1 00:00:23,100 --> 00:00:24,840 John Greenewald: That's right everybody. As always, thank you 2 00:00:24,840 --> 00:00:27,840 so much for tuning in and making this your podcast or your live 3 00:00:27,840 --> 00:00:30,780 stream of choice. I'm your host, John Greenwald, Jr. and today 4 00:00:30,780 --> 00:00:33,030 I'm doing a little bit of a breakdown of a document that 5 00:00:33,030 --> 00:00:36,600 I've talked quite a bit about, or at least mentioned on this 6 00:00:36,600 --> 00:00:42,390 channel, and also in podcasts, that has really not been been 7 00:00:42,390 --> 00:00:45,540 put into detail in the way that I like, because some people will 8 00:00:45,540 --> 00:00:49,170 hear me talk about it. And they will hear me talk about the 9 00:00:49,170 --> 00:00:53,280 secrecy deepening behind UAP. And go what is John talking 10 00:00:53,280 --> 00:00:57,570 about? We hear about UAP all the time, it's in legislation. It's 11 00:00:57,660 --> 00:01:00,930 being bantered about and congressional hallways. This is 12 00:01:00,930 --> 00:01:04,290 it. We're on a road to disclosure. Well, Oh, contraire, 13 00:01:04,290 --> 00:01:08,880 because there is stuff going on now behind the scenes. And now 14 00:01:08,910 --> 00:01:13,260 this document coming out kind of showing the world that secrecy 15 00:01:13,260 --> 00:01:17,370 is clamping down on this topic. Now I first got this document 16 00:01:17,370 --> 00:01:19,950 again, it's called a security classification guide or in 17 00:01:19,950 --> 00:01:25,830 brief, a SC G. Late last year in 2021. It didn't make a whole lot 18 00:01:25,830 --> 00:01:28,230 of headlines, because I mean, I'll be honest with you, it's 19 00:01:28,230 --> 00:01:32,040 just not sexy. I use that phrase a lot. Because it's the truth, 20 00:01:32,070 --> 00:01:37,320 you need some flashy, some kind of mind blowing information or 21 00:01:37,320 --> 00:01:43,020 implication behind documents to get that national attention. 22 00:01:43,350 --> 00:01:46,200 This didn't really get that, nor did I expect it to but to be 23 00:01:46,200 --> 00:01:52,170 honest with you, it's probably one of the, again, in my 24 00:01:52,170 --> 00:01:55,740 opinion, one of the most important documents that I've 25 00:01:55,740 --> 00:02:00,060 gotten in regards to UAP. Now, why is that? And let me go ahead 26 00:02:00,060 --> 00:02:04,230 and tell you guys get my laser pointer here. So I can point to 27 00:02:04,230 --> 00:02:08,070 some stuff. This is the cover page unidentified aerial 28 00:02:08,070 --> 00:02:11,250 phenomena security classification guide, Id 04 dash 29 00:02:11,250 --> 00:02:15,870 z 030, from the Naval intelligence activity, or n i a. 30 00:02:16,200 --> 00:02:19,410 Now, why do I think that this is the most important document? 31 00:02:19,410 --> 00:02:22,440 Well, just to give a very brief background, I was going to do a 32 00:02:22,440 --> 00:02:26,040 little bit more history on the SCGS. But I decided not to I 33 00:02:26,040 --> 00:02:30,000 welcome you guys all to look it up. It's not exclusive to UAP. 34 00:02:30,240 --> 00:02:36,000 But the In short, the nutshell version, is that every topic 35 00:02:36,060 --> 00:02:40,020 program, or type of information has a guide on how it's 36 00:02:40,020 --> 00:02:43,830 classified. Some is very generic, meaning there's not a 37 00:02:43,830 --> 00:02:48,300 specific guide for every little thing that may be classified, 38 00:02:48,480 --> 00:02:53,250 but rather, you'll find them for more specific programs, or, in 39 00:02:53,250 --> 00:02:57,540 this case, topics. And and what essentially they do is they 40 00:02:57,540 --> 00:03:02,670 break down how and why to classify it. And it defines the 41 00:03:02,670 --> 00:03:07,260 secrecy behind again, that program or the topic. So in this 42 00:03:07,260 --> 00:03:13,950 case here UAP. So this SCG, defines the security 43 00:03:13,950 --> 00:03:18,540 classification behind UAP and outlines that any information 44 00:03:18,540 --> 00:03:22,590 that's created by UAP breaks down essentially, what is 45 00:03:22,590 --> 00:03:26,340 classified and what's not. Another way to kind of summarize 46 00:03:26,340 --> 00:03:30,420 that is, when you create a memo, a report, you don't just go 47 00:03:31,470 --> 00:03:34,740 well, it's top secret, you know, there's a reason that things are 48 00:03:34,740 --> 00:03:38,190 top secret, there's a reason that things are secret, or 49 00:03:38,190 --> 00:03:42,390 confidential, or unclassified for official use only. So there 50 00:03:42,390 --> 00:03:46,920 are manuals and stipulations for all of that, that breaks down 51 00:03:46,920 --> 00:03:49,860 why things are classified. So let's get into this document 52 00:03:49,860 --> 00:03:58,020 here because I knew back in, I think 20, early 2020, they were 53 00:03:58,020 --> 00:04:03,360 working on this. And through FOIA found banter by Joseph grad 54 00:04:03,360 --> 00:04:07,320 Usher within the Navy emails, that was kind of the first thing 55 00:04:07,320 --> 00:04:10,500 that confirmed it in writing, just through research and 56 00:04:10,500 --> 00:04:14,250 talking prior to that, I already had a request in for it, because 57 00:04:14,250 --> 00:04:17,730 I knew that this thing was either being worked on or likely 58 00:04:17,730 --> 00:04:20,880 on the books already. So my request was already there. But 59 00:04:20,880 --> 00:04:24,570 then I got supporting evidence through another FOIA release, 60 00:04:24,780 --> 00:04:29,370 that the one of the spokespeople talking about UAP when they 61 00:04:29,370 --> 00:04:33,030 still were, within the US Navy, talked about a security 62 00:04:33,030 --> 00:04:37,320 classification guide, again, defining the secrecy for UAP. So 63 00:04:37,320 --> 00:04:40,170 I knew it was a matter of time before I can at least get 64 00:04:40,170 --> 00:04:44,100 hopefully some of this released to the general public. When I 65 00:04:44,100 --> 00:04:48,210 finally got it late last year. It was heavily redacted. We'll 66 00:04:48,210 --> 00:04:51,930 go over every page. It's not too lengthy, but I at least want to 67 00:04:51,930 --> 00:04:55,140 break it down for you guys to help prove my point of when I 68 00:04:55,140 --> 00:04:58,860 referenced this deepening secrecy. This is why this 69 00:04:58,860 --> 00:05:02,670 particular page we can't I read the majority of the names except 70 00:05:02,670 --> 00:05:05,610 the approval, Mr. Scott Bray. Now, if that name doesn't sound 71 00:05:05,610 --> 00:05:09,270 familiar