1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:09,300 Kirsten Gillibrand: I will come to order. I first like to thank 2 00:00:09,300 --> 00:00:10,890 our witness Dr. Shawn Kirkpatrick. 3 00:00:10,890 --> 00:00:13,020 John Greenewald: Some will call this event historic. 4 00:00:14,580 --> 00:00:16,710 Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick: You'll see it come through the top of the 5 00:00:16,710 --> 00:00:18,060 screen. There it goes. 6 00:00:18,180 --> 00:00:20,640 John Greenewald: Others will call it a charade, leading to a 7 00:00:20,640 --> 00:00:21,660 major letdown. 8 00:00:22,170 --> 00:00:23,730 Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick: I should also state clearly for the 9 00:00:23,730 --> 00:00:27,030 record that in our research arrow has found no credible 10 00:00:27,030 --> 00:00:29,970 evidence thus far of extraterrestrial activity 11 00:00:29,970 --> 00:00:33,930 offworld technology or objects that defy the known laws of 12 00:00:33,930 --> 00:00:34,470 physics, 13 00:00:34,620 --> 00:00:37,740 John Greenewald: me. While I just see numerous paper trails 14 00:00:37,740 --> 00:00:41,940 to follow and uncover where those paper trails lead is 15 00:00:41,970 --> 00:00:47,070 anyone's guess. But I will be here to bring it to you. Join me 16 00:00:47,130 --> 00:00:50,850 as I dissect last week's hearing to the Subcommittee on emerging 17 00:00:50,850 --> 00:00:54,450 threats and capabilities of the US Senate Committee on ARM 18 00:00:54,450 --> 00:00:59,580 services. We will hear the highs, the lows, and maybe 19 00:00:59,580 --> 00:01:04,530 what's next. Stay tuned, you're about to journey inside the 20 00:01:04,530 --> 00:01:05,430 black vault. 21 00:01:30,600 --> 00:01:33,090 That's right, everybody. As always, thank you so much for 22 00:01:33,090 --> 00:01:36,390 tuning in. And taking this journey inside the black vault 23 00:01:36,390 --> 00:01:39,270 with me. I am John Greenewald, Jr, creator of the black 24 00:01:39,270 --> 00:01:44,400 vault.com. And today we are dissecting last week's UAP 25 00:01:44,400 --> 00:01:48,360 hearing, many of you are probably let down because you 26 00:01:48,360 --> 00:01:53,070 wanted to have some kind of unbelievable evidence presented 27 00:01:53,070 --> 00:01:56,610 to us there was a lot of hype about this hearing. A lot of 28 00:01:56,610 --> 00:01:59,550 YouTubers and social media personalities, they were all 29 00:01:59,550 --> 00:02:02,910 hyping it up. Some were saying that well, here we are taking 30 00:02:02,910 --> 00:02:05,790 another step to disclosure, while other ones were on the 31 00:02:05,790 --> 00:02:08,940 opposite end of the scale. They were saying, Look, don't get 32 00:02:08,940 --> 00:02:11,550 your hopes up. Because you're probably not going to see much 33 00:02:11,790 --> 00:02:15,450 wherever you were on the spectrum. At the end of the day, 34 00:02:15,480 --> 00:02:18,150 of course, it's going to be a letdown anybody that has 35 00:02:18,150 --> 00:02:22,170 interest in UFOs. Even if you're a genuine skeptic, but care 36 00:02:22,170 --> 00:02:26,190 about the evidence, you're going to be let down. The problem with 37 00:02:26,190 --> 00:02:30,330 the hearing is there wasn't a whole lot that we didn't know 38 00:02:30,330 --> 00:02:33,330 with few exceptions. And that's what I'm going to go through in 39 00:02:33,330 --> 00:02:37,200 this deep dive. These deep dives I know are not for everybody. 40 00:02:37,230 --> 00:02:40,770 They can be long. In fact, I don't know how long this video 41 00:02:40,770 --> 00:02:44,040 will end up. But more likely than not, it will be longer than 42 00:02:44,040 --> 00:02:48,000 the actual hearing itself. So what's the point? For me, I've 43 00:02:48,000 --> 00:02:51,690 noticed that a lot of you not everybody, but a lot of you like 44 00:02:51,690 --> 00:02:55,200 to not necessarily watch that raw hearing, because let's face 45 00:02:55,200 --> 00:03:00,210 it, it can get tedious and boring. But also, it's a way for 46 00:03:00,210 --> 00:03:03,180 all of us to just talk about it. I love your comments that you 47 00:03:03,180 --> 00:03:06,060 put in the channel. Anything that I say in these videos, when 48 00:03:06,060 --> 00:03:09,060 I label it an opinion or obviously speculate. I don't 49 00:03:09,060 --> 00:03:13,110 claim to be right, I never have. I don't have all the answers. 50 00:03:13,110 --> 00:03:16,050 But what I like to do is throw stuff out there for you guys in 51 00:03:16,050 --> 00:03:19,080 these deep dives, those that like to sit through them. And 52 00:03:19,080 --> 00:03:22,140 then hear that feedback in return because I always learned 53 00:03:22,140 --> 00:03:24,930 something from all of you as well. So hopefully I can offer 54 00:03:24,930 --> 00:03:28,860 you kind of my perspective based on dealing with the government 55 00:03:28,860 --> 00:03:33,240 for so many years. But also, I'm interested to hear from you. So 56 00:03:33,240 --> 00:03:36,120 if you're watching on YouTube, there's obviously the comments 57 00:03:36,120 --> 00:03:38,580 section. So make sure that you place your comments. And while 58 00:03:38,580 --> 00:03:41,880 you're down there, a pretty big help to this channel is to make 59 00:03:41,880 --> 00:03:44,070 sure you click on the thumbs up button if you feel that it's 60 00:03:44,070 --> 00:03:46,890 worth it. And make sure you're subscribed to the channel. If 61 00:03:46,890 --> 00:03:49,140 you're watching on any other platform, I stream behind the 62 00:03:49,140 --> 00:03:52,680 scenes shows, Facebook, Twitter, they all kind of get the stream. 63 00:03:53,790 --> 00:03:56,340 If you're watching on those platforms, great. I'll do this 64 00:03:56,340 --> 00:03:58,920 in the future. But it's definitely not getting all of 65 00:03:58,920 --> 00:04:02,160 the content. So make sure you go to www dot the black 66 00:04:02,160 --> 00:04:07,890 vault.com/live That will bounce you to the channel that will 67 00:04:07,890 --> 00:04:10,590 make sure that you're notified when you turn the notifications 68 00:04:10,590 --> 00:04:15,990 on that is of all the future streams. And yeah, we'll we'll 69 00:04:15,990 --> 00:04:18,480 have a lot of fun in the future. So let's go ahead and bring up 70 00:04:18,480 --> 00:04:21,720 some visuals here. And let's just kind of get started. What I 71 00:04:21,750 --> 00:04:25,110 again I'm going to do is this deep dive analysis into the UAP 72 00:04:25,110 --> 00:04:28,260 hearing from my perspective, again, a lot of opinion and pure 73 00:04:28,260 --> 00:04:31,680 speculation. I'll try and label those parts as such, but also 74 00:04:31,680 --> 00:04:34,470 play a bunch of clips for you as well. So we'll just kind of go 75 00:04:34,470 --> 00:04:41,280 through and hear from Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, the one witness, if 76 00:04:41,280 --> 00:04:44,340 you want to call him that the expert that came in he heads 77 00:04:44,370 --> 00:04:48,690 arrow that UFO office within the Pentagon that's investigating 78 00:04:48,900 --> 00:04:52,380 and identified a anomalous phenomena. At least that's the 79 00:04:52,380 --> 00:04:54,870 acronym of the day. Maybe a change this morning again, who 80 00:04:54,870 --> 00:05:00,570 knows? But one thought before we really get rolling Something 81 00:05:00,570 --> 00:05:03,480 that I posted immediately on social media if you didn't 82 00:05:03,510 --> 00:05:09,630 notice it. And that is quite simply the attendance. The 83 00:05:09,630 --> 00:05:14,310 attendance was, I would say an embarrassment when it comes to 84 00:05:14,310 --> 00:05:18,120 this type of an issue, not because we all love UFOs. But 85 00:05:18,120 --> 00:05:22,230 rather we know that the root of whatever this, this is, whatever 86 00:05:22,230 --> 00:05:25,740 you want to call it, foreign technology, Spy equipment, you 87 00:05:25,740 --> 00:05:28,680 want to call it aliens, or whatever in between, there is a 88 00:05:28,680 --> 00:05:32,490 national security aspect that Congress in the Senate should 89 00:05:32,490 --> 00:05:36,360 should worry about, like these politicians that represent us in 90 00:05:36,360 --> 00:05:40,890 care about our safety should have packed this room. Now, to 91 00:05:40,890 --> 00:05:44,790 be fair, there was a classified version of the same hearing, 92 00:05:45,030 --> 00:05:50,100 just prior to the public hearing. Now, I've heard rumors, 93 00:05:50,100 --> 00:05:53,520 I didn't speak to the committee or staffers myself, but the 94 00:05:53,520 --> 00:05:56,880 rumor was that logistically, it was just better for everybody to 95 00:05:56,880 --> 00:06:01,290 do that, in that way. For me, I'll throw this thought out 96 00:06:01,290 --> 00:06:04,230 there. I think stuff like that is strategic. And here's why 97 00:06:04,230 --> 00:06:08,310 when you watch the last hearing, with Scott Bray and Ronald 98 00:06:08,310 --> 00:06:13,260 Moultrie, when they touched on things that were too sensitive. 99 00:06:14,310 --> 00:06:17,460 The responses were well, we can deal with that, but more in a 100 00:06:17,490 --> 00:06:22,320 closed session or the classified setting. Even though we don't 101 00:06:22,320 --> 00:06:25,470 get the answer to the question, we know what the question was 102 00:06:25,560 --> 00:06:28,350 that tip that off that says, hey, wait a minute, we can't 103 00:06:28,350 --> 00:06:31,230 talk about this aspect. We can talk about it more in a closed 104 00:06:31,230 --> 00:06:33,510 session. Well, that stinks. Because we can't hear anything 105 00:06:33,510 --> 00:06:38,970 about it. However, we can understand what was getting into 106 00:06:38,970 --> 00:06:43,470 a classified territory, what was sensitive enough for them to 107 00:06:43,470 --> 00:06:46,950 say, hey, we can't talk about this because everybody's 108 00:06:46,950 --> 00:06:50,400 listening. So we got to go in behind closed doors, with only 109 00:06:50,400 --> 00:06:54,930 people that have clearance. Well, sadly, we didn't have that 110 00:06:54,930 --> 00:06:58,050 this time. Not a single question from those senators that did 111 00:06:58,050 --> 00:07:02,610 show up had really anything that was sensitive, meaning 112 00:07:02,700 --> 00:07:05,790 Kirkpatrick didn't have to say, we have to do this in a 113 00:07:05,790 --> 00:07:08,970 classified setting. So that's the downside to that and whether 114 00:07:08,970 --> 00:07:13,050 or not that was strategic. Look, if you asked me I bet you it was 115 00:07:13,320 --> 00:07:17,640 because we, meaning people like me that go after that 116 00:07:17,640 --> 00:07:22,170 information, know what's pushing that sensitive area. And we 117 00:07:22,170 --> 00:07:24,540 didn't get that in this hearing, which is an absolute letdown. 118 00:07:25,170 --> 00:07:27,750 But regardless, whatever the reason is, you look at all of 119 00:07:27,750 --> 00:07:30,360 this, let me turn a laser pointer on that. You can't see 120 00:07:30,360 --> 00:07:34,830 the empty seats here. Yeah, there we go. All those empty 121 00:07:34,830 --> 00:07:37,230 seats, all those members of the committee that didn't even 122 00:07:37,230 --> 00:07:40,440 bother to show up and this, these two here, Kirsten 123 00:07:40,440 --> 00:07:44,250 Gillibrand and Joni Ernst, don't look too incredibly thrilled in 124 00:07:44,250 --> 00:07:49,080 the shot. So I mean, I only giggled because it was a little 125 00:07:49,080 --> 00:07:53,520 bit tedious at times to listen to the opposite end, you have 126 00:07:53,520 --> 00:07:56,580 the audience itself, not a whole lot of chairs in the room. And 127 00:07:56,580 --> 00:08:00,270 yet a lot of chairs were empty. On top of that you had people 128 00:08:00,270 --> 00:08:02,010 that were not from the mainstream media. There's 129 00:08:02,010 --> 00:08:04,560 nothing wrong with that. By the way, I want to point out my 130 00:08:04,560 --> 00:08:08,040 buddy over here, Dan Warren, who runs a great Tik Tok channel, 131 00:08:08,040 --> 00:08:12,810 he's also on Twitter and, and so on. Great individual awesome 132 00:08:12,810 --> 00:08:15,480 human being kudos to him for showing up a color other a 133 00:08:15,480 --> 00:08:18,960 couple other people as well, that we're not part of the 134 00:08:18,960 --> 00:08:22,170 mainstream media. But we're there to essentially take part 135 00:08:22,170 --> 00:08:26,160 in this. Let's let's call it a historic event. But I don't see 136 00:08:26,160 --> 00:08:29,010 this back row lined with cameras. Why not? There was some 137 00:08:29,010 --> 00:08:33,240 cameras floating but But where's the attention? This is a pretty 138 00:08:33,240 --> 00:08:38,760 important event here, a very important topic. Again, 139 00:08:38,760 --> 00:08:41,430 regardless of where you fall on the spectrum of what this is, 140 00:08:41,760 --> 00:08:47,130 but where is everybody? And that to me, is absent when you 141 00:08:47,130 --> 00:08:50,190 juxtapose that with the first hearing is a lot different. I 142 00:08:50,190 --> 00:08:52,830 saw a lot more cameras, I saw a lot more bodies, I saw a lot 143 00:08:52,830 --> 00:08:56,220 more attention. Now, we heard a little bit about this in 144 00:08:56,250 --> 00:09:00,930 mainstream media, but not a whole lot. And I got into a lot 145 00:09:00,930 --> 00:09:04,830 of heat, which you know, happens a lot in my, in my neck of the 146 00:09:04,830 --> 00:09:07,590 woods on social media, but got a lot of heat for saying that 147 00:09:07,590 --> 00:09:10,380 maybe congressional interest is waning in this topic. I said 148 00:09:10,380 --> 00:09:14,430 this, I don't know, mid to late last year, simply because of the 149 00:09:14,430 --> 00:09:17,700 lack of push to get that report that was supposed to be out in 150 00:09:17,700 --> 00:09:23,010 2022. Didn't come out till 2023. There was really like, no, no 151 00:09:23,010 --> 00:09:26,100 one cared. And in fairness, maybe they were talking behind 152 00:09:26,100 --> 00:09:28,140 the scenes, but nobody came out and said, Hey, look, we know 153 00:09:28,140 --> 00:09:32,280 it's late. XYZ is going on. It's fine. We're familiar with the 154 00:09:32,280 --> 00:09:35,940 delay. On the contrary, it was just like no one cared. And 155 00:09:35,940 --> 00:09:38,490 that's what was the very frustrating thing. So is this 156 00:09:38,490 --> 00:09:42,750 evidence now that that statement is becoming more true? That not 157 00:09:42,750 --> 00:09:47,550 only from the other shot you have, you know, that lack of of 158 00:09:47,580 --> 00:09:50,550 congressional interest and the lack of senators that showed up, 159 00:09:50,760 --> 00:09:54,690 but also the other side? That kudos to those two that had 160 00:09:54,960 --> 00:09:58,500 shown up in the room, but the mainstream media was not there. 161 00:09:58,830 --> 00:10:04,260 And that That's a shame, given the importance of what we're 162 00:10:04,260 --> 00:10:07,650 talking about and the implications behind it. One of 163 00:10:07,650 --> 00:10:10,230 the other broad stroke, things that I'll point out is the tone 164 00:10:10,230 --> 00:10:14,520 itself. I think if you're like me, it was kind of brutal and 165 00:10:14,520 --> 00:10:18,030 part. And I'm fascinated by this kind of stuff. And I am one of 166 00:10:18,030 --> 00:10:21,060 those geeks that actually watches these types of hearings. 167 00:10:21,810 --> 00:10:26,790 But it felt forced to me. Now I know, scripted isn't the right 168 00:10:26,790 --> 00:10:29,580 word, because it literally was scripted in the beginning with 169 00:10:29,580 --> 00:10:32,430 opening statements, and so on and so forth. So that's not 170 00:10:32,430 --> 00:10:36,030 really the right way to phrase it. But forced is a way to say 171 00:10:36,030 --> 00:10:39,870 it for me, that he just seemed uncomfortable being there. Maybe 172 00:10:39,870 --> 00:10:42,630 he doesn't like cameras, maybe he doesn't like public settings. 173 00:10:42,720 --> 00:10:45,630 So I'm not bashing Dr. Kirkpatrick in any way 174 00:10:45,630 --> 00:10:49,770 whatsoever. But all I'm saying is when you watch it, it was 175 00:10:49,770 --> 00:10:52,140 like, Oh, my goodness, like there was a couple parts, 176 00:10:52,170 --> 00:10:56,100 putting these clips together, that I would drift off, and oh, 177 00:10:56,100 --> 00:10:58,530 God, I didn't, I missed that. And I'd go back and I'd listen 178 00:10:58,530 --> 00:11:01,440 to it again. And I drift off again, going, why do you just 179 00:11:01,440 --> 00:11:04,710 say, go back again, and listen to it, because it was tough. 180 00:11:04,710 --> 00:11:07,770 Now, again, that's not meant to be insulting. But when somebody 181 00:11:07,770 --> 00:11:07,950 is 182 00:11:09,270 --> 00:11:12,960 essentially forced to be there and forced to essentially say 183 00:11:12,960 --> 00:11:16,230 certain things. It's not as passionate, it's not as 184 00:11:16,230 --> 00:11:21,570 exciting. And that's what, sadly, was the outcome of all of 185 00:11:21,570 --> 00:11:27,210 this. Now, what if that was also strategic, make it just so got 186 00:11:27,210 --> 00:11:30,240 awfully boring, who would want to cover it? I worked in 187 00:11:30,240 --> 00:11:33,300 television for many years, as many of you know. And when 188 00:11:33,300 --> 00:11:35,520 you're working for companies like the History Channel, and 189 00:11:35,700 --> 00:11:39,120 Discovery Channel, and all those guys, every single soundbite 190 00:11:39,180 --> 00:11:43,230 needs to work, right, you don't have fluff, you don't have extra 191 00:11:43,980 --> 00:11:48,330 stuff in there, you clip it and edit it to make it exciting 192 00:11:48,330 --> 00:11:50,340 every step of the way. Because if you lose your audience, what 193 00:11:50,340 --> 00:11:53,370 happens? So you change the channel. So you look for sound 194 00:11:53,370 --> 00:11:55,980 bites in the interviews, you go through transcripts first, then 195 00:11:55,980 --> 00:11:59,130 you go to the video, and you see how exciting it really is. If 196 00:11:59,130 --> 00:12:03,060 it's dull, it, the words could be pretty cool. But sadly, the 197 00:12:03,060 --> 00:12:07,110 video will lose the viewer. This was hard to pick out those sound 198 00:12:07,110 --> 00:12:12,090 bites because you didn't have any anything really, when it 199 00:12:12,090 --> 00:12:16,620 came to the tone. It was just kind of monotone. And in my 200 00:12:16,620 --> 00:12:20,850 opinion forced is the best way to explain it. But when you get 201 00:12:20,850 --> 00:12:25,260 through all those kind of broad strokes, characteristics. In my 202 00:12:25,260 --> 00:12:28,470 mind, there were certain things that had come out that were 203 00:12:28,470 --> 00:12:32,160 pretty interesting. First and foremost, the fact that Dr. 204 00:12:32,160 --> 00:12:36,240 Kirkpatrick had said that there is now as of the week of April 205 00:12:36,240 --> 00:12:39,630 17, which happened to be my birthday. There were total of 206 00:12:39,630 --> 00:12:49,740 650 cases 650. So those 650 are what arrow has collected in and 207 00:12:49,740 --> 00:12:53,280 essentially numbered and are in their system. So to speak. 208 00:12:53,280 --> 00:12:58,140 Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick: This week, we are tracking over a total of 209 00:12:58,170 --> 00:12:59,790 650 cases. 210 00:13:00,569 --> 00:13:03,299 John Greenewald: So 650 cases. Now how does that stack up? 211 00:13:04,139 --> 00:13:06,299 Well, for those of you who read the articles that I published, I 212 00:13:06,299 --> 00:13:10,769 think I did a video about this as well. I had received a list 213 00:13:10,829 --> 00:13:15,809 of the cases with nothing but the serial numbers, which yes, 214 00:13:15,809 --> 00:13:19,319 in large part is kind of useless. Unless you utilize the 215 00:13:19,319 --> 00:13:23,519 FOIA or are keeping track of how aro is putting all of this 216 00:13:23,519 --> 00:13:26,339 together behind the scenes, it's going to be a puzzle, we're not 217 00:13:26,339 --> 00:13:28,949 going to get the whole picture up front, we got to piece it all 218 00:13:28,949 --> 00:13:34,859 together. So this was a very important list of material that 219 00:13:34,859 --> 00:13:37,469 I got through FOIA listing all the case numbers, because number 220 00:13:37,469 --> 00:13:40,169 one, it showed us how they were doing it. Number two, it showed 221 00:13:40,169 --> 00:13:43,139 us what serial numbers we could request. But then on top of 222 00:13:43,139 --> 00:13:48,179 that, it told us a number. And that number as of December 6 of 223 00:13:48,239 --> 00:13:55,649 2022 was 511. Now to put that, in comparison with what we knew 224 00:13:55,649 --> 00:14:00,749 previous, that report that was published in 2023, had data 225 00:14:00,749 --> 00:14:07,739 through August 30 2020 to 2022. And that number was 510. Only 226 00:14:07,739 --> 00:14:12,569 one case, had been added to Arrow's database that they felt 227 00:14:12,569 --> 00:14:17,459 worthy one case, from October or excuse me, August 30, through 228 00:14:17,459 --> 00:14:23,219 December 6 of 2022. Now go from that date to the week of April 229 00:14:23,219 --> 00:14:29,489 17. Now we're at over 650 Not sure why there was a lack of a 230 00:14:29,489 --> 00:14:33,059 jump towards the end of 2022. And, in my opinion, a bigger 231 00:14:33,059 --> 00:14:36,329 jump in the beginning of 2023. But regardless, that's where we 232 00:14:36,329 --> 00:14:39,809 have. So that's kind of an outline of how faster growing 233 00:14:40,139 --> 00:14:44,309 and taking cases in only adding one case, by the way was really 234 00:14:44,309 --> 00:14:47,069 intriguing to me. It wasn't a letdown. It was actually an 235 00:14:47,069 --> 00:14:50,009 encouragement that maybe they are vetting these things, and 236 00:14:50,009 --> 00:14:54,479 truly only going for the real anomalous cases, or they just 237 00:14:54,479 --> 00:14:58,049 went on vacation and didn't care one of the two, but that turns 238 00:14:58,049 --> 00:15:02,219 out to be about 139 cases. From December 6 of last year to April 239 00:15:02,219 --> 00:15:07,079 17 of this year. Another interesting thing gleamed from 240 00:15:07,079 --> 00:15:11,729 the interview was the fact that arrow has conducted nearly two 241 00:15:11,729 --> 00:15:13,919 dozen interviews. I'll play the clip later because there's a 242 00:15:13,919 --> 00:15:16,949 little bit more context that I'll deal with later on in this 243 00:15:16,949 --> 00:15:20,399 deep dive, but essentially what what he had stated was that 244 00:15:20,399 --> 00:15:23,639 there were two about tier two dozen people that had been 245 00:15:23,639 --> 00:15:26,819 brought in. And from what we understand from his testimony, 246 00:15:26,819 --> 00:15:30,689 they were largely if not all, brought in by the recommendation 247 00:15:30,719 --> 00:15:34,499 of either senators that were in the room. Maybe Kirsten 248 00:15:34,499 --> 00:15:40,319 Gillibrand, or others that had referred them over to aro quite 249 00:15:40,319 --> 00:15:46,169 intriguing. Now, because others have posted online being 250 00:15:46,199 --> 00:15:49,739 interviewed, namely Robert solace, which is public record, 251 00:15:49,739 --> 00:15:54,149 he put that out there on social media. He was interviewed by 252 00:15:54,149 --> 00:15:57,089 Eero that they were taking his testimony in about his 253 00:15:57,389 --> 00:16:02,519 experiences through the UFO encounters over nuclear bases 254 00:16:02,519 --> 00:16:08,039 and his firsthand account of what he experienced. I used that 255 00:16:08,069 --> 00:16:11,009 and when, okay, if they interviewed one, they 256 00:16:11,009 --> 00:16:15,929 interviewed more. So when solace had posted that online, I had 257 00:16:15,929 --> 00:16:18,929 filed a FOIA request for the transcript of every single 258 00:16:18,929 --> 00:16:22,349 interview that they had done up until that point, I'm also going 259 00:16:22,349 --> 00:16:25,859 for videos and stuff like that if they took it. But usually, 260 00:16:25,889 --> 00:16:29,459 transcripts are going to be one of the easier things to get a 261 00:16:29,459 --> 00:16:34,349 quick reference to pass times that I've done that I got Luis 262 00:16:34,379 --> 00:16:37,709 Elizondo his transcript when he was interviewed by the 263 00:16:37,709 --> 00:16:41,129 Department of Defense Office of the Inspector General. And you 264 00:16:41,129 --> 00:16:43,919 can read pretty much the whole thing. There's redactions, 265 00:16:43,919 --> 00:16:47,159 obviously, but you can, but you can read through that. So what 266 00:16:47,159 --> 00:16:49,049 they do is when they do these interviews, sometimes it's 267 00:16:49,049 --> 00:16:52,439 audio, sometimes it's video, but then they transcribe it. And 268 00:16:52,439 --> 00:16:55,079 then that's generally what they what they have behind the 269 00:16:55,079 --> 00:16:58,919 scenes, more than all else. So that is something that I've been 270 00:16:58,949 --> 00:17:02,939 been going for. So now I know, through this congressional 271 00:17:02,939 --> 00:17:06,779 testimony, there's at least two dozen that I could potentially 272 00:17:06,779 --> 00:17:08,339 get my my hands on. 273 00:17:09,060 --> 00:17:10,620 Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick: I should also state clearly for the 274 00:17:10,620 --> 00:17:13,890 record that in our research arrow has found no credible 275 00:17:13,890 --> 00:17:16,860 evidence thus far of extraterrestrial activity 276 00:17:16,860 --> 00:17:20,820 offworld technology or objects that defy the known laws of 277 00:17:20,820 --> 00:17:21,300 physics. 278 00:17:22,349 --> 00:17:25,019 John Greenewald: Oh, you know that that upset a lot of people 279 00:17:25,019 --> 00:17:28,859 when he said when he said that, because the verbiage that he 280 00:17:28,859 --> 00:17:33,479 used, the types of wording that he used off world vehicles? 281 00:17:33,689 --> 00:17:35,789 Well, that's what we heard through the New York Times, 282 00:17:35,789 --> 00:17:42,509 namely sourced to Dr. Eric Davis, defying the known laws of 283 00:17:42,509 --> 00:17:45,239 physics, we know that there's a couple people that have been 284 00:17:45,389 --> 00:17:50,099 hinting and outright saying that type of stuff, making these big 285 00:17:50,099 --> 00:17:54,389 claims and podcasts on YouTube channels, even on mainstream 286 00:17:54,389 --> 00:17:58,979 media, not citing specific cases or specifics, but rather just 287 00:17:59,069 --> 00:18:02,039 either alluding to it or saying, Oh, these things are defying 288 00:18:02,039 --> 00:18:06,119 known laws of physics, or they are evidence of offworld 289 00:18:06,119 --> 00:18:10,859 vehicles or legacy programs or whatever. And yet he uses that 290 00:18:10,859 --> 00:18:15,389 same wording and says there's no credible evidence of that. Now, 291 00:18:15,419 --> 00:18:19,019 do we take him at his word? I'll let you guys decide. He could 292 00:18:19,019 --> 00:18:23,159 absolutely be lying. All of the aforementioned people that are 293 00:18:23,159 --> 00:18:27,029 out there making those types of claims could absolutely be 294 00:18:27,029 --> 00:18:33,209 telling the truth. Here's the issue, though. In my opinion, 295 00:18:33,209 --> 00:18:37,469 that testimony goes against those that we know who have been 296 00:18:37,469 --> 00:18:43,109 interviewed, those that we hope have been interviewed, and those 297 00:18:43,109 --> 00:18:47,759 that have been rumored to have been interviewed. Bob Lazar, 298 00:18:48,149 --> 00:18:51,569 Robert Bigelow, head of the all SAP program that kind of started 299 00:18:51,569 --> 00:18:56,519 this whole mess allegedly. How put off one of the main guys who 300 00:18:56,519 --> 00:19:00,779 worked with bass and Robert Bigelow on Allsop Luis Elizondo, 301 00:19:00,779 --> 00:19:04,259 who says that he headed the program for years investigating 302 00:19:04,259 --> 00:19:09,749 UAP and he called his program a tip. Dr. Eric Davis, while his 303 00:19:09,749 --> 00:19:12,719 notes, I put it in air quotes, because I don't think they're 304 00:19:12,719 --> 00:19:17,069 genuine, or depict real events, I should say, his notes are 305 00:19:17,069 --> 00:19:21,419 brought up in the last UAP hearing. Now, if his notes are 306 00:19:21,419 --> 00:19:26,339 true about his meeting with Admiral will, Thomas Wilson, if 307 00:19:26,339 --> 00:19:29,609 all of that is true, it goes against everything that we have 308 00:19:29,609 --> 00:19:33,449 been taught as humans, full stop, right? It would change the 309 00:19:33,449 --> 00:19:36,779 world. There's not a single politician who would not want 310 00:19:36,779 --> 00:19:41,189 their name attached to changing the world. You would think that 311 00:19:41,189 --> 00:19:43,769 if they put that into congressional record and ask 312 00:19:43,769 --> 00:19:46,799 Ronald Moultrie and Scott Bray and put it out there, even if 313 00:19:46,799 --> 00:19:50,699 they didn't know what that story was, you would think by then to 314 00:19:50,699 --> 00:19:53,999 now, they would have done something to try and cooperate 315 00:19:53,999 --> 00:19:57,929 it, right. I mean, I would think so. So did they interview Eric 316 00:19:57,929 --> 00:20:02,369 Davis, how about James McCaskey? who again was part of OSS, AP, 317 00:20:02,369 --> 00:20:06,749 and so on and so forth. Jay Stratton, any of these 318 00:20:06,749 --> 00:20:09,179 individuals, did they interview them? And were they not 319 00:20:09,179 --> 00:20:14,429 credible? If not, why not? So I think at this point, if they 320 00:20:14,429 --> 00:20:17,519 haven't been interviewed, all of these individuals who have been 321 00:20:17,519 --> 00:20:22,769 alluding to some very, let's say far out there material, even 322 00:20:22,769 --> 00:20:26,879 though they're not encroaching on their security oaths, if they 323 00:20:26,879 --> 00:20:31,619 know that Kirkpatrick is lying, or Kirkpatrick is not getting 324 00:20:31,619 --> 00:20:35,459 his proper access to what needs to be known, then things need to 325 00:20:35,459 --> 00:20:39,749 be done. Right? I mean, I would think that they would scream to 326 00:20:39,749 --> 00:20:42,809 the high heavens, and yet I haven't seen any of them come 327 00:20:42,809 --> 00:20:47,699 out and say, You know what, I will not violate my oath. But I 328 00:20:47,699 --> 00:20:51,299 will say with the whistleblower protection, and if Kyrsten 329 00:20:51,299 --> 00:20:55,409 Gillibrand really wants to know, and so on and so forth, I will 330 00:20:55,439 --> 00:21:00,089 testify under oath. And although some of those things may have 331 00:21:00,089 --> 00:21:05,129 been said, in a YouTube podcast or whatever, then let's do it. 332 00:21:05,519 --> 00:21:10,499 Get a message to Kirsten Gillibrand, and say, he lied to 333 00:21:10,529 --> 00:21:15,119 all of you, your committee, to the Senate, to the American 334 00:21:15,119 --> 00:21:20,219 people, or to be fair to him to Sean, Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, if 335 00:21:20,219 --> 00:21:24,059 he does not have the access. But any of these individuals do or 336 00:21:24,059 --> 00:21:29,189 did then say he is not getting the right information. But where 337 00:21:29,189 --> 00:21:32,729 is that we don't, we're getting books. Right? We're getting some 338 00:21:32,729 --> 00:21:37,409 podcasts here and there. And of course, we get the anonymous 339 00:21:37,409 --> 00:21:42,779 sources. Did arrow track down any of these classified leaks 340 00:21:42,779 --> 00:21:47,699 that all of these YouTubers are talking about? I remember this 341 00:21:47,699 --> 00:21:52,889 one from the release of the UAP report, the first one I think in 342 00:21:53,159 --> 00:21:59,099 was it 2021. And around the same time, Richard Dolan had put a 343 00:21:59,099 --> 00:22:03,149 slide up what was leaked to him that day. And to him, it was a 344 00:22:03,149 --> 00:22:05,849 very credible source, which I think was his way of describing 345 00:22:05,849 --> 00:22:10,619 it. And essentially, might be hard to see on your screen. But 346 00:22:10,619 --> 00:22:13,739 was talking about EA T related or extra terrestrial related 347 00:22:13,739 --> 00:22:19,199 items, alien technology, stuff that goes well beyond what was 348 00:22:19,199 --> 00:22:22,709 really in the classified report. Now, when this was posted and 349 00:22:22,709 --> 00:22:25,739 broadcast out there, the classified report had not been 350 00:22:25,739 --> 00:22:29,579 released. In Part, I started fighting for it that the morning 351 00:22:29,579 --> 00:22:34,769 after the 2021 report, was published to the public, I went 352 00:22:34,769 --> 00:22:38,369 after the classified version, and a lot of people mocked that 353 00:22:38,459 --> 00:22:41,399 that effort, they said, You're never going to get anything. 