1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:06,690 Dr. Travis Taylor: Ah! ... Everybody all right? 2 00:00:06,930 --> 00:00:09,840 John Greenewald: For more than a decade. You've seen him on some 3 00:00:09,840 --> 00:00:14,310 of cable televisions most popular shows, including ancient 4 00:00:14,310 --> 00:00:21,060 aliens, and the secret of Skinwalker Ranch. You may have 5 00:00:21,090 --> 00:00:24,930 even read one of his more than two dozen books published since 6 00:00:24,960 --> 00:00:31,320 2004. But what you may not know is behind the scenes, Dr. Travis 7 00:00:31,320 --> 00:00:35,430 Taylor has had another job entirely. He has been working on 8 00:00:35,430 --> 00:00:39,690 highly classified programs as a senior scientist for the US Army 9 00:00:39,690 --> 00:00:43,440 Space and Missile Defense Command. And as a contractor 10 00:00:43,440 --> 00:00:47,340 supporting NASA, the Department of Defense and the intelligence 11 00:00:47,340 --> 00:00:51,420 community. Dr. Taylor has worked on many highly advanced 12 00:00:51,420 --> 00:00:52,200 technologies, 13 00:00:52,260 --> 00:00:55,380 Dr. Travis Taylor: we will have teleportation, we will have the 14 00:00:55,380 --> 00:01:00,750 magic inventory, we will have the the X ray hack, we will have 15 00:01:00,780 --> 00:01:02,970 XYZ will have Ironman suit, whatever. 16 00:01:03,000 --> 00:01:05,940 John Greenewald: But earlier this year, it was also revealed 17 00:01:05,940 --> 00:01:09,420 that he worked as the Senior Scientist for the Pentagon's UAP 18 00:01:09,420 --> 00:01:16,170 Task Force investigating UFOs that revelation surprised many 19 00:01:16,170 --> 00:01:20,520 people, including those who he was working with side by side on 20 00:01:20,520 --> 00:01:21,630 a daily basis. 21 00:01:22,289 --> 00:01:25,049 Dr. Travis Taylor: So it was a it was a bit of a shock to find 22 00:01:25,049 --> 00:01:29,699 out that, you know, we had you had kind of we're wearing two 23 00:01:29,699 --> 00:01:35,099 hats. As far as that goes, I just will not wait interrupt, 24 00:01:35,099 --> 00:01:40,679 but I you know, I see it from a different perspective in that I 25 00:01:40,679 --> 00:01:45,719 was giving you guys back cover, Jay Stratton told me was that if 26 00:01:45,719 --> 00:01:48,599 we find anybody doing anything illegal if we find these men in 27 00:01:48,599 --> 00:01:52,079 black, that we're taking them down, you know, because they're 28 00:01:52,079 --> 00:01:53,969 doing it something that's not supposed to be happening. 29 00:01:54,960 --> 00:01:57,990 John Greenewald: Today, Dr. Taylor steps into the vault to 30 00:01:57,990 --> 00:02:02,130 discuss his long career, his recent move to the private 31 00:02:02,130 --> 00:02:06,120 sector. And hopefully, he will reveal some tidbits about his 32 00:02:06,120 --> 00:02:09,960 UFO investigations that he conducted for the US government. 33 00:02:11,100 --> 00:02:15,420 Stay tuned, you're about to journey inside the black vault. 34 00:02:43,290 --> 00:02:46,170 That's right, everybody. As always, thank you so much for 35 00:02:46,170 --> 00:02:50,100 tuning in. And taking this journey inside the black vault 36 00:02:50,100 --> 00:02:52,680 with me. I'm your host, John Greenewald, Jr, founder and 37 00:02:52,680 --> 00:02:57,630 creator of the black vault.com. And to say that I'm excited 38 00:02:57,660 --> 00:03:00,240 about this show would be an understatement. I'm not going to 39 00:03:00,240 --> 00:03:03,750 waste any time. I want to bring them right on. And welcome Dr. 40 00:03:03,780 --> 00:03:08,130 Travis Taylor. Dr. Taylor, thank you so much for taking some time 41 00:03:08,130 --> 00:03:11,550 and joining me here. Thanks, John. Thanks for having me. 42 00:03:12,030 --> 00:03:15,180 Absolutely. And I've been excited to do this show ever 43 00:03:15,180 --> 00:03:19,590 since I learned that it was reported by George Knapp, for 44 00:03:19,590 --> 00:03:23,640 those who aren't aware that you worked as the Chief Scientist 45 00:03:23,640 --> 00:03:28,560 for the UAP task force. Now my I know, you know, this, Dr. 46 00:03:28,560 --> 00:03:33,420 Taylor, but for the audience. We first met in brief about six, 47 00:03:33,420 --> 00:03:37,290 seven plus years ago, I was producing a show well before any 48 00:03:37,290 --> 00:03:41,070 UFO Task Force or even Skinwalker Ranch. And my 49 00:03:41,070 --> 00:03:43,320 executives came to me and they said, Hey, you have to get this 50 00:03:43,320 --> 00:03:46,860 guy on the show. And I was working on the show about aliens 51 00:03:46,860 --> 00:03:50,820 attacking Earth. And they said, This is the guy and they brought 52 00:03:50,820 --> 00:03:56,040 up you. And I was so sad. Because you were shooting, I 53 00:03:56,040 --> 00:03:59,730 forget what show you were on. There were so many that you were 54 00:03:59,730 --> 00:04:03,120 currently working on. But we we didn't get to do that interview. 55 00:04:03,450 --> 00:04:06,720 And so here we are X amount of years later. And I really do 56 00:04:06,720 --> 00:04:09,300 appreciate you taking the time in a completely different 57 00:04:09,300 --> 00:04:13,410 context of what was how we originally met. So again, thank 58 00:04:13,410 --> 00:04:17,400 you for that. Before we get into all your UAP taskforce work and 59 00:04:17,400 --> 00:04:22,800 so on. Can you set the stage for me for the audience of who is 60 00:04:22,800 --> 00:04:26,370 Dr. Travis Taylor, what do you do for the US government? And as 61 00:04:26,370 --> 00:04:29,430 we saw in the introduction, contracting for NASA, DOD IC 62 00:04:29,430 --> 00:04:31,140 work, what exactly do you do? 63 00:04:31,860 --> 00:04:35,130 Dr. Travis Taylor: Yeah, so a lot of people kind of have a mis 64 00:04:35,220 --> 00:04:41,400 perception as to, you know, why I was on the task force and you 65 00:04:41,400 --> 00:04:44,970 know, what my background is and so on. I've seen a lot of sort 66 00:04:44,970 --> 00:04:48,930 of memes out there like an alien Ancient Aliens guy was on the 67 00:04:48,930 --> 00:04:51,990 UAP Task Force. What that had nothing to do with me being on 68 00:04:51,990 --> 00:04:55,830 the task force, honestly. You know, when I was in high school, 69 00:04:56,100 --> 00:05:02,370 a million years ago, I won the Uh, Alabama State science paper 70 00:05:02,370 --> 00:05:11,070 competition. And the first prize of that, that contest was a 71 00:05:11,100 --> 00:05:15,690 summer internship with the US Army. And this was in 1986. 72 00:05:15,690 --> 00:05:20,670 That's how old I am. So I went on to win six in the nation. And 73 00:05:20,700 --> 00:05:23,220 with that paper, I built a radio telescope and picked up radio 74 00:05:23,220 --> 00:05:28,710 waves from black holes and stuff. And, and anyway, so the 75 00:05:28,710 --> 00:05:33,420 summer job I had that year with the army was to work on high 76 00:05:33,420 --> 00:05:37,320 energy, laser weapons system, design and do laboratory 77 00:05:37,320 --> 00:05:43,200 research with lasers. And the boss there liked me enough that 78 00:05:43,200 --> 00:05:48,510 he said, Hey, man, go to school and, and come work for us every 79 00:05:48,510 --> 00:05:52,500 other we're a quarters back then every other quarter. And we'll 80 00:05:52,500 --> 00:05:56,640 pay your way through school. And so sounds like a great deal, 81 00:05:56,670 --> 00:06:01,050 right? So the army paid me a salary, they paid my tuition and 82 00:06:01,050 --> 00:06:06,000 bought books for me. And, and I would go to engineering and 83 00:06:06,000 --> 00:06:08,700 physics school, one, one quarter, the next quarter, I 84 00:06:08,700 --> 00:06:11,790 would work. And I did that for five years until I graduated, 85 00:06:11,790 --> 00:06:14,550 and they hired me full time. And I started going to graduate 86 00:06:14,550 --> 00:06:17,820 school full time. during all that time, I was working on 87 00:06:17,940 --> 00:06:21,720 laser weapons systems and high tech physics and engineering 88 00:06:21,720 --> 00:06:27,150 concepts. And I ended up getting a master's in a bachelor's in 89 00:06:27,150 --> 00:06:29,970 electrical engineering, a master's in physics and a PhD. 90 00:06:29,970 --> 00:06:32,910 And it was a dual degree in physics and electrical 91 00:06:32,910 --> 00:06:35,490 engineering called optical science and engineering, which 92 00:06:35,490 --> 00:06:39,840 was quantum physics and laser laser physics. And then I did a 93 00:06:39,840 --> 00:06:43,770 master's degree in aerospace engineering, and a master's 94 00:06:43,770 --> 00:06:48,120 degree in astronomy. And then I have another PhD in aerospace 95 00:06:48,120 --> 00:06:53,010 engineering. And, and during all that time, I was either working 96 00:06:53,010 --> 00:06:59,880 for the army on D weapon systems, or I moved into doing 97 00:06:59,880 --> 00:07:06,990 more space deployment concepts, satellites, space, laser based 98 00:07:06,990 --> 00:07:10,890 space, propulsion, space, energy beaming. And then I went into 99 00:07:10,890 --> 00:07:15,330 the private sector for about eight years, and was and worked 100 00:07:15,330 --> 00:07:20,130 almost, I would say, 50%, NASA and 50% intelligence community, 101 00:07:20,430 --> 00:07:24,690 it was all space based hard problems, stuff, coming up with 102 00:07:24,690 --> 00:07:28,110 magic sensors that would detect things that were really hard to 103 00:07:28,110 --> 00:07:35,280 detect, and, and edit and all this time, never found this 104 00:07:35,310 --> 00:07:40,200 program about UFOs or anything. But now in two, and this is this 105 00:07:40,200 --> 00:07:50,880 is key, in 2002. About six months after 911, a mentor of 106 00:07:50,880 --> 00:07:54,030 mine in the intelligence community, Dr. Bob bone, and I 107 00:07:54,030 --> 00:07:57,780 were in a meeting with a three letter organization, about 108 00:07:58,050 --> 00:08:02,490 finding solutions to the asymmetric war that we were in 109 00:08:02,490 --> 00:08:05,610 with you in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the hard 110 00:08:05,610 --> 00:08:09,300 problems that we were seeing there. And I made the joke in 111 00:08:09,300 --> 00:08:12,330 the meeting there, there was a general and some colonels and 112 00:08:12,330 --> 00:08:15,360 much other folks in this room, senior leaders in the 113 00:08:15,360 --> 00:08:18,090 intelligence community, I started laughing and said, cuz 114 00:08:18,090 --> 00:08:20,370 this one general said, Well, we're gonna have to put 115 00:08:20,370 --> 00:08:22,740 ourselves in their shoes and walk them out in their shoes. 116 00:08:22,740 --> 00:08:25,140 And I said, I laughed, and he said, What are you laughing 117 00:08:25,140 --> 00:08:29,460 about as well? Our poor people have X boxes and two TVs, you 118 00:08:29,460 --> 00:08:32,370 know, it, there's, there's no way we're gonna be able to even 119 00:08:32,370 --> 00:08:35,070 fathom walking a mile in their shoes. Most of these people 120 00:08:35,070 --> 00:08:38,040 don't even have shoes. So the only time America is gonna find 121 00:08:38,040 --> 00:08:41,340 itself in an asymmetric war is if we were invaded by aliens. 122 00:08:41,790 --> 00:08:44,970 And I was, you know, being absurd, you know, to make the 123 00:08:44,970 --> 00:08:48,540 point. Well, a few minutes later, we were at the 124 00:08:48,570 --> 00:08:52,800 watercooler to break and one of these ice senior leader guys 125 00:08:52,800 --> 00:08:56,310 came up and said, What would we do if we were invaded by aliens? 126 00:08:56,910 --> 00:09:00,780 And I said, Well, I'm I don't know, we'd probably die is what 127 00:09:00,900 --> 00:09:05,520 I've what I've guessed. And so me and Dr. Bone, talking about 128 00:09:05,520 --> 00:09:09,300 it. And we said, hey, let's go find out. And at the time, we 129 00:09:09,300 --> 00:09:11,760 had no high clearances and stuff. We looked everywhere and 130 00:09:11,760 --> 00:09:15,390 couldn't find any plans, any protocols. So he said, Well, 131 00:09:15,420 --> 00:09:20,340 somebody needs to do this. So we wrote the book. At the time, the 132 00:09:20,340 --> 00:09:22,440 first draft, it was called Introduction to planetary 133 00:09:22,440 --> 00:09:25,350 defense, the latest version, it's called alien invasion. 