1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:00,270 Dan Warren: So 2 00:00:07,410 --> 00:00:09,480 John Greenewald: in my mind, there were certain things that 3 00:00:09,480 --> 00:00:13,560 had come out that were pretty interesting. Last week, the 4 00:00:13,560 --> 00:00:17,730 black vault did a deep dive into the highlights and the lowlights 5 00:00:17,820 --> 00:00:21,090 of the recent hearing on unidentified anomalous 6 00:00:21,090 --> 00:00:29,670 phenomena, or UAP. will come to order. For some that hearing was 7 00:00:29,670 --> 00:00:30,750 quite the left down. 8 00:00:31,049 --> 00:00:33,509 Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick: Arrow has found no credible evidence thus 9 00:00:33,509 --> 00:00:37,799 far of extraterrestrial activity offworld technology or objects 10 00:00:37,799 --> 00:00:40,229 that the FBI, the known laws of physics. 11 00:00:40,860 --> 00:00:43,170 John Greenewald: Others hang on to the hope that the hearing 12 00:00:43,170 --> 00:00:46,770 represents an important step towards all of us knowing the 13 00:00:46,800 --> 00:00:52,050 absolute truth behind the UAP mystery icon, at least, maybe 14 00:00:52,050 --> 00:00:53,310 one day, you'll see 15 00:00:53,310 --> 00:00:54,930 Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick: it, come through to the top of the 16 00:00:54,930 --> 00:00:58,020 screen. There it goes. And then the camera will smooth to 17 00:00:58,020 --> 00:00:58,440 follow. 18 00:00:58,920 --> 00:01:01,920 John Greenewald: But my guest today was actually there. 19 00:01:02,580 --> 00:01:04,770 Dan Warren: Reporting live from the US Capitol, I'm getting 20 00:01:04,770 --> 00:01:08,040 ready to go to the congressional hearing on UFO with the Russell 21 00:01:08,040 --> 00:01:10,800 building. Just want to check in and say hi to everybody, good 22 00:01:10,800 --> 00:01:11,730 morning from Washington, 23 00:01:12,630 --> 00:01:15,480 John Greenewald: in the audience, listening intently to 24 00:01:15,480 --> 00:01:20,130 every word we all heard. But also, he was privy to what 25 00:01:20,130 --> 00:01:24,210 happened when the cameras weren't rolling. both before and 26 00:01:24,210 --> 00:01:29,370 after the hearing itself. Dan Warren, who runs the fifth 27 00:01:29,370 --> 00:01:33,240 pillar of emphasis Tiktok channel, updating and educating 28 00:01:33,240 --> 00:01:36,780 more than a quarter of a million of his subscribers on the UFO 29 00:01:36,780 --> 00:01:40,890 issue, steps into the vault to talk to us about what he learned 30 00:01:40,890 --> 00:01:44,880 at the hearing what he took away from his one on one interaction 31 00:01:44,880 --> 00:01:49,230 with Senator Kirsten Gillibrand. And where does he feel we might 32 00:01:49,230 --> 00:01:54,510 be going next? Stay tuned, you're about to journey inside 33 00:01:54,510 --> 00:01:55,500 the black vault. 34 00:02:22,890 --> 00:02:25,380 That's right, everybody. As always, thank you so much for 35 00:02:25,380 --> 00:02:28,620 tuning in. And taking this journey inside the black vault 36 00:02:28,620 --> 00:02:31,530 with me. I'm your host, John Greenewald, Jr, creator and 37 00:02:31,530 --> 00:02:34,350 founder of the black vault.com. But also the janitor, the 38 00:02:34,350 --> 00:02:37,320 scanner and pretty much everything else that you can 39 00:02:37,320 --> 00:02:40,710 fill in the blank with I am the entire team here at the black 40 00:02:40,710 --> 00:02:43,590 vault.com. So thanks for tuning in. I've been looking forward to 41 00:02:43,590 --> 00:02:47,550 this, this conversation with Dan Warren. Dan. First off, thank 42 00:02:47,550 --> 00:02:50,970 you so much for taking some time and talking to me and my 43 00:02:50,970 --> 00:02:51,840 audience today. 44 00:02:52,410 --> 00:02:54,360 Dan Warren: No problem. Thanks for having me. And you need to 45 00:02:54,360 --> 00:02:57,090 update your intro because you're everything but the gardener? 46 00:02:57,900 --> 00:03:00,750 John Greenewald: That's right. Yes, for those who don't know, 47 00:03:00,750 --> 00:03:04,320 Dan, and I had to delay a few minutes because on announced my 48 00:03:04,320 --> 00:03:07,560 gardeners who show up on Tuesday, showed up on a Monday 49 00:03:07,560 --> 00:03:10,500 when we're recording this and they were outside my window for 50 00:03:10,500 --> 00:03:13,410 quite some time. But But yes, other than the gardener. That's 51 00:03:13,410 --> 00:03:18,330 true. I do everything else but the grass. So I've been looking 52 00:03:18,330 --> 00:03:21,450 forward to this conversation with you because I've talked 53 00:03:21,450 --> 00:03:24,570 about you before on this channel. You do some very 54 00:03:24,570 --> 00:03:28,560 entertaining pieces. Anybody that uses social media when it 55 00:03:28,560 --> 00:03:33,090 comes to Twitter, I've seen your lot in but most notably your Tik 56 00:03:33,090 --> 00:03:38,520 Tok following, you have really and rightfully so kind of 57 00:03:38,520 --> 00:03:42,240 garnered this, this following this movement of looking to you 58 00:03:42,240 --> 00:03:47,550 for updates. For information, you do some great pieces. So I 59 00:03:47,550 --> 00:03:51,330 want to start there because people see these pieces online. 60 00:03:51,480 --> 00:03:54,060 You're the man who creates them, you're the you're the host of 61 00:03:54,060 --> 00:03:57,570 them, and you you produce these things. Tell me how you got 62 00:03:57,570 --> 00:03:58,650 started doing that. 63 00:03:59,370 --> 00:04:03,780 Dan Warren: So I basically was looking for the easiest path to 64 00:04:03,780 --> 00:04:07,800 success that I could find when it comes to quality because it's 65 00:04:07,800 --> 00:04:11,640 hard to make documentaries. Setting up a podcast is also 66 00:04:11,640 --> 00:04:15,150 difficult. I didn't know anything about AV or recording. 67 00:04:15,150 --> 00:04:18,900 So I started tinkering around with what can I do and I found 68 00:04:18,900 --> 00:04:22,080 out that tick tock had all the tools necessary for you to be 69 00:04:22,080 --> 00:04:26,130 able to use your phone to start making content, as poor as it 70 00:04:26,130 --> 00:04:29,190 was at the time that I started. So it's definitely allowed me to 71 00:04:29,190 --> 00:04:33,540 learn and hone my craft as I've progressed and I've actually 72 00:04:33,540 --> 00:04:36,750 learned different software packages along the way. But it 73 00:04:36,750 --> 00:04:39,900 was me wanting to start to contribute to the conversation 74 00:04:39,900 --> 00:04:43,050 in a meaningful way instead of just consuming content and 75 00:04:43,050 --> 00:04:46,770 consuming information, which I would with my videos I always 76 00:04:46,770 --> 00:04:50,250 have to thank the people that are providing the research that 77 00:04:50,250 --> 00:04:55,350 allows me to more or less have a backbone for what I'm covering 78 00:04:55,350 --> 00:05:00,000 in my videos. I always like to add context context to the info 79 00:05:00,000 --> 00:05:03,480 Meishan on presenting that, but someone is always providing me 80 00:05:03,480 --> 00:05:07,080 an article that I'm covering. And I try to contextualize it 81 00:05:07,080 --> 00:05:09,960 and add background information to it. And also just make it 82 00:05:09,960 --> 00:05:13,260 easier for people that are not familiar, that are not deep into 83 00:05:13,260 --> 00:05:17,940 the UFO topic like we are with why this information is 84 00:05:17,940 --> 00:05:22,200 particularly significant to me. And so people tend to enjoy that 85 00:05:22,200 --> 00:05:25,500 it gives them a little bit more of an insight from a UFO nerds 86 00:05:25,500 --> 00:05:30,900 perspective on the situation. And it's also been a nice 87 00:05:30,900 --> 00:05:34,440 interesting way to document my learning journey and my 88 00:05:34,440 --> 00:05:38,040 experience as things have kind of then unfolding in front of 89 00:05:38,040 --> 00:05:42,330 us. So it's nice to look back at what I thought was significant 90 00:05:42,330 --> 00:05:47,400 at the time, and how it related to the moment that it was being 91 00:05:47,400 --> 00:05:49,710 released and why it was significant. And it also 92 00:05:49,710 --> 00:05:53,310 prevents me from having to remember every single detail 93 00:05:53,340 --> 00:05:56,640 about that moment, and that article, and that information 94 00:05:56,640 --> 00:05:59,790 that came out, I can go back and use it as a reference document 95 00:05:59,850 --> 00:06:02,820 more or less. But that's what that's what got me started, I 96 00:06:02,820 --> 00:06:05,970 wanted to be, I wanted to become more involved, I wanted to be a 97 00:06:05,970 --> 00:06:10,620 contributor instead of solely a consumer. And that's why I 98 00:06:10,620 --> 00:06:13,500 started making these videos. And now I consider myself the fast 99 00:06:13,500 --> 00:06:17,880 food version of youth Balaji, I've just a quick, easy to 100 00:06:17,880 --> 00:06:19,980 consume hit of information. 101 00:06:20,790 --> 00:06:22,920 John Greenewald: That's where I think you and I connect very 102 00:06:22,920 --> 00:06:26,400 much when it comes to this because it was quite a few years 103 00:06:26,400 --> 00:06:29,760 ago, I realized I don't do tic TOCs. As much as I want. I did 104 00:06:29,760 --> 00:06:32,460 join, I've got a couple of videos on there, you've 105 00:06:32,460 --> 00:06:35,970 obviously mastered that, that craft and really kind of 106 00:06:36,150 --> 00:06:39,960 connected with the audience. But your views on kind of that 107 00:06:39,960 --> 00:06:43,410 power, that it's not just about making content and getting a 108 00:06:43,410 --> 00:06:46,020 couple of views, or in your case, you know, like hundreds of 109 00:06:46,020 --> 00:06:50,130 1000s of people following you. But rather, it's a timeline of 110 00:06:50,130 --> 00:06:54,570 our journey that we're all trying to figure this out. And 111 00:06:54,570 --> 00:06:58,110 that's kind of how I treat some Twitter threads that I do that a 112 00:06:58,110 --> 00:07:00,990 lot of times I write I find myself writing them for me, 113 00:07:01,260 --> 00:07:06,330 because I need to document it, I need to figure out that in April 114 00:07:06,330 --> 00:07:10,860 of 2023, this happened might change next year. But there's 115 00:07:10,860 --> 00:07:15,030 this this literal timeline of our journey figuring it out. And 116 00:07:15,030 --> 00:07:17,160 that's what I've always appreciated with you. I don't 117 00:07:17,160 --> 00:07:19,200 know where I heard that it might have been just a one on one 118 00:07:19,200 --> 00:07:23,550 conversation with us. or quite possibly you posted that. But 119 00:07:23,550 --> 00:07:25,800 I've always admired that about you because you understand the 120 00:07:25,800 --> 00:07:30,990 power of it. Let me ask you the why UFO is what drew you to 121 00:07:30,990 --> 00:07:35,010 making a difference in that world versus let's say any other 122 00:07:35,100 --> 00:07:36,750 that you could be making content on? 123 00:07:37,409 --> 00:07:40,079 Dan Warren: Well, it's it's been my dirty little secret to be 124 00:07:40,079 --> 00:07:44,399 fascinated with UFO since forever. Basically, my first 125 00:07:44,399 --> 00:07:48,029 love was megalithic structures, the pyramids drew me in. But 126 00:07:48,029 --> 00:07:51,119 then I started looking at more mysteries in the world that we 127 00:07:51,119 --> 00:07:55,349 live in. And I mean, it's it doesn't take long for you to go 128 00:07:55,379 --> 00:07:58,889 well are we alone and start looking elsewhere for 129 00:07:58,889 --> 00:08:01,979 information about that. So I started delving into when I was 130 00:08:01,979 --> 00:08:07,799 young without letting people know and it's been something 131 00:08:07,799 --> 00:08:11,039 that I that's kind of come and gone over the course of my life 132 00:08:11,039 --> 00:08:15,149 where I've been convinced it's there's something there and then 133 00:08:15,149 --> 00:08:17,969 I'll the pendulum will swing to the other side. And I'll be 134 00:08:17,969 --> 00:08:20,819 convinced that we're all alone and I'll quit paying attention 135 00:08:20,819 --> 00:08:25,079 to it. So I've come left and I've gone come back several 136 00:08:25,079 --> 00:08:29,069 times over my life. But I do feel like it is the most 137 00:08:30,059 --> 00:08:34,379 historical moment that could happen in our lifetimes would be 138 00:08:34,379 --> 00:08:39,929 this. I always tell people like it's any event that has occurred 139 00:08:39,959 --> 00:08:44,369 in your past is going to be considered noise 1000 years in 140 00:08:44,369 --> 00:08:47,189 the future like they might not they're not going to remember 141 00:08:47,189 --> 00:08:50,759 911 in 1000 years, unfortunately. So there's only a 142 00:08:50,759 --> 00:08:55,199 few things that would last the test of time. And I think if we 143 00:08:55,199 --> 00:08:57,809 find out that we're not alone, that's going to be one that's 144 00:08:57,809 --> 00:09:01,049 going to be remembered forever. And it's not going to be 145 00:09:01,049 --> 00:09:05,369 repeatable. So I've got attracted to it for that reason. 146 00:09:05,849 --> 00:09:10,379 And I just think it's a very fascinating story. I've I tell 147 00:09:10,379 --> 00:09:15,149 people that this is my hobby this is what I'm into and it has 148 00:09:15,149 --> 00:09:20,429 basically replaced the the hole that sports filled for me for a 149 00:09:20,429 --> 00:09:24,299 long time in my life like it's it's got all the behind the 150 00:09:24,299 --> 00:09:28,739 scenes drama it's got all the peaks and valleys like these 151 00:09:28,739 --> 00:09:31,979 hearings are kind of like our Super Bowls are NBA Finals 152 00:09:32,009 --> 00:09:36,989 things comparable. But I don't pay attention to sports anymore 153 00:09:36,989 --> 00:09:41,939 because this is in my opinion, more of a interest. There's a 154 00:09:41,939 --> 00:09:45,539 lot more interest in this like watching people play sports is 155 00:09:45,539 --> 00:09:48,959 great, wonderful entertainment, but this can be just as 156 00:09:48,959 --> 00:09:53,549 entertaining if you know how to look what to look for. And I 157 00:09:53,549 --> 00:09:59,969 always tell people that when I first got on UFO Twitter, I was 158 00:09:59,999 --> 00:10:04,499 I went with an avatar. I was kudos from The Simpsons like, I 159 00:10:04,499 --> 00:10:08,039 didn't want anyone to see my face. And then after a while, I 160 00:10:08,039 --> 00:10:11,879 said, Why am I Hidin on Twitter. So I put my face on there. And 161 00:10:11,879 --> 00:10:13,799 I'll tell you right now, it was like a weight lifted off my 162 00:10:13,799 --> 00:10:18,059 shoulders, I felt like I wasn't living a lie. And that that gave 163 00:10:18,059 --> 00:10:20,579 me a little bit of an after a while, like people just kind of 164 00:10:20,579 --> 00:10:25,049 accept you for who you are what you bring to the conversation. 165 00:10:25,469 --> 00:10:28,799 And so then I started thinking about it elsewhere, go on to 166 00:10:28,799 --> 00:10:32,969 that next step I could I put my face in recording in front of 167 00:10:32,969 --> 00:10:37,529 people. And I started out on Tik Tok, learning how to do it, and 168 00:10:37,559 --> 00:10:41,489 not posting anything on Twitter, because I consider tick tock my 169 00:10:41,489 --> 00:10:45,989 target audience. And I consider Twitter my peer review process, 170 00:10:46,019 --> 00:10:51,869 because there's just as many UFO nerds or equal if not better UFO 171 00:10:51,869 --> 00:10:56,279 nerds on Twitter than I am. So that was a very big step for me 172 00:10:56,279 --> 00:10:58,919 to take to start posting stuff on Twitter, because I was afraid 173 00:10:58,919 --> 00:11:01,379 I was going to get something wrong and get annihilated. And 174 00:11:01,379 --> 00:11:04,649 every now and then I do make mistakes everybody does. But 175 00:11:04,649 --> 00:11:09,479 it's it's grown, it's actually when the feedback is positive or 176 00:11:09,479 --> 00:11:14,729 constructive, is a big benefit to the process of improvement. 177 00:11:14,879 --> 00:11:18,509 And so I started posting on Twitter, and it's just grown 178 00:11:18,509 --> 00:11:19,109 from there. 