354 00:22:41,519 --> 00:22:44,399 Now, although I didn't get everything. I did get a lot of 355 00:22:44,399 --> 00:22:50,009 it. And it was pretty clear that the message overall, was pretty 356 00:22:50,009 --> 00:22:55,049 much echoing what the public was being told in the public report 357 00:22:55,079 --> 00:22:58,619 lots of redactions, including the shapes of UAP, and so on, 358 00:22:58,619 --> 00:23:00,869 and so forth. So don't get me wrong, there was still a lot 359 00:23:00,869 --> 00:23:04,619 hidden. But there was no way that ET technology was in the 360 00:23:04,619 --> 00:23:08,069 classified report. When in the public report. It wasn't 361 00:23:08,189 --> 00:23:11,279 there's, I'm sorry, there's just not right. Like nobody's been 362 00:23:11,279 --> 00:23:13,889 able to say that. And this has kind of gone away. I haven't 363 00:23:13,889 --> 00:23:17,159 heard really any anybody talk about this. This kind of stuff 364 00:23:17,159 --> 00:23:20,699 needs to be called out. This kind of stuff needs to be dealt 365 00:23:20,699 --> 00:23:23,669 with. It doesn't help people like her Kirkpatrick who's 366 00:23:23,669 --> 00:23:27,749 trying to let's just take him at his word, trying to make sense 367 00:23:27,749 --> 00:23:31,139 of all of this and trying to do a scientific effort effort. But 368 00:23:31,139 --> 00:23:34,139 it doesn't help with any of us either. It doesn't help 369 00:23:34,319 --> 00:23:38,429 anywhere. So to just blast out, oh, look what was leaked to me 370 00:23:38,429 --> 00:23:41,759 by these anonymous sources. No. And the fact that nobody's 371 00:23:41,759 --> 00:23:45,899 getting arrested and nobody's being investigated. First 372 00:23:45,899 --> 00:23:48,809 Amendment is pretty powerful, even when it comes to 373 00:23:48,809 --> 00:23:50,999 fabrication. So a lot of 374 00:23:52,290 --> 00:23:56,250 rebuttals that I see out there that he's that certain people 375 00:23:56,250 --> 00:24:01,110 are not being investigated or anything like that. Look, you go 376 00:24:01,110 --> 00:24:03,060 down a rabbit hole when it comes to those types of 377 00:24:03,060 --> 00:24:06,300 investigations. But in my opinion, all of this type of 378 00:24:06,300 --> 00:24:11,040 stuff is bunk, all those social media accounts, citing their 379 00:24:11,040 --> 00:24:15,000 anonymous sources, and my source told me this great, well, now's 380 00:24:15,000 --> 00:24:18,150 the time to put up if any of these anonymous people that are 381 00:24:18,150 --> 00:24:21,450 helping either YouTubers or social media accounts, it's time 382 00:24:21,450 --> 00:24:24,480 to step up. You can do so without telling the public your 383 00:24:24,480 --> 00:24:28,260 identity, but go directly to the Senate. If Kirkpatrick does not 384 00:24:28,260 --> 00:24:31,680 have access himself, or he is lying, the now's the time to 385 00:24:31,680 --> 00:24:35,340 either put up or shut up. Because as anybody knows on this 386 00:24:35,370 --> 00:24:40,230 on this channel, I do not care for anonymous sources at all, 387 00:24:40,320 --> 00:24:43,770 because most of the time it's all bunk anyway, and provable, 388 00:24:43,920 --> 00:24:47,100 but most of the time when it's not provable, per se, it's 389 00:24:47,100 --> 00:24:51,120 highly unlikely any of it is true. But that brings me to the 390 00:24:51,120 --> 00:24:55,290 small percentage of leaks that actually does intrigued me. And 391 00:24:55,290 --> 00:24:59,280 yet for whatever reason, we don't see any evidence at this 392 00:24:59,280 --> 00:25:03,720 point of invest instigation on why UAP previous leaks are not 393 00:25:03,720 --> 00:25:07,080 being investigated. Now. Did arrow look into these? Do they 394 00:25:07,110 --> 00:25:11,130 echo what the public is being told through anonymous sources 395 00:25:11,130 --> 00:25:14,370 and we're talking about flying triangles and this Baghdad 396 00:25:14,370 --> 00:25:18,750 Phantom is, is unexplained? I don't know I don't have the the 397 00:25:18,750 --> 00:25:23,430 answer to that. But I've hinted at this in past videos, and I 398 00:25:23,430 --> 00:25:26,160 think now's the time to just come out with this particular 399 00:25:26,160 --> 00:25:29,580 quote, because this is where it's getting really interesting. 400 00:25:30,150 --> 00:25:32,940 I may not always agree with Jeremy Korbel. But he's 401 00:25:32,940 --> 00:25:36,330 intrigued me for quite a few years now, because he's 402 00:25:36,360 --> 00:25:40,710 obviously getting material that is legitimate, that the Pentagon 403 00:25:40,710 --> 00:25:44,400 has commented on with now a couple of exceptions, but in the 404 00:25:44,400 --> 00:25:47,820 beginning, they were commenting on it. So I was always intrigued 405 00:25:47,820 --> 00:25:53,730 by that. But the most recent was the most intriguing not because 406 00:25:53,730 --> 00:25:57,930 of the object. But because the fact that an MQ nine Reaper 407 00:25:57,930 --> 00:26:03,030 drone, a highly classified piece of equipment, it's video I knew 408 00:26:03,030 --> 00:26:05,640 was classified now that what they call the security 409 00:26:05,640 --> 00:26:09,390 classification guy, there is one for the MQ nine. I'm going after 410 00:26:09,390 --> 00:26:13,260 that document. But I knew just from research that the MQ nine 411 00:26:13,260 --> 00:26:17,040 footage, anything that's taken on that platform is inherently 412 00:26:17,040 --> 00:26:20,460 classified. And what that means is is that per that security 413 00:26:20,460 --> 00:26:24,600 classification guide, it is automatically classified, so 414 00:26:24,600 --> 00:26:27,360 they can't release anything unless there was a specific 415 00:26:27,360 --> 00:26:31,260 mission to go out. Take a video for released to the public after 416 00:26:31,260 --> 00:26:35,850 Santa sanitisation. I finally got proof of that, that comes 417 00:26:35,850 --> 00:26:39,120 from the Air Combat Command public affairs. Here's the exact 418 00:26:39,120 --> 00:26:42,630 quote that was given to me. In accordance with general 419 00:26:42,630 --> 00:26:45,690 operational security practices and the MQ nine security 420 00:26:45,690 --> 00:26:49,350 classification guide. All imagery captured by the MQ nine 421 00:26:49,350 --> 00:26:53,070 is typically classified unless mission requirements dictate the 422 00:26:53,070 --> 00:26:56,850 need to sanitize any video footage for lower classification 423 00:26:56,850 --> 00:27:00,840 or public release purposes. The MQ nine security classification 424 00:27:00,840 --> 00:27:04,800 guide and the details within is not releasable or available to 425 00:27:04,800 --> 00:27:07,620 the public in accordance with its own level of security 426 00:27:07,620 --> 00:27:11,400 classification. Well, to that last part challenge accepted, I 427 00:27:11,400 --> 00:27:15,210 will go or I have already filed the case. But we'll continue to 428 00:27:15,210 --> 00:27:18,120 go after that security classification guide likely be 429 00:27:18,120 --> 00:27:22,350 highly redacted, but at least I'm going to try and get that 430 00:27:23,130 --> 00:27:27,720 regardless of if I do. The point remains. The Baghdad phantom 431 00:27:27,720 --> 00:27:32,820 shot by an MQ nine was obviously not a PR mission for them to 432 00:27:32,820 --> 00:27:36,990 shoot that object for release to the public. So their generic 433 00:27:36,990 --> 00:27:40,470 statement of if that is the case, then yes, footage can be 434 00:27:40,470 --> 00:27:45,570 released. It's classified. You can't take still frames of a 435 00:27:45,570 --> 00:27:49,440 classified video call it a unclassified image. I don't know 436 00:27:49,440 --> 00:27:52,860 if Jeremy Korbel thinks that way. But just for anybody who 437 00:27:52,860 --> 00:27:55,920 does, you can't do that classified as classified, 438 00:27:55,920 --> 00:27:59,370 whether it's moving images or not. It's all the same when it 439 00:27:59,370 --> 00:28:04,320 comes to the security behind all of this. So where is the 440 00:28:04,320 --> 00:28:07,200 investigation, especially after the recent leaks of the from the 441 00:28:07,200 --> 00:28:10,830 Department of Defense, and our situation over in Ukraine, 442 00:28:10,860 --> 00:28:14,850 obviously nothing to do with UAP. But those leaks have 443 00:28:14,850 --> 00:28:21,120 created an uproar. The Pentagon had to do damage control, the 444 00:28:21,120 --> 00:28:24,960 guy was led out in cuffs, obviously, leaks of classified 445 00:28:24,960 --> 00:28:32,100 material are important. But with UAP we don't know why. But it 446 00:28:32,100 --> 00:28:35,610 just seems like nothing ever happens to anybody. Nor does it 447 00:28:35,610 --> 00:28:39,540 even become an investigation. I'm still searching it. I here's 448 00:28:39,540 --> 00:28:43,770 my personal opinion based on nothing but that I believe this 449 00:28:43,800 --> 00:28:50,130 is being or quickly was or will be investigated. Plain and 450 00:28:50,130 --> 00:28:53,460 simple. I think that there's too much now that the DoD is going 451 00:28:53,460 --> 00:28:57,000 to go Oh, MQ nine Reaper footage, not a problem, let's 452 00:28:57,000 --> 00:29:00,570 let that go. And yet they go after all this other stuff. That 453 00:29:00,570 --> 00:29:03,540 doesn't mean Jeremy Corbyn did anything wrong? I won't make a 454 00:29:03,540 --> 00:29:06,720 whole diatribe here on journalists publishing 455 00:29:06,720 --> 00:29:09,450 classified information, so on and so forth. That's a whole 456 00:29:09,450 --> 00:29:13,380 legal area I'm not even going to bother you or bore you with. But 457 00:29:13,380 --> 00:29:16,770 rather I think the overall situation and the fact that it 458 00:29:17,100 --> 00:29:21,300 got out in the first place is going to be investigated if it's 459 00:29:21,300 --> 00:29:25,440 not being already. And yes, I am trying to pursue that story 460 00:29:25,440 --> 00:29:30,210 more. I've sat on that quote for about a month or so. On its own, 461 00:29:30,210 --> 00:29:33,090 it's like you're saying Why did you sit on it? Well, because it 462 00:29:33,090 --> 00:29:36,150 fits into a much bigger story. And that bigger story, I think 463 00:29:36,150 --> 00:29:39,960 is the investigation in that the past leaks, like some of what 464 00:29:39,960 --> 00:29:44,250 you see here, were all taken by fairly, you know, not sensitive 465 00:29:44,250 --> 00:29:48,090 platforms. So you've got the Snoopy team. I put some pictures 466 00:29:48,090 --> 00:29:51,750 of the actual Snoopy teams for the US Navy down here. And the 467 00:29:51,750 --> 00:29:54,660 cameras they use they're not they're not a Reaper, drone 468 00:29:54,660 --> 00:29:59,310 level classified piece of technology. These are likely you 469 00:29:59,310 --> 00:30:01,890 know, maybe just the In cellphone photo videos, or 470 00:30:01,890 --> 00:30:06,780 excuse me, still frames from the pilot, there's obviously taken 471 00:30:06,780 --> 00:30:13,080 by f 18. I think you're the gimbal. And then the the Omaha 472 00:30:13,080 --> 00:30:15,960 footage that leaked out obviously not a highly 473 00:30:16,230 --> 00:30:19,500 classified piece of equipment either. So so it kind of ramped 474 00:30:19,500 --> 00:30:23,760 up to this MQ nine release. And to me that was more intriguing 475 00:30:23,760 --> 00:30:27,840 than this Baghdad Phantom. And what's also interesting is the 476 00:30:27,840 --> 00:30:31,890 fact that that got like the least amount of coverage. Why I 477 00:30:31,890 --> 00:30:35,670 don't know, waning interest, I'm not sure. But there wasn't 478 00:30:35,670 --> 00:30:39,630 really a whole lot of coverage to that latest leak. So for me 479 00:30:39,630 --> 00:30:43,620 what's going to happen, and I'm super intrigued by that, because 480 00:30:43,920 --> 00:30:47,490 I really have no idea. But I just believe deep down there is 481 00:30:47,490 --> 00:30:50,460 no way that they're going to let that stuff out and into the open 482 00:30:50,670 --> 00:30:52,500 and not look into why 483 00:30:53,069 --> 00:30:54,959 Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick: arrow is leading a focused effort to 484 00:30:54,959 --> 00:30:59,219 better characterize, understand and attribute UAP with priority 485 00:30:59,219 --> 00:31:04,169 given to UAP reports by DOD and IC personnel in or near areas of 486 00:31:04,169 --> 00:31:08,069 national security importance. DOD fully appreciates the 487 00:31:08,069 --> 00:31:12,149 eagerness from many quarters, especially here in Congress and 488 00:31:12,149 --> 00:31:15,119 in the American public to quickly resolve every UAP 489 00:31:15,119 --> 00:31:18,209 encountered across the globe. From the distant past through 490 00:31:18,209 --> 00:31:22,169 today. It's important to note however, arrow is the 491 00:31:22,169 --> 00:31:26,099 culmination of decades of DOD intelligence community and 492 00:31:26,099 --> 00:31:29,669 congressionally directed efforts to successfully resolve UAP 493 00:31:29,669 --> 00:31:33,239 encountered first and foremost by US military personnel, 494 00:31:33,449 --> 00:31:35,639 specifically navy and air force pilots. 495 00:31:37,200 --> 00:31:40,050 John Greenewald: Decades, what's he talking about? I mean, if 496 00:31:40,050 --> 00:31:42,510 he's really laying the groundwork of decades, okay, 497 00:31:42,510 --> 00:31:46,260 let's accept that the those that have come out about OSS happen a 498 00:31:46,260 --> 00:31:49,680 tip and it's all UFO and UAP. Related, that decades of 499 00:31:49,680 --> 00:31:54,570 material and investigation that they've done, where is it? I 500 00:31:54,570 --> 00:31:58,200 can't find any. Right? And people like me, I'm not I'm not 501 00:31:58,200 --> 00:32:01,440 saying I'm the standalone person trying to go after information. 502 00:32:01,440 --> 00:32:04,470 But where is it? That's what I don't understand. But yet he 503 00:32:04,470 --> 00:32:09,180 drops the decades. thing here. So what are they what have they 504 00:32:09,180 --> 00:32:12,270 investigated for decades? And where is it? And what did they 505 00:32:12,270 --> 00:32:15,180 learn? Put a pin in that because I think that that'll be more 506 00:32:15,360 --> 00:32:16,800 important here. As we go on. I 507 00:32:16,830 --> 00:32:18,690 Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick: want to underscore today that only a 508 00:32:18,690 --> 00:32:22,950 very small percentage of UAP reports display signatures that 509 00:32:22,950 --> 00:32:26,670 could reasonably be described as anomalous. The majority of 510 00:32:26,670 --> 00:32:30,900 unidentified objects reported to arrow demonstrate mundane 511 00:32:30,900 --> 00:32:34,200 characteristics of balloons, unmanned aerial systems, 512 00:32:34,200 --> 00:32:37,050 clutter, natural phenomena or other readily explainable 513 00:32:37,050 --> 00:32:37,650 sources, 514 00:32:38,520 --> 00:32:41,010 John Greenewald: a small percentage, and that makes sense 515 00:32:41,040 --> 00:32:44,160 for anybody who's been involved in UFO research, even prior to 516 00:32:44,160 --> 00:32:47,220 this present day conversation knows that it's a very small 517 00:32:47,220 --> 00:32:52,050 percentage of UFO encounters, that are truly UFOs. What's 518 00:32:52,050 --> 00:32:54,570 interesting, just a little bit of historical perspective, it 519 00:32:54,570 --> 00:32:59,160 actually lines up going back to 1955. And the statistics back 520 00:32:59,160 --> 00:33:03,930 then, from Project Bluebook. You can see here that it broke down 521 00:33:03,930 --> 00:33:09,990 balloons, aircraft, other not enough data, and the true 522 00:33:09,990 --> 00:33:15,060 unknowns, single digits. So obviously, it coincides with 523 00:33:15,090 --> 00:33:19,800 what was in the past. So that's not a surprise to anybody. But I 524 00:33:19,800 --> 00:33:23,580 think those types of things are used, because it makes it less, 525 00:33:23,910 --> 00:33:27,210 less impressive, less interesting to the general 526 00:33:27,210 --> 00:33:30,180 public. Oh, it's a very small percentage. So maybe if they had 527 00:33:30,180 --> 00:33:34,770 more data, they would, you know, be able to solve those to 528 00:33:35,370 --> 00:33:37,890 Kirkpatrick and I'll play the video in a little bit said 529 00:33:37,890 --> 00:33:43,050 exactly that. And interestingly enough, so did they in 1955, as 530 00:33:43,050 --> 00:33:45,570 the study of the current cases progressed, it became 531 00:33:45,570 --> 00:33:48,120 increasingly obvious that if reporting and investigative 532 00:33:48,900 --> 00:33:51,780 investigating procedures could be further improved, the 533 00:33:51,780 --> 00:33:55,200 percentages of those cases cases, which contains 534 00:33:55,230 --> 00:33:58,080 insufficient information, and those remaining unexplained 535 00:33:58,260 --> 00:34:01,620 would be greatly reduced. That's fine, though, even I'll take a 536 00:34:01,620 --> 00:34:04,830 couple of percent, because that's weeding out all of the 537 00:34:04,830 --> 00:34:08,550 explained information. But what also concerns me is we're on the 538 00:34:08,550 --> 00:34:14,820 same exact path that we were in the 1950s. That's what is 539 00:34:14,910 --> 00:34:18,390 playing out here. And if you go back to a video on this very 540 00:34:18,390 --> 00:34:21,810 channel, here on YouTube, and if you're not watching on YouTube, 541 00:34:22,020 --> 00:34:25,680 just look for the black vaults, originals channel. And you will 542 00:34:25,680 --> 00:34:29,220 find a full breakdown about how what's what was unfolding today. 543 00:34:29,220 --> 00:34:34,350 And what is unfolding today is almost exactly what unfolded 544 00:34:34,350 --> 00:34:37,890 through the late 1950s and 60s, and how this whole thing 545 00:34:37,890 --> 00:34:41,190 progressed, congressional hearings and all whistleblowers 546 00:34:41,190 --> 00:34:44,910 and all former government personnel and all and it's a 547 00:34:44,910 --> 00:34:48,030 really interesting juxtaposition. When you look at 548 00:34:48,030 --> 00:34:51,840 the two I did that, what, two years ago now, probably some 549 00:34:51,870 --> 00:34:54,690 somewhere in the last two years. Then when you look at this, 550 00:34:54,720 --> 00:34:57,750 we're seeing the exact same thing again, right down to the 551 00:34:57,750 --> 00:35:02,880 single percentage points and The thirst for more data, the need 552 00:35:02,880 --> 00:35:05,820 for more data. Well, what have they done for the last 60 plus 553 00:35:05,820 --> 00:35:08,010 years since the last time they said it. 554 00:35:08,430 --> 00:35:10,050 Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick: Arrow is member of the department's 555 00:35:10,050 --> 00:35:13,110 support to the administration's tiger team effort to deal with 556 00:35:13,110 --> 00:35:16,410 stratospheric objects such as the PRC, high altitude balloon? 