1 00:00:23,790 --> 00:00:25,680 John Greenewald: That's right everybody. As always, thank you 2 00:00:25,680 --> 00:00:29,490 so much for tuning in and taking this journey inside the black 3 00:00:29,490 --> 00:00:33,000 vault with me. I'm your host, John Greenewald, Jr. and today 4 00:00:33,210 --> 00:00:37,110 we're talking about the new film aerial phenomenon, you can visit 5 00:00:37,110 --> 00:00:41,520 the the website at WWW dot aerial phenomenon.com. I have 6 00:00:41,520 --> 00:00:45,090 seen this film myself, it's incredibly well done, tells a 7 00:00:45,090 --> 00:00:49,410 thought provoking emotional story about a 1994 event 8 00:00:49,410 --> 00:00:53,040 witnessed by over 60 schoolchildren, I do highly 9 00:00:53,040 --> 00:00:56,370 recommend you check this all out. But joining me today, 10 00:00:56,580 --> 00:01:00,360 stepping into the vault is Randall Nickerson, the film's 11 00:01:00,360 --> 00:01:05,070 director, producer and cinema cinematographer Randall, thank 12 00:01:05,070 --> 00:01:08,490 you so much for taking the time today and telling us about your 13 00:01:08,490 --> 00:01:11,730 new film. Thank you, John, I really appreciate it. I 14 00:01:11,730 --> 00:01:17,040 appreciate the work you've done. Yours. Thank thank you for that. 15 00:01:17,040 --> 00:01:20,190 And and I mean it when I say that the film, I highly 16 00:01:20,190 --> 00:01:22,470 recommend for everybody who's watching this interview, if you 17 00:01:22,470 --> 00:01:26,220 haven't seen it yet to check it out. The one thing that I have 18 00:01:26,220 --> 00:01:31,770 to compliment you up top is the way you captured the emotional 19 00:01:32,100 --> 00:01:37,140 effect on those that witnessed this event. And that is 20 00:01:37,140 --> 00:01:40,740 something that has always spoken to me doesn't matter the topic 21 00:01:40,740 --> 00:01:44,850 of a documentary. But when you truly capture that, as the 22 00:01:44,850 --> 00:01:47,520 cinematographer, the director, the producer, which you are of 23 00:01:47,520 --> 00:01:51,180 this film, my compliments to you, because that's what 24 00:01:51,180 --> 00:01:56,220 resonated with me, I think more than than all else. For those in 25 00:01:56,220 --> 00:02:01,530 my audience that aren't aware of the story, give a quick synopsis 26 00:02:01,530 --> 00:02:05,190 of what is this 1994 event and what happened 27 00:02:06,420 --> 00:02:11,130 Randall Nickerson: was September 16 1994, in the morning 1030. 28 00:02:11,700 --> 00:02:16,590 And is when things started to happen at a school, a rural, 29 00:02:17,070 --> 00:02:28,890 private school in Zimbabwe. And there were multiple children on 30 00:02:28,890 --> 00:02:32,880 the playground who witnessed something set down behind 31 00:02:33,090 --> 00:02:37,380 outside of the school boundaries fence, basically, which was 32 00:02:37,380 --> 00:02:42,000 logs, these large trees. And they saw this silver thing in 33 00:02:42,000 --> 00:02:48,690 the sky first, and then it came down to the ground. And then the 34 00:02:48,690 --> 00:02:52,680 children gathered, not all of them, but but a large group of 35 00:02:52,680 --> 00:02:57,570 them to look at it. And then they saw these creatures getting 36 00:02:57,570 --> 00:03:02,940 out of it. And at least one approach the playground. And 37 00:03:05,070 --> 00:03:09,030 they went on for between 10 and 15 minutes, according to 38 00:03:09,030 --> 00:03:14,070 everybody. And then they ran screaming to the teachers who 39 00:03:14,070 --> 00:03:16,140 were in a staff meeting at the time. 40 00:03:17,040 --> 00:03:19,380 John Greenewald: So were there any teachers out with them? Or 41 00:03:19,380 --> 00:03:22,290 was it just the school children playing and maybe teachers in 42 00:03:22,290 --> 00:03:23,160 the back or 43 00:03:23,820 --> 00:03:25,620 Randall Nickerson: there was a woman in the tuck shop, which 44 00:03:25,620 --> 00:03:30,480 was the there was always adults out there because it is Africa. 45 00:03:34,140 --> 00:03:38,730 So there was a woman in the tuck shop, there are other people 46 00:03:38,760 --> 00:03:43,890 also I haven't brought up yet. Because it's just too much of a 47 00:03:43,890 --> 00:03:48,420 story to tell, to be honest, this is the air the film is 48 00:03:48,420 --> 00:03:52,110 really a part of the story. 49 00:03:52,860 --> 00:03:56,340 John Greenewald: And it is and like I said earlier really does 50 00:03:56,340 --> 00:04:01,080 capture that emotion. Before we get into that I want to talk to 51 00:04:01,650 --> 00:04:04,710 I'm kind of assuming maybe the emotion with you as well but 52 00:04:04,710 --> 00:04:09,750 what spoke to you to do and create and produce and go out 53 00:04:09,750 --> 00:04:13,440 and do this film. What What made you do it 54 00:04:14,790 --> 00:04:17,370 Randall Nickerson: was the children watching their 55 00:04:17,370 --> 00:04:21,120 interviews initially and saying, you know, just striking me like 56 00:04:21,120 --> 00:04:24,000 they're telling the truth. Whatever they're talking about, 57 00:04:24,000 --> 00:04:26,490 they're telling the truth. I can see it in their body language, 58 00:04:26,490 --> 00:04:34,770 their eyes. And then the further I went the more more interviews 59 00:04:34,770 --> 00:04:38,580 archival interviews have the more children and some of the 60 00:04:38,580 --> 00:04:47,880 same children with the same type of honesty. clarity about what 61 00:04:47,880 --> 00:04:52,110 they saw, and the more over time the more drawings I collected. 62 00:04:53,220 --> 00:04:57,060 The more teachers I spoke with the more other witnesses outside 63 00:04:57,060 --> 00:05:01,260 of the school that I spoke with the more I You just can't stop 64 00:05:01,290 --> 00:05:05,010 when you, you know, I was looking for that moment of like, 65 00:05:05,010 --> 00:05:08,640 well, maybe maybe this didn't happen. You know, maybe it was 66 00:05:08,640 --> 00:05:13,410 there's another explanation here. And I kept looking for 67 00:05:13,410 --> 00:05:18,120 that. I really did. And I didn't, I kept getting more and 68 00:05:18,120 --> 00:05:21,600 more confirmation that that something really extraordinary 69 00:05:21,600 --> 00:05:26,160 happened there. And that continues to this day, from 70 00:05:26,190 --> 00:05:30,570 emails that I receive, and more even more witnesses that are 71 00:05:31,260 --> 00:05:34,800 contacting me that, unfortunately, aren't going to 72 00:05:34,800 --> 00:05:37,800 be in this film. But 73 00:05:39,660 --> 00:05:43,560 John Greenewald: so, when when you got into this and learned 74 00:05:43,560 --> 00:05:47,940 about this story, did you have any background with UFO related 75 00:05:48,300 --> 00:05:52,170 stories? Have you done films on this before? Was this kind of 76 00:05:52,200 --> 00:05:55,290 your first introduction into this topic? 77 00:05:56,579 --> 00:05:59,549 Randall Nickerson: No, it wasn't the first I had seen something 78 00:05:59,549 --> 00:06:04,139 myself, I don't really want to talk too much about it. That 79 00:06:04,769 --> 00:06:08,519 drew my attention kind of stopped my whole career in life. 80 00:06:09,569 --> 00:06:13,979 Just wouldn't you see something like that it changes everything. 