179 00:11:20,100 --> 00:11:22,500 John Greenewald: The there's, there's a couple things I want 180 00:11:22,500 --> 00:11:24,840 to unwrap there. But first I want to deal with something the 181 00:11:24,840 --> 00:11:29,580 audience is probably thinking about. And when I had joined, 182 00:11:29,880 --> 00:11:34,260 tick tock myself motivated by someone like you, not as a not 183 00:11:34,260 --> 00:11:37,650 as, you know, a competitor, like I'm trying to compete with you, 184 00:11:37,920 --> 00:11:42,150 but rather I saw what you were, what you were doing and what you 185 00:11:42,150 --> 00:11:46,080 were looking to accomplish. And it was very motivating to say 186 00:11:46,080 --> 00:11:48,570 hey, there's a whole different type of audience hear there's a 187 00:11:48,570 --> 00:11:51,720 different audience here. But I remember the reaction and I want 188 00:11:51,720 --> 00:11:54,180 to get your thoughts on this. There's a lot of people 189 00:11:54,180 --> 00:11:57,360 apprehensive to use tick tock, and they're like, oh, you know, 190 00:11:57,360 --> 00:12:00,990 my information. It's all being stolen now. I've led a fairly 191 00:12:00,990 --> 00:12:04,230 public life for for quite a couple decades now. So to me, I 192 00:12:04,230 --> 00:12:06,840 kind of don't really think a lot about that. You know, I mean, I 193 00:12:06,840 --> 00:12:10,050 hate to say it, but it's just like, Look, if they want to spy 194 00:12:10,050 --> 00:12:12,510 on me, if they've got spyware on my phone, I guarantee I'm 195 00:12:12,510 --> 00:12:15,840 probably being spied on anyway, not to sound paranoid. But if 196 00:12:15,840 --> 00:12:18,840 that kind of stuff happens, then it's probably already happening. 197 00:12:18,840 --> 00:12:22,110 So why do I care at this point? I safeguard what I need to 198 00:12:22,110 --> 00:12:25,290 safeguard and go from there. What are your thoughts on those 199 00:12:25,290 --> 00:12:28,470 concerns? Or have you even heard them? I mean, do you do you get 200 00:12:28,470 --> 00:12:33,450 that apprehension to to join tick tock from other people that 201 00:12:33,510 --> 00:12:37,530 may find out about you from this show? Or on social media other 202 00:12:37,530 --> 00:12:40,350 than tick tock? Do you see it and what are your thoughts on 203 00:12:40,350 --> 00:12:40,500 it? 204 00:12:41,250 --> 00:12:44,340 Dan Warren: So I guess there's that's two different there's two 205 00:12:44,340 --> 00:12:48,060 different parts to the answer for that question. One is 206 00:12:48,090 --> 00:12:52,500 there's absolutely as a 40 plus year old man stigma associated 207 00:12:52,500 --> 00:12:55,470 with telling people I'm on tick tock, right. That is that 208 00:12:55,470 --> 00:13:00,300 usually is met with laughter and what do you do dances? So that's 209 00:13:00,300 --> 00:13:03,000 one aspect of the answer. 210 00:13:03,570 --> 00:13:05,610 John Greenewald: As far as like, just to clear that up. Damn, do 211 00:13:05,610 --> 00:13:06,180 you do dance? 212 00:13:06,690 --> 00:13:11,400 Dan Warren: I've done one with a had my kids. It was the one when 213 00:13:11,400 --> 00:13:14,880 the preliminary assessment on UAPs came out. I did a little 214 00:13:14,910 --> 00:13:18,060 scuffle, I did the old bathroom, the old white man point point 215 00:13:18,060 --> 00:13:21,870 squat squat type of video. So yeah, nothing, nothing to music, 216 00:13:21,870 --> 00:13:26,610 but it was just a moment of expression. But as far as the 217 00:13:26,610 --> 00:13:32,340 safety aspects of it, I'm like you. I'm not a cybersecurity 218 00:13:32,340 --> 00:13:37,890 expert. I have multiple devices. I have vulnerabilities that 219 00:13:37,890 --> 00:13:42,300 could be exploited. I'm sure. I don't know how to stop that I am 220 00:13:42,300 --> 00:13:45,210 not going to be able to do so if like you said, if someone's 221 00:13:45,210 --> 00:13:48,240 going to come for me, they're gonna probably succeed if they 222 00:13:48,240 --> 00:13:52,410 are good at it. Do I think that tick tock is particularly 223 00:13:53,970 --> 00:13:57,810 concerning? I don't I don't have that concern with them 224 00:13:57,810 --> 00:14:01,560 collecting information that's critical to me. Do I think tick 225 00:14:01,560 --> 00:14:03,960 tock has the ability to influence the American 226 00:14:03,960 --> 00:14:08,850 population in ways that they see fit that the United States would 227 00:14:08,850 --> 00:14:12,660 prefer not to influence their youth? Yeah, that's where I 228 00:14:12,660 --> 00:14:16,080 think the concern for tick tock is is the algorithms that put 229 00:14:16,080 --> 00:14:22,890 certain content in front of the manipulatable minds of our youth 230 00:14:22,920 --> 00:14:28,860 so that's to me a bigger concern than them seeing whatever they 231 00:14:28,860 --> 00:14:33,750 want to see on my phone. Which I don't have a lot to hide, so I'm 232 00:14:33,780 --> 00:14:36,630 like if they did hit me, it'd be very boring. 233 00:14:36,780 --> 00:14:40,920 John Greenewald: Yeah. I kind of am in the mindset as I'm I'm I'm 234 00:14:40,920 --> 00:14:44,550 not that important for anybody to really care. You know, like 235 00:14:44,550 --> 00:14:48,660 if they want to log what I'm searching for, or whatever it is 236 00:14:48,660 --> 00:14:51,180 what it is, you know, that there's a point where you have 237 00:14:51,180 --> 00:14:53,520 to relinquish some of your privacy I hate to be in that 238 00:14:53,520 --> 00:14:57,990 mindset, but in some of this, you do other other other things. 239 00:14:57,990 --> 00:15:01,260 I just think like like the conspiracy See takes a hold in 240 00:15:01,260 --> 00:15:05,070 some of these privacy issues. So what really is a concern is like 241 00:15:05,070 --> 00:15:08,790 here, and then people turn it into this. And at the end of the 242 00:15:08,790 --> 00:15:11,520 day, I just feel like for me personally, I'm just not that 243 00:15:11,520 --> 00:15:13,500 important. Nobody really cares. You know, 244 00:15:14,790 --> 00:15:19,740 Dan Warren: I'll say this. If if I get hacked by tick tock and 245 00:15:19,770 --> 00:15:25,980 they say, Hey, this UFO guy got, we're going to expose this UFO 246 00:15:25,980 --> 00:15:29,340 guy is going to be like the biggest street cred on UFO 247 00:15:29,340 --> 00:15:31,140 Twitter ever, because they're going to be like, he 248 00:15:31,140 --> 00:15:33,480 John Greenewald: must be close to the truth. Yeah. And then 249 00:15:33,480 --> 00:15:36,090 they're going to put you at the top of the algorithm. So you'll 250 00:15:36,090 --> 00:15:39,120 be you'll be dancing away to all sorts of people. 251 00:15:39,660 --> 00:15:41,100 Dan Warren: No such thing as bad press. 252 00:15:41,160 --> 00:15:43,980 John Greenewald: That's right. That's right. You said earlier, 253 00:15:44,010 --> 00:15:46,890 there was kind of when it comes to your thoughts on UFOs. You 254 00:15:46,890 --> 00:15:49,830 obviously follow this a lot. Doing the different stories, you 255 00:15:49,830 --> 00:15:51,960 were talking about people's either sending you articles or 256 00:15:51,960 --> 00:15:55,080 you discovering other things, doing these pieces on it. So you 257 00:15:55,110 --> 00:15:58,260 you pay attention. But you're on a pendulum, you know, sometimes 258 00:15:58,260 --> 00:16:01,800 you believe sometimes you don't believe just to kind of quickly 259 00:16:01,800 --> 00:16:05,430 summarize it like that. Where are you right now, on that 260 00:16:05,430 --> 00:16:06,390 pendulum swing? 261 00:16:07,500 --> 00:16:11,220 Dan Warren: In my last video, I went to Washington. So I guess 262 00:16:11,220 --> 00:16:14,520 it wasn't my last video exactly. But I basically laid out where 263 00:16:14,520 --> 00:16:21,480 I'm at. I said, I have UFO disease. I want to know, but I 264 00:16:21,480 --> 00:16:25,500 don't know, I suspect there's something to it. I think there's 265 00:16:25,500 --> 00:16:29,490 something to it. The black vault has convinced me that there's a 266 00:16:29,490 --> 00:16:32,730 US government cover up of something that we can't quite 267 00:16:32,730 --> 00:16:36,450 put our finger on. So there's something there what it is, I 268 00:16:36,450 --> 00:16:40,830 don't know. I'm hoping that this isn't all one big SIOP that's 269 00:16:40,830 --> 00:16:44,970 been going on for 70 plus years. I don't see how that's possible. 270 00:16:45,120 --> 00:16:52,020 Personally, I, I believe there's something but I just can't I 271 00:16:52,020 --> 00:16:54,450 mean, I think there's something I suspect there's something but 272 00:16:54,450 --> 00:16:58,440 it is hard for me to say I believe that it is factual 273 00:16:58,470 --> 00:17:01,380 because I know that I can be wrong. And that's one thing that 274 00:17:01,380 --> 00:17:04,050 I wish that more people would bring with them to the 275 00:17:04,050 --> 00:17:08,670 conversation about UFO topic is, I could be completely wrong. I 276 00:17:08,670 --> 00:17:11,070 got to keep that in the back of my head. Whenever I make a 277 00:17:11,070 --> 00:17:14,640 statement or I listen to someone else's statement. They could be 278 00:17:14,640 --> 00:17:17,370 right. They could be wrong. I could be right, I could be 279 00:17:17,370 --> 00:17:20,460 wrong. So if I felt like the conversation would have been 280 00:17:20,490 --> 00:17:23,820 more beneficial to everyone, if we could all just admit that we 281 00:17:23,820 --> 00:17:25,500 could be wrong. 282 00:17:27,300 --> 00:17:29,340 John Greenewald: Does some of your motivation come from any 283 00:17:29,340 --> 00:17:30,840 experience that you've had? 284 00:17:31,920 --> 00:17:36,330 Dan Warren: No. Unfortunately, I'm curious. I feel like I'm one 285 00:17:36,330 --> 00:17:39,720 of Yeah. I feel like I'm one of those people that they're not 286 00:17:39,720 --> 00:17:44,700 interested in. Like there's nothing. There's nothing special 287 00:17:44,700 --> 00:17:49,050 about me. I'm just a regular dude. I'm just a mechanical 288 00:17:49,050 --> 00:17:54,000 engineer mindset my entire life. I've never seen anything 289 00:17:55,140 --> 00:17:59,670 paranormal or supernatural. I just don't think I have, if that 290 00:17:59,670 --> 00:18:04,620 is a trait that some people have, and others don't. I'm in 291 00:18:04,620 --> 00:18:08,610 the other category that doesn't have it is what I would suspect. 292 00:18:08,640 --> 00:18:11,730 It's only until proven otherwise. Yeah. The catch all 293 00:18:11,730 --> 00:18:12,180 other thing. 294 00:18:12,300 --> 00:18:14,820 John Greenewald: Yeah, I'm in the catch all other bin also. 295 00:18:15,000 --> 00:18:18,570 But I'm also surprised to hear when somebody is so motivated, 296 00:18:18,570 --> 00:18:22,800 they don't have an experience to share. I'm in that bin. But it's 297 00:18:22,800 --> 00:18:25,830 always surprising, you know, to hear that you had mentioned that 298 00:18:25,830 --> 00:18:29,520 you went to Washington. For those who didn't see it, I did a 299 00:18:29,520 --> 00:18:36,600 deep dive on the most recent April 2023 UAP hearing. And 300 00:18:36,810 --> 00:18:39,780 during the course of that deep dive, I went into the highlights 301 00:18:39,780 --> 00:18:44,040 the low lights, you know, some speculation, it was a lot of fun 302 00:18:44,040 --> 00:18:47,430 to do. But when the camera flipped, I had pointed you out 303 00:18:47,430 --> 00:18:53,970 actually in that video, simply because you went there and 304 00:18:54,000 --> 00:18:58,740 wanted to take part. So let's switch gears to that what drove 305 00:18:58,740 --> 00:19:04,770 you to I guess both literally and figuratively, but drove you 306 00:19:04,770 --> 00:19:07,980 to make that drive go to Washington DC and take part. 307 00:19:09,570 --> 00:19:14,040 Dan Warren: It's similar. It's just a organic growth in my 308 00:19:14,730 --> 00:19:18,960 journey into researching this topic. So I started out 309 00:19:18,960 --> 00:19:22,260 consuming content, I decided to take that step forward and start 310 00:19:22,260 --> 00:19:25,500 making content and I basically make content about other 311 00:19:25,500 --> 00:19:28,650 people's work other people's research I do I do my own and 312 00:19:28,650 --> 00:19:32,640 try to pepper it in. But primarily I'm Pete, there's 313 00:19:32,640 --> 00:19:36,390 people that are making news and I'm reporting on today. So I 314 00:19:36,390 --> 00:19:39,990 felt like this was an opportunity for me to actually 315 00:19:39,990 --> 00:19:44,250 become someone that starts making the news witnessing the 316 00:19:44,250 --> 00:19:48,180 news. And so that's what pushed me to do it. I'd like to do more 317 00:19:48,180 --> 00:19:53,280 stuff like that where I'm not just at my house, making videos 318 00:19:54,270 --> 00:19:58,560 and editing for hours. I'd like to be more actively involved in 319 00:19:58,650 --> 00:20:02,520 and I've had people reach out to me and ask if they can help me 320 00:20:02,550 --> 00:20:05,820 along the way. And the thing I've said to every single one of 321 00:20:05,820 --> 00:20:08,880 them is I don't know where this is going, I don't know what I'm 322 00:20:08,880 --> 00:20:13,110 doing. But I just want to be involved in what's going on in 323 00:20:13,110 --> 00:20:17,220 the conversation and anything that is happening that I could 324 00:20:17,220 --> 00:20:21,960 become a part of, and witnessed firsthand and, and help, I would 325 00:20:21,960 --> 00:20:24,570 be happy to do so. So that was what motivated me to go to 326 00:20:24,570 --> 00:20:27,840 Washington is I knew I could do it. I've kind of been planning 327 00:20:27,840 --> 00:20:32,100 this for telling myself that I could do this for quite a while. 328 00:20:32,100 --> 00:20:35,310 And then the moment finally came, and I was able to actually 329 00:20:35,310 --> 00:20:38,490 jump on it and take advantage of the situations. So that's what 330 00:20:38,490 --> 00:20:39,270 sent me to Washington. 331 00:20:39,630 --> 00:20:41,880 John Greenewald: Really briefly, how does that work? I mean, do 332 00:20:41,880 --> 00:20:45,090 you like have to register? Do you just show up at the door? Do 333 00:20:45,090 --> 00:20:48,300 you go to Ticketmaster? I mean, how does it? How does it work if 334 00:20:48,300 --> 00:20:50,400 you want to attend one of these hearings? 335 00:20:51,090 --> 00:20:53,880 Dan Warren: So first thing I learned is there isn't a dress 336 00:20:53,880 --> 00:20:56,310 code. So that's one thing you don't have to worry about. I 337 00:20:56,310 --> 00:21:01,380 dressed up in like a blazer and slacks and a tie. And people 338 00:21:01,380 --> 00:21:03,990 showed up in shorts and sweaters so you don't have to worry about 339 00:21:03,990 --> 00:21:08,550 that. But when they posted the hearing, if you look at the 340 00:21:08,580 --> 00:21:12,060 bottom of it, they do post a location and room number. I 341 00:21:12,060 --> 00:21:15,240 think there's four different four different congressional 342 00:21:15,240 --> 00:21:19,860 buildings that surround the main Capitol building. And there's a 343 00:21:19,860 --> 00:21:22,350 key that will tell you which building is going to be in and 344 00:21:22,350 --> 00:21:25,320 you just show up in the morning, I think they open at seven or 345 00:21:25,320 --> 00:21:29,850 730 Go through the metal detectors. And you're in like 346 00:21:29,850 --> 00:21:30,690 you just get up. So 347 00:21:30,690 --> 00:21:32,700 John Greenewald: there was no like, hey, just a heads up. My 348 00:21:32,700 --> 00:21:35,880 name is Dan Warren. Here's my driver's license number I'm 349 00:21:35,880 --> 00:21:38,940 coming, you just literally physically show up. And that was 350 00:21:38,940 --> 00:21:39,210 it. 351 00:21:39,720 --> 00:21:42,120 Dan Warren: That's it, you just go through security, and then 352 00:21:42,120 --> 00:21:46,470 you wait in line. And what I read in the Frequently Asked 353 00:21:46,470 --> 00:21:50,550 Questions section of the Capitol Building visitor's guide is that 354 00:21:50,550 --> 00:21:52,590 they were going to make you check anything that had 355 00:21:52,590 --> 00:21:56,280 batteries before you entered the hearing room. That didn't even 356 00:21:56,280 --> 00:21:59,820 happen. We were allowed to bring our phones, our computers, 357 00:21:59,850 --> 00:22:03,240 everything in with us. So I was shocked by that aspect of it, I 358 00:22:03,240 --> 00:22:06,780 thought it would have been much more restrictive. And I thought 359 00:22:06,780 --> 00:22:09,360 they would tell us like, here's what we expect from you, as a 360 00:22:09,360 --> 00:22:13,620 member of the audience, Be quiet, be polite, and none of 361 00:22:13,620 --> 00:22:17,100 that they just said, come on in and take a seat. There'll be in 362 00:22:17,100 --> 00:22:20,430 in a minute. And it shocked me that it was that easy. And it 363 00:22:20,430 --> 00:22:22,980 shocked me that there weren't as there were as few people as 364 00:22:22,980 --> 00:22:26,400 their work because it's so easy. But that's one of the reasons 365 00:22:26,400 --> 00:22:29,580 why I wanted to go to show so I can turn around and show people. 