1 00:00:23,280 --> 00:00:25,380 John Greenewald: That's right everybody. As always, thank you 2 00:00:25,380 --> 00:00:29,460 so much for tuning in and taking this journey inside the black 3 00:00:29,460 --> 00:00:32,640 vault with me. I'm your host, John Greenewald, Jr, founder and 4 00:00:32,640 --> 00:00:36,900 creator of the black vault calm. And thank you for joining me as 5 00:00:36,900 --> 00:00:41,640 we do this deep dive into the release, or at least a partial 6 00:00:41,640 --> 00:00:45,990 release of the classified UAP report. Now, if you haven't seen 7 00:00:45,990 --> 00:00:49,230 any of the news articles, I'm very thankful that quite a few 8 00:00:49,230 --> 00:00:52,350 different media agencies and outlets have covered this now, 9 00:00:52,650 --> 00:00:58,050 where since since June of last year, I have tried to get the 10 00:00:58,050 --> 00:01:02,940 classified version of the UFO or UAP report that was released 11 00:01:02,940 --> 00:01:07,560 last year to the public, the classified version reviewed and 12 00:01:07,560 --> 00:01:11,790 released to the public. That process has taken until this 13 00:01:11,790 --> 00:01:16,080 week, to complete excited to say that I actually got the 14 00:01:16,080 --> 00:01:20,700 declassified version, although heavily redacted. It is still 15 00:01:20,730 --> 00:01:26,670 incredibly important. So what I am going to do today is dissect 16 00:01:26,670 --> 00:01:30,210 it for you guys. We're going to do like I called it a deep dive. 17 00:01:30,300 --> 00:01:33,060 I know these aren't for everyone. But we're going to go 18 00:01:33,060 --> 00:01:36,720 through it page by page and compare it to the public version 19 00:01:36,930 --> 00:01:40,620 that we saw last year. There's a lot of differences. There's a 20 00:01:40,620 --> 00:01:44,910 lot of redactions, as I already noted, and even those redactions 21 00:01:45,060 --> 00:01:50,130 tell a story. So if you haven't seen those news stories, that's 22 00:01:50,130 --> 00:01:53,520 a quick overview of what is going on, and what we are going 23 00:01:53,520 --> 00:01:56,880 to be doing on this particular episode. Now, as you can see 24 00:01:56,880 --> 00:01:59,970 here, I brought up some visuals. For those who aren't aware, if 25 00:01:59,970 --> 00:02:04,560 you are listening to the audio version, I do drop these down to 26 00:02:04,590 --> 00:02:10,230 audio podcasts on every major audio podcast platform, under 27 00:02:10,230 --> 00:02:13,830 the black vault radio. Some of you may be just listening to 28 00:02:13,830 --> 00:02:18,660 that, and not realizing that I do visual presentations as well. 29 00:02:18,780 --> 00:02:21,330 If you're interested in seeing the visuals that I'm going to 30 00:02:21,330 --> 00:02:25,410 often reference through this, go to www dot the black 31 00:02:25,410 --> 00:02:32,880 vault.com/live That will take you to the YouTube channel, you 32 00:02:32,880 --> 00:02:36,600 can go ahead and search for the video there. And make sure you 33 00:02:36,630 --> 00:02:40,890 like and subscribe, because that is a huge help on the channel. I 34 00:02:40,890 --> 00:02:43,440 know it sounds simplistic, and I beat the dead horse with it 35 00:02:43,440 --> 00:02:47,430 every episode. But it really does help the channel grow. So 36 00:02:47,430 --> 00:02:51,660 thank you, we are now over 50,000 subscribers strong here 37 00:02:51,660 --> 00:02:55,200 and in the last week. Thank you to those who have decided to 38 00:02:55,200 --> 00:02:57,720 subscribe, I'm guessing a lot of you that are watching this right 39 00:02:57,720 --> 00:03:01,530 now may be new to the channel. So what you are about to watch 40 00:03:01,530 --> 00:03:04,590 is what this channel is all about dissecting the evidence. 41 00:03:04,620 --> 00:03:08,640 Sometimes videos are longer, sometimes they're shorter. But 42 00:03:08,640 --> 00:03:11,340 regardless, it's about the evidence. And that's what we're 43 00:03:11,340 --> 00:03:15,720 going to be diving into. So let me go ahead and start with the 44 00:03:15,720 --> 00:03:19,290 PowerPoint presentation here. What I want to start with for 45 00:03:19,290 --> 00:03:22,140 those who are either taking notes or just want a little bit 46 00:03:22,140 --> 00:03:27,330 of background on how I did this, a lot of news outlets 47 00:03:27,540 --> 00:03:29,970 erroneously mentioned the Freedom of Information Act. And 48 00:03:29,970 --> 00:03:33,930 although that is what I am known for this particular case was not 49 00:03:34,200 --> 00:03:37,110 that it was through a process called a mandatory 50 00:03:37,110 --> 00:03:41,010 declassification review, very much echoes a Freedom of 51 00:03:41,010 --> 00:03:44,190 Information Act request, essentially you're requesting a 52 00:03:44,190 --> 00:03:49,800 review of a classified document or classified material for 53 00:03:49,800 --> 00:03:54,990 public release. And so that is essentially what we are looking 54 00:03:54,990 --> 00:03:59,220 at here. And that is the result of that MDR request. Now usually 55 00:03:59,220 --> 00:04:03,210 don't do this, but I decided to make the entire process public 56 00:04:03,240 --> 00:04:06,390 when it comes to this particular case. I did it for a couple 57 00:04:06,390 --> 00:04:10,350 different reasons. I did it to number one, show the agency the 58 00:04:10,380 --> 00:04:14,880 interest that the general public had in watching this unfold, and 59 00:04:14,880 --> 00:04:17,670 that was palpable with the different posts and how many 60 00:04:17,670 --> 00:04:21,570 people were watching and looking at it and so on, but also to 61 00:04:21,570 --> 00:04:26,640 show everybody what that process is. And what I was surprised 62 00:04:26,640 --> 00:04:30,270 that was how long it took when I originally undertook this. I was 63 00:04:30,270 --> 00:04:32,310 under the impression that I would likely get something 64 00:04:32,310 --> 00:04:35,430 within about six weeks, six to eight weeks. And that's what I 65 00:04:35,430 --> 00:04:39,330 posted out there. Of course, nothing ever follows through 66 00:04:39,330 --> 00:04:42,180 when it comes to the US government. So those estimates 67 00:04:42,180 --> 00:04:45,840 really kind of fell to the wayside. My follow ups through 68 00:04:45,840 --> 00:04:50,700 this process lasted up until literally the beginning of this 69 00:04:50,700 --> 00:04:53,250 week. I was unaware that they were going to complete the case 70 00:04:53,250 --> 00:04:57,090 this week. And they numbered well into the double digits. So 71 00:04:57,090 --> 00:05:00,360 I was trying to not annoy them to death, but many Have those 72 00:05:00,360 --> 00:05:03,900 follow ups that I would send would just go unanswered. And I 73 00:05:03,900 --> 00:05:06,870 ended up following a filing an appeal last 74 00:05:08,189 --> 00:05:11,759 last month, maybe two months ago, to try and get this 75 00:05:11,969 --> 00:05:15,329 expedited. That appeal was rejected. I actually couldn't 76 00:05:15,329 --> 00:05:18,989 file the appeal until a full calendar year had passed from 77 00:05:18,989 --> 00:05:20,999 the filing because I was appealing the time it was 78 00:05:20,999 --> 00:05:24,389 taking. So I learned learn that part of the process the hard 79 00:05:24,389 --> 00:05:29,609 way. But regardless, I was able to maybe show them Hey, once 80 00:05:29,789 --> 00:05:33,029 June rolled around, which was the year mark, I was going to 81 00:05:33,029 --> 00:05:37,829 file that appeal in hopes to get this declassified. So that I 82 00:05:37,829 --> 00:05:41,399 think, maybe as a speculation, but maybe jump started the 83 00:05:41,399 --> 00:05:46,589 process a little bit. But the agency surprisingly responded 84 00:05:47,129 --> 00:05:50,309 this week. And so my follow up where I had no idea I'd be 85 00:05:50,309 --> 00:05:54,449 getting it, that follow up was met with hate good news. It's in 86 00:05:54,449 --> 00:05:59,039 the mail. And so I practically begged through a telephone call, 87 00:05:59,039 --> 00:06:00,659 I called the Office of the Director of National 88 00:06:00,659 --> 00:06:03,659 Intelligence. And I said, Look, I've been very eagerly awaiting 89 00:06:03,659 --> 00:06:06,539 this, is there any possible way you can send it electronically. 90 00:06:06,809 --> 00:06:09,599 And the rest is history, I was able to do that. And special 91 00:06:09,599 --> 00:06:12,329 thanks to that agency, because even though it was a little bit 92 00:06:12,329 --> 00:06:16,769 of a frustrating process, they were really kind of meeting me 93 00:06:16,769 --> 00:06:19,979 halfway. And they went and scanned it and sent it to me 94 00:06:19,979 --> 00:06:25,439 yesterday. So thanks to them. for that. I want to talk before 95 00:06:25,439 --> 00:06:28,559 we deep dive into the document itself, a controversy that's re 96 00:06:28,559 --> 00:06:33,059 erupted here, in this last cut in these last couple of days. 97 00:06:33,059 --> 00:06:37,379 And this week, since I published this document, obviously, it has 98 00:06:37,379 --> 00:06:40,259 gotten a lot of traction. Now, if you're new to this channel, 99 00:06:40,259 --> 00:06:43,019 you may not be aware, but through the last, you know, 100 00:06:43,019 --> 00:06:46,259 eight months or so, there has been a lot of controversy about 101 00:06:46,259 --> 00:06:51,359 how big the classified report was. That was given to Congress. 102 00:06:51,689 --> 00:06:56,909 And there's been a lot of of speculation, we'll call it that 103 00:06:56,909 --> 00:07:03,359 some of the estimates were 74 pages, 70 pages, 78 pages, 400 104 00:07:03,359 --> 00:07:08,039 pages, all from people that were either claiming firsthand 105 00:07:08,039 --> 00:07:13,259 knowledge, or that they had impeccable, anonymous sources. 106 00:07:13,499 --> 00:07:16,439 And when I wrote the story last year, where although I didn't 107 00:07:16,439 --> 00:07:19,499 publish the report, because I didn't have it yet, my legal 108 00:07:19,499 --> 00:07:24,359 case had had progressed to the point where I learned it was a 109 00:07:24,359 --> 00:07:31,169 17 page document. It was July 16 of last year where I published a 110 00:07:31,169 --> 00:07:37,169 small story that the classified version was 17 pages. I felt 111 00:07:37,169 --> 00:07:40,919 that was newsworthy, simply because there were so many 112 00:07:41,099 --> 00:07:44,879 numbers that were being thrown around. Now, just so you guys 113 00:07:44,879 --> 00:07:49,739 are aware. And before I get to Jimmy's interview this here, let 114 00:07:49,739 --> 00:07:54,599 me get the pen here so I can point 74 pages came from Mr. 115 00:07:54,599 --> 00:07:58,229 Luis Elizondo, out of all of the sources I'm about to mention, I 116 00:07:58,229 --> 00:08:01,289 would say he is probably the most well connected. I have no 117 00:08:01,469 --> 00:08:04,979 doubts that he maintains a lot of connections that he has 118 00:08:04,979 --> 00:08:08,489 talked about. And I thought if anybody was right, it was going 119 00:08:08,489 --> 00:08:13,409 to be him. So when I got the 17 page return, I was a little 120 00:08:13,469 --> 00:08:16,019 surprised. I'm going to come back to Luis Elizondo in a 121 00:08:16,019 --> 00:08:21,269 moment. The 400 Page estimate came from his attorney, Daniel 122 00:08:21,269 --> 00:08:25,679 Sheehan. Daniel said that on fade to black with Jimmy church, 123 00:08:25,709 --> 00:08:29,579 I'll pull up the transcript for you in a moment, because that 124 00:08:29,579 --> 00:08:32,489 really added a lot more confusion to this process as 125 00:08:32,489 --> 00:08:40,739 well. 70 pages was let me see Bob McGuire, he claims to also 126 00:08:40,739 --> 00:08:44,039 have impeccable anonymous sources. I believe this was on 127 00:08:44,279 --> 00:08:48,239 spaced out radio. And in between some of the segments that was 128 00:08:48,239 --> 00:08:52,739 broadcast on YouTube. He seemed very animated, and very 129 00:08:52,949 --> 00:09:00,149 enthusiastic that it was 70 pages. 