1 00:00:23,910 --> 00:00:26,484 John Greenewald: Hey everybody, John Greenewald here with 2 00:00:26,549 --> 00:00:30,475 theblackvault.com. There's some breaking UFO related news, if 3 00:00:30,540 --> 00:00:34,595 you're interested in that kind of thing, I thought I'd use that 4 00:00:34,660 --> 00:00:38,586 as an excuse to make a quick video for you guys, I always say 5 00:00:38,651 --> 00:00:42,706 quick, and then it ends up to be like nine hours long. So sorry 6 00:00:42,770 --> 00:00:46,633 about that. But what happened today, if you haven't seen it, 7 00:00:46,697 --> 00:00:50,302 if you're not following the black vault on social media, 8 00:00:50,366 --> 00:00:53,971 make sure you are so you get updated pretty much as this 9 00:00:54,035 --> 00:00:58,026 stuff happens. So you may have seen a post about this. But the 10 00:00:58,091 --> 00:01:01,502 Department of Defense has announced a new UAP release 11 00:01:01,567 --> 00:01:05,365 related office. But it seems like the effort has expanded a 12 00:01:05,429 --> 00:01:09,291 bit. So I wanted to bring you that news release and show you 13 00:01:09,356 --> 00:01:12,574 the official, we call them establish establishment 14 00:01:12,639 --> 00:01:16,050 memorandums that will essentially create this office. 15 00:01:16,115 --> 00:01:20,170 So let me go ahead and pull up my screen here. This is the page 16 00:01:20,235 --> 00:01:24,032 if you haven't seen it on the black vault.com. Go ahead and 17 00:01:24,097 --> 00:01:27,766 log in. Now as of the day of recording this video anyway, 18 00:01:27,830 --> 00:01:31,886 you'll probably find it as one of the top stories, as time goes 19 00:01:31,950 --> 00:01:35,619 on, it gets buried pretty quick, because lots of stuff is 20 00:01:35,684 --> 00:01:39,417 happening. Lots of stuff is getting posted. So things fall 21 00:01:39,482 --> 00:01:43,344 to the bottom. I'll also link it in the show notes below. If 22 00:01:43,408 --> 00:01:47,399 you're watching on YouTube, you can just direct click on that. 23 00:01:47,464 --> 00:01:51,197 Or if you're on that audio podcast version, just know I'll 24 00:01:51,262 --> 00:01:54,673 have it in the show notes version as well on whatever 25 00:01:54,738 --> 00:01:58,149 podcast platform you are listening to. So here is the 26 00:01:58,214 --> 00:02:02,140 highlight of it. And I think I'm gonna go through kind of the 27 00:02:02,205 --> 00:02:06,324 whole thing that way, especially for the audio version, you guys 28 00:02:06,389 --> 00:02:10,122 can get an idea of what was released today. And what every 29 00:02:10,187 --> 00:02:14,242 single detail is, because this is kind of not only breaking but 30 00:02:14,307 --> 00:02:18,491 evolving, I would bet money that the DoD doesn't really even know 31 00:02:18,555 --> 00:02:22,482 what they're doing here. Before I go into this, for those who 32 00:02:22,546 --> 00:02:26,537 will recall, they have the aeoi MSG office, that was what came 33 00:02:26,601 --> 00:02:30,721 after the UAP task force. So in my point of view, and again, not 34 00:02:30,786 --> 00:02:34,777 that it means much, but it just seems like it's evolving where 35 00:02:34,841 --> 00:02:38,575 the task force was more of a informal effort. That morphed 36 00:02:38,639 --> 00:02:42,694 into that more formal aeoi MSG, which was pronounced aim SOG at 37 00:02:42,759 --> 00:02:46,621 the UAP hearing. If you didn't see that hearing, I do have a 38 00:02:46,685 --> 00:02:50,483 video here on the blackbelts YouTube channel, you can watch 39 00:02:50,548 --> 00:02:54,346 the whole thing, even made a podcast version for you all as 40 00:02:54,410 --> 00:02:58,465 well. So you can listen to it. And it's worth listening to. But 41 00:02:58,530 --> 00:03:02,392 that was the effort that was born out of the UAP task force. 42 00:03:02,456 --> 00:03:06,126 Now it seems like that has morphed into something else. I 43 00:03:06,190 --> 00:03:10,052 say morphed because the effort has expanded. Moultrie during 44 00:03:10,117 --> 00:03:14,108 the UAP hearing had mentioned that the aim SOG would likely be 45 00:03:14,172 --> 00:03:18,227 renamed. In my opinion, this is a new effort and it has morphed 46 00:03:18,292 --> 00:03:22,283 into something else. So that's the quick preface to leading us 47 00:03:22,347 --> 00:03:26,403 now to today, July 20 2022, when they meaning the Department of 48 00:03:26,467 --> 00:03:29,879 Defense announced the establishment of what they call 49 00:03:29,943 --> 00:03:33,934 an all domain anomaly resolution office. Now what I did on the 50 00:03:33,998 --> 00:03:37,603 black vault is archive, the official press release. I do 51 00:03:37,668 --> 00:03:41,337 this for a couple different reasons. And I've got way too 52 00:03:41,401 --> 00:03:45,263 many examples to show. A lot of times things get posted, and 53 00:03:45,328 --> 00:03:49,061 then they get unposted. They disappeared. I'm not going to 54 00:03:49,126 --> 00:03:52,795 say that that happened with this. But sometimes documents 55 00:03:52,859 --> 00:03:56,013 disappear. Sometimes the government changes their 56 00:03:56,078 --> 00:03:59,876 website. Sometimes in that process. Documents go away press 57 00:03:59,940 --> 00:04:03,674 releases go away. One prime example. In the recent all SAP 58 00:04:03,738 --> 00:04:07,536 documents posted by the DIA, I had archived them all on the 59 00:04:07,600 --> 00:04:11,591 black vault. The DIA had taken them all down. They reorganized 60 00:04:11,656 --> 00:04:15,582 it and weeks. And I think it was more than a month later, put 61 00:04:15,647 --> 00:04:18,865 everything back. But they actually did not put one 62 00:04:18,930 --> 00:04:22,792 document back I have not been able to get an answer why. But 63 00:04:22,856 --> 00:04:26,783 anyway, some of you have asked me you know why? Why do I just 64 00:04:26,847 --> 00:04:30,903 go to the trouble to archive all of this, when sometimes it may 65 00:04:30,967 --> 00:04:35,022 be easier just to offer a direct link. That's the prime example 66 00:04:35,087 --> 00:04:38,885 why? So let's go through the press release on July 15 2022. 