1 00:00:23,460 --> 00:00:25,530 John Greenewald: That's right everybody. As always, thank you 2 00:00:25,530 --> 00:00:29,220 so much for tuning in and making this your podcast or your live 3 00:00:29,220 --> 00:00:32,850 stream of choice. I'm your host, John Greenewald, Jr, creator of 4 00:00:32,880 --> 00:00:36,510 TheBlackVault.com. And this will be probably one of the last 5 00:00:36,510 --> 00:00:40,170 times I preface these either video presentations or audio 6 00:00:40,170 --> 00:00:43,680 stream if you're listening to that with this. Now some of you 7 00:00:43,680 --> 00:00:46,650 or most of you should know by now, I'm converting a lot of the 8 00:00:46,650 --> 00:00:50,820 video presentations that I do into audio podcast versions, I 9 00:00:50,820 --> 00:00:53,880 got a ton of requests for it. I thought, since I was using 10 00:00:53,880 --> 00:00:57,120 visuals, some of you may not like that. Quite the opposite. 11 00:00:57,120 --> 00:01:00,810 It's been a fairly big hit, and people prefer it. So although 12 00:01:00,810 --> 00:01:03,630 I'm still going to continue doing the YouTube videos, if you 13 00:01:03,630 --> 00:01:05,970 are listening to the stream, and you're hearing me point 14 00:01:05,970 --> 00:01:09,300 something out, just know that's why there's a video companion. 15 00:01:09,420 --> 00:01:12,480 It's the exact same thing that you're listening to, but rather 16 00:01:12,480 --> 00:01:15,930 with visuals, if you want to check that out. It's www dot the 17 00:01:15,930 --> 00:01:20,850 black vault, comm slash live and you can view not only this 18 00:01:20,850 --> 00:01:24,150 video, but quite a few others. If you are watching live on 19 00:01:24,150 --> 00:01:27,510 YouTube, welcome or if you're watching the stream, welcome to 20 00:01:27,510 --> 00:01:30,780 you all. It's always a pleasure to have you show up for these 21 00:01:30,900 --> 00:01:33,600 because a lot of times my insecurity takes over and goes 22 00:01:33,600 --> 00:01:36,870 John, nobody's going to want to hear you blab about anything. 23 00:01:36,870 --> 00:01:40,200 But I've received a lot of requests for doing a video on 24 00:01:40,200 --> 00:01:43,620 this particular topic. Now what is that? Well, for those of you 25 00:01:43,620 --> 00:01:46,530 who pay attention to social media, something has kind of 26 00:01:46,530 --> 00:01:49,560 erupted here in the last couple of days. And that is an 27 00:01:49,560 --> 00:01:53,970 appearance of an article from a US Army counter intelligence 28 00:01:53,970 --> 00:01:59,550 agent that has told a story. His story, which I'll get into, 29 00:01:59,790 --> 00:02:03,840 essentially ties into Luis Elizondo to the stars Academy, 30 00:02:03,990 --> 00:02:08,040 Tom DeLonge, and the History Channel show unidentified, he 31 00:02:08,040 --> 00:02:12,390 had quite a story to tell. And what's interesting, at least on 32 00:02:12,390 --> 00:02:17,190 my end, anyway, is that I learned about this in 2019. And 33 00:02:17,190 --> 00:02:22,020 I have kept my mouth absolutely shut about it simply because of 34 00:02:22,050 --> 00:02:26,100 a conviction that you guys know I hold and that is running a 35 00:02:26,100 --> 00:02:32,550 story of solely anonymously sourced information. And I don't 36 00:02:32,550 --> 00:02:36,240 do that. And so for the last two and a half years, I have 37 00:02:36,240 --> 00:02:41,670 essentially waited for the story to become public. Before I were 38 00:02:41,670 --> 00:02:45,150 to talk about it, I did not want to, quote unquote, break the 39 00:02:45,150 --> 00:02:49,140 story. If this particular person the CIA agent wanted to be 40 00:02:49,140 --> 00:02:51,810 named, then I would have absolutely been happy to do 41 00:02:51,810 --> 00:02:56,670 that. Even to this day, they still do not want to be named. 42 00:02:57,300 --> 00:03:00,780 They want to remain anonymous. And I want to deal with that. 43 00:03:00,780 --> 00:03:04,230 First, before we get into the story. Because a lot of you know 44 00:03:04,230 --> 00:03:10,050 me, as someone who speaks out considerably hard about stories 45 00:03:10,050 --> 00:03:14,490 that are anonymously sourced. If an anonymous source is used to 46 00:03:14,490 --> 00:03:17,850 backup information, I got no problem with that as long as the 47 00:03:17,880 --> 00:03:21,270 the information is verifiable. But in the last couple of years, 48 00:03:21,270 --> 00:03:25,560 we have seen this, I would say incredible increase of UFO 49 00:03:25,560 --> 00:03:30,120 related stories that are solely sourced to no one, that they're 50 00:03:30,120 --> 00:03:34,890 just anonymous, and we can't back them up, we get no title we 51 00:03:34,890 --> 00:03:38,640 sometimes hear they're the DOD, senior executive official, 52 00:03:38,910 --> 00:03:43,020 whatever the the buzzwords are, but really no identifying 53 00:03:43,020 --> 00:03:48,390 information. And the information is not verifiable other than the 54 00:03:48,390 --> 00:03:51,480 journalist or the blogger who brings it forward. Well, that 55 00:03:51,480 --> 00:03:54,900 has become an epidemic in itself, where that is just 56 00:03:54,900 --> 00:03:59,820 rampant throughout this conversation. So how is this 57 00:03:59,820 --> 00:04:02,250 different? Because this particular person wants to 58 00:04:02,250 --> 00:04:06,240 remain anonymous. And here I am bringing the story to you. And 59 00:04:06,240 --> 00:04:10,710 it may seem somebody called me a hypocrite on Twitter for doing 60 00:04:10,710 --> 00:04:14,490 that. And I wanted to quickly explain how I felt it was 61 00:04:14,520 --> 00:04:19,590 different. Now, I'm not running a story on this telling all of 62 00:04:19,590 --> 00:04:23,970 you to just trust me, rather, now that the story has been 63 00:04:23,970 --> 00:04:27,930 posted publicly. And again, we'll get into that. Now anybody 64 00:04:27,930 --> 00:04:31,620 can grab that information and start vetting it, dissecting it 65 00:04:31,620 --> 00:04:35,970 in whatever way they want, or can and I'll go through how I 66 00:04:35,970 --> 00:04:40,650 did it so that way, you guys see what I did in 2019. But also 67 00:04:40,650 --> 00:04:44,160 it's available to all of you. So in essence, even though the 68 00:04:44,160 --> 00:04:49,590 person is kind of still shrouded in mystery. I don't know if this 69 00:04:49,590 --> 00:04:54,420 is a 100% definite, but maybe that person's identity will be 70 00:04:54,420 --> 00:04:59,160 revealed in the future. Until then they're anonymous. And with 71 00:04:59,160 --> 00:05:03,690 that, I think that even though there's still apprehension on my 72 00:05:03,690 --> 00:05:07,830 part, I can tell you that they were never anonymous, not only 73 00:05:07,830 --> 00:05:12,030 to me, but now that they have posted their their information 74 00:05:12,030 --> 00:05:16,440 publicly, other people contacted them and vice versa. And this 75 00:05:16,440 --> 00:05:19,860 particular person actually wanted to be vetted by others as 76 00:05:19,860 --> 00:05:23,730 well. So you don't have to take my word for it. There are now 77 00:05:23,760 --> 00:05:27,900 others including a moderator on the popular social media 78 00:05:27,930 --> 00:05:31,380 network, Reddit, who is a law enforcement officer, a 79 00:05:31,380 --> 00:05:34,920 moderators been around for a while, I don't know them. And in 80 00:05:34,920 --> 00:05:38,040 fact, I didn't know them until today, I reached out to them, I 81 00:05:38,040 --> 00:05:41,220 have a statement from them as well. But again, former law 82 00:05:41,220 --> 00:05:44,040 enforcement officer and this particular person who has the 83 00:05:44,040 --> 00:05:47,790 story was vetted by numerous people at this point, and not a 84 00:05:47,790 --> 00:05:50,610 single person has come out and said, You know what, nope, this 85 00:05:50,610 --> 00:05:54,570 guy doesn't check out on the opposite the credentials all 86 00:05:54,570 --> 00:06:00,330 checkout across the board. So this was the post that kind of 87 00:06:00,330 --> 00:06:06,030 created all of the hoopla the subreddit was Aliens. But it got 88 00:06:06,030 --> 00:06:10,020 forwarded to quite a few other sub what are called sub Reddits, 89 00:06:10,020 --> 00:06:12,300 as well, if you're not familiar with Reddit, it's simply like a 90 00:06:12,300 --> 00:06:14,880 message forum, they've got different rooms and stuff like 91 00:06:14,880 --> 00:06:19,710 that. So this particular person have written their story. And 92 00:06:19,740 --> 00:06:23,610 again, we'll we'll dissect it a little bit, but it created quite 93 00:06:23,610 --> 00:06:27,660 a bit of traction. Or it got quite a bit of crap, traction 94 00:06:27,660 --> 00:06:32,190 and created quite a bit of reaction. The subject was I met 95 00:06:32,190 --> 00:06:36,510 Tom DeLonge, and Luis Elizondo, and these are my thoughts. And 96 00:06:36,510 --> 00:06:41,520 so this essentially breaks down his entire story that he has 97 00:06:41,520 --> 00:06:44,760 conveyed to everyone else. Now, I will not go over it in its 98 00:06:44,760 --> 00:06:49,590 entirety, I invite you guys to read it in its entirety. But in 99 00:06:49,590 --> 00:06:52,710 order for me to break down every single character line, and word 100 00:06:53,220 --> 00:06:56,130 would take hours, and I don't want to bore you guys to death, 101 00:06:56,130 --> 00:07:01,110 I want to get through this as quickly as I can. But this story 102 00:07:01,140 --> 00:07:04,620 linked in the show notes below. Or if you're listening on a 103 00:07:04,620 --> 00:07:07,410 podcast, it's in the description. I've also linked 104 00:07:07,410 --> 00:07:11,190 over to my article which links to everything that I'm talking 105 00:07:11,190 --> 00:07:16,080 about. Excuse me. So as I mentioned, before we get into 106 00:07:16,080 --> 00:07:19,200 really breaking down the story, this particular person reached 107 00:07:19,200 --> 00:07:26,310 out to me in 2019, February to be exact, and the reason excuse 108 00:07:26,310 --> 00:07:30,810 me why they wanted to reach out, according to them, was they 109 00:07:30,810 --> 00:07:35,520 wanted to essentially share some information, nothing classified. 110 00:07:35,520 --> 00:07:39,420 And I want to stress that there was never any secret, anything 111 00:07:39,750 --> 00:07:43,800 that was shared, it was never on behalf of the US government. 112 00:07:43,950 --> 00:07:47,460 This just happened to be an employee of the US government, 113 00:07:47,670 --> 00:07:51,420 namely US Army counter intelligence. So I want to 114 00:07:51,420 --> 00:07:54,900 stress that up front that nothing was ever shared, that 115 00:07:54,900 --> 00:07:57,930 was not supposed to be shared. This was just a conversation 116 00:07:57,930 --> 00:08:02,520 between people. He just happened to have been, again, US Army 117 00:08:02,670 --> 00:08:06,330 counter intelligence. So again, he reached out to me in early 118 00:08:06,360 --> 00:08:10,980 2019, according to him, he felt that I dealt with facts and 119 00:08:10,980 --> 00:08:14,640 evidence. And he liked that about the black vault and me 120 00:08:14,640 --> 00:08:17,850 personally felt that it would be a beneficial, you know, 121 00:08:17,850 --> 00:08:21,210 relationship just to share information, essentially talk 122 00:08:21,210 --> 00:08:24,870 UFOs I've met amazing people over the years. And this 123 00:08:24,870 --> 00:08:27,750 particular person when they reached out was not 124 00:08:29,550 --> 00:08:33,540 like an out of the ordinary bad person, you get those red flags 125 00:08:33,540 --> 00:08:36,210 all the time, sometimes people reach out to you go, boy, you 126 00:08:36,210 --> 00:08:39,120 know, this is definitely not going to be someone that I'm 127 00:08:39,120 --> 00:08:42,720 going to jive with. But rather, this was somebody that really 128 00:08:42,720 --> 00:08:44,970 seemed down to earth and somebody I wanted to talk to. 129 00:08:44,970 --> 00:08:48,840 And so we began corresponding. They wanted to share information 130 00:08:48,840 --> 00:08:51,540 and their experience with trying to figure out what the UFO 131 00:08:51,540 --> 00:08:55,680 phenomena was, or is, what a tip was, or is essentially 132 00:08:55,680 --> 00:09:00,180 everything that came along with it. And so that is, that is kind 133 00:09:00,180 --> 00:09:08,550 of the route of the contact in 2019. I'm gonna jump around only 134 00:09:08,550 --> 00:09:12,420 because I won't will not share private communications not only 135 00:09:12,420 --> 00:09:15,570 with this particular person or anybody that I correspond with 136 00:09:15,570 --> 00:09:18,990 without permission. So I'm going to jump to what they posted 137 00:09:18,990 --> 00:09:22,410 publicly. And I will tell you, and I put it there on the top 138 00:09:22,410 --> 00:09:25,800 right corner. Consistency is key. I can tell you after two 139 00:09:25,800 --> 00:09:31,110 and a half years, rereading my old emails with them, and then 140 00:09:31,110 --> 00:09:34,260 reading their story they posted publicly, it's completely 141 00:09:34,260 --> 00:09:38,670 consistent. Nothing changed, no faxed, altered. Generally, you 142 00:09:38,670 --> 00:09:41,970 see that with people that are telling a tall tale. It was not 143 00:09:41,970 --> 00:09:44,880 like what I would call a fine wine story that gets better with 144 00:09:44,910 --> 00:09:48,900 age. I hate those. And it's always a red flag. Quite the 145 00:09:48,900 --> 00:09:54,600 opposite. It was very, very spot on to what we had chatted about 146 00:09:54,780 --> 00:09:59,010 in 2019. So the quotes that I'm pulling are from what you guys 147 00:09:59,010 --> 00:10:03,210 can read it just here to say what happened in 2019 reflects 148 00:10:03,420 --> 00:10:10,020 what they said in 2021. Let me read the introduction paragraph. 