1 00:00:06,420 --> 00:00:08,460 John Greenewald: That's right everybody. As always, thank you 2 00:00:08,460 --> 00:00:12,420 so much for tuning in and taking this journey inside the black 3 00:00:12,420 --> 00:00:15,960 vault with me. I'm your host, John Greenwald, Jr. and I'm 4 00:00:15,960 --> 00:00:18,690 doing something a little bit different with this video, I'm 5 00:00:18,690 --> 00:00:22,380 gonna drop it to the audio podcast feed. Now if you're 6 00:00:22,380 --> 00:00:24,960 listening on the audio podcast feed, obviously, you're 7 00:00:24,960 --> 00:00:28,530 subscribed. And you generally get longer shows. This is an 8 00:00:28,530 --> 00:00:33,150 example of a shorter video with visuals, but dropped to audio 9 00:00:33,150 --> 00:00:36,420 format. I've received all your letters, you guys want more of 10 00:00:36,420 --> 00:00:39,630 that? So here you go. Let me know what you think either way, 11 00:00:39,630 --> 00:00:44,010 if you like it, great. drop me a note if you don't, great. drop 12 00:00:44,010 --> 00:00:47,190 me a note. I want to hear your feedback on if you'd like these 13 00:00:47,220 --> 00:00:50,670 shorter versions, shorter podcast to listen to, even 14 00:00:50,670 --> 00:00:54,150 though again, they do have visuals that go along with the 15 00:00:55,050 --> 00:00:58,620 presentation as well. I'll be a short one. If you don't know how 16 00:00:58,620 --> 00:01:01,890 to subscribe to the that video channel, just go to www dot the 17 00:01:01,890 --> 00:01:06,510 black vault.com/live. Okay, so let's jump into it. As I 18 00:01:06,510 --> 00:01:10,020 mentioned, this is kind of a smaller story. And shorter one, 19 00:01:10,020 --> 00:01:12,330 but one that I thought was important enough to bring to you 20 00:01:12,330 --> 00:01:15,450 guys, this is all about something that I talked briefly 21 00:01:15,450 --> 00:01:17,820 about in a previous video. I didn't dedicate the whole video 22 00:01:17,820 --> 00:01:21,240 to it. But it was something that was mentioned if you picked up 23 00:01:21,240 --> 00:01:26,790 on it. It was all about a NASA classified briefing on UAPs. 24 00:01:26,820 --> 00:01:32,160 This FOIA request revealed that there was actually a video of 25 00:01:32,160 --> 00:01:37,080 this briefing, which that's rare, because although you 26 00:01:37,080 --> 00:01:38,850 likely do have video presentations that are 27 00:01:38,850 --> 00:01:43,560 classified that are available, they opened gave me essentially 28 00:01:43,560 --> 00:01:48,210 irrefutable confirmation that this video existed. Now, that 29 00:01:48,210 --> 00:01:50,730 might not sound like a big deal. But when it comes to the FOIA 30 00:01:50,730 --> 00:01:55,470 world, that irrefutable proof that documentation can get 31 00:01:55,470 --> 00:02:00,060 attached to a subsequent FOIA request, a new case is filed. 32 00:02:00,210 --> 00:02:04,200 And that's used essentially as evidence, which is exactly the 33 00:02:04,200 --> 00:02:09,780 case here. This actually goes back to October 1 2020. I 34 00:02:09,780 --> 00:02:13,710 discovered these documents in a FOIA case in the beginning of 35 00:02:13,710 --> 00:02:18,210 2022. I'll go over the second person that it's addressed to 36 00:02:18,210 --> 00:02:22,140 but his name was Randy Cruz. Now this email again, October 37 00:02:22,140 --> 00:02:25,770 1 2020. Mike was looking forward to the classified version of 38 00:02:25,770 --> 00:02:29,280 this brief. Is it possible to get the slide deck sent to me 39 00:02:29,280 --> 00:02:34,110 this morning so I can review it with Jim. Now the mic is Mike 40 00:02:34,140 --> 00:02:39,540 gold. Now this was the follow up to Randy's email. And this was 41 00:02:39,540 --> 00:02:42,120 kind of important in a couple of different ways. Let me read it 42 00:02:42,120 --> 00:02:47,910 to your first also dated October one 2020. Hey, Randy, I'm sorry 43 00:02:47,910 --> 00:02:50,610 that we couldn't get scheduled to work with the head of the UAP 44 00:02:50,610 --> 00:02:54,900 Task Force Jay Stratton for today. He is wrapped up in 45 00:02:54,900 --> 00:02:58,650 meetings at the Pentagon. Margaret slash Jolene. