1 00:00:04,410 --> 00:00:06,690 John Greenewald: The advanced aerospace weapon system 2 00:00:06,690 --> 00:00:12,450 applications program or OS app. Some believe it was a secret 3 00:00:12,450 --> 00:00:16,200 study into the paranormal centered around a mysterious 4 00:00:16,200 --> 00:00:22,800 place in Utah known as Skinwalker Ranch. The government 5 00:00:22,800 --> 00:00:26,580 denies that allegation and labels it simply an aerospace 6 00:00:26,580 --> 00:00:30,840 research program that where applicable, Drew research from 7 00:00:30,840 --> 00:00:35,550 UAP material, but they maintain that the examination of 8 00:00:35,550 --> 00:00:39,960 unidentified objects was not at all the purpose of the program. 9 00:00:41,610 --> 00:00:46,260 Now, the government has released more than 1500 pages of material 10 00:00:46,260 --> 00:00:52,200 on OS app. Prepare yourself for a deep dive into everything that 11 00:00:52,200 --> 00:00:56,430 just got released, and how the media added to that Saga by 12 00:00:56,430 --> 00:01:01,620 royally messing it all up. Stay tuned, you're about to journey 13 00:01:01,650 --> 00:01:03,450 inside the black vault. 14 00:01:29,760 --> 00:01:32,430 That's right, everybody. As always, thank you so much for 15 00:01:32,430 --> 00:01:36,330 tuning in and taking this journey inside the black vault 16 00:01:36,330 --> 00:01:39,750 with me. I'm your host, John Greenwald, Jr, founder and 17 00:01:39,750 --> 00:01:42,840 creator of the black vault.com. And when I say journey inside 18 00:01:42,840 --> 00:01:46,500 the black vault, at least tonight anyway, I truly mean it. 19 00:01:46,800 --> 00:01:49,740 This is another deep dive I don't do these often. This is I 20 00:01:49,740 --> 00:01:53,760 think maybe my second what I would consider Deep Dive. And 21 00:01:53,760 --> 00:01:56,220 let me just say up front, a couple things. I know these 22 00:01:56,220 --> 00:02:00,120 aren't for everybody. Number one, they're long, right? I get 23 00:02:00,120 --> 00:02:03,000 it, I don't know how long this is going to turn out to be. If 24 00:02:03,000 --> 00:02:06,120 you're watching the live version, and you're unsure, I 25 00:02:06,120 --> 00:02:10,050 put it into the show description below. If it's not live, then 26 00:02:10,050 --> 00:02:13,620 obviously you can see the length of the video. But diving into 27 00:02:13,620 --> 00:02:19,080 these types of document dumps sometimes deserves the time to 28 00:02:19,080 --> 00:02:22,980 do it. And that's what these videos are all about. But I will 29 00:02:22,980 --> 00:02:26,040 go ahead and give you guys at least a little bit of a summary 30 00:02:26,040 --> 00:02:29,310 here up top. So if you don't watch the full breakdown, that's 31 00:02:29,310 --> 00:02:33,390 okay, you'll be able to at least get the summary. So I wanted to 32 00:02:33,390 --> 00:02:37,410 say that upfront because this will kind of get detailed this 33 00:02:37,410 --> 00:02:40,740 will go through all of the documents for the most part that 34 00:02:40,740 --> 00:02:43,980 were released. About the advanced let me pull up the 35 00:02:43,980 --> 00:02:47,970 visuals here. The advanced aerospace weapon system 36 00:02:47,970 --> 00:02:51,060 applications program, they'll say that a few times FAST 37 00:02:51,090 --> 00:02:55,620 acronym, or SAP, I was going to actually nickname this video or 38 00:02:55,620 --> 00:02:59,850 snap but I figured that would pretty much upset a few of my 39 00:02:59,850 --> 00:03:03,000 biggest haters out there and they would somehow make it into 40 00:03:03,000 --> 00:03:08,820 a declaration of war. But all SAP is that acronym that we have 41 00:03:08,850 --> 00:03:13,530 pretty much heard about here since the beginning of 2018. 42 00:03:13,830 --> 00:03:17,820 Connected to the A tip program. That's the advanced aerospace 43 00:03:18,060 --> 00:03:22,560 threat Identification Program. That was referred to by Harry 44 00:03:22,560 --> 00:03:26,490 Reid, Senator Harry Reid is the advanced aerospace threat and 45 00:03:26,490 --> 00:03:29,580 identification program, slight differences. And you'll see here 46 00:03:29,580 --> 00:03:32,820 in a couple of minutes, how confusing all of that really 47 00:03:32,820 --> 00:03:36,360 becomes. But anyway, this is a deep dive into some material 48 00:03:36,360 --> 00:03:40,470 that came out in the last couple of weeks and got picked up by 49 00:03:40,470 --> 00:03:44,280 the mainstream media. Now when I say mainstream media, the sun, 50 00:03:44,310 --> 00:03:47,670 if you're not familiar with that publication, sometimes 51 00:03:47,670 --> 00:03:51,510 questionable recording, or reporting, I should say not 52 00:03:51,510 --> 00:03:55,830 recording, but questionable reporting. And although I don't 53 00:03:55,830 --> 00:03:59,700 like really trashing media outlets, although I do harp on 54 00:03:59,700 --> 00:04:03,810 them often for coverage on UFOs. I will say that this coverage 55 00:04:03,810 --> 00:04:08,790 was not strong. And the reason I say that is it was not accurate 56 00:04:08,820 --> 00:04:12,270 about what was going on. And what we were essentially all 57 00:04:12,270 --> 00:04:15,450 seeing. This was the article that kind of led the way 58 00:04:15,450 --> 00:04:20,100 Pentagon releases 1500 pages of secret documents about shadowy 59 00:04:20,100 --> 00:04:25,500 UFO program after four year battle. Well, other than a wait, 60 00:04:25,530 --> 00:04:28,320 I'm not sure what battle they're referring to. There were no 61 00:04:28,320 --> 00:04:31,470 appeals needed for this yet, although I'll get into it later 62 00:04:31,470 --> 00:04:35,970 that I ended up filing some appeals. The battle I'm a guest 63 00:04:36,000 --> 00:04:40,380 guessing is again that wait time that that the journalist had 64 00:04:40,380 --> 00:04:44,580 waited Mr. Perry waited for the documents to come 1500 pages of 65 00:04:44,580 --> 00:04:47,580 secret documents is a little misleading. Sure they weren't 66 00:04:47,820 --> 00:04:51,510 revealed before. But they were all unclassified, which is 67 00:04:51,510 --> 00:04:54,150 always a key when looking at this type of information. 68 00:04:54,390 --> 00:04:58,530 Because it really does. I would say outline the the magnitude of 69 00:04:58,530 --> 00:05:02,340 the information there ends All of these records being 70 00:05:02,760 --> 00:05:06,270 unclassified with the exception of one report, which we'll get 71 00:05:06,270 --> 00:05:08,430 into in a few moments as well. 72 00:05:09,870 --> 00:05:12,810 The secret is a little bit pushing it. But hey, look, I'm 73 00:05:12,810 --> 00:05:15,990 not going to harp on the writing itself. I wanted to show you all 74 00:05:15,990 --> 00:05:20,340 the headline, and what then created what I call the copy and 75 00:05:20,340 --> 00:05:24,990 paste journalism effect. And that snowballed from there. A 76 00:05:24,990 --> 00:05:28,920 lot of places picked it up. I saw Luis Elizondo on Fox News 77 00:05:28,920 --> 00:05:32,400 times a couple times. I don't know if he appeared on any other 78 00:05:32,400 --> 00:05:34,680 networks. I didn't see him on social media by the time I had 79 00:05:34,680 --> 00:05:39,180 recorded this. But I did see again, a lot of media coverage 80 00:05:39,180 --> 00:05:42,450 on this, a lot of media appearances by various UFO 81 00:05:42,450 --> 00:05:47,790 experts, even experiencers. I saw Tom Reed that was that was 82 00:05:47,790 --> 00:05:51,420 on, I believe, Fox News as well, I saw a video posted on 83 00:05:51,420 --> 00:05:55,170 Facebook, so a lot of coverage to this particular report. And 84 00:05:55,170 --> 00:05:58,200 when you dissect the sun article, which again avalanched 85 00:05:58,200 --> 00:06:02,160 into so much other coverage, it essentially surfaced around one 86 00:06:02,610 --> 00:06:07,440 single report. Not all 1500 pages were about UFOs. In fact, 87 00:06:07,470 --> 00:06:10,830 none of them were this report, which was the only one to 88 00:06:10,830 --> 00:06:14,400 mention. UFOs was the one that was kind of highlighted, and 89 00:06:14,400 --> 00:06:19,410 most news agencies erroneously reported quite a few different 90 00:06:19,410 --> 00:06:23,130 angles. But one was it was a 1500 page report. That was 91 00:06:23,130 --> 00:06:27,750 untrue. 1500 pages of UFO related documents, that was 92 00:06:27,750 --> 00:06:31,260 untrue, and it just kind of again, snowballed from there and 93 00:06:31,260 --> 00:06:34,590 a lot of inaccurate reporting. But it was all based on this. It 94 00:06:34,590 --> 00:06:38,160 was authored by Dr. Christopher Kitt green, most people refer to 95 00:06:38,160 --> 00:06:42,630 him just as Dr. Kitt green, and I won't go into his whole 96 00:06:42,660 --> 00:06:45,570 background and, and so on, because this video is going to 97 00:06:45,570 --> 00:06:49,470 be long enough. So I'm gonna have to kick myself to not just 98 00:06:49,470 --> 00:06:53,280 dissect every little thing. So I invite you all to research Dr. 99 00:06:53,280 --> 00:06:56,640 Kitt. Green, he has been around the UFO field for many years, he 100 00:06:56,640 --> 00:07:01,440 has connect strong connections to Dr. Howell put off and has 101 00:07:02,550 --> 00:07:06,600 yet again, very questionable things that surround him as 102 00:07:06,600 --> 00:07:11,250 well. Now, I don't want to make that as an insult to the doctor. 103 00:07:11,250 --> 00:07:14,970 I don't mean it. But I know that a couple years back there was 104 00:07:14,970 --> 00:07:18,870 quite a few headlines as well that Dr. Kitt Green was duped by 105 00:07:18,870 --> 00:07:23,580 the hoax, Roswell alien video that he believed it to be real, 106 00:07:23,850 --> 00:07:26,640 when it was not. And that actually kind of surprised me, 107 00:07:26,640 --> 00:07:30,480 but gained mainstream coverage. So there's, there's a backstory 108 00:07:30,480 --> 00:07:33,810 here. And again, I invite you all to look into it. That's not 109 00:07:33,810 --> 00:07:36,540 meant to put him in a bad light, I'm sure people will attack me 110 00:07:36,540 --> 00:07:39,930 for bringing it up. But rather, I wanted to bring up that 111 00:07:39,930 --> 00:07:43,440 history to show that this wasn't a for those who aren't aware, 112 00:07:43,680 --> 00:07:47,640 this wasn't a doctor who just appeared as part of this this 113 00:07:47,640 --> 00:07:51,210 program and was somebody who was unknown, but rather quite the 114 00:07:51,210 --> 00:07:55,290 opposite, that he was known to the UFO field, and was brought 115 00:07:55,290 --> 00:07:59,910 in as one of many subcontractors to author some of these reports 116 00:07:59,910 --> 00:08:04,980 under the SAP contract. And so what we'll get into the other 117 00:08:04,980 --> 00:08:07,890 reports in a moment, but that's essentially what the news 118 00:08:07,890 --> 00:08:11,670 reporting was about was, was on this one report, I believe it 119 00:08:11,670 --> 00:08:15,270 only totaled like either 28 or 38 pages. Sorry, I didn't write 120 00:08:15,270 --> 00:08:18,180 it down in my in my presentation here. But regardless, it was 121 00:08:18,210 --> 00:08:23,610 well under 50 pages out of the 1500. And that was kind of the 122 00:08:23,610 --> 00:08:28,140 only record that that talked about UFOs or UAP. 123 00:08:29,819 --> 00:08:32,189 The part that was true about the reporting was the Defense 124 00:08:32,189 --> 00:08:35,729 Intelligence Agency. Now this was the part of the intelligence 125 00:08:35,729 --> 00:08:41,069 community that was the home for us up. Now we do know that that 126 00:08:41,339 --> 00:08:44,759 through reporting, some of which was accurate, some of which was 127 00:08:44,759 --> 00:08:49,799 not, the DIA was the one that held the contract for our SAP 128 00:08:49,799 --> 00:08:54,179 and then sent it out awarded it to the contractor, Bigelow 129 00:08:54,179 --> 00:08:58,979 Aerospace and his subsidiary bass. And that that part has 130 00:08:58,979 --> 00:09:01,859 kind of resonated resonated in much of the reporting over the 131 00:09:01,859 --> 00:09:05,639 last few years. So the DIA, which has been sorely 132 00:09:05,639 --> 00:09:10,679 backlogged, when it comes to the Freedom of Information Act, was 133 00:09:10,739 --> 00:09:15,899 just behind on file on processing the requests filed 134 00:09:16,199 --> 00:09:21,119 for any OS app documents. Os app came out in the beginning of 135 00:09:21,119 --> 00:09:25,649 2018. And that's when the majority of us started filing OS 136 00:09:25,649 --> 00:09:31,229 app specific requests. So the son who framed the the story as 137 00:09:31,229 --> 00:09:34,439 an exclusive, I'm not really sure where that came from, and 138 00:09:34,439 --> 00:09:37,799 nor nor am I taking credit. There were a lot of people that 139 00:09:37,799 --> 00:09:41,249 were getting these documents myself included in the last two 140 00:09:41,249 --> 00:09:45,239 weeks. Why? Well, we all kind of filed somewhat around the same 141 00:09:45,239 --> 00:09:49,889 timeframe. And this is how long it has taken for the DIA to get 142 00:09:49,889 --> 00:09:54,029 to those requests, process the documents and start releasing 143 00:09:54,029 --> 00:09:59,639 them. For the most part most people got shy of 1600 pages. I 144 00:09:59,639 --> 00:10:04,679 think the exact page count was 15 174. And most people got that 145 00:10:04,679 --> 00:10:07,409 other people that that narrowed their requests a little bit more 146 00:10:07,409 --> 00:10:14,009 got a lesser page count. But the most broad, we got 1574 pages of 147 00:10:14,009 --> 00:10:18,929 material that was all about us app. According to them, it was 148 00:10:18,929 --> 00:10:22,049 everything. Or at least that's what through the foil letters 149 00:10:22,049 --> 00:10:26,549 led us to believe. I disagree with that I have already filed 150 00:10:26,549 --> 00:10:30,419 an appeal actually multiple appeals. Based on quite a bit of 151 00:10:30,419 --> 00:10:33,779 evidence, we'll see if we get into it during this during this 152 00:10:33,779 --> 00:10:37,319 presentation. But regardless, just know I have filed appeals 153 00:10:37,319 --> 00:10:41,459 based on this. But they took those 1500 Plus pages, and 154 00:10:41,459 --> 00:10:44,279 dumped them on their reading room after some of us had had 155 00:10:44,279 --> 00:10:48,569 already had them for about two weeks. What happened next was, 156 00:10:48,899 --> 00:10:52,529 of course, a big conspiracy. And I'll just go ahead and throw 157 00:10:52,529 --> 00:10:55,289 this out there guys don't kill the messenger here. But I truly 158 00:10:55,289 --> 00:10:59,519 believe based on conversations on the telephone, not not just 159 00:10:59,519 --> 00:11:02,099 through email. But on the telephone with the Defense 160 00:11:02,099 --> 00:11:06,449 Intelligence Agency, I could tell that the processing of 161 00:11:06,449 --> 00:11:10,889 these requests was a mess. And what they were doing was 162 00:11:10,889 --> 00:11:17,189 potentially cultivating a brewing conspiracy extravaganza 163 00:11:17,339 --> 00:11:21,359 about RCEP. Now for those fans of this channel that have seen 164 00:11:21,359 --> 00:11:24,749 some of my interviews, one of which was with Tony Blair Galia, 165 00:11:25,079 --> 00:11:28,259 you'll see where that misunderstanding to someone who 166 00:11:28,709 --> 00:11:32,909 really didn't have experience with the FOIA or dissecting what 167 00:11:32,909 --> 00:11:37,199 he received, but just kind of assumed quite a bit. And he felt 168 00:11:37,199 --> 00:11:41,699 that he got the DIA to admit to alien material, which was wrong. 169 00:11:41,729 --> 00:11:46,259 And I believe through evidence, not even experience where I'm 170 00:11:46,259 --> 00:11:49,769 trying to say, hey, he just was inexperienced No, with with 171 00:11:49,769 --> 00:11:53,429 actual evidence to refute his claim it through it, you know, 172 00:11:53,429 --> 00:11:57,479 blew it out of the water. But but that is a prime example of 173 00:11:57,479 --> 00:12:03,329 what happens when there is, I would say, a slight carelessness 174 00:12:03,359 --> 00:12:07,889 when filing or excuse me, when when processing the filed FOIA 175 00:12:07,889 --> 00:12:10,919 requests, because they took those 1500 Plus pages, dumped 176 00:12:10,919 --> 00:12:13,709 them on their reading room, put them all under the title 177 00:12:13,709 --> 00:12:17,339 unidentified aerial phenomena. Now, why is this kind of 178 00:12:17,339 --> 00:12:18,029 surprising? Why 179 00:12:18,030 --> 00:12:22,020 does this even matter? Well, for the last few years, the 180 00:12:22,020 --> 00:12:26,280 Department of Defense and the DIA has stood by that, although 181 00:12:26,280 --> 00:12:30,870 eventually they admitted some of the material utilized UAP 182 00:12:30,870 --> 00:12:34,680 information in their report, likely that Kitt Green report I 183 00:12:34,680 --> 00:12:39,330 just showed you, the scope of the program had nothing to do 184 00:12:39,630 --> 00:12:44,970 with UFOs and UAP. Now, again, don't kill the messenger. But 185 00:12:44,970 --> 00:12:48,180 based on the evidence, I actually feel that's true. But 186 00:12:48,180 --> 00:12:51,810 regardless, like take my opinion out of it, that's the DoD 187 00:12:51,810 --> 00:12:55,320 stance, you can take that as as as you want. But that is the 188 00:12:55,320 --> 00:12:58,860 Department of Defense's stance, it's been a messy message. I 189 00:12:58,860 --> 00:13:03,090 will not defend their messaging. I don't endorse what they say. 190 00:13:03,510 --> 00:13:07,020 But rather, that is what they say. So when they put this on 191 00:13:07,020 --> 00:13:10,860 their reading room under unidentified aerial phenomena, I 192 00:13:10,860 --> 00:13:14,760 thought, okay, their messaging has been really messy. And with 193 00:13:14,760 --> 00:13:19,350 me, they have changed that message in the past. And I've 194 00:13:19,350 --> 00:13:22,890 reported on that and written articles about I've done videos 195 00:13:23,130 --> 00:13:27,060 about how they will say one thing, and then amend it later 196 00:13:27,060 --> 00:13:30,510 on, and they'll change it. One time, they said, correct the 197 00:13:30,510 --> 00:13:34,620 record, I think, is they the way that they refer to it as and and 198 00:13:34,620 --> 00:13:38,580 that became kind of a mess in itself. While this was kind of 199 00:13:38,580 --> 00:13:43,740 no different. I reached out the let me see, I think the day 200 00:13:43,740 --> 00:13:46,770 after, or maybe the day of that this popped up that the 201 00:13:46,770 --> 00:13:49,620 unidentified aerial phenomena tab popped up in their reading 202 00:13:49,620 --> 00:13:56,100 room and had not existed before. And I asked the DIA is Public 203 00:13:56,100 --> 00:14:00,330 Affairs Office, and also the Pentagon who generally speaks on 204 00:14:00,330 --> 00:14:04,740 UAP issues? Hey, what's going on? Are you guys now changing 205 00:14:04,740 --> 00:14:08,430 your tune? Can you please give me an amended statement? If so, 206 00:14:08,610 --> 00:14:14,580 if not, what is going on? Because out of the 15 174 ish 207 00:14:14,580 --> 00:14:20,310 pages, you only had less than 40 that that dealt with UAP and 208 00:14:20,310 --> 00:14:24,930 UFOs. So and again, don't kill the messenger. You guys can 209 00:14:24,930 --> 00:14:28,650 download all those documents. See for yourself. There's a lot 210 00:14:28,650 --> 00:14:31,170 of stuff about advanced aerospace, but nothing about UAP 211 00:14:31,170 --> 00:14:35,700 UFOs. So what gifts Why would you put it in that category? And 212 00:14:35,700 --> 00:14:40,110 I wasn't accusatory or trying to say change it. But rather 213 00:14:40,140 --> 00:14:43,290 seeking clarification if they were maybe going to post 214 00:14:43,290 --> 00:14:46,290 something pretty soon that we didn't get everything. But they 215 00:14:46,290 --> 00:14:49,110 were going to post something that would force them to 216 00:14:49,110 --> 00:14:51,870 essentially alter their message and change some statements. 