1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:04,710 John Greenewald: One thing that blows me away about this on 2 00:00:04,710 --> 00:00:10,050 March 29 2019, an online video series called The basement 3 00:00:10,050 --> 00:00:12,240 office dropped its first episode. 4 00:00:13,050 --> 00:00:14,760 Steven Greenstreet: My name is Steven Green Street. I'm a 5 00:00:14,760 --> 00:00:17,460 journalist with the New York Post. Over the next few 6 00:00:17,460 --> 00:00:20,940 episodes, we're going to examine the UFO phenomenon from every 7 00:00:20,940 --> 00:00:21,810 possible angle. 8 00:00:22,169 --> 00:00:24,659 John Greenewald: After 20 videos dropped to their YouTube's 9 00:00:24,659 --> 00:00:28,889 playlist over the course of about two years production seem 10 00:00:28,889 --> 00:00:36,509 to stop. But behind the scenes, the work, never did. Greenstreet 11 00:00:36,509 --> 00:00:39,719 has been busy meticulously putting together puzzle pieces 12 00:00:39,899 --> 00:00:45,179 about alleged paranormal themed government programs and the 13 00:00:45,179 --> 00:00:53,969 people that ran them. Awesome. A tip werewolves, Dyno beavers, 14 00:00:54,239 --> 00:01:00,719 Luis Elizondo, Skinwalker Ranch, James McCaskey, and all sorts of 15 00:01:00,719 --> 00:01:04,289 other breadcrumbs have been under green Street's microscope. 16 00:01:04,589 --> 00:01:09,509 He can't be a year or two off the result, a near 44 minute 17 00:01:09,509 --> 00:01:13,349 full length documentary style video to show that even though 18 00:01:13,349 --> 00:01:17,219 you think you know what this entire story is all about, 19 00:01:17,879 --> 00:01:23,069 chances are, you probably don't. On top of that, it was Stephen 20 00:01:23,069 --> 00:01:26,969 Green Street himself is about to enter the vault to showcase some 21 00:01:26,969 --> 00:01:29,909 of the biggest questions that arise from the contradicting 22 00:01:29,909 --> 00:01:35,909 evidence. So stay tuned, you're about to journey inside the 23 00:01:35,909 --> 00:01:36,839 black vault. 24 00:02:04,410 --> 00:02:07,050 That's right, everybody. As always, thank you so much for 25 00:02:07,050 --> 00:02:10,410 tuning in and making this your podcast of choice. I'm your 26 00:02:10,410 --> 00:02:15,210 host, John Greenwald, Jr. and today I am joined by Steven 27 00:02:15,240 --> 00:02:19,590 Green Street. Now he has just recently launched his new 28 00:02:19,590 --> 00:02:24,420 episode of the basement office. It has been a popular online 29 00:02:24,450 --> 00:02:27,690 series. You've heard a little bit about it in the intro. But 30 00:02:27,690 --> 00:02:30,930 Steven, thank you so much for coming back to the show. And 31 00:02:30,960 --> 00:02:32,400 taking some time with us today. 32 00:02:32,670 --> 00:02:34,320 Steven Greenstreet: Sure, of course, I love being here. 33 00:02:34,920 --> 00:02:37,140 John Greenewald: And and we love having you. We always love your 34 00:02:37,140 --> 00:02:40,350 perspective. Obviously, the basement office, as I said, has 35 00:02:40,350 --> 00:02:43,740 been a hit. A lot of people are watching it. And there was a lot 36 00:02:43,740 --> 00:02:48,840 of anticipation for this episode that just dropped. Now, I want 37 00:02:48,840 --> 00:02:52,410 to stress to the audience. Watch it. And in fact, if you're not 38 00:02:52,410 --> 00:02:56,580 watching this live or the premiere, go ahead and pause the 39 00:02:56,580 --> 00:03:00,600 video because I would encourage you to watch Stephens almost 45 40 00:03:00,600 --> 00:03:05,730 minute break down of all SAP a tip and that entire saga because 41 00:03:05,970 --> 00:03:09,060 I'm not going to have him go over those points. I encourage 42 00:03:09,060 --> 00:03:11,190 you all to watch that. but rather we're going to talk about 43 00:03:11,190 --> 00:03:14,250 the making of it the background and what the reaction has been 44 00:03:14,250 --> 00:03:16,980 in this episode. So Steven, let me take you back though before 45 00:03:16,980 --> 00:03:19,410 you made that episode all the way back to the beginning of the 46 00:03:19,410 --> 00:03:23,220 basement office. Put your mind back there. What did you want to 47 00:03:23,220 --> 00:03:25,410 accomplish with that series? 48 00:03:25,950 --> 00:03:30,900 Steven Greenstreet: Right. So I got into the UFO game back in 49 00:03:30,900 --> 00:03:37,590 spring 2019. So that would be you know, around 18 months after 50 00:03:37,590 --> 00:03:41,430 this big bombshell story started and the snowball started down 51 00:03:41,430 --> 00:03:46,440 the hill. And I mean, honestly how the basement office came 52 00:03:46,440 --> 00:03:52,170 about was a random like, statistician, an analytics 53 00:03:52,170 --> 00:03:55,650 person came up to the video team and they said, Hey, like this 54 00:03:55,650 --> 00:03:59,640 UFO story, people are searching for UFO stuff. Like maybe you 55 00:03:59,640 --> 00:04:03,810 should do something in video about UFOs ongoing. So they came 56 00:04:03,810 --> 00:04:07,770 to me and they said pitch us an idea. And I didn't want to do 57 00:04:07,770 --> 00:04:10,290 like a History Channel show where it was like all these 58 00:04:10,290 --> 00:04:16,140 recreations and like gravitas. NARRATION So my thought was just 59 00:04:16,140 --> 00:04:19,860 two dudes sitting at a desk talking about facts and evidence 60 00:04:19,860 --> 00:04:25,260 about UFOs that was it. And when I when it came to me up until 61 00:04:25,260 --> 00:04:28,920 that point, I was just a spectator. I was just a 62 00:04:28,920 --> 00:04:34,260 spectator to the New York Times article, and I didn't I hadn't 63 00:04:34,260 --> 00:04:39,600 dug into any of this. I just took it at face value. That what 64 00:04:39,690 --> 00:04:43,590 every one in the media was saying at least the basics were 65 00:04:43,590 --> 00:04:47,220 true. Because, you know, sometimes topics they get 66 00:04:47,250 --> 00:04:51,120 politicized were the right you know, appropriate to end becomes 67 00:04:51,120 --> 00:04:54,480 a right wing issue or the left appropriate that becomes a left 68 00:04:54,480 --> 00:04:58,440 wing issue. But this was like a topic where everyone across the 69 00:04:58,440 --> 00:05:03,540 spectrum was very gurjit tating the same story that times CNN, 70 00:05:03,600 --> 00:05:09,240 Fox News, MSNBC, Politico, everyone was like on the basics. 71 00:05:09,270 --> 00:05:14,430 And so when I entered the game, I assumed wrongly mistakingly 72 00:05:15,150 --> 00:05:19,170 that everyone in the world at least had the basics right. You 73 00:05:19,170 --> 00:05:22,710 know, I saw that I started there. Okay. This has been 74 00:05:22,710 --> 00:05:27,120 reported for 18 months. I'm assuming the basics are correct. 75 00:05:27,600 --> 00:05:31,170 So that was my launch pad was assumed the basics are correct 76 00:05:31,170 --> 00:05:37,200 here and go from there. And it was, you know, weirdly right off 77 00:05:37,200 --> 00:05:43,920 the bat, some weird things happen, John. You know, I was 78 00:05:43,920 --> 00:05:47,700 asked, you know, well, you know, for our show, we should get our 79 00:05:47,730 --> 00:05:51,600 own Pentagon statement. So rather than saying CNN reported, 80 00:05:51,600 --> 00:05:54,600 the Pentagon said, or the Times reported, the Pentagon said, 81 00:05:54,780 --> 00:05:57,330 Let's be able to say the Pentagon told us I was like, 82 00:05:57,330 --> 00:06:01,650 Yeah, okay, great. reached out to the Pentagon, and then bam, I 83 00:06:01,650 --> 00:06:07,230 get two bombshells in the same email. I didn't think I was 84 00:06:07,230 --> 00:06:10,980 gonna get anything new at that point. 18 months into the story. 85 00:06:11,490 --> 00:06:14,790 I'm just like, you know, the lobby dial like, hey, Pentagon 86 00:06:14,790 --> 00:06:18,540 just want a statement or about a tip and Elizondo thinks, and 87 00:06:18,540 --> 00:06:23,700 then they write back saying, you know, a tip did investigate UAP 88 00:06:24,210 --> 00:06:29,250 and Elizondo had no responsibilities with a tip. And 89 00:06:29,250 --> 00:06:32,910 so we're just right off the bat. It was a very, like, head 90 00:06:32,910 --> 00:06:37,950 shaking moment, where, how is it possible? How is it possible 91 00:06:37,950 --> 00:06:42,180 that 18 months into this, some random dude in the basement of 92 00:06:42,180 --> 00:06:45,870 the New York Post, sends off a generic email and gets to 93 00:06:45,870 --> 00:06:50,250 bombshells? Why didn't anyone else ask about this? Why was I 94 00:06:50,250 --> 00:06:52,920 the first to get these statements? You know, it was 95 00:06:52,920 --> 00:06:56,490 weird to me. It's like, Wait, surely someone reported this 96 00:06:56,490 --> 00:07:01,230 already. And I spent weeks when not weeks, you know, maybe about 97 00:07:01,230 --> 00:07:04,560 a week and a half, making sure that no one else had reported 98 00:07:04,560 --> 00:07:07,080 that that no one else had the statement. And you know, I 99 00:07:07,080 --> 00:07:10,560 interviewed you about it. To that first video, you're in it. 100 00:07:11,070 --> 00:07:14,490 And it was a shocking thing for the Pentagon to say at that 101 00:07:14,490 --> 00:07:19,320 point. Yeah. And then you know, the Pentagon saying he had 102 00:07:19,560 --> 00:07:21,720 Elizondo had no responsibilities. I was like, 103 00:07:21,720 --> 00:07:24,840 Well, wait. 18 months have gone by and no one has bothered to 104 00:07:24,840 --> 00:07:29,940 ask this or to get this statement. And I worked on a 105 00:07:29,940 --> 00:07:34,920 story for weeks on the Pentagon Elizondo had no 106 00:07:34,950 --> 00:07:40,350 responsibilities. And in the emails, actually, that you FoId 107 00:07:40,350 --> 00:07:44,340 that are on the black pole. You can read my correspondence with 108 00:07:44,340 --> 00:07:47,040 Chris Sherwood, and there was this ongoing thing where he 109 00:07:47,040 --> 00:07:50,340 said, he was like, Oh, we're gonna get you his employment 110 00:07:50,340 --> 00:07:53,400 records, we're gonna send you Elexon as employment records. 111 00:07:53,790 --> 00:07:56,610 And, you know, I was really happy about that, because that's 112 00:07:56,610 --> 00:08:00,660 documentation. Right? I could release a story. And here the 113 00:08:00,660 --> 00:08:04,170 documents here is the employment records that say this or 114 00:08:04,170 --> 00:08:08,010 whatever. And I was waiting on those waiting on those. I had a 115 00:08:08,010 --> 00:08:11,820 story it never launched, it never aired. And then I was 116 00:08:11,820 --> 00:08:16,890 scooped by Keith klore, which, you know, for anyone out there. 117 00:08:17,640 --> 00:08:21,600 It's, that is a unique moment, if I had to like one of them on 118 00:08:21,600 --> 00:08:25,440 and I'm not being facetious, one of the worst, most terrible days 119 00:08:25,470 --> 00:08:26,730 of my life. 120 00:08:28,140 --> 00:08:34,740 was waking up on June 1 2019. And seeing the intercept and 121 00:08:34,740 --> 00:08:38,610 Keith klore released a story that I had worked on for like 122 00:08:38,610 --> 00:08:42,540 weeks and got scooped and like my story just never published. 123 00:08:43,110 --> 00:08:43,560 After that, 124 00:08:43,559 --> 00:08:46,289 John Greenewald: why do you if you don't mind me interjecting? 125 00:08:46,319 --> 00:08:49,799 Why do you feel that that's an important aspect to the story 126 00:08:49,799 --> 00:08:53,159 because a lot of people will argue the government lies. So 127 00:08:53,159 --> 00:08:56,669 who you know, who cares what the government says? In your view, 128 00:08:56,669 --> 00:08:59,489 coming into the topic and seeing what you did? You did get that 129 00:08:59,489 --> 00:09:02,909 bombshell thing you use the word shocked. I think that I use the 130 00:09:02,909 --> 00:09:06,539 same word when you interviewed me because it was shocking. They 131 00:09:06,539 --> 00:09:10,739 had already set up that they were not investigating UAP then 132 00:09:10,739 --> 00:09:15,719 all of a sudden boom, you get the statement that they were Why 133 00:09:15,719 --> 00:09:18,629 was the other part of that important to you? Why did you 134 00:09:18,629 --> 00:09:20,009 feel that was a big story? 