67 00:04:38,949 --> 00:04:42,876 So that's five days ago, Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen 68 00:04:42,940 --> 00:04:46,287 Hicks, in coordination with the Director of National 69 00:04:46,352 --> 00:04:49,635 Intelligence, amended her original direction to the 70 00:04:49,699 --> 00:04:53,433 Undersecretary of Defense for intelligence and security by 71 00:04:53,497 --> 00:04:57,037 renaming and expanding the scope of the airborne object 72 00:04:57,102 --> 00:05:01,093 identification and management group. That's the AOA MSG or aim 73 00:05:01,157 --> 00:05:05,020 SOG that I was just talking about, to the all domain anomaly 74 00:05:05,084 --> 00:05:08,946 resolution office or AAR. Oh, I'm going with Arrow I'm, it's 75 00:05:09,011 --> 00:05:12,229 the government so they'll probably have some weird 76 00:05:12,294 --> 00:05:16,220 pronunciation of it. But I'm just gonna go with arrow for now 77 00:05:16,285 --> 00:05:16,800 AAR. Oh. 78 00:05:18,359 --> 00:05:21,119 So I'll domain anomaly resolution office due to the 79 00:05:21,119 --> 00:05:24,089 enactment of the National Defense Authorization Act for 80 00:05:24,089 --> 00:05:28,769 Fiscal 2022, which included a provision to establish an office 81 00:05:28,979 --> 00:05:32,219 in coordination with DNI with responsibilities that were 82 00:05:32,219 --> 00:05:36,359 broader than those originally assigned to the aim SOG. Today, 83 00:05:36,629 --> 00:05:42,119 US D I N S, Ronald s. Moultrie informed the department of the 84 00:05:42,119 --> 00:05:45,539 establishment of Arrow within the Office of the Undersecretary 85 00:05:45,539 --> 00:05:49,529 of Defense for intelligence and security, and named Dr. Shawn 86 00:05:49,559 --> 00:05:53,369 Kirkpatrick. Most recently, the chief scientist at the Defense 87 00:05:53,369 --> 00:05:57,119 Intelligence agencies, missile and space intelligence center, 88 00:05:57,359 --> 00:06:01,619 as the director of arrow, the mission of the arrow will be to 89 00:06:01,619 --> 00:06:04,949 synchronize efforts across the Department of Defense, and with 90 00:06:04,949 --> 00:06:10,169 other US federal departments and agencies to detect, identify and 91 00:06:10,169 --> 00:06:15,329 attribute objects in of interest in on or near military 92 00:06:15,329 --> 00:06:20,099 installations, operating areas, training areas, special use 93 00:06:20,099 --> 00:06:24,449 airspace, and other areas of interest and as necessary to 94 00:06:24,449 --> 00:06:28,349 mitigate any associated threats to safety of operations, and 95 00:06:28,349 --> 00:06:33,899 national security. This includes anomalous, unidentified space, 96 00:06:34,349 --> 00:06:39,179 airborne, submerged, and transmedial objects. I'm gonna 97 00:06:39,179 --> 00:06:44,249 stop there for a minute. That to me is the biggest part of this. 98 00:06:44,249 --> 00:06:47,759 Now, keep in mind, this has always been the unidentified 99 00:06:47,789 --> 00:06:53,579 aerial phenomena, let's say Task Force, or the effort to research 100 00:06:53,609 --> 00:06:58,079 UAP. And in recent weeks and months, they started talking 101 00:06:58,079 --> 00:07:02,099 about this underwater phenomena. Now in the UFO field, that's 102 00:07:02,099 --> 00:07:05,849 nothing new. I was working on a documentary, probably 20 years 103 00:07:05,849 --> 00:07:10,919 ago for the History Channel, both on screen and yeah, on 104 00:07:10,919 --> 00:07:13,799 screen for that particular one. And we were talking about 105 00:07:13,799 --> 00:07:18,659 underwater objects, UFOs unidentified submersible objects 106 00:07:18,659 --> 00:07:22,259 or submerged objects what whoever you were speaking to, 107 00:07:22,589 --> 00:07:25,169 they had different acronyms. But those weren't official, those 108 00:07:25,169 --> 00:07:28,319 were not Department of Defense acronyms. Those were more, we'll 109 00:07:28,319 --> 00:07:31,949 call them you for logical acronyms. So that is nothing 110 00:07:31,949 --> 00:07:36,239 new. What's new, is the Department of Defense started 111 00:07:36,239 --> 00:07:39,239 talking about it. And then all of a sudden, it started showing 112 00:07:39,239 --> 00:07:42,479 up in congressional language. And then all of a sudden, here 113 00:07:42,479 --> 00:07:46,049 you go, we're talking about submerged and trans medium 114 00:07:46,079 --> 00:07:51,509 objects, those in both going from sea to air, in Department 115 00:07:51,509 --> 00:07:55,319 of Defense Language in this in this press release. That, to me 116 00:07:55,319 --> 00:07:59,939 is big. But for me, what's bigger? Is the unidentified 117 00:07:59,969 --> 00:08:05,759 space. Now, I'm guessing that this may be potentially like, 118 00:08:05,789 --> 00:08:09,209 where they're going to use this as an excuse when mainstream 119 00:08:09,209 --> 00:08:11,879 media hopefully starts asking questions that they'll talk 120 00:08:11,879 --> 00:08:16,799 about foreign adversaries using craft like we are experimenting 121 00:08:16,799 --> 00:08:22,319 and using now. And we know that we have unmanned spacecraft up 122 00:08:22,319 --> 00:08:25,439 there that are that sometimes up there for two plus years at a 123 00:08:25,439 --> 00:08:30,449 time, generally, with classified missions. So I believe they're 124 00:08:30,479 --> 00:08:35,039 there, they're going to utilize what we as as America are doing 125 00:08:35,429 --> 00:08:39,449 to ensure that these objects that are seen in space are not, 126 00:08:39,569 --> 00:08:43,529 let's say, China, I know Russia usually goes along with that. 127 00:08:43,529 --> 00:08:45,959 But with the situation in Ukraine, everybody's laughing at 128 00:08:45,959 --> 00:08:48,209 this point, that it can't be them because they're just 129 00:08:48,209 --> 00:08:50,399 failing miserably, and they don't have the tech. And that 130 00:08:50,399 --> 00:08:53,939 could very well be true. But regardless, though, either now 131 00:08:53,939 --> 00:08:56,039 or in the future, that potentially is a defense 132 00:08:56,039 --> 00:09:00,779 concern, in addition to the portion of these phenomena that 133 00:09:00,779 --> 00:09:04,409 we just can't explain. So going back to this language, the fact 134 00:09:04,409 --> 00:09:08,459 that they have now broaden this effort to include unidentified 135 00:09:08,459 --> 00:09:12,569 space, airborne submerged and trans medium objects, that's 136 00:09:12,569 --> 00:09:17,519 huge. Because that tells me that they're hearing more than what 137 00:09:17,519 --> 00:09:19,739 the general public is hearing, we're hearing about those 138 00:09:19,739 --> 00:09:23,909 military encounters. Sure, the tic tac arguably trans medium 139 