78 pages came from. Let 130 00:09:00,149 --> 00:09:05,099 me see here. I believe it was Tim McMillan on another 131 00:09:05,099 --> 00:09:09,539 interview roundtable discussion. He works for the debrief. So 132 00:09:09,539 --> 00:09:11,879 there were a lot of different page counts that were being 133 00:09:11,879 --> 00:09:16,259 floated around here. So when I got 17 pages, I thought okay, 134 00:09:16,559 --> 00:09:20,279 what's going on here? The reason I wanted to go back to Luis 135 00:09:20,279 --> 00:09:24,629 Elizondo is I've been accused of not reaching out to him and only 136 00:09:24,629 --> 00:09:29,669 trying to attack him, yet again, those allegations are false. So 137 00:09:29,669 --> 00:09:34,079 just to clear up the record. Last July, I did reach out to 138 00:09:34,079 --> 00:09:40,499 Luis Elizondo, and wanted to explore this discrepancy. I 139 00:09:40,499 --> 00:09:44,939 invited him to add whatever he wanted to add. Sadly, I was 140 00:09:46,320 --> 00:09:51,180 talking to his PR people at the time, even though I was speaking 141 00:09:51,180 --> 00:09:54,900 to Mr. Elizondo as well through through other means. It was his 142 00:09:54,900 --> 00:09:58,500 PR people that kind of take the took the helm to respond to my 143 00:09:58,500 --> 00:10:03,000 request. And I said To speed up the story, he didn't want to put 144 00:10:03,000 --> 00:10:06,600 anything on the record. So I respected that and I moved on. 145 00:10:06,750 --> 00:10:08,760 So just to clear up those allegations, which are 146 00:10:08,760 --> 00:10:12,780 circulating social media that I never went to Mr. Elizondo to 147 00:10:12,960 --> 00:10:17,580 clear this up. I did. And he chose not to respond. I didn't 148 00:10:17,580 --> 00:10:21,840 make a big deal out of it. But since I'm being accused of so 149 00:10:21,840 --> 00:10:26,460 much from the haters nowadays, here in the last few days, about 150 00:10:26,460 --> 00:10:29,700 this controversy, hey, let me clear it up. Right now. I did do 151 00:10:29,700 --> 00:10:33,690 my due diligence. No one will go on the record with me. And to 152 00:10:33,690 --> 00:10:36,930 add even more confusion, Mr. Elizondo is attorney Daniel 153 00:10:36,930 --> 00:10:42,330 Sheehan, as I said, said that it was over 400 pages you can see 154 00:10:42,660 --> 00:10:45,960 in the transcript here on YouTube during his interview, 155 00:10:46,200 --> 00:10:51,120 that it was over 400. Jimmy church is a great interviewer, 156 00:10:51,120 --> 00:10:55,680 he asked some great questions, he brought up the 70, page 78 157 00:10:55,680 --> 00:11:02,130 Page number here, and you can see the response from Danny 158 00:11:02,130 --> 00:11:07,530 Sheehan, that it was a myth that it was part of the mythology. In 159 00:11:07,560 --> 00:11:11,220 in you follow G that has arisen? Again, this is part of that 160 00:11:11,400 --> 00:11:14,100 confusion. So I wanted to bring that up and kind of address the 161 00:11:14,100 --> 00:11:19,110 controversy that I welcome anybody with any knowledge of 162 00:11:19,110 --> 00:11:22,410 this to come forward? Some of you may be eye rolling right 163 00:11:22,410 --> 00:11:25,200 now, why does it matter the length of the report? Well, 164 00:11:25,200 --> 00:11:28,410 you're absolutely right. But sadly, there's a lot of people 165 00:11:28,410 --> 00:11:33,210 coming after me accusing the agency of lying, or accusing me 166 00:11:33,240 --> 00:11:38,250 of working with the agency to circulate something that isn't 167 00:11:38,250 --> 00:11:43,170 true. That's all internet legend and lore. And since some 168 00:11:43,200 --> 00:11:44,940 influential accounts are kind of 169 00:11:46,380 --> 00:11:49,350 circulating that I thought that I would go ahead and address it 170 00:11:49,350 --> 00:11:52,890 here on this deep dive. Moving on from the from the 171 00:11:52,890 --> 00:11:56,070 controversy, because again, it is a 17 page document if you 172 00:11:56,070 --> 00:12:00,330 haven't caught on yet. So that reporting last year was 100% 173 00:12:00,330 --> 00:12:03,840 Spot on. And nobody has brought evidence to refute that. But the 174 00:12:03,840 --> 00:12:08,310 invitations open if they ever do. I want to deal with the 175 00:12:08,310 --> 00:12:12,480 exemptions. First, those redactions when under either the 176 00:12:12,480 --> 00:12:16,680 Freedom of Information Act or an MDR, when things are redacted. 177 00:12:17,160 --> 00:12:21,120 What happens is they have to cite the redaction. And what I 178 00:12:21,120 --> 00:12:24,540 mean by that is that they have to justify them removing 179 00:12:24,570 --> 00:12:27,360 information. So in the FOIA world, you guys have probably 180 00:12:27,360 --> 00:12:30,660 heard me talk about B one, which is national security related 181 00:12:30,660 --> 00:12:33,990 information, or B six, which is personally identifying 182 00:12:33,990 --> 00:12:36,990 information, there's nine total. But those are some of the more 183 00:12:36,990 --> 00:12:41,670 common ones in the process of an MDR. It works the exact same 184 00:12:41,670 --> 00:12:45,120 way. But you don't see the same exemptions. You see other ones, 185 00:12:45,330 --> 00:12:48,060 most of them are going to be tied to an executive order, 186 00:12:48,630 --> 00:12:53,760 which specifically is 135 to six, that was kind of the going 187 00:12:53,790 --> 00:12:58,140 or is the going standard for these types of declassification 188 00:12:58,140 --> 00:13:03,540 reviews and what should remain exempted. You'll also see some 189 00:13:03,540 --> 00:13:06,930 some other references as well. But I want to kind of keep it as 190 00:13:06,930 --> 00:13:10,380 simple as I can because it can get pretty confusing. So from 191 00:13:10,380 --> 00:13:14,610 that letter that I had showed you the release letter, the ODNI 192 00:13:14,730 --> 00:13:18,660 will reference what they are redacting and kind of summarize 193 00:13:18,660 --> 00:13:24,930 it all for you. What the ODNI said was that they were citing 194 00:13:25,170 --> 00:13:30,480 United States Code. Let me see here, chapter 50, section 3024, 195 00:13:30,840 --> 00:13:33,390 which is information pertaining to intelligence sources and 196 00:13:33,390 --> 00:13:36,960 methods. And the National Security Act of 1947, as 197 00:13:36,960 --> 00:13:43,410 amended, also, the chapter 50, section 3605, which protects 198 00:13:43,440 --> 00:13:46,890 against disclosure of NSA functions, and information. This 199 00:13:46,890 --> 00:13:50,370 is probably, you know, some of the maybe spying some of the 200 00:13:50,370 --> 00:13:53,460 decoding of messages, some of the intelligence gathering 201 00:13:53,460 --> 00:13:56,970 around the world. That's what the NSA does. And so the 202 00:13:56,970 --> 00:13:59,430 information that they're bringing in which may touch the 203 00:13:59,430 --> 00:14:02,730 UAP topic, and be in this report, they're going to go 204 00:14:02,730 --> 00:14:05,910 ahead and exempt it to you to break it down even farther, 205 00:14:05,940 --> 00:14:15,360 executive order 13526. They cited for a C, D and G, AC, D 206 00:14:15,360 --> 00:14:19,800 and G Yes, sorry, I get myself Tongue Tied for different 207 00:14:19,800 --> 00:14:22,530 reasons. In fact, there's actually five in the document 208 00:14:22,530 --> 00:14:25,500 itself, so they messed up, they didn't cite one. But regardless, 209 00:14:25,620 --> 00:14:28,380 we'll kind of touch back on this as we go through the document. 210 00:14:29,130 --> 00:14:33,990 That's section 1.4. A pertains to military plans, weapon 211 00:14:33,990 --> 00:14:38,130 systems or operations, C pertains to intelligence active 212 00:14:38,160 --> 00:14:41,640 activities, including covert action, intelligence sources and 213 00:14:41,640 --> 00:14:46,050 methods or cryptology D pertains to foreign relations or foreign 214 00:14:46,050 --> 00:14:50,490 activities of the US, including confidential sources, and G 215 00:14:50,610 --> 00:14:54,180 vulnerabilities are capabilities of systems installations, 216 00:14:54,420 --> 00:14:58,230 infrastructures projects, plans or protection services related 217 00:14:58,230 --> 00:15:02,070 to national security. The fifth that I saw mentioned in the 218 00:15:02,070 --> 00:15:05,940 report, which was not in their letter, was he scientific, 219 00:15:05,940 --> 00:15:09,810 technical, technological or economic matters related to 220 00:15:09,810 --> 00:15:14,130 national security? So we'll revisit that as we go through 221 00:15:14,130 --> 00:15:18,330 the documents. Because, you know, that may seem dry and 222 00:15:18,360 --> 00:15:21,780 boring is hacking. Why is John doing this? Well, it's for two 223 00:15:21,780 --> 00:15:24,600 reasons. One, it is a deep dive. So we're really kind of 224 00:15:24,600 --> 00:15:27,630 dissecting this all together. But number two, why those 225 00:15:27,630 --> 00:15:29,850 exemptions are important is when you go through a document, you 226 00:15:29,850 --> 00:15:33,420 can start to fill in the holes a little bit, even though it's a 227 00:15:33,420 --> 00:15:38,490 black line. Those exemption citations allow you to figure 228 00:15:38,490 --> 00:15:44,100 out exactly what or why they are redacting something. And so that 229 00:15:44,100 --> 00:15:50,580 really helps. They also cite section 6.2 general provisions 230 00:15:50,610 --> 00:15:52,920 of the executive order, I'm only going to read this once, I won't 231 00:15:52,920 --> 00:15:57,360 touch it again, because I don't even understand it. But it is 232 00:15:57,360 --> 00:15:58,860 cited in the document a few times. 233 00:15:59,880 --> 00:16:02,130 Let me read it to you. Nothing in this order limits the 234 00:16:02,130 --> 00:16:05,040 protection afforded any information by other provisions 235 00:16:05,070 --> 00:16:07,500 of law, including the Constitution, Freedom of 236 00:16:07,500 --> 00:16:11,040 Information Act exemptions, the Privacy Act of 1974, and the 237 00:16:11,040 --> 00:16:14,970 National Security Act of 1947. As amended, this order is not 238 00:16:14,970 --> 00:16:18,210 intended to and does not create any right or benefit, 239 00:16:18,480 --> 00:16:22,560 substantive or procedural enforceable at law by a party 240 00:16:22,560 --> 00:16:25,710 against the United States, its departments, agencies or 241 00:16:25,710 --> 00:16:28,980 entities, its officers, employees, or agents or any 242 00:16:28,980 --> 00:16:32,820 other person. The foregoing is, in addition to the specific 243 00:16:32,820 --> 00:16:38,760 provisions set forth in sections 1.1, B, 3.1, C, and 5.3 of this 244 00:16:38,760 --> 00:16:40,800 order, don't worry, I ain't going to go back to it because I 245 00:16:40,800 --> 00:16:44,040 don't care too. But I wanted to read it for you, at least for 246 00:16:44,040 --> 00:16:47,100 the audio version, but also, to just kind of tell you guys, they 247 00:16:47,100 --> 00:16:51,030 cite that as well. But to be honest with you, I just don't, I 248 00:16:51,060 --> 00:16:53,940 really just don't get it, there's really kind of no reason 249 00:16:53,940 --> 00:16:57,720 because the other exemptions pretty much make sense. So let's 250 00:16:57,720 --> 00:17:03,000 start going through the 17 pages. What I've done here is on 251 00:17:03,000 --> 00:17:06,600 the left side of your screen here on the display, if you're 252 00:17:06,600 --> 00:17:10,380 watching this, it's going to be the classified newly released 253 00:17:10,500 --> 00:17:15,450 version. On the right side labeled public report, I split 254 00:17:15,450 --> 00:17:18,960 up every single page of that report to coincide with the 255 00:17:18,960 --> 00:17:22,920 classified version. That way, you can visually see how they 256 00:17:22,920 --> 00:17:27,270 took the classified version, and then truncated it to death, 257 00:17:28,410 --> 00:17:33,480 dropping roughly about half of it, and making the public 258 00:17:33,480 --> 00:17:37,020 version. So I kind of line up the sections and you'll also see 259 00:17:37,020 --> 00:17:40,050 some minor word changes, I'm not going to go over all of those 260 00:17:40,050 --> 00:17:44,640 because it's it's just kind of pointless. Obviously, they had a 261 00:17:44,640 --> 00:17:48,570 working version and then likely, you know, polished it up a 262 00:17:48,570 --> 00:17:52,710 little bit for the public. But the classified version in some 263 00:17:52,710 --> 00:17:55,560 areas is just worded a little differently. I will point out 264 00:17:55,560 --> 00:17:57,900 one or two but just know you may find some of those slight 265 00:17:57,900 --> 00:18:00,900 changes that I don't reference. That's why it's just kind of 266 00:18:00,900 --> 00:18:05,160 irrelevant. But I wanted to show you the side by side, and how 267 00:18:05,160 --> 00:18:08,070 much more information is actually revealed here. Even 268 00:18:08,070 --> 00:18:10,440 though there's a lot of redactions, we can read a lot. 269 00:18:10,440 --> 00:18:15,480 Also, a couple things I'll point out about the cover page. This 270 00:18:15,480 --> 00:18:22,800 here is the classification. It is referenced as that section 271 00:18:23,130 --> 00:18:26,610 three, zero to four eye protection of intelligence 272 00:18:26,610 --> 00:18:30,870 sources and methods. I'm guessing this is just a guess 273 00:18:30,900 --> 00:18:34,980 that there is a classification with a code word here. So they 274 00:18:34,980 --> 00:18:38,370 remove the whole thing because it may reveal again, a type of 275 00:18:38,370 --> 00:18:41,280 program prime examples, if you look at the National Security 276 00:18:41,280 --> 00:18:45,630 Agency documents on UFOs because they deal with comment or 277 00:18:45,660 --> 00:18:50,760 communication intelligence, a lot of them have a rubra you MBR 278 00:18:50,790 --> 00:18:57,180 a code word on it. So it's top secret slash ombre. For a lot of 279 00:18:57,180 --> 00:19:00,870 years, Uber was a classified designator and so that was fully 280 00:19:00,870 --> 00:19:05,100 redacted. Over years of fighting, I filed MDR requests 281 00:19:05,100 --> 00:19:09,750 to the NSA very much like I did here and got a lot of those 282 00:19:09,750 --> 00:19:14,190 documents rereleased with Uber revealed. That's what I think is 283 00:19:14,190 --> 00:19:17,520 going on here. Again, that part is a little bit of speculation. 