149 00:10:11,100 --> 00:10:13,830 I am a US Army counterintelligence agent. This 150 00:10:13,830 --> 00:10:16,140 will be the first time I've posted something on Reddit in 151 00:10:16,140 --> 00:10:19,500 the 10 years I've been here that runs the risk of someone being 152 00:10:19,530 --> 00:10:22,920 able to figure out who I am based on the story I'm about to 153 00:10:22,920 --> 00:10:27,450 tell. But I'm nearly retired. So I think I'm probably all right. 154 00:10:28,560 --> 00:10:36,210 Based on that, I believe that probably the retirement age. And 155 00:10:36,450 --> 00:10:41,460 that or excuse me retirement date, being approaching I think, 156 00:10:41,460 --> 00:10:46,590 probably relaxed him to telling the story publicly, albeit 157 00:10:46,620 --> 00:10:50,130 anonymously, but kind of relaxed a little bit in 2019. As I 158 00:10:50,130 --> 00:10:52,920 mentioned, they didn't want to go on the record, which is why I 159 00:10:52,920 --> 00:10:58,440 never ran the story anyway. But had some great conversations and 160 00:10:58,440 --> 00:11:00,810 learned along the way. But I think now with that retirement 161 00:11:00,810 --> 00:11:03,510 date looming, that probably plays a role. And I think that 162 00:11:03,510 --> 00:11:08,160 that's why he introduced the story that way. Where there's a 163 00:11:08,160 --> 00:11:11,580 quote, I'll tell you, if you're watching the screen, it is in 164 00:11:11,580 --> 00:11:14,550 red, those are going to be the quotes. I've paraphrased some 165 00:11:14,550 --> 00:11:17,970 stuff as well, so you guys can follow along. And again, I've 166 00:11:17,970 --> 00:11:20,640 condensed this. So I'm going to take you back to Thanksgiving of 167 00:11:20,640 --> 00:11:25,860 2018. And I'm going to refer to the counterintelligence agent, 168 00:11:26,160 --> 00:11:29,250 rather than just continually saying, counterintelligence 169 00:11:29,280 --> 00:11:33,840 agent as the OP. That is more of a internet acronym for original 170 00:11:33,840 --> 00:11:37,710 poster. It's quick, and it will allow this to go a lot smoother 171 00:11:37,710 --> 00:11:41,400 for me. So when you hear me say, Opp, that is what I am referring 172 00:11:41,400 --> 00:11:45,030 to as the counterintelligence agent, and his original posts, 173 00:11:45,030 --> 00:11:48,000 sometimes people think oppas original post, it could be 174 00:11:48,030 --> 00:11:51,690 original poster, whatever you hear me say, op, that's what I'm 175 00:11:51,690 --> 00:11:55,770 referring to. So Thanksgiving of 2018, the OP met some people 176 00:11:55,770 --> 00:12:00,900 involved with the old project Stargate that were still around 177 00:12:00,900 --> 00:12:04,980 for him to meet, I'm assuming in the Pentagon. One was a colonel 178 00:12:05,010 --> 00:12:08,340 who provided cover support for the project, Stargate program, 179 00:12:08,730 --> 00:12:14,010 and UFOs were jokingly brought up the OP that asks have you 180 00:12:14,010 --> 00:12:18,090 heard of was then asked to it meaning Have you heard of Luis 181 00:12:18,090 --> 00:12:21,090 Elizondo? He was asked by one of the older project Stargate 182 00:12:21,090 --> 00:12:24,600 people. That was how the OP was kind of made aware of Luis 183 00:12:24,600 --> 00:12:29,580 Elizondo, and Thanksgiving of 2018. Speeding up the story 184 00:12:29,580 --> 00:12:32,520 figured out where Elizondo was at this time he was with to the 185 00:12:32,520 --> 00:12:35,970 stars Academy of Arts and Science. So he reached out and 186 00:12:35,970 --> 00:12:40,170 wanted to speak with Luis Elizondo, he did so the next 187 00:12:40,170 --> 00:12:44,250 day, apparently they had about an hour long, 30 minutes hour 188 00:12:44,250 --> 00:12:48,030 long conversation on the telephone, and they began 189 00:12:48,300 --> 00:12:51,480 speaking one on one and privately 190 00:12:53,130 --> 00:12:57,870 to quote the OP on that experience, I will read what he 191 00:12:57,870 --> 00:13:00,480 says the biggest takeaways from this conversation were the three 192 00:13:00,480 --> 00:13:04,830 questions I asked and his answers to them. Number one, 193 00:13:04,830 --> 00:13:07,650 what made you believe he responded with you know the 194 00:13:07,650 --> 00:13:11,370 videos in the news? The stuff that's still classified is way 195 00:13:11,370 --> 00:13:15,390 crazier. Obviously, Mr. Elizondo is referring to the FLIR, the 196 00:13:15,390 --> 00:13:19,110 gimbal and the go fast. Number two is a tip still a thing 197 00:13:19,110 --> 00:13:23,280 because the media says it's defunct. Mr. Elizondo says it 198 00:13:23,280 --> 00:13:27,930 absolutely still is a thing. Question three. Can I get a job 199 00:13:27,930 --> 00:13:31,920 with a tip as an Army CIA or counter intelligence guy to do 200 00:13:31,920 --> 00:13:36,390 investigations? Luis Elizondo says, Absolutely. We'll set up a 201 00:13:36,390 --> 00:13:42,000 meeting. Now we're going to fast forward to January of 2019. 202 00:13:45,510 --> 00:13:52,380 January of 2019, Mr Elizondo sends a invitation to the OP to 203 00:13:52,380 --> 00:13:56,310 meet at the Crystal gateway Marriott in Virginia, which is 204 00:13:56,310 --> 00:14:02,340 just outside of the Pentagon. If that seems oddly specific, it is 205 00:14:02,370 --> 00:14:05,130 and put a pin in that because we'll deal with it again. But 206 00:14:05,130 --> 00:14:08,190 also that is one of those consistent points that goes back 207 00:14:08,190 --> 00:14:14,700 to 2019 that I was told, that does pan out as being the locale 208 00:14:14,730 --> 00:14:19,110 of this meeting. But stay tuned, because the pin that you're 209 00:14:19,110 --> 00:14:23,730 putting in there, in my opinion, is is kind of a doozy. So Tom 210 00:14:23,730 --> 00:14:26,970 DeLonge was there at the meeting. According to the app 211 00:14:26,970 --> 00:14:30,330 that was unexpected. He did not expect Tom DeLonge to be there 212 00:14:30,330 --> 00:14:34,740 at all. There are also two other gentlemen. They are not named in 213 00:14:34,740 --> 00:14:40,290 the story. So we don't know their identities according to 214 00:14:40,380 --> 00:14:43,860 this story. But they were also there. When the opp arrived. 215 00:14:43,920 --> 00:14:46,800 There was some I guess some irrelevant conversations that he 216 00:14:46,800 --> 00:14:51,450 makes note of it had nothing to do with UFOs or if it did, he 217 00:14:51,450 --> 00:14:54,420 wasn't sure but he says it's irrelevant to this conversation. 218 00:14:54,630 --> 00:15:00,540 So the team, the DeLong Elizondo, and two Gentlemen, 219 00:15:00,540 --> 00:15:03,270 we're already there. And then opp walked in kind of in the 220 00:15:03,270 --> 00:15:06,900 middle of it. I'm going to read a quote. Some of the key things 221 00:15:06,900 --> 00:15:11,430 from this meeting that I want to point out are number one. They 222 00:15:11,430 --> 00:15:14,460 said that they have recovered fragments from UFO sightings, 223 00:15:14,730 --> 00:15:18,510 slash encounters and showed me several photos on their phone of 224 00:15:18,510 --> 00:15:21,660 what looked to be regular metallic slag or melted chunks 225 00:15:21,690 --> 00:15:25,200 of debris. They also had chemical analysis reports they 226 00:15:25,200 --> 00:15:29,250 showed me copies of now I got an A in college chemistry, but 227 00:15:29,250 --> 00:15:32,880 having like 15 seconds to look at these things, and then not 228 00:15:32,880 --> 00:15:36,000 being willing to provide copies. I couldn't tell you what the 229 00:15:36,000 --> 00:15:38,670 hell those reports said or if they contained anything 230 00:15:38,670 --> 00:15:43,350 noteworthy, or really anything indicating these metallic lumps 231 00:15:43,350 --> 00:15:45,900 were from potentially extraterrestrial origin or 232 00:15:45,900 --> 00:15:49,410 whatever. One final thing they mentioned was the supposed 233 00:15:49,410 --> 00:15:53,280 existence of what they referred to as a biological specimen. 234 00:15:54,150 --> 00:15:57,000 When I exhibited a bit of surprise over this Elizondo 235 00:15:57,000 --> 00:16:00,360 pointed to the two gentlemen from the Pentagon and said, they 236 00:16:00,360 --> 00:16:04,410 know about it, it belongs to the US government. This will be 237 00:16:04,410 --> 00:16:10,380 important later. Alright, that's the end of the quote. At one 238 00:16:10,380 --> 00:16:13,260 point during this meeting, according to the OP Elizondo in 239 00:16:13,260 --> 00:16:15,600 the two gentlemen had left the table, I think he was seeing 240 00:16:15,600 --> 00:16:18,660 them out from what I gathered from the story. And that left 241 00:16:18,690 --> 00:16:21,780 Tom DeLonge. In the OP behind, I'm going to read another quote, 242 00:16:22,260 --> 00:16:25,830 during that portion of this encounter, he made the statement 243 00:16:25,830 --> 00:16:29,580 to me meaning too long to the OP, that there were incidents of 244 00:16:29,610 --> 00:16:33,390 some type of creatures coming through portals on Earth. And in 245 00:16:33,390 --> 00:16:37,680 one incident, these creatures used some kind of weapon to turn 246 00:16:37,680 --> 00:16:41,220 a dog into a grease stain. He also mentioned that there was 247 00:16:41,220 --> 00:16:44,070 some kind of cold war or equivalent to the serious 248 00:16:44,070 --> 00:16:47,910 situation taking place between a species of extra terrestrial 249 00:16:48,240 --> 00:16:51,480 that is already here under the oceans, and another from 250 00:16:51,480 --> 00:16:55,260 somewhere else that is currently on the moon. Being that I was 251 00:16:55,260 --> 00:16:59,550 trying to be polite, still in seeking a job with a tip mode. I 252 00:16:59,550 --> 00:17:02,610 listened and didn't really argue or ask a lot of hard hitting 253 00:17:02,610 --> 00:17:06,150 questions, just nodded and heard these guys out. At the 254 00:17:06,150 --> 00:17:09,330 conclusion at this meeting Elizondo set me up with the two 255 00:17:09,330 --> 00:17:13,440 gentlemen at the Pentagon. And I left. That's the end of the 256 00:17:13,440 --> 00:17:17,550 quote, that really sounds DeLonge ask, I know, there's 257 00:17:17,550 --> 00:17:21,210 third party information. But obviously, Tom DeLonge is very, 258 00:17:21,210 --> 00:17:26,010 very well known for saying some very outlandish and unfounded 259 00:17:26,010 --> 00:17:30,840 statements like that. So it really kind of jives with again, 260 00:17:30,840 --> 00:17:35,340 a DeLong ask, kind of story, but take it for, for what you'd 261 00:17:35,340 --> 00:17:39,930 like. Fast forwarding now and the timeline to February of 262 00:17:39,930 --> 00:17:44,310 2019, the end of February to be exact. This is when the OP met 263 00:17:44,310 --> 00:17:45,930 the two gentlemen at the Pentagon. 264 00:17:47,250 --> 00:17:49,590 I'm going to read you another quote. During this hour long 265 00:17:49,590 --> 00:17:52,200 meeting in the Pentagon. We discussed a number of things 266 00:17:52,200 --> 00:17:55,710 first, I obviously asked about the biological specimen 267 00:17:55,710 --> 00:17:59,730 mentioned in the first meeting, they demurred and said, If there 268 00:17:59,730 --> 00:18:03,270 was one, we don't know where it is probably been moved between 269 00:18:03,450 --> 00:18:07,650 who knows how many warehouses by now. I asked them about a tip 270 00:18:07,650 --> 00:18:11,070 and recounted my discussion with Elizondo and the potential for 271 00:18:11,070 --> 00:18:15,930 possibly working with slash for a tip. They explained that a tip 272 00:18:15,930 --> 00:18:19,290 went defunct due to a funding issue, and that though it still 273 00:18:19,290 --> 00:18:24,000 existed, it was currently as of then active, or excuse me, it 274 00:18:24,000 --> 00:18:28,140 wasn't currently as of then active, forgive me. We discussed 275 00:18:28,140 --> 00:18:30,900 some other stuff. One thing which I won't recount because 276 00:18:30,900 --> 00:18:34,050 they claimed it was secret, slash no foreign or no foreign 277 00:18:34,050 --> 00:18:38,040 intelligence. But I will recount the thing they claimed was top 278 00:18:38,040 --> 00:18:43,050 secret, slash SCI or special, compartmentalized information. 