1 00:00:38,130 --> 00:00:40,980 John Greenewald: That's right, everybody. As always, thank you 2 00:00:40,980 --> 00:00:44,400 so much for tuning in and making this your podcast or your live 3 00:00:44,400 --> 00:00:47,850 stream of choice. Some of you are asking in the chat as I kind 4 00:00:47,850 --> 00:00:52,440 of rearranged my windows here. Yes, this is live, originally, I 5 00:00:52,440 --> 00:00:57,330 was going to do what I call a behind the scenes show. And that 6 00:00:57,330 --> 00:01:03,450 was going to entail a couple of different segments. The change, 7 00:01:03,450 --> 00:01:06,420 however, is I decided to go ahead and just do one topic, 8 00:01:06,630 --> 00:01:10,680 make it a regular show, do it live. And have you guys kind of 9 00:01:10,680 --> 00:01:14,190 guide this a little bit? If you haven't really been paying 10 00:01:14,190 --> 00:01:17,550 attention, the reason why I switched, what I wanted to do 11 00:01:17,850 --> 00:01:24,240 was the New York Times published an article today that has got 12 00:01:24,690 --> 00:01:29,130 everybody upset. And I think that there's many different 13 00:01:29,130 --> 00:01:32,610 reasons to be upset with this. But I think that if you had high 14 00:01:32,610 --> 00:01:37,170 expectations with the pending UAP report that we all hope is 15 00:01:37,170 --> 00:01:40,800 coming on Monday, I always have my doubts that the government 16 00:01:40,800 --> 00:01:46,290 does anything in time. On time, I should say. If you had high 17 00:01:46,290 --> 00:01:49,710 hopes for that, then this New York Times article is probably 18 00:01:49,710 --> 00:01:54,630 going to upset you. And here's what I think is going on. It was 19 00:01:54,630 --> 00:01:59,220 written by Julian Barnes from the New York Times. The title is 20 00:01:59,220 --> 00:02:04,860 many military UFO reports are just foreign spying or airborne 21 00:02:04,890 --> 00:02:07,860 trash. I'll get to the article in a minute, we'll go over it, 22 00:02:07,860 --> 00:02:12,180 we'll have some, some dissection of it. And I will try and watch 23 00:02:12,180 --> 00:02:16,620 the chat for your questions, pull in as many as I can. With 24 00:02:16,800 --> 00:02:19,560 but a couple of kind of housecleaning notes here, as I 25 00:02:19,560 --> 00:02:22,860 do with the behind the scenes shows, I decided to broadcast 26 00:02:22,860 --> 00:02:25,350 this to all of my social media. So some of you I know are 27 00:02:25,350 --> 00:02:28,410 watching on Facebook, some of you are on Twitter, the majority 28 00:02:28,440 --> 00:02:32,160 of you, I believe are on YouTube. That's how I always 29 00:02:32,160 --> 00:02:34,920 recommend that you watch these simply because that's going to 30 00:02:34,920 --> 00:02:38,850 be the biggest chat. I know some of you all come here to interact 31 00:02:38,850 --> 00:02:42,780 with others. So if you are watching live, go to www dot the 32 00:02:42,780 --> 00:02:48,840 black vault.com/live That will bounce you directly to the 33 00:02:48,840 --> 00:02:52,470 channel, you'll see the video is live as we speak. And of course, 34 00:02:52,500 --> 00:02:57,420 the chat is already bumping. The other note that I wanted to give 35 00:02:57,420 --> 00:03:01,440 you is I am happy to take as many questions as you'd like I 36 00:03:01,440 --> 00:03:04,530 have a little bit of time today, which is kind of nice. And this 37 00:03:04,530 --> 00:03:08,520 is why I decided to switch. It's because of all of the feedback 38 00:03:08,550 --> 00:03:15,420 that I have seen online on this article. And I'm it it's it's 39 00:03:15,420 --> 00:03:20,280 getting a little bit crazy, where people are clearly upset. 40 00:03:20,280 --> 00:03:23,460 And I wanted to do this video to kind of put into context here 41 00:03:23,460 --> 00:03:27,480 what we're reading. Now, let me preface it all, by saying you're 42 00:03:27,510 --> 00:03:32,550 you're looking at somebody who has made dedicated videos, to 43 00:03:32,550 --> 00:03:37,740 the horrific reporting in the past by the New York Times. So I 44 00:03:37,740 --> 00:03:41,580 am not sitting here trying to defend the New York Times in any 45 00:03:41,580 --> 00:03:45,390 way. But I want to be as fair as possible because so many are 46 00:03:45,390 --> 00:03:50,160 attacking journalist Julian Barnes, who let me just click 47 00:03:50,160 --> 00:03:54,030 here real quick. I forget his exact title. He's a national 48 00:03:54,030 --> 00:03:56,400 security reporter from New York Times covering intelligence 49 00:03:56,400 --> 00:04:00,210 agencies, I thought he had a bigger title. I should have 50 00:04:00,210 --> 00:04:04,230 looked for that. But did not but regardless reporter for the New 51 00:04:04,230 --> 00:04:06,750 York Times, you don't just walk into a job like that. He's 52 00:04:06,750 --> 00:04:09,960 obviously got a very big journalistic background. He's 53 00:04:09,960 --> 00:04:13,890 done quite a bit for quite some time. So I don't go out of the 54 00:04:13,890 --> 00:04:17,100 starting gate just trashing somebody because they don't say 55 00:04:17,100 --> 00:04:22,140 what I like, I want to be fair here and give anybody I don't 56 00:04:22,140 --> 00:04:25,380 care if it's the New York Times or a blog site that no one's 57 00:04:25,380 --> 00:04:29,370 heard of, or anything in between. I give it time to be 58 00:04:29,370 --> 00:04:32,760 right. And I give it time to find the evidence to be right. 59 00:04:33,030 --> 00:04:35,160 But to go back what I said you're looking at a guy who has 60 00:04:35,160 --> 00:04:38,550 made these dedicated videos, essentially trashing previous 61 00:04:38,550 --> 00:04:41,970 reporting. So I'm not here to defend but I'm also not here to 62 00:04:41,970 --> 00:04:45,690 trash it this time. I think the context once we get through it 63 00:04:45,960 --> 00:04:48,750 will give a little bit more of an understanding of where we 64 00:04:48,750 --> 00:04:56,940 should be instead of lashing out. So that said, I am always 65 00:04:56,940 --> 00:05:00,690 surprised at the reaction to these articles. Let me bring it 66 00:05:00,690 --> 00:05:04,920 up, just so you guys can see what I'm talking about. Do my 67 00:05:04,920 --> 00:05:08,820 best to zoom in, collapse this, 68 00:05:09,240 --> 00:05:15,540 I hope that it will stay on for me it goes to a paywall a lot of 69 00:05:15,540 --> 00:05:17,880 times. So I'm hoping that's not going to happen. But here's the 70 00:05:17,910 --> 00:05:20,940 here's the article if you guys haven't seen it yet, that has 71 00:05:20,940 --> 00:05:27,360 created the ruckus. Now on Monday, we are supposed to get a 72 00:05:27,360 --> 00:05:33,600 public UAP report. I have confirmed that there will be a 73 00:05:33,600 --> 00:05:36,360 public version. There's some some question mark about that. 74 00:05:36,810 --> 00:05:41,130 If that gets walked back, I'll be very, very surprised. To some 75 00:05:41,130 --> 00:05:43,680 of you that may not be a surprise, but I wanted to at 76 00:05:43,680 --> 00:05:47,580 least clear that up that there is talk about the public report 77 00:05:47,580 --> 00:05:52,260 and it should be delivered Monday to the general public, I 78 00:05:52,260 --> 00:05:55,410 have been able to also confirm, and this is not a shock to most 79 00:05:55,410 --> 00:05:58,560 including myself, that there will be a classified version 80 00:05:58,560 --> 00:06:05,760 delivered as well on the same day as those frequent watchers 81 00:06:05,760 --> 00:06:08,910 of this channel, you know that the day after that June report 82 00:06:08,910 --> 00:06:12,300 from last year, I had filed a case on a mandatory 83 00:06:12,300 --> 00:06:17,340 declassification review of that classified version it took of it 84 00:06:17,340 --> 00:06:22,950 took until March, I believe, of this year of 2022 to get it but 85 00:06:22,950 --> 00:06:26,520 at least I got it and was able to kind of get a little bit more 86 00:06:26,520 --> 00:06:29,940 of a glimpse into the classified aspects of all of this, of 87 00:06:29,940 --> 00:06:34,590 course, redactions came along with it. But it came with enough 88 00:06:34,590 --> 00:06:38,670 detail that allowed me to kind of again, get that glimpse into 89 00:06:38,670 --> 00:06:41,940 what else was going on. So for those of you who might be 90 00:06:41,940 --> 00:06:44,310 curious, I'll tell you right here, and now I've already 91 00:06:44,310 --> 00:06:49,680 drafted the case, request to once it drops, once the product 92 00:06:49,680 --> 00:06:53,100 is created, it will be filed, and I will go after that 93 00:06:53,100 --> 00:06:56,070 classified version as well. This time around, I would likely 94 00:06:56,070 --> 00:06:59,160 won't be alone. The last time I believe there was only one other 95 00:06:59,160 --> 00:07:02,820 request or that filed a couple of weeks after myself on an MDR 96 00:07:02,820 --> 00:07:06,600 level. I know Brian Bender from Politico had later gone after it 97 00:07:06,600 --> 00:07:09,840 through FOIA, which generated a different version of it, but it 98 00:07:09,840 --> 00:07:13,230 was the same redactions across the board. But anyway, there's a 99 00:07:13,230 --> 00:07:17,310 lot more eyeballs on this. And just again, wanted to address 100 00:07:17,310 --> 00:07:20,490 those questions because I got that asked a lot in the last 101 00:07:20,490 --> 00:07:26,490 couple of days on social media. So what I want to do to at least 102 00:07:26,490 --> 00:07:31,230 lay the groundwork to what this article then entails because I 103 00:07:31,230 --> 00:07:34,200 believe that what I just went over plays into the context of 104 00:07:34,200 --> 00:07:37,320 what we're looking for. So the header again, the headline, many 105 00:07:37,320 --> 00:07:41,310 military UFO reports are just foreign spying, or airborne 106 00:07:41,310 --> 00:07:46,620 trash. Keyword there is many. What what does that mean? We 107 00:07:46,620 --> 00:07:49,740 don't have a report yet. So obviously, Julian Barnes is 108 00:07:49,740 --> 00:07:53,880 getting that from somewhere, does many mean the majority, the 109 00:07:53,880 --> 00:07:58,770 minority, the many that he was allowed to know about? So many 110 00:07:58,770 --> 00:08:01,830 unanswered questions there. But at least he didn't say the 111 00:08:01,830 --> 00:08:04,920 majority, at least I don't recall that word being used in 112 00:08:04,920 --> 00:08:08,220 here. And the headline said many that could very well be true. 113 00:08:08,580 --> 00:08:11,460 Forget space, aliens or hypersonic technology. 114 00:08:11,640 --> 00:08:15,510 Classified assessments show that many episodes have ordinary 115 00:08:15,510 --> 00:08:18,990 explanations. This is what gets interesting about that sub 116 00:08:18,990 --> 00:08:22,590 header. He's hinting that he is now privy to the classified 117 00:08:22,590 --> 00:08:26,580 assessments and what they show. I can tell you just from 118 00:08:26,580 --> 00:08:30,780 experience on the last time around that the classified 119 00:08:30,780 --> 00:08:36,870 version of the report, just the page count, at the time of my 120 00:08:36,870 --> 00:08:40,680 filing was part of a classified document. They wouldn't tell me. 121 00:08:40,920 --> 00:08:45,300 I was able to later get that it didn't take too long. But I was 122 00:08:45,300 --> 00:08:49,860 later able to get that. My whole point with this is now depending 123 00:08:49,860 --> 00:08:54,510 upon Julian Barnes's sources, were getting into a classified 124 00:08:54,660 --> 00:08:59,940 arena. He may not know the classified technology or sensors 125 00:08:59,940 --> 00:09:03,330 or anything like that. But my point is, is that when you deal 126 00:09:03,330 --> 00:09:08,100 with this, from a legal standpoint, just a page count is 127 00:09:08,100 --> 00:09:13,170 considered a classified or a. I don't want to say secret because 128 00:09:13,170 --> 00:09:17,160 that's the wrong word. But it's essentially a exempted piece of 129 00:09:17,160 --> 00:09:20,640 information because it's part of a classified document. So 130 00:09:20,640 --> 00:09:23,490 whatever Julian Barnes is reporting and his anonymous 131 00:09:23,490 --> 00:09:27,480 sources because no one was named in this, except for Susan Goff 132 00:09:27,480 --> 00:09:30,960 the Pentagon spokesperson, they are talking to him about the 133 00:09:30,960 --> 00:09:35,490 classified version of this, this that will become key here as we 134 00:09:35,490 --> 00:09:36,150 go over it. 135 00:09:37,860 --> 00:09:40,650 Government officials believe that surveillance operations by 136 00:09:40,650 --> 00:09:44,610 foreign powers and weather balloons, or other airborne 137 00:09:44,610 --> 00:09:49,590 clutter explain most recent incidents of unidentified aerial 138 00:09:49,590 --> 00:09:53,880 phenomenon Government speak for UFOs as when, as well as many 139 00:09:53,880 --> 00:09:58,110 episode episodes in past years. The sightings have puzzled the 140 00:09:58,110 --> 00:10:01,170 Pentagon and intelligence agencies for yours fueling 141 00:10:01,170 --> 00:10:04,530 theories about visiting space aliens and spying by a hostile 142 00:10:04,530 --> 00:10:08,160 nation using advanced technology. But government 143 00:10:08,160 --> 00:10:11,790 officials say many of the incidents have far more ordinary 144 00:10:11,790 --> 00:10:16,170 explanations. I know a lot of people are upset his word usage 145 00:10:16,170 --> 00:10:20,610 of space aliens, whatever I mean, it is what it is. We can't 146 00:10:20,610 --> 00:10:24,420 really we can't really mince every little vowel here on the 147 00:10:24,420 --> 00:10:27,990 wording. It's clear, though, that he's dismissing that. And 148 00:10:27,990 --> 00:10:32,940 it's clear that that his angle here is that it's not aliens. 149 00:10:32,970 --> 00:10:37,380 It's many of them are explainable, he did say most 150 00:10:37,410 --> 00:10:41,910 appear. Most recent incidents, again, I don't want to get 151 00:10:41,940 --> 00:10:45,570 playing into semantics, semantics and dissecting every 152 00:10:45,570 --> 00:10:49,020 character here. But I'm curious as where this is going. Because 153 00:10:49,020 --> 00:10:53,670 with that caveat of the classified assessments, 154 00:10:55,110 --> 00:10:58,800 I put a prediction out there on Twitter a few days ago that the 155 00:10:58,890 --> 00:11:03,240 public version which will likely reflect the classified one, if 156 00:11:03,240 --> 00:11:07,920 they get into statistics, I would imagine that their their 157 00:11:07,920 --> 00:11:12,000 rate of being able to identify the cases will be much higher. 158 00:11:12,270 --> 00:11:16,350 Prior if you recall, they were only able to identify one, and 159 00:11:16,350 --> 00:11:20,970 they labeled that as a deflating balloon. But this time around 160 00:11:20,970 --> 00:11:23,970 the question mark is what are they going to be? So my guess 161 00:11:23,970 --> 00:11:28,620 and this is, I'm stressing guests speculation. It's not 162 00:11:28,650 --> 00:11:32,010 using anything that I know behind the scenes. It is 163 00:11:32,010 --> 00:11:35,010 literally just a guess. And I put a Twitter thread out there 164 00:11:35,250 --> 00:11:37,800 just for others to have fun as well, like take a guess what, 165 00:11:37,800 --> 00:11:41,370 how many pages? Will there be graphics, so on and so forth. 166 00:11:41,370 --> 00:11:44,970 And one of my one of my guesses was that they would have these 167 00:11:44,970 --> 00:11:49,410 statistics, but a much higher percentage of identified. And I 168 00:11:49,410 --> 00:11:54,390 think the first time around in June of 2021. It was a bit of a 169 00:11:54,390 --> 00:11:57,360 learning curve for them. I think that they saw how the public 170 00:11:57,360 --> 00:12:01,860 reacted. I think they saw how Congress reacted. I think that 171 00:12:01,860 --> 00:12:06,060 what they did by that was going to adjust their public message 172 00:12:06,090 --> 00:12:08,850 for many different reasons. If you want to call that cover up 173 00:12:08,850 --> 00:12:12,570 conspiracy, whatever. That's up to you. But I think that they're 174 00:12:12,570 --> 00:12:15,120 going to learn from that. So that went into my guess that 175 00:12:15,120 --> 00:12:19,650 it's going to be longer. I took a guess and said 14 pages versus 176 00:12:19,650 --> 00:12:24,690 the nine that it was prior. But it'll show more effort. I 177 00:12:24,690 --> 00:12:27,450 believe that the graphics, I said that there'll be four 178 00:12:27,450 --> 00:12:30,360 thumbnails, I didn't say what the thumbnails were. But I think 179 00:12:30,360 --> 00:12:32,970 that there'll be some graphics in there. Reason is, I think, 180 00:12:32,970 --> 00:12:35,610 though, they'll want to show more effort. Because to the 181 00:12:35,610 --> 00:12:38,790 public, I think that it looked rushed. I think that to 182 00:12:38,790 --> 00:12:42,540 Congress, it wasn't adequate enough. So I think that there's 183 00:12:42,540 --> 00:12:46,530 going to be that effort to put in a little bit more to this. 184 00:12:46,950 --> 00:12:50,610 But in the same respect, they can use this. They can say now 185 00:12:50,610 --> 00:12:55,020 that they've done more investigation, they've allocated 186 00:12:55,020 --> 00:12:57,780 more resources, they've allocated more people, they've 187 00:12:57,780 --> 00:13:05,940 allocated much more to the effort to then identify more. 188 00:13:06,330 --> 00:13:08,880 And when you go back to the reporting here by Julian Barnes, 189 00:13:08,880 --> 00:13:14,070 if his sources are legit, which I really don't have reason to 190 00:13:14,100 --> 00:13:17,820 doubt it, but I hate anonymous sources. I don't care what they 191 00:13:17,820 --> 00:13:21,300 add to the UFO conversation. I said that earlier today on 192 00:13:21,300 --> 00:13:24,660 Twitter, I don't care what side of the fence they're on. If it's 193 00:13:24,660 --> 00:13:28,500 an anonymous source, I hate it. It doesn't do us any good. I'm 194 00:13:28,500 --> 00:13:30,750 going to reflect the same sentiment to this. I'm not 195 00:13:30,750 --> 00:13:35,580 saying that I buy it hook line and sinker. But I also say I 196 00:13:35,580 --> 00:13:38,850 don't doubt it. What we're seeing here unfold with the New 197 00:13:38,850 --> 00:13:42,060 York Times reporting, if accurate, is exactly what we 198 00:13:42,060 --> 00:13:45,450 should have expected. I pulled up an article posted that on 199 00:13:45,450 --> 00:13:49,470 Twitter today also that I wrote back in 2020. And obviously, 200 00:13:49,470 --> 00:13:53,850 it's a little dated, it was 2020 August to be exact. But it was 201 00:13:53,850 --> 00:14:01,140 essentially the run up to a UFO or UAP hearing 1960s style. I 202 00:14:01,140 --> 00:14:03,330 even have a video on this channel, I invite you all to 203 00:14:03,330 --> 00:14:07,080 look at. And in essence, what I did was I explored the run up to 204 00:14:07,080 --> 00:14:12,540 the previous late 1960s UFO hearings and congressional 205 00:14:12,540 --> 00:14:16,410 interest and Senate pushes for transparency, and let's get more 206 00:14:16,410 --> 00:14:19,650 people involved. Well, in the end, we were left with the 207 00:14:19,650 --> 00:14:24,660 Condon report, Project Blue Book was cancelled in 1969 officially 208 00:14:24,660 --> 00:14:28,110 closed the door and I think it was January of 1970. And it 209 00:14:28,110 --> 00:14:31,470 wasn't until the last five years or so that UFOs and the 210 00:14:31,470 --> 00:14:34,770 government finally started, you know, essentially coexisting 211 00:14:34,770 --> 00:14:39,780 again. My fear in 2020, I believe is kind of playing out. 212 00:14:40,290 --> 00:14:45,570 And it is this this effort by the US government to finally 213 00:14:45,570 --> 00:14:50,460 have a refreshed ability to tell the general public Well, look, 214 00:14:50,460 --> 00:14:54,660 we looked into it. There was a lot of unknowns, but when we put 215 00:14:54,660 --> 00:14:58,290 more research resources to it, we were able to identify 216 00:14:58,500 --> 00:14:59,220 everything 217 00:15:00,480 --> 00:15:05,280 That is not to say That's right. Or I endorsed that. For those of 218 00:15:05,280 --> 00:15:07,410 you who know me, you might be new to this channel. I know 219 00:15:07,410 --> 00:15:12,690 there's over 330 of you watching on the social medias live right 220 00:15:12,690 --> 00:15:17,340 now, which some of you may be new to this channel. I'm known 221 00:15:17,340 --> 00:15:20,970 in some circles as being pretty skeptical, which I am. But I 222 00:15:20,970 --> 00:15:24,480 also say that there's something to these phenomena plural, that 223 00:15:24,480 --> 00:15:27,900 should be investigated. But I also have to be realistic of 224 00:15:27,900 --> 00:15:31,380 what the US government is going to do. And that article showed 225 00:15:31,380 --> 00:15:35,940 that through the 1960s, late 1960s, and that effort that that 226 00:15:35,940 --> 00:15:39,480 they that they underwent, had the same positivity in the 227 00:15:39,480 --> 00:15:43,560 beginning to come crashing down later, when you fast forward to 228 00:15:43,560 --> 00:15:46,980 the last few years, you can literally match up even the 229 00:15:46,980 --> 00:15:51,090 characters, those that were politicians, the former military 230 00:15:51,090 --> 00:15:53,880 and government personnel that came out, it was like you could 231 00:15:53,880 --> 00:15:57,990 draw a line from the 1960s to the last couple of years. And it 232 00:15:57,990 --> 00:16:01,440 really matched up like a playbook. I'm not insinuating 233 00:16:01,440 --> 00:16:04,710 that it is coming from a playbook. But rather, it's 234 00:16:04,710 --> 00:16:08,310 something to look at. And something to realize that this 235 00:16:08,310 --> 00:16:12,780 is a game. It has been a game for more than 75 years. That 236 00:16:12,780 --> 00:16:17,580 sounds conspiratorial, but I can show you reams of information 237 00:16:17,760 --> 00:16:21,240 that that supports, there is something again to these 238 00:16:21,240 --> 00:16:24,630 phenomena that we cannot explain not the military, not the 239 00:16:24,630 --> 00:16:27,720 government, not the general public. It's just reality. 