217 00:14:52,620 --> 00:14:56,970 Well, I didn't hear back that day. The next day, something 218 00:14:56,970 --> 00:15:00,180 strange happened. It disappeared. And you can See 219 00:15:00,180 --> 00:15:04,920 here on the right side of the screen, the tab disappeared. I 220 00:15:04,920 --> 00:15:09,570 then got a response from the Pentagon. No surprise there, the 221 00:15:09,570 --> 00:15:12,930 DIA did not speak on their own behalf when it came to the UAP 222 00:15:12,930 --> 00:15:16,620 issue, Susan golf a name that some of you very well know and 223 00:15:16,620 --> 00:15:21,210 love is the one that speaks on UAP issues. She said the 224 00:15:21,210 --> 00:15:25,170 following dia mistakenly selected UAP as the tab label 225 00:15:25,170 --> 00:15:28,050 for those documents, we're working with them to change it 226 00:15:28,050 --> 00:15:32,070 to a more accurate name. As we have said before, while the AOS 227 00:15:32,070 --> 00:15:34,590 HAP contract allowed for research drawn from a wide 228 00:15:34,590 --> 00:15:39,960 variety of sources, including reports of UAP. The examination 229 00:15:39,960 --> 00:15:43,620 of UAP observations was not the purpose of a tip, nor the offset 230 00:15:43,650 --> 00:15:47,790 contract, Susan golf Pentagon spokesperson. So what she called 231 00:15:47,790 --> 00:15:53,280 as a mistake, essentially a mistake, it was changed now, by 232 00:15:53,280 --> 00:15:56,640 the recording of this video, which is roughly about five or 233 00:15:56,640 --> 00:16:00,870 six days or so since since that happened. They have not changed 234 00:16:00,870 --> 00:16:05,820 it. Now I've programmed websites for over 25 years. And I know 235 00:16:05,820 --> 00:16:09,900 that although coding can get complicated, all they had to do 236 00:16:09,930 --> 00:16:13,200 were very few changes to essentially put this into 237 00:16:13,200 --> 00:16:17,820 another folder or rename the current folder since that was 238 00:16:17,820 --> 00:16:21,690 all that was in it meaning OS app material. Now, this is a 239 00:16:21,720 --> 00:16:27,570 pure display of government logic. Why wouldn't you just 240 00:16:27,570 --> 00:16:32,460 name it OS app? There's no confusion with that whatsoever. 241 00:16:32,970 --> 00:16:36,660 You don't got to do UFO UAP unidentified aerial phenomena, 242 00:16:36,660 --> 00:16:39,510 you don't have to do any of that. And if you made a mistake, 243 00:16:39,510 --> 00:16:42,210 fine. You owned up to it. You made a mistake. Let's rename it. 244 00:16:42,420 --> 00:16:45,780 Why wouldn't you just rename it awesome. Boom, done. Instead, 245 00:16:45,780 --> 00:16:49,170 here we are looking at our watches gone? Where's where's 246 00:16:49,170 --> 00:16:49,740 the beef? Where's 247 00:16:49,740 --> 00:16:53,130 the data? Where did it go? Well, it's all gone. Now, don't worry, 248 00:16:53,130 --> 00:16:56,100 because I went ahead and had already received it through FOIA 249 00:16:56,100 --> 00:16:59,250 and put it online. But on top of that, and I'll highlight the 250 00:16:59,250 --> 00:17:02,220 document later on. There was actually one document that 251 00:17:02,220 --> 00:17:05,190 showed up in the reading room, that as far as I know. And I 252 00:17:05,190 --> 00:17:07,920 checked with a few people, not everybody, obviously, because I 253 00:17:07,920 --> 00:17:10,470 don't know the full list. But the few people that I know got 254 00:17:10,470 --> 00:17:13,440 it through FOIA did not actually get this document why I'm not 255 00:17:13,440 --> 00:17:16,500 sure. But I'll go ahead and highlight that to you guys as 256 00:17:16,500 --> 00:17:19,590 well. But all that data on the DIA as I'm recording, this is 257 00:17:19,590 --> 00:17:23,100 gone. But the link in the below description. If you haven't seen 258 00:17:23,100 --> 00:17:25,590 it yet, go ahead and click on that it'd be able to download 259 00:17:26,070 --> 00:17:32,310 everything. It's still there. So while we go through this deep 260 00:17:32,310 --> 00:17:36,360 dive and go deeper into the documents that were released, 261 00:17:36,360 --> 00:17:38,670 now that you have a bit of the backstory about how this all 262 00:17:38,670 --> 00:17:41,490 kind of unfolded and the controversy that came along with 263 00:17:41,490 --> 00:17:46,470 it. Not that there wasn't enough already. The OS app name itself 264 00:17:47,130 --> 00:17:50,070 has been kind of an Enigma in this conversation. Now the 265 00:17:50,070 --> 00:17:54,060 gentleman that you see on your screen here, Robert Bigelow, up 266 00:17:54,060 --> 00:17:58,410 here, Luis Elizondo here Dr. Hal put off here Senator Harry Reid, 267 00:17:58,410 --> 00:18:01,980 the late Senator Harry Reid here. And kind of the newcomer 268 00:18:01,980 --> 00:18:05,850 in the conversation somewhat newcomer Dr. James McCaskey, a 269 00:18:05,850 --> 00:18:09,960 name we've known for many years, never saw never heard from until 270 00:18:09,960 --> 00:18:13,170 late last year, when he came out with the skinwalkers at the 271 00:18:13,170 --> 00:18:17,310 Pentagon book authored by himself, Dr. Column Kelleher and 272 00:18:17,310 --> 00:18:20,430 George Knapp. So these are the gentlemen that really have 273 00:18:20,430 --> 00:18:26,760 spearheaded defining what OS app was. Robert Bigelow was the head 274 00:18:26,790 --> 00:18:30,840 of Bigelow Aerospace and the subsidiary bass, he was given 275 00:18:30,840 --> 00:18:35,670 the contract of offset by the DIA, Luis Elizondo didn't talk 276 00:18:35,670 --> 00:18:39,480 about OS app until OS app became known. Then he said he didn't 277 00:18:39,480 --> 00:18:42,630 want to talk about it, because he didn't have any part of it. I 278 00:18:42,630 --> 00:18:45,660 can respect that. But there has been some controversy since 279 00:18:45,660 --> 00:18:50,970 then. And some question marks about exactly did he have a role 280 00:18:50,970 --> 00:18:54,630 in it? Did he not? So on and so forth? And yes, I do believe 281 00:18:54,630 --> 00:18:56,610 that there are question marks depending on those quotes, 282 00:18:56,610 --> 00:19:00,480 because I can see the social media bashing, as I say that, 283 00:19:00,720 --> 00:19:04,170 that there's no confusion he has been open. It's not about the 284 00:19:04,170 --> 00:19:06,930 fact that he has or has not been open, but rather, the 285 00:19:06,930 --> 00:19:10,560 contradictions are palpable when it comes to his connection or 286 00:19:10,560 --> 00:19:14,820 lack thereof to Ossip. But regardless, he has spoken of an 287 00:19:14,820 --> 00:19:18,660 about it periodically, but says he played no role in it, and 288 00:19:18,690 --> 00:19:22,050 generally doesn't like to speak to it. Doctor, how put off was 289 00:19:22,050 --> 00:19:25,140 one of the main contractors behind it. He worked for bass, 290 00:19:25,140 --> 00:19:30,780 and according to him was the one that created the topics. For the 291 00:19:30,780 --> 00:19:35,190 reports the technical reports created under OS app, Senator 292 00:19:35,190 --> 00:19:38,820 Harry Reid, he was the one that got the money. He was along with 293 00:19:38,820 --> 00:19:42,240 Daniel Inouye and Ted Stevens. Those three senators were the 294 00:19:42,240 --> 00:19:46,020 ones that essentially got the money over to the DIA to fund OS 295 00:19:46,020 --> 00:19:49,950 app. The rest was history. And Dr. Lane. James McCaskey was the 296 00:19:49,950 --> 00:19:56,070 DIA front he was the one that was the director of OSS AP on 297 00:19:56,070 --> 00:20:00,300 the DIA side. Dr. Colum Kelleher who I did not picture here or, 298 00:20:00,660 --> 00:20:03,150 because I won't talk about a much. But I know he's kind of 299 00:20:03,150 --> 00:20:06,900 gotten on the scene a little bit with the publishing of this 300 00:20:06,900 --> 00:20:10,950 book. And then prior, he was well known for his NIDS research 301 00:20:10,950 --> 00:20:14,760 and so on. But Dr. Column, Kelleher was kind of known as, 302 00:20:15,120 --> 00:20:17,970 essentially the director on the on the on the private sector 303 00:20:17,970 --> 00:20:18,270 side, 304 00:20:18,270 --> 00:20:24,480 the bass side for OS app. We'll go ahead and dissect all of what 305 00:20:24,480 --> 00:20:30,210 those gentlemen did with OS app. And we'll see kind of who's the 306 00:20:30,210 --> 00:20:34,110 closest with the definition now why am I laughing? Because the 307 00:20:34,110 --> 00:20:37,800 definitions for OS app from these gentlemen differ. They 308 00:20:37,800 --> 00:20:41,730 actually don't align. They contradict each other a lot. 309 00:20:42,060 --> 00:20:46,230 This book here, not saying it's right or wrong, but really threw 310 00:20:46,230 --> 00:20:50,280 a monkey wrench into the wheel of the story that I was actually 311 00:20:50,280 --> 00:20:53,190 becoming more and more comfortable with Mr. Luis 312 00:20:53,190 --> 00:20:56,370 Elizondo, kind of put a monkey wrench if you really read it, 313 00:20:56,370 --> 00:20:59,640 and you really match up the claims. It kind of, I will say 314 00:20:59,640 --> 00:21:02,730 messed it up. Now, I'm not saying it's right, not saying 315 00:21:02,730 --> 00:21:06,000 it's wrong, but rather it messed it up. Nobody can. Nobody can 316 00:21:06,000 --> 00:21:09,150 hide from that fact that the contradictions, again, are 317 00:21:09,150 --> 00:21:13,740 incredibly palpable when you match up everything in this. Now 318 00:21:13,740 --> 00:21:18,360 I'm gonna start with some of your favorite. The nevermind. 319 00:21:18,570 --> 00:21:21,810 I'll start with, I'll start with the DOD. First, I was going to 320 00:21:21,810 --> 00:21:25,380 make a joke I decided not to. But this is the stance on offset 321 00:21:25,380 --> 00:21:29,220 from the Pentagon from the DOD. It's a little bit long, but for 322 00:21:29,220 --> 00:21:31,800 the audio version, I think it's worthwhile reading again, this 323 00:21:31,800 --> 00:21:35,940 is a culmination of numerous statements that the DoD then 324 00:21:35,970 --> 00:21:41,250 combined for a kind of a massive statement about the program 325 00:21:41,250 --> 00:21:45,360 massive is kind of an overstatement. But this is kind 326 00:21:45,360 --> 00:21:50,460 of a very lengthy expose a of what a tip slash OSS AP was, 327 00:21:50,940 --> 00:21:55,590 according to the DOD. The purpose of the advanced 328 00:21:55,590 --> 00:21:58,680 aerospace threat Identification Program, or a tip was to 329 00:21:58,680 --> 00:22:01,230 investigate for an advanced aerospace weapon system 330 00:22:01,230 --> 00:22:04,950 applications with future technology projections over the 331 00:22:04,950 --> 00:22:09,120 next 40 years and to create a center of expertise for advanced 332 00:22:09,120 --> 00:22:12,750 aerospace technologies. The goal is to help understand the threat 333 00:22:12,750 --> 00:22:16,230 posed by unconventional or leap ahead aerospace vehicles and 334 00:22:16,230 --> 00:22:18,690 technologies that could have national security implications 335 00:22:18,690 --> 00:22:23,700 for the United States. The program commenced in fiscal year 336 00:22:23,700 --> 00:22:27,060 2008 with $10 million appropriated in the defense 337 00:22:27,090 --> 00:22:31,890 supplemental appropriation act, dia awarded a contract to a sole 338 00:22:31,890 --> 00:22:35,580 bidder, Bigelow Aerospace, advanced space studies or bass. 339 00:22:36,210 --> 00:22:39,270 The contract was known as the advanced aerospace weapon system 340 00:22:39,270 --> 00:22:43,620 applications program. Now, how do I read this as somebody who's 341 00:22:43,620 --> 00:22:47,700 researched government programs, it's kind of straightforward. 342 00:22:47,700 --> 00:22:50,460 I'm not saying it's accurate, I'm saying it's straightforward. 343 00:22:51,120 --> 00:22:56,670 They are differentiating between a tip and offset how I how I 344 00:22:57,630 --> 00:23:01,440 dissect this is through the defense supplemental 345 00:23:01,440 --> 00:23:06,360 appropriation Act for Fiscal Year 2008. A tip was created out 346 00:23:06,360 --> 00:23:10,320 of that as a DIA program, obviously, oversight, which will 347 00:23:10,320 --> 00:23:16,530 be at OSD. And part of that program created a contracts that 348 00:23:16,530 --> 00:23:21,930 was sent out, awarded two bass, that part was known as the 349 00:23:21,930 --> 00:23:26,190 advanced aerospace weapon system application program. Now, why I 350 00:23:26,370 --> 00:23:29,100 dissect it like that, just so you guys are aware, and anybody 351 00:23:29,100 --> 00:23:33,900 can verify this. There are various programs or essentially, 352 00:23:34,200 --> 00:23:39,810 titles that are given to efforts in this example, a tip, and in a 353 00:23:39,810 --> 00:23:42,840 budget, you have that on a line item. But underneath that, you 354 00:23:42,840 --> 00:23:48,330 can have multiple contracts sent out under that portfolio, that 355 00:23:48,330 --> 00:23:51,120 header that headline, that program name, whatever you want 356 00:23:51,120 --> 00:23:55,020 to call it. But But essentially, there could be multiple, how I 357 00:23:55,020 --> 00:23:58,140 dissect this is it's kind of no different except there's just 358 00:23:58,140 --> 00:24:01,830 one contract that was known as OSS, AP, and other ones where 359 00:24:01,830 --> 00:24:05,970 there's multiple, they would have multiple potential program 360 00:24:05,970 --> 00:24:08,430 names. And again, that's not true. In every instance, I'm 361 00:24:08,430 --> 00:24:11,370 just saying, if you look at budgets, you can see that kind 362 00:24:11,370 --> 00:24:15,360 of stuff, where things are contracted out. And you'll have 363 00:24:15,360 --> 00:24:20,190 different contractors doing different parts of a portfolio 364 00:24:20,190 --> 00:24:24,000 or whatever you want to, again, call it, but that is slated to 365 00:24:24,000 --> 00:24:26,760 have X amount of millions or 10s of millions or hundreds of 366 00:24:26,760 --> 00:24:30,480 millions of dollars, and they contract out certain things. As 367 00:24:30,480 --> 00:24:34,050 a result, that agency will get the deliverables from each of 368 00:24:34,050 --> 00:24:37,200 those contracted agencies and outlets. They'll send the 369 00:24:37,200 --> 00:24:41,550 reports back or research back or whatever that contract is. And 370 00:24:41,550 --> 00:24:43,770 there you go. Then you have all this research done that's 371 00:24:43,770 --> 00:24:48,930 collected by the agency. And this particular one a tip I feel 372 00:24:49,170 --> 00:24:52,980 based on their outline here is just kind of that dia LEAD 373 00:24:52,980 --> 00:24:57,330 program and initiative. And under that all SAP was created 374 00:24:57,330 --> 00:25:01,440 to get these technical reports and they farm that out to bass, 375 00:25:01,710 --> 00:25:02,850 and the rest was history. 376 00:25:05,430 --> 00:25:10,290 Going back to the statement, this is from again the Pentagon 377 00:25:10,290 --> 00:25:14,940 on offset. The contract goal was to study 12 technical areas 378 00:25:15,150 --> 00:25:19,380 lift, propulsion control, armament signatures reduction 379 00:25:19,380 --> 00:25:23,550 materials configuration, power generation temporal translation, 380 00:25:23,910 --> 00:25:27,690 human effects human interface and technology integration. The 381 00:25:27,690 --> 00:25:31,320 contract Dora identified and worked with academics and 382 00:25:31,320 --> 00:25:34,740 scientists to produce technical reports and developing the 383 00:25:34,740 --> 00:25:37,920 reports and exploring how to create a center of expertise. 384 00:25:38,280 --> 00:25:40,800 The contract allowed for research drawn from a wide 385 00:25:40,800 --> 00:25:45,990 variety of sources, including reports of UAPs however, the 386 00:25:45,990 --> 00:25:49,590 examination of UAP observations was not the purpose of a tip. 387 00:25:51,120 --> 00:25:54,720 The first 26 reports were completed by late 2009. The 388 00:25:54,720 --> 00:25:58,710 defense Appropriation Act for Fiscal Act for Fiscal Year 2010, 389 00:25:59,130 --> 00:26:03,390 included an additional $12 million for the program, and 12 390 00:26:03,390 --> 00:26:06,480 additional reports were produced. A total of 38 391 00:26:06,480 --> 00:26:09,240 technical reports were delivered, the list is below. 392 00:26:09,600 --> 00:26:12,990 All of the reports are either classified or marked for 393 00:26:12,990 --> 00:26:15,540 official use only only a few have been released to the 394 00:26:15,540 --> 00:26:21,090 public. Now we know that last part obviously isn't true. But 395 00:26:21,090 --> 00:26:24,900 this was this was probably about eight months or so ago when this 396 00:26:25,140 --> 00:26:30,000 when this was set out to the general public. But we know now 397 00:26:30,000 --> 00:26:33,390 the reports have with the exception of one been released. 398 00:26:35,160 --> 00:26:38,430 After review in late 2009, it was determined that the reports 399 00:26:38,430 --> 00:26:42,090 were of limited value to dia the department terminated a tip when 400 00:26:42,090 --> 00:26:47,100 funding for the program ended in 2012. Again, Susan golf Pentagon 401 00:26:47,100 --> 00:26:50,280 spokesperson that is the DoD stance. One very quick note 402 00:26:50,280 --> 00:26:57,960 before I move on these citations to the Defense Appropriations 403 00:26:57,960 --> 00:27:02,070 Act and a supplemental appropriations bill and so on. I 404 00:27:02,070 --> 00:27:05,970 have driven myself nuts trying to figure out what line item 405 00:27:05,970 --> 00:27:10,110 they would come from. I can't find any I've asked the Pentagon 406 00:27:10,110 --> 00:27:14,610 going all the way back to 2018. When that statement was first 407 00:27:14,610 --> 00:27:19,410 sent out by then Pentagon spokesperson major Adria Harris 408 00:27:19,980 --> 00:27:24,570 could not be successful that either pretty much fell on deaf 409 00:27:24,570 --> 00:27:28,230 ears, I've stopped trying. Probably after about a year and 410 00:27:28,230 --> 00:27:32,160 a half to two years of of trying and look through the bills. 411 00:27:32,160 --> 00:27:34,920 There's hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of pages, couldn't 412 00:27:34,920 --> 00:27:38,340 find anything. So I invite you all to look to try and deduce 413 00:27:38,340 --> 00:27:41,370 it. It's not as easy as just trying to find references to a 414 00:27:41,370 --> 00:27:45,270 tip or OS app or both. Rather, it's hidden in some other line 415 00:27:45,270 --> 00:27:52,320 item. Who knows. Now that was the DoD stance and going back to 416 00:27:52,320 --> 00:27:54,990 the to the screen of gentleman that I showed you and kind of 417 00:27:54,990 --> 00:27:59,490 how everything differs. This is Dr. Hal put off. And when he was 418 00:27:59,490 --> 00:28:03,900 lecturing in Las Vegas in June of 2018, he addressed the 419 00:28:03,900 --> 00:28:09,780 difference between a tip and offset. Let me quote him, people 420 00:28:09,900 --> 00:28:13,080 have had trouble trying to get documents out of the Pentagon by 421 00:28:13,080 --> 00:28:17,190 saying they want all documents on a tip. And they have a hard 422 00:28:17,190 --> 00:28:19,980 time because that wasn't the actual name of the program. 423 00:28:20,760 --> 00:28:24,330 advanced aerospace weapon system application program is the 424 00:28:24,330 --> 00:28:28,590 actual name of the program. But a tip was the nickname it went 425 00:28:28,590 --> 00:28:32,700 by. And again, that was Dr. Hal put off. So to him, it was 426 00:28:32,700 --> 00:28:36,240 simply a nickname. This is also reflected in Senator Harry 427 00:28:36,240 --> 00:28:42,030 Reid's 2009 letter. But I didn't get that from the DoD statement. 428 00:28:42,120 --> 00:28:46,290 Again, it seemed like the eighth tip was kind of that umbrella 429 00:28:46,290 --> 00:28:50,310 program with all that being the contracted out portion. Doctor 430 00:28:50,310 --> 00:28:54,450 how put off says ATF didn't essentially exist. It was just a 431 00:28:54,450 --> 00:28:57,990 nickname for our effort known as OS app. Fine, not saying it's 432 00:28:57,990 --> 00:29:02,040 right or wrong, but that's his stance. Luis Elizondo addressed 433 00:29:02,040 --> 00:29:04,320 this in July of 2018. 