81 00:06:15,119 --> 00:06:20,069 And then I started making films, I was working actually on a film 82 00:06:20,069 --> 00:06:25,799 on Budd Hopkins. At the time, that aerial aerial story came to 83 00:06:25,799 --> 00:06:31,169 me from the John Mack Institute, they they had said, Would you be 84 00:06:31,169 --> 00:06:34,319 interested in making a film about this? And I had to put 85 00:06:34,319 --> 00:06:37,709 button story down and started with this. 86 00:06:40,050 --> 00:06:42,390 John Greenewald: I don't want to pry because it sounds like you 87 00:06:42,390 --> 00:06:45,150 don't want to talk about it much. If you don't mind me 88 00:06:45,150 --> 00:06:49,830 asking this part. Was your experience a sighting? Or was it 89 00:06:50,070 --> 00:06:52,260 something reminiscent to? 90 00:06:54,269 --> 00:06:58,019 Randall Nickerson: I could identify with the kids. I was 91 00:06:58,019 --> 00:07:00,959 gonna I was 10 years old. Yeah. 92 00:07:01,170 --> 00:07:04,290 John Greenewald: Gotcha. Okay. And I will respect it. I'll move 93 00:07:04,290 --> 00:07:05,700 on from that goes, yeah, it goes 94 00:07:05,699 --> 00:07:08,699 Randall Nickerson: back to why would I do or put my heart into 95 00:07:08,699 --> 00:07:12,599 such a thing? Well, it's to realize that I wasn't the only 96 00:07:12,599 --> 00:07:17,519 person that went through that. And there's a lot. And that's 97 00:07:17,519 --> 00:07:21,359 what's really stunning is how widespread this if you want to 98 00:07:21,359 --> 00:07:27,929 call it a phenomenon is worldwide all over. And what 99 00:07:27,929 --> 00:07:34,589 drove me was my heartfelt feelings of these people don't 100 00:07:34,589 --> 00:07:35,459 have a voice. 101 00:07:38,399 --> 00:07:40,649 John Greenewald: And I think you give them that in this film. And 102 00:07:40,649 --> 00:07:44,129 you brought up Dr. John Mack, obviously, he has been connected 103 00:07:44,129 --> 00:07:48,269 to the story for quite some time, tragically has passed 104 00:07:48,269 --> 00:07:51,659 away. But you have footage of him. And I don't want to give 105 00:07:51,659 --> 00:07:54,689 away too much of the documentary. So I want you to 106 00:07:54,689 --> 00:07:59,639 take the lead on how much of the story you want to share. But but 107 00:07:59,669 --> 00:08:02,459 but obviously we can tell from the trailer at least that you've 108 00:08:02,459 --> 00:08:06,599 got footage interviews from Dr. John Mack. He went out there. 109 00:08:06,869 --> 00:08:11,549 And it's known that he was essentially convinced at this 110 00:08:11,549 --> 00:08:15,899 that this was something real can you speak to your experience 111 00:08:15,899 --> 00:08:19,679 with the John Mack Institute and and looking at that film footage 112 00:08:19,679 --> 00:08:23,399 from Dr. Mack and what his contribution was to the story? 113 00:08:24,360 --> 00:08:28,980 Randall Nickerson: Sure, he was the BBC reporter who was first 114 00:08:28,980 --> 00:08:35,430 on the scene that contacted Dr. Mack and he went over there to 115 00:08:35,460 --> 00:08:41,040 to the aerial school and interview the children. He 116 00:08:41,040 --> 00:08:47,430 brought his you know, he was a Pulitzer Prize winning Professor 117 00:08:47,430 --> 00:08:51,090 of Psychiatry at Harvard, he was very well known, very well 118 00:08:51,090 --> 00:08:58,950 respected. And he was also had trained, I think he spent 20 119 00:08:58,950 --> 00:09:03,750 years working with children as a psychiatrist or, and so he had a 120 00:09:03,750 --> 00:09:07,860 lot of experience dealing with children. And he brought that 121 00:09:07,860 --> 00:09:15,210 experience into the interviews at aerial. Yeah, he contribute 122 00:09:15,210 --> 00:09:20,040 and then he got attacked by Harvard. Right. At that same 123 00:09:20,040 --> 00:09:28,500 time. Basically. I think he's an unsung hero in a lot of ways. 124 00:09:29,070 --> 00:09:35,220 For his stand, he took, you know, as a clinician, that he, 125 00:09:35,250 --> 00:09:40,350 you know, people were trying to diagnose people that seen these 126 00:09:40,350 --> 00:09:45,120 things, as you know, you name it, schizophrenia, false memory. 127 00:09:45,150 --> 00:09:48,930 I mean, they created new things just to try to explain it. And 128 00:09:48,930 --> 00:09:52,410 he was saying these people are having real experiences. This is 129 00:09:52,860 --> 00:09:59,580 real on some level, it is real, and he stood up against the Ivy 130 00:09:59,580 --> 00:10:07,860 League People all over that, at great cost to him his reputation 131 00:10:07,860 --> 00:10:16,620 and everything, but I, you know, and others, as well. But he took 132 00:10:16,740 --> 00:10:25,740 a very big risk. And I think we'll be reading about him and 133 00:10:25,740 --> 00:10:29,970 others and our history books that took that stand, especially 134 00:10:29,970 --> 00:10:31,380 if there are academics. 135 00:10:31,440 --> 00:10:34,950 John Greenewald: Yeah, yeah, I had the pleasure of only meeting 136 00:10:34,950 --> 00:10:37,920 him once before he passed, we both lectured at the same 137 00:10:37,920 --> 00:10:41,190 conference. And he really was an amazing individual, you can see 138 00:10:41,190 --> 00:10:45,510 that he truly cared about those that he would speak with school, 139 00:10:45,540 --> 00:10:50,130 the school children included, but he had such a passion behind 140 00:10:50,130 --> 00:10:53,550 what he was doing. And again, without revealing too much of 141 00:10:53,550 --> 00:10:57,360 your film, but you really pulled some great footage to capture 142 00:10:57,360 --> 00:11:02,250 that struggle that he had from the people at Harvard, to the 143 00:11:02,250 --> 00:11:05,340 point where I just got a little cringy, that they were saying 144 00:11:05,340 --> 00:11:09,810 that about him. And what was interesting was that there was 145 00:11:09,810 --> 00:11:13,980 no skeptical explanation brought forward and I want to kind of 146 00:11:13,980 --> 00:11:19,410 talk to you about that. Their kind of viewpoint was that he 147 00:11:19,410 --> 00:11:23,580 was kind of off his rocker, so to speak, and, and in doing 148 00:11:23,580 --> 00:11:27,360 this, and that it was all essentially a delusion, but not 149 00:11:27,360 --> 00:11:31,440 bringing forth any, like proof of what they were saying. It's 150 00:11:31,440 --> 00:11:34,950 like, Hey, this is too extraordinary to be true, ergo, 151 00:11:34,950 --> 00:11:38,580 it's not true. And it's like, when you see the Harvard people 152 00:11:38,580 --> 00:11:43,020 say that I'm talking about John Mack, again, was a very cringy 153 00:11:43,020 --> 00:11:46,350 moment, but very important in the film to show the struggle 154 00:11:46,650 --> 00:11:50,310 that he had. But I want to talk to that with talk about that 155 00:11:50,310 --> 00:11:53,910 with you for a moment, in that that skeptical viewpoint when 156 00:11:53,910 --> 00:11:58,350 you were doing this film, other than the obvious that the kids 157 00:11:58,350 --> 00:12:03,030 all came together and created this conspiracy of the story. 158 00:12:03,030 --> 00:12:08,070 And, and, and, and made it all up, which I just don't see. I 159 00:12:08,070 --> 00:12:11,160 mean, I'm a skeptical person, I'll be honest with you. But 160 00:12:11,160 --> 00:12:14,490 when you have that many people, and especially in your film, 161 00:12:14,490 --> 00:12:18,450 showing them to this day, being affected by it, I just don't see 162 00:12:18,450 --> 00:12:24,510 any of that as as being true. But what other if any skeptical 163 00:12:24,510 --> 00:12:27,270 responses to this case? Have there been? 164 00:12:28,530 --> 00:12:31,920 Randall Nickerson: Well, due to the fact that I hadn't had 165 00:12:34,590 --> 00:12:38,790 something occurred to myself, I felt I had to be extremely 166 00:12:38,790 --> 00:12:42,270 objective. And I looked, you know, I had to look at 167 00:12:42,270 --> 00:12:45,690 everything very carefully. And it was looking for the skeptical 168 00:12:45,690 --> 00:12:49,800 arguments, and took those skeptical arguments to 169 00:12:49,920 --> 00:12:56,460 professionals. Well, one of them was mass hysteria. mass 170 00:12:56,460 --> 00:13:01,650 hallucination, I mean, all those. And it brought that to 171 00:13:01,650 --> 00:13:08,340 some Harvard psychiatrists, you know, to look at that, and got 172 00:13:08,340 --> 00:13:10,950 their opinion, which was that's not what's happening here. 173 00:13:13,110 --> 00:13:15,540 John Greenewald: And these are present Harvard psychiatrists, 174 00:13:16,560 --> 00:13:19,380 Randall Nickerson: one of them has left. The other one is still 175 00:13:19,380 --> 00:13:19,770 there. 