240 00:16:27,870 --> 00:16:32,130 That's what it is. On top of that I can show you reams of 241 00:16:32,220 --> 00:16:35,490 incidents where numerous government agencies to this day, 242 00:16:35,760 --> 00:16:40,020 consider UFO and UAP information at the highest classification 243 00:16:40,020 --> 00:16:44,580 levels of top secret and secret and will deny you access to 244 00:16:44,580 --> 00:16:48,240 them. I just posted a document today about our nuclear 245 00:16:48,240 --> 00:16:51,660 arsenals, and nuclear reviews and stuff like that, I can tell 246 00:16:51,660 --> 00:16:55,920 you after filing 10,000 requests over the last 26 plus years, 247 00:16:56,040 --> 00:16:59,880 UFOs and UAP has been some of the most elusive and most 248 00:16:59,880 --> 00:17:05,070 difficult topics to to investigate. And on top of that, 249 00:17:05,100 --> 00:17:08,910 I see more games through legal ways of accessing that that 250 00:17:09,030 --> 00:17:12,600 information than I do others. Why is that? I don't know. And 251 00:17:12,600 --> 00:17:15,480 by the way, the majority of the requests that I do by number 252 00:17:15,570 --> 00:17:20,940 overall, is not UFOs. Okay, so some some may think and I think 253 00:17:20,940 --> 00:17:25,140 I saw Mick West here, MC friend of the show, I really do respect 254 00:17:25,140 --> 00:17:28,830 MC. And you should too adds a lot to this conversation. I 255 00:17:28,830 --> 00:17:32,220 don't always agree with him. He's here in the chat, he would 256 00:17:32,220 --> 00:17:36,450 call that a five majority was requesting UFO information, 257 00:17:36,930 --> 00:17:40,260 essentially a bias and the numbers, that essentially I 258 00:17:40,260 --> 00:17:42,780 would see more problems with UFOs, because I request more 259 00:17:42,780 --> 00:17:47,280 about UFOs. And actually, that I wanted to point out is not a 260 00:17:48,150 --> 00:17:52,440 statistical bias. It's the opposite. I don't request UFO 261 00:17:52,440 --> 00:17:55,770 information as much as I do other. So I just wanted to kind 262 00:17:55,770 --> 00:18:00,120 of put that out there for for for our friend, Mick. And hello, 263 00:18:00,120 --> 00:18:02,370 Mick. It's good to Good to see you. Wait, hold on, I 264 00:18:02,370 --> 00:18:06,480 missed it again. There you are. All right, MC. So welcome to the 265 00:18:06,480 --> 00:18:09,210 channel, I don't know how often you poke in. I always like to 266 00:18:09,210 --> 00:18:11,520 think that you watch everything and just can't touch what I have 267 00:18:11,520 --> 00:18:15,300 to say. Because you know, you can't debunk it. But no joking 268 00:18:15,300 --> 00:18:19,680 aside, it's always good to see it. So that being said, you have 269 00:18:19,680 --> 00:18:23,460 all that information. But when you look at the data, you look 270 00:18:23,460 --> 00:18:27,210 at the information, you look at the documentation. It is that 271 00:18:27,210 --> 00:18:30,870 game. And this is what they are doing and what one of the things 272 00:18:30,870 --> 00:18:32,970 I wanted to accomplish with the show, and I'll get back to the 273 00:18:32,970 --> 00:18:37,860 article is to encourage you not to give up. And it doesn't 274 00:18:37,860 --> 00:18:40,650 matter where on the fence you are. There's a lot of you know, 275 00:18:40,650 --> 00:18:43,680 hardcore believers out there. That's not my audience. So 276 00:18:43,680 --> 00:18:47,430 you're likely not here. But rather, if you're kind of on the 277 00:18:47,430 --> 00:18:50,160 fence, and you don't know what to think. And you're getting 278 00:18:50,160 --> 00:18:53,550 more and more frustrated, I had actually a couple private 279 00:18:53,550 --> 00:18:56,610 messages today from people that are like, this is ridiculous. 280 00:18:56,610 --> 00:19:00,990 This is I'm done. Like I am so frustrated. And I'm here to tell 281 00:19:00,990 --> 00:19:04,140 you that I've fired a nickel for every time I had that thought, 282 00:19:04,590 --> 00:19:08,010 you know, I'd be not only rich but retired with a private 283 00:19:08,010 --> 00:19:11,790 island somewhere. But that is exactly I think the effort here. 284 00:19:12,180 --> 00:19:15,810 And in the last couple of months alone, I've seen some very good 285 00:19:16,260 --> 00:19:19,890 people with the best of intention to try and unravel 286 00:19:19,890 --> 00:19:23,550 this mystery gets so fed up with it, that they just go you know 287 00:19:23,550 --> 00:19:26,880 what I'm done, I'm out. And either they literally just go 288 00:19:26,880 --> 00:19:30,180 out, you never hear from them again. Or they turned skeptical 289 00:19:30,660 --> 00:19:33,930 to a point of just attacking anything that comes around, 290 00:19:33,930 --> 00:19:39,030 which isn't good in itself. So there's a lot of mindsets out 291 00:19:39,030 --> 00:19:42,870 there. And I'm here to just say, don't judge it by the New York 292 00:19:42,870 --> 00:19:46,020 Times article here. Because even if it's accurate, even if 293 00:19:46,020 --> 00:19:48,630 everything that you read here and no, I won't read the whole 294 00:19:48,630 --> 00:19:52,020 thing, I invite you all to do so but even if everything that was 295 00:19:52,020 --> 00:19:55,590 printed here is absolute fact, which it's actually provably not 296 00:19:55,590 --> 00:19:59,100 but regardless if it was absolute fact that shouldn't 297 00:19:59,100 --> 00:20:03,360 deter you From from looking into what this topic is all about, 298 00:20:03,360 --> 00:20:07,230 because there is still ample evidence to support that we 299 00:20:07,230 --> 00:20:12,900 should continue to give it attention. One of the things 300 00:20:12,900 --> 00:20:15,300 that I wanted to point out in the article, which again, plays 301 00:20:15,300 --> 00:20:19,650 into everything that we're talking about here is that 302 00:20:19,800 --> 00:20:23,220 attempt to explain. And I think that that goes back to the 303 00:20:23,220 --> 00:20:25,890 project Bluebook days, they wanted to give the impression it 304 00:20:25,890 --> 00:20:28,500 was all an investigation. But when you look at the actual 305 00:20:28,500 --> 00:20:31,680 evidence, the real documents, what they say at a press podium, 306 00:20:31,830 --> 00:20:35,790 is not what the actual evidence says. And even though project 307 00:20:35,790 --> 00:20:38,970 Bluebook was largely a very transparent, quote, unquote, 308 00:20:39,180 --> 00:20:42,840 transparent effort, meaning journalists at the time could 309 00:20:42,840 --> 00:20:46,740 actually call the Air Force and arrange seeing the files, there 310 00:20:46,740 --> 00:20:50,340 was a lot of stuff behind the scenes that was going on. And 311 00:20:50,370 --> 00:20:53,010 that's some of the more fascinating material because you 312 00:20:53,010 --> 00:20:58,200 realize that there wasn't really an investigation. But rather, it 313 00:20:58,200 --> 00:21:02,730 was an effort for an explanation that instead of investigating 314 00:21:02,730 --> 00:21:06,630 the UFOs, if you look at the actual correspondence, so not 315 00:21:06,630 --> 00:21:09,570 necessarily the case files, but some of the correspondence 316 00:21:09,570 --> 00:21:14,640 letters that go along with it, you can see the dripping bias 317 00:21:14,850 --> 00:21:18,390 from the investigators. I have a section on the black vault 318 00:21:18,390 --> 00:21:23,880 called from the desks of project Bluebook. And they are files 319 00:21:23,880 --> 00:21:27,900 from the one of the original project Bluebook military 320 00:21:27,900 --> 00:21:31,110 personnel that was found by a researcher. It's an awesome 321 00:21:31,110 --> 00:21:35,010 story. I won't repeat it again. But I've talked about it quite a 322 00:21:35,010 --> 00:21:37,770 few times. But regardless, the bottom line is all these 323 00:21:37,770 --> 00:21:41,850 documents came from this original member of the Blue Book 324 00:21:41,850 --> 00:21:44,880 team toward towards the end of the effort because they had some 325 00:21:44,880 --> 00:21:48,630 turnover. But again, directly worked on the program took a lot 326 00:21:48,630 --> 00:21:51,690 of the unclassified material with him. And when you look at 327 00:21:51,690 --> 00:21:55,830 that material, you realize that there was much more going on 328 00:21:55,830 --> 00:21:59,610 than an investigation that we were all led to believe, but 329 00:21:59,610 --> 00:22:03,630 rather it was an explanation. And it also showed insight into 330 00:22:03,630 --> 00:22:07,410 Dr. J. Allen Hynek, who, if you don't know, was the lead 331 00:22:07,620 --> 00:22:12,150 scientist that looked into the UFO incidents through the 332 00:22:12,450 --> 00:22:16,650 40s 50s and 60s, he was the go to guy and went from this 333 00:22:16,650 --> 00:22:19,830 hardcore skeptic who explained everything or debunked 334 00:22:19,830 --> 00:22:23,820 everything to someone who later became a believer. Now whether 335 00:22:23,820 --> 00:22:27,030 or not you believe everything that Dr. J. Allen Hynek had to 336 00:22:27,030 --> 00:22:30,720 say that's irrelevant. What is relevant is the fact that a 337 00:22:30,720 --> 00:22:34,440 scientist properly trained properly credentialed saw what 338 00:22:34,440 --> 00:22:39,330 the military was doing, went in with essentially a job debunk 339 00:22:39,690 --> 00:22:43,890 and came out a believer. That's pretty interesting. Fast 340 00:22:43,890 --> 00:22:47,550 forward. Look at what we're doing now and an investigation. 341 00:22:47,670 --> 00:22:50,490 Government military says we're looking into it. It's a 342 00:22:50,490 --> 00:22:52,920 potential threat, which by the way, I haven't said the T word. 343 00:22:52,920 --> 00:22:55,860 I don't think yet. That echoes what happened during the project 344 00:22:55,860 --> 00:22:59,460 Bluebook years. And potential threat, we're looking into it, 345 00:22:59,460 --> 00:23:02,850 we go from unknown, unknown unknown, hey, we need more 346 00:23:02,850 --> 00:23:05,190 money. We need more instrumentation, we need more 347 00:23:05,190 --> 00:23:10,650 everything. Now, we come to another UAP report. And if what 348 00:23:10,650 --> 00:23:13,920 the New York Times is saying, well, that shouldn't be a 349 00:23:13,920 --> 00:23:17,430 surprise to any of you, because that is that cover up playbook 350 00:23:17,700 --> 00:23:21,960 that they have played time and time again. Does that mean that 351 00:23:21,960 --> 00:23:24,930 it's right or wrong? Not necessarily. But it does mean 352 00:23:24,930 --> 00:23:30,360 that there is a predictable pattern. So you guys got a lot 353 00:23:30,360 --> 00:23:33,240 of reading material today. But I invite you to go read that 354 00:23:33,240 --> 00:23:37,080 article I wrote in 2020, and then did a video earlier in 355 00:23:37,080 --> 00:23:40,710 2021, about the same exact thing. And it really is 356 00:23:40,710 --> 00:23:45,030 fascinating to see the parallels on how all of this is playing 357 00:23:45,030 --> 00:23:49,140 out. Going back to that article and I skipped quite a bit. But 358 00:23:49,140 --> 00:23:52,950 they talked about the go fast, the gimbal and the FLIR ONE. Now 359 00:23:52,950 --> 00:23:55,200 just a quick preface for those who aren't familiar with this 360 00:23:55,200 --> 00:23:58,350 channel because now there's about 420 of you watching so the 361 00:23:58,350 --> 00:24:01,620 audience is growing. I assume some of you may be new to this 362 00:24:01,620 --> 00:24:06,510 channel. I was my connection to the gimbal, the FLIR and the go 363 00:24:06,510 --> 00:24:09,660 fast after they leaked. People hate me when I call it a leak. 364 00:24:09,660 --> 00:24:13,590 But I think it's it's pretty clear. They were not authorized 365 00:24:13,590 --> 00:24:18,060 to come out when they originally did. When I was pushing the Navy 366 00:24:18,090 --> 00:24:22,080 at the time for answers is going back a couple of years. I had 367 00:24:22,080 --> 00:24:24,900 gotten in writing this was the first time ever that they were 368 00:24:24,900 --> 00:24:29,940 considered unidentified aerial phenomena. That was the tag that 369 00:24:29,940 --> 00:24:34,710 they had on all three videos. They could not identify all 370 00:24:34,710 --> 00:24:38,040 three. So I have paraphrasing there. But I have all of that in 371 00:24:38,040 --> 00:24:40,950 writing. I wrote an article and went wildly viral across the 372 00:24:40,950 --> 00:24:44,970 world. It was a huge deal. Why? Because it was an official word. 373 00:24:45,030 --> 00:24:49,620 Never before that. Had they ever labeled those three videos. We 374 00:24:49,620 --> 00:24:53,610 were just told the narrative from to the stars Academy, and 375 00:24:53,610 --> 00:24:59,100 12 billion media outlets that carry that story. But we never 376 00:24:59,100 --> 00:25:03,720 had word from the Military, I will admit, a million times over 377 00:25:03,720 --> 00:25:08,220 myself. I was floored when I got that I did not expect that at 378 00:25:08,220 --> 00:25:12,570 all. And I expected a explanation of some kind. Keep 379 00:25:12,570 --> 00:25:16,590 in mind documentation internally that Luis Elizondo had 380 00:25:16,590 --> 00:25:21,840 submitted, called them drones and balloons. So you you had all 381 00:25:21,840 --> 00:25:25,080 these kind of weird things going on about it. Military says 382 00:25:25,080 --> 00:25:27,480 they're unidentified. Now back to the article. 383 00:25:28,859 --> 00:25:32,039 Besides the images of green triangles, excuse me, they 384 00:25:32,099 --> 00:25:34,889 obviously go into those green triangles or green pyramids, as 385 00:25:34,889 --> 00:25:37,619 you likely know them as the other recordings released by the 386 00:25:37,619 --> 00:25:39,989 Pentagon have not been categorized as surveillance 387 00:25:39,989 --> 00:25:43,199 incidents, at least so far. But Pentagon officials do not 388 00:25:43,199 --> 00:25:46,439 believe that any of them represent aliens either. So 389 00:25:46,439 --> 00:25:48,719 again, New York Times is really kind of punching this, it's not 390 00:25:48,719 --> 00:25:52,079 aliens, it's not aliens. And we'll we'll deal with that. And 391 00:25:52,109 --> 00:25:56,579 also in a moment, one of the videos referred to as go fast 392 00:25:56,579 --> 00:26:00,599 appears to show an object moving at immense speed. But in that an 393 00:26:00,599 --> 00:26:05,549 analysis by the military says that that is an illusion created 394 00:26:05,549 --> 00:26:08,729 by the angle of observation against water. According to 395 00:26:08,729 --> 00:26:11,969 Pentagon calculations, the object is moving only about 30 396 00:26:11,969 --> 00:26:15,119 miles per hour. So want to deal with that first one of the 397 00:26:15,119 --> 00:26:18,869 videos referred to as go fast. This was one that the US Navy 398 00:26:18,869 --> 00:26:21,749 told me they considered unidentified, they labeled it 399 00:26:21,749 --> 00:26:24,959 UAP, a few years back, and that was a big deal. Now they're 400 00:26:24,959 --> 00:26:28,709 saying the military analyzed that footage directly. And that 401 00:26:28,709 --> 00:26:31,589 it was simply an illusion created by the angle of 402 00:26:31,589 --> 00:26:37,739 observation against water. This is a moment where I wish I could 403 00:26:37,739 --> 00:26:41,159 bring MC in for at least some context on that MC if you're 404 00:26:41,159 --> 00:26:45,299 still here, feel free to type it. My guess is you have a video 405 00:26:45,299 --> 00:26:49,559 on this. As MC knows, and as most of my regular audience 406 00:26:49,559 --> 00:26:54,269 knows, I stay away from all that video analysis. I'm just not 407 00:26:54,269 --> 00:26:58,859 educated enough to get it. I can do you know, some analysis, but 408 00:26:58,859 --> 00:27:02,939 when it gets into math, angles, instrumentation, and some of 409 00:27:02,939 --> 00:27:05,609 those technical things that not only MC but on the opposite end 410 00:27:05,609 --> 00:27:09,779 of this coin as well, in this debate, both sides are when you 411 00:27:09,779 --> 00:27:14,279 talk about, let's say SVU and Robert Powell and his team and 412 00:27:14,279 --> 00:27:17,009 when they're analyzing everything, videos and speed 413 00:27:17,009 --> 00:27:22,379 calculations, hey, I'm here to admit way over my noggin, right, 414 00:27:22,379 --> 00:27:26,669 so I stay out of it. But what's interesting to me is away from 415 00:27:26,669 --> 00:27:29,609 the analysis part of it whether or not that's right or wrong, 416 00:27:29,759 --> 00:27:35,939 this is a clear alter alteration of the military's view they went 417 00:27:35,939 --> 00:27:39,329 from we have this unidentified aerial phenomena video known as 418 00:27:39,329 --> 00:27:43,349 gimbal, a couple years back to military analyzed it, it's an 419 00:27:43,349 --> 00:27:47,129 illusion created by the angle of observation, observation against 420 00:27:47,129 --> 00:27:51,959 water. So very reminiscent to those project Bluebook days, 421 00:27:52,229 --> 00:27:55,529 they take in the report, it's unidentified, and they spin it 422 00:27:55,619 --> 00:27:58,439 and identify, are they wrong? It's quite possible. They're not 423 00:27:58,439 --> 00:28:02,969 wrong. I have no idea. Again, not educated enough to start 424 00:28:02,969 --> 00:28:07,349 battling and duking it out from an analysis standpoint. But 425 00:28:07,349 --> 00:28:11,189 what's interesting is, why couldn't Why couldn't they 426 00:28:11,189 --> 00:28:15,659 figure this out years ago? Why were they willing to put that 427 00:28:15,689 --> 00:28:20,069 label on this at the time? If you believe all the rumors and 428 00:28:20,069 --> 00:28:23,159 stories, and we'll save the eighth tip UFO study for a 429 00:28:23,159 --> 00:28:26,699 different debate for a different day? Let's say for a moment, 430 00:28:26,819 --> 00:28:30,119 yes, a tip was this UFO study? Are you telling me that they 431 00:28:30,119 --> 00:28:34,169 could not have done any analysis at that time? Or is this spin? 432 00:28:34,619 --> 00:28:37,949 And I don't have an answer to that. But I find it interesting 433 00:28:37,949 --> 00:28:42,209 that they have done a 180 on the label, and it doesn't stop at 434 00:28:47,369 --> 00:28:50,129 and I may have I may have misspoke on the gimbal and go 435 00:28:50,129 --> 00:28:53,459 fast. So forgive me if I did. What I just went over was the go 436 00:28:53,459 --> 00:28:58,229 fast video. And that was the illusion created by the angle of 437 00:28:58,229 --> 00:29:01,769 observation against water. So I think I caught myself Miss 438 00:29:01,769 --> 00:29:05,069 speaking there labeling that the gimbal hopefully on the screen 439 00:29:05,069 --> 00:29:09,089 that made sense for you watching this visually. But they also 440 00:29:09,089 --> 00:29:11,729 talked about the gimbal. So it didn't just stop at the go fast. 441 00:29:12,359 --> 00:29:16,019 It is on the gimbal as well. The gimbal shows an object that 442 00:29:16,019 --> 00:29:18,809 appears to be turning or spinning military officials now 443 00:29:18,809 --> 00:29:22,649 believe that is the optics of the classified image sensor 444 00:29:22,949 --> 00:29:26,339 designed to help target weapons make the object appear like it 445 00:29:26,339 --> 00:29:32,309 is moving in a strange way is a joys of live because if I screw 446 00:29:32,309 --> 00:29:35,609 up can't go back. So forgive me on the the misspeak there but 447 00:29:35,609 --> 00:29:40,139 obviously gimble there now explaining as well. Mick would 448 00:29:40,139 --> 00:29:42,929 be the person to kind of again give a little bit of context 449 00:29:42,929 --> 00:29:46,859 from that skeptical point of view. I will let him and those 450 00:29:46,859 --> 00:29:49,979 that have done the analysis on the other end of the spectrum to 451 00:29:49,979 --> 00:29:56,129 Duke that out for the same reason. over my head. They also 452 00:29:56,129 --> 00:29:59,969 talked about the FLIR and I'm just gonna have to do a cheat 453 00:29:59,999 --> 00:30:08,819 here to find it. Least I think they did forgive me here as I 454 00:30:08,819 --> 00:30:13,979 kind of look around, why isn't this I'm not sure what happened 455 00:30:20,640 --> 00:30:24,660 Okay, some of you helped me out here when I was preparing for 456 00:30:24,660 --> 00:30:32,670 the show and I will fully admit I was kind of rushing in the 457 00:30:32,670 --> 00:30:37,320 sense that this is this is all unfolding right now. I'm fairly 458 00:30:37,320 --> 00:30:40,560 confident that they labeled the FLIR ONE as the one that hovers 459 00:30:40,590 --> 00:30:44,070 over the water, and I was going to chat with you guys about the 460 00:30:44,130 --> 00:30:47,970 inaccuracy of that and it appears that FLIR ONE has been 461 00:30:47,970 --> 00:30:54,510 taken out. So TBD I'm not going to do this on the fly with you 462 00:30:54,510 --> 00:30:58,860 guys. Maybe in the chat if you guys want to do this. I'm, I'm 463 00:30:58,860 --> 00:31:02,730 fairly confident I read FLIR ONE in here, but it's not on there 464 00:31:02,730 --> 00:31:07,320 anymore. FLIR does not exist, but it says now. Pentagon 465 00:31:07,320 --> 00:31:09,840 analysts remain puzzled by some of the videos collected by the 466 00:31:09,840 --> 00:31:12,750 military one where an object hovers over the water jumps are 467 00:31:12,750 --> 00:31:15,870 radically then peels away is more difficult to explain 468 00:31:15,870 --> 00:31:18,900 official said But analysts who have studied that video, as well 469 00:31:18,900 --> 00:31:21,630 as ones associated with eyewitness reports from aviators 470 00:31:22,020 --> 00:31:26,070 are convinced it is not a piece of alien technology here. Let me 471 00:31:26,070 --> 00:31:28,890 check something real quick. Let me see if there's corrections 472 00:31:28,890 --> 00:31:35,970 already. Not yet. Okay. Ah, I'm Julian took it out. Thank you, 473 00:31:35,970 --> 00:31:42,960 MC. I. Oh, you're to blame MC. I knew it. Yeah, see, all of this 474 00:31:42,960 --> 00:31:46,410 is happening. All this is happening, kind of as we're 475 00:31:46,440 --> 00:31:49,530 dissecting this, so the New York Times is altering their 476 00:31:49,920 --> 00:31:52,560 description. I was going to point out the inaccuracy about 477 00:31:52,560 --> 00:31:57,210 that Mick obviously tweeted about it, and Julian Barnes took 478 00:31:57,210 --> 00:32:02,910 it out. So okay, there you go. But it's not noted in the bottom 479 00:32:02,910 --> 00:32:06,330 I'm sure there's some journalistic rule that allows 480 00:32:06,330 --> 00:32:09,360 them not to have to list the correction but because that does 481 00:32:09,360 --> 00:32:12,870 create quite a bit of of confusion. So we'll deal with 482 00:32:12,870 --> 00:32:15,870 that in a later video. But thank you Mick. As always, I know 483 00:32:15,870 --> 00:32:19,230 you're on top of a lot of this stuff here. Hold on as we go 484 00:32:19,230 --> 00:32:22,380 here, Midwest also as about the paragraph is basically still 485 00:32:22,380 --> 00:32:26,280 there. Just remove mentioned a FLIR ONE. So I'm curious MC if 486 00:32:26,310 --> 00:32:30,090 if there by the description, it doesn't seem like it would be 487 00:32:30,090 --> 00:32:33,000 the FLIR video, which I was going to point out. But are they 488 00:32:33,000 --> 00:32:37,170 now talking about a different video? Is that something that we 489 00:32:37,170 --> 00:32:39,930 haven't seen yet is that something will potentially see 490 00:32:40,380 --> 00:32:43,980 released with the public report or potentially aired and later 491 00:32:43,980 --> 00:32:46,710 hearing. I mean, who knows? These are all guesses, because 492 00:32:46,710 --> 00:32:50,580 as you can see, the New York Times is changing stuff, as 493 00:32:50,580 --> 00:32:54,510 we're as we're talking. So that's that back on track here. 494 00:32:55,440 --> 00:32:58,140 I invite you to read the whole article. But I think what we're 495 00:32:58,140 --> 00:33:03,120 seeing here is potentially potential potentially accurate 496 00:33:03,120 --> 00:33:07,680 reporting. Bear with me in the context of how it's being 497 00:33:07,710 --> 00:33:11,250 reported, that if the government is going to take this stance, 498 00:33:11,550 --> 00:33:16,740 Julian Barnes shouldn't be crucified by UFO, Twitter or 499 00:33:16,920 --> 00:33:21,120 whomever is going after him. I posted on one thread today. And 500 00:33:21,120 --> 00:33:25,080 I don't want to, you know, talk ill of anybody, so no names 501 00:33:25,080 --> 00:33:29,400 needed, but essentially name calling. Julian Barnes. I don't 502 00:33:29,400 --> 00:33:33,930 know Julian Barnes. And I just find it unfair that we start 503 00:33:33,930 --> 00:33:38,850 attacking the messenger, because if he's reporting on the stance 504 00:33:38,850 --> 00:33:41,310 of, of what the government is going to be saying in this 505 00:33:41,310 --> 00:33:46,440 report, if this is accurate, for the most part, and that was what 506 00:33:46,440 --> 00:33:50,220 I was going to reference was the FLIR reference about accuracy. 507 00:33:50,460 --> 00:33:53,010 But let's just say the core of this as accurate and what the 508 00:33:53,040 --> 00:33:56,790 government is going to say on Monday, or if the report is 509 00:33:56,790 --> 00:34:01,200 late. Why are we crucifying reporter who's who's actually 510 00:34:01,200 --> 00:34:04,350 reporting accurately, you know, go after the government, but go 511 00:34:04,350 --> 00:34:07,350 after them with evidence and let's see what's going to 512 00:34:07,350 --> 00:34:10,560 happen. And that's the bottom line that I think a lot of 513 00:34:10,560 --> 00:34:14,700 people are forgetting on a couple sides of this, those that 514 00:34:14,880 --> 00:34:17,400 I had mentioned earlier, that are just getting so fed up with 515 00:34:17,400 --> 00:34:19,260 this, and they're just kind of piecing out and they don't want 516 00:34:19,260 --> 00:34:21,000 to deal with the conversation anymore. 517 00:34:22,710 --> 00:34:25,560 We have to understand that the government side of this is only 518 00:34:25,560 --> 00:34:30,450 one small piece of the puzzle. And on top of that, what they 519 00:34:30,450 --> 00:34:35,610 say what kind of how I phrase it often is what they say at a 520 00:34:35,610 --> 00:34:38,160 press podium, but we all know that it's not always a press 521 00:34:38,160 --> 00:34:41,940 podium, but whether that be press statements, or public 522 00:34:41,940 --> 00:34:46,500 reports, or even a congressional hearing. That's not the end all 523 00:34:46,530 --> 00:34:50,760 be all. And that's not me, again, being a conspiracy 524 00:34:50,760 --> 00:34:55,710 theorist or conspiratorial, but rather that's being realistic. 525 00:34:55,860 --> 00:34:59,970 That is using a documented history that what the gun 526 00:35:00,000 --> 00:35:03,960 Government and military wants you to believe is not always 527 00:35:03,960 --> 00:35:09,240 necessarily the truth. big shocker there I know, but it is 528 00:35:09,240 --> 00:35:12,120 provable. And we've seen that time and time again. Now does 529 00:35:12,120 --> 00:35:15,120 that prove aliens? Of course not. And I'm not here to say 530 00:35:15,120 --> 00:35:19,500 that nor should anybody, we really truly just don't know 531 00:35:19,530 --> 00:35:24,660 what's going on. But speaking of aliens, and how the this article 532 00:35:24,660 --> 00:35:27,570 essentially poo pooed, that whole idea go on, it's not space 533 00:35:27,570 --> 00:35:30,150 aliens is not aliens. And there's, there's quite a few 534 00:35:30,150 --> 00:35:34,740 references to aliens, there's 12 of them to be exact if you do a 535 00:35:34,740 --> 00:35:41,730 word find. So alien or aliens appear 12 times in this article, 536 00:35:42,330 --> 00:35:45,390 Extra Terrestrial another one, maybe there's other forms of 537 00:35:45,390 --> 00:35:49,200 saying alien. So obviously, they're really pushing this 538 00:35:49,230 --> 00:35:52,230 narrative, meaning the New York Times that, hey, there's no 539 00:35:52,230 --> 00:35:56,640 evidence, this is aliens. And it looks like you know, many of 540 00:35:56,640 --> 00:36:02,160 them are drones, and foreign spying equipment or drones, or 541 00:36:02,160 --> 00:36:05,790 trash. I don't know why trash came out of nowhere. I mean, if 542 00:36:05,790 --> 00:36:08,130 trash was that common, which I'm sure that there's going to be 543 00:36:08,130 --> 00:36:12,330 some type of cases that do that. We would have saw that more in 544 00:36:12,330 --> 00:36:15,390 the in the in the first report, which we didn't, we saw that as 545 00:36:15,390 --> 00:36:18,150 one of the categories, but none of them fit. But who knows, 546 00:36:18,150 --> 00:36:21,840 maybe something they've done in the last year now puts a large 547 00:36:21,840 --> 00:36:26,340 majority, or many or however you want to say it in the trash 548 00:36:26,340 --> 00:36:30,000 category. But that is all kind of a question mark. But here's 549 00:36:30,000 --> 00:36:32,880 kind of one of the issues that I had. And I know another thing 550 00:36:32,880 --> 00:36:35,640 that I had tweeted out today, but just to kind of put it into 551 00:36:35,640 --> 00:36:41,790 context is that you see the New York Times and as I mentioned in 552 00:36:41,790 --> 00:36:45,630 the beginning of the show, do some horrible reporting when it 553 00:36:45,630 --> 00:36:51,030 comes to UAP. And I did then what I do now, and I do try and 554 00:36:51,030 --> 00:36:55,920 be as fair as possible, some of my biggest haters out there will 555 00:36:55,920 --> 00:37:01,710 not agree with me. But truly do try and be as again, as fair as 556 00:37:01,710 --> 00:37:05,130 possible and give it time to either be true or for evidence 557 00:37:05,130 --> 00:37:08,550 to present itself. And when it's clearly not like for example, 558 00:37:08,550 --> 00:37:12,660 the New York Times article that talked about offworld vehicles, 559 00:37:12,840 --> 00:37:15,870 when you have quite a few corrections listed at the bottom 560 00:37:15,870 --> 00:37:19,050 of the article, you know that something kind of went awry, 561 00:37:19,200 --> 00:37:21,630 corrections are going to happen. I don't fault journalists if 562 00:37:21,630 --> 00:37:24,750 they have to correct something. But I do fall journalist for 563 00:37:24,750 --> 00:37:27,480 being careless. And I think that that's one of the things that 564 00:37:27,570 --> 00:37:31,710 happened in that article. But in the effort to be fair, you have 565 00:37:31,740 --> 00:37:35,160 a article that says 15 times combining alien and 566 00:37:35,160 --> 00:37:39,270 extraterrestrial, it's not that but the same masthead, The New 567 00:37:39,270 --> 00:37:47,250 York Times had reported that in July of 2020, Dr. Eric Davis, 568 00:37:47,640 --> 00:37:50,160 who now works for Aerospace Corporation, a defense 569 00:37:50,160 --> 00:37:53,640 contractor said he gave a classified briefing to a defense 570 00:37:53,640 --> 00:37:57,630 department agency as recently as March about retrievals. From off 571 00:37:57,660 --> 00:38:02,400 world vehicles not made on this earth. If you ask me they're 572 00:38:02,400 --> 00:38:05,460 insinuating aliens are extraterrestrial, right? I mean, 573 00:38:05,670 --> 00:38:08,370 you can't have an offworld vehicle that's not made on 574 00:38:08,370 --> 00:38:12,990 planet Earth, and have it be human. So and nor is that a 575 00:38:12,990 --> 00:38:15,240 natural thing. So okay, 576 00:38:15,240 --> 00:38:19,020 so we're talking about aliens, right? That's clearly what this 577 00:38:19,020 --> 00:38:25,110 article was putting so much on. For those who aren't aware in 578 00:38:25,110 --> 00:38:29,580 here. Senator Harry Reid was quoted before he passed away as 579 00:38:29,580 --> 00:38:33,330 essentially confirming the notion that there was retrieved 580 00:38:33,330 --> 00:38:38,670 material of offworld vehicles that was later taken out and 581 00:38:38,670 --> 00:38:42,000 corrected. At the bottom of the article, I have a full video, 582 00:38:42,180 --> 00:38:45,420 dissecting that article, the corrections, the messiness of 583 00:38:45,420 --> 00:38:49,860 it, and I even show you corrections that were made well 584 00:38:49,860 --> 00:38:52,830 after it was published, and not just in the first hour or so. 585 00:38:53,010 --> 00:38:55,500 But well, after it was published that they changed things but 586 00:38:55,500 --> 00:38:59,610 didn't note it. So again, I don't pretend to know every 587 00:38:59,640 --> 00:39:02,730 single journalistic requirement that they have to list 588 00:39:02,730 --> 00:39:05,670 corrections. I just think that that was pretty shady when you 589 00:39:05,670 --> 00:39:08,610 already have a list of corrections. But that being 590 00:39:08,610 --> 00:39:12,180 said, The New York Times reported this. This is I want to 591 00:39:12,180 --> 00:39:16,020 stress the New York Times and not you know, Joe Blows blog 592 00:39:16,020 --> 00:39:18,630 somewhere where an anonymous source comes around and says, 593 00:39:18,630 --> 00:39:23,340 Well, you know, we've retrieved UFO Alien technology. I just 594 00:39:23,340 --> 00:39:26,190 can't tell you where or who I am or how I know that, but trust 595 00:39:26,190 --> 00:39:30,450 me, bro. That's not what this is. They named the person in 596 00:39:30,450 --> 00:39:34,080 this New York Times article. So you know, contrary to what 597 00:39:34,080 --> 00:39:37,140 usually is the fact where you have anonymous sources with 598 00:39:37,140 --> 00:39:40,530 claims like this. You actually have someone and even though 599 00:39:40,530 --> 00:39:45,840 Harry Reid's support, quote was taken out, you still have Dr. 600 00:39:45,840 --> 00:39:49,950 Eric Davis, despite my personal thoughts on the validity of 601 00:39:49,950 --> 00:39:53,910 this, when you write for the New York Times, and it's not an op 602 00:39:53,910 --> 00:39:57,930 ed, I would think that the weight of the masthead that ran 603 00:39:57,930 --> 00:40:02,460 the article comes along with it. The editorial board is there for 604 00:40:02,490 --> 00:40:05,400 a reason that they look at the claims that their paper is 605 00:40:05,400 --> 00:40:08,970 printing and go, Okay, this may be an anonymous source. But can 606 00:40:08,970 --> 00:40:11,820 you back this up? Can you back this up? Can you back this up? 607 00:40:12,120 --> 00:40:15,990 And between the journalist and that board and again, their 608 00:40:16,170 --> 00:40:20,280 their whole process of verifying the information, then they 609 00:40:20,280 --> 00:40:24,510 become comfortable putting their masthead on it. an op ed comes 610 00:40:24,510 --> 00:40:27,240 with a disclaimer. So that's totally different. It's an 611 00:40:27,270 --> 00:40:31,530 opinion editorial. It shows somebody's thoughts or beliefs 612 00:40:31,530 --> 00:40:35,190 about something. And that disclaimer says we don't 613 00:40:35,190 --> 00:40:39,480 necessarily endorse the ideas or beliefs in this article. That's 614 00:40:39,480 --> 00:40:43,950 not what happens with reporting like this. And yet, even though 615 00:40:43,950 --> 00:40:47,490 it was a mess, Dr. Davis's claims stayed in there. So 616 00:40:47,700 --> 00:40:51,900 question is did the New York Times editorial board away from 617 00:40:51,900 --> 00:40:54,780 the journalists that were on the byline, which were Ralph 618 00:40:54,780 --> 00:40:59,070 Blumenthal and Leslie Kane on this particular article? July 619 00:40:59,070 --> 00:41:02,820 23 2020, was when it was published. There's the headline 620 00:41:02,820 --> 00:41:05,400 for if you want to look it up no longer in shadows, Pentagon's 621 00:41:05,400 --> 00:41:12,210 UFO unit will make some findings public. If they published that, 622 00:41:12,210 --> 00:41:16,380 don't you think that that should be referenced in an article like 623 00:41:16,380 --> 00:41:20,280 this? Where now they're saying there's nothing, no evidence to 624 00:41:20,280 --> 00:41:23,970 aliens? There's no, they didn't say offworld vehicles, but 625 00:41:23,970 --> 00:41:28,230 essentially no evidence of any of that. It's okay, if 626 00:41:28,230 --> 00:41:32,490 journalists contradict each other, but the paper itself are, 627 00:41:32,820 --> 00:41:36,810 is publishing these facts. And to me, and this is just an 628 00:41:36,810 --> 00:41:40,620 opinion, again, maybe there's some kind of, you know, written 629 00:41:40,620 --> 00:41:43,890 rule out there that I'm just not aware of. But when, when a 630 00:41:43,890 --> 00:41:48,570 publication like this deals with a topic within 24 months of each 631 00:41:48,570 --> 00:41:53,640 other, and you have wildly different reporting, shouldn't 632 00:41:53,640 --> 00:41:58,140 that contradiction, at the very least be noted? I'm not even 633 00:41:58,140 --> 00:42:03,060 saying correct it. I'm just saying, note it, that all of the 634 00:42:03,060 --> 00:42:06,750 sources that Julian Barnes who he did not name, by the way, 635 00:42:06,750 --> 00:42:10,680 except Susan golf, and her tone was, you know, pretty much the 636 00:42:10,680 --> 00:42:13,440 same of what we're used to just there's classification for a 637 00:42:13,440 --> 00:42:18,630 reason, no evidence of aliens, whatever. If that's what all of 638 00:42:18,630 --> 00:42:22,170 his sources are saying, Should he not have referenced his own 639 00:42:24,660 --> 00:42:28,140 mainstream outlet that he's writing for that contradicted 640 00:42:28,140 --> 00:42:32,400 that with a named source? I would think you'd at least want 641 00:42:32,400 --> 00:42:36,030 to note the contradiction. And this isn't just because I like 642 00:42:36,030 --> 00:42:40,410 UFO is where I think you should do a certain thing. But in 2020, 643 00:42:40,410 --> 00:42:43,860 that was the stance of the New York Times, that if they truly 644 00:42:43,860 --> 00:42:47,160 vetted the information that they published, there was enough for 645 00:42:47,160 --> 00:42:50,250 them to say, You know what, there's likely enough truth to 646 00:42:50,250 --> 00:42:53,130 this, that we feel comfortable putting our masthead above it. 647 00:42:53,340 --> 00:42:57,810 So New York Times published the claim. Again, I'm stressing 648 00:42:57,840 --> 00:43:02,610 regardless of what I feel about it. Fast forward to 2022. Now 649 00:43:02,610 --> 00:43:06,150 we're about to get a second UAP report, that same publication, 650 00:43:06,630 --> 00:43:10,320 prints an article that just completely destroys the hopes 651 00:43:10,320 --> 00:43:12,780 and dreams of everybody who thought offworld vehicles are 652 00:43:12,780 --> 00:43:14,310 being retrieved by the US government. 653 00:43:15,060 --> 00:43:18,780 So doesn't matter who's right or wrong? Wouldn't you note it? And 654 00:43:18,780 --> 00:43:22,320 they didn't have no idea why. So those are some of the things 655 00:43:22,320 --> 00:43:25,170 that I want to kind of point out that we are in a mess of a 656 00:43:25,170 --> 00:43:30,240 situation. And if you think you know what these phenomena are, 657 00:43:30,240 --> 00:43:32,580 and you think you know, what we're gonna get either Monday or 658 00:43:32,580 --> 00:43:37,080 if it's late whenever we get it. You likely probably don't, I 659 00:43:37,080 --> 00:43:42,630 don't. None of us do it. It is an absolute crapshoot of what 660 00:43:42,630 --> 00:43:48,750 this is going to be. But I will say it don't have the, the 661 00:43:48,750 --> 00:43:53,280 outrageous expectations that I'm seeing some circles have. And 662 00:43:53,310 --> 00:43:59,580 and I had seen a post, I don't know if he wants me to, to 663 00:43:59,580 --> 00:44:03,060 spotlight him. So I'm not but his first name is Kyle. And so 664 00:44:03,060 --> 00:44:06,480 he had written that other people were posting that it was going 665 00:44:06,480 --> 00:44:11,340 to be disclosure. And I like to try and stay on top of things, 666 00:44:11,370 --> 00:44:15,000 but you can't always. And I thought oh, come on, like some 667 00:44:15,060 --> 00:44:17,670 people are really saying like, this is disclosure like this, is 668 00:44:17,670 --> 00:44:23,790 it capital D. Aliens are here, type of disclosure. And 669 00:44:24,120 --> 00:44:27,720 essentially, he said yes. And I was like, Oh, come on, that 670 00:44:27,720 --> 00:44:30,720 can't be and sure enough, I started seeing these posts from 671 00:44:30,720 --> 00:44:33,960 people with a small following. So it's not like, you know, one 672 00:44:33,960 --> 00:44:38,040 follower joined this month, and they're making big claims that 673 00:44:38,040 --> 00:44:41,550 people are out there thinking that that aliens are about to be 674 00:44:41,550 --> 00:44:43,770 admitted to in our entire planet, it's going to change. 675 00:44:44,580 --> 00:44:48,090 And I'm here to say that's not going to happen. And I look I 676 00:44:48,090 --> 00:44:52,350 cross my fingers. I'm wrong. But we have to taper our 677 00:44:52,680 --> 00:44:59,880 expectations down to reality and the reality is secrecy and a 678 00:45:00,000 --> 00:45:04,230 Active cover up that has gone on for well more than half a 679 00:45:04,230 --> 00:45:07,920 century. And that is provable. There's evidence to that I don't 680 00:45:07,920 --> 00:45:12,210 think even the biggest debunkers would, would, would hide from 681 00:45:12,210 --> 00:45:17,190 that statement. The cover up doesn't equate to aliens. But 682 00:45:17,190 --> 00:45:20,280 what I'm saying is that that is what they've done. They've 683 00:45:20,280 --> 00:45:25,530 obviously skated this to death. So why would we expect any any 684 00:45:25,530 --> 00:45:29,730 different. And the great thing about though, just to end that 685 00:45:29,730 --> 00:45:34,170 thought on a positive note, is the great thing about all of 686 00:45:34,170 --> 00:45:40,290 this is, regardless of what we get in the public realm, the 687 00:45:40,290 --> 00:45:45,270 public report or a public hearing, which is all great, but 688 00:45:45,300 --> 00:45:51,180 what goes into that is a paper trail that far outweighs what we 689 00:45:51,180 --> 00:45:55,410 hear and see. And that's why I always want to stress to people 690 00:45:55,410 --> 00:46:01,200 don't get discouraged. Just don't this is what they've done 691 00:46:01,380 --> 00:46:05,670 for decades, doesn't mean it's alien, doesn't mean it's not, it 692 00:46:05,670 --> 00:46:09,840 just means this is par for the course. But that paper trail 693 00:46:09,840 --> 00:46:14,370 that's being generated, as they are doing all of this work is 694 00:46:14,490 --> 00:46:19,440 gold, it will keep me and people like me busy, hopefully, for 695 00:46:19,440 --> 00:46:23,610 years to come, simply because they are putting more money into 696 00:46:23,610 --> 00:46:29,640 this effort. And thus far, we are seeing a strengthening of 697 00:46:29,640 --> 00:46:32,130 the secrecy, which a lot of people hate me saying, but 698 00:46:32,160 --> 00:46:35,640 that's just the reality of it. But what does that show you is 699 00:46:35,640 --> 00:46:38,010 that just an instrumentation that's classified, they don't 700 00:46:38,010 --> 00:46:41,430 want to show you? Well, I beg to differ. I've done a video on 701 00:46:41,430 --> 00:46:45,780 this as well, where I think that that argument is, is completely 702 00:46:45,780 --> 00:46:49,440 baseless, you don't, you don't over classify everything, just 703 00:46:49,440 --> 00:46:52,320 because the sensor that took something is classified, there's 704 00:46:52,320 --> 00:46:56,070 a lot of stuff that goes along with that, that would be at an 705 00:46:56,070 --> 00:46:59,550 unclassified level or something that wouldn't be exempt. That, 706 00:46:59,580 --> 00:47:03,120 again, is in a different video have already done and I'm likely 707 00:47:03,120 --> 00:47:05,790 going to talk about that again. But these arguments that it's 708 00:47:05,790 --> 00:47:08,550 all just classified technology, or we don't want to tell our 709 00:47:08,550 --> 00:47:13,290 enemies, in my opinion, is provably bunk. And we can now 710 00:47:13,290 --> 00:47:16,380 prove that by looking at the information they have put 711 00:47:16,380 --> 00:47:20,040 forward already, some of which was like, like pulling teeth. 