366 00:22:29,790 --> 00:22:34,110 This isn't as difficult as it appears. You can do this too. 367 00:22:34,620 --> 00:22:36,960 John Greenewald: So I want to talk about the audience size in 368 00:22:36,960 --> 00:22:41,790 a second. But what if there was a line so long? You didn't get 369 00:22:41,790 --> 00:22:45,300 in? Did that thought cross your mind? Like there's only X amount 370 00:22:45,300 --> 00:22:49,320 of seats? You're making this drive? How long did you drive? 371 00:22:50,010 --> 00:22:53,460 It was a nine hour truck, a nine, nine hour drive kudos to 372 00:22:53,460 --> 00:22:58,080 you, by the way. And so you show up? Did did that thought go 373 00:22:58,080 --> 00:23:00,450 through your mind? Like, oh God, if I don't get a seat? I mean, 374 00:23:00,450 --> 00:23:04,950 you'd think that a UAP would be busting out the door. 375 00:23:05,460 --> 00:23:08,160 Dan Warren: Yeah, I mean, I thought about it every day as I 376 00:23:08,160 --> 00:23:11,610 was planning this whole thing out like, so that's what got me 377 00:23:11,610 --> 00:23:16,290 up early in the morning on the 19th to get aligned or get in 378 00:23:16,290 --> 00:23:20,970 line as early as I possibly could. So I've also heard I read 379 00:23:20,970 --> 00:23:27,030 a internes document on how to attend a hearing before I went. 380 00:23:27,420 --> 00:23:30,360 And she said there are people that are paid that she said it's 381 00:23:30,360 --> 00:23:35,700 usually Old, old guys that will wait in line and get paid so 382 00:23:35,700 --> 00:23:37,920 that other people that are busier can come and take their 383 00:23:37,920 --> 00:23:41,310 place and swap within the line. So I was expecting to see some 384 00:23:41,940 --> 00:23:47,040 line post placeholders there. I thought it would be a decent 385 00:23:47,040 --> 00:23:49,200 line. So I got there as soon as I could. 386 00:23:49,740 --> 00:23:51,000 John Greenewald: I got there to 10. Right. 387 00:23:51,960 --> 00:23:55,140 Dan Warren: I got I got up probably four o'clock in the 388 00:23:55,140 --> 00:24:00,210 morning, my time which I lost an hour just traveling there. But I 389 00:24:00,210 --> 00:24:04,680 got there by before seven so that I could walk in I got there 390 00:24:04,710 --> 00:24:06,630 plenty of time I was the fourth person in line. 391 00:24:07,710 --> 00:24:10,680 John Greenewald: fourth person. So yeah, for those who may have 392 00:24:10,680 --> 00:24:14,100 not have seen the deep dive or the photos that I posted, give 393 00:24:14,100 --> 00:24:16,620 us a quick rundown visually, you said it wasn't a whole lot of 394 00:24:16,620 --> 00:24:21,960 people kind of describe the room for us. There was a lot of empty 395 00:24:21,960 --> 00:24:25,140 seats. But what was the crowd like? 396 00:24:26,400 --> 00:24:31,290 Dan Warren: So the line formed outside and of the room itself. 397 00:24:31,320 --> 00:24:33,960 And there's a lot of people that go in and out of it prepping and 398 00:24:33,960 --> 00:24:36,420 we didn't know if they were cut in line or whatnot. So that was 399 00:24:36,420 --> 00:24:38,760 always a question I had as they were walking by and getting in 400 00:24:38,760 --> 00:24:43,350 the room. But as time got closer and more people started showing 401 00:24:43,350 --> 00:24:47,970 up, including media. There were some cameras with bright lights 402 00:24:47,970 --> 00:24:51,810 on them that were being used, could not tell who they were 403 00:24:51,810 --> 00:24:56,100 with. I think one of them was from Asia somewhere. I'm not 404 00:24:56,100 --> 00:25:00,270 exactly sure. But but then they eventually let us in and It was 405 00:25:00,270 --> 00:25:03,630 just pick wherever you want to see, they had, I want to say, 406 00:25:04,050 --> 00:25:08,550 five seats reserved for Kirkpatrick behind him. But none 407 00:25:08,550 --> 00:25:10,620 of them showed up, which is one thing that I 408 00:25:10,620 --> 00:25:12,690 John Greenewald: was kind of surprised by were their names on 409 00:25:12,690 --> 00:25:14,910 the seats out of curiosity. It didn't 410 00:25:14,910 --> 00:25:18,480 Dan Warren: have a name, it just had Kirkpatrick staff or 411 00:25:18,480 --> 00:25:20,460 something along those lines, I can't remember exactly. 412 00:25:20,490 --> 00:25:22,470 John Greenewald: That's a, we could have used these names. 413 00:25:23,340 --> 00:25:27,330 Dan Warren: But it was those five seats were taken, or 414 00:25:27,330 --> 00:25:29,940 reserved. And then it was just sit wherever you want, there was 415 00:25:29,940 --> 00:25:33,750 probably I want to say 24 seats, and all that would have been 416 00:25:33,750 --> 00:25:39,030 available. And it was not incredibly crowded. You had 417 00:25:39,030 --> 00:25:41,520 elbow room, if you wanted it, I made sure to sit in the front 418 00:25:41,520 --> 00:25:45,330 row. Because if I'm going to travel that far, why not sit in 419 00:25:45,330 --> 00:25:45,990 the front row? 420 00:25:46,020 --> 00:25:47,340 John Greenewald: I didn't recognize because you didn't 421 00:25:47,340 --> 00:25:50,820 have the hat. So I didn't usually have a hat on. So it 422 00:25:50,820 --> 00:25:53,910 took me a second to recognize you in the front row. You said 423 00:25:53,910 --> 00:25:55,860 that there's a couple of news cameras. I was surprised that 424 00:25:55,860 --> 00:25:57,870 weren't more of I'm also surprised to hear there were 425 00:25:57,870 --> 00:26:01,050 some because I didn't see him. Really in the pictures. If I 426 00:26:01,050 --> 00:26:05,670 remember correctly, I think maybe one in the background. But 427 00:26:05,670 --> 00:26:08,160 Did that surprise you if just with your history in this field, 428 00:26:08,160 --> 00:26:10,200 wouldn't you think that there'd be more media? 429 00:26:11,100 --> 00:26:14,370 Dan Warren: Oh, yeah, I thought that this would be what I was 430 00:26:14,370 --> 00:26:18,900 anticipating was what happened after the first congressional 431 00:26:18,900 --> 00:26:22,980 hearing where we had all these representatives being 432 00:26:23,010 --> 00:26:26,370 interviewed outside in the building afterwards. I thought 433 00:26:26,370 --> 00:26:29,460 that's what was going to happen that, that if they weren't in 434 00:26:29,460 --> 00:26:31,800 the meeting, that they would be outside of the meeting after the 435 00:26:31,800 --> 00:26:37,020 fact. But then, of course, when you saw how few senators and 436 00:26:37,020 --> 00:26:41,700 that Kirkpatrick was by himself, there wasn't that inventory of 437 00:26:41,700 --> 00:26:44,700 senators to pull from they tried to get quotes and comments and 438 00:26:44,790 --> 00:26:47,400 sound bites from so that was that was shocking to me. 439 00:26:49,200 --> 00:26:51,900 John Greenewald: Was there talk about the lack of Senators being 440 00:26:51,900 --> 00:26:55,200 in the room? Did you have the opportunity to talk to somebody 441 00:26:55,200 --> 00:26:59,010 else maybe that was there in the halls about that fact, because 442 00:26:59,010 --> 00:27:01,020 for those who don't know, there were two that were there. 443 00:27:01,380 --> 00:27:05,430 Kirsten Gillibrand and Joni Ernst, and correct me if I'm 444 00:27:05,430 --> 00:27:07,800 wrong, but by the video, it looked like they were the only 445 00:27:07,800 --> 00:27:11,850 two that were there in the beginning. And then a third had 446 00:27:11,850 --> 00:27:15,150 showed up kind of in the middle, asked a question or two and then 447 00:27:15,150 --> 00:27:18,180 left by the end. And that was Senator. 448 00:27:18,510 --> 00:27:22,140 Dan Warren: Now Senator rosin from the bottle. So right, she 449 00:27:22,170 --> 00:27:24,870 she showed up for two questions, then she had to go. 450 00:27:25,260 --> 00:27:27,120 John Greenewald: And those were the only three that you saw 451 00:27:27,120 --> 00:27:32,700 Correct. Was that unsurprising or out of the ordinary? In what 452 00:27:32,700 --> 00:27:33,840 you were hearing or seeing? 453 00:27:35,760 --> 00:27:38,520 Dan Warren: I don't know a lot about congressional hearings. 454 00:27:38,550 --> 00:27:41,340 They're typically very boring, in my opinion. So I hadn't 455 00:27:41,340 --> 00:27:44,460 watched a lot of them. So it's this one was what tickles my 456 00:27:44,460 --> 00:27:46,740 fancy saw. I was paying attention to it. But I don't 457 00:27:46,740 --> 00:27:51,690 know if that's normal or not. I also, the question that I always 458 00:27:51,690 --> 00:27:55,140 had during the meeting was, well, what just happened in the 459 00:27:55,170 --> 00:27:58,470 closed session? Hearing, right, that preceded this because it 460 00:27:58,470 --> 00:28:02,850 was it delayed the open session by about 30 minutes or so on. 461 00:28:02,850 --> 00:28:07,170 I've also heard since then, that Senator Kelly was in that one, 462 00:28:07,200 --> 00:28:11,010 but he didn't come to the open hearing. And I also wonder if 463 00:28:11,010 --> 00:28:14,580 there were other senators in that one or Kirkpatrick, staff 464 00:28:14,580 --> 00:28:18,390 that tagged along with them to that one that didn't make it to 465 00:28:18,390 --> 00:28:22,740 this this second one? And if that was an impacting factor on 466 00:28:22,740 --> 00:28:25,650 why there were not as many senators in this one. 467 00:28:27,120 --> 00:28:29,220 John Greenewald: I'm curious to your thoughts on that. Because 468 00:28:29,250 --> 00:28:34,440 because, you know, we want that room full of Senators asking 469 00:28:34,440 --> 00:28:38,430 questions and so on. My just very quick take, and then I want 470 00:28:38,430 --> 00:28:41,610 to throw it back to you is that I think it was strategic to have 471 00:28:41,610 --> 00:28:47,670 the classified hearing prior. Because in the first 120 21, we 472 00:28:47,670 --> 00:28:50,790 as the general people, we the people were able to see what 473 00:28:50,790 --> 00:28:55,080 sparked either Ronald Moultrie or Scott Bray to say, oh, we 474 00:28:55,080 --> 00:28:58,080 can't do that in an open setting. That'll be you know, we 475 00:28:58,080 --> 00:29:02,160 can go into more of that in the closed session, you know, and we 476 00:29:02,160 --> 00:29:04,410 heard that quite a few times. So we get to see like, what the 477 00:29:04,410 --> 00:29:08,760 juice is, just to kind of put it bluntly, here we had it the 478 00:29:08,760 --> 00:29:10,920 opposite. So you guys were sitting there waiting for the 479 00:29:10,920 --> 00:29:15,450 open hearing. The Classified one happens, whoever showed up, and 480 00:29:15,450 --> 00:29:19,650 I can, I mean, I would hopefully safely assume more senators were 481 00:29:19,650 --> 00:29:24,480 there. But those senators represent you. They represent me 482 00:29:24,510 --> 00:29:30,540 they represent the people. They want transparency. Yet they only 483 00:29:30,540 --> 00:29:32,640 show up at the classified hearing. They weren't there to 484 00:29:32,640 --> 00:29:36,540 do any type of media interviews big or small. They weren't there 485 00:29:36,540 --> 00:29:39,360 at all. Is that concerning to you? 486 00:29:40,440 --> 00:29:43,860 Dan Warren: It is for the sheer fact that it makes me concerned 487 00:29:43,890 --> 00:29:48,180 that they don't have Senator Gillibrand Spak like if she is 488 00:29:48,180 --> 00:29:51,900 the chair for that entire subcommittee, and she deems this 489 00:29:51,900 --> 00:29:55,470 subject this topic important enough to hold a open 490 00:29:55,470 --> 00:29:59,460 congressional hearing along with a closed for them not to show 491 00:29:59,460 --> 00:30:03,480 up. It's just Just a sign of support for her is what concerns 492 00:30:03,480 --> 00:30:06,990 me about it. I don't know how concerned they are about 493 00:30:07,110 --> 00:30:10,860 pleasing the UFO community, but to me, it's like a camaraderie 494 00:30:10,860 --> 00:30:13,920 you should have with your co workers. If she thinks it's 495 00:30:13,920 --> 00:30:16,620 important to be there, I would think that everyone would want 496 00:30:16,620 --> 00:30:19,620 to be there. If it wasn't for Joni Ernst, it would be it would 497 00:30:19,620 --> 00:30:23,850 have been a very lonely meeting for a Gillette brand. And I know 498 00:30:23,850 --> 00:30:28,290 that she there were 16 senators that signed a letter of support 499 00:30:28,290 --> 00:30:33,360 for funding arrow Foley just a few months ago. So I was hoping 500 00:30:33,360 --> 00:30:37,980 some of those guys would show up because it seems like an honor 501 00:30:37,980 --> 00:30:41,280 writing in paper, there is support for the arrow office 502 00:30:41,280 --> 00:30:45,120 there is support for the UFO and the UAP investigation for the 503 00:30:45,120 --> 00:30:48,390 government. But when that doesn't translate to butts and 504 00:30:48,390 --> 00:30:53,340 seats, it is concerning that that was my take on it. I don't 505 00:30:53,340 --> 00:30:56,430 know if you read if you read it another way. 506 00:30:57,630 --> 00:31:00,690 John Greenewald: me know and I appreciate your thoughts on it 507 00:31:00,690 --> 00:31:07,260 because i i More was concerned that look being you had 508 00:31:07,260 --> 00:31:10,170 mentioned UFO Twitter, like the UFO. We'll just use that as a 509 00:31:10,170 --> 00:31:14,130 general term. We all want the UFO talk. We all want that 510 00:31:14,130 --> 00:31:17,340 possibility. Like what are we dealing with? Is it extra 511 00:31:17,340 --> 00:31:22,560 terrestrial for me I I'm I deal with a two ways one is very much 512 00:31:22,560 --> 00:31:26,280 that I love the UAP stuff. I love it. I dig it. I eat it all 513 00:31:26,280 --> 00:31:30,750 up. It's it's one of my favorite things. But I also try and step 514 00:31:30,750 --> 00:31:33,480 out of it and look at it from an outsider's perspective, just 515 00:31:33,480 --> 00:31:37,590 like like remove your your fascination with UFOs. No matter 516 00:31:37,590 --> 00:31:41,430 what way you look at this. It's a national security concern and 517 00:31:41,430 --> 00:31:45,090 that there should be some level some with respect to the 518 00:31:45,090 --> 00:31:47,970 classified national security stuff. But some level of 519 00:31:47,970 --> 00:31:51,900 transparency. That's what politicians have been talking 520 00:31:51,900 --> 00:31:55,470 about. So that transparency to the general public is more so 521 00:31:55,470 --> 00:32:00,210 what we all should want. Skeptic debunker believer or on the 522 00:32:00,210 --> 00:32:05,070 fence like we all should have a little bit more transparency. So 523 00:32:05,070 --> 00:32:08,790 the way that I looked at it was the fact that they didn't care 524 00:32:08,820 --> 00:32:11,970 the majority of the politicians, with the exceptions of those who 525 00:32:11,970 --> 00:32:14,670 showed up to the public side, they don't care about the 526 00:32:14,670 --> 00:32:18,600 transparency part, you know, and that I'm not sure how much that 527 00:32:18,600 --> 00:32:22,260 bothers me. But that bothers me. Just simply because there is 528 00:32:22,260 --> 00:32:24,690 that T word being bantered around a lot. Well, we want the 529 00:32:24,690 --> 00:32:28,410 government to be more open. We'll be there in the public 530 00:32:28,410 --> 00:32:32,070 hearing to bring that transparency to light. Because 531 00:32:32,070 --> 00:32:36,780 in my opinion, Kirkpatrick was not pressed at all. That's not 532 00:32:37,260 --> 00:32:41,970 trying to be disrespectful to Jilla Bran urns, or Rosen or 533 00:32:41,970 --> 00:32:48,000 rosin. Rosin. So those three three senators is not meant to 534 00:32:48,000 --> 00:32:54,630 be be insulting. But But let me ask you, if you agree with that 535 00:32:54,630 --> 00:32:57,630 statement, because I took away at least from the video that 536 00:32:57,630 --> 00:33:00,840 Kirkpatrick just had his set statement, and he was reading 537 00:33:00,840 --> 00:33:05,130 it. And then he had some points that came out during some 538 00:33:05,130 --> 00:33:10,050 questioning, but he was never pressed. And I would think that 539 00:33:10,050 --> 00:33:13,230 if any senator cared about transparency, number one, they'd 540 00:33:13,230 --> 00:33:17,160 show up, but number two, those that did show up would have 541 00:33:17,160 --> 00:33:19,770 pressed a little bit harder. Did you get that impression that 542 00:33:19,770 --> 00:33:20,940 there was a lack of that? 543 00:33:21,690 --> 00:33:23,970 Dan Warren: So yeah, I definitely thought there was a 544 00:33:23,970 --> 00:33:27,600 lack of any pressure being applied to Kirkpatrick, there 545 00:33:27,600 --> 00:33:29,700 weren't a lot of follow up questions related to the 546 00:33:29,700 --> 00:33:32,310 statements that he had just made. It was it was kind of 547 00:33:32,310 --> 00:33:34,500 like, Hey, I'm gonna move on to the next question. And so that 548 00:33:34,500 --> 00:33:37,410 was one of the things I considered occurred during the 549 00:33:37,410 --> 00:33:40,170 closed session is that they got questions that got a little 550 00:33:40,170 --> 00:33:42,750 deeper, they pushed back a little bit more than they said, 551 00:33:42,780 --> 00:33:45,000 Alright, let's talk about what we're going to how we're going 552 00:33:45,000 --> 00:33:48,810 to handle this open hearing. And if I had to describe the 553 00:33:48,810 --> 00:33:53,280 relationship between Kirkpatrick and the senators, I would 554 00:33:53,280 --> 00:33:57,060 consider it along the lines of, hey, I'm your I'm kind of your 555 00:33:57,060 --> 00:34:00,060 boss. I'm going to have you. I'm going to call you on the carpet. 