134 00:09:25,710 --> 00:09:28,470 Well, that's the book that you found, I think, on the internet 135 00:09:28,470 --> 00:09:31,830 that led you to give me a call to be on the universe or 136 00:09:31,830 --> 00:09:36,840 whatever the show was. Yeah. And so that's kind of key in this 137 00:09:36,840 --> 00:09:40,560 pathway that led me there. And 138 00:09:40,560 --> 00:09:43,110 John Greenewald: just for clarity, was the book for the 139 00:09:43,110 --> 00:09:45,300 government slash military? Or was this a book that you 140 00:09:45,300 --> 00:09:46,260 published outside? We 141 00:09:46,260 --> 00:09:49,140 Dr. Travis Taylor: decided since it didn't exist, that it needed 142 00:09:49,140 --> 00:09:53,730 to exist? And we asked our bosses within the three letter 143 00:09:53,730 --> 00:09:57,240 organizations, and they said, Yeah, we can't fund you to do 144 00:09:57,240 --> 00:10:00,870 it, but we'd really like to see it. And so I went and found my. 145 00:10:01,230 --> 00:10:04,380 And at the time, my first science fiction novel had just 146 00:10:04,380 --> 00:10:07,920 come out. And so I asked my book publisher if she'd be interested 147 00:10:07,920 --> 00:10:11,550 in it. And she was like, Yeah, let's do it. And so we went 148 00:10:11,550 --> 00:10:18,840 forward with the book. And now moving forward. You know, we 149 00:10:19,200 --> 00:10:24,960 started doing these TV shows as mainly, the TV show thing wasn't 150 00:10:24,960 --> 00:10:28,620 because I wanted to be on TV as a, you know, get to be on TV 151 00:10:28,620 --> 00:10:32,790 guy, it was to get the, the science tech, technology, 152 00:10:32,790 --> 00:10:38,100 engineering mathematics needs sort of in edutainment, so to 153 00:10:38,100 --> 00:10:40,740 speak, to get it across to the public that we need more people 154 00:10:40,740 --> 00:10:43,860 doing this kind of stuff. And it's not undoable, like people 155 00:10:43,860 --> 00:10:47,070 think it is, you know, like on rocket CT rednecks, we built 156 00:10:47,070 --> 00:10:50,310 that Iron Man suit at a junkyard car parts, you know, and I could 157 00:10:50,520 --> 00:10:54,090 curl a keg of beer with one hand. And that was $2,000 in 158 00:10:54,090 --> 00:10:56,490 crap. So, you know, if we actually had an Iron Man suit 159 00:10:56,490 --> 00:11:00,030 program, we, you know, we could probably do it. And that was my 160 00:11:00,030 --> 00:11:06,390 point was to educate people and things like this. And so, at any 161 00:11:06,390 --> 00:11:11,400 rate, move forward. And I end up on getting invited to come be on 162 00:11:11,400 --> 00:11:14,910 the Skinwalker, secret Skinwalker Ranch investigation 163 00:11:14,910 --> 00:11:19,170 team. And after the first few weeks, I'm there I'm measuring 164 00:11:19,170 --> 00:11:23,310 these electromagnetic signals that scare me, because they 165 00:11:23,310 --> 00:11:27,690 remind me of what I thought might be some of our near peers 166 00:11:27,690 --> 00:11:31,950 doing something nefarious. And so I had a day job, you know, 167 00:11:31,950 --> 00:11:36,870 still working with the army. And I had security reporting 168 00:11:36,870 --> 00:11:39,600 requirements, that if I thought someone was doing counter 169 00:11:39,600 --> 00:11:42,990 intelligence inside the United States that I'm by oath, 170 00:11:43,650 --> 00:11:48,060 required to report it to security. So I went for it, I 171 00:11:48,060 --> 00:11:51,090 went back to work and reported that I measured some signals, 172 00:11:51,090 --> 00:11:54,900 and I was concerned could be near peers doing something 173 00:11:54,930 --> 00:12:00,060 nefarious. And I was called up to the Pentagon to brief some 174 00:12:00,060 --> 00:12:07,230 folks go into a room and I brief these guys and, and after a 175 00:12:07,230 --> 00:12:10,140 minute, then I had, you know, one other guy with me, that was 176 00:12:10,230 --> 00:12:15,570 from the first season of Skinwalker. And then Scott comes 177 00:12:15,570 --> 00:12:20,550 in and says, ask everybody else to leave the room. But me. And 178 00:12:20,550 --> 00:12:23,700 then these two guys walk in, and one of them's got a copy of my 179 00:12:23,700 --> 00:12:26,370 alien invasion book in his hand with post it notes all in it. 180 00:12:27,300 --> 00:12:30,930 And I find out a few minutes later that this is this guy's 181 00:12:30,930 --> 00:12:37,050 name, John J. Stratton. And that He is the chief, he's the 182 00:12:37,080 --> 00:12:43,410 director of the UAP Task Force. And this was in 2019. And he 183 00:12:43,410 --> 00:12:48,180 said, he asked me to brief him again, I went through 184 00:12:48,180 --> 00:12:51,960 everything, all the all the data and everything and, and I had a 185 00:12:51,960 --> 00:12:55,110 security clearance. So he opened up a portfolio, start showing me 186 00:12:55,110 --> 00:12:57,930 some data and said, What do you think about this? And we talked 187 00:12:57,930 --> 00:13:00,300 for a little bit, and at the end of the conversation, he says, 188 00:13:00,660 --> 00:13:03,990 how'd you like to come on board and be the chief scientist for 189 00:13:03,990 --> 00:13:09,570 me? And I was like, Yeah, Sign me up. And so that's how it all 190 00:13:09,570 --> 00:13:14,820 kind of rolled together. And it had nothing to do other than it 191 00:13:14,820 --> 00:13:19,470 put me in the right position at its own Skinwalker Ranch to make 192 00:13:19,470 --> 00:13:23,460 those measurements and nothing to do with being on TV. That got 193 00:13:23,460 --> 00:13:27,750 me on there. It what it had to do was, Jay had been doing this 194 00:13:27,780 --> 00:13:32,550 job for 20 or 15 years or something. And, and he, you 195 00:13:32,550 --> 00:13:35,790 know, through all SAP, and then a tip, and his job was oh, and I 196 00:13:35,790 --> 00:13:40,740 and whatever. And he wanted a chief scientist that he could 197 00:13:40,740 --> 00:13:44,430 take with him to talk to Congress to talk to the White 198 00:13:44,430 --> 00:13:48,900 House. And to help him plan. Most of our work was done 199 00:13:48,900 --> 00:13:51,810 planning, if we got budget, what we would do with it, and then go 200 00:13:51,810 --> 00:13:53,550 into Congress and say, and here's why we need it. And what 201 00:13:53,550 --> 00:13:58,260 we would do, and about the other half of our work was in looking 202 00:13:58,260 --> 00:14:02,190 at data we had and seeing and reverse engineering as best we 203 00:14:02,190 --> 00:14:05,580 could of what it was in the data. So that's that's kind of 204 00:14:05,580 --> 00:14:07,500 in a nutshell, how I got there. 205 00:14:08,219 --> 00:14:11,429 John Greenewald: Let me ask you, is there a connection between 206 00:14:11,489 --> 00:14:18,809 Skinwalker Ranch itself and the task force so 2019 to you know, 207 00:14:19,049 --> 00:14:22,469 and beyond so not prior we'll get to that but, but from when 208 00:14:22,469 --> 00:14:26,579 you met Jay Stratton in 2019, after and you're at Skinwalker 209 00:14:26,579 --> 00:14:30,419 Ranch and obviously collecting data for use within the task 210 00:14:30,419 --> 00:14:34,559 force. Did Skinwalker Ranch become a subject of that task 211 00:14:34,559 --> 00:14:34,919 force? 212 00:14:34,949 --> 00:14:37,709 Dr. Travis Taylor: No, it did not and I want to be very clear 213 00:14:37,709 --> 00:14:40,949 about about that. You know, a lot of people are thinking I was 214 00:14:40,949 --> 00:14:44,489 spying on on him for the government or reporting back and 215 00:14:44,609 --> 00:14:48,059 you know, dragon had the biggest problem with that thinking that 216 00:14:48,059 --> 00:14:50,849 that's what I was doing. If you know, dude, that's illegal. You 217 00:14:50,849 --> 00:14:55,829 cannot spy than the intelligence community cannot spy on the 218 00:14:55,829 --> 00:14:59,399 United States and on its citizens, the only only only 219 00:14:59,399 --> 00:15:02,549 intelligence organization that has authority to do this the 220 00:15:02,549 --> 00:15:08,189 FBI. And you know, probably some DHS caveats there. But but the 221 00:15:08,189 --> 00:15:11,399 FBI is the one with the mandate for internal investigation of 222 00:15:11,399 --> 00:15:13,439 United States, and they gotta have warrants and stuff to go on 223 00:15:13,439 --> 00:15:17,489 private property or permission, and absolutely not. Now, what I, 224 00:15:17,639 --> 00:15:23,129 what I did have was insight that if I thought, hey, you know, 225 00:15:23,159 --> 00:15:26,969 I've seen this before, or an F 18 saw this, or a radar saw 226 00:15:26,969 --> 00:15:30,509 this, maybe I need to be looking at this frequency spectrum or 227 00:15:30,539 --> 00:15:34,109 this type of sensor or something, when I'm out there. 228 00:15:34,109 --> 00:15:38,399 And the other thing was, if nefarious folks came up, I had a 229 00:15:38,399 --> 00:15:42,179 direct guy on my phone, I could call the local FBI special agent 230 00:15:43,169 --> 00:15:46,889 who was you know, 10 to 30 minutes away. And I could have 231 00:15:46,889 --> 00:15:50,879 an FBI agent they're looking for if I thought there was somebody 232 00:15:50,879 --> 00:15:54,719 black bagging us or there was a truck parked off the property 233 00:15:54,719 --> 00:15:58,079 eavesdropping, or flying drones or something like that. That was 234 00:15:58,079 --> 00:16:05,339 the only you know, asset or possibility of there being an 235 00:16:05,339 --> 00:16:08,429 interaction, but there was not. And, you know, if I found 236 00:16:08,429 --> 00:16:12,359 something, keep in mind, I was under nondisclosure agreements 237 00:16:12,599 --> 00:16:17,549 with the TV guys, and with Brandon fugal, who owns the 238 00:16:17,549 --> 00:16:24,059 ranch. And so I couldn't report back that unless it was in a 239 00:16:24,059 --> 00:16:26,159 government setting or the government treated anything is 240 00:16:26,159 --> 00:16:30,929 intellectual property of the brand and fugal Advantium, LLC, 241 00:16:30,929 --> 00:16:32,519 or whatever it's called, I forget the name of this guy. 242 00:16:32,519 --> 00:16:37,559 Yeah. And so it was it was a, it was a tight rope trick and to be 243 00:16:37,560 --> 00:16:41,820 John Greenewald: careful what it seemed like such a genuine 244 00:16:42,990 --> 00:16:45,840 moment, and the clip that I played in the introduction to 245 00:16:45,840 --> 00:16:51,000 see the guys kind of react to learning that you had this, I 246 00:16:51,000 --> 00:16:54,540 think he called it a double hat. And again, it was like genuine 247 00:16:54,540 --> 00:16:58,260 is really the only word I can think of, because your reaction 248 00:16:58,260 --> 00:17:01,860 to it was equally as genuine trying to explain that, that 249 00:17:01,860 --> 00:17:04,980 type rope. And in that explanation you had brought up 250 00:17:04,980 --> 00:17:07,830 men and black. And that kind of piqued my interest a little bit 251 00:17:07,830 --> 00:17:12,030 that you and Jay, were using that that phrase together? Can 252 00:17:12,030 --> 00:17:14,700 you explain that a little bit on what you meant by by men and 253 00:17:14,700 --> 00:17:18,120 black? I know you just said a little bit by watching if you 254 00:17:18,120 --> 00:17:21,720 saw cars parked or something like that, but what do you mean 255 00:17:21,720 --> 00:17:25,350 by that? Is that like, an adversary spying on you? Is that 256 00:17:25,350 --> 00:17:29,040 a government? Another government agency spying on you? What did 257 00:17:29,040 --> 00:17:30,600 you mean by men and black? Yeah, so 258 00:17:30,600 --> 00:17:31,890 Dr. Travis Taylor: what I meant by the Men in Black 259 00:17:31,890 --> 00:17:35,880 specifically, is there's so much conspiracy theory stuff out 260 00:17:35,880 --> 00:17:39,300 there about this secret shadow government organization, and 261 00:17:39,510 --> 00:17:42,240 these men in black suits coming up and threatening people, they 262 00:17:42,240 --> 00:17:44,430 can't ever say anything, and they're gonna kill him or 263 00:17:44,430 --> 00:17:48,210 whatever, and all that stuff. And so Jay, and I were like, you 264 00:17:48,210 --> 00:17:51,120 know, we hope they come to the door, because we want to know 265 00:17:51,120 --> 00:17:54,120 who these people are, because they're operating outside of 266 00:17:54,150 --> 00:17:58,410 constitutional authority. And if they do, then that's why we had 267 00:17:58,410 --> 00:18:03,030 FBI on call. And he had, he was at, you know, Jay was a senior 268 00:18:03,030 --> 00:18:06,960 leader in the Navy. And he had, you know, Navy NCIS guys on call 269 00:18:07,440 --> 00:18:09,900 that, you know, something happened, we could put law 270 00:18:09,900 --> 00:18:14,610 enforcement into play. And we were hoping that if there was 271 00:18:14,610 --> 00:18:17,850 this, or is or I'm not saying we never found them in in black, 272 00:18:17,850 --> 00:18:23,790 let me clarify that right now. But if they were there, we were 273 00:18:23,790 --> 00:18:27,570 hoping they would, you know, show up and we'd see what was 274 00:18:27,570 --> 00:18:31,080 going on. But I'm not saying they're not there. I'm just 275 00:18:31,080 --> 00:18:34,170 saying that we never found right. And I don't know any, 276 00:18:34,500 --> 00:18:37,620 anything more than anybody else about that, really, except that 277 00:18:38,250 --> 00:18:42,870 from our interaction within the task force, we never saw them. 278 00:18:44,400 --> 00:18:46,620 John Greenewald: Before I get to the chief site, because I want 279 00:18:46,620 --> 00:18:48,810 to take you back to the Chief Scientist role and exactly 280 00:18:48,840 --> 00:18:52,050 exactly what you did with Jay. But one last question on all of 281 00:18:52,050 --> 00:18:55,260 that, if I may, it seems like going into this. And this is 282 00:18:55,410 --> 00:19:00,210 credit to you, that you had kind of the the data collecting 283 00:19:00,240 --> 00:19:04,530 mission to what you were doing. But also it kind of and correct 284 00:19:04,530 --> 00:19:08,220 me if I'm wrong, but like this myth busting, mission between 285 00:19:08,220 --> 00:19:13,680 you and Jay, whether it be this men and black kind of issue that 286 00:19:13,680 --> 00:19:16,830 you've heard about before, but also you had mentioned a couple 287 00:19:16,830 --> 00:19:21,180 minutes ago, about being highly cleared with all the work that 288 00:19:21,180 --> 00:19:25,620 you did, and started looking around for UFO slash alien 289 00:19:25,830 --> 00:19:29,280 extraterrestrial type programs, or anything like this and didn't 290 00:19:29,280 --> 00:19:33,060 find any. What does that tell you? Do you think that you were 291 00:19:33,060 --> 00:19:36,810 cleared enough to find those deep dark secret programs should 292 00:19:36,810 --> 00:19:41,280 they exist? And if you feel you were that cleared? Does it say 293 00:19:41,280 --> 00:19:42,660 something that you didn't find it? 294 00:19:42,960 --> 00:19:46,350 Dr. Travis Taylor: Yeah. So the National Defense Authorization 295 00:19:46,350 --> 00:19:54,180 Act, gave us the authority to go ask any service or agency in the 296 00:19:54,180 --> 00:19:56,610 federal government and ask them if they have a program and for 297 00:19:56,610 --> 00:20:01,680 them to tell us if this was them or not. And they And they always 298 00:20:01,680 --> 00:20:06,810 came back and said, This is not us. And so, as far as I can 299 00:20:06,810 --> 00:20:11,040 tell, there was no program. But now, there is a possibility that 300 00:20:11,040 --> 00:20:15,960 there were Special Access Programs that had an NDA that 301 00:20:15,960 --> 00:20:21,450 was so tight that they were they could have been afraid to 302 00:20:22,200 --> 00:20:26,640 discuss with anybody that didn't have that particular clearance. 