712 00:47:20,700 --> 00:47:23,550 But look at what they've put forward already that there was 713 00:47:23,550 --> 00:47:26,820 material there for us to see. And that they were able to 714 00:47:26,820 --> 00:47:29,940 release it. So for them to now alter that and go oh, sorry, we 715 00:47:29,940 --> 00:47:33,360 can't show you anything now is ridiculous. And that 716 00:47:34,380 --> 00:47:40,020 I'm I'm highly not shelling a version of that argument. But I 717 00:47:40,050 --> 00:47:44,850 but I want in much more detail in a appeal to the US Navy. So 718 00:47:44,850 --> 00:47:50,280 I'm fighting their decision to withhold all UAP information, 719 00:47:50,280 --> 00:47:54,810 videos, photographs, and so on, which I do know now that exist, 720 00:47:54,990 --> 00:47:58,140 by their own admission, I just don't know how many, but they 721 00:47:58,140 --> 00:48:02,490 have withheld all that. So my argument was, the likelihood 722 00:48:02,490 --> 00:48:04,590 that we've already seen everything that's able to be 723 00:48:04,590 --> 00:48:08,310 released is likely nil. And I, again went into much greater 724 00:48:08,310 --> 00:48:11,400 detail. So don't get discouraged. Bottom line, 725 00:48:11,610 --> 00:48:13,620 whether you're a skeptic believer, or somewhere in 726 00:48:13,620 --> 00:48:17,550 between, this conversation is going to continue, it doesn't 727 00:48:17,550 --> 00:48:21,540 matter what Julian Barnes says, or the New York Times prints or 728 00:48:21,570 --> 00:48:26,430 or whomever posts on Twitter, or, or what you know, whatever 729 00:48:26,430 --> 00:48:29,430 it is, at the end of the day, this conversation is going to 730 00:48:29,430 --> 00:48:34,200 continue and whatever that report says, I can guarantee you 731 00:48:34,200 --> 00:48:38,040 it's not the end, it just isn't I think that there will be 732 00:48:38,040 --> 00:48:43,560 enough question marks still, that will keep the majority of 733 00:48:43,560 --> 00:48:47,370 us interested. If you're looking for disclosure in Aliens, it's 734 00:48:47,370 --> 00:48:50,820 not going to happen if you want to keep pushing forward and 735 00:48:50,820 --> 00:48:54,510 motivate other people to take part in this whether it be more 736 00:48:54,510 --> 00:48:57,900 journalists or more scientists, more investigators, more 737 00:48:57,900 --> 00:49:01,680 researchers, more whomever stick around, because I think that 738 00:49:01,680 --> 00:49:05,220 there's going to be a lot more information that comes out. And 739 00:49:05,580 --> 00:49:10,710 in my opinion, the best evidence to support that was not given to 740 00:49:10,710 --> 00:49:15,870 you or I willingly. It was not in the UAP report from last 741 00:49:15,870 --> 00:49:19,140 year. It was not in the UAP hearing. It was the 742 00:49:19,140 --> 00:49:23,130 documentation and even the photos and videos that have come 743 00:49:23,130 --> 00:49:26,670 out through the Freedom of Information Act that support why 744 00:49:26,670 --> 00:49:32,040 I say that and why I hold that belief. So stick around. I 745 00:49:32,040 --> 00:49:34,980 really want to stress that because it was so discouraging 746 00:49:35,190 --> 00:49:41,370 to see what I've seen just in the last four hours, five hours 747 00:49:41,370 --> 00:49:44,940 or so since this article came out. I think I woke up. Yeah, 748 00:49:44,940 --> 00:49:48,480 I'm not sure what time it was. But regardless, it's so 749 00:49:48,480 --> 00:49:53,250 discouraging to see that because you can't let this get you down. 750 00:49:53,460 --> 00:49:57,570 And that is something that I'm not trying to beat a dead horse 751 00:49:57,570 --> 00:50:02,100 on, but rather tell you there's still Well enough evidence there 752 00:50:02,190 --> 00:50:04,680 that I guarantee will not be in the UAP report because I think 753 00:50:04,680 --> 00:50:08,310 they're just dealing with more recent stuff post, you know, 754 00:50:08,310 --> 00:50:13,200 they'll have the 2004 Nimitz. And then 2014 2015 or so 755 00:50:13,200 --> 00:50:16,710 encounters of gimbal. Go fast. But then, you know, maybe some 756 00:50:16,710 --> 00:50:22,230 of the more recent sightings and so on. And truth be told that 757 00:50:22,230 --> 00:50:25,590 the majority of those, maybe our foreign surveillance systems, 758 00:50:25,590 --> 00:50:29,430 drones, maybe even classified technology, or Sure, I'll accept 759 00:50:29,430 --> 00:50:32,940 trash, whatever, if that's what they want to, you know, claim 760 00:50:32,940 --> 00:50:36,120 that a lot of these are. But I think that history now has shown 761 00:50:36,120 --> 00:50:39,720 us enough that there is something there. And if they 762 00:50:39,720 --> 00:50:43,260 want to go back and start to try and open those case files a 763 00:50:43,260 --> 00:50:47,070 little bit. Great, that would be welcome. Although from an 764 00:50:47,070 --> 00:50:50,520 investigative standpoint, it's probably going to be hard, I can 765 00:50:50,550 --> 00:50:52,860 prove beyond a shadow of a doubt some of the more interesting 766 00:50:52,860 --> 00:50:56,790 documents have been redacted, and the originals, quote, 767 00:50:56,790 --> 00:51:01,680 unquote, last, I've talked about UFO material that was found post 768 00:51:01,680 --> 00:51:05,190 project Bluebook in the CIA files, when I tried to get the 769 00:51:05,190 --> 00:51:08,820 CIA to address that the documents were gone. So the 770 00:51:08,820 --> 00:51:13,290 redactions stay, and will stay in perpetuity forever and ever, 771 00:51:13,530 --> 00:51:16,860 until the doom of the planet Earth. And that's unfortunate. 772 00:51:16,890 --> 00:51:20,820 So maybe the current cases are all we have. And that's 773 00:51:20,820 --> 00:51:25,050 unfortunate. But anybody who's seriously looked at UFOs, knows 774 00:51:25,050 --> 00:51:29,490 darn well, that, that it's not the majority of them, that are 775 00:51:29,490 --> 00:51:34,170 interesting. It's just not, it's a minority, and it's a fraction 776 00:51:34,560 --> 00:51:41,250 of a percent, maybe, arguably. It's a fraction, though, and a 777 00:51:41,250 --> 00:51:44,370 small one at that. But that's what we need to find. That's 778 00:51:44,370 --> 00:51:47,040 what we need to look at. That's what scientists need to look at. 779 00:51:47,370 --> 00:51:52,410 And just because they say many are explained, I don't care. I 780 00:51:52,410 --> 00:51:54,780 mean, I really don't if the government wants to claim all of 781 00:51:54,780 --> 00:51:57,900 them will have that conversation. But if they say 782 00:51:57,900 --> 00:52:00,870 many, we shouldn't be mad at that we should actually already 783 00:52:00,870 --> 00:52:04,320 know that being involved in this conversation. So I'm kind of 784 00:52:04,320 --> 00:52:08,430 surprised at again, that discipline disappointment by 785 00:52:08,430 --> 00:52:11,040 some that are just saying, forget it. Because we shouldn't 786 00:52:11,040 --> 00:52:14,340 be there. We should already know that what Julian Barnes printed 787 00:52:15,420 --> 00:52:18,690 with a couple exceptions here and there. If it's accurate, it 788 00:52:18,690 --> 00:52:21,930 shouldn't surprise us, because that's been par for the course. 789 00:52:22,740 --> 00:52:26,850 Alright, so since we are live, as you guys are watching this on 790 00:52:26,880 --> 00:52:30,630 on, well, I've forgot that I'm broadcasting this everywhere. So 791 00:52:30,630 --> 00:52:36,000 YouTube, Twitter, Facebook Facebook group. Feel free to 792 00:52:36,000 --> 00:52:36,900 post your questions. 793 00:52:37,650 --> 00:52:40,530 The rest of this will be up to you how long you want me to 794 00:52:40,530 --> 00:52:47,850 stick around? I don't mind at all, how long, at least within 795 00:52:47,850 --> 00:52:51,270 some kind of reason. It's Friday. But hey, wait a minute. 796 00:52:51,270 --> 00:52:54,780 Get that out of there. All right. So feel free to post your 797 00:52:54,780 --> 00:52:59,490 questions. I'm gonna do my best here and try and answer them. Or 798 00:52:59,490 --> 00:53:04,950 at least see them and answer them the best that I can. First 799 00:53:04,950 --> 00:53:07,710 one that popped out to me Richard Wolff, why no nga or NRO 800 00:53:07,710 --> 00:53:11,850 data at all? Richard, I actually disagree with that. There is Ng 801 00:53:11,850 --> 00:53:15,510 and NRO data, they're both listed in the classified report. 802 00:53:16,200 --> 00:53:18,750 Let me go ahead. And some of this will be on the fly guy. So 803 00:53:18,750 --> 00:53:23,070 forgive me if I am jumping around, and maybe have to just 804 00:53:23,070 --> 00:53:28,410 kind of put you on hold here as I pull up what I am about to 805 00:53:28,410 --> 00:53:37,020 say. But the classified UAP report. And the agencies that 806 00:53:37,020 --> 00:53:41,550 were involved in that report. Why didn't it jump down? Hold 807 00:53:41,550 --> 00:53:48,570 on. These were all the agencies that were involved in the 808 00:53:48,570 --> 00:53:54,330 classified report. So you'll see the NRO and nga as contributing 809 00:53:54,330 --> 00:54:00,060 to that report. My nga requests are still open. And you've kind 810 00:54:00,060 --> 00:54:05,100 of reminded me, Richard, to look into that. And I will, if I can 811 00:54:05,100 --> 00:54:10,740 find a piece of paper. I'll ask the NGA about the FOIA requests. 812 00:54:10,740 --> 00:54:15,030 But I do have open UAP related requests with them. With the 813 00:54:15,030 --> 00:54:18,840 NRO. You will you will see documents online, I also have 814 00:54:18,840 --> 00:54:21,180 other cases that are that I know for a fact are still ongoing, 815 00:54:21,180 --> 00:54:23,610 because that's unfolding, kind of actually as we speak in the 816 00:54:23,610 --> 00:54:27,060 last couple of weeks. There's been some updates on them. But 817 00:54:27,180 --> 00:54:29,400 I'll I'll publish everything when I actually get it. I just 818 00:54:29,400 --> 00:54:32,760 have nothing to say yet. But things are moving. But with the 819 00:54:32,760 --> 00:54:35,670 NRO, I've already received documents about their 820 00:54:35,670 --> 00:54:39,000 contribution. And in fact, I believe it was the NRO release 821 00:54:39,210 --> 00:54:43,290 through FOIA that actually showed and proved that the UAP 822 00:54:43,290 --> 00:54:50,520 task force so this was prior to arrow. They had a advisory 823 00:54:50,520 --> 00:54:56,310 panel, the NRO had at least one member on it. So that advisory 824 00:54:56,310 --> 00:54:59,460 panel was kind of revelatory in the sense that even though it's 825 00:54:59,460 --> 00:55:02,070 kind of a good then you would think that they would have such 826 00:55:02,070 --> 00:55:06,450 a thing. They they put it in writing. So I've been going 827 00:55:06,450 --> 00:55:11,100 after since the moment I got that for a list of that advisory 828 00:55:11,100 --> 00:55:14,550 panel and who was on it. And sometimes it is a little bit 829 00:55:16,200 --> 00:55:19,500 difficult to pry names loose. What I was hoping for was maybe 830 00:55:19,500 --> 00:55:24,780 positions, expertise, agencies that they that they were from, 831 00:55:24,780 --> 00:55:31,260 and I believe that was denied. And I've appealed it. But 832 00:55:31,260 --> 00:55:35,010 regardless, I just don't have any end result yet. But I've 833 00:55:35,010 --> 00:55:39,330 been going after it. So. So just to go back to your question. 834 00:55:39,660 --> 00:55:44,100 They're definitely involved in the conversation. 100% It's 835 00:55:44,100 --> 00:55:50,940 undeniable. So hopefully, there you go. I see. I'm not sure what 836 00:55:50,940 --> 00:55:53,520 the right answer here is on questions. If you could put them 837 00:55:53,520 --> 00:55:57,510 all caps, that would be great. There's close to 500 people 838 00:55:57,540 --> 00:56:01,260 watching now. So my chat has every social media network. So 839 00:56:01,260 --> 00:56:05,820 every comment and chat goes up. So I apologize if I miss your 840 00:56:05,820 --> 00:56:08,580 question. Feel free to repost it within a reasonable amount of 841 00:56:08,580 --> 00:56:12,360 time. Just try not to flood the channel too much. For the sake 842 00:56:12,360 --> 00:56:16,080 of other people, Black Dread Scotland, thank you so much for 843 00:56:16,320 --> 00:56:19,530 your support of the channel watching on YouTube. What role 844 00:56:19,530 --> 00:56:23,490 do you think electronic warfare plays in UFO sightings? I feel 845 00:56:23,490 --> 00:56:26,580 like it's a good explanation for some of the recent UFOs caught 846 00:56:26,580 --> 00:56:32,910 on radar. If you're talking about electronic warfare, like 847 00:56:32,910 --> 00:56:37,740 essentially spoofing equipment, if I'm understanding what you're 848 00:56:37,770 --> 00:56:40,860 what you're asking correctly, I think it plays a huge role. does 849 00:56:40,860 --> 00:56:43,980 it explain everything? No, I doubt it. But I think that we 850 00:56:43,980 --> 00:56:48,810 have to look at that capability and that ability to essentially 851 00:56:48,840 --> 00:56:52,410 make your enemy think they are seeing something that they 852 00:56:52,410 --> 00:56:56,730 actually aren't. And the end result from that would be 853 00:56:56,730 --> 00:57:02,190 absolute confusion, and chaos. And and and them trying to 854 00:57:02,190 --> 00:57:06,360 figure out what is real, what is not what's really there. Is this 855 00:57:06,360 --> 00:57:10,170 something that is is physically there or just on our 856 00:57:10,170 --> 00:57:13,290 instruments. So yeah, I mean, I think that if I'm understanding 857 00:57:13,290 --> 00:57:17,310 you correctly, there's there's absolutely something to it. So, 858 00:57:17,610 --> 00:57:21,600 great question. I think that these phenomena are explained in 859 00:57:21,630 --> 00:57:26,910 a lot of different ways. I think too many people want a catch all 860 00:57:27,570 --> 00:57:30,390 explanation. Something that goes across the board explains 861 00:57:30,390 --> 00:57:31,560 everything. It's all aliens, I 862 00:57:31,560 --> 00:57:37,200 told you, haha, it's not going to happen. There's no clear, 863 00:57:37,410 --> 00:57:42,210 single explanation. And again, that may be super obvious to 864 00:57:42,210 --> 00:57:45,960 some of you. But it still surprises me that let's just say 865 00:57:45,990 --> 00:57:49,290 and this goes into your question about electronic warfare again, 866 00:57:49,290 --> 00:57:52,110 assuming that I understood you, right. Let's just deal with the 867 00:57:52,110 --> 00:57:59,580 Nimitz. And I was interviewed for the Showtime special JJ 868 00:57:59,580 --> 00:58:05,070 Abrams. Three, I think was three part series called UFO. And in 869 00:58:05,070 --> 00:58:07,680 there talked about the possibility that we were dealing 870 00:58:07,680 --> 00:58:10,890 with classified technology potentially classified 871 00:58:11,490 --> 00:58:17,160 platforms. What if the guys on the Nimitz or whomever thought 872 00:58:17,160 --> 00:58:19,890 that they were seeing something dropped from super high altitude 873 00:58:19,890 --> 00:58:23,430 all the way down at a immense rate of speed? What if it just 874 00:58:23,430 --> 00:58:25,800 wasn't there? Because if I remember correctly, I don't 875 00:58:25,800 --> 00:58:29,190 think that there was a visual sighting on that aspect of the 876 00:58:29,190 --> 00:58:33,000 case. But regardless, right, I mean, we have to have that as 877 00:58:33,000 --> 00:58:36,450 part of the conversation, that if I believe it was PJ Hughes 878 00:58:36,450 --> 00:58:39,570 saying that the Air Force came in and took the, the tapes from 879 00:58:39,600 --> 00:58:44,610 from, from the, from the instrumentation there, why would 880 00:58:44,610 --> 00:58:47,700 they? Why would they do that the Air Force has happened to have 881 00:58:47,700 --> 00:58:51,330 been around. So there's a lot of unanswered questions there. And 882 00:58:51,330 --> 00:58:54,750 even conflicting information that I think that we should look 883 00:58:54,750 --> 00:58:58,320 at that keeps that type of explanation in play. Now, why 884 00:58:58,320 --> 00:59:01,560 did I bring that up? Well, simple because I brought that 885 00:59:01,560 --> 00:59:04,890 up, and then you get attacked from people saying, well, this 886 00:59:04,890 --> 00:59:07,650 case can't be that and this case, can't be that it's like, 887 00:59:07,650 --> 00:59:10,620 Why didn't say this case? Was that or that case? Was that? 888 00:59:11,280 --> 00:59:14,340 That people I think, just operate off the mindset that if 889 00:59:14,340 --> 00:59:17,970 you believe one case has an explanation, then you 890 00:59:17,970 --> 00:59:22,470 immediately address everything. If you say one thing is a drone, 891 00:59:22,710 --> 00:59:25,440 then you immediately are labeled, that you just put a 892 00:59:25,440 --> 00:59:29,820 drone as everything and that you can't have that as part of the 893 00:59:29,820 --> 00:59:33,540 conversation. You literally have to drill down into every case 894 00:59:33,540 --> 00:59:39,090 every document every claim every everything and drill down to a 895 00:59:39,090 --> 00:59:45,390 microscopic level to see what may or may not make sense. But 896 00:59:45,390 --> 00:59:49,590 that doesn't mean that if it works for case A it's gonna work 897 00:59:49,590 --> 00:59:55,080 for case B it did just just there's no connection there. And 898 00:59:55,080 --> 00:59:59,730 we have to keep that in mind and I truly feel like sometimes I 899 00:59:59,730 --> 01:00:02,460 make points like that. Or it's like God, John, like everybody's 900 01:00:02,460 --> 01:00:05,310 going to agree with you. Why do you even waste the time. But 901 01:00:05,310 --> 01:00:08,160 when you get involved with like the social media interactions, 902 01:00:08,160 --> 01:00:11,280 I'm not talking about just twitter or just Facebook, but 903 01:00:11,280 --> 01:00:14,280 rather, I like to communicate on a lot of different platforms, 904 01:00:14,460 --> 01:00:18,480 because I learned a lot. But you see that a lot enough to where I 905 01:00:18,480 --> 01:00:22,200 feel you need to waste the time and pointed out and kind of get 906 01:00:22,200 --> 01:00:27,870 reminded, like, we just can't be in that mindset. So hopefully, 907 01:00:27,870 --> 01:00:30,930 that helped out. Polly Ratterman. What do you think 908 01:00:30,930 --> 01:00:33,150 about the latest leaked videos and photos from Virginia, 909 01:00:33,150 --> 01:00:37,230 Brazil? Thank you. So I'm working on hopefully getting 910 01:00:37,260 --> 01:00:41,670 James Fox on this channel. He's always a busy guy. I know that 911 01:00:41,670 --> 01:00:45,390 so we've we've exchanged some messages. So I'd love to explore 912 01:00:45,390 --> 01:00:49,770 what the claims are. I haven't seen any leaked videos yet. I 913 01:00:49,770 --> 01:00:52,770 saw the leaked photograph that kind of, you know, made its 914 01:00:52,770 --> 01:00:55,980 rounds a little bit on social media. It looked hooky from the 915 01:00:55,980 --> 01:00:58,770 get go. And sure enough, like usually, if you just sit back 916 01:00:58,770 --> 01:01:02,310 for about 20 minutes, the internet takes over and they 917 01:01:02,310 --> 01:01:06,630 rounded it down to a screenshot from like our old older 918 01:01:06,630 --> 01:01:11,490 recreation of the Virginia incident. So if that's the one, 919 01:01:11,490 --> 01:01:14,670 you're referring to the photograph of the alien that 920 01:01:14,670 --> 01:01:18,570 kind of look tied up and you see the big bulging eyes was just 921 01:01:18,570 --> 01:01:21,840 simply from a recreation of an older show, and somebody posted 922 01:01:21,840 --> 01:01:24,690 the screenshots. If there's something else I'm not privy to, 923 01:01:24,690 --> 01:01:28,380 though, Polly feel free to to let me know, because I'm not I'm 924 01:01:28,380 --> 01:01:32,610 not real. I'm not real sure that a video came out, but it could 925 01:01:32,610 --> 01:01:35,940 very well have. I mean, there's so much that happens in this 926 01:01:35,940 --> 01:01:44,040 topic that you can overlook quite a bit. Archangel Reese, 927 01:01:44,130 --> 01:01:46,800 are you