284 00:19:18,240 --> 00:19:21,270 But I That's That's why these redactions are there, you'll see 285 00:19:21,270 --> 00:19:24,300 them every single page. juxtapose that with the public 286 00:19:24,300 --> 00:19:28,200 report. Unclassified designator, obviously not redacted for any 287 00:19:28,200 --> 00:19:33,570 reason, classified by that's going to be a person and 288 00:19:34,920 --> 00:19:37,380 protection of intelligence sources and method again is 289 00:19:37,380 --> 00:19:42,300 three zero to four. But when you go down here, you're talking 290 00:19:42,300 --> 00:19:47,130 about the subsection that protects identities derived from 291 00:19:47,130 --> 00:19:50,700 they also are classifying that if I were to guess this is the 292 00:19:50,700 --> 00:19:55,020 UAP security classification guide that was released last 293 00:19:55,020 --> 00:19:59,580 year to me that I published the reason I say that as UAP related 294 00:19:59,580 --> 00:20:02,490 documents often cite that security classification guide 295 00:20:02,880 --> 00:20:06,660 ODNI may not have realized it was released already. And so 296 00:20:06,660 --> 00:20:10,920 they redacted the reference to it. I will be appealing a lot of 297 00:20:10,920 --> 00:20:14,160 these redactions, when I'm recording this. I'm still 298 00:20:14,160 --> 00:20:17,700 stewing in my brain how I'm going to address some of it. But 299 00:20:17,700 --> 00:20:21,150 just so you know, that's on my on my agenda is to appeal appeal 300 00:20:21,150 --> 00:20:24,570 redactions like this to see what's under there declassify 301 00:20:24,570 --> 00:20:30,780 on, generally, that's 30 plus years into the future. And they 302 00:20:30,780 --> 00:20:33,960 redacted that date for whatever reason. But anyway, just a quick 303 00:20:33,960 --> 00:20:39,960 rundown of what you're seeing there. Here is page two, the 304 00:20:39,960 --> 00:20:42,780 scoping assumptions, you'll see it's very, very similar to the 305 00:20:42,780 --> 00:20:45,960 public report. But there's one thing that I want to hone in on. 306 00:20:45,990 --> 00:20:49,110 And so I'm gonna just go into one paragraph here, this was the 307 00:20:49,110 --> 00:20:53,670 difference. First thing to know 1.4 C, right, that's from the 308 00:20:53,670 --> 00:20:57,600 executive order 135 to six intelligence activities, 309 00:20:57,600 --> 00:21:00,360 including covert action, intelligence sources or methods 310 00:21:00,390 --> 00:21:04,950 or cryptology. Now, we know that the NSA is already referenced 311 00:21:04,950 --> 00:21:08,520 here. So it's not them. There's speculation on whether or not it 312 00:21:08,520 --> 00:21:12,180 is the CIA, a lot of people are making guesses online. 313 00:21:12,390 --> 00:21:15,240 Regardless, this is an agency that was not in the public 314 00:21:15,240 --> 00:21:18,540 report, and that they don't want to tell you about. So again, 315 00:21:18,540 --> 00:21:22,050 whether or not that's the CIA or someone else who knows, just 316 00:21:22,050 --> 00:21:26,100 speculation, but I found it pretty fascinating that they do 317 00:21:26,100 --> 00:21:29,610 have input from another agency that they don't want to tell you 318 00:21:29,610 --> 00:21:32,610 about. Another interesting difference, which may have just 319 00:21:32,610 --> 00:21:35,400 been an oversight, was the classified version had the 320 00:21:35,400 --> 00:21:40,710 Marine Corps in it. And also NASA. Now, if you're watching 321 00:21:40,710 --> 00:21:43,320 this channel in the past, you'll know that I've discovered some 322 00:21:43,320 --> 00:21:47,370 of those NASA briefings, which likely was the UAP taskforce 323 00:21:47,370 --> 00:21:50,460 reaching out to NASA sharing information, and then 324 00:21:50,460 --> 00:21:55,890 ultimately, NASA contributing to the report. Where's NASA? Down 325 00:21:55,890 --> 00:22:00,120 here in the public report, their reference was removed? Was it a 326 00:22:00,120 --> 00:22:03,630 mistake and oversight? I'll let you guys decide. But those are 327 00:22:03,630 --> 00:22:07,620 two clear differences. The Office of Naval Intelligence, 328 00:22:07,620 --> 00:22:09,660 which is essentially where the UAP task force was 329 00:22:09,660 --> 00:22:14,070 headquartered, was listed in the public report. But nowhere to be 330 00:22:14,070 --> 00:22:17,880 found in the classified report. That's minor, again, probably 331 00:22:17,880 --> 00:22:21,360 just an oversight. But something I wanted to at least know two 332 00:22:21,390 --> 00:22:25,800 navies, their navies there on on both versions, but Navy Oh, and 333 00:22:25,800 --> 00:22:30,870 I is not, again, just kind of a kind of one of those things that 334 00:22:30,900 --> 00:22:34,440 you got to point out, but who knows why. Digging into the 335 00:22:34,440 --> 00:22:40,140 executive summary. The executive summary totals one page, just to 336 00:22:40,140 --> 00:22:43,170 kind of dispel another myth that a lot of people talk about, they 337 00:22:43,170 --> 00:22:48,150 feel that the executive summary in total was 17 pages, and the 338 00:22:48,150 --> 00:22:51,300 classified version was much, much longer. That is also 339 00:22:51,330 --> 00:22:55,080 untrue. The executive summary was a one page summary of the 340 00:22:55,080 --> 00:22:58,380 entire report. And then as you'll see, as we go on are the 341 00:22:58,380 --> 00:23:03,240 different sections there of the one minor difference here was in 342 00:23:03,240 --> 00:23:06,210 this paragraph, in a limited number of incidents, UAP 343 00:23:06,210 --> 00:23:09,510 reportedly appeared to exhibit unusual flight characteristics. 344 00:23:10,770 --> 00:23:14,250 The public version put a period there, the classified version 345 00:23:14,250 --> 00:23:17,490 goes into more detail saying including several in which the 346 00:23:17,700 --> 00:23:22,200 and then we got some blackout line there, involving and then 347 00:23:22,200 --> 00:23:27,780 yet again, all blacked out the citations, AE and G, military 348 00:23:27,780 --> 00:23:30,600 plans, weapon systems operations, scientific, 349 00:23:30,600 --> 00:23:34,500 technological or economic matters, and vulnerabilities or 350 00:23:34,500 --> 00:23:37,410 capabilities of systems. So obviously, they are going into 351 00:23:37,410 --> 00:23:41,160 detail about their, their capability here or lack there of 352 00:23:41,400 --> 00:23:45,180 within military operations, public didn't get to see that. 353 00:23:45,360 --> 00:23:48,510 Obviously, we don't get to see all of it. But we get a glimpse 354 00:23:48,510 --> 00:23:51,600 that they have more to tell about this phenomena. 355 00:23:52,980 --> 00:23:55,590 Now we're getting into pages that have a lot more information 356 00:23:55,620 --> 00:23:59,430 available reporting, largely inconclusive public version said 357 00:23:59,430 --> 00:24:04,080 the same thing broke down the cases 144 of these reports at 358 00:24:04,530 --> 00:24:08,460 involved observation with multiple sensors. But when you 359 00:24:08,460 --> 00:24:12,420 look at over here on the classified version just 360 00:24:12,420 --> 00:24:15,180 released, after carefully considering this information, 361 00:24:15,210 --> 00:24:22,590 the UAP TF focused on a data set of blank, probably describing 362 00:24:22,980 --> 00:24:27,750 blank, those blanks being redacted. This is the one 363 00:24:27,750 --> 00:24:30,930 difference here that I'm going to point out that is is kind of 364 00:24:30,930 --> 00:24:35,220 a minor word change. But I think very, very interesting to see 365 00:24:35,220 --> 00:24:39,030 how they tell the public one thing, but also tell Congress 366 00:24:39,570 --> 00:24:43,260 the same thing, but in my opinion, has a much different 367 00:24:43,260 --> 00:24:49,470 tone to it. The public version first, we were able to identify 368 00:24:49,470 --> 00:24:53,520 one report, one reported UAP with high confidence in that 369 00:24:53,520 --> 00:24:56,700 case, we identified the object as a large deflating balloon. 370 00:24:57,810 --> 00:25:03,510 The version Congress Got in only one instance, the UAP, TF was 371 00:25:03,510 --> 00:25:06,900 able to identify the reported UAP with high confidence. In 372 00:25:06,900 --> 00:25:09,930 that case, we identified the object of a large deflating 373 00:25:09,930 --> 00:25:14,730 balloon, the others remain unexplained. This is just a 374 00:25:14,730 --> 00:25:18,750 personal opinion. But I see that as a much softer way to say it 375 00:25:18,750 --> 00:25:21,870 to the public, and a much more negative way to say it to 376 00:25:21,870 --> 00:25:25,920 Congress meaning and only one, like only one, we were able to 377 00:25:25,920 --> 00:25:28,920 do this where the public said, Hey, we were able to do this. 378 00:25:29,190 --> 00:25:32,070 You know, for me, I'd see a tone difference. I know, I'm just 379 00:25:32,070 --> 00:25:35,220 reading it. But for me, I read the tone difference. Again, I'm 380 00:25:35,220 --> 00:25:38,190 not going to do that a lot here in this presentation. But I did 381 00:25:38,190 --> 00:25:41,160 want to notate that because I feel that there's very much a 382 00:25:41,160 --> 00:25:44,700 different message by saying the same thing, but very much a 383 00:25:44,700 --> 00:25:48,780 different tone to that message. In the classified version, you 384 00:25:48,780 --> 00:25:52,350 get down to again, the breakdown of the reports. You'll see here 385 00:25:52,350 --> 00:25:55,650 that in the classified version of these ad reports involve 386 00:25:55,680 --> 00:25:58,560 observations with multiple sensors, public version had a 387 00:25:58,560 --> 00:26:05,220 period there, the expansion says including and redacted. And, and 388 00:26:05,220 --> 00:26:10,080 then more redactions, the remaining blank redaction 389 00:26:10,320 --> 00:26:14,760 observed incidents were captured by and then redacted again, see 390 00:26:14,760 --> 00:26:17,460 tables one and two, put a pin in the tables one and two, because 391 00:26:17,460 --> 00:26:22,560 we're going to get to those. But the area here when you talk 392 00:26:22,560 --> 00:26:24,990 about military plans, weapon systems and operations, the 393 00:26:24,990 --> 00:26:28,140 citation here under a we're obviously getting to the 394 00:26:28,140 --> 00:26:34,290 capabilities of our military. So some of those redactions, I 395 00:26:34,290 --> 00:26:37,290 would say, are acceptable. That's the reason why redactions 396 00:26:37,290 --> 00:26:40,230 are there. It's frustrating, and even laughable when you try and 397 00:26:40,230 --> 00:26:43,230 read it out loud. But when you look at it, you kind of start to 398 00:26:43,230 --> 00:26:45,990 understand where they're talking about our weapon systems 399 00:26:45,990 --> 00:26:49,830 capabilities, our detection capabilities, so on, as you read 400 00:26:49,830 --> 00:26:53,700 through this, and those I would say are acceptable. But not all 401 00:26:53,700 --> 00:26:59,430 are and will will, we're now getting into that section. In 402 00:26:59,430 --> 00:27:03,360 the classified version, not in the public of the 144. US 403 00:27:03,360 --> 00:27:07,650 government reports. We don't know how many originated from 404 00:27:07,680 --> 00:27:12,240 because it's redacted originated from Navy range. Fowler reports, 405 00:27:12,240 --> 00:27:15,660 which provide basic information, such as the time, date, 406 00:27:15,660 --> 00:27:18,180 location, description, and what occurred during the event. 