1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:03,076 John Greenewald: Hello to you all, John Greenewald here with 2 00:00:03,147 --> 00:00:07,726 the black vault.com. I'm posting this video as a response to the 3 00:00:07,797 --> 00:00:11,732 avalanche of dialogue that started after my last video. 4 00:00:11,803 --> 00:00:16,024 That dialogue was in part good, but also in part bad. But I 5 00:00:16,096 --> 00:00:20,030 wanted to speak to all of you to give you an update and 6 00:00:20,102 --> 00:00:24,394 hopefully, maybe even answer a question or two that you have 7 00:00:24,466 --> 00:00:28,472 had since I posted my breakdown of Luis Elizondo, his IG 8 00:00:28,544 --> 00:00:32,693 complaint. As that video was playing for the first time, I 9 00:00:32,764 --> 00:00:37,128 was spending the day with my son at the arcade. I never liked 10 00:00:37,200 --> 00:00:41,349 missing my YouTube premieres that way I can spend a lot of 11 00:00:41,421 --> 00:00:45,427 time with you guys. But time with my son means more than 12 00:00:45,498 --> 00:00:49,862 anything, so I left my office and checked in a few times when 13 00:00:49,934 --> 00:00:53,940 I could just to say hi. But while at the arcade, I got a 14 00:00:54,011 --> 00:00:58,161 text message on my cell phone from a friend. I was told Mr 15 00:00:58,232 --> 00:01:02,024 Elizondo was retweeting a lawyer. And that lawyer was 16 00:01:02,095 --> 00:01:06,459 seemingly warning me directly about my video and defaming Mr. 17 00:01:06,531 --> 00:01:10,823 Elizondo. Let me read his exact words. Surely hope you Don't 18 00:01:10,895 --> 00:01:15,044 defame Lou Elizondo. It is well documented that he was the 19 00:01:15,115 --> 00:01:19,193 director of a tip and any participation in a plan to cast 20 00:01:19,265 --> 00:01:23,915 doubt on that hashtag truth is a knowing effort to defame and sow 21 00:01:23,986 --> 00:01:27,778 disinformation. It's legally actionable. Mr. Elizondo 22 00:01:27,849 --> 00:01:31,856 retweeted that not once, but twice. Mr. Elizondo, stated 23 00:01:31,927 --> 00:01:36,291 first, it's nice working with professionals. Thank you, Todd. 24 00:01:36,363 --> 00:01:40,011 And then a second tweet 14 minutes later, I was the 25 00:01:40,083 --> 00:01:44,446 director of a tip. It has been well documented, and I've been 26 00:01:44,518 --> 00:01:48,596 the subject of a campaign of defamatory disinformation by 27 00:01:48,667 --> 00:01:52,745 multiple parties. Again, my thanks to Todd McMurtry. Now, 28 00:01:52,817 --> 00:01:57,252 one thing to note, my video was still premiering and what that 29 00:01:57,323 --> 00:02:01,258 means is it was playing for the first time checking the 30 00:02:01,330 --> 00:02:05,694 timestamp, it appears my video was only about 37 minutes into 31 00:02:05,765 --> 00:02:09,771 playing the admittedly long three hour total runtime. In 32 00:02:09,843 --> 00:02:13,420 other words, it seemed coordinated. This all seems 33 00:02:13,491 --> 00:02:17,354 strategic, and it seemed planned, all of which is fine 34 00:02:17,426 --> 00:02:21,218 and not an indicator of wrongdoing on the part of the 35 00:02:21,289 --> 00:02:25,724 attorney or Mr. Elizondo, but they had no idea what I was even 36 00:02:25,796 --> 00:02:30,088 saying the video wasn't even done yet. Their rebuttals about 37 00:02:30,160 --> 00:02:34,166 Mr. Elizondo running a tip pretty much had nothing to do 38 00:02:34,238 --> 00:02:38,458 with my video, dissecting the claims that he made in his IG 39 00:02:38,530 --> 00:02:42,894 complaint. But they floated the D word anyway, numerous times 40 00:02:42,965 --> 00:02:46,614 worked in the word