557 00:35:17,460 --> 00:35:20,910 Well, when previously unknown objects are successfully 558 00:35:20,910 --> 00:35:26,520 identified, it is Arrow's role to quickly and efficiently hand 559 00:35:26,520 --> 00:35:30,270 off such readily explainable objects to the intelligence law 560 00:35:30,270 --> 00:35:33,420 enforcement or operational safety communities for further 561 00:35:33,420 --> 00:35:37,860 analysis and appropriate action. In other words, arrows mission 562 00:35:37,860 --> 00:35:41,880 is to turn UAP into SCP, somebody else's problem. 563 00:35:43,950 --> 00:35:46,560 John Greenewald: He just seems so proud of that joke. So I had 564 00:35:46,560 --> 00:35:50,220 to put it in there somebody else's problem or S E. P. I love 565 00:35:50,220 --> 00:35:52,980 to smirk after. So if that's what they're trying to do, 566 00:35:52,980 --> 00:35:56,700 they're just trying to explain and move it to the appropriate 567 00:35:56,700 --> 00:36:00,930 intelligence agencies. What's really concerning as an overall 568 00:36:00,960 --> 00:36:04,110 kind of broad stroke note on that is why wasn't stuff like 569 00:36:04,110 --> 00:36:09,630 this in place before? It doesn't matter about UFOs or UAP talk 570 00:36:09,630 --> 00:36:12,360 anymore? But from a national security perspective, are you 571 00:36:12,360 --> 00:36:15,150 telling me that they weren't really looking into anything 572 00:36:15,150 --> 00:36:21,150 that they couldn't identify NORAD, or the NRO, or NASA or 573 00:36:21,150 --> 00:36:24,060 anybody that they were, they didn't have any type of 574 00:36:24,270 --> 00:36:29,010 investigation process. That, to me is incredibly concerning. 575 00:36:29,040 --> 00:36:31,020 Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick: Meanwhile, for the few cases in all 576 00:36:31,020 --> 00:36:35,490 domains, space, air and sea, that do demonstrate potentially 577 00:36:35,490 --> 00:36:39,480 anomalous characteristics, Arrow exists to help the DoD IC and 578 00:36:39,480 --> 00:36:43,680 interagency resolve those anomalous cases. In doing so, 579 00:36:43,710 --> 00:36:46,440 arrow is approaching these cases with the highest level of 580 00:36:46,440 --> 00:36:50,850 objectivity, and analytic rigor. This includes physically testing 581 00:36:50,850 --> 00:36:54,690 and employing modeling and simulation validate our analyses 582 00:36:54,690 --> 00:36:57,660 and underlying theories, then peer reviewing those results 583 00:36:57,660 --> 00:37:00,990 within US government, industry partners and appropriately 584 00:37:00,990 --> 00:37:04,650 cleared academic institutions before reaching any conclusions, 585 00:37:05,760 --> 00:37:08,820 John Greenewald: space, air and sea, all the domains that we 586 00:37:08,820 --> 00:37:12,360 knew they were looking at. But I took the way that he just said 587 00:37:12,360 --> 00:37:16,830 that is they have confirmed anomalous cases in space as 588 00:37:16,830 --> 00:37:19,530 well. Now, why is that surprising, because we don't 589 00:37:19,530 --> 00:37:22,620 really hear about that a lot. We see the ground based ones, we 590 00:37:22,620 --> 00:37:26,100 see the ones where the Navy is out at sea. And that was at the 591 00:37:26,100 --> 00:37:29,460 first hearing and then explaining that one, they Erawan 592 00:37:29,460 --> 00:37:33,870 is obvious, everything we see is pretty much within close 593 00:37:34,950 --> 00:37:37,860 proximity to us. We're not talking about space based 594 00:37:37,860 --> 00:37:41,400 objects and what we've seen. So what's there, and that has 595 00:37:41,400 --> 00:37:45,300 intrigued me. And yes, I am going after those cases as well, 596 00:37:45,300 --> 00:37:49,860 specifically, from that domain to see if arrow will release 597 00:37:49,890 --> 00:37:54,660 anything that they have from that, again, targeted domain. 598 00:37:55,170 --> 00:37:59,640 Because when you go for all 650 cases, through FOIA, a quick 599 00:37:59,640 --> 00:38:03,090 FOIA note for the FOIA users out there, that is an example of 600 00:38:03,090 --> 00:38:06,720 what will likely be too burdensome of a request, that's 601 00:38:06,720 --> 00:38:12,210 too much work for them to go through and declassify 650. Why 602 00:38:12,240 --> 00:38:15,120 a lot of them are in draft form, they haven't been touched, yet 603 00:38:15,120 --> 00:38:17,730 they haven't been analyzed. And you're going to have to then 604 00:38:18,000 --> 00:38:22,500 review all of that information for declassification. They'll 605 00:38:22,500 --> 00:38:25,560 reject it and kick it back. So you have to go through specific 606 00:38:26,340 --> 00:38:30,480 cases with a specific target in mind. So that particular case 607 00:38:30,480 --> 00:38:33,630 that I filed was all of the space domain to try and get 608 00:38:33,630 --> 00:38:37,290 those. Another part of that clip that was really interesting to 609 00:38:37,290 --> 00:38:40,500 me, was industry partners and appropriate cleared academic 610 00:38:40,500 --> 00:38:44,250 institutions appropriately cleared. What does that mean, 611 00:38:44,280 --> 00:38:48,480 classified information is my guess. Now, I'm not insinuating 612 00:38:48,480 --> 00:38:52,290 any of the logos that I have on screen here are involved at all. 613 00:38:52,560 --> 00:38:55,710 But I do know that there has been a lot of talk, and that 614 00:38:55,710 --> 00:38:59,370 there's been a lot of rumor and speculation about those that you 615 00:38:59,370 --> 00:39:02,370 see on the screen. So I want to stress that again, I am not 616 00:39:02,370 --> 00:39:07,260 saying that any one of these organizations have classified 617 00:39:07,290 --> 00:39:12,120 clearances, and they're looking into these UAP sightings not 618 00:39:12,120 --> 00:39:16,560 telling you or I they preach transparency, but essentially, 619 00:39:16,560 --> 00:39:20,130 you're siding with secrecy. I'm not saying that. But what I am 620 00:39:20,130 --> 00:39:23,310 saying is it's incredibly concerning to hear that we're 621 00:39:23,310 --> 00:39:28,080 going down the same path yet again, that we did in the late 622 00:39:28,080 --> 00:39:33,750 50s 1960s The ramp up to the essentially the closing of 623 00:39:33,750 --> 00:39:37,290 project Bluebook where certain academic and institutions got 624 00:39:37,290 --> 00:39:39,900 involved that they looked at that information and said nope, 625 00:39:40,080 --> 00:39:43,140 UAP isn't worthwhile. It's not a threat to national security. 626 00:39:43,140 --> 00:39:47,190 Let's move on that we are on that path again. On top of that 627 00:39:47,190 --> 00:39:50,880 appropriately clearing private institutions. We should know who 628 00:39:50,880 --> 00:39:53,640 that is why? Because a lot of organizations are out there 629 00:39:53,640 --> 00:39:56,610 preaching transparency, but I also believe that they would be 630 00:39:56,610 --> 00:39:59,460 interested in taking that government contract or 631 00:39:59,460 --> 00:40:02,820 consulting gig, if given the opportunity. So where do you 632 00:40:02,820 --> 00:40:06,450 draw the line? Do you take that just so you can go ahead and see 633 00:40:06,450 --> 00:40:09,750 that information but keep it within a private entity or 634 00:40:09,750 --> 00:40:13,200 organization? I hope not. And again, I'm not saying that 635 00:40:13,200 --> 00:40:16,140 anything that you see on screen here, including the Galileo 636 00:40:16,140 --> 00:40:20,310 Project, UAP, X and sigma labs are radiants technologies for 637 00:40:20,310 --> 00:40:22,980 those listening to the audio version. I'm not saying that 638 00:40:22,980 --> 00:40:25,320 they're involved in that, but that's where it gets concerning. 639 00:40:25,320 --> 00:40:27,810 Let's look at the Galileo Project for a minute. I 640 00:40:27,810 --> 00:40:31,260 interviewed Dr. Avi Loeb, when he first announced the project, 641 00:40:31,260 --> 00:40:35,190 and I was incredibly encouraged by it, but since he started, you 642 00:40:35,190 --> 00:40:39,270 now have a lot of former government people that have a 643 00:40:39,270 --> 00:40:42,750 lot of rumor attached to them, and a lot of speculation 644 00:40:42,780 --> 00:40:46,770 attached to them. So with them being involved, could it get to 645 00:40:46,770 --> 00:40:51,120 a point where Dr. lobes team does find something, if they're 646 00:40:51,120 --> 00:40:53,580 appropriately cleared, that means that they may have some 647 00:40:53,580 --> 00:40:57,600 security clearances that go along with their ability to work 648 00:40:57,600 --> 00:41:01,950 with Aero. And to put the icing on the cake on that hypothetical 649 00:41:01,950 --> 00:41:05,880 scenario, is that would the government say sorry, Dr. Loeb, 650 00:41:05,880 --> 00:41:09,750 or sorry, UAPs, or sorry, Nigma labs or sorry, radiants 651 00:41:09,750 --> 00:41:15,150 technologies. You can't talk about this. We have to classify 652 00:41:15,150 --> 00:41:18,030 it and your security oath takes over your security clearance 653 00:41:18,300 --> 00:41:21,180 applies here. And that's what I'm concerned about as we're 654 00:41:21,180 --> 00:41:26,340 doing full circle, right back to where we started decades ago. 655 00:41:26,670 --> 00:41:31,230 And that is secrecy. We see it with the US government. But now 656 00:41:31,230 --> 00:41:34,980 they're pulling in industry partners, and appropriately 657 00:41:34,980 --> 00:41:40,170 cleared academic institutions. Who exactly is that I'll let you 658 00:41:40,170 --> 00:41:40,920 guys decide. 659 00:41:42,450 --> 00:41:44,370 Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick: In the event, sufficient scientific 660 00:41:44,370 --> 00:41:48,450 data wherever obtained, that a UAP encountered can only be 661 00:41:48,450 --> 00:41:51,750 explained by extraterrestrial origin. We are committed to 662 00:41:51,750 --> 00:41:54,750 working with our interagency partners at NASA, to 663 00:41:54,750 --> 00:41:57,420 appropriately inform us government's leadership of its 664 00:41:57,420 --> 00:42:01,530 findings. For those few cases that have leaked to the public 665 00:42:01,530 --> 00:42:04,350 previously, and subsequently commented on by the US 666 00:42:04,350 --> 00:42:07,680 government, I encourage those who hold alternative theories or 667 00:42:07,680 --> 00:42:10,890 views as submit your research to credible peer reviewed 668 00:42:10,890 --> 00:42:14,160 scientific journals. Arrow is working very hard to do the 669 00:42:14,160 --> 00:42:18,750 same. That is how science works, not by blog or social media, 670 00:42:19,920 --> 00:42:24,810 John Greenewald: not by blog, or social media. The first call is 671 00:42:24,810 --> 00:42:29,880 NASA that in interested me more than all else. So if arrow finds 672 00:42:29,880 --> 00:42:32,640 anything that's even remotely close to or confirmed as 673 00:42:32,640 --> 00:42:35,970 extraterrestrial, they pick up the phone they call NASA. NASA 674 00:42:35,970 --> 00:42:38,850 then in turn informs all the government heads and agencies. 675 00:42:39,540 --> 00:42:42,900 Where's the general public? Now? Maybe that's just you know, I'm 676 00:42:42,900 --> 00:42:45,840 reading into that too much. But nowhere did he say the public 677 00:42:45,840 --> 00:42:49,440 had any right to know any of that information. But rather, he 678 00:42:49,440 --> 00:42:54,000 laid the groundwork to inform NASA, which I'm kind of 679 00:42:54,000 --> 00:42:57,840 surprised that that arrow being part of the Department of 680 00:42:57,840 --> 00:43:02,580 Defense would essentially call NASA first. So that part didn't 681 00:43:02,580 --> 00:43:05,820 make sense to me. And maybe I'm just misreading this. So you 682 00:43:05,820 --> 00:43:10,680 know, if I am, I'll apologize in advance. But I took aero gets 683 00:43:10,680 --> 00:43:13,320 that evidence, they pick up the phone, they call NASA, NASA 684 00:43:13,320 --> 00:43:16,380 picks up the phone, they call all the agency heads and, and 685 00:43:16,380 --> 00:43:20,040 government agencies, but nowhere in there was the general public 686 00:43:20,250 --> 00:43:23,280 and any type of effort to transparency. 687 00:43:23,910 --> 00:43:26,520 Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick: But one of the things that arrow does is 688 00:43:27,090 --> 00:43:33,570 high integrity analysis. As I've said, This chart represents the 689 00:43:33,570 --> 00:43:40,890 trend analysis of all the cases in arrows holdings right to 690 00:43:40,890 --> 00:43:47,010 date. What you'll see on the left is a histogram of all of 691 00:43:47,010 --> 00:43:53,100 our reported sightings as a function of altitude. So most of 692 00:43:53,100 --> 00:44:00,150 our sightings occur in the 15 to 25,000 foot range. And that is 693 00:44:00,150 --> 00:44:04,650 ultimately because that's where a lot of our aircraft are. On 694 00:44:04,650 --> 00:44:08,850 the far right upper corner, you'll see a breakout of the 695 00:44:08,850 --> 00:44:13,770 morphologies of all of the UAP that are reported. Over half 696 00:44:13,830 --> 00:44:19,230 about 52% of what's been reported to us are round, or 697 00:44:19,380 --> 00:44:24,510 spheres. The rest of those break out into all kinds of different 698 00:44:24,510 --> 00:44:30,600 other shapes. The gray box is essentially there is no data on 699 00:44:30,600 --> 00:44:34,410 what its shape is either it wasn't reported or the sensor 700 00:44:34,410 --> 00:44:39,660 did not collect it. The bottom map is a heat map of all 701 00:44:39,660 --> 00:44:43,620 reporting areas across the globe that we have available to us. 702 00:44:44,970 --> 00:44:49,020 What you'll notice is that there is a heavy what we call 703 00:44:49,020 --> 00:44:54,000 collection bias both in altitude and in geographic location. 704 00:44:54,300 --> 00:44:58,680 That's where all of our sensors exist. That's where our training 705 00:44:58,680 --> 00:45:01,530 ranges are. That's where our operational ranges are that's 706 00:45:01,530 --> 00:45:07,260 where all of our platforms are. In the middle, what we have done 707 00:45:07,260 --> 00:45:13,290 is reduce the most typically reported UAV characteristics to 708 00:45:13,560 --> 00:45:19,080 these fields, mostly round mostly one to four meters, white 709 00:45:19,080 --> 00:45:24,990 silver, translucent metallic 10,000 30,000 feet. With 710 00:45:24,990 --> 00:45:29,460 apparent velocities from stationary to Mach two, no 711 00:45:29,460 --> 00:45:33,240 thermal exhausts usually detected, we get intermittent 712 00:45:33,240 --> 00:45:38,130 radar returns, we get intermittent radio returns, and 713 00:45:38,130 --> 00:45:41,670 we get intermittent thermal signatures. That's what we're 714 00:45:41,670 --> 00:45:44,700 looking for. And trying to understand what that is. 715 00:45:47,400 --> 00:45:49,170 John Greenewald: That's what they're looking for. That's what 716 00:45:49,170 --> 00:45:51,990 they're trying to understand. So I'll let most of that speak for 717 00:45:51,990 --> 00:45:54,840 itself. But the one thing that I will point out is this graph 718 00:45:54,840 --> 00:45:58,440 here, which are the shapes. For those of you who have watched 719 00:45:58,440 --> 00:46:02,220 this channel or watch my work when I got that classified UAP 720 00:46:02,220 --> 00:46:05,970 report from 2021 finally released, one of the biggest 721 00:46:05,970 --> 00:46:09,450 things that stuck out not only to me, but I think everyone was 722 00:46:09,450 --> 00:46:12,330 the fact that they wouldn't even tell us the shapes or the common 723 00:46:12,330 --> 00:46:16,650 shapes of UAP. It was all blacked out. Now, I appealed 724 00:46:16,650 --> 00:46:20,820 that that appeal is still open. But I specifically targeted that 725 00:46:20,820 --> 00:46:27,150 section in my appeal, as a ridiculous redaction. I found a 726 00:46:27,150 --> 00:46:31,260 much more legal sound way to put it but fought that specifically 727 00:46:31,260 --> 00:46:34,350 amongst all the other redactions. But that one, again, 728 00:46:34,350 --> 00:46:38,010 was kind of the most, I would say, controversial one and the 729 00:46:38,010 --> 00:46:41,850 most frustrating one for not only myself, but for everybody. 730 00:46:42,000 --> 00:46:45,780 And now we have a pie chart breakdown of all the different 731 00:46:45,780 --> 00:46:48,720 shapes that they're collecting. A couple ways to look at it, 732 00:46:48,840 --> 00:46:52,260 we've now gotten to a point where they have declassified, 733 00:46:52,470 --> 00:46:56,070 the shapes why it was classified in the first place, I'm not sure 734 00:46:56,250 --> 00:46:59,970 the UAP security classification guide may potentially play a 735 00:46:59,970 --> 00:47:04,530 role in that, since all of that is primarily redacted. It's kind 736 00:47:04,530 --> 00:47:08,670 of hard to tell. But they may have decided to declassified 737 00:47:08,670 --> 00:47:12,150 that aspect of UAP. Because remember, security 738 00:47:12,150 --> 00:47:15,360 classification guides can morph over time. That's why they have 739 00:47:15,360 --> 00:47:19,620 different versions. That's why they published newer, again, 740 00:47:19,650 --> 00:47:24,210 versions of of these types of guides and so on. So I think 741 00:47:24,210 --> 00:47:27,900 that that's an explanation. They're going back to my appeal, 742 00:47:27,900 --> 00:47:30,720 what will happen? Well, I'm hoping at this point, they will 743 00:47:30,720 --> 00:47:35,160 declassify that part. So we will be able to see some of the 744 00:47:35,160 --> 00:47:40,170 information. Will that happen? Who knows? Did that appeal and 745 00:47:40,170 --> 00:47:43,920 argument that's happening through FOIA? And yes, those are 746 00:47:43,920 --> 00:47:47,820 legal challenges. It's not like we write emails and go for 747 00:47:47,820 --> 00:47:51,450 information, because a lot of people I think, minimize the 748 00:47:51,450 --> 00:47:54,600 importance of FOIA or the power of FOIA, because they don't 749 00:47:54,600 --> 00:47:59,910 truly understand FOIA. Those arguments are legally sound. So 750 00:47:59,910 --> 00:48:04,110 when you have certain decisions made through FOIA, things are 751 00:48:04,110 --> 00:48:07,710 altered. In some cases, things are declassified in other cases. 