1 00:00:04,170 --> 00:00:08,610 John Greenewald: Since December of 2017, we have all been told a 2 00:00:08,610 --> 00:00:09,150 story. 3 00:00:12,840 --> 00:00:20,430 A story about a $22 million secret Pentagon UFO study. And 4 00:00:20,460 --> 00:00:27,030 the man who ran it. But now, nearly four years later, a new 5 00:00:27,030 --> 00:00:32,190 book has turned much of this story upside down. According to 6 00:00:32,190 --> 00:00:37,380 this book, those original stories were all wrong. And what 7 00:00:37,380 --> 00:00:43,260 we thought we knew is not the case. This new book, according 8 00:00:43,260 --> 00:00:48,990 to page 160, anyway, aims to simply correct the record, we 9 00:00:48,990 --> 00:00:54,870 found a lot. But doesn't mean should we dismiss the old claims 10 00:00:54,960 --> 00:01:00,150 and make room for the new ones? Although not all of the original 11 00:01:00,150 --> 00:01:04,230 claims are being challenged, which do we choose to believe? 12 00:01:04,440 --> 00:01:10,770 And which do we choose not to believe? This is the story about 13 00:01:10,770 --> 00:01:14,700 why for the past nearly four years, the saga that has 14 00:01:14,700 --> 00:01:20,700 involved a tip, Asa UFOs, a ranch in Utah, infested by the 15 00:01:20,700 --> 00:01:25,530 paranormal, and multiple former government personnel is still 16 00:01:25,530 --> 00:01:29,700 riddled with confusion and lingering questions, even with 17 00:01:29,700 --> 00:01:34,800 this new book that aims to correct the record. Stay tuned, 18 00:01:35,160 --> 00:01:38,520 you're about to journey inside the black vault. 19 00:02:06,360 --> 00:02:09,180 That's right, everybody. As always, thank you so much for 20 00:02:09,180 --> 00:02:12,750 tuning in and making this your podcast or your live stream of 21 00:02:12,750 --> 00:02:15,570 choice. I'm your host, John Greenwald, Jr, founder and 22 00:02:15,570 --> 00:02:19,590 creator of the black vault.com. And I know that on this channel, 23 00:02:19,590 --> 00:02:22,680 I've been a little bit quiet lately. For that I do apologize, 24 00:02:22,860 --> 00:02:26,490 work has been a little bit crazy. And sadly, that does have 25 00:02:26,490 --> 00:02:30,480 to take precedence over what I love doing. And that is creating 26 00:02:30,480 --> 00:02:34,230 these videos and these types of presentations for all of you. 27 00:02:34,500 --> 00:02:38,280 Now, for those who aren't aware, sometimes I will do behind the 28 00:02:38,280 --> 00:02:41,880 scenes videos live. Now, if you're watching this live, 29 00:02:41,970 --> 00:02:45,360 welcome, it's gonna be a lot of fun. If you're watching the pre 30 00:02:45,360 --> 00:02:48,390 recorded version that drops later, that's a little bit more 31 00:02:48,540 --> 00:02:52,560 professionally edited and cut together. Just know subscribe to 32 00:02:52,560 --> 00:02:55,590 this channel. That way you get notified when I do the live 33 00:02:55,590 --> 00:02:59,490 streams. And you can take part, any of those who are currently 34 00:02:59,490 --> 00:03:03,090 watching live, you may see their questions come in, super chats 35 00:03:03,090 --> 00:03:06,420 are open, it's a way to support this channel. And it helps me 36 00:03:06,420 --> 00:03:11,820 get research like this done, it always isn't free to start 37 00:03:11,820 --> 00:03:14,760 digging into some of this stuff. And some of those FOIA requests 38 00:03:14,970 --> 00:03:19,590 do yield some high dollar price tags 100% of what comes in 39 00:03:19,590 --> 00:03:22,650 through those super chats, go right into this channel and the 40 00:03:22,650 --> 00:03:25,650 website to create this type of content. So if you do decide to 41 00:03:25,650 --> 00:03:29,190 support, awesome, thank you for that. If you can't, don't worry 42 00:03:29,190 --> 00:03:32,850 about it, everything is still free. But the biggest help that 43 00:03:32,850 --> 00:03:36,600 you can give is spreading the word. Now today, what I'm going 44 00:03:36,600 --> 00:03:40,380 to be going over is something that has been a hot topic in the 45 00:03:40,380 --> 00:03:44,700 UFO world or on Twitter as some like to call it hashtag UFO 46 00:03:44,700 --> 00:03:49,080 Twitter. And that is the new book skinwalkers at the 47 00:03:49,080 --> 00:03:53,430 Pentagon. Now I want to show you guys this because this is a copy 48 00:03:53,430 --> 00:03:57,240 that I purchased, I had posted on social media that I recommend 49 00:03:57,270 --> 00:04:01,200 if you guys are interested, support the authors, there may 50 00:04:01,200 --> 00:04:04,320 be some stuff that I go over today where you may question the 51 00:04:04,320 --> 00:04:08,430 author's that's healthy, I hope that I don't offend anybody by 52 00:04:08,430 --> 00:04:10,890 questioning some of the information. But in the same 53 00:04:10,890 --> 00:04:15,270 respect, I support published authors. And so I've seen a lot 54 00:04:15,270 --> 00:04:19,230 of people really start scanning and taking pictures and posting 55 00:04:19,230 --> 00:04:23,190 things on social media that includes full chapters and stuff 56 00:04:23,190 --> 00:04:26,490 like that. I don't support that what I do support are taking 57 00:04:26,490 --> 00:04:29,790 quotes, which is what I'm going to do. And you may see some some 58 00:04:29,790 --> 00:04:34,320 pages from the book, just know all of those pages are on the 59 00:04:34,350 --> 00:04:39,330 Amazon free preview. So I am not showing you guys anything you 60 00:04:39,330 --> 00:04:42,750 can't see for free on Amazon's free preview. But again, I want 61 00:04:42,750 --> 00:04:47,310 to at least plug that ahead of time that I do recommend buying 62 00:04:47,310 --> 00:04:50,520 the book if you want to know the full story. That's the only way 63 00:04:50,520 --> 00:04:52,740 you're going to get it. You're not going to get it for me 64 00:04:52,740 --> 00:04:54,930 because I don't go over everything. And you're not going 65 00:04:54,930 --> 00:04:58,110 to see it on social media plus, it's not fair. So I do want to 66 00:04:58,110 --> 00:05:01,380 give my show of support for those offers. Because what they 67 00:05:01,380 --> 00:05:06,060 have done, and this is what I want to kind of go over here is 68 00:05:06,090 --> 00:05:10,530 essentially bring one man forward that has yet to come 69 00:05:10,530 --> 00:05:15,780 forward since December or arguably October of 2017. But 70 00:05:15,780 --> 00:05:19,350 since this whole a tip story broke, now, we didn't know about 71 00:05:19,380 --> 00:05:23,460 OS app until a few months thereafter. But essentially, 72 00:05:23,460 --> 00:05:29,070 this was the man Dr. James lick, cat ski that ran a nother 73 00:05:29,070 --> 00:05:33,240 program, not a tip, but OS app. In the Defense Intelligence 74 00:05:33,240 --> 00:05:36,960 Agency, he has been Mumme, up until the last few weeks since 75 00:05:36,960 --> 00:05:40,650 this book came out. So that to me is the biggest revelation 76 00:05:40,650 --> 00:05:43,890 from this book, because now we're getting somebody side that 77 00:05:43,890 --> 00:05:50,340 we have never heard before. But in that process, there has been 78 00:05:50,370 --> 00:05:56,580 massive confusion that has reigned not only with the last 79 00:05:56,580 --> 00:06:00,360 three, four years since since the New York Times and political 80 00:06:00,390 --> 00:06:05,490 broke political broke the a tip story. But this doesn't help in 81 00:06:05,490 --> 00:06:09,720 the sense to clear up all of that confusion. I'm not blaming 82 00:06:09,720 --> 00:06:13,410 the book or the authors, but rather, I'm showing you guys, 83 00:06:13,800 --> 00:06:17,970 everything is not cleared up as some want us to believe there 84 00:06:17,970 --> 00:06:22,500 are still massive, massive amounts of confusion with all of 85 00:06:22,500 --> 00:06:26,520 this. But then on top of that, there are still many questions 86 00:06:26,820 --> 00:06:30,270 that have yet to be answered. So let me go ahead and bring up the 87 00:06:30,270 --> 00:06:34,980 presentation that I want to do for you guys. And this will go 88 00:06:34,980 --> 00:06:39,420 over why that confusion continues to rain when it comes 89 00:06:39,420 --> 00:06:43,680 to OS app and a tip and why questions continue to linger 90 00:06:43,920 --> 00:06:48,090 about OS app and a tip, because I see differing viewpoints here 91 00:06:48,300 --> 00:06:51,600 that some want us to believe everything is transparent and 92 00:06:51,600 --> 00:06:54,780 has been out there for years. There's just lazy people out 93 00:06:54,780 --> 00:06:57,330 there that don't want to look at the facts. Well, I'm here to 94 00:06:57,330 --> 00:07:00,450 tell you, I don't consider myself lazy. I'm a lot of 95 00:07:00,450 --> 00:07:04,950 things, as some people will tell you, sadly, lazy is not one of 96 00:07:04,950 --> 00:07:08,640 them, I'd love to put my feet up and, and not really do anything. 97 00:07:08,640 --> 00:07:13,980 But rather, I dig in. And I follow as much as I can about 98 00:07:13,980 --> 00:07:19,020 all of this. And there is a lot of it. So what I want to show 99 00:07:19,020 --> 00:07:22,740 you guys today is why that confusion reigns, and the 100 00:07:22,740 --> 00:07:27,360 questions continue to linger. So let me go ahead and get my 101 00:07:27,390 --> 00:07:32,580 proper PowerPoint presentation here. Give me one second. Now 102 00:07:32,580 --> 00:07:35,910 before I dig into some of that stuff, I want to tell you guys a 103 00:07:35,910 --> 00:07:40,680 little bit about me personally on how I approach research, I 104 00:07:40,680 --> 00:07:44,940 would say the criticism that I get, I love the praise, but I 105 00:07:44,940 --> 00:07:48,660 also love the criticism, because it helps me become better. But 106 00:07:48,660 --> 00:07:52,470 one point of criticism that some people don't like me over is 107 00:07:52,470 --> 00:07:56,340 what they may call the minutiae of the stories, that they feel 108 00:07:56,340 --> 00:08:01,260 that I nitpick that I go too far into trying to pick apart what 109 00:08:01,260 --> 00:08:05,340 people say or what people do, or, you know, whatever it might 110 00:08:05,340 --> 00:08:10,410 be. And for me the way that I approach these types of topics 111 00:08:10,410 --> 00:08:14,550 and why I disagree with that criticism. And I want to kind of 112 00:08:14,550 --> 00:08:18,720 give you guys a little bit of a visual representation on why I 113 00:08:18,720 --> 00:08:22,950 do what I do, but how I do what I do. And that is why the 114 00:08:22,950 --> 00:08:28,650 minutiae matters. Now I look into every topic, like a puzzle, 115 00:08:28,680 --> 00:08:32,640 that's how I visualize it in my mind, for 25 years, I've run the 116 00:08:32,640 --> 00:08:36,870 blackbolt. That's what I do. There are 1000s, sometimes 10s 117 00:08:36,870 --> 00:08:40,290 of 1000s of pieces of that puzzle, and we put it together 118 00:08:40,290 --> 00:08:44,280 to create a picture. Now some people out there, and this is 119 00:08:44,310 --> 00:08:48,540 this is kind of my, I would say point of frustration sometimes, 120 00:08:48,540 --> 00:08:52,650 and you'll see where I do get frustrated on social media, is 121 00:08:52,650 --> 00:08:55,590 they're cool with the outer layers, right there. They're 122 00:08:55,590 --> 00:08:57,750 cool putting the puzzle together. And if they see that 123 00:08:57,750 --> 00:09:00,720 there's trees there, there's some leaves, maybe a building 124 00:09:00,720 --> 00:09:05,190 back here. That's all that matters to them. And they feel 125 00:09:05,190 --> 00:09:07,200 that they have the full picture because well what's in the 126 00:09:07,200 --> 00:09:10,410 middle here, you know, grass, maybe another building, who 127 00:09:10,410 --> 00:09:14,280 really cares, we have enough of the picture to believe that this 128 00:09:14,280 --> 00:09:17,550 is an outdoor scene. And that's how they approach research. 129 00:09:17,550 --> 00:09:20,790 Well, I'm different. I've got to put everything together because 130 00:09:20,790 --> 00:09:25,020 when you do, and you put every single piece of the puzzle 131 00:09:25,200 --> 00:09:29,910 together, another one usually emerges a full different 132 00:09:29,910 --> 00:09:33,480 perspective of what you thought was there, when you just looked 133 00:09:33,480 --> 00:09:38,010 at the outer layer. It's different. And those pieces of 134 00:09:38,010 --> 00:09:41,250 the puzzle, the center, the minutiae, the little details, 135 00:09:41,460 --> 00:09:45,300 when you start picking apart all of the stories and how everybody 136 00:09:45,300 --> 00:09:49,290 talks about this or that when you put it together, a lot of 137 00:09:49,290 --> 00:09:53,490 times and arguably most of the time, you get a completely 138 00:09:53,670 --> 00:09:57,750 different picture as what you see here. So you don't have 139 00:09:57,750 --> 00:10:00,900 everything you think one thing you have at all, you see 140 00:10:00,900 --> 00:10:03,300 something completely different. That's how I've always 141 00:10:03,300 --> 00:10:07,020 approached research. And that is what the black vault is all 142 00:10:07,020 --> 00:10:10,680 about. Now credit to this amazing artist, oh leg shoe ply 143 00:10:10,680 --> 00:10:14,160 IQ I probably have that pronounced incorrectly. Google 144 00:10:14,160 --> 00:10:17,640 him. He's got some awesome stuff. I created the puzzle out 145 00:10:17,640 --> 00:10:21,390 of one of his paintings. But again, that is the best visual 146 00:10:21,420 --> 00:10:26,550 visualization and simplistic way of looking at how I approach 147 00:10:26,580 --> 00:10:30,240 research. Now some of what I go over maybe review for some of 148 00:10:30,240 --> 00:10:34,230 you who, like me, have lived and breathed this since October of 149 00:10:34,230 --> 00:10:38,970 2017. Why I say October, not December. That is when Luis 150 00:10:38,970 --> 00:10:43,110 Elizondo entered the scene. That was when he talked about an 151 00:10:43,110 --> 00:10:47,340 aerospace Threat program that was identifying these types of 152 00:10:47,340 --> 00:10:51,180 threats. But he never said a tip in October that was not broken 153 00:10:51,180 --> 00:10:54,990 until December. That October press conference by to the stars 154 00:10:54,990 --> 00:10:58,920 Academy introduced Lewis Elizondo to the world. And that 155 00:10:58,920 --> 00:11:02,790 was where I became incredibly intrigued about what was rumored 156 00:11:02,790 --> 00:11:05,670 to be this secret UFO program. 157 00:11:07,050 --> 00:11:10,770 Fast forward, then from October to December of that same year in 158 00:11:10,770 --> 00:11:13,500 New York Times, and political breaks the story December 159 00:11:13,500 --> 00:11:19,050 16 2017, in my opinion, will forever change, you follow GE in 160 00:11:19,050 --> 00:11:25,530 the sense that it created this firestorm of publicity for this 161 00:11:25,530 --> 00:11:29,790 program called a tip, the reality that unidentified aerial 162 00:11:29,790 --> 00:11:32,670 phenomena were being investigated by the US 163 00:11:32,670 --> 00:11:35,550 government, or at least that's what we were told in December. 