434 00:29:06,329 --> 00:29:10,229 And he explained the difference between a tip and OS app in his 435 00:29:10,229 --> 00:29:14,459 words, it would be disingenuous for me to simply say, well, a 436 00:29:14,459 --> 00:29:18,719 tip is really all SAP. Well, it evolved from OS app, but it is 437 00:29:18,719 --> 00:29:22,979 not OS app. And I think the documentation that is beginning 438 00:29:22,979 --> 00:29:26,369 to come out into the public forum, people are beginning to 439 00:29:26,369 --> 00:29:30,809 realize that no idea what documentation is referring to 440 00:29:30,809 --> 00:29:34,529 other than some leaked documents and reports. And that's fine, 441 00:29:34,529 --> 00:29:38,489 but it really didn't make, in my opinion, anything more clear, 442 00:29:38,489 --> 00:29:42,209 but rather much more messy. But the point here is that he's 443 00:29:42,209 --> 00:29:46,709 saying ASA Ossip, and a tip are not the same, they are 444 00:29:46,709 --> 00:29:51,869 different, and he draws a distinct and firm line in 445 00:29:51,869 --> 00:29:54,659 between the two during one of my interviews and conversations 446 00:29:54,659 --> 00:29:59,489 with him. I asked Mr. Elizondo about the contradiction with Dr. 447 00:29:59,489 --> 00:30:05,129 Put off and his labeling that it was a nickname. He said that 448 00:30:05,129 --> 00:30:09,479 that was not accurate, didn't expand on it beyond that said it 449 00:30:09,479 --> 00:30:12,689 wasn't accurate. So here we have people that were intimately 450 00:30:12,689 --> 00:30:17,849 involved, according to them, but they don't even agree on what 451 00:30:17,849 --> 00:30:21,689 the relationship between OS app and a tip really was. So that 452 00:30:21,689 --> 00:30:26,159 forces us, the researchers, a curious minds, to essentially 453 00:30:26,159 --> 00:30:30,089 seek other ways to try and figure that out. For me, it's 454 00:30:30,089 --> 00:30:35,009 the FOIA, because when you're dealing with a primarily 455 00:30:35,009 --> 00:30:39,269 unclassified program, and that's not just through evidence, which 456 00:30:39,269 --> 00:30:42,539 evidence supports this, but for those who like to take Senator 457 00:30:42,539 --> 00:30:48,029 Harry Reid at his word, he says, over 80% of it was unclassified 458 00:30:48,809 --> 00:30:51,659 and open. And he said that to New York Magazine, I never 459 00:30:51,659 --> 00:30:54,869 understood that nobody has ever asked him to clarify. But 460 00:30:54,869 --> 00:30:59,099 regardless if that is true, 80 plus percent is unclassified. 461 00:30:59,339 --> 00:31:02,729 Why is there that much confusion, and through FOIA, it 462 00:31:02,729 --> 00:31:06,599 shouldn't be all that difficult, other than the extraordinarily 463 00:31:06,599 --> 00:31:10,259 long wait times by the DIA, but it shouldn't be that difficult 464 00:31:10,259 --> 00:31:14,699 to figure out. So that's what we did. And I say we just because 465 00:31:14,699 --> 00:31:17,309 again, I know I'm not alone in this, nor am I trying to take 466 00:31:17,309 --> 00:31:20,579 credit. So I want to make sure that others out there to name a 467 00:31:20,579 --> 00:31:26,849 few Alejandro Rojas, Jack Brewer, Mark Sokoto, the those 468 00:31:26,849 --> 00:31:28,739 are a couple names that are sticking out off the top of my 469 00:31:28,739 --> 00:31:31,679 head, that are posting documents, there's quite a few 470 00:31:31,679 --> 00:31:38,219 others. So there's nothing unique about one person getting 471 00:31:38,219 --> 00:31:42,269 this but rather, this was sent to a lot of people in response 472 00:31:42,269 --> 00:31:47,099 to their requests that were that were filed in various ways. So 473 00:31:47,099 --> 00:31:52,289 what I did when I received those more than 1500 pages, I started 474 00:31:52,289 --> 00:31:56,069 dissecting them. And by doing that, for me, the most 475 00:31:56,069 --> 00:31:59,999 appropriate way to do it is how I'm going to dive even deeper 476 00:31:59,999 --> 00:32:04,589 into the story with you all, and that is doing them and going 477 00:32:04,589 --> 00:32:08,519 through them and going through them in chronological order. And 478 00:32:08,519 --> 00:32:11,789 that's what I did first when I published them online, and so 479 00:32:11,789 --> 00:32:14,309 what we'll do is we'll break them down in chronological 480 00:32:14,309 --> 00:32:18,689 order. That's not how they were released. It was a pile of PDFs, 481 00:32:18,899 --> 00:32:22,439 sent throughout numerous emails. And in my case, we're actually 482 00:32:22,439 --> 00:32:25,319 sent through different FOIA cases. So I had to bring them 483 00:32:25,319 --> 00:32:29,009 all together and make sense of it. And so I published them all 484 00:32:29,009 --> 00:32:31,349 online. So that's what we're going to do, we're going to 485 00:32:31,349 --> 00:32:35,219 break down all of that material right now. And I want to start 486 00:32:35,219 --> 00:32:41,699 with the the research documents, there were 38 total. Now the 487 00:32:41,699 --> 00:32:44,579 titles are what you're looking at on the screen. Now, it may be 488 00:32:44,579 --> 00:32:47,399 a little too small to read. But don't worry, it's more of a 489 00:32:47,399 --> 00:32:51,869 visual where this breaks down the 38 technical research 490 00:32:51,869 --> 00:32:56,729 reports, or the dirts, often referred to as the dirts, the 491 00:32:56,729 --> 00:33:04,229 Defense Intelligence reference documents. These are the product 492 00:33:04,289 --> 00:33:08,639 of OS app. And this was revealed to me in a FOIA request in 493 00:33:08,639 --> 00:33:13,589 January of 2019. Not the reports themselves, but rather the 494 00:33:13,589 --> 00:33:18,149 titles. A lot of the titles had leaked before, but that there 495 00:33:18,149 --> 00:33:23,189 was actually a difference in the leaked version. So so there were 496 00:33:24,419 --> 00:33:26,909 there was a little bit of confusion there that was never 497 00:33:26,909 --> 00:33:30,419 really addressed. So what leaked? I'm not sure it was for 498 00:33:30,419 --> 00:33:33,569 the most part, the same. But there were differences and it 499 00:33:33,569 --> 00:33:37,739 wasn't 100% accurate. This obviously was because this came 500 00:33:37,739 --> 00:33:42,809 from the agency outlining to where this came from outlining 501 00:33:42,809 --> 00:33:46,139 to Senator John McCain at the time it was written, what were 502 00:33:46,139 --> 00:33:49,079 the products of OSS app, and that's what you see here. 503 00:33:50,760 --> 00:33:56,490 37 of the 38 of what you're looking at have been released in 504 00:33:56,490 --> 00:34:01,530 this 1500 Plus pages. This one here, if you can read it, number 505 00:34:01,530 --> 00:34:06,360 37, I believe is the missing one. I have filed an appeal for 506 00:34:06,360 --> 00:34:10,020 this. This is state of the art evolution of high energy laser 507 00:34:10,020 --> 00:34:15,210 weapons. That was the title of that there were there was a 508 00:34:15,210 --> 00:34:18,420 public version and unclassified version, excuse me, not public, 509 00:34:18,600 --> 00:34:22,410 but an unclassified version and a secret version. So likely, 510 00:34:22,410 --> 00:34:25,560 there weren't many, many differences other than maybe a 511 00:34:25,560 --> 00:34:31,680 few more details in there with classified information at the 512 00:34:31,680 --> 00:34:36,120 level of secret Other than that, the 37 other ones were released. 513 00:34:36,450 --> 00:34:40,950 Now I'm not going to go through all of them simply because 514 00:34:40,980 --> 00:34:44,400 that's a full video in itself, but I invite you to download 515 00:34:44,400 --> 00:34:48,570 them. There's some highly highly scientific material in there. 516 00:34:49,440 --> 00:34:54,480 And way over my head, I ain't gonna lie, so I'm not even going 517 00:34:54,480 --> 00:34:58,710 to try. But regardless, they're there for you to download, all 518 00:34:58,710 --> 00:35:01,470 of which are at an uncluttered to five level now officially 519 00:35:01,470 --> 00:35:04,950 released, I'm going to come back to that slide actually, that's a 520 00:35:04,950 --> 00:35:08,160 little bit out of place. So what I did on that page, again, 521 00:35:08,160 --> 00:35:11,160 linked below, if you're watching on YouTube, if you're listening 522 00:35:11,160 --> 00:35:14,760 on the podcast, find the show notes, you'll be able to go 523 00:35:14,760 --> 00:35:19,740 ahead and download all of the dirt papers, all 37 of them in a 524 00:35:19,740 --> 00:35:23,760 zip file, or one by one, whichever you prefer. On the 525 00:35:23,760 --> 00:35:28,140 screen. If you're watching this, it will look like this. So 526 00:35:28,170 --> 00:35:33,150 you'll be able to download everything. The one dirt that I 527 00:35:33,150 --> 00:35:37,560 will talk about, however, is that Dr. Kitt green one, I want 528 00:35:37,560 --> 00:35:40,440 to go back to it. I've already touched on it already. But what 529 00:35:40,440 --> 00:35:44,550 I did not mention was that it had already leaked before. And 530 00:35:44,580 --> 00:35:50,400 this was published by Popular Mechanics, and had already kind 531 00:35:50,400 --> 00:35:56,220 of circulated a little bit. It wasn't the exact dird Be because 532 00:35:56,220 --> 00:35:58,470 there were differences which I'm going to show you right now. 533 00:35:58,650 --> 00:36:02,700 minor ones, but one of which I think was of note. But 534 00:36:02,700 --> 00:36:06,030 regardless, the title was different. You can see here, the 535 00:36:06,030 --> 00:36:09,120 official version anomalous acute and subacute field effects on 536 00:36:09,300 --> 00:36:12,900 human biological tissues, versus the leaked version, clinical, 537 00:36:12,900 --> 00:36:16,710 medical, acute and sub acute field effects on human dermal 538 00:36:16,710 --> 00:36:19,710 and neurological tissues, obviously, much more of a 539 00:36:19,710 --> 00:36:23,970 handful here. So my guess is this was a draft. That's what 540 00:36:23,970 --> 00:36:27,750 I'm guessing that maybe what leaked was was one of those 541 00:36:27,750 --> 00:36:32,310 first drafts or maybe this is what they sent to DIA and dia 542 00:36:32,310 --> 00:36:36,630 maybe edited it down a little bit changed the title, I don't 543 00:36:36,630 --> 00:36:41,550 know. And Dr. James McCaskey, I can't get a hold of him doesn't 544 00:36:41,550 --> 00:36:45,180 return messages. So sadly, I'm just kind of left to speculate a 545 00:36:45,180 --> 00:36:47,730 little bit, but regardless wanted to at least make note 546 00:36:47,730 --> 00:36:51,990 that this had been around before as being published by the 547 00:36:52,020 --> 00:36:56,700 Popular Mechanics. So what I did was I started comparing the two 548 00:36:56,700 --> 00:36:59,700 just out of curiosity, the formatting was different, which 549 00:36:59,700 --> 00:37:03,450 created a pretty drastic page count difference. But it appears 550 00:37:03,450 --> 00:37:07,770 that there weren't major structural differences. except a 551 00:37:07,770 --> 00:37:12,060 few that I noted here, the advanced aerospace weapon system 552 00:37:12,060 --> 00:37:16,590 applications program or OS app, those references were actually 553 00:37:16,590 --> 00:37:20,160 all taken out. And I don't know why this will obviously, if you 554 00:37:20,160 --> 00:37:24,330 look at the list of 38 reports, definitely stuck out. Number 555 00:37:24,330 --> 00:37:27,150 one, it it was the only one that dealt with UAP. It's the only 556 00:37:27,150 --> 00:37:32,730 one that mentions it at all. And UFOs as well, deals with all 557 00:37:32,730 --> 00:37:36,180 sorts of crazy stuff like radiation burns, and brain 558 00:37:36,180 --> 00:37:39,810 damage, and all sorts of things that happen to the human body 559 00:37:39,810 --> 00:37:45,000 after coming into contact with UFOs. Well, in the leaked 560 00:37:45,000 --> 00:37:49,380 version, os app was referenced, I believe, four times, and the 561 00:37:49,380 --> 00:37:52,500 official version, all the OS app references were stripped out. 562 00:37:53,130 --> 00:37:55,770 Now the cover page remained. I'll show you the cover in a 563 00:37:55,770 --> 00:38:00,240 second. But why why was that you can see here, the first one here 564 00:38:00,240 --> 00:38:03,210 that showed you this is 23 of the leaked version 10 of the 565 00:38:03,210 --> 00:38:07,170 official, the footnote strips out the OSS app reference. 566 00:38:08,250 --> 00:38:13,020 Here's another one. Inside what is not addressed in this review, 567 00:38:13,020 --> 00:38:16,830 again, this was from the leaked version. We are aware of claims 568 00:38:16,830 --> 00:38:19,800 that some new and emergent systems may be intended to cause 569 00:38:19,800 --> 00:38:23,940 harm, and thus even be an intended weapon system. We make 570 00:38:23,940 --> 00:38:28,530 no attempt here in to validate any claims. That is certainly 571 00:38:28,530 --> 00:38:31,230 the overarching goal of the advanced aerospace weapon system 572 00:38:31,230 --> 00:38:34,020 applications program, but not of the study. 573 00:38:35,370 --> 00:38:40,110 You didn't attempt to verify any claims in this study. That's how 574 00:38:40,110 --> 00:38:44,760 I took that I don't I've read it 100 times trying to figure out 575 00:38:45,630 --> 00:38:49,980 is he talking about claims of this being weapon systems? But 576 00:38:49,980 --> 00:38:53,250 no, I think that regardless, even if he was maybe referring 577 00:38:53,250 --> 00:38:56,280 to trying to validate claims being weapons systems are not. 578 00:38:57,120 --> 00:39:00,930 It's clear, he didn't validate any of the claims. And as 579 00:39:00,930 --> 00:39:04,710 someone on social media have pointed out, namely Stephen 580 00:39:04,710 --> 00:39:09,420 Green Street, video journalist from the New York Post, host of 581 00:39:09,420 --> 00:39:11,850 the basement office, I know he's coming out with a new season. 582 00:39:12,750 --> 00:39:17,070 credit to him on on this level of digging, he went to the 583 00:39:17,070 --> 00:39:21,510 sources that Dr. Kitt green used, and saw that a lot of them 584 00:39:21,510 --> 00:39:24,810 I won't say all of them, but a lot of them were using National 585 00:39:24,810 --> 00:39:30,660 Enquirer, and like an Australian Penthouse magazine, very 586 00:39:30,690 --> 00:39:38,400 questionable sources to create such an extraordinary claimed 587 00:39:38,430 --> 00:39:43,710 document about effects of UAP and UFOs. On the human body. 588 00:39:44,160 --> 00:39:48,840 Would you jump to the National Enquirer and and and essentially 589 00:39:48,840 --> 00:39:53,580 smart magazines to get your sources? Well, that's what this 590 00:39:53,580 --> 00:40:00,000 report does. It cites reports that he's using as evidence and 591 00:40:00,000 --> 00:40:03,660 And that is their sourcing. So when you trace back where the 592 00:40:03,660 --> 00:40:06,990 stories are coming from, again, you have a lot of National 593 00:40:06,990 --> 00:40:10,590 Enquirer and Penthouse magazine and Australia and so on 594 00:40:10,920 --> 00:40:13,800 references, and Stephen Green Street made, I think it's like a 595 00:40:13,800 --> 00:40:17,040 two minute video. And I was contemplating getting permission 596 00:40:17,040 --> 00:40:19,500 to show it in this video I decided not to, because I think 597 00:40:19,800 --> 00:40:23,070 there may be like some copyright issues that I didn't want to 598 00:40:23,070 --> 00:40:29,250 deal with using it. But he uses different clips, and visuals and 599 00:40:29,250 --> 00:40:33,690 so on and clearly shows how the Syria quote unquote serious news 600 00:40:33,690 --> 00:40:39,420 coverage of this is missing a major piece of the story, which 601 00:40:39,420 --> 00:40:42,570 is the sourcing. So he says it right here that he's not 602 00:40:42,570 --> 00:40:46,050 verifying anything, any of the claims. And then when you go 603 00:40:46,050 --> 00:40:49,110 back even further, you realize the claims likely can't be 604 00:40:49,110 --> 00:40:53,100 verified. So does that give it scientific merit? I'm not a 605 00:40:53,100 --> 00:40:56,040 scientist. So I'll let you guys decide. Going back to that 606 00:40:56,040 --> 00:40:59,670 report, though. No attempt to validate these claims. That is 607 00:40:59,670 --> 00:41:02,820 certainly the overarching goal of the OSS app, but not of the 608 00:41:02,820 --> 00:41:06,030 study. You can see here in the official version that was 609 00:41:06,030 --> 00:41:10,380 stripped out. So he just validate, no attempt here and to 610 00:41:10,380 --> 00:41:14,430 validate any claims, see that here, and then a period, no 611 00:41:14,430 --> 00:41:18,030 reference to Asa. I don't know why. It's an unclassified 612 00:41:18,030 --> 00:41:21,510 document. And it's an unclassified program. So there's 613 00:41:21,510 --> 00:41:25,440 really kind of no reason. Here's another one, the material does 614 00:41:25,440 --> 00:41:27,900 not rise to the quality of the initiative of this advanced 615 00:41:27,900 --> 00:41:30,630 aerospace weapon system application program, in which 616 00:41:30,630 --> 00:41:33,450 this paper serves as one of several dozen analytical 617 00:41:33,450 --> 00:41:40,410 examples, official version is stripped out. Now, why do I 618 00:41:40,410 --> 00:41:42,810 point that out? Why do I think it's important? Well, for the 619 00:41:42,810 --> 00:41:45,480 same reason, the Popular Mechanics felt it was important 620 00:41:45,510 --> 00:41:49,560 to point out those references. And so for the fact that they 621 00:41:49,560 --> 00:41:57,000 felt the need to in I believe, yeah, 2020. Popular Mechanics 622 00:41:57,000 --> 00:42:00,150 felt the need to point out the references and numbered them on 623 00:42:00,150 --> 00:42:03,270 four different occasions off SAP was mentioned, essentially 624 00:42:03,270 --> 00:42:08,130 drawing the line between UFO and UAP research to OS app. How is 625 00:42:08,130 --> 00:42:10,830 it that Popular Mechanics felt that it was important, but on 626 00:42:10,830 --> 00:42:14,370 the official version, all of those were stripped to me there, 627 00:42:14,400 --> 00:42:17,190 there seems to be a reason why I don't think that that's just 628 00:42:17,190 --> 00:42:21,420 editing. And if it is, well, that's, that's great. I'm 629 00:42:21,420 --> 00:42:24,000 looking forward to somebody saying that. But regardless, 630 00:42:24,000 --> 00:42:28,380 though, what happened to the references? Was there an 631 00:42:28,380 --> 00:42:33,450 intended separation between that report and OS app? I don't know. 632 00:42:34,440 --> 00:42:37,320 But clearly, something was going on for them to strip out all of 633 00:42:37,320 --> 00:42:43,620 the references. The only other dirt I will point out is the one 634 00:42:43,620 --> 00:42:47,280 on the Drake Equation. Very interesting to put in there with 635 00:42:47,280 --> 00:42:50,760 advanced aerospace technology. I don't have an explanation on why 636 00:42:51,120 --> 00:42:54,450 doesn't mention UFOs or UAP. But obviously, calculating 637 00:42:54,450 --> 00:43:00,090 intelligent life in the universe was the the aim of this. Why was 638 00:43:00,090 --> 00:43:04,350 it in here? Don't know. It's interesting nonetheless. But 639 00:43:05,160 --> 00:43:08,340 none of the other reports dealt with UFOs or UAP. 640 00:43:09,750 --> 00:43:12,840 As I mentioned, they are on advanced aerospace technology, 641 00:43:12,840 --> 00:43:16,200 and it very much matches up to the DoD is explanation of what 642 00:43:16,200 --> 00:43:22,830 the scope was. So the majority will call it 35. of the 37. Were 643 00:43:22,830 --> 00:43:27,630 exactly in the scope of what the DoD said OSAP was all about two 644 00:43:27,630 --> 00:43:32,160 other ones. Absolutely