disinformation as well. And then 41 00:02:46,685 --> 00:02:51,049 Mr. Elizondo retweeted it to his 93,000 plus followers twice, 42 00:02:51,121 --> 00:02:55,413 which resulted in quite the Firestorm. Now, let me say I can 43 00:02:55,485 --> 00:02:59,992 take the heat and insults from that crowd thrown at me in tweet 44 00:03:00,063 --> 00:03:04,141 form. I've done it for a long time. So there's no problem 45 00:03:04,212 --> 00:03:08,433 there. But that wasn't the part that bothered me about this 46 00:03:08,505 --> 00:03:12,869 entire situation. In my view, I did not defame anyone. And to 47 00:03:12,940 --> 00:03:17,376 float those words is not only telling, but incredibly damaging 48 00:03:17,447 --> 00:03:21,740 to the entire investigative process for someone like me, and 49 00:03:21,811 --> 00:03:25,674 for people like all of us, we are all on an individual 50 00:03:25,746 --> 00:03:29,967 journey, our own each of us to discover the truth, whatever 51 00:03:30,038 --> 00:03:34,187 that may be. My path took me to vet the claims of a former 52 00:03:34,259 --> 00:03:38,337 taxpayer paid government employee who made claims about a 53 00:03:38,408 --> 00:03:42,629 taxpayer funded program or effort, whatever he wants to now 54 00:03:42,700 --> 00:03:46,778 call it. In his complaint, he utilized my work, and in my 55 00:03:46,850 --> 00:03:50,427 view, altered it to make accusations against other 56 00:03:50,498 --> 00:03:54,576 taxpayer paid employees with within the Pentagon, and the 57 00:03:54,647 --> 00:03:59,154 Department of Defense. I'll be at my work was a very small part 58 00:03:59,226 --> 00:04:03,447 of his IG complaint, it was still a very big claim to make. 59 00:04:03,518 --> 00:04:07,811 And in my personal opinion, the story was altered. If it was 60 00:04:07,882 --> 00:04:12,103 not, I think that we should ask for more evidence. Am I not 61 00:04:12,175 --> 00:04:16,753 allowed to question any of that? What country do I live in? If I 62 00:04:16,825 --> 00:04:21,332 can't question all those claims not only made in the complaint, 63 00:04:21,403 --> 00:04:25,695 but others made in tweets and podcasts by Mr. Elizondo? What 64 00:04:25,767 --> 00:04:29,773 country do I live in where it is wrong to use verifiable 65 00:04:29,845 --> 00:04:34,352 evidence, vetting the claims of someone I once paid for through 66 00:04:34,423 --> 00:04:38,859 my taxpayer dollars to even have a job? What country do I live 67 00:04:38,930 --> 00:04:43,437 in? Were my efforts to bring as much verifiable evidence to the 68 00:04:43,509 --> 00:04:47,229 table along with properly labeling and expressing my 69 00:04:47,300 --> 00:04:51,449 opinion is legal threat worthy, veiled or otherwise, to be 70 00:04:51,521 --> 00:04:54,240 thrown at me on Twitter in tweet form. 71 00:04:56,100 --> 00:05:00,540 The tweets from an attorney and Mr Elizondo posted online riled 72 00:05:00,540 --> 00:05:05,100 up a digital mob before my video was even done playing. The 73 00:05:05,100 --> 00:05:09,600 result was a digital lynching by a small but noisy group of Mr. 74 00:05:09,600 --> 00:05:13,770 Elizondo his biggest supporters. Anyone that has a following and 75 00:05:13,770 --> 00:05:17,580 has followers should be careful when posting such legal jargon 76 00:05:17,580 --> 00:05:22,110 and veiled accusations. The result is much more damaging 77 00:05:22,110 --> 00:05:26,070 than one might think. But sadly, I'm starting to think that was 78 00:05:26,070 --> 00:05:30,690 the intent. Although Mr. Elizondo is attorney has every 79 00:05:30,690 --> 00:05:34,170 right to tweet at me, and Mr. Elizondo has every right to do 80 