164 00:11:36,060 --> 00:11:39,930 And since then, a lot of stuff has happened. You see that on 165 00:11:39,930 --> 00:11:42,840 this channel, I try and cover it when I can, but also in the 166 00:11:42,840 --> 00:11:46,170 mainstream media in the last, really in the last year and a 167 00:11:46,170 --> 00:11:51,180 half, especially since that you UAP report came out. And so 168 00:11:51,570 --> 00:11:55,800 that's why I say that it will forever change. You follow ge 169 00:11:55,800 --> 00:12:01,710 the study of UFOs. And that's what these two articles were. As 170 00:12:01,710 --> 00:12:05,700 we dig deeper, and look at the confusion and those questions, 171 00:12:05,700 --> 00:12:08,910 I'm going to bring up something that upsets a lot of people. And 172 00:12:08,910 --> 00:12:14,910 to be quite frank and blunt, I those that do get upset that I 173 00:12:14,910 --> 00:12:18,540 bring this up, I don't care. And here's why it's those minute 174 00:12:18,540 --> 00:12:22,890 details, the small details, and that was what I a tip actually 175 00:12:22,890 --> 00:12:28,140 stood or stands for, in that in that New York Times article. And 176 00:12:28,140 --> 00:12:32,040 the politico article, we were getting two different names for 177 00:12:32,040 --> 00:12:36,240 what a tip was. So in essence, the confusion for those who were 178 00:12:36,240 --> 00:12:40,050 paying attention to those small details started on day one. Now 179 00:12:40,050 --> 00:12:42,870 some of you may not think this is a big deal. And this is one 180 00:12:42,870 --> 00:12:46,290 of those things that again, upsets some people that I 181 00:12:46,290 --> 00:12:50,310 brought up in the past, but continue to make reference to 182 00:12:50,520 --> 00:12:55,350 because again, this is what started the snowball of 183 00:12:55,380 --> 00:13:00,330 confusion. It was simple as a single word in the letter, 184 00:13:00,510 --> 00:13:04,590 excuse me in the acronym of aerospace versus aviation, New 185 00:13:04,590 --> 00:13:08,100 York Times reported advanced aerospace threat Identification 186 00:13:08,100 --> 00:13:11,220 Program, Politico advanced aviation threat Identification 187 00:13:11,220 --> 00:13:14,790 Program. Why does that matter? It's plain and simple. It's 188 00:13:14,790 --> 00:13:17,760 research. When you look into something you need those names 189 00:13:17,760 --> 00:13:20,940 to be accurate. And yes, FOIA offices if you don't have 190 00:13:20,940 --> 00:13:25,860 keywords, right, or full names, correct. There is sometimes an 191 00:13:25,860 --> 00:13:29,940 issue with that. And so yes, I brought that up quite early on, 192 00:13:29,940 --> 00:13:35,520 because the Pentagon had said it was advanced aviation. I don't 193 00:13:35,520 --> 00:13:39,750 regret that at all pushing that that point. And in fact, I'm 194 00:13:39,750 --> 00:13:43,470 glad I did, because it really brought quite a bit more out 195 00:13:43,500 --> 00:13:47,280 about the reality of a tip and what it was. And according to 196 00:13:47,280 --> 00:13:50,490 the government, what it wasn't, it doesn't matter if you believe 197 00:13:50,490 --> 00:13:52,440 the government or not, it doesn't matter if I believe the 198 00:13:52,440 --> 00:13:56,130 government or not, but the pushing have that brought more 199 00:13:56,130 --> 00:13:59,400 details out, including how it was funded. And I'll show you 200 00:13:59,400 --> 00:14:04,470 that in a minute. But also some other details, as well. But 201 00:14:04,560 --> 00:14:10,080 where it really got worse and dicey was all of these different 202 00:14:10,080 --> 00:14:13,380 variations of the Name just beyond what politico in New York 203 00:14:13,380 --> 00:14:18,510 Times had reported. But as these stories were being written, all 204 00:14:18,510 --> 00:14:22,800 sorts of names emerged. And what was concerning to me was the 205 00:14:22,800 --> 00:14:26,670 accuracy number one, but number two, how much care was going 206 00:14:26,670 --> 00:14:29,970 into vetting these stories, what you're seeing on screen here, 207 00:14:30,120 --> 00:14:35,160 the sources in the main sources for these articles, were the 208 00:14:35,160 --> 00:14:40,470 main key players involved in the program. So my questions as time 209 00:14:40,470 --> 00:14:45,600 went on, and this confusion began to really mount was Why 210 00:14:45,600 --> 00:14:48,900 were there so many variations and why weren't anybody really 211 00:14:48,900 --> 00:14:53,100 getting it right? Because all of these couldn't be right. So why 212 00:14:53,100 --> 00:14:56,760 was there this confusion when their sources were those 213 00:14:56,760 --> 00:15:00,360 involved was a careless journalism. I can buy that Was 214 00:15:00,360 --> 00:15:04,770 it bad sources? I don't know. But that's why these issues were 215 00:15:04,770 --> 00:15:09,000 being pushed. This was one of the first declassified documents 216 00:15:09,150 --> 00:15:13,020 from the intelligence community that I got through FOIA. That in 217 00:15:13,020 --> 00:15:16,890 fact, anybody got through FOIA, this is the first one ever, it 218 00:15:16,890 --> 00:15:19,860 as well said aviation, this comes from a system called 219 00:15:20,070 --> 00:15:24,840 Intellipedia. This is used by the CIA, the NSA, all of the 220 00:15:24,840 --> 00:15:27,240 different arms of the intelligence community as a 221 00:15:27,240 --> 00:15:32,730 whole. They use this. So again, even internally, referencing the 222 00:15:32,730 --> 00:15:36,480 New York Times and the use of of an article that used aerospace, 223 00:15:36,510 --> 00:15:40,230 they flipped it and said aviation why no one really 224 00:15:40,230 --> 00:15:45,060 knows. Here is the statement I got in February of 2019, it took 225 00:15:45,060 --> 00:15:51,120 that long for the DIA to finally say, while it was at DIA, it was 226 00:15:51,120 --> 00:15:55,620 advanced aerospace. Now, again, I'll say it 1000 times, that 227 00:15:55,620 --> 00:15:58,560 upsets a lot of people, this whole name debate, some people 228 00:15:58,560 --> 00:16:02,670 say, Well, who really cares? My point was starting with all of 229 00:16:02,670 --> 00:16:06,450 that is to show you that confusion started on day one. 230 00:16:06,630 --> 00:16:12,300 And it has not gotten better, as it continues with the publishing 231 00:16:12,330 --> 00:16:16,800 of this book. On top of the publishing of the book, they 232 00:16:16,800 --> 00:16:23,460 laid, in my opinion, a bombshell when it comes to critiquing past 233 00:16:23,460 --> 00:16:27,330 coverage. It's one thing for you know, peon John Greenwald to say 234 00:16:27,330 --> 00:16:30,270 it and harp on the New York Times or whomever that got it 235 00:16:30,270 --> 00:16:34,560 wrong. But when the OSS AP former director who has not been 236 00:16:34,560 --> 00:16:39,000 disputed by the Pentagon, when that guy comes out and and 237 00:16:39,000 --> 00:16:42,990 authors a book that said unquote, and I quote on page 238 00:16:43,020 --> 00:16:47,040 156, for those who have the book, unfortunately, the ATF 239 00:16:47,040 --> 00:16:50,340 details presented in these articles, and news programs were 240 00:16:50,340 --> 00:16:54,720 actually those of OS app. And, in fact, many of those details 241 00:16:54,720 --> 00:17:00,120 themselves were in error. Senator Harry Reid said himself 242 00:17:00,150 --> 00:17:05,100 in the foreword to the book on page what is that 24 in Roman 243 00:17:05,100 --> 00:17:08,550 numerals, The New York Times article created enormous 244 00:17:08,550 --> 00:17:12,630 confusion by mistakenly linking the $22 million funding to the 245 00:17:12,630 --> 00:17:16,500 small, informal a tip initiative, the 22 million was 246 00:17:16,500 --> 00:17:21,060 specifically targeted only to OS app. A tip, as used by the New 247 00:17:21,060 --> 00:17:25,470 York Times was not OS app, and OS app was not a tip, the $22 248 00:17:25,470 --> 00:17:28,590 million was contracted through the Defense Intelligence Agency 249 00:17:28,800 --> 00:17:33,360 into OS app to evaluate the threat potential of UAPs, not 250 00:17:33,390 --> 00:17:37,710 $1. Of that some went to a tip, despite widespread statements 251 00:17:37,740 --> 00:17:39,180 over the last several years. 252 00:17:40,829 --> 00:17:44,549 PAGE 160 of the skinwalkers book says one of the purposes of this 253 00:17:44,549 --> 00:17:48,059 book is to correct the record. So they are stating quite 254 00:17:48,059 --> 00:17:51,929 simply, they want to set the record straight. And by doing so 255 00:17:51,929 --> 00:17:55,709 they're saying pretty much everything that was reported was 256 00:17:55,739 --> 00:17:59,849 mislabeled and wrong. Now, that's those are big claims to 257 00:17:59,849 --> 00:18:03,089 make, because it wasn't just politico in New York Times that 258 00:18:03,089 --> 00:18:06,719 reported it, the avalanche trickled to hundreds and 259 00:18:06,719 --> 00:18:11,039 arguably 1000s of mainstream media outlets around the world 260 00:18:11,219 --> 00:18:14,879 if they were all wrong. The question mark is how were they 261 00:18:14,879 --> 00:18:18,089 all wrong? A lot of them were wrong because I call it copy and 262 00:18:18,089 --> 00:18:20,879 paste journalism. They were just taking other articles and 263 00:18:21,299 --> 00:18:25,559 jumbling the words and making it their own. In my opinion, this 264 00:18:25,559 --> 00:18:29,129 is just an opinion. Insert graphic, you know, that says 265 00:18:29,729 --> 00:18:35,309 John Greenwald's opinion. But I believe that the book is placing 266 00:18:35,309 --> 00:18:39,779 blame without placing blame. They said on page 156. The main 267 00:18:39,779 --> 00:18:42,899 source for The Times article was Lou Elizondo, who had recently 268 00:18:42,899 --> 00:18:47,489 resigned who had recently up I apologize, I don't know how I 269 00:18:47,789 --> 00:18:50,879 repeated that. The main source for The Times article was Lou 270 00:18:50,879 --> 00:18:53,729 Elizondo, who had recently resigned from his Pentagon 271 00:18:53,729 --> 00:18:57,149 position, and join T TSA and Director of Global Security and 272 00:18:57,149 --> 00:19:02,279 special programs. Again, that was page 156. Now remember, in 273 00:19:02,279 --> 00:19:05,699 the last slide, I said that all of the facts that they were 274 00:19:05,699 --> 00:19:08,879 saying, as reported by The Times, and those articles were 275 00:19:08,879 --> 00:19:12,719 wrong. So in essence, they're saying this was the source. So 276 00:19:12,719 --> 00:19:18,419 the question mark is, how did the source not convey those 277 00:19:18,449 --> 00:19:21,659 facts accurately? I'm not blaming Mr. Elizondo, by the 278 00:19:21,659 --> 00:19:25,769 way, that's not what I'm saying. The book is, so that's what they 279 00:19:25,769 --> 00:19:29,039 say. In the same section articles were wrong, and this 280 00:19:29,039 --> 00:19:32,699 was their source. They didn't name anybody else. So was it 281 00:19:32,699 --> 00:19:37,139 possible that not one but two articles that broke this story 282 00:19:37,139 --> 00:19:40,679 from two major mainstream media outlets, both somehow 283 00:19:40,679 --> 00:19:45,479 mysteriously got the same facts wrong? That doesn't make sense 284 00:19:45,479 --> 00:19:49,049 to me whatsoever. So there's a lot of layers to that onion, 285 00:19:49,349 --> 00:19:53,699 which we you know, have yet to see. As the story continued to 286 00:19:53,699 --> 00:19:58,709 unfold even more confusion came out. This was a interview 287 00:19:58,709 --> 00:20:02,789 earlier this year from With Robert Bigelow on mystery wire, 288 00:20:02,999 --> 00:20:06,719 George Knapp credit to him for sitting down face to face with 289 00:20:06,719 --> 00:20:10,109 Robert Bigelow and asking him some questions in that 290 00:20:10,109 --> 00:20:15,869 interview. This is one thing Robert Bigelow said. I met Lou a 291 00:20:15,869 --> 00:20:20,339 couple of times didn't, didn't really he didn't play a role in 292 00:20:20,339 --> 00:20:24,689 our program in any way, in terms of who we ever reported to, or 293 00:20:24,689 --> 00:20:29,309 whoever we discussed kind of things with. And then he goes on 294 00:20:29,309 --> 00:20:33,029 to talk about James McCaskey, not by name, but referring to 295 00:20:33,029 --> 00:20:38,669 him as the program manager. Now, in this interview, it is clear 296 00:20:39,149 --> 00:20:43,739 that Louise Elizondo had no role in ITT OS app. And they didn't 297 00:20:43,739 --> 00:20:47,699 communicate he was not somebody that they ever reported to, or 298 00:20:47,699 --> 00:20:51,899 whoever we discussed the kinds of things with. Okay, fair 299 00:20:51,899 --> 00:20:55,859 point, right. Until you start looking at what other people 300 00:20:55,859 --> 00:20:59,279 said to the same journalist. This for me is caused to 301 00:20:59,279 --> 00:21:04,079 question George Knapp in an interview back in 2018. June to 302 00:21:04,079 --> 00:21:09,899 be exact. He sat down with Luis Elizondo, Luis Elizondo stated 303 00:21:09,929 --> 00:21:13,559 when George Knapp asked this interaction between you and your 304 00:21:13,559 --> 00:21:18,029 group and the OS app, Bigelow bass folks, conversations back 305 00:21:18,029 --> 00:21:21,569 and forth. You got a general idea what they're doing. Luis 306 00:21:21,569 --> 00:21:26,279 Elizondo, he replies in the affirmative. He says, Of course, 307 00:21:26,399 --> 00:21:30,119 yeah, we didn't do anything without talking to each other. 308 00:21:30,719 --> 00:21:35,039 How do you have those statements from two of these individuals go 309 00:21:35,039 --> 00:21:39,449 hand in hand. You don't. One who's the billionaire who got 310 00:21:39,449 --> 00:21:42,809 the funding from the DIA to do their program? said Lou 311 00:21:42,809 --> 00:21:46,439 Elizondo, sure. Nice guy. We never talked, Lou Elizondo says, 312 00:21:46,439 --> 00:21:48,899 Yep, we didn't do anything without talking to each other. 313 00:21:49,379 --> 00:21:53,999 Those are not small details. That is a major conflict of 314 00:21:53,999 --> 00:21:58,379 statement between two main players of this story who's 315 00:21:58,379 --> 00:22:03,419 right and who's wrong? Well, we kind of don't really know. To 316 00:22:03,419 --> 00:22:06,989 add even more confusion Dr. Hal put off we know him as being 317 00:22:06,989 --> 00:22:10,169 involved on the bass side, he was a contractor through bass. 318 00:22:10,499 --> 00:22:16,469 This was something that he gave to me in June of 2019. This was 319 00:22:16,469 --> 00:22:20,069 about the Pentagon statement that Luis Elizondo had no 320 00:22:20,069 --> 00:22:24,809 assigned responsibilities on the A tip program. So I wrote about 321 00:22:24,809 --> 00:22:27,929 this extensively. Some people hate me for some of those 322 00:22:27,929 --> 00:22:30,059 articles. Others, 323 00:22:31,410 --> 00:22:34,410 I think, saw the value of digging in because what 324 00:22:34,410 --> 00:22:38,070 happened? Well, we got Dr. Hal put off on the record as he 325 00:22:38,070 --> 00:22:41,730 submitted this statement, and I'll read it in part. However, I 326 00:22:41,730 --> 00:22:46,380 have no problem asserting that as an OS app, slash a tip 327 00:22:46,380 --> 00:22:50,850 contractor and senior advisor. I continued to attend meetings, 328 00:22:50,970 --> 00:22:54,960 provide briefings, gain access to videos, provide proposed 329 00:22:54,960 --> 00:22:59,160 program plans, meet with staff, etc, all under the aegis of 330 00:22:59,160 --> 00:23:02,490 Elizondo his leadership and responsibility for maintaining 331 00:23:02,490 --> 00:23:06,450 continuity of the program effort and goals until he resigned. 