407 00:27:18,810 --> 00:27:23,040 Again, a redacted number reports were from a combination of Air 408 00:27:23,040 --> 00:27:29,190 Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard and other agencies. So again, it 409 00:27:29,190 --> 00:27:31,710 was that they had the Marine Corps that wasn't mentioned in 410 00:27:31,710 --> 00:27:34,770 the public version, but they were in the classified version. 411 00:27:34,920 --> 00:27:38,190 Well, this is probably why, because we now know that there 412 00:27:38,190 --> 00:27:41,220 are Marine Corps incidents. And yes, I have filed request to 413 00:27:41,220 --> 00:27:45,270 them for what those incidents may be. Why did they shield that 414 00:27:45,270 --> 00:27:49,380 from the US public, I don't know, in the public version. But 415 00:27:49,380 --> 00:27:55,440 regardless, they did only an a redacted number of the 144 416 00:27:55,440 --> 00:28:00,840 reports contained, and then redacted A and G which again, 417 00:28:00,840 --> 00:28:05,100 military plans, weapon systems or operations, and then 418 00:28:08,880 --> 00:28:13,050 G that I had in my notes, vulnerabilities or capabilities 419 00:28:13,050 --> 00:28:16,080 of systems installations, so the vulnerabilities are going to be 420 00:28:16,080 --> 00:28:19,950 G. So I have a cheat sheet on all of those breakdowns here 421 00:28:19,950 --> 00:28:22,950 too. I thought I had it on the screen, but I did not. So 422 00:28:22,950 --> 00:28:25,320 anyway, you could see how kind of confusing this gets. But it 423 00:28:25,320 --> 00:28:30,810 starts to get into capabilities of UAP and our lack of ability 424 00:28:30,810 --> 00:28:35,580 to either detect or or track or chase or identify what these 425 00:28:35,580 --> 00:28:39,600 are. You'll see here, a lot more redaction, not in the public 426 00:28:39,600 --> 00:28:42,750 report. Although these reports a bunch of redaction the 427 00:28:42,750 --> 00:28:46,200 description of unknown targets, bunch of redaction, that's all 428 00:28:46,200 --> 00:28:49,350 see intelligence activities. That's the exemption 429 00:28:49,350 --> 00:28:51,570 intelligence activities including covert action 430 00:28:51,570 --> 00:28:55,380 intelligence sources or methods. You'll see down here is the 431 00:28:55,980 --> 00:29:01,620 definition of a range Fowler. That's referred to up here and 432 00:29:01,620 --> 00:29:04,170 then there's a footnote citation not sure if you can see that on 433 00:29:04,170 --> 00:29:09,810 your screen. But it says US Navy, US Navy aviators to find a 434 00:29:09,810 --> 00:29:13,350 range Fowler as an activity or object that interrupts pre 435 00:29:13,350 --> 00:29:16,650 planned training, or other military activity in a military 436 00:29:16,650 --> 00:29:22,800 operating area, or restricted airspace. Moving on, you can see 437 00:29:22,800 --> 00:29:25,680 how this kind of chunks together with the public report but 438 00:29:25,680 --> 00:29:31,020 expanded and the UAP collection challenges. This really gets 439 00:29:31,020 --> 00:29:35,040 into our capability. So the redactions are understandable. 440 00:29:35,850 --> 00:29:38,490 Here's something in the classified version. The sensors 441 00:29:38,490 --> 00:29:41,880 mounted on US military platforms are typically designed to 442 00:29:41,880 --> 00:29:47,370 fulfill specific missions often redacted. As a result, those 443 00:29:47,370 --> 00:29:51,600 sensors are not generally suited for identifying UAP which can be 444 00:29:52,110 --> 00:29:57,210 and then redacted. These are starting to get interesting 445 00:29:57,210 --> 00:30:02,010 because again, although some are understanding doubly done that 446 00:30:02,010 --> 00:30:06,030 meaning that redactions, others are not. And it's the capability 447 00:30:06,030 --> 00:30:10,950 of UAP. But it kind of is a gray area where it also when we 448 00:30:10,950 --> 00:30:18,570 reveal the capability of UAP, sadly, it will reveal our lack 449 00:30:18,570 --> 00:30:22,680 of ability to either detect, track, identify, and so on. And 450 00:30:22,680 --> 00:30:26,700 so then, you know, for me, I'm mad at that redaction, but can 451 00:30:26,700 --> 00:30:29,820 kind of understand it jumping down here, but some potential 452 00:30:29,820 --> 00:30:33,810 patterns do emerge, we can see a very similar paragraph here. But 453 00:30:33,810 --> 00:30:37,440 below that more information. And this, I believe, is what 454 00:30:37,440 --> 00:30:41,790 resonated most with the general public when it came to what was 455 00:30:41,790 --> 00:30:46,050 redacted. Let me read to you what was revealed the most 456 00:30:46,050 --> 00:30:48,630 common shape described by military personnel and their 457 00:30:48,630 --> 00:30:54,090 reporting was a redacted. See figure one. So we'll get to 458 00:30:54,090 --> 00:30:57,360 figure one with the tables in a moment. military aviators 459 00:30:57,360 --> 00:31:04,470 describe many of these redacted objects as redacted or redacted, 460 00:31:04,620 --> 00:31:11,460 that redacted several sightings were redacted and resembled 461 00:31:11,940 --> 00:31:19,140 redacted shapes, like a redacted or a redacted. Alright, so 462 00:31:19,140 --> 00:31:25,290 here's the frustration, why are shapes redacted? I don't get it, 463 00:31:25,650 --> 00:31:28,890 to be honest with you. But that is the reality behind what we're 464 00:31:28,890 --> 00:31:33,960 looking at, I will be appealing this at length as well. I do not 465 00:31:33,960 --> 00:31:39,120 believe the shape of something would be classified. I don't see 466 00:31:39,120 --> 00:31:42,450 a justification for it. There's no identifying markers. There is 467 00:31:42,450 --> 00:31:46,170 no attribution to any country, military branch foreign or 468 00:31:46,170 --> 00:31:49,920 domestic? Nothing. So there's no connection there that would 469 00:31:49,920 --> 00:31:53,070 reveal sources and methods, nothing that would reveal 470 00:31:53,100 --> 00:31:57,510 anything of a classified nature. So why are they withholding the 471 00:31:57,510 --> 00:32:02,460 shapes? This to me was one of the more intriguing aspects to 472 00:32:02,460 --> 00:32:06,630 this release, why the physical characteristics of something? 473 00:32:06,870 --> 00:32:11,400 Why is that something that they cannot reveal? The citation is 474 00:32:11,400 --> 00:32:15,240 mostly a here, which are military plans, weapon systems 475 00:32:15,240 --> 00:32:21,150 or operations. One may argue that it fits into descriptions 476 00:32:21,150 --> 00:32:25,230 of our own technology. But let me dispel that myth at this 477 00:32:25,230 --> 00:32:30,510 point. You'll see later as well, they could not attribute any of 478 00:32:30,510 --> 00:32:34,830 the cases that they investigated to classified domestic 479 00:32:34,860 --> 00:32:38,790 technology. So why again, are the shapes classified? 480 00:32:40,230 --> 00:32:43,650 This here, let me see here continues the section we were 481 00:32:43,650 --> 00:32:49,920 just on. Let me continue reading observed UAP usually traveled 482 00:32:49,920 --> 00:32:55,470 between redacted and redacted. So likely speeds are being 483 00:32:55,470 --> 00:32:58,920 redacted their altitudes varied for these objects, but 484 00:32:58,920 --> 00:33:03,510 frequently registered between redacted and redacted. So 485 00:33:03,510 --> 00:33:08,490 obviously, the altitude numbers as well redacted mean sea level 486 00:33:08,520 --> 00:33:12,450 so frequently registered between blank and blank mean sea level 487 00:33:12,450 --> 00:33:16,830 or MSL, we have a redacted number of cases however, in 488 00:33:16,830 --> 00:33:20,760 which the observer perceived that the UAP demonstrated 489 00:33:21,090 --> 00:33:25,950 redacted and another in which the UAP was detected. redacted, 490 00:33:25,980 --> 00:33:30,720 feet MSL so obviously redacting another altitude here, which I 491 00:33:30,720 --> 00:33:34,950 am going to argue in the appeal should not be read, should not 492 00:33:34,950 --> 00:33:39,840 be concealed, but rather revealed. Reason being we know 493 00:33:39,900 --> 00:33:43,170 our capabilities, it's public knowledge that we can determine 494 00:33:43,170 --> 00:33:47,520 altitudes of tracks that we see with our equipment. That is not 495 00:33:47,520 --> 00:33:51,000 revealing any classified information. So why don't they 496 00:33:51,000 --> 00:33:55,260 want to tell us that UAP are flying between this height and 497 00:33:55,260 --> 00:33:59,790 that height? I don't know. There may be some military strategy to 498 00:33:59,790 --> 00:34:04,110 withhold that or military reason for national security. Okay, I 499 00:34:04,110 --> 00:34:07,680 just personally don't see it. Feel free to comment below if 500 00:34:07,680 --> 00:34:10,950 you'd like. You may disagree with me, and that's fine. I just 501 00:34:10,950 --> 00:34:15,420 feel that it's not blowing any secret, as their citation is a 502 00:34:15,420 --> 00:34:22,110 military plans, weapon systems or operations. I just don't see 503 00:34:22,110 --> 00:34:26,490 it. Moving on to the section and a handful of UAP appear to 504 00:34:26,490 --> 00:34:31,890 demonstrate advanced technology and 18 incidents described in 21 505 00:34:31,890 --> 00:34:36,540 reports, observers reported unusual UAP movement patterns or 506 00:34:37,350 --> 00:34:40,980 flight characteristics public version, put a period there and 507 00:34:40,980 --> 00:34:47,460 the classified version and or redacted. A few of these reports 508 00:34:47,460 --> 00:34:53,340 describe UAP behavior, and then a lot more reaction. Some UAP 509 00:34:53,340 --> 00:34:56,760 appear to remain stationary and winds aloft move against the 510 00:34:56,760 --> 00:35:01,740 wind maneuver abruptly or move it considered speed without 511 00:35:01,740 --> 00:35:05,640 discernible means of propulsion. And a small number of cases 512 00:35:05,640 --> 00:35:09,300 military aircraft systems processed radio frequency energy 513 00:35:09,510 --> 00:35:13,740 associated with UAP sightings, public version put a period 514 00:35:13,740 --> 00:35:19,710 there, classified version as redacted, although there are 515 00:35:20,370 --> 00:35:26,520 redacted. We would redacted recordings of radar displays 516 00:35:26,550 --> 00:35:31,770 suggest these UAP a couple more redacted lines. Citations were 517 00:35:31,800 --> 00:35:35,730 GE vulnerabilities or capabilities of systems 518 00:35:35,730 --> 00:35:38,730 installations or infrastructure. So obviously what the UAP are 519 00:35:38,730 --> 00:35:43,020 doing, we are unable to do what we need to do with tracking to 520 00:35:43,080 --> 00:35:47,280 track and identify them. justifiable redaction. I'll let 521 00:35:47,280 --> 00:35:53,220 you guys decide. Next paragraph in redacted a night a Navy pilot 522 00:35:53,250 --> 00:35:59,220 in a redacted lines in altitude. He noted the winds aloft were 523 00:35:59,220 --> 00:36:03,450 greater than redacted and he was fighting to keep his aircraft in 524 00:36:03,450 --> 00:36:09,420 the airspace redacted was redacted and its position was 525 00:36:09,420 --> 00:36:14,280 unaffected by the redacted what could be there? Is it kind of 526 00:36:14,280 --> 00:36:20,010 interesting, unaffected by what the pilot redacted line object 527 00:36:20,010 --> 00:36:24,780 was redacted. So let me just dissect that for a moment. It's 528 00:36:24,780 --> 00:36:29,400 saying that the Navy pilot was in wins, greater than but they 529 00:36:29,400 --> 00:36:33,750 wouldn't tell us how great and that he was, quote, fighting to 530 00:36:33,750 --> 00:36:36,480 keep his aircraft in the airspace. That's an exact quote 531 00:36:36,870 --> 00:36:41,130 in the document, which means it was a quote from the witness. 