135 00:09:21,300 --> 00:09:24,420 Steven Greenstreet: The Elizondo had no responsibilities. Just to 136 00:09:24,420 --> 00:09:29,700 get your point of view at the at the time at the time history 137 00:09:29,700 --> 00:09:35,040 channel was promoting the unidentified show, right. And it 138 00:09:35,040 --> 00:09:37,680 was, you know, it was being advertised and promoted and 139 00:09:37,680 --> 00:09:43,650 everything. And I thought it was a bombshell in of itself that 140 00:09:43,830 --> 00:09:48,120 this story which was snow balling, and was about to 141 00:09:48,120 --> 00:09:51,480 release a big documentary. We're literally in the trailer for the 142 00:09:51,480 --> 00:09:57,360 History Channel show. It says he ran the Pentagon's top secret 143 00:09:57,360 --> 00:10:01,800 UFO program, like literally big green ethnic on screen. And here 144 00:10:01,800 --> 00:10:05,790 I have a statement from the Pentagon saying no. So obviously 145 00:10:05,790 --> 00:10:09,750 that's a big story. And that's important. But on top of that, 146 00:10:09,780 --> 00:10:15,570 it was, it was weird to me that, again, why I was the first one 147 00:10:15,570 --> 00:10:20,400 to get this statement. And it infer what that told me is no 148 00:10:20,400 --> 00:10:24,300 one was picking up the phone. No one was sending an email to the 149 00:10:24,300 --> 00:10:30,750 PA to know it, there was this copy paste since December 2017. 150 00:10:30,750 --> 00:10:35,550 For the most part, a copy paste of the same story. One of the 151 00:10:35,550 --> 00:10:38,310 Times reported this, let's regurgitate it, let's rewrite 152 00:10:38,310 --> 00:10:41,790 it, let's release it, and on and on and on and on. No one was 153 00:10:41,790 --> 00:10:46,080 like stopping and going, let's get into the weeds on this a 154 00:10:46,080 --> 00:10:50,340 little bit. So I was off put by that, but I was like, why am I 155 00:10:50,340 --> 00:10:53,490 the first to get this? In fact, another way, you know, when I 156 00:10:53,490 --> 00:10:57,660 called the DIA when I spoke to James Kudla you know, and I was 157 00:10:57,660 --> 00:11:02,130 asking him about a tip and Elizondo the first sentence out 158 00:11:02,130 --> 00:11:06,360 of his mouth, from his mouth to my ears was wow, I haven't been 159 00:11:06,360 --> 00:11:09,840 asked that in a long time. I haven't been asked about that in 160 00:11:09,840 --> 00:11:14,580 a long time. And I was like, what really? You're phone should 161 00:11:14,580 --> 00:11:19,020 be lit up every day about this. So anyway, I was. So anyway, was 162 00:11:19,020 --> 00:11:22,170 a big story and there was a whole process behind. So at the 163 00:11:22,170 --> 00:11:26,910 time, there was a PR firm handling the promotion for 164 00:11:26,910 --> 00:11:34,620 unidentified and went we first reached out to Elizondo I didn't 165 00:11:34,650 --> 00:11:40,290 we had like, a talent outreach person at the post, okay, whose 166 00:11:40,290 --> 00:11:43,980 talent was finding talent, you know, getting to their 167 00:11:43,980 --> 00:11:48,480 representatives, getting them on the phone. And she said that 168 00:11:48,600 --> 00:11:52,740 Elizondo, she got Elizondo on the phone. And he was talkative, 169 00:11:52,980 --> 00:11:56,100 and happy to talk and Hell yeah, let's do this. I'll do an 170 00:11:56,100 --> 00:12:00,960 interview with you guys who, and then that got shut down like 171 00:12:00,990 --> 00:12:08,700 overnight, the PR firm handling TTSA, or at least the History 172 00:12:08,700 --> 00:12:12,180 Channel show was a big PR firm. They emailed me and they're 173 00:12:12,210 --> 00:12:15,660 like, We understand. You want to talk to Elizondo? What about and 174 00:12:15,660 --> 00:12:19,800 like from there, it was just me in the PR firm. And you know, I 175 00:12:19,800 --> 00:12:23,100 had the this girl call Elizondo back, and it was like not 176 00:12:23,100 --> 00:12:28,110 happening. And this PR firm was like, What do you want to know? 177 00:12:28,110 --> 00:12:30,780 And I was like, Well, I just got this statement from the Pentagon 178 00:12:30,810 --> 00:12:35,970 that says, Elizondo had nothing to do with ATF. And they 179 00:12:35,970 --> 00:12:40,140 replied, he'll talk to you off record about that. And I was 180 00:12:40,140 --> 00:12:42,660 like, Well, I'm not interested in that. I'm not interested in 181 00:12:42,660 --> 00:12:46,020 off record, I want to I want a response. And I would like it 182 00:12:46,020 --> 00:12:49,140 from him. And they were like, Nope, that's not going to 183 00:12:49,140 --> 00:12:53,010 happen. And then they copied and pasted, carried alongs statement 184 00:12:53,580 --> 00:12:57,450 about, you know, he started in 2010, and a tip and, and all 185 00:12:57,450 --> 00:13:00,270 that stuff. And I was like, that's great. But the Pentagon 186 00:13:00,270 --> 00:13:03,060 is saying the opposite of that, like, can I get better? And then 187 00:13:03,060 --> 00:13:06,600 they got, like, angry with me. This PR firm, they're like, 188 00:13:06,600 --> 00:13:09,540 what's your angle here? It doesn't sound like what like 189 00:13:09,540 --> 00:13:14,730 they got really defensive. And and then when it became 190 00:13:14,730 --> 00:13:17,550 apparent, I wasn't getting anything else. You know, I kind 191 00:13:17,550 --> 00:13:19,560 of went with Sherwood and I was like, Look, I need more than a 192 00:13:19,560 --> 00:13:22,350 statement if you have it. Do you have any documentation? Is there 193 00:13:22,350 --> 00:13:24,750 anything I can get sure where it was like, we'll send you some, 194 00:13:25,080 --> 00:13:27,900 some employment records. I'm working to get those I think he 195 00:13:27,900 --> 00:13:30,780 said I'm working to get his employment records. And I was 196 00:13:30,780 --> 00:13:33,840 like, Great, perfect. That's, you know, that helps. And then 197 00:13:33,840 --> 00:13:37,050 close thing dropped and my story died. 198 00:13:38,550 --> 00:13:41,790 John Greenewald: So from there, where did you go with this? 199 00:13:41,790 --> 00:13:43,980 Where are you in the mindset and this is before this recent 200 00:13:43,980 --> 00:13:47,520 episode, but but post, you know, the intercept, you know, got the 201 00:13:47,520 --> 00:13:52,410 scoop. But post that. Where were you at? Were you thinking okay, 202 00:13:52,410 --> 00:13:55,710 the government is really being a pain here. They're obfuscating 203 00:13:55,860 --> 00:13:57,930 Elizondo is lying Where were you at? 204 00:13:58,290 --> 00:14:04,560 Steven Greenstreet: So I was I still had that like, benefit of 205 00:14:04,560 --> 00:14:11,370 the doubt where I, who was I to say that nearly every media 206 00:14:11,370 --> 00:14:16,290 entity on planet Earth was wrong. That's how I felt at that 207 00:14:16,290 --> 00:14:19,620 point. I was just the video dude in the basement of the New York 208 00:14:19,620 --> 00:14:23,970 Post. And so I didn't start off on the right foot I should have 209 00:14:23,970 --> 00:14:29,070 started blank slate you know myself and just started from 210 00:14:29,070 --> 00:14:31,260 there. But I didn't start from there. I started with the 211 00:14:31,260 --> 00:14:34,800 assumption in the benefit of the doubt that everything that's 212 00:14:34,800 --> 00:14:39,750 been reported globally, the basics are true. Now, I was 213 00:14:39,750 --> 00:14:44,010 starting to think that there might be something personal and 214 00:14:44,010 --> 00:14:46,980 I think I even reported this or at least did an interview back 215 00:14:46,980 --> 00:14:50,550 in the day where I felt like people within the Pentagon had a 216 00:14:50,550 --> 00:14:54,660 personal issue with Elizondo and there was like they were out to 217 00:14:54,660 --> 00:14:58,980 get him you know, and Elizondo push that as well. He spoke that 218 00:14:58,980 --> 00:15:02,670 as well. Hello, he been fired filed, a DOD IG complained about 219 00:15:02,670 --> 00:15:08,430 that. So there was a quote from Sherwood, to me about how he's 220 00:15:08,430 --> 00:15:11,040 not really happy with the way they're handling the story. It 221 00:15:11,040 --> 00:15:15,540 was like this break, he broke out of his PEO shell and like, 222 00:15:15,570 --> 00:15:19,740 gave me this line. And I was like, Whoa, what is going on 223 00:15:19,740 --> 00:15:23,550 over at the Pentagon? You know, so there was I did smell 224 00:15:23,550 --> 00:15:28,470 something weird there. And so I just assumed that could be what 225 00:15:28,470 --> 00:15:32,790 was happening. And it didn't surprise me at the time. Because 226 00:15:32,790 --> 00:15:36,540 the headspace I was in was, you know, the basic details are 227 00:15:36,540 --> 00:15:36,930 true. 228 00:15:37,470 --> 00:15:39,360 John Greenewald: And that line he gave you was 229 00:15:40,590 --> 00:15:43,170 Steven Greenstreet: Sherwood, Sherwood, Sherwood told me, you 230 00:15:43,170 --> 00:15:47,640 know, I was, I was going back and forth with him about a two 231 00:15:47,640 --> 00:15:50,460 minute Lozado. And I was just like, look what's going on. I 232 00:15:50,460 --> 00:15:53,040 literally was like, on the phone to share what I was like, What's 233 00:15:53,040 --> 00:15:57,180 going on over there? Like, why is this such a tough thing? I'm 234 00:15:57,180 --> 00:15:59,910 asking yes or no questions. Why can't you give me yes or no 235 00:15:59,910 --> 00:16:04,110 answers? And he sighed and said, I'm not really happy with the 236 00:16:04,110 --> 00:16:08,940 way they're handling the story. The story here, and I was like, 237 00:16:08,940 --> 00:16:13,230 Who? Oh, okay. You're frustrated? I got it. Like, 238 00:16:13,320 --> 00:16:15,420 there's something behind the scenes going on here. 239 00:16:15,480 --> 00:16:18,750 John Greenewald: Yeah. Now, obviously, now you've set up 240 00:16:19,350 --> 00:16:23,550 exploring the story that there's problems in the Pentagon. But 241 00:16:23,550 --> 00:16:28,740 now fast forward. You had again, I don't mean to beat the dead 242 00:16:28,740 --> 00:16:31,860 horse, but a successful run with that basement office. You know, 243 00:16:31,860 --> 00:16:35,280 first you had 20 videos in the in the playlist, people have 244 00:16:35,280 --> 00:16:40,290 been highly anticipating you to keep going. And now you've 245 00:16:40,320 --> 00:16:45,510 you've released your newest video, in a nutshell, why? How 246 00:16:45,510 --> 00:16:47,550 would you describe your recent video? 247 00:16:48,540 --> 00:16:51,810 Steven Greenstreet: My recent video is the culmination of at 248 00:16:51,810 --> 00:16:59,220 least a year plus, of me losing my religion of me. It's the end 249 00:16:59,220 --> 00:17:06,930 result of me asking myself, What if I'm wrong about all of this, 250 00:17:07,530 --> 00:17:11,880 and challenging myself, to prove to myself that I'm not wrong? 251 00:17:12,060 --> 00:17:15,510 Because as you said, I did 20 Plus episodes of the basement 252 00:17:15,510 --> 00:17:20,910 saying one thing, I challenged myself to continue that to keep 253 00:17:20,910 --> 00:17:25,200 going and toeing that line. And I quickly discovered I couldn't 254 00:17:25,200 --> 00:17:29,640 do that video. This new episode is the culmination of what I've 255 00:17:29,640 --> 00:17:31,200 discovered in the last year. 256 00:17:32,430 --> 00:17:34,260 John Greenewald: And when you say challenge your belief were 257 00:17:34,260 --> 00:17:39,870 you set in something and then you had a kind of moment of of 258 00:17:39,870 --> 00:17:40,590 change. 259 00:17:40,890 --> 00:17:47,940 Steven Greenstreet: Yeah, yeah. The I was wrong. And I was I 260 00:17:47,940 --> 00:17:53,070 didn't realize it completely. At the time, the red flag started 261 00:17:53,070 --> 00:17:58,620 to appear. I was immediate lackey I was I was a messenger 262 00:17:58,620 --> 00:18:06,330 boy. I was being groomed to release PR statements to the 263 00:18:06,330 --> 00:18:11,610 masses for disingenuous people that on 264 00:18:11,610 --> 00:18:13,290 John Greenewald: the Pentagon side or outside of the Pentagon, 265 00:18:13,290 --> 00:18:15,360 just to clarify, Lou 266 00:18:15,540 --> 00:18:20,280 Steven Greenstreet: Elizondo. To clarify, I was being groomed in 267 00:18:20,280 --> 00:18:24,510 use that's this is just how I feel this is my opinion, and how 268 00:18:24,510 --> 00:18:30,870 it My interpretation is that there was a buddy buddy thing 269 00:18:30,870 --> 00:18:37,080 happening. A buddy buddy thing happening and where it's like, 270 00:18:37,620 --> 00:18:41,430 you know, Steve's the guy we're gonna reach out to if we have a 271 00:18:41,430 --> 00:18:44,700 message to get out there, Steve, Steve, Steve's one of the guys, 272 00:18:44,700 --> 00:18:49,110 we're going to hit up and support because we want whatever 273 00:18:49,110 --> 00:18:55,290 story to hit the headlines. And I slowly started to realize that 274 00:18:55,290 --> 00:19:04,980 and it wasn't until I got this document sent to me in May 2021, 275 00:19:05,640 --> 00:19:10,200 where I went, Oh, it's just like, my whole world collapsed. 