332 00:23:07,230 --> 00:23:10,440 Well, that's great. He's now vouching for him. The question 333 00:23:10,440 --> 00:23:15,660 mark, however, is that basses contract didn't go after 2010. 334 00:23:15,720 --> 00:23:19,770 Now it could be assumed that Dr. How put off stayed on if Luis 335 00:23:19,770 --> 00:23:23,460 Elizondo took over in 2010. And we'll go over that timeline in a 336 00:23:23,460 --> 00:23:28,050 minute. Dr. Hal put off then stayed on as a consultant. Okay, 337 00:23:28,080 --> 00:23:31,320 I can see that kind of interesting that basses cut out, 338 00:23:31,440 --> 00:23:35,700 but one of their contractors stays in. So that's interesting 339 00:23:35,730 --> 00:23:39,030 how that may have unfolded. There's a lot of unchartered 340 00:23:39,030 --> 00:23:41,580 territory there that I don't really see anybody talking 341 00:23:41,580 --> 00:23:45,510 about. But I responded to Dr. Put off and said, Hey, can you 342 00:23:45,540 --> 00:23:50,340 elaborate So are you saying that after 2010 You as either a bass 343 00:23:50,340 --> 00:23:54,750 contractor or somebody who what didn't work for bass and then 344 00:23:54,750 --> 00:23:59,430 later got a contract direct with the Pentagon to consult with or 345 00:23:59,640 --> 00:24:03,720 do whatever you know, consult with or do whatever duties you 346 00:24:03,720 --> 00:24:08,610 had with Luis Elizondo is a tip. Well, that could be true as 347 00:24:08,610 --> 00:24:12,900 well. But James McCaskey said a tip was never funded. So then 348 00:24:12,900 --> 00:24:16,110 the question mark is who wrote Dr. Hal put off statement a 349 00:24:16,110 --> 00:24:19,830 paycheck. So pay based on this statement? If he stayed on, 350 00:24:20,130 --> 00:24:23,160 there's got to be funding from somewhere. I mean, in my 351 00:24:23,160 --> 00:24:26,280 opinion, and I don't fault anybody for this. You're not 352 00:24:26,280 --> 00:24:32,130 going to volunteer your time. So my guess is who's paying? And 353 00:24:32,160 --> 00:24:36,600 and that's where a lot of the layers when it comes to the 354 00:24:36,600 --> 00:24:41,130 Pentagon's a tip side, start to come into question. Because if 355 00:24:41,130 --> 00:24:45,930 bass was out how to doctor put off stay in, he never responded 356 00:24:45,930 --> 00:24:50,370 to my follow up to try and figure out what happened. It 357 00:24:50,370 --> 00:24:54,780 only got worse. We were told and we were, you know, shown 358 00:24:54,780 --> 00:24:58,080 documentation. And I'll go over that documentation also in a 359 00:24:58,080 --> 00:25:02,550 minute that aos app started. In 2008, after it was awarded to 360 00:25:02,550 --> 00:25:08,460 bass, well, in a Dr. Hal put off lecture that he gave to a 361 00:25:08,460 --> 00:25:12,870 conference in Las Vegas in June of 2018. He said the following, 362 00:25:13,290 --> 00:25:15,390 people have trouble trying to get documents out of the 363 00:25:15,390 --> 00:25:18,540 Pentagon by saying they want all documents on a tip. And they 364 00:25:18,540 --> 00:25:21,450 have a hard time, because that wasn't the actual name of the 365 00:25:21,450 --> 00:25:24,690 program. advanced aerospace weapon systems application 366 00:25:24,690 --> 00:25:28,620 program is the actual name of the program. But a tip was the 367 00:25:28,620 --> 00:25:33,180 nickname it went by. It began in June of 2007. The Defense 368 00:25:33,180 --> 00:25:35,550 Intelligence Agency was concerned about the fact that 369 00:25:35,580 --> 00:25:39,240 obvious observation had shown that advanced aerospace 370 00:25:39,240 --> 00:25:42,990 vehicles, crafts or drones of unknown origin, were flying all 371 00:25:42,990 --> 00:25:45,870 over the United States over waters, in fact, globally, as 372 00:25:45,870 --> 00:25:52,470 was the case, did you catch it? It began in June of 2007. Now 373 00:25:52,470 --> 00:25:55,980 that's more than a full year prior to money ever being 374 00:25:55,980 --> 00:26:01,680 allocated to the OSS AP contract in August of 2008. So what 375 00:26:01,680 --> 00:26:05,040 happened there now put a pin in that, because when I go over the 376 00:26:05,040 --> 00:26:09,360 timeline, you'll see something else emerge that creates yet 377 00:26:09,360 --> 00:26:13,920 another question. This was also echoed to George Knapp in a 378 00:26:13,920 --> 00:26:17,820 mystery wire interview by Luis Elizondo, because that really 379 00:26:17,820 --> 00:26:21,360 wasn't a quote, I should say, because that really wasn't that 380 00:26:21,360 --> 00:26:24,360 started before I came on board, and therefore my knowledge of it 381 00:26:24,360 --> 00:26:29,220 is a bit limited. So in essence, in 2007, the initial program was 382 00:26:29,220 --> 00:26:34,410 called OS app program. It was that name for about nine months. 383 00:26:34,620 --> 00:26:37,500 And that program was later refined, it was a bit of a 384 00:26:37,500 --> 00:26:40,740 shotgun approach to the phenomena. So yet again, we have 385 00:26:40,740 --> 00:26:45,990 a 2007 start date. But yet again, documentation and all 386 00:26:46,470 --> 00:26:48,780 reporting contradicts that. 387 00:26:50,700 --> 00:26:54,630 Now despite the controversy about the Pentagon saying no 388 00:26:54,630 --> 00:26:59,460 Luis Elizondo had no assigned responsibility on the A tip 389 00:26:59,460 --> 00:27:02,880 program, let's get beyond that and find out when he started. 390 00:27:03,240 --> 00:27:05,910 And we all know for those who watched the History Channel 391 00:27:05,910 --> 00:27:09,450 special, unidentified, they went over a lot of Elizondo his 392 00:27:09,450 --> 00:27:12,360 background. And they said the following these are three 393 00:27:12,360 --> 00:27:16,140 screenshots with the official transcript. These were taken, I 394 00:27:16,620 --> 00:27:21,000 believe, through my press access to the History Channel where 395 00:27:21,000 --> 00:27:25,590 they allowed us to screen ahead of time. I did not post these 396 00:27:25,590 --> 00:27:29,010 until after the show aired, but that's kind of the screen you're 397 00:27:29,010 --> 00:27:31,620 seeing. And then since then, I believe you can view this 398 00:27:31,620 --> 00:27:35,190 publicly or at least you did for a while, but anybody can verify 399 00:27:35,190 --> 00:27:39,060 this. They said in that show, which Luis Elizondo was 400 00:27:39,060 --> 00:27:44,370 instrumental in the narrator says in 2009, Elizondo took over 401 00:27:44,370 --> 00:27:48,270 the $22 million advanced aerospace threat Identification 402 00:27:48,270 --> 00:27:53,400 Program. Well, that's entirely wrong across the board. Based on 403 00:27:53,400 --> 00:27:57,510 all of the new details that have emerged. Luis Elizondo, which 404 00:27:57,510 --> 00:28:01,230 you'll see in a second says, Well 2010, the $22 million, 405 00:28:01,620 --> 00:28:04,800 according to James McCaskey never went to a tip. So yet 406 00:28:04,800 --> 00:28:09,270 again, how did a television show that was working directly with 407 00:28:09,270 --> 00:28:13,530 the sources get it wildly wrong? Now? Maybe the producers just 408 00:28:13,530 --> 00:28:17,700 made a mistake and sure we can chalk it up to that. But was 409 00:28:17,700 --> 00:28:21,870 there something else? Luis Elizondo in one of his interview 410 00:28:21,870 --> 00:28:25,230 said the OS app program given the resources $22 million would 411 00:28:25,230 --> 00:28:29,790 never be enough to really follow each and every down each and 412 00:28:29,790 --> 00:28:33,120 every rabbit hole to do this conclusively, in my opinion, 413 00:28:33,120 --> 00:28:38,580 anyways, so it was refocused to a tip I took over in 2010. So 414 00:28:38,580 --> 00:28:42,210 yet another discrepancy on the timeline? What is going on? All 415 00:28:42,210 --> 00:28:46,110 these details, by the way do mean an awful lot when you're 416 00:28:46,110 --> 00:28:49,710 trying to figure out what the right story is? That timeline 417 00:28:49,920 --> 00:28:54,270 defines money, where the money came from, who was involved, who 418 00:28:54,270 --> 00:28:57,840 was calling the shots? And let's just face it, essentially, who's 419 00:28:57,840 --> 00:29:01,980 telling the truth. Not everybody can be right. And all of these 420 00:29:01,980 --> 00:29:06,720 little details sure people can get date dates wrong. It was now 421 00:29:06,720 --> 00:29:11,910 what 11 going on 12 years ago ish, depending upon what version 422 00:29:11,910 --> 00:29:15,210 you go for. So that's cool. You know, maybe some of these are 423 00:29:15,210 --> 00:29:18,600 just all mistakes. But you know, when you're talking about 424 00:29:18,600 --> 00:29:22,740 something this sensitive, in my opinion, and again, an opinion 425 00:29:22,740 --> 00:29:26,130 here that I'd like to insert, we should take a little bit more 426 00:29:26,130 --> 00:29:30,120 care. Again, I'm not saying who's right or who's wrong in 427 00:29:30,120 --> 00:29:33,690 this presentation, but rather, pointing out the huge 428 00:29:33,690 --> 00:29:37,620 discrepancies in the timeline, the story, the claims, the 429 00:29:37,620 --> 00:29:42,690 facts, and what we've been led to believe. In a presentation 430 00:29:42,690 --> 00:29:47,370 that was done to move on, this was edited to down a little bit 431 00:29:47,370 --> 00:29:51,120 and put on to to the stars Academy of Arts and Sciences or 432 00:29:51,120 --> 00:29:55,290 TT essays, YouTube channel. slides were shown by Luis 433 00:29:55,290 --> 00:29:57,990 Elizondo. In one of those slides, you'll see the 434 00:29:57,990 --> 00:30:03,960 highlighted purple one highlight was more emphasis 2008 oss AP is 435 00:30:03,960 --> 00:30:07,770 formally changed to a tip by former program manager to focus 436 00:30:07,770 --> 00:30:12,120 more narrowly on the five observables. And research of 437 00:30:12,120 --> 00:30:17,430 advanced physics applications. But as we know, in the book 438 00:30:17,430 --> 00:30:20,490 anyway, for those who read it, it was only said that it was a 439 00:30:20,490 --> 00:30:24,390 nickname that a tip was never anything within the DIA. And 440 00:30:24,390 --> 00:30:29,730 that the a tip that we know it was an unfunded, unofficial and 441 00:30:29,760 --> 00:30:33,810 they use the word unofficial program operated out of the 442 00:30:33,810 --> 00:30:38,640 Pentagon. So what happened in 2008, according to Mr. Elizondo 443 00:30:38,640 --> 00:30:43,410 two full years, or at least close to two years, prior to him 444 00:30:43,410 --> 00:30:49,860 taking over that a tip had already been morphed. And for us 445 00:30:49,860 --> 00:30:54,030 to focus in on these five observables, that is not 446 00:30:54,030 --> 00:30:56,370 checking out what the new information that has come 447 00:30:56,370 --> 00:30:56,880 forward. 448 00:30:59,220 --> 00:31:05,940 In 2009, this kind of reinforces that in 2008, a transfer to a 449 00:31:05,940 --> 00:31:10,470 tip or a formal repackaging, so to speak likely didn't take 450 00:31:10,470 --> 00:31:16,590 place. Excuse me, in 2009, this Harry Reid letter was written, 451 00:31:17,280 --> 00:31:22,470 essentially trying to get SAP access or Special Access Program 452 00:31:22,560 --> 00:31:28,440 status for what we refer to as a tip. But in the book, it kind of 453 00:31:28,440 --> 00:31:31,890 shows that this was an introduction of the A tip word 454 00:31:31,890 --> 00:31:36,270 that this was an unclassified way of referring to OS app, 455 00:31:36,270 --> 00:31:40,320 which essentially took the spotlight off of this program 456 00:31:40,320 --> 00:31:43,710 that they wanted to remain secret, and essentially created 457 00:31:44,040 --> 00:31:46,770 a nickname they said in the book, and again, this is from 458 00:31:46,770 --> 00:31:49,950 the free preview. based on preliminary data, a letter had 459 00:31:49,950 --> 00:31:53,310 already been sent from Senator Harry Reid, to Deputy Secretary 460 00:31:53,310 --> 00:31:59,250 of Defense William Linn on June 24 2009, requesting a SAP or 461 00:31:59,280 --> 00:32:03,720 special access program for OS app. As detailed in chapter 10. 462 00:32:04,020 --> 00:32:06,900 The decision to create the SAP was postponed but the urgent 463 00:32:06,900 --> 00:32:10,890 need persisted. Oddly enough, the primary legacy of the letter 464 00:32:10,890 --> 00:32:15,150 was the new unclassified nickname, The advanced aerospace 465 00:32:15,150 --> 00:32:20,040 threat identification program or a tip created exclusively for 466 00:32:20,040 --> 00:32:23,970 use within the unclassified letter. The ATA backronym, was 467 00:32:23,970 --> 00:32:28,320 adopted much later to describe a small, unofficial effort within 468 00:32:28,320 --> 00:32:32,190 the DOD to investigate UAPs encountered by the military. The 469 00:32:32,190 --> 00:32:36,210 New York Times article in December of 2017, mistakenly 470 00:32:36,210 --> 00:32:41,010 linked the $22 million in funding to a tip not OS app, os 471 00:32:41,010 --> 00:32:46,290 app was the change. Offset was the official name of the $22 472 00:32:46,290 --> 00:32:50,400 million program and was never changed. A tip was not a funded 473 00:32:50,400 --> 00:32:59,550 program. Now that's completely contradictory to what we've been 474 00:32:59,550 --> 00:33:05,010 told about how all SAP morph to a tip in 2008. Well, the book is 475 00:33:05,010 --> 00:33:08,970 completely contradicting that narrative. And it isn't right. 476 00:33:09,960 --> 00:33:14,340 What's interesting to point out about Harry Reid, is the 477 00:33:14,340 --> 00:33:18,450 shifting of viewpoints when it comes to this because in 2009, 478 00:33:18,720 --> 00:33:21,540 he had said in his letter that he had seen enough to try and 479 00:33:21,540 --> 00:33:27,930 get what he was referring to as a tip, a SAP status. But years 480 00:33:27,930 --> 00:33:30,720 later, he did an interview and a journalist asked him, were you 481 00:33:30,720 --> 00:33:35,190 ever briefed on the findings of of the program? And were you 482 00:33:35,190 --> 00:33:38,760 staying involved? In the New York Magazine article published 483 00:33:38,760 --> 00:33:42,270 in March of 2018, the journalist says when the program was 484 00:33:42,270 --> 00:33:45,030 running, was this something that you would be briefed on 485 00:33:45,030 --> 00:33:49,650 frequently? Were you briefed on it ever? Harry Reid said no, I 486 00:33:49,650 --> 00:33:55,350 left everybody alone. Nope. Journalists followed up, you 487 00:33:55,350 --> 00:33:59,520 were never briefed. Harry Reid says that. That's not my style. 