532 00:36:41,670 --> 00:36:44,910 But it seems when you read the redacted lines that the UAP 533 00:36:44,910 --> 00:36:49,680 whatever that was, was unaffected. By the I mean, when 534 00:36:49,920 --> 00:36:54,690 did we shoot at it unaffected by what radar jamming? It's a very 535 00:36:54,690 --> 00:36:58,410 small redaction. It's right here position was unaffected by the 536 00:36:58,740 --> 00:37:02,370 mean, it looks like you could probably only fit what 3456 537 00:37:02,370 --> 00:37:06,420 Maybe six characters there. So if it was wins, why would you 538 00:37:06,420 --> 00:37:10,650 redact it? I'm not really sure the citation is a in G military 539 00:37:10,650 --> 00:37:14,430 plans, weapon systems or operations, G vulnerabilities or 540 00:37:14,430 --> 00:37:15,210 capabilities. 541 00:37:15,240 --> 00:37:19,770 So what's there that's another one of those ones that really 542 00:37:19,770 --> 00:37:23,280 doesn't make sense. Other ones do and they're obvious other 543 00:37:23,280 --> 00:37:28,200 ones do not moving on in redacted a navy report 544 00:37:28,200 --> 00:37:32,430 documented, redacted, but then appear to change course and 545 00:37:32,430 --> 00:37:37,110 speed. redacted from redacted. These are longer redactions they 546 00:37:37,110 --> 00:37:41,610 don't look like like speed and numbers, maybe. But it just 547 00:37:41,640 --> 00:37:44,850 looks a little bit longer. Regardless, you can see here 548 00:37:44,850 --> 00:37:49,890 obviously, intelligently controlled. So not a balloon, 549 00:37:50,490 --> 00:37:55,020 you know, not not a trash bag flying in the wind. Drone, you 550 00:37:55,020 --> 00:37:58,200 know, of course maybe. But regardless, you are seeing 551 00:37:58,200 --> 00:38:00,870 intelligently controlled craft that are being encountered. So 552 00:38:00,870 --> 00:38:05,790 just punching that point, moving on in blank are redacted a UAP 553 00:38:05,790 --> 00:38:12,810 exhibited redacted according to redacted the UAP TF has a 554 00:38:12,840 --> 00:38:16,230 redacted number additional reports of aircraft indicating 555 00:38:16,650 --> 00:38:22,170 redacted that appear to redacted. I'm giving you these 556 00:38:22,170 --> 00:38:25,890 kind of rough readings. Again, not only for the audio version, 557 00:38:27,060 --> 00:38:31,620 but to see how how some of this just doesn't make sense that 558 00:38:31,620 --> 00:38:34,710 we're not we should not be encroaching on classified 559 00:38:34,710 --> 00:38:38,490 information here that we should be able to talk about the 560 00:38:38,490 --> 00:38:41,820 characteristics of what they are seeing when we talk about 561 00:38:41,820 --> 00:38:45,300 vulnerabilities okay, I mean, I can understand that, but some of 562 00:38:45,300 --> 00:38:50,250 these characteristics in my opinion should not be redacted. 563 00:38:52,650 --> 00:38:58,770 Moving on to this last paragraph before we turn the page the UAP 564 00:38:58,770 --> 00:39:01,470 TF holds a small amount of data that appear to show you AP 565 00:39:01,470 --> 00:39:06,210 demonstrating acceleration or degree of signature management, 566 00:39:07,050 --> 00:39:10,530 public version, put a period there redacted version, excuse 567 00:39:10,530 --> 00:39:13,260 me classified version comes in with some redacted lines. 568 00:39:13,560 --> 00:39:17,490 However, this and then another redacted line and then it goes 569 00:39:17,490 --> 00:39:23,100 on from there according to redacted during a redacted 570 00:39:23,100 --> 00:39:27,810 incident, the UAP what kind of like what is what is the 571 00:39:27,810 --> 00:39:32,190 descriptor here, which doesn't make sense, but again, redacted. 572 00:39:32,820 --> 00:39:39,090 So during a whatever redaction here incident the UAP from the 573 00:39:39,090 --> 00:39:46,710 aircraft, redacted, shows the object redacted. A 2004 UAP 574 00:39:46,710 --> 00:39:51,540 event reportedly demonstrated redacted 2004 I think we can all 575 00:39:51,540 --> 00:39:54,420 safely assume that that is the Nimitz encounter. So they're 576 00:39:54,420 --> 00:39:57,180 dealing with a couple different incidents here kind of giving a 577 00:39:57,180 --> 00:40:00,600 summation of them and the characteristics of us up and 578 00:40:00,600 --> 00:40:05,040 potentially our vulnerabilities. Moving on, according to US Navy 579 00:40:05,040 --> 00:40:11,790 reporting, during redacted hours in redacted a helicopter pilot. 580 00:40:11,820 --> 00:40:15,180 Now that's new, a helicopter pilot and two weapon systems 581 00:40:15,180 --> 00:40:19,740 officers or Ws O's or Windows, visually observed several, 582 00:40:20,250 --> 00:40:25,500 several key word redacted several what redacted objects 583 00:40:25,500 --> 00:40:29,700 moving approximately and redacted. One of the windows 584 00:40:29,790 --> 00:40:37,830 redacted approximately redacted five redacted objects, which 585 00:40:38,310 --> 00:40:45,870 redacted the widow reported he redacted but redacted. The pilot 586 00:40:45,870 --> 00:40:52,110 and the other WIZO redacted, the redacted objects. So now we've 587 00:40:52,170 --> 00:40:57,660 Okay, so let's dissect this. As silly as that just read 555 What 588 00:40:57,660 --> 00:41:00,060 objects not really sure, but there are five objects. 589 00:41:00,480 --> 00:41:03,060 Obviously, it's mentioned here, can we safely deduce that those 590 00:41:03,060 --> 00:41:06,960 are the UAP that were encountered. So five UAP objects 591 00:41:06,960 --> 00:41:10,860 of some kind, I think that may be a safe assumption. It was a 592 00:41:10,860 --> 00:41:13,470 helicopter pilot. So there's not many of those around, we keep 593 00:41:13,470 --> 00:41:17,790 hearing about the F 18 encounters over the years, but 594 00:41:18,510 --> 00:41:22,320 not a helicopter. So that seemingly is a new case or not 595 00:41:22,320 --> 00:41:25,680 one that's ringing a bell for me. And then talks about what 596 00:41:25,680 --> 00:41:29,160 the weapon system officers, they were doing something but 597 00:41:29,160 --> 00:41:34,230 essentially nothing was was working. So when you read that, 598 00:41:34,260 --> 00:41:37,470 as silly as it sounds, read between the lines, so to speak, 599 00:41:37,650 --> 00:41:40,170 and you can start seeing some some interesting encounters be 600 00:41:40,170 --> 00:41:40,740 revealed. 601 00:41:42,210 --> 00:41:44,910 Moving on to the next section, you can see here juxtaposing the 602 00:41:44,910 --> 00:41:47,940 public report with the classified UAP probably lack a 603 00:41:47,940 --> 00:41:52,830 single explanation that's, that's a given. And so I was I 604 00:41:52,830 --> 00:41:55,770 was glad to see that in there. But you'll see here it comes in 605 00:41:55,770 --> 00:41:59,130 with in the classified version, numerous paragraphs, full 606 00:41:59,130 --> 00:42:04,530 paragraphs, fully redacted. The citations were military plans, 607 00:42:04,530 --> 00:42:07,770 weapon systems or operations, intelligence activities, 608 00:42:07,770 --> 00:42:13,830 including covert action or sources of methods, and D. I'm 609 00:42:13,830 --> 00:42:17,250 sorry, G vulnerabilities or capability. So it's pretty much 610 00:42:17,250 --> 00:42:22,740 like everything that is being cited here. And that is broken 611 00:42:22,740 --> 00:42:26,580 down in two different paragraphs but fully redacted. Now we're 612 00:42:26,580 --> 00:42:29,130 getting into the explanations, the breakdown of the 613 00:42:29,130 --> 00:42:34,620 explanations about UAP are these are essentially the categories 614 00:42:34,650 --> 00:42:36,840 right? What where do they fit not everything is, you know, 615 00:42:38,580 --> 00:42:42,660 unknown for good, so they brought a list of the possible 616 00:42:42,660 --> 00:42:48,450 explanations. In the public report, it was reflected as 617 00:42:48,450 --> 00:42:52,470 well, airborne clutter. These objects include birds, balloons, 618 00:42:52,470 --> 00:42:56,520 recreational unmanned aerial vehicles, UAVs, or airborne 619 00:42:56,520 --> 00:43:00,510 debris, like plastic bags that that muddle a scene and affect 620 00:43:00,510 --> 00:43:03,900 an operator's ability to identify true targets such as 621 00:43:03,900 --> 00:43:07,920 enemy aircraft, public version, put a period there, the 622 00:43:07,920 --> 00:43:12,480 classified version expanded on airborne clutter. This category 623 00:43:12,480 --> 00:43:16,740 can also include an a bunch of redactions, we recognize that 624 00:43:16,770 --> 00:43:22,770 bunch of redaction with the and the rest is redacted. Not sure 625 00:43:22,770 --> 00:43:25,830 what they can redact on airborne clutter, but there you have it. 626 00:43:27,150 --> 00:43:30,450 The next paragraph also under airborne clutter, we have 627 00:43:30,450 --> 00:43:37,050 examples of pilots who stated that they redacted. G would be 628 00:43:37,050 --> 00:43:40,230 which is the citation on these redactions, vulnerabilities or 629 00:43:40,230 --> 00:43:44,280 capabilities of systems. Okay, maybe maybe somehow that's 630 00:43:44,280 --> 00:43:49,860 justifiable, but I just found it silly. The next category natural 631 00:43:49,860 --> 00:43:53,910 atmospheric phenomena. Natural atmospheric phenomena includes 632 00:43:53,940 --> 00:43:56,790 ice crystals, moisture and thermal fluctuations that may 633 00:43:56,790 --> 00:44:01,320 register on some infrared and radar systems public report put 634 00:44:01,320 --> 00:44:04,890 a period their classified report gave another line and a half, 635 00:44:05,040 --> 00:44:11,130 all redacted. Underneath that was a really bizarre deletion 636 00:44:11,130 --> 00:44:17,490 from the public version, which was released in the classified 637 00:44:17,490 --> 00:44:23,430 version. Under natural atmospheric phenomena, although 638 00:44:23,430 --> 00:44:27,600 we cannot definitively classify any UAP occurrences in our data 639 00:44:27,600 --> 00:44:31,320 set as caused by atmospheric phenomena, we also cannot rule 640 00:44:31,320 --> 00:44:34,650 out the possibility that these factors may account for some of 641 00:44:34,650 --> 00:44:37,950 what pilots have observed. Well, of course, it could account for 642 00:44:37,950 --> 00:44:42,090 some that's why it's there. But still, the key part here is that 643 00:44:42,090 --> 00:44:47,220 you could not identify one, not a single one. So is that 644 00:44:47,250 --> 00:44:52,020 vulnerabilities or your what is it? Yeah, vulnerabilities or 645 00:44:52,020 --> 00:44:55,980 capabilities of your system or lack of capabilities? Maybe, but 646 00:44:55,980 --> 00:44:59,160 why would you need to take that out of the report? The public 647 00:44:59,160 --> 00:45:02,190 version, not really sure, interesting nonetheless, that 648 00:45:02,190 --> 00:45:06,210 that was taken out. Next reason US government or industry 649 00:45:06,210 --> 00:45:09,960 developmental programs, some UAP observations could be 650 00:45:09,960 --> 00:45:13,710 attributable to classified US government airspace programs, or 651 00:45:13,710 --> 00:45:17,910 systems under development by commercial aerospace, aerospace 652 00:45:17,910 --> 00:45:23,760 firms. We were unable to confirm, however, that these 653 00:45:23,760 --> 00:45:29,190 systems accounted for any of the UAP reports. We collected public 654 00:45:29,190 --> 00:45:32,700 version, put a period there classified version goes on, we 655 00:45:32,700 --> 00:45:33,570 have 656 00:45:35,190 --> 00:45:39,570 and then insert four and a half redacted lines we have what if 657 00:45:39,570 --> 00:45:43,560 they couldn't, if they couldn't confirm anything as being 658 00:45:44,580 --> 00:45:48,060 classified tech or something like that? What extra 659 00:45:48,060 --> 00:45:50,280 information did the classified version have that we're not 660 00:45:50,280 --> 00:45:54,330 seeing? Not really sure. Next reason for an adversary systems. 