752 00:48:07,950 --> 00:48:11,490 So and I've got lots of of examples to show that. But 753 00:48:11,490 --> 00:48:13,500 that's essentially the power of the FOIA. And that will 754 00:48:13,500 --> 00:48:18,660 sometimes dictate what public affairs offices can say, or what 755 00:48:18,660 --> 00:48:22,200 those experts say in an open hearing, such as this. So how 756 00:48:22,200 --> 00:48:24,990 all that plays out, I'm not really sure, but it was pretty 757 00:48:24,990 --> 00:48:28,080 exciting to see because I think that once my appeal is finally 758 00:48:28,080 --> 00:48:32,610 done, somewhere in the year 2092, then we'll be able to go 759 00:48:32,610 --> 00:48:36,210 ahead and get a glimpse of what it was like in 2021. 760 00:48:37,440 --> 00:48:39,120 Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick: So I'm going to walk you through two 761 00:48:39,120 --> 00:48:44,790 cases that we've declassified recently. This first one is an 762 00:48:44,790 --> 00:48:49,620 MQ nine in the Middle East, observing that blow up which is 763 00:48:49,620 --> 00:48:54,270 an apparent spherical object, VO e o centers, those are not IR 764 00:48:55,650 --> 00:48:58,680 you'll see it come through the top of the screen, there it 765 00:48:58,680 --> 00:49:04,080 goes. And then the camera will slew to follow it. You'll see it 766 00:49:04,110 --> 00:49:08,190 pop in and out of the screen field of view there. This is 767 00:49:08,190 --> 00:49:11,490 essentially all of the data we have associated with this event 768 00:49:11,520 --> 00:49:12,540 from some years ago. 769 00:49:15,300 --> 00:49:18,060 John Greenewald: So why did it stop there? I published the 770 00:49:18,090 --> 00:49:20,700 entire video released by the Department of Defense it pretty 771 00:49:20,700 --> 00:49:23,400 much echoes this or maybe some more frames I didn't clock and 772 00:49:23,400 --> 00:49:27,570 it wasn't important. But why there clearly the MQ nine was 773 00:49:27,570 --> 00:49:30,450 tracking this object whatever it was, call it a balloon call it 774 00:49:30,450 --> 00:49:33,540 an alien spacecraft for all I care. It was tracking it. So 775 00:49:33,540 --> 00:49:37,020 where's the rest? And that has been a question that has been 776 00:49:37,020 --> 00:49:40,980 asked on a lot of these UAP related imageries that have been 777 00:49:40,980 --> 00:49:46,440 released. Why is that it? And when you look at going backwards 778 00:49:46,440 --> 00:49:48,630 when you look at some of the other clips, same deal, just 779 00:49:48,630 --> 00:49:52,620 kind of like stop abruptly. Well, going back to the FLIR, 780 00:49:52,620 --> 00:49:56,370 the gimbal and the go fast. They claim meaning the US Navy that's 781 00:49:56,400 --> 00:50:00,000 it frame for frame. That's all they got. Well, now they're 782 00:50:00,000 --> 00:50:04,860 There's more of a structured way to collect UAP related evidence. 783 00:50:05,370 --> 00:50:09,270 So why does this one stop? Or did it is arrow showing us 784 00:50:09,270 --> 00:50:12,900 everything? To reiterate the point, this is truly a 785 00:50:12,930 --> 00:50:16,830 unidentified object. Now the general public was pretty much 786 00:50:16,830 --> 00:50:19,800 led to believe that all this is all the data we have. And that's 787 00:50:19,830 --> 00:50:23,370 it. Well, I guarantee that's not all the data you have, because I 788 00:50:23,370 --> 00:50:27,750 bet you that video is longer. And if it's not, I'd love to 789 00:50:27,750 --> 00:50:31,890 know why I hope somebody who gets to ask further questions 790 00:50:32,160 --> 00:50:37,950 asks that specific one. Why did this particular video and or is 791 00:50:37,950 --> 00:50:41,340 what happened after these frames here. And this object was 792 00:50:41,340 --> 00:50:45,210 captured and tracked is that classified. And I hope that 793 00:50:45,210 --> 00:50:46,530 somebody asks that 794 00:50:47,220 --> 00:50:51,180 Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick: this particular event, South Asia, MQ 795 00:50:51,180 --> 00:50:55,680 nine, looking at another MQ nine, and what's highlighted 796 00:50:55,680 --> 00:50:58,920 there in that red circle is an object that flies through the 797 00:50:58,920 --> 00:51:04,440 screen. Unlike the previous one, this one actually shows some 798 00:51:04,440 --> 00:51:07,440 really interesting things that everyone thought was truly 799 00:51:07,440 --> 00:51:11,460 anomalous to start with. First of all, it's a high speed object 800 00:51:11,460 --> 00:51:15,990 that's flying in the field of regard of to MQ nines. Second 801 00:51:16,050 --> 00:51:21,840 appears to have this trail behind it. Alright, which, at 802 00:51:21,840 --> 00:51:24,660 first blush, you would think that looks like a propulsion 803 00:51:24,660 --> 00:51:31,140 trail. In reality, if you want to play, the first slide will 804 00:51:31,140 --> 00:51:34,830 show you what that looks like in real time, first video. So we're 805 00:51:34,830 --> 00:51:39,420 looking at that there it goes. Once you play it again, and then 806 00:51:39,420 --> 00:51:44,790 pause it halfway through, right there. Alright, if you might be 807 00:51:44,790 --> 00:51:49,350 able to see that trail there behind it. That's actually not a 808 00:51:49,350 --> 00:51:55,110 real trail that is a sensor artifact. Each one of those 809 00:51:55,110 --> 00:51:58,620 little blobs is actually a representation of the object as 810 00:51:58,620 --> 00:52:04,440 it's moving through. And later in the video as the as the 811 00:52:04,470 --> 00:52:08,970 camera slews, that trail actually follows the direction 812 00:52:09,000 --> 00:52:15,030 of the camera, not the direction of the object. We pulled these 813 00:52:15,030 --> 00:52:18,390 apart frame by frame, we were able to demonstrate that that is 814 00:52:18,420 --> 00:52:22,530 essentially a readout. overlap of the image it's a it's a 815 00:52:22,530 --> 00:52:26,880 shadow image, right? It's not real. Further, if you later 816 00:52:27,840 --> 00:52:31,830 follow this all the way to end, it starts to resolve itself into 817 00:52:31,830 --> 00:52:36,180 that blob that's in that picture in the top, right. And if you 818 00:52:36,180 --> 00:52:38,880 squint, it looks like an aircraft because it actually 819 00:52:38,880 --> 00:52:40,320 turns out to be an aircraft go 820 00:52:40,320 --> 00:52:42,450 John Greenewald: ahead and gotta squint remember to squint. 821 00:52:44,010 --> 00:52:46,380 Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick: So you'll see the tail sort of pop out 822 00:52:46,380 --> 00:52:49,890 there. And so what you're looking at is this is in the 823 00:52:49,890 --> 00:52:54,210 infrared. This is the heat signature off of the engines of 824 00:52:54,210 --> 00:52:56,550 a commuter aircraft that happened to be flying in the 825 00:52:56,550 --> 00:52:59,040 vicinity of where those two MQ nines were at. 826 00:53:05,430 --> 00:53:08,850 John Greenewald: When you look at those videos, and you compare 827 00:53:08,850 --> 00:53:13,890 them to the most recent UAP leaks, namely the Baghdad 828 00:53:13,890 --> 00:53:20,130 Phantom, and the most muzzle orb Mozu Orebro sphere arm, I forget 829 00:53:20,130 --> 00:53:24,810 which one he always chooses. But the Mozilla one. When you look 830 00:53:24,810 --> 00:53:27,090 at those, it's pretty much exactly what we're looking at 831 00:53:27,090 --> 00:53:30,000 here. But they're just different videos from different incidents. 832 00:53:30,540 --> 00:53:32,490 I don't know if there's a connection there. But it's an 833 00:53:32,490 --> 00:53:37,080 interesting, I would say point to point out, because when it 834 00:53:37,080 --> 00:53:39,990 comes to this one that we're looking at the explained one, 835 00:53:41,250 --> 00:53:45,510 the Phantom objects that we'll call them, like the Baghdad 836 00:53:45,510 --> 00:53:49,110 Phantom, I had did a post on social media, because everybody 837 00:53:49,110 --> 00:53:52,320 was saying that was an exhaust plume, or a lot of people, not 838 00:53:52,320 --> 00:53:56,130 everybody, but an exhaust plume. And I had recognized that the 839 00:53:56,130 --> 00:53:58,980 pixel length was almost identical. It was like a ghost 840 00:53:58,980 --> 00:54:01,380 image, whether or not that played a role in calling it the 841 00:54:01,380 --> 00:54:04,920 Baghdad Phantom, I have no idea. But regardless, what I did was I 842 00:54:04,920 --> 00:54:07,920 just layered every frame on top of each other, or excuse me, 843 00:54:07,920 --> 00:54:11,220 layered every frame but showed that the actual object and the 844 00:54:11,220 --> 00:54:15,840 frame, when put on the ghost like image was exactly the same 845 00:54:15,870 --> 00:54:19,830 length. So it was like repeating data in each particular frame as 846 00:54:19,830 --> 00:54:23,160 it streaked across with the human eye, you put all that 847 00:54:23,160 --> 00:54:26,550 together kind of looks like a trail of some kind or propulsion 848 00:54:26,550 --> 00:54:30,360 system. But it actually isn't. So it was interesting to see 849 00:54:30,360 --> 00:54:34,290 this explanation, because now here he is pulling in an 850 00:54:34,290 --> 00:54:37,980 identical characteristic to what leaked out. But this is not the 851 00:54:37,980 --> 00:54:40,920 leak. This is not the Baghdad Phantom. Same with the one 852 00:54:40,920 --> 00:54:46,350 that's unidentified, and I'm not sure what, if any strategy there 853 00:54:46,350 --> 00:54:50,820 would be to do that. But obviously from that pie chart, 854 00:54:50,820 --> 00:54:53,250 there was a lot of different objects that they've seen shape 855 00:54:53,250 --> 00:54:56,910 wise. So what are the odds that he just chose another sphere 856 00:54:57,210 --> 00:54:59,790 could just be by chance could be that that's the majority of what 857 00:54:59,790 --> 00:55:03,060 they have. Add or could declassify who knows. But it was 858 00:55:03,060 --> 00:55:06,300 pretty close to the Missoula one that Jeremy Korbel had put out. 859 00:55:06,750 --> 00:55:11,130 And for those who do think it's the same, it is not. Jeremy also 860 00:55:11,130 --> 00:55:13,740 had posted on social media because he was being asked that 861 00:55:13,890 --> 00:55:18,210 it is not the same. So that being said, we've got two 862 00:55:18,300 --> 00:55:21,540 different videos nearly identical to the leaks, one 863 00:55:21,540 --> 00:55:26,070 explained one not coincidence. Who knows just one of those 864 00:55:26,070 --> 00:55:26,820 weird things? 865 00:55:27,480 --> 00:55:29,970 Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick: How are we going to get more data? We are 866 00:55:29,970 --> 00:55:33,630 working with the joint staff to issue guidance to all the 867 00:55:33,630 --> 00:55:37,590 services and commands that will then establish what are the 868 00:55:37,590 --> 00:55:40,740 reporting requirements, the timeliness, and all of the data 869 00:55:40,740 --> 00:55:45,480 that is required to be delivered to us and retained from all the 870 00:55:45,480 --> 00:55:49,140 associated sensors. That historically hasn't been the 871 00:55:49,140 --> 00:55:52,230 case. And it's been happenstance that data has been collected, 872 00:55:53,610 --> 00:55:56,940 John Greenewald: happenstance that data was collected. What's 873 00:55:56,940 --> 00:55:59,520 interesting is remember that slide before that I showed you 874 00:55:59,520 --> 00:56:03,780 guys back from 1955? They were saying the exact same thing 875 00:56:03,780 --> 00:56:06,270 about fine tuning or data collection this that and the 876 00:56:06,270 --> 00:56:09,450 other thing, have they not learned anything from 1955 877 00:56:09,450 --> 00:56:14,610 Especially with all these other UFO programs and efforts to 878 00:56:14,760 --> 00:56:18,300 research UAP? I'll ask the question, then what have they 879 00:56:18,300 --> 00:56:21,240 been doing? Here's a list of them the advanced aerospace 880 00:56:21,240 --> 00:56:23,910 weapon system application program, or you hear me say all 881 00:56:23,910 --> 00:56:28,230 sap that was, again, controversial 2008 But we'll 882 00:56:28,230 --> 00:56:33,390 call it 2007 based on reporting to 2012 more likely again, 2008 883 00:56:34,170 --> 00:56:37,500 the advanced aerospace threat Identification Program, some say 884 00:56:37,500 --> 00:56:43,860 2007 Some say 2008 Some say it's not a program at all. That's a 885 00:56:43,860 --> 00:56:47,130 whole different video in itself. But regardless, that lasted till 886 00:56:47,130 --> 00:56:52,050 about 2012. But wait, Louise Elizondo claimed 2017 Hoda 887 00:56:52,050 --> 00:56:55,530 believe I'll let you guys decide. But we're talking about 888 00:56:55,530 --> 00:57:00,900 a UAP program, according to Luis Elizondo, and so on. So what 889 00:57:00,900 --> 00:57:07,260 were they doing the UAP Task Force? I put 2017 as a question 890 00:57:07,260 --> 00:57:10,080 mark, because there was, it wasn't the task force per se, 891 00:57:10,080 --> 00:57:12,840 but there was some kind of unofficial effort. The Pentagon 892 00:57:12,840 --> 00:57:16,170 has spoken to this before. So whether or not that had a name, 893 00:57:16,170 --> 00:57:18,930 or they were calling it a task force or whatever, there was 894 00:57:18,930 --> 00:57:21,720 clearly something going on around that timeframe, 895 00:57:21,870 --> 00:57:27,300 officially established August 14 2220 21, the airborne object 896 00:57:27,300 --> 00:57:30,090 identification and management synchronization group, or AOA, 897 00:57:30,090 --> 00:57:34,830 MSG, that was 2021 to 22. Then we got the all domain anomaly 898 00:57:34,830 --> 00:57:37,500 resolution office or arrow. That's what Dr. Shawn 899 00:57:37,500 --> 00:57:41,790 Kirkpatrick has heads right now. That's 2022 to present, look at 900 00:57:41,790 --> 00:57:45,180 all those years, and all those program efforts and all of those 901 00:57:45,360 --> 00:57:49,830 claims from past individuals. What were they doing? Did they 902 00:57:49,830 --> 00:57:54,330 not have any type of official anything to make sense of all of 903 00:57:54,330 --> 00:57:57,120 this over the years? Let's just settle on the fact they were 904 00:57:57,120 --> 00:58:01,110 doing this in their free time. And it was 5% of what they did. 905 00:58:01,440 --> 00:58:04,710 Okay, let's let's just say we believe everybody at their word, 906 00:58:05,070 --> 00:58:07,380 but it was a minor part of their work in the government. All of 907 00:58:07,380 --> 00:58:11,310 that's fine. But still over all that time, we don't have any 908 00:58:11,310 --> 00:58:14,970 structured program. And that's what bothers me about this is 909 00:58:14,970 --> 00:58:20,130 that that doesn't make sense. It just doesn't. Nothing makes 910 00:58:20,130 --> 00:58:23,430 sense about this timeline. And all of these efforts when put on 911 00:58:23,430 --> 00:58:28,200 a timeline, and the claims that people have said, nothing. Now, 912 00:58:28,200 --> 00:58:30,960 that doesn't mean they're lying, or Kirkpatrick is lying, or they 913 00:58:30,960 --> 00:58:34,380 all could be lying for all I know. But regardless, it just 914 00:58:34,380 --> 00:58:38,430 doesn't make sense. efforts can be fine tuned efforts can be 915 00:58:38,430 --> 00:58:43,260 misdirected. You can have change of direction, that's fine. But 916 00:58:43,260 --> 00:58:48,180 these are basic things that go back to 1955, at least, and 917 00:58:48,180 --> 00:58:51,930 they're saying the exact same thing. Doesn't anybody else 918 00:58:51,930 --> 00:58:55,170 think that that's just bizarre? It doesn't make any sense to me 919 00:58:55,170 --> 00:58:59,010 yet. That's the reality of what's put in front of us. Now, 920 00:58:59,010 --> 00:59:01,260 there's a lot of other things too, that if you pay attention 921 00:59:01,260 --> 00:59:03,990 and put it on the timeline doesn't make sense. This was an 922 00:59:03,990 --> 00:59:07,620 article I wrote in 2019. And I first want to give a shout out 923 00:59:07,800 --> 00:59:12,480 and credit to Brian Bender than at politico magazine, who had 924 00:59:12,480 --> 00:59:19,020 reported on a UFO Reporting guideline that was was issued by 925 00:59:19,020 --> 00:59:23,010 the US Navy. And then he reported around the 2019 926 00:59:23,040 --> 00:59:27,630 timeframe, maybe 2018, that that guideline was being kind of 927 00:59:27,630 --> 00:59:32,190 updated and re issued. It was currently and it was at that 928 00:59:32,190 --> 00:59:37,110 time in draft form. I went after it and found out it went from 929 00:59:37,110 --> 00:59:41,700 draft to issued. So again, this is a quick note for FOIA people 930 00:59:41,700 --> 00:59:45,450 draft documents are incredibly hard to get through FOIA. It's 931 00:59:45,450 --> 00:59:49,230 not impossible, but they hide behind FOIA exemption be five a 932 00:59:49,230 --> 00:59:53,070 lot. So the minute I got in writing a statement that it was 933 00:59:53,070 --> 00:59:57,750 no longer draft. I went and filed a case for it. And it was 934 00:59:57,750 --> 01:00:04,020 100% classified So again, I wrote that story in 2019. But 935 01:00:04,020 --> 01:00:06,870 what are these guidelines? What did that stipulate? Were the 936 01:00:06,870 --> 01:00:10,380 guidelines on how to collect the data report the data? If not, 937 01:00:10,380 --> 01:00:13,410 why not? Because this was around the timeframe when it was 938 01:00:13,410 --> 01:00:20,280 reissued. And again, that 2019 timeframe, you go backwards to 939 01:00:20,280 --> 01:00:25,410 this slide. You're in the middle of the unofficial effort that 940 01:00:25,410 --> 01:00:29,640 led into the UAP task force around this time. So obviously, 941 01:00:29,640 --> 01:00:33,300 there was an effort that we can that we can kind of fall back on 942 01:00:33,300 --> 01:00:36,780 here, when arrow takes over, that they could look at and pull 943 01:00:36,780 --> 01:00:40,110 information from pull guidelines, pull structure, pull 944 01:00:40,110 --> 01:00:44,430 procedure pull, protocol pull something that US taxpayers, 945 01:00:44,640 --> 01:00:48,750 paid for, but nothing. It's like they're starting fresh. Now 946 01:00:48,750 --> 01:00:53,670 maybe that was needed, who knows? And if so, why? Why after 947 01:00:53,670 --> 01:00:58,290 all these years of investigating through all SAP and a tip and 948 01:00:58,290 --> 01:01:02,790 UAP, TF all getting money and having certain individuals 949 01:01:02,790 --> 01:01:05,400 heading those programs that we have nothing that we could give 950 01:01:05,400 --> 01:01:08,220 the arrow and go, Okay, here's the head start. We spent X 951 01:01:08,220 --> 01:01:12,900 amount of millions of dollars, here you go, nothing. One of my 952 01:01:12,900 --> 01:01:17,220 favorite stories and in my history of looking into UFOs is 953 01:01:17,220 --> 01:01:21,240 the story of the airforce manual instruction. 