topic of your request in regards to United 514 00:35:03,690 --> 00:35:09,330 nuclear. That is what I did. And so the responsive records over 515 00:35:09,330 --> 00:35:12,060 the course of a couple years that I was negotiating with the 516 00:35:12,060 --> 00:35:12,840 FBI and 517 00:35:14,549 --> 00:35:18,119 well, let me rephrase that the negotiation was much shorter, 518 00:35:18,119 --> 00:35:21,869 but the case has been going on for a couple of years. The 519 00:35:21,869 --> 00:35:26,009 negotiation then was trying to figure out out of the responsive 520 00:35:26,009 --> 00:35:30,419 material that they received, and found, which totaled about 1000 521 00:35:30,869 --> 00:35:35,519 to 1100 pages, approximately, there was nothing in the 2000 522 00:35:35,519 --> 00:35:39,179 timeframe. Now per my request, cross references should have 523 00:35:39,179 --> 00:35:43,559 come up. They did not. So I'm still pursuing it. And again, 524 00:35:43,559 --> 00:35:48,179 not trying to make a conspiracy out of it. But for those who are 525 00:35:48,749 --> 00:35:51,719 interested in using that, make sure you use language that 526 00:35:51,719 --> 00:35:55,439 includes cross references. Because if you don't, like I 527 00:35:55,439 --> 00:35:57,929 said, they'll just go to that central file, and then they 528 00:35:57,929 --> 00:36:02,789 won't won't give you anything. So add in that language is where 529 00:36:02,789 --> 00:36:06,179 I'm going with that. And for many years, I was I was not not 530 00:36:06,179 --> 00:36:09,989 aware of that. Jet. Boy, 33, you've been a longtime supporter 531 00:36:10,019 --> 00:36:13,799 of this channel. And me, thank you so much for obviously 532 00:36:13,829 --> 00:36:16,559 joining us in the chat and your support for the channel. So 533 00:36:16,559 --> 00:36:23,669 thank you, thank you for that donation. So that is, did have 534 00:36:23,669 --> 00:36:26,969 another slide. This was the email, the communication back in 535 00:36:26,969 --> 00:36:30,209 2019, that showed that they the responsive records had nothing 536 00:36:30,209 --> 00:36:35,129 concerning the FBI involvement in a police raid in 2017. So 537 00:36:35,189 --> 00:36:38,639 again, still pursuing that I don't find it a huge, gigantic 538 00:36:38,939 --> 00:36:43,829 conspiracy, but it's something of note, nonetheless. So let me 539 00:36:43,829 --> 00:36:48,299 switch some graphics here. Let me go ahead and put the 540 00:36:49,199 --> 00:36:52,259 telephone number on screen Macross my fingers, everything 541 00:36:52,259 --> 00:36:55,469 works, right? If it doesn't, I'm gonna pull the comments back up 542 00:36:55,469 --> 00:36:59,549 here. Let me know, if you can't get through on the phone, let me 543 00:36:59,549 --> 00:37:03,989 know, I would really appreciate that. Let me see some of the 544 00:37:04,019 --> 00:37:08,579 comments here. And pull up some of these as we wait for some 545 00:37:08,609 --> 00:37:15,179 phone calls. Lucy, and thank you so much, you might want to post 546 00:37:15,179 --> 00:37:20,699 a how to how to do file a foyer with tips. That is something 547 00:37:20,699 --> 00:37:24,629 that is really requested. And I really need to buckle down and 548 00:37:24,629 --> 00:37:28,079 do it. It sounds more complicated than it is. But 549 00:37:28,079 --> 00:37:31,139 there's a lot of tips to go along with it. And I know that I 550 00:37:31,679 --> 00:37:34,799 should do that and want to do that. So thank you for that 551 00:37:34,799 --> 00:37:37,649 suggestion. I wanted to highlight it because that is 552 00:37:37,649 --> 00:37:44,009 something that I feel we should definitely do Dolan's bar, thank 553 00:37:44,009 --> 00:37:46,529 you so much for that. I was looking at the graphic on there 554 00:37:46,529 --> 00:37:53,129 trying to maybe an Irish pub, maybe by the logo there very 555 00:37:53,129 --> 00:37:55,859 cool Dolan's bar, thank you for that really, really appreciate 556 00:37:55,859 --> 00:37:59,579 it. artists and Tony, can you? Or do you have a video on the 557 00:37:59,579 --> 00:38:03,089 FOIA process? Very cool. appreciate you asking as well. 558 00:38:03,869 --> 00:38:08,099 Yes, you know what, I really need to do that for you guys. 559 00:38:08,369 --> 00:38:13,409 So, you know, thank you for the suggestion. And and I'm and I'm 560 00:38:13,409 --> 00:38:16,319 happy to do it. And we'll do it live too. So that way, you know, 561 00:38:16,319 --> 00:38:19,499 I can feel questions. So let me kind of buckle down and make a 562 00:38:19,499 --> 00:38:22,769 presentation. So that way I can give you guys a good overview. 563 00:38:23,129 --> 00:38:26,429 And, and kind of go with it. What I will say about FOIA 564 00:38:26,429 --> 00:38:28,589 because it looks like a lot of people want to want to use it in 565 00:38:28,589 --> 00:38:31,979 here, which is so encouraging to me. One thing that I always want 566 00:38:31,979 --> 00:38:36,599 to say is you can never stop learning about the FOIA process. 567 00:38:36,629 --> 00:38:42,659 I mean, there's something really, really sorry, I'm 568 00:38:42,659 --> 00:38:46,199 switching something here. There's something really 569 00:38:46,229 --> 00:38:49,799 simplistic, but also really complicated about the process. 570 00:38:50,129 --> 00:38:53,549 And that you can dive into it and really get going right away. 571 00:38:53,939 --> 00:39:00,629 But in the same respect, you can learn things all the time. And 572 00:39:00,629 --> 00:39:04,259 and that's that's something that I always pass on that. In my 573 00:39:04,259 --> 00:39:08,969 opinion. There's never there's never a FOIA expert. There's no 574 00:39:08,969 --> 00:39:13,769 such thing, because after 25 years, I'm learning all the 575 00:39:13,769 --> 00:39:18,149 time. So let me go to the phones here. I just had to reset 576 00:39:18,149 --> 00:39:20,339 something. So I'm hoping everything's working. Well. 577 00:39:20,609 --> 00:39:27,059 You're Live on the Air. Who's this? Hey, john, it's JT JT with 578 00:39:27,059 --> 00:39:30,749 the hawk. How are you, buddy? Good. I'm doing good batter 579 00:39:30,749 --> 00:39:35,549 getting it done. I love the fact that you did that. Thank you so 580 00:39:35,549 --> 00:39:39,119 much. For those who don't know, I met JT. Out of all the hours 581 00:39:39,119 --> 00:39:42,869 of radio I've done it was just such a great phone call. And 582 00:39:43,049 --> 00:39:46,679 you're a truck driver JT and you gave the honk at the end to 583 00:39:46,679 --> 00:39:49,889 Jimmy church and myself. There was just something so genuinely 584 00:39:49,889 --> 00:39:54,389 cool about you as a person and your call and and I'm so glad 585 00:39:54,389 --> 00:39:57,569 that we became friends after that. So, so thanks. So thank 586 00:39:57,569 --> 00:40:00,869 you. Absolutely. So So what What can I do for you? You got a 587 00:40:00,869 --> 00:40:02,849 comment, question, toots. 588 00:40:04,410 --> 00:40:07,770 Unknown: question Do you have any? I got two questions real 589 00:40:07,770 --> 00:40:12,720 quick ones. You have any any insight on the Senate 590 00:40:12,810 --> 00:40:16,320 Intelligence Appropriation Bill, what that's been a food for the 591 00:40:16,320 --> 00:40:22,110 next session of the UAP passports or dollar wise or 592 00:40:22,140 --> 00:40:26,460 dates like yearly quarterly reports or anything like that? 593 00:40:26,670 --> 00:40:27,360 Yeah. So 594 00:40:27,360 --> 00:40:29,610 John Greenewald: I briefly went over that in the beginning of 595 00:40:29,610 --> 00:40:34,140 the show and and what what I profiled was the Air Force 596 00:40:34,140 --> 00:40:41,340 involvement. However, the I think that there's, there's a 597 00:40:41,340 --> 00:40:45,750 much bigger video to this. But in short, it looks like if 598 00:40:45,750 --> 00:40:49,950 everything goes forward, and if everything passes as it's 599 00:40:49,950 --> 00:40:54,930 written now, it looks like there will be I believe it's quarterly 600 00:40:54,930 --> 00:40:57,450 reports, I don't have it in front of me. But as it stands 601 00:40:57,450 --> 00:41:01,470 right now, there will be reports that are submitted. So 602 00:41:01,470 --> 00:41:08,010 essentially, it's more funding and, and more, more informing of 603 00:41:08,250 --> 00:41:13,200 Congress and senate of what is going on. But the where I'm 604 00:41:13,200 --> 00:41:16,890 apprehensive to say that that's going to happen is that they're 605 00:41:16,890 --> 00:41:21,510 so in their preliminary stages at this point, that we just 606 00:41:21,510 --> 00:41:26,940 don't know that we we don't know what is essentially going to be 607 00:41:26,940 --> 00:41:30,780 passed and what what makes it through. So there was a lot of 608 00:41:30,780 --> 00:41:35,490 concern with the 2021 bill that that UAP essentially mandate for 609 00:41:35,490 --> 00:41:39,570 the report would maybe fall out. Luckily, it didn't. So, you 610 00:41:39,570 --> 00:41:42,510 know, it's the long winded way of saying things are working, 611 00:41:42,510 --> 00:41:48,510 things are progressing. But it still has a long way to pass. 612 00:41:48,720 --> 00:41:51,450 For those who don't know, and I don't have his Twitter handle in 613 00:41:51,450 --> 00:41:57,660 front of me, but you can search for his name. D Dean Johnson has 614 00:41:57,660 --> 00:42:02,100 really done an excellent job following the progression of 615 00:42:02,100 --> 00:42:07,710 these bills, did it in 2021. And he's doing it again in 2022. It 616 00:42:07,710 --> 00:42:12,360 is a very confusing and complicated process. But Dean 617 00:42:12,360 --> 00:42:15,660 does an excellent job at kind of making these tweet threads and 618 00:42:15,660 --> 00:42:19,440 making it make sense. So after the show, I'll link it in the 619 00:42:19,440 --> 00:42:22,560 show notes. So that way, people can have a direct link, but but 620 00:42:22,560 --> 00:42:27,720 make sure you just search for D. Dean Johnson, and he's 621 00:42:27,720 --> 00:42:29,670 definitely following the progression as well. 622 00:42:31,290 --> 00:42:35,730 Unknown: All right, thanks for that, man. Real quick on Luis 623 00:42:35,730 --> 00:42:40,680 Elizondo. I mean, they seem like that whole ever since, like a 624 00:42:40,740 --> 00:42:44,100 after a couple weeks after the report came out, and they've 625 00:42:44,100 --> 00:42:47,640 been very quiet. Now. You may have had personal contact with 626 00:42:47,640 --> 00:42:51,330 him or whatever. But it seems like that all dried up all the 627 00:42:51,330 --> 00:42:54,240 leaks that now dried up. Everything's dried up. Yeah. 628 00:42:54,570 --> 00:42:57,990 Like flip the switch off. Just wanted your opinion on that. No, 629 00:42:57,990 --> 00:43:00,060 you have any insight you could give us on that? 630 00:43:00,180 --> 00:43:03,120 John Greenewald: I wish I had insight. I've noticed the same. 631 00:43:03,210 --> 00:43:06,930 I have not communicated with Mr. Elizondo. And a little bit. I 632 00:43:06,930 --> 00:43:11,100 did send him a message this week about the credo agreement. That 633 00:43:11,100 --> 00:43:14,850 was more so as a courtesy, I don't think he can comment on 634 00:43:14,850 --> 00:43:18,390 it. Just simply because he's according to what he has said 635 00:43:18,390 --> 00:43:23,280 publicly, not affiliated with ttsa anymore. But I also like to 636 00:43:23,280 --> 00:43:26,910 keep them updated and stuff like that. If he cares. I didn't hear 637 00:43:26,910 --> 00:43:31,380 back from him. So I don't know. You know, what's going on. But 638 00:43:31,380 --> 00:43:35,520 to your question about a lot of stuff seemingly just drying up. 639 00:43:35,850 --> 00:43:40,830 Yeah, that's, that's really, you know, I commented on the media 640 00:43:40,830 --> 00:43:45,030 part of it. But really, with the momentum of those, we'll call 641 00:43:45,030 --> 00:43:48,840 them leaks and stuff like that surfacing from Jeremy korbel. 642 00:43:48,840 --> 00:43:52,680 And George Knapp. And, you know, Luis Elizondo is never leaked, 643 00:43:52,680 --> 00:43:56,430 anything that I'm aware of. That's tagged to him. But it 644 00:43:56,430 --> 00:44:00,780 just seems like all of that has stopped. And and either switch. 645 00:44:01,260 --> 00:44:05,550 Yeah. Met now. Hopefully, maybe this is the calm before the 646 00:44:05,550 --> 00:44:10,110 storm. JT, who knows? we'll wake up on Monday morning. And, you 647 00:44:10,110 --> 00:44:13,980 know, we'll have a triangle UFO video coming out of the water? I 648 00:44:13,980 --> 00:44:18,840 don't know. But yeah, I I don't know what to what to make of it. 649 00:44:18,900 --> 00:44:22,650 You know, I really don't. With the with the government side. 650 00:44:23,070 --> 00:44:27,660 I'm curious to know, after that report was published, it was 651 00:44:27,660 --> 00:44:33,450 said by the DNI that 90 days thereafter, they were set to 652 00:44:33,960 --> 00:44:39,060 update Congress again. Now, the question mark, for me, that 653 00:44:39,060 --> 00:44:44,850 nobody's really addressed. Is will that be public at all? Is 654 00:44:44,850 --> 00:44:49,860 it even a report? You know, I mean, we don't know. And I think 655 00:44:49,860 --> 00:44:52,080 a lot of people had some false hope. Like, all right, we're 656 00:44:52,080 --> 00:44:56,250 getting another report 90 days. There's no indication of that. 657 00:44:56,460 --> 00:45:01,020 So moving forward, I think we're really going to Have to allow 658 00:45:01,020 --> 00:45:05,700 that process to unfold, which will then set the stage for the 659 00:45:05,700 --> 00:45:09,540 years to come. Because if they start closing the door on all of 660 00:45:09,540 --> 00:45:13,530 that, I think there's a Fat chance that we will, you know, 661 00:45:13,560 --> 00:45:17,370 get absolutely nothing when it comes to uaps. And they'll try 662 00:45:17,370 --> 00:45:21,690 and keep a tight lid on it. From here on out. Very well. 663 00:45:21,720 --> 00:45:26,880 Unknown: Yeah, I appreciate you let me get in on a call and all 664 00:45:26,880 --> 00:45:30,330 the hard work you do and all the little surprises, they get mail 665 00:45:30,330 --> 00:45:34,470 from us like, wow, okay. I mean, that takes a lot of effort and 666 00:45:34,470 --> 00:45:37,680 time on your part doesn't seem like much maybe for one person. 667 00:45:37,680 --> 00:45:40,140 But you know, you're doing that for everybody. That's pretty 668 00:45:40,140 --> 00:45:41,280 cool. Well, I 669 00:45:42,000 --> 00:45:42,690 John Greenewald: appreciate that. 670 00:45:45,210 --> 00:45:49,050 Unknown: Anyway, so I just want to say hello to all the bald 671 00:45:49,050 --> 00:45:57,000 heads as I call them bald heads. Yep. And numbers. 624 to 26. 672 00:45:57,000 --> 00:46:00,240 Everybody, God bless you and take it easy. Have a good 673 00:46:00,240 --> 00:46:02,970 weekend. And thank you, john. And this is for all the ball 674 00:46:02,970 --> 00:46:04,290 heads out there. And 675 00:46:06,930 --> 00:46:09,450 John Greenewald: I love it. JT, thank you so much, man. You call 676 00:46:09,450 --> 00:46:10,230 in any time? 677 00:46:11,160 --> 00:46:13,470 Unknown: Yeah, it's very rare that I get a chance to calling 678 00:46:13,470 --> 00:46:16,440 because because of my weird schedule. You know, you just 679 00:46:16,440 --> 00:46:18,150 happen to hit it right on and I thank you. 680 00:46:18,180 --> 00:46:19,890 John Greenewald: Well, I'm glad I did. Thanks again. Man. You 681 00:46:19,890 --> 00:46:22,170 have a great day. Be safe out there on the roads too. And have 682 00:46:22,170 --> 00:46:26,640 a great night. All right. Thank you. Thanks, john. Such a great 683 00:46:26,640 --> 00:46:29,880 guy really is cool. So I appreciate that vault heads. 684 00:46:29,910 --> 00:46:34,410 That's a new one. So I wrote that down mobile will will have 685 00:46:34,410 --> 00:46:39,180 to credit JT for the vault heads. So Matthew Riot didn't 686 00:46:39,180 --> 00:46:42,870 want you to think I missed you there. Thank you so much. Yes, 687 00:46:42,870 --> 00:46:47,940 the back hurts. Come do some dabs. Buddy. My back hurts. For 688 00:46:47,940 --> 00:46:50,760 those who missed it. I did something to my back so I can 689 00:46:50,760 --> 00:46:57,390 barely move. So I I appreciate that. Matthew, I might take you 690 00:46:57,390 --> 00:47:01,050 up on it. I really enjoy. Oh, let me see if I get this. pop it 691 00:47:01,050 --> 00:47:10,530 up. Pop Up pop up. Judy, I see your so sorry. I don't know why 692 00:47:10,530 --> 00:47:17,940 it's not popping up. Okay, Judy McAuliffe for I don't know why 693 00:47:17,940 --> 00:47:20,160 it's not popping up. So I apologize. I really enjoy all 694 00:47:20,160 --> 00:47:23,190 you do plus your Hollywood ventures. Judy, thank you for 695 00:47:23,190 --> 00:47:25,620 that. I'm sorry, I would put your name and lights on there. 