intriguing. When you dig deeper, 645 00:43:32,160 --> 00:43:34,380 the Drake Equation still a question mark for me, I don't 646 00:43:34,380 --> 00:43:38,460 know. But the Kitt green one really makes you wonder, why our 647 00:43:38,460 --> 00:43:42,510 National Inquiry, National Enquirer, and penthouse sourced 648 00:43:42,510 --> 00:43:47,970 stories, finding their way into government research. I don't 649 00:43:47,970 --> 00:43:52,620 know. And if you I was going to do a segment on this, and I 650 00:43:52,620 --> 00:43:57,150 decided that, number one, it's beating a dead horse. But number 651 00:43:57,150 --> 00:44:03,750 two, there's so much to it, to sit down and yet again, show how 652 00:44:03,750 --> 00:44:09,090 the story has changed over the last three plus years. And when 653 00:44:09,090 --> 00:44:13,410 the New York Times and politico led the charge on telling us all 654 00:44:13,410 --> 00:44:19,260 about a tip, and $22 million, and bass and metamaterials this 655 00:44:19,260 --> 00:44:23,520 and UFOs that now that the evidence is starting to surface, 656 00:44:24,030 --> 00:44:28,470 it's a completely different picture. And I don't want to 657 00:44:28,470 --> 00:44:31,980 name names because I'm not trying to make enemies here. But 658 00:44:31,980 --> 00:44:34,440 when you look at some of the interviews that are done about 659 00:44:34,440 --> 00:44:38,430 this and people with authority speaking on it, and and 660 00:44:38,490 --> 00:44:43,080 essentially talking about how this was a UFO research program 661 00:44:43,080 --> 00:44:46,620 three plus years ago, they were saying that, but now it's no 662 00:44:46,620 --> 00:44:52,410 they couldn't say UFOs but it's the technology around UFOs. That 663 00:44:52,410 --> 00:44:55,980 all sounds great, but that hasn't been the story. And in 664 00:44:55,980 --> 00:45:00,420 fact that a tip $22 million thing. Well, according to Dr. 665 00:45:00,420 --> 00:45:04,710 James McCaskey, the director of the ASA program, it was all 666 00:45:04,710 --> 00:45:09,060 wrong. That money never went to a tip. He said that there was 667 00:45:09,060 --> 00:45:12,060 some a tip that was in the Pentagon. That's Luis Elizondo 668 00:45:12,060 --> 00:45:15,510 is connection. But it was his program that got the $22 669 00:45:15,510 --> 00:45:18,840 million. And if you read skinwalkers, at the Pentagon, 670 00:45:19,080 --> 00:45:23,400 which I have right here, it's been been been around my desk 671 00:45:23,400 --> 00:45:28,260 for a while now, because I keep looking looking for things. When 672 00:45:28,260 --> 00:45:30,840 you read that book, you realize that there are huge 673 00:45:30,900 --> 00:45:35,430 contradictions. And so what people are doing, I think, in 674 00:45:35,430 --> 00:45:38,520 this conversation is simply moving the goalposts, those that 675 00:45:38,520 --> 00:45:43,560 are intimately involved in the programs, moving the goalposts 676 00:45:43,560 --> 00:45:46,920 and changing their explanations, essentially, changing the 677 00:45:46,920 --> 00:45:49,890 narrative to fit the evidence, but also those that have 678 00:45:49,890 --> 00:45:53,730 followed the story, which is not helpful. Now, I opted not to do 679 00:45:53,730 --> 00:45:58,050 a breakdown of all of that, because the believers that hate 680 00:45:58,050 --> 00:45:58,470 me, 681 00:45:59,760 --> 00:46:04,140 are simply still going to hate me. Nothing I produce, nothing I 682 00:46:04,140 --> 00:46:07,890 put out there will change their mind and those that are 683 00:46:07,890 --> 00:46:11,370 interested in the evidence. This is why I'm giving a short blurb 684 00:46:11,370 --> 00:46:14,910 about it is that I invite you now that once we go through this 685 00:46:14,910 --> 00:46:18,450 evidence, and you guys have a better understanding, as we go 686 00:46:18,450 --> 00:46:22,530 through this deep dive of the documents, then you will be able 687 00:46:22,530 --> 00:46:27,750 to juxtapose that evidence, and what people are saying, and if 688 00:46:27,750 --> 00:46:30,810 you feel that the government and the intelligence community has 689 00:46:30,810 --> 00:46:35,400 created a massive conspiracy and fraudulently created these 690 00:46:35,400 --> 00:46:40,470 documents as a cover to hide and shield, what they wanted, which 691 00:46:40,470 --> 00:46:43,920 was UFO research, then that's great. I would be very 692 00:46:43,920 --> 00:46:46,620 interested in that. And the evidence to support that 693 00:46:46,620 --> 00:46:51,300 conclusion? Or is it potentially that sweetheart deal thing that 694 00:46:51,300 --> 00:46:55,080 I've talked about now for years, where money was allocated for 695 00:46:55,080 --> 00:46:59,490 something aerospace research, to essentially take money from that 696 00:46:59,490 --> 00:47:04,380 program, and do what certain individuals in the DIA and in 697 00:47:04,380 --> 00:47:09,570 the private sector wanted to do? That is a huge possibility. It 698 00:47:09,570 --> 00:47:12,510 happens all the time, I have a video on this very channel where 699 00:47:12,510 --> 00:47:16,650 I really dug in. So in lieu of just doing that all over again, 700 00:47:16,650 --> 00:47:20,820 and adding another hour to this video. I invite you guys to now 701 00:47:20,820 --> 00:47:26,460 really, once we're done here, really digest the evidence, the 702 00:47:26,460 --> 00:47:30,210 unclassified level across the board of what this all is, and 703 00:47:30,210 --> 00:47:33,630 see what people are saying and see if it matches up. Because 704 00:47:33,630 --> 00:47:38,340 still, I don't think it does, as I mentioned, and I'm going to go 705 00:47:38,340 --> 00:47:41,010 back a few to a slide, forgive me clicking through this a 706 00:47:41,010 --> 00:47:45,240 couple times. But before we get into the documents, I want to 707 00:47:45,720 --> 00:47:49,860 show you one redaction that you're going to see a lot. So in 708 00:47:49,860 --> 00:47:53,160 lieu of me going over it every time. You're going to see 709 00:47:53,160 --> 00:47:56,970 redactions that are cited to 10, United States Code section 424. 710 00:47:57,240 --> 00:47:59,490 That's disclosure of organizational and personal 711 00:47:59,490 --> 00:48:03,300 information exemption for specified intelligence agencies, 712 00:48:03,690 --> 00:48:08,610 namely, be one of that section for the DIA. In plain English, 713 00:48:08,610 --> 00:48:12,390 what this is, is covering up connections, names, personal 714 00:48:12,390 --> 00:48:16,410 information, anything that identifies things to the DIA, 715 00:48:16,710 --> 00:48:20,610 this particular statute exempts the information, and it allows 716 00:48:20,610 --> 00:48:25,650 them to omit it. To my surprise, the dirt authors are an example 717 00:48:25,650 --> 00:48:28,590 of that in these documents, but the dirt authors had been 718 00:48:28,590 --> 00:48:32,280 released before not via a leak, but rather my FOIA requests. So 719 00:48:32,280 --> 00:48:35,220 why they felt the need to redact them. I don't know. That's one 720 00:48:35,220 --> 00:48:38,910 of the silliness is of the FOIA. But regardless, that is what 721 00:48:38,910 --> 00:48:42,120 you're going to primarily see. So I wanted to go over that in 722 00:48:42,120 --> 00:48:47,400 the FOIA, which is five United States Code section 552. That is 723 00:48:47,400 --> 00:48:51,990 exemption B, six, and B. Six is that personal information, 724 00:48:51,990 --> 00:48:55,020 essentially, it's the same thing. But this gives them a 725 00:48:55,020 --> 00:49:00,150 little bit more leeway to, to redact information to protect 726 00:49:00,180 --> 00:49:04,260 dia assets, and people and so on. So as I mentioned, the 727 00:49:04,260 --> 00:49:07,320 website that is linked below is all in chronological order 728 00:49:07,650 --> 00:49:11,250 really helps make these documents make sense, but also 729 00:49:11,250 --> 00:49:14,400 help you understand the picture. That's how we're going to, we're 730 00:49:14,400 --> 00:49:20,580 gonna go through this. One of the first things that is on 731 00:49:20,580 --> 00:49:27,630 there, the first thing was from August 22 2008. This was the 732 00:49:27,660 --> 00:49:32,340 original contract solicitation, or the bid solicitation that was 733 00:49:32,340 --> 00:49:36,960 put out there on the the Federal Business Opportunities website 734 00:49:36,960 --> 00:49:42,930 or fbo.gov. Since then, it's been rebranded to Sam I believe 735 00:49:42,930 --> 00:49:48,360 it is sam.gov. But that is one of the first documents that you 736 00:49:48,360 --> 00:49:51,810 can download. It's been publicly available for some time, nothing 737 00:49:51,810 --> 00:49:55,650 new to report here, but rather it's just was in the material 738 00:49:55,650 --> 00:49:59,670 the DIA released. I was just talking about the silliness of 739 00:49:59,670 --> 00:50:05,520 the full Get in some of the redactions, you can still on the 740 00:50:05,550 --> 00:50:09,090 get through the Wayback Machine, the FBO site, but also on Sam, 741 00:50:09,090 --> 00:50:13,260 you can actually find this to sam.gov. The point of contact, 742 00:50:13,260 --> 00:50:18,480 who was the DIA person, Jennifer Silvestri. She's still listed on 743 00:50:18,480 --> 00:50:21,930 there, you can see all this information you had on the foyer 744 00:50:21,930 --> 00:50:27,000 release, they exempted all under that, that US Code that I had 745 00:50:27,000 --> 00:50:31,110 referred to you guys over why they do that I have no idea. 746 00:50:31,110 --> 00:50:34,350 It's publicly available information. I'm not hacking 747 00:50:34,350 --> 00:50:38,460 anything doing anything sinister. It's open and public 748 00:50:38,490 --> 00:50:41,550 to everyone. Yet they felt the need to redact it. Who knows 749 00:50:41,550 --> 00:50:47,310 why. Next document in the dump was September 22 2008. This was 750 00:50:47,310 --> 00:50:52,830 essentially the solicitation and contract order. For the bass 751 00:50:52,860 --> 00:50:54,540 awarded contract you see here. 752 00:50:55,830 --> 00:50:59,910 This was the one who got the bid. They got $10 million. You 753 00:50:59,910 --> 00:51:03,840 can see that here. And what this document does is break down what 754 00:51:03,840 --> 00:51:08,730 they had to do. And here's another page of that particular 755 00:51:08,730 --> 00:51:12,660 form. Some of those redactions are silly, we know who some of 756 00:51:12,660 --> 00:51:15,510 these people are just by publicly available information. 757 00:51:16,320 --> 00:51:22,530 However, skipping down here, this is what the contractor or 758 00:51:22,530 --> 00:51:25,620 in this case bass was supposed to deliver. So what they do is, 759 00:51:25,890 --> 00:51:28,260 you can see here, please see continuation page for line item 760 00:51:28,260 --> 00:51:31,740 details. Because there were a lot they broke it down into a 761 00:51:31,770 --> 00:51:38,580 attached schedule. And this was going to outline what baths for 762 00:51:38,580 --> 00:51:42,900 the $10 million. And yes, 10 million, don't worry, put a pin 763 00:51:42,900 --> 00:51:46,740 in that, I'll get you to 22 million, but what they were 764 00:51:46,740 --> 00:51:51,240 supposed to deliver for that. So the $10 million bought the DIA, 765 00:51:51,450 --> 00:51:54,870 all of this that you see on your screen here that included 766 00:51:54,870 --> 00:51:59,730 Bigelow Aerospace advanced Space Studies. Let me see here monthly 767 00:51:59,730 --> 00:52:04,410 status reports from 22, September 2008, to 29, September 768 00:52:04,410 --> 00:52:09,510 2009, project manage management plan for tasks. And then it 769 00:52:09,510 --> 00:52:14,070 refers back to two other line items, research report for 770 00:52:14,070 --> 00:52:17,280 tasks, so on comprehensive integrated threat assessment, 771 00:52:17,730 --> 00:52:21,720 travel, accounting, appropriation, other direct 772 00:52:21,720 --> 00:52:24,510 costs, which some of these line items, again, you can see our 773 00:52:24,510 --> 00:52:28,500 blur redacted before as essentially protecting corporate 774 00:52:28,500 --> 00:52:33,300 information so that his competitors can't go in and see 775 00:52:33,300 --> 00:52:37,860 how they broke down the money. Option year. Yeah, so this, this 776 00:52:37,860 --> 00:52:41,220 breaks down the monthly status reports. And that this first 777 00:52:41,220 --> 00:52:46,050 contract was was gonna go you can see here for 2008 to 2009, 778 00:52:46,650 --> 00:52:50,850 then the option year, the option was after the first year, they 779 00:52:50,850 --> 00:52:53,820 can take an option to do one other one. And I believe by the 780 00:52:53,820 --> 00:52:57,180 paperwork, they can do five total years. So it wasn't 781 00:52:57,180 --> 00:53:01,200 supposed to be kept after the second year. But rather, they 782 00:53:01,200 --> 00:53:06,030 just didn't see value in it. But it outlines that the first 783 00:53:06,030 --> 00:53:11,670 option year would begin in 2009, and go to 2010, and so on and so 784 00:53:11,670 --> 00:53:16,980 forth. So it goes on from there. What I want to outline for 785 00:53:16,980 --> 00:53:20,070 excuse me profile on this particular document is down here 786 00:53:20,070 --> 00:53:27,270 you see this page two of 51, page three of 51. There were 787 00:53:27,270 --> 00:53:30,780 only these these essentially three pages in this contract, 788 00:53:31,230 --> 00:53:36,750 the 51 page number, I'm not sure I appealed this as well. Because 789 00:53:36,840 --> 00:53:41,550 if we're missing those 48 other pages or so where are they and 790 00:53:41,550 --> 00:53:46,440 what did they say? So we have somewhat of an idea? Is it a 791 00:53:46,440 --> 00:53:49,530 mistake? Did they use a template and this is an indicator of a 792 00:53:49,530 --> 00:53:54,900 rushed process? Quite possibly, there's no way around that. But 793 00:53:55,200 --> 00:53:59,310 and the reason why I say that is it ends halfway on the page here 794 00:53:59,310 --> 00:54:03,330 and ends with other which most outlines like this do when it's 795 00:54:03,330 --> 00:54:07,650 at the end. But pages four through 51 likely may be 796 00:54:07,650 --> 00:54:11,310 something else entirely. So not a breakdown of their schedule 797 00:54:11,310 --> 00:54:15,090 and reports and essentially the deliverables but something else. 798 00:54:15,360 --> 00:54:19,140 I found some some examples of it. It's kind of unfair to try 799 00:54:19,140 --> 00:54:22,290 and think that this would be exactly the same. So regardless, 800 00:54:22,290 --> 00:54:26,040 I appealed saying, hey, it looks like you guys ignored these 801 00:54:26,040 --> 00:54:29,520 pages and did not give them to me. So we'll see what what comes 802 00:54:29,520 --> 00:54:35,160 out of that appeal. December 16 2008, this file comes up. 803 00:54:35,940 --> 00:54:39,390 It's a PowerPoint presentation, advanced aerospace weapon system 804 00:54:39,390 --> 00:54:42,930 applications contract status. The contract number you see 805 00:54:42,930 --> 00:54:50,100 there H H M 402 Dash 08 Dash c dash 0072. That was known as the 806 00:54:50,100 --> 00:54:53,430 identifier for OSS app. It's on the contract if you look at it, 807 00:54:54,240 --> 00:55:00,000 and again dated 16 December of 2008 all unclassified and this 808 00:55:00,330 --> 00:55:02,910 If you follow along the chronology was not too long 809 00:55:02,940 --> 00:55:07,770 after just a couple of months after the OS app started, it was 810 00:55:07,770 --> 00:55:11,040 awarded and started advanced unconventional aerospace weapons 811 00:55:11,040 --> 00:55:14,580 system technical studies, threat projections through 2050 812 00:55:14,580 --> 00:55:19,530 timeframe, not extrapolations of current technology, in the 813 00:55:19,530 --> 00:55:24,210 following areas lift propulsion control, all of this is very 814 00:55:24,210 --> 00:55:27,840 much the same as what we've already gone over. So all SAP 815 00:55:27,840 --> 00:55:32,400 was supposed to be forward looking at at the technology of 816 00:55:32,400 --> 00:55:33,000 the future. 817 00:55:35,490 --> 00:55:39,660 Another page in that same slide presentation in December, 818 00:55:40,620 --> 00:55:43,770 initial contract status brief was given to and then a name 819 00:55:43,770 --> 00:55:49,500 redacted on 10 November, subject was raised by Senator Reid and a 820 00:55:49,500 --> 00:55:54,180 meeting with redacted on 13th November. So just a couple of 821 00:55:54,180 --> 00:55:59,640 months in Senator Reid is already showing interest in what 822 00:55:59,640 --> 00:56:04,620 is going on with this program that he funded. I will say, but 823 00:56:04,620 --> 00:56:08,550 I'm not saying that it just never happens. It's not really 824 00:56:08,550 --> 00:56:13,260 common from what I've seen to have sitting senators like 825 00:56:13,260 --> 00:56:18,450 follow that closely what's going on with a program on that level. 826 00:56:18,630 --> 00:56:22,080 Now, let me stress on that level. Of course, they follow 827 00:56:23,340 --> 00:56:27,660 developments, they get briefed themselves, sometimes they held 828 00:56:27,660 --> 00:56:32,580 hearings, and so on. But in meetings like this four, out of 829 00:56:32,580 --> 00:56:36,240 all of the classified and unclassified things that dia are 830 00:56:36,240 --> 00:56:40,380 doing, he just happens to show interest in the one contract 831 00:56:40,380 --> 00:56:45,120 that he helped fund that got awarded to the corporation that 832 00:56:45,120 --> 00:56:50,280 was in his great State of Nevada. Coincidence? Again, it 833 00:56:50,310 --> 00:56:53,010 leads into that sweetheart deal thing, why was he so interested? 834 00:56:53,640 --> 00:56:56,640 Maybe it was just a curiosity, and that's fine before you sent 835 00:56:56,640 --> 00:57:00,900 me hate mail. That that's fine. If it was just curiosity. All 836 00:57:00,900 --> 00:57:03,660 I'm saying is there's not a whole lot of examples where 837 00:57:03,660 --> 00:57:08,220 senators are doing just that, in these types of situations. 838 00:57:09,240 --> 00:57:12,810 Bigelow Aerospace advanced Space Studies submitted complete 839 00:57:12,810 --> 00:57:17,640 program management plans in the 12 technical areas on 21 840 00:57:17,640 --> 00:57:20,580 November for dia comment and approval. So obviously the 841 00:57:20,580 --> 00:57:24,240 contract was playing out. They were figuring out what those 842 00:57:24,270 --> 00:57:27,690 dirt reports essentially what would become the dirt what they 843 00:57:27,690 --> 00:57:31,110 were going to be. technical approaches being implemented by 844 00:57:31,110 --> 00:57:33,960 contractor are established traditional techniques with an 845 00:57:33,960 --> 00:57:37,230 intended scope of contract. Technical Report deliverables 846 00:57:37,230 --> 00:57:39,960 will be under subcontract within two months and completed within 847 00:57:39,960 --> 00:57:43,500 seven months. equal amount monthly payments to Contractor 848 00:57:43,500 --> 00:57:46,740 have commenced and allowed for research subcontracts to be put 849 00:57:46,740 --> 00:57:50,340 into place quickly, obviously, referring to the dirt authors, 850 00:57:51,300 --> 00:57:54,600 difficulties and establishing a research effort from the ground 851 00:57:54,630 --> 00:57:57,600 up, staff management consultants, clearances 852 00:57:57,600 --> 00:58:01,080 facilities, is noted in this PowerPoint presentation as a 853 00:58:01,080 --> 00:58:07,200 challenge. program management plans 12 PMPs are very good to 854 00:58:07,200 --> 00:58:10,260 excellent. I wonder how they determine like what's very good 855 00:58:10,260 --> 00:58:13,950 and what's Excellent. But I don't know that multiple reports 856 00:58:13,950 --> 00:58:17,340 and each technical area within the contracted period. In 857 00:58:17,340 --> 00:58:21,510 general, each PMP has two to four feasibility of technical 858 00:58:21,510 --> 00:58:26,070 concept studies, suggested comparison of the aerospace 859 00:58:26,070 --> 00:58:30,090 vehicle concept with observable data review literature for 860 00:58:30,090 --> 00:58:33,060 recent concept proposed by academia and national labs, 861 00:58:33,510 --> 00:58:35,850 information exchange with government contractors in the 862 00:58:35,850 --> 00:58:38,280 aerospace and electronics sectors. So obviously, this 863 00:58:38,280 --> 00:58:41,310 PowerPoint, I didn't go over every slide. So those are just 864 00:58:41,310 --> 00:58:45,000 some mixed pages on some highlights. But again, you can 865 00:58:45,000 --> 00:58:48,180 download the full presentation, but obviously at this stage of 866 00:58:48,180 --> 00:58:51,870 the game, still ramping up, still figuring things out, still 867 00:58:51,870 --> 00:58:57,300 moving forward. jumped to January 5 2009. This was a 868 00:58:57,300 --> 00:59:01,380 different type of document in the dump. You can see the 869 00:59:01,380 --> 00:59:04,620 highlighted section there, Senator Reed visit to redacted 870 00:59:04,620 --> 00:59:09,450 five January 2009. So Senator Reid coming back to likely 871 00:59:09,450 --> 00:59:12,570 somewhere in the DIA. If I were to venture a guess, by the way, 872 00:59:12,570 --> 00:59:15,960 this is the defense warning office. One of those silly 873 00:59:15,960 --> 00:59:19,470 things that I don't know why they redact but we do know from 874 00:59:19,470 --> 00:59:25,470 the leaks that the defense warning office was the office 875 00:59:25,470 --> 00:59:31,710 within the DIA that that led this effort. The purpose of this 876 00:59:31,710 --> 00:59:36,120 particular memo to provide redacted with the current status 877 00:59:36,120 --> 00:59:38,910 of the advanced aerospace weapon system application contract. 