488 00:33:59,550 --> 00:34:07,380 Nope. How is it that you as a senator would essentially go and 489 00:34:07,380 --> 00:34:10,770 fight for SAP status on something which by the way, I 490 00:34:10,770 --> 00:34:16,500 cannot find any example outside of this storyline of a sitting 491 00:34:16,500 --> 00:34:20,340 US senator getting involved in a program that's already underway, 492 00:34:20,640 --> 00:34:24,810 trying to request certain status in this in this manner. That 493 00:34:24,810 --> 00:34:27,330 doesn't mean that it hasn't happened. That's just kind of 494 00:34:27,330 --> 00:34:32,190 unorthodox. Once funding goes, Senators aren't generally 495 00:34:32,190 --> 00:34:36,450 involved in the day to day business of Dia or NSA or CIA or 496 00:34:36,570 --> 00:34:41,370 DOD or whomever. So the fact that he was involved shows you 497 00:34:41,370 --> 00:34:44,400 that there was something else going on. He had obviously been 498 00:34:44,400 --> 00:34:47,520 briefed enough, which by the way, I don't think I pulled it 499 00:34:47,520 --> 00:34:51,300 but there's a quote about them briefing Harry Reid in the book, 500 00:34:51,300 --> 00:34:57,120 I think so. You know, it shows that what version of his story 501 00:34:57,120 --> 00:35:01,530 do you want to believe? Because as time goes on, we're getting 502 00:35:01,530 --> 00:35:06,630 more and more information that is simply creating more and more 503 00:35:06,630 --> 00:35:11,070 confusion and generating more and more questions than it is 504 00:35:11,280 --> 00:35:12,060 answers. 505 00:35:13,830 --> 00:35:17,670 In a mystery wire interview again, credit to George Knapp. 506 00:35:18,120 --> 00:35:21,510 Yes, the name a tip. And this is from James McCaskey quote. Yes, 507 00:35:21,510 --> 00:35:24,360 the name a tip was a nickname for OS app for certain security 508 00:35:24,360 --> 00:35:27,210 reasons that we've put into the book. But the difference between 509 00:35:27,240 --> 00:35:30,750 OS app with the nickname a tip at DIA, and a tip at the 510 00:35:30,750 --> 00:35:34,860 Pentagon is quite distinct OS app had 22 million in funding it 511 00:35:34,860 --> 00:35:38,130 covered military and civilian UFOs, yielding a massive 512 00:35:38,160 --> 00:35:42,240 database. It also had a main contract and sub contracts. Now 513 00:35:42,240 --> 00:35:45,000 a tip in the Pentagon, as described in the articles was 514 00:35:45,000 --> 00:35:48,870 basically zero funded, looked at specific military UFO 515 00:35:48,870 --> 00:35:51,930 encounters, and very important ones because they had film and 516 00:35:51,930 --> 00:35:55,680 it had no contract. So getting back to how did this mix up 517 00:35:55,680 --> 00:35:58,110 occur? I think it's not deliberate. It's not due to 518 00:35:58,110 --> 00:36:01,050 authors to television personalities, etc. It's the 519 00:36:01,050 --> 00:36:03,930 fact that we were running not an official app, but a closed 520 00:36:03,930 --> 00:36:08,460 program. And he goes on and on. So is who's to blame for the 521 00:36:08,460 --> 00:36:11,670 confusion? I'm not really sure. But when you talk about the key 522 00:36:11,670 --> 00:36:15,420 players involved, none of them agree either. So we can talk 523 00:36:15,420 --> 00:36:18,600 about the media in one breath. And that's fine. I've done that 524 00:36:18,600 --> 00:36:21,810 on this channel before. And I've made extensive videos about the 525 00:36:21,810 --> 00:36:22,680 horrible 526 00:36:24,750 --> 00:36:28,830 the horrible reporting when it comes to this topic, but now 527 00:36:28,830 --> 00:36:32,040 when you look at the actual statements from everybody in the 528 00:36:32,040 --> 00:36:35,820 storylines, and and what comes out in books like this, and you 529 00:36:35,820 --> 00:36:39,510 know, rumor has it there's more books coming. When you look at 530 00:36:39,510 --> 00:36:42,960 all of that, and nothing matches up. What are we, as the general 531 00:36:42,960 --> 00:36:47,130 public led to believe about this? Was this all kosher? and 532 00:36:47,130 --> 00:36:51,210 up and up. And that brings me to my next section, which really 533 00:36:51,210 --> 00:36:55,770 upsets some people. But it is something that truly puts all of 534 00:36:55,770 --> 00:36:59,340 this into context. Now, for many years, I've talked about the 535 00:36:59,340 --> 00:37:02,550 concept of a sweetheart deal. Now, essentially, in plain 536 00:37:02,550 --> 00:37:07,020 English. What I mean by that is the fact that that OS app was a 537 00:37:07,020 --> 00:37:12,540 creation, for bass, to get X amount of dollars in the tunes 538 00:37:12,540 --> 00:37:16,890 of 10s of millions, if not a lot more, I don't believe that $22 539 00:37:16,890 --> 00:37:20,550 million was supposed to be a cap, but 10s of millions of 540 00:37:20,550 --> 00:37:25,380 dollars in a program that was catered for Robert Bigelow and 541 00:37:25,380 --> 00:37:28,830 bass. Now, that happens in government and military. So I'm 542 00:37:28,830 --> 00:37:32,610 sorry, it just happens, right? It's not something that I like 543 00:37:32,610 --> 00:37:36,690 or dislike, but it's the reality of what's going on. But it also 544 00:37:36,690 --> 00:37:40,410 puts into proper context, what it is that we're actually 545 00:37:40,410 --> 00:37:44,340 dealing with, and what it is that we're actually talking 546 00:37:44,370 --> 00:37:48,360 about. Now, one of the main things on why I get attached to 547 00:37:48,360 --> 00:37:51,870 this is a lot of you who are watching this are into UFOs. And 548 00:37:51,870 --> 00:37:56,190 you know, me as somebody who loves the topic, and I do, I 549 00:37:56,190 --> 00:37:59,580 preface a lot of what I do with saying I believe the phenomena 550 00:37:59,610 --> 00:38:03,000 is real, I believe it warrants scientific scrutiny, I believe 551 00:38:03,000 --> 00:38:06,360 funding should be put forward to look into it. And I fully 552 00:38:06,360 --> 00:38:10,740 support the UAP Task Force and its mission to try and uncover 553 00:38:10,740 --> 00:38:14,460 what all this is. But in the same respect, I am a researcher, 554 00:38:14,640 --> 00:38:18,720 and an investigator who has dug in for decades through the 555 00:38:18,720 --> 00:38:22,020 Freedom of Information Act on information that goes well 556 00:38:22,020 --> 00:38:27,780 beyond UFOs. And where I want to bring this up is this is a 557 00:38:27,780 --> 00:38:32,220 crossroads for me. Because I take personal biases or I try 558 00:38:32,220 --> 00:38:34,860 I'm only human, of course, I'm going to have, you know, 559 00:38:34,860 --> 00:38:39,120 something that is within me that makes me lean a certain way. But 560 00:38:39,120 --> 00:38:44,820 I truly try hard not to do that. And this is a crossroads for me, 561 00:38:44,820 --> 00:38:48,900 because I want all of this to be real. And I look into it, for 562 00:38:48,900 --> 00:38:52,050 the reason that I believe that there's something to the UFO 563 00:38:52,050 --> 00:38:55,650 topic. But in the same respect, I look into a lot of government 564 00:38:55,650 --> 00:38:59,070 waste, and wasteful spending. And through the years I've 565 00:38:59,070 --> 00:39:02,190 gotten, you know quite a few different news agencies and 566 00:39:02,190 --> 00:39:05,550 media outlets to cover documents that I've come out with on 567 00:39:05,550 --> 00:39:09,660 various topics. A prime example was years ago, quite a few years 568 00:39:09,660 --> 00:39:13,110 with one of those stimulus packages, how they spent $18 569 00:39:13,290 --> 00:39:19,140 million for the recovery.gov website like how does a website 570 00:39:19,320 --> 00:39:26,580 cost $18 million. And for it to be a disaster. Pro Publica also 571 00:39:26,580 --> 00:39:30,780 had a lawsuit to get a lot of that stuff out. So So credit to 572 00:39:30,780 --> 00:39:35,670 them as well involved in those stories. $16.7 million for 573 00:39:35,670 --> 00:39:40,080 canned pork. And so I've got the FDA contract on all of that 574 00:39:40,080 --> 00:39:45,660 craziness. $1.5 million for cheese, and it goes on and on. 575 00:39:45,690 --> 00:39:49,260 So that's what I do. And this is where the concept of a 576 00:39:49,260 --> 00:39:53,010 sweetheart deal whether or not it deals with UFOs or not comes 577 00:39:53,010 --> 00:39:57,480 into play for me because that's who I am as a researcher and 578 00:39:57,480 --> 00:40:01,920 somebody who looks into these topics. and looks at a $22 579 00:40:01,920 --> 00:40:06,420 million dollar sign and whether or not this truly was 580 00:40:06,420 --> 00:40:12,270 appropriated properly. And what if that $22 million went to the, 581 00:40:12,450 --> 00:40:15,420 you know, let's say Office of Naval Intelligence for the UAP 582 00:40:15,420 --> 00:40:19,470 Task Force or wherever, could that have been appropriated more 583 00:40:19,470 --> 00:40:23,880 properly, where they don't focus on let's say cryptozoology stuff 584 00:40:23,880 --> 00:40:29,310 and, and cryptids and dyno beavers, and some other stuff 585 00:40:29,310 --> 00:40:32,820 that that that I can't say without laughing, that rather, 586 00:40:32,820 --> 00:40:35,790 if you focused on the nuts and bolts aspect of this phenomena 587 00:40:35,790 --> 00:40:39,780 that we know is real, what could that $22 million have purchased 588 00:40:40,020 --> 00:40:43,110 elsewhere? So that's that crossroads for me. But I want to 589 00:40:43,110 --> 00:40:46,260 deal a little bit with that sweetheart deal narrative, 590 00:40:46,260 --> 00:40:49,530 because for years, I've talked about it as a possibility. And 591 00:40:49,530 --> 00:40:53,400 you know, what, with the with the publishing of this book, and 592 00:40:53,400 --> 00:40:57,030 now James McCaskey on the record, truly not third hand 593 00:40:57,030 --> 00:41:01,350 information, but his words in a book with his name on it, I 594 00:41:01,350 --> 00:41:03,030 believe now it's solidified, 595 00:41:05,580 --> 00:41:09,810 solidified that it is a sweetheart deal. Does that take 596 00:41:09,810 --> 00:41:13,680 away from results? Before I dig into this? No, of course not. 597 00:41:14,040 --> 00:41:18,330 Where are the results? Is the question. So even though I don't 598 00:41:18,330 --> 00:41:21,840 believe that it takes away from the results? My big question is, 599 00:41:21,870 --> 00:41:25,470 where are those results? And if there was something yielded from 600 00:41:25,470 --> 00:41:29,700 the $22 million, where is it? And if it's classified and 601 00:41:29,700 --> 00:41:33,270 heavily classified at that, then they wouldn't be talking about 602 00:41:33,270 --> 00:41:37,710 OS and a tip and writing books about it. Because the idea 603 00:41:37,710 --> 00:41:42,210 concepts, and these findings and realities of dyno beavers, and 604 00:41:43,140 --> 00:41:48,060 man like wolves or whatever, that if that all happened, 605 00:41:48,090 --> 00:41:50,760 you're not going to be able to talk about that if it's highly 606 00:41:50,760 --> 00:41:53,910 classified. So if it is unclassified, and they're able 607 00:41:53,910 --> 00:41:56,820 to talk about it, where are the results? And that is one of the 608 00:41:56,820 --> 00:42:01,080 biggest questions that we still have yet to answer when we get 609 00:42:01,080 --> 00:42:04,230 into this concept of a sweetheart deal. Because if this 610 00:42:04,230 --> 00:42:07,830 was truly a sweetheart deal, and the money was catered for Robert 611 00:42:07,830 --> 00:42:12,540 Bigelow, and he doesn't want to share it, I'm not not saying 612 00:42:12,540 --> 00:42:16,260 that. That's the reality. But where is everything? If that is 613 00:42:16,260 --> 00:42:19,320 the reality, then we have a lot more questions than even I 614 00:42:19,320 --> 00:42:23,160 thought about this whole thing. So anyway, concept of a 615 00:42:23,160 --> 00:42:25,710 sweetheart deal. So these are some of the facts that we've 616 00:42:25,710 --> 00:42:30,000 learned here in the last few years and some with this book as 617 00:42:30,000 --> 00:42:33,270 well. We know that Robert Bigelow, this man over here owns 618 00:42:33,270 --> 00:42:36,780 Bigelow Aerospace, and who created the subsidiary that we 619 00:42:36,780 --> 00:42:41,310 know as bass as the one that got this contract. We know that 620 00:42:41,310 --> 00:42:44,070 Senator Harry Reid is instrumental in that there's 621 00:42:44,070 --> 00:42:47,670 there's really kind of no debating that. Robert Bigelow's 622 00:42:47,670 --> 00:42:52,020 headquarters is in Nevada. And when this man Senator Harry 623 00:42:52,020 --> 00:42:58,980 Reid, was the majority leader and was in the Senate, he was in 624 00:42:58,980 --> 00:43:03,060 so for the state of Nevada. So these guys were obviously in the 625 00:43:03,060 --> 00:43:06,570 same state and with the success of a billionaire who creates 626 00:43:06,570 --> 00:43:11,280 jobs and creates money flowing into that state. This man here 627 00:43:11,280 --> 00:43:15,450 is obviously very happy. So there is motivation for the one 628 00:43:15,450 --> 00:43:18,750 to take care of the other. Now, the other two gentlemen that 629 00:43:18,750 --> 00:43:22,740 don't get mentioned a whole lot, and we just hear again, third 630 00:43:22,740 --> 00:43:26,580 hand information would be senators Ted Stevens and Daniel 631 00:43:26,610 --> 00:43:29,970 Inouye, both of which are the late, they have both passed 632 00:43:29,970 --> 00:43:33,810 away. So that's why I say most of what we hear is all third 633 00:43:33,810 --> 00:43:38,070 hand information. And we don't really know the role. I'm sorry, 634 00:43:38,070 --> 00:43:42,060 if any that they really played in getting that we just have to 635 00:43:42,060 --> 00:43:47,820 believe and trust the book itself. We've learned that Harry 636 00:43:47,820 --> 00:43:50,640 Reid's connection to Robert Bigelow goes back to the knids 637 00:43:50,640 --> 00:43:55,860 days back to 1996 when Reid had attended one of the board 638 00:43:55,860 --> 00:43:58,950 meetings for knids. And he was very impressed by it. Lots of 639 00:43:58,950 --> 00:44:05,160 scientists, lots of you know, big names, not the tinfoil hat 640 00:44:05,160 --> 00:44:08,460 people that I'm sure most politicians are scared of. These 641 00:44:08,460 --> 00:44:13,440 were big people. That apparently is the root of Harry Reid's 642 00:44:13,440 --> 00:44:17,940 interest in Robert Bigelow knids all things UFOs paranormal 643 00:44:18,180 --> 00:44:27,120 Skinwalker Ranch, and it's routed back to 1996. Now we know 644 00:44:27,120 --> 00:44:30,570 the connection then between Robert Bigelow and Harry Reid 645 00:44:30,570 --> 00:44:34,920 extended far beyond friendship There were also in the tunes of 646 00:44:34,920 --> 00:44:38,670 1000s of dollars worth of donations from not only Robert 647 00:44:38,670 --> 00:44:42,930 Bigelow but also his late wife, Diane Bigelow, all under the 648 00:44:43,080 --> 00:44:46,680 banners a lot of times under the Bigelow company's Bigelow 649 00:44:46,680 --> 00:44:50,760 development aerospace LLC, and then probably extends farther 650 00:44:50,760 --> 00:44:54,630 beyond this. I just don't know all the names of everybody. But 651 00:44:54,630 --> 00:45:00,000 these are all verifiable contributions all through 2014 652 00:45:00,660 --> 00:45:03,930 little bit before then a couple years later OS app was awarded. 