696 00:47:25,950 --> 00:47:28,830 And I'm clicking on it. And it's just not going on there. So I 697 00:47:29,130 --> 00:47:33,840 don't know why. But I appreciate it. g d that one pops up. So 698 00:47:33,840 --> 00:47:38,220 Judy, I do apologize about that. Is it possible some army 699 00:47:38,220 --> 00:47:42,030 analysis of samples has occurred but results are not ready to 700 00:47:42,030 --> 00:47:46,920 release yet? Absolutely. That is a possibility. What I that was 701 00:47:46,920 --> 00:47:50,220 my intention to reach out to ttsa. Because the documents I 702 00:47:50,220 --> 00:47:54,660 got were from May. So a lot has happened since then. However, by 703 00:47:54,660 --> 00:47:57,600 them pointing me to their meeting minutes and press 704 00:47:57,600 --> 00:48:01,080 releases. There was no press release on anything. And the 705 00:48:01,080 --> 00:48:05,910 meeting minutes has obviously blamed COVID. I'm totally open 706 00:48:05,910 --> 00:48:10,020 though to that. And that's why when and I don't want to just 707 00:48:10,020 --> 00:48:13,380 pick on ttsa here. But when you write a story, and you want to 708 00:48:13,380 --> 00:48:20,010 be as accurate as possible, speaking in vagueness and not 709 00:48:20,010 --> 00:48:23,640 being helpful with like, How hard would it have been to give 710 00:48:23,640 --> 00:48:27,870 me the same exact statement with a link to something like, Hey, 711 00:48:27,900 --> 00:48:32,100 we can't really add anything to this. But here's our minutes, or 712 00:48:32,280 --> 00:48:35,010 here's our press release that we think you should look at or 713 00:48:35,040 --> 00:48:37,920 something. And instead you just go Yeah, sorry, we can't add 714 00:48:37,920 --> 00:48:41,250 anything. Here's 12,000 pages to look through. So you know, 715 00:48:41,250 --> 00:48:45,180 figure it out. That that makes it really difficult, you know, 716 00:48:45,180 --> 00:48:49,050 and when somebody is trying to genuinely be as accurate as 717 00:48:49,050 --> 00:48:52,800 possible, and give you guys all of the the information that 718 00:48:52,800 --> 00:48:55,410 would have been helpful. Is there something that they just 719 00:48:55,410 --> 00:48:58,830 haven't released yet? Quite possibly, but again, internally 720 00:48:58,830 --> 00:49:02,130 at the army, it just seemed like nothing was nothing was going 721 00:49:02,130 --> 00:49:05,940 on. And that was also the official statement as well, that 722 00:49:05,940 --> 00:49:10,320 there was absolutely, you know, nothing there. So that's what's 723 00:49:10,440 --> 00:49:15,330 kind of frustrating about it. Let me see one more. Nick 724 00:49:15,360 --> 00:49:18,420 northcutt. Thank you for that. We need more people like you 725 00:49:18,420 --> 00:49:21,390 pushing this issue on our leaders. We deserve to know 726 00:49:21,390 --> 00:49:24,600 where they stand. Cheers, Nick, cheers to you. Thank you for 727 00:49:24,600 --> 00:49:28,860 that support. Absolutely. We need more. Here's a shout out to 728 00:49:28,860 --> 00:49:31,980 my friends over at the unidentified celebrity review 729 00:49:31,980 --> 00:49:35,310 and Luis Jimenez. Michael matter loony rather be squinting. I 730 00:49:35,310 --> 00:49:39,570 don't know if you guys are in the chat. I'm not really doing a 731 00:49:39,570 --> 00:49:43,290 good job keeping up on all this. But if you guys are out there, 732 00:49:43,740 --> 00:49:47,550 they are doing the big phone home. This is the big phone home 733 00:49:47,550 --> 00:49:53,610 too. And they are pushing the elected leaders to do something 734 00:49:53,610 --> 00:49:59,010 about this. Now I rarely get behind ventures like that. But 735 00:49:59,220 --> 00:50:02,880 after a meeting Louie's meeting Michael meeting rather meet and 736 00:50:02,880 --> 00:50:06,180 those are the three main main individuals. There's a lot of 737 00:50:06,180 --> 00:50:08,430 other people involved, please I know that I'm not naming 738 00:50:08,430 --> 00:50:12,420 everybody, but spearheaded by by those three gentlemen. They're 739 00:50:12,420 --> 00:50:16,080 doing an awesome job and they did one earlier this year. It's 740 00:50:16,080 --> 00:50:21,600 the big phone home.com is how to get to their website. They've 741 00:50:21,600 --> 00:50:24,870 got a great and entertaining show on YouTube that I would 742 00:50:24,870 --> 00:50:27,690 check out. But they do a great job. They've got a lot of 743 00:50:27,690 --> 00:50:30,420 passion behind what they do. And they're pushing their elected 744 00:50:30,420 --> 00:50:35,670 leaders to do something about this, you know, and to figure it 745 00:50:35,670 --> 00:50:39,450 out. So that's what they that's what they are up to. And I want 746 00:50:39,450 --> 00:50:43,740 to make sure that you guys check that out as well. Let me see 747 00:50:43,740 --> 00:50:47,580 anonymous Rex, any thoughts on the 2019 Bainbridge Island Tic 748 00:50:47,580 --> 00:50:51,990 Tac case now being highlighted on the new show? encounter UFO? 749 00:50:53,910 --> 00:50:58,680 So let me see. I and I'm surprised this hasn't come up 750 00:50:58,680 --> 00:51:01,770 yet. I assume by by the 751 00:51:04,410 --> 00:51:07,710 by the show. UFO you're talking about the Showtime one. I'm 752 00:51:07,710 --> 00:51:09,960 trying to think the Bainbridge Island Tic Tac case now being 753 00:51:09,960 --> 00:51:13,350 highlighted on the new show encounter UFO, actually, then 754 00:51:13,380 --> 00:51:17,070 let me rephrase that no encounter UFO. I'm not sure what 755 00:51:17,130 --> 00:51:22,950 anonymous Rex, which show that is the Bainbridge though. I 756 00:51:22,950 --> 00:51:26,550 believe that I've heard someone to I don't want to speak out of 757 00:51:26,550 --> 00:51:30,870 turn here. But I believe I've heard somebody talk about this 758 00:51:30,870 --> 00:51:34,950 publicly. So if it wound up in a television show, that's good. I 759 00:51:34,950 --> 00:51:39,930 believe I have an open request on that. And and looking into 760 00:51:39,930 --> 00:51:46,650 it. So I will have to check my records on it and see what's out 761 00:51:46,650 --> 00:51:50,700 there public. But But obviously, on a television show. I'm just 762 00:51:50,700 --> 00:51:55,440 not sure which encounter UFO that show is. So if you can put 763 00:51:55,440 --> 00:51:59,130 it in the show is on. Okay, so I'm going through the comments 764 00:51:59,130 --> 00:52:05,430 The show is on t and e, t and e t and e. Sorry, I don't know 765 00:52:05,430 --> 00:52:09,870 what t n e is probably just going to draw a blank. But let 766 00:52:09,870 --> 00:52:13,380 me know. And I'll try and keep a watch on the you know, watch on 767 00:52:13,380 --> 00:52:15,360 the comments for you. But I'm not familiar with the show 768 00:52:15,360 --> 00:52:19,830 encounter UFO isotope ratio data would only take a day at most to 769 00:52:19,830 --> 00:52:22,800 generate I smell a rat, bow. Thank you for that donation. 770 00:52:24,750 --> 00:52:28,290 This is the thing about isotopic ratio. And I dealt a lot with it 771 00:52:28,320 --> 00:52:32,760 on the on the History Channel show where I profiled what is 772 00:52:32,760 --> 00:52:38,100 now in the hands of ttsa. And it is number one very expensive. 773 00:52:38,940 --> 00:52:41,280 But number two, there's not a whole lot of places that can do 774 00:52:41,280 --> 00:52:44,610 it. And you're absolutely right. The places that can which I 775 00:52:44,610 --> 00:52:47,190 assume would be the United States Army, which I assume is 776 00:52:47,190 --> 00:52:50,520 why they're doing this agreement could probably come up with very 777 00:52:50,520 --> 00:52:53,910 fascinating results very quickly. And that goes back to 778 00:52:53,910 --> 00:52:57,510 my comment that if you're doing your television production or 779 00:52:57,510 --> 00:53:01,740 your movies, through ttss Entertainment division, that's 780 00:53:01,740 --> 00:53:07,500 great. I truly I've always wished Tom DeLonge him being a 781 00:53:07,500 --> 00:53:11,730 successful entrepreneur luck, and what my best wishes for 782 00:53:11,730 --> 00:53:16,500 those ventures. There's nothing bad I can say about it. However, 783 00:53:16,500 --> 00:53:21,420 when I talk about their analysis and credo agreement, if you're 784 00:53:21,420 --> 00:53:24,240 doing the entertainment division, why would you not just 785 00:53:24,240 --> 00:53:27,630 take a little bit of time to go and get those answers? They 786 00:53:27,630 --> 00:53:31,830 could probably be determined very quickly. And that's that's 787 00:53:31,830 --> 00:53:35,640 what I don't understand, and they're not doing it. So that 788 00:53:35,640 --> 00:53:39,480 said, you have a great point, I wish I had a better answer for 789 00:53:39,480 --> 00:53:43,950 you. I wish ttsa would open up to their investors, their 790 00:53:43,950 --> 00:53:48,630 investors, I think deserve an answer. And per their investors 791 00:53:48,630 --> 00:53:51,630 in the meeting minutes that they gave to all of their investors, 792 00:53:51,990 --> 00:53:55,830 they fell back on the COVID excuse now that I don't want to 793 00:53:55,830 --> 00:53:58,170 diminish that that is something that's very important and 794 00:53:58,170 --> 00:54:01,590 something that has altered all of our lives. But again, you 795 00:54:01,590 --> 00:54:04,740 can't in one breath, say, you know, we're doing all this 796 00:54:04,740 --> 00:54:08,190 entertainment stuff. And we're in production on X, Y and Z. And 797 00:54:08,190 --> 00:54:11,580 then blame COVID for not doing the tests. If the army comes 798 00:54:11,580 --> 00:54:13,950 back to me on Monday and says, Yeah, we've been shut down for a 799 00:54:13,950 --> 00:54:18,030 year and a half. Great, I will absolutely publish that and say 800 00:54:18,030 --> 00:54:21,510 this is where we're at. But internally, those documents did 801 00:54:21,510 --> 00:54:24,390 not produce any evidence that they were that they were shut 802 00:54:24,390 --> 00:54:27,930 down. And if ttsa was able to communicate with more 803 00:54:27,930 --> 00:54:31,230 statements, maybe we can get some clarity. Let me hit the 804 00:54:31,260 --> 00:54:36,030 phones again. Who's this? This is a Jamie Moore from Kentucky. 805 00:54:36,270 --> 00:54:37,140 Hey there. How are you? 806 00:54:38,400 --> 00:54:42,360 Unknown: doing? Well. I just have a quick question for you. I 807 00:54:42,360 --> 00:54:45,660 was wondering, what do you think about how you must shed and the 808 00:54:45,660 --> 00:54:48,060 validity of his story? If you're familiar with him? 809 00:54:50,070 --> 00:54:53,400 John Greenewald: If I'm familiar with who again? Hi, Michelle. 810 00:54:53,700 --> 00:54:57,870 The Israeli Yes, yes, sir. Yes, I'm sorry. I didn't catch it. 811 00:54:57,870 --> 00:55:01,080 You're referring to Yes. Familiar With the story, but yes 812 00:55:01,080 --> 00:55:01,620 familiar 813 00:55:04,049 --> 00:55:08,579 Unknown: to me if you've done any research into that, you 814 00:55:08,579 --> 00:55:10,649 know, it kind of get your opinion on it. Yeah, 815 00:55:10,650 --> 00:55:12,930 John Greenewald: no, and I appreciate the question I, it 816 00:55:12,930 --> 00:55:17,580 really reminds me of like a story like Paul hellyer, who 817 00:55:17,580 --> 00:55:21,060 recently passed away here in the last week or two, where a 818 00:55:21,060 --> 00:55:24,150 government official or somebody that seemingly connected comes 819 00:55:24,150 --> 00:55:27,840 out with a story, but doesn't bring a whole lot of evidence 820 00:55:27,840 --> 00:55:32,310 with them. Now, that doesn't take away from the story. But 821 00:55:32,310 --> 00:55:37,260 it's very hard to verify information like that. And I 822 00:55:37,260 --> 00:55:42,180 think with with this particular case, with the late Paul 823 00:55:42,180 --> 00:55:48,240 hellyer, in quite a few doing the same, it's very hard. And so 824 00:55:48,240 --> 00:55:53,040 for me, I'm very much very much a nuts and bolts, I need 825 00:55:53,040 --> 00:55:55,290 evidence kind of guy. And if somebody comes to me with a 826 00:55:55,290 --> 00:55:59,940 story, I need that kind of hard evidence to go along with it. 827 00:56:00,240 --> 00:56:03,240 And I'll be it is very interesting and intriguing. And 828 00:56:03,240 --> 00:56:06,720 I thought I'd try and follow you know, developments like that 829 00:56:06,750 --> 00:56:08,490 there's not a lot you can do with it. 830 00:56:12,030 --> 00:56:15,030 Unknown: Anybody to kind of he said there's connecting with 831 00:56:15,060 --> 00:56:19,710 American astronauts, then we're gonna get a list of astronauts 832 00:56:19,710 --> 00:56:20,790 that are still here on Earth. 833 00:56:21,720 --> 00:56:23,820 John Greenewald: Well, that yeah, that the the astronaut 834 00:56:24,060 --> 00:56:28,680 angle to a lot of this is is also very intriguing to me. I 835 00:56:28,680 --> 00:56:31,890 have spent time with with quite a few astronauts I was raised, 836 00:56:32,370 --> 00:56:35,130 where my dad worked on the space shuttle, I got to meet quite a 837 00:56:35,130 --> 00:56:39,120 few. When it comes to like their UFO encounters. What makes it 838 00:56:39,120 --> 00:56:42,930 really muddy when you get to astronaut encounters, is that a 839 00:56:42,930 --> 00:56:45,480 lot of the stories are embellished and have kind of 840 00:56:45,480 --> 00:56:49,590 taken on a life of its own prime example, when I first started 841 00:56:49,590 --> 00:56:54,000 the black vault back in 96, I had written Neil Armstrong. And 842 00:56:54,000 --> 00:56:56,760 it was based on all of the photographs of him on the 843 00:56:56,760 --> 00:57:00,480 surface of the moon and really kind of well known in the UFO 844 00:57:00,480 --> 00:57:05,010 field, where there's like a ring of light above him. And the 845 00:57:05,010 --> 00:57:09,300 story was that Neil Armstrong saw things on the crater edge. I 846 00:57:09,300 --> 00:57:11,430 don't know if you're familiar with those stories, but those 847 00:57:11,610 --> 00:57:16,380 have circulated for years and years and years. And and Neil 848 00:57:16,380 --> 00:57:19,890 Armstrong's administrative aide actually wrote me back and and 849 00:57:20,130 --> 00:57:25,230 apparently asked, at least as the, the letter goes, asked Neil 850 00:57:25,230 --> 00:57:29,340 Armstrong about my my question. And he said, none of it was 851 00:57:29,340 --> 00:57:33,330 true, all of those stories were were bunk. And so that's what 852 00:57:33,330 --> 00:57:35,610 kind of makes it really challenging unless you get an 853 00:57:35,610 --> 00:57:39,240 astronaut, you know, on the record talking about UFOs, which 854 00:57:39,270 --> 00:57:44,130 some have done, but at least that, that to me, there's 855 00:57:44,130 --> 00:57:48,330 usually photographs or videos to go along with it, you know, 856 00:57:48,330 --> 00:57:51,150 where you have things that are seen on space shuttle missions, 857 00:57:51,150 --> 00:57:54,810 and so on and so forth. So you have that to back it up. But 858 00:57:54,810 --> 00:57:57,540 those those in itself are very challenging. You know, it's, 859 00:57:57,540 --> 00:58:05,130 it's, it's really hard to verify stories like that. Alright, I 860 00:58:05,130 --> 00:58:08,550 guess that's about it. I gotta get back to work. I appreciate 861 00:58:08,550 --> 00:58:10,410 that. You're just one. Yeah, I don't know if I answered your 862 00:58:10,410 --> 00:58:12,390 question. Good enough, but I appreciate the question 863 00:58:12,390 --> 00:58:17,880 nonetheless. Absolutely. Thank you. Alright, thanks for that 864 00:58:17,880 --> 00:58:21,450 call bow. Again, thank you so much for your, your support. 865 00:58:21,450 --> 00:58:25,110 Here, I spent 40 years doing mass spectroscopy is I believe, 866 00:58:25,110 --> 00:58:28,290 the short form there. It's cheap and easy. If you have the 867 00:58:28,320 --> 00:58:31,650 equipment, many labs have the equipment. So mass, okay, so 868 00:58:31,650 --> 00:58:34,770 this goes also to it. And you're going to be smarter than the me 869 00:58:34,770 --> 00:58:39,660 on this. And so maybe I'm using the wrong terminology. But what 870 00:58:39,660 --> 00:58:42,480 I can say is that when we were doing those shows on science, we 871 00:58:42,480 --> 00:58:48,030 did quite a few when it came to UFO testing and stuff like that. 872 00:58:48,330 --> 00:58:53,100 The spectroscopy was not the expensive part, the isotopic 873 00:58:53,100 --> 00:58:56,340 ratio, abundance test, if I remember correctly, and I'm 874 00:58:56,340 --> 00:58:59,820 going back years, in this very old brain of mine member, I 875 00:58:59,820 --> 00:59:04,620 injured my back. So I think I'm falling apart. But the the 876 00:59:04,620 --> 00:59:08,700 isotopic ratio abundance test was the expensive one. And 877 00:59:08,700 --> 00:59:10,950 although this wasn't, you know, yesterday, when we were doing 878 00:59:10,950 --> 00:59:14,970 it, it was a few years ago, quite a few, maybe eight now, 879 00:59:15,270 --> 00:59:19,080 maybe eight or nine. It was very, very expensive. Now, I 880 00:59:19,080 --> 00:59:22,020 assume in eight or nine years, it's gotten a lot less 881 00:59:22,020 --> 00:59:26,880 expensive, more prevalent, and so on. So again, you you have 882 00:59:26,880 --> 00:59:29,670 excellent points, I just wanted to differentiate with my 883 00:59:30,510 --> 00:59:35,520 admitted ignorance on all of the terminology there. That's what I 884 00:59:35,550 --> 00:59:39,480 my experience was eight or nine years ago trying to get the same 885 00:59:39,540 --> 00:59:43,890 as well. So but Bo, you bring up excellent points. I truly I 886 00:59:44,550 --> 00:59:47,100 you're sitting on the key to the universe, I'll say it 1000 887 00:59:47,100 --> 00:59:50,640 times, why don't you just go and get the test done and figure out 888 00:59:50,640 --> 00:59:55,050 what's going on? Why not? It's beyond me. So let's go to the 889 00:59:55,050 --> 00:59:55,830 phones. Who's this? 890 00:59:56,820 --> 00:59:59,970 Unknown: Good evening. Mr. Greenwald is Rob from floor 891 01:00:00,000 --> 01:00:03,630 Thank you very much for taking my call. You're very welcome. 892 01:00:03,630 --> 01:00:03,840 Thank 893 01:00:03,840 --> 01:00:05,520 John Greenewald: you. Thank you for calling. What can I do for 894 01:00:05,520 --> 01:00:05,700 you? 895 01:00:06,330 --> 01:00:09,180 Unknown: You got it. It's such a pleasure to speak to you. I've 896 01:00:09,180 --> 01:00:12,420 been following your work for years. Don't change a thing and 897 01:00:12,420 --> 01:00:15,780 carry on. I appreciate your objectivity. And the way that 898 01:00:15,780 --> 01:00:21,720 you try to vet the evidence. The question for you I have I'd like 899 01:00:21,720 --> 01:00:26,550 to refer to the chapter in the Air Force Academy physics 900 01:00:26,580 --> 01:00:30,900 textbook that was used on our about 68 through 70, which I'm 901 01:00:30,900 --> 01:00:35,820 sure you're familiar with that? Yes. Okay. How has that been 902 01:00:35,820 --> 01:00:39,990 authenticated? I know Lee Spiegel got it from state and he 903 01:00:39,990 --> 01:00:44,130 received it from Dr. Hynek and Dr. Hynek said it was used in 904 01:00:44,130 --> 01:00:47,250 the textbook. Do you know of anybody that's actually held 905 01:00:47,250 --> 01:00:50,520 that textbook in their hands and seen that chapter and I'm not 906 01:00:50,520 --> 01:00:53,100 trying to doubt its authenticity? But that would be 907 01:00:53,100 --> 01:00:56,250 a very valuable authentication? Because that's a pretty 908 01:00:56,250 --> 01:00:57,360 important document. 909 01:00:57,480 --> 01:01:00,510 John Greenewald: Yeah. Off the top of my head, it is a 910 01:01:00,510 --> 01:01:05,700 fantastic question. I don't know. I don't I don't have 911 01:01:05,700 --> 01:01:09,300 personal. I don't have a personal reason to doubt the 912 01:01:09,300 --> 01:01:13,830 authenticity either. But in the same respect, no, I if memory 913 01:01:13,830 --> 01:01:17,730 serves, and I'll have to look back years and years ago, I 914 01:01:17,730 --> 01:01:20,580 tried to track one down via FOIA. You know, a lot of those 915 01:01:20,580 --> 01:01:24,000 things, you can get texture ups, and so on and so forth and came 916 01:01:24,000 --> 01:01:27,240 up empty. But the problem with textbooks like that is sometimes 917 01:01:27,240 --> 01:01:30,630 they're not not saved, like normal government reports or 918 01:01:30,630 --> 01:01:34,410 records. So it was kind of like a dead end. But it was a dead 919 01:01:34,410 --> 01:01:37,050 end. That didn't really mean anything. But I'll have to look 920 01:01:37,050 --> 01:01:40,740 back and get you a better answer on that. But in regards to 921 01:01:40,740 --> 01:01:44,130 somebody physically holding that textbook, off the top of my 922 01:01:44,130 --> 01:01:48,240 head, no, I just know the stories of how you just put it. 923 01:01:48,540 --> 01:01:52,380 Leigh Spiegel through J. Allen Hynek and going back, you know, 924 01:01:52,380 --> 01:01:56,490 what is that? 5060 years? It's a long time, you know, a long time 925 01:01:56,490 --> 01:02:02,040 ago. So yeah, no, I wish I had a better answer for you. I just am 926 01:02:02,040 --> 01:02:02,580 not aware. 927 01:02:04,050 --> 01:02:07,590 Unknown: In your opinion, has it been authenticated to your 928 01:02:07,590 --> 01:02:08,490 satisfaction? 929 01:02:09,269 --> 01:02:12,059 John Greenewald: That particular document? Again, I just don't 930 01:02:12,059 --> 01:02:16,259 have any reason to doubt it. I don't. You know, it's not like 931 01:02:16,259 --> 01:02:20,519 an mj 12 controversial document, Dr. J. Allen Hynek, you know, 932 01:02:20,519 --> 01:02:24,419 was was obviously very careful with I think things he put his 933 01:02:24,419 --> 01:02:29,369 name behind. So yeah, from what I recall, and I'll look back, I 934 01:02:29,369 --> 01:02:32,309 just don't think of anything that stuck out to me is saying, 935 01:02:32,309 --> 01:02:35,279 Now this, this can't be, you know, can't be real. 936 01:02:37,320 --> 01:02:40,110 Unknown: You know, when you read that document, it's interesting 937 01:02:40,110 --> 01:02:44,910 what it does not say, and what it does not say is, you know, 938 01:02:44,910 --> 01:02:48,930 Air Force students pay no attention to this. We studied 939 01:02:48,930 --> 01:02:52,020 it. There's nothing there. You're going to get Don't waste 940 01:02:52,020 --> 01:02:55,680 your time and resources on it. You know, it doesn't say that. 941 01:02:55,710 --> 01:02:58,680 Yeah, exactly. It goes into quite detail, saying that they 942 01:02:58,680 --> 01:03:02,310 think maybe perhaps three or four civilizations or could be 943 01:03:02,310 --> 01:03:05,340 visiting, you know, it's couched and could be using maybes. 