276 00:19:10,200 --> 00:19:12,330 And I was just like, Oh, my God. 277 00:19:13,290 --> 00:19:16,650 John Greenewald: Oh, is that but I have to jump in. You just 278 00:19:16,650 --> 00:19:20,700 flashed? I'm guessing the complaint. Yeah, this is the DoD 279 00:19:20,700 --> 00:19:24,030 IG because you have a screenshot I think of one of the pages in 280 00:19:24,030 --> 00:19:27,210 your video and that's the Yep. Okay. I think that you showed 281 00:19:27,210 --> 00:19:32,580 that in the video. Okay, so this made you have a shift. 282 00:19:33,780 --> 00:19:37,560 Steven Greenstreet: It was. If you go back and watch the show, 283 00:19:38,160 --> 00:19:42,690 all the episodes, you'll see if I'm critical, and I ask critical 284 00:19:42,690 --> 00:19:48,810 questions. So I was always kind of milking that critical side of 285 00:19:48,810 --> 00:19:52,260 myself. But when I got the DoD IG complaint, which was sent to 286 00:19:52,260 --> 00:19:58,320 me, I asked for, I asked for it directly. Tell us on those 287 00:19:58,560 --> 00:20:05,220 representative who said To me, and I was at, you know, and I'll 288 00:20:05,220 --> 00:20:09,090 never forget, it was like may 20 or something. No, maybe it was 289 00:20:09,090 --> 00:20:15,720 June. I stayed up till 3am drinking scotch and just like 290 00:20:15,720 --> 00:20:21,360 rubbing my head. And at one point I called Tim McMillan in 291 00:20:21,360 --> 00:20:26,490 Germany, because I knew he had it as well. And I was I needed 292 00:20:26,490 --> 00:20:28,500 to talk to someone because I was just like, some of this stuff 293 00:20:28,500 --> 00:20:31,590 doesn't make sense to me. Like some of this stuff just isn't 294 00:20:31,860 --> 00:20:36,210 making sense to me. And I needed someone to like talk to talk me 295 00:20:36,210 --> 00:20:44,250 through it. And because they're the story we were told in 2017. 296 00:20:44,250 --> 00:20:49,320 And, and since there were things in this DoD IG complaint written 297 00:20:49,320 --> 00:20:53,100 in his word sign with his signature that I was confused 298 00:20:53,100 --> 00:20:57,810 about and going like, Well, wait, wait a second here. And 299 00:20:57,810 --> 00:21:00,120 that's, that was the beginning. That was it. That was the 300 00:21:00,120 --> 00:21:03,750 beginning of my downfall. That was the beginning of my heresy. 301 00:21:04,470 --> 00:21:09,150 John Greenewald: So what, Wolf? Okay, I've to two questions very 302 00:21:09,150 --> 00:21:12,840 quickly. So it seems like a lot of you have gotten this IG 303 00:21:12,840 --> 00:21:19,350 complaint. I asked Elizondo his team, but but that's shut down. 304 00:21:21,900 --> 00:21:24,720 It was a private communication. So I'm not gonna say I was told 305 00:21:24,720 --> 00:21:29,160 no, I tried through FOIA, it was denied. How many people are 306 00:21:29,160 --> 00:21:32,460 getting this? And why is the second part of that that 307 00:21:32,460 --> 00:21:33,000 question 308 00:21:34,590 --> 00:21:36,570 Steven Greenstreet: was Hold on a sec, I just want to show you. 309 00:21:41,970 --> 00:21:44,790 John Greenewald: Can you send me a copy of the IG complaint 310 00:21:44,790 --> 00:21:49,290 vendor got? Yeah. Like, I assume that was either to Louise 311 00:21:49,290 --> 00:21:50,700 Elizondo, or his PR people. 312 00:21:50,760 --> 00:21:58,650 Steven Greenstreet: So yeah. And they sent it to me. And so as 313 00:21:58,650 --> 00:22:04,200 far as I know, Brian Bender, Tim McMillan me. And I believe the 314 00:22:04,200 --> 00:22:11,940 representative told me, someone at NBC. Also got it. Okay. But 315 00:22:11,940 --> 00:22:17,340 weirdly enough, weirdly enough, like all these random trolls on 316 00:22:17,340 --> 00:22:22,620 Twitter, have come out over the last two weeks claiming shocking 317 00:22:22,680 --> 00:22:28,290 in nearly proving that they also got it. So it's almost like it 318 00:22:28,290 --> 00:22:31,860 was it was sent out to people. Look, it was sent to people they 319 00:22:31,860 --> 00:22:33,840 felt comfortable with it. 320 00:22:33,840 --> 00:22:35,880 John Greenewald: Was there a purpose? Can I ask that? Was 321 00:22:35,880 --> 00:22:39,150 there a reason why they thought okay, Stephen Green Street 322 00:22:39,570 --> 00:22:42,480 serves X purpose. Let's give it to him. What did they want? 323 00:22:43,830 --> 00:22:46,680 Steven Greenstreet: A roll. Look at the look at the episode of 324 00:22:46,680 --> 00:22:50,820 the basement office I released in June of 2021. That's what 325 00:22:50,820 --> 00:22:55,170 they wanted. And that's what I produced. It was a defensive 326 00:22:55,410 --> 00:23:01,020 that Lou Elizondo claims x about the Pentagon and they're after 327 00:23:01,020 --> 00:23:07,440 him, and I have documentation exclusively, showing that 328 00:23:07,500 --> 00:23:11,880 they're after him, you know, and he's running for Congress. And 329 00:23:12,240 --> 00:23:16,410 he's the victim. You know, it was like that kind of, I mean, 330 00:23:16,410 --> 00:23:21,000 the behind the scenes chats were like, Pat's on the back to me to 331 00:23:21,000 --> 00:23:24,720 me. Good job, man. You nailed that one, you know, that kind of 332 00:23:24,720 --> 00:23:25,140 thing. 333 00:23:26,880 --> 00:23:30,360 John Greenewald: I may get lambasted for this question by 334 00:23:30,360 --> 00:23:34,290 some people that are likely watching this throwing eggs at 335 00:23:34,290 --> 00:23:39,090 their monitor. But did you feel or have you felt or do you feel 336 00:23:39,090 --> 00:23:42,780 conclusively that you were being groomed as let's say, like an 337 00:23:42,780 --> 00:23:45,210 asset rather than a journalist for them? 338 00:23:45,720 --> 00:23:51,300 Steven Greenstreet: Yeah. I mean, not groomed that word, 339 00:23:51,330 --> 00:23:59,820 maybe a little weird, but I was being utilized as a go to I was 340 00:23:59,820 --> 00:24:04,770 in the inner circle. I could pick up the phone and talk to 341 00:24:04,770 --> 00:24:11,070 whoever you know, and get the inside stuff. And there there 342 00:24:11,070 --> 00:24:19,800 was this feeling of I was a vessel a he's a guy we can trust 343 00:24:19,800 --> 00:24:25,140 to get our thing out, you know, and that's not uncommon at all, 344 00:24:25,170 --> 00:24:28,080 I mean, whether you're a shoe company or a celebrity or 345 00:24:28,080 --> 00:24:31,740 whatever, you find your for a good PR firm finds their 346 00:24:31,770 --> 00:24:35,940 sympathetic voice in the media and like milks that you know, of 347 00:24:35,940 --> 00:24:40,950 course, and I felt like I was becoming that and it felt gross 348 00:24:41,070 --> 00:24:45,780 and it felt like I was selling out and I the things that I 349 00:24:45,780 --> 00:24:51,000 heard on some of those phone calls, you know, such as so 350 00:24:51,240 --> 00:24:55,500 literally on the phone with representatives with Lou 351 00:24:55,500 --> 00:25:00,900 Elizondo telling me so and so. Oh, so ones over there 352 00:25:00,900 --> 00:25:03,630 complaining that everyone seems to be making money off this 353 00:25:03,630 --> 00:25:08,910 except for us. And, and just like, you know, true behind the 354 00:25:08,910 --> 00:25:15,630 scenes stuff, where it wasn't like this stately Pentagon guy 355 00:25:15,630 --> 00:25:19,830 in a suit on CNN, like, just the facts, Joe, you know, that kind 356 00:25:19,830 --> 00:25:23,340 of thing, but like behind the scenes stuff, just some crazy 357 00:25:23,340 --> 00:25:26,610 stuff, man, look, I'm not gonna, like, reveal some of these 358 00:25:26,610 --> 00:25:31,200 sources, but I was hearing stories about like fortune 359 00:25:31,200 --> 00:25:37,140 tellings and predicting the future and magic and just a 360 00:25:37,140 --> 00:25:43,890 whole bunch of like crazy stuff and ranting and raving and I did 361 00:25:43,890 --> 00:25:45,180 it was bizarre to me. 362 00:25:46,020 --> 00:25:52,320 John Greenewald: It's bizarre to hear with that. I don't want to 363 00:25:52,320 --> 00:25:55,260 keep keep focusing on that, because I don't want you to 364 00:25:55,260 --> 00:26:00,120 betray, you know, again, sources or confidential conversations, 365 00:26:00,120 --> 00:26:04,560 but I can obviously see where you're going. And it's very 366 00:26:04,560 --> 00:26:08,310 admirable. I know. And I've seen people say this on social media, 367 00:26:08,610 --> 00:26:13,140 and I'll tell you the same, it would be a lot easier for you to 368 00:26:13,170 --> 00:26:17,820 have gone on and written that train and stayed on it. versus 369 00:26:17,820 --> 00:26:21,840 going, You know what, this isn't right, this is gross. This is 370 00:26:21,840 --> 00:26:25,770 making me dirty. I, you know, I'm out. I'm not putting words 371 00:26:25,770 --> 00:26:29,670 in your mouth, but rather, you know, good for you, honestly, 372 00:26:29,700 --> 00:26:35,280 because I can see how you could easily have a much better time 373 00:26:35,820 --> 00:26:39,000 in this conversation by staying where you were, but you saw 374 00:26:39,000 --> 00:26:41,130 enough to go elsewhere, which I think is telling Yeah. 375 00:26:42,300 --> 00:26:45,150 Steven Greenstreet: I've said this too, you know, in 2019, 376 00:26:45,150 --> 00:26:48,540 when I released that big story. And then when I released the 377 00:26:48,540 --> 00:26:52,410 first season of the basement office, I had like, what 900 378 00:26:52,410 --> 00:26:57,030 followers on Twitter. And then it was just like, boom, like, I 379 00:26:57,030 --> 00:27:00,690 got this like outpouring of like love adoration, who's this new 380 00:27:00,690 --> 00:27:05,580 guy, the new for this new voice, we love you great job. And like 381 00:27:05,580 --> 00:27:09,690 that can become addicted to that like dopamine fix of like 382 00:27:09,810 --> 00:27:13,800 validation. You wake up every day to dozens of messages of 383 00:27:13,800 --> 00:27:17,340 people saying they love what you do and everything you say, and 384 00:27:17,340 --> 00:27:21,930 all this stuff that can become addictive. And I realized about 385 00:27:21,930 --> 00:27:27,270 a year, year and a half ago, that was disingenuous, it was I 386 00:27:27,270 --> 00:27:33,960 could do it, my life is so much easier. If I don't go this way. 387 00:27:34,290 --> 00:27:38,010 If I just toe the line and keep repeating the statements, and 388 00:27:38,010 --> 00:27:41,850 pushing the fantasy and the absolute delusion if I keep 389 00:27:41,850 --> 00:27:45,180 doing that, who knows, like maybe you know, I'm hosting 390 00:27:45,180 --> 00:27:50,190 coast to coast in five years or something, you know, like, there 391 00:27:50,190 --> 00:27:54,540 was a trajectory. Words, literally word spoken to my ears 392 00:27:54,570 --> 00:27:59,430 from powerful type people within the niche. You could be the new 393 00:27:59,430 --> 00:28:03,480 face of this, you could be the new face of this. You're going 394 00:28:03,480 --> 00:28:06,540 to have your own show one day, and I'm not talking New York 395 00:28:06,540 --> 00:28:09,600 Post, you're going to have your own show one day. These were 396 00:28:09,600 --> 00:28:15,780 things told to me. And I burned all of that to the fucking 397 00:28:15,780 --> 00:28:21,450 ground. All have it. Like kids at the end of the day, it just 398 00:28:21,450 --> 00:28:26,730 there's a feeling I felt in my stomach just all around where it 399 00:28:26,730 --> 00:28:30,930 was like, No, I'm not doing this. Like, if it's not right 400 00:28:30,960 --> 00:28:36,300 in, it's not correct. I'm out. I'm out completely. I'll walk 401 00:28:36,300 --> 00:28:38,220 away. And I walked I'm walking away. 402 00:28:39,840 --> 00:28:42,930 John Greenewald: How did the publishing of skinwalkers in the 403 00:28:42,930 --> 00:28:50,790 Pentagon at the Pentagon either contribute to alter or reinforce 404 00:28:50,850 --> 00:28:54,090 where you were when that book came out later last year. 405 00:28:54,990 --> 00:29:00,930 Steven Greenstreet: Right. So I love that book, man. I love 406 00:29:00,930 --> 00:29:05,190 skinwalkers out of the Pentagon. So what that did was two things. 