303 00:20:26,640 --> 00:20:30,360 And the person who created that caveats, dad, so no new people 304 00:20:30,360 --> 00:20:34,710 will ever have that clearance. It's a very Raiders, the Lost 305 00:20:34,710 --> 00:20:38,190 Ark Ark of the Covenant in a lost warehouse kind of problem. 306 00:20:38,700 --> 00:20:42,270 And so that's what the whistleblower clause in the new 307 00:20:42,270 --> 00:20:45,630 NDA was all about. It's not about, you know, that we're, 308 00:20:45,660 --> 00:20:48,480 somebody's going to come tattle on somebody for doing something 309 00:20:48,480 --> 00:20:51,720 because they've been breaking the law, it's most likely that 310 00:20:51,720 --> 00:20:55,020 there might have been if there was, I don't know that there was 311 00:20:55,050 --> 00:20:59,850 a legacy program. That's what we call them legacy programs that 312 00:20:59,880 --> 00:21:03,600 had a classification that doesn't exist anymore. And the 313 00:21:03,600 --> 00:21:06,660 people who had the classification authority to 314 00:21:06,660 --> 00:21:09,570 create that they or give you the clearance to go into that 315 00:21:09,570 --> 00:21:13,410 program doesn't exist anymore. They're dead, right? Are They're 316 00:21:13,440 --> 00:21:17,940 long retired, nobody knows who it was. And so these people may 317 00:21:18,240 --> 00:21:20,850 have been read into these programs and worked on them. But 318 00:21:20,850 --> 00:21:23,790 they can't tell anybody, there's no way there's no legal 319 00:21:23,790 --> 00:21:26,580 mechanism for them to tell anybody because then they'll 320 00:21:26,580 --> 00:21:30,150 violate their their NDA, and they go to jail for a long time 321 00:21:30,150 --> 00:21:34,410 for doing that. And so that's what this new clause in the NDAA 322 00:21:34,410 --> 00:21:40,470 for 23 is supposed to be, is that it gives a protection to 323 00:21:40,470 --> 00:21:43,170 people who can come forward now that may have had those 324 00:21:43,170 --> 00:21:46,980 clearances, but didn't know how to carry it forward. Think about 325 00:21:47,010 --> 00:21:51,660 there's more many reasons for more than just us knowing if 326 00:21:51,660 --> 00:21:54,900 there is some information that was important in those 327 00:21:54,900 --> 00:21:58,200 classification programs, I'm sorry, if they existed, I don't 328 00:21:58,200 --> 00:22:00,810 know they existed. If they existed, you don't want to lose 329 00:22:00,810 --> 00:22:05,460 that information. Right, we need to have a way to, to capture it, 330 00:22:05,580 --> 00:22:10,140 store it maybe putting in a new classification, under a new 331 00:22:10,140 --> 00:22:13,200 program or something so that people that are alive and will 332 00:22:13,200 --> 00:22:16,500 live for a while will be able to know that it's there. And even 333 00:22:16,500 --> 00:22:19,290 if it needs to remain classified, there's a method 334 00:22:19,290 --> 00:22:22,890 methodology or a place to keep it. And if it doesn't need to 335 00:22:22,890 --> 00:22:25,170 still be classified, then there needs to be a method for 336 00:22:25,170 --> 00:22:29,280 releasing that information as well. And I'm sure you just gave 337 00:22:29,280 --> 00:22:33,360 me plenty of buzzwords put in your next for you. That yeah, 338 00:22:33,360 --> 00:22:33,840 no, no, 339 00:22:33,840 --> 00:22:36,420 John Greenewald: I, I'm frantically taking notes as we 340 00:22:36,420 --> 00:22:36,930 go here. 341 00:22:37,770 --> 00:22:39,600 Dr. Travis Taylor: I don't have to deal with them anymore, John, 342 00:22:41,280 --> 00:22:44,010 John Greenewald: with, with everything that you just said 343 00:22:44,010 --> 00:22:47,760 and your past and looking into this, I want to ask your quick 344 00:22:47,760 --> 00:22:50,790 thoughts on the people that have come out the whistleblowers that 345 00:22:50,790 --> 00:22:53,580 talk about these highly what would be highly classified 346 00:22:53,580 --> 00:22:58,260 issues, and you have a clearance I do not. Nor have I ever but 347 00:22:58,260 --> 00:23:00,540 I've been around the block enough to know that sometimes 348 00:23:00,540 --> 00:23:05,910 the mere idea of something is in of itself, a classified in 349 00:23:05,910 --> 00:23:10,680 nature thing to talk about. So, you know, it's it's a hard thing 350 00:23:10,680 --> 00:23:13,590 to kind of explain. But I finally got something in writing 351 00:23:13,590 --> 00:23:17,610 from the DIA recently, which I posted that that pretty much 352 00:23:17,610 --> 00:23:21,600 puts in black and white, that concept that the idea of 353 00:23:21,600 --> 00:23:24,360 something or the existence of something, even though they're 354 00:23:24,360 --> 00:23:27,540 not showing you the blueprints, the existence of something, in 355 00:23:27,540 --> 00:23:30,150 and of itself can actually be classified. So they give a 356 00:23:30,150 --> 00:23:35,040 Glomar. So my question is, with all these people that have come 357 00:23:35,040 --> 00:23:37,740 forward, whether it be Bob Lazar, or others that have been 358 00:23:37,740 --> 00:23:41,190 posted in the New York Times, I've talked about Dr. Eric Davis 359 00:23:41,190 --> 00:23:45,090 talking about offworld vehicles and, and stuff like that. All of 360 00:23:45,090 --> 00:23:48,240 that, in my mind would be highly classified in nature, yet 361 00:23:48,240 --> 00:23:51,570 nothing happens to those to those whistleblowers that are 362 00:23:51,570 --> 00:23:54,660 talking about what would likely be highly classified. Can I ask 363 00:23:54,660 --> 00:23:58,620 your thoughts on that? Do you believe there is weight to what 364 00:23:58,620 --> 00:24:02,670 the stories are being printed about Bob Lazar, Dr. Eric Davis, 365 00:24:02,880 --> 00:24:05,040 and so on, or do you have an issue with that? 366 00:24:06,930 --> 00:24:10,680 Dr. Travis Taylor: Well, I I have an issue with the whole Bob 367 00:24:10,680 --> 00:24:14,400 Lazar story. I think George Knapp is an amazing, you know, 368 00:24:14,400 --> 00:24:17,340 investigative journalist and mammon. Jeremy Corbyn, what 369 00:24:17,340 --> 00:24:21,870 they've done is amazing. But I think there's more to the Bob 370 00:24:21,870 --> 00:24:26,640 Lazar story than they understand our know and are willing to 371 00:24:26,640 --> 00:24:29,790 accept, I don't know the right way to say it. And I don't mean 372 00:24:29,790 --> 00:24:34,860 any disrespect to Georgia. Georgia is wonderful. What I 373 00:24:34,860 --> 00:24:40,020 mean by that is, perhaps there was something more going on, if 374 00:24:40,020 --> 00:24:44,970 Bob Lazar really was there, and then he understood what he was 375 00:24:44,970 --> 00:24:49,170 being exposed to. Right. My biggest concern with all this, 376 00:24:50,100 --> 00:24:53,940 how do you have a master's degree from, you know, one of 377 00:24:53,940 --> 00:24:58,110 the most prestigious schools and on the west coast in physics, 378 00:24:58,350 --> 00:25:02,310 and you didn't keep a copy of your diploma are, you know, 379 00:25:02,310 --> 00:25:04,890 physics departments are small, he would have remembered a 380 00:25:04,890 --> 00:25:09,180 physics professor he took for e&m to, or quantum or mechanics, 381 00:25:09,180 --> 00:25:12,780 or stat MC, or you name the course. And that professor, one 382 00:25:12,780 --> 00:25:15,420 of those professors would still be alive who could say, oh, 383 00:25:15,420 --> 00:25:18,600 yeah, Bob was in my class. But you know, there's no evidence 384 00:25:18,600 --> 00:25:21,330 that he can point to that even has a master's degree in 385 00:25:21,330 --> 00:25:27,120 physics, other than Him saying some physics see words. And then 386 00:25:28,080 --> 00:25:30,570 that, you know, there's the phone book in his in his W two 387 00:25:30,570 --> 00:25:33,300 form, or whatever it was, or 1099, for you or for him, it was 388 00:25:33,300 --> 00:25:36,480 he said, they got paid from there. Maybe he was maybe he did 389 00:25:36,480 --> 00:25:42,750 do some laboratory work there. But I just, I have a real hard 390 00:25:42,750 --> 00:25:47,250 time with the credibility of that story. Not saying it didn't 391 00:25:47,250 --> 00:25:50,490 happen, but I just have a hard time with it. Now, on the other 392 00:25:50,490 --> 00:25:55,530 hand, Well, Eric, I know Eric, very well, Eric is Eric is a 393 00:25:55,530 --> 00:26:01,080 super genius. He's brilliant. And he's been exposed to 394 00:26:01,080 --> 00:26:04,290 something he spends a lot of time at Skinwalker Ranch. Now, 395 00:26:04,290 --> 00:26:06,660 before I went to Skinwalker Ranch myself, I thought most of 396 00:26:06,660 --> 00:26:11,640 the stuff he said was crazy. But I can tell you, I will tell you 397 00:26:11,640 --> 00:26:19,410 this, Eric has a tendency to accept and believe stories from 398 00:26:19,620 --> 00:26:24,060 pseudo credible because of where they come from, then he 399 00:26:24,060 --> 00:26:26,520 accidentally assumes what they're telling him as a 400 00:26:26,520 --> 00:26:29,820 credible story without getting the back background data to 401 00:26:29,820 --> 00:26:35,790 prove their story. Like if I told Eric, that, you know, there 402 00:26:35,790 --> 00:26:38,880 were aliens on the moon, Eric will probably believe me. Right. 403 00:26:38,880 --> 00:26:41,880 And I don't mean that as a discredit to Eric, Eric is a 404 00:26:42,120 --> 00:26:45,390 he's trustworthy, very, very trustworthy of people that he 405 00:26:45,390 --> 00:26:53,640 trusts. So I think what Eric needs to do is, is find a better 406 00:26:53,640 --> 00:26:58,320 way to show proof than simply the stories. That's why I don't 407 00:26:58,320 --> 00:27:03,660 like to get into, you know, the story, you know, I'll tell 408 00:27:03,690 --> 00:27:06,420 sometimes some of the stories of things that happen, even they 409 00:27:06,420 --> 00:27:10,080 sound crazy, but then I'll say, sounds crazy. And I can't prove 410 00:27:10,080 --> 00:27:14,340 it to you. Because I don't have any sensor data or anything, say 411 00:27:14,340 --> 00:27:17,970 it really happened. So I don't expect you to believe it. And so 412 00:27:17,970 --> 00:27:21,360 unless I have the data, and that's what I want to focus on, 413 00:27:21,630 --> 00:27:28,980 is we have data and all sorts of data of UAP UFO phenomena, that 414 00:27:28,980 --> 00:27:33,240 is hard science measurement data that can't be refuted, that 415 00:27:33,240 --> 00:27:36,270 needs to be investigated much, much further and much in much 416 00:27:36,270 --> 00:27:38,550 more detail. Does that answer your question? Does that help 417 00:27:38,550 --> 00:27:38,850 you? 418 00:27:38,880 --> 00:27:40,890 John Greenewald: Yes, it does. And I want to get into that data 419 00:27:40,890 --> 00:27:43,590 right now. But before I do I know, I will get a ton of hate 420 00:27:43,590 --> 00:27:46,200 mail. If I don't ask you this question. I don't want to spend 421 00:27:46,200 --> 00:27:48,930 a lot of time on it. But since we brought him up, and we're 422 00:27:48,930 --> 00:27:52,260 talking about Dr. Eric Davis, you're familiar with the Wilson 423 00:27:52,260 --> 00:27:57,720 Davis notes? Yeah. depict real events or not, what is your 424 00:27:57,720 --> 00:27:58,140 opinion? 