653 00:45:04,290 --> 00:45:07,590 And then these 1000s of dollars of donations from Robert 654 00:45:07,590 --> 00:45:10,860 Bigelow, ironically, around the time that they were saying that 655 00:45:10,860 --> 00:45:14,040 they were cutting the OS app funding, which is, you know, 656 00:45:14,070 --> 00:45:18,960 probably just a coincidence. But obviously, again, a, a 657 00:45:19,770 --> 00:45:23,970 relationship that extends far beyond the professions or just a 658 00:45:23,970 --> 00:45:27,570 friendship that there were 1000s of dollars in donations that 659 00:45:27,570 --> 00:45:28,560 were going forward. 660 00:45:30,270 --> 00:45:34,260 Enter James McCaskey, he, again was the DIA scientist. He was a 661 00:45:34,260 --> 00:45:39,030 rocket scientist, who in the leaked reports, that's really 662 00:45:39,030 --> 00:45:42,720 how we knew his name before but nobody wanted to say his name. 663 00:45:43,260 --> 00:45:46,320 He was on the leaked reports as being the OSS SAP program 664 00:45:46,320 --> 00:45:49,650 manager. And so that also was a cause for confusion. Hey, what 665 00:45:49,650 --> 00:45:52,650 about Mr. Elizondo didn't he wasn't he the manager? What is 666 00:45:52,650 --> 00:45:56,340 this? And in the early days, that really caused a lot of 667 00:45:56,340 --> 00:46:00,030 confusion since then, we got clarity, that Mr. Elizondo said 668 00:46:00,030 --> 00:46:04,890 hey, we were two different programs. He led ASA or excuse 669 00:46:04,890 --> 00:46:09,390 me a tip Elizondo led a tip in the Pentagon. LoCat ski was all 670 00:46:09,390 --> 00:46:14,610 SAP at the DIA. Dr. McCaskey says the following on page 20 671 00:46:14,610 --> 00:46:17,010 For those who have the book reading hunt for the Skinwalker 672 00:46:17,040 --> 00:46:20,220 which is, by the way, the original book that was written 673 00:46:20,220 --> 00:46:24,330 by George Knapp and I think Colm Kelleher, as well about 674 00:46:24,330 --> 00:46:27,810 Skinwalker Ranch created quite a bit of hoopla many, many years 675 00:46:27,810 --> 00:46:30,900 ago. So back to the quote I'm sorry reading hunt for the 676 00:46:30,900 --> 00:46:35,790 Skinwalker back in March of 2007. Intrigued McCaskey. I read 677 00:46:35,790 --> 00:46:39,360 the book cover to cover McCaskey says I was legitimately 678 00:46:39,360 --> 00:46:43,710 interested in this as useful to the military and useful to my 679 00:46:43,710 --> 00:46:46,440 particular group, which was looking at possible threats to 680 00:46:46,440 --> 00:46:51,330 new weapons systems. That's what attracted my attention. So that 681 00:46:51,330 --> 00:46:56,280 kind of gives a timeframe March of 2007. Luke Caskey gets a 682 00:46:56,280 --> 00:47:00,540 personal interest into Skinwalker Ranch, specifically 683 00:47:00,540 --> 00:47:03,750 this ranch in Utah that allegedly has all of this 684 00:47:03,750 --> 00:47:09,570 paranormal activity. There's a little flowchart for you in 685 00:47:09,570 --> 00:47:14,190 2007. This is from Senator Harry Reid, by the way page. What is 686 00:47:14,190 --> 00:47:19,800 that 14 In the Roman numeral. In 2007. I received a telephone 687 00:47:19,800 --> 00:47:23,580 call from Bob Bigelow regarding a letter he had received from 688 00:47:23,580 --> 00:47:28,590 the Defense Intelligence Agency or dia, that also timestamps it 689 00:47:28,650 --> 00:47:34,080 that law Caskey writes Robert Bigelow, and says I want to 690 00:47:34,080 --> 00:47:38,310 visit Skinwalker Ranch. Bigelow immediately turns around and 691 00:47:38,310 --> 00:47:42,000 calls his buddy Harry Reid to kind of have everything checked 692 00:47:42,000 --> 00:47:46,200 out. As the story slash legend goes, if you want to call it 693 00:47:46,200 --> 00:47:51,840 that, Luke Caskey, visits the the Skinwalker Ranch and 694 00:47:51,840 --> 00:47:55,260 actually has which he recounts in the book, a paranormal 695 00:47:55,260 --> 00:48:00,810 experience. And he's convinced at this point that money needs 696 00:48:00,810 --> 00:48:04,350 to go to this research. Now again, keep in mind that this is 697 00:48:04,350 --> 00:48:11,340 2007. According to the book, enter Harry Reid, Ted Stevens, 698 00:48:11,370 --> 00:48:16,080 Daniel Inouye. That day, according to Senator Harry Reid, 699 00:48:16,110 --> 00:48:20,790 on page 16 In the Roman numeral, quote, thus the advanced 700 00:48:20,790 --> 00:48:23,430 aerospace weapon system applications program was 701 00:48:23,430 --> 00:48:28,200 conceived senators Stevens anyway, and I allocated $22 702 00:48:28,200 --> 00:48:31,530 million to get the program started. A government request 703 00:48:31,530 --> 00:48:35,610 for proposal was put out, and Bob Bigelow's company secured 704 00:48:35,610 --> 00:48:42,240 the bid was the $22 million that went to bass. According to the 705 00:48:42,240 --> 00:48:46,440 Pentagon. This is how it was funded. The program commenced in 706 00:48:46,440 --> 00:48:49,920 fiscal year 2008 with $10 million appropriated in the 707 00:48:49,920 --> 00:48:54,330 defense supplemental appropriation Act. The first 26 708 00:48:54,360 --> 00:48:59,040 reports were complete, completed by late 2009. The defense 709 00:48:59,070 --> 00:49:03,600 Appropriation Act for Fiscal Year 2010, included an 710 00:49:03,600 --> 00:49:07,560 additional $12 million for the program, and 12 additional 711 00:49:07,560 --> 00:49:11,580 reports were produced. That's quoted from Susan Goff, Pentagon 712 00:49:11,580 --> 00:49:15,630 spokesperson that culminated from dia statements and so on 713 00:49:15,630 --> 00:49:18,750 and so forth. I'm putting her name because that was the last 714 00:49:18,750 --> 00:49:23,040 time I received a version of it. But James could law from dia 715 00:49:23,040 --> 00:49:26,970 also gave me portions of that even goes back to Adria Harris 716 00:49:26,970 --> 00:49:31,140 from the Pentagon in early 2018. When I was communicating with 717 00:49:31,140 --> 00:49:32,010 her back then, 718 00:49:33,449 --> 00:49:37,769 Senator Harry Reid, also on page 16, as the United States Senate 719 00:49:37,769 --> 00:49:40,829 Majority Leader I decided to meet in a classified location in 720 00:49:40,829 --> 00:49:43,619 the United States Capitol with two key members of the 721 00:49:43,619 --> 00:49:47,009 appropriations process. The two members of the Appropriations 722 00:49:47,009 --> 00:49:50,609 Committee who controlled the dark money, the non public money 723 00:49:50,849 --> 00:49:54,089 were Republican Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska and Democratic 724 00:49:54,089 --> 00:49:57,599 Senator Dan Inouye of Hawaii. Now I'm bringing up this because 725 00:49:57,599 --> 00:50:01,319 dark money has come up that the phrasing dark Money has come up 726 00:50:01,319 --> 00:50:04,349 quite a few times when it comes to Harry Reid, and to be 727 00:50:04,349 --> 00:50:08,099 blatantly honest with you. And I could be completely off base or 728 00:50:08,099 --> 00:50:11,249 missing something big. I have no idea what the hell he's 729 00:50:11,249 --> 00:50:14,639 referring to. When you talk about black budget program. 730 00:50:14,639 --> 00:50:20,189 Sure. I have obviously know what he's referring to. Dark money is 731 00:50:20,189 --> 00:50:22,739 something different and really doesn't have to do with 732 00:50:22,739 --> 00:50:27,689 government spending, but rather, corporations, namely nonprofit 733 00:50:27,689 --> 00:50:31,289 corporations, and how they donate to political campaigns. 734 00:50:31,319 --> 00:50:36,419 Ironically, one of the biggest outspoken senators on dark money 735 00:50:36,659 --> 00:50:40,889 was Senator Harry Reid himself. These two articles I pulled from 736 00:50:40,889 --> 00:50:45,359 various years 2014 and 2015. Harry Reid says dark money in 737 00:50:45,359 --> 00:50:48,719 campaigns threatens democracy. Another headline, Harry Reid 738 00:50:48,719 --> 00:50:52,739 joins call for Obama to take action on dark money. Now, I 739 00:50:52,739 --> 00:50:55,499 don't believe he's using the right phrasing. And it 740 00:50:55,499 --> 00:50:59,849 completely contradicts the Pentagon and what they are 741 00:50:59,849 --> 00:51:03,659 documenting in these fiscal year acts in the appropriations bills 742 00:51:04,019 --> 00:51:09,479 on what Senator Harry Reid is doing. So I'm not sure what he's 743 00:51:09,479 --> 00:51:11,609 referring to if there's something I'm missing, please 744 00:51:11,609 --> 00:51:16,049 guys, help me out. I believe that maybe he's just erroneously 745 00:51:16,049 --> 00:51:21,449 referring to black budget money. But even that doesn't make sense 746 00:51:21,449 --> 00:51:23,969 because according to the Pentagon, they fully admit the 747 00:51:23,969 --> 00:51:28,019 money was on the books. And they show where it came from. On top 748 00:51:28,019 --> 00:51:31,049 of that Senator Harry Reid in this book said that he and the 749 00:51:31,049 --> 00:51:36,479 two other senators allocated $22 million? Well, I would politely 750 00:51:36,479 --> 00:51:39,659 argue that was impossible for him to do, he could get the 751 00:51:39,659 --> 00:51:44,009 original money, or put it in a bill somehow. But there was no 752 00:51:44,009 --> 00:51:47,639 cap. If you look at the documentation of what OS app was 753 00:51:47,639 --> 00:51:51,419 all about, it was supposed to extend far beyond two years, 754 00:51:51,569 --> 00:51:56,789 maybe even to five years and beyond. But after a review, in 755 00:51:56,789 --> 00:52:01,349 2009, after the DIA had started it, they felt they were not 756 00:52:01,349 --> 00:52:05,279 getting anything beneficial. So then the funding was cut after 757 00:52:05,279 --> 00:52:08,519 that second year, George Knapp was the one that showed 758 00:52:08,519 --> 00:52:11,669 screenshots of the first contract that was signed for 759 00:52:11,669 --> 00:52:16,649 that first year, the total amount $10 million. It coincides 760 00:52:16,649 --> 00:52:20,999 with what the Pentagon says, there's, in my opinion, no way 761 00:52:20,999 --> 00:52:25,199 that Senator Harry Reid then could understand number one, 762 00:52:25,469 --> 00:52:28,799 that they would get a second year because it was an option. 763 00:52:29,009 --> 00:52:32,729 But number two, that it would be for the total of 12 million. So 764 00:52:32,729 --> 00:52:36,059 Senator Harry Reid, or in my opinion, any senator for that 765 00:52:36,059 --> 00:52:40,589 matter, or committee, or whatever, in 2008, or excuse me, 766 00:52:40,589 --> 00:52:45,569 2007. I think he said in the book, they couldn't allocate $22 767 00:52:45,569 --> 00:52:49,229 million, because the bills weren't even written yet. And 768 00:52:49,229 --> 00:52:53,309 that money that came from those bills, wasn't even determined 769 00:52:53,309 --> 00:52:58,019 yet. So for that whole portion of the story, and I know it 770 00:52:58,019 --> 00:53:00,509 sometimes gets dicey and confusing when you start talking 771 00:53:00,509 --> 00:53:05,309 about this level stuff. It shows that I believe Senator Harry 772 00:53:05,309 --> 00:53:09,209 Reid is wrong. And I'm sorry, his use of the word dark money 773 00:53:09,239 --> 00:53:13,979 makes no sense to the story. But he's used that so many times, I 774 00:53:13,979 --> 00:53:17,579 had to point it out. And on top of that, Senator Reid was 775 00:53:17,579 --> 00:53:22,769 against the true definition of dark money as a whole. Going 776 00:53:22,769 --> 00:53:27,239 back to the idea of that that sweetheart deal. We know from a 777 00:53:27,239 --> 00:53:32,099 statement that I got back in March of 2019, that there was 778 00:53:32,099 --> 00:53:36,329 only one bidder on this contract that could have potentially 779 00:53:36,329 --> 00:53:40,319 equaled 10s of millions of dollars, should the option go to 780 00:53:40,319 --> 00:53:45,809 five years and beyond the fact that no other contractor would 781 00:53:45,809 --> 00:53:51,899 try and bid on a public notice in 2008. Doesn't make really any 782 00:53:51,899 --> 00:53:55,379 sense. Now, some have argued that that's normal, and that's 783 00:53:55,379 --> 00:53:58,079 fine. Okay, so let's get beyond it. I won't I won't beat the 784 00:53:58,079 --> 00:54:02,819 dead horse. But Bigelow Aerospace was the only bidder 785 00:54:02,849 --> 00:54:06,749 that has never been disputed. It was reported, however, 786 00:54:06,779 --> 00:54:11,969 erroneously that Lockheed put a bid in that also was wrong. 787 00:54:14,219 --> 00:54:19,709 Senator Harry Reid has said in interviews, that he put the bid 788 00:54:19,709 --> 00:54:21,899 solicit or excuse me that the government put the bid 789 00:54:21,899 --> 00:54:25,199 solicitation out, and that bass got it because they were the 790 00:54:25,199 --> 00:54:29,129 most qualified at the time. He never said they were the only 791 00:54:29,129 --> 00:54:34,199 one. So what are the odds that this bid solicitation, which 792 00:54:34,199 --> 00:54:37,289 I'll show you here, called the advanced aerospace weapon system 793 00:54:37,289 --> 00:54:42,329 applications program goes out for public bids, and nowhere, 794 00:54:42,539 --> 00:54:46,319 nowhere in that public bid solicitation is Skinwalker Ranch 795 00:54:46,319 --> 00:54:50,969 mentioned, or, excuse me, our UFOs are paranormal mentioned, 796 00:54:51,179 --> 00:54:54,749 which would make Skinwalker Ranch incredibly valuable to bid 797 00:54:55,079 --> 00:54:57,839 on a contract like that saying, Hey, if you want to look in the 798 00:54:57,839 --> 00:55:02,069 paranormal, we have the prime spot for you or whatever. None 799 00:55:02,069 --> 00:55:05,909 of that was in the public bid solicitation. So what are the 800 00:55:05,909 --> 00:55:10,499 odds that out of all of those corporations LLCs, or whomever 801 00:55:10,499 --> 00:55:14,519 is clear to bid on a contract? The one person that actually 802 00:55:14,519 --> 00:55:20,999 bids on it strikes the jackpot, because it's CEO, Robert Bigelow 803 00:55:21,089 --> 00:55:25,709 has this invested interest in UFOs and paranormal. So we're 804 00:55:25,709 --> 00:55:29,159 led to believe that OS app when it went out, withheld some of 805 00:55:29,159 --> 00:55:33,209 those other details from the public bid notice, because some 806 00:55:33,209 --> 00:55:36,719 have argued they were classified there say that they were 807 00:55:36,749 --> 00:55:40,589 embarrassed by it. Yeah, pick your explanation doesn't matter. 808 00:55:40,829 --> 00:55:44,819 But man did Robert Bigelow hit the jackpot when he just got 809 00:55:44,819 --> 00:55:49,079 lucky, and was the only bidder that allowed him to do 810 00:55:49,289 --> 00:55:53,519 paranormal funhouse research, or was he tipped off? Now? Let's 811 00:55:53,519 --> 00:55:59,489 face it, he was tipped off. You can't get around that. If, if we 812 00:55:59,489 --> 00:56:02,939 want to believe otherwise, that's fine. But there's no way 813 00:56:02,939 --> 00:56:07,919 that a DIA scientist a year prior that then a year prior to 814 00:56:07,919 --> 00:56:11,009 this contract being awarded calls, Robert Bigelow wants to 815 00:56:11,009 --> 00:56:14,339 go to Skinwalker Ranch has a paranormal experience, comes 816 00:56:14,339 --> 00:56:19,979 back sets the deals in motion to get word to Harry Reid $22 817 00:56:19,979 --> 00:56:23,279 million, comes out of nowhere, and boom, this goes out for a 818 00:56:23,279 --> 00:56:28,349 public bid. And voila, bass is the only bidder? No, the reality 819 00:56:28,349 --> 00:56:32,819 is he was tipped off and this was catered to him. Another 820 00:56:32,819 --> 00:56:35,819 thing emerged too, while looking at this book, and kind of going 821 00:56:35,819 --> 00:56:39,299 over the documentation. Again, this is a copy of version number 822 00:56:39,299 --> 00:56:44,069 three of the official notice for bid solutions solicitation. 