10 Dash 206. You 954 01:01:21,240 --> 01:01:25,110 can see this one was in 2008. So we're going back and this was 955 01:01:25,110 --> 01:01:28,830 one of the latter versions. I found this back in about 1999 to 956 01:01:28,830 --> 01:01:34,410 2000. I think it was and watched it be revised from about 2002. 957 01:01:34,410 --> 01:01:39,240 Again 2008. And chapter five was talking about the survey's 958 01:01:39,240 --> 01:01:45,450 reports, and how they reported unidentified flying objects or 959 01:01:45,450 --> 01:01:52,380 UFOs. This was essentially a mandated instruction. Not 960 01:01:52,380 --> 01:01:55,170 essentially it was a mandated instruction that all US Air 961 01:01:55,170 --> 01:01:58,860 Force pilots were to follow all of those UFO reports went to 962 01:01:58,860 --> 01:02:02,580 NORAD. So this essentially predated all SAP eight tip UAP, 963 01:02:02,580 --> 01:02:08,970 TF aero AOA, MSG, whatever the acronym predated all of that. So 964 01:02:08,970 --> 01:02:11,850 what happened to all of this policy procedure and all of the 965 01:02:11,850 --> 01:02:15,780 service reports that went to NORAD. Now NORAD, by the way, is 966 01:02:15,780 --> 01:02:18,090 not subject to the Freedom of Information Act. So I can't 967 01:02:18,090 --> 01:02:20,970 touch what was made under this. But are you telling me 968 01:02:20,970 --> 01:02:23,520 throughout everything that they got through this, there was 969 01:02:23,520 --> 01:02:27,390 nothing that they could use for Arrow? None of that makes sense. 970 01:02:28,950 --> 01:02:32,310 Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick: Now, the report in January basically said 971 01:02:32,340 --> 01:02:36,420 about half of the ones at that time, about 150 were balloon 972 01:02:36,450 --> 01:02:39,600 were likely balloon like or something like that. That 973 01:02:39,600 --> 01:02:43,110 doesn't mean they're resolved. Oh, I see. So what let me when 974 01:02:43,110 --> 01:02:46,650 we walk everyone through what our analytic process looks like, 975 01:02:48,030 --> 01:02:52,830 we have essentially a five step process, right? So we have we 976 01:02:52,830 --> 01:02:57,720 get our cases and with all the data, we create a case for that 977 01:02:58,470 --> 01:03:03,870 event. My team does a preliminary scrub of all of 978 01:03:03,870 --> 01:03:08,190 those cases, as they come in just to sort out, do we have any 979 01:03:08,190 --> 01:03:12,630 information that says this is in one of those likely categories? 980 01:03:12,630 --> 01:03:15,990 It's likely a balloon, it's likely a balloon? Bird, it's 981 01:03:15,990 --> 01:03:24,420 likely some other object? Or we don't know. Then we prioritize 982 01:03:24,420 --> 01:03:28,380 those based off of where they are? Are they attached to a 983 01:03:28,380 --> 01:03:32,760 national security area? Does it show some anomalous 984 01:03:33,570 --> 01:03:37,320 phenomenology that is of interest, if it's just if it's 985 01:03:37,320 --> 01:03:40,770 just a spherical thing that's floating around with the, with 986 01:03:40,770 --> 01:03:44,310 the wind and it has no payload on it, that's going to be less 987 01:03:44,310 --> 01:03:47,010 important than something that has a payload on it, which will 988 01:03:47,010 --> 01:03:50,580 be less important than something that's maneuvering. Right. So 989 01:03:50,580 --> 01:03:53,400 there's, there's sort of a hierarchy of just binning the 990 01:03:53,400 --> 01:03:58,980 priorities because we can't do all of them at once. Once we do 991 01:03:58,980 --> 01:04:01,650 that, and we prioritize them when we take that package of 992 01:04:01,650 --> 01:04:06,120 data in that case, and I have set up two teams, think of this 993 01:04:06,120 --> 01:04:10,260 as a Red Team Blue Team or competitive analysis. I have an 994 01:04:10,260 --> 01:04:14,580 intelligence community team made up of intelligence analysts. And 995 01:04:14,580 --> 01:04:18,420 I have an s&t team made up of scientists and engineers, and 996 01:04:18,420 --> 01:04:20,850 the people that actually build a lot of these sensors are 997 01:04:20,850 --> 01:04:23,820 physicists, because you know, if you're a physicist, you can do 998 01:04:23,820 --> 01:04:30,030 anything, right. And, but they're not associated with the 999 01:04:30,090 --> 01:04:34,050 intel community. There. They're not Intel officers. So they they 1000 01:04:34,050 --> 01:04:37,620 look at this through the lens of the sensor of that what the data 1001 01:04:37,620 --> 01:04:41,970 says we give that package to both teams. The intelligence 1002 01:04:41,970 --> 01:04:43,920 community is going to look at it through the lens of the 1003 01:04:43,920 --> 01:04:47,670 intelligence record and what they assess, and their intel 1004 01:04:47,670 --> 01:04:51,120 tradecraft, which they have very specific rules and regulations 1005 01:04:51,120 --> 01:04:54,780 on how they do that. scientific community technical community is 1006 01:04:54,780 --> 01:04:57,540 going to look at it through the lens of what is the data telling 1007 01:04:57,540 --> 01:05:01,560 me what is the sensor doing? What would I expect a sensor 1008 01:05:01,560 --> 01:05:06,630 response to be? And back that out? Those two groups give us 1009 01:05:06,660 --> 01:05:12,870 their answers. We then adjudicate. If they agree, then 1010 01:05:12,870 --> 01:05:16,110 I am more likely to close that case, if they agree on what it 1011 01:05:16,110 --> 01:05:20,340 is, if they disagree, we will have an adjudication will bring 1012 01:05:20,340 --> 01:05:23,070 them together, we'll take a look at the differences. What would 1013 01:05:23,070 --> 01:05:26,520 you dedicate What Why do you say one thing and you say another, 1014 01:05:27,270 --> 01:05:32,850 we will then come to a case recommendation that will get 1015 01:05:32,850 --> 01:05:38,070 written up by my team. That then goes to a Senior Technical 1016 01:05:38,070 --> 01:05:42,900 Advisory Group, which is outside of all of those people, made up 1017 01:05:42,900 --> 01:05:48,780 of senior technical folks and Intel analysts and operators 1018 01:05:48,780 --> 01:05:55,170 from retired out of the community. And they, they 1019 01:05:55,170 --> 01:05:59,640 essentially peer review what that case recommendation is, 1020 01:06:00,750 --> 01:06:04,260 they write their recommendations that comes back to me, I review 1021 01:06:04,260 --> 01:06:07,230 it, we make a determination, and I'll sign off one way or the 1022 01:06:07,230 --> 01:06:13,050 other. And then that will go out as the case determination. Once 1023 01:06:13,050 --> 01:06:17,400 we have an approved web portal to hang the unclassified stuff, 1024 01:06:17,430 --> 01:06:20,550 we will do, you know, we would downgrade and declassify things 1025 01:06:20,550 --> 01:06:24,030 and put it out there. In the meantime, we're putting a lot of 1026 01:06:24,030 --> 01:06:27,960 these on our classified web portal, where we can then 1027 01:06:27,960 --> 01:06:30,570 collaborate with the rest of the community so they can see what's 1028 01:06:30,570 --> 01:06:30,930 going on. 1029 01:06:33,810 --> 01:06:35,760 John Greenewald: You know, I'm going after a screenshot of that 1030 01:06:35,760 --> 01:06:40,830 classified web portal, they have plans on doing a public one. 1031 01:06:41,520 --> 01:06:46,830 Cool. And you'll learn here, I think I got the clip. Now, I'm 1032 01:06:46,830 --> 01:06:49,560 second guessing myself. But you'll learn that they've have 1033 01:06:49,590 --> 01:06:53,010 tried to do a public one and submitted drafts for that. But 1034 01:06:53,010 --> 01:06:55,770 again, that that stone wall is for me through FOIA is going to 1035 01:06:55,770 --> 01:06:59,430 be the draft part of it. But he just confirmed as a classified 1036 01:06:59,430 --> 01:07:02,700 one. And a lot of times, as long as there's no classified data 1037 01:07:02,700 --> 01:07:06,570 being shown within that portal, you can actually get copies of 1038 01:07:06,570 --> 01:07:09,420 the portal itself. So I'm actually going for that, as 1039 01:07:09,420 --> 01:07:13,560 well. It was a longer clip to show a little bit tedious at 1040 01:07:13,560 --> 01:07:16,050 times. But I think it's important because to his credit, 1041 01:07:16,380 --> 01:07:20,670 he's at least got a structure, he's at least trying to figure 1042 01:07:20,670 --> 01:07:24,630 out ways to solve these cases. So I wanted to put that clip in 1043 01:07:24,630 --> 01:07:28,440 there as credit to him, that there is this process that seems 1044 01:07:28,500 --> 01:07:32,490 I'm not a scientist, but seems very scientifically structured, 1045 01:07:33,060 --> 01:07:36,450 with a lot of minds involved, although he didn't say this 1046 01:07:36,450 --> 01:07:41,880 specifically. But when you have one mind involved, investigating 1047 01:07:41,880 --> 01:07:45,990 a case, you may have a bias within it. But what he has set 1048 01:07:45,990 --> 01:07:49,530 up is this team A versus Team B B scenario, where you 1049 01:07:49,530 --> 01:07:53,640 potentially have the inability to be biased, where you have two 1050 01:07:53,640 --> 01:07:56,190 different backgrounds, if they agree, then you know, you're on 1051 01:07:56,190 --> 01:07:58,800 the right track, if they disagree, they collectively come 1052 01:07:58,800 --> 01:08:02,700 together and talk it out. That That seems pretty structured to 1053 01:08:02,700 --> 01:08:05,310 me. So to his credit, I think that that was very much worth 1054 01:08:05,310 --> 01:08:05,940 pointing out. 1055 01:08:06,000 --> 01:08:09,420 Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick: So of those over 650. You know, we've 1056 01:08:09,420 --> 01:08:18,330 prioritized about half of them to be of of anomalous, 1057 01:08:18,360 --> 01:08:22,350 interesting value. And now we have to go through those and go, 1058 01:08:22,350 --> 01:08:26,430 How much do I have actual data for? Because if I all I have is, 1059 01:08:26,550 --> 01:08:33,030 is a operator report that says I saw X, Y or Z, my assessment is 1060 01:08:33,150 --> 01:08:36,870 A, B or C, that's not really sufficient. That's a good place 1061 01:08:36,870 --> 01:08:41,130 to start. But I have to have data, I have to have radar data, 1062 01:08:41,130 --> 01:08:43,860 I have to have EU data, I have to have thermal data, I have to 1063 01:08:43,860 --> 01:08:46,980 have overhead data. And we need to look at all that. 1064 01:08:49,020 --> 01:08:51,450 John Greenewald: Yes, you do. So hopefully he's getting that. But 1065 01:08:51,450 --> 01:08:55,230 for me, the key part of this was over half of them exhibited some 1066 01:08:55,230 --> 01:08:58,980 type of, you know, piqued interest here for either him or 1067 01:08:58,980 --> 01:09:04,950 his team. That's still a sizable number half of 650 is 325. My 1068 01:09:04,950 --> 01:09:09,240 math correct. But you're talking about a sizable number. I 1069 01:09:09,240 --> 01:09:14,190 understand his essentially concern about the lack of data 1070 01:09:14,190 --> 01:09:18,180 for some, but at least that gives us some kind of indicator 1071 01:09:18,180 --> 01:09:19,950 on what is peeking his interest 1072 01:09:20,399 --> 01:09:26,129 Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick: of the of the cases that are showing, you 1073 01:09:26,129 --> 01:09:29,219 know, some sort of advanced technical signature of which 1074 01:09:29,249 --> 01:09:33,119 we're talking single percentages of the entire population of 1075 01:09:33,119 --> 01:09:42,149 cases we have. I am concerned about what that nexus is, and I 1076 01:09:42,149 --> 01:09:46,799 have indicators that some are related to foreign capabilities. 1077 01:09:48,029 --> 01:09:53,339 We have to investigate that with our IC partners. And as we get 1078 01:09:53,339 --> 01:09:56,849 evidence to support that, that gets then handed off to the 1079 01:09:56,849 --> 01:10:02,459 appropriate ice agency to investigate Again, it becomes an 1080 01:10:02,459 --> 01:10:03,779 SCP at that point. 1081 01:10:05,100 --> 01:10:07,920 John Greenewald: There's that SCP again. But this is again, a 1082 01:10:07,920 --> 01:10:11,130 broad stroke note, why wasn't this kind of stuff set up 1083 01:10:11,130 --> 01:10:13,680 already, I saw the news headlines that their 1084 01:10:13,680 --> 01:10:16,590 instrumentation wasn't calibrated for certain types of 1085 01:10:16,590 --> 01:10:20,520 objects, which is why they missed those balloons. But come 1086 01:10:20,520 --> 01:10:24,510 on, you're telling me that all the NRO satellites, all of the 1087 01:10:24,510 --> 01:10:28,800 NASA instrumentation all of nor adds capabilities, they weren't 1088 01:10:28,800 --> 01:10:33,870 seeing unknown objects, whatever that unknown is, and there 1089 01:10:33,870 --> 01:10:37,650 wasn't a procedure to make it somebody else's problem or make 1090 01:10:37,650 --> 01:10:42,000 it their own problem. This is kind of like concerning, if you 1091 01:10:42,000 --> 01:10:45,330 really look into it. It doesn't really make sense that all of a 1092 01:10:45,330 --> 01:10:49,860 sudden this and again, not to demean Dr. Kirk Patrick's effort 1093 01:10:49,860 --> 01:10:54,090 here. But a very small effort at this point, a very new effort is 1094 01:10:54,090 --> 01:10:57,510 trying to make sense of what they consider unknown objects, 1095 01:10:57,510 --> 01:11:01,320 which very well may be earth based, and unexplainable. But my 1096 01:11:01,320 --> 01:11:04,530 whole point is, it's like he's starting from scratch to figure 1097 01:11:04,530 --> 01:11:07,290 this all out and essentially make it somebody else's problem. 1098 01:11:07,980 --> 01:11:10,500 No wonder they're saying it's a huge national security risk, 1099 01:11:10,530 --> 01:11:13,350 because it is, that's ridiculous that those types of things 1100 01:11:13,350 --> 01:11:17,400 aren't worked out. He threw in the single percentages again. So 1101 01:11:17,400 --> 01:11:21,090 just to throw back to this screen here, the unknown 9% 1102 01:11:21,300 --> 01:11:24,810 Obviously echoes the exact same conclusions that they were 1103 01:11:24,810 --> 01:11:29,940 seeing statistically, in 1955. But somebody is dropping the 1104 01:11:29,940 --> 01:11:30,300 ball. 1105 01:11:31,470 --> 01:11:34,080 Kirsten Gillibrand: As you know, Dr. Kirkpatrick, Congress has 1106 01:11:34,080 --> 01:11:36,780 mandated that your office establish a discoverable and 1107 01:11:36,780 --> 01:11:40,770 accessible electronic method for potential witnesses of UAP 1108 01:11:40,770 --> 01:11:44,490 incidents and potential participants in government UAP 1109 01:11:44,490 --> 01:11:46,860 related activities to contact your office and tell their 1110 01:11:46,860 --> 01:11:51,930 stories. Congress also set up a process whereby people subject 1111 01:11:51,930 --> 01:11:54,690 to non disclosure agreements preventing them from disclosing 1112 01:11:54,690 --> 01:11:57,480 what they may have witnessed or participated in could tell you 1113 01:11:57,720 --> 01:12:00,030 what they know that risk of retribution from the or 1114 01:12:00,030 --> 01:12:03,900 violation of their NDAs. Have you submitted a public facing 1115 01:12:03,900 --> 01:12:06,750 website product for approval to your superiors? And how long has 1116 01:12:06,750 --> 01:12:07,680 it been under review? 