John, are you aware of the leaked Homeland Security 928 01:01:46,800 --> 01:01:48,960 FLIR footage of rubber duck? Yeah. 929 01:01:50,639 --> 01:01:52,949 Good question. It goes back. I think what like last year or 930 01:01:52,949 --> 01:01:55,499 something like that, my connection to it was the guy 931 01:01:55,499 --> 01:01:58,709 that brought it out, I had reached out, they were having 932 01:01:58,709 --> 01:02:02,129 trouble disseminating the raw footage, like the uncompressed, 933 01:02:02,609 --> 01:02:06,659 I have been running the black vault for 26 years, I've got 934 01:02:06,689 --> 01:02:10,529 multiple dedicated servers, and whenever I can love to offer 935 01:02:10,529 --> 01:02:13,799 help to those that are kind of struggling, passing around big 936 01:02:13,799 --> 01:02:17,879 files. So I reached out and still host the rubber duck 937 01:02:17,879 --> 01:02:21,719 footage, I think in the closest uncompressed format that I 938 01:02:21,719 --> 01:02:25,589 could. Personally I don't think that it's a anything 939 01:02:25,679 --> 01:02:30,809 extraordinary, sadly. And I mean, no disrespect, the guy 940 01:02:30,809 --> 01:02:36,539 does not like me at all anymore. But I think that the source of 941 01:02:36,539 --> 01:02:38,159 that is is not 942 01:02:44,489 --> 01:02:49,709 not credible. So I don't And again, I always hate saying 943 01:02:49,709 --> 01:02:50,969 stuff like that, because I don't want to come off as 944 01:02:50,969 --> 01:02:54,389 disrespectful. But there's been a couple of videos now that are 945 01:02:54,389 --> 01:02:58,199 just kind of questionable where they came from. They could just 946 01:02:58,199 --> 01:03:02,939 be very explainable. But I just didn't see anything from that. 947 01:03:02,939 --> 01:03:06,089 And the analysis of that from from various people out there 948 01:03:06,089 --> 01:03:09,179 that really showed me Hey, you know, this is this is something 949 01:03:09,209 --> 01:03:12,509 extraordinary. So, regardless, you could still download the 950 01:03:12,509 --> 01:03:15,869 rubber duck footage, I invite anybody to do so offer your two 951 01:03:15,869 --> 01:03:20,819 cents, if you're an Anala. You know, as an analyst, feel free 952 01:03:20,819 --> 01:03:23,069 to post your analysis, if there's something that, you 953 01:03:23,069 --> 01:03:29,249 know, other people missed, I'm always all for it. Chat, I'm a 954 01:03:29,249 --> 01:03:31,739 little behind, obviously. So I'm kind of scrolling through the 955 01:03:31,739 --> 01:03:35,909 all capital letters really helps me a lot. So I'm reading these 956 01:03:35,909 --> 01:03:39,299 on the fly here. Can any underwater info underwater info 957 01:03:39,299 --> 01:03:42,959 be discussed in the report? Or is it all classified? Well, when 958 01:03:42,959 --> 01:03:47,969 the underwater UA, P, which, under underwater UFOs, I don't 959 01:03:47,969 --> 01:03:50,189 know how you would term it because it's they're not flying 960 01:03:50,189 --> 01:03:56,159 and they're not aerial but that phenomena underwater, which 961 01:03:56,159 --> 01:03:59,249 clearly they are seeing, when it came up in the hearing, they 962 01:03:59,249 --> 01:04:05,009 essentially pushed it to a classified or close session. So 963 01:04:05,039 --> 01:04:08,189 will anything be in this report, your guess is as good as mine, I 964 01:04:08,189 --> 01:04:13,529 have no idea. But the precedent that has been set is the detail 965 01:04:13,559 --> 01:04:17,279 any detail for that matter about the underwater phenomena, 966 01:04:17,279 --> 01:04:21,269 whatever that might be, is classified and they could not 967 01:04:21,269 --> 01:04:25,229 say anything in that public hearing. So we'll see on Monday. 968 01:04:27,089 --> 01:04:29,519 It's one of those things that would the way I described it the 969 01:04:29,519 --> 01:04:33,959 other day was essentially anything can happen. And 970 01:04:33,989 --> 01:04:38,069 whatever does happen, I will likely be surprised but have 971 01:04:38,069 --> 01:04:42,419 expected it but can't believe that it happened and will be let 972 01:04:42,419 --> 01:04:45,719 down you know like there's all these range of emotions is 973 01:04:45,719 --> 01:04:50,039 likely all true, but all not. We just shouldn't be surprised at 974 01:04:50,039 --> 01:04:54,629 anything anymore. So if it's in there, the underwater stuff is 975 01:04:54,629 --> 01:04:57,449 in there. I wouldn't be surprised if it's in there 976 01:04:57,449 --> 01:05:00,119 though. Like again, if it's in there, I would still be 977 01:05:00,119 --> 01:05:03,119 surprised. I know that doesn't make sense. But it's like, 978 01:05:03,119 --> 01:05:06,299 again, these things when they happen, it's like surprising, 979 01:05:06,299 --> 01:05:08,939 but not, and then something else will happen. You're really 980 01:05:08,939 --> 01:05:11,069 surprised to happen. But then it's like, Oh, I'm not really 981 01:05:11,069 --> 01:05:15,689 surprised. So it adds to that confusion. And I know it sounds 982 01:05:15,689 --> 01:05:18,539 crazy to say it that way. But it's just kind of the best way 983 01:05:18,539 --> 01:05:25,889 that that I can term it. Sorry, going through the questions 984 01:05:25,889 --> 01:05:32,849 here. Dobby Dazzler thank you for that super sticker. By the 985 01:05:32,849 --> 01:05:36,299 way, for those who are listening on other platforms have no idea 986 01:05:36,299 --> 01:05:39,659 what I'm referring to. On YouTube, there's something 987 01:05:39,659 --> 01:05:43,319 called Super Chat. This is a way to support the channel. I do 988 01:05:43,319 --> 01:05:47,009 point this out every time I do bring up the super chats. 100% 989 01:05:47,369 --> 01:05:51,179 goes to the channel itself. I don't take anything for me 990 01:05:51,179 --> 01:05:55,019 personally. It goes right back into the website. One thing 991 01:05:55,019 --> 01:05:58,679 actually, just so you guys know what, what stuff like this goes 992 01:05:58,679 --> 01:06:02,819 for. I'm going to be doing another video on this. But I 993 01:06:02,819 --> 01:06:07,949 just recently posted the sixth and final release from NASA of 994 01:06:07,949 --> 01:06:12,119 their internal communications about UAP. And there have been 995 01:06:12,119 --> 01:06:14,939 some fascinating revelations that have come out of that, 996 01:06:15,269 --> 01:06:18,749 about the UAP taskforce reaching out to NASA about 997 01:06:20,190 --> 01:06:23,580 NASA Administrator Bill Nelson getting classified briefings 998 01:06:23,820 --> 01:06:27,300 about how the fact that the classified stuff would be the 999 01:06:27,300 --> 01:06:31,350 only stuff that would show Bill Nelson something that the public 1000 01:06:31,350 --> 01:06:34,050 material likely wouldn't I believe they they termed it 1001 01:06:34,050 --> 01:06:37,890 scratch his itch. So he wanted to know more about all of this. 1002 01:06:37,890 --> 01:06:41,280 And they essentially said the public report public material 1003 01:06:41,280 --> 01:06:47,400 was not going to be worthwhile. So it was a fascinating internal 1004 01:06:47,400 --> 01:06:51,570 look at what was going on through through various NASA 1005 01:06:51,570 --> 01:06:56,220 departments and personnel. I had kind of specifically targeted 10 1006 01:06:56,220 --> 01:07:00,630 or 12 different people, some of which were more, I don't wanna 1007 01:07:00,630 --> 01:07:03,900 say more important, but they were, they were more prevalent, 1008 01:07:03,900 --> 01:07:08,610 I guess, as the right word in the UAP conversation. So it was 1009 01:07:08,670 --> 01:07:14,130 fascinating to see all of that unfold. Another great fine that 1010 01:07:14,130 --> 01:07:17,910 came out of that was a paper by Dr. David Spergel, who all of 1011 01:07:17,910 --> 01:07:22,200 you guys have probably heard of by now. He's the chairman of the 1012 01:07:22,200 --> 01:07:27,240 UAP study effort by NASA. Well, well, before he was announced or 1013 01:07:27,240 --> 01:07:31,440 even became or probably was asked to do such a thing. He had 1014 01:07:31,470 --> 01:07:34,740 written a paper that from my view, had never been released 1015 01:07:34,740 --> 01:07:39,270 publicly before about UAP. And that also came out in the FOIA 1016 01:07:39,270 --> 01:07:41,910 request. So I'm going to be doing more of a deep dive video 1017 01:07:41,910 --> 01:07:44,460 in that I've already highlighted some of those documents on this 1018 01:07:44,460 --> 01:07:47,520 channel. But to go back to the super chats, that's what it goes 1019 01:07:47,520 --> 01:07:53,040 towards that bill for that alone was just shy of about $400. So 1020 01:07:53,040 --> 01:07:57,840 it was just one case, the next go around. And I'll have more on 1021 01:07:57,840 --> 01:08:03,330 this soon. I expect the bill to be higher. The case only took me 1022 01:08:03,330 --> 01:08:08,580 through about June or July of last year. So there has been now 1023 01:08:08,580 --> 01:08:12,570 another year and a half, which will include all of the material 1024 01:08:12,570 --> 01:08:16,020 on the run up to and then depending upon when some of this 1025 01:08:16,020 --> 01:08:21,390 is processed. The NASA UAP effort as it stands right now, 1026 01:08:21,780 --> 01:08:25,710 that next case, I envision will likely have more material with a 1027 01:08:25,710 --> 01:08:29,730 bigger bill. So the Super Chat, everything that you guys give 1028 01:08:29,760 --> 01:08:34,560 goes right to that. So didn't mean to get long winded. But I 1029 01:08:34,560 --> 01:08:38,100 also like to show you guys I really appreciate it. And that's 1030 01:08:38,100 --> 01:08:41,700 why all of you benefit from it. And I literally do show the 1031 01:08:41,700 --> 01:08:44,790 receipts just so you know, I'm not making it up. On the on the 1032 01:08:44,790 --> 01:08:48,180 NASA page, you'll see the receipt for the $400. So you 1033 01:08:48,180 --> 01:08:51,000 know when they say you show the receipts, I literally do that 1034 01:08:51,000 --> 01:08:54,150 for you guys. So thank you for all of those who have done the 1035 01:08:54,150 --> 01:08:56,370 super chats. I see some more coming up here in the chat. So 1036 01:08:56,370 --> 01:09:00,030 I'll I'll definitely get to those. I just want to get to as 1037 01:09:00,030 --> 01:09:07,050 many questions and comments as I can. Richard Wolff Richard, 1038 01:09:07,050 --> 01:09:09,390 thank you. Thank you John, for all the info on your hard work. 1039 01:09:09,390 --> 01:09:11,940 We really do appreciate it. Thank you Richard. I do 1040 01:09:11,940 --> 01:09:19,590 appreciate your support of the channel thank you and forgive 1041 01:09:19,590 --> 01:09:23,940 the pauses This is a huge chat with all all the people talking 1042 01:09:23,940 --> 01:09:27,480 right now. So try and get through the video or excuse me 1043 01:09:27,480 --> 01:09:32,790 get through to the questions how Hi John, where's this 1044 01:09:32,790 --> 01:09:35,400 explanation slash video analysis proven go fast was only 1045 01:09:35,400 --> 01:09:38,820 traveling at 30 miles an hour? That's a That's a great 1046 01:09:38,820 --> 01:09:46,620 question. And hold on. I just shut my window. There it is. I'm 1047 01:09:46,620 --> 01:09:49,980 gonna pull this back up. For those who may have joined late, 1048 01:09:50,370 --> 01:09:53,040 one of the videos referred to as go fast. That's when you're 1049 01:09:53,040 --> 01:09:55,170 asking right because I got a confused before when I was 1050 01:09:55,200 --> 01:09:58,890 talking about gimbal and go fast appears to show an object moving 1051 01:09:58,890 --> 01:10:01,350 in immense speed but in an analysis by the military says 1052 01:10:01,350 --> 01:10:04,320 that it is an illusion created by the angle of observation 1053 01:10:04,320 --> 01:10:06,960 against water. According to Pentagon calculations, the 1054 01:10:06,960 --> 01:10:10,950 object is moving only about 30 miles per hour. So where is 1055 01:10:10,950 --> 01:10:15,030 that? It's a great question, Stephen. We don't know. It. It 1056 01:10:15,030 --> 01:10:18,540 insinuates from the New York Times that either in the 1057 01:10:18,540 --> 01:10:23,490 classified world in the classified setting, per their 1058 01:10:23,490 --> 01:10:27,270 sub headline, or in the public report, let's say that their 1059 01:10:27,270 --> 01:10:30,990 sources, the New York Times the sources have some knowledge 1060 01:10:30,990 --> 01:10:34,410 about what's going to be in the public report. Maybe they will 1061 01:10:34,410 --> 01:10:37,980 publish it, then I'm not saying that it's a they did a video 1062 01:10:37,980 --> 01:10:44,340 analysis. And maybe I just misread, so analysis of the 1063 01:10:44,340 --> 01:10:51,000 video, not necessarily a video of the analysis. I don't know 1064 01:10:51,000 --> 01:10:55,290 what we'll see. But my guess is, if that's what they're gonna do, 1065 01:10:55,290 --> 01:10:58,560 they will destroy, you know, what has circulated in the 1066 01:10:58,560 --> 01:11:02,820 public realm now for five years or so. And they're just going to 1067 01:11:02,820 --> 01:11:05,670 say, you know, this is easily explainable. So if they do 1068 01:11:05,670 --> 01:11:08,490 explain it, hopefully, they will have something that is 1069 01:11:08,490 --> 01:11:13,200 verifiable, that there's some type of math or some type of 1070 01:11:14,820 --> 01:11:19,710 something that got them to that conclusion. Now, for those who 1071 01:11:19,710 --> 01:11:22,950 might say, well, it could be classified. So they'll just give 1072 01:11:22,950 --> 01:11:26,280 the the summary why I don't believe that that will be true. 1073 01:11:26,520 --> 01:11:29,520 And that they'll be able to release everything is, according 1074 01:11:29,520 --> 01:11:34,650 to them the go fast video, in how it leaked, but then later 1075 01:11:34,650 --> 01:11:41,070 was officially released. It is the only version that exists. So 1076 01:11:41,070 --> 01:11:43,980 there is nothing else that they can add, according to them 1077 01:11:43,980 --> 01:11:48,060 unless they change that tune. But according to them, we have 1078 01:11:48,330 --> 01:11:53,970 what they have. So if they're doing math calculations, visual 1079 01:11:53,970 --> 01:11:59,430 imagery, tweaking whatever goes into their analyses, what they 1080 01:11:59,430 --> 01:12:02,610 can do, they can show us, I don't believe there's any 1081 01:12:02,610 --> 01:12:06,720 classified analysis software that they can put this in where 1082 01:12:06,720 --> 01:12:10,560 they can't show us. So that likely won't be a video 1083 01:12:10,560 --> 01:12:15,030 breakdown, show and tell. But if they can maybe show some type of 1084 01:12:15,030 --> 01:12:19,230 a report, or analysis, I think that that would go a long way. 1085 01:12:19,440 --> 01:12:22,500 Doesn't mean all endorse it. But at least we'll have something 1086 01:12:22,500 --> 01:12:23,550 that we can verify. 1087 01:12:30,990 --> 01:12:34,170 All right. I mean, Michael Harkness if we keep eating the 1088 01:12:34,170 --> 01:12:37,230 BS, they've been feeding us, then they will keep feeding it 1089 01:12:37,230 --> 01:12:39,630 to us. Everybody always forgets this has been happening for 1090 01:12:39,630 --> 01:12:43,860 decades. Hello, before any of us could even fly. You're right, 1091 01:12:44,310 --> 01:12:49,530 Michael. I don't think everybody though, buys that hook, line and 1092 01:12:49,530 --> 01:12:53,670 sinker. So I don't think that at all. But I think it then is 1093 01:12:53,670 --> 01:12:56,790 going to come down to the media, will people like Julian Barnes 1094 01:12:57,030 --> 01:13:01,800 go beyond their reporting. And I don't fault him for reporting on 1095 01:13:01,800 --> 01:13:06,150 the government stance. I don't claim to be a journalist. I 1096 01:13:06,150 --> 01:13:09,270 don't tout to being a journalist. But I like to follow 1097 01:13:09,270 --> 01:13:13,590 those standards when I do writing. And that being said, I 1098 01:13:13,590 --> 01:13:18,270 like in what he's going through right now. To what I go through, 1099 01:13:18,270 --> 01:13:22,410 if I publish a statement by let's say, Susan golf, and I 1100 01:13:22,410 --> 01:13:25,680 can't tell you the vitriol that comes along with it. Like how 1101 01:13:25,680 --> 01:13:30,180 could you publish? Susan golf? Well, publishing something isn't 1102 01:13:30,210 --> 01:13:33,480 an endorsement. And when you're doing a story on something, and 1103 01:13:33,480 --> 01:13:36,930 Susan Goff is the voice for the Pentagon, how do you not do 1104 01:13:36,930 --> 01:13:40,800 that, then you become just a biased journalist, that you have 1105 01:13:40,800 --> 01:13:45,270 to go there. So if his job here was to essentially cover the 1106 01:13:45,270 --> 01:13:49,140 stance of the US government leading up to this next UAP 1107 01:13:49,140 --> 01:13:53,460 report, I won't fault him for that. If the if the report comes 1108 01:13:53,460 --> 01:13:57,330 out, and and and, again, lays the claim that a lot of these 1109 01:13:57,360 --> 01:14:03,240 are foreign surveillance systems and trash. I'm not going to 1110 01:14:03,240 --> 01:14:06,630 follow Julian Barnes for that, or the New York Times. And I'll 1111 01:14:06,630 --> 01:14:10,350 stress again, like I pointed out early on in this broadcast, 1112 01:14:10,950 --> 01:14:13,890 you're taught you're looking at somebody who literally has torn 1113 01:14:13,890 --> 01:14:17,520 apart some of the New York Times reporting on this very topic, 1114 01:14:17,850 --> 01:14:21,030 but in the same respect, if he's accurate here, I'm not blaming 1115 01:14:21,030 --> 01:14:25,530 him or the New York Times. It's the US government. So based on 1116 01:14:25,560 --> 01:14:28,470 evidence, armed with evidence, let's go back at the US 1117 01:14:28,470 --> 01:14:32,820 government in the military and counter what they claim. But if 1118 01:14:32,850 --> 01:14:36,270 if you go after the journalist, I mean, that's silly. If they're 1119 01:14:36,270 --> 01:14:42,000 just again, reporting on what they're reporting on there, 1120 01:14:42,000 --> 01:14:46,140 they're there. They're taking a story and showing you what the 1121 01:14:46,140 --> 01:14:51,120 government is essentially gonna say. So is there a bias and 1122 01:14:51,120 --> 01:14:56,040 Julian Barnes's reporting sure I'm we can look at some of his 1123 01:14:56,040 --> 01:14:59,580 word choices and stuff like that fine. I mean, I that I really 1124 01:14:59,580 --> 01:15:02,430 don't care. About because again, facts stand on their own. So you 1125 01:15:02,430 --> 01:15:05,370 can have a bias journalist. But as long as they're reporting the 1126 01:15:05,370 --> 01:15:09,900 facts, you can at least zero those out with this, if this is 1127 01:15:09,900 --> 01:15:12,900 the stance of the US government stopped with the name calling of 1128 01:15:12,900 --> 01:15:15,480 Julian Barnes and the New York Times, you know, let's just 1129 01:15:15,480 --> 01:15:18,600 figure out what the government is going to say on Monday or 1130 01:15:18,600 --> 01:15:22,200 whenever that report comes out, and then go from there. If the 1131 01:15:22,200 --> 01:15:24,330 report comes out on Monday, and I want to say this, too, because 1132 01:15:24,330 --> 01:15:27,300 I don't think I have. If the report comes out on Monday and 1133 01:15:27,300 --> 01:15:31,380 completely contradicts Julian Barnes here, you better believe 1134 01:15:31,380 --> 01:15:35,250 that I will absolutely challenge that. And go hey, man, like 1135 01:15:35,250 --> 01:15:37,950 what's, what's up with that? Probably not those words or 1136 01:15:37,950 --> 01:15:41,940 tone, but I will absolutely reach out and say, hey, you 1137 01:15:41,940 --> 01:15:44,190 know, you reported all this stuff based on your your 1138 01:15:44,190 --> 01:15:48,450 anonymous sources. The report really doesn't reflect the same 1139 01:15:48,450 --> 01:15:51,510 tone, what's up with that and kind of go from there. That's 1140 01:15:51,510 --> 01:15:55,260 what I did with Ralph Blumenthal and Leslie Kane, I got their 1141 01:15:55,440 --> 01:15:59,760 feedback on the removal of Senator Harry Reid along with 1142 01:15:59,760 --> 01:16:03,600 some of the other corrections in their article. Again, in the 1143 01:16:03,600 --> 01:16:05,970 interest of fairness, what happened? What why, well, how 1144 01:16:05,970 --> 01:16:09,060 did this happen? Why is it going on? Same here, I'm not going to 1145 01:16:09,060 --> 01:16:12,390 trash this until there's reason to trash it. I'm also not going 1146 01:16:12,390 --> 01:16:15,060 to endorse it until there's reason to endorse it. It just is 1147 01:16:15,060 --> 01:16:19,620 what it is. The New York Times despite horrible having a 1148 01:16:19,620 --> 01:16:22,650 horrible track record on some stories. It's still the New York 1149 01:16:22,650 --> 01:16:25,470 Times and I wouldn't doubt the Julian Barnes has the sources 1150 01:16:25,470 --> 01:16:28,230 that he claims. I hate the fact that they're anonymous, but it 1151 01:16:28,230 --> 01:16:30,570 is what it is I got to deal with what's in front of me. So there 1152 01:16:30,570 --> 01:16:37,830 you go. Jack O'Neill John now that it is likely to be 1153 01:16:37,830 --> 01:16:40,560 confirmed its foreign drones. Do you think the Elizondo melon 1154 01:16:40,560 --> 01:16:45,480 flavor graves etc crowd crowd will quiet down. Graves on the 1155 01:16:45,480 --> 01:16:51,570 Joe Rogan podcast sounded unconvincing. So, first of all, 1156 01:16:51,570 --> 01:16:54,720 I think a lot of those names that you mentioned kind of have 1157 01:16:54,720 --> 01:16:58,920 quieted down a little bit. Christopher Mellon, I would 1158 01:16:58,950 --> 01:17:02,640 argue, has seen a little bit more in the last month or two, 1159 01:17:02,850 --> 01:17:06,000 doing some interviews. But that was likely all stemming from the 1160 01:17:06,690 --> 01:17:10,590 appearance that he did overseas at a conference. Louise Elizondo 1161 01:17:10,590 --> 01:17:13,350 has largely disappeared, at least from his main Twitter 1162 01:17:13,350 --> 01:17:13,830 account. 