556 00:34:00,090 --> 00:34:02,130 We're going to have a conversation. But I just want 557 00:34:02,130 --> 00:34:05,490 you to know this is just a friendly, as Jimmy Church says, 558 00:34:05,490 --> 00:34:09,870 We're just in my room on the couch and having a conversation. 559 00:34:09,900 --> 00:34:13,560 I'm not going to, I'm not going to put you through the wringer. 560 00:34:13,620 --> 00:34:16,050 We're just going to ask you some questions, show us some 561 00:34:16,050 --> 00:34:19,620 information, and then we'll move on. And this is just part of the 562 00:34:19,620 --> 00:34:23,400 process that we're going forward for. And that's the thing that I 563 00:34:23,400 --> 00:34:28,710 keep going back to is was this hearing just one more small step 564 00:34:28,740 --> 00:34:35,130 in a larger in a larger plan. As we saw yesterday, Rubio and 565 00:34:35,130 --> 00:34:38,640 Warner just released some information or sent a letter to 566 00:34:38,640 --> 00:34:44,040 SecDef Austin and DNI Hanes that echoed some of the same 567 00:34:44,340 --> 00:34:47,190 conversation points that were brought up during the 568 00:34:47,190 --> 00:34:50,370 congressional hearing. It makes me wonder if they said, hey, 569 00:34:50,370 --> 00:34:53,790 we'll have this hearing. We're going to ask you about title 10. 570 00:34:53,820 --> 00:34:57,090 Title 50. We're going to ask you about transparency with the 571 00:34:57,090 --> 00:35:01,110 public. And then the senators that weren't at the meeting, 572 00:35:01,380 --> 00:35:05,490 sent the letter so that it'd be a war on two fronts, towards the 573 00:35:05,490 --> 00:35:10,230 SecDef, and the ODNI, to get their attention to address those 574 00:35:10,230 --> 00:35:14,910 particular things, so I always try to look at it, take a few 575 00:35:14,910 --> 00:35:17,550 steps back and look at the situation instead of just a 576 00:35:17,550 --> 00:35:21,840 pinpoint, look at it as a shotgun approach, or a linear 577 00:35:21,840 --> 00:35:26,430 progression of dominoes falling towards a bigger goal. 578 00:35:27,900 --> 00:35:29,430 John Greenewald: With the hearing itself, obviously, 579 00:35:29,430 --> 00:35:33,780 people like me only saw the the beginning with Jill Abram kind 580 00:35:33,780 --> 00:35:36,690 of calling it to order. And then the end, thank you so much. And 581 00:35:36,690 --> 00:35:39,600 then the camera clips, you obviously have a different 582 00:35:39,600 --> 00:35:43,050 perspective, you got to see the walk in and is kind of maybe 583 00:35:43,050 --> 00:35:47,850 dried to, as that might sound I want to ask you about that. Was 584 00:35:47,850 --> 00:35:52,350 Kirkpatrick seemingly wanting to be there? Did? Did he interact 585 00:35:52,350 --> 00:35:58,350 with the audience at all? Was there any sign of him being not 586 00:35:58,350 --> 00:36:02,400 forced to that that's the word I keep using when I describe his? 587 00:36:03,150 --> 00:36:06,330 His hearing is that it was forced that you that he had to 588 00:36:06,330 --> 00:36:10,320 be there, that he didn't want to be there, that he just had to go 589 00:36:10,320 --> 00:36:12,480 through the motions. And that was it. That was my takeaway. 590 00:36:12,630 --> 00:36:14,910 But since you saw all that other stuff, what was your takeaway 591 00:36:14,910 --> 00:36:15,840 about his demeanor, 592 00:36:16,680 --> 00:36:20,310 Dan Warren: he'd be lying to a sea than acknowledged that there 593 00:36:20,310 --> 00:36:24,960 were any people in the audience, which have been never turned 594 00:36:24,960 --> 00:36:28,530 around to look at us or anything. And when you contrast 595 00:36:28,530 --> 00:36:32,550 that to how Jilla Bran entered the room, entered the room, it 596 00:36:32,550 --> 00:36:35,850 was 180 degrees, because I was expecting her to do the same 597 00:36:35,850 --> 00:36:38,730 thing like, Hey, I'm just gonna go in here and take my seat. But 598 00:36:38,730 --> 00:36:42,270 she's came in and greeted, everyone said, Hi, thanks for 599 00:36:42,270 --> 00:36:45,840 comments. She was very warm and inviting. And it gave me a 600 00:36:45,840 --> 00:36:50,040 feeling like she does care about the transparency with the 601 00:36:50,040 --> 00:36:53,820 American people. Because she cares about this topic. She 602 00:36:53,820 --> 00:36:57,480 cares about our involvement in it. And I definitely got the 603 00:36:57,480 --> 00:37:00,600 feeling from Carter Kirkpatrick that he wants to talk to 604 00:37:00,990 --> 00:37:04,710 officials within the government and he doesn't care much about 605 00:37:04,890 --> 00:37:08,550 communicating with the general public at large. 606 00:37:10,050 --> 00:37:13,080 John Greenewald: When so you have a video you interviewed 607 00:37:13,080 --> 00:37:16,680 Senator Gillibrand was that after the hearing? Correct that 608 00:37:16,680 --> 00:37:19,800 was afterwards and we haven't said it yet. Tell everybody how 609 00:37:19,800 --> 00:37:22,320 to get to your channel so they can see that I'll also link it 610 00:37:22,320 --> 00:37:24,870 if you're watching on YouTube. Just go ahead. And in the 611 00:37:24,870 --> 00:37:29,340 description below, you'll find links to to Dan's channels and 612 00:37:29,340 --> 00:37:32,160 Twitter and stuff. But Dan for the audio version, go ahead and 613 00:37:32,160 --> 00:37:34,590 give that out. How can people find that video and your your 614 00:37:34,590 --> 00:37:35,130 content? 615 00:37:35,790 --> 00:37:38,730 Dan Warren: So basically, if you look up fifth pillar of emphasis 616 00:37:38,850 --> 00:37:42,600 everywhere but Twitter, you're going to find me on YouTube, its 617 00:37:42,600 --> 00:37:47,190 fifth pillar of emphasis Instagram, Tik Tok, as well. At 618 00:37:47,190 --> 00:37:50,460 Twitter, it's Hey, look over there and look is spelled with a 619 00:37:50,460 --> 00:37:54,960 U because someone beat me to it. But that's generally how you can 620 00:37:54,960 --> 00:37:57,840 find, find these just the fifth pillar of emphasis. 621 00:37:58,530 --> 00:38:00,810 John Greenewald: And great. And again, all those links are below 622 00:38:00,810 --> 00:38:03,540 in the show descriptions. Now you had interviewed Senator 623 00:38:03,540 --> 00:38:06,840 Gillibrand after the hearing, how did that come about? 624 00:38:08,310 --> 00:38:12,780 Dan Warren: I waited my turn, I waited patiently. I felt like 625 00:38:12,810 --> 00:38:15,000 one of my roles as being a 626 00:38:16,260 --> 00:38:19,980 level headed member of the audience was to make sure that I 627 00:38:19,980 --> 00:38:25,110 was paying attention taking notes be appearing alert, I was 628 00:38:25,110 --> 00:38:29,640 trying to make sure that my that I was representing a 629 00:38:30,720 --> 00:38:35,190 professional type of image for the UFO community, because we 630 00:38:35,190 --> 00:38:38,280 know that there's the fringe element out there. I tried to 631 00:38:38,280 --> 00:38:40,590 make sure I was making eye contact with Gillibrand and 632 00:38:40,590 --> 00:38:44,220 smile, because there's a lot to be said about just smiling in 633 00:38:44,220 --> 00:38:48,330 general, there's a lot of angry looking faces in the crowd, 634 00:38:48,330 --> 00:38:51,840 unfortunately. But I just want to try to make sure that that 635 00:38:51,840 --> 00:38:57,030 she knows that I see I see has my support, and do so by sitting 636 00:38:57,030 --> 00:39:01,080 there and waiting. But then after the meeting, broke up, and 637 00:39:01,080 --> 00:39:04,770 they stopped recording, some of the other members of the 638 00:39:04,770 --> 00:39:08,970 audience spoke up in what I would call a non tactful manner 639 00:39:08,970 --> 00:39:12,630 to get their information across to them. And I didn't think it 640 00:39:12,630 --> 00:39:16,320 was very, very professional way to handle the communication. 641 00:39:17,340 --> 00:39:20,700 They were basically I've said that there is no current way, no 642 00:39:20,700 --> 00:39:25,080 current mechanism to relay information to arrow, about 643 00:39:25,110 --> 00:39:28,350 their knowledge and what they know and videos and things along 644 00:39:28,380 --> 00:39:33,030 those lines. So it kind of got to be a little bit raucous. But, 645 00:39:33,240 --> 00:39:37,740 as I say, in my video, I got to applaud Senator Gillibrand, 646 00:39:37,740 --> 00:39:42,030 because she handled it with poise and grace. She definitely 647 00:39:43,950 --> 00:39:47,100 wasn't taken aback by the way that they were approaching her. 648 00:39:47,130 --> 00:39:50,220 She was agreeing with him. She said, You're right. There should 649 00:39:50,220 --> 00:39:53,250 be a way for that information to be known to this committee, and 650 00:39:53,250 --> 00:39:55,080 that's what we're working on. That's what we're moving 651 00:39:55,080 --> 00:39:57,900 forward. And then they started just to bump harder. 652 00:39:58,109 --> 00:39:59,879 John Greenewald: Yeah, and I don't want to jump in on you but 653 00:39:59,879 --> 00:40:03,239 I do Just just for the audience who doesn't know, and myself 654 00:40:03,239 --> 00:40:06,509 included in this, you're talking about audience members that were 655 00:40:06,509 --> 00:40:10,679 sitting there with you that when she was done with the hearing on 656 00:40:10,679 --> 00:40:13,319 the video anyway, when I was putting it together, you can 657 00:40:13,319 --> 00:40:16,919 hear a voice come in, right when they kind of like, say goodbye. 658 00:40:17,219 --> 00:40:19,979 And it seemed like somebody was shouting a question. So that's 659 00:40:19,979 --> 00:40:22,259 what you're referring to. Right? So she closes the meeting, 660 00:40:22,289 --> 00:40:26,189 essentially, the video cuts, and people chime in from the 661 00:40:26,189 --> 00:40:31,259 audience. Correct. And they're yelling over that room and the 662 00:40:31,259 --> 00:40:35,819 table at her career. I'm only laughing because that does sound 663 00:40:35,819 --> 00:40:39,059 really incredibly rude. But I don't know what standard in 664 00:40:39,059 --> 00:40:43,139 these hearings either. So is that what they were doing? Yes. 665 00:40:43,139 --> 00:40:43,409 So 666 00:40:43,410 --> 00:40:45,480 Dan Warren: the eye contact that I had been making with 667 00:40:45,480 --> 00:40:48,360 Gillibrand turned into me closing my eyes and shaking my 668 00:40:48,360 --> 00:40:52,290 head for like, about a minute straight. So that see, I was 669 00:40:52,290 --> 00:40:55,650 like, oh, man, I feel so bad for her and Kirkpatrick right now, 670 00:40:55,680 --> 00:41:00,090 because this is like, the exact reason why I suspect they don't 671 00:41:00,090 --> 00:41:02,340 want to be part of this community. They don't want to 672 00:41:02,340 --> 00:41:06,990 have this conversation because, like, it's shocking to me that 673 00:41:06,990 --> 00:41:11,010 people won't like the little bit of time that they had with these 674 00:41:11,010 --> 00:41:15,600 people. They wanted to tell them everything, what they were doing 675 00:41:15,600 --> 00:41:18,360 wrong, how how they should be doing it, that they've solved 676 00:41:18,360 --> 00:41:22,440 it, like and it's just like, man, that's just your opinion on 677 00:41:22,440 --> 00:41:27,030 what this is, that's you like, and I'm sorry, one pixel on a in 678 00:41:27,030 --> 00:41:31,260 a big blue sky is not proof of anything, no matter how dramatic 679 00:41:31,260 --> 00:41:36,450 the event was for you. It's just not evidence. It's not data. But 680 00:41:36,990 --> 00:41:39,750 they just don't have that in mind. They get their emotions 681 00:41:39,750 --> 00:41:45,030 get into it. And But getting back to how I got finally got to 682 00:41:45,030 --> 00:41:49,590 interview where I waited my turn until she basically gone through 683 00:41:49,590 --> 00:41:52,560 and listen to people, which was something else. I applaud her 684 00:41:52,560 --> 00:41:56,310 for it. She definitely let people feel heard. See, looked 685 00:41:56,310 --> 00:41:59,400 at their videos, she asked for their information, she 686 00:41:59,400 --> 00:42:04,320 distributed it to Kirkpatrick, and then I more or less, like, 687 00:42:04,410 --> 00:42:06,780 kind of tapped her on her shoulder when it was Mike when I 688 00:42:06,780 --> 00:42:09,870 was close enough and said, Hey, I'm just a citizen journalist. I 689 00:42:09,870 --> 00:42:12,600 don't have anything to tell you because you guys are the ones 690 00:42:12,600 --> 00:42:15,510 that are doing the research. But I do have some questions I would 691 00:42:15,510 --> 00:42:19,860 like to ask you, is it okay if I interview real quick? And she 692 00:42:19,860 --> 00:42:22,770 said, Oh, yeah, let's do it right now. And like, without 693 00:42:22,770 --> 00:42:25,650 missing a beat, she was ready to do so that's when I was able to 694 00:42:26,250 --> 00:42:29,190 take a selfie with her, of course to show my kids that I 695 00:42:29,190 --> 00:42:32,340 was hanging out with a senator and then make the do the 696 00:42:32,340 --> 00:42:35,430 interview, which I wish I had asked better questions, but I 697 00:42:35,430 --> 00:42:36,510 was very nervous. 698 00:42:37,020 --> 00:42:38,910 John Greenewald: I want everybody to watch that video. 699 00:42:38,910 --> 00:42:41,400 I'll make sure I link it. But can you give an overview of what 700 00:42:41,400 --> 00:42:44,250 you did ask and kind of paraphrase what what her 701 00:42:44,250 --> 00:42:45,270 responses were. 702 00:42:46,410 --> 00:42:48,300 Dan Warren: I asked her basically how she thought the 703 00:42:48,300 --> 00:42:51,870 hearing went and what she thought the outcome of it how 704 00:42:51,900 --> 00:42:55,680 how she liked the outcome of it. And she said that she thought it 705 00:42:55,680 --> 00:42:58,590 was a good hearing that a lot of valuable information came 706 00:42:58,590 --> 00:43:03,090 forward. And I wasn't ready to hear it at that time. But after 707 00:43:03,090 --> 00:43:05,730 time has gone by and I've listened to some analysis of the 708 00:43:05,730 --> 00:43:07,830 hearing and gone back and watched it myself. There is some 709 00:43:08,070 --> 00:43:11,070 what I considered valuable information that was included in 710 00:43:11,100 --> 00:43:14,730 the hearing. We of course didn't get everything we wanted. But 711 00:43:14,730 --> 00:43:17,790 there are those few breadcrumbs that came out of it that are 712 00:43:17,790 --> 00:43:20,370 beneficial. And she hit on those. So she she discussed 713 00:43:20,370 --> 00:43:24,600 those in particular. And then I asked her if there were any 714 00:43:24,600 --> 00:43:28,440 questions that she wished she could have asked but didn't get 715 00:43:28,440 --> 00:43:32,160 a chance to. And she said now I got I got all my questions out. 716 00:43:32,190 --> 00:43:34,800 And that's the one I wish I had asked something a little bit 717 00:43:34,800 --> 00:43:37,560 different because of course, she got all of your questions 718 00:43:37,620 --> 00:43:41,130 answered, because you got them answered in the closed session. 