to you, he was one of the ones that testified before 72 00:05:09,270 --> 00:05:15,810 Congress. And essentially, he approved all the secrecy. So 73 00:05:15,810 --> 00:05:15,960 when 74 00:05:15,959 --> 00:05:22,979 they deny me or deny you or deny a, a journalist asking at a at a 75 00:05:23,009 --> 00:05:28,469 press podium or a press conference, and they say no, 76 00:05:28,739 --> 00:05:33,749 Scott Bray is the one who approved all of this secrecy. So 77 00:05:33,749 --> 00:05:37,229 to have him testify at the hearing, I had already known his 78 00:05:37,229 --> 00:05:40,499 name by this and I thought, Okay, well, we're probably not 79 00:05:40,499 --> 00:05:43,529 going to learn too much. To my surprise, we actually learned 80 00:05:43,529 --> 00:05:46,769 more than what I thought, but regardless, it was still not as 81 00:05:46,769 --> 00:05:51,389 much as obviously we all wanted. But he's the man that approved 82 00:05:51,389 --> 00:05:56,399 it. The reviewer from the special security offices or SSO 83 00:05:56,399 --> 00:05:59,429 US Navy, we don't know who that is, but there was a review 84 00:05:59,429 --> 00:06:04,019 process there. And then the preparation Office of Naval 85 00:06:04,019 --> 00:06:07,499 Intelligence or Oh, and I this was the location of the UAP task 86 00:06:07,499 --> 00:06:11,759 force at the time, I will bet money that that is Jay Stratton. 87 00:06:13,199 --> 00:06:16,919 You know, it's it kind of makes sense. Jay Stratton was the one 88 00:06:16,919 --> 00:06:21,719 that originally wrote the statements that I got way back I 89 00:06:21,719 --> 00:06:25,289 believe in 2019. It was September 11, is when I 90 00:06:25,289 --> 00:06:28,109 published that story that truly did go viral it was picked up by 91 00:06:28,109 --> 00:06:31,409 hundreds of outlets throughout the world when they finally went 92 00:06:31,409 --> 00:06:35,849 on the record and said those three videos they labeled as UAP 93 00:06:35,849 --> 00:06:39,899 are designated them as UAP. The reason why that story was so big 94 00:06:39,899 --> 00:06:42,629 was that they had never acknowledged the video's 95 00:06:42,989 --> 00:06:47,069 authenticity, even though again, most everybody assumed them to 96 00:06:47,069 --> 00:06:51,329 be true. They never wanted to talk about them, or address them 97 00:06:51,359 --> 00:06:54,929 or admit that they were officially released. So with 98 00:06:54,929 --> 00:06:58,349 those facts, they never talked about what was in the videos. So 99 00:06:58,349 --> 00:07:02,189 we know Luis Elizondo describe them on paper in his official 100 00:07:02,189 --> 00:07:10,739 filing as drones balloons and UAS. But what was odd was, they 101 00:07:10,739 --> 00:07:14,339 labeled him as UAP. I was floored by that I didn't expect 102 00:07:14,339 --> 00:07:19,589 it. And and again, that story went viral. When I did 103 00:07:19,619 --> 00:07:23,129 subsequent FOIA requests to that story, I had discovered that 104 00:07:23,129 --> 00:07:26,249 although Joseph grad Usher again that spokesperson for Navy gave 105 00:07:26,249 --> 00:07:32,369 me that statement, it was Jay Stratton, who had created that 106 00:07:32,369 --> 00:07:35,519 statement, and in fact, the statement was much longer gratis 107 00:07:35,519 --> 00:07:38,969 or cut it down. I was able to get the full statement published 108 00:07:38,969 --> 00:07:42,779 it months later. It was at that moment, Jay Stratton was a 109 00:07:42,779 --> 00:07:46,469 mystery to everyone. Well, you know, despite a select few 110 00:07:46,469 --> 00:07:50,249 insiders, but J. Stratton was a mystery to the general public. I 111 00:07:50,249 --> 00:07:53,759 had no idea who he was until that moment, that's when he went 112 00:07:53,789 --> 00:07:57,599 on my radar and I have followed him ever since. Since then, it 113 00:07:57,599 --> 00:08:01,619 came out that he was involved in the UAP effort. Going back to 114 00:08:01,619 --> 00:08:05,939 the OSS, AP days, likely is Axelrod and skinwalkers at the 115 00:08:05,939 --> 00:08:08,519 Pentagon, but I've never officially confirmed that. But 116 00:08:08,519 --> 00:08:11,279 again, there was a lot of rumors because people started talking 117 00:08:11,279 --> 00:08:14,669 about this guy. But he's been on my radar for years for that 118 00:08:14,669 --> 00:08:17,609 reason, because if you're crafting the statement, about 119 00:08:17,609 --> 00:08:21,209 UAP, you are someone it was then assumed he was the director of 120 00:08:21,209 --> 00:08:24,929 the UAP ETF, but never confirmed, never confirmed 121 00:08:24,929 --> 00:08:27,299 through official statements that I'm aware of. I've never seen 122 00:08:27,299 --> 00:08:31,679 one, but ironically, got it confirmed through a NASA FOIA 123 00:08:31,679 --> 00:08:35,339 release mistake or not, I'm not sure. But they revealed J 124 00:08:35,339 --> 00:08:40,019 Stratton's name and refer to him as the director of the UAP task 125 00:08:40,019 --> 00:08:43,199 force. So that solidified it, again, some of these things we 126 00:08:43,199 --> 00:08:46,409 kind of logically conclude. But then when we get the hardcore 127 00:08:46,409 --> 00:08:49,919 evidence, then you can use that in future cases, and so on. So 128 00:08:49,919 --> 00:08:54,059 that's the breakdown of the signature page. Here's the next 129 00:08:54,059 --> 00:08:59,099 page section one identifying data as just the identifying 130 00:08:59,099 --> 00:09:04,619 data to the SCG itself. The subject unidentified aerial 131 00:09:04,619 --> 00:09:09,899 phenomenon, the unit of primary responsibility, that's the PR, 132 00:09:10,109 --> 00:09:13,139 the Office of Naval Intelligence, the certifying 133 00:09:13,139 --> 00:09:16,199 authority ca Mr. Scott Bray, Director, Naval Intelligence 134 00:09:16,199 --> 00:09:18,869 Agency, top secret original classification authority, 135 00:09:19,139 --> 00:09:24,209 effective 17 June 2019. So we know that even before it was 136 00:09:24,209 --> 00:09:27,209 officially approved, there was stuff in 2019 that was likely 137 00:09:27,209 --> 00:09:33,029 still defining that secrecy for UAP. This was, I believe, the 138 00:09:33,029 --> 00:09:37,499 official date of publication, which was April 16 2020. And 139 00:09:37,499 --> 00:09:42,359 then I believe the AR D stands for rescind date. So it 140 00:09:42,359 --> 00:09:46,499 essentially stays on the books until April 16th 2025, unless it 141 00:09:46,499 --> 00:09:51,509 is extended the rd. Prior to this, I couldn't quite find a 142 00:09:51,509 --> 00:09:54,029 document to authenticate that acronym, but I'm pretty sure 143 00:09:54,029 --> 00:09:57,179 it's person date, and they're going to use it until then again 144 00:09:57,179 --> 00:09:58,709 or if something is published. 