407 00:29:05,220 --> 00:29:09,720 One was all SAP which was something that I peripherally 408 00:29:09,930 --> 00:29:14,190 kind of understood up to that point. It really lit a fire 409 00:29:14,190 --> 00:29:18,540 under me to like really figuring out what the hell RCEP was. And 410 00:29:18,900 --> 00:29:22,110 I mean, James McCaskey was like the white whale to a lot of 411 00:29:22,110 --> 00:29:27,330 people for the longest time and to like read his story and his 412 00:29:27,330 --> 00:29:32,670 words was fascinating. And I was like, Wait, there's a whole 413 00:29:32,670 --> 00:29:36,360 nother narrative here that got skipped over that no one talked 414 00:29:36,360 --> 00:29:42,150 about really. And it contradicts again, Elizondo story, you know, 415 00:29:42,540 --> 00:29:46,830 so it was like yet another thing and like Caskey is not out there 416 00:29:46,830 --> 00:29:50,010 trying to be a movie star like cat skis not out there trying to 417 00:29:50,010 --> 00:29:54,150 sell shows like cat skis men out there, you know landing massive 418 00:29:54,150 --> 00:29:57,510 book deals and these things so there was also like a level of 419 00:30:00,240 --> 00:30:03,900 Interesting legitimacy to that there was almost like, I just 420 00:30:03,900 --> 00:30:06,660 want to tell my side of the story. And then I'm and 421 00:30:06,660 --> 00:30:09,300 John Greenewald: and more of a self published to, you know that 422 00:30:09,300 --> 00:30:14,520 it wasn't a big book deal from a major publishing house with a 423 00:30:14,520 --> 00:30:17,490 huge advance. I mean, they did it. And they've been ridiculed 424 00:30:17,490 --> 00:30:20,580 from some corners. But to be honest with you, I actually 425 00:30:20,580 --> 00:30:23,490 complimented because they likely could have went out and gotten a 426 00:30:23,490 --> 00:30:26,460 big advance, but they told the story their way, which is also 427 00:30:26,580 --> 00:30:27,480 possibly telling. 428 00:30:27,779 --> 00:30:30,689 Steven Greenstreet: Yeah, and also, look, I'm gonna, I'm gonna 429 00:30:30,689 --> 00:30:35,969 catch some crap from skeptics, but it increased my respect for 430 00:30:35,969 --> 00:30:42,239 George Knapp. Like I am a pain in the ass to George Knapp. I 431 00:30:42,239 --> 00:30:46,409 know I am. I'm a huge pain in his ass. But it I increased my 432 00:30:46,409 --> 00:30:50,369 respect for him. Because after skinwalkers, you know, I went 433 00:30:50,369 --> 00:30:53,699 back my journey through all this was going back to the beginning, 434 00:30:54,329 --> 00:30:57,959 and starting over. And when I did that, I realized I was like, 435 00:30:57,959 --> 00:31:01,859 Holy crap, like, Knapp is actually telling this story that 436 00:31:01,859 --> 00:31:04,889 most of the media didn't even realize till years later. Like, 437 00:31:04,889 --> 00:31:07,979 he's actually out there saying, No, it's this. And here's this. 438 00:31:07,979 --> 00:31:12,989 And here's what happened. And everyone, including myself, 439 00:31:12,989 --> 00:31:17,309 wasn't paying attention. You know, we really didn't notice 440 00:31:17,369 --> 00:31:20,819 the real story here. We've got bits and pieces, but I don't 441 00:31:20,819 --> 00:31:23,819 know, I think at the, the basics, I think George Knapp 442 00:31:24,419 --> 00:31:28,079 should have written the New York Times article. And he even says, 443 00:31:28,079 --> 00:31:33,089 he goes on podcasts. He goes on podcasts lately saying he wanted 444 00:31:33,089 --> 00:31:36,779 to, you know, he, he had this story. He was working on it. And 445 00:31:36,779 --> 00:31:41,099 then he worked it as I was approached, or I was informed, 446 00:31:41,249 --> 00:31:45,659 no, don't release your story. We're going to do it in the New 447 00:31:45,659 --> 00:31:49,859 York Times, because that will help the issue even bigger. And 448 00:31:49,859 --> 00:31:52,589 he concedes that like, he was like, oh, okay, well, that's 449 00:31:52,589 --> 00:31:55,829 kind of a good point. It'll reach a larger audience if you 450 00:31:55,829 --> 00:31:59,009 do it in the times. And then he reads the Times article, and 451 00:31:59,009 --> 00:32:03,299 he's just like, What is this? This is not the story. You know, 452 00:32:03,509 --> 00:32:08,699 this is so weird, in a weird way, like I got the book, get I 453 00:32:08,699 --> 00:32:12,959 respected George Knapp, a little bit more after reading the book. 454 00:32:14,490 --> 00:32:17,400 John Greenewald: I'm definitely not on George's Christmas list. 455 00:32:17,580 --> 00:32:20,100 Sadly, I'm not his favorite person, I still have a lot of 456 00:32:20,100 --> 00:32:23,010 respect for him. But I know he doesn't like me, because I do 457 00:32:24,030 --> 00:32:27,120 have some views about how this all played out that I know that 458 00:32:27,120 --> 00:32:29,580 he doesn't appreciate but there's no hiding from the fact 459 00:32:29,580 --> 00:32:33,390 that he had access, you know, he was getting these documents and 460 00:32:33,390 --> 00:32:35,850 putting them out there. And although I'm not a fan of leaks, 461 00:32:36,030 --> 00:32:39,960 he obviously had access to that material. And I've never shied 462 00:32:39,960 --> 00:32:44,280 away from from that. But do you believe that his access, and 463 00:32:44,280 --> 00:32:48,870 essentially his accuracy, played a role in someone telling him? 464 00:32:48,870 --> 00:32:54,300 No, we're going to do this our way and kick back, because I 465 00:32:54,300 --> 00:32:57,450 can't help but bring up the section of your video where 466 00:32:57,660 --> 00:33:02,310 Leslie Kane on Showtime said that she essentially selectively 467 00:33:02,310 --> 00:33:07,110 omitted certain parts of of the story. And you I know, you got a 468 00:33:07,110 --> 00:33:10,950 lot of flack for this, but really said, Hey, is this the 469 00:33:10,950 --> 00:33:14,580 work of an activist or a journalist? And I think that 470 00:33:14,580 --> 00:33:17,250 that's a very important question here. So to go back to the root 471 00:33:17,250 --> 00:33:22,290 of why I'm bringing this up, is do you think that someone had an 472 00:33:22,290 --> 00:33:28,140 agenda to tell the story a certain way? And if so, who was 473 00:33:28,140 --> 00:33:30,600 that? Or was this just the journalist saying, hey, we want 474 00:33:30,600 --> 00:33:32,220 to do this our way and we want the credit. 475 00:33:32,790 --> 00:33:37,560 Steven Greenstreet: Yeah. So I dug into that, too, to see if 476 00:33:37,860 --> 00:33:42,300 journalists were intentionally hearing about offset and the 477 00:33:42,300 --> 00:33:45,420 werewolves and going, Oh, we're not talking about that. Let's 478 00:33:45,420 --> 00:33:49,950 just report it our way. And I'm not sure I can't say either way. 479 00:33:50,280 --> 00:33:53,700 I shared Leslie's on record statement from the Showtime 480 00:33:53,700 --> 00:33:57,570 documentary, only to illustrate and she says it in her words. 481 00:33:57,600 --> 00:34:01,680 Yeah, my angle. My specific angle with this story was to 482 00:34:01,680 --> 00:34:06,300 give this topic credibility. And that was not the first step in 483 00:34:06,300 --> 00:34:12,120 getting people to accept this. So she's saying My goal with the 484 00:34:12,120 --> 00:34:16,320 article was to get people to believe in UFOs. But beyond 485 00:34:16,320 --> 00:34:20,670 that, I can't decisively say whether they avoided or separate 486 00:34:20,670 --> 00:34:25,410 Intel, but also, it could be that the melon, I mean, melons 487 00:34:25,410 --> 00:34:31,080 on record, and military.com saying literally admitting, oui, 488 00:34:31,110 --> 00:34:35,010 oui intention intentionally are not telling anyone about offset. 489 00:34:35,070 --> 00:34:39,840 We're leaving ourselves out of the story, because that would 490 00:34:39,840 --> 00:34:42,420 have been counterproductive with Congress and in a weird way. 491 00:34:42,420 --> 00:34:45,930 He's right. But still, the whole story should be told. And melon 492 00:34:45,930 --> 00:34:50,550 and Keane go back before the 2017 New York Times article, I 493 00:34:50,550 --> 00:34:55,650 mean, keen, I believe, was invited to sit on the board with 494 00:34:55,650 --> 00:35:00,960 melon of a some UFO company back in 2016. So You know, these 495 00:35:00,960 --> 00:35:04,890 people, when you trace the family tree, these people kind 496 00:35:04,890 --> 00:35:10,830 of connect and know each other throughout the years. So it's, 497 00:35:11,310 --> 00:35:18,390 it's a safe bet to say that some decision was made, hey, let's 498 00:35:18,390 --> 00:35:21,720 just go with UFOs wishes. You know what, let's get some 499 00:35:21,720 --> 00:35:25,950 videos, let's find some videos that I think are important. 500 00:35:25,950 --> 00:35:29,850 Let's release him. And that's the story and that'll be the 501 00:35:29,850 --> 00:35:30,240 story. 502 00:35:30,810 --> 00:35:32,580 John Greenewald: For those listeners for those listening 503 00:35:32,580 --> 00:35:36,660 and watching who aren't aware, the one of the original 504 00:35:36,690 --> 00:35:39,900 journalists, not the New York Times, but with Politico Brian 505 00:35:39,900 --> 00:35:45,060 Bender echoed on Twitter recently that he felt and 506 00:35:45,060 --> 00:35:48,450 correct me if I'm wrong, but I think his exact quote was 507 00:35:48,450 --> 00:35:53,130 intentionally misled, that he felt in the very beginning, he 508 00:35:53,430 --> 00:35:57,990 was told things that essentially weren't weren't 100% accurate. 509 00:35:58,740 --> 00:36:00,720 When you read something like that, I mean, obviously, you 510 00:36:00,720 --> 00:36:03,720 have your own personal opinions, but they're essentially being 511 00:36:03,720 --> 00:36:07,560 reinforced here by people that really did dig in before anyone 512 00:36:07,560 --> 00:36:12,900 else dug in. And here we are, X amount of years later, in 2022. 513 00:36:12,900 --> 00:36:15,900 And that journalist who was responsible for breaking the 514 00:36:15,900 --> 00:36:20,700 original story on day one in, in addition to the New York Times, 515 00:36:21,000 --> 00:36:25,110 is saying intentionally misled. How do you interpret that? I 516 00:36:25,110 --> 00:36:29,040 mean, that that takes a lot for a journalist to say, right, or 517 00:36:29,040 --> 00:36:29,520 am I wrong? 518 00:36:29,550 --> 00:36:31,650 Steven Greenstreet: Yeah, it takes a lot. I mean, I'm saying 519 00:36:31,650 --> 00:36:35,070 that I know, it takes a lot to be able to say that, but you 520 00:36:35,070 --> 00:36:40,260 know, it, it has more impact coming from Brian, because as 521 00:36:40,260 --> 00:36:43,290 you say, he was one of the first to break the story with 522 00:36:43,290 --> 00:36:48,510 exclusive information. You know, he he and the times almost 523 00:36:48,510 --> 00:36:52,350 simultaneously released their stories on that day. So it's a 524 00:36:52,350 --> 00:36:56,160 big deal. It's a big deal. And, you know, I know Brian caught 525 00:36:56,160 --> 00:37:01,920 flack because he eventually attempted to walk back some of 526 00:37:01,920 --> 00:37:07,200 those statements later because that that was such a huge thing 527 00:37:07,230 --> 00:37:10,410 for him to say it's one thing for Steve Green Street to say 528 00:37:10,410 --> 00:37:15,870 that but it's a whole nother level for Brian vendor to say 529 00:37:15,870 --> 00:37:20,760 that. And, you know, he since you know, walked that back, 530 00:37:21,120 --> 00:37:25,410 released another pro Elizondo article, and is currently 531 00:37:25,410 --> 00:37:29,130 headlining at a UFO festival. So, you know, perhaps that 532 00:37:29,130 --> 00:37:32,100 initial tweet of his was like a moment of weakness? 533 00:37:32,790 --> 00:37:37,530 John Greenewald: Yeah, I think it was, in my opinion, it was 534 00:37:38,130 --> 00:37:42,990 honest, the way that it was said it was a journalist that just 535 00:37:42,990 --> 00:37:47,700 said, Hey, what I originally posted was not the full story, 536 00:37:47,910 --> 00:37:51,540 even though he he had me blocked for a while, there's no secret 537 00:37:51,540 --> 00:37:54,990 about that had me blocked for a while because of these types of 538 00:37:54,990 --> 00:37:58,800 issues. And he felt his reporting was challenged. I'm 539 00:37:58,800 --> 00:38:02,250 not sure what moment there was where he decided to unblock me. 540 00:38:02,490 --> 00:38:06,240 And I like, Brian, I don't think I don't have any bad blood 541 00:38:06,300 --> 00:38:10,200 against him or really anybody except the anonymous trolls out 542 00:38:10,200 --> 00:38:13,140 there. But regardless, I mean, I think that that was a big, 543 00:38:13,170 --> 00:38:17,970 honest moment, that I think he then had to try and walk back. 544 00:38:17,970 --> 00:38:20,880 I'm not sure what the what the reasoning was for that. 545 00:38:22,560 --> 00:38:26,880 Steven Greenstreet: In his walk back, John in his walk back, so 546 00:38:26,880 --> 00:38:31,920 he initially says, I was purposely misled. From, you 547 00:38:31,920 --> 00:38:34,380 know, I was purposely misled. They didn't tell the whole 548 00:38:34,380 --> 00:38:37,260 story. And then in his walk back, he's like, but I still 549 00:38:37,260 --> 00:38:38,880 consider them credible sources. 