00:05:34,170 --> 00:05:37,830 the same. In this process, they are revealing an enormous 81 00:05:37,830 --> 00:05:41,910 problem in today's world. And that is not everything should be 82 00:05:41,910 --> 00:05:45,840 met with a lawyer veiled legal threats, or post that I am sure 83 00:05:45,840 --> 00:05:50,010 all parties involved would know, would rile up a digital mob of 84 00:05:50,010 --> 00:05:56,220 supporters. Rather just attack my information. If you choose to 85 00:05:56,220 --> 00:06:01,170 make public claims than expect feedback from the public. It's 86 00:06:01,170 --> 00:06:05,790 up to you to respond or not. If you feel the desire answer the 87 00:06:05,790 --> 00:06:09,690 questions I posed, show evidence to the contrary of what I 88 00:06:09,690 --> 00:06:14,640 showed, prove me wrong. Heck, I'll let Mr. Elizondo or anyone 89 00:06:14,640 --> 00:06:18,630 do it on my own show, as I've already proven in the past, not 90 00:06:18,630 --> 00:06:22,650 only with Mr. Elizondo, but others who I have spoken out 91 00:06:22,650 --> 00:06:26,760 against as well. I'm not afraid of being proven wrong, 92 00:06:26,790 --> 00:06:30,360 especially on my own show, or having a pressing a pressing 93 00:06:30,360 --> 00:06:35,070 question answered adequately. But if he chooses not to do it, 94 00:06:35,190 --> 00:06:39,480 then don't all of which is everyone's right to do. But 95 00:06:39,480 --> 00:06:42,750 nothing I did warranted the flashing of an attorney or 96 00:06:42,750 --> 00:06:47,910 dropping words like defame defamation and disinformation. 97 00:06:48,540 --> 00:06:53,340 Especially when a digital mom is clearly foaming at the mouth for 98 00:06:53,340 --> 00:06:58,350 more digital ammunition, ammunition to use. The flashing 99 00:06:58,380 --> 00:07:02,970 of his attorney gave them all just that. The bottom line, I 100 00:07:02,970 --> 00:07:08,040 did nothing wrong. I exercised my freedom to information. I 101 00:07:08,040 --> 00:07:13,080 exercise my right to express my opinion. I vetted taxpayer paid 102 00:07:13,080 --> 00:07:17,460 people and taxpayer funded programs and posed questions 103 00:07:17,460 --> 00:07:25,290 that I would 100% Defend under oath in a courtroom. None of 104 00:07:25,290 --> 00:07:28,860 this none of what I did is in the legal definition of 105 00:07:28,860 --> 00:07:32,820 deformation or Sue worthy, it's not even legal threat worthy. 106 00:07:33,600 --> 00:07:37,140 Anyone who decides to talk the definition talk about what I 107 00:07:37,140 --> 00:07:40,650 did, is telling the general public more about themselves 108 00:07:40,860 --> 00:07:44,610 than they are about me. I know Mr. Elizondo, his biggest 109 00:07:44,610 --> 00:07:47,940 supporters out there won't watch this video. And if they do, they 110 00:07:47,940 --> 00:07:51,090 will continue to throw rocks and sling mud and the name of 111 00:07:51,090 --> 00:07:53,610 disclosure as they won't actually listen to what I have 112 00:07:53,610 --> 00:07:58,080 to say. They just think I'm out to get them. But I made this 113 00:07:58,080 --> 00:08:01,860 explanation to tell all of you, in case you had any reservation 114 00:08:01,860 --> 00:08:05,220 about what in the world Jon's doing. So I could tell you this 115 00:08:05,220 --> 00:08:10,290 is not about Luis Elizondo the man. It never has been. As I've 116 00:08:10,290 --> 00:08:14,910 said numerous times, I actually like the guy. But what this is 117 00:08:14,910 --> 00:08:19,830 about the claims of a former DoD intelligence agent, one that 118 00:08:19,830 --> 00:08:24,210 Americans paid for to have a job. And it's about his claims, 119 