1163 01:17:15,360 --> 01:17:21,030 You know, he said that that was planned. So I'm not really sure. 1164 01:17:21,030 --> 01:17:24,450 I mean, he has surfaced a couple of times to address what we'll 1165 01:17:24,450 --> 01:17:29,160 just simply label as drama on the social media platform, which 1166 01:17:29,160 --> 01:17:32,880 I'm always surprised to see, which is kind of silly. Oh, I'm 1167 01:17:32,880 --> 01:17:36,150 seeing some spam in there. Sorry, for the YouTubers that 1168 01:17:36,150 --> 01:17:41,820 are seeing that. You know, he's he's largely disappeared from 1169 01:17:41,820 --> 01:17:45,360 the conversation, which is too bad. I know that it was reported 1170 01:17:45,360 --> 01:17:50,940 he was contracting on classified programs not confirmed to be 1171 01:17:50,940 --> 01:17:54,750 UAP. I know that that's the assumption by many. But for us, 1172 01:17:54,750 --> 01:17:59,340 SpaceForce that came out. I've been pushing pretty regularly to 1173 01:17:59,340 --> 01:18:03,300 try and, you know, find out what what is he doing? But it's not 1174 01:18:03,300 --> 01:18:07,770 too surprising. They're just not giving me that or anybody else. 1175 01:18:07,770 --> 01:18:11,160 I know that I'm not the only one pushing for that, because 1176 01:18:11,160 --> 01:18:14,790 everybody wants to know, is he doing any UAP work for the Space 1177 01:18:14,790 --> 01:18:18,660 Force? And we just don't We don't have that answer. So that 1178 01:18:18,660 --> 01:18:22,440 said, maybe he's busy doing that, and maybe we'll see him 1179 01:18:22,440 --> 01:18:26,820 surface again. I the first part of your what you're saying there 1180 01:18:26,850 --> 01:18:31,800 that it's likely to be confirmed as foreign drones? I don't think 1181 01:18:31,800 --> 01:18:34,050 that that's the catch all? I really don't I think that that's 1182 01:18:34,050 --> 01:18:37,350 part of the conversation. But I don't think that's a catch all. 1183 01:18:37,380 --> 01:18:40,500 I don't think that excuse me, I don't think that that what we're 1184 01:18:40,500 --> 01:18:47,070 dealing with is primarily going to be foreign drones. And again, 1185 01:18:47,070 --> 01:18:49,110 I want to stress like that's absolutely part of the 1186 01:18:49,110 --> 01:18:53,640 conversation there likely are going to be cases that are 1187 01:18:54,180 --> 01:18:58,230 foreign drones that can be solved with that. There will 1188 01:18:58,230 --> 01:19:00,780 probably be cases with classified technology that will 1189 01:19:00,780 --> 01:19:04,320 likely be lied to about half. We don't know what this is. But in 1190 01:19:04,320 --> 01:19:08,070 reality, they really do. Yes, they lie about stuff like that 1191 01:19:08,070 --> 01:19:11,760 area. 51 is a prime example the time hasn't changed when it 1192 01:19:11,760 --> 01:19:14,580 comes to national security. So if it's in their best interest 1193 01:19:14,580 --> 01:19:18,240 to lie, I truly believe that they will lie. So it's not a 1194 01:19:18,240 --> 01:19:22,200 catch all. It's part of the conversation. And depending upon 1195 01:19:22,200 --> 01:19:27,180 this report, will will that crowd you know, go quiet down I 1196 01:19:27,180 --> 01:19:30,900 just with what I've already said I think I think they'll just 1197 01:19:30,900 --> 01:19:34,590 kind of keep pushing forward. I do think Christopher Mellon has 1198 01:19:34,590 --> 01:19:41,880 a very genuine I think he has a genuine interest in this and the 1199 01:19:41,880 --> 01:19:47,310 transparency to go along with it. But recently saw some 1200 01:19:47,700 --> 01:19:50,640 comments by him that made me scratch my head and question 1201 01:19:50,640 --> 01:19:54,510 that a little bit but I still want to be a positive outlook on 1202 01:19:54,510 --> 01:19:59,220 Christopher Mellon and his interest in transparency when it 1203 01:19:59,220 --> 01:20:03,150 comes to this flavor has kind of largely disappeared, I haven't 1204 01:20:03,150 --> 01:20:07,050 seen him do something in quite some time. And Ryan Graves, 1205 01:20:07,050 --> 01:20:09,960 obviously just on the Joe Rogan podcast, which is probably going 1206 01:20:09,960 --> 01:20:14,850 to light up everybody to contact him for interviews. So I think 1207 01:20:14,850 --> 01:20:18,720 some of these names you likely may not hear from again, but 1208 01:20:18,720 --> 01:20:21,060 we're already seeing that while others will probably stick 1209 01:20:21,060 --> 01:20:28,770 around in the conversation and, and continue on. Alright, 1210 01:20:28,770 --> 01:20:34,290 scrolling through here. See some repeat questions that I think 1211 01:20:34,290 --> 01:20:35,070 I've already answered? 1212 01:20:41,100 --> 01:20:44,070 Bruce Wayne, Batman in the house, Bruce, it's always good 1213 01:20:44,070 --> 01:20:48,240 to see you. Do you think our government actually knows what 1214 01:20:48,240 --> 01:20:54,120 this is? Well, it's a million dollar question, Bruce. And to 1215 01:20:54,120 --> 01:20:57,540 be honest with you, I think that there are different answers. And 1216 01:20:57,540 --> 01:21:01,770 I believe comfortably, that I could say that the military and 1217 01:21:01,770 --> 01:21:04,830 government doesn't have them all. I believe that there still 1218 01:21:04,830 --> 01:21:10,740 is a mystery to some of this. So with that, does that instantly 1219 01:21:10,740 --> 01:21:14,010 mean it's alien? No. Again, I just always say that in case 1220 01:21:14,010 --> 01:21:17,100 some people want to misconstrue what I say not you, Bruce, but 1221 01:21:17,430 --> 01:21:21,420 others that may not be familiar with with kind of my stance on a 1222 01:21:21,420 --> 01:21:24,930 lot of things. But I think that there's there's mystery enough 1223 01:21:24,930 --> 01:21:28,470 for the government and military to put money into this, I think 1224 01:21:28,470 --> 01:21:31,800 that there is a level of of mystery, I think in the same 1225 01:21:31,830 --> 01:21:35,370 respect, there is a counter intelligence value. So they do 1226 01:21:35,370 --> 01:21:38,310 know what it is they do know what the bottom line is, but 1227 01:21:38,310 --> 01:21:40,260 they're going to use it, they're going to use it to their 1228 01:21:40,260 --> 01:21:43,290 advantage. They're going to use it for counterintelligence 1229 01:21:43,290 --> 01:21:47,010 purposes against their enemies. And I think that they will use 1230 01:21:47,010 --> 01:21:49,470 it against the American people. That doesn't mean it's a 1231 01:21:49,470 --> 01:21:56,280 malicious use, but rather have it as a tool to shield other 1232 01:21:56,280 --> 01:22:00,030 things, because I think those classified platforms would be 1233 01:22:00,030 --> 01:22:04,560 involved in a part of this conversation. So long winded way 1234 01:22:04,560 --> 01:22:09,240 of saying I think it's a little bit of yes in and know that, 1235 01:22:09,570 --> 01:22:12,690 that they do to a point know what part of this is, but they 1236 01:22:12,690 --> 01:22:16,350 also have an aspect of it that they don't. So hopefully that 1237 01:22:16,470 --> 01:22:18,120 answered your question there Batman. 1238 01:22:23,550 --> 01:22:27,810 Project Monarch, Monarch truth seeker. Have you ever gotten 1239 01:22:27,810 --> 01:22:33,060 anything on Project Monarch? Give me one second here. And let 1240 01:22:33,060 --> 01:22:35,370 me before I misspeak. 1241 01:22:41,880 --> 01:22:46,950 So on quick glance at the site, because I use that site, just 1242 01:22:46,950 --> 01:22:51,420 like everyone else does for reference. Monarch is ringing a 1243 01:22:51,420 --> 01:22:53,700 bell in my head, but I don't want to take a guess because I 1244 01:22:53,700 --> 01:22:56,760 don't know off the top of my head. I looked for a page on it. 1245 01:22:56,760 --> 01:23:00,330 I don't have one specifically. But let me get back to you Mark. 1246 01:23:00,360 --> 01:23:09,450 And, and see. Writing it down. So I don't forget. And let me 1247 01:23:09,450 --> 01:23:12,750 see. I again, don't want to take a guess. I think I know what 1248 01:23:12,750 --> 01:23:16,680 you're talking about. But it quick glance on my side. I don't 1249 01:23:16,680 --> 01:23:21,540 see that I've posted anything publicly on it. Wolfie 250 Thank 1250 01:23:21,540 --> 01:23:25,470 you. Would you encourage prior service members to reach out to 1251 01:23:25,470 --> 01:23:28,470 you about potential FOIA ideas, ie people who are part of the 1252 01:23:28,470 --> 01:23:32,610 2015 tr Strike Group? Yes, absolutely. I'm not interested 1253 01:23:32,610 --> 01:23:35,400 in classified information, those in the past that have reached 1254 01:23:35,400 --> 01:23:38,460 out to me know that. And I always make that clear, when 1255 01:23:38,460 --> 01:23:43,350 people do reach out. I'm an advocate for transparency, but 1256 01:23:43,350 --> 01:23:46,980 respect secrecy. So I don't want anybody spilling that. But 1257 01:23:46,980 --> 01:23:52,980 absolutely, the reason why people should reach out and even 1258 01:23:52,980 --> 01:23:57,300 if it's not me, just anybody that can help is that getting 1259 01:23:57,300 --> 01:24:00,900 that verifiable information, whether it be from a tip, or 1260 01:24:00,900 --> 01:24:04,560 whether it be to support a pub public story, so if they wanted 1261 01:24:04,560 --> 01:24:07,620 to come out, or they already came out, if they have certain 1262 01:24:07,620 --> 01:24:12,570 details that potentially can be utilized for a FOIA request? 1263 01:24:12,600 --> 01:24:19,260 Absolutely, I support that 150,000% I have always tried to 1264 01:24:19,260 --> 01:24:21,330 pay attention. This is why I communicate on a lot of 1265 01:24:21,330 --> 01:24:26,040 different social media platforms to kind of pick up on people 1266 01:24:26,040 --> 01:24:32,430 that do have inside knowledge to appoint I think there's majority 1267 01:24:32,430 --> 01:24:35,970 of people that have quote unquote, inside knowledge have 1268 01:24:35,970 --> 01:24:40,770 nothing of the sort that that we call them LARPers la RP, live 1269 01:24:40,770 --> 01:24:45,270 action role players or role playing games that they kind of 1270 01:24:45,270 --> 01:24:49,320 LARP this that that they go on there and pretend to know things 1271 01:24:49,320 --> 01:24:51,780 and you'll see that I in my opinion, most prevalent on 1272 01:24:51,780 --> 01:24:55,230 Twitter, so you have that aspect to try and weed through all of 1273 01:24:55,230 --> 01:24:59,460 the BS when it comes along with those types that are involved in 1274 01:24:59,460 --> 01:25:01,710 this conversation. cuz they're just, you know, they're playing 1275 01:25:01,710 --> 01:25:04,470 a game they want to have people think that they're someone that 1276 01:25:04,470 --> 01:25:08,520 they're not. I think this has been proven quite a few times. 1277 01:25:08,760 --> 01:25:12,720 But in the same respect, there are a select few that actually 1278 01:25:12,720 --> 01:25:15,600 do have knowledge. They're not here to tell you about aliens, 1279 01:25:15,600 --> 01:25:19,110 and that Roswell was real, and they're blown over blown open 1280 01:25:19,110 --> 01:25:23,040 some huge, you know, secret, but rather, they have inside 1281 01:25:23,040 --> 01:25:26,460 knowledge enough to kind of tip Give, give tips or give 1282 01:25:26,730 --> 01:25:29,460 pointers, and I always try and pay attention for stuff like 1283 01:25:29,460 --> 01:25:33,420 that. And stuff has periodically panned out over the years. This 1284 01:25:33,420 --> 01:25:37,050 isn't somebody with, like, inside knowledge, insider 1285 01:25:37,050 --> 01:25:39,030 knowledge in the way that I think a lot of people think of 1286 01:25:39,030 --> 01:25:42,780 it, but rather on Reddit. I think it was about a year ago, 1287 01:25:42,900 --> 01:25:47,580 somebody had posted an FAA UFO sighting. And there was a 1288 01:25:47,580 --> 01:25:50,160 connection there. Well, if anything to do with the FAA, 1289 01:25:50,160 --> 01:25:53,850 something's FOIA bowls, and I went after it. And sure enough, 1290 01:25:53,850 --> 01:25:57,840 got the cockpit recordings, air traffic control log stuff like 1291 01:25:57,840 --> 01:26:01,200 that verified. Yeah, something was actually seen, it later 1292 01:26:01,200 --> 01:26:04,770 turned out to be Starlink. But but the entire point here is 1293 01:26:04,770 --> 01:26:07,530 that when you pay attention, you can start going after things 1294 01:26:08,250 --> 01:26:11,340 that has now happened a few other times, where I have cases 1295 01:26:11,340 --> 01:26:14,760 that I don't believe are Starlink, with the FAA, and 1296 01:26:14,760 --> 01:26:17,640 hopefully those will, we'll come out with something. So you 1297 01:26:17,640 --> 01:26:20,970 always try and pay attention to stuff like that, that are posted 1298 01:26:20,970 --> 01:26:25,410 not necessarily directly at you, but are out there. It's just 1299 01:26:25,410 --> 01:26:29,430 unfortunate that the majority of what's out there is just bunk 1300 01:26:29,460 --> 01:26:33,540 and people essentially playing a game and wanting others to think 1301 01:26:33,540 --> 01:26:36,780 hey, you know, I'm at the Department of Defense, I work in 1302 01:26:36,780 --> 01:26:41,760 intelligence. I'm this I'm that. And it's literally not anything 1303 01:26:41,880 --> 01:26:45,780 close to that. And it's just, I'm sorry, most of the people 1304 01:26:46,950 --> 01:26:50,910 and I think I would comfortably say most all of them. Very few 1305 01:26:50,940 --> 01:26:55,020 very few. There are a couple but very few would come out and 1306 01:26:55,020 --> 01:26:57,690 start using social media and start saying I'm why work in 1307 01:26:57,690 --> 01:27:02,220 counterintelligence I, I'm, I'm in the Pentagon as we speak. I 1308 01:27:02,220 --> 01:27:06,120 don't think that that's how that works. I think that some are out 1309 01:27:06,120 --> 01:27:14,310 there. And again, I know there are it's, yeah, there's some, 1310 01:27:14,640 --> 01:27:17,760 but the majority of people making those claims now it's, 1311 01:27:17,790 --> 01:27:21,360 it's all bunk. So going back to your question, yeah, please 1312 01:27:21,420 --> 01:27:24,120 reach out. I'm happy to help when it comes to the 1313 01:27:24,120 --> 01:27:31,620 unclassified stuff. Forgive me just going through, man, I think 1314 01:27:31,620 --> 01:27:35,850 I'm way behind. So forgive me guys. I'm doing my best here. 1315 01:27:35,850 --> 01:27:39,390 And Brian, with super sticker support. Thank you. I truly 1316 01:27:39,390 --> 01:27:40,320 appreciate that. 1317 01:27:44,189 --> 01:27:48,509 Why do you think this is from div D IV? Why do you think the 1318 01:27:48,509 --> 01:27:51,059 do E or Department of Energy hasn't been asked to provide 1319 01:27:51,689 --> 01:27:55,739 information. And I'll be honest with you and say, I believe that 1320 01:27:55,739 --> 01:28:02,729 they have and I believe that that they are going to be part 1321 01:28:02,729 --> 01:28:06,479 of the conversation to a point I think they're going to pull 1322 01:28:06,479 --> 01:28:12,719 quite a bit. In their resources reach out to everybody, the DOE 1323 01:28:12,749 --> 01:28:17,459 in different offices has UAP related information, some of 1324 01:28:17,459 --> 01:28:20,879 which were were connected to a nuclear installation, Cooper 1325 01:28:20,879 --> 01:28:23,339 nuclear facility is one that sticks out off the top of my 1326 01:28:23,339 --> 01:28:27,629 head, that that was a brand new case never been revealed before. 1327 01:28:27,839 --> 01:28:30,839 Security Guard saw multiple UFOs, two different nights, 1328 01:28:30,839 --> 01:28:34,079 multiple witnesses, visual observations, all sorts of stuff 1329 01:28:34,079 --> 01:28:37,679 on into this. So I'm looking at the report, I pulled it off 1330 01:28:37,679 --> 01:28:41,429 screen for you guys. But even though the DoD is not 1331 01:28:41,699 --> 01:28:47,549 contributing to the report last year, I think enough has 1332 01:28:47,549 --> 01:28:52,799 transpired since then, to probably get them involved in 1333 01:28:52,799 --> 01:28:56,759 the conversation. If after Monday, if the report comes out, 1334 01:28:56,999 --> 01:29:02,369 and they have a page like this that lists all of the 1335 01:29:02,759 --> 01:29:09,089 contributors to the report. If if it has that and DOE is still 1336 01:29:09,089 --> 01:29:15,119 not in it. Then I then I'd love to revisit your question. If 1337 01:29:15,119 --> 01:29:17,159 it's in there, though. I wouldn't be surprised because 1338 01:29:17,159 --> 01:29:19,799 again, I think they're really trying to give the optics that 1339 01:29:19,799 --> 01:29:26,159 they are reaching out to everybody. But it was yeah, it 1340 01:29:26,159 --> 01:29:30,569 was a little bit surprising that last year, it was not it was not 1341 01:29:30,569 --> 01:29:34,979 something that they that they contributed to, meaning the DOE 1342 01:29:36,629 --> 01:29:41,399 Oh, I see there's some repeats so Okay, so I'm probably wildly 1343 01:29:41,399 --> 01:29:44,579 behind to 12 Alright, so I'm getting there. 15 minutes or so 1344 01:29:44,579 --> 01:29:50,519 hopefully I'm not skipping too many here. Kay cage Snyder. 1345 01:29:50,519 --> 01:29:55,019 John, did you get the follow up on the UFO logo taken down? Kate 1346 01:29:55,019 --> 01:29:57,029 I'm going to be honest with you off the top of my head that 1347 01:29:57,029 --> 01:30:00,059 doesn't sound familiar, but I will definitely look for For 1348 01:30:00,059 --> 01:30:02,219 those who don't know what Kate's talking about, I did a video 1349 01:30:02,219 --> 01:30:06,929 breaking down the UFO that appeared on the on the seal for 1350 01:30:08,039 --> 01:30:12,539 the NIMH aviation, and then later disappeared. Kind of a 1351 01:30:12,539 --> 01:30:15,689 cool story, I don't really have a full answer to advocate, I'll 1352 01:30:15,689 --> 01:30:18,719 look for the follow up, feel free to email me all the contact 1353 01:30:18,719 --> 01:30:23,609 forms on the blackbaud.com go directly to me. Let me block 1354 01:30:23,609 --> 01:30:26,159 this spammer if I haven't already. Sorry, guys, it's how 1355 01:30:26,159 --> 01:30:27,509 you know you're getting somewhere when you get 1356 01:30:27,539 --> 01:30:31,289 completely obliterated with spam on there. I do have a couple of 1357 01:30:31,289 --> 01:30:35,069 moderators on YouTube, I'm not sure if they're here today. I 1358 01:30:35,069 --> 01:30:37,469 don't coordinate with them. So it's kind of a crapshoot on if 1359 01:30:37,469 --> 01:30:40,259 they can help me out. And I always always, I'm so thankful 1360 01:30:40,259 --> 01:30:46,199 when they do. B Jones, thank you for a balanced report and 1361 01:30:46,199 --> 01:30:49,619 presentation, why aren't the pilots engaging the drones? 1362 01:30:50,609 --> 01:30:52,889 Well, thank you for the kind words, I'm glad you enjoyed it, 1363 01:30:53,219 --> 01:30:57,149 why aren't they engaging the drones? To be honest with you, I 1364 01:30:57,149 --> 01:31:00,089 don't know if we can comfortably say that yet. There's a lot of 1365 01:31:00,089 --> 01:31:04,259 things that go into when a pilot engages, there are rules of 1366 01:31:04,259 --> 01:31:08,249 engagement, especially when you're in a training. You know, 1367 01:31:08,459 --> 01:31:13,349 like a training program, if you're on US soil, you know, you 1368 01:31:13,349 --> 01:31:17,339 don't necessarily start engaging everything, you got to wait for 1369 01:31:17,339 --> 01:31:19,949 orders. And again, it kind of all ties back to a rules of 1370 01:31:19,949 --> 01:31:23,609 engagement, that there are certain rules for them to arm a 1371 01:31:23,609 --> 01:31:27,779 missile to fire back to engage to chase to, to alter course, 1372 01:31:27,779 --> 01:31:31,289 and so on. But I can't say that we have or have not, I think 1373 01:31:31,289 --> 01:31:34,169 that there's a lot of cases here that have not seen the light of 1374 01:31:34,169 --> 01:31:38,459 day, we've brushed over a couple for the public report last year. 1375 01:31:38,789 --> 01:31:42,359 Obviously, we're aware of a couple others in the hearing. 1376 01:31:43,079 --> 01:31:47,369 But those were like, you know, quick food past a cockpit. And 1377 01:31:47,369 --> 01:31:52,019 then the most humorous part of that UFO UAP hearing was them 1378 01:31:52,019 --> 01:31:58,259 trying to like stop the frame that the UAP object was, you 1379 01:31:58,259 --> 01:32:02,729 know, captured on on video. But again, they you know, they 1380 01:32:02,729 --> 01:32:04,949 struggled and they were doing this for a couple of minutes 1381 01:32:04,949 --> 01:32:07,679 from what I remember. But my whole point with that is a lot 1382 01:32:07,679 --> 01:32:10,589 of these encounters, they're not sitting there watching them for 1383 01:32:10,589 --> 01:32:14,039 20 minutes to engage. But rather, they're just very quick. 1384 01:32:14,069 --> 01:32:18,539 But I'm going to again, stress that we have not seen 1385 01:32:18,569 --> 01:32:19,259 everything. 