719 00:43:42,930 --> 00:43:44,910 John Greenewald: Do you think that will do you think that 720 00:43:44,910 --> 00:43:50,100 we're ever find out when it comes to that closed session? 721 00:43:50,910 --> 00:43:55,560 What ultimately she was told? And again, if I could quickly 722 00:43:55,560 --> 00:43:57,690 preface that the reason I say this is you've now been there. 723 00:43:57,690 --> 00:44:01,950 You've seen how it seems like she wants us transparency? Do 724 00:44:01,950 --> 00:44:04,980 you think that there's ever going to be light in that in 725 00:44:04,980 --> 00:44:05,610 that arena? 726 00:44:06,960 --> 00:44:08,970 Dan Warren: I feel like the only person that could get that 727 00:44:08,970 --> 00:44:11,700 information is that John Greenwald guy who's really good 728 00:44:11,700 --> 00:44:14,160 at FOIA, like he's able to pry information out of the 729 00:44:14,160 --> 00:44:16,440 government like no one else. I don't think they're just going 730 00:44:16,440 --> 00:44:18,510 to be forthcoming with it. I don't think we'll ever see 731 00:44:18,510 --> 00:44:21,750 meeting minutes. But I think there's a chance that will you 732 00:44:21,750 --> 00:44:25,740 tell me Is there a document produced a transcript produced 733 00:44:25,770 --> 00:44:29,700 from those close meetings? That would potentially be something 734 00:44:29,700 --> 00:44:30,630 that could come forward? 735 00:44:31,410 --> 00:44:33,930 John Greenewald: I will I will tell first off thanks for the 736 00:44:33,960 --> 00:44:37,410 vote of confidence there. I mean, I will definitely try my 737 00:44:37,410 --> 00:44:40,650 hardest, you know, congressional hearings and congressional 738 00:44:40,650 --> 00:44:45,270 documents, letters and all that are are not open to the FOIA. So 739 00:44:45,270 --> 00:44:48,660 anything when it does, when it deals with the Congress is off 740 00:44:48,660 --> 00:44:51,960 limits unless they make it public. The exceptions are when 741 00:44:51,960 --> 00:44:55,440 they actually send letters to the government. So or to an 742 00:44:55,440 --> 00:44:58,860 agency. I should turn it that way. So let's say jelibean 743 00:44:58,860 --> 00:45:03,660 writes a letter You can you can FOIA that once it hits the DOD, 744 00:45:03,870 --> 00:45:08,130 because then it becomes a record that is ultimately FOIA trouble. 745 00:45:08,790 --> 00:45:12,600 The responses are as well, there's a review process. So 746 00:45:12,600 --> 00:45:16,260 sometimes they do communicate classified, you know, classified 747 00:45:16,260 --> 00:45:20,760 means. But for those curious and yourself included, when it does 748 00:45:20,760 --> 00:45:22,980 come to this hearing, even though the transcript or 749 00:45:22,980 --> 00:45:26,010 whatever would likely be considered a congressional 750 00:45:26,010 --> 00:45:28,980 record, if, if if you were to ask me, I don't know what the 751 00:45:28,980 --> 00:45:32,760 legality would be. So that would be off limits. What is on 752 00:45:32,760 --> 00:45:37,230 limits, would be Dr. Kirk Patrick's PowerPoint 753 00:45:37,230 --> 00:45:41,790 presentation, any material that he utilized, videos, 754 00:45:41,820 --> 00:45:46,980 photographs, anything that was utilized there, is open, because 755 00:45:46,980 --> 00:45:50,100 that's a Department of Defense product that he took to Congress 756 00:45:50,310 --> 00:45:53,850 not reversed. So that would be foible. I've already filed a 757 00:45:53,850 --> 00:45:57,300 case for that, as you can imagine. So what I'm going for 758 00:45:57,300 --> 00:46:01,140 is all the material utilized by Dr. Kirkpatrick in that closed 759 00:46:01,140 --> 00:46:05,880 session. So to go back to your question, there's ways to kind 760 00:46:05,880 --> 00:46:11,160 of see it, but kind of not and we know the the level of secrecy 761 00:46:11,160 --> 00:46:15,390 is in my opinion, deepening when it comes to this. So it may be a 762 00:46:15,390 --> 00:46:18,840 long shot on whether or not we, you know, we can we can actually 763 00:46:18,840 --> 00:46:22,320 get our hands on it. But I'm definitely trying. So we'll 764 00:46:22,320 --> 00:46:26,310 we'll see what happens there. Hopefully that answered your 765 00:46:26,310 --> 00:46:26,820 question. 766 00:46:27,390 --> 00:46:30,510 Dan Warren: Okay. This is a good segue to speaking of getting 767 00:46:30,510 --> 00:46:33,720 your hands on things after eating. I accomplished one of my 768 00:46:33,720 --> 00:46:38,790 goals of treble and up there is I was able to grab Kirkpatrick 769 00:46:38,790 --> 00:46:43,200 sname plate off of his space and Brent's on with me. So I've got 770 00:46:43,200 --> 00:46:46,260 a souvenir from Kirkpatrick himself. He didn't sign it for 771 00:46:46,260 --> 00:46:48,750 me. But he was he was out of there pretty quick. He stayed 772 00:46:48,750 --> 00:46:53,310 around and was bombarded with questions. I wasn't close enough 773 00:46:53,400 --> 00:46:56,850 to him to hear what he was saying. He was out of there 774 00:46:56,850 --> 00:46:58,860 before I even got a chance to get close to him. 775 00:46:59,460 --> 00:47:01,680 John Greenewald: Well, before I ask you about Dr. Kirkpatrick, 776 00:47:01,710 --> 00:47:05,940 quick exit. Where are you keeping that in your house? 777 00:47:05,970 --> 00:47:10,710 Wherever you are? Does your family appreciate as much as as 778 00:47:10,710 --> 00:47:11,850 you do? This? 779 00:47:12,120 --> 00:47:18,780 Dan Warren: Oh, no. Oh, no, they don't. I've got a I've got a few 780 00:47:18,810 --> 00:47:22,770 square feet of closet space and one of my daughter's closets 781 00:47:22,770 --> 00:47:26,430 because I'm not I'm I don't, I barely have any real estate in 782 00:47:26,430 --> 00:47:31,470 my own closet. So I've got a whole bunch of UFO books. In 783 00:47:31,590 --> 00:47:34,950 information and trinkets that I've obtained, like I've got the 784 00:47:34,950 --> 00:47:39,240 Nim aviation badge that Stan and was able to purchase and provide 785 00:47:39,240 --> 00:47:43,260 me with a one of the full size. It's like a decent size. So I'm 786 00:47:43,260 --> 00:47:46,110 just I've got a little collection of UFO memorabilia in 787 00:47:46,110 --> 00:47:47,940 books, and that's where it stays. Right. 788 00:47:47,970 --> 00:47:50,130 John Greenewald: That's awesome. Now that's that's very cool. I 789 00:47:50,130 --> 00:47:52,410 saw your photo of that. I mean, those those kinds of things. I 790 00:47:52,410 --> 00:47:55,560 always geek out over so I appreciate you showing that. 791 00:47:56,250 --> 00:47:58,890 Going back, though, to the hearing. Dr. Kirkpatrick, as you 792 00:47:58,890 --> 00:48:03,990 noted, quickly left. What was there something where he got up, 793 00:48:03,990 --> 00:48:07,080 turned around and saw some of the other individuals kind of 794 00:48:07,320 --> 00:48:10,980 passing out some flyers did was there any inner interaction or 795 00:48:10,980 --> 00:48:11,850 was he just gone? 796 00:48:13,080 --> 00:48:15,930 Dan Warren: He was there for a while. So the way that it worked 797 00:48:15,930 --> 00:48:19,080 is those guys started chiming in, as soon as they said, Thank 798 00:48:19,080 --> 00:48:22,380 you for the hearing. And they hit the gavel. He raised his 799 00:48:22,380 --> 00:48:25,620 hand, he started talking. They probably had a conversation. 800 00:48:25,650 --> 00:48:31,860 Like they probably said, two minutes worth of words at the 801 00:48:31,860 --> 00:48:35,010 same time for the audience members. Yes, yes, the audience 802 00:48:35,100 --> 00:48:38,370 started talking for about two minutes straight. And 803 00:48:38,430 --> 00:48:41,550 Kirkpatrick never once turned around, he just kept his head 804 00:48:41,550 --> 00:48:45,360 forward and down a little bit. And then it acknowledged that it 805 00:48:45,360 --> 00:48:50,340 was happening, I guess. But then eventually, after Gillibrand 806 00:48:50,550 --> 00:48:55,050 started to have a conversation with a with the audience, got up 807 00:48:55,050 --> 00:48:58,590 and started interacting with the audience. Kirkpatrick joined 808 00:48:58,590 --> 00:49:02,250 your buyer side. And so they were staring information at that 809 00:49:02,250 --> 00:49:05,580 time, Alexa wasn't close enough to be able to hear what he was 810 00:49:05,580 --> 00:49:08,970 saying or how much he was actually talking. But he didn't 811 00:49:08,970 --> 00:49:13,410 have the warm and friendly and inviting aura that Jilla brand 812 00:49:13,410 --> 00:49:13,740 had. 813 00:49:17,850 --> 00:49:20,460 John Greenewald: If I've seen some pictures, you don't have 814 00:49:20,460 --> 00:49:23,850 to, I don't want to make it seem like I'm I'm trying to trash the 815 00:49:23,850 --> 00:49:26,940 individuals that were there sharing the information. So I'm 816 00:49:26,940 --> 00:49:31,230 trying to find a better way to ask this question. What I saw 817 00:49:31,230 --> 00:49:33,450 from a few photos that were snapped, they may have actually 818 00:49:33,450 --> 00:49:36,900 been your photos. I'm not sure if they were. But essentially, 819 00:49:36,900 --> 00:49:41,430 you can see the flyer and it was like ancient aliens related, 820 00:49:41,430 --> 00:49:44,430 right? I mean, that that's what she was being given. 821 00:49:45,360 --> 00:49:49,620 Dan Warren: Correct it I think it's called infinite astronauts, 822 00:49:49,650 --> 00:49:52,110 something like that. It wasn't Ancient Aliens, like the TV 823 00:49:52,110 --> 00:49:56,940 show, but it tied the past to the future. And once again, I 824 00:49:56,940 --> 00:50:00,210 feel like it's just one person's opinion on what's going on. And 825 00:50:00,420 --> 00:50:04,350 there was a lot of opinion being in what I consider opinion, they 826 00:50:04,350 --> 00:50:08,130 considered fact that was being thrown at Kirkpatrick and 827 00:50:08,160 --> 00:50:13,980 Gillibrand, and alien scientists, Jeremy Rice was 828 00:50:14,160 --> 00:50:16,710 actually there. And he did a pretty interesting thing he 829 00:50:16,710 --> 00:50:19,500 started talking about, here's some locations that would be 830 00:50:19,500 --> 00:50:23,010 beneficial for you to look at and to investigate the Blue Room 831 00:50:23,370 --> 00:50:27,870 at Wright Patt. And back back to that back door, 832 00:50:27,960 --> 00:50:30,750 John Greenewald: but tell tell, but yeah, I know. He's really 833 00:50:30,750 --> 00:50:34,410 connected to the Battelle Institute being connected to all 834 00:50:34,410 --> 00:50:40,800 of that tying back to Anthony Berg Galia, which I've got maybe 835 00:50:40,800 --> 00:50:43,320 some differing views on that, but I know that so but but tell 836 00:50:43,320 --> 00:50:48,390 that he was saying, let me let me ask you this. And the I mean, 837 00:50:48,390 --> 00:50:50,970 we all saw the video. But since you were there, and along these 838 00:50:50,970 --> 00:50:54,120 lines are getting all this information from the general 839 00:50:54,570 --> 00:51:01,200 public. Do you feel by the tone of what you saw before and after 840 00:51:01,200 --> 00:51:07,140 the hearing? That Dr. Kirkpatrick, and even the Senate 841 00:51:07,590 --> 00:51:13,260 would have the access to do and accomplish what they need to do? 842 00:51:13,380 --> 00:51:15,810 So the general public just throwing all this stuff at them? 843 00:51:16,770 --> 00:51:19,320 Do you think that they would have the access and go okay, 844 00:51:19,320 --> 00:51:22,950 this is like what I want to run away from? Or do you think that 845 00:51:22,950 --> 00:51:26,910 they potentially just don't have that access? And I know that 846 00:51:26,910 --> 00:51:29,490 this is just speculation, but I'm curious to your thoughts. 847 00:51:30,149 --> 00:51:33,179 Dan Warren: I feel like the UFO community is a tsunami of 848 00:51:33,179 --> 00:51:38,069 information and they've got a teaspoon of capability and and 849 00:51:38,159 --> 00:51:42,449 funding to, to drink it. And so they're, they're drinking from a 850 00:51:42,449 --> 00:51:46,169 firehose at the moment. And I don't think that they have the 851 00:51:46,169 --> 00:51:50,579 ability to track down every lead and you could. And I'm basing 852 00:51:50,579 --> 00:51:52,889 that on the fact that they're even saying, Hey, I appreciate 853 00:51:52,889 --> 00:51:55,319 you sending these whistleblowers, these people to 854 00:51:55,319 --> 00:51:59,069 testify to us, but we need you to start to prioritize them. 855 00:51:59,369 --> 00:52:03,479 Because, in my opinion, what that said was, yes, we've heard 856 00:52:03,479 --> 00:52:07,319 a lot of information. And there's a lot of leads that 857 00:52:07,319 --> 00:52:10,469 we're having to follow because of the testimony. But man, 858 00:52:10,469 --> 00:52:13,709 that's a lot of information to tackle all at one time. Like you 859 00:52:13,709 --> 00:52:18,899 said he won't we want him to answer 70 plus years of 860 00:52:19,199 --> 00:52:23,519 questions right now. And there's just not going to be possible. 861 00:52:24,179 --> 00:52:29,519 That's where I think we do need the GAO, the General Accounting 862 00:52:29,519 --> 00:52:34,079 Office to help out because that's what they have been doing 863 00:52:34,079 --> 00:52:37,409 for years. They have the mechanism. They have a better 864 00:52:37,409 --> 00:52:40,379 mechanism that's already in place and functional. Instead of 865 00:52:40,379 --> 00:52:43,919 Kirkpatrick having to create one that is functional. We could 866 00:52:43,949 --> 00:52:49,169 utilize existing systems just like the sensor systems that we 867 00:52:49,169 --> 00:52:51,449 have all around the United States right now. We don't have 868 00:52:51,449 --> 00:52:56,639 to create new ones to look for weather balloons to look for an 869 00:52:56,699 --> 00:53:00,809 anomalous phenomena. We just use the existing information in a 870 00:53:00,809 --> 00:53:04,349 different way. And it's what save us. bajillion dollars. 871 00:53:05,280 --> 00:53:07,470 John Greenewald: Were you surprised? I'm guessing you saw 872 00:53:07,470 --> 00:53:11,700 the first hearing? Right? I mean, we all watched that. The 873 00:53:11,700 --> 00:53:17,070 first one of the 2021. I took off of work for that. Yes, it's 874 00:53:17,070 --> 00:53:18,870 a holiday. So yes, 875 00:53:19,140 --> 00:53:21,840 Dan Warren: I feel I gotta I gotta tell this one story. Sure. 876 00:53:23,670 --> 00:53:28,260 My family is kind of oblivious to what's going on as far as 877 00:53:28,260 --> 00:53:33,150 UFOs go. So on the first hearing, which was at May 17, or 878 00:53:33,150 --> 00:53:37,950 may 27. I take my kids and to neighborhood kids to school 879 00:53:37,950 --> 00:53:41,280 every morning. So I made sure to stop at a gas station, I was 880 00:53:41,280 --> 00:53:44,550 like, go in there and get yourself a sweet treat and a 881 00:53:44,550 --> 00:53:47,220 drink and you can have the school it's in celebration of 882 00:53:47,220 --> 00:53:50,250 this so that when in the future, you can look back at that time 883 00:53:50,250 --> 00:53:52,980 that I took you to the gas station before school. And 884 00:53:52,980 --> 00:53:56,280 remember, that's what it was about. So I'm hoping to plant 885 00:53:56,280 --> 00:53:59,010 that seed in those kids at some point in the future. 