944 01:03:05,370 --> 01:03:08,640 However, you know, they do make statements, and they're, 945 01:03:08,640 --> 01:03:09,810 they're, they're quite alarming. 946 01:03:10,830 --> 01:03:12,960 John Greenewald: Yeah, it's been a while since I've looked at it. 947 01:03:12,960 --> 01:03:18,420 But But yeah, I recall, seeing stuff like that. That's why I 948 01:03:18,420 --> 01:03:21,690 think the context of the entire book and physically holding the 949 01:03:21,690 --> 01:03:25,860 entire thing in your hand would be key to see exactly, you know, 950 01:03:25,860 --> 01:03:30,240 what was the context of what they were saying. You know, a 951 01:03:30,240 --> 01:03:33,540 lot of times I use this as a silly example, but it's a good 952 01:03:33,540 --> 01:03:37,080 example, nonetheless, that the context of the information in a 953 01:03:37,080 --> 01:03:40,650 document is key. And sometimes you lose that context. And the 954 01:03:40,650 --> 01:03:47,850 example I give is a, a preparedness plan for a zombie 955 01:03:47,850 --> 01:03:54,600 apocalypse. And as silly as that sounds, it exists. And there 956 01:03:54,600 --> 01:03:58,200 were classified versions and references to it. It's called 957 01:03:58,260 --> 01:04:02,910 con plan 8888. And I've had it on the black Vault for years. 958 01:04:03,270 --> 01:04:07,080 Now out of context, I tell you that and go look that they're 959 01:04:07,080 --> 01:04:09,720 preparing just on the off chance, there's zombie 960 01:04:09,720 --> 01:04:12,780 apocalypse, they've prepared for it. There's this preparedness 961 01:04:12,780 --> 01:04:17,580 plan. All of that is true. The context, however, is that it was 962 01:04:17,580 --> 01:04:22,890 actually a training manual on how to create these preparedness 963 01:04:22,890 --> 01:04:27,090 plans. And the zombie apocalypse was chosen, because it was the 964 01:04:27,090 --> 01:04:32,040 most generic and unlikely thing ever to happen. And so it wasn't 965 01:04:32,040 --> 01:04:35,490 leaning towards, you know, Hurricane destruction or a 966 01:04:35,490 --> 01:04:38,760 massive earthquake that was just generic. And so they made this 967 01:04:38,760 --> 01:04:41,970 preparedness plan. So out of context, you know, things can 968 01:04:42,000 --> 01:04:45,990 can absolutely be skewed a certain way. I'm not saying that 969 01:04:45,990 --> 01:04:49,170 happened with this Air Force manual. I'm just saying that, 970 01:04:49,230 --> 01:04:52,830 you know, context is always key. So was this something that they 971 01:04:52,830 --> 01:04:56,160 were truly teaching their students was this, you know, 972 01:04:56,160 --> 01:04:59,280 something else? I don't, I don't know. But in regards to 973 01:04:59,280 --> 01:05:02,160 legitimacy, I I just have not seen anything to show that it 974 01:05:02,160 --> 01:05:02,760 was a fake. 975 01:05:04,529 --> 01:05:08,849 Unknown: That's that's been my my conclusion as well. And, you 976 01:05:08,849 --> 01:05:12,299 know, perhaps you can ask David MARLAR? I mean, if anybody on 977 01:05:12,299 --> 01:05:15,809 it, no, it would be him or have a copy. I mean, he's got a copy 978 01:05:15,809 --> 01:05:17,489 of everything else, it seems like, 979 01:05:17,609 --> 01:05:20,639 John Greenewald: Yeah, he he's got an amazing collection, I got 980 01:05:20,639 --> 01:05:24,569 to see it in person quite a few years ago, when I was doing a 981 01:05:24,569 --> 01:05:29,549 lecture and got to go to his home. And, you know, which David 982 01:05:29,549 --> 01:05:33,359 will be on this channel here in the next few weeks. So stay 983 01:05:33,359 --> 01:05:37,289 tuned for that. He's a great individual, but his collection 984 01:05:37,349 --> 01:05:42,419 is unmatched. I mean, it is unbelievable what he has, and I 985 01:05:42,419 --> 01:05:46,769 give him so much credit for taking the time to collect 986 01:05:46,769 --> 01:05:49,829 everything. So I wrote it down while you were saying that, 987 01:05:49,829 --> 01:05:53,699 because I'll ask him about it. And and specifically about that 988 01:05:53,699 --> 01:05:58,889 manual and see, did he find one in his, in his truck to collect 989 01:05:58,889 --> 01:06:03,389 everything known to man when it comes to UFOs? Or if he knows, 990 01:06:03,389 --> 01:06:07,199 but I'll write that down? Or I've written down and I'll, I'll 991 01:06:07,199 --> 01:06:07,619 ask him? 992 01:06:08,429 --> 01:06:10,769 Unknown: Oh, that's great. Well, I'm currently my wife and I are 993 01:06:10,769 --> 01:06:14,069 currently touring the United States. And he has one stop on 994 01:06:14,069 --> 01:06:17,339 our tour, I want to make a donation to his reference 995 01:06:17,339 --> 01:06:20,159 library there and visit with him. So I'm really looking 996 01:06:20,159 --> 01:06:23,759 forward to that. And but, you know, I'm not surprised if 997 01:06:23,759 --> 01:06:26,369 somebody doesn't have a copy of that textbook, because as an 998 01:06:26,369 --> 01:06:29,849 internal matter, and you know, they got rid of it after about 999 01:06:29,849 --> 01:06:33,839 1970 or so. So they probably all got destroyed. But, you know, 1000 01:06:33,839 --> 01:06:35,849 there may be one or two somewhere out in a used 1001 01:06:35,849 --> 01:06:37,619 bookstore. So yeah, that's 1002 01:06:37,620 --> 01:06:39,810 John Greenewald: the use bookstores that are amazing. 1003 01:06:39,810 --> 01:06:44,250 I've told the story a couple times, but it's like Rob Mercer 1004 01:06:44,250 --> 01:06:48,810 finding old Project bluebook books and reports and stuff in 1005 01:06:48,840 --> 01:06:52,590 in a garage, like on Craigslist that was found in somebody's 1006 01:06:52,590 --> 01:06:56,640 garage. You never know where you find this stuff. But yeah, great 1007 01:06:56,640 --> 01:06:58,890 question. And I'll make sure that I asked Dave about it. 1008 01:06:59,760 --> 01:07:02,130 Unknown: And I'll wrap up by saying, Well, you know, that's 1009 01:07:02,160 --> 01:07:07,290 interesting, because David MARLAR got some original photos 1010 01:07:07,320 --> 01:07:14,430 of the LA, the La Banda logo in 1942. Those came from a garage 1011 01:07:14,430 --> 01:07:18,660 sale from the AP photographer. I mean, that is a fantastic story. 1012 01:07:19,620 --> 01:07:22,020 John Greenewald: Yeah, I love I'm telling you that I geek out 1013 01:07:22,020 --> 01:07:24,060 about stories like that. Very, very cool. Yeah, 1014 01:07:24,060 --> 01:07:28,260 Unknown: me too. Well, thank you so much. And it's been a real 1015 01:07:28,260 --> 01:07:30,000 pleasure to talk to you. Awesome. You as 1016 01:07:30,000 --> 01:07:31,890 John Greenewald: well. Thanks for calling call anytime. Yes, 1017 01:07:31,890 --> 01:07:36,180 sir. You bet. Thank you. All right, couple. Let me see here a 1018 01:07:36,180 --> 01:07:39,900 couple super chats to get to here. And thank you for all of 1019 01:07:39,900 --> 01:07:42,990 this. Oliver dro. JOHN ever read this interesting, they offer a 1020 01:07:42,990 --> 01:07:46,320 reason for alien waves every 20 years or so the name of the 1021 01:07:46,320 --> 01:07:48,600 article is inflation theory implications for 1022 01:07:48,600 --> 01:07:53,340 extraterrestrial visitation. link in the chat. Oh, Oliver, 1023 01:07:53,370 --> 01:07:56,160 thank you for the link, I will definitely look it up off the 1024 01:07:56,160 --> 01:07:58,680 top of my head. That doesn't sound familiar. So I will 1025 01:07:59,040 --> 01:08:03,510 definitely do that and see what's in that document. So 1026 01:08:03,600 --> 01:08:05,460 thank you for that. And thank you for the support of the 1027 01:08:05,460 --> 01:08:08,100 channel. A couple more to get to here. And then we'll go back to 1028 01:08:08,100 --> 01:08:12,900 the phones. g d, again, thank you, not just ISIS, tope 1029 01:08:12,900 --> 01:08:15,150 analysis that is of interest, the structure of the sample is 1030 01:08:15,150 --> 01:08:18,300 also of interest, Eg three micron business layer and its 1031 01:08:18,300 --> 01:08:23,580 properties. Absolutely. Yeah, you're you're spot on. And And 1032 01:08:23,580 --> 01:08:25,920 again, that's science that's out of my realm. So I won't even 1033 01:08:25,920 --> 01:08:30,240 pretend to give you an eloquent answer. Other than we need those 1034 01:08:30,240 --> 01:08:33,270 answers, you know why they're not doing it? I'm not really 1035 01:08:33,270 --> 01:08:41,610 sure. JOHN Francoise and I'm gonna botch the last name, so 1036 01:08:41,610 --> 01:08:44,310 I'm not going to try. But john Francoise, thank you so much for 1037 01:08:44,310 --> 01:08:48,120 that. Really appreciate it. Obviously, from Canada, no 1038 01:08:48,120 --> 01:08:51,360 question. Just want to thank you for your work. Well, thank you 1039 01:08:51,360 --> 01:08:55,200 for your support. And I really do appreciate that support of 1040 01:08:55,200 --> 01:08:58,950 the channel. And myself. So so you're very, very welcome. But 1041 01:08:58,950 --> 01:09:03,060 thank you. Couple more here, and then we'll go back to the 1042 01:09:03,060 --> 01:09:06,420 phones, artists and Tony if foil only covers executive branch, 1043 01:09:07,350 --> 01:09:13,470 government, our FBI and CIA Doc's gotten. Tony, I'm not sure 1044 01:09:13,470 --> 01:09:16,620 exactly what you mean by that. So just a clarification, though, 1045 01:09:16,620 --> 01:09:21,300 executive branch when you get into the White House, you are 1046 01:09:21,300 --> 01:09:24,090 not covered through FOIA. That's through the Presidential Records 1047 01:09:24,090 --> 01:09:29,010 Act. And everything is exempt. Until the president comes out of 1048 01:09:29,010 --> 01:09:32,820 office. It gets trained all of his records, or through the 1049 01:09:32,820 --> 01:09:38,130 administration, for the most part. There are there. It gets 1050 01:09:38,130 --> 01:09:41,040 complicated. There are exceptions through the Executive 1051 01:09:41,250 --> 01:09:45,810 Office of the President that are open through FOIA. However, the 1052 01:09:45,810 --> 01:09:49,380 majority of all white house records, Presidential Records 1053 01:09:49,380 --> 01:09:52,080 are all through the Presidential Records Act, gets transferred 1054 01:09:52,080 --> 01:09:55,110 over to the National Archives, the National Archives, then 1055 01:09:55,110 --> 01:09:58,530 we'll run the library of the President. All of that stuff 1056 01:09:58,530 --> 01:10:03,090 goes transferred over there. And then then FOIA requests apply. 1057 01:10:04,320 --> 01:10:08,910 Our FBI and CIA Doc's gotten. Again, I'm not I'm not 100% sure 1058 01:10:08,910 --> 01:10:11,100 what you mean by that. So I apologize. Tony would try and 1059 01:10:11,100 --> 01:10:14,250 put it in the chat and I'll try and catch. Catch the 1060 01:10:14,250 --> 01:10:16,620 clarification. I'm happy to address it. I'm just not sure 1061 01:10:16,620 --> 01:10:20,670 what you mean. FBI though CIA. They're all open to foi 1062 01:10:20,670 --> 01:10:29,340 requests. I've hit all of them and 1000s of times over. Mahmud 1063 01:10:29,790 --> 01:10:32,910 II, thank you so much for that. Is it possible to get radar data 1064 01:10:32,910 --> 01:10:36,060 from the Nimitz encounter via FOIA? Without that, it seems all 1065 01:10:36,060 --> 01:10:39,210 we have to go on is witness testimony. Yeah, I know that. 1066 01:10:39,810 --> 01:10:44,580 People like Dave Beatty, who is a great researcher, been on this 1067 01:10:44,610 --> 01:10:47,430 program before, I don't want to speak on His behalf because I 1068 01:10:47,430 --> 01:10:49,800 don't want to screw anything up. But I know that he has gone 1069 01:10:49,800 --> 01:10:53,790 after the deck logs and radar data and stuff like that. And a 1070 01:10:53,790 --> 01:10:57,510 lot of stuff in cases like this. And even the later what we call 1071 01:10:57,510 --> 01:11:01,470 like the drone swarm encounters, the drone encounters is missing. 1072 01:11:01,500 --> 01:11:05,160 And it's just not there. So I don't want to say specifically 1073 01:11:05,160 --> 01:11:08,310 that the Dave has said that, because I don't want to speak 1074 01:11:08,310 --> 01:11:11,730 for him, but he would be the one to ask about that. But from what 1075 01:11:11,730 --> 01:11:16,290 I recall, know all of that is gone, according to testimony by 1076 01:11:17,160 --> 01:11:21,000 people from the Princeton that the tapes were taken, so all 1077 01:11:21,000 --> 01:11:25,830 sorts of stuff as is missing and not around. So let me make sure 1078 01:11:25,830 --> 01:11:28,890 I'm although I think I got everybody there. Make sure I 1079 01:11:28,890 --> 01:11:32,040 didn't miss anything. We go back to the phones. Who's this? 1080 01:11:33,390 --> 01:11:36,480 Unknown: JOHN, this is Pat from Philly, I'm your Barner the 1081 01:11:36,930 --> 01:11:37,650 Superjet. 1082 01:11:38,280 --> 01:11:41,130 John Greenewald: Hey there, how are you? I'm great, man. How are 1083 01:11:41,130 --> 01:11:44,910 you? I'm good. Thank you. And thank you for the thank you for 1084 01:11:44,910 --> 01:11:45,900 the support on every Yeah, 1085 01:11:45,900 --> 01:11:49,140 Unknown: no, no worries, buddy. So the reason why I'm calling is 1086 01:11:49,140 --> 01:11:50,820 number one. Thank you for everything you're doing. I think 1087 01:11:50,820 --> 01:11:53,670 you're excellent at what you do. You're, you're open minded and 1088 01:11:53,670 --> 01:11:56,760 skeptical of a lot of things. And I think you're probably the 1089 01:11:56,760 --> 01:12:00,690 most black and white and a level headed that I that I see in this 1090 01:12:00,690 --> 01:12:04,260 and I listen, I pay attention to this big time. Like I'm very, 1091 01:12:04,260 --> 01:12:07,260 very interested in it. But I want to know what your thoughts 1092 01:12:07,260 --> 01:12:12,030 were on why this ttsa split happened. And I'll give you my 1093 01:12:12,030 --> 01:12:13,620 theory afterwards. 1094 01:12:14,220 --> 01:12:18,420 John Greenewald: Sure. When you say split, you're talking about 1095 01:12:18,450 --> 01:12:21,180 Christopher Bella and Luis Elizondo breaking low. Yeah. 1096 01:12:23,040 --> 01:12:26,070 Steve justice as well, or are you just talking about the well, 1097 01:12:26,970 --> 01:12:30,360 all of it? I'd love to hear what you think. And the only reason I 1098 01:12:30,360 --> 01:12:32,700 ask is because I think there's different answers. I mean, I 1099 01:12:32,700 --> 01:12:35,250 think someone like Steve justice. And I'm surprised this 1100 01:12:35,250 --> 01:12:39,240 hasn't come up yet. Which I'm happy to address. But the 1101 01:12:39,240 --> 01:12:43,680 biggest heat I got of through the Showtime show that I did, I 1102 01:12:43,680 --> 01:12:46,380 would say the most controversial thing was I suppose that some of 1103 01:12:46,380 --> 01:12:49,890 these guys came together, potentially not for the sole 1104 01:12:49,890 --> 01:12:53,010 reason, but potentially with money as a motivating factor. 1105 01:12:53,460 --> 01:12:56,700 And with Steve, I don't want to say that that's exactly why he 1106 01:12:56,700 --> 01:13:00,510 did it. But I would say that with his departure, it's 1107 01:13:00,510 --> 01:13:03,960 indicative that some of these people that were involved in 1108 01:13:03,960 --> 01:13:08,370 ttsa, were probably looking at it as a job. And the original 1109 01:13:08,370 --> 01:13:13,290 vision of $50 million of raised capital that would turn and 1110 01:13:13,290 --> 01:13:17,310 balloon into something bigger and much more lucrative, was 1111 01:13:17,310 --> 01:13:21,420 probably appealing to at least a few of them as being a driving 1112 01:13:21,420 --> 01:13:25,050 factor. So, you know, as much as we all want to think it's all 1113 01:13:25,050 --> 01:13:28,140 about disclosure, and and all for the greater good. I think 1114 01:13:28,140 --> 01:13:31,890 money is a motivating factor with Steve Justice's departure, 1115 01:13:32,100 --> 01:13:34,980 I think. Yeah. You know, it's it's about supporting our 1116 01:13:34,980 --> 01:13:38,490 family. There's nothing wrong with that. In regards to to 1117 01:13:38,520 --> 01:13:46,380 Elizondo and Christopher Mellon leaving. I think that for me, 1118 01:13:46,380 --> 01:13:52,530 anyway, I I don't know. I think that there will be some other 1119 01:13:52,560 --> 01:13:56,610 project that they will be involved in some other efforts. 1120 01:13:56,640 --> 01:14:00,060 I don't know if that stems from that they disagreed, ultimately 1121 01:14:00,060 --> 01:14:04,500 with the way ttsa was run. I don't know I asked. Mr. Elizondo 1122 01:14:04,500 --> 01:14:06,660 when I interviewed him on this channel. This is back in 1123 01:14:06,660 --> 01:14:11,220 January, now that Remember that? Yeah, it it just unfolded. So he 1124 01:14:11,220 --> 01:14:14,880 was very apprehensive, which which is totally fair, but 1125 01:14:14,880 --> 01:14:18,570 apprehensive of answering. I don't know if anybody's asked 1126 01:14:18,570 --> 01:14:22,980 him on the 74 million interviews. He's done in the 1127 01:14:22,980 --> 01:14:27,900 last few months on that, so why do I personally think I think 1128 01:14:27,900 --> 01:14:30,840 there's going to be another venture. If I were to bet money. 