1386 01:32:21,540 --> 01:32:24,450 So we can't really say they have or have not engaged until they 1387 01:32:24,450 --> 01:32:29,550 start opening up those files. But I would likely say that that 1388 01:32:29,550 --> 01:32:32,940 may not happen. And the reason is, is when you get into 1389 01:32:33,690 --> 01:32:39,330 engagement, you now are potentially getting into a 1390 01:32:39,330 --> 01:32:43,980 situation with an act of war. So if you have a Chinese drone, F 1391 01:32:43,980 --> 01:32:48,030 18 sees it engages it even fires at it. If that's Chinese 1392 01:32:48,030 --> 01:32:52,080 technology, you're talking about firing on another country that 1393 01:32:52,080 --> 01:32:57,030 we're not at war at war with. So there's a lot of factors, again, 1394 01:32:57,030 --> 01:33:02,430 that go into these these types of things, and very, very hard 1395 01:33:02,430 --> 01:33:06,000 to answer that simply because we don't have all of the all of the 1396 01:33:06,000 --> 01:33:13,380 files, nor will we likely. Oh, I love comments like these. I have 1397 01:33:13,380 --> 01:33:16,740 to pull it up, resonate. The FOIA is not going to tell you 1398 01:33:16,740 --> 01:33:21,990 much blacked out pages are often misleading. Oh, man, I'm the 1399 01:33:21,990 --> 01:33:24,900 wrong person to say this too. And here's why. Even though I 1400 01:33:24,900 --> 01:33:27,810 profiled the blacked out redacted pages, I can tell you 1401 01:33:27,810 --> 01:33:31,080 some of the biggest discoveries to support that UAP are 1402 01:33:31,080 --> 01:33:34,680 something that we should investigate come from FOIA. It 1403 01:33:34,680 --> 01:33:38,670 didn't come from the UAP hearing. It didn't come from the 1404 01:33:38,670 --> 01:33:42,780 public report, but rather through FOIA and the MDR 1405 01:33:42,780 --> 01:33:46,200 process. When you look at the classified version of the UAP 1406 01:33:46,200 --> 01:33:49,710 report. There was much more to show there. Now granted, there 1407 01:33:49,710 --> 01:33:53,550 were redactions. But when you start looking at the revelations 1408 01:33:53,550 --> 01:33:56,910 that you can sometimes get from those redactions and the 1409 01:33:56,910 --> 01:34:02,040 information that's not redacted. That all is thanks to FOIA. All 1410 01:34:02,040 --> 01:34:07,140 of the documents through decades of documents not allegedly 1411 01:34:07,140 --> 01:34:11,850 existing about UAP, it was FOIA that showed us they do. It was 1412 01:34:11,850 --> 01:34:15,000 also FOIA that showed that there is technology here being 1413 01:34:15,000 --> 01:34:19,710 displayed by both instrumentation and visual 1414 01:34:19,710 --> 01:34:23,820 observation, that defy explanation at this point. That 1415 01:34:23,820 --> 01:34:27,360 doesn't mean alien, but it does mean that that we have no 1416 01:34:27,360 --> 01:34:31,140 explanation for it. That's thanks to FOIA. Those didn't get 1417 01:34:31,140 --> 01:34:35,070 handed out by the CIA, but rather it was it was FOIA that 1418 01:34:35,070 --> 01:34:39,480 showed us that I can only speak for myself obviously here but 1419 01:34:39,810 --> 01:34:43,170 when you talk about interest that doesn't go away with with 1420 01:34:43,170 --> 01:34:45,780 irrefutable evidence, it was FOIA that brought me that 1421 01:34:45,780 --> 01:34:49,410 interest. It wasn't books by people. It wasn't somebody 1422 01:34:49,410 --> 01:34:53,130 claiming an experience. It wasn't Luis Elizondo, no offense 1423 01:34:53,130 --> 01:34:58,380 to his fans out there, but rather it was the documentation 1424 01:34:58,440 --> 01:35:02,550 and the evidence that came out through FOIA. And it wasn't 1425 01:35:02,550 --> 01:35:05,850 blacked out across the board, you look at the 1976 arann 1426 01:35:05,850 --> 01:35:10,170 incident, and the fact that it wasn't blacked out at all. And 1427 01:35:10,170 --> 01:35:13,650 you look at that case, and you realize how extraordinary that 1428 01:35:13,650 --> 01:35:17,040 event really was, again, not to beat the dead horse, not saying 1429 01:35:17,040 --> 01:35:20,850 it's alien, but rather whatever it was, was something that to 1430 01:35:20,850 --> 01:35:25,860 this day, has no adequate explanation, that to this day, 1431 01:35:26,010 --> 01:35:31,860 no one can definitively identify. And it was the NSA 1432 01:35:31,860 --> 01:35:35,160 that produced additional information that was at one time 1433 01:35:35,160 --> 01:35:38,850 classified, showing that the United States Air Force captain 1434 01:35:39,270 --> 01:35:43,440 saw that case and said, This is something pretty rare in in a 1435 01:35:43,470 --> 01:35:46,140 pilot's life, but it's something that we should look at. It was 1436 01:35:46,140 --> 01:35:50,490 FOIA that brought that out. So you look at what FOIA really has 1437 01:35:50,490 --> 01:35:54,180 done. And it's not just the redactions that tell the story. 1438 01:35:54,600 --> 01:35:57,810 It's an extraordinary tool that is highly underrated, 1439 01:35:58,950 --> 01:36:04,650 to people out there. And I think that the underrated label comes 1440 01:36:04,650 --> 01:36:08,400 from and I'm not speaking at you directly, but sometimes comes 1441 01:36:08,400 --> 01:36:12,240 from people that in the same breath of trashing FOIA, are 1442 01:36:12,240 --> 01:36:16,110 waiting for the government to hand them the answers, that 1443 01:36:16,110 --> 01:36:20,340 they're saying that the politicians that somehow are 1444 01:36:20,340 --> 01:36:24,000 always honest, are the ones pushing for answers. And that 1445 01:36:24,360 --> 01:36:28,860 will get us what we what we are looking for, and FOIA will not. 1446 01:36:29,370 --> 01:36:32,580 But when you look at how the politicians operate outside of 1447 01:36:32,580 --> 01:36:37,770 the UAP arena, what's really fascinating, and I just saw this 1448 01:36:37,770 --> 01:36:41,820 a couple of weeks ago, again, reinforcing this belief that 1449 01:36:41,820 --> 01:36:46,080 Rand Paul, Senator Rand Paul was trying to get information. This 1450 01:36:46,080 --> 01:36:49,950 is unrelated to UAP. But trying to get information on something 1451 01:36:50,220 --> 01:36:54,420 and could not as a sitting US senator, what do you think he 1452 01:36:54,420 --> 01:36:58,350 turned to when the agency he was trying to get information was 1453 01:36:58,350 --> 01:37:02,940 stonewalling him? FOIA. So the sitting senator couldn't get 1454 01:37:02,940 --> 01:37:07,710 what he needed, he turned to FOIA to get it. That is not 1455 01:37:07,710 --> 01:37:09,990 indicative. The FOIA is not going to tell you something 1456 01:37:10,320 --> 01:37:13,980 that's indicative that it is a incredibly powerful tool that 1457 01:37:13,980 --> 01:37:17,970 even a sitting senator with the power that they have, when they 1458 01:37:17,970 --> 01:37:21,030 cannot extract information because they are a sitting 1459 01:37:21,030 --> 01:37:26,580 senator, if they can't, FOIA is what they turn to. So my whole 1460 01:37:26,580 --> 01:37:31,650 point, don't trash it, because history and evidence shows you 1461 01:37:31,650 --> 01:37:39,000 should. So hopefully, that gave you a little bit. All right, 1462 01:37:39,060 --> 01:37:40,950 hold on. I'm catching up here. I'm catching up. 1463 01:37:48,090 --> 01:37:52,170 All right, RJ W el Singa. Are there factions in US Intel 1464 01:37:52,170 --> 01:37:55,380 organizations fighting over disclosure slash secrecy? That's 1465 01:37:55,380 --> 01:37:59,100 the rumor. I think that that always with any topic, you're 1466 01:37:59,100 --> 01:38:02,460 going to have some kind of difference of opinion on what 1467 01:38:02,460 --> 01:38:07,200 should or should not be classified or declassified. So 1468 01:38:07,230 --> 01:38:10,230 in that respect, I think that you you will have that 1469 01:38:10,380 --> 01:38:14,880 infighting and those factions involved. So no disagreement 1470 01:38:14,880 --> 01:38:16,500 there. But that's just conjecture. There's nothing 1471 01:38:16,500 --> 01:38:21,690 verifiable that we can see like, this team is fighting this team 1472 01:38:21,690 --> 01:38:24,630 to try and get UFO information out there while the other is 1473 01:38:24,630 --> 01:38:30,450 trying to hold it back. No real evidence of that. Or at least 1474 01:38:30,450 --> 01:38:34,860 not yet. Just rumors so won't be surprising that you have that 1475 01:38:34,860 --> 01:38:37,860 level of debate but not necessarily proof that there's 1476 01:38:37,860 --> 01:38:44,460 these warring factions on the inside. Alright, so good. 1477 01:38:44,460 --> 01:38:48,690 Finally some blocked spammers. And sorry about that guys. 1478 01:38:53,430 --> 01:38:57,000 Oh, I don't want to put you on the spot. But Aaron, you have 1479 01:38:57,000 --> 01:39:00,150 nothing to worry about. Thank you for your help by the way of 1480 01:39:00,150 --> 01:39:03,660 moderating the channel now we all have work and jobs. 1481 01:39:04,170 --> 01:39:08,370 Hopefully you didn't get offended by me saying that 1482 01:39:08,370 --> 01:39:11,580 sometimes you guys aren't here. Please I never tell you when I'm 1483 01:39:11,580 --> 01:39:14,880 doing this. I just trust you guys and gave you the mod 1484 01:39:14,880 --> 01:39:18,000 privileges whenever you are here. So you guys are the best 1485 01:39:18,000 --> 01:39:25,770 that to help out so thank you for that all these comments I 1486 01:39:25,770 --> 01:39:32,040 was getting a kick out of Justin I assume you're asking about 1487 01:39:32,070 --> 01:39:34,830 what comments from Elon the ones that are making me scratch my my 1488 01:39:34,830 --> 01:39:38,580 head a little bit. There was one let me see if I can find it real 1489 01:39:38,580 --> 01:39:44,250 quick. Again, these live shows sometimes again, I'm kind of 1490 01:39:44,250 --> 01:39:49,110 flipping around trying to find certain things so let me see if 1491 01:39:49,110 --> 01:39:53,490 I can find none. We're gonna have to cut it a little bit 1492 01:39:53,490 --> 01:39:54,150 short. 1493 01:39:57,210 --> 01:40:07,710 All no Missy depends on how much he posts on. I believe it was 1494 01:40:07,710 --> 01:40:12,840 Grant Cameron that posted this. And I'm not finding a quick 1495 01:40:12,840 --> 01:40:15,780 glance. Tell you what, I will find it. 1496 01:40:19,619 --> 01:40:28,229 Yeah. Try one more thing. And for those of you who can hear 1497 01:40:28,229 --> 01:40:37,139 sonar dog back there, she is still kicking. Here it is. Oh, 1498 01:40:37,139 --> 01:40:41,669 come on. Alright, let me share this. Sure I'm not sharing 1499 01:40:41,669 --> 01:40:47,789 anything, man. I have to use what's called knitter.net. For 1500 01:40:47,789 --> 01:40:49,739 those of you who don't know what this is, I just want to make 1501 01:40:49,739 --> 01:40:56,339 sure no, nothing popped up on this. I use this because it 1502 01:40:57,179 --> 01:40:59,879 allows me to search a little bit easier if you're not familiar 1503 01:40:59,879 --> 01:41:05,879 with with knitter dotnet. So it's kind of like a way to 1504 01:41:05,879 --> 01:41:08,729 search across Twitter, you could do it on Twitter itself. But 1505 01:41:08,729 --> 01:41:11,969 this is a little bit easier interface. Okay, so grant 1506 01:41:11,969 --> 01:41:14,639 Cameron, everybody thinks it's about disclosure. So here is I 1507 01:41:14,639 --> 01:41:19,079 don't think I can get it to zoom in. But let me see. It's a 1508 01:41:19,079 --> 01:41:24,389 little bit better. So this is from Mellon's. Real recent 1509 01:41:24,389 --> 01:41:28,709 interview, I think it's called exopolitics. Forgive me, I 1510 01:41:28,709 --> 01:41:32,879 forget exactly the the name of the show. But he asks, so all 1511 01:41:32,879 --> 01:41:35,879 the information that will be collected will be classified. 1512 01:41:35,879 --> 01:41:38,399 What's the benefit for the rest of the world besides the US, 1513 01:41:38,639 --> 01:41:40,889 Christopher Mellon, it's not being done for the benefit of 1514 01:41:40,889 --> 01:41:44,009 the world. Follow up, it's being done for the benefit of the 1515 01:41:44,009 --> 01:41:49,319 United States. He says it's been done for national security of 1516 01:41:49,319 --> 01:41:52,799 the United States. So for me, it didn't, I want to pull the full 1517 01:41:52,799 --> 01:41:55,679 interview and see the context. But this is what I was talking 1518 01:41:55,679 --> 01:42:02,009 about earlier that there were some kind of veering away from 1519 01:42:02,009 --> 01:42:05,699 that transparency, because, again, there could be additional 1520 01:42:05,699 --> 01:42:09,989 context here that I'm just kind of missing. But even grant 1521 01:42:09,989 --> 01:42:12,749 Cameron thinks like, oh, a lot of this is about disclosure. And 1522 01:42:12,749 --> 01:42:14,909 I think that we're seeing this from not only Christopher 1523 01:42:14,909 --> 01:42:18,509 Mellon, but a couple of others, that we assume that that's what 1524 01:42:18,509 --> 01:42:20,909 they've been going for transparency, leading to a 1525 01:42:20,909 --> 01:42:25,079 disclosure of some kind. But I've long argued it doesn't seem 1526 01:42:25,079 --> 01:42:28,499 like that it doesn't seem like that at all, actually. And in 1527 01:42:28,499 --> 01:42:30,779 these types of comments, this was just it was just weird the 1528 01:42:30,779 --> 01:42:33,629 way that it was worded. So that's what I was briefly 1529 01:42:33,629 --> 01:42:36,839 alluding to, but at least here's a little bit more of that. But 1530 01:42:36,839 --> 01:42:40,379 in, in full fairness to Christopher Mellon, maybe there 1531 01:42:40,379 --> 01:42:44,219 is more context in the broader scope. So I definitely want to, 1532 01:42:44,939 --> 01:42:48,629 you know, get in and dissect that a little bit. I just think 1533 01:42:48,629 --> 01:42:51,449 that there's some things involved in this conversation 1534 01:42:51,449 --> 01:42:57,299 that are unanswered. And I think that certain people are viewed 1535 01:42:57,299 --> 01:43:05,099 in certain ways, and are given a label that isn't accurate. But 1536 01:43:05,099 --> 01:43:09,449 the internet kind of takes over and creates a character out of a 1537 01:43:09,449 --> 01:43:14,159 real person. And the character isn't accurate. And so I hope 1538 01:43:14,159 --> 01:43:16,799 that makes sense. But I think that certain people, again, are 1539 01:43:16,799 --> 01:43:20,279 just kind of viewed as doing certain things or having certain 1540 01:43:20,279 --> 01:43:25,379 views. But when you really like look into it, and really dissect 1541 01:43:25,559 --> 01:43:27,659 what's going on, and what they say and what they've done in the 1542 01:43:27,659 --> 01:43:35,039 past. It doesn't really bear that out. So yeah, I hope that 1543 01:43:35,039 --> 01:43:37,019 makes sense. Like sometimes it's hard to explain, I just think 1544 01:43:37,019 --> 01:43:41,039 that there's different faces for people out there. And I think 1545 01:43:41,039 --> 01:43:43,499 that sometimes it's not even that they're trying to have the 1546 01:43:43,499 --> 01:43:47,969 different face. But rather, the internet just kind of takes over 1547 01:43:47,969 --> 01:43:52,649 and creates the hero. And I think that that whole LARP thing 1548 01:43:52,649 --> 01:43:56,159 that I was talking about about it being a game, when you look 1549 01:43:56,159 --> 01:43:58,229 at that conversation, I'm not saying this is true for 1550 01:43:58,229 --> 01:44:01,319 everybody. But when you look at the conversation, it's very true 1551 01:44:01,319 --> 01:44:04,769 that there are characters here that there are good guys and bad 1552 01:44:04,769 --> 01:44:09,839 guys, that there are the true heroes in the story. But 1553 01:44:09,839 --> 01:44:12,689 sometimes, maybe those those labels aren't deserved. And I 1554 01:44:12,689 --> 01:44:16,619 think that that that it's the creation of those kind of alter 1555 01:44:16,619 --> 01:44:19,859 egos, that doesn't help the conversation either. And I'm not 1556 01:44:19,859 --> 01:44:22,649 saying that that is by the fault of either Christopher Mellon or 1557 01:44:22,649 --> 01:44:27,119 Luis Elizondo, whomever that's been mentioned here, but rather, 1558 01:44:27,149 --> 01:44:30,329 it just happens and people assume certain parts of the 1559 01:44:30,329 --> 01:44:34,769 puzzle, and then to them, it becomes true. And then they'll 1560 01:44:34,769 --> 01:44:37,349 assume other certain parts of the puzzle and then to them, it 1561 01:44:37,349 --> 01:44:41,309 becomes true. And in the end, you have somebody that is highly 1562 01:44:41,309 --> 01:44:45,239 regarded, and even though they may ish, and should be highly 1563 01:44:45,239 --> 01:44:49,349 regarded. The reason why the regarded isn't really accurate. 1564 01:44:49,379 --> 01:44:53,699 So you have kind of that, again, multiple characters, multiple 1565 01:44:53,699 --> 01:44:59,249 faces for multiple people. And that's nothing new by the way. 1566 01:45:01,739 --> 01:45:04,379 Do you think there could be a new propulsion system that 1567 01:45:04,379 --> 01:45:07,139 requires weapons grade uranium and plutonium? And without 1568 01:45:07,139 --> 01:45:10,139 these, you can't reproduce the required energy? Wow. pugger 21? 1569 01:45:10,139 --> 01:45:12,749 That's a killer question. You know, I 1570 01:45:13,410 --> 01:45:16,320 will be honest, I don't have the background to start talking 1571 01:45:16,320 --> 01:45:19,110 about advanced propulsion systems. I've received quite a 1572 01:45:19,110 --> 01:45:23,100 few documents through FOIA. Even Dr. Eric Davis wrote some on 1573 01:45:23,100 --> 01:45:26,400 advanced propulsion systems that I've got on the black vault, 1574 01:45:26,580 --> 01:45:29,760 that you're more than welcome to read. But I just would not be 1575 01:45:30,570 --> 01:45:34,410 qualified to start getting into that. I only laugh because I 1576 01:45:34,410 --> 01:45:36,570 just don't have that background. So there's no way I can even 1577 01:45:36,570 --> 01:45:37,920 pretend to answer that. 1578 01:45:45,000 --> 01:45:47,610 Pressing, I'm not a LARPer. I've certainly had real things 1579 01:45:47,610 --> 01:45:51,000 happen. And Preston, I wasn't likely referring to you in this. 1580 01:45:52,380 --> 01:45:54,930 And that's what's hard. That's what gets uncomfortable about 1581 01:45:54,930 --> 01:45:57,420 certain aspects of these conversations. And I'm glad I 1582 01:45:57,420 --> 01:46:02,340 stumbled on your comment. No way do I want people to walk away 1583 01:46:02,340 --> 01:46:04,650 from from this channel or the show thinking that I think 1584 01:46:04,650 --> 01:46:10,320 everybody's playing a game? I don't? Sadly, there are people 1585 01:46:10,350 --> 01:46:14,220 that are some do it for self gratification that they want to 1586 01:46:14,220 --> 01:46:17,520 sit there and pretend that you know that they're some kind of, 1587 01:46:17,550 --> 01:46:20,580 you know, secret government person that knows a lot. You 1588 01:46:20,580 --> 01:46:24,480 don't but I'll tweet about it. There are others that Yeah, I 1589 01:46:24,480 --> 01:46:30,090 think may claim experiences that they know they didn't have. And 1590 01:46:30,090 --> 01:46:33,300 then there are ones that actually have had experiences. 