145 00:10:00,510 --> 00:10:03,660 Section Two general instructions the purpose this classification 146 00:10:03,660 --> 00:10:06,660 guide is issued for the purpose of identifying specific topics 147 00:10:06,990 --> 00:10:09,570 of information associated with the Office of Naval Intelligence 148 00:10:09,600 --> 00:10:13,140 unidentified aerial phenomenon tax task force that meet the 149 00:10:13,140 --> 00:10:15,630 standards and criteria for classification and protection. 150 00:10:16,110 --> 00:10:19,260 In accordance with executive order 13526 classified national 151 00:10:19,260 --> 00:10:23,370 security information as amended and its implementing directives. 152 00:10:25,170 --> 00:10:28,410 Authority this guide is issued under authority of secnav M 153 00:10:28,440 --> 00:10:35,070 551 0.36 and executive order 13526 dod manual 50 200.01 154 00:10:35,070 --> 00:10:38,400 volumes one through four. This guide constitutes authority and 155 00:10:38,400 --> 00:10:41,880 may be cited as the basic classification regrading or 156 00:10:41,880 --> 00:10:46,140 declassification of information and material involved in UAP 157 00:10:46,140 --> 00:10:50,370 collection and analysis. Changes in classification required by 158 00:10:50,370 --> 00:10:54,510 application of this guide shall be made immediately. Information 159 00:10:54,540 --> 00:10:57,300 identified in this guide for protection as classified 160 00:10:57,300 --> 00:11:00,870 information is classified by the director, naval intelligence 161 00:11:00,870 --> 00:11:04,680 activity, a top secret original classification authority. 162 00:11:05,670 --> 00:11:09,090 Classification challenges if at any time security classification 163 00:11:09,090 --> 00:11:12,990 guidance contained here in is challenged, or temporary markers 164 00:11:13,020 --> 00:11:16,410 of a higher classification are made. The items of information 165 00:11:16,410 --> 00:11:18,720 and ball shelves continued to be protected at the level 166 00:11:18,720 --> 00:11:22,110 prescribed by this guide. Until a formal decision by an 167 00:11:22,110 --> 00:11:25,350 appropriate authority is made. Classification challenges should 168 00:11:25,350 --> 00:11:28,770 be addressed to the PR or primary responsibility office 169 00:11:28,770 --> 00:11:31,980 generally you see that as OPR noted in section one above, 170 00:11:32,460 --> 00:11:35,520 reproduction next extraction and dissemination this guide may be 171 00:11:35,520 --> 00:11:38,430 reproduced and disseminated as needed, however, to ensure 172 00:11:38,430 --> 00:11:41,250 receipt of updates, revisions and classification changes. 173 00:11:41,550 --> 00:11:44,040 Whenever this guide is disseminated beyond an initial 174 00:11:44,040 --> 00:11:47,550 address notify the PR public release the fact that this guide 175 00:11:47,550 --> 00:11:50,340 shows certain details of information to be unclassified, 176 00:11:50,490 --> 00:11:53,130 including controlled unclassified information does 177 00:11:53,130 --> 00:11:57,120 not allow automatic public release of this information. DOD 178 00:11:57,120 --> 00:12:00,000 or navy information requested by the media or members of the 179 00:12:00,000 --> 00:12:03,900 public or proposed for release to the public, by DOD, civilians 180 00:12:03,900 --> 00:12:08,160 or military personnel, or their contractors shall be processed 181 00:12:08,160 --> 00:12:13,590 in accordance with DoD manual 5200 dot dat dot 01 secnav M 182 00:12:13,590 --> 00:12:19,680 dash 551 0.36 dod directives 5230 dot o nine DoD Instruction 183 00:12:19,680 --> 00:12:26,340 523 0.29, DOD 50 400.7 dash r and Secretary of the Navy 184 00:12:26,340 --> 00:12:31,980 instruction 57 20.42 G as applicable. I'm reading that 185 00:12:31,980 --> 00:12:35,130 obviously for the audio version and those taking notes. Proposed 186 00:12:35,130 --> 00:12:37,110 public disclosures of unclassified information 187 00:12:37,110 --> 00:12:40,800 regarding UAP shall be processed through the cognizant and IA or 188 00:12:40,800 --> 00:12:43,890 Naval Intelligence Agency Freedom of Information Act 189 00:12:43,890 --> 00:12:46,680 officer. Let me stop right there. What's really interesting 190 00:12:46,680 --> 00:12:51,450 about this, and this is just a little bit of speculation. But 191 00:12:51,480 --> 00:12:55,440 DoD or navy information requested by the media or 192 00:12:55,440 --> 00:12:58,290 members of the public or proposed for released to the 193 00:12:58,290 --> 00:13:01,800 public by DOD, civilians, or military personnel or their 194 00:13:01,800 --> 00:13:06,060 contractors shall be processed and in accordance with what's 195 00:13:06,060 --> 00:13:08,250 interesting is they have to stipulate all that because you 196 00:13:08,250 --> 00:13:11,880 go back to the gimbal, the FLIR and the go fast videos. At that 197 00:13:11,880 --> 00:13:15,300 time, there was no security classification guide for UAP 198 00:13:15,300 --> 00:13:18,630 information. So it was proposed to be released through what's 199 00:13:18,630 --> 00:13:23,940 called a DD Form 1910 filed by Luis Elizondo, these videos 200 00:13:23,940 --> 00:13:29,640 which the Navy labeled as UAP, which this document defines 201 00:13:29,670 --> 00:13:36,930 would or should be classified secret or above. If, if it goes 202 00:13:36,930 --> 00:13:41,850 in this guide would apply. But in 2017, when Louise Elizondo 203 00:13:41,850 --> 00:13:45,690 filed that there was no security classification guide, so they 204 00:13:45,690 --> 00:13:50,010 were either mislabeled, not properly labeled, you fill in 205 00:13:50,010 --> 00:13:53,700 the blank, but regardless, they were not ever talked or labeled 206 00:13:53,940 --> 00:13:59,460 UAP but rather again, balloon UAS, drones, and so on. So there 207 00:13:59,460 --> 00:14:03,540 was no mention of it. This is stipulating that anything that 208 00:14:03,540 --> 00:14:07,200 falls under this category that's being proposed for release like 209 00:14:07,200 --> 00:14:11,730 a DD Form 1910 This has to apply, which you will learn in a 210 00:14:11,730 --> 00:14:14,520 few minutes, puts it at a security classification of 211 00:14:14,520 --> 00:14:19,560 secret, or above, which would be top secret. So this defined all 212 00:14:19,560 --> 00:14:24,090 that so is that line in there to ensure that if anybody else came 213 00:14:24,090 --> 00:14:27,960 along and filed a DD Form 1910 and said, Hey, this balloon 214 00:14:27,960 --> 00:14:31,380 video should be declassified. It's not going to slip through 215 00:14:31,380 --> 00:14:36,600 the cracks. So very interesting line there that I felt was there 216 00:14:36,600 --> 00:14:39,690 for a reason. But let me stress that's just speculation. 