1129 01:14:31,200 --> 01:14:36,360 I think the Tucker Carlson appearance where all of a sudden 1130 01:14:36,360 --> 01:14:41,970 we saw the sky fort, you know, blasted to everybody. What is 1131 01:14:41,970 --> 01:14:45,360 sky fort, you know, and like, that was obviously attributed to 1132 01:14:45,360 --> 01:14:48,900 Luis Elizondo. And so then I thought, Okay, this is it, you 1133 01:14:48,900 --> 01:14:51,810 know, that's the other organization that is what 1134 01:14:51,810 --> 01:14:55,530 they're talking about. But then that has kind of gone radio 1135 01:14:55,530 --> 01:14:59,820 silent for a little bit. So long winded way of saying, I think 1136 01:14:59,820 --> 01:15:02,880 it's Another project but what that project is, I'm not really 1137 01:15:02,880 --> 01:15:03,240 sure. 1138 01:15:04,200 --> 01:15:08,040 Unknown: Did you read the novels that ttsa put up? I did not. 1139 01:15:09,120 --> 01:15:13,920 Alright. So in it, there's other excellent reading, by the way, 1140 01:15:13,920 --> 01:15:18,180 there they go through quickly. Your page turner, they really 1141 01:15:18,180 --> 01:15:23,070 are. But in in the novels, it's basically like for four or five 1142 01:15:23,070 --> 01:15:26,460 different characters, it's split up, and you jump back and forth 1143 01:15:26,460 --> 01:15:29,580 and in the chapters between the point of view of each character, 1144 01:15:30,420 --> 01:15:33,870 and one of them, and it's basically revolved around the TR 1145 01:15:33,870 --> 01:15:37,920 three d project or the US government. And this is what I 1146 01:15:37,920 --> 01:15:41,670 think I know that this was like a couple of years ago when this 1147 01:15:41,670 --> 01:15:45,540 came out. But I know that Lou speaks on like, there's 1148 01:15:45,540 --> 01:15:49,290 absolutely no way that we have that technology. You know, it's 1149 01:15:49,290 --> 01:15:53,520 not in our it's not in our toolbox of the US military. And 1150 01:15:53,520 --> 01:15:56,220 I was always wondering if maybe there was some type of 1151 01:15:56,220 --> 01:15:57,900 disagreement when it came down to that. 1152 01:15:59,640 --> 01:16:02,700 John Greenewald: It there absolutely could be I mean, I, I 1153 01:16:02,700 --> 01:16:07,680 speak on nothing but opinion. But the upper echelon of ttsa, 1154 01:16:07,680 --> 01:16:11,850 for me, from from an outside point of view, seems drastically 1155 01:16:11,850 --> 01:16:15,690 different. And I'm sure there were riffs behind closed doors, 1156 01:16:15,690 --> 01:16:20,580 because when you look at the way Mr. Elizondo spoke in 2018, and 1157 01:16:20,580 --> 01:16:26,520 2019, his tone has shifted a little bit, but he was very nuts 1158 01:16:26,520 --> 01:16:31,650 and bolts back then he was very, you know, pretty much just more 1159 01:16:31,650 --> 01:16:35,760 hardcore evidence. You juxtapose that with Tom DeLonge. And 1160 01:16:35,760 --> 01:16:39,840 you've got a wildly different point of view, you know, then 1161 01:16:39,840 --> 01:16:44,490 you add in Christopher Mellon, who is from the position that he 1162 01:16:44,490 --> 01:16:49,230 is not only, you know, up with public life and his government 1163 01:16:49,230 --> 01:16:52,920 ties, but obviously being part of the Mellon family. Those are, 1164 01:16:53,190 --> 01:16:56,430 you know, you can't get across the spectrum, any, any better 1165 01:16:56,460 --> 01:17:00,600 than that. So I would be, and again, just based on opinion, 1166 01:17:00,840 --> 01:17:03,240 I'd be curious to hear some of those behind closed doors, 1167 01:17:03,240 --> 01:17:06,960 conversations about what the best direction for ttsa was, 1168 01:17:07,230 --> 01:17:11,070 because you have the head of the snake through, you know, however 1169 01:17:11,070 --> 01:17:14,490 many heads that snake has, but they're being told and way too 1170 01:17:14,490 --> 01:17:18,510 many directions there. So, yeah, I'm sure that there was a lot 1171 01:17:18,510 --> 01:17:21,270 more going on then than anyone was privy to. 1172 01:17:22,590 --> 01:17:27,120 Unknown: Two more things quickly. So I am fascinated with 1173 01:17:27,150 --> 01:17:29,760 all his long form interviews that he's been doing in the last 1174 01:17:29,760 --> 01:17:33,360 few months over the summer, Elizondo and speaking. I've 1175 01:17:33,360 --> 01:17:36,480 searched for them every day to see when any news up, new comes 1176 01:17:36,480 --> 01:17:39,420 up. And I could recall a couple before me notice that things 1177 01:17:39,420 --> 01:17:43,350 have gotten a lot more quiet in the last three weeks or so, with 1178 01:17:43,350 --> 01:17:47,340 Elizondo. But what I find really fascinating is the 1179 01:17:47,400 --> 01:17:51,390 acknowledgement of a lot of old cases that had been brought 1180 01:17:51,390 --> 01:17:58,200 around the UFO community, for instance, the the incident over 1181 01:17:58,200 --> 01:18:02,550 Texas, over Bush's Ranch, things like that. There's a there's an 1182 01:18:02,550 --> 01:18:06,540 incident off the coast of Puerto Rico. And Lou has spoke on some 1183 01:18:06,540 --> 01:18:10,800 of these numbers, I find it completely fascinating that, 1184 01:18:11,010 --> 01:18:13,260 that they're looking at that. And they're acknowledging that 1185 01:18:13,260 --> 01:18:18,510 they looked at that in the past, and as far as a tip or whatever 1186 01:18:18,510 --> 01:18:21,330 the the acronyms were at the time when he was looking at his 1187 01:18:21,330 --> 01:18:27,000 things. And but what my big question to you is, and I'd love 1188 01:18:27,330 --> 01:18:29,430 I mean, I don't think anybody really knows the answer to this. 1189 01:18:29,460 --> 01:18:32,850 But why now? Why is it all coming out? Now? Why is the push 1190 01:18:32,850 --> 01:18:36,000 for this coming out? Now? I mean, it's always been, you 1191 01:18:36,000 --> 01:18:39,630 know, from what we've gathered, and you know, you have your 1192 01:18:39,630 --> 01:18:41,700 fingertips or more information than anybody else in the 1193 01:18:41,700 --> 01:18:47,340 subject. It's always been walled off. Why, why is it opening up 1194 01:18:47,340 --> 01:18:50,640 now? What's your opinion on that? And I'll listen to it off 1195 01:18:50,640 --> 01:18:51,870 the air. Thank you for everything. 1196 01:18:52,260 --> 01:18:54,030 John Greenewald: And and thank you for that. I really 1197 01:18:54,030 --> 01:18:58,590 appreciate your phone call and your question. Why why now is a 1198 01:18:58,620 --> 01:19:02,100 is an amazing question that really I don't think anybody has 1199 01:19:02,130 --> 01:19:08,190 an answer to. There, there is obviously this very public push 1200 01:19:08,370 --> 01:19:11,880 for information. A lot of people were thinking that this was 1201 01:19:11,880 --> 01:19:15,240 disclosure, a lot of people thought this is, you know, this 1202 01:19:15,240 --> 01:19:19,650 is where we are. This is this is you know, where we're heading 1203 01:19:19,650 --> 01:19:23,610 where we're going to be in disclosure. And we're not 1204 01:19:23,940 --> 01:19:27,870 because with that public push with some people that were 1205 01:19:27,870 --> 01:19:34,290 government insiders, you then have a we'll call it the the 1206 01:19:34,560 --> 01:19:38,340 private that the the inside the government side that wants to 1207 01:19:38,340 --> 01:19:42,120 squash it all. And even though there was for me, the glimmer of 1208 01:19:42,120 --> 01:19:46,560 hope was when the US Navy in September of 2019 started going 1209 01:19:46,560 --> 01:19:50,430 on the record saying yes, we believe that these videos are 1210 01:19:50,430 --> 01:19:55,200 unidentified aerial phenomena. That to me, was a turning point 1211 01:19:55,200 --> 01:19:58,590 in my head that we were going towards something that may be 1212 01:19:58,590 --> 01:20:03,750 really fascinating. That door was shut not too long after they 1213 01:20:03,750 --> 01:20:10,230 are trying to squash this. So this why now question may 1214 01:20:10,230 --> 01:20:13,890 ultimately be that there is nothing going on that we're 1215 01:20:13,890 --> 01:20:18,150 appeasing the public push for information, saying, Hey, we 1216 01:20:18,150 --> 01:20:21,810 have a task force now, hey, we're looking into it, and so on 1217 01:20:21,810 --> 01:20:24,450 and so forth. So the public's like, Really? That's great, give 1218 01:20:24,450 --> 01:20:27,810 us that information. And then the report comes out absolutely 1219 01:20:27,810 --> 01:20:32,070 nothing. And it burst that bubble. Was that the objective? 1220 01:20:32,310 --> 01:20:36,840 Was it to get the momentum by the push of the United States 1221 01:20:36,840 --> 01:20:41,340 government, saying, let's just and I'll bring up the leaks 1222 01:20:41,340 --> 01:20:44,340 again, why were they allowed to happen? And why were their 1223 01:20:44,850 --> 01:20:49,440 comments on them so quickly by the Pentagon? And so was that 1224 01:20:49,440 --> 01:20:57,300 part of a bigger plot, Operation plot, whatever it might be? And 1225 01:20:57,300 --> 01:21:02,370 so was it why now is because they're trying to destroy this 1226 01:21:02,370 --> 01:21:08,730 topic. And that's still kind of unwritten. But I think it's a 1227 01:21:08,730 --> 01:21:11,670 possibility. And I know, I'll get hate mail for saying that. 1228 01:21:11,970 --> 01:21:15,450 But you have to look at what's going on, you look at the leaks 1229 01:21:15,450 --> 01:21:18,570 that have come out that were not extraordinary. You then look at 1230 01:21:18,570 --> 01:21:21,960 how the skeptics can debunk it, you look at the internal war 1231 01:21:22,230 --> 01:21:26,160 between the UFO community, and as a couple callers, yourself 1232 01:21:26,160 --> 01:21:30,540 included, who we just hung up with, that you've noticed that 1233 01:21:30,540 --> 01:21:33,900 everything is just kind of dried up, is that the public interest 1234 01:21:33,900 --> 01:21:37,380 going away? Because absolutely nothing happened with this 1235 01:21:37,380 --> 01:21:41,460 report. And it was this gigantic hype. We're going to get a 1236 01:21:41,460 --> 01:21:43,740 report, we're going to get this we're going to get that and 1237 01:21:43,740 --> 01:21:47,700 absolutely nothing happened. Now, I still find it 1238 01:21:47,700 --> 01:21:50,910 interesting. And I still think that there's a lot more to do. I 1239 01:21:50,910 --> 01:21:54,000 still think that there's a lot more to discover. And I still 1240 01:21:54,000 --> 01:21:57,630 think that there's a lot more that we all can collectively do. 1241 01:21:57,990 --> 01:22:03,120 But if this was part of something else, that's unwritten 1242 01:22:03,150 --> 01:22:06,780 for me, and I'm not really sure so that why now question. We 1243 01:22:06,780 --> 01:22:11,160 can't answer it. But to me, there are too many strange red 1244 01:22:11,160 --> 01:22:17,040 flags that remain unanswered about this entire saga that I 1245 01:22:17,040 --> 01:22:22,200 think we still need to push on. And sadly, I think there's a 1246 01:22:22,200 --> 01:22:25,830 small portion of the general public that doesn't care 1247 01:22:25,830 --> 01:22:29,670 anymore. And that's if I've learned anything in 25 years of 1248 01:22:29,670 --> 01:22:33,420 research and government cover ups, it is the fact that time is 1249 01:22:33,420 --> 01:22:37,710 the best weapon that the United States government can wield. And 1250 01:22:37,710 --> 01:22:41,640 if you wait long enough, people will absolutely lose interest. 1251 01:22:41,820 --> 01:22:44,760 So you have a core that doesn't care to answer those questions, 1252 01:22:44,760 --> 01:22:47,880 because they believe all this anyway. But the general public 1253 01:22:47,910 --> 01:22:51,150 has now been sloughed off for a couple years, they're on to 1254 01:22:51,150 --> 01:22:53,670 something else they're fighting whether or not mass should be in 1255 01:22:53,670 --> 01:22:58,470 schools, or we should go to the supermarket and mask. People. I 1256 01:22:58,470 --> 01:23:02,220 think collectively, a lot of people have moved on, because 1257 01:23:02,220 --> 01:23:07,500 the bubble was burst. So I'll stop ranting on that. But it's 1258 01:23:07,500 --> 01:23:10,440 it's really kind of the long winded way of saying we don't 1259 01:23:10,440 --> 01:23:15,510 know, if there are underlying objectives here. We want to 1260 01:23:15,510 --> 01:23:18,630 think it's all about truth and disclosure and so on and so 1261 01:23:18,630 --> 01:23:22,200 forth. But is there something else going on? We can't we 1262 01:23:22,200 --> 01:23:25,590 can't. We can't say no at this point. 1263 01:23:26,970 --> 01:23:29,640 Couple super chats. I'm going to get caught up and I'll get back 1264 01:23:29,640 --> 01:23:35,010 to the phone. dt. Thank you again for all of your support. 1265 01:23:35,010 --> 01:23:38,190 Tonight. Senator Reid's letter on Lou Elizondo said a tip was 1266 01:23:38,190 --> 01:23:40,740 an unclassified program. How does that square with Mr. 1267 01:23:40,740 --> 01:23:43,890 Elizondo his pension for punting questions on grounds of 1268 01:23:43,890 --> 01:23:48,120 confidentiality? Absolutely fantastic question and something 1269 01:23:48,450 --> 01:23:52,800 that I have posed for quite some time. In a New York magazine 1270 01:23:52,830 --> 01:23:57,780 interview by Senator Harry Reid. I forget off the top of my head 1271 01:23:57,780 --> 01:24:02,610 what year this was. But this was done by Senator Reid. And he 1272 01:24:02,610 --> 01:24:08,070 said 80% of a tip was unclassified. And he was saying 1273 01:24:08,070 --> 01:24:10,650 he couldn't believe that journalists and mainstream media 1274 01:24:10,650 --> 01:24:14,130 wasn't looking at it. No one has ever been able to answer the 1275 01:24:14,130 --> 01:24:19,230 question for me of what is this 80%? Is he talking about the 38? 1276 01:24:19,230 --> 01:24:25,290 dirt reports? Maybe, and that's fine. But there's no UFO data in 1277 01:24:25,290 --> 01:24:28,320 there. Arguably, some people want to say Kate Greene's report 1278 01:24:28,320 --> 01:24:31,950 was, you know, UAP effects on the human body, whatever. But 1279 01:24:32,280 --> 01:24:36,180 regardless, it just didn't scream as a UFO program to me 1280 01:24:36,180 --> 01:24:39,660 through the OS app days. So what is it that Harry Reid was 1281 01:24:39,660 --> 01:24:43,080 referring to? We don't know. All of those reports were for 1282 01:24:43,080 --> 01:24:46,560 official use only with the exception of I believe two off 1283 01:24:46,560 --> 01:24:49,140 the top of my head. And those were classified just simply 1284 01:24:49,140 --> 01:24:52,140 because they were using technical data that obviously 1285 01:24:52,140 --> 01:24:56,070 would encroach on a classified system. Why was everything else 1286 01:24:56,070 --> 01:24:59,460 on classified for official use only. So for those who aren't 1287 01:24:59,460 --> 01:25:05,010 aware for Use only or fo is not a classification. It's just an 1288 01:25:05,010 --> 01:25:09,960 internal designation, that the document then will still require 1289 01:25:09,960 --> 01:25:14,400 review for release, but is not classified in nature. So nothing 1290 01:25:14,400 --> 01:25:19,170 was except the again, the two that were. I think they were 1291 01:25:19,170 --> 01:25:23,010 dealing with lasers. But I, again, it's been a while since I 1292 01:25:23,010 --> 01:25:26,880 looked at it, regardless, majority was not. So what is 1293 01:25:26,880 --> 01:25:30,750 Harry Reid referring to? Going back to this question? There are 1294 01:25:30,750 --> 01:25:34,170 a lot of fall backs on it's classified, or my NDA or it's 1295 01:25:34,170 --> 01:25:37,770 classified as my NDA. And yeah, that's frustrating. I appreciate 1296 01:25:37,770 --> 01:25:42,150 and can understand those security clearances. But it 1297 01:25:42,150 --> 01:25:45,420 seems like if harry reid to say, Hey, 80% of this program, and 1298 01:25:45,420 --> 01:25:47,640 all the information that went along with it is all on 1299 01:25:47,640 --> 01:25:51,480 classified. Mainstream media is not looking at it. Fine. Keep 1300 01:25:51,480 --> 01:25:55,680 the 20% hide behind it. I don't care. Give me the 80% and let's 1301 01:25:55,680 --> 01:25:59,610 play ball. And yet no one has been able to do that. For those 1302 01:25:59,610 --> 01:26:03,480 curious, I have reached out to Harry Reid numerous times. No 1303 01:26:03,480 --> 01:26:09,060 response. So what is the information? Your guess is as 1304 01:26:09,060 --> 01:26:11,520 good as mine, let me get a little bit more caught up on 1305 01:26:11,520 --> 01:26:15,990 these super chats and I screw up, I probably screwed up. I 1306 01:26:15,990 --> 01:26:20,250 hope I'm not missing anybody. So much fun to see the hundreds and 1307 01:26:20,250 --> 01:26:25,500 hundreds of you throughout screaming through this chat. So 1308 01:26:25,800 --> 01:26:30,330 it's a little tough for me to pick out the comments. The Super 1309 01:26:30,330 --> 01:26:32,940 chats are the ones that are really highlighted. So that's 1310 01:26:32,940 --> 01:26:36,300 why I'm able to to pick those out. I apologize if I missing 1311 01:26:36,300 --> 01:26:40,590 anything because this thing kind of keeps refreshing on its own a 1312 01:26:40,590 --> 01:26:44,520 little bit. So apologize, john music. JOHN, when do you think 1313 01:26:44,520 --> 01:26:46,770 Mr. Elizondo is big news drop will happen. We can't lose 1314 01:26:46,770 --> 01:26:49,800 momentum. And most people know nothing about UFOs. We need big 1315 01:26:49,800 --> 01:26:54,420 stuff now. I'm not sure what Mr. Elizondo said he was going to be 1316 01:26:54,420 --> 01:26:59,610 dropping and what that news was, I will talk in generality, that 1317 01:26:59,610 --> 01:27:03,180 there are always people saying something big is coming. If 1318 01:27:03,180 --> 01:27:08,010 that's Mr. Elizondo. I hope not it but if he said that something 1319 01:27:08,010 --> 01:27:11,160 big is coming, I would hope that he would timestamp it if he 1320 01:27:11,160 --> 01:27:15,750 didn't, I have no idea. The thing with me, even though I 1321 01:27:15,750 --> 01:27:19,500 find value in what people say, and I look at it, and I digest 1322 01:27:19,500 --> 01:27:23,070 it, if it doesn't come through, or there's no timestamp, what 1323 01:27:23,070 --> 01:27:26,280 does it mean? I mean, there's so many people that say, big things 1324 01:27:26,280 --> 01:27:31,200 are coming. Just wait, you know, it teases are fine. I tease 1325 01:27:31,200 --> 01:27:35,640 myself that it's, it's good to get some kind of interest, the 1326 01:27:35,640 --> 01:27:38,760 longest I've ever teased something was on a Friday for a 1327 01:27:38,760 --> 01:27:42,630 Monday story. And I cringed when I did it. But there was actually 1328 01:27:42,630 --> 01:27:46,770 a reason why I did it. And generally, when I tease there's 1329 01:27:46,770 --> 01:27:51,270 usually a reason why I do work with a lot of journalists 1330 01:27:51,660 --> 01:27:56,010 worldwide. And so sometimes, if they see me maybe drop a hint 1331 01:27:56,010 --> 01:27:59,910 that I'm seeing a drop a hint that I'm publishing a story on 1332 01:27:59,910 --> 01:28:02,910 something, they'll write me, and then I can absolutely give them 1333 01:28:02,940 --> 01:28:07,950 a heads up. So it's a little bit to get that momentum because I 1334 01:28:07,950 --> 01:28:11,490 don't have the reach that a lot of the media organizations that 1335 01:28:11,490 --> 01:28:15,570 profile My Documents do. And so that's why sometimes I do that. 1336 01:28:15,720 --> 01:28:19,350 But there's always a reason. What I get tired of are those 1337 01:28:19,350 --> 01:28:23,070 teases that are just open ended, like something bigs coming. You 1338 01:28:23,070 --> 01:28:24,030 know, just wait. 1339 01:28:25,710 --> 01:28:30,180 I don't know when but some big, it drives me nuts, because there 1340 01:28:30,180 --> 01:28:33,750 are so many that you get excited about. And this is part of 1341 01:28:33,750 --> 01:28:37,440 marketing for some people, and it drives me nuts. They'll say, 1342 01:28:37,440 --> 01:28:41,220 Oh, I got this big interview with someone. It's coming soon. 1343 01:28:41,370 --> 01:28:43,890 It's coming to it like six months later, you know, maybe 1344 01:28:43,890 --> 01:28:48,420 something will get published, or those types of teases it I think 1345 01:28:48,420 --> 01:28:52,440 it drives the community nuts. So going back to this, when will it 1346 01:28:52,440 --> 01:28:57,570 happen? It's anybody's guess. I really I don't do I don't do 1347 01:28:57,570 --> 01:29:02,430 those long, open ended teases. Well, I think if somebody says, 1348 01:29:02,430 --> 01:29:08,100 Hey, I'll use Jeremy Corbyn as a prime example. When he teases he 1349 01:29:08,100 --> 01:29:10,890 at least delivers, like, not everybody's gonna like what he 1350 01:29:10,890 --> 01:29:15,150 publishes. But when he says high noon, the next day, I set my 1351 01:29:15,150 --> 01:29:18,510 alarm, because I know that it's kind of be there. You know, so 1352 01:29:18,510 --> 01:29:22,860 kudos to him that we may not always agree. But when he says 1353 01:29:22,860 --> 01:29:25,380 at high noon tomorrow, I'm gonna tease or I'm gonna drop 1354 01:29:25,380 --> 01:29:28,800 something. That's awesome. I got no problem with that. You know, 1355 01:29:28,830 --> 01:29:32,610 I mean, I wish that everything, of course, was published all at 1356 01:29:32,610 --> 01:29:37,260 the same time and dumped on the internet, but I get it. So what 1357 01:29:37,260 --> 01:29:43,770 this big news is, is anybody's guess. I know that this call has 1358 01:29:43,770 --> 01:29:49,650 been on hold for a while and I apologize. Who's this? This is 1359 01:29:49,650 --> 01:29:53,940 Brent. Hi, Brett. How are you? I'm good. How are you doing? I'm 1360 01:29:53,940 --> 01:29:58,230 good. Thank you. Tell everybody you're Britain Wonderland. You 1361 01:29:58,230 --> 01:30:03,150 were just you were just That's right. So you were just on 1362 01:30:03,420 --> 01:30:08,370 unidentified celebrity review. On Twitter under what's your 1363 01:30:08,370 --> 01:30:08,880 handle? 