00:09:23,909 --> 00:09:26,699 with, you know, splashes in the water, maybe it came out of the 140 00:09:26,699 --> 00:09:29,789 water, it doesn't really matter. We haven't really focused on 141 00:09:29,789 --> 00:09:34,349 that in the stories in the general public realm. So we're 142 00:09:34,349 --> 00:09:37,409 more hearing about the unidentified aerial part, the 143 00:09:37,409 --> 00:09:40,259 airborne part that they're talking about. Now all of a 144 00:09:40,259 --> 00:09:45,719 sudden the language with space, trans medium and submerged is is 145 00:09:45,719 --> 00:09:49,469 becoming more prevalent. So those classified briefings got a 146 00:09:49,469 --> 00:09:53,459 little bit more interesting to me because it's this is a guess, 147 00:09:53,669 --> 00:09:56,189 but that's probably where they're hearing about stuff like 148 00:09:56,189 --> 00:09:57,539 this. And 149 00:09:58,860 --> 00:10:03,120 I'm not going to do it in this way. Do but today, same day, the 150 00:10:03,330 --> 00:10:06,810 House Intelligence Committee approved their intel 151 00:10:06,810 --> 00:10:11,640 intelligence Authorization Act. So in there is also language 152 00:10:11,640 --> 00:10:14,400 that kind of echoes this with submerged objects, underwater 153 00:10:14,400 --> 00:10:18,330 phenomena, stuff like that. So you're seeing this language more 154 00:10:18,330 --> 00:10:20,460 and more. And that's where I think that these classified 155 00:10:20,460 --> 00:10:24,240 briefings are potentially going much more into those angles that 156 00:10:24,240 --> 00:10:28,080 the general public just is not hearing about. Which if you ask 157 00:10:28,080 --> 00:10:32,610 me, it's pretty darn cool. Going back to the press release, the 158 00:10:32,610 --> 00:10:37,320 arrow executive, I always laugh at these acronyms. The arrow 159 00:10:37,320 --> 00:10:41,370 executive council or arrow exec member aim SOG have kind of the 160 00:10:41,370 --> 00:10:44,040 same thing. Led by Undersecretary of Defense for 161 00:10:44,040 --> 00:10:47,040 intelligence and security, Ronald Moultrie will provide 162 00:10:47,040 --> 00:10:50,880 oversight and direction to the arrow along these primary lines 163 00:10:51,000 --> 00:10:54,510 of effort, surveillance, collection and reporting number 164 00:10:54,510 --> 00:10:58,080 two system capabilities and design. Number three, 165 00:10:58,080 --> 00:11:02,670 intelligence operations and analysis number four, mitigation 166 00:11:02,670 --> 00:11:07,560 and defeat, number five, governance number six, science 167 00:11:07,560 --> 00:11:11,910 and technology. So that's the press release, excuse me, that's 168 00:11:11,910 --> 00:11:17,190 what they sent out today. And these are the establishment 169 00:11:17,190 --> 00:11:24,810 memos. Now here's the one that was created 15 July 2022. This 170 00:11:24,810 --> 00:11:31,320 was by Kathleen Hicks, who we just read about in the in the 171 00:11:31,350 --> 00:11:34,440 press release, but also you'll recall from the past, she was 172 00:11:34,440 --> 00:11:38,220 the one that did the memorandum establishing aim SOG and you'll 173 00:11:38,220 --> 00:11:40,860 see here subject matter establishment of the of the all 174 00:11:40,860 --> 00:11:45,720 domain anomaly resolution office. Let me read this for you 175 00:11:45,720 --> 00:11:49,320 under November 23 2021. I directed the Undersecretary of 176 00:11:49,320 --> 00:11:52,350 Defense for intelligence and security to establish the 177 00:11:52,350 --> 00:11:55,590 airborne object identification management synchronization group 178 00:11:55,830 --> 00:11:59,070 to synchronize efforts across the Department of Defense with 179 00:11:59,070 --> 00:12:03,330 other federal departments and agencies to detect, identify and 180 00:12:03,360 --> 00:12:06,120 attribute or attribute objects of interest in special use 181 00:12:06,120 --> 00:12:09,090 airspace I know people use both pronunciations sorry if I'm 182 00:12:09,090 --> 00:12:13,290 wrong on it. I also established the airport the airborne object 183 00:12:13,290 --> 00:12:16,170 identification management executive council to provide 184 00:12:16,170 --> 00:12:19,410 oversight and direction to the aim SOG. Prior to the 185 00:12:19,410 --> 00:12:22,620 establishment of the aim SOG the National Defense Authorization 186 00:12:22,620 --> 00:12:26,760 Act for Fiscal Year 2022 was an act that was enacted with a 187 00:12:26,760 --> 00:12:29,520 provision that requires the Secretary of Defense to 188 00:12:29,520 --> 00:12:32,460 establish an office in coordination with the Director 189 00:12:32,460 --> 00:12:35,490 of National Intelligence with responsibilities that include 190 00:12:35,490 --> 00:12:38,610 those that were to be assigned to the AME SOG. Therefore, 191 00:12:38,610 --> 00:12:41,940 following coordination with the DNI, I hereby approve the 192 00:12:41,940 --> 00:12:45,240 following amendments to my original direction, and Deputy 193 00:12:45,240 --> 00:12:48,540 Secretary of Defense memorandum establishment of the airborne 194 00:12:48,570 --> 00:12:51,540 object identification and management group November 195 00:12:51,540 --> 00:12:57,810 23 2021. To meet the DoD requirements in Section 1683. Of 196 00:12:57,810 --> 00:13:03,750 the NDAA for fiscal year 2022. The all domain anomaly 197 00:13:03,780 --> 00:13:07,620 resolution office or arrow will be established to carry out the 198 00:13:07,620 --> 00:13:11,730 duties that were to be fulfilled by the aim SOG. The mission of 199 00:13:11,730 --> 00:13:15,060 the arrow will be to synchronize efforts across the department 200 00:13:15,060 --> 00:13:18,900 with other federal departments and agencies to detect identify 201 00:13:19,140 --> 00:13:22,290 and attribute objects of interest in on or near military 202 00:13:22,290 --> 00:13:26,100 installations, operating areas, training areas, special use 203 00:13:26,100 --> 00:13:30,330 airspace, and other areas of interest and as necessary to 204 00:13:30,330 --> 00:13:33,630 mitigate any associated threats of safety of operations and 205 00:13:33,630 --> 00:13:37,560 national security. This includes anomalous unidentified space 206 00:13:37,680 --> 00:13:43,470 airborne submerged and transmedial objects that the 207 00:13:43,470 --> 00:13:48,780 aeoi M Exec is renamed to arrow Executive Council. The mission 208 00:13:48,780 --> 00:13:51,720 