279 00:18:43,740 --> 00:18:47,310 Don't get too excited yet. Continuing the quote, they told 280 00:18:47,310 --> 00:18:50,190 me of an incident where an Italian helicopter was literally 281 00:18:50,190 --> 00:18:54,300 shot by a UAP had to make an emergency landing and that they 282 00:18:54,300 --> 00:18:57,570 had obtained this information from the Italians. This will be 283 00:18:57,570 --> 00:19:01,800 important later. Also, for IC professionals, or intelligence 284 00:19:01,800 --> 00:19:04,650 community professionals reading this who might have just had a 285 00:19:04,650 --> 00:19:08,580 mild stroke. It turns out that this wasn't classified 286 00:19:08,610 --> 00:19:15,240 information. So chill TF out. Moving on. The final bit we 287 00:19:15,240 --> 00:19:19,680 discussed which I thoroughly agree with was that in the 1940s 288 00:19:19,980 --> 00:19:24,060 when the UFO craze took off, the US government at the time had to 289 00:19:24,060 --> 00:19:28,140 choose between dealing with the USSR and the start of the Cold 290 00:19:28,140 --> 00:19:32,040 War and or dealing with potential hysteria at home due 291 00:19:32,040 --> 00:19:35,880 to the flying saucers, people were reporting. So the National 292 00:19:35,880 --> 00:19:38,940 Security Council at the time decided to work to debunk, 293 00:19:39,120 --> 00:19:44,190 marginalize and ridicule the UFO slash flying saucer subject. And 294 00:19:44,220 --> 00:19:47,130 it through those initial efforts, continued efforts 295 00:19:47,130 --> 00:19:50,670 throughout the 1900s and via the plethora of fringe nonsense 296 00:19:50,670 --> 00:19:55,890 today. That kept this subject marginalized. That meeting 297 00:19:55,890 --> 00:20:02,610 concluded, and that was the last I saw of those two guys. On a 298 00:20:02,610 --> 00:20:05,820 side note, I agree with pretty much the end of that summation 299 00:20:05,820 --> 00:20:09,990 there about the 1940s and essentially, marginalizing the 300 00:20:10,020 --> 00:20:13,050 UFO flying saucer topic, but that is something else entirely. 301 00:20:13,200 --> 00:20:15,600 But at least that part of the conversation kind of rang true. 302 00:20:15,810 --> 00:20:19,110 Interesting, though, the OP what he would call a run around, 303 00:20:19,320 --> 00:20:22,350 we're getting a run around that he was being told about this 304 00:20:22,350 --> 00:20:29,280 classified information. But it actually wasn't classified 305 00:20:29,280 --> 00:20:32,520 information. In fact, Tom DeLonge had put it on his 306 00:20:32,520 --> 00:20:37,080 Instagram and it showed up on on a later on unidentified 307 00:20:37,110 --> 00:20:40,680 unidentified so it wasn't classified information at all. 308 00:20:41,250 --> 00:20:44,490 But on top of that, the nothing panned out for him working 309 00:20:44,490 --> 00:20:47,880 within the a tip thing. And then on top of that, the biological 310 00:20:47,880 --> 00:20:52,260 specimen that he was essentially teased about, or teased with, 311 00:20:52,320 --> 00:20:55,980 and what I mean by that is kind of like dangling the carrot. 312 00:20:56,820 --> 00:21:01,920 Pentagon says, Yeah, we have no idea where that might be. So now 313 00:21:01,920 --> 00:21:07,890 fast forward to July of 2019. Now, this is another quote, I 314 00:21:07,890 --> 00:21:10,920 watched on identified and this is from the OP by the way, if 315 00:21:10,920 --> 00:21:13,830 you haven't figured it out, I watched unidentified and when we 316 00:21:13,830 --> 00:21:16,950 got to the part of the show where they had filmed that 317 00:21:16,950 --> 00:21:21,450 meeting in that hotel, I was shocked. In my opinion, that was 318 00:21:21,450 --> 00:21:24,990 pretty shady of Tom DeLonge and Luis Elizondo to have that 319 00:21:24,990 --> 00:21:28,410 meeting take place, and secretly have a camera man up on the 320 00:21:28,410 --> 00:21:31,590 second floor of the lobby without notifying us. So that 321 00:21:31,590 --> 00:21:35,940 meeting that I just went over, is the exact same meeting that 322 00:21:35,970 --> 00:21:40,530 took place and unidentified. Now this particular meeting, was 323 00:21:40,560 --> 00:21:44,550 deemed as this here's a closer look of the shot from the show 324 00:21:45,030 --> 00:21:50,220 that these were allegedly anyway, the military officers 325 00:21:50,220 --> 00:21:53,910 that were running the current a tip effort, that's how it was 326 00:21:53,910 --> 00:21:57,330 branded, that got a lot of traction online, people were 327 00:21:57,330 --> 00:22:01,170 really excited. We see that Tom DeLonge and Luis Elizondo are 328 00:22:01,170 --> 00:22:04,650 right there in the middle of it, it very much looks like this 329 00:22:04,650 --> 00:22:08,040 clandestine meeting with with someone in fatigues, and then 330 00:22:08,040 --> 00:22:11,640 what potentially look like to other maybe I can't really tell 331 00:22:11,640 --> 00:22:14,580 if their suits or maybe dress blue type uniforms or whatever. 332 00:22:16,140 --> 00:22:20,670 But regardless, I mean, it very much lended credibility to what 333 00:22:20,700 --> 00:22:24,870 Elizondo DeLong and everybody was doing with TTSA that they 334 00:22:24,870 --> 00:22:29,460 were right in the middle of it. Now, going back, when this 335 00:22:29,850 --> 00:22:34,140 aired, I had spoken to the opp, as I mentioned in February 336 00:22:34,140 --> 00:22:37,350 through you know, maybe March ish, I don't have all the 337 00:22:37,350 --> 00:22:41,640 timestamps in front of me, but regardless, around that 338 00:22:41,640 --> 00:22:46,950 timeframe, and then this aired in June. And I remembered that 339 00:22:46,950 --> 00:22:49,170 the opp and I did not talk for a little bit, and then all of a 340 00:22:49,170 --> 00:22:53,490 sudden I got this message, like I'm paraphrasing, this is not 341 00:22:53,490 --> 00:22:57,210 what the email says. But like, oh my gosh, that meeting that 342 00:22:57,210 --> 00:23:01,470 you saw on an identified that is what I was, that's what I told 343 00:23:01,470 --> 00:23:05,190 you about because he had mentioned, meeting everybody and 344 00:23:05,220 --> 00:23:08,010 and shared that information. Because again, it wasn't 345 00:23:08,010 --> 00:23:10,980 classified, there was no indicator that anything was 346 00:23:10,980 --> 00:23:15,300 classified. So then he sees himself on television, that 347 00:23:15,300 --> 00:23:18,450 there was cameras that were rolling at least one of the 348 00:23:18,450 --> 00:23:21,990 people at this table, including too long and Elizondo, and he 349 00:23:22,200 --> 00:23:27,720 had no idea the OP had no idea. But once they told me this and 350 00:23:27,720 --> 00:23:33,960 that that was the location of the interview, I started putting 351 00:23:33,960 --> 00:23:36,660 two and two together, I wanted to challenge the OP because I 352 00:23:36,660 --> 00:23:40,080 thought, okay, look, I'm always apprehensive about believing 353 00:23:40,080 --> 00:23:42,510 people. And what he's told me up to this point was just about a 354 00:23:42,510 --> 00:23:45,900 meeting and sharing information. And again, we shared some other 355 00:23:45,900 --> 00:23:50,910 stuff as well. But, but nothing, again of a secretive nature or 356 00:23:50,910 --> 00:23:55,200 classified nature. It was just essentially what we all do, or 357 00:23:55,200 --> 00:23:58,260 hopefully most of us do is just communicate with other people 358 00:23:58,260 --> 00:24:01,410 share information, see how we can help each other. But I 359 00:24:01,410 --> 00:24:03,720 wanted to challenge it a little bit. I thought, Okay, what's 360 00:24:03,720 --> 00:24:07,650 this really? Like? Is that really the ops stand in there 361 00:24:07,650 --> 00:24:13,200 and what's going on? I had already vetted the person up to 362 00:24:13,200 --> 00:24:18,270 a point already as much as you you could. I can and I want to 363 00:24:18,270 --> 00:24:21,600 be careful. So you may hear me kind of be a little reluctant 364 00:24:21,600 --> 00:24:25,380 because I don't want to blow anybody's I respect anonymity. I 365 00:24:25,380 --> 00:24:28,740 don't want to blow anybody's identity. What I can comfortably 366 00:24:28,740 --> 00:24:32,250 say is they wrote from a military address to prove who 367 00:24:32,250 --> 00:24:33,390 they were in the beginning. 368 00:24:35,250 --> 00:24:39,210 So the end there was no attempt to shield identity that's always 369 00:24:39,210 --> 00:24:43,320 a red flag for me. So when people come to me and they I'm 370 00:24:43,320 --> 00:24:47,460 not going to tell you my name, I work for the CIA and they're 371 00:24:47,460 --> 00:24:51,120 writing me from like Gmail. That's always kind of a, you 372 00:24:51,120 --> 00:24:54,270 know, a red flag. This particular person had zero 373 00:24:54,420 --> 00:24:58,230 problems with their identity with me knowing their identity 374 00:24:59,160 --> 00:25:03,660 as as You would quite expect they asked me not to share it, 375 00:25:03,660 --> 00:25:07,260 you know, blast out a I'm talking to so and so. So of 376 00:25:07,260 --> 00:25:10,500 course I would I would oblige with that. But they never tried 377 00:25:10,500 --> 00:25:13,800 to hide identities whatsoever. So they were writing from a 378 00:25:13,800 --> 00:25:18,540 military address. On top of that, then there were a couple 379 00:25:18,540 --> 00:25:22,080 other resources that I was able to look at and completely could 380 00:25:22,080 --> 00:25:25,530 verify that they were US Army, counter intelligence, I don't 381 00:25:25,530 --> 00:25:28,650 want to go farther than that, other than I will show you some 382 00:25:28,650 --> 00:25:31,260 quotes from the law enforcement officer that will explain a 383 00:25:31,260 --> 00:25:34,440 little bit more about verification and how that works 384 00:25:34,440 --> 00:25:37,950 and how you look at people's identities and so on. So I'm not 385 00:25:37,950 --> 00:25:40,200 trying to be secretive, but rather, I'm going to let a law 386 00:25:40,200 --> 00:25:46,200 enforcement officer tell you that rather than me try and, you 387 00:25:46,200 --> 00:25:49,680 know, explain every little tidbit to you. So the 388 00:25:49,680 --> 00:25:52,290 credentials had already checked out. But I thought, okay, look, 389 00:25:52,290 --> 00:25:54,660 if this particular person is telling me that they were at the 390 00:25:54,660 --> 00:25:57,780 Crystal gateway Marriott, outside the Pentagon, let's take 391 00:25:57,780 --> 00:26:01,140 a look. So when you watch episode six of season one of 392 00:26:01,140 --> 00:26:04,500 unidentified you'll see here on the left of the screen, if 393 00:26:04,500 --> 00:26:08,430 you're watching the video, a scene between DeLong and Luis 394 00:26:08,430 --> 00:26:11,550 Elizondo, and they're essentially getting ready for 395 00:26:11,550 --> 00:26:16,620 this meeting with as was termed to be the military officers that 396 00:26:16,620 --> 00:26:20,160 are running a tip. And I noticed here on the wall was a very 397 00:26:20,160 --> 00:26:24,060 unique, and I'm not sure if my arrows coming through under the 398 00:26:24,060 --> 00:26:26,340 video, so I'll find out later, I'm kind of doing this 399 00:26:26,340 --> 00:26:28,920 presentation a little different than normal as a test. So I'm 400 00:26:28,920 --> 00:26:31,080 not sure if you can see it, I usually have a laser pointer. 401 00:26:31,080 --> 00:26:34,170 But regardless to left of the frame, if you're not seeing my 402 00:26:34,170 --> 00:26:39,330 arrow is a unique mirror. I think it's playing off of the 403 00:26:39,330 --> 00:26:42,000 crystal part of the crystal gateway Marriott. So it looks 404 00:26:42,000 --> 00:26:44,250 like a bunch of crystals, it's silver if you're not looking at 405 00:26:44,250 --> 00:26:47,820 the video, and it's a mirror circular in shape. So I thought, 406 00:26:47,820 --> 00:26:50,910 Okay, let's go to the hotel. And so online, there's tons of 407 00:26:50,910 --> 00:26:53,490 pictures of it, you can get virtual walkthroughs of the 408 00:26:53,490 --> 00:26:56,280 rooms and conference centers. You'll see here on the right 409 00:26:56,280 --> 00:27:00,930 hand of your screen, the exact same mirror, it was a match. So 410 00:27:00,930 --> 00:27:05,100 very unique design, and essentially, the ops description 411 00:27:05,100 --> 00:27:09,090 of where this all went down, was spot on, you'll also see the 412 00:27:09,090 --> 00:27:12,060 desk lamp and both frames, you'll see that they are 413 00:27:12,120 --> 00:27:16,110 absolutely a match as well, you will see out the window here, 414 00:27:16,290 --> 00:27:20,580 very much a high rise. I didn't bank everything on that fact. 415 00:27:21,060 --> 00:27:25,500 But you'll see it's very, very similar. So essentially, you're 416 00:27:25,500 --> 00:27:29,010 looking at a match on the hotel. If you need more evidence, 417 00:27:29,010 --> 00:27:32,820 here's another shot of DeLong going through what is assumed to 418 00:27:32,820 --> 00:27:36,930 be the lobby of some kind of the hotel. On his way, you'll see a 419 00:27:36,930 --> 00:27:39,570 light pillar slightly out of focus there in the middle of 420 00:27:39,570 --> 00:27:42,540 that frame. Look to the right, here's a from the crystal 421 00:27:42,540 --> 00:27:46,140 gateway Marriott website, I was able to find that exact same 422 00:27:46,140 --> 00:27:49,830 light pillar all the way in the background here. That's probably 423 00:27:49,830 --> 00:27:52,920 where he was walking through. Because those pillars kind of 424 00:27:52,920 --> 00:27:55,710 match. If you look closely, there's TVs way in the 425 00:27:55,710 --> 00:27:59,730 background, you'll see TVs here, I was never able to really 426 00:27:59,730 --> 00:28:03,270 pinpoint if this was where they were, I think that camera person 427 00:28:03,270 --> 00:28:06,570 who secretly took the shot was on this elevator here, or excuse 428 00:28:06,570 --> 00:28:10,710 me escalator here, and that they shot down into