823 00:56:47,040 --> 00:56:50,130 Why I say version three is there are three versions not a whole 824 00:56:50,130 --> 00:56:52,560 lot of difference. It changed a couple of little details, but it 825 00:56:52,560 --> 00:56:55,440 really didn't change the scope of the of the program. They just 826 00:56:55,440 --> 00:56:59,490 save all the revisions online, on the black vault, comm search 827 00:56:59,490 --> 00:57:02,790 the search engine for OS app, you will be able to download all 828 00:57:02,790 --> 00:57:06,330 of the different versions. I have everything archived. But 829 00:57:06,330 --> 00:57:09,390 while doing this presentation, this was the date that you'll 830 00:57:09,390 --> 00:57:13,680 notice here. Solicitation Issue Date, August 18 2008. That's 831 00:57:13,680 --> 00:57:18,360 when it went out. That is when the DIA said, Hey, we want 832 00:57:18,420 --> 00:57:23,550 solicitations for this bit. The due date was September 5. So 833 00:57:23,550 --> 00:57:26,490 pretty tight, you didn't have a whole lot of time to submit for 834 00:57:26,490 --> 00:57:31,020 this bid arguable on whether or not that standard or not, but 835 00:57:31,170 --> 00:57:33,990 irrelevant for my presentation here. So we'll just call it 836 00:57:33,990 --> 00:57:39,450 September 5. Those dates are also backed up by sam.gov or 837 00:57:39,450 --> 00:57:42,450 which is now the find business opportunities website. Believe 838 00:57:42,450 --> 00:57:46,680 sam.gov has been rebranded. But this is the archived version. So 839 00:57:46,680 --> 00:57:51,090 September 5 was the due date. And of course, other websites as 840 00:57:51,090 --> 00:57:55,380 well. All archives all verify September 5 was the due date. 841 00:57:55,380 --> 00:57:59,940 Now why do I say that? Well, because the book has September 842 00:57:59,940 --> 00:58:04,470 10. So that could just be a typo. But then in the appendix 843 00:58:04,500 --> 00:58:09,000 on page 184. They talk about the proposals that bast submitted to 844 00:58:09,000 --> 00:58:12,120 the Defense Intelligence Agency saying, hey, look, we're the guy 845 00:58:12,120 --> 00:58:16,590 for you. They were submitted three days after the due date. 846 00:58:17,190 --> 00:58:19,320 What happened? They're not really sure. But it's a 847 00:58:19,320 --> 00:58:23,220 discrepancy worth noting, because the due date was done. 848 00:58:23,220 --> 00:58:27,840 So nobody else was there. What happened? I? I don't know, I 849 00:58:27,840 --> 00:58:30,570 really don't have an answer to it. But it's important 850 00:58:30,570 --> 00:58:33,480 nonetheless. This was the statement of objectives. This 851 00:58:33,480 --> 00:58:37,350 was the essentially what OS app was all about. This also is from 852 00:58:37,350 --> 00:58:40,950 that version three document. No mention a paranormal, no mention 853 00:58:40,950 --> 00:58:47,190 of, you know, UFOs or anything in that genre. It was all about 854 00:58:47,190 --> 00:58:52,410 looking at advanced aerospace technology, and forward looking 855 00:58:52,440 --> 00:58:57,450 into the 40 years into the future, looking at various lift, 856 00:58:57,450 --> 00:59:03,210 propulsion, so on and so forth, on how things essentially could 857 00:59:03,210 --> 00:59:08,580 progress. And that's what this was supposedly all about. In 858 00:59:08,580 --> 00:59:11,850 that same document from the get go. The program manager or the 859 00:59:11,850 --> 00:59:16,110 contracting officer was Dr. James McCaskey, the same guy 860 00:59:16,110 --> 00:59:18,930 that visited Skinwalker Ranch and reached out to Bigelow 861 00:59:18,930 --> 00:59:23,280 Aerospace the year prior. So, you know, it seems like it was 862 00:59:23,280 --> 00:59:27,510 kind of set up and in the book goes into even more detail about 863 00:59:27,540 --> 00:59:31,710 how Dr. McCaskey was instrumental in that. So if we 864 00:59:31,710 --> 00:59:34,800 haven't really figured out that this was catered for bass and 865 00:59:34,800 --> 00:59:39,120 Robert Bigelow yet, I'm not sure how else to put it. But this 866 00:59:39,120 --> 00:59:43,650 book solidifies that fact. Now here's kind of a timeline of 867 00:59:43,650 --> 00:59:48,450 events. Some points are review. Some points are new, but this is 868 00:59:48,450 --> 00:59:52,890 how it all unfolded March of 2007 le Caskey read hunt for the 869 00:59:52,890 --> 00:59:56,310 Skinwalker. The next month. McCaskey meets in the defense 870 00:59:56,310 --> 01:00:01,020 warning office with Jonathan Axelrod believed Just a nickname 871 01:00:01,380 --> 01:00:05,340 to talk about tales of the paranormal He is within the DWR 872 01:00:05,370 --> 01:00:08,940 was within the DIA or Defense Intelligence Agency. Axelrod 873 01:00:08,940 --> 01:00:12,300 takes the book to Iraq while deployed somehow that you know, 874 01:00:12,630 --> 01:00:17,580 gets the ball in motion that all of this was, you know real. June 875 01:00:17,610 --> 01:00:21,510 19 2007. McCaskey writes to Robert Bigelow on dia letterhead 876 01:00:21,510 --> 01:00:25,710 to ask to visit his ranch. Now, remember when I told you to put 877 01:00:25,710 --> 01:00:31,980 a pin in that doctor put off? Quote, and then later Elizondo 878 01:00:31,980 --> 01:00:34,230 had a 2007 start date for us app? 879 01:00:36,210 --> 01:00:41,550 That was all June of 2007, when they said that it started. So is 880 01:00:41,550 --> 01:00:45,270 this the start of OS app? Did they did they already start 881 01:00:45,270 --> 01:00:49,170 putting money towards Bigelow? Did they already choose him? Why 882 01:00:49,170 --> 01:00:53,100 are multiple key players involved saying 2007 contract 883 01:00:53,100 --> 01:00:57,870 wasn't awarded until more than a year later? And according to you 884 01:00:57,870 --> 01:01:02,460 know, reports, they weren't aware of it. They were just the 885 01:01:02,460 --> 01:01:06,720 lucky bidder. So how did all that happen? And how is it 886 01:01:06,720 --> 01:01:09,570 connected? Not really sure, but it was an interesting date 887 01:01:09,570 --> 01:01:13,380 correlation when going through the book. The next month, July 888 01:01:13,410 --> 01:01:17,220 26 2007, McCaskey and Bigelow fly to Utah to visit his ranch. 889 01:01:17,880 --> 01:01:20,340 Within 60 minutes of being on the property lockouts, he had 890 01:01:20,340 --> 01:01:24,150 paranormal experiences seeing, quote, an earthly technological 891 01:01:24,150 --> 01:01:27,630 device that had quote silently appeared out of nowhere in the 892 01:01:27,630 --> 01:01:31,680 adjacent kitchen. It looked to be a complex, semi opaque, 893 01:01:31,710 --> 01:01:35,790 yellowish, tubular structure that's page 39 and 40 for those 894 01:01:35,790 --> 01:01:40,440 who have the book in 2007, as well, but it's an unknown month, 895 01:01:40,590 --> 01:01:44,790 but we know that it's post LoCat skis ranch visit. Bigelow 896 01:01:44,790 --> 01:01:49,410 briefed long term friend as the book calls him, Senator Harry 897 01:01:49,410 --> 01:01:53,460 Reid on extraordinary history of UAPs at the UAP at the Utah 898 01:01:53,460 --> 01:01:57,030 Ranch, excuse me, as well on the recent astounding experience by 899 01:01:57,030 --> 01:02:01,380 a high level dia analyst on the same Ranch, it did not take long 900 01:02:01,380 --> 01:02:04,470 to connect Jim McCaskey with senators Daniel Inouye, of 901 01:02:04,470 --> 01:02:08,160 Hawaii and Ted Stevens of Alaska in a capital building meeting. 902 01:02:09,360 --> 01:02:13,140 January of 2008. I tracked down the documentation, the 903 01:02:13,140 --> 01:02:16,680 documentation from the Nevada secretary of state that shows 904 01:02:16,680 --> 01:02:20,820 that Bigelow Aerospace advanced space studies or bass, as it was 905 01:02:20,850 --> 01:02:26,220 formed as a domestic Limited Liability Company. In Nevada. It 906 01:02:26,220 --> 01:02:31,920 was reported as well, Bass was set up only for OS app, the OS 907 01:02:31,920 --> 01:02:35,850 app contract, if that's the case, seems like he had prior 908 01:02:35,850 --> 01:02:39,150 knowledge. If that's not the case, heck of a coincidence. 909 01:02:39,660 --> 01:02:43,050 August 2008. Os app bid solicitation notice is published 910 01:02:43,050 --> 01:02:47,520 in the biz ops website. September 5, os app bids were 911 01:02:47,520 --> 01:02:51,750 due September 8, bass proposal volumes one, two or three were 912 01:02:51,750 --> 01:02:56,340 submitted. And September 22 2008, the OS app contract was 913 01:02:56,370 --> 01:03:00,540 issued to bass. I know I spent a lot of time on the sweetheart 914 01:03:00,540 --> 01:03:04,920 deal, but that frames what we are dealing with, and in my book 915 01:03:04,980 --> 01:03:10,800 absolutely closes the deal. When it comes to the sweetheart deal, 916 01:03:10,860 --> 01:03:15,630 argument, does that negate the findings? No. But where are the 917 01:03:15,630 --> 01:03:19,950 findings? And that question still lingers to this day. 918 01:03:21,660 --> 01:03:24,630 Those findings could be in the reports that a lot of people are 919 01:03:24,660 --> 01:03:28,350 now referring to James the cat's keys chapter in chapter three of 920 01:03:28,350 --> 01:03:31,830 the book, voluminous, high quality material more than 100 921 01:03:31,830 --> 01:03:35,010 separate reports as detailed in appendix one was submitted to 922 01:03:35,010 --> 01:03:38,400 the DIA in just over two years of the program's existence. In 923 01:03:38,400 --> 01:03:42,150 addition, the 11 databases within the ASA bass data 924 01:03:42,150 --> 01:03:46,050 warehouse, were delivered to dia while the massive holdings of 925 01:03:46,050 --> 01:03:50,670 the original analysts journals, data and photographs remained in 926 01:03:50,670 --> 01:03:53,910 storage. Now, those databases I'll talk about in a couple of 927 01:03:53,910 --> 01:03:56,850 minutes, but we have yet to refer to them in this 928 01:03:56,850 --> 01:04:01,560 presentation. In short, bass is said to have created 11 929 01:04:01,560 --> 01:04:04,890 different databases all encompassing UFO, UAP, UFO 930 01:04:04,890 --> 01:04:09,420 events, witness testimony, all sorts of material. That's what 931 01:04:09,420 --> 01:04:12,840 those 11 databases are. But don't worry, I'll get to those. 932 01:04:13,200 --> 01:04:15,690 A lot of those reports are probably spelled out in that 933 01:04:15,690 --> 01:04:18,960 original bid solicitation notice. So a lot of it I'm not 934 01:04:18,960 --> 01:04:23,130 sure is it being framed to be much more interesting than it is 935 01:04:23,370 --> 01:04:27,120 these types of reports like, you know, management plans for 936 01:04:27,120 --> 01:04:31,140 different tasks, travel reports, expenses, so on and so forth, 937 01:04:31,140 --> 01:04:34,590 all due for contracts like this. But is that what he's talking 938 01:04:34,590 --> 01:04:37,890 about with the hundreds of reports? I don't really know 939 01:04:37,890 --> 01:04:41,100 because the only thing we do know, came through a Freedom of 940 01:04:41,100 --> 01:04:44,190 Information Act request. I did and I know that the federal 941 01:04:45,210 --> 01:04:49,860 Federation excuse me of American scientists or FAS, Steven 942 01:04:49,860 --> 01:04:55,080 afterGood, to be precise, they as well had a case ongoing as 943 01:04:55,080 --> 01:05:01,170 did I for the and I'll read it here. Are all communications to 944 01:05:01,170 --> 01:05:05,070 and from the DIA with the Armed Services Committee in 2017 and 945 01:05:05,070 --> 01:05:09,270 2018. Regarding the advanced aviation and at this time when I 946 01:05:09,270 --> 01:05:12,840 filed that's how the government referred to it. Advanced 947 01:05:12,840 --> 01:05:15,600 aviation threat Identification Program, or were referred to as 948 01:05:15,600 --> 01:05:18,630 the advanced aerospace threat Identification Program, or 949 01:05:18,630 --> 01:05:21,390 referred to as the advanced aerospace threat and 950 01:05:21,390 --> 01:05:25,590 identification program. That was Harry Reid's version. The result 951 01:05:25,590 --> 01:05:30,840 was a letter that was written to John McCain in January of 2018. 952 01:05:30,870 --> 01:05:34,980 And this is where we discovered the reality of the dird reports. 953 01:05:35,280 --> 01:05:40,770 And those dird reports where the 38 reports that were created 954 01:05:40,800 --> 01:05:44,400 under the OS app contract, I'm going to read to you part of 955 01:05:44,400 --> 01:05:48,510 this letter because one word is key. Based on interest from your 956 01:05:48,510 --> 01:05:53,400 staff regarding the DIA is role in a tip, please find attached a 957 01:05:53,400 --> 01:05:58,050 list of all products produced under the a tip contract for dia 958 01:05:58,080 --> 01:06:01,980 to publish. The purpose of a tip was to investigate foreign 959 01:06:01,980 --> 01:06:05,790 advanced aerospace weapon threats from the present out to 960 01:06:05,790 --> 01:06:11,280 the next 40 years. And again, we know 38 reports were given. I 961 01:06:11,280 --> 01:06:14,250 dug it up in the congressional record log. Also in April of 962 01:06:14,250 --> 01:06:21,090 2018. They also punched the published word, a letter from 963 01:06:21,090 --> 01:06:23,100 the chief Congressional Relations Division Defense 964 01:06:23,100 --> 01:06:26,250 Intelligence Agency DoD transmitting a list of all 965 01:06:26,250 --> 01:06:28,860 products produced under the advanced aerospace threat 966 01:06:28,890 --> 01:06:33,960 Identification Program contract for the DIA to publish to the 967 01:06:33,960 --> 01:06:37,200 committee of arms armed services. So I was able to kind 968 01:06:37,200 --> 01:06:39,630 of dig up that this letter was referred to in official 969 01:06:39,630 --> 01:06:43,080 congressional record, they received these three pages, 970 01:06:43,320 --> 01:06:50,100 which listed all 38 reports. So that is a breakdown of the 971 01:06:50,100 --> 01:06:56,010 published reports through a tip notice how the letter didn't say 972 01:06:56,010 --> 01:06:58,920 all SAP now why not if a tip was just a nickname when it came to 973 01:06:58,920 --> 01:07:05,670 dia on paper that meant nothing to really anybody when it came 974 01:07:05,670 --> 01:07:10,050 to funding to a senator and so on. So is this the same thing 975 01:07:10,050 --> 01:07:12,810 that they're trying to keep it secret? Or is there another 976 01:07:12,810 --> 01:07:16,680 layer here that we haven't really understood, but OS app 977 01:07:16,680 --> 01:07:20,460 was not involved? It should be noted, however, that this does 978 01:07:20,460 --> 01:07:23,850 kind of coincide with the Pentagon's explanation that a 979 01:07:23,850 --> 01:07:28,110 tip was the overall program. And the portion that was contracted 980 01:07:28,110 --> 01:07:33,870 out was known as OS app. Now, according to McCaskey OS app was 981 01:07:33,870 --> 01:07:38,310 the program a tip was kind of a nickname. And then when you talk 982 01:07:38,310 --> 01:07:43,830 to Luis Elizondo OS app was a DIA program and a tip was a DoD 983 01:07:43,830 --> 01:07:44,430 program. 