550 00:38:39,180 --> 00:38:42,150 John Greenewald: Yeah, I was very confused by. 551 00:38:42,990 --> 00:38:45,000 Steven Greenstreet: And then just like three days later, he 552 00:38:45,000 --> 00:38:50,130 writes, another pro Elizondo piece releases another pro falls 553 00:38:50,130 --> 00:38:52,680 onto a piece. And that's just the tip of the iceberg in a 554 00:38:52,680 --> 00:38:56,910 microcosm, in my opinion, is I think some of these journalists 555 00:38:56,910 --> 00:39:00,450 experience what I experienced, which is you become a minor 556 00:39:00,450 --> 00:39:04,950 superstar. You become a big fish in a small pond, like this like 557 00:39:05,010 --> 00:39:10,560 status, and nuking that status. You know, who knows what the 558 00:39:10,560 --> 00:39:15,060 outcome of that is, and I think Bender, probably didn't realize 559 00:39:15,060 --> 00:39:19,350 that it would get as much flack when he tweeted that. And, you 560 00:39:19,350 --> 00:39:22,860 know, so anyway, so I understand him walking that back, because 561 00:39:22,860 --> 00:39:26,310 like, how do you show up to a UFO festival a week after that 562 00:39:26,310 --> 00:39:26,580 tweet? 563 00:39:27,630 --> 00:39:33,000 John Greenewald: Yeah, I don't disagree there. But going more 564 00:39:33,000 --> 00:39:36,540 broadly, I think then it's clear that there are many more people 565 00:39:36,540 --> 00:39:39,480 other than Steven Green Street and I'm not trying to minimize 566 00:39:39,480 --> 00:39:43,020 you, but rather reinforce the point that you're not alone, 567 00:39:43,230 --> 00:39:46,260 that there are a lot of people that are starting to say here, 568 00:39:46,590 --> 00:39:49,980 again, X amount of years later from October of 2017. When we 569 00:39:49,980 --> 00:39:53,970 all for the first time, learned about Luis Elizondo, we have a 570 00:39:53,970 --> 00:39:57,480 lot of these questions that have come along with him, not only 571 00:39:57,480 --> 00:40:01,080 about his background within the government I personally don't 572 00:40:01,080 --> 00:40:04,680 care about his personal life. I know that other people have dug 573 00:40:04,680 --> 00:40:07,920 into it that I don't care about that. What I care about are the 574 00:40:07,920 --> 00:40:11,910 stories that he's come out with, and said, This is what I've done 575 00:40:12,000 --> 00:40:15,660 for the government. A tip is this, this is what I've done, so 576 00:40:15,660 --> 00:40:19,470 on and so forth. And going back to your episode, you have done 577 00:40:19,830 --> 00:40:24,330 an amazing amount of work. But on top of that, and amazing job 578 00:40:24,330 --> 00:40:28,920 putting together a 44 plus minute piece outlining all of 579 00:40:28,920 --> 00:40:34,200 those contradicting statements and elements. Why do you feel 580 00:40:34,710 --> 00:40:37,620 that there are still a lot of people that want to just ignore 581 00:40:37,620 --> 00:40:41,460 all that? Hey, we're getting, we're getting UFO hearings next 582 00:40:41,460 --> 00:40:45,780 week? Who cares? Don't ask questions. Let's sacrifice 583 00:40:46,260 --> 00:40:49,320 accuracy here. I mean, I even saw one tweet to me directly. 584 00:40:49,590 --> 00:40:52,890 That said, they're not too concerned about accuracy. We can 585 00:40:52,890 --> 00:40:56,550 deal with that later. We have the hearing. I'm like, do you 586 00:40:56,550 --> 00:41:01,140 hear yourself? You don't care? What is an illusion, a lie of 587 00:41:01,140 --> 00:41:07,140 fact, or fiction? You just care about the the hearing? What are 588 00:41:07,140 --> 00:41:10,890 your thoughts on on on that entire issue 589 00:41:10,890 --> 00:41:14,550 Steven Greenstreet: here? It's religious, it's faith based, 590 00:41:14,550 --> 00:41:19,740 it's faith on faith. They move forward on faith, we wait for 591 00:41:19,740 --> 00:41:24,600 the next Domino. It is a religion. It is a faith based 592 00:41:25,110 --> 00:41:30,240 organization. Because a flying saucer currently isn't hovering 593 00:41:30,270 --> 00:41:34,320 outside above my garage. Jesus Christ is also not outside 594 00:41:34,320 --> 00:41:38,760 hovering over my garage. We believe that what we hear and 595 00:41:38,760 --> 00:41:42,090 what we read is true, it's faith. So a lot of those 596 00:41:42,090 --> 00:41:46,500 responses are faith based. And that's fine. You know, that's, 597 00:41:46,530 --> 00:41:49,860 that's fine. Believe what you want to believe it's fun. It 598 00:41:49,860 --> 00:41:52,770 gives your life meaning. That's what religion is all about. 599 00:41:52,770 --> 00:41:55,590 Again, like gives your life meaning and this is what I am. 600 00:41:55,590 --> 00:42:00,840 And this is what I believe, fine. The only issue I have is 601 00:42:01,380 --> 00:42:07,740 an issue anyone would have. If if the Protestant church like 602 00:42:07,770 --> 00:42:16,110 started influencing Congress, or politicians, the media, I would 603 00:42:16,110 --> 00:42:19,200 step in and go okay, well, wait a minute here. Let's, what are 604 00:42:19,200 --> 00:42:22,500 you saying? And what are the big claims here? I'm fine with the 605 00:42:22,500 --> 00:42:24,690 belief. Let them believe whatever they want to believe, 606 00:42:24,690 --> 00:42:27,780 let them be excited, who cares? I'm not out to change that 607 00:42:27,780 --> 00:42:31,290 person's mind. I just want to report the facts to people who 608 00:42:31,290 --> 00:42:35,070 are on the fence or don't necessarily want to be part of a 609 00:42:35,070 --> 00:42:39,720 new religion, you know, so, that was kind of like, I mean, I used 610 00:42:39,720 --> 00:42:46,470 to be part of an Orthodox 24/7 religion with Mormonism. And I 611 00:42:46,470 --> 00:42:51,510 grew up Mormon and my experience leaving Mormonism, eerily 612 00:42:51,600 --> 00:42:57,180 uncannily similar to the last year with me in UFOs, ask 613 00:42:57,180 --> 00:43:00,330 bringing up basic questions to church leaders, you know, like, 614 00:43:00,480 --> 00:43:03,990 Hey, so what about this document about Joseph Smith and his fraud 615 00:43:03,990 --> 00:43:08,940 case in 18? Whatever, and, and the vitriol that I got for even 616 00:43:08,940 --> 00:43:13,110 asking the question, and the hatred and the authorization, 617 00:43:13,350 --> 00:43:17,760 and it was very similar. And then, you know, just and I said 618 00:43:17,760 --> 00:43:24,030 this, just because the religion is false, doesn't mean God 619 00:43:24,030 --> 00:43:28,410 doesn't exist. That's kind of what I'm saying is this current 620 00:43:29,070 --> 00:43:34,530 movement is headed culturally headed by in my opinion, 621 00:43:34,560 --> 00:43:41,370 disingenuous, delusional, narcissistic personalities. But 622 00:43:41,370 --> 00:43:45,120 that doesn't mean the phenomenon is not real. I'm saying who is 623 00:43:45,120 --> 00:43:49,290 your shepherd? Who is the shepherd leading you across 624 00:43:49,290 --> 00:43:57,000 whatever Valley? And I'm saying, that's the wrong path. It's all 625 00:43:57,000 --> 00:43:59,610 there in black and white, the story doesn't make sense. The 626 00:43:59,610 --> 00:44:04,110 facts don't add up. The key players keep backtracking and 627 00:44:04,110 --> 00:44:07,590 for mixing and just changing their story every other week. 628 00:44:07,710 --> 00:44:11,580 Come on, I mean, if we're about data, and if we're about facts, 629 00:44:12,120 --> 00:44:13,290 what are we doing? 630 00:44:14,790 --> 00:44:18,210 John Greenewald: It Do you think it's, it's, it's dangerous, or 631 00:44:18,210 --> 00:44:23,040 just a silly way for some of these people to to operate and 632 00:44:23,040 --> 00:44:26,040 and I'm more focused on those that have viciously come after 633 00:44:26,310 --> 00:44:30,090 anybody that goes against the shepherd that goes against their 634 00:44:30,300 --> 00:44:34,230 essentially, leader, I have used the C word called many, many 635 00:44:34,230 --> 00:44:38,790 times, I believe it's fitting in this scenario. And I should 636 00:44:38,790 --> 00:44:41,220 point out very quickly, you have gotten an enormous amount of 637 00:44:41,220 --> 00:44:45,000 praise for this. So I don't want to make it seem like oh my gosh, 638 00:44:45,000 --> 00:44:48,060 you're just being attacked by every corner. That's not even 639 00:44:48,060 --> 00:44:52,680 close to being true. But rather, you're experiencing something 640 00:44:52,680 --> 00:44:59,190 where the one voice can outweigh the compliments of 1000 and you 641 00:44:59,190 --> 00:45:03,510 multiply that one One voice by 1000 congregation members, you 642 00:45:03,510 --> 00:45:06,570 know that are coming at you. So is this something that's 643 00:45:06,570 --> 00:45:10,620 dangerous? Or do you just think this is a social media thing? 644 00:45:11,340 --> 00:45:12,840 Steven Greenstreet: It's potentially dangerous Look, when 645 00:45:12,840 --> 00:45:17,250 you look at like the Q anon movement, for example, there was 646 00:45:17,250 --> 00:45:20,700 that like pizza gate conspiracy theory where like, a guy showed 647 00:45:20,700 --> 00:45:25,650 up with a gun, and just started shooting into this pizzeria 648 00:45:25,650 --> 00:45:28,110 because like Q and honors, were saying that like, Satanists were 649 00:45:28,110 --> 00:45:30,900 in the basement or something like that. So yeah, of course, 650 00:45:30,900 --> 00:45:35,730 it's dangerous. Of course, it could lead to dangerous and an 651 00:45:35,730 --> 00:45:40,710 organism and group belief groups like this, do tend to attract 652 00:45:41,190 --> 00:45:49,020 mentally ill, low IQ, fantasy prone, angry people. That's just 653 00:45:49,020 --> 00:45:52,740 history. Yeah, that's just normal thing that happens 654 00:45:52,740 --> 00:45:57,780 throughout history. And so while not every Christian is going to 655 00:45:57,780 --> 00:46:04,560 go bomb an abortion clinic. There are people attracted to 656 00:46:04,560 --> 00:46:08,640 that kind of group setting that validates their fantasy that 657 00:46:08,640 --> 00:46:12,090 will react violently. So could it be the answer is of course, 658 00:46:12,120 --> 00:46:12,720 yes. 659 00:46:14,940 --> 00:46:16,680 John Greenewald: Obviously, I want to stress it's not the 660 00:46:16,680 --> 00:46:20,160 majority of people out there. It's a small percentage, but it 661 00:46:20,160 --> 00:46:23,730 to me, I've been concerned about it for some time. I appreciate 662 00:46:23,730 --> 00:46:27,510 your thoughts on it. I've just seen the rhetoric grow, to be 663 00:46:27,510 --> 00:46:32,760 more warlike, you know, banding together Band of Brothers call 664 00:46:32,760 --> 00:46:38,250 to arms. We're in a war, we're in a battle. I won't say some 665 00:46:38,250 --> 00:46:40,860 other exact quotes, because I'm not trying to out anybody. But 666 00:46:40,860 --> 00:46:44,070 regardless, that rhetoric, I hope people really kind of tone 667 00:46:44,070 --> 00:46:47,370 it down a little bit, because there was a time where Q anon 668 00:46:47,370 --> 00:46:50,850 was never thought to show up on the Capitol steps and storm 669 00:46:50,850 --> 00:46:55,740 inside. And look what happened. So these these movements can 670 00:46:55,740 --> 00:46:58,980 grow. And it really is up to the shepherds to speak out against 671 00:46:58,980 --> 00:47:02,190 it. And to be honest with you, I'm not seeing the shepherds 672 00:47:02,220 --> 00:47:06,600 speak out against it. But that's my gripe and maybe a different 673 00:47:06,600 --> 00:47:08,820 show. And conversation. Yeah, 674 00:47:08,850 --> 00:47:15,870 Steven Greenstreet: there is a Trumpian there's a weird thing 675 00:47:15,870 --> 00:47:20,700 happening right now with the faces and leaders of this group. 676 00:47:21,180 --> 00:47:28,860 It almost ageing on this growing vitriol. Yeah. Because that 677 00:47:28,860 --> 00:47:36,210 growing vitriol is a wall that they can hide behind. It's, you 678 00:47:36,210 --> 00:47:40,800 know, in instead of facing the facts, and owning up to things 679 00:47:41,160 --> 00:47:45,570 being transparent. They're being sneaky and childish. And look, 680 00:47:45,630 --> 00:47:49,230 if this was any other topic other than UFOs, it would be a 681 00:47:49,230 --> 00:47:53,310 my opinion, a much bigger deal. But it's kind of a stupid thing. 