217 00:14:41,190 --> 00:14:43,170 All right. Number six foreign disclosure. And don't worry, 218 00:14:43,170 --> 00:14:45,090 there's not a whole lot of reading here just simply because 219 00:14:45,090 --> 00:14:47,730 a lot of it's redacted which we'll learn in a minute. Foreign 220 00:14:47,730 --> 00:14:50,220 disclosure any disclosure to foreign officials have 221 00:14:50,220 --> 00:14:53,220 information classified by this guide, shall be in accordance 222 00:14:53,220 --> 00:14:56,130 with the procedures set forth and Secretary of the Navy 223 00:14:56,130 --> 00:14:59,820 instruction 55 10.34 A and Department of the Navy foreign 224 00:14:59,820 --> 00:15:03,480 trust closure manual of September 2007. If a country 225 00:15:05,850 --> 00:15:10,890 sorry, if a country with which the DOD has entered into a 226 00:15:10,890 --> 00:15:13,920 reciprocal procurement memorandum of understanding or 227 00:15:14,220 --> 00:15:17,250 offset arrangement expresses an interest in this effort, a 228 00:15:17,250 --> 00:15:20,490 foreign disclosure review must be conducted prior to issuance 229 00:15:20,490 --> 00:15:24,390 of a solicitation, seven definitions unidentified aerial 230 00:15:24,390 --> 00:15:28,680 phenomena, any aerial phenomenon that cannot be immediately 231 00:15:28,680 --> 00:15:34,170 identified period. That's their identification and definition of 232 00:15:34,170 --> 00:15:39,390 what a UAP is. This, here's the essentially what they call the 233 00:15:39,390 --> 00:15:43,170 authority block. This is put at the bottom of the pages that are 234 00:15:43,170 --> 00:15:47,700 classified and classified with this as the authority. So 235 00:15:47,730 --> 00:15:51,420 essentially, you will see references to the SCG of 236 00:15:51,450 --> 00:15:55,170 whatever the topic or program name at hand that defines that 237 00:15:55,170 --> 00:15:59,760 classification. In this case, in this case, it's telling anybody 238 00:15:59,760 --> 00:16:04,680 using the manual this is how you identify a classified document. 239 00:16:05,070 --> 00:16:08,820 And the authority being this guide, classified by Mr. Scott 240 00:16:08,820 --> 00:16:11,580 Bray, Director naval intelligence activity reason 1.4 241 00:16:11,580 --> 00:16:15,690 See declassify on. And then I'll show you some real examples of 242 00:16:15,690 --> 00:16:18,930 this, but essentially the date that it's declassified on 243 00:16:20,400 --> 00:16:22,950 identification where information pertaining to UAP has been 244 00:16:22,950 --> 00:16:25,920 obtained or developed through the use of classified sources or 245 00:16:25,920 --> 00:16:29,550 methods. The proper classification of a result an 246 00:16:29,580 --> 00:16:32,790 item of information or material will be the highest 247 00:16:32,790 --> 00:16:36,720 classification set forth. And either this classification Guide 248 00:16:36,750 --> 00:16:40,350 or the classification guide, or guides applicable to the sources 249 00:16:40,350 --> 00:16:43,890 or method use to obtain UAP information or material. 250 00:16:44,520 --> 00:16:48,840 Accordingly, information about UAP designated here in as secret 251 00:16:48,840 --> 00:16:54,750 slash Ral Fe UI may well be top secret, slash SCR special, 252 00:16:57,030 --> 00:17:00,240 special compartmentalised information slash no foreign or 253 00:17:00,240 --> 00:17:03,540 no foreign intelligence due to the sources or methods through 254 00:17:03,540 --> 00:17:07,110 which the UAP information was collected. In those cases, where 255 00:17:07,110 --> 00:17:10,140 the sources or methods used to acquire the UAP information or 256 00:17:10,140 --> 00:17:13,740 material would lead to a higher classification level, the 257 00:17:13,740 --> 00:17:17,040 applicable SCG pertaining to those sources or methods should 258 00:17:17,040 --> 00:17:20,700 be cited as the classification authority, not this guide. In 259 00:17:20,700 --> 00:17:23,160 other words, in plain English, because I know that's a 260 00:17:23,160 --> 00:17:28,140 mouthful. UAP information comes in at the secret level, any 261 00:17:28,140 --> 00:17:31,170 sources methods, or let's say like an instrumentation or 262 00:17:31,170 --> 00:17:33,480 something like that, that gathered that information, 263 00:17:33,720 --> 00:17:37,230 you're not going to put top secret acquired information in a 264 00:17:37,230 --> 00:17:40,710 secret document. So essentially, you're going to have a top 265 00:17:40,710 --> 00:17:46,200 secret classification on it. And then in again, more legal jargon 266 00:17:46,200 --> 00:17:51,120 and their military speak. Instead of referencing the UAP 267 00:17:51,120 --> 00:17:54,690 security classification Guide, You Will rather reference that 268 00:17:54,690 --> 00:17:58,650 other authority that authorized that top secret level, you'll 269 00:17:58,650 --> 00:18:02,820 see here, now we're starting to get into quite a bit of blacked 270 00:18:02,820 --> 00:18:07,920 out information. Number three, so that whole number two is is 271 00:18:07,920 --> 00:18:10,680 redacted. We don't know what that is. Number three goal and 272 00:18:10,680 --> 00:18:13,590 mission, the mission of this task force is to detect, analyze 273 00:18:13,590 --> 00:18:16,260 and consolidate and exploit advanced non traditional 274 00:18:16,260 --> 00:18:19,560 aerospace vehicles posing an operational threat to US 275 00:18:19,560 --> 00:18:24,750 national security and avoid strategic surprise. And item. So 276 00:18:24,750 --> 00:18:30,480 this essentially now defines the level of secrecy as it pertains 277 00:18:30,480 --> 00:18:33,240 to UAP at different levels. And it starts with the stuff that is 278 00:18:33,270 --> 00:18:36,120 unclassified. And you'll, this is going to get a little small 279 00:18:36,120 --> 00:18:40,110 for me, so I may have to lean in here. But I forgot to zoom in on 280 00:18:40,110 --> 00:18:43,770 the next slide. But regardless, this again, defines what level 281 00:18:43,770 --> 00:18:47,280 of secrecy certain things are starting with unclassified, 282 00:18:47,280 --> 00:18:49,710 which is