of the arrow exec will be to provide oversight and direction 209 00:13:51,720 --> 00:13:55,920 to the arrow. I direct the USD ins to establish the arrow in 210 00:13:55,920 --> 00:13:58,170 coordination with the director of administration and 211 00:13:58,170 --> 00:14:02,730 management, consistent with section 1683 of the NDAA for 212 00:14:02,730 --> 00:14:07,590 fiscal year 2022. I also direct the Secretary of the Navy to dis 213 00:14:07,620 --> 00:14:11,670 establish the unidentified aerial phenomena Task Force no 214 00:14:11,670 --> 00:14:15,870 later than the date the arrow is established, and to support the 215 00:14:15,870 --> 00:14:20,190 orderly transition of the UAP TF including the transfer of any 216 00:14:20,190 --> 00:14:27,150 data analysis, or other relevant material to the arrow and be 217 00:14:27,150 --> 00:14:30,510 honest with you, I thought the UAP TF was already 218 00:14:30,510 --> 00:14:35,040 disestablished, but who knows who am I? Apparently we're 219 00:14:35,040 --> 00:14:38,640 disestablishing it again. But I thought aim SOG did that when 220 00:14:38,640 --> 00:14:43,200 that came about but who knows. A quick note before I finish off 221 00:14:43,200 --> 00:14:47,580 this memo. This is a little bit for 222 00:14:47,580 --> 00:14:52,230 the FOIA people out there. That last paragraph tells me one 223 00:14:52,230 --> 00:14:58,410 thing. There is going to be a amazing paper trail that's going 224 00:14:58,410 --> 00:15:02,970 to go from the office of the UAP ATF or the disestablished UAP 225 00:15:02,970 --> 00:15:07,770 task force to the new arrow, all of that data to be migrated is 226 00:15:07,770 --> 00:15:13,140 going to probably likely be, you know, either one dump of data or 227 00:15:13,140 --> 00:15:16,920 hopefully, one dump, but but potentially more than one. But 228 00:15:16,920 --> 00:15:21,180 regardless, it is a data flow that is trackable in a legal 229 00:15:21,180 --> 00:15:24,810 sense. So now I have an established language that that 230 00:15:24,810 --> 00:15:28,410 transfer is going to take place. And you can cite all that 231 00:15:28,410 --> 00:15:33,690 communication between the now disestablished UAP, ATF and 232 00:15:33,690 --> 00:15:37,800 arrow, and you better believe I'm going for all of that. The 233 00:15:37,800 --> 00:15:40,830 problem is, is that you can't file right now the reason is, 234 00:15:40,860 --> 00:15:43,350 because it hasn't happened yet. And that's the trick with the 235 00:15:43,350 --> 00:15:47,640 FOIA. One quick note on that, and then I'll move on. Because 236 00:15:47,640 --> 00:15:50,610 again, I always like to try and help with FOIA things wherever I 237 00:15:50,610 --> 00:15:54,690 can and offer some two cents. Generally, most agencies, let's 238 00:15:54,690 --> 00:15:58,680 say it's, it's July 20. Right now, if something's going to 239 00:15:58,680 --> 00:16:02,430 happen next week, if you file a request for it now, even though 240 00:16:02,430 --> 00:16:06,810 it's processed after next week, technically, the cutoff date for 241 00:16:06,810 --> 00:16:11,010 records is July 20. Some agencies will do once the 242 00:16:11,010 --> 00:16:14,490 request starts being processed. And then you might get lucky 243 00:16:14,490 --> 00:16:18,690 some agencies do that. I've seen it all across the board. But I 244 00:16:18,690 --> 00:16:23,760 believe the raw law language says that the cut off date is 245 00:16:23,760 --> 00:16:28,080 the date of the request. And so let's say you're going after 246 00:16:28,110 --> 00:16:32,670 emails in a FOIA, what's tough is is that may take them months 247 00:16:32,670 --> 00:16:39,420 to review them. But some gold happens between July 20 2022. 248 00:16:39,570 --> 00:16:43,920 And the months later, you won't get the gold. So a lot of times 249 00:16:43,920 --> 00:16:47,070 you'll have to refile. So you wait for that case to come in, 250 00:16:47,400 --> 00:16:50,370 they'll release all the information to you. And a lot of 251 00:16:50,370 --> 00:16:54,510 times I find myself refiling again, and you know, that upsets 252 00:16:54,510 --> 00:16:57,300 them because they just went through months of reviewing the 253 00:16:57,300 --> 00:17:00,990 same stuff, or something similar, but then I file the 254 00:17:00,990 --> 00:17:04,350 same request. But I add the language, give me everything 255 00:17:04,350 --> 00:17:10,020 created after the information process for FOIA case, XYZ, and 256 00:17:10,020 --> 00:17:14,730 then it starts a new, so you'll always have to be careful and 257 00:17:14,730 --> 00:17:18,300 strategize when you're actually going to file. So hopefully that 258 00:17:18,300 --> 00:17:21,420 adds a little bit of information for you. But that's what makes 259 00:17:21,450 --> 00:17:24,720 this tricky because we know that it's going to happen. We know 260 00:17:24,720 --> 00:17:27,720 there's amazing information going and yeah, I've got open 261 00:17:27,720 --> 00:17:31,890 foils for some of that UAP Task Force data. But at least now 262 00:17:31,890 --> 00:17:35,880 we've established a data flow from one office to another that 263 00:17:35,880 --> 00:17:38,850 could potentially be overlooked in let's say, an older FOIA 264 00:17:38,850 --> 00:17:44,100 case. But now if they have a mandate, that everything all 265 00:17:44,100 --> 00:17:49,020 data and analyses and so on are going over. That's, that's gold. 266 00:17:49,290 --> 00:17:53,010 Talk about gold, that's gold. Alright, finish off that memo 267 00:17:53,010 --> 00:17:56,010 from five days ago, the arrow will serve as the authoritative 268 00:17:56,010 --> 00:17:59,490 office of the unidentified aerial phenomena UAP related 269 00:17:59,730 --> 00:18:03,600 activities for the Department of Defense. The arrow is the DoD 270 00:18:03,600 --> 00:18:07,770 focal point for all UAP and UAP related activities and may 271 00:18:07,770 --> 00:18:10,920 represent the department for such activities to the inter 272 00:18:10,920 --> 00:18:14,850 agency, Congress, media and public in coordination with the 273 00:18:14,850 --> 00:18:18,570 Assistant Secretary of Defense for legislative affairs and 274 00:18:18,570 --> 00:18:21,630 Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for public affairs. Any 275 00:18:21,630 --> 00:18:25,560 DoD component acting on behalf of the UAP Task Force, or who 276 00:18:25,560 --> 00:18:30,420 