176 00:13:20,910 --> 00:13:23,340 John Greenewald: Interesting getting a professor at another 177 00:13:23,340 --> 00:13:23,910 university 178 00:13:23,910 --> 00:13:24,450 Randall Nickerson: at the moment. 179 00:13:25,590 --> 00:13:27,330 John Greenewald: I understand if you can't, can you name them? 180 00:13:27,330 --> 00:13:31,050 Like, did they get involved with this publicly? Or was this a 181 00:13:31,230 --> 00:13:33,720 Randall Nickerson: no that I hope they will get involved 182 00:13:33,720 --> 00:13:38,370 publicly? I really do. I think they again, like everybody else 183 00:13:38,370 --> 00:13:45,000 is concerned about there are pressures. But I think that's 184 00:13:45,000 --> 00:13:49,830 going to change pretty soon, to be honest. So yeah, I was 185 00:13:49,830 --> 00:13:53,490 looking for anybody. And I was really particularly interested 186 00:13:53,520 --> 00:13:58,410 in seeing the film, but one teacher that thought they had 187 00:13:58,410 --> 00:14:03,360 made it up. So I found him. I was expecting him to hold that 188 00:14:03,360 --> 00:14:08,460 viewpoint. And he did not he and I, that interview, I'll share 189 00:14:08,490 --> 00:14:11,790 sometime down the road for sure. We just couldn't fit it into 190 00:14:11,790 --> 00:14:17,250 film. By the way, our rough cut was four hours. Wow, that was 191 00:14:17,250 --> 00:14:17,730 good. 192 00:14:19,140 --> 00:14:22,740 John Greenewald: I have seen comments on review sites, which 193 00:14:22,740 --> 00:14:26,220 are all extraordinary for your film, by the way, but I've seen 194 00:14:26,220 --> 00:14:29,400 quite a few requests for a director's cut. So keep that 195 00:14:29,400 --> 00:14:32,370 rough cut, because my guess is you'll have a lot of people that 196 00:14:32,370 --> 00:14:35,610 will want to that'll want to see that. But just to clarify. So 197 00:14:35,610 --> 00:14:38,070 you're saying a teacher back then who said and all these 198 00:14:38,100 --> 00:14:41,940 these kids are making it up, has kind of done a 180 on that and 199 00:14:41,970 --> 00:14:45,150 feels that there is something well, he 200 00:14:45,180 --> 00:14:47,520 Randall Nickerson: asked, I'm like, you know, I expected him 201 00:14:47,520 --> 00:14:53,070 to hold that opinion. And if he didn't, he said he I believe 202 00:14:53,070 --> 00:14:57,270 that gets and then I asked him why? And he said, Well, it was 203 00:14:57,270 --> 00:15:02,280 the consistency of the stories over time. But it didn't change 204 00:15:02,370 --> 00:15:08,190 year after he's still at the school. So it was really, it was 205 00:15:08,190 --> 00:15:13,560 lucky that he still was was there and had had a lot of time 206 00:15:13,560 --> 00:15:16,920 to really think and see the children over time and really 207 00:15:16,920 --> 00:15:21,720 reflect because it never left them and never left the school 208 00:15:21,720 --> 00:15:26,040 and never left the school. Or anybody that is there at the 209 00:15:26,040 --> 00:15:30,180 school even present day. What what occurred there 210 00:15:31,380 --> 00:15:33,900 John Greenewald: just to close the thoughts about that, that 211 00:15:33,900 --> 00:15:37,050 skeptical viewpoint and the mass hysteria, and it seems like 212 00:15:37,050 --> 00:15:40,980 you've dug in on that. I think where I'm going with this part 213 00:15:40,980 --> 00:15:44,640 of the interview is that I'll say it again, I'm a very 214 00:15:44,640 --> 00:15:47,910 skeptical person. And if you had a kid come forward with my son, 215 00:15:48,150 --> 00:15:51,870 who's eight years old, who just graduated from second grade came 216 00:15:51,870 --> 00:15:56,760 to me with a story, I'm going to lean towards imagination or you 217 00:15:56,760 --> 00:15:59,460 know, something that's very explainable. But when you have 218 00:15:59,460 --> 00:16:03,750 more than 60 schoolchildren, and years later, you're going out, 219 00:16:03,750 --> 00:16:06,240 you're finding them, you're speaking to them. And their 220 00:16:06,240 --> 00:16:10,200 stories are consistent. And you can see, I can't stress enough 221 00:16:10,200 --> 00:16:14,850 that emotional response to this even so many years later, what 222 00:16:14,850 --> 00:16:19,200 else is there? And I can't think of any, and I'm not trying to 223 00:16:19,200 --> 00:16:22,410 trap you on anything. I just can't think of any. And that's, 224 00:16:22,440 --> 00:16:25,800 that's why I wanted to talk to you about it. Is there anything 225 00:16:25,800 --> 00:16:28,200 else other than that mass hysteria? Which sounds like, 226 00:16:28,500 --> 00:16:31,620 it's just really not not going to be even something to 227 00:16:31,620 --> 00:16:33,540 consider? Anything else? 228 00:16:34,500 --> 00:16:39,480 Randall Nickerson: Um, no. I mean, you know, there was a, 229 00:16:39,540 --> 00:16:42,750 there's always kind of there's, there's always space debris 230 00:16:42,750 --> 00:16:45,780 coming in and satellite re entries, there's all kinds of 231 00:16:45,780 --> 00:16:48,720 things. And that was one of the initial explanations that it 232 00:16:48,720 --> 00:16:54,510 was, you know, potentially something, you know, came off a 233 00:16:54,510 --> 00:16:58,440 satellite reentry, or, you know, and that that's what the kids 234 00:16:58,440 --> 00:17:02,160 saw. I mean, that was one explanation. But it didn't 235 00:17:02,160 --> 00:17:06,090 explain, you know, any of it really, because it didn't just 236 00:17:06,090 --> 00:17:09,660 fall to the greenhouse, nothing fell to the ground. It was all 237 00:17:09,660 --> 00:17:12,960 controlled, and how do you explain their interaction with 238 00:17:13,200 --> 00:17:17,730 these creatures? And I get it like, it's, it sounds, it's 239 00:17:17,730 --> 00:17:24,120 unbelievable, you know, me? Still, but it doesn't matter 240 00:17:24,120 --> 00:17:28,590 whether I can't conceive of it. Right. And I think for all of 241 00:17:28,590 --> 00:17:31,950 us, it's like, okay, yeah, it's really difficult, difficult to 242 00:17:31,950 --> 00:17:36,000 wrap our hands around it, but we can't just throw it out the door 243 00:17:36,000 --> 00:17:42,420 because of that. You know, there's there's leaps in not, 244 00:17:42,480 --> 00:17:51,480 there's leaps in science, and discoveries that require us to 245 00:17:51,480 --> 00:17:55,860 go way further than just the simplest explanation, which is 246 00:17:55,860 --> 00:17:59,580 usually right, but not always. Yeah. And particularly, this is 247 00:17:59,580 --> 00:18:00,810 a very complex. 