886 00:53:59,370 --> 00:54:02,070 John Greenewald: No, that's, that's awesome. So when you 887 00:54:02,070 --> 00:54:06,060 watch that hearing, I was surprised when we all watched it 888 00:54:06,090 --> 00:54:11,730 that the Wilson Davis notes came up, and that they were submitted 889 00:54:11,730 --> 00:54:15,600 to the Congressional Record. And then obviously, the nuclear 890 00:54:15,600 --> 00:54:18,060 installation encounters. And I'm kind of paraphrasing here, 891 00:54:18,060 --> 00:54:22,140 obviously, but those were talked about and Moultrie and bray were 892 00:54:22,140 --> 00:54:24,720 like, we don't really know what you're talking about. But 893 00:54:25,050 --> 00:54:27,210 essentially, they would look into it. Fast forward to this 894 00:54:27,210 --> 00:54:33,150 hearing. You're there. None of that came up. Now, I'm going to 895 00:54:33,180 --> 00:54:37,410 focus in on the Wilson Davis part. First and foremost, simply 896 00:54:37,410 --> 00:54:40,920 because despite my personal views on it, right, so I'm 897 00:54:40,950 --> 00:54:44,550 putting that out of this conversation, you would think 898 00:54:44,550 --> 00:54:48,570 that they would essentially address it even in part even in 899 00:54:48,570 --> 00:54:52,650 brief to just say, look, I mean, there's there's like you noted 900 00:54:52,650 --> 00:54:56,040 there's just a an avalanche of information out there some true 901 00:54:56,040 --> 00:54:59,640 some not, and they looked into it. Were you surprised at all 902 00:54:59,640 --> 00:55:04,110 that None of that came up in the public hearing at all, or do you 903 00:55:04,110 --> 00:55:06,570 feel that that was just bunk? And they just kind of ignored 904 00:55:06,570 --> 00:55:06,720 it? 905 00:55:07,500 --> 00:55:09,780 Dan Warren: Well, I was hopeful that would be something that 906 00:55:09,780 --> 00:55:12,630 happened is that it would be a continuation of the previous 907 00:55:12,630 --> 00:55:15,600 congressional hearings, and they would carry over some of the 908 00:55:15,600 --> 00:55:19,800 items from it to this new one. But this one seems to be, in my 909 00:55:19,800 --> 00:55:25,290 opinion, a very standalone hearing that didn't necessarily 910 00:55:25,290 --> 00:55:29,910 relate to the conversation that occurred previously. The biggest 911 00:55:29,910 --> 00:55:32,520 difference between that one and this one is they figured out how 912 00:55:32,520 --> 00:55:36,060 to use the pause button on the video much better this go round. 913 00:55:36,600 --> 00:55:38,910 So they've learned from that, but they didn't talk about 914 00:55:38,910 --> 00:55:42,600 anything else that was discussed that I could put my finger on 915 00:55:42,600 --> 00:55:45,960 from the previous one. And that's why I'm trying to once 916 00:55:45,960 --> 00:55:49,440 again, step back and look at it. I wonder what's going on in this 917 00:55:49,440 --> 00:55:53,580 big picture? Is this just one step in a process and they don't 918 00:55:53,580 --> 00:55:57,480 want to continue to go back to the first one, they're trying to 919 00:55:57,510 --> 00:55:59,880 progress forward? And maybe that's why they didn't discuss 920 00:55:59,880 --> 00:56:03,630 it. But I would have sure like to have heard more information 921 00:56:03,660 --> 00:56:04,080 about? 922 00:56:05,310 --> 00:56:08,430 John Greenewald: Yeah, and I as well. And that's why I wanted to 923 00:56:08,430 --> 00:56:13,890 ask you it was it seemed like if that if that Wilson Davis story 924 00:56:13,890 --> 00:56:16,680 is true. I mean, you're you're talking about a humanity 925 00:56:16,680 --> 00:56:23,130 changing story, if they could confirm, confirm that. So for 926 00:56:23,130 --> 00:56:25,680 them not to even bring it up, you know, because again, there 927 00:56:25,710 --> 00:56:28,680 were there wasn't much that was quote, unquote, submitted into 928 00:56:28,680 --> 00:56:31,500 the Congressional Record in that first hearing. That was one 929 00:56:31,500 --> 00:56:35,070 thing. So you would think that if they went to that length to 930 00:56:35,070 --> 00:56:38,010 say, hey, look, if you don't know what this is, they put it 931 00:56:38,010 --> 00:56:40,080 in the Congressional Record. They're asking, and they did 932 00:56:40,080 --> 00:56:44,730 nothing. That that kind of interested me. Also speculation, 933 00:56:44,730 --> 00:56:46,380 but would you think that something like that would have 934 00:56:46,380 --> 00:56:47,790 come up in the classified setting? 935 00:56:49,230 --> 00:56:52,440 Dan Warren: Yeah, I would think that it would, and I think that 936 00:56:52,440 --> 00:56:56,310 there is I'm gonna say Richard Dolan connected adopt from 937 00:56:56,340 --> 00:56:59,790 actually now think about it was Jacque ballet that connected the 938 00:56:59,790 --> 00:57:05,520 dots associated with the Wilson Davis, memo notes, that it was 939 00:57:05,520 --> 00:57:09,570 actually the Comptroller General, from the GAO office, 940 00:57:09,600 --> 00:57:13,650 that was the guy that was went and found the product, the 941 00:57:13,650 --> 00:57:18,300 program and audited it, before Wilson was able to start to ask 942 00:57:18,300 --> 00:57:22,620 question and knock on doors. So that's where I think whoever had 943 00:57:23,490 --> 00:57:28,260 was assisting writing the NDAA. Originally, it was going to have 944 00:57:28,260 --> 00:57:31,590 involvement from the Comptroller General from the GAO office 945 00:57:31,590 --> 00:57:34,800 involved in the investment in the historical investigation. 946 00:57:35,160 --> 00:57:39,030 And after I heard what Jacque baalei said about I think it was 947 00:57:39,030 --> 00:57:44,190 browser, that was the STARTTLS browser was the comptroller at 948 00:57:44,190 --> 00:57:46,950 the time, and if they suspect made it into the program, and 949 00:57:46,950 --> 00:57:51,030 got the tour and got the briefing about it, that they 950 00:57:51,030 --> 00:57:55,950 will, that position was written into the NDAA, for that very 951 00:57:55,950 --> 00:57:59,070 reason that they knew that that was who made it into in the 952 00:57:59,070 --> 00:58:01,860 past, and that there would be records of that at some point. 953 00:58:01,860 --> 00:58:04,920 So that's why he was involved. But at the last minute, they 954 00:58:04,920 --> 00:58:09,240 pulled the Comptroller General out of the legislation. And they 955 00:58:09,240 --> 00:58:12,690 just said that the GAO was going to support them. So that was the 956 00:58:12,690 --> 00:58:16,530 big question I had going into it was, are they going to talk 957 00:58:16,530 --> 00:58:20,700 about the GAO office in relation to the Wilson Davis notes? 958 00:58:20,700 --> 00:58:24,270 Because that would connect further connect the dots for for 959 00:58:24,270 --> 00:58:27,780 that, and then in here, I don't know if that was discussed in 960 00:58:27,780 --> 00:58:32,220 the previous hearing. But I would, I would suspect that 961 00:58:32,220 --> 00:58:34,860 would be something in writing, not so much at a hearing that 962 00:58:34,860 --> 00:58:38,340 it's too complicated to really discuss. When you have a whole 963 00:58:38,340 --> 00:58:41,010 bunch of other questions, you got to ask about procedures and 964 00:58:41,010 --> 00:58:43,350 funding and things like that. And the close team. 965 00:58:44,460 --> 00:58:46,860 John Greenewald: Yeah. And you and I briefly talked about it. 966 00:58:46,890 --> 00:58:49,170 And that's thanks to you. I'm going to pull up the name 967 00:58:49,170 --> 00:58:57,810 myself. The let me see here. The current Comptroller General, 968 00:58:57,990 --> 00:59:03,480 started on March 13 2008, which is a pretty big gap and 969 00:59:03,480 --> 00:59:07,380 motivated by your question to me, that was off the air. I 970 00:59:07,380 --> 00:59:11,490 filed a case now, first and foremost, the GAO, not sure if 971 00:59:11,490 --> 00:59:13,710 you know, this is actually not subject to the Freedom of 972 00:59:13,710 --> 00:59:20,910 Information Act. Yeah, so they they are. They have their own 973 00:59:20,910 --> 00:59:24,420 instruction that goes to Gao records as part of the Code of 974 00:59:24,420 --> 00:59:28,980 Federal Regulations. That's for like section 81 Something 975 00:59:29,370 --> 00:59:34,890 section 81. But Gene Dodaro is the current Comptroller General 976 00:59:34,890 --> 00:59:38,730 from 2008. To date, and motivated by your question, 977 00:59:38,730 --> 00:59:42,630 because I had never done it filed a case this morning to 978 00:59:42,810 --> 00:59:47,700 kind of sift around and see if that current Comptroller General 979 00:59:47,700 --> 00:59:53,400 is involved at all with with the current conversation, so thank 980 00:59:53,400 --> 00:59:57,030 you for kind of motivating me to do that because since the GAO is 981 00:59:57,030 --> 00:59:59,880 not subject to the FOIA, sometimes you forget about them. 982 00:59:59,910 --> 01:00:03,150 You You know, and I just don't have them off the top of my head 983 01:00:03,150 --> 01:00:06,450 to go I'm gonna file a FOIA to the GAO because you can't. But 984 01:00:06,450 --> 01:00:09,750 they do kind of honor what they call honor the spirit of the 985 01:00:09,750 --> 01:00:13,440 FOIA. And that's that Code of Federal Regulations, statute 986 01:00:13,440 --> 01:00:16,350 that they fall under. And then some of the other ones that 987 01:00:16,350 --> 01:00:20,370 aren't subject to the FOIA like NORAD, because they're a 988 01:00:20,370 --> 01:00:23,460 binational command, they have their own internal structure to 989 01:00:23,700 --> 01:00:27,270 honor the spirit of the Freedom of Information Act, but you just 990 01:00:27,270 --> 01:00:30,600 have to cross your fingers that you're going to get it. So 991 01:00:30,960 --> 01:00:35,850 Dan Warren: real quick on that. Are, are their emails valuable 992 01:00:35,850 --> 01:00:37,890 if it was to someone outside of their department? 993 01:00:38,550 --> 01:00:41,100 John Greenewald: Yes. And so that's what I'm kind of sifting 994 01:00:41,100 --> 01:00:45,300 around. So I have like a standard keyword list. That if 995 01:00:45,300 --> 01:00:48,930 they're talking about anything even remotely close to standard 996 01:00:48,930 --> 01:00:53,940 keyword list should come up with it. So and that's what I had 997 01:00:53,940 --> 01:00:58,980 filed on with the GAO because it searches attachments. It 998 01:00:58,980 --> 01:01:04,170 searches the body of the of the email, and then the subject 999 01:01:04,170 --> 01:01:08,010 line. So essentially, like if there's any talk of UAP, or 1000 01:01:08,010 --> 01:01:13,560 unidentified aerial this or unidentified anomalous that, 1001 01:01:13,740 --> 01:01:18,090 like my keyword list will hopefully catch something. And 1002 01:01:18,090 --> 01:01:21,090 I've used that quite a few different times through FOIA, 1003 01:01:21,120 --> 01:01:23,640 where they were to, you know, essentially the same way. It's 1004 01:01:23,640 --> 01:01:27,000 just a different, different law. And then you go for that 1005 01:01:27,000 --> 01:01:29,850 information and see what happens. So I would think that 1006 01:01:29,850 --> 01:01:33,000 if there is any connection whatsoever, something will get 1007 01:01:33,000 --> 01:01:36,570 triggered. And then that just kind of branches off into 12,000 1008 01:01:36,570 --> 01:01:40,830 different other, you know, areas if you do get something so so 1009 01:01:40,830 --> 01:01:43,140 hopefully, hopefully we'll we'll find something and the 1010 01:01:43,140 --> 01:01:46,380 connection with the Wilson Davis thing. I'm glad you brought that 1011 01:01:46,380 --> 01:01:48,810 up. I think I vaguely heard about that in the past, but 1012 01:01:48,810 --> 01:01:51,420 never really focused in on it. So I'm glad you brought it up. 1013 01:01:51,420 --> 01:01:54,300 And yeah, we'll see. We'll see what happens. You know, if 1014 01:01:54,300 --> 01:01:58,920 there's anything within the the GAO, there has been UFO stuff in 1015 01:01:58,920 --> 01:02:01,380 the past, as you're likely aware, especially with the 1016 01:02:01,380 --> 01:02:06,240 Roswell stuff, where they very briefly in the beginning of the 1017 01:02:06,240 --> 01:02:09,870 GA, the GAO report and investigation, this was years 1018 01:02:09,870 --> 01:02:13,980 ago. But when they looked into the Roswell incident, that 1019 01:02:13,980 --> 01:02:16,680 essentially they said the majority of anything related to 1020 01:02:16,680 --> 01:02:20,100 this era, and this incident was destroyed. But then they go on 1021 01:02:20,100 --> 01:02:23,490 to like, place a conclusion anyway, and say, Well, wait a 1022 01:02:23,490 --> 01:02:26,520 minute, if you've destroyed the majority of the evidence, how 1023 01:02:26,520 --> 01:02:29,430 can you sit here and tell me that you actually, you know, 1024 01:02:29,430 --> 01:02:32,430 have a conclusion. So I don't want to get off on a tangent 1025 01:02:32,430 --> 01:02:35,040 there. But the GAO does serve, you know, quite an interesting 1026 01:02:35,040 --> 01:02:38,400 purpose when it comes to this conversation in the past. So 1027 01:02:38,400 --> 01:02:40,260 hopefully, they will so in the future. 1028 01:02:40,980 --> 01:02:43,890 Dan Warren: All right. Well, I'll when you post this, if you 1029 01:02:44,310 --> 01:02:48,000 put it on Twitter, I did make a video about this specific topic 1030 01:02:48,000 --> 01:02:52,980 with Charles rouser, tag it on there. And I do highly recommend 1031 01:02:52,980 --> 01:02:55,560 that people check out the Richard Dolan discussion of it 1032 01:02:55,560 --> 01:02:58,470 because he goes into great detail about it where I can't 1033 01:02:58,470 --> 01:03:00,750 into three minutes, so I try to keep my videos in. 1034 01:03:01,050 --> 01:03:04,050 John Greenewald: Yeah, no, I gotcha. Dan, if I can ask you 1035 01:03:04,050 --> 01:03:08,970 one more question. Before I let you go. After experiencing what 1036 01:03:08,970 --> 01:03:12,510 you did, and my compliments to you for getting, you know, out 1037 01:03:12,510 --> 01:03:16,170 there and interacting with politicians, that's awesome. I 1038 01:03:16,170 --> 01:03:19,830 hope more people follow suit. Now that you've had a little bit 1039 01:03:19,830 --> 01:03:27,390 of time to digest it, to hear what you did, and to process all 1040 01:03:27,390 --> 01:03:31,650 of that, if you could ask Senator Gillibrand, who were to 1041 01:03:31,650 --> 01:03:35,190 call you tomorrow and say, Dan, you can ask me two things. Or, 1042 01:03:35,400 --> 01:03:39,150 Dan, if you have two questions that I can pass on, what would 1043 01:03:39,150 --> 01:03:42,660 they be pick? Whichever, whichever way you want? What 1044 01:03:42,660 --> 01:03:47,220 would those two questions be? No pressure. 1045 01:03:47,700 --> 01:03:53,820 Dan Warren: Yeah, leave me on the spot a little bit. I guess I 1046 01:03:53,820 --> 01:03:57,690 would probably have to go with the reverse engineering. What 1047 01:03:57,690 --> 01:04:01,740 has she heard about that? That that's a that's a game changer, 1048 01:04:01,770 --> 01:04:06,210 in my opinion. If if there is material, she did mention, our 1049 01:04:06,990 --> 01:04:11,640 Osvaldo Franco did get a quick interview with her where she did 1050 01:04:11,910 --> 01:04:16,710 mention several things about what they have. I don't feel 1051 01:04:16,710 --> 01:04:21,300 like she said that we have that we have objects that we have 1052 01:04:21,300 --> 01:04:25,410 things I feel like he asked the interjected that and she kind of 1053 01:04:25,410 --> 01:04:28,740 just let it go. But she didn't reject it outright. So that 1054 01:04:28,740 --> 01:04:31,200 would be one thing I would want to ask her about is do we have 1055 01:04:31,320 --> 01:04:34,140 materials? Do we have a reverse engineering program that is 1056 01:04:34,140 --> 01:04:39,510 actually doing something with those materials? And then of 1057 01:04:39,510 --> 01:04:43,140 course, I would like to know, let's talk about satellite 1058 01:04:43,140 --> 01:04:47,970 imagery. That to me is something that is read has resonated with 1059 01:04:47,970 --> 01:04:53,550 me since the John Radcliffe comments that came out on the 1060 01:04:53,550 --> 01:04:57,600 Maria Bartiromo show. Do we have images from satellites of these 1061 01:04:57,600 --> 01:05:02,400 things? That would be what Without a doubt, non human of 1062 01:05:02,400 --> 01:05:06,540 non human origin. So those would be my two questions. I'm sure 1063 01:05:06,540 --> 01:05:09,180 I'd come up with better ones if I get a piece of paper and 1064 01:05:09,180 --> 01:05:12,390 pencil in front of me. That's what I got. Cuz shooting from 1065 01:05:12,390 --> 01:05:12,660 the hip. 1066 01:05:13,140 --> 01:05:15,120 John Greenewald: I was like putting people on the spot there 1067 01:05:15,120 --> 01:05:19,470 the, but I get to do it to you all anytime. Oh, right now, go 1068 01:05:19,470 --> 01:05:21,660 ahead. Right now, right now. All right. Let's see. 1069 01:05:21,660 --> 01:05:26,670 Dan Warren: Yes. All right. So we all know that you blindly 1070 01:05:26,670 --> 01:05:29,940 accept the truthfulness of the Wilson Davis documents without 1071 01:05:32,760 --> 01:05:38,520 that being the case. But what would it take for you to see for 1072 01:05:38,520 --> 01:05:45,660 you to go? Okay, I now fully endorse and accept the events 1073 01:05:45,690 --> 01:05:48,870 that are depicted in these notes. What evidence would you 1074 01:05:48,870 --> 01:05:53,160 have to see for for because I know that your stance is I can't 1075 01:05:53,190 --> 01:05:55,020 you're like me, you put everything a lot of things in 1076 01:05:55,020 --> 01:06:00,630 the anecdotal been in the interesting, but not? I can't 1077 01:06:00,630 --> 01:06:04,020 prove it. It's not fact yet. What would it take for you to 1078 01:06:04,110 --> 01:06:07,140 make that switch on the Wilson? David Davis documents? 