has data analysis contracts, or other material related to UAP 277 00:18:30,660 --> 00:18:35,070 will immediately synchronize their efforts with the arrow and 278 00:18:35,070 --> 00:18:38,160 you better believe all of that creates paper trails as well. 279 00:18:38,430 --> 00:18:41,160 And what I just kind of went over will apply as well. 280 00:18:41,790 --> 00:18:43,770 Director of National Intelligence was see seed on 281 00:18:43,770 --> 00:18:47,880 that memorandum from the Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen 282 00:18:47,880 --> 00:18:53,580 Hicks, and five days later that brings us to today. This is the 283 00:18:53,610 --> 00:18:59,490 the establishment memorandum by Ronald Moultrie, subject 284 00:18:59,490 --> 00:19:02,460 establishment resourcing and leadership of the all domain 285 00:19:02,490 --> 00:19:05,640 anomaly resolution office, you can see it's a memo for all the 286 00:19:05,640 --> 00:19:08,520 senior Pentagon leadership commanders of the combatant 287 00:19:08,520 --> 00:19:12,450 commands Defense Agency and field activity directors. These 288 00:19:12,450 --> 00:19:15,120 are Kathleen Hicks memos from five days ago and then the 289 00:19:15,120 --> 00:19:16,950 November one which we already talked about. 290 00:19:18,299 --> 00:19:20,699 And here's what Moultrie had to say pursuant to references a and 291 00:19:20,699 --> 00:19:24,329 b I established the all domain anomaly resolution office within 292 00:19:24,329 --> 00:19:27,179 the Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for intelligence and 293 00:19:27,179 --> 00:19:30,179 security. The arrow will synchronize efforts across the 294 00:19:30,179 --> 00:19:33,509 department and with other US federal departments and agencies 295 00:19:33,509 --> 00:19:37,589 to detect, identify and attribute objects of interest in 296 00:19:37,769 --> 00:19:41,549 on or near military installations, operating areas, 297 00:19:41,699 --> 00:19:44,669 training areas, special use airspace, and other areas of 298 00:19:44,669 --> 00:19:48,299 interest and as necessary to mitigate any associated threats 299 00:19:48,299 --> 00:19:51,509 to safety of operations and national security. This includes 300 00:19:51,509 --> 00:19:54,689 anomalous unidentified space airborne submerged and trans 301 00:19:54,689 --> 00:19:57,389 medium objects. I know some of this language is kind of 302 00:19:57,419 --> 00:20:01,139 repeated, but I think it's important to To go over again, 303 00:20:01,889 --> 00:20:03,839 the arrow will leverage department of defense 304 00:20:03,839 --> 00:20:07,019 capabilities and synchronize with the intelligence community 305 00:20:07,019 --> 00:20:10,259 to tackle the unique challenges posed by the presence of 306 00:20:10,259 --> 00:20:13,589 anomalous objects across all domains. I will manage the 307 00:20:13,589 --> 00:20:17,039 process to enable the arrow executive council to provide 308 00:20:17,039 --> 00:20:20,819 oversight and directions and direction to the arrow along the 309 00:20:20,819 --> 00:20:24,059 following primary lines of effort, one surveillance 310 00:20:24,059 --> 00:20:27,089 collection and reporting to system capabilities and design 311 00:20:27,299 --> 00:20:30,869 three intelligence operations and analysis for mitigation and 312 00:20:30,869 --> 00:20:35,069 defeat five governance six Science and Technology. My 313 00:20:35,069 --> 00:20:37,529 office will provide necessary administrative support to the 314 00:20:37,529 --> 00:20:42,299 arrow including facilities management, budget, contracting 315 00:20:42,329 --> 00:20:45,989 human resources, security, Congressional Affairs, and 316 00:20:45,989 --> 00:20:49,169 information technology. You know what I'm going to say about that 317 00:20:49,169 --> 00:20:52,319 line right paper trails on each and every one of those line 318 00:20:52,319 --> 00:20:55,709 items. My office will also advocate for resources to 319 00:20:55,709 --> 00:20:58,469 support the operation of the arrow and the execution of the 320 00:20:58,469 --> 00:21:02,789 arrow mission across the future years defense plan. During the 321 00:21:02,789 --> 00:21:06,449 transition from the Navy UAP task force to the arrow I expect 322 00:21:06,449 --> 00:21:09,419 the DoD components to continue to meet their responsibilities 323 00:21:09,689 --> 00:21:14,129 for timely reporting of UAP as they have done to this point, we 324 00:21:14,129 --> 00:21:16,469 will provide additional implementation guidance as we 325 00:21:16,469 --> 00:21:20,999 move forward guidance, also paper trail with the arrow 326 00:21:20,999 --> 00:21:23,669 establishment and we look forward to working with the DOD 327 00:21:23,669 --> 00:21:27,299 to streamline reporting processes and procedures. It is 328 00:21:27,299 --> 00:21:30,449 vital to our national security and the safety of our military 329 00:21:30,449 --> 00:21:33,569 personnel that we maintain awareness of anomalous objects 330 00:21:33,569 --> 00:21:36,809 in all domains. We must also keep pace with the development 331 00:21:36,809 --> 00:21:40,499 and employment of novel technology by our adversaries. 332 00:21:40,559 --> 00:21:44,009 In doing so we are committed to providing maximum transparency 333 00:21:45,149 --> 00:21:48,179 while safeguarding classified information and controlled 334 00:21:48,179 --> 00:21:51,599 unclassified information. The establishment of the arrow is a 335 00:21:51,599 --> 00:21:54,719 significant step forward in developing the capabilities and 336 00:21:54,719 --> 00:21:58,499 processes that are necessary to achieve these goals. Ronald s 337 00:21:58,529 --> 00:22:05,609 Moultrie and that is the end of his memo sent today. Now, going 338 00:22:05,609 --> 00:22:10,019 back to the press release, you will recall that they put Dr. 339 00:22:10,019 --> 00:22:19,079 Sean M. Kirkpatrick as the chief of the new Arrow office. They 340 00:22:19,079 --> 00:22:23,009 call them Dr. Kay to his staff and team. Let me read some of 341 00:22:23,009 --> 00:22:25,319 his bio because it is impressive. He brings over two 342 00:22:25,319 --> 00:22:29,009 decades of experience and a significant depth of expertise 343 00:22:29,009 --> 00:22:32,309 in scientific and technical intelligence and Space Policy 344 00:22:32,309 --> 00:22:35,459 Research and Development, acquisitions and operations 345 00:22:35,459 --> 00:22:38,729 