00:08:24,210 --> 00:08:28,290 doing taxpayer funded research, or running taxpayer funded 120 00:08:28,290 --> 00:08:33,600 programs, and creating taxpayer funded property. That is that of 121 00:08:33,600 --> 00:08:38,280 the people. We own these programs they create, and if 122 00:08:38,280 --> 00:08:41,280 somebody who was on the inside and running it all for nearly a 123 00:08:41,280 --> 00:08:45,570 decade, and let me add someone who kept it all secret, a secret 124 00:08:45,570 --> 00:08:50,190 from us. For all that time. We have a right to question it. 125 00:08:50,340 --> 00:08:55,440 Once the information is out in the open. We paid for it. Just 126 00:08:55,440 --> 00:08:58,290 because someone tells us they will always tell us the truth. 127 00:08:58,950 --> 00:09:03,780 Newsflash, it doesn't actually mean, they still will. It 128 00:09:03,780 --> 00:09:07,560 doesn't mean that we shouldn't challenge them, or the stories 129 00:09:07,740 --> 00:09:13,050 or the claims. The Absolute Truth will not be harmed by 130 00:09:13,050 --> 00:09:19,380 anything anyone throws at it. Not a question. Not an opinion. 131 00:09:20,220 --> 00:09:26,640 Not anything. The Absolute Truth will survive it all. I will not 132 00:09:26,640 --> 00:09:31,200 be intimidated from doing what I have done for 26 years. I have a 133 00:09:31,200 --> 00:09:34,590 long history of questioning claims by the government claims 134 00:09:34,590 --> 00:09:39,210 from politicians, claims of FOIA offices, claims of former DOD 135 00:09:39,210 --> 00:09:44,040 personnel and the list goes on. That is what the black vault is 136 00:09:44,040 --> 00:09:48,150 all about. And despite what some noisy haters on Twitter say, 137 00:09:48,360 --> 00:09:52,290 I will continue to do it. I will continue to show you all a 138 00:09:52,290 --> 00:09:55,890 glimpse into my journey trying to figure this all out with you. 139 00:09:56,580 --> 00:10:00,420 And I won't apologize for pushing for answers or asking 140 00:10:00,420 --> 00:10:04,170 for more evidence. We should all be doing that even if we think 141 00:10:04,170 --> 00:10:11,640 150% Of what Mr. Elizondo claims is 150%. Legit. Keep pushing for 142 00:10:11,640 --> 00:10:14,880 answers. Because I assure you, we don't have them all. 143 00:10:15,210 --> 00:10:20,190 Especially not about this. I've always said, and I'll say it 144 00:10:20,190 --> 00:10:23,520 again, I don't claim to always be right. I don't want you to 145 00:10:23,520 --> 00:10:26,760 agree with everything I say. Because the black vault is not 146 00:10:26,760 --> 00:10:30,840 an echo chamber, nor do I want it to be. It's a place to see, 147 00:10:31,170 --> 00:10:36,690 share, and reflect on ideas, evidence, theories, and data on 148 00:10:36,690 --> 00:10:41,700 all sorts of issues. And nothing, and no one will keep me 149 00:10:41,700 --> 00:10:45,060 from running the black vault for the next 26 years, and hopefully 150 00:10:45,060 --> 00:10:48,840 far beyond to give you all a place where you won't be 151 00:10:48,840 --> 00:10:52,500 intimidated to share your ideas, or learn from others or 152 00:10:52,500 --> 00:10:56,700 challenge your own beliefs. But most of all, and I mean this, 153 00:10:56,730 --> 00:11:01,020 most of all, I want you all to have a place where you are 154 00:11:01,020 --> 00:11:06,060 motivated to ask questions, and never be afraid to do so. No 155 00:11:06,060 --> 00:11:10,290 matter how many attorneys they have to tweet at you. It's your 156 00:11:10,290 --> 00:11:14,700 right. It's our right. And I hope none of us are met with 157 00:11:14,700 --> 00:11:17,040 enough opposition to forget that