this area here. 429 00:28:10,710 --> 00:28:13,890 But that part's a little speculation. On my end, the the 430 00:28:13,890 --> 00:28:17,490 photos were limited. Regardless, there's enough matches to show 431 00:28:17,490 --> 00:28:21,240 this op knew exactly where everything took place. So I was 432 00:28:21,240 --> 00:28:25,650 in 2019, not only convinced of the ops credentials, but 433 00:28:25,650 --> 00:28:29,340 convinced he was there, there was no way that you could get 434 00:28:29,340 --> 00:28:33,000 around it. One of the the other things I'll point out to you. 435 00:28:33,270 --> 00:28:36,210 And again, I'm going to be a little reluctant here with all 436 00:28:36,210 --> 00:28:40,740 the details because I respect the opposite anonymity. But the 437 00:28:40,770 --> 00:28:46,680 physical appearance of the OP is you can tell in the video, 438 00:28:46,680 --> 00:28:53,040 regardless of a blurred face, it is and was a match. So the 439 00:28:53,340 --> 00:28:56,700 combination of all of that for me in 2019 made me realize, 440 00:28:56,700 --> 00:29:00,210 okay, from what I could check out from locale, from 441 00:29:00,210 --> 00:29:04,500 credentials to the physical appearance of the person, it was 442 00:29:04,500 --> 00:29:07,920 a match to who was sitting at that table. And I was a little 443 00:29:07,920 --> 00:29:12,660 mind blown that the scene was misrepresented. Now, if you may 444 00:29:12,660 --> 00:29:15,240 or may not think that that's all that big of a deal. Stay tuned, 445 00:29:15,240 --> 00:29:18,360 because I'll get into why that's kind of a big deal, and why we 446 00:29:18,360 --> 00:29:21,510 should worry about the accuracy of stuff like that. Now, I did 447 00:29:21,510 --> 00:29:24,450 mention the law enforcement officer who also vetted him. 448 00:29:26,670 --> 00:29:29,490 I got a statement from him, I also got an audio recording. I'm 449 00:29:29,490 --> 00:29:31,890 not going to play that for you in this particular video. It's 450 00:29:31,890 --> 00:29:34,890 close to 10 minutes long, but I'll probably do a companion 451 00:29:34,890 --> 00:29:38,310 video for you guys to see. But let me read the condensed quoted 452 00:29:38,310 --> 00:29:42,660 version. And again, I was authorized by this this person 453 00:29:42,660 --> 00:29:46,230 to give both out to you on Reddit, you will know them as 454 00:29:46,230 --> 00:29:52,920 the sublime goose. They are the moderator of the aliens forum. 455 00:29:52,920 --> 00:29:56,010 This is one of the people that was contacted, I don't know the 456 00:29:56,010 --> 00:29:59,970 total number of people, but one of the people that was contacted 457 00:30:00,660 --> 00:30:05,550 to vet the op and this US Army counterintelligence agent, and 458 00:30:05,550 --> 00:30:10,200 this is what they had to say to me and to all of you. Here's a 459 00:30:10,200 --> 00:30:14,220 quote alleged a CIA agent, Army counterintelligence agent 460 00:30:14,250 --> 00:30:17,820 contacted the AR slash aliens moderator team on their own 461 00:30:17,820 --> 00:30:21,720 accord. Given that I'm a veteran and current civilian law 462 00:30:21,720 --> 00:30:24,780 enforcement officer, he was handed over to me for 463 00:30:24,780 --> 00:30:28,110 verification purposes. When discussing what could be used to 464 00:30:28,110 --> 00:30:32,790 verify him, he offered to email me from a military email 465 00:30:32,820 --> 00:30:36,840 address. And while I declined, he provided that address to me, 466 00:30:36,870 --> 00:30:39,120 I'm going to assume that's the same one he was corresponding 467 00:30:39,120 --> 00:30:44,070 with me over as well. While some users wanted to see his CAC, or 468 00:30:44,070 --> 00:30:47,520 the common access card slash military ID, I'm aware that 469 00:30:47,520 --> 00:30:51,420 special agents of army counter Intel are issued federal law 470 00:30:51,420 --> 00:30:55,560 enforcement officer credentials, I requested to see as FLIR 471 00:30:55,590 --> 00:31:00,270 credentials, which he supplied to me, I have no reason to doubt 472 00:31:00,300 --> 00:31:03,720 their authenticity. Although I have not officially looked into 473 00:31:03,720 --> 00:31:06,840 them. They looked legitimate to me and would fool me on the 474 00:31:06,840 --> 00:31:11,010 street, I have no reason to believe that they are fake. In 475 00:31:11,010 --> 00:31:14,370 the audio version very quickly, this particular law enforcement 476 00:31:14,370 --> 00:31:17,730 officer goes into detail about how you know you can flash 477 00:31:17,730 --> 00:31:21,270 badges you can buy, those are dime a dozen online, those types 478 00:31:21,270 --> 00:31:24,030 of identification cards and badges and stuff like that don't 479 00:31:24,030 --> 00:31:29,340 mean anything. What the law enforcement officers point was 480 00:31:29,340 --> 00:31:33,000 here was that he went for something that is much more rare 481 00:31:33,000 --> 00:31:35,910 that it's not something you just go to your, you know, Internet 482 00:31:35,970 --> 00:31:39,330 whatever.com address and type up, you know, what your your 483 00:31:39,330 --> 00:31:42,960 name is, and then they send you an ID card. You can do that with 484 00:31:42,960 --> 00:31:46,530 police badges, badges. It's very scary how easy it is to get 485 00:31:46,530 --> 00:31:50,310 those types of things. And they are just spot on identical. And 486 00:31:50,310 --> 00:31:53,730 it's legal, sadly. But that being said, this particular 487 00:31:53,730 --> 00:31:57,750 person went after credentials that were not so common and 488 00:31:57,780 --> 00:32:01,890 nailed it. So, again, there's a third party verification, you 489 00:32:01,890 --> 00:32:04,890 don't need to take my word for it. Other people looked at him 490 00:32:04,890 --> 00:32:09,660 as well. So why does it all matter? You know why? You know, 491 00:32:09,720 --> 00:32:13,440 I saw quite a few different comments online that number one, 492 00:32:13,440 --> 00:32:18,900 I was attacking Luis Elizondo, and let me let me just quickly 493 00:32:18,900 --> 00:32:22,080 address that. I laugh because I've had many private 494 00:32:22,080 --> 00:32:25,830 conversations now with Luis Elizondo, explaining to him that 495 00:32:25,830 --> 00:32:28,470 these online trolls are completely taking things out of 496 00:32:28,470 --> 00:32:32,550 context. And that if he ever has any questions for me, or wants 497 00:32:32,550 --> 00:32:36,120 me to clarify that I'm always happy to do that, and we've 498 00:32:36,120 --> 00:32:39,090 shared some nice conversations, and I have had the opportunity 499 00:32:39,090 --> 00:32:42,750 to clarify certain things that I think he realized were very much 500 00:32:42,750 --> 00:32:46,740 misconstrued by the trolls out there. So I don't speak for him 501 00:32:46,740 --> 00:32:50,670 and in any way, but I just wanted to bring that up that 502 00:32:50,670 --> 00:32:53,550 this is getting out of control. In the actual article, I 503 00:32:53,550 --> 00:32:57,180 specifically state that I don't blame Luis Elizondo, or Tom 504 00:32:57,180 --> 00:33:01,890 DeLonge. Because in my opinion, they likely may have not even 505 00:33:01,890 --> 00:33:05,160 have known I don't know that for a fact, but they may not have 506 00:33:05,190 --> 00:33:09,630 even known that this was happening, meaning that this 507 00:33:09,630 --> 00:33:14,850 meeting that they were having was filmed secretly. And why I 508 00:33:14,850 --> 00:33:18,360 say that is a very quick preface that I'll give you. That goes 509 00:33:18,360 --> 00:33:23,490 back to ironically about the same time that the OP that we've 510 00:33:23,490 --> 00:33:28,950 been talking about Thanksgiving of 2018 that I was contacted by 511 00:33:28,950 --> 00:33:33,660 the crew of the show on identified now yet again, I 512 00:33:33,660 --> 00:33:36,120 won't share private communications, but I will give 513 00:33:36,120 --> 00:33:40,440 you the quick summation that I was asked to be on Season One of 514 00:33:40,440 --> 00:33:45,270 unidentified the premise from what I understood was just 515 00:33:45,270 --> 00:33:49,290 probably a one episode appearance. And without going 516 00:33:49,290 --> 00:33:53,190 into too much detail, because again, it's a creative thing on 517 00:33:53,190 --> 00:33:55,530 their side, and I don't want to blow it essentially, I think 518 00:33:55,530 --> 00:33:59,520 that they were trying to get Luis Elizondo and I together in 519 00:33:59,520 --> 00:34:02,700 a room at this time, we had never talked, I was trying to 520 00:34:02,700 --> 00:34:06,900 reach out to him. So they were, in my opinion, based on what I 521 00:34:06,900 --> 00:34:08,880 heard, kind of creating this 522 00:34:10,349 --> 00:34:17,819 in again, opinion, a very kind of lame reality show moment. And 523 00:34:17,819 --> 00:34:20,639 I was not down for that I don't do those types of shows. I don't 524 00:34:20,639 --> 00:34:24,149 care for those types of shows. And it wasn't fair. It wasn't 525 00:34:24,149 --> 00:34:29,879 fair to Luis Elizondo, it wasn't fair to me. And I also expressed 526 00:34:29,879 --> 00:34:34,019 concerns about the creative control. Tom DeLonge, was doing 527 00:34:34,019 --> 00:34:37,019 a lot of interviews around this time, that they essentially like 528 00:34:37,019 --> 00:34:41,009 this was their show that they had creative control. I'm 529 00:34:41,009 --> 00:34:43,439 paraphrasing some of his interviews, but he was talking a 530 00:34:43,439 --> 00:34:48,059 lot about that. And I had a concern. It's no secret that 531 00:34:48,059 --> 00:34:52,859 even to this day, some within or all of them, I don't know TTSA 532 00:34:52,859 --> 00:34:57,479 circle, they don't like me. So here was the crew coming to me 533 00:34:57,479 --> 00:35:01,379 the executive coming to me saying You know, will you appear 534 00:35:01,379 --> 00:35:05,789 I'd spoken to a couple different people. And it names or it 535 00:35:05,789 --> 00:35:09,689 doesn't matter. But I can tell you as executive producer level 536 00:35:09,689 --> 00:35:12,929 and then one under, which was the one that initiated the 537 00:35:12,929 --> 00:35:17,369 contact. And so and the reason why I say EP is there's like 20 538 00:35:17,369 --> 00:35:21,659 of them credited. So again, I'm not trying to to point fingers 539 00:35:21,659 --> 00:35:29,039 at people just trying to respect people's involvement. So, that 540 00:35:29,039 --> 00:35:33,089 being said, I had respectfully turned it down based on my 541 00:35:33,089 --> 00:35:37,559 expression of that concern that, you know, here I was signing a 542 00:35:37,559 --> 00:35:39,839 release that they could do anything, because when you sign 543 00:35:39,839 --> 00:35:42,239 those releases, they can make fun of you and you can't sue I 544 00:35:42,239 --> 00:35:46,979 mean, they they can do whatever they want, depending upon that 545 00:35:47,609 --> 00:35:51,779 wording of the release. And I was told back in 2000, late 546 00:35:51,779 --> 00:35:55,649 2018, that Tom DeLonge into the stars Academy, this is the only 547 00:35:55,649 --> 00:35:58,589 thing I'll share that was told to me privately, had no creative 548 00:35:58,589 --> 00:36:03,929 control, that it was a&e networks control. That was very 549 00:36:03,929 --> 00:36:07,109 much in line with what I was used to working for at&t, you 550 00:36:07,109 --> 00:36:10,829 can all look me up on IMDb, I worked for a&e networks History 551 00:36:10,829 --> 00:36:14,609 Channel extensively, for quite a few years, I don't do it 552 00:36:14,609 --> 00:36:17,279 anymore. I run my own business away from the black vault and 553 00:36:17,579 --> 00:36:21,089 away from television. But I've got quite a few credits under my 554 00:36:21,089 --> 00:36:24,839 belt. So that was more along the lines of what I was under the 555 00:36:24,839 --> 00:36:27,389 impression of but with Tom DeLonge, saying, Oh, we've got 556 00:36:27,389 --> 00:36:31,019 full control and editorial approval and this and that that 557 00:36:31,019 --> 00:36:34,709 didn't seem right, because he foots the bills on this unless 558 00:36:34,709 --> 00:36:38,609 it's called a CO production deal. So it goes it spirals on 559 00:36:38,609 --> 00:36:44,099 from there. So that was really my concern that was put to rest. 560 00:36:44,219 --> 00:36:47,189 But I still respectfully declined. We parted ways, 561 00:36:47,519 --> 00:36:53,099 hopefully on good terms. But it just wasn't my forte. It just 562 00:36:53,129 --> 00:36:56,429 wasn't it. So I wanted to tell you that part of the story just 563 00:36:56,429 --> 00:37:00,059 simply because of my next point that a lot of people have asked 564 00:37:00,059 --> 00:37:03,179 me Well, why didn't you get Luis Elizondo his reaction? And 565 00:37:03,179 --> 00:37:06,719 here's why. For the last couple of years, I've been told and led 566 00:37:06,719 --> 00:37:09,839 to believe that they didn't have creative control. So it would be 567 00:37:09,869 --> 00:37:14,339 unfair for me to do this to Luis Elizondo where I run to him and 568 00:37:14,339 --> 00:37:17,669 I go, okay, man, how did this happen? And he's put in a 569 00:37:17,669 --> 00:37:20,519 pickle, he has a couple decisions to make, he answers 570 00:37:20,519 --> 00:37:24,299 me. And I pit him against the executive