specializing in space counterspace mission areas. Dr. 346 00:22:38,729 --> 00:22:42,359 Kirkpatrick was born in Columbus, Georgia, to an Army 347 00:22:42,359 --> 00:22:45,209 family grew up in Atlanta, where he attended the University of 348 00:22:45,209 --> 00:22:48,779 Georgia as an undergrad to study physics. Dr. Kirkpatrick 349 00:22:48,779 --> 00:22:52,499 finished his PhD work in nonlinear locked nonlinear, and 350 00:22:52,499 --> 00:22:57,629 non equilibrium phonon dynamics of rare earth doped fluoride 351 00:22:57,629 --> 00:23:01,049 crystals, also at the University of Georgia and is currently an 352 00:23:01,049 --> 00:23:06,359 adjunct professor at UGA. Dr. Kirkpatrick began his career in 353 00:23:06,359 --> 00:23:08,579 defense intelligence related science and technology 354 00:23:08,609 --> 00:23:11,969 immediately out of grad school. After receiving his PhD in 355 00:23:11,969 --> 00:23:15,689 physics in 95. He subsequently took a postdoctoral position at 356 00:23:15,689 --> 00:23:19,859 the University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign investigating 357 00:23:19,859 --> 00:23:23,609 laser induced molecular vibrations of high explosives 358 00:23:23,939 --> 00:23:26,789 under an afosr program. It's 359 00:23:26,790 --> 00:23:30,690 the Air Force Office of Scientific Research. And sorry 360 00:23:30,690 --> 00:23:34,170 for my pronunciation on some of this if it's wrong. In 96, he 361 00:23:34,170 --> 00:23:36,750 was offered a National Research Council fellowship at the US 362 00:23:36,750 --> 00:23:40,980 Naval Research Lab in Washington DC investigated investigating 363 00:23:40,980 --> 00:23:46,110 novel solid state lasers for the Department of the Navy and 97. 364 00:23:46,350 --> 00:23:49,590 He was recruited by the Air Force Research Lab to build an 365 00:23:49,590 --> 00:23:53,820 ultra fast laser physics lab to investigate nonlinear optics 366 00:23:53,820 --> 00:23:59,520 novel ultra fast spectroscopic methods and nonlinear micro nano 367 00:23:59,520 --> 00:24:03,270 fabrication techniques for the Air Force, good God that those 368 00:24:03,270 --> 00:24:07,170 are mouthfuls. In 2003 He was offered a program manager 369 00:24:07,170 --> 00:24:10,050 position in the National Reconnaissance Office and 370 00:24:10,050 --> 00:24:16,170 converted to CIA in 2005. In 2007, he was assigned as Chief 371 00:24:16,170 --> 00:24:21,390 Technology Officer in a joint CIA dia program office, where he 372 00:24:21,390 --> 00:24:27,090 later became division chief as a DIA officer. In 2010, he was 373 00:24:27,090 --> 00:24:31,080 asked to serve as the space control Portfolio Manager for 374 00:24:31,080 --> 00:24:34,440 the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense space and 375 00:24:34,440 --> 00:24:39,360 intelligence office of the Secretary of Defense. In 2012, 376 00:24:39,360 --> 00:24:42,240 he returned to DIA and served as the Defense Intelligence Officer 377 00:24:42,240 --> 00:24:45,210 for scientific and technical intelligence serving as the 378 00:24:45,210 --> 00:24:47,730 Department of Defense's counterpart to the National 379 00:24:47,730 --> 00:24:52,200 Intelligence manager for Science and Technology until 2016. 380 00:24:52,530 --> 00:24:55,740 Towards the end of his tenure, Dr. Kirkpatrick served on 381 00:24:55,740 --> 00:24:57,960 special assignment to the Principal Deputy Director of 382 00:24:57,960 --> 00:25:00,660 National Intelligence leading the Intel Jin's community 383 00:25:00,660 --> 00:25:04,860 support to the joint interagency combined Space Operations Center 384 00:25:05,130 --> 00:25:08,100 in the reason why I'm reading all this to you, is it really is 385 00:25:08,100 --> 00:25:10,260 amazing when you look at the background of those that are 386 00:25:10,260 --> 00:25:13,770 involved in these research efforts. I mean, they truly are 387 00:25:13,770 --> 00:25:17,160 remarkable resumes. I know, sometimes just by default, 388 00:25:17,160 --> 00:25:20,010 people that are involved in these efforts just get hated, 389 00:25:20,250 --> 00:25:22,590 you know, again, by default, just simply because they're part 390 00:25:22,590 --> 00:25:25,470 of it, they're part of the cover up. But when you really look at 391 00:25:25,470 --> 00:25:29,490 their backgrounds, I mean, it's just it's just insanity. How 392 00:25:29,490 --> 00:25:34,830 much education experience, how much they they kind of flow in 393 00:25:34,830 --> 00:25:38,940 and out of these intelligence agencies. Over the years, it 394 00:25:38,940 --> 00:25:42,780 truly is just amazing to really think about, let's finish it up 395 00:25:42,780 --> 00:25:46,260 from 2016. To his current assignment, Dr. Kirkpatrick 396 00:25:46,260 --> 00:25:49,860 served in a variety of no fail roles, including Deputy Director 397 00:25:49,860 --> 00:25:53,880 of intelligence, US Strategic Command, Director, National 398 00:25:53,880 --> 00:25:57,180 Security Strategy, National Security Council, Deputy 399 00:25:57,180 --> 00:26:00,720 Director of intelligence and the DNI representative for Space 400 00:26:00,720 --> 00:26:03,960 Command. The Space Command intelligence enterprise was the 401 00:26:03,960 --> 00:26:07,260 fifth org as an organization. He has been the intelligence 402 00:26:07,260 --> 00:26:10,110 community lead for establishment. His most recent 403 00:26:10,110 --> 00:26:13,740 assignment was as chief scientist at DIA is missile and 404 00:26:13,740 --> 00:26:18,330 space defense. Excuse me, DIA is missile and space Intelligence 405 00:26:18,570 --> 00:26:23,400 Center. Dr. Kirkpatrick is the recipient of several scientific 406 00:26:23,400 --> 00:26:25,710 and intelligence awards. These include the National 407 00:26:25,710 --> 00:26:28,500 Intelligence exceptional Achievement Medal for National 408 00:26:28,500 --> 00:26:32,130 Intelligence collaboration medallions, the NRO innovation 409 00:26:32,130 --> 00:26:35,040 and achievement award, the Cleary award for scientific 410 00:26:35,040 --> 00:26:39,030 excellence and the DIA directors Award for Excellence, Dr. 411 00:26:39,030 --> 00:26:43,230 Kirkpatrick holds two open patents and is contributed to 412 00:26:43,230 --> 00:26:47,310 several scientific books on nonlinear linear phenomena, as 413 00:26:47,310 --> 00:26:49,770 well as written multiple strategies for the National 414 00:26:49,770 --> 00:26:52,350 Defense