878 00:59:39,150 --> 00:59:43,290 Should Senator Reid raise the topic. This obviously 879 00:59:43,290 --> 00:59:47,430 establishes that read based on that previous document already 880 00:59:47,430 --> 00:59:50,250 has this interest. He's already raising it just a couple months 881 00:59:50,250 --> 00:59:54,390 and and obviously is showing a big interest. So before his 882 00:59:54,390 --> 00:59:58,020 visit, looks like about three days before their briefing, 883 00:59:58,020 --> 01:00:00,960 whomever is going to be involved in that Eating or at least one 884 01:00:00,960 --> 01:00:06,180 of them about offset what they're doing. And just in case 885 01:00:06,180 --> 01:00:08,580 that Harry Reid shows an interest in any raises the 886 01:00:08,580 --> 01:00:12,360 topic, which I found interesting that they went to this level of 887 01:00:12,360 --> 01:00:16,170 planning, because he probably indicated he was very interested 888 01:00:16,170 --> 01:00:20,340 in it. Jumping down to the talking points, I'm skipping 889 01:00:20,340 --> 01:00:22,470 stuff again that we've already kind of went over but I invite 890 01:00:22,470 --> 01:00:25,890 you to read it all. Talking Points, reviewed the PMPs and 891 01:00:25,890 --> 01:00:29,910 rated them as very good to excellent redacted granted bass 892 01:00:29,940 --> 01:00:34,140 approval to proceed with the technical reports may be likely 893 01:00:34,140 --> 01:00:37,290 McCaskey there, but obviously a name. 894 01:00:38,730 --> 01:00:41,910 Facility clearance the Defense Security Service conducted a 895 01:00:41,910 --> 01:00:46,830 site inspection on the bass facility on 17 December 2008. 896 01:00:47,250 --> 01:00:50,460 The inspection was completed satisfactorily, and the facility 897 01:00:50,460 --> 01:00:55,020 clearance process is expected to be completed shortly. Contract 898 01:00:55,020 --> 01:00:58,260 is on track. The contract is currently proceeding on schedule 899 01:00:58,260 --> 01:01:01,110 and within cost. The technical reports will be under 900 01:01:01,110 --> 01:01:07,230 subcontract by February of 2009 and completed by the end of July 901 01:01:07,530 --> 01:01:14,730 2009. So those were the the polling point that they wanted 902 01:01:14,730 --> 01:01:18,150 to prepare for January of 2009. For reads visit fast forward to 903 01:01:18,150 --> 01:01:24,270 May 4 2009. Here's another visit by Senator Harry Reid visit to 904 01:01:24,270 --> 01:01:29,610 the director of the DIA and the same thing to provide redacted 905 01:01:29,610 --> 01:01:32,370 with the current status of the advanced aerospace weapon system 906 01:01:32,370 --> 01:01:37,200 applications contract. Should Senator Reid raise the topic. So 907 01:01:37,200 --> 01:01:40,590 here months later, they remain prepared a lot of those things 908 01:01:40,590 --> 01:01:44,430 and points and everything are the same. A lot of the same 909 01:01:44,430 --> 01:01:48,090 background information anyway, Senator Reid sponsored language 910 01:01:48,090 --> 01:01:51,870 in the July 28, supplemental appropriation bills so on and so 911 01:01:51,870 --> 01:01:57,510 forth. And it breaks down everything. The same memo and 912 01:01:57,510 --> 01:02:01,920 may 4 the establishment of a fiscal year 2010 University 913 01:02:01,920 --> 01:02:04,530 grant program for advanced aerospace research and 914 01:02:04,530 --> 01:02:08,580 experimentation, focusing on the best grad schools in the US has 915 01:02:08,580 --> 01:02:12,330 commenced. That's pretty cool. Now I don't pretend to say that 916 01:02:12,330 --> 01:02:15,780 I've listened to every single interview that those connected 917 01:02:15,780 --> 01:02:20,880 to OS app have given. But that seems new to me. I don't know 918 01:02:20,880 --> 01:02:23,850 that doesn't ring a bell. So I'm not entirely sure what that's 919 01:02:23,850 --> 01:02:28,650 referring to or what they did at all. Again, back to the memo. 920 01:02:28,680 --> 01:02:31,770 This contract is providing a unique opportunity for dia to 921 01:02:31,770 --> 01:02:34,890 both understand very advanced aerospace related technology and 922 01:02:34,890 --> 01:02:38,130 to determine its threat potential to the United States. 923 01:02:38,670 --> 01:02:41,760 As the effort expands in the future with one worldwide 924 01:02:41,760 --> 01:02:45,780 calibrated data collection to world class expert analysis 925 01:02:45,810 --> 01:02:49,470 three, university and national lab collaboration for 926 01:02:49,740 --> 01:02:52,890 information exchange with major aerospace and electronic firms 927 01:02:53,130 --> 01:02:58,020 and five enhanced oni and Neysa cooperation. Dia will be the 928 01:02:58,020 --> 01:03:00,840 integrating force behind the development of a center of 929 01:03:00,840 --> 01:03:05,550 excellence in the area of advanced aerospace weapon system 930 01:03:05,550 --> 01:03:09,540 applications. The continued support and guidance of Senator 931 01:03:09,810 --> 01:03:13,140 Reid and Senator in your way is crucial to the success of this 932 01:03:13,200 --> 01:03:13,680 endeavor. 933 01:03:19,230 --> 01:03:23,670 noting here that on May 8, these two documents naval labeled 934 01:03:23,670 --> 01:03:27,030 briefs you can download I'm just gonna go over one slight 935 01:03:27,030 --> 01:03:29,910 differences which explains the page count difference, but 936 01:03:29,910 --> 01:03:32,220 essentially they were advanced aerospace weapon system 937 01:03:32,220 --> 01:03:36,420 application contract status reports or rather PowerPoint 938 01:03:36,420 --> 01:03:43,530 presentations. You can see here again eighth may 2009. Overview 939 01:03:43,560 --> 01:03:46,140 support for contract was mentioned by Senator Harry Reid 940 01:03:46,140 --> 01:03:50,880 and a meeting with redacted on 13th November 2008. So clearly 941 01:03:50,880 --> 01:03:54,420 they are continuing that awareness that Senator Harry 942 01:03:54,420 --> 01:03:59,130 Reid is actively interested in this difficulty in establishing 943 01:03:59,130 --> 01:04:02,430 a research effort from the ground up staff management 944 01:04:02,430 --> 01:04:04,740 consultants, clearances facilities have been quickly and 945 01:04:04,740 --> 01:04:07,620 successfully resolved. So remember that challenge that I 946 01:04:07,620 --> 01:04:11,310 mentioned to you just months prior? Now it is listed as a 947 01:04:11,310 --> 01:04:16,170 overcome challenge. The immediate way ahead, begin 948 01:04:16,170 --> 01:04:19,440 publishing the 24 technical report deliverables as soon as 949 01:04:19,440 --> 01:04:23,070 possible. Continue to build research database architecture, 950 01:04:23,730 --> 01:04:26,880 initiate University national lab research grant solicitation 951 01:04:26,880 --> 01:04:31,020 program, ensure that this special compartmentalize 952 01:04:31,020 --> 01:04:34,020 information personal security clearances continue to be 953 01:04:34,020 --> 01:04:36,840 quickly and successfully processed. And that Skiff 954 01:04:36,840 --> 01:04:41,250 certification is granted Tabas begin processing of lower level 955 01:04:41,250 --> 01:04:44,490 clearances through disco as part of focused counter intelligence 956 01:04:44,910 --> 01:04:50,250 efforts. So this was their plan for the future as of May of 957 01:04:50,250 --> 01:04:54,840 2009. Now remember, we've set up such a interest by Harry Reid 958 01:04:54,840 --> 01:04:57,600 here the dirts haven't been delivered yet. But they're 959 01:04:57,600 --> 01:05:02,700 saying let's do this fast. Now. Here we're going from May of 960 01:05:02,700 --> 01:05:08,190 2009. To the next month, June 24 2009. This is the infamous 961 01:05:08,190 --> 01:05:13,200 Harry Reid letter requesting SAP status for essentially OS app 962 01:05:13,200 --> 01:05:19,350 which he nicknamed a tip or erroneously a ITP, which was 963 01:05:19,350 --> 01:05:22,710 essentially copied and pasted to numerous other documents. But 964 01:05:22,740 --> 01:05:26,820 how he broke it down advanced aerospace threat and 965 01:05:26,850 --> 01:05:33,270 identification program, and then incorrectly put a ITP instead of 966 01:05:33,300 --> 01:05:38,970 a tip. Regardless, though, that name kind of stuck. But this is 967 01:05:38,970 --> 01:05:44,070 when He submitted his request to the Deputy Secretary of Defense, 968 01:05:44,070 --> 01:05:48,750 namely William Lind the third to give it SAP status. Now, on a 969 01:05:48,750 --> 01:05:51,240 side note, I'm not going to go too deep into that letter, but 970 01:05:51,240 --> 01:05:55,110 I've done a full video breakdown on the mystery behind that 971 01:05:55,110 --> 01:05:59,190 letter. There is a big story behind it, meaning, there's a 972 01:05:59,190 --> 01:06:04,500 lot of detail and very weird occurrences about it. So make 973 01:06:04,500 --> 01:06:06,780 sure if you're interested, I'll put that in the show notes 974 01:06:06,780 --> 01:06:09,750 below. If you're interested in that letter, definitely take a 975 01:06:09,750 --> 01:06:13,350 look. Because my research on that went well over a year or 976 01:06:13,350 --> 01:06:17,880 two, trying to track it down. And I showed ample proof that it 977 01:06:17,880 --> 01:06:22,350 seems like that That letter was just gone and just vanished. So 978 01:06:22,440 --> 01:06:26,370 take that for what it's worth. I'm kind of following up on one 979 01:06:26,370 --> 01:06:29,130 other lead. Hopefully I'll have an update for you guys. But 980 01:06:29,370 --> 01:06:37,200 check out that video if you're interested. So that was sorry, 981 01:06:37,200 --> 01:06:39,090 here's I flipped over I want to make sure I have the dates right 982 01:06:39,090 --> 01:06:43,590 so that was June of 2009. Jumping to a PowerPoint 983 01:06:43,590 --> 01:06:47,820 presentation contract status on August 24th 2009. performance by 984 01:06:47,820 --> 01:06:50,880 Bigelow Aerospace advanced Space Studies has been excellent and 985 01:06:50,880 --> 01:06:53,910 they are in full compliance compliance with aerospace 986 01:06:53,910 --> 01:06:57,390 contract and then it gives the AAS HAP contract. Extensive 987 01:06:57,390 --> 01:07:00,480 monthly status reports received 12 project management plans 988 01:07:00,480 --> 01:07:04,920 received and executed 26. detailed research reports twice 989 01:07:04,920 --> 01:07:09,660 the minimum requirement received by 30 June 2009. Reviews of 990 01:07:09,660 --> 01:07:13,080 reports have been overwhelmingly positive, recommend that dia 991 01:07:13,080 --> 01:07:16,170 should go forward with the option you're one with bass 992 01:07:16,290 --> 01:07:20,220 subject to available funding $12 million for the continuation of 993 01:07:20,220 --> 01:07:23,940 that contract by dia has been submitted in the fiscal year 994 01:07:23,940 --> 01:07:27,900 2010 defense budget funding likely to be approved. Remember 995 01:07:27,900 --> 01:07:31,620 I said I'd get you to 22 million. So you're number one 10 996 01:07:31,620 --> 01:07:35,370 million year option year number one, technically, your number 997 01:07:35,370 --> 01:07:40,950 two would be 12 million for a total of 22. Going forward in 998 01:07:40,950 --> 01:07:43,830 that presentation contracting officer will extend this 999 01:07:43,830 --> 01:07:48,240 contract through 30. September, in order to use fiscal year 2010 1000 01:07:48,240 --> 01:07:51,690 funds and option year one extension will be at no 1001 01:07:51,690 --> 01:07:53,760 additional cost to the government. I think that was 1002 01:07:53,760 --> 01:07:56,940 just a legal thing. That way they could keep bass going 1003 01:07:56,940 --> 01:08:00,570 through that timeframe to get to fiscal year 2010. And just 1004 01:08:00,570 --> 01:08:02,880 immediately continue with with the funding. 1005 01:08:04,290 --> 01:08:07,230 Bass has indicated that they are willing to operate at risk and 1006 01:08:07,230 --> 01:08:10,800 option year one until fiscal year 2010 funding arrives 1007 01:08:10,800 --> 01:08:13,410 essentially bass was saying, Hey, we're pretty comfortable, 1008 01:08:13,410 --> 01:08:16,500 you guys are going to get it and keep us on it was already stated 1009 01:08:16,500 --> 01:08:20,100 as such. So they were just going to keep going and that Robert 1010 01:08:20,100 --> 01:08:23,310 Bigelow would essentially front the bills until they would start 1011 01:08:23,340 --> 01:08:27,480 paying again from fiscal year 2010 funds, the funds the joys 1012 01:08:27,480 --> 01:08:32,040 of government funding and contracts. Option your one 1013 01:08:32,040 --> 01:08:37,080 deliverables. CLI and by the way is contract line item number so 1014 01:08:37,080 --> 01:08:39,210 that calls back to those contracts that I was talking 1015 01:08:39,210 --> 01:08:43,080 about. And the different breakaway line items 12 monthly 1016 01:08:43,080 --> 01:08:46,830 status reports 12 area management plans delivery by 1017 01:08:46,830 --> 01:08:52,680 June of 2010. Where I want to also note I appealed this as 1018 01:08:52,680 --> 01:08:57,270 well. Even though there are periodic PowerPoint 1019 01:08:57,270 --> 01:09:01,920 presentations inside dia, which is one of which we're looking at 1020 01:09:01,920 --> 01:09:07,410 now from August of 2009. These contracts stipulate that VAs was 1021 01:09:07,410 --> 01:09:12,030 supposed to be doing monthly status reports of their own and 1022 01:09:12,030 --> 01:09:15,960 submitting them to dia. So what you're looking at is the DIA 1023 01:09:15,960 --> 01:09:21,150 status report likely. This is a guess, created by James 1024 01:09:21,150 --> 01:09:24,390 McCaskey. He's very complimentary on bass. I think 1025 01:09:24,390 --> 01:09:29,310 that he wanted that contract to continue. But again, just just a 1026 01:09:29,340 --> 01:09:32,970 it's just speculation there. But I'm guessing he did the 1027 01:09:33,030 --> 01:09:36,750 PowerPoints that we're looking at now. But by the paperwork, 1028 01:09:37,410 --> 01:09:41,670 bass would have done monthly status reports submitted to dia, 1029 01:09:42,000 --> 01:09:45,720 that dia would take all of those and evaluate meaning McCaskey 1030 01:09:45,720 --> 01:09:49,560 and however many people he had working on this team, if any, 1031 01:09:49,860 --> 01:09:54,270 and then create these these status PowerPoint presentations 1032 01:09:54,270 --> 01:09:57,360 to give to his boss and essentially justify everybody's 1033 01:09:57,360 --> 01:10:00,240 paycheck. And why are they getting 10s of million Hands up 1034 01:10:00,240 --> 01:10:04,080 dollars. While this is why it's excellent, it's great. They're 1035 01:10:04,110 --> 01:10:07,320 they're fulfilling, there's no extra cost here. They're doing 1036 01:10:07,320 --> 01:10:10,530 this. They're doing that. It's all great fine and dandy. Let's 1037 01:10:10,530 --> 01:10:14,400 keep going. And so that's that's what I see here. But I appealed, 1038 01:10:14,730 --> 01:10:19,530 based on this evidence that none of those monthly bass reports 1039 01:10:19,800 --> 01:10:23,850 were released. Now I call them bass reports. But yes, they will 1040 01:10:23,850 --> 01:10:27,840 be subject to FOIA. Why? Because they are deliverables on a 1041 01:10:27,840 --> 01:10:31,380 government contract, not a grant. So they are not 1042 01:10:31,380 --> 01:10:34,920 proprietary information, in my opinion, and there is no 1043 01:10:34,920 --> 01:10:38,610 indicator here as much as others have tried to claim that some of 1044 01:10:38,610 --> 01:10:42,240 that information would remain proprietary. Would portions 1045 01:10:42,240 --> 01:10:47,910 remain exempt? Under B four? Yes, they would we see that in 1046 01:10:47,910 --> 01:10:52,290 the contract that was that I showed you guys on screen with 1047 01:10:52,290 --> 01:10:55,710 the before redactions, generally how the money breaks out. So we 1048 01:10:55,710 --> 01:10:59,100 know that $10 million went over there, it's taxpayer money, we 1049 01:10:59,100 --> 01:11:03,240 want to account for it in an unclassified setting, but how 1050 01:11:03,270 --> 01:11:07,200 then a private contractor divvies up that money, what they 1051 01:11:07,200 --> 01:11:11,640 spend it on and so on, there are protections under FOIA that 1052 01:11:11,640 --> 01:11:15,300 shields that so that way competitors can't come and spy 1053 01:11:15,300 --> 01:11:20,610 and, and so on and so forth. So that is kind of a quick 1054 01:11:20,610 --> 01:11:25,530 explanation of that. But but for the information to be entirely 1055 01:11:26,550 --> 01:11:32,040 untouchable by FOIA is untrue, if it is in the contract to be 1056 01:11:32,040 --> 01:11:37,080 delivered to dia, why, again, taxpayer money, you and I paid 1057 01:11:37,080 --> 01:11:39,960 for it if you're in America, if you're in the world, I know you 1058 01:11:39,960 --> 01:11:44,880 want to see it anyway. Same presentation, August of 2,024th 1059 01:11:44,880 --> 01:11:48,510 of 2009 program management issues redacted will be 1060 01:11:48,510 --> 01:11:53,010 transferring to redacted during fiscal year 2010. I am not sure. 1061 01:11:53,220 --> 01:11:57,630 Nor will I speculate with that is redacted due to economical 1062 01:11:57,630 --> 01:12:01,080 issues will not be transferring. So, I don't know if those are 1063 01:12:01,080 --> 01:12:05,640 people or potentially offices or what program will likely become 1064 01:12:06,210 --> 01:12:12,870 a sap by June of 2010. So obviously, whomever wrote this 1065 01:12:13,050 --> 01:12:17,790 assumed that the DoD would create a sap and knew that Harry 1066 01:12:17,790 --> 01:12:21,450 Reid had asked the Deputy Secretary of Defense about it. 1067 01:12:21,870 --> 01:12:24,870 Remember that letter went to the Deputy Secretary of Defense. So 1068 01:12:24,870 --> 01:12:28,500 how much did it circulate? We don't know. But whoever was 1069 01:12:28,500 --> 01:12:32,370 creating these PowerPoints knew darn well the request was in. 1070 01:12:32,580 --> 01:12:35,970 And he believed based on an assumption that was wrong. That 1071 01:12:35,970 --> 01:12:40,740 OS app would become a sap a special access program that 1072 01:12:40,740 --> 01:12:44,040 would essentially give it a lot more access than what I've 1073 01:12:44,040 --> 01:12:49,560 currently had. Best option appears to be to move, redacted 1074 01:12:49,560 --> 01:12:52,680 and program to redacted during this time. 1075 01:12:54,180 --> 01:12:57,600 can also assist redacted in his role as redacted. So we're not 1076 01:12:57,630 --> 01:13:01,740 we're not sure who this is. We can speculate, sure, but we have 1077 01:13:01,740 --> 01:13:04,560 no idea who these individuals are that are being protected 1078 01:13:04,560 --> 01:13:09,990 there. September 2 2009. Here's the amendment of solicitation or 1079 01:13:09,990 --> 01:13:14,970 the modification of a contract essentially, option year one. 1080 01:13:15,210 --> 01:13:20,430 This was the extension for the $12 million that went here, you 1081 01:13:20,430 --> 01:13:23,940 go to Bigelow Aerospace. And then you can see here the 1082 01:13:23,940 --> 01:13:28,200 checkmark, this supplemental agreement is is entered into 1083 01:13:28,200 --> 01:13:32,820 pursuant to the authority of so on and so forth. So it's a 1084 01:13:32,820 --> 01:13:35,640 little hard to read on my screen, I apologize. But here's 1085 01:13:35,640 --> 01:13:39,360 kind of the key takeaway. The purpose of this modification is 1086 01:13:39,360 --> 01:13:43,170 to a extend the current period of performance to 30, September 1087 01:13:43,410 --> 01:13:52,140 2009. Revise option your dates to be one October 2009 to 30, 1088 01:13:52,140 --> 01:13:55,350 September 2010. Remember how they said that they were going 1089 01:13:55,350 --> 01:13:58,020 to extend at no costs. Essentially, this was the 1090 01:13:58,020 --> 01:14:02,190 contract to then push it forward to 30. September, which was the 1091 01:14:02,190 --> 01:14:07,290 end of the fiscal year, get it into fiscal year 2010. And then 1092 01:14:07,290 --> 01:14:11,280 enter letter C here. Exercise option year one subject to 1093 01:14:11,280 --> 01:14:14,520 availability of funds, everybody was pretty confident that the 1094 01:14:14,520 --> 01:14:19,440 funds were going to be there. D there's a reference to law if 1095 01:14:19,440 --> 01:14:22,440 they are I'm not entirely sure what that is. Not important. 