425 00:28:00,870 --> 00:28:03,330 Dr. Travis Taylor: I don't I don't want to say that they did 426 00:28:03,330 --> 00:28:07,650 or didn't happen? Because I don't know. They seem fantastic. 427 00:28:07,830 --> 00:28:13,530 Right. But there's the notes aren't scientific evidence. 428 00:28:13,560 --> 00:28:18,750 They're just data. And so it's, that's the problem with a lot of 429 00:28:18,750 --> 00:28:21,480 the whistleblower testimony is there's not going to be a 430 00:28:21,480 --> 00:28:25,140 smoking gun box somewhere that we can go point to and say, 431 00:28:25,140 --> 00:28:28,710 Here's the evidence that backs up my story. And we really got 432 00:28:28,710 --> 00:28:32,520 to be able to find a pathway to that warehouse where the Ark of 433 00:28:32,520 --> 00:28:35,640 the Covenant is, right. I mean, that's kind of the hard problem 434 00:28:35,640 --> 00:28:36,270 that we're in. 435 00:28:37,440 --> 00:28:39,120 John Greenewald: And let's go back now to the data that you 436 00:28:39,120 --> 00:28:42,270 were talking about, when you're talking about the hardcore data 437 00:28:42,270 --> 00:28:45,330 that just really hasn't been, I'm not putting words in your 438 00:28:45,330 --> 00:28:48,150 mouth. But I think you said like adequately explained or 439 00:28:48,150 --> 00:28:51,870 addressed. Is that from your work as as, as chief scientist 440 00:28:51,870 --> 00:28:53,520 in the UAP Task Force or prior? 441 00:28:54,690 --> 00:28:58,620 Dr. Travis Taylor: Um, I'd say it's from my work period. Okay. 442 00:28:58,860 --> 00:29:04,770 So, yeah, so of all time, there's a lot of hard scientific 443 00:29:04,770 --> 00:29:08,400 measurement data that we take in a Skinwalker Ranch, there was a 444 00:29:08,400 --> 00:29:11,430 lot of there was so much data that we had at the task force, I 445 00:29:11,430 --> 00:29:14,100 couldn't even look at all of it. And the worst part about it, 446 00:29:14,400 --> 00:29:16,590 just to be honest, John, and there's a lot of people saying, 447 00:29:16,830 --> 00:29:19,980 you know, we were incompetent, we couldn't do this or that. But 448 00:29:20,310 --> 00:29:25,110 you know, I joined the task force in 2019 in like May, June, 449 00:29:25,110 --> 00:29:29,220 something like that. And and then guess what happened about 450 00:29:29,220 --> 00:29:35,190 six months later, the world shut down, because the COVID and the 451 00:29:35,220 --> 00:29:39,390 in the DoD shut down, shut down travel unless it was like a, you 452 00:29:39,390 --> 00:29:43,410 know, a shooting mission requirements. And I mean, 453 00:29:43,410 --> 00:29:47,250 literally, like if it wasn't in some extreme Operational 454 00:29:47,250 --> 00:29:51,450 Requirement, there was no travel. And so it the problem 455 00:29:51,450 --> 00:29:54,900 with most of the data that we got on the task force was they 456 00:29:54,900 --> 00:29:59,610 came from sensors on different military systems and each one of 457 00:29:59,610 --> 00:30:02,370 those had different classification. Some of them 458 00:30:02,370 --> 00:30:05,610 were Special Access Programs, some of them were T SSDI. Some 459 00:30:05,610 --> 00:30:07,980 of them were this, that and the other thing, and you can't put 460 00:30:07,980 --> 00:30:11,460 that data on the same computer systems. So there were times So 461 00:30:11,460 --> 00:30:15,870 Jay and I had a way for me here in Alabama to go into a skiff 462 00:30:15,870 --> 00:30:19,830 that had a video conferencing system. And and J had one in his 463 00:30:19,830 --> 00:30:23,760 office. And a lot of times, he would get one of those other 464 00:30:24,030 --> 00:30:29,010 computers, and play the video on a different screen and point the 465 00:30:29,010 --> 00:30:31,920 camera at it. So I can look at it just to witness. And that was 466 00:30:31,920 --> 00:30:36,660 the best we could do during COVID. Now, he could send me 467 00:30:36,660 --> 00:30:39,180 hard copies of things in print or screen captures and that 468 00:30:39,180 --> 00:30:44,070 stuff. And, and that's that's the way we did the analysis 469 00:30:44,070 --> 00:30:46,920 during COVID. And keep in mind, they only let me go in the 470 00:30:46,920 --> 00:30:51,360 building one day a week, during during for two years affected 471 00:30:51,360 --> 00:30:58,320 him. So COVID Put a big damper on what we were doing. And but 472 00:30:59,190 --> 00:31:04,980 we did have a lot of data. And when we said I said in the final 473 00:31:04,980 --> 00:31:09,210 report that we released, that there was 143 that we couldn't 474 00:31:09,210 --> 00:31:13,740 explain out of 144. And that's not made up. I mean, we had 475 00:31:14,070 --> 00:31:18,450 either, you know, like radar or EOIR sensor captures images, 476 00:31:18,930 --> 00:31:22,950 video, we most of them were backed up with a pilot or a 477 00:31:22,950 --> 00:31:27,120 WIZO. Say, and they saw it or they saw at least the date on 478 00:31:27,120 --> 00:31:29,520 thing. They took a picture of their cell phone or something 479 00:31:29,520 --> 00:31:34,830 like that. And and so that may have been all we had. And when 480 00:31:34,830 --> 00:31:37,740 if that's all you've got, I mean, what's your next step? Our 481 00:31:37,740 --> 00:31:41,280 next steps were we told Congress, we needed this much 482 00:31:41,280 --> 00:31:44,970 money to go do these experiments and try and get more detailed, 483 00:31:44,970 --> 00:31:52,650 hard data. So the the hypsi and the CDC did put into the law 484 00:31:52,650 --> 00:31:57,390 that there should be budget. But the Appropriations Committee 485 00:31:57,420 --> 00:32:02,790 never appropriated the funds. We always worked 100% on existing 486 00:32:03,360 --> 00:32:07,230 funds on loan from our parent organization like the army 487 00:32:07,230 --> 00:32:11,370 loaned me to Jay during that timeframe and still paid my 488 00:32:11,370 --> 00:32:14,430 salary and complained about it the whole time. Because I wasn't 489 00:32:14,430 --> 00:32:16,380 bringing in the other money that I was supposed to be getting to 490 00:32:16,380 --> 00:32:20,400 pay for my salary. Because it was never appropriate. And so 491 00:32:20,400 --> 00:32:24,480 there were a lot of issues as to why a lot of things, there 492 00:32:24,480 --> 00:32:32,040 wasn't more guts to the report that was laced. And it was there 493 00:32:32,040 --> 00:32:35,460 was much more to it than that. But that was what was, you know, 494 00:32:35,580 --> 00:32:37,140 filtered down for the general public 495 00:32:37,830 --> 00:32:41,190 John Greenewald: drilling and even deeper to you to Dr. 496 00:32:41,190 --> 00:32:44,220 Taylor, what was the most convincing data that you were 497 00:32:44,220 --> 00:32:48,060 seeing that made you realize, oh, my gosh, we have to get more 498 00:32:48,060 --> 00:32:51,360 funding? We have to look at this what were what was it visual? 499 00:32:51,390 --> 00:32:55,350 Was it was a testimony what what was it Data Wise, that was 500 00:32:55,350 --> 00:32:57,030 telling you there's something to this? 501 00:32:57,450 --> 00:33:00,420 Dr. Travis Taylor: Well, it was it was two things actually, they 502 00:33:00,420 --> 00:33:03,780 were sort of they were parallel pads, I was seeing the same 503 00:33:03,780 --> 00:33:06,900 things at Skinwalker Ranch and making detailed measurements 504 00:33:06,900 --> 00:33:10,680 with multiple sensors, gamma ray detection, microwave detection, 505 00:33:11,790 --> 00:33:15,480 infrared detection, visible and multiple witnesses having 506 00:33:15,480 --> 00:33:19,680 physiological effects when these things were occurring, and 507 00:33:19,680 --> 00:33:23,880 hearing similar things while on the other side of the fence with 508 00:33:23,880 --> 00:33:31,170 my Task Force hat on. And that led me to realize that you know, 509 00:33:31,200 --> 00:33:36,750 this has to be much more detailed and looked into and I 510 00:33:36,750 --> 00:33:40,710 tell you since I'm talking about it's publicly released is the 511 00:33:40,710 --> 00:33:44,070 gimbal video has so much data in it that people don't realize is 512 00:33:44,070 --> 00:33:48,450 there. There is all the little words and numbers on the screen 513 00:33:48,450 --> 00:33:52,860 mean stuff. They mean a lot of things. I've done detailed 514 00:33:52,860 --> 00:33:57,450 analysis of this I've we breached this to various levels 515 00:33:57,450 --> 00:34:00,780 that we debrief it to senators and congressmen we briefed it a 516 00:34:00,780 --> 00:34:05,760 bunch of places, but it's not a glare as some deep bunkers would 517 00:34:05,760 --> 00:34:10,620 have you believe it's not a an airplane 80 miles away or 518 00:34:10,650 --> 00:34:14,790 however far it was they say it's gonna be and, and it truly is 519 00:34:14,790 --> 00:34:17,490 the vehicle making these turns is not an artifact of the 520 00:34:17,490 --> 00:34:22,860 Raytheon at FLIR and a while it's really interesting, I see 521 00:34:22,860 --> 00:34:29,730 so many people taking such hard efforts to debunk as opposed to 522 00:34:29,730 --> 00:34:33,000 just do analysis and report the analysis. And I wonder what is 523 00:34:33,000 --> 00:34:37,320 behind that? Is it a personal motivation? A religious 524 00:34:37,320 --> 00:34:40,770 motivation, a political motivation, and economic 525 00:34:40,770 --> 00:34:43,290 motivation? I don't know. And I can tell you right now, John, 526 00:34:43,290 --> 00:34:47,580 and you can attest to this because you worked in TV. The TV 527 00:34:47,580 --> 00:34:52,350 wasn't an economic motivation. I was doing I'm still working my 528 00:34:52,350 --> 00:34:54,180 day job for a reason, right? Yeah. 529 00:34:54,750 --> 00:34:56,340 John Greenewald: Yeah, you're not gonna get rich off of being 530 00:34:56,340 --> 00:34:59,610 off of being on TV. I can tell everybody that I've always tried 531 00:34:59,610 --> 00:35:03,360 to dispel Have that myth for for many years? To go back to kind 532 00:35:03,360 --> 00:35:07,350 of the debunker question, I kind of have a couple that are folded 533 00:35:07,350 --> 00:35:12,720 in here. But my name comes up to you a lot. As I say, sadly, 534 00:35:12,720 --> 00:35:16,290 because a lot of it is misconstrued. I know, Stephen 535 00:35:16,290 --> 00:35:20,310 Green Street is another one that you get asked about a lot, Mick 536 00:35:20,310 --> 00:35:23,100 West, obviously more of the video analysis and the gimbal. 537 00:35:23,670 --> 00:35:26,250 And I think that there's just kind of this misconception 538 00:35:26,250 --> 00:35:30,060 between people that that have these varying levels of 539 00:35:30,060 --> 00:35:35,190 skepticism. The first part of my question is, I mean, do you 540 00:35:35,190 --> 00:35:40,410 really think that there is a underlying motivation for them? 541 00:35:40,410 --> 00:35:43,620 I mean, I guess the same could be said, if you're on TV, you're 542 00:35:43,620 --> 00:35:46,710 not making a lot of money. So I support you there. But when you 543 00:35:46,710 --> 00:35:50,370 say economic motivation, I don't see Mick west or Steven Green 544 00:35:50,370 --> 00:35:54,030 Street really making a whole lot of money from this either. Yeah. 545 00:35:54,030 --> 00:35:54,630 So 546 00:35:54,660 --> 00:35:57,090 Dr. Travis Taylor: unless they've had a sugar daddy of 547 00:35:57,090 --> 00:36:00,150 somehow pumping money into it, I don't see that either. Right. 548 00:36:00,870 --> 00:36:03,510 John Greenewald: No, and that's what I want to ask you. Like, do 549 00:36:03,510 --> 00:36:06,030 you? Do you feel that that that's a possibility? Because I 550 00:36:06,030 --> 00:36:09,390 don't just full disclosure, but I want you to be able to address 551 00:36:09,390 --> 00:36:13,650 that too. Because do you feel that there's some other entity 552 00:36:13,650 --> 00:36:15,360 that's pumping money and funding it? 553 00:36:16,020 --> 00:36:18,690 Dr. Travis Taylor: See, that's I don't I that's the that's a 554 00:36:18,690 --> 00:36:21,390 question. I mean, I'm asking that as a question. I don't 555 00:36:21,390 --> 00:36:24,840 know. I'm asking what is that motivation? Because to me, 556 00:36:24,840 --> 00:36:29,010 that's an important thing, either either to socio logical 557 00:36:29,010 --> 00:36:32,880 Kurt, cultural phenomena, that people are just motivated for 558 00:36:32,880 --> 00:36:36,060 some reason to go in. And they can't, like, we can't have 559 00:36:36,060 --> 00:36:39,720 aliens, or we can't have UFOs. They're not real. They can't be 560 00:36:39,720 --> 00:36:42,540 so I'm gonna go show that it's not what's driving that 561 00:36:42,540 --> 00:36:47,040 emotionally? Or, or is it eco? Usually people do things for 562 00:36:47,040 --> 00:36:51,330 power, money or emotional gratification, right? And so, 563 00:36:51,780 --> 00:36:55,860 where in those three, does it fit? And is? Is it just purely 564 00:36:56,010 --> 00:37:00,300 emotional gratification? If it is, that's a fantastic and 565 00:37:00,300 --> 00:37:04,410 staggering phenomena. You know? That's honestly, it's why I'm 566 00:37:04,410 --> 00:37:06,900 doing what I'm doing. And I'm sure it's why you're doing what 567 00:37:06,900 --> 00:37:07,980 you're doing. Right. 