661 00:45:54,570 --> 00:45:57,300 A lot of people talked about this, especially in Congress 662 00:45:57,300 --> 00:46:00,390 that they some were saying they thought that that's what it was, 663 00:46:00,660 --> 00:46:07,530 when it came to UAPs. Other UAP other said that it was not China 664 00:46:07,530 --> 00:46:11,820 or Russia. So what is it a lot of speculation there. But within 665 00:46:11,820 --> 00:46:14,790 the report, foreign adversary systems, some UAP, maybe 666 00:46:14,790 --> 00:46:17,730 intelligent collection platforms developed by China, Russia, 667 00:46:17,940 --> 00:46:21,990 another nation or non governmental entity, public 668 00:46:21,990 --> 00:46:24,960 version, put a period their classified version went on, they 669 00:46:24,960 --> 00:46:31,140 could also be a a, what redacted lines worth of redaction 670 00:46:31,170 --> 00:46:35,730 although, and then a couple more redacted lines. In addition, we 671 00:46:35,730 --> 00:46:39,060 add a few more redacted lines after that. So they definitely 672 00:46:39,060 --> 00:46:43,560 expand this, this this section. But we don't know why. We have 673 00:46:43,560 --> 00:46:47,490 no idea why. Even though it doesn't say it here later in the 674 00:46:47,490 --> 00:46:49,650 report, and I'll get to that in a moment. But later in the 675 00:46:49,650 --> 00:46:52,380 report, it does say that not a single incident, they were able 676 00:46:52,380 --> 00:46:57,120 to connect to any foreign adversary system. So obviously, 677 00:46:57,120 --> 00:47:01,110 that is something that although they tried to do, were unable to 678 00:47:01,110 --> 00:47:07,950 do it, and then going going on the other category. The other 679 00:47:07,950 --> 00:47:13,080 category remained exactly the same. UAP threatened flight 680 00:47:13,080 --> 00:47:17,400 safety and possibly national security. That section here was 681 00:47:17,400 --> 00:47:21,150 expanded ongoing airspace concerns. We have in the 682 00:47:21,150 --> 00:47:23,340 classified version, we have documented flight safety 683 00:47:23,340 --> 00:47:27,330 concerns and insert a couple of redacted lines there. And then 684 00:47:27,330 --> 00:47:30,480 it goes on to what was in the the public report. When aviators 685 00:47:30,480 --> 00:47:33,900 encounter safety hazards. They are required to report these 686 00:47:33,900 --> 00:47:37,320 concerns. Towards the end of the paragraph, you'll see some some 687 00:47:37,320 --> 00:47:41,850 extra information, primarily all redacted. Next paragraph, same 688 00:47:41,850 --> 00:47:46,500 deal in and then redacted. A pilot briefly observed a couple 689 00:47:46,500 --> 00:47:51,750 of redacted lines, however a and then redacted. What it's showing 690 00:47:51,750 --> 00:47:54,570 here is that Congress, the Senate, they were getting 691 00:47:54,600 --> 00:47:58,860 additional information about the cases. And what what was going 692 00:47:58,860 --> 00:48:02,520 on the fact that they didn't change that a lot of the 693 00:48:02,520 --> 00:48:06,540 categories and explanations existed, you know, the mundane 694 00:48:06,570 --> 00:48:10,680 explanations, they still couldn't fit anything into those 695 00:48:10,680 --> 00:48:13,620 categories. So what are they redacting? Here? What are they? 696 00:48:13,860 --> 00:48:16,140 Again, it could just be vulnerabilities, and that's 697 00:48:16,140 --> 00:48:19,890 fine. But why aren't they telling us what exactly these 698 00:48:19,890 --> 00:48:23,700 pilots were observing what is so classified about that? Because 699 00:48:23,700 --> 00:48:27,210 they can't fit it into any category? If it was a Russian 700 00:48:27,540 --> 00:48:31,560 technology, drone technology, classified technology, we were 701 00:48:31,560 --> 00:48:34,590 seeing it with classified systems. Okay, maybe some of 702 00:48:34,590 --> 00:48:38,730 that is justifiable, but again, they say none of that was was 703 00:48:38,730 --> 00:48:42,480 doable, they were not able to connect any foreign adversary to 704 00:48:42,480 --> 00:48:47,430 the 143 remaining cases. Why is it really just our 705 00:48:47,430 --> 00:48:51,540 vulnerability, I would really hope not. Next section, 706 00:48:51,540 --> 00:48:54,960 potential national security challenges. You see up top here, 707 00:48:55,020 --> 00:48:58,620 definitely identical, or near identical to the public report, 708 00:48:59,130 --> 00:49:04,230 followed by a pretty big, full paragraph, fully redacted. 709 00:49:04,980 --> 00:49:08,130 intelligence activities, intelligence sources and methods 710 00:49:08,520 --> 00:49:11,640 and vulnerabilities or capabilities of systems all 711 00:49:11,640 --> 00:49:18,000 cited here, and all removed. Explaining UAP will require 712 00:49:18,000 --> 00:49:21,150 analytic collection and resource investments section, top of 713 00:49:21,150 --> 00:49:24,300 which pretty much echoes the public version. We have an extra 714 00:49:24,300 --> 00:49:28,590 paragraph here given the redacted the UAP. TF also plans 715 00:49:28,590 --> 00:49:32,160 to explore how best to leverage the capabilities of non DoD 716 00:49:32,160 --> 00:49:35,370 departments and agencies to enable effective and efficient 717 00:49:35,370 --> 00:49:40,680 transfer of data and redacted among the DoD redacted and the 718 00:49:40,680 --> 00:49:43,860 law enforcement community. So obviously here, I'm not really 719 00:49:43,860 --> 00:49:47,220 sure, citation intelligence activities, intelligence sources 720 00:49:47,220 --> 00:49:52,560 and methods and cryptology. I don't understand where the the, 721 00:49:53,220 --> 00:49:56,070 the sharing of information is something that they wanted to 722 00:49:56,070 --> 00:50:00,000 omit from the public version, maybe some of the systems that 723 00:50:00,000 --> 00:50:02,340 They utilize I can understand that explain some of these 724 00:50:02,340 --> 00:50:05,880 redactions. But why they want that removed the coordination, 725 00:50:05,910 --> 00:50:06,870 not really sure. 726 00:50:08,340 --> 00:50:11,670 Moving on the expand collection section, you'll see again, top 727 00:50:11,670 --> 00:50:15,300 is very reminiscent to the public report underneath that 728 00:50:15,330 --> 00:50:19,290 big fat, black square, all redacted. So definitely some 729 00:50:19,290 --> 00:50:22,740 expanding of the collection. And just to remind you what that 730 00:50:22,980 --> 00:50:25,830 said, the UAP tf is looking for novel ways to increase 731 00:50:25,830 --> 00:50:29,730 collection of UAP cluster areas, when US forces are not present 732 00:50:29,730 --> 00:50:33,540 as a way to baseline standard UAP activity and mitigate 733 00:50:33,540 --> 00:50:36,660 collection bias in the data set. So essentially, if they're only 734 00:50:36,660 --> 00:50:40,830 collecting data from military installations, it's going to be 735 00:50:40,830 --> 00:50:43,410 a bias towards military installations, because that's 736 00:50:43,410 --> 00:50:46,170 all they look at. So they're trying to set up ways to collect 737 00:50:46,170 --> 00:50:49,500 information that was in the public report. What's down here, 738 00:50:49,680 --> 00:50:54,210 obviously, was not. Here's another one for you FOIA people 739 00:50:54,210 --> 00:50:58,140 out there. Some of you may find it, briefly. Interesting. But 740 00:50:58,140 --> 00:51:01,530 the FOIA people this is what you look for, increase investment in 741 00:51:01,530 --> 00:51:05,580 research and development. public version have the same paragraph 742 00:51:05,580 --> 00:51:09,090 with one difference. The UAP TF has indicated that additional 743 00:51:09,090 --> 00:51:11,790 funding for research and development could further the 744 00:51:11,790 --> 00:51:15,990 mission objectives defined by a Deputy Secretary of Defense 745 00:51:15,990 --> 00:51:21,810 Action Memo 23 July 2020. Such investments should be guided by 746 00:51:21,810 --> 00:51:26,730 a UAP collection strategy UAP r&d Technical roadmap and a UAP 747 00:51:26,730 --> 00:51:31,200 program guide. This highlighted section here that memo had never 748 00:51:31,230 --> 00:51:35,220 has never and has yet to be released to the public, nor was 749 00:51:35,220 --> 00:51:38,490 it even known. And so this is the kind of stuff that was 750 00:51:38,490 --> 00:51:42,060 removed in the public version, which indicates this is likely a 751 00:51:42,060 --> 00:51:46,410 classified likely a classified memorandum that they did not 752 00:51:46,410 --> 00:51:51,030 want out into the public. My case with ODNI brought its 753 00:51:51,060 --> 00:51:54,150 existence out to the public. I've already filed a case for 754 00:51:54,150 --> 00:51:57,420 this, we'll see if it's declassified. I'm hopeful it is. 755 00:51:57,630 --> 00:52:00,120 It's possible if it is a classified memo, it was 756 00:52:00,120 --> 00:52:04,200 classified because at the time it was written. The UAP research 757 00:52:04,230 --> 00:52:08,880 effort or the task force may have been a classified topic at 758 00:52:08,880 --> 00:52:12,660 the time later, it was obviously revealed. But that is something 759 00:52:12,660 --> 00:52:16,200 that for again, the FOIA people out there, you really look for, 760 00:52:16,500 --> 00:52:19,950 for the UAP UFO crowd. That's just interesting, because 761 00:52:19,950 --> 00:52:24,210 there's more documents, hopefully to come. Now remember, 762 00:52:24,210 --> 00:52:28,560 I talked about the tables and some of the pins I told you to 763 00:52:28,560 --> 00:52:31,530 put in while we were talking about the report, you'll see 764 00:52:31,530 --> 00:52:34,560 nothing here on the public side, because this is all brand new, 765 00:52:34,560 --> 00:52:38,490 this was just in the classified version. And it breaks down UAP 766 00:52:38,490 --> 00:52:44,370 reports by this could be pilots. I mean, again, this is just 767 00:52:44,820 --> 00:52:48,210 purely speculation, but maybe just you know more of these 768 00:52:48,240 --> 00:52:52,920 pilot category, ground observer radar tech operator who knows, 769 00:52:53,400 --> 00:52:57,840 but they have what appears to be four different categories of UFO 770 00:52:57,840 --> 00:53:02,280 observations by maybe sensors is another one, radar only, 771 00:53:02,850 --> 00:53:05,850 whatever the four categories are, and then underneath that 772 00:53:05,850 --> 00:53:11,040 are likely the numbers. So you'll see here the heading in 773 00:53:11,040 --> 00:53:13,830 the table, you see a blue color there for watching visually, 774 00:53:14,250 --> 00:53:17,790 these are probably again those categories, this is probably the 775 00:53:17,790 --> 00:53:23,250 number jumping down here UAP detected by and then it was 776 00:53:23,280 --> 00:53:27,990 redacted unidentified aerial phenomena, redacted headers here 777 00:53:28,350 --> 00:53:32,640 in over half, over half of the 144 reports from US government 778 00:53:32,640 --> 00:53:38,040 observers, redacted unidentified aerial phenomena, then a bunch 779 00:53:38,040 --> 00:53:41,670 of redaction. So this could likely be maybe another table, 780 00:53:42,150 --> 00:53:46,140 the headers classified who knows, but obviously a lot of 781 00:53:46,140 --> 00:53:51,330 information here they do not want you to know. Figure one is 782 00:53:51,330 --> 00:53:56,790 likely the most controversial redaction one that everybody 783 00:53:56,790 --> 00:54:00,120 wants to see I've already briefly mentioned it well here 784 00:54:00,120 --> 00:54:04,500 is likely a visual breakdown of the common shapes that are seen 785 00:54:04,530 --> 00:54:07,920 in these cases. So the unidentified aerial phenomena 786 00:54:07,920 --> 00:54:10,980 head or you can see up here under the figure one, some 787 00:54:10,980 --> 00:54:14,250 redactions here, observers frequently described 788 00:54:14,280 --> 00:54:19,980 unidentified aerial phenomena as likely that that shape, though 789 00:54:20,040 --> 00:54:23,880 and then some redaction here, such as a and then a bunch of 790 00:54:23,880 --> 00:54:27,810 more redaction shaped objects. So for whatever reason, yet 791 00:54:27,810 --> 00:54:31,920 again, they do not want these common shapes revealed, here is 792 00:54:31,920 --> 00:54:35,520 the table where they break that down. And then the less common 793 00:54:35,520 --> 00:54:40,320 irregular shapes, you can do that. You know, speculate on 794 00:54:40,320 --> 00:54:43,920 what is there as well. But how I translate this I was asked by 795 00:54:43,920 --> 00:54:45,660 the hill I got to do an interview with the hill the 796 00:54:45,660 --> 00:54:50,520 other day, how I how I translate this, I was a little surprised 797 00:54:50,520 --> 00:54:54,330 by the question. Essentially, how I translate this to echo the 798 00:54:54,330 --> 00:54:58,170 same definition here. These are just simply a breakdown of 799 00:54:58,170 --> 00:55:01,890 shapes whether they be drawings, photos, Are both of the types of 800 00:55:01,890 --> 00:55:04,740 UAP being seen? Are they photos? Are 801 00:55:04,739 --> 00:55:07,139 they diagrams? Well, there's one of three possibilities. They're 802 00:55:07,139 --> 00:55:13,139 all photos, or screenshots from video. They are all diagrams or 803 00:55:13,139 --> 00:55:17,699 sketches or a mixture of both. If I were to bet $1 Right now, I 804 00:55:17,699 --> 00:55:23,039 would say, a mixture of both. The less common irregular 805 00:55:23,039 --> 00:55:26,699 shapes, same deal, probably maybe a one off encounter or 806 00:55:26,699 --> 00:55:29,909 something very, very minimal, but they wanted to notate it as 807 00:55:29,909 --> 00:55:34,799 well. My guess is it's a mixture of both. I'm veering away from 808 00:55:34,799 --> 00:55:37,949 the report. This slide is not in the report. But I wanted to show 809 00:55:37,949 --> 00:55:42,719 you guys an example of what might be under there. This is a 810 00:55:43,139 --> 00:55:48,869 photograph captured by a Snoopy team that I believe was from the 811 00:55:48,869 --> 00:55:52,709 USS stout, but I was able to get this recently declassified and 812 00:55:52,709 --> 00:55:55,859 released. But you'll see here are photographs that were taken. 