1096 01:14:22,650 --> 01:14:24,900 Funds are not presently available for this contract. The 1097 01:14:24,900 --> 01:14:27,570 government's obligation under this contract is contingent upon 1098 01:14:27,570 --> 01:14:30,480 the availability of appropriated funds from which payment for 1099 01:14:30,480 --> 01:14:33,810 contract purposes can be made. No legal liability on the part 1100 01:14:33,810 --> 01:14:36,600 of the government for any payment may arise until funds 1101 01:14:36,600 --> 01:14:38,670 are made available to the contracting officer for the 1102 01:14:38,670 --> 01:14:41,340 contract. And until the contractor receives notice of 1103 01:14:41,340 --> 01:14:44,160 such availability to be confirmed in writing by the 1104 01:14:44,160 --> 01:14:47,580 contracting officer. You lawyers out there will love all of that 1105 01:14:47,580 --> 01:14:51,690 word salad. And then finally, e all other terms of condition 1106 01:14:51,690 --> 01:14:55,470 remain unchanged. So plain English, extending the contract 1107 01:14:55,500 --> 01:14:59,160 getting additional funds and getting a second year or what 1108 01:14:59,160 --> 01:15:05,490 they labeled option. In year one, October 32,009. Here was a 1109 01:15:05,490 --> 01:15:09,600 information memo. That was a review of the advanced aerospace 1110 01:15:09,600 --> 01:15:12,660 contract deliverables. So now those first sets of dirts came 1111 01:15:12,660 --> 01:15:17,790 in. In the memo itself, as a reminder, you made this request 1112 01:15:17,880 --> 01:15:24,090 to redacted personnel during a 15 May 2009. Meeting with you 1113 01:15:24,150 --> 01:15:27,720 after your meeting with Senator Harry Reid. The goal of the 1114 01:15:27,720 --> 01:15:30,330 contract is to identify key technologies and physics 1115 01:15:30,330 --> 01:15:33,840 concepts that would support revolutionary aerospace vehicle 1116 01:15:33,840 --> 01:15:37,230 research and development. Contracted studies were designed 1117 01:15:37,230 --> 01:15:41,820 to provide a prioritized list of technologies concepts that then 1118 01:15:41,820 --> 01:15:44,370 would drive detailed focus searches into foreign aerospace 1119 01:15:44,370 --> 01:15:48,090 research and development, again, reinforcing this aerospace 1120 01:15:48,090 --> 01:15:52,410 research to create essentially these reports on what's 1121 01:15:52,410 --> 01:15:57,390 feasible, what could potentially harm us 20 3040 years from now. 1122 01:15:57,990 --> 01:16:02,850 So therefore, what should be we be researching? Fast forward in 1123 01:16:02,850 --> 01:16:06,150 the memo, eight reviews were performed by other authors 1124 01:16:06,150 --> 01:16:10,740 listed in the table? Five were performed by outside reviewers, 1125 01:16:10,740 --> 01:16:14,550 including three research staff members at Sandia National 1126 01:16:14,550 --> 01:16:17,940 Laboratories. So now, I don't know if you'd consider this 1127 01:16:17,940 --> 01:16:21,420 technically a peer review. But it was being reviewed by peer 1128 01:16:21,420 --> 01:16:26,220 scientific peers, five of which were, or excuse me, three of 1129 01:16:26,220 --> 01:16:29,400 which were staff members at Sandia National Labs. Yes, I 1130 01:16:29,400 --> 01:16:33,870 have filed FOIA cases there to try and track down what was what 1131 01:16:33,870 --> 01:16:38,010 was the connection was this outside of their official duty, 1132 01:16:38,010 --> 01:16:42,030 and they asked for a favor was this official? I don't know. I'm 1133 01:16:42,030 --> 01:16:44,280 not aware of anybody ever addressing that, but I'm going 1134 01:16:44,280 --> 01:16:48,570 after the documents nonetheless. So if you look a little bit 1135 01:16:49,320 --> 01:16:53,400 further into the same metal here October 30. Based on draft 1136 01:16:53,400 --> 01:16:55,770 budget guidance, Congress apparently will fund the 1137 01:16:55,770 --> 01:16:59,970 contracts option near one at 12 million in fiscal year 2010. 1138 01:17:00,090 --> 01:17:04,620 redacted, will use the 26th fiscal year 2009 technical 1139 01:17:04,620 --> 01:17:08,820 reports and having bass evaluate potential adversary exploitation 1140 01:17:08,820 --> 01:17:12,060 worldwide, select studies amenable to classified 1141 01:17:12,060 --> 01:17:16,320 experimental verification by bass and have bass conduct new 1142 01:17:16,320 --> 01:17:19,800 classified and unclassified studies with select academic and 1143 01:17:19,800 --> 01:17:23,820 industry partners. deliverables are expected in late summer 1144 01:17:24,060 --> 01:17:25,170 2010. 1145 01:17:26,700 --> 01:17:29,970 I don't see any, I'm just going to point it out. Even I'm not 1146 01:17:29,970 --> 01:17:32,070 going to beat the dead horse throughout this I've been trying 1147 01:17:32,070 --> 01:17:36,900 not to. But we're at October 32,009, numerous internal dia 1148 01:17:36,900 --> 01:17:40,470 documents, and PowerPoint presentations information memos 1149 01:17:40,710 --> 01:17:45,870 tying into visitors by a sitting United States Senator, namely 1150 01:17:45,870 --> 01:17:48,930 Harry Reid, who was not just kind of a nobody in the US 1151 01:17:48,930 --> 01:17:53,940 Senate. And yet not one mention of anything paranormal, Dyno, 1152 01:17:53,940 --> 01:18:03,720 beavers, cryptids Skinwalker Ranch UFOs UAAP. Nothing, but 1153 01:18:03,720 --> 01:18:08,460 rather exactly like the contract said, they were looking at this 1154 01:18:08,460 --> 01:18:11,670 aerospace technology to essentially create the center of 1155 01:18:11,670 --> 01:18:15,300 expertise, where we can look and say, okay, look, this seems the 1156 01:18:15,300 --> 01:18:19,320 most feasible that in 30 years from now China could have this, 1157 01:18:19,500 --> 01:18:23,130 Russia could have this arann could have this. So instead of 1158 01:18:23,130 --> 01:18:26,760 sitting back and waiting for it, we should research this. And 1159 01:18:26,760 --> 01:18:30,270 since this was a complete failure, we should not research 1160 01:18:30,270 --> 01:18:34,320 that. Essentially, this is what I'm taking away from all of this 1161 01:18:34,320 --> 01:18:36,660 research and all of this language on what they were 1162 01:18:36,660 --> 01:18:42,240 trying to accomplish. And ironically, about ish, 40 years 1163 01:18:42,240 --> 01:18:45,600 prior to OS app, there was something called Project 1164 01:18:45,630 --> 01:18:50,100 outgrowth. And project outgrowth was a nearly identical study, 1165 01:18:50,400 --> 01:18:54,060 looking at forward looking technology and what could 1166 01:18:54,060 --> 01:18:57,090 potentially we can see in the future, and so on and so forth. 1167 01:18:57,330 --> 01:19:01,380 Very, very similar to offset one of those things that was 1168 01:19:01,590 --> 01:19:05,850 researched and project outgrowth controlling a craft with the 1169 01:19:05,850 --> 01:19:10,230 power of the human brain. So this type of fringe research, if 1170 01:19:10,230 --> 01:19:15,120 it was that is not new, but there's no talk of it in the 1171 01:19:15,120 --> 01:19:19,470 status reports, or anything, but rather, it coincides with that 1172 01:19:19,470 --> 01:19:24,180 public vision of what OS app was. And when I say public, it 1173 01:19:24,180 --> 01:19:28,920 was publicly posted in 2008. And that's what all these documents 1174 01:19:28,920 --> 01:19:35,430 are kind of, in my, in my opinion, showing that memo also 1175 01:19:35,430 --> 01:19:38,190 had attached some of the reviews, I invite you to read 1176 01:19:38,190 --> 01:19:40,380 them, I'm not going to go through them, obviously glowing 1177 01:19:40,380 --> 01:19:43,860 reviews by whomever they chose to review, whether that was 1178 01:19:43,860 --> 01:19:49,290 planned or a true peer review. I don't know. This particular 1179 01:19:49,290 --> 01:19:53,670 document, we're going to assume it's November of 2009. This 1180 01:19:53,670 --> 01:19:56,970 particular one was not a member I said earlier in this 1181 01:19:56,970 --> 01:20:01,860 presentation. There was one that was not sent out via A FOIA this 1182 01:20:01,860 --> 01:20:05,550 was that document. I don't know why it could just have been an 1183 01:20:05,550 --> 01:20:09,810 oversight. I'm just not aware of anybody, including myself 1184 01:20:09,810 --> 01:20:12,240 getting it through FOIA, but it popped up on the reading room. 1185 01:20:12,540 --> 01:20:15,570 Now it's deleted, but I had snatched it and put it on the 1186 01:20:15,570 --> 01:20:18,570 website, so you will be able to download it in the link below. 1187 01:20:19,410 --> 01:20:22,590 Based on the information within it's probably about November 1188 01:20:22,590 --> 01:20:26,670 2009. In this timeframe, review of Special Access Program 1189 01:20:26,700 --> 01:20:31,740 request. Senator Harry Reid letter to the honorable william 1190 01:20:31,740 --> 01:20:37,200 Lind, the third Deputy Secretary of Defense, dated 24, June 2009. 1191 01:20:37,200 --> 01:20:40,620 That's the infamous Harry Reid SAP request letter. Key 1192 01:20:40,620 --> 01:20:44,310 takeaways from this memo, who was written for Miss Honi, or 1193 01:20:44,310 --> 01:20:49,080 honey Smith, who was the director of special programs 1194 01:20:49,440 --> 01:20:52,380 within the Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for 1195 01:20:52,380 --> 01:20:57,450 intelligence. I won't expand on that yet. But maybe you guys can 1196 01:20:57,450 --> 01:21:02,970 start filling in the blanks on director of special programs in 1197 01:21:03,000 --> 01:21:08,580 Oh Usdi. Now it's called Oh, Usdi and s they have changed the 1198 01:21:08,580 --> 01:21:13,590 name. But regardless more on that at a little later date. Key 1199 01:21:13,590 --> 01:21:15,870 takeaways from the memo, we cannot find adequate 1200 01:21:15,870 --> 01:21:19,350 justification to establish a restricted SAP. So they looked 1201 01:21:19,350 --> 01:21:22,500 at Harry Reid's request, looked at what OS app was doing, have 1202 01:21:22,500 --> 01:21:27,000 no idea why he requested it. All of the eighth tip, or you can 1203 01:21:27,000 --> 01:21:31,050 see here the copy and paste a ITP referencing Harry Reid's 1204 01:21:31,050 --> 01:21:35,130 letter. We know that's wrong. All of the AI TP documents 1205 01:21:35,130 --> 01:21:39,330 delivered to redacted again, that's where I think DW O is 1206 01:21:39,960 --> 01:21:44,010 defense warning office during the first year, fiscal year 2009 1207 01:21:44,010 --> 01:21:48,750 were unclassified, as the contractor had yet to establish 1208 01:21:48,750 --> 01:21:52,470 a secure facility, and the employees were going through the 1209 01:21:52,470 --> 01:21:55,980 vetting process for their clearances. So that entire first 1210 01:21:55,980 --> 01:22:01,740 year, they didn't have the proper facility to essentially 1211 01:22:01,740 --> 01:22:05,850 house classified material or information. 1212 01:22:07,650 --> 01:22:09,870 That that's key, I think I have a slide for it, if not all 1213 01:22:09,870 --> 01:22:13,470 pointed out anyway. But just remember that I said that. In 1214 01:22:13,470 --> 01:22:17,070 the second paragraph of the reference, Senator very Harry 1215 01:22:17,070 --> 01:22:20,490 Reid CITES, quote, The identification of several highly 1216 01:22:20,490 --> 01:22:24,090 sensitive, unconventional aerospace related findings that 1217 01:22:24,090 --> 01:22:27,990 will require extraordinary protection. While the majority 1218 01:22:27,990 --> 01:22:31,680 of the unclassified reports do indeed discuss unconventional 1219 01:22:31,980 --> 01:22:38,130 aerospace technologies, we are unaware as to which, if any, are 1220 01:22:38,130 --> 01:22:41,310 so sensitive that they require the extra protection provided by 1221 01:22:41,310 --> 01:22:45,450 a restricted SAP, we can only assume that these statements are 1222 01:22:45,450 --> 01:22:48,810 in keeping with the security and counterintelligence concerns 1223 01:22:49,260 --> 01:22:57,420 that are the main focus of the senators letter. So the DA was 1224 01:22:57,420 --> 01:23:00,360 clueless on why Senator Harry Reid was asking for SAP status, 1225 01:23:00,360 --> 01:23:03,390 they couldn't find any justification for it whatsoever. 1226 01:23:04,080 --> 01:23:08,460 Obviously, ultimately shot it down. Here's another November 1227 01:23:08,460 --> 01:23:12,930 13 2009 memo very similar to the one I just read to you review a 1228 01:23:12,930 --> 01:23:16,830 special access program request. This was for a written for the 1229 01:23:16,830 --> 01:23:20,280 director of special programs, Office of the Undersecretary of 1230 01:23:20,280 --> 01:23:23,970 Defense for intelligence, likely the same person in that other 1231 01:23:23,970 --> 01:23:27,360 memo. Not sure if one was a draft. That's why it didn't come 1232 01:23:27,360 --> 01:23:29,940 out through FOIA and then they accidentally dumped it online. I 1233 01:23:30,150 --> 01:23:32,520 don't know still trying to figure all that out. But 1234 01:23:32,520 --> 01:23:36,660 regardless, still still pointing out here. Dia cannot find 1235 01:23:36,660 --> 01:23:39,150 justification to establish a restricted SAP we already went 1236 01:23:39,150 --> 01:23:41,910 through that, based on classification levels of current 1237 01:23:41,910 --> 01:23:45,090 projected program deliverables. There is insufficient grounds to 1238 01:23:45,090 --> 01:23:49,170 classify this open program and voc alternative or compensatory 1239 01:23:49,170 --> 01:23:53,010 control measures or establish a restricted SAP. So in other 1240 01:23:53,010 --> 01:23:55,320 words, they were looking at this goal and there's no reason for 1241 01:23:55,320 --> 01:24:00,600 any of that, even anything closely to a sap classifying 1242 01:24:00,600 --> 01:24:03,750 their overall program by derivative means is impractical 1243 01:24:03,750 --> 01:24:07,350 given Department of Defense regulation, DOD 50 200.1 Dash 1244 01:24:07,350 --> 01:24:11,430 our information security program guidance, no reports produced 1245 01:24:11,430 --> 01:24:15,750 thus far extracted, paraphrased or restated information obtained 1246 01:24:15,750 --> 01:24:18,840 from previously classified material. Future reports that 1247 01:24:18,840 --> 01:24:22,020 contain classified information will be marked and protected 1248 01:24:22,020 --> 01:24:24,900 according to the original classifying authority. In other 1249 01:24:24,900 --> 01:24:27,750 words, they get the request from Harry Reid, he says give it SAP 1250 01:24:27,750 --> 01:24:30,720 status. The reviewers look at all the information it's an 1251 01:24:30,720 --> 01:24:33,810 unclassified at this point across the board. There's no 1252 01:24:33,810 --> 01:24:37,320 reason for them to classify it, let alone give it SAP status. 1253 01:24:37,740 --> 01:24:41,550 They said moving forward if they do go to a classified level, 1254 01:24:41,730 --> 01:24:45,480 which they ultimately did with one report, there's still no 1255 01:24:45,480 --> 01:24:50,130 reason to justify that as a sap. Going back to the letter 1256 01:24:50,130 --> 01:24:53,310 classifying the overall program by original means is in 1257 01:24:53,310 --> 01:24:57,300 advisable. information contained in the report is not owned by 1258 01:24:57,300 --> 01:25:01,800 Produced by or for or under or control of the US government. 1259 01:25:02,430 --> 01:25:05,730 Dia cannot identify any damage that could result from 1260 01:25:05,730 --> 01:25:09,660 unauthorized disclosure of publicly available information. 1261 01:25:10,980 --> 01:25:13,590 Although the information can loosely be tied to one of the 1262 01:25:14,190 --> 01:25:18,030 eligibility criteria for classification, scientific, 1263 01:25:18,030 --> 01:25:20,490 technological or economic matters related to national 1264 01:25:20,490 --> 01:25:24,780 security, DIA is prohibited from classifying basic scientific 1265 01:25:24,780 --> 01:25:29,010 research. And its result unless it clearly relates to national 1266 01:25:29,010 --> 01:25:32,850 security, this requirement has not been met. So everything that 1267 01:25:32,850 --> 01:25:37,020 they saw was all scientific related, what they considered 1268 01:25:37,050 --> 01:25:40,560 basic, let me see to make sure I have that right. basic 1269 01:25:40,560 --> 01:25:44,670 scientific research, and all the results that came into it had no 1270 01:25:44,670 --> 01:25:47,460 national security risk whatsoever if it went out into 1271 01:25:47,460 --> 01:25:50,580 the public. What was also interesting was it it seems like 1272 01:25:50,580 --> 01:25:53,730 something that I've pointed out for years, that all the dirt 1273 01:25:53,730 --> 01:25:56,460 authors when they leaked out, and I have this in the link 1274 01:25:56,460 --> 01:25:59,940 below as well. It's a dirt Research Center, that not only 1275 01:25:59,940 --> 01:26:04,230 has all the dirt now, but also the related papers, that pretty 1276 01:26:04,230 --> 01:26:07,200 much across the board, the author's had very similar papers 1277 01:26:07,230 --> 01:26:13,200 already circulating around. And with Kitt. Green as the example. 