stuff that they can give out. And you'll see it tie 283 00:18:49,710 --> 00:18:53,340 in to Pentagon spokespeople, statements and stuff like that. 284 00:18:53,400 --> 00:18:56,580 So things that they're okay for you for allowing you and I to 285 00:18:56,580 --> 00:19:00,990 know that's unclassified. And so they define that. And so anybody 286 00:19:00,990 --> 00:19:05,730 using this guide can start blind and go Okay, number one, the 287 00:19:05,730 --> 00:19:10,440 term unidentified aerial phenomena is unclassified. So 288 00:19:10,440 --> 00:19:14,610 they know that they can say UAP out in the open, sounds silly, 289 00:19:14,640 --> 00:19:18,930 but all of those things have to do to be defined. Other examples 290 00:19:18,960 --> 00:19:23,880 of showing why that's not silly is a classified code word. So in 291 00:19:23,880 --> 00:19:27,840 a classification guy with a with a code word, it'll show you if 292 00:19:27,840 --> 00:19:31,350 you say this code word, it's classified secret or top secret. 293 00:19:33,030 --> 00:19:36,060 The fact that Navy pilots and other Department of the Navy 294 00:19:36,060 --> 00:19:37,380 personnel have 295 00:19:39,000 --> 00:19:42,540 witnessed and the certain Department of Navy technical 296 00:19:42,540 --> 00:19:47,880 systems have detected at unspecified times in places UAPs 297 00:19:48,120 --> 00:19:54,360 that fact is unclassified. I'm gonna see if I can zoom in. Hey, 298 00:19:54,360 --> 00:20:00,720 it worked. Awesome. All right. Now I can read this is Let me 299 00:20:00,720 --> 00:20:05,910 see if I can. I've never done this feature before. Nope, we 300 00:20:05,910 --> 00:20:11,280 can't knuckles. All right. No laser pointer but I'm at one see 301 00:20:11,310 --> 00:20:14,250 the fact that the frequency of UAP sightings has increased in 302 00:20:14,250 --> 00:20:17,130 recent years without any further information regarding when, 303 00:20:17,130 --> 00:20:19,680 where or how often sightings have been reported. That's 304 00:20:19,680 --> 00:20:23,280 obviously unclassified one D, the fact that Navy has an 305 00:20:23,310 --> 00:20:26,640 ongoing effort to gain knowledge and insight into the nature and 306 00:20:26,640 --> 00:20:30,330 origins of UAPs, as well as their operations, capabilities, 307 00:20:30,330 --> 00:20:34,290 performance and or signatures on classified. The fact that naval 308 00:20:34,290 --> 00:20:37,590 intelligence in general, and the Office of Naval Intelligence in 309 00:20:37,590 --> 00:20:40,950 particular, has created a task force to gain knowledge and 310 00:20:40,950 --> 00:20:44,250 insight into the nature and origins of UAPs as well as their 311 00:20:44,250 --> 00:20:47,340 operations capabilities, performance and or signatures on 312 00:20:47,340 --> 00:20:51,540 classified goal, mission and purpose. The fact that the task 313 00:20:51,540 --> 00:20:55,890 force Task Force's mission is to detect, analyze, catalogue, 314 00:20:55,890 --> 00:21:00,000 consolidate and exploit non traditional aerospace vehicles 315 00:21:00,000 --> 00:21:03,780 UAP posing an operational threat to US national security and 316 00:21:03,780 --> 00:21:09,900 avoid strategic surprise, obviously unclassified. So if 317 00:21:09,900 --> 00:21:12,600 you follow Pentagon statements, a lot of those facts, even some 318 00:21:12,600 --> 00:21:15,840 of the exact wording was in that. So that's all things that 319 00:21:15,840 --> 00:21:21,270 they are comfortable talking about in the open. This here is 320 00:21:21,270 --> 00:21:24,060 where it gets really interesting, because now we have 321 00:21:24,090 --> 00:21:28,380 no idea what they're talking about. We have no idea what 322 00:21:28,380 --> 00:21:32,070 points about UAP, they will not let out in the open. And you can 323 00:21:32,070 --> 00:21:35,070 see here, I love this feature, I had no idea that it's available. 324 00:21:35,760 --> 00:21:39,150 Zooming in here, this header, I was able to get out 325 00:21:39,480 --> 00:21:44,790 intelligence, collection, exploitation, analysis, and 326 00:21:44,790 --> 00:21:48,300 products. Now, why is this interesting and fascinating to 327 00:21:48,300 --> 00:21:50,940 me, it's generally the word exploitation, what are they 328 00:21:50,940 --> 00:21:54,690 exploiting? And that's a big question, Mark. I mean, we only 329 00:21:54,690 --> 00:21:57,210 have speculation at this point, everybody talks about crash 330 00:21:57,210 --> 00:22:01,290 retrievals and stuff that they have in their possession. And 331 00:22:01,290 --> 00:22:04,890 that's all well and good. And it probably sounds a lot sexier 332 00:22:04,890 --> 00:22:08,640 than it probably is. But this here, I think, is starting to 333 00:22:08,640 --> 00:22:13,320 show between exploitation and analysis, that there are things 334 00:22:13,770 --> 00:22:19,080 revolving around those words, exploiting and analyzing, that 335 00:22:19,080 --> 00:22:22,680 shows that when it comes to UAP, they have something, whether 336 00:22:22,680 --> 00:22:26,970 it's a piece of a foreign drone, whether it's a piece of computer 337 00:22:26,970 --> 00:22:31,140 chip that they stole from some Chinese factory, or Russian 338 00:22:31,140 --> 00:22:36,150 factory, whatever. Again, it's pure speculation. But to me, 339 00:22:36,150 --> 00:22:38,970 this is telling me that there are points underneath this 340 00:22:38,970 --> 00:22:44,790 blacked out material that tie into exploiting and analyzing 341 00:22:44,790 --> 00:22:49,590 whatever it is about UAP. And it's all classified. Now, of 342 00:22:49,590 --> 00:22:52,620 course, you can analyze a video and that's fine. I mean, sure 343 00:22:52,650 --> 00:22:56,070 that there may be some lines in here. But can you exploit a 344 00:22:56,070 --> 00:23:01,050 video? And I would say probably not. Can you exploit the 345 00:23:01,050 --> 00:23:06,390 technology? Yes. That's where I lean towards. Now. Again, I'm 346 00:23:06,390 --> 00:23:09,540 stressing the speculation part, because we have no idea. But 347 00:23:09,540 --> 00:23:13,200 regardless, this header is fascinating to me. Also, I 348 00:23:13,200 --> 00:23:16,500 always like to point this out. See the difference in redactions 349 00:23:16,500 --> 00:23:26,820 here. I would bet that this is a header. And this is number four, 350 00:23:27,030 --> 00:23:31,320 just looking at the page ahead. And whoever reviewed it first, 351 00:23:31,350 --> 00:23:35,430 which gave these redactions with the red citation, which you'll 352 00:23:35,430 --> 00:23:40,470 see the majority of you look at this one, it was added after, I 353 00:23:40,470 --> 00:23:44,100 bet you this was a second layer review. The first person thought 354 00:23:44,100 --> 00:23:46,800 it was okay to release this header. Second person said no 355 00:23:46,800 --> 00:23:50,280 way, they redacted it for the same national security reason, 356 00:23:50,520 --> 00:23:54,570 and they don't tell us. So I always think those are fun, 357 00:23:54,600 --> 00:23:57,330 because there are certain people that would have let that slide 358 00:23:57,450 --> 00:24:01,530 other people not so much. So in the end, we've got a whole lot 359 00:24:01,530 --> 00:24:05,370 of redaction there. This also supports this is header number 360 00:24:05,370 --> 00:24:08,550 three, this likely was number four because the next page is 361 00:24:08,550 --> 00:24:12,960 number five, I zoomed it in here five relationships all redacted. 