248 00:18:01,440 --> 00:18:03,630 John Greenewald: And that's what was silly about those, those 249 00:18:03,630 --> 00:18:07,260 horrible the footage that you pulled in the reels of the 250 00:18:07,260 --> 00:18:10,140 Harvard people, you know, just kind of slamming this topic 251 00:18:10,140 --> 00:18:14,160 without any evidence whatsoever, because in their mind that only 252 00:18:14,160 --> 00:18:17,910 extends, you know, pretty much to here. They couldn't expand 253 00:18:17,940 --> 00:18:21,750 out of that. And it was a very telling look into how some of 254 00:18:21,750 --> 00:18:24,420 this is dealt with. And you mentioned earlier about the 255 00:18:24,420 --> 00:18:28,530 drawings. And I think that that is something else that you 256 00:18:30,150 --> 00:18:33,360 captured very well in the film was that students were 257 00:18:33,360 --> 00:18:37,710 creatively putting what they saw on paper, and there was a lot of 258 00:18:37,710 --> 00:18:42,630 parallels between what they were putting down. If you don't mind 259 00:18:42,630 --> 00:18:45,330 me digging in a little bit more on that. What were you seeing 260 00:18:45,330 --> 00:18:48,540 with these, with these drawings? What drew you to them? 261 00:18:49,440 --> 00:18:53,190 Randall Nickerson: Well, initially, I had, I had probably 262 00:18:53,190 --> 00:18:59,310 a dozen of them. And over over time, I got I think I have every 263 00:18:59,310 --> 00:19:01,740 single one of them at this point. But it took a long time 264 00:19:01,740 --> 00:19:04,890 to actually get all the drawings. And every single one I 265 00:19:04,890 --> 00:19:09,750 got was like, you know, pointed to the witness, you know, what 266 00:19:09,750 --> 00:19:14,220 they saw, and the witnesses I was already speaking with and 267 00:19:14,430 --> 00:19:18,930 for, for the most part. So drawings kept coming in year 268 00:19:18,930 --> 00:19:24,660 after year. And it was it was just so interesting, because 269 00:19:24,660 --> 00:19:27,990 they were all from different perspectives. They saw the same 270 00:19:27,990 --> 00:19:32,250 thing, but it was their interpretation as a fourth 271 00:19:32,250 --> 00:19:36,060 grader or a second grader for a sixth grader. And it was really 272 00:19:36,060 --> 00:19:41,190 dependent on how artistic they were how detailed how well they 273 00:19:41,190 --> 00:19:46,140 could translate what they saw on to paper. And even if it wasn't 274 00:19:46,140 --> 00:19:50,070 that complicated complex, it still said something about the 275 00:19:50,070 --> 00:19:53,910 experience and what they saw. That was just brilliant on the 276 00:19:54,420 --> 00:19:58,200 that was Cynthia hind actually that that requested them making 277 00:19:58,200 --> 00:20:03,000 drawings and the school did it And not because of the school, 278 00:20:03,000 --> 00:20:07,410 but because of the parents. The school wanted it to go away. But 279 00:20:07,410 --> 00:20:11,310 the all the kids went home and told their parents, that's what 280 00:20:11,310 --> 00:20:15,690 started everything. And that school couldn't ignore it at 281 00:20:15,690 --> 00:20:20,280 that point. And they had them all draw. Not all of them, but 282 00:20:20,340 --> 00:20:26,370 they had the ones they felt like they didn't do it with the 283 00:20:26,370 --> 00:20:31,230 younger children because of concern of for their mental 284 00:20:31,650 --> 00:20:40,890 health, so to speak, they were pretty traumatized. So, yeah, so 285 00:20:40,890 --> 00:20:44,250 there were more drawings that could have been done. And more 286 00:20:44,250 --> 00:20:47,460 interviews that could have been done at the time. But I think it 287 00:20:47,460 --> 00:20:51,750 was actually probably a wise choice by the school. To be 288 00:20:51,750 --> 00:20:56,850 honest with you. So yeah, the drawings were interesting, for 289 00:20:56,850 --> 00:21:00,450 sure. I mean, it's, you know, that's why, and I'm not really a 290 00:21:00,450 --> 00:21:04,890 big special effects person. I don't, it's not necessary. And 291 00:21:04,890 --> 00:21:07,320 the drawings really are the special effects 292 00:21:07,500 --> 00:21:15,240 John Greenewald: done. Yeah. I and you had that that footage as 293 00:21:15,240 --> 00:21:19,830 well of the kids at the time. And you juxtapose that with 294 00:21:19,830 --> 00:21:23,850 footage, I assume that you shot for the film. But But back then, 295 00:21:24,060 --> 00:21:26,910 if you don't mind me asking it was that from the John Mack 296 00:21:26,910 --> 00:21:30,690 Institute, or where did you find those, those old interviews? 297 00:21:31,350 --> 00:21:35,520 Randall Nickerson: Oh, it was initially from John Mack the 298 00:21:35,520 --> 00:21:39,300 It's the John Mack Institute. And he was just John Max 299 00:21:39,300 --> 00:21:42,630 footage. And then when I went over to I mean, as soon as I 300 00:21:42,630 --> 00:21:49,740 just found the school was still there, which was largely part 301 00:21:50,730 --> 00:21:59,790 happened because of Nick Carter. And then then finding out she 302 00:21:59,790 --> 00:22:08,100 had done a story for SABC, then I found out Zimbabwe, television 303 00:22:08,100 --> 00:22:12,570 had also done interviews, then I found another person who had 304 00:22:12,570 --> 00:22:17,580 shot our, you know, shot at film. And it was all over time, 305 00:22:17,730 --> 00:22:22,170 you know, suddenly shot a week later, well, somebody shot days 306 00:22:22,170 --> 00:22:24,780 later, and then interviewed the kids a week later, and then a 307 00:22:24,780 --> 00:22:29,430 week after that. And then two months after that, then, you 308 00:22:29,430 --> 00:22:33,540 know, another three months, and then another year. So you had I 309 00:22:33,540 --> 00:22:37,140 mean, I had so much archival, which is why I'm able to tell 310 00:22:37,140 --> 00:22:41,160 almost the story in real time, because of all these people that 311 00:22:41,190 --> 00:22:48,330 interviewed these kids. So I didn't my, my shooting began in 312 00:22:48,330 --> 00:22:53,100 2008. That's when I started shooting myself. But all the 313 00:22:53,100 --> 00:22:56,550 archival is from a lot of people. And I'm really glad 314 00:22:56,550 --> 00:23:01,290 those people took the time to do it. But it was such an 315 00:23:01,290 --> 00:23:03,900 incredible story. And if you talk to anybody, any of the 316 00:23:03,900 --> 00:23:08,700 media that was there, they'll tell you that those kids were, I 317 00:23:08,700 --> 00:23:11,940 mean, there was a reason why they got interviewed, and why 318 00:23:11,940 --> 00:23:15,390 they even bothered to roll tape, because that was beta SP at the 319 00:23:15,390 --> 00:23:23,970 time. Yeah. Half hour tapes, and I was really lucky to recover it 320 00:23:23,970 --> 00:23:26,790 all. But that also became a goal, you know, when I have 321 00:23:26,790 --> 00:23:30,090 every single piece of tape that I can get these kids when 322 00:23:30,090 --> 00:23:34,380 they're young, because that that tells the story. Yeah. Then a 323 00:23:34,380 --> 00:23:35,310 lot of detail. 324 00:23:35,640 --> 00:23:39,000 John Greenewald: The footage of the BBC journalist to was 325 00:23:39,120 --> 00:23:42,750 powerful. I don't know why I was drawn to his interview. But good 326 00:23:42,750 --> 00:23:46,620 catch on that, because that was a fantastic, fantastic 327 00:23:46,620 --> 00:23:49,710 interview. And he was you could just tell that he was so 328 00:23:49,710 --> 00:23:53,790 bewildered by it. And that that one, I think, just a personal 329 00:23:53,790 --> 00:23:57,690 note, struck me more than I think most of the interviews, 330 00:23:57,810 --> 00:24:01,410 obviously, aside from some of the children, but yeah, that was 331 00:24:01,410 --> 00:24:05,130 a great real to see. What is the consensus around the school now 332 00:24:05,130 --> 00:24:09,660 since it's still there. And you went there? What is what is the 333 00:24:09,660 --> 00:24:12,150 thought process? there right now? 334 00:24:13,140 --> 00:24:19,560 Randall Nickerson: Um, it varies a when I was there, I mean, most 335 00:24:19,560 --> 00:24:24,360 people I spoke with, there were several teachers still working 336 00:24:24,360 --> 00:24:29,400 there. Named there was no question about what happened. 