producer, the 571 00:37:24,299 --> 00:37:29,099 executive team or creative team or ad networks as a whole, I pit 572 00:37:29,099 --> 00:37:33,149 him against them, which is not a fair position. I was told he 573 00:37:33,149 --> 00:37:36,089 didn't have creative control. I don't believe that that was a 574 00:37:36,089 --> 00:37:40,049 lie. So why would I go and confront him about this or get 575 00:37:40,049 --> 00:37:43,889 statements, you know, even if I sugar coated it, that was not 576 00:37:43,889 --> 00:37:48,929 fair to him. And And truly, I don't believe in putting people 577 00:37:48,929 --> 00:37:51,959 in positions like that, because on the other end, he could say, 578 00:37:51,959 --> 00:37:56,789 You know what, John, I, I don't want to comment on this. Because 579 00:37:58,110 --> 00:38:02,280 I don't want to comment period. So then I publish, Luis Elizondo 580 00:38:02,280 --> 00:38:06,330 declined to comment. There's no way to publish a declines to 581 00:38:06,330 --> 00:38:10,110 comment without allegations flying, right. There's there's 582 00:38:10,110 --> 00:38:14,070 just nothing. If I said he wasn't available for comment, 583 00:38:14,070 --> 00:38:18,450 I'd be lying then. So if he said, I declined to comment, 584 00:38:18,450 --> 00:38:21,480 which is actually the right answer. You know, then 585 00:38:21,480 --> 00:38:23,970 allegations will fly that he's covering it up that he knows 586 00:38:23,970 --> 00:38:27,840 it's fake. It was a position that I was not going to put him 587 00:38:27,840 --> 00:38:32,640 into, and it was not fair. So I made the decision not even to do 588 00:38:32,640 --> 00:38:35,730 it. I originally, this was a social media post. And that's 589 00:38:35,730 --> 00:38:40,650 it. But it got lengthy because I went into detail. So I put it on 590 00:38:40,650 --> 00:38:44,820 a page, but no quotes or anything other than the OP, the 591 00:38:44,820 --> 00:38:50,910 story was about the OP story, the experience there. And then I 592 00:38:50,910 --> 00:38:55,080 added kind of my two cents about the production side, because 593 00:38:55,080 --> 00:38:59,700 that's my that's my angle and how unfair it is for productions 594 00:38:59,700 --> 00:39:04,470 to misrepresent the scenes that they're that they're showing on 595 00:39:04,470 --> 00:39:09,030 camera, because if this was, according to the show, anyway, 596 00:39:09,540 --> 00:39:12,900 I'll read you what Luis Elizondo said in the show. These are 597 00:39:12,900 --> 00:39:16,440 individuals that have to remain very, very much protected. There 598 00:39:16,440 --> 00:39:19,410 are extremely qualified people who might trust whom I 599 00:39:19,410 --> 00:39:24,030 personally know that are still running this effort, and it is 600 00:39:24,030 --> 00:39:26,940 being run with official blessing. And that is what I'm 601 00:39:26,940 --> 00:39:31,290 prepared to say I cannot go into any more than that. That was 602 00:39:31,290 --> 00:39:35,340 what Luis Elizondo said and then they led into this meeting. Now, 603 00:39:35,340 --> 00:39:37,710 some of you may think, Well, wait a minute, John, you said 604 00:39:37,710 --> 00:39:42,420 you're not blaming Luis Elizondo yet here. He is setting up the 605 00:39:42,420 --> 00:39:47,820 meeting. Well, here is my good faith. I'm hoping that this is 606 00:39:47,820 --> 00:39:51,690 not true. He could very well have been answering something 607 00:39:51,720 --> 00:39:56,310 else and the producers chose to put it in to make it seem like 608 00:39:56,310 --> 00:40:00,720 this lunchtime meeting that they had breaking from their 609 00:40:00,720 --> 00:40:03,360 production schedule, this could have been just a lunch between 610 00:40:03,360 --> 00:40:07,530 friends, a producer comes down the escalator, film some shots, 611 00:40:07,710 --> 00:40:12,150 and then creates a dramatize scenario in the show. Yet again, 612 00:40:12,150 --> 00:40:14,970 if I bring that up to Luis Elizondo, or Tom DeLonge, 613 00:40:14,970 --> 00:40:18,660 although DeLonge has never returned any of my messages, but 614 00:40:18,660 --> 00:40:21,360 not that I blame them, I probably doesn't like me. But 615 00:40:21,780 --> 00:40:26,160 regardless, if I presented that to them, what are they going to 616 00:40:26,160 --> 00:40:29,250 say? Oh, yes, all this was fabricated. And yet again, you 617 00:40:29,250 --> 00:40:32,790 pit the talent of a TV show against their executive 618 00:40:32,790 --> 00:40:35,850 producers. And whether we all want the answers or not, I would 619 00:40:35,850 --> 00:40:39,060 love to ask, it just wasn't fair. And I made the decision 620 00:40:39,060 --> 00:40:42,810 not to do it. But regardless, that is what was said and how it 621 00:40:42,810 --> 00:40:48,330 was framed. In this interview. I did tag the executive pretty one 622 00:40:48,330 --> 00:40:52,590 of the executive producers that I knew used Twitter. They want 623 00:40:52,590 --> 00:40:55,860 answer if the scene was accurate, unfortunately, and 624 00:40:55,860 --> 00:41:00,240 this is a quote from Anthony Lupe, again, the one of the 625 00:41:00,240 --> 00:41:03,150 executive producers on unidentified he says, 626 00:41:03,540 --> 00:41:06,720 unfortunately, as I've said before, I can't comment on the 627 00:41:06,720 --> 00:41:10,530 show per similar agreements, all producers have with networks. 628 00:41:11,430 --> 00:41:14,250 There was some Twitter banter. I won't go over everything with 629 00:41:14,250 --> 00:41:17,640 you. But I will say this, I worked for History Channel, as I 630 00:41:17,640 --> 00:41:22,590 mentioned, and ad networks quite a bit. I never was ever told I 631 00:41:22,590 --> 00:41:26,250 could not answer a question on whether or not my nonfiction 632 00:41:26,250 --> 00:41:31,170 show was accurately portrayed, or a scene. I've never speaking 633 00:41:31,170 --> 00:41:34,740 on behalf of the network. Of course, you can't do that. Nor 634 00:41:34,740 --> 00:41:37,920 would I nor was I asking Anthony. What I was just asking 635 00:41:37,920 --> 00:41:41,130 was, hey, you guys set this up in a nonfiction show as a 636 00:41:41,130 --> 00:41:44,940 meeting between military officers. Is that accurate? And 637 00:41:44,940 --> 00:41:48,660 they wouldn't comment. So I'm not going to fault Anthony for 638 00:41:48,660 --> 00:41:51,120 it. I mean, hey, with all due respect, he's the executive 639 00:41:51,120 --> 00:41:54,780 producer wants to fall back on the network. That's fine. I have 640 00:41:54,780 --> 00:41:57,600 reached out to a&e networks. I have not heard back yet. 641 00:41:57,780 --> 00:42:00,810 Obviously, we're in the holiday season. So who knows when or if 642 00:42:01,080 --> 00:42:04,470 I will get a response. But I have done that. Just haven't 643 00:42:04,470 --> 00:42:08,640 heard anything? Will they comment on a 2019 airing of one 644 00:42:08,640 --> 00:42:13,110 of their series? No idea. So we'll we'll cross that bridge if 645 00:42:13,110 --> 00:42:17,010 they ever respond to it. But I will say and let me switch over 646 00:42:17,010 --> 00:42:19,770 because again, this is just kind of a new way I'm doing things. 647 00:42:19,980 --> 00:42:22,530 I'm going to play a video for you guys. This is one of the 648 00:42:22,560 --> 00:42:27,780 other executive producers of the unidentified show are credited 649 00:42:27,780 --> 00:42:31,920 as an executive producer. And we'll hear what he has to say 650 00:42:32,250 --> 00:42:35,640 about accuracy and telling people the truth 651 00:42:36,660 --> 00:42:39,630 Unknown: from a lot of citizens who have questions, but usually 652 00:42:39,630 --> 00:42:42,150 they just don't talk to them. They just ignore them. Somehow 653 00:42:42,150 --> 00:42:45,060 you were able to not not only get people on the phone, but get 654 00:42:45,060 --> 00:42:48,180 people on the record and start really getting stuff out to the 655 00:42:48,180 --> 00:42:51,120 public that had never been available for and that's is that 656 00:42:51,120 --> 00:42:52,590 just due to your sheer tenacity, 657 00:42:52,620 --> 00:42:56,250 it really kind of was I basically the very beginning of 658 00:42:56,250 --> 00:42:59,460 it, I was playing a lot of very important people off each other. 659 00:42:59,490 --> 00:43:01,530 It was really kind of funny, I was just making things up like 660 00:43:01,530 --> 00:43:03,900 I'm talking to so and so and I go to that guy, well, hey, I'm 661 00:43:03,900 --> 00:43:06,480 talking to so and so. And you were talking to anybody who kind 662 00:43:06,480 --> 00:43:10,830 of was was more like handshakes and hellos. You know, so they 663 00:43:10,830 --> 00:43:13,170 believe you were talking to somebody else. So they thought, 664 00:43:13,170 --> 00:43:16,170 oh, it's safe. It's legit kind of, I mean, they hear from 665 00:43:16,170 --> 00:43:18,360 John Greenewald: a lot of so that is Tom DeLonge. Again, the 666 00:43:18,360 --> 00:43:23,070 executive producer of the unidentified series, obviously 667 00:43:23,070 --> 00:43:27,150 the creator of to the stars Academy. Obviously, he was 668 00:43:28,110 --> 00:43:32,070 laughing about it. And he was telling about how, in essence, 669 00:43:32,070 --> 00:43:35,400 he was telling stories that weren't true in order to get 670 00:43:35,400 --> 00:43:39,690 somebody to speak with him. He was telling them something that 671 00:43:39,690 --> 00:43:43,590 wasn't true or only partially true. Very much echoes what 672 00:43:43,590 --> 00:43:46,770 we're talking about today in that unidentified series. Now, 673 00:43:47,190 --> 00:43:51,030 I'll say it again, I don't just by default, blame them. But 674 00:43:51,030 --> 00:43:54,330 that's his mindset. And that, by the way, was from Kay rocks, 675 00:43:55,350 --> 00:43:58,080 Kevin and bean show, or at least they were on K rock, I may be 676 00:43:58,080 --> 00:44:01,380 wrong. Now. I'm in LA. So they were in LA for a long, long 677 00:44:01,380 --> 00:44:04,650 time. But they're Kevin and Bing. And so he did that 678 00:44:04,650 --> 00:44:07,770 interview in the last year or two. So that's his mindset, if 679 00:44:07,770 --> 00:44:11,040 you want something that he will fabricate or misrepresent 680 00:44:11,040 --> 00:44:15,630 something in order to get it. And it's funny the reaction of 681 00:44:15,630 --> 00:44:18,660 some people online about that, because I posted that video, 682 00:44:18,660 --> 00:44:22,530 same clip I played for all of you on Twitter. And it's funny 683 00:44:22,530 --> 00:44:25,020 to see the reaction because a lot of people go Yeah, I mean, 684 00:44:25,020 --> 00:44:28,500 it's just for him. It's it's it's a game, you know, it's it's 685 00:44:28,500 --> 00:44:31,710 not truthful, and how do we know what to believe? For others? 686 00:44:31,710 --> 00:44:34,560 They were cheering it on, you know, and they're saying, yeah, 687 00:44:34,560 --> 00:44:37,140 go Tom, you know, give it right back to the government. They've 688 00:44:37,140 --> 00:44:40,560 been lying to us. So let's lie to them. Who cares? We get what 689 00:44:40,560 --> 00:44:44,340 we want. In that respect. I don't think the ends justifies 690 00:44:44,370 --> 00:44:48,480 the means. But I think that that brings up a whole different part 691 00:44:48,510 --> 00:44:52,440 of this conversation. That's very frustrating for me to bring 692 00:44:52,440 --> 00:44:56,760 up. But I think it has to be said, especially with this new 693 00:44:56,760 --> 00:44:59,970 story that we've been talking about where a US Army counter 694 00:45:00,000 --> 00:45:03,510 Our intelligence agent comes out and says, Hey, I was the one 695 00:45:03,510 --> 00:45:06,330 that was sitting on that table. I'm not a military officer 696 00:45:06,330 --> 00:45:10,680 running a tip. This was a lunch hour break meeting in a hotel 697 00:45:10,680 --> 00:45:15,480 lobby with Yeah, two people from the Pentagon, but totally not 698 00:45:15,480 --> 00:45:19,530 what we were led to believe. We can't just dismissed that 699 00:45:19,530 --> 00:45:23,160 because it's a television show. And there's creative license, I 700 00:45:23,160 --> 00:45:26,340 saw a lot of that, well, who cares? It's just TV. Well, this 701 00:45:26,340 --> 00:45:29,310 isn't an isolated incident. And I think what people are doing 702 00:45:29,310 --> 00:45:32,490 right now, which for me, is kind of frightening as we live in 703 00:45:32,490 --> 00:45:35,820 very exciting times, and the Jilla brand Amendment and the 704 00:45:35,820 --> 00:45:39,840 NDAA passed, and we potentially are going to be getting more UFO 705 00:45:39,840 --> 00:45:43,860 information, and hopefully, some transparency. When you build 706 00:45:43,860 --> 00:45:46,950 that that house of cards on a rocky Foundation, what's going 707 00:45:46,950 --> 00:45:50,280 to happen? I mean, eventually, it's going to collapse. You look 708 00:45:50,280 --> 00:45:54,450 at the mid to late 60s and Gerald Ford's push for UFO 709 00:45:54,450 --> 00:45:58,500 transparency and scientific scrutiny and so on. And we ended 710 00:45:58,500 --> 00:46:01,140 up at the Condon report, and they shut down all UFO 711 00:46:01,140 --> 00:46:06,360 investigations for decades upon decades, could stuff like this 712 00:46:06,360 --> 00:46:10,980 play a role. And again, it doesn't just end with the 713 00:46:11,100 --> 00:46:15,600 television show, because it goes much, much more. And I think 714 00:46:15,600 --> 00:46:19,200 people are moving the goalposts when it comes to some of these 715 00:46:19,200 --> 00:46:22,350 stories that as new information comes out, and essentially 716 00:46:22,350 --> 00:46:26,700 rewrites the old story that we were once told was the truth, 717 00:46:27,120 --> 00:46:29,340 that they move the goalposts and go Well, well, that doesn't 718 00:46:29,340 --> 00:46:32,370 really matter. Oh, Tom DeLonge lied to those. That doesn't 719 00:46:32,370 --> 00:46:35,460 matter. He's not lying to us, he lied to them. And that's okay. 720 00:46:35,910 --> 00:46:37,740 You know, and those types of 721 00:46:39,989 --> 00:46:43,079 there's no other way to put it, those those efforts to move the 722 00:46:43,079 --> 00:46:47,189 goalposts are a problem. And I'll give you a prime example. 