362 00:24:14,400 --> 00:24:17,700 As noted in this as the footnote to that section, so something in 363 00:24:17,700 --> 00:24:21,090 here references this as noted in section one paragraph B where 364 00:24:21,090 --> 00:24:23,880 information pertaining to UAP has been obtained or developed 365 00:24:23,880 --> 00:24:28,080 through the use of classified sources or methods. The proper 366 00:24:28,110 --> 00:24:31,080 classification of a result an item of information on material 367 00:24:31,080 --> 00:24:33,510 will be the highest classification what is stated in 368 00:24:33,510 --> 00:24:36,690 this classification Guide or the classification guide or guides 369 00:24:36,690 --> 00:24:39,840 applicable to the sources or methods used to obtain the UAP 370 00:24:39,840 --> 00:24:42,900 information or material. Accordingly, the classification 371 00:24:42,900 --> 00:24:45,780 level noted below may be incorrect. If the source or 372 00:24:45,780 --> 00:24:48,120 method used to collect the information dictates a higher 373 00:24:48,120 --> 00:24:51,180 level of classification. Still, pretty much the same language 374 00:24:51,180 --> 00:24:54,000 already went over, but they footnote it I wanted to make 375 00:24:54,000 --> 00:24:59,010 sure that I go over this here. I think that this was meant to be 376 00:24:59,010 --> 00:25:01,560 one of the first pages on This is more than just the cover page 377 00:25:01,560 --> 00:25:05,700 for the classification guide, identifying marks, stuff like 378 00:25:05,700 --> 00:25:09,120 that. I won't go over every line, but I wanted to show it to 379 00:25:09,120 --> 00:25:10,950 you as part of the four year release, it was at the end of 380 00:25:10,950 --> 00:25:15,300 the packet, and so on. Now, why does this matter? Right? I know 381 00:25:15,300 --> 00:25:18,300 some of that's dry. And some of you haven't really seen a lot of 382 00:25:18,300 --> 00:25:22,800 the comments and stuff that I bet some of them are, you know, 383 00:25:22,800 --> 00:25:25,530 like, Oh, my God, this is boring. It actually is. But 384 00:25:25,530 --> 00:25:27,720 here's the bottom line of everything that I just went 385 00:25:27,720 --> 00:25:30,390 through. And that is when you look at all the secrecy, it 386 00:25:30,390 --> 00:25:32,760 essentially mandates that other those other than those 387 00:25:32,760 --> 00:25:36,570 unclassified points that I went over, that you can read, 388 00:25:36,900 --> 00:25:39,840 everything about UAP is automatically put at a secret 389 00:25:39,840 --> 00:25:42,990 level, everything beyond those basic points, everything. It's 390 00:25:42,990 --> 00:25:46,710 defined here, all of those other points, all those other aspects, 391 00:25:46,710 --> 00:25:50,430 all of those other exploitation, realities, all that other 392 00:25:50,640 --> 00:25:54,960 analysis, data points and stuff like that all classified secret, 393 00:25:55,110 --> 00:25:59,730 if not above. So this is the reason this is the hindrance 394 00:26:00,660 --> 00:26:04,380 from us knowing what's real, and the guy that's testifying to 395 00:26:04,380 --> 00:26:06,930 Congress is the one that approved all this. He's the one 396 00:26:06,930 --> 00:26:10,560 that said, Yep, no, this is this is great, guys, I fully support 397 00:26:10,560 --> 00:26:13,470 this level of secrecy. And you can see here, there's a lot, 398 00:26:13,830 --> 00:26:16,650 couple points, we can read all basic. We've known them for 399 00:26:16,650 --> 00:26:20,220 years, everything else 100%. classified, they won't tell you. 400 00:26:21,240 --> 00:26:25,080 So that conversation that has changed, which is great in the 401 00:26:25,080 --> 00:26:27,570 last few years. And I'm very encouraged that there's 402 00:26:27,930 --> 00:26:31,500 congressional legislation and stuff like that, all of that is 403 00:26:31,500 --> 00:26:35,070 fine. But the problem is at the end of the day, is that you get 404 00:26:35,070 --> 00:26:38,220 very little why because the guy that's testifying as the guy 405 00:26:38,220 --> 00:26:41,670 that approved the secrecy, and that secrecy that he approved, 406 00:26:41,670 --> 00:26:45,480 essentially classifies almost everything. And so even though 407 00:26:45,480 --> 00:26:48,060 we hear the words UAP, and they're talking about it within 408 00:26:48,060 --> 00:26:50,910 the halls of Congress, and there's some legislation going 409 00:26:50,910 --> 00:26:57,510 out there, the bottom line is, Senators and Congressmen will 410 00:26:57,510 --> 00:27:02,940 not disobey their security oath. And even though they love to 411 00:27:02,940 --> 00:27:05,640 tell you and I that there's this push for transparency, and we 412 00:27:05,640 --> 00:27:09,300 want to tell you what happened at that UAP hearing, when it got 413 00:27:09,300 --> 00:27:13,170 interesting, and certain questions, and certain angles 414 00:27:13,170 --> 00:27:17,460 that came up, we can talk about that more in a closed session. 