568 00:37:09,000 --> 00:37:11,760 John Greenewald: So let me let me ask you, then, because I 569 00:37:11,760 --> 00:37:15,510 don't know, on your end, what kind of analysis and we'll stick 570 00:37:15,510 --> 00:37:18,450 with the gimbal. Because you brought it up. And I agree with 571 00:37:18,450 --> 00:37:20,760 you, there's a lot of data points that are visible there, 572 00:37:20,850 --> 00:37:22,980 none of which I understand because they go way over my 573 00:37:22,980 --> 00:37:26,430 head. So I stay out of the analysis. So I've got no skin in 574 00:37:26,430 --> 00:37:30,750 this game. But my but my question is, on your on your 575 00:37:30,750 --> 00:37:34,290 side, right on the government side, on the analysis side, uj. 576 00:37:34,620 --> 00:37:37,380 And the task force, which by the way, really quick, how many 577 00:37:37,380 --> 00:37:40,200 people were in the in the task force? Can you say that we're 578 00:37:40,200 --> 00:37:40,800 kind of working? 579 00:37:41,070 --> 00:37:44,130 Dr. Travis Taylor: So So keep in mind, what I said earlier, is 580 00:37:44,130 --> 00:37:47,880 that there was never any funds appropriated. And so there were 581 00:37:47,880 --> 00:37:52,020 people on loan from almost every service and every agency that 582 00:37:52,020 --> 00:37:55,830 were part of this task force. So what are there like 18 Different 583 00:37:55,830 --> 00:37:58,740 agencies in the intelligence community, and every one of them 584 00:37:58,740 --> 00:38:01,830 was represented in some form or fashion and some others, and and 585 00:38:01,830 --> 00:38:04,440 the ones who didn't have an active participant were briefed 586 00:38:04,440 --> 00:38:06,330 and said, Oh, that's great. I don't know what to do with it, 587 00:38:06,330 --> 00:38:09,450 though. I mean, we briefed the NASA administrator, the previous 588 00:38:09,450 --> 00:38:13,230 one. And we briefed the White House Chief scientists, we bring 589 00:38:13,230 --> 00:38:20,760 I mean, we briefed everybody. And so it's a, you know, we had 590 00:38:20,760 --> 00:38:25,110 we had meetings, Jay would call it happy hour, at least once a 591 00:38:25,110 --> 00:38:28,860 week. And we would do one when we could we would do them in a 592 00:38:28,860 --> 00:38:31,170 classified setting. And when we couldn't, we would do them on 593 00:38:31,410 --> 00:38:34,830 like a team setting. But keep it unclassified just to do kind of 594 00:38:34,830 --> 00:38:37,530 logistics and keep up with everybody. And there was always 595 00:38:37,530 --> 00:38:42,450 10 or 15 people on those, you know, conversations. So there 596 00:38:42,450 --> 00:38:46,710 were there was enough people looking at the problem that, you 597 00:38:46,710 --> 00:38:51,930 know, had we been truly, given the momentum to go forward, we 598 00:38:51,930 --> 00:38:53,910 were going to get to the end of the frog gave me a perfect 599 00:38:53,910 --> 00:38:59,220 example. There are there I was about to just before COVID, I 600 00:38:59,220 --> 00:39:04,110 was scheduled to go do the dunk tank training to become a 601 00:39:04,140 --> 00:39:07,380 payload specialist on a particular aircraft, I had all 602 00:39:07,380 --> 00:39:10,260 sorts of sensors in it, and we were gonna go and fly around 603 00:39:10,260 --> 00:39:14,940 certain hotspot areas and look for a data. But COVID knocked 604 00:39:14,940 --> 00:39:18,450 that out out of the out of the words. And there was a lot of 605 00:39:18,450 --> 00:39:23,430 things like that, that we just never, in the three years I was 606 00:39:23,430 --> 00:39:27,270 there, we never had the funding to move forward. We had the 607 00:39:27,270 --> 00:39:29,970 authority, but never the funding. And you could have the 608 00:39:29,970 --> 00:39:31,860 authority all day long. You don't have the money to do it, 609 00:39:31,860 --> 00:39:33,270 you're not gonna go forward and do much 610 00:39:33,840 --> 00:39:35,760 John Greenewald: in regard. I'm glad for that explanation. So 611 00:39:35,760 --> 00:39:38,640 thank you, I found a document with the NRO that had never 612 00:39:38,910 --> 00:39:41,820 really been revealed before not only the document, but the 613 00:39:41,850 --> 00:39:46,320 concept of a UAP Task Force advisory board. And I'm guessing 614 00:39:46,320 --> 00:39:48,150 that that's what you're referring to is that 615 00:39:48,270 --> 00:39:51,420 collectively they had all these people on loan. So very cool to 616 00:39:51,420 --> 00:39:54,330 get your your side of the perspective on that, because I 617 00:39:54,330 --> 00:39:57,120 want to go back to that gimbal question that I wanted to ask 618 00:39:57,120 --> 00:40:02,490 you to give everybody including myself In the background to what 619 00:40:02,490 --> 00:40:07,290 analysis or how you guys do the analysis, again, taking the the 620 00:40:07,290 --> 00:40:09,990 gimbal video, for example, because what Mick West does, 621 00:40:09,990 --> 00:40:15,870 obviously is more apparent to us, right? I mean, we can see it 622 00:40:15,900 --> 00:40:19,380 the general public, I mean, but we can't see what you guys did. 623 00:40:19,560 --> 00:40:22,560 So so how much detail can you give us on what you do to 624 00:40:22,560 --> 00:40:25,890 analyze that video? Who was involved? And what conclusions 625 00:40:25,890 --> 00:40:28,170 did you guys come up with on that specific video? 626 00:40:28,590 --> 00:40:32,130 Dr. Travis Taylor: Well, I've spoken with Mick West about this 627 00:40:32,160 --> 00:40:35,670 not not voiced a voice, but texting or email or whatever a 628 00:40:35,670 --> 00:40:40,260 few times. And I gotta say, make those very thorough work. And I 629 00:40:40,260 --> 00:40:43,620 got nothing bad to say about him. Except I'm just curious as 630 00:40:43,620 --> 00:40:47,760 to what his motivation is, you know, and I'm not saying it's 631 00:40:47,760 --> 00:40:51,120 nefarious, I don't want anybody to people go on Twitter, you 632 00:40:51,120 --> 00:40:54,450 follow Twitter and go crazy with that stuff. And that's why I 633 00:40:54,450 --> 00:41:00,210 don't go on there much is because it's so toxic. But so 634 00:41:00,570 --> 00:41:05,100 the first thing we don't do is throw any data out. And one of 635 00:41:05,100 --> 00:41:08,370 the first things that, you know, Mick says in his video about the 636 00:41:08,370 --> 00:41:12,270 gamble is we're going to not listen to the audio. We're not 637 00:41:12,270 --> 00:41:14,340 going to you know, we don't, we're not going to talk about 638 00:41:14,340 --> 00:41:17,760 the radar that they talk about, they're seeing that things on 639 00:41:17,760 --> 00:41:20,370 the situational awareness radar. And so what he's doing right, 640 00:41:20,370 --> 00:41:25,440 there's taking to witness sensors out, immediately. He's 641 00:41:25,440 --> 00:41:29,250 taking the pilot and WIZO sensors out themselves. He's 642 00:41:29,250 --> 00:41:32,790 taking those situational awareness radar, who, which 643 00:41:32,790 --> 00:41:37,770 detected a whole fleet of these things. And, and then what he 644 00:41:37,770 --> 00:41:41,550 doesn't point out was that that situational awareness radar 645 00:41:41,910 --> 00:41:49,980 slaved the FLIR to what it was detecting, and and slewed it to 646 00:41:50,040 --> 00:41:55,200 the gimbal object. So it couldn't be a lens flare only, 647 00:41:55,260 --> 00:41:59,700 or an object of the of the sensor, if the radar was picking 648 00:41:59,700 --> 00:42:01,800 it up and telling you that it was I Oh, no, it was an airplane 649 00:42:01,800 --> 00:42:07,320 80 miles away. Well, no, if it were an airplane, that FLIR 650 00:42:07,320 --> 00:42:11,040 apertures about that big around, and at that distance you would 651 00:42:11,040 --> 00:42:16,320 have had one pixel would be about the size of a car. So you, 652 00:42:16,680 --> 00:42:20,430 you know, a 747 would have had three or four or five pixels at 653 00:42:20,430 --> 00:42:24,570 best on target. And this gimbal video has plenty of scent of 654 00:42:24,690 --> 00:42:28,470 pixels on the target. So there's a lot of things that aren't 655 00:42:28,470 --> 00:42:33,510 brought to, to light there. And then there's, there's a whole 656 00:42:33,510 --> 00:42:36,930 lot of other steps. And we went and interviewed the people 657 00:42:36,930 --> 00:42:41,850 involved. We went and looked for any other instrumentation data 658 00:42:41,850 --> 00:42:46,680 that if there were we couldn't talk about anyway. But the point 659 00:42:46,680 --> 00:42:52,080 is, there were there is a lot more data than just what is in 660 00:42:52,080 --> 00:42:56,010 the videos that are there. And and, and again, I talked to you 661 00:42:56,010 --> 00:42:59,940 about it earlier about why you can't declassify some of those 662 00:42:59,940 --> 00:43:05,370 things I get? Well, I'll just point out if every sensor, for 663 00:43:05,370 --> 00:43:11,250 example, on on f 22 is classified, I mean everything. 664 00:43:11,520 --> 00:43:16,530 And so you can't even reveal a picture from one of those 665 00:43:16,530 --> 00:43:20,190 sensors because it would tell our enemy, what capabilities 666 00:43:20,190 --> 00:43:23,940 that sensor has. Right? And so it will remain classified 667 00:43:23,970 --> 00:43:28,350 forever, or at least until the F 22 is obsolete, right? And 668 00:43:28,350 --> 00:43:30,870 that's why people say why aren't there more data about the 669 00:43:30,930 --> 00:43:36,120 underwater things? Well, every single sensor on a on a nuclear 670 00:43:36,120 --> 00:43:40,590 submarine, everything on it is classified. And so you're never 671 00:43:40,590 --> 00:43:44,430 going to get see that data until those technologies are obsolete 672 00:43:44,430 --> 00:43:49,410 and no longer useful against our near peers. So that's kind of 673 00:43:49,410 --> 00:43:52,890 the situation we're in this model often for coming to the 674 00:43:52,890 --> 00:43:55,440 conclusions they do they but they're not using all the data. 675 00:43:55,830 --> 00:43:57,720 John Greenewald: And that's what I wanted to follow up with. So 676 00:43:57,720 --> 00:44:00,960 you're safe to say and you likely can't give details but 677 00:44:00,960 --> 00:44:04,140 safe to say like with the gimbal and all these other incidents, 678 00:44:04,170 --> 00:44:06,690 that there are additional datasets that you guys can look 679 00:44:06,690 --> 00:44:10,830 at working in the classified world versus us getting a leaked 680 00:44:10,830 --> 00:44:14,730 video later officially released, but very little data other than 681 00:44:14,730 --> 00:44:17,100 the on screen display and the voices. 682 00:44:17,640 --> 00:44:21,060 Dr. Travis Taylor: Yeah, that's, that's, that's, I would say that 683 00:44:21,060 --> 00:44:26,400 is a good explanation. But I would also say there's data in 684 00:44:26,400 --> 00:44:29,580 that gimbal video that that has been stripped away from the 685 00:44:29,580 --> 00:44:33,270 analysis that shouldn't be done even just from a white world 686 00:44:33,390 --> 00:44:34,770 open world analysis. 687 00:44:35,700 --> 00:44:37,410 John Greenewald: The witnesses themselves like the 688 00:44:37,410 --> 00:44:39,810 Dr. Travis Taylor: witnesses and the situation awareness radar, 689 00:44:39,990 --> 00:44:43,290 and understanding what each of those little letters means on 690 00:44:43,290 --> 00:44:46,050 the on the thing and what it's telling you that the radar and 691 00:44:46,050 --> 00:44:50,070 the LIDAR system and the and the infrared system were doing. They 692 00:44:50,070 --> 00:44:54,750 were they were working together and tracking this thing. And 693 00:44:54,990 --> 00:44:59,940 it's so it's it's a there's something more to this. It's not 694 00:45:00,000 --> 00:45:05,010 easily explained away or debunked. And what I would like 695 00:45:05,010 --> 00:45:09,480 to see, instead of this toxic head butting that you have on 696 00:45:09,480 --> 00:45:14,220 the, it can't be a UFOs. It has to be balloons and drones and 697 00:45:14,220 --> 00:45:18,330 swamp gas, or whatever is for that to go away and for everyone 698 00:45:18,570 --> 00:45:24,330 to, you know, compare notes. And to and to work this problem 699 00:45:24,480 --> 00:45:27,120 with, you know, two heads are better than one in many cases. 