682 00:47:53,370 --> 00:47:56,550 It's kind of a stupid topic about stupid things, and people 683 00:47:56,550 --> 00:48:01,860 choosing stupid battles with where the end the end prize is 684 00:48:01,860 --> 00:48:08,160 also something stupid. Like, no one's I don't see any win here. 685 00:48:08,190 --> 00:48:13,410 Any big win with whatever silly battles being fought. Right now, 686 00:48:13,440 --> 00:48:14,130 you know, in. 687 00:48:14,940 --> 00:48:17,430 John Greenewald: Right, but, but they're, but they're stressing 688 00:48:17,430 --> 00:48:20,760 that rhetoric nonetheless. And in my opinion, it's growing. And 689 00:48:20,760 --> 00:48:25,020 then that's to where, where are they? And again, I feel it may 690 00:48:25,020 --> 00:48:28,320 be a different conversation. But where I worry that there is that 691 00:48:28,320 --> 00:48:31,560 very, very, very, very small percentage of people that will 692 00:48:31,560 --> 00:48:34,980 put themself in a position where they feel that they've won. And 693 00:48:34,980 --> 00:48:38,820 you see that type of talk online. And it for me, it sheds 694 00:48:38,820 --> 00:48:42,480 a different light on somebody that is going on. I mean, this 695 00:48:42,480 --> 00:48:45,360 has been talked about here in the last four to six weeks or so 696 00:48:45,360 --> 00:48:49,950 about Sockpuppet accounts. And Luis Elizondo himself admitting 697 00:48:50,220 --> 00:48:52,920 that this is what he does. He collects intelligence when he 698 00:48:52,920 --> 00:48:56,730 was asked and confronted with that question. So how many 699 00:48:56,760 --> 00:49:00,300 identities are we dealing with, and I'm obviously getting away 700 00:49:00,300 --> 00:49:03,180 from the danger part, but rather the sneaky part that you just 701 00:49:03,180 --> 00:49:06,330 referenced, that that that there's something that I want to 702 00:49:06,390 --> 00:49:10,020 point out very quickly, that undermine name or excuse me 703 00:49:10,020 --> 00:49:13,170 under my picture here, as those who are watching on YouTube is 704 00:49:13,170 --> 00:49:17,400 my real name under your face here on YouTube is your real 705 00:49:17,400 --> 00:49:22,830 name. We don't hide behind silly you know, acronyms and this and 706 00:49:22,830 --> 00:49:24,930 that and we put ourselves out there and go, This is what we 707 00:49:24,930 --> 00:49:29,190 believe. But that that that Shepherd, so to speak, the 708 00:49:29,190 --> 00:49:33,270 leader of of that movement that is coming out after people like 709 00:49:33,270 --> 00:49:37,740 us, has openly admitted that he's collecting Intel through 710 00:49:37,740 --> 00:49:42,660 alternate identities. That should be more disturbing than 711 00:49:42,960 --> 00:49:46,890 people want it to be. But it but it is, as my dog's getting in on 712 00:49:46,890 --> 00:49:49,800 the show here. But I don't know what your thoughts are. We don't 713 00:49:49,800 --> 00:49:52,230 have to talk about it. But I wanted to throw that out there 714 00:49:52,230 --> 00:49:56,220 that this has become an issue, and it is not getting better. 715 00:49:56,550 --> 00:50:02,010 Steven Greenstreet: Yeah. Yeah. It's a Finish. Look if this was 716 00:50:02,040 --> 00:50:07,110 if the topic if an ex Pentagon official was doing this to 717 00:50:07,110 --> 00:50:11,130 garner support for the war in the in Ukraine, if it was 718 00:50:11,130 --> 00:50:13,710 revealed that an ex Pentagon official had sock puppets 719 00:50:13,710 --> 00:50:17,910 accounts, and he was influencing people to bolster support for US 720 00:50:17,910 --> 00:50:23,100 military presence in in the Ukraine, holy crap, would that 721 00:50:23,100 --> 00:50:30,210 be huge Right? Or pick any other actually important social issue? 722 00:50:30,390 --> 00:50:34,230 Any of them? If this was revealed on that level? Big, but 723 00:50:34,230 --> 00:50:42,840 it's so silly that it's like about UFOs but not even just you 724 00:50:42,900 --> 00:50:50,970 about UFOs. But to protect this guy's lie that he ran a pentagon 725 00:50:50,970 --> 00:50:55,260 UFO program, that's what we're talking about. It's so low on 726 00:50:55,260 --> 00:50:58,620 the things that are actually important in life. That it's, 727 00:50:59,250 --> 00:51:02,190 it's, it's that's why I was laughing just a second ago. It's 728 00:51:02,190 --> 00:51:08,250 almost laughable. And how pathetic it is. Yeah. Fat thick. 729 00:51:08,250 --> 00:51:13,740 It's so bizarre and pathetic. And you know, look at the CNN 730 00:51:13,740 --> 00:51:18,030 the other day. This is fascinating, right? We're you 731 00:51:18,030 --> 00:51:22,110 me, a UFO, Twitter. We're all in this little bubble. And so many 732 00:51:22,110 --> 00:51:25,230 people stay in that bubble. They just live there. And they 733 00:51:25,230 --> 00:51:28,350 inspect zoom, they just think that's their that's reality. 734 00:51:28,560 --> 00:51:31,650 Right? But outside of that bubble, is this the real world? 735 00:51:31,860 --> 00:51:36,030 And you know, CNN tweeted the other day about Congress holding 736 00:51:36,030 --> 00:51:39,900 hearings about UFOs. And they got ratioed. If you look at like 737 00:51:39,900 --> 00:51:43,410 the comment responses from people in the real world, they 738 00:51:43,410 --> 00:51:47,520 were like, the Supreme Court is like nixing abortion rights for 739 00:51:47,520 --> 00:51:51,660 women. And this is what Congress is doing. WTF Congress, what 740 00:51:51,660 --> 00:51:54,510 kind of wackos in Congress are, this is a real issue. We have a 741 00:51:54,510 --> 00:51:58,620 war going on. We have taxpayer money going to that war. I mean, 742 00:51:58,620 --> 00:52:01,830 it was just like the real world and introduction to what's 743 00:52:01,830 --> 00:52:04,920 really happening in the real world about important things. 744 00:52:05,280 --> 00:52:10,740 That's, that's what the rest of the world thinks of this UFO 745 00:52:10,740 --> 00:52:13,470 Twitter thing and this UFO thing, the majority of the 746 00:52:13,470 --> 00:52:17,550 people are just rolling their eyes and the shepherds are not 747 00:52:17,550 --> 00:52:23,700 helping change that at all. You know, it's like it's not 748 00:52:23,700 --> 00:52:28,500 legitimizing it. Chem, not being about it. It's not legitimizing 749 00:52:28,500 --> 00:52:31,740 it. Lou Elizondo talking about it, it's not legitimizing it. 750 00:52:31,740 --> 00:52:36,000 Chris Mellon is not legitimizing and de stigmatizing this at all, 751 00:52:36,000 --> 00:52:38,670 despite what people in the bubble think the real world 752 00:52:38,670 --> 00:52:39,900 still isn't convinced. 753 00:52:40,410 --> 00:52:43,410 John Greenewald: I would only respectfully say that I believe, 754 00:52:43,590 --> 00:52:47,160 for quite some time from the beginning on I don't know what 755 00:52:47,160 --> 00:52:52,140 the turning point was. They were but with the caveat that we 756 00:52:52,140 --> 00:52:56,700 learned later, we weren't being told the whole truth. Right. And 757 00:52:56,730 --> 00:53:00,210 and that's one thing in your video that I think you really 758 00:53:00,570 --> 00:53:05,760 show that not only is the media inept when reporting about this, 759 00:53:06,090 --> 00:53:10,170 but one thing that and I see the normal characters always 760 00:53:10,170 --> 00:53:13,320 responding to this, but right back to the beginning with the 761 00:53:13,320 --> 00:53:17,550 name discrepancy, that although you know, Lou Elizondo was 762 00:53:17,550 --> 00:53:20,820 right, it was aviation, or excuse me, aerospace versus 763 00:53:20,820 --> 00:53:25,500 aviation, what you're showing is, it was probably neither, and 764 00:53:25,500 --> 00:53:28,560 it wasn't really even a program at all, but rather just a 765 00:53:28,560 --> 00:53:31,380 nickname, and so on. And I think you do a really good job doing 766 00:53:31,380 --> 00:53:35,460 that. And again, we don't have to go over it over it here. But 767 00:53:35,460 --> 00:53:43,830 I think that really showed the first indicator that there was a 768 00:53:43,830 --> 00:53:48,570 problem that this wasn't as reported. And even though you 769 00:53:48,570 --> 00:53:53,130 know, I get I get still, three plus years later for posing 770 00:53:53,130 --> 00:53:57,000 those questions. I don't care. I don't have a single regret. It 771 00:53:57,000 --> 00:54:00,900 does not matter who was right or wrong, but rather I knew at that 772 00:54:00,900 --> 00:54:04,770 point, that there was something to this why was the Pentagon 773 00:54:04,770 --> 00:54:08,760 wrong? that intrigued me more? You know, why? Why was there 774 00:54:08,760 --> 00:54:11,490 such misinformation about this? Go ahead. 775 00:54:12,660 --> 00:54:15,150 Steven Greenstreet: Good stuff. This is great stuff. And, uh, 776 00:54:15,150 --> 00:54:19,500 let me start by saying, everyone go back and read Brian benders 777 00:54:19,500 --> 00:54:23,790 December 16 2017 politico article, it's, it's awesome. 778 00:54:24,240 --> 00:54:29,070 It's awesome. Compared to the Keene piece, the Kane piece, the 779 00:54:29,070 --> 00:54:32,010 Leslie Kane piece, it's awesome. There's some great stuff in 780 00:54:32,010 --> 00:54:35,820 there. I think people forgot about now. I think what happened 781 00:54:36,060 --> 00:54:41,520 is the Pentagon themselves is confused. Because you know, it's 782 00:54:41,520 --> 00:54:45,150 established, they're in on the record, look at Ski excetera 783 00:54:45,180 --> 00:54:50,070 read. They were hiding this. We don't want everyone in the 784 00:54:50,070 --> 00:54:54,330 Pentagon to know what the hell we're doing. You know, they say 785 00:54:54,330 --> 00:54:57,570 this like we, you know, like Caskey says people in my own 786 00:54:57,600 --> 00:55:02,250 office right around me they had no idea I was running Skinwalker 787 00:55:02,250 --> 00:55:07,440 Ranch and, you know, read, they were worried it was going to 788 00:55:07,440 --> 00:55:10,320 come to light, they right read writes this letter saying, hey, 789 00:55:10,320 --> 00:55:13,800 let's take this program, special access, which would limit it, 790 00:55:13,950 --> 00:55:17,760 how many people have had access? And it actually says right there 791 00:55:17,790 --> 00:55:21,630 on his letter, nickname, The nickname for the program. He 792 00:55:21,630 --> 00:55:25,950 says it right there a tip. And this was the and then that 793 00:55:25,950 --> 00:55:30,150 letter was, according to those on the inside leaked, the letter 794 00:55:30,150 --> 00:55:33,330 was spread everywhere. So now everyone that doesn't know about 795 00:55:33,330 --> 00:55:36,210 this program was suddenly reading about this program, nick 796 00:55:36,210 --> 00:55:41,370 named a Tim. But this isn't an official document now. Right? 797 00:55:41,880 --> 00:55:45,750 And so they're going to write a summary of this meeting. So let 798 00:55:45,750 --> 00:55:48,750 me write a summary of this meeting. Senator Reid came in to 799 00:55:48,750 --> 00:55:52,830 talk about a tip blah, blah, blah. And suddenly all SAP is 800 00:55:52,830 --> 00:55:56,190 not mentioned. All SAP, isn't that suddenly not mentioned at 801 00:55:56,190 --> 00:55:58,560 all? It's just, they're just basically just we're 802 00:55:59,010 --> 00:56:02,040 regurgitating what Reid says in the letter, a tip is suddenly 803 00:56:02,040 --> 00:56:05,340 created that point. And so I think the Pentagon that was the 804 00:56:05,340 --> 00:56:08,070 first time they a lot in the Pentagon had even heard of this 805 00:56:08,070 --> 00:56:11,760 program, too. And according to some it was a tip. 806 00:56:12,299 --> 00:56:14,999 John Greenewald: So let me ask you, though, aside from the ASA 807 00:56:15,089 --> 00:56:20,429 OS app, a two part of this, the story as you just brought up 808 00:56:20,459 --> 00:56:25,229 from those that are telling this from the inside, say that that 809 00:56:25,259 --> 00:56:28,619 that letter circulates, and people go, Oh my gosh, we can 810 00:56:28,619 --> 00:56:32,819 have this program, and that killed it. What in that Harry 811 00:56:32,819 --> 00:56:36,659 Reid letter would tip anybody off? That there was anything to 812 00:56:36,659 --> 00:56:39,029 do with UFOs or the paranormal? 813 00:56:39,839 --> 00:56:43,739 Steven Greenstreet: Well, it's not the letter. It's from what I 814 00:56:43,739 --> 00:56:50,009 understand is there were a few who knew what it was. I mean, if 815 00:56:50,009 --> 00:56:55,259 you believe, like katzie Kelleher and nap and read stamp 816 00:56:55,259 --> 00:56:59,879 of approval, William Lynn, who the letters addressed to got the 817 00:56:59,879 --> 00:57:03,299 letter went into the meeting going is this about those damn 818 00:57:03,299 --> 00:57:07,439 flying saucers? That's a direct quote from from the book. So 819 00:57:07,439 --> 00:57:11,819 obviously, he had some kind of rumor idea about what these guys 820 00:57:11,819 --> 00:57:16,229 were up to. But also, there was a process, all right, you can't 821 00:57:16,229 --> 00:57:21,179 just get a sap. You can't just hey, can I have a sap? Yeah, no 822 00:57:21,179 --> 00:57:23,879 problem. Here you go. But you can't just do that you have to 823 00:57:23,879 --> 00:57:28,889 go through a process a back and forth and analysis of a program. 