1079 01:06:07,770 --> 01:06:09,990 John Greenewald: It's a great question. I am that type of 1080 01:06:09,990 --> 01:06:16,470 person that needs to see to believe. What I what I think has 1081 01:06:16,470 --> 01:06:20,430 happened, where I, where I get a lot of hate mail, we'll call it 1082 01:06:20,430 --> 01:06:24,900 that, for not believing them is that there's a little bit of 1083 01:06:24,900 --> 01:06:28,560 truth in these smaller points. So the bigger ones have to be 1084 01:06:28,560 --> 01:06:32,310 true. Right. So like the oak Shannon thing, and credit to Jay 1085 01:06:32,310 --> 01:06:34,380 from Project unity for tracking him down and getting the 1086 01:06:34,380 --> 01:06:38,700 interview. I have no problem with that kind of stuff. I love 1087 01:06:38,700 --> 01:06:42,690 it. I've openly complimented Jay for doing that. But it doesn't 1088 01:06:42,690 --> 01:06:47,100 convince me just because oak Shannon had the health problems 1089 01:06:47,100 --> 01:06:50,910 at the time. And those were depicted in the notes. I've been 1090 01:06:50,910 --> 01:06:54,690 around the field for a long time and seen, in my opinion, quite a 1091 01:06:54,690 --> 01:07:00,030 few hoaxes, as we all have. And for me the anatomy of a hoax, is 1092 01:07:00,030 --> 01:07:07,020 you have to entwine certain factual tidbits into a bigger 1093 01:07:07,020 --> 01:07:10,860 document. So you use real people, you use real events, you 1094 01:07:10,860 --> 01:07:15,000 use real things that you can verify peppered in with fantasy. 1095 01:07:15,570 --> 01:07:22,500 And I feel that that's what we have here is a work of fiction 1096 01:07:22,530 --> 01:07:26,550 and fantasy with real things. woven in. So when the oak 1097 01:07:26,550 --> 01:07:29,730 Shannon revelation came out, I'll be honest, it just didn't 1098 01:07:29,730 --> 01:07:33,780 surprise me at all. It's like, Well, I'm not accusing him of 1099 01:07:33,780 --> 01:07:37,260 making it. So this will probably come off wrong, no matter how I 1100 01:07:37,290 --> 01:07:42,300 term it. But it could just mean that whomever did Eric Davis or 1101 01:07:42,300 --> 01:07:46,470 whomever, was involved in that little niche group that seems to 1102 01:07:46,470 --> 01:07:50,250 have known each other at around that time, interested in all 1103 01:07:50,250 --> 01:07:55,200 these things. And that could have been woven in. With that 1104 01:07:55,200 --> 01:07:57,600 said, what would it take to convince me well, you need 1105 01:07:57,600 --> 01:08:01,860 something to support these programs going to the to the 1106 01:08:01,860 --> 01:08:07,080 private sector, because for me, for Admiral Wilson to be as the 1107 01:08:07,080 --> 01:08:12,750 story goes, and I don't get hate mail for this, a given a NRO, 1108 01:08:12,780 --> 01:08:15,900 the famous NRO document. And that gave him a list of 1109 01:08:15,900 --> 01:08:20,880 keywords, those that believes in the Wilson Davis notes being all 1110 01:08:20,880 --> 01:08:24,060 genuine and depicting the notes now say that that document 1111 01:08:24,090 --> 01:08:28,170 doesn't matter. And I was surprised at that shift, because 1112 01:08:28,200 --> 01:08:32,730 prior to that, that document was in most of the retelling of the 1113 01:08:32,730 --> 01:08:36,780 story. And then once it was proven, in my opinion, proven to 1114 01:08:36,780 --> 01:08:40,590 be false. I thought I would get the hate mail like no, this is a 1115 01:08:40,590 --> 01:08:44,550 real document. Here's why. It was like they were convinced it 1116 01:08:44,550 --> 01:08:47,970 was fake. But it didn't really matter to the story. So that the 1117 01:08:47,970 --> 01:08:51,180 goalposts kind of shifted, it's like, well, this gave Admiral 1118 01:08:51,180 --> 01:08:55,800 Wilson the list of keywords, then it was proven to be a hoax. 1119 01:08:55,980 --> 01:08:57,870 And then all of a sudden, I was like, well, that document 1120 01:08:57,870 --> 01:09:00,390 doesn't matter. Well, it's like okay, well fill in the gap. How 1121 01:09:00,390 --> 01:09:04,080 did Admiral Wilson find this? You know, this program? Those 1122 01:09:04,080 --> 01:09:07,020 types of things need to be resolved for me to start 1123 01:09:07,020 --> 01:09:11,730 considering this is nonfiction, that this is a real event that 1124 01:09:11,730 --> 01:09:17,430 took place. Why would someone like Admiral Wilson pick Dr. 1125 01:09:17,460 --> 01:09:23,130 Eric Davis to tell the story to in a car of all the people 1126 01:09:23,160 --> 01:09:28,410 inside Admiral Wilson's Rolodex, no offense to Eric Davis, but 1127 01:09:28,440 --> 01:09:33,120 that's the one that he goes to spill all the beans with. Again, 1128 01:09:33,120 --> 01:09:38,820 those types of things don't make sense. We can all speculate and 1129 01:09:38,820 --> 01:09:44,190 some may be you know, plausible on on why this unfolded the way 1130 01:09:44,190 --> 01:09:46,560 it did. But again, there's really no supporting evidence 1131 01:09:46,560 --> 01:09:51,210 plus you have Admiral Wilson saying it's all poppycock I 1132 01:09:51,210 --> 01:09:54,420 think is what His word was maybe was something else. But 1133 01:09:54,450 --> 01:09:57,540 regardless, you know, he's saying that it's wrong. So 1134 01:09:57,570 --> 01:09:59,970 Dan Warren: So I want to let me interject real quickly because I 1135 01:10:00,000 --> 01:10:05,130 I believe that even if Wilson said, yeah, those are real notes 1136 01:10:05,130 --> 01:10:07,680 that really happened, I still don't feel like that would be 1137 01:10:07,680 --> 01:10:10,620 enough for you to be convinced that the program that they're 1138 01:10:10,620 --> 01:10:13,200 describing actually worked. Like, I don't feel like that's 1139 01:10:13,200 --> 01:10:17,910 tangible enough information with him with if Eric Davis and 1140 01:10:17,910 --> 01:10:21,420 Wilson said, Yes, this is a discussion that we had. I don't 1141 01:10:21,420 --> 01:10:24,090 feel like that would be enough proof for you to say, although 1142 01:10:24,120 --> 01:10:27,630 obviously, there's a extra terrestrial reverse engineering 1143 01:10:27,630 --> 01:10:31,260 craft going on. So there's got to be something above that 1144 01:10:31,260 --> 01:10:34,860 conversation. That would be proof of what would have to come 1145 01:10:34,860 --> 01:10:39,870 out of that program for you to be condensed. 1146 01:10:40,050 --> 01:10:42,030 John Greenewald: Yeah, and I don't think you're, you're too 1147 01:10:42,030 --> 01:10:46,020 far off. But I will say, it would be a different 1148 01:10:46,020 --> 01:10:49,110 conversation for me when it came to those documents, if Wilson 1149 01:10:49,110 --> 01:10:52,080 kind of fell down and say, You know what, I was lying. With 1150 01:10:52,080 --> 01:10:57,240 these poppycock statements. It really did take place, I will 1151 01:10:57,270 --> 01:11:01,500 absolutely shift my tone on the documents, will I again, then 1152 01:11:01,500 --> 01:11:05,460 just run to okay, then there is an alien reverse engineering 1153 01:11:05,460 --> 01:11:09,060 program? Well, no, not really, because it's quite possible that 1154 01:11:09,300 --> 01:11:12,540 Wilson was misled. Now, again, this is all just kind of 1155 01:11:12,540 --> 01:11:16,230 speculation and a hypothetical. So before anybody, you know, 1156 01:11:16,230 --> 01:11:20,940 really rubs me a new one through the comments below. Just 1157 01:11:20,940 --> 01:11:24,090 remember, like we're playing a hypothetical here. But if but if 1158 01:11:24,090 --> 01:11:27,180 Wilson came out and said that the conversation took place, I 1159 01:11:27,180 --> 01:11:30,750 would absolutely change my tone, and take it a little bit more 1160 01:11:30,750 --> 01:11:35,850 seriously. But then we have to fill the gap of where is, you 1161 01:11:35,850 --> 01:11:38,970 know, number one, where is it? But number two? Why would Wilson 1162 01:11:38,970 --> 01:11:42,630 be told at all, let's just say that the j two was completely 1163 01:11:42,630 --> 01:11:48,420 denied access to these closed programs. In my opinion, the way 1164 01:11:48,420 --> 01:11:51,630 classification works as you would not get confirmation of 1165 01:11:51,630 --> 01:11:56,640 those closed programs, that they're able to fly him in, and 1166 01:11:56,640 --> 01:11:59,460 put on a game of charades and say, Look, I'm sorry, you wasted 1167 01:11:59,460 --> 01:12:03,510 your time. But we got nothing here. You know, like, here's a 1168 01:12:03,510 --> 01:12:06,840 tour, here's the back room, you know, here's the side room, and 1169 01:12:06,840 --> 01:12:10,980 do the tour and put on a game of charades. So if they really 1170 01:12:10,980 --> 01:12:15,390 wanted to deny those levels, of personnel of government 1171 01:12:15,390 --> 01:12:18,270 officials of politicians, whomever fill in the blank, they 1172 01:12:18,270 --> 01:12:22,440 want to deny them that I think there's ways to do it. And so 1173 01:12:22,440 --> 01:12:27,510 for them to then it meant to Wilson, and then say no, but 1174 01:12:27,510 --> 01:12:30,750 you're still you know, denied all this, then he gets so angry, 1175 01:12:31,050 --> 01:12:34,650 and then goes to Eric Davis. And of course, I'm very much not 1176 01:12:34,650 --> 01:12:38,460 shelling the story. But that kind of stuff. It just doesn't 1177 01:12:38,460 --> 01:12:42,180 make sense to me at all. And those are the types of gaps. So 1178 01:12:42,180 --> 01:12:45,600 again, in fairness, I would absolutely change my tone a bit 1179 01:12:45,600 --> 01:12:48,450 if Wilson were to say that, but then we would have to dig in 1180 01:12:48,450 --> 01:12:52,080 further. And we would have to wonder why that would transpire. 1181 01:12:52,080 --> 01:12:56,640 Because to me, when you talk about secrecy, you just don't 1182 01:12:56,640 --> 01:12:59,700 give a confirmation. If you want to keep the knowledge from 1183 01:12:59,700 --> 01:13:06,060 somebody, you know, and you just completely omit the truth 100% 1184 01:13:06,390 --> 01:13:09,480 And by Wilson knocking at your door, I don't think that they'll 1185 01:13:09,480 --> 01:13:12,240 say, Okay, well, you're right. We do have this, but we're not 1186 01:13:12,240 --> 01:13:15,630 going to give you any access or any type of confirmation 1187 01:13:15,630 --> 01:13:19,560 whatsoever. So I think that there would still be digging, 1188 01:13:19,560 --> 01:13:22,950 but in fairness, I would I would change my tone. I'm eager to see 1189 01:13:23,040 --> 01:13:26,820 if under oath, if Wilson will give a certain answer. And if 1190 01:13:26,820 --> 01:13:30,030 Dr. Eric Davis will give a certain answer. But the fact 1191 01:13:30,030 --> 01:13:33,690 that in hearing number two, what was submitted to the record and 1192 01:13:33,690 --> 01:13:37,080 hearing number one was completely devoid and the public 1193 01:13:37,080 --> 01:13:42,420 hearing. To me, that's not a good sign. So we'll see how it 1194 01:13:42,420 --> 01:13:45,720 plays out. I mean, no matter what, but I just think it's not 1195 01:13:45,720 --> 01:13:46,290 a good sign. 1196 01:13:46,799 --> 01:13:49,139 Dan Warren: So I'm not going to stop chewing on this bone just 1197 01:13:49,139 --> 01:13:50,129 yet. All right. 1198 01:13:50,490 --> 01:13:52,710 John Greenewald: With with and you're okay with time? I don't 1199 01:13:52,710 --> 01:13:53,880 want to I don't know, yeah, I'm 1200 01:13:53,880 --> 01:13:57,510 Dan Warren: fine. I'm actually doing some household chores. So 1201 01:13:57,510 --> 01:13:59,850 you're keeping me from work? 1202 01:13:59,910 --> 01:14:02,880 John Greenewald: Yeah, yeah. Sure, your wife is gonna love 1203 01:14:02,880 --> 01:14:03,240 that. 1204 01:14:03,960 --> 01:14:05,520 Dan Warren: She won't watch it, she won't know. 1205 01:14:07,140 --> 01:14:07,920 John Greenewald: I'll send her a link. 1206 01:14:08,940 --> 01:14:12,810 Dan Warren: But the let's say we never get the confession of 1207 01:14:12,810 --> 01:14:19,800 truth from Wilson. If you get if you're honoring the FOIA request 1208 01:14:19,800 --> 01:14:24,570 to the GAO office comes back with documentation that a 1209 01:14:24,570 --> 01:14:29,340 conversation depicted as as far as Charles Brower goes, that 1210 01:14:29,340 --> 01:14:34,080 echoes a similar scenario that was depicted in those Wilson 1211 01:14:34,080 --> 01:14:38,670 Davis notes. Would that also in turn, change your tone or change 1212 01:14:38,670 --> 01:14:42,120 your approach to it with that, two points of information 1213 01:14:42,120 --> 01:14:45,900 instead of one single point would that change your approach? 1214 01:14:47,640 --> 01:14:50,760 John Greenewald: I so off the top of my head I would say yes. 1215 01:14:51,720 --> 01:14:55,620 Turn me into a believer I remember. We have to see exactly 1216 01:14:55,620 --> 01:14:59,460 what what comes to light. And I'm writing it down because 1217 01:14:59,490 --> 01:15:02,760 obviously I was talking earlier about the current Comptroller 1218 01:15:02,760 --> 01:15:05,310 General who I know is different than who you're talking about. 1219 01:15:06,960 --> 01:15:12,090 But if let's say, Yes, I file a case to the GAO, they honor it, 1220 01:15:12,090 --> 01:15:17,070 they release something that coincides with the notes. That 1221 01:15:17,070 --> 01:15:21,000 to me. And by the way, my guess is those documents would not 1222 01:15:21,000 --> 01:15:22,890 have been released before, because there's not a whole lot 1223 01:15:22,890 --> 01:15:26,850 of people that do open records requests to the GAO. And I have 1224 01:15:26,850 --> 01:15:29,790 not seen anybody talk about doing a records request to the 1225 01:15:29,790 --> 01:15:34,680 GAO trying to authenticate this. So if there are, please, by all 1226 01:15:34,680 --> 01:15:38,910 means, let me know. But my whole point here is if these documents 1227 01:15:38,910 --> 01:15:41,820 have never seen the light of day before, this case, brings them 1228 01:15:41,820 --> 01:15:46,230 out. And then those documents reflect what's in the Wilson 1229 01:15:46,230 --> 01:15:53,340 Davis notes. Absolutely. I find that 100%. Heavier, they hold 1230 01:15:53,340 --> 01:15:57,690 more weight than oak Shannon had health problems around this 1231 01:15:57,690 --> 01:16:01,320 time. Why? Because that's not public knowledge, per se. But 1232 01:16:01,320 --> 01:16:04,980 the niche group that let's operate off the assumption if it 1233 01:16:04,980 --> 01:16:08,610 is a hoax, or hypothetical, I should say not not assumption, 1234 01:16:08,820 --> 01:16:13,200 but a hypothetical that somebody in that niche group decided to 1235 01:16:13,230 --> 01:16:19,770 create and fabricate the story but in twine, some facts than 1236 01:16:19,770 --> 01:16:22,860 they could have just known that. But if you start getting into 1237 01:16:22,860 --> 01:16:25,470 stories that really haven't seen the light of day before, but 1238 01:16:25,470 --> 01:16:29,220 backed up by official records from the GAO, yeah, you got my 1239 01:16:29,220 --> 01:16:32,460 ear. I mean, I'll say it right now. I'm not going to edit that 1240 01:16:32,460 --> 01:16:35,640 out of our interview, if that comes to light. And these 1241 01:16:35,640 --> 01:16:38,190 documents had never seen the light of day before and they are 1242 01:16:38,190 --> 01:16:42,480 in the Wilson Davis notes, you're gonna pique my interest. 1243 01:16:42,570 --> 01:16:45,840 I mean, again, it's, that's not confirmation of an alien reverse 1244 01:16:45,840 --> 01:16:49,650 engineering program. But you're one step closer to convincing me 1245 01:16:49,920 --> 01:16:52,770 that these aren't a work of fiction. So absolutely. 