1278 01:26:13,440 --> 01:26:16,980 What leaked was likely something he had already created or a 1279 01:26:16,980 --> 01:26:21,270 draft. So where did the $22 million go if what appeared to 1280 01:26:21,270 --> 01:26:26,700 be a lot of these people? The the author's already had the a 1281 01:26:26,700 --> 01:26:29,100 lot of this written, and they took what they had already 1282 01:26:29,100 --> 01:26:32,940 written, reworked it and out popped a dirt. Do they really 1283 01:26:32,940 --> 01:26:36,630 get like a million dollars for that? Or is there something else 1284 01:26:36,630 --> 01:26:42,540 going on? So when I read that, and they say that nothing, dia 1285 01:26:42,540 --> 01:26:46,080 cannot identify any damage that can result from unauthorized 1286 01:26:46,080 --> 01:26:48,960 disclosure of publicly available information publicly available, 1287 01:26:48,960 --> 01:26:53,460 meaning everything was already out there in the in the ether 1288 01:26:53,490 --> 01:26:57,540 already. Backing up classifying the overall program by original 1289 01:26:57,540 --> 01:27:00,510 means is inadvisable. information contained in the 1290 01:27:00,510 --> 01:27:06,990 report is not owned by Produced by or for or under control of 1291 01:27:06,990 --> 01:27:11,610 the US government. So the reports themselves how I dissect 1292 01:27:11,610 --> 01:27:14,850 that, and any attorney can correct me, the reports 1293 01:27:14,850 --> 01:27:18,270 themselves are going to be a product of the US government, 1294 01:27:18,270 --> 01:27:21,600 hence subject to FOIA. That's why we have them through FOIA. 1295 01:27:21,840 --> 01:27:26,640 And no outside corporate approval was needed. The before 1296 01:27:26,640 --> 01:27:29,910 exemption again, covers that corporate information. That's 1297 01:27:29,910 --> 01:27:35,940 the report itself. However, the information within how I look at 1298 01:27:35,940 --> 01:27:41,460 this was all publicly available. So therefore, since the authors 1299 01:27:41,460 --> 01:27:45,720 were creating a report at an unclassified level, using 1300 01:27:45,720 --> 01:27:49,020 sources, like the National Enquirer, and penthouse, no 1301 01:27:49,050 --> 01:27:52,380 light, well, kind of, but like that, where they were pulling 1302 01:27:52,380 --> 01:27:56,070 information from outside sources, those outside sources 1303 01:27:56,070 --> 01:28:01,320 being public, you can't classify that. Hence the unclassified 1304 01:28:01,320 --> 01:28:05,550 label. And then they justify it by saying nothing is connected 1305 01:28:05,550 --> 01:28:09,090 to any national security related matter. So you can still pull in 1306 01:28:09,090 --> 01:28:12,090 unclassified, publicly available information. But if you 1307 01:28:12,090 --> 01:28:15,720 attribute it to a classified something, then fine, the report 1308 01:28:15,720 --> 01:28:21,660 would be classified, yet, that is not the case here. So I know 1309 01:28:21,660 --> 01:28:25,530 that's a lot. But at least again, it's showing what the 1310 01:28:25,710 --> 01:28:30,210 weight of these reports really were to the DIA. And then it 1311 01:28:30,210 --> 01:28:33,660 becomes when you start seeing dissection like this internally, 1312 01:28:34,320 --> 01:28:38,850 it becomes much more clear why the DIA would say these are a 1313 01:28:38,850 --> 01:28:42,000 very little interest to the DIA. If you guys move it out to 1314 01:28:42,000 --> 01:28:45,870 another government agency, sure, we can maybe see some value over 1315 01:28:45,870 --> 01:28:48,240 there. And we'll get to those documents in a second where it 1316 01:28:48,240 --> 01:28:53,400 does cite that. But other than that the DIA had no. No 1317 01:28:53,400 --> 01:28:58,530 interest. Last paragraph in this memo. In this or last one I'll 1318 01:28:58,530 --> 01:29:01,170 read to you. In the second paragraph of his letter, Senator 1319 01:29:01,170 --> 01:29:03,750 Reid cites the identification of several highly sensitive, 1320 01:29:03,750 --> 01:29:06,750 unconventional aerospace related findings that will require 1321 01:29:06,750 --> 01:29:09,060 extraordinary protection. Although most of the 1322 01:29:09,060 --> 01:29:12,150 unclassified reports discuss unconventional aerospace 1323 01:29:12,150 --> 01:29:15,720 technology, DIA is unaware of the report containing 1324 01:29:15,720 --> 01:29:18,720 information sufficiently sensitive or vulnerable to 1325 01:29:18,720 --> 01:29:23,100 require extra protection with either accm or restricted SAP, 1326 01:29:23,280 --> 01:29:25,830 very similar to what I just read to you guys on the previous 1327 01:29:25,830 --> 01:29:29,160 memo, dia assumes these statements are in reference to 1328 01:29:29,160 --> 01:29:32,280 future phases of the program and highlights security and 1329 01:29:32,280 --> 01:29:35,700 counterintelligence concern, and so on. So again, I don't mean to 1330 01:29:35,700 --> 01:29:38,910 be repetitive, but you can see a lot of these documents very much 1331 01:29:38,940 --> 01:29:46,620 overlap. Fast forward now to November 19 of 2009. About a 1332 01:29:46,620 --> 01:29:51,030 week later, dia visit with Senator Harry Reid, this one was 1333 01:29:51,030 --> 01:29:52,050 at the Capitol building. 1334 01:29:55,500 --> 01:29:59,160 You can see in the memo event, objective or intent to provide 1335 01:29:59,160 --> 01:30:03,630 the redact acted with an overview of the redacted 1336 01:30:03,630 --> 01:30:09,690 authored I m, which is tab one, signed by the redacted in 1337 01:30:09,690 --> 01:30:14,730 response to a Usdi. Special Programs tasking to evaluate 1338 01:30:14,730 --> 01:30:18,900 Senator Reid's request to place the advanced aerospace threat 1339 01:30:18,900 --> 01:30:23,070 Identification Program under a restricted Special Access 1340 01:30:23,100 --> 01:30:27,360 Program. Also to prepare the redacted to address any 1341 01:30:27,360 --> 01:30:31,350 questions by Senator Reid on the quality and value of the 1342 01:30:31,350 --> 01:30:36,210 products produced thus far under the current contract, tab three. 1343 01:30:36,360 --> 01:30:38,880 So there's three tabs that are that are mentioned, there's like 1344 01:30:38,880 --> 01:30:42,540 attachments. They're not there, but you can easily deduce what 1345 01:30:42,540 --> 01:30:45,810 there are tab two would be his letter. tab three would be the 1346 01:30:45,810 --> 01:30:49,620 contract that we already went over, so on and so forth, jumped 1347 01:30:49,620 --> 01:30:52,860 down background information. Senator Reid's letter was 1348 01:30:52,860 --> 01:30:56,940 delivered to the depth SecDef, approximately one month before 1349 01:30:56,940 --> 01:30:59,580 all the draft technical reports from the contractor were 1350 01:30:59,580 --> 01:31:05,730 received by redacted again, likely the DW well, to our 1351 01:31:05,730 --> 01:31:08,940 knowledge, the senator did not receive copies of these draft 1352 01:31:08,940 --> 01:31:13,860 reports. Although he was aware of the general topic list. Thus, 1353 01:31:13,860 --> 01:31:16,770 we cannot find a direct link between the content of the 1354 01:31:16,770 --> 01:31:22,080 reports and his letter, redacted at the request of Usdi. Special 1355 01:31:22,080 --> 01:31:25,710 Programs evaluated Senator Reid's letter and could not find 1356 01:31:25,710 --> 01:31:28,200 any technical issues addressed in the reports that were 1357 01:31:28,200 --> 01:31:32,040 sufficiently sensitive to require the extra protection 1358 01:31:32,070 --> 01:31:37,380 associated with restricted SAP. Senator Reid cites the 1359 01:31:37,380 --> 01:31:40,860 identification of several highly sensitive, unconventional 1360 01:31:40,860 --> 01:31:44,580 aerospace related findings that will require extraordinary 1361 01:31:44,580 --> 01:31:49,620 protection. Senator Reid cites the identification of several 1362 01:31:49,620 --> 01:31:52,950 highly sensitive, unconventional aerospace related findings that 1363 01:31:52,950 --> 01:31:56,010 will require extraordinary protection. Although most of the 1364 01:31:56,010 --> 01:31:58,590 unclassified reports discuss unconventional aerospace 1365 01:31:58,590 --> 01:32:02,430 technology, DIA is unaware of which ones the senator believes 1366 01:32:02,430 --> 01:32:07,020 are sensitive. In other words, dia yet again was clueless a lot 1367 01:32:07,020 --> 01:32:10,710 of similar wording here. But obviously, a point that they are 1368 01:32:10,710 --> 01:32:16,140 stressing dia position based on the content of the delivered 1369 01:32:16,140 --> 01:32:22,710 fiscal year 2009. And expect fiscal year 2010 technical 1370 01:32:22,710 --> 01:32:26,700 reports, dia cannot find sufficient grounds under DoD 1371 01:32:26,700 --> 01:32:30,600 regulations to establish a restricted SAP. However, the 1372 01:32:30,600 --> 01:32:35,910 concerns that Senator Reid raises seem to suggest that the 1373 01:32:35,910 --> 01:32:39,030 security and counterintelligence issues are in regard to future 1374 01:32:39,030 --> 01:32:42,450 phases of this program, and not necessarily the current contract 1375 01:32:42,450 --> 01:32:46,530 effort. If this assumption is correct, then Senator Reid is 1376 01:32:46,530 --> 01:32:49,800 looking ahead to a research development and acquisition 1377 01:32:49,800 --> 01:32:53,550 effort that lies outside the DoD intelligence community's 1378 01:32:53,550 --> 01:32:57,840 purview. This, in turn would argue that any future efforts 1379 01:32:57,840 --> 01:33:02,520 beyond fiscal year 2010 When the current contract ends should be 1380 01:33:02,520 --> 01:33:06,840 moved under the appropriate DoD entity. I've spoken about agency 1381 01:33:06,840 --> 01:33:11,760 purview many, many times before. And going back to the allegation 1382 01:33:11,760 --> 01:33:16,620 of Dia at Skinwalker Ranch under our SAP and looking at UAP and 1383 01:33:16,620 --> 01:33:21,090 Utah and cryptids and dyno beavers and all that that the 1384 01:33:21,090 --> 01:33:24,510 book skinwalkers at the Pentagon alleges, that's not in the 1385 01:33:24,510 --> 01:33:28,980 purview of the DIA. And you can see here, they clearly state 1386 01:33:29,430 --> 01:33:33,630 that if Senator Harry Reid is taking us out beyond what it is, 1387 01:33:34,560 --> 01:33:38,820 and he wants that to be a research, development and 1388 01:33:38,820 --> 01:33:42,870 acquisition effort, essentially more on the lines of what we've 1389 01:33:42,870 --> 01:33:47,790 heard about our SAT, but just on different topics, like acquiring 1390 01:33:47,790 --> 01:33:52,590 UAP data and meta materials. And this that and the other thing, 1391 01:33:53,250 --> 01:33:56,520 it's clear, right hear that it would not fit into the purview 1392 01:33:56,520 --> 01:34:00,840 of the DIA. Now I'm stretching it there to try and, like get 1393 01:34:00,840 --> 01:34:04,710 you to a paranormal research program. I'm stretching that. 1394 01:34:05,430 --> 01:34:09,180 That's not what this says. But I mean, that's what it would be if 1395 01:34:09,180 --> 01:34:13,020 OSS, Apple was doing all of that. And so it's clear as day 1396 01:34:13,020 --> 01:34:16,380 here that the DIA is saying, hey, if that's what he wants, 1397 01:34:16,380 --> 01:34:20,370 meaning a research, development and acquisition program, that's 1398 01:34:20,370 --> 01:34:21,000 not us. 1399 01:34:21,540 --> 01:34:26,580 It's not our purview. So I'm glad to see that because I 1400 01:34:26,580 --> 01:34:32,580 wasn't off base with the idea that this type of a program 1401 01:34:32,580 --> 01:34:37,470 meaning what OS app is allegedly versus what it it is on paper. 1402 01:34:38,160 --> 01:34:41,730 It just wouldn't it's the DEA doesn't do that, especially on 1403 01:34:41,730 --> 01:34:46,020 US soil, even through a contractor. So it's a question 1404 01:34:46,020 --> 01:34:50,490 that I've asked for years, even to Mr. Elizondo, nobody can 1405 01:34:50,490 --> 01:34:55,200 answer it. Nobody could tell me why. And although I did an 1406 01:34:55,200 --> 01:34:58,950 interview with a gentleman who worked at Skinwalker Ranch, who 1407 01:34:58,950 --> 01:35:04,110 felt maybe there was Some weapon research there on him. That also 1408 01:35:04,110 --> 01:35:09,360 was a stretch, but maybe I can start to see something sinister 1409 01:35:09,360 --> 01:35:13,920 like that maybe huge maybe? I don't but I'm saying at the time 1410 01:35:13,920 --> 01:35:19,110 maybe. And yet nothing. Nobody's been able to answer that 1411 01:35:19,110 --> 01:35:24,510 question on how OS app as a paranormal research program, and 1412 01:35:24,540 --> 01:35:29,880 and and researching all of the aspects that they've said that 1413 01:35:29,880 --> 01:35:34,590 they've done, how that fits into the DIA is purview. And here in 1414 01:35:34,590 --> 01:35:38,160 my opinion, is proof of just that that was given to Senator 1415 01:35:38,160 --> 01:35:40,980 Harry Reid saying hey, look, that's not what this agency is 1416 01:35:40,980 --> 01:35:45,000 about. potential areas of concern in the same memo. 1417 01:35:45,900 --> 01:35:49,110 Senator Reid may insist upon keeping a tip efforts at DIA 1418 01:35:49,110 --> 01:35:53,280 during a time of considerable disruption to the redacted 1419 01:35:53,280 --> 01:35:58,500 assets, due to the BR AC move the and then about a line and a 1420 01:35:58,500 --> 01:36:02,220 half of redaction. These issues will make it very difficult for 1421 01:36:02,220 --> 01:36:08,340 dia to exercise proper program management. With the redactions 1422 01:36:08,340 --> 01:36:10,740 there, I really don't know what they're talking about, nor have 1423 01:36:10,740 --> 01:36:13,380 I really dug in to try and figure out what was going on at 1424 01:36:13,380 --> 01:36:16,950 this timeframe internally at DIA. But obviously, they were 1425 01:36:16,950 --> 01:36:21,060 noting that this was a big concern to even continue it. If 1426 01:36:21,060 --> 01:36:23,940 Senator Reid strongly desires the ATF to be placed under a 1427 01:36:23,940 --> 01:36:28,320 sap, then doing so within the DOD intelligence community would 1428 01:36:28,320 --> 01:36:33,420 be difficult to justify. However, if the focus of the 1429 01:36:33,420 --> 01:36:37,440 program were to become more RDA oriented than a sap would be 1430 01:36:37,440 --> 01:36:42,720 easier to justify under the current DoD 50 200.1 dash are, 1431 01:36:43,380 --> 01:36:46,530 essentially if the scope changed, they started getting 1432 01:36:46,530 --> 01:36:50,700 into many more developmental areas in declassified research, 1433 01:36:50,700 --> 01:36:53,790 then, yes, a sap may be justified. And that's what they 1434 01:36:53,790 --> 01:36:58,830 were saying here. Also, in November 2009, this was undated. 1435 01:37:00,210 --> 01:37:02,700 Senator Harry Reid's request to put the advanced aerospace 1436 01:37:02,700 --> 01:37:06,090 threat Identification Program under special access protection. 1437 01:37:06,120 --> 01:37:09,690 This was a packet that was given during that timeframe to the 1438 01:37:09,690 --> 01:37:13,260 deputy Deputy Secretary of Defense for that meeting that 1439 01:37:13,260 --> 01:37:17,400 they were having with Senator Reid. So essentially, this was 1440 01:37:17,430 --> 01:37:20,220 we'll call it a briefing packet and a lot of the attachments, 1441 01:37:20,220 --> 01:37:23,730 you can download it at the website that I link below. A lot 1442 01:37:23,730 --> 01:37:25,650 of those attachments we've already gone over, but it was 1443 01:37:25,650 --> 01:37:29,160 like a packet that was given to the DEP SEC def, which allowed 1444 01:37:29,160 --> 01:37:32,490 him to kind of see that overview. And you'll be able to 1445 01:37:32,520 --> 01:37:37,890 go through all of that. This was a data known likely mid to late 1446 01:37:37,890 --> 01:37:41,610 2009. I put them at the end because chronologically, I can't 1447 01:37:41,610 --> 01:37:45,150 tell you exactly where they fit. But this was another memo that 1448 01:37:45,150 --> 01:37:49,800 was released, very much going over a lot of what we already 1449 01:37:49,800 --> 01:37:57,330 have. You can see here, this was a breakdown of the advanced 1450 01:37:57,330 --> 01:38:00,720 aerospace threat identification program was first sponsored in 1451 01:38:00,720 --> 01:38:03,780 fiscal year 2008, defense supplemental appropriation act 1452 01:38:03,780 --> 01:38:07,560 by Senators read and anyway, with a $10 million ad, the 1453 01:38:07,560 --> 01:38:10,290 purpose of this congressional ad was to investigate foreign 1454 01:38:10,290 --> 01:38:13,170 advanced aerospace weapon threats from the President out 1455 01:38:13,170 --> 01:38:16,530 to the next 40 years and to build an infrastructure to house 1456 01:38:16,530 --> 01:38:19,260 the center of expertise on advanced aerospace technologies, 1457 01:38:19,710 --> 01:38:22,590 all of which, what we've gone over on numerous documents, that 1458 01:38:22,590 --> 01:38:29,130 seems to be very repetitive, and it is simply because the story 1459 01:38:29,130 --> 01:38:32,130 when it comes to those core details really didn't change 1460 01:38:32,160 --> 01:38:35,340 internally in these documents. There was never caught a 1461 01:38:35,340 --> 01:38:37,470 contract awarded and then something that came out and 1462 01:38:37,470 --> 01:38:40,320 went, hey, you know what, we were looking into this advanced 1463 01:38:40,320 --> 01:38:43,080 aerospace research, but these Donald beaver sound a lot more 1464 01:38:43,080 --> 01:38:45,780 interesting. So we're going to change the scope of the project. 1465 01:38:45,960 --> 01:38:52,230 None of that is indicated in any of these documents at all. And 1466 01:38:52,230 --> 01:38:56,640 see here on June 24, Senator Reid sent a letter to Deputy 1467 01:38:56,640 --> 01:38:59,220 Secretary of Defense Lynn requesting the DoD establish an 1468 01:38:59,220 --> 01:39:03,000 alternate compensatory control measure or SAP for this project. 1469 01:39:03,000 --> 01:39:06,900 Again, it these timelines are solidified throughout numerous 1470 01:39:06,900 --> 01:39:11,700 documents very much coinciding with each other. This last 1471 01:39:11,700 --> 01:39:15,990 paragraph, whoever wrote the letter is referenced here in 1472 01:39:15,990 --> 01:39:18,510 November 2009, Deputy Secretary of Defense Lynn 1473 01:39:18,510 --> 01:39:22,800 and I met with Senator Reid to discuss this program. At that 1474 01:39:22,800 --> 01:39:27,000 time, we determined the reports were of limited value to dia. 1475 01:39:27,420 --> 01:39:31,050 However, I did suggest that could be of merit to other 1476 01:39:31,050 --> 01:39:35,460 organizations and that upon the completion of the DIA contract, 1477 01:39:35,790 --> 01:39:38,400 the project could be transitioned to another agency 1478 01:39:38,400 --> 01:39:45,060 or component that are suited to oversee the project. So in 1479 01:39:45,060 --> 01:39:47,280 November of 2009, they were already telling Reid they 1480 01:39:47,280 --> 01:39:51,330 weren't interested. Now this obviously went into Missy all 1481 01:39:51,330 --> 01:39:55,830 through 2008 2009 Then fiscal year 2010. So they've let it go 1482 01:39:55,830 --> 01:39:59,340 that option year one, but the writing was on the wall, that it 1483 01:39:59,340 --> 01:40:05,040 was I'm gonna go kaput. Here's another unknown dated status 1484 01:40:05,040 --> 01:40:10,140 report, likely again, mid to late 2009. Again, more evidence 1485 01:40:10,140 --> 01:40:13,710 that monthly status reports were received 12 project management 1486 01:40:13,710 --> 01:40:16,860 plans received an executed a lot of which were not released, all 1487 01:40:16,860 --> 01:40:19,710 of which really were not released under FOIA. I have 1488 01:40:19,710 --> 01:40:24,540 appealed all of that contracting officer, you know, this is very 1489 01:40:24,540 --> 01:40:28,110 similar to what we've already went over. So I won't go over 1490 01:40:28,110 --> 01:40:28,620 again. 