813 00:55:56,129 --> 00:56:00,899 This came up in a UAP related case, you'll see here, this is 814 00:56:00,899 --> 00:56:05,099 an obvious drone. So I'm not saying that this is anything but 815 00:56:05,279 --> 00:56:10,409 but it goes under a UAP category. And so would we see 816 00:56:10,409 --> 00:56:13,889 stuff like this under there? I'm not really sure. But it's it's 817 00:56:13,889 --> 00:56:17,699 possible. You'll also see here in that particular case, there 818 00:56:17,699 --> 00:56:21,779 was a exempted photograph here, was it another angle? Was it 819 00:56:21,779 --> 00:56:26,249 another craft? What was it who knows, but you can see that some 820 00:56:26,279 --> 00:56:30,269 they will share when it comes to UAP categories, some they will 821 00:56:30,269 --> 00:56:35,639 not. I will use this in my appeal and my plea for saying 822 00:56:35,639 --> 00:56:41,609 you should not redact shapes and descriptors. So my argument is 823 00:56:41,639 --> 00:56:45,119 in very short, I mean, it'll be a much bigger length in the 824 00:56:45,119 --> 00:56:50,219 appeal. But essentially, if you guys have descriptors, 825 00:56:50,249 --> 00:56:55,259 identification, identifying markings, something like that a 826 00:56:55,259 --> 00:56:58,559 caption that will connect it to a classified system, whatever it 827 00:56:58,559 --> 00:57:02,219 might be. Those are acceptable redactions. However, when it 828 00:57:02,219 --> 00:57:06,929 comes to the shapes, those I do not believe are justified. And 829 00:57:06,929 --> 00:57:10,079 that is what I'm going to hone in on and hopefully get maybe 830 00:57:10,079 --> 00:57:13,829 not if there are captions, maybe not all the captions, but 831 00:57:13,829 --> 00:57:17,339 hopefully the shapes or something that will reveal what 832 00:57:17,339 --> 00:57:21,359 they are, are photographing, or videotaping or whatever they may 833 00:57:21,359 --> 00:57:27,209 be. Here's another appendix that was entirely new. In the 834 00:57:27,209 --> 00:57:29,639 classified version that was released, obviously, you can see 835 00:57:29,639 --> 00:57:32,909 about 50%, redacted here, collection by intelligence 836 00:57:32,909 --> 00:57:36,929 discipline. And it breaks down the way that they collect the 837 00:57:36,929 --> 00:57:41,999 intelligence geospatial intelligence, or, or, in other 838 00:57:41,999 --> 00:57:45,149 words, information derived from an analysis of images and data 839 00:57:45,419 --> 00:57:50,219 associated with a particular location. There's a full agency 840 00:57:50,249 --> 00:57:55,769 that is dedicated to this called the NGA, not the ngi. A, as many 841 00:57:55,769 --> 00:57:59,129 people reference it, but rather the NGA, that's the National 842 00:57:59,129 --> 00:58:04,109 Geospatial Intelligence Agency. Not not an agency that's talked 843 00:58:04,109 --> 00:58:08,339 about a lot. But the NGA obviously plays a role in this 844 00:58:09,059 --> 00:58:12,839 in this discussion and in these investigations. And in case 845 00:58:12,839 --> 00:58:15,209 maybe in the live chat right now, I'm sure somebody is 846 00:58:15,209 --> 00:58:19,049 saying, Hey, have you ever hit the NGA with requests? Yes, I 847 00:58:19,049 --> 00:58:22,589 have. years ago, it came back negative when it came to UFO 848 00:58:22,589 --> 00:58:26,369 related information. But given the information gleaned in this 849 00:58:26,369 --> 00:58:29,699 report, I did file last year because they did talk about 850 00:58:29,849 --> 00:58:32,939 geospatial intelligence in the public report as well. They just 851 00:58:32,939 --> 00:58:37,169 didn't have this appendix. You can also see SIGINT or signals 852 00:58:37,169 --> 00:58:39,359 intelligence is broken down. That's the intelligence 853 00:58:39,359 --> 00:58:42,629 gathering by the interception of signals, whether communications 854 00:58:42,629 --> 00:58:47,429 between people or from electronic signals. They also 855 00:58:47,429 --> 00:58:52,709 use human or human intelligence. That is intelligence gathered by 856 00:58:52,709 --> 00:58:57,029 means of interpersonal contact, Massena, int or Mason's 857 00:58:57,239 --> 00:59:01,469 measurement in signals intelligence. I'm going to read 858 00:59:01,469 --> 00:59:04,679 to the exact Department of Defense definition for this one. 859 00:59:05,129 --> 00:59:07,349 This is measurement and signal intelligence. It's the 860 00:59:07,349 --> 00:59:10,079 scientific and technical intelligence information 861 00:59:10,409 --> 00:59:13,679 obtained by quantitative and qualitative analysis of data 862 00:59:13,679 --> 00:59:18,419 collected by specific technical sensors. The data are collected 863 00:59:18,419 --> 00:59:22,169 to identify distinctive features of the source, emitter or sender 864 00:59:22,319 --> 00:59:25,439 and to facilitate its subsequent identification and or 865 00:59:25,439 --> 00:59:30,059 measurement. So that is a breakdown of messenger nascent. 866 00:59:31,679 --> 00:59:32,489 A pet Appendix B 867 00:59:32,490 --> 00:59:36,660 also is brand new, Federal Bureau of Investigation support 868 00:59:36,690 --> 00:59:40,680 of attribution efforts given the national security implications 869 00:59:40,680 --> 00:59:44,130 associated with potential threats posed by UAP, operating 870 00:59:44,340 --> 00:59:47,100 in close proximity to sensitive military activities, 871 00:59:47,490 --> 00:59:50,790 installations, critical infrastructure or national 872 00:59:50,820 --> 00:59:54,030 security sites. The FBI is positioned to use its 873 00:59:54,030 --> 00:59:56,970 investigative capabilities and authorities to support 874 00:59:56,970 --> 01:00:00,330 deliberate DOD and interagency efforts to do Sherman 875 01:00:00,360 --> 01:00:04,320 attribution. In other words, they're calling on the FBI to 876 01:00:04,320 --> 01:00:07,290 help out with this effort, although they were briefly 877 01:00:07,290 --> 01:00:11,730 mentioned, in the public report that mentioned was only a line 878 01:00:11,730 --> 01:00:15,990 or two. However, in this appendix, obviously, you can see 879 01:00:16,020 --> 01:00:20,850 a lot is redacted, but expanded. So obviously, for an 880 01:00:20,850 --> 01:00:25,050 investigator like me, this gives me a new target, even though I 881 01:00:25,050 --> 01:00:29,610 already have hit them with FOIA requests last year, based on 882 01:00:29,610 --> 01:00:33,420 their mention in the report, this shows me that they have a 883 01:00:33,420 --> 01:00:38,070 much bigger involvement in the UAP effort, the research effort, 884 01:00:38,550 --> 01:00:42,300 and whether or not that that continues on after the UAP task 885 01:00:42,300 --> 01:00:46,950 force and this aeoi MSG office that is seemingly still getting 886 01:00:46,950 --> 01:00:50,250 their feet on the ground, the FBI is going to be heavily 887 01:00:50,250 --> 01:00:53,400 involved. I'm a little surprised at that, because there are 888 01:00:53,400 --> 01:00:57,060 investigative arms within the Navy and within the air force 889 01:00:57,240 --> 01:01:00,600 that can do those types of investigations. In fact, even 890 01:01:00,600 --> 01:01:03,750 when you're talking about because the report talked about 891 01:01:03,750 --> 01:01:10,560 it UAVs, commercial UAVs I've gotten NCIS, the Navy Criminal 892 01:01:10,560 --> 01:01:14,190 Investigative Service, I've gotten those NCIS reports 893 01:01:14,190 --> 01:01:19,650 investigating a commercial level drone going into a naval 894 01:01:19,650 --> 01:01:23,640 installation. So I've gotten those before, not UAP or UFOs, 895 01:01:23,640 --> 01:01:26,220 in the sense that we're talking about it. But regardless, they 896 01:01:26,220 --> 01:01:31,350 do that type of investigation. So their involvement of the FBI 897 01:01:31,350 --> 01:01:34,470 was a little bit surprising to me, but maybe they're expanding 898 01:01:34,500 --> 01:01:37,860 outside the walls of the US military. And so they have to 899 01:01:37,860 --> 01:01:40,590 get involved a law enforcement agency like that. So that's 900 01:01:40,590 --> 01:01:44,460 understandable. I was still surprised nonetheless. Here's a 901 01:01:44,460 --> 01:01:47,490 side by side of the public report, which in the public 902 01:01:47,490 --> 01:01:51,270 report was Appendix A, in the classified was Appendix C, the 903 01:01:51,270 --> 01:01:54,990 definition of key terms. Really, the only difference here was the 904 01:01:54,990 --> 01:01:58,740 inclusion of range Fowler in the classified version, even though 905 01:01:58,740 --> 01:02:03,480 you can see here, they kept it as a footnote. Why I'm not sure 906 01:02:03,480 --> 01:02:07,620 I think it was an oversight. But regardless, there is an addition 907 01:02:08,070 --> 01:02:11,850 of likely another word or terminology, a key term, if you 908 01:02:11,850 --> 01:02:18,510 will, that is 100% redacted, from the the word or phrase 909 01:02:18,510 --> 01:02:22,080 itself through the definition, so completely removed. They're 910 01:02:22,350 --> 01:02:26,670 pretty interesting. Maybe the the citation is military plans, 911 01:02:26,670 --> 01:02:30,450 weapon systems, or operations and vulnerabilities or 912 01:02:30,450 --> 01:02:33,600 capabilities of systems. That to me, it doesn't make sense, 913 01:02:33,690 --> 01:02:36,210 unless they have some kind of phrasing that talks about their 914 01:02:36,210 --> 01:02:41,760 vulnerability. Not really sure. So that citation, I'm also 915 01:02:41,760 --> 01:02:45,120 fighting in the appeal. Because I think the definition of 916 01:02:45,120 --> 01:02:49,020 something shouldn't be classified. When it comes to 917 01:02:49,230 --> 01:02:52,800 vulnerabilities or military plans. There are classified 918 01:02:52,800 --> 01:02:55,530 keywords, and there have been in the past that have been 919 01:02:55,530 --> 01:02:59,400 declassified. But when it comes to this, it didn't make sense. 920 01:02:59,430 --> 01:03:03,510 So I'm going to fight that as well. Appendix B in the public 921 01:03:03,510 --> 01:03:07,080 report was Appendix D in the classified version, this was a 922 01:03:07,080 --> 01:03:10,620 breakdown of the Senate report accompanying the intelligence 923 01:03:10,620 --> 01:03:15,150 Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021. Again, was was 924 01:03:15,180 --> 01:03:19,830 identical, no changes there. And that brings us to the end. 925 01:03:21,389 --> 01:03:23,699 Hopefully, with that deep dive, it gives you guys an 926 01:03:23,699 --> 01:03:26,219 understanding that even though it's frustrating at first 927 01:03:26,219 --> 01:03:29,429 glance, you see this information, you see how much 928 01:03:29,429 --> 01:03:33,779 redaction there is. And it's frustrating. But very much like 929 01:03:33,779 --> 01:03:38,219 the public report when we got that, after that frustration 930 01:03:38,219 --> 01:03:40,919 that it was only nine pages with the public report, and I was 931 01:03:40,919 --> 01:03:43,829 frustrated as well. You walk away, you take a deep breath, 932 01:03:43,829 --> 01:03:47,759 you come back, sit down, and you start digesting the information. 