337 00:24:31,980 --> 00:24:36,150 There are skeptical people, you know, that have come on to in 338 00:24:36,150 --> 00:24:40,740 the school, here and there. And just in general, and I 339 00:24:40,740 --> 00:24:47,670 understand people. It's hard. It's hard for people to believe 340 00:24:47,670 --> 00:24:48,720 something like that. 341 00:24:49,560 --> 00:24:52,080 John Greenewald: But a lot of the teachers that are still 342 00:24:52,080 --> 00:24:55,680 there, they just accept that this was a extraterrestrial 343 00:24:55,680 --> 00:24:56,310 encounter. 344 00:24:58,110 --> 00:25:03,990 Randall Nickerson: I saw yet That's true. I mean, they they 345 00:25:05,580 --> 00:25:08,760 there are three or four that were there. Yeah, absolutely. 346 00:25:08,760 --> 00:25:12,840 And the ones I've kind of in been in contact with were not at 347 00:25:12,840 --> 00:25:16,290 the school anymore, but are all, you know, all around the world 348 00:25:16,290 --> 00:25:21,900 in different places. There, they knew something profound happened 349 00:25:21,900 --> 00:25:23,760 that at that, at that moment, 350 00:25:25,020 --> 00:25:27,930 John Greenewald: again, not wanting to reveal too much of 351 00:25:27,930 --> 00:25:35,130 the film. But were you surprised at the emotional toll that I 352 00:25:35,130 --> 00:25:39,510 feel comes out in this that the children, some of the children 353 00:25:39,510 --> 00:25:43,140 that were there that you interviewed, present day? And 354 00:25:43,140 --> 00:25:48,030 again, juxtapose that footage from back then? You can you can 355 00:25:48,030 --> 00:25:51,030 feel it, you can see that emotion, you can feel that 356 00:25:51,030 --> 00:25:55,950 emotion? Was that expected? Or Did that surprise you at all? 357 00:25:57,240 --> 00:26:01,920 Randall Nickerson: It just solidified. You know, still, 358 00:26:01,950 --> 00:26:07,650 when I walked in to interview these children as adults, I was 359 00:26:07,650 --> 00:26:10,890 ready for anything, you know, ready for? Well, you know, 360 00:26:10,920 --> 00:26:14,040 whether they Oh, no, I made it up when I was getting no, I 361 00:26:14,040 --> 00:26:17,400 expected expected that and I didn't expect what you're 362 00:26:17,400 --> 00:26:23,310 talking about, which was that it did. It's something that really 363 00:26:23,310 --> 00:26:29,310 touched their lives. And, you know, different people dealt 364 00:26:29,310 --> 00:26:35,430 with it in different ways. I see that a lot. Some people blocked 365 00:26:35,430 --> 00:26:39,870 it out completely, or they only want to think about it for short 366 00:26:39,870 --> 00:26:43,440 periods of time, and they want to get back to doing things, or 367 00:26:43,440 --> 00:26:49,860 they've faced it head on, which is pretty rare. But it's 368 00:26:49,860 --> 00:26:54,990 something I I've seen and talk to other people about that 369 00:26:54,990 --> 00:26:57,960 aren't involved with aerial how long it takes to actually 370 00:26:58,470 --> 00:27:04,620 process something like that. And it doesn't help that they're 371 00:27:04,620 --> 00:27:09,240 not, they're not believed, or people laugh at them, or they're 372 00:27:09,240 --> 00:27:13,350 called crazy, and doesn't want them, it doesn't help them heal. 373 00:27:15,510 --> 00:27:20,190 And I was lucky to I really feel honored that like a lot of these 374 00:27:20,190 --> 00:27:26,100 students allowed me to tell their story. You know, it was a 375 00:27:26,100 --> 00:27:31,410 risk for every single one of them. And I just honored them 376 00:27:31,410 --> 00:27:37,350 for their contribution in a way to our future. Yeah. So 377 00:27:38,370 --> 00:27:40,710 John Greenewald: my compliments to you for capturing that 378 00:27:40,710 --> 00:27:45,450 because it does come through. And I think a lot of people that 379 00:27:45,450 --> 00:27:49,560 are those hardcore debunkers and skeptics, I call myself 380 00:27:49,560 --> 00:27:55,650 skeptical I am. But you know, there's a there's a very, for me 381 00:27:55,650 --> 00:28:01,260 distinct line of sensitivity here when when people experience 382 00:28:01,260 --> 00:28:05,100 something like this, and I just really, it's not something that 383 00:28:05,100 --> 00:28:09,270 I focus on, because you get into some very sensitive territory. 384 00:28:09,270 --> 00:28:11,970 But I think a lot of people that, again, are those hardcore 385 00:28:11,970 --> 00:28:16,020 skeptics and debunkers, they forget that there's humans that 386 00:28:16,380 --> 00:28:19,170 are on the other side of the stories that you can throw out 387 00:28:19,170 --> 00:28:22,680 all of the, you know, skeptical explanations you want. It's mass 388 00:28:22,680 --> 00:28:26,430 hysteria, it's delusion. They're crazy. They were on drugs, you 389 00:28:26,430 --> 00:28:30,000 know, whatever. And again, not to this specific case, but in 390 00:28:30,000 --> 00:28:34,560 generality, they forget. And I think that that's what this film 391 00:28:34,560 --> 00:28:40,320 captures is the human toll of an experience like this. I don't 392 00:28:40,320 --> 00:28:44,520 want to put words in your mouth. But it sounds like you believe 393 00:28:44,610 --> 00:28:48,000 that they had an extra terrestrial encounter, after 394 00:28:48,000 --> 00:28:50,520 you've done this film. And based on your experience, 395 00:28:51,720 --> 00:28:55,800 Randall Nickerson: yes. And there, it's details actually, a 396 00:28:55,800 --> 00:28:59,190 lot of it's not in the film, because nobody would get it. Cuz 397 00:28:59,190 --> 00:29:03,840 they're so specific. But it was observations that they made that 398 00:29:03,900 --> 00:29:07,470 that really convinced me. There's no way they could have 399 00:29:07,470 --> 00:29:12,210 known those things at that period in time. Because it just 400 00:29:12,210 --> 00:29:16,230 wasn't even. I mean, it's still, it's still not really widely 401 00:29:16,230 --> 00:29:25,290 known at all. So yeah, you know, and again, it's like, you know, 402 00:29:25,320 --> 00:29:28,260 the simplest explanation going back to skeptics, I don't want 403 00:29:28,260 --> 00:29:31,110 to spend too much time because what I found is most skeptics 404 00:29:31,110 --> 00:29:35,760 don't do the research. You know, what they're talking about, and 405 00:29:35,760 --> 00:29:39,690 then, you know, and they go by the simplest explanation Well, 406 00:29:39,720 --> 00:29:44,190 that's true. In 90% of the time I agree with that, and I'm very 407 00:29:44,190 --> 00:29:47,160 objective person I work you know, my dad was a mechanic, I 408 00:29:47,160 --> 00:29:51,630 grew up working on cars, things if I if if it wasn't in my 409 00:29:51,630 --> 00:29:54,180 hands, and I couldn't turn a wrench to it or what didn't 410 00:29:54,180 --> 00:29:57,630 exist. You know what I mean? If I couldn't have my hands on it, 411 00:29:57,870 --> 00:30:02,700 sure. Work on it physically. Let's and then again until 412 00:30:02,700 --> 00:30:06,510 electricity, just just, you know, and we can't see that, 413 00:30:06,810 --> 00:30:09,120 really, most of the time, we don't see it, but it's still 414 00:30:09,120 --> 00:30:14,790 there. And when you get nailed by to 20, or 40, or 40 volts, 415 00:30:14,790 --> 00:30:22,380 you know, it's real. But yeah, the simplest explanation is 90%. 416 00:30:22,500 --> 00:30:26,940 Right, but not this all the time, I think, you know, 417 00:30:26,940 --> 00:30:32,550 skeptics got a really, I don't know, I, in my, my, the skeptics 418 00:30:32,550 --> 00:30:38,700 have gotten that gone downhill over time. kind of curious, 419 00:30:38,700 --> 00:30:44,760 who's going to step up this time and try to, you know, debunk 420 00:30:44,790 --> 00:30:50,100 this or whatever. But I'm really not that concerns. Because I was 421 00:30:50,100 --> 00:30:51,240 ready for that in the beginning. 