700 00:45:27,420 --> 00:45:30,930 And instead of toxically going after it, you know, my grandma, 701 00:45:30,930 --> 00:45:34,500 you say You catch more flies with honey than vinegar. And I 702 00:45:34,500 --> 00:45:39,690 think the UFO community is full of vinegar. At least, 703 00:45:40,320 --> 00:45:42,660 John Greenewald: that's an understatement. But I know I 704 00:45:42,660 --> 00:45:46,680 agree with you there. I want to talk about how that that kind of 705 00:45:46,680 --> 00:45:49,050 community works since you're now in the private sector. But 706 00:45:49,050 --> 00:45:55,530 before I do, are you able to give us one specific incident 707 00:45:56,670 --> 00:46:01,800 that you saw working within the task force that really stuck out 708 00:46:01,800 --> 00:46:06,030 to you is something that is unexplainable, and maybe not our 709 00:46:06,030 --> 00:46:08,280 technology or a foreign adversary, but something else 710 00:46:08,280 --> 00:46:10,200 did? Did something like that occur for you? 711 00:46:10,230 --> 00:46:13,110 Dr. Travis Taylor: I can tell you it did occur, John, but what 712 00:46:13,110 --> 00:46:18,300 I can also tell you is that we're firmly held to our NDA is 713 00:46:18,300 --> 00:46:21,360 that if it hasn't been released to the public, as from the 714 00:46:21,360 --> 00:46:25,320 government not leaked, I mean, released from the government to 715 00:46:25,320 --> 00:46:28,440 the public, then we're not supposed to, we can't talk about 716 00:46:28,440 --> 00:46:28,590 it. 717 00:46:29,040 --> 00:46:32,310 John Greenewald: Gotcha. And you mentioned the leaks. I'm not 718 00:46:32,310 --> 00:46:34,620 sure how much I can ask you about this. But one thing that 719 00:46:34,650 --> 00:46:38,550 always kind of fascinated me was the run up to the report from 720 00:46:38,550 --> 00:46:42,960 last year, there were like these, these multiple leaks of 721 00:46:42,960 --> 00:46:46,350 photographs. And, and they, you know, they came out kind of 722 00:46:46,350 --> 00:46:49,620 leading up and it was like leaking like a sieve from the 723 00:46:49,620 --> 00:46:54,720 inside. And these data came out. Can you address any of that on 724 00:46:54,720 --> 00:46:57,420 what came out? Why you think it came out? And 725 00:46:57,480 --> 00:46:59,760 Dr. Travis Taylor: well, I can tell you, it didn't come from 726 00:46:59,760 --> 00:47:03,240 anybody on the task force. But what I can tell you is when we 727 00:47:03,240 --> 00:47:05,760 would go and do these briefings, we carried packets of the 728 00:47:05,760 --> 00:47:09,000 briefing, you're marked with the right classifications and and 729 00:47:09,000 --> 00:47:12,270 left him with trusted agents, whether they be congressional 730 00:47:12,270 --> 00:47:15,390 staffers or whether he you name it, I don't know who they were. 731 00:47:15,510 --> 00:47:17,850 And I don't know who they briefed after that, either 732 00:47:17,880 --> 00:47:20,280 following that, but I can tell you that nobody on the task 733 00:47:20,280 --> 00:47:23,580 force to my knowledge had anything to do with any leaks. 734 00:47:23,850 --> 00:47:29,340 And so wherever these things came from somebody besides us, 735 00:47:29,460 --> 00:47:34,920 show them things if that's if they if they were, you know, you 736 00:47:34,920 --> 00:47:38,220 know, our documents, but I, you know, and again, I can't talk 737 00:47:38,220 --> 00:47:44,460 about if they were real or not real. You no documents unless 738 00:47:44,460 --> 00:47:47,040 the government has released that publicly. 739 00:47:47,070 --> 00:47:48,990 John Greenewald: Well, that was and that was the interesting 740 00:47:48,990 --> 00:47:51,900 thing that fascinated me was that they did, they went in and 741 00:47:51,900 --> 00:47:55,530 in some cases, it was very quick where Pentagon spokespeople 742 00:47:55,530 --> 00:47:58,770 would come out Susan Goff namely, and said, yes, these 743 00:47:58,770 --> 00:48:01,620 were utilized by the UAP Task Force, but I could never get 744 00:48:01,620 --> 00:48:05,550 them to to put in writing if they were considered 745 00:48:05,580 --> 00:48:09,030 unidentified or not. Now putting the pieces of the puzzle 746 00:48:09,030 --> 00:48:12,660 together, the report comes out, they were only able to identify 747 00:48:12,660 --> 00:48:17,130 one which they claimed was a deflating balloon. But that was 748 00:48:17,130 --> 00:48:19,590 it. The rest were unidentified. So again, putting two and two 749 00:48:19,590 --> 00:48:22,350 together, if it was utilized by the task force, and the task 750 00:48:22,350 --> 00:48:26,970 force report said All but one were were unidentified, then I 751 00:48:26,970 --> 00:48:29,340 would think at that time, it would be safe to say they're on 752 00:48:29,340 --> 00:48:32,790 identified. The one that I wanted to bring up to you not 753 00:48:32,790 --> 00:48:35,550 sure if you can talk about it is the infamous, I'm going to do 754 00:48:35,550 --> 00:48:38,640 the air quotes of the green pyramids that were, you know, 755 00:48:38,640 --> 00:48:45,030 just kind of torn apart online. Can you talk to that at all? 756 00:48:45,030 --> 00:48:49,380 Because I have heard you talk I think about triangle shaped 757 00:48:49,890 --> 00:48:52,410 craft and I think that you were talking about this, but I want 758 00:48:52,410 --> 00:48:55,200 to make sure. Can you talk about that footage at all? 759 00:48:55,290 --> 00:48:57,240 Dr. Travis Taylor: Yeah, what I can talk about on that is, you 760 00:48:57,240 --> 00:48:59,520 know, just from a public analysis of the publicly 761 00:48:59,520 --> 00:49:06,300 released the video, you know, the so funny, somebody must have 762 00:49:06,300 --> 00:49:13,950 said the words Bo K to some program manager or our non 763 00:49:13,950 --> 00:49:16,830 scientist guy, and they latched on to it and with Oh, it's a 764 00:49:16,830 --> 00:49:19,770 bokeh effect is clearly a photography bokeh effect thing. 765 00:49:20,040 --> 00:49:24,420 Well, so bouquet is just a Japanese word that basically 766 00:49:24,420 --> 00:49:30,000 means blurry, right? And the bouquet effect is if you have a 767 00:49:30,000 --> 00:49:33,900 camera that has a particular shaped Iris inside it, some some 768 00:49:33,900 --> 00:49:37,410 a lot of nowadays have nine sides. They look kind of like a 769 00:49:37,410 --> 00:49:39,990 stop sign, but with you know, an extra side and these are the 770 00:49:39,990 --> 00:49:44,760 irises that can close down and open up. And if you sit the 771 00:49:44,790 --> 00:49:50,670 focus, where it's a real close field of focus, everything 772 00:49:50,670 --> 00:49:54,390 behind your object that you're looking at, will take on the 773 00:49:54,390 --> 00:49:59,280 blurry shape of your your pupil, your iris, that nine side of 774 00:49:59,280 --> 00:50:01,860 that stop sign Good thing, which was an octagon. But a lot of the 775 00:50:01,950 --> 00:50:04,650 irises for some reason have nine sides. Some have 12 Nowadays, 776 00:50:05,040 --> 00:50:09,420 but so the the debunk is that there's a triangular shaped 777 00:50:09,420 --> 00:50:14,130 aperture inside the second gen NVGs. Or I think it was a third 778 00:50:14,130 --> 00:50:18,690 gen NVGs night vision goggles that the the Snoopy guy took the 779 00:50:18,690 --> 00:50:24,780 video from. And they say this because, well, the stars in the 780 00:50:24,780 --> 00:50:30,570 background are triangular. And it's so funny that somebody when 781 00:50:30,570 --> 00:50:32,490 we point it to the video, so there's something in this video 782 00:50:32,490 --> 00:50:35,280 that's really interesting. They say, Oh, you, you're a bunch of 783 00:50:35,280 --> 00:50:38,130 idiots, those are stars. I never said those were not stars, 784 00:50:38,130 --> 00:50:41,160 there's one moving object in that thing. The rest are sitting 785 00:50:41,160 --> 00:50:44,640 there and and in fact, the Snoopy guy gives you his GPS 786 00:50:44,640 --> 00:50:48,240 coordinates, and the date is on the video and time. So you can 787 00:50:48,240 --> 00:50:52,620 take any astronomy software and plug that GPS coordinates this 788 00:50:52,620 --> 00:50:57,060 off coast to San Diego, and then put in the time until the drill 789 00:50:57,090 --> 00:50:59,190 and he tell you tells you which direction he's looking. And you 790 00:50:59,190 --> 00:51:01,470 can see the exact star field, you can overlay it in that 791 00:51:01,470 --> 00:51:04,230 video, and you can see which stars they are. But you see the 792 00:51:04,230 --> 00:51:08,310 one that's moving and blinking? Well, if it's in the near field, 793 00:51:08,310 --> 00:51:12,840 and he's focusing his camera on it, even if it does have a 794 00:51:12,840 --> 00:51:17,580 triangular aperture, if it's in focus, then it should look like 795 00:51:17,580 --> 00:51:21,300 whatever it is in focus, and the things behind it would have this 796 00:51:21,300 --> 00:51:27,030 bouquet effect. And the interesting thing there is that 797 00:51:27,030 --> 00:51:30,090 even in focus, when they vote, you can see the video, the focus 798 00:51:30,090 --> 00:51:36,300 of just the object that's moving is very sharply triangular. 799 00:51:36,690 --> 00:51:40,980 While the stars in the background are fuzzy, and pseudo 800 00:51:40,980 --> 00:51:44,070 triangular, they're, you know, get rounded corners. And you 801 00:51:44,070 --> 00:51:46,260 know, they don't look like a sharp triangle that you would 802 00:51:46,260 --> 00:51:51,660 draw for your geometry class. And so that looks more like the 803 00:51:51,660 --> 00:51:56,610 object moving is in focus and the things behind it or not. And 804 00:51:56,850 --> 00:51:57,660 so to you, and 805 00:51:57,660 --> 00:51:59,880 John Greenewald: again, I've got no skin in this game, but but 806 00:51:59,880 --> 00:52:03,210 I'm just genuinely curious. Don't they look like the exact 807 00:52:03,210 --> 00:52:04,350 same shape to you though? 808 00:52:04,800 --> 00:52:06,630 Dr. Travis Taylor: No, actually, I've done a detailed analysis, 809 00:52:06,810 --> 00:52:10,230 the thing is moving is very sharp, detailed triangular. And 810 00:52:10,230 --> 00:52:13,410 the things behind it are much more fuzzy, rounded, triangular. 811 00:52:13,980 --> 00:52:16,920 And the things behind it are clearly stars and there's a 812 00:52:16,920 --> 00:52:20,010 bouquet type effect. I'm not so sure there's a triangular 813 00:52:20,010 --> 00:52:23,970 aperture in the NBA, the third gen NVGs they cost too much we 814 00:52:23,970 --> 00:52:29,250 tear one apart and look and see. You know, I may if I if I want 815 00:52:29,250 --> 00:52:31,800 to put more skin in that game tear one apart, but I don't 816 00:52:31,800 --> 00:52:33,840 really care. There's plenty of other videos that are more 817 00:52:33,840 --> 00:52:36,300 interesting. But here's the key though. 818 00:52:37,920 --> 00:52:39,570 John Greenewald: By the way, are those videos that are more 819 00:52:39,570 --> 00:52:41,400 interesting out in the open or No, 820 00:52:41,670 --> 00:52:43,650 Dr. Travis Taylor: I know a lot more about the what was going on 821 00:52:43,650 --> 00:52:47,670 at that timeframe than what is just in that video. Right. And 822 00:52:47,670 --> 00:52:51,540 the Snoopy guy tells you if you listen to the audio, which 823 00:52:51,540 --> 00:52:56,070 again, the the bunkers though the audio out, he says that 824 00:52:56,100 --> 00:53:03,630 radar has verified drones in the area. In and out, they use the 825 00:53:03,630 --> 00:53:07,440 word drone as sort of a catch all for any unknown aircraft. 826 00:53:07,440 --> 00:53:11,580 It's not like looked like a man craft that they find. So he's 827 00:53:11,580 --> 00:53:15,360 thinking that so he's telling you right there, the radar has 828 00:53:15,360 --> 00:53:18,840 picked up something. So this thing is detected on the radar 829 00:53:18,930 --> 00:53:23,250 that they're seeing. Also, keep in mind, this is the ship in the 830 00:53:23,250 --> 00:53:27,270 middle of the ocean. And there's no other ships anywhere near it. 831 00:53:27,450 --> 00:53:33,030 And drones at best, have a 10 or 15 minute sort of flight 832 00:53:33,300 --> 00:53:36,060 capability with the batteries. So where did this thing come 833 00:53:36,060 --> 00:53:39,810 from? Right. And if it is a drone that the Chinese or 834 00:53:39,810 --> 00:53:43,020 somebody else has got a much better battery lifecycle than 835 00:53:43,020 --> 00:53:46,530 that, then they've got something we don't. And that's something 836 00:53:46,530 --> 00:53:50,190 important. And had we known for sure that was a Chinese drone 837 00:53:50,190 --> 00:53:52,260 doing something like that. There's no way it would have 838 00:53:52,260 --> 00:53:55,380 ever been declassified To my knowledge, that video was never 839 00:53:55,380 --> 00:53:59,010 classified. I mean, I was I was there when we wrote the security 840 00:53:59,010 --> 00:54:01,200 class guide for things like that. And to my knowledge, it 841 00:54:01,200 --> 00:54:01,860 never was 842 00:54:03,030 --> 00:54:04,770 John Greenewald: in the last six minutes or so I have a couple 843 00:54:04,800 --> 00:54:05,910 more points that I want to 844 00:54:05,970 --> 00:54:08,340 Dr. Travis Taylor: just it's not a hard six minutes. It's up to 845 00:54:08,340 --> 00:54:08,850 you, John, 846 00:54:08,970 --> 00:54:10,620 John Greenewald: I appreciate that. No, I don't. But I also 847 00:54:10,620 --> 00:54:13,050 don't want to, I want to respect your time don't want to 848 00:54:13,050 --> 00:54:19,560 disrespect it. So I want to keep it as tight as I can. As you've 849 00:54:19,560 --> 00:54:23,310 now walked away from that role, you've retired and gone to the 850 00:54:23,370 --> 00:54:27,630 to the private sector, can I ask without impeding on any 851 00:54:27,630 --> 00:54:33,960 classified information? What are you walking away with? Idea wise 852 00:54:33,990 --> 00:54:38,250 meaning when you look at these phenomena, or if you feel it's 853 00:54:38,250 --> 00:54:42,480 just one phenomenon? What are we looking at? What do you what do 854 00:54:42,480 --> 00:54:47,160 you conclude? By all the stuff that you've seen you walk out 855 00:54:47,160 --> 00:54:50,310 you're now in the private sector? How do you feel about 856 00:54:50,340 --> 00:54:51,780 UFOs and UAP? 857 00:54:52,620 --> 00:54:55,410 Dr. Travis Taylor: Well, I know it's a real scientific phenomena 858 00:54:55,410 --> 00:55:01,890 that I don't know what it is. There's a lot of I'm I data, 859 00:55:01,920 --> 00:55:08,220 there's a lot of data that I've seen, that leads me into the bin 860 00:55:08,250 --> 00:55:12,360 of sort of the science fiction, it could very well be 861 00:55:12,360 --> 00:55:18,570 extraterrestrial beings, drones, AI, something like that. But it 862 00:55:18,570 --> 00:55:22,770 also leads me into the, you know, when I try to come up with 863 00:55:22,770 --> 00:55:28,110 a mundane, near peers or billionaires or something doing 864 00:55:28,110 --> 00:55:33,330 this on Earth, that that seems to be more of a stretch, then 865 00:55:33,600 --> 00:55:37,080 going toward the more exotic explanation. And then there's 866 00:55:37,080 --> 00:55:40,020 always the possibility that Mother Nature is showing us 867 00:55:40,020 --> 00:55:43,440 something new that we've never seen before. But man, it's 868 00:55:43,440 --> 00:55:47,640 certainly doesn't act like just some random, natural phenomena. 