1364 01:30:09,690 --> 01:30:13,020 Unknown: It's at inference. But the first he is a three. 1365 01:30:13,770 --> 01:30:16,200 John Greenewald: First, he is a three. Awesome. Well, thanks for 1366 01:30:16,200 --> 01:30:17,310 calling. What can I do for you? 1367 01:30:18,030 --> 01:30:20,970 Unknown: Okay, john, I wanted to talk about the metamaterials, 1368 01:30:21,000 --> 01:30:24,960 and just speak about something that has bothered me for quite 1369 01:30:24,960 --> 01:30:28,770 some time about the Korea issue. Actually, I think I might have 1370 01:30:28,770 --> 01:30:31,110 touched base on this with you before, but Forgive me, I have 1371 01:30:31,110 --> 01:30:37,980 like really bad ADHD? No worries. So basically, my thing 1372 01:30:37,980 --> 01:30:43,470 is, how coolum ttsa. And I know that like, like, in July stuff, 1373 01:30:43,470 --> 01:30:48,000 my team ttsa acquired these alleged special metals that were 1374 01:30:48,000 --> 01:30:51,960 originally owned by Linda health. And if I remember 1375 01:30:51,960 --> 01:30:54,480 correctly, and forgive me, I might be wrong about this, 1376 01:30:54,570 --> 01:30:56,940 because it is just coming off the top of my head. But I 1377 01:30:56,940 --> 01:31:00,420 believe the Carnegie Science Department of technical 1378 01:31:00,630 --> 01:31:04,530 magnetism and other educational facilities and entities had 1379 01:31:04,530 --> 01:31:08,850 already studied its material second 2012, I believe, right. 1380 01:31:08,880 --> 01:31:14,130 So if I remember correctly, how wrote a letter stating that they 1381 01:31:14,130 --> 01:31:17,160 basically weren't able to prove anything unique about the metal. 1382 01:31:17,520 --> 01:31:22,200 So when I found out that ttsa was going to conduct research on 1383 01:31:22,200 --> 01:31:26,520 it, I was really confused, right? Because I'm a believer. 1384 01:31:27,240 --> 01:31:29,850 Okay, so when I asked other people about this, they told me, 1385 01:31:30,090 --> 01:31:32,700 it was because they didn't necessarily have the tools. 1386 01:31:32,730 --> 01:31:34,530 Well, they've been like Carnegie, for example, they 1387 01:31:34,530 --> 01:31:38,280 didn't have the proper tools to research the metal. But, you 1388 01:31:38,280 --> 01:31:40,680 know, I guess it had something to do with like the isotope 1389 01:31:40,920 --> 01:31:44,430 ratio data that was mentioned earlier. But wouldn't Carnegie 1390 01:31:44,490 --> 01:31:48,210 and other Institute's already have like an isotope analysis. 1391 01:31:48,810 --> 01:31:52,140 And another thing, too, is just like knowing that first tech is 1392 01:31:52,140 --> 01:31:55,770 conducting the research on the materials that were already 1393 01:31:55,770 --> 01:31:59,280 claimed by how themselves to be nothing special, I just find 1394 01:31:59,280 --> 01:32:04,560 that really applied in a massive conflict of interest. So right 1395 01:32:04,560 --> 01:32:07,680 being said, I just want to get your opinion on that and 1396 01:32:07,680 --> 01:32:12,210 insight, and maybe clear me up or maybe anyone else that may 1397 01:32:12,450 --> 01:32:15,360 have like a misunderstanding about like, what exactly is 1398 01:32:15,360 --> 01:32:16,200 going on here? 1399 01:32:16,950 --> 01:32:19,620 John Greenewald: Well, what exactly is going on here is 1400 01:32:19,620 --> 01:32:22,920 anybody's guess. Yes, I did an interview with Linda Howe on 1401 01:32:22,920 --> 01:32:26,340 this channel. For those who aren't aware. You can, you can 1402 01:32:26,340 --> 01:32:31,410 and she goes into great detail about it. I'll refer to your 1403 01:32:31,440 --> 01:32:34,920 judgment on the Carnegie full title. But that that sounds 1404 01:32:34,920 --> 01:32:38,340 right, the way that you said it. And that Yes. How put off had 1405 01:32:38,340 --> 01:32:41,280 said that there was essentially an I'm paraphrasing, but 1406 01:32:41,520 --> 01:32:46,590 essentially that there was nothing to those pieces. So it's 1407 01:32:46,590 --> 01:32:49,980 kind of it's it's been a while since I interviewed Linda on it. 1408 01:32:49,980 --> 01:32:52,770 And I'm fairly confident that that came up, and I don't want 1409 01:32:52,770 --> 01:32:56,400 to try and reach back in my brain and give you the answer 1410 01:32:56,400 --> 01:33:00,360 she did. Because I'll be honest, and say I don't remember. But I 1411 01:33:00,390 --> 01:33:03,900 but I will say just from a broader sense, there absolutely 1412 01:33:03,900 --> 01:33:08,400 is something strange with that whole situation. And that, you 1413 01:33:08,400 --> 01:33:11,100 know, this ties into arts parts, and the fact that these were 1414 01:33:11,100 --> 01:33:14,610 kind of long, I don't want to say debunked, but it was kind of 1415 01:33:14,610 --> 01:33:17,160 long rumor that there was just nothing there. And it wasn't 1416 01:33:17,160 --> 01:33:21,870 just Dr. Hal put off letter. But it was other stuff as well. And 1417 01:33:21,870 --> 01:33:26,340 so, you know, it's like these, these stories are seemingly 1418 01:33:26,340 --> 01:33:32,460 recycled. Over the years, we've seen it with mj 12. And even 1419 01:33:32,460 --> 01:33:35,820 though the late Stanton Friedman, who is a dear personal 1420 01:33:35,820 --> 01:33:39,570 friend of mine for over 20 years, really did a lot of 1421 01:33:39,570 --> 01:33:41,940 research on the original documents, there's a lot of 1422 01:33:41,940 --> 01:33:45,780 stuff about mj 12. That's that's just a downright hoax. It just 1423 01:33:45,780 --> 01:33:49,860 is like you just can't get away from it. And those are the 1424 01:33:49,860 --> 01:33:53,700 documents that I'm referring to. And yet those have seemingly in 1425 01:33:53,700 --> 01:33:57,390 the last couple of years resurfaced. There's one that's 1426 01:33:57,390 --> 01:34:00,090 tied to Dr. Hal put off, although I couldn't get him to 1427 01:34:00,090 --> 01:34:03,420 go on the record about it about a crash retrieval. And this is 1428 01:34:03,420 --> 01:34:07,440 the National Intelligence estimate document that, to me, 1429 01:34:07,470 --> 01:34:13,320 is a screaming hoax. I also did a video dissecting that that 1430 01:34:13,320 --> 01:34:17,430 document as well, my entire point with that is going back to 1431 01:34:17,430 --> 01:34:21,090 the root of your question, what is going on? Why is it that a 1432 01:34:21,090 --> 01:34:25,290 lot of these stories just seemingly get recycled? And and 1433 01:34:25,320 --> 01:34:28,230 why is it that a lot of the same names keep coming up? That's a 1434 01:34:28,230 --> 01:34:31,020 different show, but it just seems like they just come up 1435 01:34:31,020 --> 01:34:35,160 again, and regardless of, let's say, doctor put off saying, hey, 1436 01:34:35,160 --> 01:34:37,800 there's nothing extraordinary about this, then all of a sudden 1437 01:34:37,800 --> 01:34:42,900 he pays, or his company pays. What is it? 20 20,000 35,000 1438 01:34:42,900 --> 01:34:43,740 whatever it was, 1439 01:34:43,980 --> 01:34:46,470 Unknown: I think it was like, Yeah, I think it's that much. 1440 01:34:46,560 --> 01:34:49,830 John Greenewald: Yeah, it was I mean, it was 10s of 1000s. I 1441 01:34:49,830 --> 01:34:53,790 think Vice News had reported that 750,000 No, I don't think 1442 01:34:53,790 --> 01:34:57,210 it was that much. No, no, I think it was if memory serves 1443 01:34:57,210 --> 01:35:00,000 was only like, well, not only but I think it was either 20 or 1444 01:35:00,000 --> 01:35:03,330 35,000 But regardless, there was 1445 01:35:04,140 --> 01:35:06,330 Unknown: no it was 35 You're right, you're right. Yeah. 1446 01:35:06,330 --> 01:35:10,140 John Greenewald: So So what? What's up with that? You know, 1447 01:35:10,140 --> 01:35:14,070 like, if there was nothing extraordinary about it, then why 1448 01:35:14,100 --> 01:35:17,370 allow the company that you co founded to then acquire the 1449 01:35:17,370 --> 01:35:20,940 piece? Like, you know, is it optics? Is it something that you 1450 01:35:20,940 --> 01:35:25,440 can, you know, put on on to a slide and say, This is what 1451 01:35:25,440 --> 01:35:30,060 we're doing invest in our company. You know, I go back to 1452 01:35:30,060 --> 01:35:33,510 that Showtime controversy that I got a lot of flack for, but I'm 1453 01:35:33,510 --> 01:35:37,470 not a lot but but those that hate me, they come after me for 1454 01:35:37,470 --> 01:35:39,630 if I sneeze the wrong way, they'll come after me for it. 1455 01:35:40,290 --> 01:35:44,400 But but the but about the, you know, the the money thing? Why 1456 01:35:44,400 --> 01:35:47,970 is it that a corporation like ttsa, their press releases, if 1457 01:35:47,970 --> 01:35:52,320 you look at them, they're all dated when the when the lines 1458 01:35:52,320 --> 01:35:54,690 were open to invest in the company, once they closed, the 1459 01:35:54,690 --> 01:35:57,570 press releases stopped. Now, what does that show you while 1460 01:35:57,570 --> 01:36:00,750 they're out to market themselves to make money? You know, like, 1461 01:36:01,290 --> 01:36:05,250 yeah, so it's not a bad thing to say. So why would they want to 1462 01:36:05,250 --> 01:36:07,830 spend money like that on something that they didn't find 1463 01:36:07,830 --> 01:36:10,320 extraordinary? I don't know. I 1464 01:36:10,320 --> 01:36:13,110 Unknown: have no idea. Like, I don't understand it. Like, it 1465 01:36:13,110 --> 01:36:14,970 just seems counterintuitive. 1466 01:36:15,509 --> 01:36:18,869 John Greenewald: It does. And I've never, I've never seen 1467 01:36:18,869 --> 01:36:23,699 anybody adequately answer that or address it. I'm not really 1468 01:36:24,569 --> 01:36:27,029 not really sure. I wish I had a better answer for you. But 1469 01:36:27,029 --> 01:36:30,149 there's, there's a lot of things like that, that are just out of 1470 01:36:30,239 --> 01:36:35,339 out of the ordinary. And, and again, I've primarily left ttsa 1471 01:36:35,339 --> 01:36:38,909 as a corporation, alone, in the sense that I just don't feel 1472 01:36:38,909 --> 01:36:42,539 like I want to critique them. I only focused on the parts that 1473 01:36:42,539 --> 01:36:45,599 dealt with the government. But that kind of stuff when I know 1474 01:36:45,629 --> 01:36:50,909 personally, the people that are signing these MBAs and signing, 1475 01:36:51,209 --> 01:36:56,279 you know, the their work over to ttsa. What has happened, you 1476 01:36:56,279 --> 01:36:59,579 know, since then, and I and as a television producer, who's 1477 01:36:59,579 --> 01:37:03,209 profiled some of that material that is now in the hands of 1478 01:37:03,209 --> 01:37:06,959 ttsa, there is a personal connection that I have to that. 1479 01:37:07,259 --> 01:37:09,689 And that's why I kind of get passionate going, Hey, what's 1480 01:37:09,689 --> 01:37:12,719 going on, you know, you're taking this material, you've 1481 01:37:12,719 --> 01:37:15,569 acquired this material, you've either purchased it, you've 1482 01:37:15,569 --> 01:37:18,749 bought it, or you are borrowing it, or whatever the story is, I 1483 01:37:18,749 --> 01:37:21,599 mean, it seems like everybody has different contracts. But 1484 01:37:21,599 --> 01:37:25,439 regardless, you've now acquired that the army internally is 1485 01:37:25,439 --> 01:37:27,449 saying, Yeah, well, they just want to go out and get more 1486 01:37:27,449 --> 01:37:33,689 stuff. Okay, like why? Like, if you got the key to the 1487 01:37:33,689 --> 01:37:37,229 universal, say, to 12th time, just go in there and unlock the 1488 01:37:37,229 --> 01:37:39,269 door, you know, but they just don't do it. So 1489 01:37:39,900 --> 01:37:43,050 Unknown: I'm not sure it's just so confusing. And I sit here and 1490 01:37:43,140 --> 01:37:47,190 I'm telling you, john, like this, it eats at me like this is 1491 01:37:47,190 --> 01:37:51,180 the question that I just cannot make sense of whatsoever. And 1492 01:37:51,180 --> 01:37:55,290 I'm deeply bothered by this. Like, I don't know, like, it's 1493 01:37:55,290 --> 01:37:58,140 just like a little chicken scratch. Like, why what is the 1494 01:37:58,140 --> 01:37:58,710 task? And? 1495 01:37:59,310 --> 01:38:02,220 John Greenewald: Yeah, and and to be honest with you? I don't 1496 01:38:02,220 --> 01:38:07,710 know. I really don't I mean, if, if t TSA has a plan, what I 1497 01:38:07,710 --> 01:38:11,070 wanted to do with this story, I'm not sure Brett, how long 1498 01:38:11,070 --> 01:38:13,560 you've been listening. And you won't offend me if you didn't 1499 01:38:13,560 --> 01:38:17,370 see it. But towards the earlier part of this, I showed what t 1500 01:38:17,370 --> 01:38:20,760 TSA said, and I wanted to give them the opportunity to say 1501 01:38:20,760 --> 01:38:24,390 yeah, no, we couldn't because of COVID. But But now we're ramping 1502 01:38:24,390 --> 01:38:28,110 up and we're we're slated to be in there in August or or 1503 01:38:28,110 --> 01:38:32,010 September, October, November, something and for them to just 1504 01:38:32,010 --> 01:38:35,400 fall back and go you know, check our SEC filings you go do what 1505 01:38:35,400 --> 01:38:41,190 you want. It doesn't help and and it's not just because I want 1506 01:38:41,190 --> 01:38:44,160 to know because john Greenwald the meanie wants to know, it's 1507 01:38:44,190 --> 01:38:48,000 number one, as cheesy as it sounds. I'm a taxpayer. So we 1508 01:38:48,000 --> 01:38:51,660 all in America are funding this. So there should be a level of 1509 01:38:51,660 --> 01:38:54,630 transparency there. But then on the other end, there's a lot of 1510 01:38:54,630 --> 01:38:57,930 people who invested in that company. And those investors 1511 01:38:57,930 --> 01:39:02,550 have a right to know. And COVID I'll be it as a hardship. It 1512 01:39:02,550 --> 01:39:05,010 can't be the fallback for everything. You know, I mean, 1513 01:39:05,370 --> 01:39:08,970 they're in production on their movies and films and stuff. So 1514 01:39:09,390 --> 01:39:13,350 if if it's the army great, say it. If not, then what's the 1515 01:39:13,350 --> 01:39:14,610 holdup? And I don't know. 1516 01:39:15,450 --> 01:39:18,330 Unknown: Right? Well, you know, I just wanted to get your 1517 01:39:18,330 --> 01:39:21,300 opinions on that. Because I know that's a hard question in a lot 1518 01:39:21,300 --> 01:39:24,030 of people just aren't able to answer it. 1519 01:39:24,060 --> 01:39:26,580 John Greenewald: Yeah, no, no, a lot of people aren't so but I 1520 01:39:26,580 --> 01:39:28,530 appreciate the question. And thanks for the call. 1521 01:39:29,190 --> 01:39:31,890 Unknown: Hi, thanks for answering anytime. 1522 01:39:31,919 --> 01:39:33,389 John Greenewald: We'll call in anytime. It's good to hear you 1523 01:39:33,389 --> 01:39:39,269 voice. Hey, thank you, john. You too. Bye bye. All right, let me 1524 01:39:39,269 --> 01:39:41,609 go ahead and hit this Super Chat john, thank you so much. Sorry, 1525 01:39:41,609 --> 01:39:43,799 took me a couple minutes list of people saying the public should 1526 01:39:43,799 --> 01:39:47,159 not know the real truth about nonhumans Obama, Leslie Kane 1527 01:39:47,159 --> 01:39:51,629 forever, etc. thoughts. We deserve truth regardless. Okay, 1528 01:39:51,629 --> 01:39:57,059 so I understand the root of your question. I just don't know off 1529 01:39:57,059 --> 01:40:01,559 the top of my head that they said we should not know the real 1530 01:40:01,559 --> 01:40:07,679 truth about nonhumans. So I can't, I can't speak to that 1531 01:40:07,679 --> 01:40:11,699 directly about Obama and Leslie Kane and favor saying, saying 1532 01:40:11,699 --> 01:40:14,729 that so if so forgive me, I'm not real sure about the exact 1533 01:40:15,089 --> 01:40:21,329 quotes. What I will say about this, and it's a it's a question 1534 01:40:21,329 --> 01:40:24,989 that I have loved to answer and address and could bore you all 1535 01:40:24,989 --> 01:40:31,109 to death for years about it is it's not? Should we know which 1536 01:40:31,109 --> 01:40:37,559 the answer is yes. It's, are we able to handle it as a society? 1537 01:40:38,099 --> 01:40:40,559 And I would truly believe that the majority of the people that 1538 01:40:40,559 --> 01:40:43,439 are watching this program absolutely could handle the real 1539 01:40:43,439 --> 01:40:47,519 truth about nonhumans. Should there be a truth about nonhumans 1540 01:40:47,519 --> 01:40:55,049 to reveal? I believe that. So outside of this show, outside of 1541 01:40:55,049 --> 01:40:58,649 this audience outside of that, the general populace that's 1542 01:40:58,649 --> 01:41:03,929 walking around, are they ready? And the answer, in my opinion, 1543 01:41:04,499 --> 01:41:09,089 only my opinion is no. And when we look at the general 1544 01:41:09,089 --> 01:41:13,109 population, and I've said it before, and I'll say it again, 1545 01:41:13,109 --> 01:41:16,979 on the show, it doesn't matter how you think about masks or 1546 01:41:16,979 --> 01:41:19,979 whether or not you should or shouldn't wear them, remove 1547 01:41:19,979 --> 01:41:22,769 yourself from being in the debate for a second and just 1548 01:41:22,769 --> 01:41:27,719 look at the debate. The fact that that that has turned in to 1549 01:41:27,719 --> 01:41:34,709 this massive civil war between people in America and you look 1550 01:41:34,709 --> 01:41:38,579 about masks in the classroom and how that has turned into a civil 1551 01:41:38,579 --> 01:41:42,629 war. And you look at how the states have now some are 1552 01:41:42,629 --> 01:41:46,109 threatening and was a Florida that's doing that saying, if you 1553 01:41:46,109 --> 01:41:52,139 mandate this, then your pay is held or whatever. That's a civil 1554 01:41:52,139 --> 01:41:55,469 war, you're, you're tearing this country apart. And again, I'm 1555 01:41:55,469 --> 01:41:58,259 not trying to make a political remove yourself from the debate 1556 01:41:58,289 --> 01:42:02,219 doesn't matter what side of the of the debate you stand on. Just 1557 01:42:02,219 --> 01:42:05,519 look at the debate. And that's my point. If we are fighting 1558 01:42:05,519 --> 01:42:08,519 about that, do you think the general population could handle 1559 01:42:09,089 --> 01:42:12,689 the fact that nonhumans are here or visiting us or out there? And 1560 01:42:12,689 --> 01:42:16,559 my opinion is no, we are such a young civilization, 1561 01:42:16,889 --> 01:42:21,239 intellectually, technologically, we just don't get it. We just 1562 01:42:21,239 --> 01:42:25,469 don't like there's a lot of stupidity out there. There's a 1563 01:42:25,469 --> 01:42:28,529 lot of ignorance out there. And so I think that when it comes to 1564 01:42:28,529 --> 01:42:33,809 such an amazing topic like this, and and the reality behind it, 1565 01:42:34,109 --> 01:42:39,809 could we as a whole as a whole handle it the answer's no. So in 1566 01:42:39,809 --> 01:42:43,229 regards to the the the exact quotes not to repeat myself, I'm 1567 01:42:43,229 --> 01:42:46,229 curious if they've said that. So, you know, please feel feel 1568 01:42:46,229 --> 01:42:50,549 free to send that to me. Because I'd love to see the exact 1569 01:42:50,549 --> 01:42:56,639 quotes. All over Oliver dro Thank you. For this a podcast I 1570 01:42:56,639 --> 01:43:00,209 heard made me somber and experienced a while ago, query 1571 01:43:00,239 --> 01:43:03,689 ETS about why they interfere answer long ago in this planet, 1572 01:43:03,689 --> 01:43:07,139 we got to nuclear and we destroyed ourselves never again. 