984 01:07:45,780 --> 01:07:50,310 You know, quite a few different definitions Dr. Hal put off also 985 01:07:50,460 --> 01:07:55,830 just calls it a nickname. So who do you believe on that one? Not 986 01:07:55,830 --> 01:08:00,000 really sure. But there's a lot of question marks here. Just 987 01:08:00,000 --> 01:08:05,610 kind of a quick side note about some history here all SAP as a 988 01:08:05,610 --> 01:08:09,150 whole as a program looking at forward looking technology and 989 01:08:09,150 --> 01:08:12,510 what might be there isn't anything new. I had dug up this 990 01:08:12,540 --> 01:08:17,400 program from 1972 called Project outgrowth, it was headed by a 991 01:08:17,400 --> 01:08:21,120 Franklin B, Mead, and run through the Air Force Rocket 992 01:08:21,120 --> 01:08:24,630 Propulsion Laboratory. In essence, they were looking at 993 01:08:24,630 --> 01:08:28,680 major propulsion developments that may occur in the next 30 to 994 01:08:28,680 --> 01:08:32,070 40 years. It was a forward looking program very much like 995 01:08:32,100 --> 01:08:34,950 aw SAP and essentially what they were looking for. Were 996 01:08:34,950 --> 01:08:38,940 advancements in propulsion, one of the same exact angles of 997 01:08:38,940 --> 01:08:43,860 study for us AP, and how it make progress over the next 30 to 40 998 01:08:43,860 --> 01:08:48,240 years. Ironically, os AP was labeled as through the next 40 999 01:08:48,240 --> 01:08:55,290 years, do the math from 1972. You're looking at about 35 years 1000 01:08:55,290 --> 01:08:59,850 or so after project outgrowth, that OS app was essentially 1001 01:08:59,850 --> 01:09:04,680 conceived and born out. So it's a very interesting maybe just a 1002 01:09:04,680 --> 01:09:08,790 coincidence correlation that this program preceded OS app was 1003 01:09:08,790 --> 01:09:13,380 very much looking at very similar things and had a very 1004 01:09:13,380 --> 01:09:18,000 similar timeframe of 40 years looking into the future. You'll 1005 01:09:18,000 --> 01:09:21,510 see number nine here in the 1970s program was looking at 1006 01:09:21,510 --> 01:09:25,620 actually how you can propel a ship using your mind or 1007 01:09:25,620 --> 01:09:29,700 psychokinesis. They labeled it as movement of objects by mental 1008 01:09:29,700 --> 01:09:32,100 forces, although recent developments indicate small 1009 01:09:32,100 --> 01:09:36,000 object may be propelled by this technique. Too much basic 1010 01:09:36,000 --> 01:09:38,760 research is needed before this method can be considered for 1011 01:09:38,940 --> 01:09:42,960 propulsion applications. So they were looking at incredibly 1012 01:09:43,110 --> 01:09:48,840 fringe areas of science as well. And so now that the Pentagon has 1013 01:09:48,840 --> 01:09:53,580 kind of revamped their statement, did did Bigelow 1014 01:09:53,580 --> 01:09:58,380 insert UFOs in very much a similar fashion, and then that's 1015 01:09:58,380 --> 01:10:01,350 where the confusion comes from. Or was this that sweetheart 1016 01:10:01,350 --> 01:10:05,040 deal? And it was something else entirely on paper? It was, yeah, 1017 01:10:05,040 --> 01:10:08,640 let's do some research into lift and propulsion and so on and so 1018 01:10:08,640 --> 01:10:13,950 forth. Materials and whatever the other 3800 reports are. But 1019 01:10:13,950 --> 01:10:17,940 in reality, all that money went to paranormal, you know, cryptid 1020 01:10:17,940 --> 01:10:27,270 research, which is bizarre. A lot of you asked about Dr. Eric 1021 01:10:27,270 --> 01:10:31,800 Davis today, and whether or not you know, he's he really briefed 1022 01:10:31,800 --> 01:10:34,890 in a classified setting about offworld vehicles. I'll deal 1023 01:10:34,890 --> 01:10:37,500 with that in a second. But one interesting thing when when 1024 01:10:37,500 --> 01:10:41,130 looking at Project outgrowth, and Franklin Meade, as I told 1025 01:10:41,130 --> 01:10:46,470 you about, this is how tightly niched these these scientists 1026 01:10:46,470 --> 01:10:50,550 and this research is. And this may mean absolutely nothing. But 1027 01:10:50,550 --> 01:10:54,540 I kind of found it a little bit fascinating that this these 1028 01:10:54,570 --> 01:10:57,750 documents and programs were separated by decades, and 1029 01:10:57,750 --> 01:11:02,070 decades. Yet, when you start digging in, here is a ball 1030 01:11:02,070 --> 01:11:05,730 lightning study that was awarded to warp drive metrics. That is 1031 01:11:05,730 --> 01:11:10,140 the company for this man here, Dr. Eric Davis. Now we know that 1032 01:11:10,140 --> 01:11:15,180 he wrote five of those dirt reports I showed you all 38. He 1033 01:11:15,390 --> 01:11:19,650 had written five of them, he was contracted by his pal, doctor 1034 01:11:19,650 --> 01:11:23,940 how put off and for an untold amount of money. And he authored 1035 01:11:23,940 --> 01:11:28,170 these five derd reports. What's interesting about this ball 1036 01:11:28,170 --> 01:11:31,110 lightning study, though this was outside of OS apps, I had 1037 01:11:31,110 --> 01:11:34,920 nothing to do with that was written in 2003. But was really 1038 01:11:34,920 --> 01:11:39,930 interesting was the project manager on Eric Davis, his ball 1039 01:11:39,930 --> 01:11:43,440 lightning study, which was Franklin made the same guy that 1040 01:11:43,440 --> 01:11:48,150 did that OS app like program decades prior. And in fact, if 1041 01:11:48,150 --> 01:11:52,260 you continue to dig, you'll see that Eric Davis and Franklin 1042 01:11:52,260 --> 01:11:57,270 meet, then later, would author a document together about laser 1043 01:11:57,270 --> 01:12:01,290 light, crash propulsion. Now all of this is well over my head 1044 01:12:01,290 --> 01:12:05,280 when it comes to science. But very interesting that number 31, 1045 01:12:05,310 --> 01:12:09,720 on the 38 list was about laser light craft technology authored 1046 01:12:09,720 --> 01:12:14,580 by Dr. Eric Davis. So you can see how tightly niched all of 1047 01:12:14,580 --> 01:12:18,630 these people and these realms of research really were. And when 1048 01:12:18,630 --> 01:12:22,470 you dig, you see that they really are connected in the most 1049 01:12:22,470 --> 01:12:26,700 bizarre way. Now, back to your questions about did he briefed 1050 01:12:26,700 --> 01:12:30,810 Congress about offworld vehicles. Now, for those who 1051 01:12:30,810 --> 01:12:35,280 aren't aware I did a full video about offworld vehicle 1052 01:12:35,280 --> 01:12:39,450 technology, and the claims made by the New York Times and that 1053 01:12:39,540 --> 01:12:40,770 horrific 1054 01:12:42,180 --> 01:12:46,200 journalism job that was later corrected on numerous fronts, 1055 01:12:46,350 --> 01:12:49,500 they also made corrections that they never noted. I go through 1056 01:12:49,500 --> 01:12:53,580 that in the video. And I'll be honest with you, I do not 1057 01:12:53,580 --> 01:12:58,710 believe the claims by Eric Davis that he briefed in a classified 1058 01:12:58,710 --> 01:13:01,890 setting or otherwise, about offworld vehicles. He may have 1059 01:13:01,890 --> 01:13:06,060 had a meeting, he may have sat with a senator Congressman House 1060 01:13:06,060 --> 01:13:10,380 of Representatives, whomever, committee even and maybe had a 1061 01:13:10,380 --> 01:13:13,470 meeting. I don't buy that it was a class of in a classified 1062 01:13:13,470 --> 01:13:16,920 setting. And I don't buy that he was really driving the point 1063 01:13:16,920 --> 01:13:20,490 home about quote unquote offworld vehicles. Simply put, 1064 01:13:20,880 --> 01:13:23,850 the existence of offworld vehicles would be a highly 1065 01:13:23,850 --> 01:13:27,900 classified piece of knowledge. We all know that. There's no 1066 01:13:27,900 --> 01:13:31,680 getting away from it. If it wasn't an ace, a tip or a SAP or 1067 01:13:31,680 --> 01:13:35,010 whatever really did find it. And it was unclassified in nature. 1068 01:13:35,010 --> 01:13:38,340 You better bet your bottom dollar that Robert Bigelow Luis 1069 01:13:38,340 --> 01:13:42,030 Elizondo, James McCaskey, or any one of those players would have 1070 01:13:42,030 --> 01:13:45,450 talked about it and confirmed it by now. But they haven't all we 1071 01:13:45,450 --> 01:13:49,530 get are these shrouded, convoluted cloak and dagger 1072 01:13:49,530 --> 01:13:52,590 type, you know, fun stories that may allude to it, but we never 1073 01:13:52,590 --> 01:13:56,070 get the confirmation. So let's say it really does exist. The 1074 01:13:56,070 --> 01:14:00,270 government military has off road vehicles. Well, let's face it, 1075 01:14:00,270 --> 01:14:03,750 it would be highly classified and no, they would not be 1076 01:14:03,750 --> 01:14:07,530 talking about it or publishing it in the New York Times. And 1077 01:14:07,530 --> 01:14:10,200 the mess that became of that article with all of the 1078 01:14:10,200 --> 01:14:14,760 corrections. I think we can all dismissed the notion and no, I 1079 01:14:14,760 --> 01:14:20,220 don't believe Dr. Eric Davis is as connected as some people want 1080 01:14:20,220 --> 01:14:24,090 us to believe I wanted to address that though, because of 1081 01:14:24,090 --> 01:14:28,590 so many questions I got today on social media about it. Those 11 1082 01:14:28,590 --> 01:14:30,990 databases that were created, this is one of the last things 1083 01:14:30,990 --> 01:14:33,750 that I'm going to go over for you guys and timing wise, it's 1084 01:14:33,750 --> 01:14:38,220 working out pretty perfect. The data warehouse, that they 1085 01:14:38,220 --> 01:14:43,200 created these 11 databases, again, was a culmination of UFO 1086 01:14:43,500 --> 01:14:46,590 sightings and witness testimony, hopefully, you know, photos, 1087 01:14:46,590 --> 01:14:49,830 videos, whatever they may be, but just it sounds like a 1088 01:14:49,830 --> 01:14:53,640 massive amount of data. Now, where is that data? According to 1089 01:14:53,640 --> 01:14:57,090 the book, they turned at least part of it over to the DIA. But 1090 01:14:57,090 --> 01:15:00,600 the question mark is where is it now? Is it classified And if it 1091 01:15:00,600 --> 01:15:03,300 is, how can you classify something that came from the 1092 01:15:03,300 --> 01:15:06,630 general public? Which is what Dr. McCaskey said they were 1093 01:15:06,630 --> 01:15:10,860 looking into. So if I take a picture of video of a UFO, and 1094 01:15:10,860 --> 01:15:15,000 it's not a top secret aircraft, it is not taken by classified 1095 01:15:15,000 --> 01:15:19,860 technology and I am nowhere near a government or military, either 1096 01:15:19,860 --> 01:15:24,270 employee or enlistee? Can they classify it? And then the 1097 01:15:24,270 --> 01:15:27,630 question from or, excuse me, I think the answer to that 1098 01:15:27,630 --> 01:15:31,470 question would be no. So the now the question is, where is all 1099 01:15:31,470 --> 01:15:36,840 that data? And we have absolutely no idea. I was 1100 01:15:36,840 --> 01:15:45,480 unaware, and maybe I just missed it. That the number of databases 1101 01:15:45,480 --> 01:15:50,460 total 11. I was only aware of one and the one database or at 1102 01:15:50,460 --> 01:15:53,850 least the start of the database anyway, that I was well aware of 1103 01:15:53,850 --> 01:15:57,180 that really I don't see enough people talking about is the move 1104 01:15:57,180 --> 01:16:00,060 on database that that has collected for decades upon 1105 01:16:00,060 --> 01:16:00,630 decades. 1106 01:16:02,850 --> 01:16:07,440 Material and, and sightings and photos and videos, and so on and 1107 01:16:07,440 --> 01:16:11,520 so forth. Witness Testimony, but on top of that their personal 1108 01:16:11,520 --> 01:16:14,700 and confidential information, all went into this massive 1109 01:16:14,700 --> 01:16:18,750 database that was purchased by Robert Bigelow, back around the 1110 01:16:18,780 --> 01:16:25,920 2008 2009 timeframe. In fact, the actual contract that Bigelow 1111 01:16:25,920 --> 01:16:28,170 and move on signed with each other has no mention of a 1112 01:16:28,170 --> 01:16:32,280 government program, or Defense Intelligence Agency or so on. 1113 01:16:32,490 --> 01:16:37,830 All we learned from the leak of this contract by a move on 1114 01:16:37,830 --> 01:16:41,580 member the late Elaine Douglas. She brought this out in January 1115 01:16:41,580 --> 01:16:46,920 of 2011. Prior to ever knowing about OSS apparatus, or bass, 1116 01:16:47,310 --> 01:16:49,950 being involved with the government, we learned that it 1117 01:16:49,950 --> 01:16:58,530 was for the sum of $672,000 that move on God, it made payable in 1118 01:16:58,530 --> 01:17:04,920 12 installments of $56,000. That that is what Robert Bigelow got 1119 01:17:04,920 --> 01:17:09,990 into. Now, I want to point out because there's a lot to this 1120 01:17:09,990 --> 01:17:12,660 story. And I'm not going to go into all of it for a couple 1121 01:17:12,660 --> 01:17:15,870 different reasons. But I will point you to this website here 1122 01:17:15,870 --> 01:17:18,390 by Roger Glassell and Kurt Collins, I believe it's Kurt's 1123 01:17:18,390 --> 01:17:22,230 website, but the article itself, the Pentagon, UFO programs, 1124 01:17:22,260 --> 01:17:26,820 secret partner, they both authored that, and that is at 1125 01:17:26,820 --> 01:17:31,710 Blue, blurry lines.com. Look it up, they do a lot of research 1126 01:17:31,710 --> 01:17:35,490 and a big deep dive into it, I am not going to do the same. I'm 1127 01:17:35,490 --> 01:17:37,800 just going to brush the surface and ask you guys a couple of 1128 01:17:37,800 --> 01:17:41,640 questions. Because I think a lot of people are really not dealing 1129 01:17:41,640 --> 01:17:46,680 with this. Now we made a we were all kind of made aware of this 1130 01:17:46,710 --> 01:17:50,340 in 2009. And you'll see it's kind of a blurry picture. This 1131 01:17:50,340 --> 01:17:53,430 is the best image I can find of it this much younger and 1132 01:17:53,430 --> 01:17:57,510 skinnier version of myself. I was the emcee of musanze 1133 01:17:57,720 --> 01:18:02,250 International Symposium for about a decade. At the time, 1134 01:18:02,250 --> 01:18:05,850 this man here was James carry on. He was the international 1135 01:18:05,850 --> 01:18:09,900 director of move on. And here we have Robert Bigelow. And we know 1136 01:18:09,900 --> 01:18:14,100 Robert Bigelow had invested into move on, in turn, they created I 1137 01:18:14,100 --> 01:18:16,560 believe this was the origin of their star team, but essentially 1138 01:18:16,560 --> 01:18:21,330 they were looking for when those UFO reports came in, and the 1139 01:18:21,330 --> 01:18:23,940 photos, the videos, whatever. And they went into move on, 1140 01:18:23,940 --> 01:18:27,030 which was the number one place for people to report, guess who 1141 01:18:27,030 --> 01:18:31,140 had first dibs on them. Robert Bigelow, but what was not known 1142 01:18:31,140 --> 01:18:35,010 to the general public at the time, was that it was just being 1143 01:18:35,010 --> 01:18:39,750 funneled right back in to the Defense Intelligence Agency, a 1144 01:18:39,750 --> 01:18:49,260 military run intelligence agency. So that is one of the 1145 01:18:49,260 --> 01:18:53,340 biggest aspects to this story, that I think we should start 1146 01:18:53,340 --> 01:18:58,890 pushing on that how can a military arm of our intelligence 1147 01:18:58,890 --> 01:19:05,100 community, the DIA, want to get into watching what United States 1148 01:19:05,100 --> 01:19:10,320 citizens see then keeping that information but never informing 1149 01:19:10,530 --> 01:19:16,830 the general public? How much of this gets into very dicey areas? 