intelligence communities. He was appointed to 415 00:26:52,350 --> 00:26:56,340 the senior service in 2012. It's one heck of a resume and again, 416 00:26:56,370 --> 00:27:00,060 not to beat the dead horse. Usually, those types of 417 00:27:00,060 --> 00:27:04,890 backgrounds really kind of shed some light on why they're there 418 00:27:04,890 --> 00:27:07,200 for obvious reasons. Like they don't just throw somebody in 419 00:27:07,200 --> 00:27:09,840 there to lead the effort. I always go back to the project 420 00:27:09,840 --> 00:27:12,690 Bluebook days where you just kind of had military brass, 421 00:27:13,080 --> 00:27:15,570 leading the effort. Now, of course, they brought in 422 00:27:15,570 --> 00:27:20,730 scientific minds like Dr. J. Allen Hynek. But these programs 423 00:27:20,730 --> 00:27:24,000 were led by, you know, the military, senior leadership, 424 00:27:24,030 --> 00:27:28,470 military brass. And those things were a nightmare. How is this 425 00:27:28,470 --> 00:27:31,680 going to translate and compare to something like Project 426 00:27:31,680 --> 00:27:35,640 Bluebook? Or the task force? And the answer to that is? I don't 427 00:27:35,640 --> 00:27:39,750 know, I don't think really anybody knows. My big question 428 00:27:39,750 --> 00:27:44,070 is, we know what the UAP task force did. To a point, we know 429 00:27:44,070 --> 00:27:46,320 that they studied X amount of cases it was 430 00:27:48,059 --> 00:27:52,589 144, for the report that they did it ballooned to about 400 or 431 00:27:52,589 --> 00:27:56,939 so by the UAP. Hearing. So we know they did hundreds of cases, 432 00:27:57,269 --> 00:28:01,229 we know that they analyzed them could not identify the majority 433 00:28:01,229 --> 00:28:05,069 of them. During the UAP hearing, Scott Bray from the US Navy, 434 00:28:05,429 --> 00:28:09,599 decided to say, well, we you know, we solve this one, the 435 00:28:09,629 --> 00:28:13,199 green triangle, the pyramid UFOs, that will be debated, I'm 436 00:28:13,199 --> 00:28:17,699 sure until I die. I stay out of that debate. I mean, to me, it's 437 00:28:17,699 --> 00:28:21,449 pretty convincing that it is that it is a artifact of the 438 00:28:21,449 --> 00:28:24,089 camera that turned everything triangular, it seems like other 439 00:28:24,089 --> 00:28:27,179 people are coming around to that. But it doesn't mean that 440 00:28:27,179 --> 00:28:31,649 it's drone, so that that argument is still going on. Let 441 00:28:31,649 --> 00:28:35,399 them just duke it out. But that being said, you know, there are 442 00:28:35,399 --> 00:28:38,789 these kind of small glimpses into what the taskforce was 443 00:28:38,789 --> 00:28:42,629 doing. Now, fast forward to ame SOG. When again, I maybe I 444 00:28:42,629 --> 00:28:45,539 drempt it but I thought that that had disbanded last 445 00:28:45,539 --> 00:28:49,439 November, last year, the UAP Task Force, and things were 446 00:28:49,439 --> 00:28:52,409 transition transitioning to that office and it was kind of slow 447 00:28:52,409 --> 00:28:56,369 going. I did when I tried to get quotes from the Pentagon, uh, 448 00:28:56,369 --> 00:29:00,179 did essentially get kind of that verbiage where it was 449 00:29:00,329 --> 00:29:02,789 essentially just just slow going. That was that was I 450 00:29:02,789 --> 00:29:05,759 forget, I'm paraphrasing a little bit. I don't remember the 451 00:29:05,759 --> 00:29:08,489 exact quote. But regardless, it was just a slow process. And 452 00:29:08,489 --> 00:29:12,989 they were admitting to that. But from last year to now, almost, 453 00:29:13,229 --> 00:29:20,459 essentially. Eight, nine months go by and literally nothing has 454 00:29:20,459 --> 00:29:24,809 happened. And that's what what what my big question mark is, is 455 00:29:24,809 --> 00:29:29,009 did ame saw do anything? Like, was there? Was there anything 456 00:29:29,039 --> 00:29:32,819 anything established? Reports, were there investigations? Or 457 00:29:32,819 --> 00:29:37,019 was it still just the task force? Nothing, nothing got off 458 00:29:37,019 --> 00:29:40,109 the ground. And then now these memorandums that we just went 459 00:29:40,109 --> 00:29:43,709 over, are now mandating that all the information from the task 460 00:29:43,709 --> 00:29:48,239 force get transferred over to arrow and ame saw just maybe it 461 00:29:48,239 --> 00:29:52,529 was a, you know, a shell of nothing. Maybe that's maybe 462 00:29:52,529 --> 00:29:55,379 that's what that was. So that's a very much an unanswered 463 00:29:55,379 --> 00:29:57,779 question. And then going back to the root of what I was talking 464 00:29:57,779 --> 00:30:00,479 about, whether or not that this is going to be in He different 465 00:30:00,479 --> 00:30:04,889 than Bluebook? I really hope so. The question mark, though moving 466 00:30:04,889 --> 00:30:07,799 forward is what are they going to make public? Now to my 467 00:30:07,799 --> 00:30:09,719 surprise, there there were? 468 00:30:12,119 --> 00:30:15,839 Is it a glimmer of hope? I'm not really sure. It's a Twitter 469 00:30:15,839 --> 00:30:20,279 account for this arrow office that's already established. And 470 00:30:20,279 --> 00:30:24,599 that already tweeted today, and essentially trying to reach out 471 00:30:24,599 --> 00:30:28,739 to the general public like, Hey, we're here and going to share 472 00:30:28,739 --> 00:30:33,029 information where possible? Is that a glimmer of hope? Is it is 473 00:30:33,029 --> 00:30:37,139 it a smokescreen? I'm not really sure time will tell. But going 474 00:30:37,139 --> 00:30:41,069 back to my my comments, when I kind of insert some of the FOIA 475 00:30:41,999 --> 00:30:46,829 hints and tips and two cents, if it's even worth that, when I do 476 00:30:46,829 --> 00:30:50,849 that, the reason is, is because for me, the most interesting 477 00:30:50,849 --> 00:30:55,559 information is not going to come from the promise of a public 478 00:30:55,559 --> 00:30:58,709 report. Even if we get the public report, it's not going to 479 00:30:58,709 --> 00:31:01,799 be the most interesting, give you a prime example, that public 480 00:31:01,799 --> 00:31:05,429 UAP report that everybody kind of calls a letdown from last 481 00:31:05,429 --> 00:31:09,959 year. That obviously was something that we all wanted, 482 00:31:10,019 --> 00:31:13,409 and that was mandated for the public, we got something that 483 00:31:13,409 --> 00:31:17,519 was bare bones, there were some interesting aspects to it. But 484 00:31:17,549 --> 00:31:24,209 it was a letdown to many people. Now fast forward to my my fight 485 00:31:24,239 --> 00:31:29,939 with DNI, to get the classified version released. And when you 486 00:31:29,939 --> 00:31:33,779 look at that, even though a lot of it was redacted, it gave a 487 00:31:33,779 --> 00:31:38,609 glimpse into how much more there is going on behind the scenes, 488 00:31:38,819 --> 00:31:44,759 like potentially either photos or diagrams of the shapes of UAP 489 00:31:44,759 --> 00:31:47,459 of what they're seeing. So they're seeing common traits. 