723 00:46:47,549 --> 00:46:52,679 When this will get some, this will get some feathers ruffled 724 00:46:52,679 --> 00:46:56,339 for sure by some people. But I will continue talking about this 725 00:46:56,339 --> 00:47:00,179 because I think it's more important this entire issue has 726 00:47:00,179 --> 00:47:04,289 gone on since day one. And I remember when, when the 727 00:47:04,319 --> 00:47:07,739 information about the videos came out. And you'll see here 728 00:47:07,739 --> 00:47:11,159 with the screenshots on the screen, every one of those 729 00:47:11,159 --> 00:47:14,489 videos per to the stars Academy. And again, kudos to them for 730 00:47:14,489 --> 00:47:17,549 bringing them out. They were saying that they were they went 731 00:47:17,549 --> 00:47:21,059 through the official US government declassification 732 00:47:21,059 --> 00:47:23,909 review process and approved for public release. That's how they 733 00:47:23,909 --> 00:47:29,039 were framed in December of 2017. And go fast in March of 2018. 734 00:47:29,999 --> 00:47:32,819 That there was and you'll see here by the second screenshot, 735 00:47:32,819 --> 00:47:36,419 this content has chain of custody documentation to ensure 736 00:47:36,419 --> 00:47:40,349 preservation of its original condition. For those who have 737 00:47:40,349 --> 00:47:42,809 watched the black vault for a long time, you'll know I had 738 00:47:42,809 --> 00:47:45,719 huge problems with all of those statements, because none of it 739 00:47:45,719 --> 00:47:49,109 made sense chain of custody wouldn't even apply in this 740 00:47:49,109 --> 00:47:52,649 instance. And there was no indication that anything went 741 00:47:52,649 --> 00:47:55,889 through the declassification process, especially after the 742 00:47:55,889 --> 00:48:00,479 paperwork leaked out. Once it was released via the FOIA. We 743 00:48:00,479 --> 00:48:03,809 realized none of those statements were true. Nothing 744 00:48:03,809 --> 00:48:06,119 went through the declassification process. 745 00:48:06,329 --> 00:48:09,659 Because not to get technical, it wasn't even classified to begin 746 00:48:09,659 --> 00:48:13,739 with. But on top of that, it was considered for official use only 747 00:48:13,739 --> 00:48:19,619 and was only supposed to be used internally. Everybody hated me 748 00:48:19,619 --> 00:48:24,689 for that. And yet it turned out to be true. In fact, the Air 749 00:48:24,689 --> 00:48:27,239 Force Office of Special Investigations did a full 750 00:48:27,239 --> 00:48:30,839 investigation on this. We didn't know this until years later, 751 00:48:30,959 --> 00:48:34,079 what was their conclusion? That stuff never should have been out 752 00:48:34,079 --> 00:48:37,919 and never given to the media. Then we have Christopher Mellon, 753 00:48:38,159 --> 00:48:41,729 he says quote, this is a case where somebody bent the rules a 754 00:48:41,729 --> 00:48:45,119 little bit and they did so for the larger good. And we are 755 00:48:45,119 --> 00:48:48,179 absolutely all better off because of it while going 756 00:48:48,179 --> 00:48:50,939 through a declassification process with chain of custody 757 00:48:50,939 --> 00:48:56,339 information is not bending the rules. That was a lie. So who 758 00:48:56,339 --> 00:48:59,849 bent the rules? Some people think well, Luis Elizondo did 759 00:48:59,849 --> 00:49:02,909 all of this legitimately. Well keep in mind, he told me he 760 00:49:02,909 --> 00:49:06,149 played no role in it. And I was pretty floored in that section 761 00:49:06,149 --> 00:49:09,689 of my interview with him because he told me that when he filed 762 00:49:09,689 --> 00:49:13,829 this form here, the DD Form 1910 I received this under the 763 00:49:13,829 --> 00:49:16,709 Freedom of Information Act. You'll see here it may be hard 764 00:49:16,709 --> 00:49:20,129 to read that essentially it was for US government internal use 765 00:49:20,129 --> 00:49:23,669 only. And that was it. And he told me it was never meant to be 766 00:49:23,669 --> 00:49:26,309 given to the media now I was surprised he was with to the 767 00:49:26,309 --> 00:49:31,469 stars Academy December 2017 to the stars Academy obviously was 768 00:49:31,469 --> 00:49:36,389 involved with the New York Times article. And he told me that he 769 00:49:36,389 --> 00:49:39,779 wasn't not only wasn't the one that provided it to the New York 770 00:49:39,779 --> 00:49:43,589 Times in this particular interview, but he also couldn't 771 00:49:43,589 --> 00:49:47,429 recall if he was even aware that to the stars Academy had the 772 00:49:47,429 --> 00:49:52,499 videos. Now if he didn't give it to them, and I'm not saying he's 773 00:49:52,499 --> 00:49:56,939 lying, but if he didn't give it to them who did if Luis Elizondo 774 00:49:56,939 --> 00:50:00,149 filed the paperwork, and we were told everything was on the Up 775 00:50:00,149 --> 00:50:03,389 and up. But now Luis Elizondo is saying, Oh no, this was for 776 00:50:03,389 --> 00:50:08,099 internal use only Chris Mellon got it. And he also says in this 777 00:50:08,099 --> 00:50:10,889 interview with me that he doesn't want to know where 778 00:50:10,889 --> 00:50:14,669 Christopher Mellon got it so he doesn't ask. So So according to 779 00:50:14,669 --> 00:50:18,209 Mr. Elizondo, he has no idea who gave the information to 780 00:50:18,209 --> 00:50:22,649 Christopher Mellon. That also was a surprise to me. Then where 781 00:50:22,649 --> 00:50:26,519 did this come from? Who else is orchestrating this? Now some of 782 00:50:26,519 --> 00:50:28,679 you may not be aware, but there was a Christian what they call 783 00:50:28,679 --> 00:50:32,369 the Christopher Mellon leak. And it wasn't even really a leak. It 784 00:50:32,369 --> 00:50:34,649 was just stored on his web server Christopher melons 785 00:50:34,649 --> 00:50:38,369 website. And somebody I believe his name was Twitter Jay, he was 786 00:50:38,369 --> 00:50:42,449 known as not a hacker. It was nothing illegal. They were just 787 00:50:42,449 --> 00:50:45,569 kind of snooping around a little bit and stumbled on some files. 788 00:50:45,839 --> 00:50:51,059 While on there were the likely CD or DVD discs with the 789 00:50:51,059 --> 00:50:56,699 unclassified DoD envelopes. That was given to Luis Elizondo from 790 00:50:56,699 --> 00:51:01,799 an AR SX likely inside the Pentagon. Chris Mellon is a 791 00:51:01,799 --> 00:51:09,089 handwritten here at four o'clock 1600 hours on 972 1017. So if 792 00:51:09,089 --> 00:51:11,639 Louise Elizondo didn't give it to Chris Mellon, where did this 793 00:51:11,639 --> 00:51:14,579 envelope come from? That somebody take it from Luis 794 00:51:14,579 --> 00:51:18,149 Elizondo something doesn't make sense here. But again, it plays 795 00:51:18,149 --> 00:51:21,089 into this whole thing. This isn't just a television show. 796 00:51:21,239 --> 00:51:25,529 Who cares? A scene was misrepresented. No, this goes on 797 00:51:25,529 --> 00:51:30,239 and has gone on. Since day one of since a tip has come around 798 00:51:30,239 --> 00:51:33,179 another example. I'll give you guys as a full presentation I 799 00:51:33,179 --> 00:51:37,799 recently did on skinwalkers at the Pentagon, and how the entire 800 00:51:37,829 --> 00:51:41,399 a tip story, the narrative that we respond in from the New York 801 00:51:41,399 --> 00:51:46,799 Times, and politico was wrong. quotes from the book say quote, 802 00:51:46,829 --> 00:51:50,339 unfortunately, the A tip deals presented in these articles and 803 00:51:50,339 --> 00:51:54,269 news programs were actually those of OS AP, and in fact, 804 00:51:54,269 --> 00:51:58,049 many of those details themselves were an error. Another quote, 805 00:51:58,049 --> 00:52:01,349 one of the purposes of this book is to correct the record. In 806 00:52:01,349 --> 00:52:04,589 other words, Politico New York Times infamous for breaking the 807 00:52:04,589 --> 00:52:09,569 story. While according to James McCaskey, who was the director 808 00:52:09,569 --> 00:52:13,049 of the OS app program, Dr. Calm Kelleher, who was a government 809 00:52:13,049 --> 00:52:15,869 contractor through bass, and George Knapp, who is a 810 00:52:15,869 --> 00:52:19,469 journalist. They're all saying that all of that was wrong. Do 811 00:52:19,469 --> 00:52:24,599 we believe them? Now without actually blaming Luis Elizondo, 812 00:52:24,689 --> 00:52:27,899 in my opinion, they throw shade has direction and say the main 813 00:52:27,899 --> 00:52:31,109 source for The Times article was Lou Elizondo, who had recently 814 00:52:31,109 --> 00:52:33,869 resigned who had recently resigned from his Pentagon 815 00:52:33,869 --> 00:52:37,229 position, and join TTSA and Director of Global Security and 816 00:52:37,229 --> 00:52:38,159 special programs. 817 00:52:39,600 --> 00:52:42,900 Well, if you're saying that the article is completely wrong, and 818 00:52:42,900 --> 00:52:45,240 then you say, here's the main source of it all, aren't you 819 00:52:45,240 --> 00:52:49,080 saying that the main source messed up times two, because 820 00:52:49,080 --> 00:52:52,230 they're saying both the New York Times and Politico? I'm not 821 00:52:52,230 --> 00:52:55,710 saying Luis Elizondo was wrong, I'll be honest with you, I shy 822 00:52:55,710 --> 00:52:59,880 away from the McCaskey book and lean towards Elizondo more, 823 00:53:00,270 --> 00:53:03,750 because at least he hasn't wavered. At least he's been 824 00:53:03,750 --> 00:53:07,380 around for a while. Now we get a new book, and all of a sudden, 825 00:53:07,380 --> 00:53:10,200 we're supposed to question everything, that that doesn't 826 00:53:10,200 --> 00:53:15,750 make any sense to me. So I believe, for whatever reason, it 827 00:53:15,750 --> 00:53:20,700 is not just a scene and a TV show. And it messes people up 828 00:53:20,700 --> 00:53:25,320 the investigators like you like me the curious minds to try and 829 00:53:25,320 --> 00:53:29,400 figure all of this out. Because when you see information that 830 00:53:29,460 --> 00:53:32,760 according to unidentified as officially sanctioned, you know, 831 00:53:32,760 --> 00:53:36,300 in these meetings, secret meetings are taking place in my 832 00:53:36,330 --> 00:53:39,180 world, in the investigative world that's called actionable 833 00:53:39,180 --> 00:53:44,040 Intel. All right, I know that's probably intelligence, community 834 00:53:44,040 --> 00:53:48,450 phrasing. But I use that in a research sense as well. Anything 835 00:53:48,450 --> 00:53:53,400 that you can track the paperwork around, is actionable Intel to 836 00:53:53,400 --> 00:53:57,210 me, and I will be all over it. If everything is all muddy, 837 00:53:57,210 --> 00:54:03,810 watered, and, and completely skewed, away from the truth. 