1246 01:16:53,310 --> 01:16:57,450 Dan Warren: And that is exactly why I think that the Comptroller 1247 01:16:57,450 --> 01:17:01,170 General was included in the original legislation that was 1248 01:17:01,170 --> 01:17:04,410 proposed in the NDAA. Because I'm convinced it's being ghost 1249 01:17:04,410 --> 01:17:07,470 written by someone that has a lot more knowledge than a 1250 01:17:07,470 --> 01:17:12,270 staffer for a senator. To me, it sounds like there's Chris Mellon 1251 01:17:12,270 --> 01:17:18,240 ish intelligence to it. And if, if the hit the first hearing 1252 01:17:18,270 --> 01:17:20,610 occurred, they talked about submitting the Wilson Davis 1253 01:17:20,610 --> 01:17:24,060 records to be this is me just speculating, by the way, I'm 1254 01:17:24,060 --> 01:17:27,270 just throwing that out there. They introduced them into the 1255 01:17:27,270 --> 01:17:30,960 congressional records of the next revision of the NDAA did 1256 01:17:30,960 --> 01:17:36,120 include the Comptroller General. So me connecting, trying to 1257 01:17:36,120 --> 01:17:38,730 connect the dots, I feel like there's a reason that they put 1258 01:17:38,730 --> 01:17:44,700 the GAO office in the mix, that they're kind of like an untapped 1259 01:17:44,700 --> 01:17:47,970 resource that we haven't ever really thought about, I would 1260 01:17:47,970 --> 01:17:51,930 have never thought about them. And so this recent round of NDA, 1261 01:17:51,930 --> 01:17:52,650 stuff came out. 1262 01:17:53,970 --> 01:17:55,770 John Greenewald: How much of a role do you think Mellon? 1263 01:17:56,190 --> 01:17:59,520 Christopher Mellon plays in the language? Do you think that? 1264 01:18:01,110 --> 01:18:06,780 That he's kind of influencing the actual wording? I mean, it 1265 01:18:06,780 --> 01:18:09,390 sounds like he is, but I'm just curious to your thoughts. Like, 1266 01:18:09,390 --> 01:18:13,740 do you think he's really kind of the puppet master, so to speak, 1267 01:18:13,770 --> 01:18:16,170 and I don't mean that in a demeaning way, but just kind of 1268 01:18:16,170 --> 01:18:19,080 the one that really is influencing this, this verbiage? 1269 01:18:19,860 --> 01:18:24,090 Dan Warren: I think he's, yeah, influencing. So the thing that 1270 01:18:24,090 --> 01:18:27,240 confuses me just like almost everything with the UFO topic, I 1271 01:18:27,240 --> 01:18:30,030 feel like if you look at it, you can see two different ends of 1272 01:18:30,030 --> 01:18:32,400 the spectrum. At the same time, there's part of me that's like, 1273 01:18:32,400 --> 01:18:35,100 man, there's so much Chris mal on language included in this 1274 01:18:35,100 --> 01:18:37,950 legislation that's been put forward, it's hard to deny that 1275 01:18:37,950 --> 01:18:40,710 it's him. And then I turn around, and when they when he 1276 01:18:40,710 --> 01:18:45,990 puts out those questions to ask the arrow director or questions 1277 01:18:45,990 --> 01:18:50,700 to ask at the congressional hearing statements, that that 1278 01:18:50,700 --> 01:18:53,520 are not covered in the legislation, it makes me feel 1279 01:18:53,520 --> 01:18:57,510 like there's a gap there. So I don't know if he is able to kind 1280 01:18:57,510 --> 01:19:00,510 of nudge these people that are actually writing this 1281 01:19:00,510 --> 01:19:03,690 legislation in a certain direction to say, Hey, make sure 1282 01:19:03,690 --> 01:19:06,810 you've covered this base, make sure you cover that base of it 1283 01:19:06,810 --> 01:19:10,080 for the for him to then turn around and ask questions that I 1284 01:19:10,080 --> 01:19:14,370 would think would be included in the legislation is confusing to 1285 01:19:14,370 --> 01:19:18,840 me. But overall, if I had to put up your dollar vet that you'd 1286 01:19:18,840 --> 01:19:22,830 like to put on things, I'm gonna say Chris Mellon's involved in 1287 01:19:22,920 --> 01:19:26,010 the outline of the legislation that's been put forward. 1288 01:19:29,040 --> 01:19:30,870 John Greenewald: I want to reverse that question. You asked 1289 01:19:30,870 --> 01:19:34,560 me if you don't mind. You said that. No, no, no, hold on, hold 1290 01:19:34,560 --> 01:19:35,550 on, bear with me here. 1291 01:19:35,970 --> 01:19:37,050 Dan Warren: I gotta go, John. 1292 01:19:38,760 --> 01:19:40,680 John Greenewald: Now you had asked it's a great question. If 1293 01:19:40,680 --> 01:19:44,790 I found something that coincided with the Wilson Davis documents, 1294 01:19:44,820 --> 01:19:50,250 if it would change my mind, and I stand by what I said. What if 1295 01:19:50,250 --> 01:19:54,210 it doesn't? And I'm kind of getting the feeling for me, 1296 01:19:54,210 --> 01:19:57,000 maybe we should cover this part first. I'm getting the feeling 1297 01:19:57,000 --> 01:19:59,310 that you feel the documents are legitimate, which I'm totally 1298 01:19:59,310 --> 01:20:02,760 fine with. but just to make sure we're clear, do you feel they're 1299 01:20:02,790 --> 01:20:03,510 legitimate? 1300 01:20:05,549 --> 01:20:09,359 Dan Warren: Once I'm with you, as far as like, I do feel like 1301 01:20:09,359 --> 01:20:12,569 the notes are legitimate. I feel like Eric Davis wrote them down. 1302 01:20:13,109 --> 01:20:16,769 I feel like there was a conversation that occurred. But 1303 01:20:16,799 --> 01:20:19,919 I also feel like what you stated earlier is a very common 1304 01:20:19,919 --> 01:20:24,569 practice within the government where they do this they pepper 1305 01:20:24,569 --> 01:20:31,349 lies in with truths, where it could be used as a misdirection. 1306 01:20:31,679 --> 01:20:34,769 For something else, what what the right look at the right hand 1307 01:20:34,769 --> 01:20:37,529 while the left hand is doing something else. So I feel like 1308 01:20:37,529 --> 01:20:42,149 there could be a distraction mechanism. And that's, I'm gonna 1309 01:20:42,149 --> 01:20:44,669 catch flack for this. It's like, that's how I feel about Bob 1310 01:20:44,669 --> 01:20:49,529 Lazar, I feel like they were using him as something else, to 1311 01:20:49,529 --> 01:20:52,889 cover something else. So I think that that's could be what's 1312 01:20:52,889 --> 01:20:57,719 happening with the Wilson Davis notes. I, this isn't once again, 1313 01:20:57,749 --> 01:21:01,229 I suspect that they're legitimate. I think they're 1314 01:21:01,229 --> 01:21:04,259 legitimate, I don't know. And it's hard for me to say I 1315 01:21:04,259 --> 01:21:08,279 believe that they are. But I want I want them I'm like Joe 1316 01:21:08,279 --> 01:21:11,399 Rogan, like that's where my my joke, I don't trust my own 1317 01:21:11,399 --> 01:21:14,249 judgment on these things. Because I do want them to be 1318 01:21:14,249 --> 01:21:18,449 real. I want them to have a reverse engineering program 1319 01:21:18,449 --> 01:21:21,779 that's hidden from us, that is now getting to the point where 1320 01:21:21,779 --> 01:21:24,179 it's becoming exposed to the public, and then we're going to 1321 01:21:24,179 --> 01:21:29,609 get 100 years worth of or 70 years worth of amazing 1322 01:21:29,609 --> 01:21:33,239 information and data that comes rushing forward from the fire 1323 01:21:33,239 --> 01:21:36,869 hose for us to drink out of on this topic, because it's been 1324 01:21:37,229 --> 01:21:44,219 held back for so long. That that's what I hope. I just not 1325 01:21:44,219 --> 01:21:46,499 going to be able to sit here and say I believe them. 100%. That's 1326 01:21:46,499 --> 01:21:49,229 exactly what happened. And that's exactly the program that 1327 01:21:49,229 --> 01:21:53,429 was depicted where they lied to where they lied to and told was 1328 01:21:53,459 --> 01:21:56,369 was Wilson lied to? And he said, Oh, yeah, we got this reverse 1329 01:21:56,369 --> 01:21:59,549 engineering UFO program. But it's really about secret 1330 01:21:59,609 --> 01:22:02,159 military tech that we're not going to tell you about. So 1331 01:22:02,159 --> 01:22:04,349 that's always going to be in the back of my mind. 1332 01:22:07,020 --> 01:22:11,160 John Greenewald: So if things don't come up via FOIA, then to 1333 01:22:11,160 --> 01:22:14,310 again, reverse that question, would you still hold the same 1334 01:22:14,370 --> 01:22:17,550 beliefs because the FOIA gets trashed a lot by people, if it 1335 01:22:17,580 --> 01:22:23,100 produces a result, that confirms a belief, it's golden, if there 1336 01:22:23,100 --> 01:22:30,240 is no result produce to confirm that belief? It's the FOIA. It's 1337 01:22:30,240 --> 01:22:32,910 tainted, they're lying. The government officials are all 1338 01:22:33,090 --> 01:22:36,840 corrupt, and so on and so forth. So there's very, in my opinion, 1339 01:22:36,840 --> 01:22:40,830 by some not yourself, but by some is very hypocritical way of 1340 01:22:40,860 --> 01:22:44,430 viewing this. But again, to flip that question around, would it 1341 01:22:44,430 --> 01:22:48,060 change your views of stuff just doesn't pan out? 1342 01:22:49,980 --> 01:22:52,530 Dan Warren: Yeah, I would have to, I don't want to be so 1343 01:22:52,530 --> 01:22:57,600 invested that I can't change my mind. And I feel like everything 1344 01:22:57,600 --> 01:23:01,920 goes into that anecdotal bin until proven otherwise. So if 1345 01:23:02,310 --> 01:23:04,530 that's where the Wilson Davis documents are for me, it's 1346 01:23:04,530 --> 01:23:08,220 anecdotal. It's incredibly interesting. But I can't put it 1347 01:23:08,220 --> 01:23:12,420 into fact, the fact Ben Yeah, so it's still in that anecdotal. 1348 01:23:12,810 --> 01:23:17,340 And if nothing ever comes from the investigation, no 1349 01:23:17,340 --> 01:23:19,830 information comes out saying that there's any truth to it 1350 01:23:19,830 --> 01:23:22,560 beyond what we have right now. It's going to stay in the 1351 01:23:22,560 --> 01:23:25,830 anecdotal, just like I have to put all the videos that I see 1352 01:23:25,830 --> 01:23:27,930 just like I have to put all the witness testimony, I'm not 1353 01:23:27,930 --> 01:23:32,370 there. I didn't experience it. I can't know for a fact that's 1354 01:23:32,370 --> 01:23:36,030 what happened. And that's what's going on. So I would just have 1355 01:23:36,030 --> 01:23:40,170 to, maybe I throw it away, if nothing ever happens in the next 1356 01:23:40,170 --> 01:23:44,370 20 years. But I can't move it forward until something comes 1357 01:23:44,370 --> 01:23:44,610 out. 1358 01:23:46,410 --> 01:23:48,780 John Greenewald: In closing, I can't tell you how much I 1359 01:23:48,780 --> 01:23:52,590 appreciate your time. It's been a joy speaking to you one on 1360 01:23:52,590 --> 01:23:56,820 one. And obviously we talk behind the scenes a lot. I've 1361 01:23:56,820 --> 01:23:59,460 always enjoyed that. But to be able to bring you on the show 1362 01:23:59,910 --> 01:24:04,860 has definitely been fun for me. Are there any closing thoughts 1363 01:24:04,890 --> 01:24:09,300 or motivational speeches you'd like to give Dan or anything? 1364 01:24:09,870 --> 01:24:13,950 For those that are looking from the outside that may not take as 1365 01:24:13,950 --> 01:24:17,340 much time as you were I in this topic and may even be getting 1366 01:24:17,340 --> 01:24:22,080 discouraged about the hearing? That you had just gone to that 1367 01:24:22,080 --> 01:24:27,270 it wasn't as groundbreaking, as some of us wanted? What are your 1368 01:24:27,300 --> 01:24:31,440 closing thoughts on on on that kind of stuff moving forward for 1369 01:24:31,440 --> 01:24:31,920 people, 1370 01:24:33,180 --> 01:24:37,980 Dan Warren: to words come to mind, patience and kindness. We 1371 01:24:37,980 --> 01:24:43,560 have a strong desire to seek the truth to learn what's going on. 1372 01:24:43,980 --> 01:24:48,300 And the truth of it might be that it's not going to happen on 1373 01:24:48,300 --> 01:24:51,450 our timetable. It's been going on for a long time. So we need 1374 01:24:51,450 --> 01:24:55,290 to have patience. We need to have the grace that Senator 1375 01:24:55,290 --> 01:24:58,170 Gillibrand showed with us. We need to show with them we need 1376 01:24:58,170 --> 01:25:03,210 to support their efforts. We need to do it in a manner that's 1377 01:25:03,210 --> 01:25:08,880 kind and not overbearing. And as well as with communications with 1378 01:25:08,880 --> 01:25:14,130 each other, there's a lot of anger that that pops up on 1379 01:25:14,130 --> 01:25:18,750 Twitter and other platforms around that sort of engulf UFOs. 1380 01:25:19,050 --> 01:25:23,640 That is problematic. And it's human nature that it occurs, I 1381 01:25:23,640 --> 01:25:28,020 hope that people can start to disagree, without despising each 1382 01:25:28,020 --> 01:25:31,800 other. That's one thing that I would like for people to start 1383 01:25:31,800 --> 01:25:35,550 to focus more on. But the big thing that I would like to 1384 01:25:35,550 --> 01:25:39,000 encourage people to do is go to the next congressional year, if 1385 01:25:39,000 --> 01:25:42,900 you can show support for the congressmen and women that are 1386 01:25:42,900 --> 01:25:46,830 putting their reputations on the line, my writing them by calling 1387 01:25:46,830 --> 01:25:51,270 them by showing up and being a courteous human being and being 1388 01:25:51,270 --> 01:25:54,000 professional presenting yourself, which is a 1389 01:25:54,000 --> 01:25:58,140 representation of the greater UFO community in a way that 1390 01:25:58,740 --> 01:26:02,220 doesn't stigmatize us like that's, we're our own worst 1391 01:26:02,220 --> 01:26:05,880 enemy a lot of the time. So if we could have a group of people 1392 01:26:05,880 --> 01:26:09,540 that show up and act respectfully and say, Thank you 1393 01:26:09,540 --> 01:26:13,260 and support the efforts of these people. That's what I would 1394 01:26:13,620 --> 01:26:17,100 ideally like to see, and I think would help keep the momentum 1395 01:26:17,100 --> 01:26:19,980 that we have going forward with the members of Congress. 1396 01:26:20,880 --> 01:26:22,830 John Greenewald: That's awesome. Damn, well said, I really do 1397 01:26:22,830 --> 01:26:26,670 appreciate your time again. And thank you for doing so 1398 01:26:26,670 --> 01:26:29,430 hopefully, you'll come back and we'll we'll have another round 1399 01:26:29,430 --> 01:26:30,960 of discussion. I hope you're up for it. 1400 01:26:31,530 --> 01:26:35,220 Dan Warren: One more comment real quick. And if you if you 1401 01:26:35,400 --> 01:26:38,970 look at John Greenwald's text messages and Twitter 1402 01:26:40,080 --> 01:26:43,200 conversations that he has, but you realize that he does 1403 01:26:43,200 --> 01:26:47,490 actually have a sense of humor, hidden behind all of that his 1404 01:26:47,520 --> 01:26:51,120 his tech tweets are funny, like, if you can look past what you 1405 01:26:51,120 --> 01:26:54,030 don't want to disagree with him about and start reading what how 1406 01:26:54,030 --> 01:26:56,610 he says it, there's comedy in there, you just got to be 1407 01:26:56,610 --> 01:26:57,600 willing to accept. 1408 01:26:58,140 --> 01:27:00,870 John Greenewald: I appreciate that. Sometimes my sarcasm falls 1409 01:27:00,870 --> 01:27:04,740 flat and people are like, Mike, you guys didn't realize that was 1410 01:27:04,740 --> 01:27:07,320 a joke. Come on, we gotta have fun. And most of them if you 1411 01:27:07,320 --> 01:27:09,810 look at the days, they always come on Friday. So Friday, I try 1412 01:27:09,810 --> 01:27:12,720 and chill out a little bit. Be a little bit less serious. But 1413 01:27:12,720 --> 01:27:16,380 thank you for at least acknowledging that humor that 1414 01:27:16,380 --> 01:27:18,840 makes two of you. I think my mom's the only other one. So 1415 01:27:18,840 --> 01:27:20,280 appreciate that, Dan. Thank you. 1416 01:27:20,940 --> 01:27:22,440 Dan Warren: Good company. I'm in good company. 1417 01:27:22,530 --> 01:27:24,960 John Greenewald: Yes, you are. Alright. Thanks, Dan. Have a 1418 01:27:24,960 --> 01:27:27,660 wonderful day. And thank you all for listening and watching make 1419 01:27:27,660 --> 01:27:30,600 sure that if you do not subscribe to the YouTube 1420 01:27:30,600 --> 01:27:36,120 channel, you do so go to www dot the blackbolt.com/live that will 1421 01:27:36,120 --> 01:27:39,390 bounce you to the channel you'll get notified of any live streams 1422 01:27:39,390 --> 01:27:41,910 or any new videos. And of course, if you are listening to 1423 01:27:41,910 --> 01:27:46,440 the audio podcast version, five star review is what I aim for. I 1424 01:27:46,440 --> 01:27:49,350 won't tell you what to do, but if you can consider taking a few 1425 01:27:49,350 --> 01:27:52,350 seconds and making a review there as well. That said thank 1426 01:27:52,350 --> 01:27:54,120 you so much for listening and watching. This is John 1427 01:27:54,120 --> 01:27:56,760 Greenewald, Jr signing off, and we'll see you next time.