869 00:55:49,290 --> 00:55:53,640 So I'm more inclined to lean one way, and that is that there is 870 00:55:53,640 --> 00:55:58,080 some nuts and bolts solution. It might not be bait of nuts and 871 00:55:58,080 --> 00:56:00,300 bolts, it might be something completely different than what 872 00:56:00,300 --> 00:56:04,920 we understand as nuts and bolts, but that it isn't something we 873 00:56:04,920 --> 00:56:09,090 built. And it is something that we should be concerned with. I 874 00:56:09,090 --> 00:56:13,710 mean, I can tell you from firsthand, after being exposed 875 00:56:13,710 --> 00:56:17,340 to radiation out on Skinwalker Ranch and being sick for a week 876 00:56:17,340 --> 00:56:22,050 from it, that I think there's an see, and other people have 877 00:56:22,080 --> 00:56:25,920 physiological effects. And here in the psychological trauma 878 00:56:25,920 --> 00:56:30,360 that, you know, the pilots and things have talked about this, 879 00:56:30,390 --> 00:56:32,790 we need to get to the bottom of this. And when you see how close 880 00:56:32,790 --> 00:56:36,360 they fly to airplanes and stuff, that's concerning, what if one 881 00:56:36,360 --> 00:56:37,890 of them decides fly a little closer? 882 00:56:39,090 --> 00:56:43,200 John Greenewald: So them having an extraterrestrial origin is is 883 00:56:43,200 --> 00:56:46,770 on the table for you, but you're not 100%? Convinced? Well, 884 00:56:48,510 --> 00:56:50,760 Dr. Travis Taylor: see, that's the thing about the way I want 885 00:56:50,790 --> 00:56:53,700 everybody to understand this is while I might think that's the 886 00:56:53,700 --> 00:56:58,230 answer. If I can't prove that's the answer, it's disingenuous 887 00:56:58,230 --> 00:57:01,650 for me to tell everybody, you know that it's probably aliens, 888 00:57:01,650 --> 00:57:04,500 or it's probably the Chinese or probably the Russians, or 889 00:57:04,650 --> 00:57:08,340 whatever, if I can't prove it, any until I can, until I can 890 00:57:08,340 --> 00:57:13,260 prove what it is. It's very disingenuous for me to say 891 00:57:13,260 --> 00:57:16,830 otherwise, because it's gonna lead people to you know, maybe, 892 00:57:17,130 --> 00:57:20,370 you know, go to conclusions and other parts of their life that, 893 00:57:20,820 --> 00:57:26,190 that this would affect. And and I don't want to do that. While 894 00:57:26,460 --> 00:57:30,990 again. Yeah. All I can say is the from probabilities. Right 895 00:57:30,990 --> 00:57:36,570 now, the probability of it being more of a science fiction answer 896 00:57:37,320 --> 00:57:42,090 than it is a mundane China near peer Russia, oligarchy? 897 00:57:42,090 --> 00:57:47,550 Something I don't know, answer seems like, it's going up higher 898 00:57:47,550 --> 00:57:51,360 on the the science fiction scenario being more likely, 899 00:57:51,570 --> 00:57:54,870 because it's just everything we've turned over every rock 900 00:57:54,870 --> 00:57:58,920 we've turned over on planet just on Earth, just suggests that 901 00:57:58,920 --> 00:58:01,020 there's nobody here that could build these things and do this, 902 00:58:01,050 --> 00:58:05,160 do these kinds of things. But I could be wrong, and I'd be happy 903 00:58:05,160 --> 00:58:08,580 to be proven wrong. Or I'd also be happy to be proven right. 904 00:58:09,810 --> 00:58:11,850 John Greenewald: Quick question about that. You said you were 905 00:58:11,850 --> 00:58:14,250 sick for a week from Skinwalker Ranch. And if there's a 906 00:58:14,250 --> 00:58:18,810 connection with these phenomenon in some way with that? Isn't 907 00:58:18,810 --> 00:58:22,410 that measurable data? Meaning like if you've got something 908 00:58:22,410 --> 00:58:27,000 that is ailing you, Have you have you looked at that? I mean, 909 00:58:27,090 --> 00:58:30,750 I mean, especially in a pandemic world, you know, everybody's 910 00:58:30,750 --> 00:58:34,740 frantic about viruses and bacteria, and so on and so 911 00:58:34,740 --> 00:58:37,740 forth. So what point when you experience that, do you turn 912 00:58:37,740 --> 00:58:41,130 around and go, Okay, look, paranormal or not? Something's 913 00:58:41,130 --> 00:58:43,890 going on here that we got to look at, and you call the CDC 914 00:58:43,890 --> 00:58:47,880 or, you know, HHS or whomever? Yeah, that would look at that, 915 00:58:47,910 --> 00:58:51,120 well would help me understand that within 916 00:58:52,830 --> 00:58:56,670 Dr. Travis Taylor: 48 hours of me being exposed to whatever it 917 00:58:56,670 --> 00:59:02,220 was, it gave me all the symptoms of radiation sickness. And we 918 00:59:02,220 --> 00:59:08,400 had a contractor who does this for nuclear Navy ships come in 919 00:59:08,400 --> 00:59:11,910 and scour the place from top to bottom, it couldn't find any, 920 00:59:11,940 --> 00:59:15,270 anything that would trigger a gamma ray detector. So we've 921 00:59:15,270 --> 00:59:18,480 left gamma ray detectors out there for long periods of times. 922 00:59:18,480 --> 00:59:23,730 And what we'll see is a huge spike appear of near dangerous 923 00:59:23,730 --> 00:59:28,440 levels. But they only last for certain amounts of time. And 924 00:59:28,440 --> 00:59:32,520 it's random as to when and where they are actually. So we don't 925 00:59:32,520 --> 00:59:36,930 know why this is and what's causing it. But we've been 926 00:59:37,590 --> 00:59:41,430 looking and noticing that there might be some correlation with 927 00:59:41,430 --> 00:59:45,480 when we see UAP phenomena that we are also seeing these spikes 928 00:59:45,720 --> 00:59:46,800 in the gamma rays. 929 00:59:47,970 --> 00:59:50,460 John Greenewald: have had those types of spikes if you set 930 00:59:50,460 --> 00:59:53,370 something up in like my backyard, that's not Skinwalker 931 00:59:53,370 --> 00:59:56,310 Ranch. Are those normal just because I'm not 932 00:59:56,549 --> 00:59:58,409 Dr. Travis Taylor: there gamma rays on top of university 933 00:59:58,409 --> 01:00:01,469 buildings all over and there's a undergraduate physics labs where 934 01:00:01,469 --> 01:00:03,329 they build the gamma ray detectors and run and do 935 01:00:03,389 --> 01:00:06,899 experience. Now you'll get spikes, but only, you know, two 936 01:00:06,899 --> 01:00:09,719 or three times normal background, which is completely 937 01:00:09,719 --> 01:00:15,029 safe levels. Because they're you know, the sun will Burpo you 938 01:00:15,029 --> 01:00:17,909 know, solar flare every now and then you'll get, you'll get 939 01:00:18,299 --> 01:00:23,189 something a black hole somewhere will spit out some gamma rays or 940 01:00:23,219 --> 01:00:25,649 muons that are moving real fast to hit the upper atmosphere and 941 01:00:25,649 --> 01:00:31,139 create these things. But in general, no. If you do start 942 01:00:31,139 --> 01:00:33,899 seeing gamma rays in your house, you probably got radon gas, and 943 01:00:33,899 --> 01:00:38,819 you need to take care of that, right. So it's really odd that 944 01:00:38,819 --> 01:00:44,279 this happens within this 500 acre place, the way it does now 945 01:00:44,579 --> 01:00:48,059 qualify that, you know, I don't have a gamma ray detector 10 946 01:00:48,059 --> 01:00:51,539 miles off the ranch to see, but we do have them in there are 947 01:00:51,539 --> 01:00:55,469 some in other places. And the actually the Weather Service 948 01:00:55,469 --> 01:00:58,979 NOAA has them in places that they were put out during the 949 01:00:58,979 --> 01:01:03,989 Cold War, to see if the the Russians were doing above ground 950 01:01:03,989 --> 01:01:07,049 nuclear testing and stuff, and to measure that kind of thing. 951 01:01:07,049 --> 01:01:11,549 So you know, there's nothing that tells me that this is a 952 01:01:11,549 --> 01:01:14,999 phenomenon is happening anywhere except near these events. 953 01:01:15,660 --> 01:01:18,390 John Greenewald: Gotcha. Last point I want to deal with you is 954 01:01:19,140 --> 01:01:22,710 essentially the future. You have now gone into the private 955 01:01:22,710 --> 01:01:25,440 sector, it was reported, you're working at a company called 956 01:01:25,440 --> 01:01:28,710 radiance technologies, right? That's correct. And you are 957 01:01:28,710 --> 01:01:31,350 working with Jay Stratton, who we've talked about a lot through 958 01:01:31,350 --> 01:01:36,180 the last hour or so as leading the UAP task force. Now you guys 959 01:01:36,180 --> 01:01:40,680 are together in the private sector. There's a lot of rumors 960 01:01:40,680 --> 01:01:45,870 about that a lot of speculation that radiants is either. And 961 01:01:45,870 --> 01:01:48,360 I've seen it I'm not even making this up that you guys are 962 01:01:48,360 --> 01:01:51,240 reverse engineering alien spacecraft, that you guys are 963 01:01:51,240 --> 01:01:55,740 going for UAP investigative contracts. And I've also heard 964 01:01:55,740 --> 01:01:58,200 that there's nothing going on, I've looked, I can't find 965 01:01:58,200 --> 01:02:01,980 anything. I found some other radiants technology contracts 966 01:02:01,980 --> 01:02:05,340 and stuff that the DoD posted publicly, but nothing UAP 967 01:02:05,340 --> 01:02:08,460 related. And that's normal. It's a very successful company. So 968 01:02:08,490 --> 01:02:12,150 that being said, let's deal with the rumors. Are you guys doing 969 01:02:12,150 --> 01:02:12,960 UAP work? 970 01:02:14,070 --> 01:02:19,440 Dr. Travis Taylor: Well, what we're doing is we're continuing 971 01:02:19,440 --> 01:02:22,620 to do work that we've done our entire careers, right, we have 972 01:02:22,620 --> 01:02:24,900 expertise that we've built up, and that's what they hired us 973 01:02:24,900 --> 01:02:29,850 for. radiants does a lot of different things, from directed 974 01:02:29,850 --> 01:02:34,530 energy to some advanced propulsion to foreign military 975 01:02:34,530 --> 01:02:39,450 equipment, exploitation, you know, so you know, if they were 976 01:02:39,450 --> 01:02:43,170 the company to go to say, if you had a downed, you know, Russian 977 01:02:43,170 --> 01:02:46,170 or Chinese asset, and you wanted to figure out what it was and 978 01:02:46,170 --> 01:02:49,140 what it was doing. You know, we're the kind of company to do 979 01:02:49,140 --> 01:02:53,790 that. Now, we, to my knowledge, I haven't seen a UFO in a hangar 980 01:02:53,790 --> 01:02:56,970 somewhere yet, but you know, I'd be happy to get one and start 981 01:02:56,970 --> 01:03:01,740 reverse engineering it. And my personal motivation is Yes, I do 982 01:03:01,740 --> 01:03:06,540 want to continue doing the work. And my plan is to continue 983 01:03:06,660 --> 01:03:09,570 interacting with the same community I've interacted with 984 01:03:09,570 --> 01:03:14,880 my entire career, and continue to offer what subject matter 985 01:03:14,880 --> 01:03:19,380 expertise I've gathered to that. And because it's fun work, and 986 01:03:19,380 --> 01:03:23,430 it's it's a moral imperative to it. I mean, you know, what, are 987 01:03:23,430 --> 01:03:26,010 these things? Are they are they friendly? Are they foe? Do they 988 01:03:26,010 --> 01:03:30,210 don't care? I mean, are they benevolent, malicious? We don't 989 01:03:30,210 --> 01:03:33,150 know, I have no idea what these things are. So I'm going to 990 01:03:33,150 --> 01:03:37,380 continue to research them and try to figure it out. And 991 01:03:37,740 --> 01:03:43,500 radiants has a, you know, a lot of fun working and our president 992 01:03:43,500 --> 01:03:48,690 said in an interview with George Knapp, I think it was that it 993 01:03:48,690 --> 01:03:51,570 would be happy to reverse engineer and alien spacecraft if 994 01:03:51,570 --> 01:03:56,100 we were, you know, given the opportunity. So that's the way 995 01:03:56,340 --> 01:03:59,850 yeah, I'm not I'm not confirming or denying. I'm not saying I'm 996 01:03:59,850 --> 01:04:02,820 not confirming or denying, denying, I'm saying, sure if the 997 01:04:02,820 --> 01:04:04,680 work comes along, I'm going to do it right. 