1117 01:12:08,640 --> 01:12:11,940 Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick: I have we submitted the first version of 1118 01:12:11,940 --> 01:12:13,650 that before Christmas? 1119 01:12:16,320 --> 01:12:18,600 Kirsten Gillibrand: And do you have an estimate from them when 1120 01:12:18,600 --> 01:12:21,360 they will respond? Or when you'll have feedback on that? 1121 01:12:21,930 --> 01:12:26,340 No, I don't. Okay, we will offer a letter asking for that timely 1122 01:12:26,340 --> 01:12:27,030 response. 1123 01:12:27,570 --> 01:12:29,520 John Greenewald: He definitely didn't seem happy about that. 1124 01:12:29,520 --> 01:12:33,270 But before Christmas, he submits that essential draft template 1125 01:12:33,270 --> 01:12:38,220 for them in this public facing website, and nothing is approved 1126 01:12:38,220 --> 01:12:42,060 here by late April of the next year. I know the government 1127 01:12:42,060 --> 01:12:46,770 takes a lot of time. But if this was a priority of any kind, it 1128 01:12:46,770 --> 01:12:49,950 would you would think become a priority to just get it 1129 01:12:49,980 --> 01:12:53,700 approved. The Classified version obviously already was. So why 1130 01:12:53,700 --> 01:12:55,260 not a public version? 1131 01:12:56,700 --> 01:13:00,810 Kirsten Gillibrand: Tears appears? When When do you expect 1132 01:13:00,810 --> 01:13:05,730 that you will establish a public facing discoverable and access 1133 01:13:05,730 --> 01:13:08,370 portal for people to use to contact your office as the law 1134 01:13:08,370 --> 01:13:09,030 requires? 1135 01:13:10,710 --> 01:13:14,040 Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick: So I would like to first say thank you all 1136 01:13:14,040 --> 01:13:18,480 very much for referring the witnesses that you have thus far 1137 01:13:18,480 --> 01:13:22,680 to us. I appreciate that we've brought in nearly two dozen. So 1138 01:13:22,680 --> 01:13:26,400 far, it's been it's been very helpful. I'd ask that you 1139 01:13:26,400 --> 01:13:31,290 continue to do that until we have an approved plan. We have a 1140 01:13:31,320 --> 01:13:34,620 multi phased approach for doing that, that we've been 1141 01:13:36,210 --> 01:13:42,990 socializing, I have submitted for approval, some time. And 1142 01:13:42,990 --> 01:13:45,540 once that happens, then we should be able to push all that 1143 01:13:45,540 --> 01:13:49,710 out and get get this a little more automated. Great. What I 1144 01:13:49,710 --> 01:13:53,580 would ask though, is as you all continue to refer to us and 1145 01:13:53,640 --> 01:13:56,730 refer witnesses to us, I'd appreciate if you do that. 1146 01:13:57,750 --> 01:14:00,660 Please try to prioritize the ones that you want to do, 1147 01:14:00,660 --> 01:14:03,900 because we do have a small research staff. 1148 01:14:06,420 --> 01:14:11,430 John Greenewald: So small research staff. And they can't 1149 01:14:11,490 --> 01:14:16,080 obviously interview or do everything that is put on their 1150 01:14:16,080 --> 01:14:19,980 desk. So he's asking, essentially the senators to 1151 01:14:20,670 --> 01:14:23,370 prioritize the witnesses that they should interview. But I'm 1152 01:14:23,370 --> 01:14:27,630 curious who's going to the senators. And I'm curious, after 1153 01:14:27,630 --> 01:14:30,120 they've gone to the net, now, nearly two dozen. So you would 1154 01:14:30,120 --> 01:14:33,960 think that the ones that are the highest priority at this point, 1155 01:14:34,200 --> 01:14:37,860 jello brand or whomever else would have thrown them arrows 1156 01:14:37,860 --> 01:14:42,120 direction by now that none of them were credible to support 1157 01:14:42,120 --> 01:14:46,890 any of these more outlandish, and I say outlandish. But and I 1158 01:14:46,890 --> 01:14:51,570 don't really mean it to sound as disrespectful as that. But those 1159 01:14:51,570 --> 01:14:56,250 stories that we have seen being alluded to and some claims 1160 01:14:56,250 --> 01:15:00,000 actually being made all of the above. I would think that 1161 01:15:00,000 --> 01:15:02,430 senators, if they're intrigued enough to say arrow, you should 1162 01:15:02,430 --> 01:15:05,640 look at this Dr. Eric Davis guy because he allegedly met with 1163 01:15:05,940 --> 01:15:09,120 Thomas Wilson. This was submitted to the Congressional 1164 01:15:09,120 --> 01:15:12,060 Record. So you know, tick tock, let's let's get on it, you would 1165 01:15:12,060 --> 01:15:16,260 think that that would be done by now, you would think that if, in 1166 01:15:16,260 --> 01:15:19,920 the first hearing, Jeremy cor bells name came up, you would 1167 01:15:19,920 --> 01:15:22,770 think that Bob Lazar would kind of come along with that, because 1168 01:15:22,770 --> 01:15:26,400 not only did core Bell have the leaks that were mentioned, even 1169 01:15:26,400 --> 01:15:29,130 though Bob Lazar was not, you know, somehow, if somebody is 1170 01:15:29,130 --> 01:15:31,920 talking to core Bell, and he really thinks that Bob Lazar is 1171 01:15:31,920 --> 01:15:35,280 telling the truth, that that's gonna go across their desk, too. 1172 01:15:35,760 --> 01:15:39,120 So with that be thrown arrows direction. Again, some of that 1173 01:15:39,120 --> 01:15:41,790 is just speculation and assumptions. But I would think 1174 01:15:41,790 --> 01:15:44,760 so, because the senators aren't going to do the research, 1175 01:15:44,760 --> 01:15:47,820 they're going to hear the stories by in some cases, what 1176 01:15:47,820 --> 01:15:51,570 they consider credit by credible people, they think anyway, and 1177 01:15:51,570 --> 01:15:55,320 then it goes to arrow for research. So does arrow have 1178 01:15:55,320 --> 01:15:59,430 transcripts of any of those guys? Who knows? But I'm going 1179 01:15:59,430 --> 01:15:59,910 for it. 1180 01:16:00,360 --> 01:16:02,850 Kirsten Gillibrand: Do you have any plans for public engagement 1181 01:16:02,850 --> 01:16:05,790 that you want to share now that you think it's important that 1182 01:16:05,790 --> 01:16:07,470 the public knows what the plan is? 1183 01:16:08,610 --> 01:16:13,740 Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick: So we have a a number of public engagement 1184 01:16:14,340 --> 01:16:19,230 recommendations, according to our strategic plan, all of those 1185 01:16:19,230 --> 01:16:21,930 have been submitted for approval, they have to be 1186 01:16:21,930 --> 01:16:26,970 approved by USDA ins. We are waiting for approval to go do 1187 01:16:26,970 --> 01:16:27,180 that. 1188 01:16:27,360 --> 01:16:28,770 Kirsten Gillibrand: Okay, I will follow up on that. 1189 01:16:30,750 --> 01:16:33,420 John Greenewald: So it seems like he's waiting for a lot for 1190 01:16:33,420 --> 01:16:36,210 approvals, and so on and so forth. So we'll see what the 1191 01:16:36,210 --> 01:16:40,140 senators do, namely Gillibrand, who will write these letters by 1192 01:16:40,140 --> 01:16:43,470 the way, congressional correspondence is FOIA double. 1193 01:16:43,500 --> 01:16:46,710 So I will be going for all of the correspondence, obviously, 1194 01:16:46,710 --> 01:16:50,430 you don't file the day after, gotta give her some time. She's 1195 01:16:50,460 --> 01:16:53,190 obviously got a lot on her plate, but you give it some kind 1196 01:16:53,190 --> 01:16:56,970 of lead time for her to actually write the letter, then go after 1197 01:16:56,970 --> 01:16:59,670 it. And I have done that in the past. You can go for 1198 01:16:59,670 --> 01:17:02,820 congressional correspondence logs, see what other senators 1199 01:17:02,820 --> 01:17:06,480 may have written letters in regards to UAP to try and get 1200 01:17:06,600 --> 01:17:11,730 the DOD to do XYZ, whatever that might be. So obviously, all of 1201 01:17:11,730 --> 01:17:15,780 these things that are talked about, become paper trails, or 1202 01:17:15,780 --> 01:17:19,470 future paper trails like this one, that will hopefully be a 1203 01:17:19,470 --> 01:17:22,800 paper trail sooner rather than later. There was a question here 1204 01:17:22,800 --> 01:17:25,530 from the chat room for those watching live. Black Dread 1205 01:17:25,530 --> 01:17:27,450 Scotland. Always good to see you here. Thank you for that 1206 01:17:27,450 --> 01:17:30,900 support. Do you think that many of the unknowns are US recon 1207 01:17:30,900 --> 01:17:34,830 platforms such as airships, balloons, drones, and E, WC. And 1208 01:17:34,830 --> 01:17:37,800 the reason why they're unknown is because they are classified 1209 01:17:37,800 --> 01:17:41,040 US assets? I'm taking your question that maybe Dr. 1210 01:17:41,040 --> 01:17:44,610 Kirkpatrick doesn't have access to everything that could very 1211 01:17:44,610 --> 01:17:48,930 well be true. But it really does sound like what they're focusing 1212 01:17:48,930 --> 01:17:52,710 on when it comes to the unknowns or things that they have 1213 01:17:52,710 --> 01:17:56,850 verified to essentially not be our own. Again, that's a little 1214 01:17:56,850 --> 01:17:58,980 bit of speculation. So I'm not saying that he said that 1215 01:17:58,980 --> 01:18:01,860 outright. But I'm kind of leaning towards that, that I 1216 01:18:01,860 --> 01:18:05,190 would think that there's some kind of filter before it's sent 1217 01:18:05,190 --> 01:18:07,980 for Arrow because I don't envision arrow just searching 1218 01:18:08,340 --> 01:18:12,390 the entire catalog for the US military infrastructure, looking 1219 01:18:12,390 --> 01:18:16,020 for UAP. I would imagine that when it comes to those 1220 01:18:16,020 --> 01:18:21,360 classified platforms that may be connected to UAP. You know, that 1221 01:18:21,420 --> 01:18:23,850 they wouldn't cross his desk. But if that plot platform is 1222 01:18:23,850 --> 01:18:26,550 seen by someone else who hasn't read in, they're not clear to 1223 01:18:26,550 --> 01:18:29,430 pilots seems to see something. Sure. And that begs the 1224 01:18:29,430 --> 01:18:33,780 question, Does Kirkpatrick have access to everything? That's a 1225 01:18:34,080 --> 01:18:38,520 purely speculative area of all of this. So if I understood your 1226 01:18:38,520 --> 01:18:41,400 right, I'm sorry, I don't have a better answer from that, or for 1227 01:18:41,400 --> 01:18:45,510 that, I should say, but sadly, we just don't know, we have no 1228 01:18:45,510 --> 01:18:50,430 idea what he does and does not have access to. I would also 1229 01:18:50,430 --> 01:18:55,200 imagine, too, that they may instruct him to, let's say, not 1230 01:18:55,200 --> 01:18:59,730 release a certain video. And again, this is also speculation, 1231 01:18:59,730 --> 01:19:04,770 but let's say his office says this particular video is 1232 01:19:04,800 --> 01:19:08,280 unidentified. So they're going to declassify it release it as 1233 01:19:08,280 --> 01:19:11,790 an example, like they have in the past. But it turns out that 1234 01:19:11,790 --> 01:19:16,230 it's some classified platform from some other military branch 1235 01:19:16,260 --> 01:19:20,220 or so on. I would think before he got approval to release that 1236 01:19:20,220 --> 01:19:24,840 material, they would shut that down, because he obviously has a 1237 01:19:24,840 --> 01:19:28,260 clearance himself. So they may read him in and go, that's not 1238 01:19:28,260 --> 01:19:30,360 something we're letting out in the open, the approval wouldn't 1239 01:19:30,360 --> 01:19:34,590 go in. And then it may even just disappear in his databases and 1240 01:19:34,590 --> 01:19:37,710 books. I think that that's a possibility too. So then it's 1241 01:19:37,710 --> 01:19:42,270 not even a consideration for Arrow. So a lot of speculation 1242 01:19:42,270 --> 01:19:44,910 there. Don't get me wrong. I don't know the right answer, 1243 01:19:45,300 --> 01:19:48,240 because obviously, we're getting into a classified territory. But 1244 01:19:48,240 --> 01:19:51,690 what my impression was from what he said that we're not dealing 1245 01:19:51,690 --> 01:19:55,620 with the classified US assets that he's deeming as 1246 01:19:55,620 --> 01:19:56,520 unidentified 1247 01:20:00,000 --> 01:20:04,740 Kirsten Gillibrand: And then my last question is about the 1248 01:20:04,740 --> 01:20:07,980 integration of departments UAP operations research, analysis 1249 01:20:07,980 --> 01:20:13,350 and strategic communications. During the recent UAP incidents 1250 01:20:13,350 --> 01:20:16,080 over North America, it didn't appear that you were allowed to 1251 01:20:16,080 --> 01:20:19,560 play that role. Do you agree that the public perception is 1252 01:20:19,560 --> 01:20:21,900 generally that you and your office did not appear to play a 1253 01:20:21,900 --> 01:20:24,090 major role in the department's response to the detection of 1254 01:20:24,090 --> 01:20:28,590 objects over North America? What can you tell us? That's going on 1255 01:20:28,590 --> 01:20:32,340 behind the scenes from your perspective? Div. And in the 1256 01:20:32,340 --> 01:20:35,850 after action assessment process? Is there awareness that there is 1257 01:20:35,850 --> 01:20:38,430 a need to operate differently the future and a commitment to 1258 01:20:38,430 --> 01:20:39,060 doing so 1259 01:20:40,710 --> 01:20:42,900 Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick: when the when the objects were first 1260 01:20:42,900 --> 01:20:49,410 detected, I got called by joint staff leadership to come in late 1261 01:20:49,410 --> 01:20:54,090 one night to review events as they were unfolding unfolding, 1262 01:20:54,090 --> 01:20:58,590 and to give them an assessment based on what we knew at that 1263 01:20:58,590 --> 01:21:04,710 time. I did that worked with the director, Joint Staff, the j two 1264 01:21:04,710 --> 01:21:08,730 and the J. Three. That night and over the couple of following 1265 01:21:08,730 --> 01:21:12,960 days on? What are the types of things that we are tracking from 1266 01:21:12,960 --> 01:21:16,320 a unidentified object perspective, what databases do 1267 01:21:16,320 --> 01:21:19,770 we use those sorts of things for, for normal for known 1268 01:21:19,800 --> 01:21:27,210 objects known tracking. Beyond that, the response I would have 1269 01:21:27,210 --> 01:21:30,420 to, I would have to refer you back to the White House for the 1270 01:21:30,420 --> 01:21:35,550 decision on how they did the response, we did not play a role 1271 01:21:35,550 --> 01:21:40,920 in what you would respond. Other than that initial, you know, 1272 01:21:40,920 --> 01:21:43,470 advice on what we are seeing and how we are seeing. 1273 01:21:49,830 --> 01:21:52,230 John Greenewald: You yet again, it kind of was concerning to 1274 01:21:52,230 --> 01:21:56,100 hear that arrow was the office, they called once these these 1275 01:21:56,130 --> 01:22:00,570 objects that from what we were told is the general public, they 1276 01:22:00,570 --> 01:22:04,140 knew about prior these balloons, that arrow was who they went to. 1277 01:22:04,410 --> 01:22:08,190 That's not to demean arrow as an office. But why were there no 1278 01:22:08,190 --> 01:22:11,760 other policies or procedures to take over for when they saw 1279 01:22:11,790 --> 01:22:16,140 known foreign technology, spy or otherwise, but any type of 1280 01:22:16,140 --> 01:22:20,340 foreign technology coming in, if I recall, where we told that 1281 01:22:20,340 --> 01:22:23,760 they had known about this days, or weeks prior to it becoming 1282 01:22:23,760 --> 01:22:27,120 public knowledge, and US tracking these balloons, and so 1283 01:22:27,120 --> 01:22:32,130 on, there's nothing so then they call the arrow office, I think 1284 01:22:32,130 --> 01:22:34,890 it's great that they were called in as maybe a consultant role, 1285 01:22:34,890 --> 01:22:37,440 but I kind of got the impression that they were the ones that 1286 01:22:37,440 --> 01:22:41,280 everyone call it call arrow with these balloon objects. And it 1287 01:22:41,280 --> 01:22:44,730 just surprised me that there was no other effort that had been 1288 01:22:44,730 --> 01:22:48,330 well established at this point, to have policy and procedure on 1289 01:22:48,330 --> 01:22:51,090 what to do. The other weird thing is the fact that we 1290 01:22:51,090 --> 01:22:54,120 started shooting these things down, starting with the Chinese 1291 01:22:54,120 --> 01:22:57,810 spy balloon. But then within days, you had multiple objects 1292 01:22:57,810 --> 01:23:02,280 shot down all rumor to be, you know, balloons or whatever. And 1293 01:23:02,280 --> 01:23:07,470 then like nothing, like it all just stopped. So what are the 1294 01:23:07,470 --> 01:23:12,120 odds that all of a sudden we we see the balloon, the first one, 1295 01:23:12,210 --> 01:23:14,940 then we shoot that down, and then there's these beautiful 1296 01:23:15,060 --> 01:23:17,460 photographs, they really were cool. I think that they were 1297 01:23:17,460 --> 01:23:20,730 awesome nighttime shots of them collecting the wreckage and 1298 01:23:20,760 --> 01:23:25,890 essentially posing with it. There was that, then nothing on 1299 01:23:25,890 --> 01:23:28,380 the other objects that were shot down, we just heard about him. 1300 01:23:28,620 --> 01:23:31,680 So in the course of days, you had all these objects shot down. 1301 01:23:32,130 --> 01:23:37,350 And then all of a sudden, nothing, no new stories, no 1302 01:23:37,350 --> 01:23:41,220 additional shutdowns that we're aware of know anything. What 1303 01:23:41,220 --> 01:23:44,790 happened? You know, and that's what's what's really fascinating 1304 01:23:44,790 --> 01:23:47,280 to me, because I don't have an answer. I'm not going to pretend 1305 01:23:47,280 --> 01:23:51,090 I do. But But at what point does some of this become strategic? 