1150 01:19:17,010 --> 01:19:21,990 And my first guess, would be a lot of it. Yet, I don't see a 1151 01:19:21,990 --> 01:19:26,430 whole lot of people talking about this. And to me, I will I 1152 01:19:26,430 --> 01:19:30,720 will just pose this question. Did the DIA even want this? If 1153 01:19:30,720 --> 01:19:35,670 this was not part of OS app, then what problems does this 1154 01:19:35,670 --> 01:19:40,740 create that taxpayer money through a private corporation 1155 01:19:42,240 --> 01:19:47,310 acquired all of that personal information? Now this gentleman 1156 01:19:47,310 --> 01:19:50,340 right here, James carry on who I've known for many, many years, 1157 01:19:50,730 --> 01:19:55,740 wrote a big expose a on this that has since been removed. But 1158 01:19:55,740 --> 01:19:58,890 you can find it here if you're watching the video on this 1159 01:19:58,890 --> 01:20:02,970 internet archive link Follow the magic thread was his blog. 1160 01:20:03,690 --> 01:20:06,780 Strange bedfellows was the article. Here's two things that 1161 01:20:06,780 --> 01:20:10,710 he wrote. Mr. Bigelow did not fund move funds work for bass. 1162 01:20:10,770 --> 01:20:14,460 Instead, quote sponsors that Bigelow revealed to John 1163 01:20:14,460 --> 01:20:19,140 Schuessler, who's the one of the founders of move on, but not to 1164 01:20:19,140 --> 01:20:23,550 other move on board members put up the money that sponsor the 1165 01:20:23,550 --> 01:20:28,290 Defense Intelligence Agency. So is this alleging that the DIA, 1166 01:20:28,560 --> 01:20:32,910 again, that intelligence arm of the United States military put 1167 01:20:32,910 --> 01:20:37,320 money into purchase all of that information? And if so, what 1168 01:20:37,320 --> 01:20:41,040 ramifications could occur from that? Another thing you wrote 1169 01:20:41,040 --> 01:20:43,920 during the project move on provided both historical move on 1170 01:20:43,920 --> 01:20:48,030 files, as well as current move on case files, including witness 1171 01:20:48,030 --> 01:20:52,800 information Tabas. To cover move on legally, the move on UFO 1172 01:20:52,800 --> 01:20:55,800 reporting form was modified to collect the witnesses permission 1173 01:20:56,040 --> 01:20:59,280 to offer their citing data to a third party, the only third 1174 01:20:59,280 --> 01:21:02,490 party being bass. But what happened before that 1175 01:21:02,490 --> 01:21:06,270 modification took place? All of those other people who felt that 1176 01:21:06,330 --> 01:21:10,020 government bad I see UFO I go to move on because they're good. 1177 01:21:10,410 --> 01:21:14,280 All of a sudden just had all of their information taken and 1178 01:21:14,280 --> 01:21:20,070 given right to the United States government. How is any of that 1179 01:21:20,310 --> 01:21:25,530 Kosher or Okay? And what makes sense is that the government 1180 01:21:25,530 --> 01:21:30,120 would not do this. Because another big problem about all of 1181 01:21:30,120 --> 01:21:33,720 this is that none of it fits into the purview of the defense 1182 01:21:33,720 --> 01:21:36,960 intelligence agency's mission. When you look at what the DIA 1183 01:21:36,960 --> 01:21:41,190 does, they don't investigate us properties in Utah that allege 1184 01:21:41,190 --> 01:21:44,970 paranormal activity. Because that's not what they do. They're 1185 01:21:44,970 --> 01:21:47,880 an intelligence arm that provides mostly foreign 1186 01:21:47,880 --> 01:21:51,600 intelligence on different types of countries, and so on and so 1187 01:21:51,600 --> 01:21:55,260 forth. So why would they care about this? Now, they argued 1188 01:21:55,260 --> 01:21:59,010 that it was the FBI, a domestic law enforcement agency, and they 1189 01:21:59,010 --> 01:22:04,620 tied in potential criminal activity that in turn, kind of 1190 01:22:04,620 --> 01:22:08,790 research some of that paranormal activity. Okay, I can see that. 1191 01:22:09,060 --> 01:22:12,840 But that's not the story. This is a military intelligence arm. 1192 01:22:13,200 --> 01:22:17,970 That, again, is the DIA. I don't want to go farther than that to 1193 01:22:17,970 --> 01:22:21,870 be blatantly honest, because there's way too much that you 1194 01:22:21,870 --> 01:22:25,620 can get into about the purchasing of United States 1195 01:22:25,650 --> 01:22:31,620 citizen information in relation to UFOs and UAPs, in what they 1196 01:22:31,650 --> 01:22:36,750 thought was a confidential submission to a corporation, 1197 01:22:36,960 --> 01:22:41,310 known as move on. I will let all of you start asking those 1198 01:22:41,310 --> 01:22:44,340 questions. But I hope what what this 1199 01:22:45,780 --> 01:22:51,060 presentation showed you is that there is a lot of unanswered 1200 01:22:51,060 --> 01:22:54,690 questions, and I didn't even scratch the surface. You can 1201 01:22:54,690 --> 01:22:57,810 look at the statements, interviews, and so on, have 1202 01:22:57,810 --> 01:23:00,600 quite a few of these key players. And you can see how the 1203 01:23:00,600 --> 01:23:04,560 stories have shifted over time. I call it like a fine wine. In 1204 01:23:04,560 --> 01:23:08,550 some areas, the stories get better with age. So what's going 1205 01:23:08,550 --> 01:23:12,570 on? Why? Why are we going through this? Now, some I saw 1206 01:23:12,570 --> 01:23:14,880 somebody mentioned on Twitter today, why does it matter at 1207 01:23:14,880 --> 01:23:18,330 this point, you know, we've got the UAP Task Force, and they're 1208 01:23:18,360 --> 01:23:21,840 looking at UFOs. And all of that is good. And you know what that 1209 01:23:21,840 --> 01:23:26,670 part is good. And if this is what this has, has kind of 1210 01:23:26,730 --> 01:23:31,830 morphed into, then great. I love that the taskforce is there, the 1211 01:23:31,830 --> 01:23:36,450 phenomena deserves that scrutiny and funding, as I said, but in 1212 01:23:36,450 --> 01:23:40,170 the same respect, we have to look at the root of all of this. 1213 01:23:40,680 --> 01:23:43,830 And we have to look at what really have we been told in the 1214 01:23:43,830 --> 01:23:48,960 last few years, and how not only this book, but simple research, 1215 01:23:49,200 --> 01:23:55,140 and looking into the claims by many of these people makes a lot 1216 01:23:55,140 --> 01:23:59,550 of this fall apart. Some of it are dead horses that we've beat 1217 01:23:59,550 --> 01:24:02,190 for a couple of years now, we'll probably never have answers. 1218 01:24:02,670 --> 01:24:07,200 Other parts of this stems from the publishing of this book, and 1219 01:24:07,230 --> 01:24:11,550 the revelation by a new voice, an old name, but a new voice 1220 01:24:11,550 --> 01:24:14,970 that is now in the ring. And some of the claims he has made 1221 01:24:15,240 --> 01:24:19,800 really throw a lot of this for the loop for a loop. And so when 1222 01:24:19,800 --> 01:24:24,750 we look at all of that, in the end, we have more questions than 1223 01:24:24,750 --> 01:24:30,240 answers. We have no idea what that program discovered. Because 1224 01:24:30,270 --> 01:24:34,350 in this book, I don't have any I didn't see any scientific test 1225 01:24:34,350 --> 01:24:40,440 results that shows that the DIA shows a DNA evidence of a dyno 1226 01:24:40,440 --> 01:24:44,400 Beaver, or the fact that there's some kind of portal within 1227 01:24:44,400 --> 01:24:49,410 Skinwalker Ranch or that you UFOs and UAPs are miraculously 1228 01:24:49,590 --> 01:24:53,160 skirting all of our coastal defense lines and somehow 1229 01:24:53,160 --> 01:24:57,360 appearing over this ranch. I don't see that. I see a lot of 1230 01:24:57,360 --> 01:25:00,930 speculation. I see some great scientists A heck of a lot 1231 01:25:00,930 --> 01:25:04,530 smarter than me. But where are the results? Because if the 1232 01:25:04,530 --> 01:25:09,000 United States taxpayer funded this, those results are ours. 1233 01:25:09,420 --> 01:25:13,230 And they're ours to share and nobody owns them. This was a 1234 01:25:13,230 --> 01:25:19,230 contract all SAP was a contract, not a grant. And with that being 1235 01:25:19,230 --> 01:25:23,370 said, there's no rhyme or reason if it's not classified, and it's 1236 01:25:23,370 --> 01:25:28,140 not a breach of personal confidential information, that 1237 01:25:28,140 --> 01:25:33,540 we should not see it. So this is what in my opinion, should 1238 01:25:33,540 --> 01:25:37,980 happen next. We need somebody that is intimately involved in 1239 01:25:37,980 --> 01:25:43,470 this to say that the results are classified the results. And if 1240 01:25:43,470 --> 01:25:47,640 they can't say that, why not? Because if they truly are that 1241 01:25:47,640 --> 01:25:52,260 classified, we wouldn't have ever heard about OS app or a 1242 01:25:52,260 --> 01:25:57,600 tip. And that is proven by history over time that highly 1243 01:25:57,600 --> 01:26:01,260 classified programs, whether it be stealth technology, drones, 1244 01:26:01,500 --> 01:26:07,800 whatever, the mere existence of a program that encompasses top 1245 01:26:07,800 --> 01:26:11,520 secret technology, classified technology, or whatever the mere 1246 01:26:11,520 --> 01:26:14,790 existence of it is classified, you wouldn't be talking about 1247 01:26:14,790 --> 01:26:20,490 it. So what is it, we need more clarity? And at this point, I 1248 01:26:20,490 --> 01:26:23,880 don't know who's telling the truth or not. I know who returns 1249 01:26:23,880 --> 01:26:27,810 my phone calls. I know who is nice, I but that doesn't make 1250 01:26:27,810 --> 01:26:31,410 them honest. But I know who is nice. I know who I found common 1251 01:26:31,410 --> 01:26:35,310 ground with. And I know who dodges me. I believe that these 1252 01:26:35,310 --> 01:26:38,520 types of questions that I put forward here in the last, 1253 01:26:38,520 --> 01:26:42,870 whatever it's been an hour and a half or so these types of 1254 01:26:42,870 --> 01:26:48,450 questions have to be answered. This is not as clear cut, as 1255 01:26:48,450 --> 01:26:53,700 some people want us to believe this is not as kosher, as some 1256 01:26:53,700 --> 01:26:57,510 people want us to believe. And it's not as clean as some people 1257 01:26:57,510 --> 01:27:01,830 want us to believe it is a mess. And it's a mess, because of the 1258 01:27:01,830 --> 01:27:05,460 main people and players involved that have come out with their 1259 01:27:05,460 --> 01:27:09,360 respective stories. And the fact that none of them align that 1260 01:27:09,360 --> 01:27:12,690 they all have contradicting information. And again, some of 1261 01:27:12,690 --> 01:27:16,110 those are dead horses, I've beat for quite some time. And some of 1262 01:27:16,110 --> 01:27:21,000 this is new, but it hasn't gone away. But I fall back on that 1263 01:27:21,000 --> 01:27:24,030 one point that I'll punch one more time before I say 1264 01:27:24,030 --> 01:27:27,930 goodnight. And that is if the United States taxpayer funded 1265 01:27:27,930 --> 01:27:31,470 this, then the results are ours. And if somebody wants to say 1266 01:27:31,470 --> 01:27:34,890 those results are there, but are classified, then let's get 1267 01:27:34,890 --> 01:27:38,940 together work as a team, and try and band together and get those 1268 01:27:38,940 --> 01:27:42,480 results out. If there are no results, then it was a waste of 1269 01:27:42,480 --> 01:27:47,190 $22 million. Because they were running around looking at dyno 1270 01:27:47,190 --> 01:27:54,870 beavers, and man like wolves, or whatever else. That all could be 1271 01:27:54,870 --> 01:27:58,770 very cool stuff. And I love that. But it's not dia money. 1272 01:27:58,950 --> 01:28:02,520 It's just not that would be better served with let's say, 1273 01:28:02,520 --> 01:28:06,600 the National Science Foundation or somewhere else. And that 1274 01:28:06,600 --> 01:28:10,050 portion of the research, should there be anything to be borne 1275 01:28:10,080 --> 01:28:13,080 out should be through those agencies, and scientific 1276 01:28:13,080 --> 01:28:16,380 findings should be shared with the general public. But instead, 1277 01:28:16,530 --> 01:28:19,290 we get these cloak and dagger type stories, convoluted 1278 01:28:19,290 --> 01:28:23,550 statements, and very few people want to talk but when they do 1279 01:28:23,550 --> 01:28:28,650 talk, they only talk to a very few people. And it ends up being 1280 01:28:28,650 --> 01:28:35,940 a mess in the end. Anyway. So that, to me, is why with OSs and 1281 01:28:35,940 --> 01:28:41,550 a tip, confusion reigns, and questions still linger. And 1282 01:28:41,550 --> 01:28:44,610 until we get some of those answers and until some people 1283 01:28:44,610 --> 01:28:50,010 want to talk, none of this is going away. And more, I believe 1284 01:28:50,070 --> 01:28:51,690 will come out and arise. 1285 01:28:52,950 --> 01:28:57,840 I will say this one last time. But I do believe that everybody 1286 01:28:57,840 --> 01:29:01,440 should have all the information possible. I only scratched the 1287 01:29:01,440 --> 01:29:05,730 surface. But I hope that this motivates other people to not be 1288 01:29:05,730 --> 01:29:09,750 afraid to ask questions. And in the last 48 hours of the 1289 01:29:09,750 --> 01:29:13,290 recording of this video, I've seen some big players and big 1290 01:29:13,290 --> 01:29:18,000 names essentially harp on people like myself and others who are 1291 01:29:18,000 --> 01:29:21,000 asking questions. Well, you know what, I mean, United States 1292 01:29:21,000 --> 01:29:24,390 taxpayer and I deserve to know the answers if it's not 1293 01:29:24,390 --> 01:29:27,360 classified or doesn't encroach on somebody's personal 1294 01:29:27,360 --> 01:29:31,380 confidential information other than that, I believe we all 1295 01:29:31,590 --> 01:29:35,760 should have the answers to this. And that is why I do what I do 1296 01:29:35,820 --> 01:29:39,480 is to get those answers. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Thank you 1297 01:29:39,480 --> 01:29:43,500 so much for sticking around. I'm sure I'll do a live asked me 1298 01:29:43,500 --> 01:29:47,970 anything ama video soon. But for now, this is John Greenwald, Jr, 1299 01:29:47,970 --> 01:29:50,220 signing off. And we'll see you next time.