1591 01:46:33,810 --> 01:46:35,760 And that's where the conversation gets uncomfortable, 1592 01:46:35,760 --> 01:46:39,930 because it's the same thing about labeling UAP and trying to 1593 01:46:39,930 --> 01:46:43,800 define what it is. There's no across the board answer. So the 1594 01:46:43,800 --> 01:46:46,770 across the board answer with go into the LARPer. That doesn't 1595 01:46:46,770 --> 01:46:50,610 describe everybody. The problem, though, is that it describes 1596 01:46:50,640 --> 01:46:54,930 enough people that make it an issue, it makes it part of the 1597 01:46:54,930 --> 01:46:59,520 conversation, something that we have to deal with. And, and so 1598 01:46:59,520 --> 01:47:02,790 again, to your comments, I hope you didn't think that that's 1599 01:47:02,790 --> 01:47:06,660 what I meant. But on the contrary, it is stories that 1600 01:47:06,690 --> 01:47:09,210 likely I don't know your backstory, and I don't know you, 1601 01:47:09,210 --> 01:47:12,480 but it's likely what you've experienced, that I'm more 1602 01:47:12,480 --> 01:47:16,110 interested in rather that person who wants to sell you something, 1603 01:47:16,350 --> 01:47:19,800 because somebody is telepathically sending them 1604 01:47:20,070 --> 01:47:22,920 messages about something, they can't tell you details of it. 1605 01:47:22,920 --> 01:47:27,210 But if you buy their book for three easy installments of 3999, 1606 01:47:27,390 --> 01:47:32,340 you too can unlock the secrets, or pay $6,000 to go camping. And 1607 01:47:32,340 --> 01:47:35,220 I'll show you the secrets of the universe. So you can communicate 1608 01:47:35,220 --> 01:47:38,250 with aliens. Those are the people that I think are 1609 01:47:38,250 --> 01:47:42,600 problematic to the conversation, which hurts people like yourself 1610 01:47:42,630 --> 01:47:45,270 that have had genuine experiences that are not here 1611 01:47:45,270 --> 01:47:50,070 for fame and fortune. But rather you want to understand, and 1612 01:47:50,070 --> 01:47:55,650 that's where I get fired up about it simply because the 1613 01:47:55,950 --> 01:48:00,810 drowning out of the important voices is happening. And I 1614 01:48:00,810 --> 01:48:05,520 believe that the and that's when it comes to experiences in the 1615 01:48:05,520 --> 01:48:10,380 same respect. The genuine interest from a lot of people in 1616 01:48:10,380 --> 01:48:13,920 the public is starting to be drowned out in a different way. 1617 01:48:14,970 --> 01:48:18,570 People getting discouraged is exactly in my opinion, if there 1618 01:48:18,570 --> 01:48:22,440 is this massive cover up, which I believe if they create such a 1619 01:48:22,440 --> 01:48:26,940 muddy pit of mess, it will get a lot of people to just give up 1620 01:48:26,940 --> 01:48:29,850 and quit and go away and forget the conversation because they're 1621 01:48:29,850 --> 01:48:35,550 so frustrated that in a way is drowning out them as well. And 1622 01:48:35,550 --> 01:48:38,400 that's where I get fired up because we don't need that we 1623 01:48:38,400 --> 01:48:40,980 need those voices involved we need the people that have the 1624 01:48:40,980 --> 01:48:45,120 genuine interest that want to know more, we shouldn't get to a 1625 01:48:45,120 --> 01:48:47,820 point where we get so frustrated we just say forget it and go 1626 01:48:47,820 --> 01:48:51,390 away. And also we need those that have had the genuine 1627 01:48:51,390 --> 01:48:54,870 experiences that aren't trying to put a price tag on it that 1628 01:48:54,870 --> 01:48:58,470 aren't trying to you know sell you something in exchange for 1629 01:48:58,500 --> 01:49:04,380 for cosmic changing information. But rather they should be a part 1630 01:49:04,380 --> 01:49:08,670 of this and not be hindered in the process. So hopefully that 1631 01:49:08,670 --> 01:49:10,920 explained a little bit more I'm glad I saw your comment because 1632 01:49:11,250 --> 01:49:17,040 it gave me a chance to clarify Alright give me I'm still 1633 01:49:17,040 --> 01:49:18,060 catching up here 1634 01:49:26,939 --> 01:49:31,379 all right, RJ W L singer again do you feel Do you feel you are 1635 01:49:31,379 --> 01:49:34,019 really getting closer to the truth over the years hope so. 1636 01:49:35,519 --> 01:49:37,529 I'm not sure if that was directed to me. But if it was 1637 01:49:37,529 --> 01:49:41,369 I'll take a stab at it anyway. Yes, I believe I believe 1638 01:49:41,369 --> 01:49:44,249 whatever the truth may be I'm not here to pretend that I that 1639 01:49:44,249 --> 01:49:49,499 I know it. But every document every photograph, every video, 1640 01:49:49,499 --> 01:49:53,699 every letter, every experience, every redaction every phone call 1641 01:49:53,699 --> 01:49:57,809 that I get it all gets us closer. I don't think there's 1642 01:49:57,839 --> 01:50:03,899 there's The ability for me to one day ever tell you what the 1643 01:50:03,899 --> 01:50:06,539 truth is, I think a lot of people have to understand that 1644 01:50:06,539 --> 01:50:09,329 the truth sometimes is, is something that they're going to 1645 01:50:09,329 --> 01:50:12,509 have to figure out for themselves. I'm not here to tell 1646 01:50:12,509 --> 01:50:15,869 you what to believe, or what the truth is, I can just tell you 1647 01:50:15,869 --> 01:50:20,819 what the evidence is. At the end, it's kind of up to you all, 1648 01:50:21,059 --> 01:50:25,379 but it's to decide for yourselves. But when it comes to 1649 01:50:25,379 --> 01:50:28,679 getting closer to whatever that is, absolutely, I mean, I 1650 01:50:28,709 --> 01:50:32,579 honestly think every step you take, you get closer to it. 1651 01:50:32,909 --> 01:50:36,659 Where we go backwards is when people give up, where we go 1652 01:50:36,659 --> 01:50:41,039 backwards is where people are drowned out. And that's that's 1653 01:50:41,039 --> 01:50:45,689 one thing that I always advocate to stay away from. But we are 1654 01:50:45,689 --> 01:50:52,109 getting there. Hopefully. Something big is coming. Yes. I 1655 01:50:52,109 --> 01:50:55,889 have a hurtin if I've had a nickel for every time I heard 1656 01:50:55,889 --> 01:50:59,249 something big is coming. Some more tweets just today, like oh, 1657 01:50:59,669 --> 01:51:04,799 just wait, guys, big things are coming. I have no idea. Robert 1658 01:51:04,799 --> 01:51:08,099 George, Ugh, why am I never notified until the end of John's 1659 01:51:08,099 --> 01:51:11,039 live content. So frustrating? Robert? Well, I'm frustrated 1660 01:51:11,039 --> 01:51:13,619 too, for you. Just make sure that the notifications are 1661 01:51:13,619 --> 01:51:16,169 turned on. If you guys are watching on other social media 1662 01:51:16,169 --> 01:51:19,199 platforms, just know YouTube is definitely the way to watch 1663 01:51:19,199 --> 01:51:23,879 this, simply because that is 100%, the busiest chat part of 1664 01:51:23,879 --> 01:51:27,029 this, which is I know what a lot of the draw is for these live 1665 01:51:27,029 --> 01:51:31,439 streams. So just go to the black vault.com/live, that'll bounce 1666 01:51:31,439 --> 01:51:34,409 you to the YouTube channel and make sure you turn the 1667 01:51:34,409 --> 01:51:38,069 notifications on that way you guys can get notified. The 1668 01:51:38,069 --> 01:51:42,299 minute I click the camera on, it sends, you know, sends a message 1669 01:51:42,299 --> 01:51:49,799 to you guys that I'm that I'm live. Let me see. Do is 1670 01:51:49,799 --> 01:51:54,569 indicated in the con Congress annual bill of UA PTF. Yeah, I 1671 01:51:54,929 --> 01:51:58,079 off the top of my head I I can't really keep all the 1672 01:51:58,079 --> 01:52:03,539 congressional language, you know, verbatim in my head. But I 1673 01:52:03,539 --> 01:52:07,499 know that as they reform a lot of their processes, especially 1674 01:52:07,499 --> 01:52:10,739 since the June report of last year, you know, I'd be surprised 1675 01:52:10,739 --> 01:52:16,769 if DoD wasn't in the conversation. Mars, first off, 1676 01:52:16,769 --> 01:52:19,349 thank you for the support of the channel, I am surprised that 1677 01:52:19,349 --> 01:52:21,629 people are not worried about the thought of one of these hidden 1678 01:52:21,629 --> 01:52:24,179 programs making a breakthrough and using this newfound 1679 01:52:24,179 --> 01:52:28,499 technology for themselves. The amount of power if real can 1680 01:52:28,499 --> 01:52:30,449 corrupt the best person? That's true. 1681 01:52:35,460 --> 01:52:38,850 So when you say so I'm not entirely sure what you mean by 1682 01:52:38,850 --> 01:52:44,700 this where the classified program finds a breakthrough and 1683 01:52:44,700 --> 01:52:50,400 they use it for themselves? Are you talking about a rogue group 1684 01:52:50,400 --> 01:52:52,980 of people using that technology for themselves? Are you talking 1685 01:52:52,980 --> 01:52:57,060 about America as a whole that find something and utilizes it 1686 01:52:57,060 --> 01:53:00,810 for themselves? If it's the latter, I mean, I think that 1687 01:53:00,810 --> 01:53:03,600 that is a part of this conversation that if they are 1688 01:53:03,630 --> 01:53:07,230 reverse engineering, something, whatever that may be whomever 1689 01:53:07,230 --> 01:53:11,670 made the technology, but if they have this mystery, this this 1690 01:53:11,700 --> 01:53:15,450 technology that they capture, it's unidentified, but then 1691 01:53:15,480 --> 01:53:20,670 later, reverse engineer it and exploit it. That is something 1692 01:53:20,670 --> 01:53:24,060 that I think they will do. And I think that it's something that 1693 01:53:24,060 --> 01:53:30,750 they will likely exploit. And I'll show you what I mean by 1694 01:53:30,750 --> 01:53:33,660 that, to kind of prove the point. This is a security 1695 01:53:33,660 --> 01:53:37,140 classification guide. It's something I've talked about this 1696 01:53:37,170 --> 01:53:40,170 on this channel quite a bit. But when we talk about the 1697 01:53:40,170 --> 01:53:44,280 technology, and what is there, let me bring it up on the 1698 01:53:44,280 --> 01:53:51,180 screen. This is essentially what defines the secrecy behind UAP. 1699 01:53:51,180 --> 01:53:53,670 This was a big score. I've said it before I'll say it again, I 1700 01:53:53,670 --> 01:53:55,770 think this is one of the more important documents that I've 1701 01:53:55,770 --> 01:53:59,400 gotten Mars, I'm going to go ahead and take your comments off 1702 01:53:59,400 --> 01:54:05,400 screen just so it can. So I can view it here. Oh, come on. Here 1703 01:54:05,400 --> 01:54:15,540 we go. This defines the secrecy behind UAP. And you can see here 1704 01:54:17,250 --> 01:54:20,910 intelligence collection, exploitation, analysis and 1705 01:54:20,910 --> 01:54:26,580 products, this word exploitation is up for interpretation. But 1706 01:54:26,580 --> 01:54:31,200 why I wanted to pull this up is that whatever exploitation means 1707 01:54:31,260 --> 01:54:34,620 in the context of this, it is being attributed to UAP. So they 1708 01:54:34,620 --> 01:54:39,150 are exploiting it to some level what that is, I don't know, to 1709 01:54:39,150 --> 01:54:43,470 your question about using the technology for themselves. 1710 01:54:43,470 --> 01:54:47,040 Again, that's where I'm not 100% sure what you mean by that, but 1711 01:54:47,490 --> 01:54:51,060 at least I wanted to show you that when it comes to 1712 01:54:51,060 --> 01:54:56,010 exploitation and UAP they are doing so and then how they kind 1713 01:54:56,010 --> 01:54:59,970 of break all that down as all classified. Be one is now 1714 01:55:00,000 --> 01:55:03,210 Shanell security. So they don't want to tell you how they're 1715 01:55:03,210 --> 01:55:07,020 exploiting it. But they are. And that is something that we have 1716 01:55:07,020 --> 01:55:10,050 to remember that no matter what the root of this is, they are 1717 01:55:10,050 --> 01:55:13,950 exploiting this technology somewhere, some somehow and in 1718 01:55:13,950 --> 01:55:17,910 some way, how that is I'm not sure. When we find out Monday, I 1719 01:55:17,910 --> 01:55:23,160 highly doubt it. Oh, this is always a fun topic. I won't go 1720 01:55:23,160 --> 01:55:26,430 into it too much here. If there's one species of aliens, 1721 01:55:26,430 --> 01:55:30,150 there must be many, many. Yep. Absolutely. It's always fun to, 1722 01:55:31,020 --> 01:55:35,790 to talk about stuff like that. Alien science must be far, far 1723 01:55:35,790 --> 01:55:38,700 beyond all ours. Yeah, if if they're coming to our neck of 1724 01:55:38,700 --> 01:55:42,450 the woods, they've got to be a million plus Headstart, which 1725 01:55:42,480 --> 01:55:45,210 then brings up that question, would they care about talking to 1726 01:55:45,210 --> 01:55:49,110 us, but we'll save that for another day. We'll be 1727 01:55:49,110 --> 01:55:51,810 interesting to see how Leslie Kane react to this. Absolutely. 1728 01:55:53,190 --> 01:55:56,040 Obviously, this video was more of a hot take and kind of a 1729 01:55:56,040 --> 01:55:58,620 quick put together of what's going on with the New York 1730 01:55:58,620 --> 01:56:02,250 Times. But yeah, I'd love for her to comment. I mean, I think 1731 01:56:02,250 --> 01:56:05,070 it's important, although I again, feel that there were a 1732 01:56:05,070 --> 01:56:08,580 lot of holes in that story. And it was kind of a mess. If she 1733 01:56:08,580 --> 01:56:11,850 truly feels that they vetted it. And the editorial board at New 1734 01:56:11,850 --> 01:56:17,700 York Times, essentially endorsed the publishing of it. I know, 1735 01:56:17,700 --> 01:56:21,090 from a journalistic standpoint, they are putting the claim on 1736 01:56:21,090 --> 01:56:24,780 the claimant. So it's Dr. Eric Davis. But I mean, you can't 1737 01:56:24,780 --> 01:56:27,510 just go the New York Times and say whatever without them going. 1738 01:56:27,540 --> 01:56:30,990 Okay, well, we need to verify something, regardless of if them 1739 01:56:31,260 --> 01:56:34,890 if they print that they have to verify it in some way for them 1740 01:56:34,890 --> 01:56:38,280 to feel comfortable to put their masthead above it. So what's 1741 01:56:38,280 --> 01:56:41,940 going on here? You know, was there any type of vetting did 1742 01:56:41,940 --> 01:56:46,470 they have free? Free ranges do whatever they want? I don't 1743 01:56:46,470 --> 01:56:52,590 know. But I think that that the hopefully that they will 1744 01:56:52,590 --> 01:56:57,150 comment, party boy Patti name checks out based on your on your 1745 01:56:57,150 --> 01:57:00,360 comment, John's drinking straight vodka. Just kidding. I 1746 01:57:00,360 --> 01:57:03,870 wish. But no, I don't drink on the air because I'll say 1747 01:57:03,870 --> 01:57:07,350 something stupid. Or I should say stupid earlier than what I 1748 01:57:07,350 --> 01:57:10,770 always say. I'm always flooding up something. But as you can 1749 01:57:10,770 --> 01:57:16,140 probably tell by that, not a vodka drinker. Oh, I thought 1750 01:57:16,140 --> 01:57:17,340 somebody was gonna come into my door. 1751 01:57:19,560 --> 01:57:23,040 That is sometimes the joys of the black vault live streaming 1752 01:57:23,070 --> 01:57:25,920 is that you never know what's gonna bus oops, bus through that 1753 01:57:25,920 --> 01:57:29,010 door right there. One of the first times I did a live stream 1754 01:57:29,010 --> 01:57:32,010 my wife came busting through she thought I was dead. Because she 1755 01:57:32,010 --> 01:57:34,770 was texting. I didn't text back. I didn't have my phone. Now I 1756 01:57:34,770 --> 01:57:37,440 learned to keep my phone near me. But I was doing a live 1757 01:57:37,440 --> 01:57:40,530 stream on the first behind the scenes. I think it was. And long 1758 01:57:40,530 --> 01:57:45,450 story short. She kept texting. I wasn't texting back. She thought 1759 01:57:45,450 --> 01:57:48,180 something happened. She comes busting through that door. Are 1760 01:57:48,180 --> 01:57:51,360 you okay? And I was live on the air and there was quite a few 1761 01:57:51,360 --> 01:57:54,690 people watching. So one of those things you never know. But 1762 01:57:54,690 --> 01:57:58,650 anyway, no vodka. That's that's a Scotch bottle right there. But 1763 01:57:58,650 --> 01:58:06,660 I don't drink it on there. Let me see. We're gonna have to wind 1764 01:58:06,660 --> 01:58:10,230 this up. Pretty quick here. But I'll take some more. Frank's 1765 01:58:10,230 --> 01:58:13,140 legato. Thank you so much for that. I think the key question 1766 01:58:13,140 --> 01:58:15,360 on this topic that to my knowledge hasn't yet been 1767 01:58:15,360 --> 01:58:20,490 addressed? Have UAP been detected in space? So from? 1768 01:58:20,580 --> 01:58:22,680 Okay, so there's a couple of ways to address this when it 1769 01:58:22,680 --> 01:58:27,660 comes to an official version of giving an answer to that. I 1770 01:58:27,660 --> 01:58:31,620 don't think that there's been any kind of Yes, UAP have been 1771 01:58:31,620 --> 01:58:37,260 detected in space. But there have been numerous cases of NASA 1772 01:58:37,290 --> 01:58:43,770 film footage and stuff like that, that have been that have 1773 01:58:43,770 --> 01:58:51,600 been captured. Sorry about that. This is another joy of life. 1774 01:58:56,130 --> 01:58:59,070 Okay, so I'm gonna have to wrap this up pretty quick. Sorry, we 1775 01:58:59,070 --> 01:59:04,650 have a sick kid, sadly. So I'm gonna have to break it. She's 1776 01:59:04,650 --> 01:59:07,470 okay. My daughter, though four had to come home early from 1777 01:59:07,470 --> 01:59:11,850 school yesterday. So forgive me for that. Little sidetrack. 1778 01:59:12,750 --> 01:59:16,680 Daddy emergency. So, let me go back to your question. So 1779 01:59:16,680 --> 01:59:21,390 there's no official version of that UAP in space. But I can say 1780 01:59:21,390 --> 01:59:23,850 that there have been those numerous videos and NASA 1781 01:59:23,850 --> 01:59:29,220 encounters that lack any explanation whatsoever. So that 1782 01:59:29,220 --> 01:59:33,450 is something that arguably to your question, you can say yes, 1783 01:59:33,480 --> 01:59:36,090 I mean, it's unidentified, there are objects that are obscene 1784 01:59:36,090 --> 01:59:40,740 flying around, you know, STS 48 is one of them. STS 75 is 1785 01:59:40,740 --> 01:59:43,650 another 48 Were the ones with everything was going all over 1786 01:59:43,650 --> 01:59:46,800 the place. And arguably some people argue there was a space 1787 01:59:46,800 --> 01:59:51,600 weapon that was fired. 75 was the tether incident where these 1788 01:59:51,990 --> 01:59:55,770 allegedly big big objects were seen by going passing behind 1789 01:59:55,770 --> 01:59:59,760 this long tether that broke. So all of those types of cases you 1790 01:59:59,760 --> 02:00:02,940 know, they stack up. And of course, you can dissect them one 1791 02:00:02,940 --> 02:00:10,860 by one, and try and get to it. But when it comes to an official 1792 02:00:10,860 --> 02:00:14,850 word not yet, will that be in the next one? Is that why NASA 1793 02:00:14,850 --> 02:00:18,210 is involved? Will they come out with something? I you know, who 1794 02:00:18,210 --> 02:00:23,130 knows? I'm not really sure. But but we will definitely see Gary 1795 02:00:23,130 --> 02:00:27,240 for the vodka fund. Great job, John. Thank you. I appreciate 1796 02:00:27,240 --> 02:00:32,010 that. I really do appreciate it, Gary. Thank you. And with that, 1797 02:00:32,010 --> 02:00:39,120 I do have to I do have to end this. Red Panda. Thank you for 1798 02:00:39,120 --> 02:00:40,980 this. Cheers, John. Hopefully the report is better than the 1799 02:00:40,980 --> 02:00:43,080 New York Times article, any recommendations on how to 1800 02:00:43,080 --> 02:00:47,970 prevent Condon committee to? That's a great question. And we 1801 02:00:47,970 --> 02:00:51,450 are going to have to probably shelve that for when the report 1802 02:00:51,450 --> 02:00:54,270 is out. Let's see the tone of it. Let's see where we're going 1803 02:00:54,270 --> 02:00:58,200 to go with it, and see if that's where we're headed. I do 1804 02:00:58,200 --> 02:01:01,230 recommend if you missed it to go check out the article I wrote in 1805 02:01:01,230 --> 02:01:05,970 2020. And then the video that I did early in 2021, where I 1806 02:01:05,970 --> 02:01:12,330 talked about that road to the Condon committee, so I hope not. 1807 02:01:12,360 --> 02:01:15,870 But is there anything we can do? Probably not. John, is there any 1808 02:01:15,870 --> 02:01:18,090 way for you to reach out to Lou Elizondo, and make him part of 1809 02:01:18,090 --> 02:01:20,370 your team as you work to make the government more transparent 1810 02:01:20,370 --> 02:01:24,870 on the UFO topic? Sadly, some stuff happened behind the scenes 1811 02:01:24,870 --> 02:01:30,450 that that likely would not happen. I generally don't have a 1812 02:01:30,450 --> 02:01:33,450 team, in fact, ever. You're looking at the entire black 1813 02:01:33,450 --> 02:01:36,300 vault. I don't have anything personally against Lou Elizondo, 1814 02:01:36,300 --> 02:01:39,990 in fact, I liked the guy. But sadly, some stuff was said 1815 02:01:40,230 --> 02:01:42,990 behind the scenes that he decided to make public that 1816 02:01:42,990 --> 02:01:50,160 we're, you know, not entirely the the team in the team spirit, 1817 02:01:50,160 --> 02:01:53,820 I guess, you can say. But anyway, the ball is in his 1818 02:01:53,820 --> 02:01:58,170 court. And, you know, he wants to chat. I'm always here. But 1819 02:01:58,920 --> 02:02:02,730 some stuff was said that isn't cool. And done. 1820 02:02:05,070 --> 02:02:08,340 All right. I think that that caught me up. But guys, I'm so 1821 02:02:08,340 --> 02:02:10,800 sorry that I can't believe how many messages were on here. So I 1822 02:02:10,800 --> 02:02:14,760 apologize. I know I missed something. Well, over 500 At the 1823 02:02:14,760 --> 02:02:17,460 peak, we're watching at any given time during the stream. 1824 02:02:17,460 --> 02:02:21,300 That's awesome. I love seeing those numbers. Hopefully, I came 1825 02:02:21,300 --> 02:02:23,520 through with you guys for the information, y'all learned at 1826 02:02:23,520 --> 02:02:27,690 least one or two things. But I do appreciate it. And that said, 1827 02:02:29,310 --> 02:02:32,340 I will update you guys, when that report drops. I'm thinking 1828 02:02:32,340 --> 02:02:36,510 about doing if the timing works, a live stream when that happens. 1829 02:02:36,540 --> 02:02:39,510 And we'll go go from there. Just kind of see what happens. I'm 1830 02:02:39,510 --> 02:02:43,020 sure there's going to be a lot that goes down from all sorts of 1831 02:02:43,020 --> 02:02:48,060 corners once that thing drops. But I guess time will tell. That 1832 02:02:48,060 --> 02:02:50,580 said Have a wonderful weekend, everybody. Thank you so much for 1833 02:02:50,580 --> 02:02:53,850 joining me on a Friday afternoon. little over two 1834 02:02:53,850 --> 02:02:56,010 hours, actually. So for those who have been here through the 1835 02:02:56,010 --> 02:02:59,340 whole the whole two hours, thank you for that. For those who 1836 02:02:59,340 --> 02:03:01,620 joined thereafter, really do appreciate your support. Of 1837 02:03:01,620 --> 02:03:05,130 course, all of the super chats, as I mentioned, go right back 1838 02:03:05,130 --> 02:03:08,280 into the channel. And if you watch the post version, and it's 1839 02:03:08,280 --> 02:03:12,750 not live, there are comments in order the I forget what they 1840 02:03:12,750 --> 02:03:15,570 call it, but like a comment where you can support the 1841 02:03:15,570 --> 02:03:19,320 channel as well. So I try and find those and answer any more 1842 02:03:19,320 --> 02:03:22,620 questions that I have. Feel free to put the questions that I that 1843 02:03:22,620 --> 02:03:25,860 I missed in the comments below. And of course, the biggest, 1844 02:03:25,890 --> 02:03:29,490 biggest help is to just liking and sharing these videos, 1845 02:03:29,550 --> 02:03:33,450 spreading the word. let other people know this channel exists. 1846 02:03:33,540 --> 02:03:36,750 That's it. Thank you guys. I really do appreciate it. And you 1847 02:03:36,750 --> 02:03:38,370 have a wonderful weekend.