1573 01:43:08,459 --> 01:43:12,719 The problem that I have with with the nuclear argument, just 1574 01:43:12,719 --> 01:43:18,299 to quickly address that is that it's very common for humans to 1575 01:43:18,299 --> 01:43:22,589 want a higher being should want to exist to come and nurture us. 1576 01:43:22,949 --> 01:43:25,649 You know, we growing up, we want that from our mom and dad or 1577 01:43:25,649 --> 01:43:29,519 grandma or grandpa or or soccer coach or whomever. And you want 1578 01:43:29,519 --> 01:43:33,059 that because you're you're you're infantile, right? You're 1579 01:43:33,059 --> 01:43:36,479 you're not, you're not as experienced, you're not as as, 1580 01:43:36,749 --> 01:43:37,319 as 1581 01:43:39,150 --> 01:43:43,260 you're not as powerful as those other, you know, beings. There's 1582 01:43:43,260 --> 01:43:46,170 other humans that you look up to. And I think that it's very 1583 01:43:46,170 --> 01:43:49,740 natural for us to want that. Because that's what we've grown 1584 01:43:49,740 --> 01:43:54,420 up with, when it comes to the grander cosmic scale. And we 1585 01:43:54,420 --> 01:43:58,170 talk about humanity. Now being that infant, I believe that 1586 01:43:58,170 --> 01:44:01,710 there is a portion of our society that wants to think that 1587 01:44:01,710 --> 01:44:05,940 this higher being is out there that will save us from the 1588 01:44:05,940 --> 01:44:10,530 horrors of the world and the horrors of this planet would 1589 01:44:10,530 --> 01:44:13,380 essentially be a nuclear holocaust, a nuclear war that 1590 01:44:13,380 --> 01:44:18,870 would destroy us all. We want that. The reality though is 1591 01:44:18,900 --> 01:44:23,700 would they care. And and this is something that I love. This is 1592 01:44:23,700 --> 01:44:26,700 another one of those, I'll bore you to death for hours. But I'll 1593 01:44:26,700 --> 01:44:30,030 use this analogy for you. And I love the anthill analogy, and 1594 01:44:30,150 --> 01:44:33,660 anybody who knows me knows I fall back on that a lot, because 1595 01:44:33,660 --> 01:44:38,100 I think it makes the most sense. The idea that they would come 1596 01:44:38,100 --> 01:44:42,780 and save us from the nuclear holocaust is is the same, I 1597 01:44:42,780 --> 01:44:46,680 would say, situation where humanity would march out to the 1598 01:44:46,680 --> 01:44:50,040 middle of the Sahara Desert, and plant an American flag or the 1599 01:44:50,040 --> 01:44:54,210 flag of earth or whatever, and tell an ant colony we're here. 1600 01:44:54,750 --> 01:44:59,460 We have lived 1000s of miles in that direction. You didn't know 1601 01:44:59,460 --> 01:45:02,730 that. We were here. But we are here. Now we want to help you 1602 01:45:03,540 --> 01:45:07,080 against that termite colony over there because they could come 1603 01:45:07,080 --> 01:45:11,430 hurt you, or that other ant colony, or they're going to 1604 01:45:11,430 --> 01:45:14,550 build a road here. So we're going to move you, we don't do 1605 01:45:14,550 --> 01:45:20,610 that. We just don't, because we just sadly, I don't care I do. I 1606 01:45:20,610 --> 01:45:24,990 love ants. That's why I use the ant analogy. But regardless, we 1607 01:45:24,990 --> 01:45:28,860 just don't do that. The intellectual gap, arguably, in 1608 01:45:28,860 --> 01:45:34,170 my mind, would be closer between a human and an anthill, an ant 1609 01:45:34,410 --> 01:45:38,490 that built that hill, it would be closer in that situation than 1610 01:45:38,490 --> 01:45:41,820 it would be between humans and a civilization, let's say a 1611 01:45:42,060 --> 01:45:46,380 million years had a million year headstart on us. And so would 1612 01:45:46,380 --> 01:45:50,790 they come and save the anthill. And I just don't see it. Because 1613 01:45:50,790 --> 01:45:53,250 if we are here, and they are there, they have that million 1614 01:45:53,250 --> 01:45:57,300 year headstart, the likelihood of us being the only ones around 1615 01:45:58,020 --> 01:46:01,290 is pretty nil. If that was the last anthill in the Sahara 1616 01:46:01,290 --> 01:46:03,960 Desert, yeah, I believe humans would would go save it, but it's 1617 01:46:03,960 --> 01:46:07,680 not. So if the reality that there's a civilization out there 1618 01:46:07,710 --> 01:46:11,280 that exists, they're going to come all this way to save the 1619 01:46:11,280 --> 01:46:14,400 anthill from nuclear weapons. I just don't buy it. I just don't 1620 01:46:14,400 --> 01:46:17,220 see it. Because there are millions and millions then 1621 01:46:17,670 --> 01:46:20,310 scientifically and mathematically of civilizations 1622 01:46:20,340 --> 01:46:24,810 out there to converse with and if humanity on earth is going to 1623 01:46:24,810 --> 01:46:29,280 destroy itself, would they care? And it's that until again, I 1624 01:46:29,280 --> 01:46:31,890 think the answer is no, of course, that's just an opinion 1625 01:46:31,890 --> 01:46:35,460 and for fun, but regardless, it kind of goes into what you were 1626 01:46:35,460 --> 01:46:39,360 saying. So Oliver, thank you. I hope that answered your question 1627 01:46:39,360 --> 01:46:43,050 a little bit. But, but appreciate it. Nonetheless, you 1628 01:46:43,050 --> 01:46:45,240 came up back to back with another one. And I appreciate 1629 01:46:45,240 --> 01:46:48,480 that. I'm the very opposite of what you just described. I hate 1630 01:46:48,480 --> 01:46:51,990 authority of or higher beings. I just hate it. I'd hate them to 1631 01:46:51,990 --> 01:46:54,750 be interfering. But is this true? I might understand. 1632 01:46:56,430 --> 01:46:59,520 I think you're the not an exception to the rule. But I 1633 01:46:59,520 --> 01:47:05,280 would say that that most people, you know, they want to I want to 1634 01:47:05,280 --> 01:47:07,710 say most I'll correct myself. I'm not really sure what the 1635 01:47:07,710 --> 01:47:10,350 majority would be. So I don't want to say you're an exception 1636 01:47:10,350 --> 01:47:13,920 to the rule. I would, in my personal opinion, argue that the 1637 01:47:13,920 --> 01:47:18,780 majority of human humanity wants that nurturing, they're going to 1638 01:47:18,780 --> 01:47:22,950 come save us, because there's no other option. We can't destroy 1639 01:47:22,950 --> 01:47:26,340 them. If they've got a million year 100,000 year headstart, and 1640 01:47:26,340 --> 01:47:29,400 they can traverse the stars. We got no fighting chance. So I 1641 01:47:29,400 --> 01:47:32,010 think that's the easy fallback for a lot of people. But, 1642 01:47:32,340 --> 01:47:35,610 Oliver, it's a fun topic, and I not only appreciate your 1643 01:47:35,610 --> 01:47:38,850 support, but appreciate your thoughts nonetheless. Let me get 1644 01:47:38,850 --> 01:47:40,680 one more Super Chat. Then I'll go back to the phones. I'm 1645 01:47:40,680 --> 01:47:45,180 sorry. For those on hold. Did. Dolores, thank you for the 1646 01:47:45,180 --> 01:47:47,670 support. Did you feel your views about Elizondo were accurately 1647 01:47:47,670 --> 01:47:50,520 reflected in the Showtime series? UFO? Did you like the 1648 01:47:50,520 --> 01:47:53,970 show? Overall? I've been waiting for this question I've been I've 1649 01:47:53,970 --> 01:47:58,440 been wondering Is somebody gonna ask this? Do I feel that my 1650 01:47:58,470 --> 01:48:03,000 views about Elizondo were accurately reflected? I do in my 1651 01:48:03,210 --> 01:48:08,880 specific what I said segments. I do not have any control over the 1652 01:48:08,880 --> 01:48:11,610 writing of Showtime, the editing of Showtime, the overall message 1653 01:48:11,610 --> 01:48:17,520 of Showtime, nothing JJ Abrams and his crew did all of that. 1654 01:48:18,210 --> 01:48:23,550 What I stand by is what I said. And and what I said absolutely. 1655 01:48:23,550 --> 01:48:28,110 I do believe that about Mr. Elizondo that he did operate 1656 01:48:28,110 --> 01:48:31,860 like a ghost within a Pentagon, in the Pentagon, he operated in 1657 01:48:31,890 --> 01:48:37,200 a office that is very hard to find information on. I didn't 1658 01:48:37,200 --> 01:48:40,350 make the accusation. He was in it for the money. Some people on 1659 01:48:40,350 --> 01:48:43,740 Twitter tried to say that I said that I did not. I was talking 1660 01:48:43,740 --> 01:48:48,090 about that group as a whole, that some of them possibly had 1661 01:48:48,090 --> 01:48:51,540 money as a motivating factor. I stand by that as well. I don't 1662 01:48:51,540 --> 01:48:55,680 think anybody should scoff at that. That's why people get into 1663 01:48:55,710 --> 01:48:59,610 to a corporate world like that. If they didn't care, it'd be a 1664 01:48:59,610 --> 01:49:07,170 five oc 535 OHS What is a 503 C or whatever the nonprofit is, 1665 01:49:07,170 --> 01:49:11,010 I'm drawing a blank My back's killing me. So I apologize. But 1666 01:49:11,010 --> 01:49:13,920 whatever the nonprofit is, it would be that and he would have 1667 01:49:13,920 --> 01:49:17,550 a much different vision for it. But but instead it was a public 1668 01:49:17,700 --> 01:49:22,590 benefit corporation that was trying to raise $50 million that 1669 01:49:22,590 --> 01:49:26,310 had different angles of what they wanted to achieve. They 1670 01:49:26,310 --> 01:49:29,340 have altered that vision and rightfully so it's the right to 1671 01:49:29,340 --> 01:49:34,320 do that. But altered that vision to be financially more lucrative 1672 01:49:34,320 --> 01:49:38,940 because they missed that 50 million mark across the board. 1673 01:49:39,420 --> 01:49:44,370 So I spoke in general generality there, but with Mr. Elizondo I 1674 01:49:44,370 --> 01:49:48,390 stand by what I said everything is backed up by by official 1675 01:49:48,390 --> 01:49:53,340 documentation and evidence or the lack thereof. So I don't I 1676 01:49:53,340 --> 01:49:56,490 don't have any issues with the way I was reflected on Showtime. 1677 01:49:56,730 --> 01:50:01,410 And I'm always happy to to answer Questions on that. But 1678 01:50:01,410 --> 01:50:04,020 again, I just want to punch the point. I don't have control over 1679 01:50:04,020 --> 01:50:07,260 anyone else. I know the James carry on was very pointed with 1680 01:50:07,260 --> 01:50:10,140 what he said in the same segment that I appeared on about it 1681 01:50:10,140 --> 01:50:14,220 being an op from the beginning. That's James, I was unaware 1682 01:50:14,220 --> 01:50:18,450 James was even interviewed for the show. So what he says, 1683 01:50:18,870 --> 01:50:21,870 you'll have to check with him. But I'm happy to stand by what I 1684 01:50:21,870 --> 01:50:26,610 did. Did you like the show? Overall? I did. I was 1685 01:50:28,830 --> 01:50:31,980 taking it from a viewpoint of being a television producer. For 1686 01:50:31,980 --> 01:50:35,370 many years, I've done many hours of documentaries for history and 1687 01:50:35,610 --> 01:50:39,480 discovery and natgeo, and stuff like that. And the reason why I 1688 01:50:39,480 --> 01:50:42,540 bring that up is because there's there's one element to doing 1689 01:50:42,540 --> 01:50:45,390 shows like that, for networks that I think the general public 1690 01:50:45,390 --> 01:50:49,110 doesn't always want to understand, or they don't 1691 01:50:49,110 --> 01:50:54,150 understand, which is you have to have a balance, you have to have 1692 01:50:54,150 --> 01:50:57,780 a point and a counterpoint. And that's not always appealing to 1693 01:50:57,780 --> 01:51:00,990 the UFO community. And to be honest with you, with me as a 1694 01:51:00,990 --> 01:51:04,920 producer, when I was working as one, it wasn't appealing to me, 1695 01:51:04,920 --> 01:51:07,950 either. Because you had to refute or give an alternate 1696 01:51:07,950 --> 01:51:11,220 point of view, for a lot of the points that you were trying to 1697 01:51:11,220 --> 01:51:16,410 make. I believe they had that balance. Were they heavy on the 1698 01:51:16,650 --> 01:51:21,150 abduction part? Being the skeptical on the abduction part? 1699 01:51:21,480 --> 01:51:24,720 I do believe that they were heavy on that. Is that a 1700 01:51:24,720 --> 01:51:29,160 complaint? No, because I believe that they still had that balance 1701 01:51:29,190 --> 01:51:32,520 of people telling their stories, giving the information and 1702 01:51:32,520 --> 01:51:36,270 again, that journalistic back and forth, so I give them credit 1703 01:51:36,270 --> 01:51:40,260 for that I really do. And it watching, it took me back to 1704 01:51:40,290 --> 01:51:42,930 getting network notes from the History Channel, or from 1705 01:51:42,930 --> 01:51:45,960 Discovery Channel, or wherever. And you'll make a point in a 1706 01:51:45,960 --> 01:51:49,230 show. And when you write a show like this, it's your baby, like 1707 01:51:49,230 --> 01:51:52,110 this is what you you know, you put your heart and soul into a 1708 01:51:52,110 --> 01:51:54,780 one hour documentary when you're doing them. And so for them to 1709 01:51:54,780 --> 01:51:57,570 come back and go, Hey, you gotta cut this down. And then it let's 1710 01:51:57,570 --> 01:52:00,810 bring in Dr. Seth shostack. And we'll go ahead and, you know, 1711 01:52:00,810 --> 01:52:04,110 poopoo the idea or whatever it is, and you cringe and go now 1712 01:52:04,110 --> 01:52:06,660 now this is such a great segment, I want to, I want to do 1713 01:52:06,660 --> 01:52:09,630 something else. But that those are the network notes because 1714 01:52:09,630 --> 01:52:13,740 they want that balance. And so I saw that, and I and I kind of 1715 01:52:13,770 --> 01:52:17,820 internally laughed a little bit, but I get it and I and I wish 1716 01:52:17,820 --> 01:52:21,900 that the UFO community can understand that because if the 1717 01:52:21,900 --> 01:52:27,390 skeptical point of view is wrong, then the pro point of 1718 01:52:27,390 --> 01:52:30,960 view will stand on its own. And if the evidence is there to 1719 01:52:30,960 --> 01:52:36,030 support narrative x y&z then skeptical viewpoint, A, B and C 1720 01:52:36,030 --> 01:52:39,510 will do nothing to it. And so when you offer that balance, 1721 01:52:39,540 --> 01:52:43,050 you're offering the balance, and you're letting the audience 1722 01:52:43,050 --> 01:52:47,220 decide. But you have the information there. And if the 1723 01:52:47,220 --> 01:52:50,880 information is strong enough to stand on its own. It absolutely 1724 01:52:50,880 --> 01:52:54,360 will. Let me go to the phones. I'm so sorry. I kept you on 1725 01:52:54,360 --> 01:53:02,430 hold. Who's this? Hello. Hey, hey, it's Erica. How are you? 1726 01:53:02,730 --> 01:53:09,930 I'm good. Erica. Luke's Well, I didn't recognize your number. I 1727 01:53:09,930 --> 01:53:16,080 won't. I won't say the locale. It's not your locale. Yeah. So I 1728 01:53:16,080 --> 01:53:21,870 was like, I'm calling on Skype. Okay. Hi, Eric. Luke's How are 1729 01:53:21,870 --> 01:53:25,920 you? I'm pretty good. How are you? I'm doing awesome. I'm 1730 01:53:25,920 --> 01:53:28,620 sorry to keep you on hold. And I'm sorry to draw a blank there. 1731 01:53:28,620 --> 01:53:32,430 Again, the the area code threw me off from where I know you are 1732 01:53:32,430 --> 01:53:33,810 so no, good. 1733 01:53:34,860 --> 01:53:37,170 Unknown: I just wanted to say that. First of all, I thought 1734 01:53:37,170 --> 01:53:42,630 you did an excellent job on UFO. And I think that it was really 1735 01:53:42,630 --> 01:53:47,160 interesting for me to see all of the backlash that you had for 1736 01:53:47,160 --> 01:53:51,450 simply stating information that was actually truthful. And I 1737 01:53:51,450 --> 01:53:54,270 feel you know, the same about James carry on who was on my 1738 01:53:54,270 --> 01:53:58,890 show last night, it was very funny to see the very small 1739 01:53:59,040 --> 01:54:03,300 quote unquote UFO community, kind of lighting the pitch, you 1740 01:54:03,300 --> 01:54:05,070 know, like getting their pitchforks out lighting the 1741 01:54:05,070 --> 01:54:09,330 fires. And unfortunately, they when you're doing a good 1742 01:54:09,330 --> 01:54:12,480 production, as you've mentioned, you you it's you have to present 1743 01:54:12,480 --> 01:54:15,870 both sides to a story. And that's the thing that we never 1744 01:54:15,870 --> 01:54:20,040 do in the UFO community we go, we're so you know, we're getting 1745 01:54:20,070 --> 01:54:24,690 going down this rabbit hole of just absolute nonsense. It's 1746 01:54:24,690 --> 01:54:29,340 actually very, it's very damaging to individuals. And I 1747 01:54:29,340 --> 01:54:32,310 think that we're not grounded, and we're not capable of asking 1748 01:54:32,310 --> 01:54:35,640 critical questions. And so I appreciated that you did that on 1749 01:54:35,670 --> 01:54:37,290 on the show. Well, I 1750 01:54:37,290 --> 01:54:39,990 John Greenewald: appreciate the kind words Yeah, I think not to 1751 01:54:39,990 --> 01:54:43,710 repeat what I said a few moments ago, but i i think that what 1752 01:54:43,890 --> 01:54:47,310 people don't realize is that if your evidence stands on its own, 1753 01:54:47,310 --> 01:54:51,030 nothing you throw at it will damage it. You know, and all be 1754 01:54:51,030 --> 01:54:55,410 it television is very powerful to craft a certain message or, 1755 01:54:55,590 --> 01:54:59,130 you know, have that type of objective if they had a sinister 1756 01:54:59,130 --> 01:55:02,610 one. They could have Keep it really easy. Absolutely. And I 1757 01:55:02,610 --> 01:55:05,730 just lost you. I don't know if you can hear me. I can. Yeah. 1758 01:55:06,090 --> 01:55:09,570 Not sure if you can still hear me. But But yeah, yeah. Now I 1759 01:55:09,570 --> 01:55:12,990 didn't get that feeling with with the Showtime documentary. 