415 00:27:19,740 --> 00:27:24,510 That's what we're going to be faced with and how many that 416 00:27:24,510 --> 00:27:29,520 were in that hearing pushed back. I didn't see any, none of 417 00:27:29,520 --> 00:27:32,310 them said None. No, no, you know what the public deserves to 418 00:27:32,310 --> 00:27:36,060 know. Now? Of course not, because they are going to 419 00:27:36,900 --> 00:27:41,160 appreciate what needs to be kept secret. So when we get to a 420 00:27:41,160 --> 00:27:45,120 level that has anything to do with any of that, that I just 421 00:27:45,120 --> 00:27:49,380 went over, it's classified, and we likely will not see pushback 422 00:27:49,380 --> 00:27:52,200 from it. So will we get some trickle down information? Sure, 423 00:27:52,200 --> 00:27:55,500 absolutely. And it'll satisfy congressional mandates. And 424 00:27:55,500 --> 00:27:59,610 we'll get another June 2021 report that was nine pages long 425 00:27:59,610 --> 00:28:03,030 and told us very little, there was some nuggets in there. But 426 00:28:03,240 --> 00:28:06,600 again, very little, some statistics, some kind of cool 427 00:28:06,600 --> 00:28:11,730 stuff. New, arguably not really, it was just kind of putting some 428 00:28:11,730 --> 00:28:16,530 fancier language and a little bit more concrete affirmation on 429 00:28:16,530 --> 00:28:22,410 what we already knew. Other than that, not so much. Why this, and 430 00:28:22,410 --> 00:28:26,970 that was the issue with all of that. So let me show you some 431 00:28:26,970 --> 00:28:32,130 real time examples of what Now this does. I'm going to start 432 00:28:32,130 --> 00:28:35,160 with someone else's FOIA request. I highlighted this on 433 00:28:35,160 --> 00:28:37,710 the black vault.com. But I'm starting with Alex Garcia's 434 00:28:37,710 --> 00:28:42,570 request, great researcher who discovered that within the naval 435 00:28:42,570 --> 00:28:46,020 intelligence activity, there was a top secret information memo 436 00:28:46,440 --> 00:28:50,130 that essentially was about unidentified aerial phenomenon, 437 00:28:50,340 --> 00:28:54,480 but was essentially entirely blacked out. And you'll notice 438 00:28:54,480 --> 00:28:57,360 here at the bottom, that classified authority block most 439 00:28:57,360 --> 00:28:59,910 people just blow right past it, because it just looks like you 440 00:28:59,910 --> 00:29:03,120 know, some additional jargon nobody really cares about. So 441 00:29:03,120 --> 00:29:05,460 they look at all the information and it's all blacked out. These 442 00:29:05,460 --> 00:29:06,660 are the first two pages. 443 00:29:08,520 --> 00:29:13,410 But when you zoom in, this is what authorized all of that 444 00:29:13,650 --> 00:29:17,670 classification, the UAP security classification guide, what we 445 00:29:17,670 --> 00:29:22,290 just went over. That information that was all blacked out is not 446 00:29:22,290 --> 00:29:27,870 scheduled to be declassified until 2045. Again, thanks to 447 00:29:27,870 --> 00:29:31,530 that guide. Now, will it come out prior to that? I won't get 448 00:29:31,530 --> 00:29:34,290 off on too much of a tangent here. Yes, there's absolutely 449 00:29:34,290 --> 00:29:37,110 possibilities. There are mandatory declassification 450 00:29:37,110 --> 00:29:41,310 reviews. So if you get somebody who takes your case that you put 451 00:29:41,310 --> 00:29:44,940 up and agrees that it should be declassified, or something 452 00:29:44,940 --> 00:29:50,040 happens where what is classified here in 2022 is not classified 453 00:29:50,040 --> 00:29:54,720 and 2025 that they don't have to wait until 2045 to declassify 454 00:29:54,720 --> 00:29:59,160 it. They'll do it ahead of time. But right now it's mandated to 455 00:29:59,160 --> 00:30:05,190 stay classy file until 2045. Thanks to this manual here. This 456 00:30:05,190 --> 00:30:08,100 is what happened this week that I thought, hey, let's just go 457 00:30:08,100 --> 00:30:11,670 ahead and do this video. And there were a bunch of it's like 458 00:30:11,670 --> 00:30:18,120 70 Plus pages of what these range Fowler reports are. And 459 00:30:18,120 --> 00:30:20,100 we've seen some of these range follow reports. If you don't 460 00:30:20,100 --> 00:30:22,230 know what a range Fowler is, it's essentially something that 461 00:30:22,230 --> 00:30:25,470 encroaches on a training exercise is kind of the very 462 00:30:25,470 --> 00:30:29,430 quick nutshell version. We saw references to the range Fowler's 463 00:30:29,610 --> 00:30:35,160 in the June 2021, UAP. Report. And look, I mean, I'll be 464 00:30:35,160 --> 00:30:38,220 honest, I didn't no idea what that was. It was an interesting 465 00:30:38,220 --> 00:30:41,940 term. But once you start digging in, it really does sound like 466 00:30:42,330 --> 00:30:45,930 let's say they're doing a exercise of some kind. A large 467 00:30:45,930 --> 00:30:49,140 balloon goes into their training exercise that could potentially 468 00:30:49,140 --> 00:30:53,520 interfere with their exercise. Some Joe Schmoe on the outside 469 00:30:53,520 --> 00:30:57,540 of the military facility drives, flies a commercial drone, and 470 00:30:57,540 --> 00:31:00,420 they're potentially a danger, potentially a surveillance 471 00:31:00,480 --> 00:31:04,350 surveillance issue. Those are considered range fallers. But 472 00:31:04,350 --> 00:31:08,100 also within are some additional encounter. So I'm not trying to 473 00:31:08,100 --> 00:31:11,610 dismiss the importance of these. But the problem is look at all 474 00:31:11,610 --> 00:31:15,360 that redaction. And I was going to do a video when these came 475 00:31:15,360 --> 00:31:18,540 out, breaking them down. But it's so hard to read these 476 00:31:18,540 --> 00:31:21,750 documents anyway, where you go and then redacted and then it 477 00:31:21,750 --> 00:31:26,160 flute redacted and made a write redacted. It's ridiculous. And 478 00:31:26,160 --> 00:31:30,780 you can see here absolutely god awful. It really is, as I kind 479 00:31:30,780 --> 00:31:36,630 of zoom in there, zoom around, and you guessed it. See here at 480 00:31:36,630 --> 00:31:42,210 the bottom. It's all authorized by the UAP security 481 00:31:42,210 --> 00:31:47,970 classification guide. Again, the roadblock that that small 482 00:31:47,970 --> 00:31:51,630 document that I just went through is the roadblock to all 483 00:31:51,630 --> 00:31:58,440 of this. So now we have all of these real world examples of why 484 00:31:58,440 --> 00:32:05,910 I'm saying secrecy is deepening. Prior to 2019 2018. They denied 485 00:32:05,910 --> 00:32:10,800 UFO interest, but I was able to show, in my opinion, undeniable 486 00:32:10,800 --> 00:32:14,610 proof of that I'm working on a what will be a rather large, 487 00:32:14,910 --> 00:32:21,060 live, free hangout slash presentation to all of you on 488 00:32:21,060 --> 00:32:24,870 this channel. So stay tuned for that. What I will do is go over 489 00:32:24,870 --> 00:32:29,400 that information kind of dealing with primarily the era between 490 00:32:29,430 --> 00:32:33,840 the close of project Bluebook and the revolution about a tip. 491 00:32:34,260 --> 00:32:38,640 And in my