1491 01:40:30,090 --> 01:40:33,750 And yeah, finishing off very similar points to what we've 1492 01:40:33,750 --> 01:40:37,110 already said. Now, going back to you remember that line where I 1493 01:40:37,110 --> 01:40:41,880 said that there was an amendment and that amendment to the 1494 01:40:41,880 --> 01:40:45,870 contract of the original bid solicitation, there were three 1495 01:40:45,870 --> 01:40:49,080 different versions of the offset bid solicitation that you can 1496 01:40:49,080 --> 01:40:52,620 all download, you don't have to take my word for it. I'll link 1497 01:40:52,620 --> 01:40:56,220 the Wayback Machine link below as well, including I believe 1498 01:40:56,220 --> 01:41:00,270 that the sam.gov link is still active. And you can download the 1499 01:41:00,270 --> 01:41:04,710 different versions and the changes to that bid solicitation 1500 01:41:04,740 --> 01:41:09,330 as it morphed. Since it had been posted, meaning they can amend 1501 01:41:09,330 --> 01:41:12,690 things, they can add things that can change things, and so on. 1502 01:41:12,960 --> 01:41:18,210 One of the things that they changed in the chronology before 1503 01:41:18,210 --> 01:41:22,470 bass ever been on the program was to change that the bitter 1504 01:41:22,500 --> 01:41:25,650 whomever one of the prerequisites was that you had 1505 01:41:25,650 --> 01:41:29,040 to have an approved facility to house that classified 1506 01:41:29,040 --> 01:41:32,460 information. That was a requirement. But remember, those 1507 01:41:32,460 --> 01:41:36,870 documents said that bass had yet to receive that approval at all 1508 01:41:37,050 --> 01:41:41,550 for their facility in fiscal year 2009. So nothing was 1509 01:41:41,550 --> 01:41:46,380 classified. And in fact, if you recall, Robert Bigelow said he 1510 01:41:46,380 --> 01:41:51,180 spent his own money to modify his building, in what he says I 1511 01:41:51,180 --> 01:41:53,730 believe preparation for metamaterials are something that 1512 01:41:53,730 --> 01:41:56,790 he was supposed to get, but never did. All of that made it 1513 01:41:56,790 --> 01:42:00,870 seem like wow, he was really investing in this program, and 1514 01:42:00,870 --> 01:42:04,350 really wanting to essentially split the cost with the 1515 01:42:04,350 --> 01:42:07,980 government. In my opinion, that's a stretch now, because 1516 01:42:07,980 --> 01:42:13,590 now one of those amendments was changing that requirement to it 1517 01:42:13,590 --> 01:42:17,550 wasn't being required. And it was like how convenient for 1518 01:42:17,550 --> 01:42:21,930 Robert Bigelow, before he ever been on the program, that in 1519 01:42:21,930 --> 01:42:26,100 August, before he submitted the bid, they change that 1520 01:42:26,100 --> 01:42:29,490 requirement, then in this internal documentation, it 1521 01:42:29,490 --> 01:42:33,870 reinforces he didn't meet the requirement. He later did, 1522 01:42:34,170 --> 01:42:37,920 because he invested his own money. But that wasn't that was 1523 01:42:37,920 --> 01:42:41,310 under the guise that he did it to kind of help the government 1524 01:42:41,310 --> 01:42:45,090 know, he needed to do that. That was what he needed to do to get 1525 01:42:45,090 --> 01:42:51,900 into the classified creation of all of those reports. But what 1526 01:42:51,900 --> 01:42:55,800 all of those reports, then translated to was only one in 1527 01:42:55,800 --> 01:42:59,490 the 38 dirts. That's the one that's been withheld. Other than 1528 01:42:59,490 --> 01:43:04,230 that, he never created any, if option here to option, your 1529 01:43:04,230 --> 01:43:08,670 three, option, your four, if they all got executed, there 1530 01:43:08,670 --> 01:43:12,390 would be 10s of millions of additional dollars that could 1531 01:43:12,390 --> 01:43:15,690 have went in, and by him modifying his building and 1532 01:43:15,690 --> 01:43:21,630 getting that classified status, what then he could do was get 1533 01:43:21,630 --> 01:43:27,900 more money, but then potentially get a SAP status. And then he 1534 01:43:27,900 --> 01:43:32,040 would really be essentially sitting pretty in regards to 1535 01:43:32,040 --> 01:43:38,430 information access, financial access for contract extensions, 1536 01:43:38,520 --> 01:43:43,500 spending, and potentially have offset moved out of Dia into an 1537 01:43:43,500 --> 01:43:49,080 agency that it was more more appropriate for for that r&d 1538 01:43:49,080 --> 01:43:53,250 effort, and so on. And you can kind of fill in the blanks that 1539 01:43:53,250 --> 01:43:55,650 it potentially could go on for years if they accomplish what 1540 01:43:55,650 --> 01:43:59,010 they what they wanted to accomplish. So I'm ending it 1541 01:43:59,010 --> 01:44:03,090 there because it really shows what we've been told in a 1542 01:44:03,090 --> 01:44:07,080 different light. And remember, I say moving the goalposts. Well, 1543 01:44:07,110 --> 01:44:10,500 before that evidence came out, it kind of made it seem like he 1544 01:44:10,500 --> 01:44:14,190 was investing in this program with his own money. And he was 1545 01:44:14,460 --> 01:44:18,090 under the impression he was going to get material from the 1546 01:44:18,090 --> 01:44:21,810 government. But in reality that was a contractual obligation 1547 01:44:21,990 --> 01:44:27,060 that he did not meet and per historical evidence that anybody 1548 01:44:27,060 --> 01:44:31,650 can cite. They changed that requirement. Conveniently, 1549 01:44:31,680 --> 01:44:36,330 miraculously, coincidentally, weeks before he submitted the 1550 01:44:36,330 --> 01:44:40,380 bid. So yet again, even more evidence the writing was on the 1551 01:44:40,380 --> 01:44:45,720 wall that this was all created for him. So now I end you with 1552 01:44:45,720 --> 01:44:51,300 you on where is all of that UFO and paranormal study 1553 01:44:51,300 --> 01:44:55,260 information? I know we have the Kitt Green report, but 1554 01:44:55,290 --> 01:44:58,530 questionable sourcing at best and publicly available 1555 01:44:58,530 --> 01:45:03,780 information. The Drake equation, again, a wildcard. But 1556 01:45:03,780 --> 01:45:07,350 everything else fits exactly to what this aerospace research 1557 01:45:07,350 --> 01:45:12,030 was. So when you look at the recent interviews, I'll ask you, 1558 01:45:12,060 --> 01:45:16,590 and please, you don't have to agree with me. But do you feel 1559 01:45:16,620 --> 01:45:16,980 that they 1560 01:45:16,980 --> 01:45:21,540 are moving the goalposts? That what was the story in 2007, and 1561 01:45:21,540 --> 01:45:28,950 to 2008, or excuse me into 2017 2018 2019, about OS app in 1562 01:45:28,950 --> 01:45:33,600 2000, allegedly seven, 2008 and 2009. You've got all these 1563 01:45:33,600 --> 01:45:35,490 different stories and all these different years, and they've 1564 01:45:35,490 --> 01:45:40,500 morphed over time. What does that mean? A lot of people say, 1565 01:45:40,500 --> 01:45:43,350 well, the government is embarrassed about UFOs. Keep in 1566 01:45:43,350 --> 01:45:47,250 mind, that's the same government right now, that is getting a 1567 01:45:48,090 --> 01:45:51,480 task force that's been set up for quite some time now 1568 01:45:51,480 --> 01:45:56,460 disbanded for a bigger effort to investigate UAP. They comment on 1569 01:45:56,460 --> 01:46:01,440 UAP. Quite often, they have confirmed UAP videos that have 1570 01:46:01,440 --> 01:46:04,320 leaked to the government. It's the same government that people 1571 01:46:04,320 --> 01:46:07,950 say is embarrassed to talking about UFOs, that are seemingly 1572 01:46:07,980 --> 01:46:11,820 talking a lot about UFOs. So those two things can't go hand 1573 01:46:11,820 --> 01:46:14,940 in hand. Some may say, well, they want to cover up their lie, 1574 01:46:15,240 --> 01:46:17,910 we'll tell you what, they've already changed their tune on a 1575 01:46:17,910 --> 01:46:20,850 couple of different claims before, namely, they said now 1576 01:46:20,850 --> 01:46:24,060 they utilized UAP reports, but it wasn't the scope of the 1577 01:46:24,060 --> 01:46:27,330 program. So what is it is that the government they didn't want 1578 01:46:27,330 --> 01:46:31,440 to get caught in a lie? Or are they changing their their tune? 1579 01:46:31,440 --> 01:46:34,920 And so on and so forth? Why won't they just admit that OS 1580 01:46:34,920 --> 01:46:38,100 app did this? Or is there a deeper story? And I think that 1581 01:46:38,100 --> 01:46:41,910 that's what for me is the most important aspect of this is the 1582 01:46:41,910 --> 01:46:46,290 context of what OS app was all about. And when you get into I'm 1583 01:46:46,290 --> 01:46:50,100 not going to make the allegation directly. But when you get into 1584 01:46:50,100 --> 01:46:52,950 the conversation, and I believe we should have this conversation 1585 01:46:53,190 --> 01:46:57,420 about the misappropriation of funds, or a contract that was 1586 01:46:57,420 --> 01:47:03,030 given a certain header, and the reality was something else, we 1587 01:47:03,030 --> 01:47:05,880 need to talk about that because as much as I love UFO and 1588 01:47:05,880 --> 01:47:08,760 paranormal research, and I believe it should be funded, it 1589 01:47:08,760 --> 01:47:11,940 should be funded appropriately, because look what happened if 1590 01:47:11,940 --> 01:47:15,780 this is true, and they're that this was some secret effort, and 1591 01:47:15,780 --> 01:47:17,820 everybody has moved the goalposts, and they're fine with 1592 01:47:17,820 --> 01:47:21,660 it now that the evidence is just covered up or whatever. If it's 1593 01:47:21,660 --> 01:47:25,020 unclassified, then Bigelow Aerospace has it, they should 1594 01:47:25,020 --> 01:47:28,140 release it, because that will show the government is lying. 1595 01:47:28,170 --> 01:47:31,740 Right? Why wouldn't Why wouldn't he just do that there's no rhyme 1596 01:47:31,740 --> 01:47:35,490 or reason not to. Some have alleged it's proprietary, and 1597 01:47:35,490 --> 01:47:38,460 that they're hiding it in the private sector. Okay, well, we 1598 01:47:38,460 --> 01:47:42,420 know for a fact it's unclassified. So why not release 1599 01:47:42,420 --> 01:47:45,840 it? If he's interested in the transparency, that we should be 1600 01:47:45,840 --> 01:47:49,830 interested in seeing that transparency, and getting all of 1601 01:47:49,830 --> 01:47:53,010 the reports? Essentially, you and I paid for it if you're 1602 01:47:53,010 --> 01:47:56,040 American, and if you're outside of America? I know you want to 1603 01:47:56,040 --> 01:48:01,020 see it, too. So we should be able to ask who got taxpayer 1604 01:48:01,020 --> 01:48:05,190 money, where that information is and to clarify, because it's 1605 01:48:05,220 --> 01:48:09,210 unclassified. And if the government says that all SAP had 1606 01:48:09,210 --> 01:48:13,650 nothing to do with UFO or UAP research, Fine, let them say 1607 01:48:13,650 --> 01:48:18,300 that bass. I don't know if it's considered defunct now, I know 1608 01:48:18,300 --> 01:48:21,930 that nobody's really working for it. But Bigelow Aerospace, put 1609 01:48:21,930 --> 01:48:25,170 all that stuff out there. Put your label on it for all we 1610 01:48:25,170 --> 01:48:30,030 care. I personally could care less, if the research was solid, 1611 01:48:30,030 --> 01:48:34,140 and you did what you said. It's not classified. And if you want 1612 01:48:34,140 --> 01:48:38,040 to contradict that, fine, because if it is classified, 1613 01:48:38,160 --> 01:48:42,330 then we solidify the DIA absolutely lied to hit Senator 1614 01:48:42,330 --> 01:48:47,100 Harry Reid lied to their superiors, they fabricated 1615 01:48:47,100 --> 01:48:53,160 evidence, and it goes into deep allegations. So let's, let's 1616 01:48:53,160 --> 01:48:57,780 have that conversation. But yet no one wants to talk. But you 1617 01:48:57,780 --> 01:49:02,430 can buy a book that doesn't have the evidence that we need, has a 1618 01:49:02,430 --> 01:49:06,150 lot of claims. And I was told behind the scenes. Hey, John, 1619 01:49:06,510 --> 01:49:11,550 look at the back. There are tons of reports that you can FOIA and 1620 01:49:11,550 --> 01:49:14,760 that will prove everything. Well, guess what? I did FOIA 1621 01:49:14,760 --> 01:49:18,510 them, and so did a lot of other people. They're not there. Now, 1622 01:49:18,510 --> 01:49:23,010 I'm not taking the government at its word. I never do. I wrote 1623 01:49:23,010 --> 01:49:27,390 books about not doing just that. So I know that they lie. And I 1624 01:49:27,390 --> 01:49:32,790 know that they can obfuscate profusely. So that's why I'm 1625 01:49:32,790 --> 01:49:36,030 filing appeals. And I've already filed numerous appeals on this 1626 01:49:36,030 --> 01:49:39,690 very topic, but in the same breath, if I question one side, 1627 01:49:39,690 --> 01:49:42,900 I have to question the other. I was told to FOIA those reports 1628 01:49:42,900 --> 01:49:45,960 and they're just not there. Now, others argue well, their best 1629 01:49:45,960 --> 01:49:50,640 reports. Why aren't those same people asking why then bass 1630 01:49:50,640 --> 01:49:56,160 won't release them. They're not classified. They're just not 1631 01:49:56,160 --> 01:49:59,520 redact names. That's fine. redact dollar signs. That's 1632 01:49:59,520 --> 01:50:03,150 fine. But if this was funded by us that money, that's taxpayer 1633 01:50:03,150 --> 01:50:06,030 dollars, and if there's some legal loophole that people want 1634 01:50:06,030 --> 01:50:09,990 to fall back on, that they can hide from FOIA, and it's some 1635 01:50:09,990 --> 01:50:13,440 big cover up on the side of DIA. Well, guess what? 1636 01:50:13,770 --> 01:50:17,910 It still isn't classified. And bass slash Bigelow Aerospace can 1637 01:50:17,910 --> 01:50:21,720 give it to all of us, yet they don't. Why aren't the biggest 1638 01:50:21,720 --> 01:50:24,210 advocates for this being a paranormal research program? 1639 01:50:24,420 --> 01:50:27,480 Knocking on Bigelow's door going, hey, you know what, 1640 01:50:27,750 --> 01:50:32,550 let's, let's, let's figure this out. Let's put all those reports 1641 01:50:32,550 --> 01:50:38,250 out there onto the public realm and, and see what we can do. Get 1642 01:50:38,250 --> 01:50:40,800 the DIA talking about this. And if they don't, who cares? 1643 01:50:40,920 --> 01:50:42,900 Because now we have the information yet they won't do 1644 01:50:42,900 --> 01:50:45,900 it. All those unanswered questions have lingered for 1645 01:50:45,900 --> 01:50:49,860 years. So those that have preached about transparency and 1646 01:50:49,860 --> 01:50:52,530 wanting the government to say more, are the ones that are 1647 01:50:52,530 --> 01:50:56,130 working for the government, and apparently, part of the cover 1648 01:50:56,130 --> 01:51:00,510 up, whether it be as connected to the government, or whether it 1649 01:51:00,510 --> 01:51:03,900 be as connected to the corporate world? It's a cover up 1650 01:51:03,900 --> 01:51:09,120 nonetheless. Because where are the reports? So this book, that 1651 01:51:09,120 --> 01:51:13,290 lists a ton of them in the back didn't come out through FOIA. 1652 01:51:13,500 --> 01:51:17,400 And although I'm appealing for them, where are they? Bigelow 1653 01:51:17,400 --> 01:51:22,200 Aerospace has an opportunity now to shut people like me up that 1654 01:51:22,200 --> 01:51:27,180 have concerns over the narrative. And trust me, I want 1655 01:51:27,180 --> 01:51:30,990 to be proven wrong. I love this topic. Anybody who watches this 1656 01:51:30,990 --> 01:51:36,000 channel knows that I love this topic. Yet their mum, they don't 1657 01:51:36,000 --> 01:51:40,470 do interviews outside one or two very tight niche. Journalists 1658 01:51:40,500 --> 01:51:44,280 that that that do the interviews. Why not? I've 1659 01:51:44,280 --> 01:51:48,090 reached out, I've asked come on to my show. And we can figure 1660 01:51:48,090 --> 01:51:52,500 out what best way to take this and translate it into a FOIA to 1661 01:51:52,500 --> 01:51:55,830 get something of substance but nobody wants to do it. Why not? 1662 01:51:56,220 --> 01:52:00,810 I don't get it. This is the most secretive unclassified program 1663 01:52:01,290 --> 01:52:05,940 that I've ever come across. And that said, facetiously, if they 1664 01:52:05,940 --> 01:52:09,780 wanted to classify it, they would, but they didn't. Why not? 1665 01:52:10,200 --> 01:52:14,070 Nobody's asking that question. Why did they change the topic, 1666 01:52:14,160 --> 01:52:19,440 excuse me the bid solicitation that seemingly was written just 1667 01:52:19,440 --> 01:52:22,860 for Robert Bigelow, before he ever even bid on the contract. 1668 01:52:23,670 --> 01:52:27,990 Those people have lambasted me for years, putting out the idea 1669 01:52:27,990 --> 01:52:33,330 that he was likely the chosen winner of this months, and maybe 1670 01:52:33,330 --> 01:52:36,750 even much longer before the bid solicitation ever went out. 1671 01:52:37,260 --> 01:52:42,600 Those same people are ignoring the evidence. So I can ramble on 1672 01:52:42,600 --> 01:52:46,110 for a while now, but I'll end it. And I hope this gave you 1673 01:52:46,110 --> 01:52:49,800 guys some indicator of the official evidence than that's 1674 01:52:49,800 --> 01:52:53,790 there. And although I don't endorse it, although I don't say 1675 01:52:53,790 --> 01:52:57,180 hey, look, this is, this is the real story, and everybody else 1676 01:52:57,180 --> 01:53:03,120 is bunk. This is the level of evidence we need to prove or 1677 01:53:03,120 --> 01:53:08,790 disprove a story. So if this book wants to come out, and list 1678 01:53:08,790 --> 01:53:12,180 all these reports, and so on, and so forth, and say that all 1679 01:53:12,180 --> 01:53:17,160 of that contradicts the company line, the DIA line, the official 1680 01:53:17,160 --> 01:53:24,810 narrative, then show it, and I will absolutely be happy to 1681 01:53:24,810 --> 01:53:28,830 profile it for you. Forgive my sound effect there from my 1682 01:53:28,830 --> 01:53:33,300 email. I appreciate you guys tuning in to this very deep dive 1683 01:53:33,300 --> 01:53:34,920 on a very interesting topic. 1684 01:53:36,390 --> 01:53:39,960 I learned a lot myself doing these presentations, but I hope 1685 01:53:39,960 --> 01:53:43,530 you learned some as well. I will end it the way I started it. I 1686 01:53:43,530 --> 01:53:46,260 know these deep dives aren't for everybody. But if you're at this 1687 01:53:46,260 --> 01:53:52,290 point, I compliment you for sticking with a hour 45 ish or 1688 01:53:52,290 --> 01:53:56,520 so breakdown of these documents because it shows me you want to 1689 01:53:56,520 --> 01:53:59,970 know more. I don't expect you all to believe with every point 1690 01:53:59,970 --> 01:54:04,620 that I make. That's opinion. But rather I see now if you're at 1691 01:54:04,620 --> 01:54:08,010 this point of the video, that you look at the at the documents 1692 01:54:08,010 --> 01:54:11,700 and the evidence to make up your own mind. And that is what this 1693 01:54:11,700 --> 01:54:14,730 channel is all about. It's not about agreeing with me. It's 1694 01:54:14,730 --> 01:54:19,230 about looking up the evidence and making the opinions and 1695 01:54:19,230 --> 01:54:23,520 decisions on your own. So I wish you Godspeed on your journey 1696 01:54:23,520 --> 01:54:27,120 trying to figure out all of this because it's a mess. And until 1697 01:54:27,120 --> 01:54:30,360 next time until more information comes out. Please help the 1698 01:54:30,360 --> 01:54:32,760 channel by clicking on the thumbs up button making sure 1699 01:54:32,760 --> 01:54:35,790 you're subscribed, turn the notifications on and the biggest 1700 01:54:35,790 --> 01:54:39,270 help of all, is sharing the word. If you feel so inclined to 1701 01:54:39,270 --> 01:54:43,230 have a Patreon or other ways you can support 100% of all that 1702 01:54:43,230 --> 01:54:46,470 money goes right back into this channel and the research itself 1703 01:54:46,470 --> 01:54:49,500 to make all of this possible. So for those who decide to do the 1704 01:54:49,500 --> 01:54:52,680 latter, thank you but at the very least a thumbs up helps if 1705 01:54:52,680 --> 01:54:55,710 you're listening on the podcast version. Thank you for doing so. 1706 01:54:56,070 --> 01:54:59,130 Any review helps. I aim for five stars. I won't tell you what to 1707 01:54:59,130 --> 01:55:02,910 put but a For five stars, please please, if you have a moment, 1708 01:55:03,060 --> 01:55:06,570 click on those star buttons and let me know what you think. And 1709 01:55:06,570 --> 01:55:08,940 of course, I'm interested in your feedback post the comments 1710 01:55:08,940 --> 01:55:14,490 below, or you can contact me on the black vault.com Is John 1711 01:55:14,490 --> 01:55:18,300 Greenewald Jr signing off. And until next time, we'll see you 1712 01:55:18,300 --> 01:55:18,600 then.