838 00:54:04,620 --> 00:54:08,700 It's a waste of time. It's a waste of resources. And it's a 839 00:54:08,700 --> 00:54:13,620 waste of how far we actually have come with this particular 840 00:54:13,620 --> 00:54:18,300 topic. And if we continue down this route, again, I go back to 841 00:54:18,300 --> 00:54:22,020 the 1960s, where you get congressional hearings, or you 842 00:54:22,020 --> 00:54:25,560 get a congressional push for transparency, you get whatever 843 00:54:25,560 --> 00:54:28,440 you get, but in the end, it's the Condon report, then what the 844 00:54:28,440 --> 00:54:33,390 heck is the point, which is why accuracy matters, which is why 845 00:54:33,390 --> 00:54:37,860 we should get the facts. I created this massive timeline, 846 00:54:38,490 --> 00:54:41,190 which I labeled navigating the twisted maze of the ATEP 847 00:54:41,190 --> 00:54:45,330 timeline, literally put points over the course of a couple of 848 00:54:45,330 --> 00:54:50,490 years. To show how confusing and conflicting all of this is. Now, 849 00:54:50,670 --> 00:54:53,730 as I record this drastically needs to be updated. But 850 00:54:53,730 --> 00:54:56,730 regardless, you can actually see and I'll point out one last 851 00:54:56,730 --> 00:55:00,330 thing to you, is simply the relationship between eight Tip 852 00:55:00,600 --> 00:55:04,440 and OS app and what was it? And I can tell you that the US 853 00:55:04,440 --> 00:55:09,720 government, Luis Elizondo Dr. Hal put off. And now Dr. James 854 00:55:09,750 --> 00:55:13,320 McCaskey as of the last couple of months, all have varying 855 00:55:14,040 --> 00:55:18,960 definitions for what ATA what OS app was, what a tip was and what 856 00:55:18,960 --> 00:55:22,860 their relationship was. They're all different. Yet all four of 857 00:55:22,860 --> 00:55:26,340 them are all the insiders. You've got the government, which 858 00:55:26,370 --> 00:55:29,760 is the ultimate inside. You've got Luis Elizondo, who said he 859 00:55:29,760 --> 00:55:35,460 headed a tip. You have Dr. James McCaskey who says he headed OS 860 00:55:35,460 --> 00:55:40,950 app, you have Dr. How put off who says that he was the head of 861 00:55:40,950 --> 00:55:45,810 the bass part, the private sector part of OS app. And then 862 00:55:45,810 --> 00:55:49,260 in the book, you have another thing called BASS OS app, or OS 863 00:55:49,260 --> 00:55:53,400 at bass, or whichever way it is, of those documents. So not dia. 864 00:55:53,430 --> 00:55:57,360 So what is all of that? Right? And people wonder why I make 865 00:55:57,360 --> 00:56:02,790 full videos about how confusing this ultimately is. Is that the 866 00:56:02,790 --> 00:56:06,060 intent though, when I told you about how much of a waste of 867 00:56:06,060 --> 00:56:11,250 time it is, we should call out television scenes between 868 00:56:11,250 --> 00:56:14,310 military officers that are fake? Because if that all is 869 00:56:14,310 --> 00:56:17,760 fabricated, I hope that those that were involved with that 870 00:56:17,820 --> 00:56:21,690 speak out why? Because we need to hear it, we need to 871 00:56:21,690 --> 00:56:26,940 understand that that is not what this field needs. But then on 872 00:56:26,940 --> 00:56:30,570 top of that, we need the real facts. Why can't we get them? 873 00:56:30,570 --> 00:56:33,870 Why can't the government insiders, those that were 874 00:56:33,870 --> 00:56:37,860 intimately involved in all of this? Agree? Why does one 875 00:56:37,860 --> 00:56:41,400 insider blame the other insider For ultimately, the mainstream 876 00:56:41,400 --> 00:56:45,510 media getting the root of all of this wrong? Is the house of 877 00:56:45,510 --> 00:56:48,360 cards going to shake a little bit? Is it going to fall? I 878 00:56:48,360 --> 00:56:53,310 don't know. But all I can say is how frustrating and time 879 00:56:53,310 --> 00:56:58,080 consuming. It actually is to sift through all this. And I 880 00:56:58,110 --> 00:57:02,070 kind of wonder is that the point? Is it the point to get 881 00:57:02,070 --> 00:57:05,490 people so frustrated that you rather just sit back and take 882 00:57:05,490 --> 00:57:09,000 whatever information that bleeds to you true or not? partially 883 00:57:09,000 --> 00:57:12,090 true, who cares? But at least you're not pushing for answers 884 00:57:12,090 --> 00:57:19,050 anymore. And you essentially leave the cover up. Alone. I'm 885 00:57:19,050 --> 00:57:23,700 not in the disinformation camp or Siam gossip camp, I know that 886 00:57:23,700 --> 00:57:27,360 that's been around for a while I'm not there. But it starts to 887 00:57:27,360 --> 00:57:30,300 make you wonder after all of this piles up, and I could keep 888 00:57:30,300 --> 00:57:33,660 going but I'm already at about an hour here. I could keep 889 00:57:33,660 --> 00:57:39,630 going. But it piles up about the crap that has spewed out there. 890 00:57:39,870 --> 00:57:44,010 From all corners of the story from the heroes and the villains 891 00:57:44,010 --> 00:57:48,510 of the story alike. And yes, to many on the villain. But 892 00:57:48,510 --> 00:57:53,610 regardless, the the crap that has gone out there that is 893 00:57:53,610 --> 00:57:58,770 spewed is ridiculous. It really is. And I put myself in that 894 00:57:58,770 --> 00:58:02,010 category. I was making this video and going I don't want to 895 00:58:02,160 --> 00:58:05,730 I don't want to do these asabi Tip videos anymore, but you just 896 00:58:05,910 --> 00:58:09,840 have to because there's so much that that comes out that you 897 00:58:09,840 --> 00:58:13,500 just have to you have to digest it, you have to deal with it, 898 00:58:13,740 --> 00:58:17,370 you have to understand it. Because if you cherry pick the 899 00:58:17,370 --> 00:58:22,470 information, and you only allow people to see certain things or 900 00:58:22,830 --> 00:58:26,580 you you deny yourself from seeing all the evidence, what 901 00:58:26,580 --> 00:58:29,220 are you involved in the conversation for anyway, your 902 00:58:29,220 --> 00:58:32,880 mind is already made up? And I truly like I was doing this go 903 00:58:32,880 --> 00:58:37,800 on. I says this is so tedious. But it does make you wonder, is 904 00:58:37,800 --> 00:58:41,310 that part of the plan? They get you so set on a certain 905 00:58:41,310 --> 00:58:44,880 narrative, and then you get comfortable with it. And then 906 00:58:44,880 --> 00:58:47,460 another curveball comes skinwalkers at the Pentagon is a 907 00:58:47,460 --> 00:58:54,270 prime example. I was so set that that a tip and Luis Elizondo and 908 00:58:54,270 --> 00:58:58,440 $22 million. All be it I have a lot of unanswered questions, and 909 00:58:58,440 --> 00:59:01,260 there's a lot of red flags still, at least you start 910 00:59:01,260 --> 00:59:05,730 settling into a narrative and you keep digging at it. Then all 911 00:59:05,730 --> 00:59:08,640 of a sudden over here a brand new book comes and goes, Yeah, 912 00:59:08,880 --> 00:59:13,110 New York Times wrong. Political wrong. $22 million. Now he 913 00:59:13,110 --> 00:59:17,310 didn't get it. We did over here. He was a small effort. We were 914 00:59:17,310 --> 00:59:20,160 the real one. So just when you're getting comfortable with 915 00:59:20,160 --> 00:59:23,400 what's over here, regardless of you agreeing with everything, at 916 00:59:23,400 --> 00:59:25,920 least there's a comfort level because you've heard about it 917 00:59:25,920 --> 00:59:29,580 for three, four years, then something else comes and for the 918 00:59:29,580 --> 00:59:34,680 good old prices 1799 They turn everything upside down. And that 919 00:59:34,680 --> 00:59:38,190 is incredibly frustrating, but it makes you wonder whether or 920 00:59:38,190 --> 00:59:43,050 not it's intentional. I'll leave you with the words of the op 921 00:59:43,080 --> 00:59:46,620 going back to his story and a quote that I think sums it up 922 00:59:47,220 --> 00:59:52,170 nicely though, although strongly worded, it shows the confusion 923 00:59:52,200 --> 00:59:56,730 and how hard it is to really unravel this. He says quote, I 924 00:59:56,730 --> 00:59:59,760 don't know exactly what their entire angle was slash is 925 00:59:59,760 --> 01:00:04,440 meaning TTSA Luisa, that entire meeting everything, I don't know 926 01:00:04,440 --> 01:00:07,620 exactly what their entire angle was slash is regarding all of 927 01:00:07,620 --> 01:00:11,880 this, their publicly stated stances one of disclosure, but 928 01:00:11,880 --> 01:00:15,810 the way they interacted with me, and the run around I experienced 929 01:00:15,840 --> 01:00:20,460 in the effing Pentagon put a bad taste in my mouth. I'm not going 930 01:00:20,460 --> 01:00:23,730 to sit here and call their entire endeavor BS, because I 931 01:00:23,730 --> 01:00:28,110 don't think on some level it is. There are too many stories from 932 01:00:28,110 --> 01:00:31,020 the witnesses they interviewed for it simply to be complete 933 01:00:31,020 --> 01:00:34,800 nonsense. But I have maintained from the beginning, that 934 01:00:34,800 --> 01:00:38,040 something is a bit off, especially with the way Elizondo 935 01:00:38,040 --> 01:00:42,480 his involvement started, how he went out how he went about all 936 01:00:42,480 --> 01:00:47,100 of this, and the nature of the subject itself. Personally, my 937 01:00:47,100 --> 01:00:50,100 first thought was that this was all a giant smokescreen, and 938 01:00:50,100 --> 01:00:53,880 part of some kind of deception operation, the US government is 939 01:00:53,880 --> 01:00:57,450 running to cover up for something else, what that could 940 01:00:57,450 --> 01:01:02,760 be. Who knows. That's a US Army counterintelligence agent. I 941 01:01:02,760 --> 01:01:06,510 think he sums it up nicely. I think he obviously has a bad 942 01:01:06,510 --> 01:01:11,280 taste in his mouth. And maybe he is still trying to figure this 943 01:01:11,280 --> 01:01:13,560 out as well. And maybe that's strongly worded against 944 01:01:13,560 --> 01:01:17,340 Elizondo. Personally, I'll leave all of that up to you to decide. 945 01:01:17,520 --> 01:01:22,020 But look what happened to him winding up on television, by the 946 01:01:22,020 --> 01:01:26,310 way, he had to file a report to his local field office, about 947 01:01:26,310 --> 01:01:31,440 hearing, quote, unquote, classified information. That 948 01:01:31,440 --> 01:01:34,680 turns out to likely not be classified, but it winds up on 949 01:01:34,680 --> 01:01:38,460 Tom DeLonge, his Instagram account, and on television. So 950 01:01:38,460 --> 01:01:42,990 he goes into that as well about having to file a report and 951 01:01:42,990 --> 01:01:48,510 having to make note of the fact that he shows up in uniform at 952 01:01:48,510 --> 01:01:52,080 what should have been a private meeting. And cameras show up, 953 01:01:52,620 --> 01:01:55,620 unbeknownst to him, but he had no knowledge of it, until he 954 01:01:55,620 --> 01:01:59,970 wound up on television. So what do we do with all this? Is this 955 01:01:59,970 --> 01:02:05,100 guy telling the truth? Is he just an anonymous disgruntled, I 956 01:02:05,100 --> 01:02:10,350 didn't get my job. So I'm gonna come out guns blazing more than 957 01:02:10,350 --> 01:02:13,950 two and a half years after it happened? I really don't know. 958 01:02:14,820 --> 01:02:19,620 All I can say is, is this as a small piece of the puzzle in a 959 01:02:19,620 --> 01:02:26,160 much bigger picture, that this charade whether or not it's 960 01:02:26,190 --> 01:02:30,870 orchestrated by former government employees, former DoD 961 01:02:30,870 --> 01:02:34,440 employees, former counter intelligence agents, the 962 01:02:34,440 --> 01:02:38,190 government itself, I'm not really sure. But whatever is 963 01:02:38,190 --> 01:02:43,320 being orchestrated here. It's not healthy. And it's 964 01:02:43,320 --> 01:02:47,820 cultivating a certain percentage of people, not the majority, but 965 01:02:47,820 --> 01:02:51,660 a certain percentage of people involved in this movement that's 966 01:02:51,690 --> 01:02:55,410 inching closer and closer to violent rhetoric. 967 01:02:56,670 --> 01:02:59,820 Now, that may seem like a left turn from what we've been 968 01:02:59,820 --> 01:03:04,470 talking about for the last hour or so. But I think that with 969 01:03:04,500 --> 01:03:09,000 this counter intelligence agent coming forward, it's showing us 970 01:03:09,000 --> 01:03:13,350 that the games are not just on UFO, Twitter. They're not just 971 01:03:13,350 --> 01:03:18,540 on Facebook, they're not just in these small chat rooms, that 972 01:03:18,540 --> 01:03:22,800 whatever game it is whomever side you choose, it doesn't 973 01:03:22,800 --> 01:03:27,210 matter. To me. My point is the same. It's getting dangerous. 974 01:03:28,020 --> 01:03:32,610 Where former and or current military, and civilian personnel 975 01:03:32,610 --> 01:03:35,400 within the Department of Defense and the Pentagon are 976 01:03:35,400 --> 01:03:40,380 essentially, we'll call it warring, that they are going 977 01:03:40,410 --> 01:03:43,200 like this towards each other, that they're angry that they're 978 01:03:43,200 --> 01:03:47,580 speaking out against each other. This is going deeper, and 979 01:03:47,580 --> 01:03:51,690 getting Messier. And I'm seeing rhetoric change from voices that 980 01:03:51,720 --> 01:03:55,560 that I won't, I won't name I don't need to, I don't need to 981 01:03:55,560 --> 01:03:59,370 make anybody look bad. But rather, I hope that you all 982 01:03:59,370 --> 01:04:04,260 notice that minority of those that are out there that is 983 01:04:04,290 --> 01:04:09,810 slowly growing in numbers, and volume. And using phrasing, like 984 01:04:09,810 --> 01:04:14,100 going to war and preparing for battle and that type of 985 01:04:14,100 --> 01:04:18,360 phrasing. What's What's sad is that you hear a lot about like, 986 01:04:18,360 --> 01:04:23,280 let's say q and on online, and you see the January 6, whatever 987 01:04:23,280 --> 01:04:25,770 you want to call it, insurrection, Riot, whatever. 