422 00:30:51,570 --> 00:30:55,350 John Greenewald: Yeah. And again, that's what has struck me 423 00:30:55,350 --> 00:30:58,920 about it, not only after seeing your film, but even prior that 424 00:30:58,920 --> 00:31:01,800 for I've been around the block for a long time in this field. 425 00:31:01,800 --> 00:31:05,550 I've known about the case, I've never really dug into it myself. 426 00:31:06,570 --> 00:31:10,470 But knew enough to know that there really wasn't a whole lot 427 00:31:10,470 --> 00:31:14,670 of skeptics throwing bombs at a gun. No, it's this. It's that 428 00:31:14,670 --> 00:31:18,900 it's whatever. Because there are so many aspects to supporting 429 00:31:19,140 --> 00:31:22,020 what had happened. And you brought up some stuff that you 430 00:31:22,020 --> 00:31:26,340 said was not in the film. Do you mind if I ask what those points 431 00:31:26,340 --> 00:31:30,150 and details were from the kids that maybe resonated with you? 432 00:31:30,150 --> 00:31:31,440 Do you mind if I asked that? 433 00:31:31,530 --> 00:31:33,720 Randall Nickerson: I kind of want to keep them quiet, because 434 00:31:34,230 --> 00:31:40,410 they're so specific. And John Mack did the same. Because 435 00:31:40,470 --> 00:31:45,660 they're kind of key to knowing. They're just very specific 436 00:31:45,660 --> 00:31:52,650 things that that tell you that it's the same thing. Right. And 437 00:31:52,680 --> 00:31:56,550 John, he had kept those quiet sort of Budd Hopkins and others, 438 00:31:56,580 --> 00:32:01,350 they kept these little, these little details, because that 439 00:32:01,350 --> 00:32:06,390 really told you who who was authentic. Because you can't be 440 00:32:06,420 --> 00:32:11,280 I mean, it's so out of the, you know, it's out of the it's just 441 00:32:11,310 --> 00:32:16,380 very specific out of the normal realm. I just don't I just, you 442 00:32:16,380 --> 00:32:19,560 know, don't think it'd be good to share that stuff at this 443 00:32:19,560 --> 00:32:19,860 point. 444 00:32:20,040 --> 00:32:22,680 John Greenewald: I understand. Are these details if you don't 445 00:32:22,680 --> 00:32:27,600 mind me asking this details found outside of the aerial 446 00:32:27,600 --> 00:32:32,010 events, meaning other cases from other parts? That's that's what 447 00:32:32,010 --> 00:32:34,110 you mean. Okay. I 448 00:32:35,310 --> 00:32:37,320 Randall Nickerson: gotcha. I'm not trying to be like, you know, 449 00:32:37,320 --> 00:32:41,550 secretive or anything. No, I have questions. And they're very 450 00:32:41,550 --> 00:32:43,500 poignant. I appreciate that. 451 00:32:43,800 --> 00:32:47,070 John Greenewald: Yeah. No, and I can appreciate what you're what 452 00:32:47,070 --> 00:32:51,480 you're trying to shield as well. I mean, yeah, totally, totally 453 00:32:51,480 --> 00:32:54,900 on board with you. They're going back to the drawings. One thing 454 00:32:54,900 --> 00:33:00,720 we haven't talked about yet was the actual extraterrestrials 455 00:33:00,720 --> 00:33:05,160 that were seen by multiple children. And not every drawing 456 00:33:05,190 --> 00:33:08,250 that I saw in the film had them, but quite a few of them did, 457 00:33:08,250 --> 00:33:13,890 right. Yes. So what percentage would you say of the drawings 458 00:33:13,890 --> 00:33:20,310 that you got? Where the kids did they see these beings, the half 459 00:33:20,340 --> 00:33:21,390 all of them? 460 00:33:21,689 --> 00:33:24,899 Randall Nickerson: No, it wasn't all of them. One of the things 461 00:33:24,899 --> 00:33:28,259 you have people have to understand I think is how large 462 00:33:29,009 --> 00:33:34,949 the playground is. Its enormous. And there's there are two 463 00:33:34,949 --> 00:33:42,179 playing fields one very close to this object that came down. And 464 00:33:42,179 --> 00:33:46,229 the other one was actually on a about 15 feet elevated, and it 465 00:33:46,229 --> 00:33:52,259 was surrounded by trees. So people on that field. If they 466 00:33:52,259 --> 00:33:57,329 were they, they probably didn't see what the other people did. I 467 00:33:57,329 --> 00:34:01,349 mean, there was a swimming pool I got it must have been 500 468 00:34:01,349 --> 00:34:05,789 yards away from the site. It's a long ways away. It's a huge 469 00:34:05,789 --> 00:34:09,059 campus. It's almost like a college campus. It's that big. 470 00:34:09,479 --> 00:34:14,729 So when you take that into account, and finding out where 471 00:34:14,729 --> 00:34:18,629 people were on the playground, or the different playgrounds 472 00:34:18,629 --> 00:34:20,939 because there was a playground for the little kids and then 473 00:34:20,939 --> 00:34:24,359 there was the soccer field and the other soccer field or 474 00:34:24,359 --> 00:34:28,859 football they call it of course and and then the swimming area. 475 00:34:28,889 --> 00:34:33,869 And I mean it was it's enormous. And so when I placed people 476 00:34:33,869 --> 00:34:36,659 where they were it made a lot of sense. The people that were 477 00:34:36,659 --> 00:34:42,809 closest to it had the hadn't seen that those creatures. Yep. 478 00:34:44,970 --> 00:34:47,520 John Greenewald: I'll let you take the lead here. The 479 00:34:47,550 --> 00:34:50,550 according to the children, whatever you're comfortable 480 00:34:50,550 --> 00:34:54,120 sharing without blowing the entire documentary. What did 481 00:34:54,120 --> 00:34:57,990 they what did they experience when those that saw the 482 00:34:57,990 --> 00:35:00,840 creatures? What did they They experience 483 00:35:01,979 --> 00:35:05,459 Randall Nickerson: some form of communication. mind to mind 484 00:35:05,459 --> 00:35:12,389 communication. I don't know what else to say about that. That's 485 00:35:12,419 --> 00:35:17,129 and that's you in researching all the other reports and and 486 00:35:17,159 --> 00:35:22,739 you know, say, really had to do a wide ranging look at it the 487 00:35:22,739 --> 00:35:29,219 whole phenomenon that's common. That's part of this, this 488 00:35:29,219 --> 00:35:33,989 phenomenon. Is that mind to mind communication? 489 00:35:35,400 --> 00:35:39,510 John Greenewald: Yeah. And in 1994. For those, I don't know 490 00:35:39,540 --> 00:35:43,560 what number of kids describe that telepathic communication. 491 00:35:44,310 --> 00:35:47,850 But what are the odds that kids like that would make up that 492 00:35:48,090 --> 00:35:51,870 type of a detail? You know what I mean, like that, that, to me 493 00:35:51,900 --> 00:35:56,250 was something that stuck out as well, where it's like, you know, 494 00:35:56,250 --> 00:35:59,580 kids are going to be kids, if that was something to look at, 495 00:35:59,580 --> 00:36:03,840 of either a mass delusion or whatever their imagination, but 496 00:36:03,840 --> 00:36:08,790 they were so specific, in those older interviews that were shot 497 00:36:09,000 --> 00:36:12,720 that you showed in the film, of mind to mind communication. 