933 01:03:48,329 --> 01:03:51,179 For me if you guys recall from that video, for those who saw 934 01:03:51,179 --> 01:03:55,379 it, it spawned over 50 Freedom of Information Act request to 935 01:03:55,379 --> 01:03:58,739 about 13 or 14 different agencies and military branches. 936 01:03:59,159 --> 01:04:02,099 My point is, is that at first glance, things can be 937 01:04:02,099 --> 01:04:06,209 frustrating or seemingly worthless. But when you come 938 01:04:06,209 --> 01:04:11,099 back and really look, you now have a partial glimpse into what 939 01:04:11,099 --> 01:04:16,559 is being bantered about in classified material and given to 940 01:04:16,649 --> 01:04:21,839 the Senate and and other members of the House. And when you 941 01:04:21,839 --> 01:04:25,799 digest that, you realize that there is much more to the story, 942 01:04:26,219 --> 01:04:30,119 that they are getting much more to the story, a news channel, 943 01:04:30,629 --> 01:04:33,509 not going to say it now it should air by the time this 944 01:04:33,509 --> 01:04:38,219 drops, but I'll give it in the live chat. If it does. I just 945 01:04:38,219 --> 01:04:42,359 never like to talk about it until it actually airs. So a 946 01:04:42,359 --> 01:04:46,259 newscaster asked me today. What about the senators that have 947 01:04:46,259 --> 01:04:48,539 come out or congressmen that have come out and said hey, 948 01:04:48,539 --> 01:04:53,039 there's really a high likelihood that this is just, you know, 949 01:04:53,039 --> 01:04:56,579 either a classified piece of technology or or a foreign 950 01:04:56,579 --> 01:04:59,339 adversary and you know, everybody's kind of going to the 951 01:04:59,339 --> 01:05:03,479 alien route. But my evidence kind of points elsewhere. Of 952 01:05:03,479 --> 01:05:06,209 course, that's a paraphrased question and, quote, 953 01:05:06,420 --> 01:05:08,760 but there have been those that have come out and said that 954 01:05:08,760 --> 01:05:10,890 there's also been those that have come out and said, No, it's 955 01:05:10,890 --> 01:05:14,760 not that. But regardless, they had asked me today, hey, what do 956 01:05:14,760 --> 01:05:17,910 you what do you how do you respond to that. And my response 957 01:05:17,910 --> 01:05:21,990 is simple. And this is the the value of a document like this, 958 01:05:21,990 --> 01:05:25,290 that even though it is heavily redacted, it shows you that what 959 01:05:25,320 --> 01:05:29,280 those politicians are saying that have that angle, that there 960 01:05:29,280 --> 01:05:33,690 is a high likelihood of either a foreign adversary, or our own 961 01:05:33,690 --> 01:05:39,480 technology, maybe being rumored about and so on. Not a single 962 01:05:39,510 --> 01:05:43,650 case, in the classified version was referenced as being either, 963 01:05:44,160 --> 01:05:48,810 not one. Now, there may be certain logical reasons on why. 964 01:05:49,020 --> 01:05:52,110 But regardless, when you look at that fact, and you see those 965 01:05:52,110 --> 01:05:56,670 politicians telling you, before this came out, telling you, it's 966 01:05:56,670 --> 01:05:59,820 a high likelihood of that, but now we've learned that the 967 01:05:59,820 --> 01:06:04,320 public version did not go into the level of detail detail that 968 01:06:04,320 --> 01:06:07,500 they got in the classified version. And in that classified 969 01:06:07,500 --> 01:06:12,690 version, not a single shred of evidence, will reinforce what 970 01:06:12,690 --> 01:06:16,170 they are saying not not anything, the military was not 971 01:06:16,170 --> 01:06:21,270 able to peg one foreign adversarial drone, or piece of 972 01:06:21,300 --> 01:06:26,340 technological technology, or technological platform to any of 973 01:06:26,340 --> 01:06:30,330 the UAP that were investigated. In addition, they were not able 974 01:06:30,330 --> 01:06:35,670 to peg one single case, on any classified piece of us 975 01:06:35,670 --> 01:06:39,570 technology. That, to me is a fascinating revelation that with 976 01:06:39,570 --> 01:06:43,080 the resources behind the US government and the US military, 977 01:06:43,350 --> 01:06:47,310 they still could not fit the cases into their own breakdown 978 01:06:47,550 --> 01:06:51,810 of mundane explanations of logical explanations. They 979 01:06:51,810 --> 01:06:55,260 couldn't do it, not once. So I think we have to look at that 980 01:06:55,260 --> 01:06:58,620 and see value that even though we can't see under all of the 981 01:06:58,620 --> 01:07:03,120 black that we can't see all under every redaction, we can 982 01:07:03,120 --> 01:07:06,510 start filling in some of the blanks, and then start to 983 01:07:06,510 --> 01:07:10,620 question why why will they not give us the capability of some 984 01:07:10,620 --> 01:07:13,890 of these craft? Now some of you have may have heard me say in 985 01:07:13,890 --> 01:07:19,530 the past, that there is a a high potential that some of these 986 01:07:19,530 --> 01:07:23,490 cases are military tech. And I stand by that that's that's 987 01:07:23,520 --> 01:07:26,490 that's the definition of potential. It could be it's a 988 01:07:26,490 --> 01:07:30,150 possibility. I got a lot of heat for saying that on a Showtime 989 01:07:30,150 --> 01:07:34,770 documentary by JJ Abrams, where I said it's possible that the 990 01:07:34,770 --> 01:07:39,930 2004 incident is a classified platform classified piece of 991 01:07:39,930 --> 01:07:43,740 tech. I still stand by that, even though the military 992 01:07:43,740 --> 01:07:46,830 doesn't. And and I'm contradicting their own words 993 01:07:46,830 --> 01:07:51,000 here. I still think that we have to wrestle with that possibility 994 01:07:51,000 --> 01:07:54,870 that things are being withheld, maybe from a task force that 995 01:07:54,870 --> 01:07:58,560 created this, I believe it was Christopher Mellon, who said 996 01:07:58,560 --> 01:08:01,680 that, that there were efforts within the United States 997 01:08:01,680 --> 01:08:04,500 government and military to keep all of the information from the 998 01:08:04,500 --> 01:08:09,090 Taskforce. Well, if that's true, then we still have a possibility 999 01:08:09,090 --> 01:08:12,600 there. So I've been called out by some of my haters about that, 1000 01:08:12,600 --> 01:08:15,720 and wanted to quickly address it, as I don't feel that it's a 1001 01:08:15,720 --> 01:08:20,730 contradiction to accept. The report says one thing, but also 1002 01:08:20,760 --> 01:08:24,900 the realization that the report could be wrong. Because if if 1003 01:08:24,900 --> 01:08:27,570 what Christopher Mellon is saying, and those surrounding 1004 01:08:27,570 --> 01:08:30,720 him have told him that the taskforce did not get all of the 1005 01:08:30,720 --> 01:08:33,630 information, it is quite possible that a highly 1006 01:08:33,630 --> 01:08:37,500 classified platform or piece of technology with was withheld 1007 01:08:37,770 --> 01:08:40,980 from them. And so when they create a document like this, 1008 01:08:40,980 --> 01:08:43,140 even though it's going to Congress, you really think the 1009 01:08:43,140 --> 01:08:46,920 military cares if Congress is misinformed, that when they 1010 01:08:46,920 --> 01:08:50,280 create it, and they are not given every piece of the puzzle, 1011 01:08:50,490 --> 01:08:53,490 that there are going to be errors. And I think that that's 1012 01:08:53,490 --> 01:08:58,800 why I stand by the possibility that some of this is potentially 1013 01:08:58,800 --> 01:09:01,770 a classified platform, or a piece of technology that we are 1014 01:09:01,770 --> 01:09:05,130 not aware of yet, or even that the task force was being told 1015 01:09:05,130 --> 01:09:11,070 about all possibilities, all good ideas, not only from me, 1016 01:09:11,070 --> 01:09:13,710 but from a lot of people out there. But at the end of the 1017 01:09:13,710 --> 01:09:18,360 day, it's speculation because we just don't know yet. I will keep 1018 01:09:18,360 --> 01:09:21,960 you guys informed of the appeal process as well. As of the 1019 01:09:21,960 --> 01:09:26,760 recording of this, I have 90 days to respond with an appeal. 1020 01:09:27,450 --> 01:09:31,530 I will likely not wait anywhere near that. But I like to take a 1021 01:09:31,530 --> 01:09:35,340 deep breath sometimes sleep on it. Read the document a few 1022 01:09:35,340 --> 01:09:39,360 times. And you know what, even doing videos like this, allow me 1023 01:09:39,360 --> 01:09:43,200 to see things while I'm talking to all of you and to see your 1024 01:09:43,200 --> 01:09:46,380 questions that give me ideas on how to fight some of these 1025 01:09:46,380 --> 01:09:50,310 redactions and sometimes see things that I didn't see the 1026 01:09:50,310 --> 01:09:54,930 first, the second or the 3,000th time I've read something. Doing 1027 01:09:54,930 --> 01:09:58,920 this is definitely a help for me, as well. So thank you guys 1028 01:09:58,920 --> 01:10:00,990 for sticking through This deep dive. 1029 01:10:01,230 --> 01:10:05,400 I don't do this level of detail often, but I feel with this 1030 01:10:05,400 --> 01:10:08,220 particular document, it was definitely warranted. And 1031 01:10:08,220 --> 01:10:10,680 hopefully it gave you guys an idea that even though it is 1032 01:10:10,680 --> 01:10:13,740 frustrating, as I mentioned, you look at the information and 1033 01:10:13,740 --> 01:10:17,580 really dissect every character. And it tells a much different 1034 01:10:17,580 --> 01:10:20,580 story than just, uh, oh, they're holding it from us. And I'm 1035 01:10:20,580 --> 01:10:24,840 really mad. Rather, it tells a story in itself. So hopefully 1036 01:10:24,840 --> 01:10:28,110 you guys got some, some use out of that. Please, if you could 1037 01:10:28,110 --> 01:10:30,210 help me out. As I said in the beginning of the show, if you're 1038 01:10:30,210 --> 01:10:33,900 watching a thumbs up really does help, make sure you're 1039 01:10:33,900 --> 01:10:37,320 subscribed to the channel. If you feel so inclined. A lot of 1040 01:10:37,320 --> 01:10:41,340 this work is motivated and supported by Patreon 1041 01:10:41,340 --> 01:10:44,940 subscribers. If you decide that $1 A month or whatever you'd 1042 01:10:44,940 --> 01:10:47,940 like to do, it supports this channel and these efforts 1043 01:10:47,940 --> 01:10:52,560 because sometimes it's it's not cheap, and you do have to do 1044 01:10:52,560 --> 01:10:56,970 filing fees. On some occasions, in some cases, reproduction, 1045 01:10:57,000 --> 01:11:01,680 search charges, all sorts of stuff 100% of all of that super 1046 01:11:01,680 --> 01:11:06,840 chats. If you saw any come in on the broadcasting of this 150% Go 1047 01:11:06,840 --> 01:11:10,530 to the channel. And hopefully you guys see that when it comes 1048 01:11:10,530 --> 01:11:15,540 to the quality of what I try and create for you. So truly, thank 1049 01:11:15,540 --> 01:11:18,600 you biggest help is spreading the word. So even though you 1050 01:11:18,600 --> 01:11:21,540 decide not to do a Patreon, don't worry, everything still 1051 01:11:21,540 --> 01:11:25,500 remains free. Nothing has ever been behind a paywall on the 1052 01:11:25,500 --> 01:11:28,770 black vault COMM For more than 25 years since I started. 1053 01:11:28,980 --> 01:11:32,520 However, it really does help support the site and allows me 1054 01:11:32,520 --> 01:11:36,690 to kind of expand the channel so to speak. So with that, thank 1055 01:11:36,690 --> 01:11:39,660 you. I really do appreciate it. I'm looking forward to reading 1056 01:11:39,660 --> 01:11:42,570 your comments. If you are listening to the audio version, 1057 01:11:42,810 --> 01:11:45,720 any type of review helps on the platform that you're you're 1058 01:11:45,720 --> 01:11:49,560 listening on whether it be iTunes, or whatever, whatever it 1059 01:11:49,560 --> 01:11:53,610 may be. But also on YouTube, please put your comments below. 1060 01:11:53,610 --> 01:11:56,430 Let me know what you think questions I try and get to them. 1061 01:11:56,610 --> 01:12:00,930 And maybe we'll do a live stream of a Colin show again. Get your 1062 01:12:00,930 --> 01:12:03,870 questions that way. Thank you so much for listening again. This 1063 01:12:03,870 --> 01:12:06,480 is John Greenewald, Jr signing off, and we'll see you next 1064 01:12:06,480 --> 01:12:06,780 time.