998 01:04:05,130 --> 01:04:07,650 John Greenewald: Well, I gotta probe you a little bit pardon to 999 01:04:07,650 --> 01:04:11,580 put on that you can't confirm or deny. So you can't know yea, or 1000 01:04:11,580 --> 01:04:13,080 nay on UAP work? 1001 01:04:13,680 --> 01:04:20,010 Dr. Travis Taylor: Oh, well, I can say that. Nobody's. So let 1002 01:04:20,010 --> 01:04:25,710 me let me put it to you like this. You know, nobody is paying 1003 01:04:25,710 --> 01:04:30,300 me right now from a government standpoint, to do any UAP work. 1004 01:04:30,390 --> 01:04:37,410 And but it doesn't mean that I'm not. I don't want to do it. And 1005 01:04:37,410 --> 01:04:40,290 it doesn't mean that I wouldn't do it if the opportunity arose. 1006 01:04:41,160 --> 01:04:45,990 Let's just leave it leave it at that. But I will tell you that 1007 01:04:46,770 --> 01:04:51,810 it's my personal goal to be. I don't know if people watching 1008 01:04:51,810 --> 01:04:54,660 this will be old enough to remember the adventures of Jonny 1009 01:04:54,660 --> 01:04:59,610 Quest. But since I was a kid, it was my goal to be Dr. Benton 1010 01:04:59,610 --> 01:05:03,360 quest. so that when the alien spacecraft spider crashes on the 1011 01:05:03,360 --> 01:05:06,330 island that they call me to go to it and see what it is, and 1012 01:05:06,330 --> 01:05:09,360 figure out how to stop the thing, right. And so and I 1013 01:05:09,360 --> 01:05:12,330 haven't given up on that dream, even though that was a long time 1014 01:05:12,330 --> 01:05:15,570 ago. So maybe that's the best way to leave that. 1015 01:05:16,170 --> 01:05:18,690 John Greenewald: I'll leave it alone. Take as much time as you 1016 01:05:18,690 --> 01:05:20,670 want, because I like I said, want to respect it. So I'm out 1017 01:05:20,670 --> 01:05:23,490 of time. But I did want to get your thoughts on the current 1018 01:05:23,520 --> 01:05:26,670 effort. And again, this is just as a private citizen, you 1019 01:05:26,700 --> 01:05:30,180 looking out from the outside and take as much time as you want, 1020 01:05:30,210 --> 01:05:33,180 if any at all. But do you want to comment on the current 1021 01:05:33,210 --> 01:05:38,820 standing of the DOD? S UAP. research effort with arrow where 1022 01:05:38,820 --> 01:05:41,400 they're going? The report is late. Obviously, something's 1023 01:05:41,400 --> 01:05:44,280 going on. Got any thoughts on that? 1024 01:05:46,260 --> 01:05:50,310 Dr. Travis Taylor: Sure. I mean, I don't I don't read anything 1025 01:05:50,310 --> 01:05:53,070 into the report. Being late man, I worked for the government for 1026 01:05:53,070 --> 01:05:57,360 27 years. And as a contractor for another 10. On top of that, 1027 01:05:57,360 --> 01:06:01,890 and reports are late. Let's just just keep that in mind as not 1028 01:06:01,890 --> 01:06:04,800 that as people are always mandated by law by Congress, and 1029 01:06:04,800 --> 01:06:08,190 they why is it Congress? Well, look at all the turmoil Congress 1030 01:06:08,190 --> 01:06:10,980 is going through right now. They don't know who's going to be in 1031 01:06:10,980 --> 01:06:14,160 charge. They don't know who's doing what. So I suspect this is 1032 01:06:14,310 --> 01:06:20,130 not something high on their to do list until after, you know, 1033 01:06:20,130 --> 01:06:23,070 there's not even a budget in place yet. And we probably won't 1034 01:06:23,070 --> 01:06:26,220 have a budget till January or February. And I suspect at that 1035 01:06:26,220 --> 01:06:30,210 point, once they have a sigh of relief, after they figure that 1036 01:06:30,210 --> 01:06:32,880 part out, then someone else Oh, yeah, we were supposed to have 1037 01:06:32,880 --> 01:06:37,200 that gap. That arrow briefing by now. Right? So I'm gonna go 1038 01:06:37,200 --> 01:06:39,990 check on that. And I suspect that's exactly what's happening 1039 01:06:39,990 --> 01:06:44,160 with it. Now, as far as the team that's doing it, it's probably 1040 01:06:44,160 --> 01:06:47,580 was mostly people that were they were doing it before. And then 1041 01:06:47,580 --> 01:06:50,940 there's some new people that were brought in to this new 1042 01:06:50,940 --> 01:06:53,850 office, it's new Arrow office to my understanding, and they all 1043 01:06:53,850 --> 01:06:57,060 seem like top notch, you know, people that have this their 1044 01:06:57,060 --> 01:07:01,230 career they there. They don't have any disingenuousness. I 1045 01:07:01,230 --> 01:07:04,740 think about what they're doing. And I don't even know if it's 1046 01:07:04,740 --> 01:07:09,420 them that's in the delay of the process, I suspect is just, it's 1047 01:07:09,420 --> 01:07:13,830 just a big thing to get done. And a lot of people had to sign 1048 01:07:13,830 --> 01:07:17,160 off on it before they can package it up and walk it across 1049 01:07:17,670 --> 01:07:20,760 the river to the Capitol building. And I suspect that 1050 01:07:20,760 --> 01:07:25,200 really is it. It's really just a matter of, you know, and I know 1051 01:07:25,230 --> 01:07:27,570 that the turnovers go always they're covering up you don't 1052 01:07:27,570 --> 01:07:29,700 want to say that says they're breaking the law, they haven't 1053 01:07:29,700 --> 01:07:32,670 done it. It's not I guarantee you, it's nothing like that. It 1054 01:07:32,670 --> 01:07:36,930 is simply the quagmire of getting stuff done. Day to day, 1055 01:07:36,930 --> 01:07:40,350 especially this time of year in the government where you got 1056 01:07:40,350 --> 01:07:44,520 holidays, there's no budget signed, and just after an 1057 01:07:44,520 --> 01:07:47,850 election where nobody knows who's doing what. Right. So 1058 01:07:47,880 --> 01:07:50,730 there's a lot of moving parts there. Yeah, and 1059 01:07:50,730 --> 01:07:52,530 John Greenewald: none of us really know of OD and I called 1060 01:07:52,620 --> 01:07:54,810 the congressional committee or committees and said, Hey, by the 1061 01:07:54,810 --> 01:07:57,660 way, we're going to be late, and kind of set that up. And 1062 01:07:57,720 --> 01:08:00,270 everybody's prepared for it. And UFO Twitter had 1063 01:08:00,270 --> 01:08:03,330 Dr. Travis Taylor: heard through the grapevine that I think 1064 01:08:03,330 --> 01:08:06,600 everybody's cordial about it. Yeah, I think everybody knows, 1065 01:08:06,600 --> 01:08:09,480 and it's, and it's, maybe somebody should do a press 1066 01:08:09,480 --> 01:08:12,150 release or something. Hey, yeah, we know it's coming. Yeah. And, 1067 01:08:12,150 --> 01:08:16,290 you know, we lost our number two pencil, and we're trying to get 1068 01:08:16,290 --> 01:08:17,490 another one or something. I don't know. But 1069 01:08:17,490 --> 01:08:19,230 John Greenewald: yeah, we're currently sharpening I asked 1070 01:08:19,230 --> 01:08:23,250 ODNI. Yesterday, if if that was actually the case, if Congress 1071 01:08:23,250 --> 01:08:25,680 was made aware of just kind of giving them an out, they are 1072 01:08:25,680 --> 01:08:29,850 completely mum, they just won't contact like, comment at all, 1073 01:08:29,880 --> 01:08:32,610 Dr. Travis Taylor: I suspect that in most cases in the 1074 01:08:32,610 --> 01:08:36,180 government, Look, you can't go and talk. So like I said, I was 1075 01:08:36,180 --> 01:08:40,410 gonna record forever, you cannot say something in public, as a 1076 01:08:40,410 --> 01:08:43,260 government official, well, that haven't gone through, you know, 1077 01:08:43,260 --> 01:08:48,150 three lawyers and four program managers and SES is and bosses 1078 01:08:48,150 --> 01:08:52,620 and generals. And so I honestly think it's easier for them not 1079 01:08:52,620 --> 01:08:57,960 to say anything at this point, and then just bear with the the 1080 01:08:57,960 --> 01:08:59,760 onslaught of bad press. 1081 01:09:00,269 --> 01:09:02,729 John Greenewald: Yeah. And I but I think that the conspiracies 1082 01:09:02,729 --> 01:09:08,159 that that form outside actually is making our side look a little 1083 01:09:08,159 --> 01:09:10,199 bit more silly, because everybody creates these 1084 01:09:10,199 --> 01:09:13,919 conspiracies. And then later, we learn Yeah, ODNI, called on 1085 01:09:13,949 --> 01:09:17,879 October 29, and said, Hey, by the way, it's going to be late 1086 01:09:17,879 --> 01:09:20,339 Congress says, Yeah, we don't really care. And that's it. You 1087 01:09:20,339 --> 01:09:23,069 know, there's nothing exciting about it. Yeah. The general 1088 01:09:23,069 --> 01:09:26,819 public takes over and makes up the own story. But yeah, I 1089 01:09:26,820 --> 01:09:28,890 Dr. Travis Taylor: have no knowledge of that. That has 1090 01:09:28,890 --> 01:09:32,070 happened. But it wouldn't surprise me though. Yeah, I 1091 01:09:32,070 --> 01:09:35,700 suspect that's what the case is it this is. This is a clearly 1092 01:09:35,700 --> 01:09:39,210 logistics issue. It's not a conspiracy theory issue. I'll 1093 01:09:39,210 --> 01:09:40,620 get to that. Yeah. 1094 01:09:40,950 --> 01:09:42,660 John Greenewald: Well, Dr. Taylor, I can't thank you 1095 01:09:42,660 --> 01:09:45,120 enough. Obviously, I blew through my schedule a time I 1096 01:09:45,120 --> 01:09:48,420 really did want to respect the time that you allotted for me 1097 01:09:48,420 --> 01:09:52,560 today to come on the show. I know not everybody wants to come 1098 01:09:52,560 --> 01:09:55,710 on this show. And to your credit, I hope you don't mind me 1099 01:09:55,710 --> 01:09:59,490 saying this. You had zero requirements for me meaning 1100 01:09:59,490 --> 01:10:02,610 saying On, don't ask this or stay away from that. So the 1101 01:10:02,610 --> 01:10:07,050 audience doesn't formulate any kind of, you know, rumors, you 1102 01:10:07,050 --> 01:10:09,510 are great, you know, and I really do appreciate your 1103 01:10:09,510 --> 01:10:13,860 openness for me because I do get entwined in those questions that 1104 01:10:13,890 --> 01:10:18,210 are thrown your way as I'm the big, mean skeptic guy, most of 1105 01:10:18,210 --> 01:10:20,700 which is unfounded by a thank you for that 1106 01:10:20,700 --> 01:10:22,740 Dr. Travis Taylor: like to, I'd like to throw into that, John, 1107 01:10:22,740 --> 01:10:25,830 and I appreciate you being very forthright with everything and 1108 01:10:25,980 --> 01:10:28,830 being real honest with you about all that. But I want people to 1109 01:10:28,830 --> 01:10:32,730 realize that, you know, I'm not getting rich off of this. I 1110 01:10:32,730 --> 01:10:34,740 mean, I'm making middle class comfortable living like any 1111 01:10:34,740 --> 01:10:38,070 other sciences engineer in the country. And, and but I'm 1112 01:10:38,130 --> 01:10:41,490 personally motivated, I've been a very patriotic since I was a 1113 01:10:41,490 --> 01:10:45,210 kid, I see this as a moral imperative that maybe it's a 1114 01:10:45,210 --> 01:10:48,300 threat to our country, maybe it's an opening to a whole new 1115 01:10:48,300 --> 01:10:52,110 level of humanity, right? So I'm driven to figure out what this 1116 01:10:52,110 --> 01:10:55,770 is, and I'm not gonna I'm not trying to keep things covered up 1117 01:10:55,770 --> 01:10:58,860 or conspiracies or anything like that. And, you know, now, I 1118 01:10:58,860 --> 01:11:01,350 certainly will not violate anything that will affect 1119 01:11:01,350 --> 01:11:06,480 national security or any of my oaths. But, you know, I'm just a 1120 01:11:06,480 --> 01:11:09,030 guy that, you know, that happened to be lucky enough to 1121 01:11:09,030 --> 01:11:10,860 get that job and do the work. Right. 1122 01:11:12,300 --> 01:11:14,400 John Greenewald: Well, I do appreciate it. And thank you, 1123 01:11:14,400 --> 01:11:17,400 and I hope that you'll come back. I've got 32,000 Other 1124 01:11:17,400 --> 01:11:21,690 questions I didn't get to ask. But, but again, joking aside, I 1125 01:11:21,690 --> 01:11:24,450 do appreciate it. And thank you for that and hopefully you will 1126 01:11:24,450 --> 01:11:24,660 come 1127 01:11:24,660 --> 01:11:26,640 Dr. Travis Taylor: back. You're very welcome. And absolutely, 1128 01:11:26,640 --> 01:11:27,330 just let me know. 1129 01:11:27,600 --> 01:11:29,730 John Greenewald: I appreciate that. And thank you all for 1130 01:11:29,730 --> 01:11:32,790 listening and or watching. This is John Greenewald, Jr, signing 1131 01:11:32,790 --> 01:11:34,560 off, and we will see you next time.