824 00:57:28,889 --> 00:57:34,469 What is it all? And remember, at this point, at this point, they 825 00:57:34,469 --> 00:57:38,609 had been set per bass and Perla Caskey been sending the 826 00:57:38,609 --> 00:57:42,899 Pentagon? Some pretty crazy reports, some pretty nutty 827 00:57:42,899 --> 00:57:47,459 stuff, you know, like Skinwalker Ranch, you know, like, there's 828 00:57:47,459 --> 00:57:52,199 a, you know, there was like, hundreds of pages about a 829 00:57:52,199 --> 00:57:57,239 haunted house in Indiana. You know, this is per bass and per 830 00:57:57,239 --> 00:58:01,319 the sources. And so the Pentagon is getting this stuff in, you 831 00:58:01,319 --> 00:58:03,509 know, reviewing and seeing this stuff, 832 00:58:04,080 --> 00:58:06,810 John Greenewald: do you? I'm running out of time, and there 833 00:58:06,810 --> 00:58:09,510 is something I want to cover with you. But really quickly, do 834 00:58:09,510 --> 00:58:13,830 you really think that those reports went to quote unquote, 835 00:58:13,860 --> 00:58:18,840 the Pentagon or just McCaskey? And the second part of that is 836 00:58:18,870 --> 00:58:23,940 if you do believe that the select few outside of James 837 00:58:23,940 --> 00:58:28,530 McCaskey his office saw this, then then the allegation, nobody 838 00:58:28,530 --> 00:58:31,770 deals with this, then the allegation has to become that 839 00:58:31,770 --> 00:58:36,810 the Defense Intelligence Agency, as a arm of the intelligence 840 00:58:36,810 --> 00:58:41,040 community in the military, went to Senator John McCain and lied. 841 00:58:41,430 --> 00:58:44,160 Now I know that a lot of people go well, they always lie. So who 842 00:58:44,160 --> 00:58:47,430 really cares? Now, when you lie to a senator asking about a 843 00:58:47,550 --> 00:58:52,710 primarily unclassified program? And you completely omit all of 844 00:58:52,710 --> 00:58:57,060 that stuff and leave a senator in the dark? What are your 845 00:58:57,060 --> 00:58:59,100 thoughts on that? Because Don't you have to have that 846 00:58:59,100 --> 00:59:00,090 conversation then? 847 00:59:00,870 --> 00:59:03,510 Steven Greenstreet: Okay, yeah. So let me start with that first, 848 00:59:03,510 --> 00:59:07,440 and then I'll go back. So I, again, and this is just my 849 00:59:07,440 --> 00:59:14,160 opinion, is I don't think it was a lie. Like I. When you follow 850 00:59:14,160 --> 00:59:18,510 the breadcrumbs, and you follow the puzzle pieces as they occur 851 00:59:18,540 --> 00:59:23,910 throughout the last decade, plus, you see how the DIA and 852 00:59:23,910 --> 00:59:29,820 how the Pentagon could seriously not know about all this other 853 00:59:29,820 --> 00:59:33,270 crazy stuff Skinwalker the ins and outs of the werewolves, it's 854 00:59:33,300 --> 00:59:38,940 very possible. Not everyone was told in the actual offset 855 00:59:38,940 --> 00:59:43,530 contract, which you can look at. It asks for the dirts 856 00:59:43,560 --> 00:59:46,410 essentially, these technical reports now it doesn't 857 00:59:46,410 --> 00:59:50,250 specifically ask for the ones that were turned in. But those 858 00:59:50,250 --> 00:59:52,530 were the ones that were asked for. We're paying you to produce 859 00:59:52,530 --> 00:59:57,780 this you sent us that that's all we're going with. So I could see 860 00:59:57,840 --> 01:00:03,060 how years later the DIA could go through their paper and go, Oh, 861 01:00:03,060 --> 01:00:06,390 here's a thing called a tip. Oh, yeah. Harry Reid a tip. Yep, 862 01:00:06,390 --> 01:00:09,810 this is it. And here are the reports that were released. And 863 01:00:09,810 --> 01:00:13,800 just going with what they had the information they had there, 864 01:00:13,800 --> 01:00:17,370 it's very clear that information was withheld. And that was 865 01:00:17,370 --> 01:00:21,480 somewhere along that line. Key information with was withheld. 866 01:00:21,480 --> 01:00:27,000 And I have learned to pull back on the gas on late the Pentagon, 867 01:00:27,000 --> 01:00:30,120 I used to be a big Pentagon blamer and something's up and 868 01:00:30,330 --> 01:00:34,920 Susan Goff is up to no good and, you know, these, they're in on 869 01:00:34,920 --> 01:00:37,320 it and stuff. And now I'm just realizing, I'm like, Well, wait 870 01:00:37,320 --> 01:00:40,620 a minute, what if? What if they just didn't know? Like, I mean, 871 01:00:40,620 --> 01:00:43,950 the Caskey is admitting it that he was not telling. And he was 872 01:00:43,950 --> 01:00:47,610 hiding it from them. So that's a possibility. So you know, maybe 873 01:00:47,610 --> 01:00:53,010 there also is confused about all this. Now, I will say that the 874 01:00:53,010 --> 01:00:57,450 official dia documents that were released via FOIA recently 875 01:00:57,900 --> 01:01:02,820 acknowledged in black and white receipt of some of those non 876 01:01:02,820 --> 01:01:05,880 direct reports. I mean, it says, we don't know who prepared that 877 01:01:05,880 --> 01:01:10,620 document, I assume look at Ski. But you know, monthly reports, 878 01:01:10,860 --> 01:01:15,120 come comprehensive reports, we receive this and we're asking 879 01:01:15,120 --> 01:01:18,300 for more. And then when you look at skinwalkers Oh, the monthly 880 01:01:18,300 --> 01:01:21,900 report about Skinwalker Skinwalker. spooky stuff, you 881 01:01:21,900 --> 01:01:26,550 know, so it's, the DIA has documents saying that someone 882 01:01:26,580 --> 01:01:27,480 got those? 883 01:01:27,570 --> 01:01:29,730 John Greenewald: Yeah. And further, I want to continue that 884 01:01:29,730 --> 01:01:31,590 part of the conversation, but I'm running out of time with 885 01:01:31,590 --> 01:01:33,750 you. And I want to get to something very quickly. For 886 01:01:33,750 --> 01:01:36,510 those who are wondering, I have an open appeal for exactly what 887 01:01:36,510 --> 01:01:40,320 Steven just said, and trying to get the DIA to go on the record 888 01:01:40,320 --> 01:01:44,040 on what else if anything on OS app that they are planning to 889 01:01:44,040 --> 01:01:47,610 release. But regardless, I am fighting on an appeal process to 890 01:01:47,610 --> 01:01:51,270 try and get those those very reports. So I don't dismiss it 891 01:01:51,270 --> 01:01:55,260 as much as some people think that I do. I go regardless of of 892 01:01:55,260 --> 01:01:58,620 my personal thoughts. But in the last couple of minutes that I 893 01:01:58,620 --> 01:02:04,320 have with you, Steven next week. Is the UFO hearing. Very 894 01:02:04,320 --> 01:02:07,980 quickly, do you support those types of hearings? 895 01:02:10,230 --> 01:02:12,960 Steven Greenstreet: Yeah, sure. That's great. Look, 896 01:02:12,990 --> 01:02:14,760 John Greenewald: I wasn't convincing. Like, 897 01:02:15,030 --> 01:02:18,270 Steven Greenstreet: look, I've said it for awhile. I think, at 898 01:02:18,270 --> 01:02:22,590 the end of the day, one of the silver linings of all of this is 899 01:02:22,590 --> 01:02:27,660 I think a real problem might accidentally be addressed. We 900 01:02:27,660 --> 01:02:30,720 have a airspace awareness problem, we have an airspace 901 01:02:30,720 --> 01:02:35,670 safety problem, we possibly have a national security issue with 902 01:02:35,670 --> 01:02:38,940 foreign agents flying over infrastructure in the United 903 01:02:38,940 --> 01:02:43,200 States, all real problems. And I think this whole UFO flap and 904 01:02:43,200 --> 01:02:47,310 this whole UFO thing might accidentally address some of 905 01:02:47,310 --> 01:02:50,850 those problems. You know, so if there's hearings about 906 01:02:51,510 --> 01:02:55,170 unidentified flying objects over critical infrastructure, near 907 01:02:55,170 --> 01:02:59,460 misses with commercial airlines, hell, yeah. Let's, let's do 908 01:02:59,460 --> 01:03:03,420 that. I just hope that they're not dumping most of their time 909 01:03:03,420 --> 01:03:06,900 and resources into looking for spooky stuff, because then 910 01:03:06,900 --> 01:03:10,230 that's just all SAP all over again. You know, it was like, 911 01:03:10,230 --> 01:03:13,620 we're making the same mistake again. It's cyclical, man. I 912 01:03:13,620 --> 01:03:16,590 mean, you know, this more than anyone like, back in history, 913 01:03:16,740 --> 01:03:20,790 this is all a cycle, Blue Book and condemnor a report and then 914 01:03:20,790 --> 01:03:22,260 start over and it's this 915 01:03:22,260 --> 01:03:24,720 John Greenewald: is playing out very identically to the mid to 916 01:03:24,720 --> 01:03:27,840 late 60s, there's, there's no, there's no doubt about that. But 917 01:03:27,840 --> 01:03:30,480 I want to take you back to the analogy that you were using with 918 01:03:30,480 --> 01:03:32,970 religion, that even though you question certain I'm 919 01:03:32,970 --> 01:03:35,040 paraphrasing here, but you question certain aspects of 920 01:03:35,040 --> 01:03:39,000 religion doesn't necessarily mean that God doesn't exist. So 921 01:03:39,000 --> 01:03:43,800 translating that to today, the Stephen Green Street that we all 922 01:03:43,800 --> 01:03:49,410 know, know and love here. Do you believe the phenomena, these 923 01:03:49,410 --> 01:03:53,310 phenomena or phenomenon, if you only think there's one aspect is 924 01:03:53,700 --> 01:03:58,500 explainable, given proper evidence, and it's all earth 925 01:03:58,500 --> 01:04:04,290 based? Either drones, technology classified arena material, stuff 926 01:04:04,290 --> 01:04:09,090 like that? Or do you believe there's a chance that we are 927 01:04:09,090 --> 01:04:12,900 dealing with an extraterrestrial connection to some of this? 928 01:04:12,990 --> 01:04:18,540 Steven Greenstreet: Yeah, I I think there are real UFO cases 929 01:04:18,540 --> 01:04:23,040 that are real UFO cases that defy logic and explanation. 930 01:04:23,040 --> 01:04:29,250 There's no doubt and I have privately talked to people who I 931 01:04:30,060 --> 01:04:37,890 really respect who have had really weird stuff happen. So it 932 01:04:37,890 --> 01:04:43,470 the possibilities there. I don't think it's a political issue. I 933 01:04:44,070 --> 01:04:49,230 mean, I would start personal issue. It's personal. There's 934 01:04:49,230 --> 01:04:55,170 something if it's real, it's something personal, and if it's 935 01:04:55,170 --> 01:05:00,810 beyond that, it's something scientific. I just We shouldn't 936 01:05:00,810 --> 01:05:06,180 be lobbying Congress, while like the fairweather politicians, we 937 01:05:06,180 --> 01:05:09,840 should be lobbying like, National Institute of Science 938 01:05:09,840 --> 01:05:13,950 and some of the biggest science in you know, conglomerates in 939 01:05:13,950 --> 01:05:19,680 the in the world. And so yeah, I do believe something's there. I 940 01:05:19,680 --> 01:05:22,740 don't know what the heck it could be. Maybe it's 941 01:05:22,740 --> 01:05:26,250 explainable. I've heard some weird stuff. I saw a weird thing 942 01:05:26,280 --> 01:05:32,400 myself. I saw a weird UFO myself that I can't explain. Even 943 01:05:32,400 --> 01:05:37,440 though there it had some prosaic qualities. I still can't explain 944 01:05:37,440 --> 01:05:41,310 it. Was this the recent one that you had posted? And I had? No, 945 01:05:41,550 --> 01:05:43,500 no, that one was just cool. And then 946 01:05:43,529 --> 01:05:45,659 John Greenewald: you can't lay this on me when I'm out of time. 947 01:05:45,659 --> 01:05:47,699 Steven did an episode on 948 01:05:47,700 --> 01:05:51,270 Steven Greenstreet: this. I saw my, my big triangle. There's an 949 01:05:51,270 --> 01:05:54,600 episode a long time ago in the basement office, season one, 950 01:05:54,600 --> 01:05:59,790 episode four, I go into my UFO sighting with Nick Pope. Okay. 951 01:06:00,330 --> 01:06:03,930 And yeah, I can't look, the only thing about that that was 952 01:06:03,930 --> 01:06:09,660 extremely creepy was the it looked like two sticks, Black 953 01:06:09,660 --> 01:06:13,470 Sticks stuck together like that there was no back or body just 954 01:06:13,470 --> 01:06:16,650 two sticks, blue lights, and no sound flying through the air 955 01:06:16,650 --> 01:06:22,020 like that. And no sound. That was the creepy thing. It could 956 01:06:22,020 --> 01:06:24,390 have been a balloon, but the wind was blowing this way. And 957 01:06:24,390 --> 01:06:29,550 it was flying this way. And a straight line. So that the 958 01:06:29,550 --> 01:06:33,660 feeling I had when I saw that was unique. It was you know that 959 01:06:33,660 --> 01:06:36,330 cold? Kind of like, Whoa, what is this? 960 01:06:36,510 --> 01:06:39,120 John Greenewald: Like a Phoenix lights type of arrangement? Or, 961 01:06:39,420 --> 01:06:43,530 Steven Greenstreet: like a Phoenix lights? way smaller than 962 01:06:43,530 --> 01:06:49,260 the proclaimed Phoenix lights? Object? Yeah, very similar. 