498 00:36:13,200 --> 00:36:17,130 Those are some pretty powerful words, you know, and I think 499 00:36:17,130 --> 00:36:23,010 that, that that's something that really doesn't resonate today 500 00:36:23,040 --> 00:36:26,880 about this, this event. I mean, for those that dive into this 501 00:36:26,880 --> 00:36:30,630 field, if they're lucky enough to, you know, see your 502 00:36:30,660 --> 00:36:34,500 documentary, they'll become acquainted with it, but most out 503 00:36:34,500 --> 00:36:38,490 there don't. And that leads into my next question for you is, why 504 00:36:38,490 --> 00:36:42,090 don't you think that this is part of a bigger conversation, 505 00:36:42,300 --> 00:36:46,020 where you do have not only with Dr. John Mack, but others as 506 00:36:46,020 --> 00:36:49,110 well, Harvard level psychiatrists, ones that are 507 00:36:49,110 --> 00:36:53,640 qualified to talk to somebody and say, okay, look, they may 508 00:36:53,640 --> 00:36:59,070 think that they saw this, but XYZ, their qualifications are 509 00:36:59,070 --> 00:37:03,870 not paving the way for any type of explanation, other than these 510 00:37:03,870 --> 00:37:07,950 kids experience something. So why isn't this part of a bigger 511 00:37:07,950 --> 00:37:09,870 conversation in this day and age? 512 00:37:12,840 --> 00:37:15,030 Randall Nickerson: Male I think that's we're in the process of 513 00:37:15,030 --> 00:37:25,350 that changing right now. I think it's been a worldview. problem, 514 00:37:25,770 --> 00:37:29,910 you know, back to Copernicus, and Galileo, the same kind of 515 00:37:29,910 --> 00:37:36,930 thing where we, especially in the, in our war, educated 516 00:37:38,160 --> 00:37:43,080 professors, and that field, and other fields, where people have 517 00:37:43,080 --> 00:37:46,770 studied forever, and have multiple doctorate degrees, 518 00:37:47,130 --> 00:37:50,760 they're pretty stuck on this is the way it is, you know, this is 519 00:37:50,760 --> 00:37:55,320 the way this is the truth. This is all there is. And yes, 520 00:37:55,320 --> 00:37:59,880 there's this and this and this, but aliens are really 521 00:37:59,910 --> 00:38:07,590 disturbing. worldview shift to, to think that there's possibly 522 00:38:07,590 --> 00:38:12,480 something way far more intelligent than us out there is 523 00:38:12,480 --> 00:38:16,380 disturbing on a lot of levels. And John Mack and others have 524 00:38:16,380 --> 00:38:20,310 spoken about this, not the first one to say this, by any means. 525 00:38:21,960 --> 00:38:27,900 And that it's kind of like a global ego blow, which I heard 526 00:38:27,900 --> 00:38:35,160 John, say, to humanity, and it's something we're gonna have to 527 00:38:35,160 --> 00:38:39,630 get over. So we can make progress and realize it's kind 528 00:38:39,630 --> 00:38:45,960 of, you know, we're gonna have to be have some humility, you 529 00:38:45,960 --> 00:38:52,050 know, if we're gonna grow, and come to terms with the fact that 530 00:38:52,050 --> 00:38:55,860 there is other life out there. It's if they've gotten here, 531 00:38:55,890 --> 00:38:59,550 they're so far ahead of us, our LMS. 532 00:39:00,780 --> 00:39:02,550 John Greenewald: You had mentioned the conversation is 533 00:39:02,550 --> 00:39:07,200 changing in that regard. Do you feel that humanity is ready to 534 00:39:07,200 --> 00:39:14,520 accept incidents like the aerial case like others that may be 535 00:39:14,550 --> 00:39:20,250 similar, although I can't really think of ones that are near this 536 00:39:20,250 --> 00:39:23,940 type of a case, but obviously encounters and so on, do you 537 00:39:23,940 --> 00:39:26,850 think the world and humanity is ready at this point? 538 00:39:27,990 --> 00:39:32,700 Randall Nickerson: The younger generation is for sure. The you 539 00:39:32,700 --> 00:39:43,770 know, what's that saying? Ideas. Great, great ideas die with with 540 00:39:44,100 --> 00:39:48,780 when professors die, so it's sorry, I'm not able to quote it, 541 00:39:48,780 --> 00:39:54,030 but it's. So the older generation I think, is going to 542 00:39:54,030 --> 00:39:57,330 have a more difficult time because of their mindset, but 543 00:39:57,660 --> 00:40:00,900 the younger generations have grown up with exists hearing 544 00:40:00,900 --> 00:40:05,190 about this in movies that aren't even close to the reality. But, 545 00:40:05,940 --> 00:40:09,780 you know, they're much more open and they want to know. And they 546 00:40:09,810 --> 00:40:14,820 also see that we need to grow and they want to know the truth. 547 00:40:15,570 --> 00:40:18,870 So I think I think we're gonna do okay about as long as we 548 00:40:18,870 --> 00:40:24,870 don't think it's a threat? Like, I mean, I think we not that I 549 00:40:24,870 --> 00:40:28,260 know what the answer is to that we do need to know what their 550 00:40:28,260 --> 00:40:33,240 intentions are. Why are they here? You know, what's, what's 551 00:40:33,240 --> 00:40:44,400 their intentions. But again, others have said it, I think, if 552 00:40:44,430 --> 00:40:48,030 they were here for we would not be we would not be here. 553 00:40:49,680 --> 00:40:53,070 Considering the technology that they seem to wield. 554 00:40:54,600 --> 00:40:57,300 John Greenewald: Do you think religion will play a role in 555 00:40:57,300 --> 00:41:00,540 this that came up in the film a little bit? You can attribute it 556 00:41:00,540 --> 00:41:04,080 to this case and beyond? So how do you feel that that will play 557 00:41:04,080 --> 00:41:05,610 a role moving forward? 558 00:41:05,970 --> 00:41:08,250 Randall Nickerson: Well, I think the Catholic Church and you 559 00:41:08,250 --> 00:41:13,470 know, the major religions have pretty much realized that this 560 00:41:13,470 --> 00:41:18,540 was going to be coming down the pipe quite a long time ago, back 561 00:41:18,540 --> 00:41:23,160 in the 90s. And, and even currently, so they've opened the 562 00:41:23,160 --> 00:41:28,260 door for that, which is good, because so it's inclusive, you 563 00:41:28,260 --> 00:41:34,200 know, that we're not the only creatures here. I it is, I'm 564 00:41:34,200 --> 00:41:40,800 sure it's been a concern for a long time. From the powers that 565 00:41:40,800 --> 00:41:46,800 be, religion has been a very big concern. But I think I think 566 00:41:46,800 --> 00:41:52,530 it's gonna, I think it'll smooth out because of what the actions 567 00:41:52,530 --> 00:42:00,240 by the Catholic Church and other religions too, I mean, NASA just 568 00:42:00,240 --> 00:42:05,220 brought them in for a story or wherever. Yeah, I think that was 569 00:42:05,220 --> 00:42:10,440 a really good idea. To say they need to be on they need to be 570 00:42:11,100 --> 00:42:16,110 brought on board to themselves religions to understand like, 571 00:42:16,110 --> 00:42:19,020 Okay, well, what does this mean, if we bring this into the 572 00:42:19,020 --> 00:42:19,500 picture? 573 00:42:22,110 --> 00:42:24,630 John Greenewald: As I kind of close the interview with you 574 00:42:24,660 --> 00:42:31,620 hear at the end of my time, I want to ask you, what is the one 575 00:42:31,770 --> 00:42:36,510 message that somebody sits down, they watch your film, what's the 576 00:42:36,510 --> 00:42:39,360 one message that you want them to come away with? 577 00:42:46,560 --> 00:42:49,440 Randall Nickerson: That this is something we need to address, 578 00:42:50,130 --> 00:42:59,580 that it's real. And these creatures or whatever they are, 579 00:42:59,580 --> 00:43:03,600 it's, it's going on worldwide. All over the place aerials, one 580 00:43:03,600 --> 00:43:07,920 incident there, many, many, many, many, many more. And just 581 00:43:07,920 --> 00:43:14,280 as riveting. And this is something we need to, you need 582 00:43:14,280 --> 00:43:18,180 to find out, as much as possible, any piece of data is 583 00:43:18,180 --> 00:43:24,270 important about these things to understand what they are, and 584 00:43:24,270 --> 00:43:27,480 why they're here, we'll get to where they're from down the 585 00:43:27,480 --> 00:43:32,100 road, but we need to know, for our own species survival, you 586 00:43:32,100 --> 00:43:37,350 know, to know, because they can decide our fate. That's my, I 587 00:43:37,350 --> 00:43:41,310 don't think it's are necessarily in a lot of trouble. But who 588 00:43:41,310 --> 00:43:47,400 knows, we need to, we can't approach them. uneducated, we 589 00:43:47,400 --> 00:43:51,600 need to know as much as possible and get down to the brass tacks. 