490 00:31:47,759 --> 00:31:51,539 With these cases, sometimes we can assume those things. But now 491 00:31:51,539 --> 00:31:55,649 we literally have it in black and white, more black, sadly 492 00:31:55,649 --> 00:31:59,819 than white as it's all redacted. But regardless, that behind the 493 00:31:59,819 --> 00:32:05,099 scenes generally offers a much better picture of what's going 494 00:32:05,099 --> 00:32:08,639 on. And those paper trails are why I point that out, because 495 00:32:08,639 --> 00:32:12,659 the communication behind those 14 different agencies that 496 00:32:12,659 --> 00:32:17,069 contributed that report, and the UAP Task Force, that 497 00:32:17,069 --> 00:32:21,539 communication, I guarantee, we'll have more information and 498 00:32:21,539 --> 00:32:24,419 more interesting information than what ended up in the 499 00:32:24,419 --> 00:32:28,919 report. We know that report was way watered down. So what were 500 00:32:28,919 --> 00:32:34,199 the contributions of let's say, the NRO, or NASA, or whatever it 501 00:32:34,199 --> 00:32:38,489 may be, and we don't know yet. But last year, when that report 502 00:32:38,489 --> 00:32:43,499 came out, I had mentioned in past videos, I did more than 50 503 00:32:43,499 --> 00:32:49,199 requests based on that. And a lot of those were based on 504 00:32:49,199 --> 00:32:53,669 trying to get the communications and the data that was shared 505 00:32:53,669 --> 00:32:57,809 between those agencies that were consulted, and the task force 506 00:32:57,809 --> 00:33:01,619 that went into that report, because that is where that gold 507 00:33:01,649 --> 00:33:06,929 is not the general public report. So going back to arrow, 508 00:33:07,349 --> 00:33:11,819 they could promise these types of reports. But if, if you ask 509 00:33:11,819 --> 00:33:15,659 me, it's the behind the scenes, the paper trails, what I'm 510 00:33:15,659 --> 00:33:18,059 pointing out to you guys, um, those little things that you got 511 00:33:18,059 --> 00:33:21,209 to pick up? Who are they going to be talking to boom, that's a 512 00:33:21,209 --> 00:33:24,899 paper trail, asking for information mandating the 513 00:33:24,899 --> 00:33:29,189 transfer of data, boom, that's a paper trail. And so you go after 514 00:33:29,219 --> 00:33:33,119 each and every one of those things. And yeah, it is like a 515 00:33:33,119 --> 00:33:35,459 tree branch. I've used that analogy a lot, you have your 516 00:33:35,459 --> 00:33:39,509 trunk, and it just branches off into 3000 different requests. 517 00:33:39,509 --> 00:33:43,469 But that is the power of the FOIA. Albeit it gets a bad rap 518 00:33:43,499 --> 00:33:47,339 many times. It allows you to get access to some of those things. 519 00:33:47,369 --> 00:33:51,089 And you can be pleasantly surprised. I'll be dropping some 520 00:33:51,089 --> 00:33:54,959 videos about NASA documents that have shed a lot of light on the 521 00:33:54,959 --> 00:33:59,009 UAP Taskforce. Even though NASA's contribution was very, 522 00:33:59,009 --> 00:34:04,409 very small and minimal, it still actually shed a lot of light on 523 00:34:04,589 --> 00:34:07,949 the task force. And you pick up these little gems and 524 00:34:07,949 --> 00:34:11,219 information like that. That wasn't in a public report, but 525 00:34:11,219 --> 00:34:14,549 rather the internal communications internally at 526 00:34:14,549 --> 00:34:18,629 NASA, but also between NASA and other intelligence agencies. 527 00:34:18,809 --> 00:34:21,479 Pretty cool stuff. So be prepared for those videos. Thank 528 00:34:21,479 --> 00:34:23,519 you so much. I told you it's going to be a quick video at 529 00:34:23,519 --> 00:34:26,579 about a half hour so who knows. I'll try and edit it maybe a 530 00:34:26,579 --> 00:34:30,509 little bit before I posted but appreciate you guys sticking 531 00:34:30,509 --> 00:34:34,499 with me. If you're on YouTube, please consider hitting the 532 00:34:34,499 --> 00:34:37,799 thumbs up button. And also making sure you're subscribed 533 00:34:37,829 --> 00:34:40,829 and the biggest help of all is spreading the word. I know I say 534 00:34:40,829 --> 00:34:44,129 that every video but it really does help. The channel has 535 00:34:44,129 --> 00:34:47,249 experienced some great growth. I know I got to do more videos, 536 00:34:47,459 --> 00:34:52,049 and that's always my intent. But helping in that respect would be 537 00:34:52,049 --> 00:34:55,349 awesome. And of course, if you guys feel so inclined, I do have 538 00:34:55,349 --> 00:34:59,309 a patreon link or other ways you can support 100% goes right back 539 00:34:59,309 --> 00:35:02,069 into this channel. All buying the documents you'll see from 540 00:35:02,069 --> 00:35:06,719 that NASA video, the bill on that one was close to $400 Just 541 00:35:06,719 --> 00:35:09,389 on that I show the receipts as well. So anybody who 542 00:35:09,389 --> 00:35:12,299 contributes, you'll see where that money goes to and, and I 543 00:35:12,299 --> 00:35:15,299 kind of try and offer that up. So you know, I'm not just making 544 00:35:15,299 --> 00:35:18,869 a car payment or something silly. So that said that link is 545 00:35:18,869 --> 00:35:20,939 there as well. If you're listening on the podcast 546 00:35:20,939 --> 00:35:24,149 version, thank you for doing so. Please consider offering a 547 00:35:24,149 --> 00:35:27,899 review on whatever platform you're listening to. I aim for 548 00:35:27,899 --> 00:35:29,999 five stars I won't tell you what to do, but that's what I aim 549 00:35:29,999 --> 00:35:33,299 for. Thank you guys for listening and watching. This is 550 00:35:33,299 --> 00:35:35,939 John Greenewald, Jr signing off, and we'll see you next time.