963 01:06:49,560 --> 01:06:51,690 John Greenewald: I'll have to I'll link it in the show notes 964 01:06:51,690 --> 01:06:55,230 too, because I don't recall that part of the or that episode, 965 01:06:55,260 --> 01:06:57,720 episode four. So I'll make sure that that's in the show notes. 966 01:06:58,080 --> 01:07:02,490 Is that your only experience? UFO wise, because I know that 967 01:07:02,490 --> 01:07:04,500 you had another one recently. That's what I thought you were 968 01:07:04,500 --> 01:07:08,640 referring to where you felt that it was a certain type of drone. 969 01:07:10,110 --> 01:07:14,010 But, and the reason why I like to dig into stuff like this is 970 01:07:14,010 --> 01:07:17,340 obviously there is this aura that you just think everything 971 01:07:17,340 --> 01:07:19,830 is a drone, and I personally don't think that's how you 972 01:07:19,830 --> 01:07:24,120 think. But that's why I always kind of dig a little bit and 973 01:07:24,120 --> 01:07:24,900 stuff like this. 974 01:07:25,050 --> 01:07:28,080 Steven Greenstreet: Another admission. Another confession is 975 01:07:28,560 --> 01:07:32,880 a lot of folks who are into this topic or who get into this 976 01:07:32,880 --> 01:07:37,590 topic, have a history of already being into this topic, some kind 977 01:07:37,590 --> 01:07:42,480 of history. That was me. You know, when I was a kid, I was I, 978 01:07:43,110 --> 01:07:47,400 when I was 12, I got crashed at Corona by Stan Freeman from the 979 01:07:47,400 --> 01:07:50,550 library and read it all I read but Hopkins abduction books, 980 01:07:50,580 --> 01:07:55,200 intruders like this when I'm like early teens, and I was 981 01:07:55,200 --> 01:07:57,840 always into sci fi and things when I grew up and became an 982 01:07:57,900 --> 01:08:01,470 adult, I left most of that in my childhood. And it really wasn't 983 01:08:01,470 --> 01:08:05,490 until December, really in December 2017 where I was like, 984 01:08:05,910 --> 01:08:09,870 Okay, I guess my childhood is back, you know, I'm going to get 985 01:08:09,870 --> 01:08:16,950 into this. But at the beginning of all of this with me is a 986 01:08:17,010 --> 01:08:22,890 experience that, I think was a dream, which I I've only told a 987 01:08:22,890 --> 01:08:29,190 few people in my whole life, this experience. And I really 988 01:08:29,190 --> 01:08:34,800 mean I've only told a few people. So, again, prefacing 989 01:08:34,830 --> 01:08:39,090 with it that it was a dream, though a vivid one. I'm five 990 01:08:39,090 --> 01:08:45,090 years old, five, or maybe five or six years old. And I'm in 991 01:08:45,090 --> 01:08:49,770 South Carolina, in a home in South Carolina. The vision or 992 01:08:49,770 --> 01:08:54,090 dream or memory starts like this. I'm standing in the 993 01:08:54,090 --> 01:08:58,080 doorway of my bedroom which I shared with my brother, I'm 994 01:08:58,380 --> 01:09:02,640 facing into the door into the bedroom, I can't move. I'm 995 01:09:02,640 --> 01:09:06,870 paralyzed. I'm standing there and I can't move. My brother is 996 01:09:06,870 --> 01:09:12,060 in bed screaming a bright white light is coming through the 997 01:09:12,060 --> 01:09:18,990 window. I hear a hum and this is all being interpreted as in my 998 01:09:18,990 --> 01:09:22,020 five year old brain so I thought it was a fan because my parents 999 01:09:22,020 --> 01:09:26,610 used to run fans is white noise so my interpretation was like I 1000 01:09:26,610 --> 01:09:30,870 heard this hum and a white light and then a ghost came out of the 1001 01:09:30,870 --> 01:09:36,810 closet and took my brother out the window and then and then I 1002 01:09:36,870 --> 01:09:41,310 and then that's the like that's the end of the vision. And it 1003 01:09:41,310 --> 01:09:45,420 was a goat in so in my five year old brain it was a ghost because 1004 01:09:45,480 --> 01:09:48,360 I it was the Disney ghosts because it had this big white 1005 01:09:48,360 --> 01:09:52,020 head with big black eyes. And so my five year old brain at that 1006 01:09:52,020 --> 01:09:56,610 point interpreted it as this like ghost and it was weird 1007 01:09:56,610 --> 01:10:02,250 later on in as I would grew up memory with a dream with stay 1008 01:10:02,250 --> 01:10:05,640 there. And I think I saw someone that Close Encounters of the 1009 01:10:05,640 --> 01:10:08,670 Third Kind on. And when they show the aliens in the movie, I 1010 01:10:08,670 --> 01:10:14,340 was like, that's the ghost. That's the ghost I saw. You 1011 01:10:14,340 --> 01:10:19,020 know, like, I my little child brain had never seen a great you 1012 01:10:19,020 --> 01:10:22,110 know, this, these gray aliens are like these these things 1013 01:10:22,110 --> 01:10:25,260 before. So I had no connection. I interpreted it as this ghost, 1014 01:10:25,260 --> 01:10:27,570 but I remember close encounters. So it was while I was like, 1015 01:10:27,570 --> 01:10:31,650 that's a ghost I saw. That's the ghost I saw. Take my brother out 1016 01:10:31,650 --> 01:10:37,530 a window. Now. No, that was five at the time. So I could have had 1017 01:10:37,530 --> 01:10:40,080 just like some kind of waking nightmare. Or there could have 1018 01:10:40,080 --> 01:10:43,290 been a sci fi movie on that my older siblings were watching 1019 01:10:43,290 --> 01:10:48,060 that scared me. And it was like, somewhere in my head. And but I 1020 01:10:48,060 --> 01:10:51,360 can't remember any other dream that I had when I was five years 1021 01:10:51,360 --> 01:10:54,270 old that vividly. I don't think anyone can, but I can still 1022 01:10:54,270 --> 01:10:56,160 remember this. You know? 1023 01:10:56,580 --> 01:10:58,830 John Greenewald: Have you ever done? Yeah, I can't think of any 1024 01:10:58,830 --> 01:11:01,020 that I've ever had. Have you ever asked your brother? 1025 01:11:02,010 --> 01:11:04,920 Steven Greenstreet: Oh, yeah. Yeah, I've asked about it. In 1026 01:11:04,920 --> 01:11:07,800 fact, weirdly, yeah. And we just like laugh about it. 1027 01:11:08,640 --> 01:11:12,510 John Greenewald: So he, I'm sure a lot of people are asking, did 1028 01:11:12,510 --> 01:11:16,200 he? Like Does he ever have a dream like that? Or remember 1029 01:11:16,200 --> 01:11:17,490 anything? Okay, nothing. 1030 01:11:17,760 --> 01:11:19,950 Steven Greenstreet: Nothing. And you know, I you know, when you 1031 01:11:19,950 --> 01:11:23,490 research suppose that abductions there are a repeater with so 1032 01:11:23,490 --> 01:11:28,830 called repeaters where it's not just like one time usually it's 1033 01:11:28,830 --> 01:11:33,840 usually like, more than once. But like, No, I never had 1034 01:11:33,840 --> 01:11:36,540 anything like that ever again. Nothing. You know, I talked to 1035 01:11:36,540 --> 01:11:39,060 my brother about it was like, Do you were you abducted by aliens 1036 01:11:39,060 --> 01:11:41,580 have any memories? And it wasn't like joking. I was like, you 1037 01:11:41,580 --> 01:11:43,920 know, ask him it's like, obviously not. You know that. 1038 01:11:43,950 --> 01:11:48,390 That didn't happen. One weird thing, though. And this is still 1039 01:11:48,600 --> 01:11:55,170 somewhere in my brain is. I remember weirdly, that after 1040 01:11:55,170 --> 01:11:58,680 that experience, when I was a kid, I had this distinct 1041 01:11:58,680 --> 01:12:02,490 impression that my brother wasn't my brother. I was like, 1042 01:12:02,670 --> 01:12:05,340 you know, it was it was like, in the weeks and months after that. 1043 01:12:05,340 --> 01:12:08,880 I was like, Dude, I saw you I saw you get taken out a window. 1044 01:12:08,880 --> 01:12:14,340 Who are you? Like you it was this kind of like Kid mentality 1045 01:12:14,400 --> 01:12:17,280 where I was trying to? I was trying to connect, like, how is 1046 01:12:17,280 --> 01:12:20,880 it possible that I saw you get scooped up out a window in yet? 1047 01:12:21,060 --> 01:12:25,500 The next morning, you're here. And so as a kid, I remember a 1048 01:12:25,500 --> 01:12:29,820 little kid. I'm a little kid at this point. The feeling? I don't 1049 01:12:29,820 --> 01:12:33,000 remember the specific memories. But I remember the feeling of 1050 01:12:33,450 --> 01:12:37,230 like, how was he here when I saw him go? And that kind of thing. 1051 01:12:37,950 --> 01:12:39,930 John Greenewald: I really appreciate you sharing that. 1052 01:12:39,930 --> 01:12:42,060 This is my last question, because I've already blown past 1053 01:12:42,060 --> 01:12:45,300 the timeframe that you gave me. So thank you for being gracious 1054 01:12:45,300 --> 01:12:48,000 with your time. How convinced Are you that was a dream? 1055 01:12:49,920 --> 01:12:51,780 Steven Greenstreet: really convinced? 1056 01:12:52,080 --> 01:12:54,300 John Greenewald: Oh, so 100%? You just feel it was cool dream? 1057 01:12:55,410 --> 01:12:58,140 Yeah, well, I don't cool. But you know what I mean, 1058 01:12:58,260 --> 01:13:00,420 Steven Greenstreet: but also, you know, you have to consider 1059 01:13:00,420 --> 01:13:07,410 that memory is malleable. And the way I remembered it 20 years 1060 01:13:07,410 --> 01:13:10,950 ago, could be different than the way I remember it now. And I 1061 01:13:10,950 --> 01:13:14,640 just think this is fresh. And this is new, it could have 1062 01:13:15,180 --> 01:13:19,140 morphed. I've told the story. And as you tell stories, little 1063 01:13:19,140 --> 01:13:23,580 details drop in and little things happen and evolve and 1064 01:13:23,580 --> 01:13:29,010 embellish. So I'm open to the fact that maybe the original 1065 01:13:29,010 --> 01:13:32,640 memory or dream that I had, when I was five was totally 1066 01:13:32,640 --> 01:13:37,590 different. And my brain is just interpreting a memory is just 1067 01:13:37,590 --> 01:13:40,500 remembering the last time you remembered it, that scientists 1068 01:13:40,500 --> 01:13:43,440 have shown that a memory is just remembering the last time you 1069 01:13:43,440 --> 01:13:47,370 remembered it. It's not going all the way back to your five. 1070 01:13:47,400 --> 01:13:50,040 It's just the last time you remembered it. And so yeah, it 1071 01:13:50,040 --> 01:13:54,840 could have changed. But I'm 100% Sure. 1072 01:13:56,610 --> 01:13:58,080 John Greenewald: All right, that's good enough for me, man. 1073 01:13:58,080 --> 01:14:00,570 Hey, again, thank you for sharing that. I really do 1074 01:14:00,570 --> 01:14:04,020 appreciate it. And overall, thank you for the work you did. 1075 01:14:04,050 --> 01:14:09,270 I really appreciate you digging in to the part where you felt 1076 01:14:09,480 --> 01:14:12,090 that you were on the inside but realized, hey, you know what, 1077 01:14:12,120 --> 01:14:15,360 this isn't right. And I commend you for that. And I know you and 1078 01:14:15,360 --> 01:14:18,900 I will not agree on 100% of everything. But at the end of 1079 01:14:18,900 --> 01:14:22,260 the day, we have $100 Bet on at least one debate that we're 1080 01:14:22,260 --> 01:14:25,980 having. So I look forward to figuring out who's going to win 1081 01:14:25,980 --> 01:14:30,060 that $100 debate and I hope more people do that in the debate 1082 01:14:30,060 --> 01:14:34,080 sphere. Yeah, no, no reason to sling mud. Just put your money 1083 01:14:34,080 --> 01:14:40,950 where your mouth is. And I have $100 Bet on hopefully what is 1084 01:14:40,950 --> 01:14:45,180 underneath those shapes in the classified UAP report. So I'm 1085 01:14:45,180 --> 01:14:48,660 trying hard to prove that for nothing else other than that 100 1086 01:14:48,660 --> 01:14:52,920 spot that you're about to pay me so. But honestly man, I blew 1087 01:14:52,920 --> 01:14:57,330 over my time. Thank you so much for your time and your work. I 1088 01:14:57,330 --> 01:15:01,530 hope everybody takes some time to watch your video, you put an 1089 01:15:01,530 --> 01:15:05,130 enormous amount of work in that and it shows not only the 1090 01:15:05,130 --> 01:15:08,760 research, but the editing as well. Well done. And it's hard 1091 01:15:08,760 --> 01:15:11,550 for me to say stuff like that. Thanks, man. I appreciate it. 1092 01:15:11,850 --> 01:15:14,760 Yeah. And thank you all for listening and watching. Please 1093 01:15:14,760 --> 01:15:17,250 help the show. If you're watching on YouTube, hit the 1094 01:15:17,250 --> 01:15:19,380 thumbs up button, make sure you're subscribed to the channel 1095 01:15:19,380 --> 01:15:23,310 and of course, watching on the audio version of this, whatever 1096 01:15:23,580 --> 01:15:27,060 platform that you're listening on. Make sure you sit and stick 1097 01:15:27,090 --> 01:15:30,840 a review on there it helps as well. Thank you so much, Steven. 1098 01:15:30,840 --> 01:15:33,150 Thank you all for listening and watching. This is John 1099 01:15:33,150 --> 01:15:35,580 Greenewald, Jr signing off, and we'll see you next time.