590 00:43:51,600 --> 00:43:54,870 And that means everybody, and we're seeing it, we're seeing 591 00:43:54,870 --> 00:43:58,650 the military, we're seeing, you know, NASA or seeing everybody 592 00:43:58,650 --> 00:44:03,840 finally, knowing like, okay, these things are here, then they 593 00:44:03,840 --> 00:44:07,290 you know, they're not saying what they are, of course, but we 594 00:44:07,290 --> 00:44:12,000 know, they know that these are not another foreign country or 595 00:44:12,000 --> 00:44:18,120 anything like that. So we need to address it and I hope people 596 00:44:18,810 --> 00:44:22,410 also people who have been through this who have seen them 597 00:44:22,890 --> 00:44:28,890 can have a little bit of a break. You know, people like and 598 00:44:28,890 --> 00:44:31,440 people that have talked been talking about this, researching 599 00:44:31,440 --> 00:44:35,400 it like yourself, can get a little bit of a break and be 600 00:44:35,400 --> 00:44:41,430 taking seriously because there's been so many people over the 601 00:44:41,430 --> 00:44:45,540 years, year after year, decade after decade coming forward at 602 00:44:45,540 --> 00:44:50,280 great risk to themselves, their reputations, their friends, 603 00:44:50,280 --> 00:44:57,420 their families, they've lost a lot, you know, and a day is here 604 00:44:57,420 --> 00:45:01,080 pretty soon that we everybody wasn't You're taking seriously 605 00:45:01,920 --> 00:45:02,910 on a different level. 606 00:45:03,630 --> 00:45:05,640 John Greenewald: I know I said last one, but if I can squeeze 607 00:45:05,640 --> 00:45:08,880 in one more so after everything you've experienced with this 608 00:45:08,880 --> 00:45:13,860 film, and beyond, you talked about intention and figuring out 609 00:45:13,860 --> 00:45:19,140 intention, do you personally, if I can ask Have a guess on what 610 00:45:19,140 --> 00:45:24,420 that intention may be, I won't hold you to it, but maybe 611 00:45:27,360 --> 00:45:34,230 Randall Nickerson: my personal opinion I think they're looking 612 00:45:34,230 --> 00:45:39,780 at us as a biosphere. Like, we're a rare gem, slightly rare 613 00:45:39,780 --> 00:45:43,710 gem, there's others probably likely all over the universe. 614 00:45:44,280 --> 00:45:49,320 But we're not that common. And so not just our species, the 615 00:45:49,320 --> 00:45:53,850 entire planet is important. And if we were those scientists 616 00:45:53,880 --> 00:45:58,770 traveling around the universe, we would likely want to preserve 617 00:45:58,770 --> 00:46:05,280 those as much as possible. You know, if you put yourself in 618 00:46:05,280 --> 00:46:10,320 their shoes, and we do the same thing with creatures on our 619 00:46:10,320 --> 00:46:16,530 planet below us that we study that we tagged and track and try 620 00:46:16,530 --> 00:46:20,190 to attain, and, you know, we're always doing it, and we're 621 00:46:20,190 --> 00:46:23,520 always discovering new species on on our planet, our own 622 00:46:23,520 --> 00:46:29,370 planet. So it's just there, in my opinion, they're on a much 623 00:46:29,370 --> 00:46:35,730 bigger scale. And planets are like zoos to them. I kind of 624 00:46:35,730 --> 00:46:41,610 feel personally like, they're more zoo ologists in a way. And 625 00:46:41,610 --> 00:46:46,110 scientists as well, and and they're also pilots, just by the 626 00:46:46,110 --> 00:46:51,660 way, you know, but their perspective actually makes 627 00:46:51,660 --> 00:46:55,740 sense. If you look at us, and how we treat other forms of 628 00:46:55,740 --> 00:47:00,480 wildlife and try to preserve other forms of wildlife, through 629 00:47:00,480 --> 00:47:04,560 different methods that we, you know, calling different things 630 00:47:04,560 --> 00:47:10,410 that we try to, to keep the species safer. I'm not saying 631 00:47:10,410 --> 00:47:14,700 calling in any negative way, at all like for what they're doing, 632 00:47:14,700 --> 00:47:21,480 I have no idea really, in the wide scope, but yeah, that's how 633 00:47:21,480 --> 00:47:24,780 I feel. That's my personal opinion. It's, it may be 634 00:47:24,780 --> 00:47:29,850 correct, it may not be. But it makes sense, from what I've seen 635 00:47:29,850 --> 00:47:32,670 and heard my perspective. 636 00:47:33,390 --> 00:47:36,870 John Greenewald: Well, it's a great, great way to close for my 637 00:47:36,900 --> 00:47:42,210 my audience, just to give one last tidbit about the film in 638 00:47:42,210 --> 00:47:46,830 that what I just asked Randall, some of the kids expressed what 639 00:47:46,860 --> 00:47:51,450 message they received from these beings. And it's, it's pretty 640 00:47:51,450 --> 00:47:54,720 fascinating. I'm not going to blow that part of the film, 641 00:47:54,720 --> 00:47:57,450 because I think you need to see the progression up into that 642 00:47:57,450 --> 00:48:02,100 point. So I invite everybody who is watching this interview, I 643 00:48:02,100 --> 00:48:07,470 hope you do go it is well worth it. To watch aerial phenomenon. 644 00:48:07,470 --> 00:48:11,610 Randall, let me have you give the details. How can they find 645 00:48:11,640 --> 00:48:15,210 the film? Watch it? How do they do that? 646 00:48:16,200 --> 00:48:20,010 Randall Nickerson: Right now you can go to aerial phenomenon.com. 647 00:48:20,580 --> 00:48:23,790 You can see the trailer there, you can rent the film there. And 648 00:48:23,820 --> 00:48:26,940 likely in the next couple of months, it's going to go much 649 00:48:27,120 --> 00:48:30,960 wider. Because I really want everybody in on the planet to 650 00:48:30,960 --> 00:48:36,720 see this. Not for money or fame or any of that. It's just to get 651 00:48:36,720 --> 00:48:39,990 us all on the same page, or at least open the doorway so we can 652 00:48:39,990 --> 00:48:41,760 all start having a conversation. 653 00:48:43,560 --> 00:48:45,510 John Greenewald: Yeah, it's a great, it's a great conversation 654 00:48:45,510 --> 00:48:48,720 to have. And it was an honor to have you here. And again, that's 655 00:48:48,720 --> 00:48:55,950 WWW dot aerial. A r i e l phenomenon.com. I have that 656 00:48:55,950 --> 00:48:59,280 right, Randall. Perfect. All right, I wanted to make sure. 657 00:48:59,700 --> 00:49:03,240 Randall, thank you again, very, very much for a great 658 00:49:03,240 --> 00:49:07,320 conversation. Well done with the film I do. Like I said, 659 00:49:07,320 --> 00:49:10,620 encourage everybody to see it. I hope everybody's watching will. 660 00:49:10,770 --> 00:49:14,460 So Randall, thank you very much for your time today. And thank 661 00:49:14,460 --> 00:49:17,520 you all for watching and listening. Make sure you click 662 00:49:17,520 --> 00:49:20,610 up on the thumbs up button. Make sure you subscribe to the 663 00:49:20,610 --> 00:49:23,010 channel. If you're watching on YouTube. And just know all of 664 00:49:23,010 --> 00:49:26,760 these interviews go to the podcast as well. Whatever 665 00:49:26,760 --> 00:49:31,290 podcast platform you have, just search for the black vault radio 666 00:49:31,290 --> 00:49:34,890 and you will find me there as well. Randall, thank you again. 667 00:49:34,890 --> 00:49:36,870 Thank you all for listening and watching. This is John 668 00:49:36,870 --> 00:49:39,450 Greenewald, Jr signing off, and we'll see you next time.