opinion, there's ample evidence that there was a cover 492 00:32:38,640 --> 00:32:42,330 up, that they were seeing UFOs that they were reporting UFOs 493 00:32:42,330 --> 00:32:44,910 around the globe that they were collecting intelligence. So 494 00:32:44,910 --> 00:32:47,310 despite what they were saying, there's all this information 495 00:32:47,610 --> 00:32:51,990 that proves otherwise. But there was no mandate for automatic 496 00:32:51,990 --> 00:32:54,930 classification. So you'll actually see like, for example, 497 00:32:54,930 --> 00:33:00,120 the 1976 Iran incident, where you have a amazing encounter 498 00:33:00,150 --> 00:33:03,150 that some argue may be explainable. But let's face it, 499 00:33:03,150 --> 00:33:06,210 we don't have an adequate one yet, where you have multiple 500 00:33:06,210 --> 00:33:09,900 UFOs being seen. It's infamously known as the 1976 arann 501 00:33:09,900 --> 00:33:12,480 incident, the original dia report, the 502 00:33:12,480 --> 00:33:16,170 intelligence report was unclassified. Now, let me use 503 00:33:16,170 --> 00:33:19,290 that as a real world example today, despite there being an 504 00:33:19,290 --> 00:33:23,190 explanation or not doesn't matter. If there is a UAP 505 00:33:23,400 --> 00:33:27,090 security classification guide in 1976, that I just showed you, 506 00:33:27,540 --> 00:33:30,510 that report would have automatically been done as 507 00:33:30,540 --> 00:33:34,920 secret, if not top secret for whatever other reason might 508 00:33:34,920 --> 00:33:40,530 apply. But instead, that document along with quite a few 509 00:33:40,530 --> 00:33:45,420 others, remained unclassified, because there was not that, that 510 00:33:45,420 --> 00:33:49,830 mandate for it to become classified. Other records were 511 00:33:49,830 --> 00:33:54,900 classified that dealt with UAP or UFOs. But that was mandated 512 00:33:54,900 --> 00:33:58,470 by other classification reasons, let's say a source and method 513 00:33:58,680 --> 00:34:01,140 that was defined somewhere else. So I don't want to get too much 514 00:34:01,140 --> 00:34:04,230 in the weeds there. But my whole point is, is that there are 515 00:34:04,350 --> 00:34:07,440 reports unclassified at the unclassified level that have 516 00:34:07,440 --> 00:34:10,950 come out from these intelligence agencies. That because there was 517 00:34:10,950 --> 00:34:14,400 no classification guide that mandated the automatic 518 00:34:14,400 --> 00:34:17,850 classification of it, people like me could come along and get 519 00:34:17,850 --> 00:34:22,380 it, it's a makes it a little bit easier. This, the classification 520 00:34:22,380 --> 00:34:27,090 guide is making it harder. So I wanted to go over that with you 521 00:34:27,090 --> 00:34:31,740 guys. Break down some real world examples. And again, support why 522 00:34:31,740 --> 00:34:35,640 I say that security, I feel is deepening this talk about we're 523 00:34:35,640 --> 00:34:40,470 in the midst of disclosure. Look, I think it's great that 524 00:34:40,470 --> 00:34:43,560 some people think that but the evidence doesn't support it 525 00:34:43,560 --> 00:34:46,680 disclosure of what we haven't heard anything yet. And just 526 00:34:46,680 --> 00:34:50,040 because Congress is again, muttering the phrases and 527 00:34:50,040 --> 00:34:54,090 acronyms of UAP and unidentified aerial phenomenon, so on and so 528 00:34:54,090 --> 00:34:58,650 forth, all of that is great. The problem is the evidence doesn't 529 00:34:58,650 --> 00:35:02,490 support that disclosure. Talk. And in fact that secrecy is 530 00:35:02,490 --> 00:35:06,090 deepening. And in fact, the same voices that are telling you we 531 00:35:06,090 --> 00:35:09,240 want transparency, and we're going to require reports are 532 00:35:09,240 --> 00:35:12,150 getting very minimal reports. But then on top of that, when 533 00:35:12,150 --> 00:35:15,360 being told, we can talk more about that in a classified 534 00:35:15,360 --> 00:35:19,350 setting, they go, okay, not a problem, you know, we can talk, 535 00:35:19,470 --> 00:35:21,930 why, because it doesn't matter if they push back or not, 536 00:35:21,930 --> 00:35:24,990 they're going to hear it anyway, then their security oaths and, 537 00:35:25,350 --> 00:35:27,900 and clearances take over, and then they don't come out and 538 00:35:27,900 --> 00:35:30,480 tell you or I, they just say they're working on it, or 539 00:35:30,480 --> 00:35:35,070 there's something strange, or we need to fund this. But we don't 540 00:35:35,070 --> 00:35:37,770 get the answers that we're looking for. So that's my 541 00:35:37,770 --> 00:35:42,720 justification for saying that the secrecy is deepening. So 542 00:35:42,720 --> 00:35:45,330 that said, I appreciate all of you listening or watching, if 543 00:35:45,330 --> 00:35:48,060 you're watching on YouTube, it's a huge help, please give me a 544 00:35:48,060 --> 00:35:50,700 thumbs up on the video that really does help with the 545 00:35:50,700 --> 00:35:54,180 algorithms. And on top of that, if you're not already, please 546 00:35:54,330 --> 00:35:56,850 subscribe to the channel. It's a huge help to me, if you're 547 00:35:56,850 --> 00:35:59,850 listening to the audio podcast version, thank you so much for 548 00:35:59,850 --> 00:36:03,030 doing so. If you're not aware that I have those, it's under 549 00:36:03,030 --> 00:36:08,610 the black vault radio on Spotify, iTunes, whatever your 550 00:36:08,610 --> 00:36:13,140 your favorite radio podcast aggregator of choices, or you 551 00:36:13,140 --> 00:36:16,590 can stream directly from the blackbolt.com. Download the mp3 552 00:36:16,590 --> 00:36:20,310 to your audio devices, whatever you need. But wherever you're 553 00:36:20,310 --> 00:36:23,580 listening, if you could add a review, huge, huge help. I won't 554 00:36:23,580 --> 00:36:25,890 tell you what to put, I do shoot for five stars with these 555 00:36:25,890 --> 00:36:29,820 things. But please, if you can, that's a huge help to me. All 556 00:36:29,820 --> 00:36:32,070 the important links like the links to the document, the 557 00:36:32,070 --> 00:36:35,910 security classification guide range, Fowler reports, all that 558 00:36:35,910 --> 00:36:39,180 I will put in the description below on YouTube and the show 559 00:36:39,180 --> 00:36:43,320 notes on the podcast version. That said, thank you all for 560 00:36:43,320 --> 00:36:45,780 listening and watching. This is John Greenewald, Jr signing off, 561 00:36:46,020 --> 00:36:47,130 and we'll see you next time.