1760 01:55:13,260 --> 01:55:16,830 They were they were posing important questions and I think 1761 01:55:16,830 --> 01:55:20,460 that the two big things that I saw the flack for anyway was the 1762 01:55:20,490 --> 01:55:23,820 was the money comment which I absolutely Stand by. I don't 1763 01:55:23,820 --> 01:55:27,210 think anybody should shy away from that. But also the aura 1764 01:55:27,240 --> 01:55:32,130 that there was something underneath the onion layer of 1765 01:55:32,130 --> 01:55:35,910 this truth and disclosure facade. Was there something else 1766 01:55:35,910 --> 01:55:40,140 going on? And although I didn't say it that way, and I know 1767 01:55:40,140 --> 01:55:44,220 James carry on said more of the OP part of it. I do believe we 1768 01:55:44,220 --> 01:55:47,820 can't discount that, that there's some other layer that we 1769 01:55:47,820 --> 01:55:50,640 don't know yet. And in fact, you can arguably say there 1770 01:55:50,640 --> 01:55:54,090 absolutely is. I mean, look how many times answers are given 1771 01:55:54,090 --> 01:55:57,330 saying I can't I can't say anything, because of my NDA or 1772 01:55:57,330 --> 01:56:00,720 my my security clearance or whatever. So there is another 1773 01:56:00,720 --> 01:56:03,570 layer. What is that layer though? And that that's what I 1774 01:56:03,570 --> 01:56:07,440 don't? What I don't know. But I think too many people want to 1775 01:56:07,470 --> 01:56:08,010 ask me 1776 01:56:08,010 --> 01:56:12,510 Unknown: agree. And I think it is interesting. It's interesting 1777 01:56:13,500 --> 01:56:16,440 to note, and hopefully you can hear me, I keep dropping out, 1778 01:56:16,440 --> 01:56:20,580 we've got a storm coming in. But if you can hear me, it's 1779 01:56:20,580 --> 01:56:23,880 interesting to note that if you really truly have, you know, 1780 01:56:23,880 --> 01:56:26,370 you're working on classified programs, and you have security 1781 01:56:26,370 --> 01:56:31,950 clearances, you don't go out in the public and you know, talk 1782 01:56:31,980 --> 01:56:35,880 about things like that. The last thing you do is draw attention 1783 01:56:35,880 --> 01:56:38,850 to it. Yeah. And so I just have to wonder. 1784 01:56:42,030 --> 01:56:43,590 John Greenewald: Just have to wonder we're gonna be left in 1785 01:56:43,590 --> 01:56:46,470 suspense. Erica, do we I think we did lose. Yeah. 1786 01:56:47,099 --> 01:56:51,299 Unknown: So we got a big storm coming in. I know, we've got a 1787 01:56:51,689 --> 01:56:54,899 big storm coming in. But I was just saying I, you know, if if 1788 01:56:54,899 --> 01:56:58,079 you're really working on classified programs, and you're 1789 01:56:58,079 --> 01:57:00,449 really doing the things that you say that you're doing, you don't 1790 01:57:00,449 --> 01:57:04,619 go on TV shows, and you don't write books about, you know, 1791 01:57:04,619 --> 01:57:08,279 skinwalker Ranch, and do all of these things to draw attention 1792 01:57:08,279 --> 01:57:11,669 to things you're you're on the down low. Yeah. Because you 1793 01:57:11,669 --> 01:57:14,789 know, you've got your family and you've got people that you're 1794 01:57:14,789 --> 01:57:17,969 protecting and you're protecting government secrets. So that the 1795 01:57:18,359 --> 01:57:24,059 the whole thing of I think with with put off Elizondo, all of 1796 01:57:24,059 --> 01:57:27,869 these people that have been promoting a narrative for a 1797 01:57:27,869 --> 01:57:31,019 long, long time is I, after my research, 1798 01:57:33,240 --> 01:57:34,590 John Greenewald: I lost you again, 1799 01:57:34,770 --> 01:57:38,130 Unknown: people need to put information out or we know that 1800 01:57:38,130 --> 01:57:42,660 they're, they're absolutely full, full of it. Well, I 1801 01:57:42,660 --> 01:57:45,270 John Greenewald: don't want to say full of it. But I think that 1802 01:57:45,270 --> 01:57:49,680 the, for me anyway, there are still a lot of unanswered 1803 01:57:49,680 --> 01:57:54,870 questions. And until we find those those those answers, we 1804 01:57:54,870 --> 01:57:58,350 shouldn't stop asking. And there are too many noisy, there's not 1805 01:57:58,350 --> 01:58:01,350 a ton. But there are too many very loud voice. 1806 01:58:01,380 --> 01:58:05,610 Unknown: I agree until we find the answers I and you're much, 1807 01:58:06,030 --> 01:58:10,020 much kinder than I am. And I'm to the point after the 1808 01:58:10,020 --> 01:58:13,710 skinwalker Saga, that I definitely I will say they're 1809 01:58:13,710 --> 01:58:17,160 full of it, and I'll call them out. And I do because they 1810 01:58:17,160 --> 01:58:21,810 produce nothing but creating a narrative that is confusing for 1811 01:58:21,810 --> 01:58:25,140 people, they they're making money off of things, they're not 1812 01:58:25,140 --> 01:58:28,560 being forthright with their intentions. And to me, that's 1813 01:58:28,980 --> 01:58:33,750 very disturbing. And I hope at some point in time that that 1814 01:58:33,750 --> 01:58:39,000 will be exposed. Yeah. I meet Don, I don't I don't back away 1815 01:58:39,000 --> 01:58:39,540 from No, 1816 01:58:39,540 --> 01:58:42,540 John Greenewald: no. And and and that's that's why that's why I 1817 01:58:42,540 --> 01:58:48,390 like is that you that you don't the what I would say, though, 1818 01:58:48,420 --> 01:58:52,380 that's that's very concerning is that I can support an 1819 01:58:52,380 --> 01:58:56,160 entrepreneurial venture, you know, if they're going to 1820 01:58:56,160 --> 01:59:00,750 profit, fine, but let's see results. What bothers me is the 1821 01:59:00,750 --> 01:59:07,380 swallowing up of the information under the guise of transparency, 1822 01:59:07,380 --> 01:59:11,220 openness, and we're going to change the world about UFOs. But 1823 01:59:11,220 --> 01:59:14,310 look at going back to the story that I was talking about earlier 1824 01:59:14,310 --> 01:59:18,690 with, you know, the the pieces of UAP debris or crash records, 1825 01:59:18,690 --> 01:59:22,050 whatever you want to refer to him as that they've swallowed up 1826 01:59:22,050 --> 01:59:26,160 all of that material. And absolutely nothing has happened. 1827 01:59:26,160 --> 01:59:30,810 And when you ask them as a taxpayer who is helping fund 1828 01:59:30,990 --> 01:59:36,540 their agreement, they just don't say anything, as an investor, 1829 01:59:36,750 --> 01:59:40,620 their minute meeting meeting minutes that are public say 1830 01:59:40,620 --> 01:59:44,070 absolutely nothing. That's the kind of stuff that I think 1831 01:59:44,100 --> 01:59:48,480 should be ridiculed. The entrepreneurial profit venture, 1832 01:59:48,600 --> 01:59:54,870 okay? We can maybe argue both ways on that. But it's the it's 1833 01:59:54,870 --> 01:59:59,640 the control. And that to me, I think drives all else is the 1834 01:59:59,640 --> 02:00:03,660 control Roll over the information over the narrative. 1835 02:00:03,960 --> 02:00:07,920 And although they've done a lot of great they have done, and you 1836 02:00:07,920 --> 02:00:11,220 may disagree with me, they've done a lot of great things for 1837 02:00:11,220 --> 02:00:14,970 the conversation to be put into the public. Right? whether or 1838 02:00:14,970 --> 02:00:20,430 not that's all rooted in 100% honesty? Yeah, we can probably 1839 02:00:20,430 --> 02:00:23,970 find some some common ground there. But they have done that. 1840 02:00:24,210 --> 02:00:27,720 And so I give them credit for that. But what worries me is 1841 02:00:27,720 --> 02:00:32,790 again, that control and to see now the internal army documents, 1842 02:00:33,030 --> 02:00:37,470 and to see now that fear that I posed two years ago of you're 1843 02:00:37,470 --> 02:00:40,260 taking this material giving it to the to the government, and 1844 02:00:40,260 --> 02:00:43,860 now the documentation shows that the Pentagon is involved in the 1845 02:00:43,860 --> 02:00:47,700 message. Well, why would you do that? Like you're a private 1846 02:00:47,700 --> 02:00:52,200 corporation that has this, this want and desire to bring all 1847 02:00:52,200 --> 02:00:56,970 this information out? Yet you just got in bed with the enemy 1848 02:00:56,970 --> 02:00:59,910 number one that you guys are the ones that told us we're lying. 1849 02:01:00,330 --> 02:01:03,330 You know, that Mr. Elizondo spearheaded that part of the 1850 02:01:03,330 --> 02:01:06,930 movement, saying that we are not getting the full story. So why 1851 02:01:06,930 --> 02:01:11,070 would you take all that material that could be that that key to 1852 02:01:11,070 --> 02:01:14,250 unlocking this entire mystery, and give it right back to them? 1853 02:01:15,060 --> 02:01:20,820 I don't get that. So financial stuff aside. It's it's that 1854 02:01:20,820 --> 02:01:23,160 control, it just bugs me to no end. 1855 02:01:24,720 --> 02:01:27,300 Unknown: No, absolutely. Great. Those are great points. I 1856 02:01:27,300 --> 02:01:32,910 definitely just have to say to people, it's we've got to quit, 1857 02:01:32,940 --> 02:01:37,110 I feel looking for disclosure, and we're not going to get it 1858 02:01:37,110 --> 02:01:40,050 from the powers that be the people that are screaming the 1859 02:01:40,050 --> 02:01:42,810 loudest about disclosure, because they're making money. 1860 02:01:42,810 --> 02:01:46,560 They're holding conferences. In fact, there was a great 1861 02:01:46,590 --> 02:01:50,970 conference this weekend that Elizondo and how and and Whitley 1862 02:01:50,970 --> 02:01:55,770 Strieber and those people were at, in so it's, it's, I really 1863 02:01:55,770 --> 02:02:00,240 feel that we deserve better than this. I think that there's a lot 1864 02:02:00,240 --> 02:02:04,200 of money power politics, I hate to say it, but there's some 1865 02:02:04,200 --> 02:02:07,200 things that we need to look at. Because at the end of the day, 1866 02:02:07,350 --> 02:02:10,890 people that are here that follow my show that follow your show, 1867 02:02:11,280 --> 02:02:14,190 are here because we want the truth, and we deserve it. 1868 02:02:14,280 --> 02:02:18,480 John Greenewald: Yeah. And no disagreement with me there. Or 1869 02:02:18,510 --> 02:02:23,040 from me there. You're absolutely right. I hope we get it. And 1870 02:02:23,040 --> 02:02:25,920 your phone call reminds me that we got to bring you back on to 1871 02:02:25,950 --> 02:02:28,800 this channel for a full conversation because I always 1872 02:02:28,800 --> 02:02:29,670 love talking to you. 1873 02:02:31,170 --> 02:02:33,210 Unknown: When I do too, and I need to get you on my show. But 1874 02:02:33,210 --> 02:02:35,790 I just I would love to come on because I've learned so much 1875 02:02:35,790 --> 02:02:40,230 more about skinwalker Ranch, and about some of the other things 1876 02:02:40,230 --> 02:02:42,810 since I acquired the Andropov file. So I would love that 1877 02:02:42,810 --> 02:02:43,590 opportunity. 1878 02:02:43,650 --> 02:02:46,950 John Greenewald: Yeah, very cool stuff. And obviously you have a 1879 02:02:46,950 --> 02:02:49,590 radio show real quick before I let you go then I'm gonna have 1880 02:02:49,590 --> 02:02:53,400 to close my show here. But how do people see your show? 1881 02:02:54,900 --> 02:02:58,380 Unknown: So my show is UFO classified now I'm I'm streaming 1882 02:02:58,380 --> 02:03:04,020 on YouTube, where you can find it on spreaker or iTunes, and 1883 02:03:04,020 --> 02:03:07,290 things like that. And so you can go to UFO classified comm or 1884 02:03:07,320 --> 02:03:10,350 Urkel Luke's comm To find out more, but I try to bring on 1885 02:03:10,350 --> 02:03:13,770 people like you and James carry on and people who are dedicated 1886 02:03:13,770 --> 02:03:16,980 to trying to find the truth and weeding through all of the 1887 02:03:16,980 --> 02:03:19,770 nonsense. Awesome. Well, I 1888 02:03:19,770 --> 02:03:22,170 John Greenewald: always enjoy being on your show. So thanks 1889 02:03:22,170 --> 02:03:24,510 for that inviting me in the past. And we'll have to do it 1890 02:03:24,510 --> 02:03:27,090 again on on both sides of this, but it's good to hear your voice 1891 02:03:27,090 --> 02:03:29,490 again. Thanks for the call. Thank you. Yeah, have a good 1892 02:03:29,490 --> 02:03:33,240 night. Thanks. You too. All right, I am going to have to run 1893 02:03:33,330 --> 02:03:37,740 wind this up here in a couple minutes. Let me go ahead and I 1894 02:03:37,740 --> 02:03:40,830 took the number off the screen. I don't know how many people 1895 02:03:40,860 --> 02:03:43,410 might be on hold. But let me go ahead and get to the last couple 1896 02:03:43,410 --> 02:03:46,050 of super chats here. JOHN music again. Thank you for your 1897 02:03:46,080 --> 02:03:49,140 continued support. Sheehan said recently with Bob McGuire, that 1898 02:03:49,140 --> 02:03:52,770 he's going to push extremely legally hard for full disclosure 1899 02:03:52,770 --> 02:03:55,650 to the public about non human reality thoughts. I don't 1900 02:03:55,650 --> 02:03:58,260 believe a lawyer can do it. I love Danny Sheehan, in the sense 1901 02:03:58,260 --> 02:04:03,300 that I've known him for years, lectured at the same, you know, 1902 02:04:03,300 --> 02:04:08,670 the same conferences as him, and sat on panels with them and have 1903 02:04:08,670 --> 02:04:12,480 a lot of respect for him. As with anybody in this field, we 1904 02:04:12,480 --> 02:04:16,830 always don't agree, but I like him nonetheless. pushing hard 1905 02:04:16,830 --> 02:04:21,060 for the disclosure, though I just don't see it. I don't think 1906 02:04:21,060 --> 02:04:24,540 it's going to come that way. I personally on disclosure, don't 1907 02:04:24,540 --> 02:04:29,010 think it's going to come at all in regards to an official line. 1908 02:04:29,370 --> 02:04:33,090 Somebody like who just called Eric Luke's saying the same 1909 02:04:33,090 --> 02:04:35,310 thing. It's not going to come from the powers that be and I 1910 02:04:35,310 --> 02:04:39,930 agree. You look at the history from the 1940s on it's just not 1911 02:04:39,930 --> 02:04:45,540 going to be there. So that said thank you, john. Let me go ahead 1912 02:04:45,570 --> 02:04:51,030 and let me pull on this caller. I was gonna cut the show but 1913 02:04:51,030 --> 02:04:53,220 this caller might be kind of interesting. Who's this? 1914 02:04:55,230 --> 02:04:58,200 Unknown: Hello, this is john I'm, I'm from a place you've 1915 02:04:58,200 --> 02:05:00,840 probably never heard of called Northridge Northridge, 1916 02:05:00,840 --> 02:05:01,740 California. JOHN, 1917 02:05:01,770 --> 02:05:05,040 John Greenewald: I grew up there. You're kidding. I did. 1918 02:05:05,580 --> 02:05:08,310 And your voice sounds awfully familiar. 1919 02:05:08,730 --> 02:05:11,250 Unknown: Oh, I imitate a lot of people. Sometimes 1920 02:05:11,280 --> 02:05:13,530 John Greenewald: you do well, you probably imitate me a lot, 1921 02:05:13,530 --> 02:05:17,490 just a much older version. Let me introduce everybody to my 1922 02:05:17,490 --> 02:05:22,620 father, who has probably been watching and wants to, I don't 1923 02:05:22,620 --> 02:05:26,040 know, turn it into a political talk show or something and get 1924 02:05:26,040 --> 02:05:26,850 me in trouble. I 1925 02:05:27,270 --> 02:05:30,240 Unknown: actually I was gonna but I had I got a different I 1926 02:05:30,240 --> 02:05:31,530 got some different tasks. 1927 02:05:31,560 --> 02:05:34,620 John Greenewald: Oh, good. Well, we'll wait. So before you go 1928 02:05:34,620 --> 02:05:37,740 there. So anybody who's followed the black Vault for a long time 1929 02:05:37,740 --> 02:05:40,830 this is greeny to that has been on the message boards for a long 1930 02:05:40,830 --> 02:05:45,990 time. Now with the social media, empires taking over. Message 1931 02:05:45,990 --> 02:05:51,810 forums aren't as popular anymore. But my dad has been a 1932 02:05:51,810 --> 02:05:55,800 longtime user under the name of green, he too, has gotten into 1933 02:05:55,800 --> 02:05:58,860 trouble more times than I can count. I think I've banned you 1934 02:05:58,860 --> 02:06:02,400 100,000 times but you keep coming back. But that's not done 1935 02:06:02,400 --> 02:06:08,100 yet. Yeah, sure. But okay, so let's get to the question. I'm a 1936 02:06:08,100 --> 02:06:08,850 little nervous. 1937 02:06:09,690 --> 02:06:12,330 Unknown: Okay, well, first of all, I wanted to say, your 1938 02:06:12,330 --> 02:06:17,130 mother and I are just glued to the Showtime UFO show, we 1939 02:06:17,130 --> 02:06:21,900 thought it was just absolutely fantastic. And we're gonna 1940 02:06:21,900 --> 02:06:24,960 probably watch it again, five or six times? Oh, well, I 1941 02:06:24,960 --> 02:06:26,610 John Greenewald: appreciate my biggest fans, you 1942 02:06:28,140 --> 02:06:30,030 Unknown: know, actually, you were you were saying a little 1943 02:06:30,030 --> 02:06:35,220 while ago about, you know, we have such a fascination with in 1944 02:06:35,220 --> 02:06:39,840 our country, maybe even the world would have, you know, have 1945 02:06:39,840 --> 02:06:44,790 we had visitors from far far away places? And, you know, the 1946 02:06:44,790 --> 02:06:48,990 fascination of his life somewhere is or not, and how 1947 02:06:48,990 --> 02:06:55,890 would we react to it. But then, on our side here, we don't have 1948 02:06:55,890 --> 02:07:00,300 that kind of fascination about watching our own space program. 1949 02:07:00,300 --> 02:07:05,430 And it's, you know, we're doing amazing things, and we're going 1950 02:07:06,060 --> 02:07:13,140 to amazing places. I mean, nowhere remotely close, as, you 1951 02:07:13,140 --> 02:07:20,580 know, anybody would be coming to visit us, but I wonder what your 1952 02:07:20,580 --> 02:07:26,070 opinion on you know, like the recent space flights were, you 1953 02:07:26,070 --> 02:07:29,790 know, they've been taken civilians up and we are planning 1954 02:07:29,790 --> 02:07:33,960 to go back to the moon and, you know, we're, you know, the goal 1955 02:07:33,960 --> 02:07:41,640 is send people to Mars in some future. And everyone, why why do 1956 02:07:41,640 --> 02:07:48,270 we not have the same fascination for for our own space program 1957 02:07:48,270 --> 02:07:52,650 when we're so fascinated with wondering who can reach us? 1958 02:07:52,710 --> 02:07:53,190 Yeah, 1959 02:07:53,700 --> 02:07:56,070 John Greenewald: yet? No, you're you're absolutely right. And to 1960 02:07:56,070 --> 02:08:00,000 get there's a bunch of chat, things coming in right now. So 1961 02:08:00,030 --> 02:08:03,390 to address some of the questions, this is my dad, so 1962 02:08:03,390 --> 02:08:09,930 yes, I'm not kidding. This is john Greenwald, senior. I grew 1963 02:08:09,930 --> 02:08:13,560 up in a house and Dad, this is for the audience who doesn't 1964 02:08:13,560 --> 02:08:16,890 know this, but I grew up in a house where my dad worked on the 1965 02:08:16,890 --> 02:08:20,940 Space Shuttle. And so when you see the space shuttle takeoff, 1966 02:08:20,940 --> 02:08:25,470 or when we saw takeoff, the big engines on the bottom, the RS 68 1967 02:08:25,470 --> 02:08:29,910 or the SSM ease? That was my dad's baby. So he was you know, 1968 02:08:29,970 --> 02:08:35,130 you were you were an our hero to that entire program. And I'm not 1969 02:08:35,130 --> 02:08:40,080 saying that because you're my dad, but but it instilled a love 1970 02:08:40,110 --> 02:08:45,180 for me into the space program. And growing up, you know, the 1971 02:08:45,180 --> 02:08:48,300 privatization of it. And I think actually, you and I may even 1972 02:08:48,300 --> 02:08:52,530 differ on this. But I hated to see that I hated to see the 1973 02:08:52,530 --> 02:08:58,680 commercialization of the space race and essentially the Elan 1974 02:08:58,680 --> 02:09:02,850 musk and the the Jeff Bezos and ever and Richard Branson going 1975 02:09:02,850 --> 02:09:06,690 up and I didn't I didn't like that i because I felt the 1976 02:09:06,690 --> 02:09:11,760 passion was lost. Now to Ilan Musk's credit, I will give him 1977 02:09:12,000 --> 02:09:16,260 the passion I saw something that he did in an interview and he 1978 02:09:16,260 --> 02:09:19,470 got emotionally you got teary eyed and you know anybody can do 1979 02:09:19,470 --> 02:09:21,810 that as an actor but but he wasn't acting I mean he you 1980 02:09:21,810 --> 02:09:26,280 could tell the passion behind what he did. So I can see part 1981 02:09:26,280 --> 02:09:29,580 of the passion but I think that that plays a role in that 1982 02:09:29,580 --> 02:09:33,720 people. The general public has lost interest. And I really hate 1983 02:09:33,720 --> 02:09:37,470 to say this, but it was fun to see so many big numbers watch 1984 02:09:37,470 --> 02:09:44,400 brands and go up and and beezus go up. But I cringe saying this 1985 02:09:44,400 --> 02:09:47,160 but how it's like watching a NASCAR race that they're looking 1986 02:09:47,160 --> 02:09:50,550 for the crash. You know, yeah, and I hate to say it that way 1987 02:09:50,550 --> 02:09:54,900 but but I feel that that's why some people tuned in and I'd 1988 02:09:54,900 --> 02:09:58,260 argue maybe even a lot that we're looking for the the the 1989 02:09:58,260 --> 02:10:01,650 crash on turn number three That's what it was, but the 1990 02:10:01,650 --> 02:10:06,810 passion for where we're going in space is gone. And and I and I, 1991 02:10:07,020 --> 02:10:10,500 for the majority of the people, and I hate that I cry, I cringe. 