1306 01:23:51,090 --> 01:23:55,800 Because, in my view, those incidents were tied into the UFO 1307 01:23:55,830 --> 01:23:59,580 UAP topic. So some of the stories that I saw, were tying 1308 01:23:59,580 --> 01:24:03,750 it into arrows effort and UAP and, and so on and so forth, 1309 01:24:03,990 --> 01:24:09,720 essentially, taking the mystery out and putting an explanation 1310 01:24:09,750 --> 01:24:12,900 in. So the general public doesn't that doesn't do what you 1311 01:24:12,900 --> 01:24:16,380 or I do make these videos or watch these videos or really 1312 01:24:16,380 --> 01:24:19,380 stay involved in the conversation. They see that mere 1313 01:24:19,380 --> 01:24:22,200 mention of Yeah, the UAP conversation while it looks like 1314 01:24:22,200 --> 01:24:24,900 a lot of it is balloons think the New York Times had a very 1315 01:24:24,900 --> 01:24:28,410 similar similar tone to their most recent, all of a sudden the 1316 01:24:28,410 --> 01:24:31,350 majority of the general public what do they do? They lose 1317 01:24:31,350 --> 01:24:35,070 interest. And consequently, who else loses interest? The 1318 01:24:35,070 --> 01:24:39,420 senators go back to that, you know, empty room that we saw 1319 01:24:39,960 --> 01:24:44,310 when it came to the interest from the Senate side that nobody 1320 01:24:44,310 --> 01:24:47,130 was there? Sure people want to think oh, well, you know what? 1321 01:24:47,670 --> 01:24:50,880 They were all at the classified setting. So there were really no 1322 01:24:50,880 --> 01:24:55,230 reasons for them to go to the public hearing because they 1323 01:24:55,230 --> 01:24:58,920 heard everything. Well, if that's true, read into that 1324 01:24:58,980 --> 01:25:01,890 because then they're not there. For you, they're there for them. 1325 01:25:01,950 --> 01:25:06,960 They're not there to inform you of anything. They're in what a 1326 01:25:06,960 --> 01:25:09,570 meeting and they move on. They don't care about what you and I 1327 01:25:09,570 --> 01:25:12,480 have to say. Why? Because I think the general public is 1328 01:25:12,480 --> 01:25:15,690 starting to lose interest. And that's the result. I think we 1329 01:25:15,690 --> 01:25:20,820 need to have efforts that keep senators in the understanding 1330 01:25:21,120 --> 01:25:25,620 that the general public wants to know, they do, they really do. 1331 01:25:25,650 --> 01:25:30,930 But the problem is they hear too much BS, full stop. From the 1332 01:25:30,930 --> 01:25:34,740 mainstream media, it is ridiculous. There was a 1333 01:25:34,740 --> 01:25:39,780 mainstream outlet that ran a story on the UFO video that we 1334 01:25:39,780 --> 01:25:43,320 already went through from the hearing. And it was this fear, 1335 01:25:43,350 --> 01:25:45,810 right, so that was the one that was truly unknown. The other one 1336 01:25:45,810 --> 01:25:48,900 was an aircraft. And so they had this flashy headline about 1337 01:25:48,900 --> 01:25:53,040 releasing a new UFO, video, so on and so forth. They showed the 1338 01:25:53,040 --> 01:25:58,110 wrong video. There's like nothing serious about the 1339 01:25:58,110 --> 01:26:01,350 coverage when it comes to mainstream media on this topic 1340 01:26:01,350 --> 01:26:05,820 anymore. And that's the problem. So the public is hearing BS, 1341 01:26:05,850 --> 01:26:09,450 they really are. And I think that that's what we need to 1342 01:26:09,450 --> 01:26:14,160 ensure, is not how we all end up, that people that are making 1343 01:26:14,160 --> 01:26:20,430 claims out there have leaked classified information and alien 1344 01:26:20,430 --> 01:26:24,180 tech and people with these outlandish claims. As I said, In 1345 01:26:24,180 --> 01:26:29,010 the beginning of this deep dive, it is important to either put up 1346 01:26:29,220 --> 01:26:33,240 or shut up. And I really, truly believe we need to get into that 1347 01:26:33,240 --> 01:26:37,530 mindset that people shouldn't be afraid to call others out, when 1348 01:26:37,530 --> 01:26:44,520 they aren't taking the care that they can. I think that that I 1349 01:26:44,520 --> 01:26:45,900 want to be careful here because I don't want to be 1350 01:26:45,900 --> 01:26:48,480 disrespectful. But at the end of the hearing, there's a video 1351 01:26:48,480 --> 01:26:52,830 that had surfaced where Senator Gillibrand, I think was given 1352 01:26:52,860 --> 01:26:59,880 ancient alien pamphlets, or something to that effect. Now, I 1353 01:26:59,880 --> 01:27:03,180 want to stress I'm not trying to sound disrespectful here, but is 1354 01:27:03,180 --> 01:27:08,550 that what she needs to see? Show up to the hearing? I'm gonna get 1355 01:27:08,550 --> 01:27:12,210 hate mail for saying that. But is that what we are going to 1356 01:27:12,210 --> 01:27:17,370 present her with? Is that the voice of the people? And and I 1357 01:27:17,370 --> 01:27:22,350 would say no, I would say that, that convincing someone to put 1358 01:27:22,350 --> 01:27:25,560 the Wilson Davis document in there was not the right path. 1359 01:27:25,560 --> 01:27:28,200 But you know what, throw him under oath and put them in 1360 01:27:28,200 --> 01:27:31,530 there. Now. I changed my mind. I thought that was a biggest 1361 01:27:31,530 --> 01:27:35,280 facepalm moment from that first hearing. But you know what it's 1362 01:27:35,280 --> 01:27:39,390 done and over. So put them under oath. See what happens. See if 1363 01:27:39,390 --> 01:27:43,500 Dr. Eric Davis will sit in there with protection under oath? And 1364 01:27:43,500 --> 01:27:47,250 tell everybody on the committee? Yes, I wrote those notes. And 1365 01:27:47,250 --> 01:27:50,550 everything I wrote actually happened. I'd love to see it. 1366 01:27:51,000 --> 01:27:53,580 And if Thomas Wilson denies it under oath, are you guys going 1367 01:27:53,580 --> 01:27:56,640 to believe it? And that's obviously asked towards those 1368 01:27:56,640 --> 01:28:01,860 that believe that the Wilson documents depict actual events. 1369 01:28:02,400 --> 01:28:08,160 So you have, I think, a certain angle of information that should 1370 01:28:08,160 --> 01:28:12,090 be presented to senators. I don't believe the Wilson Davis 1371 01:28:12,090 --> 01:28:15,420 documents and the Bob Lazar like stories are the way to go or 1372 01:28:15,420 --> 01:28:19,740 ancient aliens. I just don't. And that's unfortunate, but 1373 01:28:19,740 --> 01:28:24,120 that's where we're going. And in that process, we're now seeing 1374 01:28:24,120 --> 01:28:27,630 the degradation of this topic. I'll get some hate mail for that 1375 01:28:27,630 --> 01:28:31,560 too. I'm sure I will. But we're seeing heavily classified 1376 01:28:32,760 --> 01:28:36,900 blankets being put over all of this. But as a result, you have 1377 01:28:36,900 --> 01:28:40,800 an influx of people claiming they know what's going on and 1378 01:28:40,800 --> 01:28:44,160 there's so much bunk out there, the general public loses 1379 01:28:44,160 --> 01:28:47,310 interest trying to keep track of it all because that's what the 1380 01:28:47,550 --> 01:28:51,300 few now mainstream media outlets that are doing stories are hard 1381 01:28:51,330 --> 01:28:57,180 highlighting the ridiculously outlandish claims that hold no 1382 01:28:57,270 --> 01:29:02,430 evidence whatsoever that they'll quote 72 anonymous sources in 1383 01:29:02,430 --> 01:29:06,150 one particular article and back that up with absolutely nothing. 1384 01:29:06,570 --> 01:29:09,180 And that's what gets some headlines on some British 1385 01:29:09,180 --> 01:29:13,230 tabloid papers. Well, you and I, we can sit here and talk about 1386 01:29:13,230 --> 01:29:17,100 it and and have fun doing so and respectfully disagree. I always 1387 01:29:17,100 --> 01:29:20,340 dig that. But sadly to the general public, they're gonna 1388 01:29:20,340 --> 01:29:23,610 lose interest if they haven't started already. And I think 1389 01:29:23,610 --> 01:29:26,970 we're seeing that the Baghdad Phantom. Remember when I when I 1390 01:29:26,970 --> 01:29:30,150 said that there was just a surprisingly lack of coverage to 1391 01:29:30,150 --> 01:29:34,320 that. I think that's a repercussion of all this. That's 1392 01:29:34,320 --> 01:29:37,200 actually a really interesting story. Whether or not it's an 1393 01:29:37,200 --> 01:29:41,340 alien probe, who knows but regardless MQ nine Reaper 1394 01:29:41,340 --> 01:29:46,320 footage is being leaked. That's classified, which I can prove is 1395 01:29:46,320 --> 01:29:50,190 a classified video in nature inherently, because it was shot 1396 01:29:50,190 --> 01:29:53,490 by the MQ nine regardless of what the object is, and it's 1397 01:29:53,490 --> 01:29:57,630 leaked out. That to me is the story who is on the inside 1398 01:29:57,630 --> 01:30:00,420 leaking classified information and seemingly getting way with 1399 01:30:00,420 --> 01:30:05,400 it and doing it for years, just in the last 60 days, 45 days of 1400 01:30:05,400 --> 01:30:10,260 that a DOD leak sparked a huge investigation, major public 1401 01:30:10,260 --> 01:30:13,650 affairs outreach and damage control. And I believe the guy 1402 01:30:13,650 --> 01:30:18,750 was already arrested and charged. What's going on with 1403 01:30:18,750 --> 01:30:23,760 the UAP? world? No one cares. Come on. So this is what's weird 1404 01:30:23,760 --> 01:30:26,790 and intriguing to me is there's all these unanswered questions. 1405 01:30:27,090 --> 01:30:30,900 But it seems like the focus is way over here, when it actually 1406 01:30:30,900 --> 01:30:34,590 should be right here. People are missing all of these major 1407 01:30:34,590 --> 01:30:38,340 things. And in the end, senators are handed ancient alien things. 1408 01:30:38,550 --> 01:30:43,890 And Wilson Davis somehow gets traction within a congressional 1409 01:30:43,890 --> 01:30:47,100 hearing. And that's what's unfortunate, because there's so 1410 01:30:47,100 --> 01:30:53,310 much more, I think, evidence to be presented. And and I still 1411 01:30:53,310 --> 01:30:57,000 don't know if Kirkpatrick has the access that he needs. If you 1412 01:30:57,000 --> 01:31:01,680 were to ask me to bet $1 I would bet $1 He does not. I believe 1413 01:31:01,680 --> 01:31:04,470 that arrow is too much in the spotlight to have access to 1414 01:31:04,590 --> 01:31:10,440 everything. I believe that the secrecy proves there is much 1415 01:31:10,440 --> 01:31:15,270 more to this than clutter and balloons, and UAS is liked or 1416 01:31:15,300 --> 01:31:19,410 Dr. Kirkpatrick had stated. So when I go back to the very 1417 01:31:19,410 --> 01:31:24,060 beginning of this deep dive and say that it seemed forced, was 1418 01:31:24,060 --> 01:31:29,640 it really forced? Was he is he the guy to go out there and 1419 01:31:29,910 --> 01:31:33,750 explain this? Not investigated? No, I'm not making that 1420 01:31:33,750 --> 01:31:37,770 conspiracy claim. And no, I'm not saying he's lying. But we do 1421 01:31:37,770 --> 01:31:40,530 have to question whether or not he has access to all of the 1422 01:31:40,530 --> 01:31:41,250 information. 1423 01:31:42,600 --> 01:31:44,790 Now throughout this video presentation, I kept slowly 1424 01:31:44,820 --> 01:31:50,340 showing you slides from 1955 of the same document, but just 1425 01:31:50,340 --> 01:31:54,030 different sections of it showing how it compares to present day. 1426 01:31:54,810 --> 01:31:58,980 So I'll close with this thought. Dr. J. Allen Hynek, the main 1427 01:31:58,980 --> 01:32:03,810 Chief Consultant scientist for Project Bluebook started in very 1428 01:32:03,810 --> 01:32:07,830 much a similar way. The majority of everything was explainable. 1429 01:32:07,860 --> 01:32:11,910 He was the swamp gas guy. And Dr. Hynek was very much the 1430 01:32:11,910 --> 01:32:16,350 skeptic slash debunker of project Bluebook very similar to 1431 01:32:16,350 --> 01:32:20,340 what we're seeing today. Go back to the clips of Dr. Kirkpatrick 1432 01:32:20,340 --> 01:32:22,800 saying the majority of everything is all explainable. 1433 01:32:23,250 --> 01:32:29,250 clutter. Balloons UAS is very similar to Dr. J. Allen Hynek. 1434 01:32:29,760 --> 01:32:33,330 But as time went on, Hynek was really a scientist. And he 1435 01:32:33,330 --> 01:32:36,000 looked at all of that evidence. And he looked at those cases, 1436 01:32:36,000 --> 01:32:39,810 and there is documented proof that he wanted to actually 1437 01:32:39,810 --> 01:32:43,230 reopen some of the cases that were solved. I have the letters 1438 01:32:43,230 --> 01:32:46,560 on the blackbaud.com. They're fascinating. And just search for 1439 01:32:46,560 --> 01:32:48,930 a section called from the desk of project Bluebook. It's a 1440 01:32:48,930 --> 01:32:54,570 fascinating story, including actual written letters, with 1441 01:32:54,600 --> 01:32:58,590 from Dr. J. Allen Hynek to Hector Cainta. Nia, head of 1442 01:32:58,590 --> 01:33:01,620 project Bluebook at the time, and essentially arguing that 1443 01:33:01,770 --> 01:33:05,520 some cases should be reopened and the US Air Force with the 1444 01:33:07,470 --> 01:33:12,000 direction of kin tinea said, no, they're going to stay closed. So 1445 01:33:12,000 --> 01:33:15,840 at what point does Kirkpatrick have access? And how much does 1446 01:33:15,840 --> 01:33:20,460 he not? How much is he forced to do something? Or how much is he 1447 01:33:20,460 --> 01:33:22,800 not? These are all juxtapositions that are 1448 01:33:22,800 --> 01:33:30,690 absolutely fascinating. When you when you look and compare how 1449 01:33:30,690 --> 01:33:34,650 strikingly similar it really is. So where does John, Sean 1450 01:33:34,650 --> 01:33:38,280 Kirkpatrick go from here? I don't know. But it'll be 1451 01:33:38,280 --> 01:33:41,790 fascinating to see. Because if there is, and this was 1452 01:33:41,790 --> 01:33:44,610 speculation on whether or not he was really kind of forced to 1453 01:33:44,610 --> 01:33:48,390 explain these things, that is exactly what happened during 1454 01:33:48,390 --> 01:33:51,090 project Bluebook. Now we're talking about academic 1455 01:33:51,090 --> 01:33:54,330 institutions coming along. That is exactly what happened in 1456 01:33:54,330 --> 01:33:57,450 Project Bluebook. And when you're talking about these peer 1457 01:33:57,450 --> 01:34:02,280 reviewed processes, that's kind of kind of what happened during 1458 01:34:02,280 --> 01:34:05,340 project Bluebook. But in the end, the academic community 1459 01:34:05,340 --> 01:34:08,340 looked at the evidence that were brought in and appropriately 1460 01:34:08,340 --> 01:34:12,450 cleared, and they said shut it all down. It's not worth it. So 1461 01:34:12,450 --> 01:34:16,440 are we on the same path or not? Your guess is as good as mine. 1462 01:34:17,310 --> 01:34:20,610 As always, these deep dives I understand are not for 1463 01:34:20,610 --> 01:34:23,670 everybody, but if you're still here, A for effort on your 1464 01:34:23,670 --> 01:34:27,450 dedication, I'd love to hear from you. The YouTube channel 1465 01:34:27,450 --> 01:34:30,720 obviously has a big comment section please feel free to post 1466 01:34:30,720 --> 01:34:35,880 your comments below. A thumbs up is definitely a help to me. Make 1467 01:34:35,880 --> 01:34:38,370 sure you're subscribed to the channel and above all else, 1468 01:34:38,400 --> 01:34:42,750 sharing the channel name and link to the channel is the 1469 01:34:42,750 --> 01:34:45,780 biggest help of all if you feel so inclined to support the 1470 01:34:45,780 --> 01:34:49,110 channel you want to throw in $1 or $5 or whatever. I have a 1471 01:34:49,110 --> 01:34:52,620 patreon you can do either the super chats if you're watching 1472 01:34:52,620 --> 01:34:56,730 live, or there are ways to do comments on YouTube, where you 1473 01:34:56,730 --> 01:35:01,860 can tip as well. I'm not looking to take Make Your Money 100% of 1474 01:35:01,860 --> 01:35:05,040 what you submit goes to the Freedom of Information Act cases 1475 01:35:05,040 --> 01:35:09,510 that I file and the costs to run the black vault.com. Now 1476 01:35:09,510 --> 01:35:15,000 totaling more than 3.2 million pages over the course of 26 1477 01:35:15,030 --> 01:35:18,270 years that I've added, which are housed on three dedicated 1478 01:35:18,270 --> 01:35:22,230 servers. And so sadly, it's just not cheap. So 100% of what you 1479 01:35:22,230 --> 01:35:25,200 guys send in goes to that I don't buy myself a steak dinner 1480 01:35:25,200 --> 01:35:29,100 or coffee or anything like that. That said, Thank you so much for 1481 01:35:29,100 --> 01:35:31,710 listening and watching. This is John Greenewald, Jr, signing 1482 01:35:31,710 --> 01:35:33,300 off, and we'll see you next time.