988 01:04:26,340 --> 01:04:29,040 And then you work backwards and you see the language that they 989 01:04:29,040 --> 01:04:33,600 were using going up to that and you see a lot of the same types 990 01:04:33,600 --> 01:04:37,920 of phrases. And I hate to use that comparison, but this is the 991 01:04:37,920 --> 01:04:42,360 frightening part that if you remove Q anon and put you follow 992 01:04:42,360 --> 01:04:45,810 G in there, we could potentially be getting into a dangerous area 993 01:04:45,990 --> 01:04:50,760 by yet again, a small but growing number of people. I've 994 01:04:50,760 --> 01:04:53,460 talked about the death threats that I've received, doing the 995 01:04:53,460 --> 01:04:58,710 black vault and doing what I do, but that's just a small and to 996 01:04:58,710 --> 01:05:02,820 be honest with you kind of you irrelevant situation, the bigger 997 01:05:02,820 --> 01:05:06,420 picture is people are getting violent. And it's all stemming 998 01:05:06,420 --> 01:05:10,710 from these games of charades. These, these stories are 999 01:05:10,710 --> 01:05:15,600 infecting people to a point where you get you get so 1000 01:05:15,600 --> 01:05:21,150 involved. In it, I've used the LARP terminology to describe a 1001 01:05:21,150 --> 01:05:24,870 lot of this a live action role playing game. You look around, 1002 01:05:24,870 --> 01:05:27,720 and this is what's going on. And you look at the types of 1003 01:05:27,720 --> 01:05:31,590 comments from people just on social media. And you see that 1004 01:05:31,590 --> 01:05:33,690 although some people just get mad, and they get angry, and 1005 01:05:33,690 --> 01:05:36,660 that's fine, that's not what I'm referring to. But some people 1006 01:05:36,660 --> 01:05:42,930 just get so worked up, they are getting borderline violent. And 1007 01:05:42,930 --> 01:05:45,750 that's what's scary about this entire situation, we need to 1008 01:05:45,750 --> 01:05:48,660 just take a step back, we need to deal with the facts, we need 1009 01:05:48,660 --> 01:05:52,020 to deal with documents, we need to deal with verifiable 1010 01:05:52,020 --> 01:05:56,160 testimony. And we need to deal as much. We need to deal with as 1011 01:05:56,160 --> 01:06:00,990 much as the of the evidence as we can. But instead, there's 1012 01:06:00,990 --> 01:06:06,210 just faction that's growing, that doesn't care about the full 1013 01:06:06,240 --> 01:06:09,540 of the evidence, the totality of it all. They only care about the 1014 01:06:09,540 --> 01:06:13,590 small portion that agrees with their already made up my mind. 1015 01:06:14,160 --> 01:06:17,070 And that's the problem with stories like this. I'm not here 1016 01:06:17,070 --> 01:06:20,550 to tell you that this counter intelligence agent is 100% 1017 01:06:20,550 --> 01:06:23,520 telling the truth, and we should, you know, dis disbelieve 1018 01:06:23,520 --> 01:06:26,850 everyone else involved. I'm not saying that what I'm saying is 1019 01:06:26,850 --> 01:06:32,400 the waters are getting Messier. They're getting muddier. It's 1020 01:06:32,400 --> 01:06:38,100 getting more worrisome. Because it really is 1021 01:06:39,600 --> 01:06:44,130 creating an issue in the grander picture. And when I go back to 1022 01:06:44,130 --> 01:06:46,890 that LARP, the live action role playing game, you look around, 1023 01:06:46,890 --> 01:06:49,620 you look at some of these people, these factions that have 1024 01:06:49,620 --> 01:06:53,700 formed these teams, and you have the villains, and you have the 1025 01:06:53,700 --> 01:06:57,810 heroes, and you have the Warriors. And you have all these 1026 01:06:57,810 --> 01:07:00,990 different groups that are playing the game. And this is 1027 01:07:00,990 --> 01:07:04,170 where it's getting dangerous, whether or not you believe this 1028 01:07:04,200 --> 01:07:08,670 CIA agent or not, for him to have to go and create the case 1029 01:07:08,670 --> 01:07:12,750 that his work because he's allegedly hearing potentially 1030 01:07:12,750 --> 01:07:16,710 classified information, and then it winds up in a TV show or on a 1031 01:07:16,950 --> 01:07:21,360 rock stars, Instagram. So that has to, again, force him into 1032 01:07:21,360 --> 01:07:25,620 doing that. I don't have any reason to disprove that at this 1033 01:07:25,620 --> 01:07:29,580 point or disbelieve it. And I have no way to disprove it or 1034 01:07:29,880 --> 01:07:32,280 even prove it, let's just to operate off the assumption for a 1035 01:07:32,280 --> 01:07:36,750 moment that it's real. That's what we've gotten to that people 1036 01:07:36,750 --> 01:07:39,750 within the United States government and those that used 1037 01:07:39,750 --> 01:07:42,990 to be within the United States government are creating these 1038 01:07:42,990 --> 01:07:46,380 types of scenarios with games of charades. Again, it doesn't 1039 01:07:46,380 --> 01:07:49,860 matter which one is right or which one is wrong. You can't 1040 01:07:49,860 --> 01:07:53,160 look at this and say one of them is not playing a game of 1041 01:07:53,160 --> 01:07:57,060 charades creating these storylines and these false 1042 01:07:57,060 --> 01:08:00,060 narratives, whether it be through an anonymous person, a 1043 01:08:00,060 --> 01:08:04,140 named person on Reddit, on Twitter, it does not matter. But 1044 01:08:04,140 --> 01:08:07,980 this is getting dangerous. The rhetoric is changing. The 1045 01:08:07,980 --> 01:08:12,960 rhetoric is getting stronger. So I go back to that, you know, 1046 01:08:12,960 --> 01:08:17,730 warring phrase ology that people are using preparing for battle. 1047 01:08:17,730 --> 01:08:21,990 This isn't battle. This is a conversation. This isn't 1048 01:08:21,990 --> 01:08:25,230 something that we need to take up arms over. This is something 1049 01:08:25,230 --> 01:08:28,350 we need to discuss. This is not something that we have to 1050 01:08:28,350 --> 01:08:31,620 prepare for battle on. This is just something that we need to 1051 01:08:31,620 --> 01:08:36,780 enlist the help of those smart minds that need to be involved 1052 01:08:36,780 --> 01:08:40,920 in the conversation. Some people ask why I get passionate, like, 1053 01:08:40,920 --> 01:08:44,760 who cares about this? Well, we need to look at the totality of 1054 01:08:44,760 --> 01:08:48,210 the evidence, all of it. We need to separate the wheat from the 1055 01:08:48,210 --> 01:08:50,580 chaff, we need to figure out who's telling the truth and 1056 01:08:50,580 --> 01:08:56,160 who's not. Because the moment you omit the information that 1057 01:08:56,160 --> 01:09:00,090 may or may not challenge your beliefs, you're skewing it to a 1058 01:09:00,090 --> 01:09:03,780 biased mindset your mind's already made up. So if you don't 1059 01:09:03,780 --> 01:09:08,040 want to hear what may ultimately be BS, but it scares you to the 1060 01:09:08,040 --> 01:09:12,750 point of sending people nasty messages and HOW DARE YOU and 1061 01:09:12,750 --> 01:09:16,350 you try and attack people's credibility and I've had people 1062 01:09:16,350 --> 01:09:20,220 go after me on a personal level against my business. It has 1063 01:09:20,220 --> 01:09:23,550 nothing to do with the black vault UFOs UAPs the government 1064 01:09:23,550 --> 01:09:28,530 FOIA nothing, people pulling up public information, but trying 1065 01:09:28,530 --> 01:09:32,670 to dox me thankfully, my address is public, but their intent was 1066 01:09:32,670 --> 01:09:38,070 malicious. That's wrong. We're in a stage here that this whole 1067 01:09:38,070 --> 01:09:42,420 game needs to take a step back. And even though I don't single 1068 01:09:42,420 --> 01:09:46,320 handedly aim to change it. I believe that more people should 1069 01:09:46,320 --> 01:09:51,540 learn to speak out and speak up. Like I've said 1000 times in 1070 01:09:51,540 --> 01:09:54,990 this video, I don't blame Luis Elizondo or Tom DeLonge. In 1071 01:09:54,990 --> 01:09:57,990 fact, if I had to bet money, I would almost guarantee that they 1072 01:09:57,990 --> 01:10:03,030 just were not even aware that the secret filming was going on. 1073 01:10:03,390 --> 01:10:05,820 But those are the types of voices that need to speak up. 1074 01:10:06,510 --> 01:10:10,980 The silence doesn't help and in my opinion, because this goes 1075 01:10:10,980 --> 01:10:15,060 well beyond a TV show, this goes well beyond Twitter, this goes 1076 01:10:15,060 --> 01:10:19,080 well beyond all of us. This is something much bigger, but until 1077 01:10:19,080 --> 01:10:22,890 we learn to deal with each other, and until we learn to to 1078 01:10:22,890 --> 01:10:27,330 understand the importance of actual evidence and being able 1079 01:10:27,330 --> 01:10:30,330 to listen to one another, this conversation isn't going to go 1080 01:10:30,330 --> 01:10:32,880 anywhere, doesn't matter if there's a Jilla brand amendment 1081 01:10:32,880 --> 01:10:36,960 congratulate congressional mandates, legislation, another 1082 01:10:36,960 --> 01:10:39,690 Lewis Elizondo come out, it doesn't matter. None of that 1083 01:10:39,720 --> 01:10:44,310 will be relevant. If the people can't deal with each other, then 1084 01:10:44,370 --> 01:10:47,790 all of this is kind of pointless. So I go back to 1085 01:10:47,790 --> 01:10:50,910 dealing with all of the evidence. And I think as a 1086 01:10:50,910 --> 01:10:53,910 closing here, I just want to say that that's what we have to do, 1087 01:10:53,910 --> 01:10:57,150 we have to not be afraid to challenge our beliefs and 1088 01:10:57,150 --> 01:11:02,040 challenge our mindset. And once we're comfortable doing that, it 1089 01:11:02,040 --> 01:11:04,740 doesn't matter what evidence comes our way we can deal with 1090 01:11:04,740 --> 01:11:09,450 it, dissect it, vet it, take it for what it's worth, if it's 1091 01:11:09,450 --> 01:11:13,770 something worth saving great, if not toss it and move on. But the 1092 01:11:13,860 --> 01:11:18,660 reaction that I've seen to this story in the last two days, has 1093 01:11:18,660 --> 01:11:23,460 been incredibly telling. And it goes to why I say when I created 1094 01:11:23,460 --> 01:11:27,360 this video, how I just don't want to do them anymore. Because 1095 01:11:27,390 --> 01:11:33,240 why? To what extent, I would have 300,000 times the followers 1096 01:11:33,540 --> 01:11:37,380 and make 100,000 times the ad revenue, which isn't a lot let 1097 01:11:37,380 --> 01:11:41,700 me tell you, but I would multiply it 100,000 fold. If I 1098 01:11:41,700 --> 01:11:44,460 just told you guys what you wanted to hear. If I just 1099 01:11:44,460 --> 01:11:47,340 stopped trying to dissect information, show you the 1100 01:11:47,340 --> 01:11:50,190 evidence, figure out what's real, try and separate the wheat 1101 01:11:50,190 --> 01:11:53,670 from the chaff. If I waved goodbye to all of that, and just 1102 01:11:53,670 --> 01:11:55,560 dealt with what you guys wanted to hear. 1103 01:11:56,940 --> 01:12:02,100 I could retire I bet. But sadly, that's not who I am or who we 1104 01:12:02,100 --> 01:12:05,490 should be. And the last 48 hours have really showed me that on 1105 01:12:05,490 --> 01:12:09,000 social media to where they don't want. Some people don't want to 1106 01:12:09,000 --> 01:12:11,490 be lied to. They want to chastise the government for 1107 01:12:11,490 --> 01:12:15,570 lying. And yet I showed them a video where Tom DeLonge, who has 1108 01:12:15,570 --> 01:12:18,870 been preaching so many things in the last few years, it admits to 1109 01:12:18,870 --> 01:12:22,560 fabricating stories. And those same voices cheer him on and 1110 01:12:22,560 --> 01:12:26,280 say, All right, yeah, that's what we need to do. Wait, what? 1111 01:12:26,940 --> 01:12:32,040 None of that makes sense. So I hope that that makes sense to 1112 01:12:32,040 --> 01:12:35,730 you. And I hope it shows you why I do what I do. And even though 1113 01:12:35,730 --> 01:12:40,290 I feel that this may be my last eight tips, slash OS app related 1114 01:12:40,290 --> 01:12:43,200 video until something new comes out, I'm sure something new will 1115 01:12:43,200 --> 01:12:46,410 come out soon. And we'll have to do it all over again. So I'm not 1116 01:12:46,410 --> 01:12:51,510 going anywhere. But I can tell you that frustration is 1117 01:12:51,510 --> 01:12:56,520 incredibly, incredibly hard to deal with. In situations like 1118 01:12:56,520 --> 01:12:59,730 this, we should be having a conversation. But instead, 1119 01:12:59,730 --> 01:13:02,880 people have created these factions, these warring 1120 01:13:02,880 --> 01:13:06,690 factions, and that is more damaging than debunking or 1121 01:13:06,690 --> 01:13:10,380 skepticism, or anything else, we should deal with all the 1122 01:13:10,380 --> 01:13:13,560 evidence, we should deal with all the facts, we should sit 1123 01:13:13,560 --> 01:13:18,150 down, learn to discuss and go from there. At least that's what 1124 01:13:18,150 --> 01:13:21,960 I want this channel to be about. As always, thank you so much for 1125 01:13:21,960 --> 01:13:25,980 tuning in. A huge help to this channel is hitting that thumbs 1126 01:13:25,980 --> 01:13:29,040 up button. If you can also make sure you're subscribed. And if 1127 01:13:29,040 --> 01:13:31,740 you want to make sure that you're notified when I go live. 1128 01:13:32,160 --> 01:13:35,400 Make sure you turn the notifications on as well. If 1129 01:13:35,400 --> 01:13:38,370 you're listening via the podcast audio version, the black vault 1130 01:13:38,400 --> 01:13:41,640 comm slash live will bounce you to the video channel. That way 1131 01:13:41,640 --> 01:13:45,030 you can see all the videos. And of course, a review is always 1132 01:13:45,030 --> 01:13:48,720 helpful on those podcast platforms. I aim for five stars, 1133 01:13:48,870 --> 01:13:51,480 but more than that I aim for your honesty. So however you 1134 01:13:51,480 --> 01:13:55,410 feel you want to rate it. That is fine with me. Thank you guys 1135 01:13:55,470 --> 01:13:59,220 again for listening and tuning in. I appreciate you sticking 1136 01:13:59,220 --> 01:14:02,220 with me on these deep dives. Until next time, this is John 1137 01:14:02,220 --> 01:14:04,800 Greenewald Jr signing off, and we'll see you next time