1992 02:10:10,740 --> 02:10:13,050 You know, I mean, you look at what we've done on Mars in the 1993 02:10:13,050 --> 02:10:16,620 last year and flying a helicopter and doing all this 1994 02:10:16,620 --> 02:10:24,630 stuff. That to me is so overlooked, and and so lost. I 1995 02:10:24,630 --> 02:10:25,170 think 1996 02:10:25,890 --> 02:10:28,410 Unknown: it's remarkable. And you would think that people 1997 02:10:28,410 --> 02:10:31,560 would be marveling over it, especially when you hear that 1998 02:10:31,560 --> 02:10:36,690 that little helicopter had a swatch taken off of the Wright 1999 02:10:36,690 --> 02:10:42,450 brothers. airplane. Yeah. And was on that little helicopter. 2000 02:10:42,990 --> 02:10:45,270 That's I mean, that's just astounding. Yeah. 2001 02:10:45,720 --> 02:10:48,300 John Greenewald: Yeah. And those are the types of stories I think 2002 02:10:48,300 --> 02:10:51,240 that that the general public is missing out on. And I feel that 2003 02:10:51,240 --> 02:10:55,590 we're as a whole losing that. And the question mark is, you 2004 02:10:55,590 --> 02:10:59,970 know, people love the UFO stuff, like our aliens here, and so on 2005 02:10:59,970 --> 02:11:02,880 and so forth. Because it's pop culture free and, and it gets 2006 02:11:02,880 --> 02:11:06,270 some some good headlines. But I think that they're, they're, 2007 02:11:06,300 --> 02:11:08,820 they're missing the bigger picture, you know, that we 2008 02:11:08,820 --> 02:11:12,480 should really sit down and figure out what the answer to 2009 02:11:12,480 --> 02:11:16,050 these questions are. And I think a lot of people aren't, I 2010 02:11:16,050 --> 02:11:19,350 interviewed Avi Loeb from Harvard University on this 2011 02:11:19,350 --> 02:11:22,050 channel not too long ago. And you can see that he really wants 2012 02:11:22,050 --> 02:11:25,770 those answers. What boggles my mind is why don't more people 2013 02:11:25,770 --> 02:11:28,920 want those answers, not only in the scientific community, but 2014 02:11:28,920 --> 02:11:31,680 the general public. And I don't I wish I knew the answer to 2015 02:11:31,680 --> 02:11:36,120 that. But I just, I don't have it. But I but I will say that, 2016 02:11:36,120 --> 02:11:41,310 that that was one thing growing up that that was so amazing that 2017 02:11:41,310 --> 02:11:46,140 I've never lost, which was, you know, the the love for the space 2018 02:11:46,140 --> 02:11:49,530 race and space technology and the advancements for that, 2019 02:11:49,530 --> 02:11:53,700 because there was such passion with what you guys did. And 2020 02:11:53,730 --> 02:11:58,140 another quick story for the audience is that dad would have 2021 02:11:58,890 --> 02:12:02,310 Dad, what can I admit this? Dad would have these take your son 2022 02:12:02,310 --> 02:12:05,370 to work days or take your kid to work days? And you have to be 2023 02:12:05,370 --> 02:12:10,320 like, under a certain age, you know, to go. And can I say it? 2024 02:12:10,380 --> 02:12:15,210 Like how, yeah, how many years after I blow past the age that I 2025 02:12:15,210 --> 02:12:18,120 was supposed to be? And I think you kept saying, Oh, yeah, he's 2026 02:12:18,120 --> 02:12:21,390 seven. And I was like, 18 going in there. And yeah, 2027 02:12:21,390 --> 02:12:23,550 Unknown: I think the last one, we got you right in. But 2028 02:12:25,410 --> 02:12:28,650 John Greenewald: you remember, there was a control center. And 2029 02:12:28,650 --> 02:12:31,980 they were they were communicating. I forget what it 2030 02:12:31,980 --> 02:12:35,340 was. It wasn't only with the shuttle. But I started asking 2031 02:12:35,370 --> 02:12:38,850 about something that I guess encroached on the a classified 2032 02:12:38,850 --> 02:12:42,000 aspect of the communication. Technology. Do you remember 2033 02:12:42,000 --> 02:12:46,680 that? Yeah. Yeah. I don't know if she got in trouble for that. 2034 02:12:47,130 --> 02:12:49,530 Unknown: But yeah, I know you. You know where I think you 2035 02:12:49,530 --> 02:12:53,490 asked, you also asked that when we went down and we took that. 2036 02:12:56,370 --> 02:13:00,720 Then we take a tour on a on a navy ship, and you started 2037 02:13:00,720 --> 02:13:04,920 asking the guy classified questions or something. 2038 02:13:04,950 --> 02:13:07,470 John Greenewald: Yeah, that to me that was that was in San 2039 02:13:07,470 --> 02:13:10,920 Diego. I think we did that that ship. Now. The one was at your 2040 02:13:10,920 --> 02:13:13,680 work, because I was afraid I got you in trouble. It was in one of 2041 02:13:13,680 --> 02:13:16,860 the conference centers. And they were able to tap into the 2042 02:13:16,860 --> 02:13:21,030 shuttle. They were able to communicate with Houston or 2043 02:13:21,510 --> 02:13:22,170 Florida. 2044 02:13:22,200 --> 02:13:26,790 Unknown: Yeah, they they could. Well, every lunch was monitored 2045 02:13:27,270 --> 02:13:30,870 in a control room, you know, actually in the main building 2046 02:13:30,870 --> 02:13:36,510 there. And that actually is now in the museum. Remember when we 2047 02:13:36,510 --> 02:13:42,990 want to see the enterprise? And the enterprise the endeavor? 2048 02:13:43,020 --> 02:13:46,890 Yeah. And they had that whole control panel that came out of 2049 02:13:47,610 --> 02:13:51,840 the main building that they would monitor every launch from 2050 02:13:52,800 --> 02:13:57,780 and what have you got another second friend? A guy can tell 2051 02:13:57,780 --> 02:13:58,920 them a little story? Yeah, 2052 02:13:59,250 --> 02:14:00,030 I've got Oh, come 2053 02:14:00,540 --> 02:14:01,530 on house when you came. 2054 02:14:01,560 --> 02:14:03,150 John Greenewald: Yeah, this is a pleasant surprise. 2055 02:14:03,870 --> 02:14:09,360 Unknown: Well, when when I got drawn to come in for for bring 2056 02:14:09,360 --> 02:14:16,020 your kid to work day, I had a special a special part that I 2057 02:14:16,020 --> 02:14:21,450 asked my boss to hold for a day until john was there. And it was 2058 02:14:21,450 --> 02:14:29,040 the it was the replica manifold of the X 33 main injector 2059 02:14:29,040 --> 02:14:34,200 manifold. And I had it all set up. And john and I welded it 2060 02:14:34,200 --> 02:14:41,220 together. And it was then x rayed and approved for the 2061 02:14:42,120 --> 02:14:47,100 procedure to weld the main manifolds on the X 33 engines 2062 02:14:47,100 --> 02:14:52,590 which were called the linear aerospike. So john is actually 2063 02:14:52,590 --> 02:14:58,920 welded on things that were used for space and I believe that 2064 02:14:58,920 --> 02:15:06,240 little manifold that we, that we welded, john was assembled into 2065 02:15:06,990 --> 02:15:11,940 a smaller size engine. And it was mounted to the back of an X, 2066 02:15:12,630 --> 02:15:19,740 the XR seven s r 71. And, and actually actually flown to do 2067 02:15:19,740 --> 02:15:26,670 test for the X 33. Wow, unfortunately, the X 33 program 2068 02:15:26,670 --> 02:15:33,180 was cancelled, and it was had failures and part of the 2069 02:15:33,180 --> 02:15:39,060 fuselage and the fuel tanks leaking. So that was, was a 2070 02:15:39,060 --> 02:15:43,620 great program, but it never made it made it you know, off the 2071 02:15:43,620 --> 02:15:47,130 ground, it was cancelled. But john got to well, the actual 2072 02:15:47,130 --> 02:15:51,690 manifolds that approved the welding for those engines. 2073 02:15:52,050 --> 02:15:54,570 John Greenewald: It will what was cool, just to point out is 2074 02:15:54,570 --> 02:15:59,130 that you used robots, you did a lot of manual welding. But you 2075 02:15:59,490 --> 02:16:03,030 even years and years and years ago, but like on I think you You 2076 02:16:03,030 --> 02:16:06,870 said that they were like 286 processors, but would use these 2077 02:16:06,870 --> 02:16:10,680 gigantic robots. And you would program in the welds, and you 2078 02:16:10,680 --> 02:16:13,380 would do the welds that way, which was fascinating to me, 2079 02:16:13,380 --> 02:16:17,820 because I'm a computer geek, and not to embarrass you, you get 2080 02:16:17,820 --> 02:16:21,600 lost in like Microsoft Word. And then I went to work with you. 2081 02:16:21,930 --> 02:16:25,200 And then you're like programming these, you know, robots and 2082 02:16:25,200 --> 02:16:28,710 welding, all this stuff that's flying humans to space. And 2083 02:16:28,710 --> 02:16:33,210 like, Who's this guy? I don't know who this guy is. Which was, 2084 02:16:33,270 --> 02:16:35,640 which was always fun. I thought you were going to tell the story 2085 02:16:35,640 --> 02:16:41,100 about the part that was on that big robot arm that you moved. 2086 02:16:41,370 --> 02:16:44,250 And you found out later, it wasn't strapped down? Should I 2087 02:16:44,250 --> 02:16:48,540 say that? What's that? Now? I'd say that when you move that big 2088 02:16:48,540 --> 02:16:52,980 arm and you had that gigantic piece on it. I make me maybe 2089 02:16:52,980 --> 02:16:55,500 getting you in trouble and you moved it. It was like a big 2090 02:16:55,500 --> 02:16:58,350 crane in it. I don't know if you're watching me right now. 2091 02:16:58,350 --> 02:17:01,410 But it kind of would go up to the side and you'd pretty much 2092 02:17:01,410 --> 02:17:04,140 be able to move it to do different welds in different 2093 02:17:04,140 --> 02:17:04,710 angles. 2094 02:17:05,219 --> 02:17:07,559 Unknown: Oh, that's the the big robot though. Yeah. 2095 02:17:07,590 --> 02:17:10,350 John Greenewald: Do you remember that that day? When? Yeah, I 2096 02:17:10,350 --> 02:17:12,120 shouldn't have admitted that on the air. Sorry. 2097 02:17:13,469 --> 02:17:15,869 Unknown: Well, there was always some mistakes made here and 2098 02:17:15,869 --> 02:17:17,009 there. Yeah. Well, 2099 02:17:17,010 --> 02:17:19,080 John Greenewald: nothing happened on that day. But no, no 2100 02:17:19,080 --> 02:17:21,480 thanks. Thankfully, you were perfect with every weld that you 2101 02:17:21,480 --> 02:17:23,610 did. But well, 2102 02:17:23,609 --> 02:17:27,449 Unknown: I wish but yeah, I was very lucky to work where I 2103 02:17:27,449 --> 02:17:32,939 worked. And it was always fun when we had open houses for the, 2104 02:17:33,689 --> 02:17:38,099 for the public because people got to see things that you know, 2105 02:17:38,099 --> 02:17:42,569 we've never gone through a plant like that. It's amazing. I mean, 2106 02:17:43,439 --> 02:17:46,559 30 years I was there and parts of it's still amazing. 2107 02:17:47,040 --> 02:17:50,370 John Greenewald: Yeah. And you were just to kind of close it 2108 02:17:50,370 --> 02:17:57,030 off. You were awarded the Snoopy award. Can you tell everybody 2109 02:17:57,030 --> 02:17:57,870 what that is? 2110 02:17:59,100 --> 02:18:03,750 Unknown: Now the silver Snoopy award is awarded, not by my 2111 02:18:03,750 --> 02:18:08,910 company or Rocketdyne it's awarded by NASA. And when I was 2112 02:18:08,910 --> 02:18:14,730 awarded mine with medal Federer I worked with, we were given our 2113 02:18:14,730 --> 02:18:19,890 award by the commander of the return to flight space shuttle 2114 02:18:20,370 --> 02:18:28,110 flight. And I went to see that that returned to flight landing 2115 02:18:28,110 --> 02:18:36,210 with john and his sister. And it was a school field trip. So that 2116 02:18:36,210 --> 02:18:40,740 was really that was really fun for me that the the commander 2117 02:18:40,740 --> 02:18:45,720 that gave me my award was the one that piloted the first 2118 02:18:46,320 --> 02:18:50,190 shuttle flight after the challenger. And we got to go see 2119 02:18:50,190 --> 02:18:56,310 that the dry lake and that was just never thought I'd seen so 2120 02:18:56,310 --> 02:19:00,300 many motorhomes and people in my life, there was something like 2121 02:19:00,690 --> 02:19:06,180 500,000 people that were out there, we camped out for the 2122 02:19:06,180 --> 02:19:11,850 night. And it just was, it was really something it really was a 2123 02:19:12,570 --> 02:19:17,880 experience. And thing came in and the sonic booms went off. 2124 02:19:18,810 --> 02:19:23,160 And we just had a great time with that. 2125 02:19:23,189 --> 02:19:26,129 John Greenewald: Yeah, I missed I missed the shuttle. You know, 2126 02:19:26,129 --> 02:19:31,139 I missed those. The not only seeing it in the very few times 2127 02:19:31,139 --> 02:19:34,199 that I did, but I'm just talking about on television, seeing it 2128 02:19:34,199 --> 02:19:38,219 and miss that whole program and the passion behind it. I hope 2129 02:19:38,219 --> 02:19:42,569 they I hope they do something like I don't think there's plans 2130 02:19:42,569 --> 02:19:45,089 for it, but I hope they do something like that. Again, you 2131 02:19:45,089 --> 02:19:48,569 know that that gets people passionate about going to the 2132 02:19:48,569 --> 02:19:53,069 stars that it's not for funny, not for money or not for a 2133 02:19:53,069 --> 02:19:57,569 celebrity to pay millions of dollars to go, but to have them 2134 02:19:57,569 --> 02:20:00,359 have a reason to go you know, and there's so much More to 2135 02:20:00,359 --> 02:20:04,199 explore and not to put a damper on it. But humanity's got to get 2136 02:20:04,199 --> 02:20:07,439 off this blue rock eventually. So, you know, we're gonna have 2137 02:20:07,439 --> 02:20:11,039 to figure it out. So you know eventually this planet's gonna 2138 02:20:11,039 --> 02:20:15,929 go could put So yeah, I hope they go back to it but I will 2139 02:20:15,929 --> 02:20:20,549 say this as as a closing thought as I see this the chat stream 2140 02:20:20,819 --> 02:20:26,249 through, you're a hit and people want you to come back and tell 2141 02:20:26,249 --> 02:20:30,959 us more store and you tell us more stories. So will you do 2142 02:20:31,019 --> 02:20:33,809 that deal? All right, well that didn't take much convincing. I 2143 02:20:33,809 --> 02:20:37,499 thought you were gonna ask for a barbecue or Philemon Jaan or 2144 02:20:37,499 --> 02:20:40,679 something like that? Well, we could do that. Alright, well 2145 02:20:40,679 --> 02:20:43,229 then that's that's a deal. Well, we'll just live stream it from 2146 02:20:43,229 --> 02:20:46,889 the patio, so that'll be perfect. But then, you know, I'm 2147 02:20:46,889 --> 02:20:49,529 not trying to cut you off. I'm gonna have to cut the stream 2148 02:20:49,529 --> 02:20:54,569 here. But I really, I'm glad you called then I know that 2149 02:20:54,569 --> 02:20:57,809 everybody in the chat and everything is happy as well. 2150 02:20:58,319 --> 02:21:01,049 Unknown: Yeah, me too. I first time caller 2151 02:21:01,079 --> 02:21:03,119 John Greenewald: first first time not the last time either. 2152 02:21:03,149 --> 02:21:05,909 So tell mom, tell mom. Hi. Love you guys. 2153 02:21:06,149 --> 02:21:07,679 Unknown: She's listening in the other room? 2154 02:21:07,859 --> 02:21:09,869 John Greenewald: Oh, good. She's probably gonna hit you about 2155 02:21:09,869 --> 02:21:17,219 something. See? All right, love. You guys will love you. Alright, 2156 02:21:17,219 --> 02:21:22,259 that's my dad. I that was not planned. So you know, that's, 2157 02:21:22,379 --> 02:21:28,679 that's, that's that's the man the myth, the legend. So yeah, I 2158 02:21:29,549 --> 02:21:32,369 I'm glad he called it. And that's a good a good way to end. 2159 02:21:32,609 --> 02:21:37,079 And I'm sorry. For those that were on hold. I'm seeing that 2160 02:21:37,079 --> 02:21:41,219 there are more people coming in. I apologize. We've been on for 2161 02:21:41,219 --> 02:21:44,519 about two and a half hours. And so they're a little bit longer 2162 02:21:44,519 --> 02:21:47,459 than I expected. But I just wanted to say thank you, to all 2163 02:21:47,459 --> 02:21:50,189 of you for tuning in. Thanks to my dad, obviously, for calling 2164 02:21:50,429 --> 02:21:54,149 all of the super chats, I believe, through the last 1015 2165 02:21:54,149 --> 02:21:57,029 minutes. I miss some I'm gonna go back. I'm gonna find a way to 2166 02:21:57,029 --> 02:21:59,309 contact you guys. And thank you and answer any questions you 2167 02:21:59,309 --> 02:22:04,409 have. I apologize for missing any of those. But thank you all, 2168 02:22:04,649 --> 02:22:07,979 for your support of this channel, make sure that you 2169 02:22:07,979 --> 02:22:11,399 click on the like below the thumbs up and make sure you're 2170 02:22:11,399 --> 02:22:14,819 subscribed to the channel. The biggest help you can do is 2171 02:22:14,819 --> 02:22:18,629 spread the word for this channel. Let them know about 2172 02:22:18,629 --> 02:22:21,329 these live streams. I've got different types of videos. Some 2173 02:22:21,329 --> 02:22:23,999 are short form, some are long form all sorts of different 2174 02:22:23,999 --> 02:22:26,699 content. This summer has been a little bit challenging just 2175 02:22:26,699 --> 02:22:29,579 because my seven year old son has been off for summer 2176 02:22:29,579 --> 02:22:33,149 vacation. So recordings been a little bit challenging, schedule 2177 02:22:33,149 --> 02:22:36,749 wise. And obviously, my wife is in a COVID unit at a hospital 2178 02:22:36,749 --> 02:22:39,839 that we all have increasing numbers right now in Los 2179 02:22:39,839 --> 02:22:43,169 Angeles. So schedule has been a little bit crazy. But she's on 2180 02:22:43,169 --> 02:22:46,859 her way home. She was in the COVID unit all day today. So I'm 2181 02:22:46,859 --> 02:22:50,339 going to go get her some dinner and have a good night. But thank 2182 02:22:50,339 --> 02:22:52,679 you again for all of your support. And lastly, if you feel 2183 02:22:52,679 --> 02:22:58,199 so inclined, I do have a Patreon 100% of super chats or Patreon. 2184 02:22:58,559 --> 02:23:01,589 They all go into this channel or the black vault, I don't use the 2185 02:23:01,589 --> 02:23:05,729 money for anything else. It all 100% goes to supporting all of 2186 02:23:05,729 --> 02:23:08,639 this. So if you choose to do that, you will find that link as 2187 02:23:08,639 --> 02:23:12,869 well on the black vault.com. Just look on the right hand side 2188 02:23:12,869 --> 02:23:15,569 you'll find all the ways to support the site. And of course 2189 02:23:15,599 --> 02:23:18,839 download more than 3 million pages of government documents on 2190 02:23:18,839 --> 02:23:22,289 any government secret you can imagine. So with that being said 2191 02:23:22,289 --> 02:23:25,289 thank you all again. This is John Greenewald Jr signing off, 2192 02:23:25,409 --> 02:23:26,519 and we'll see you next time.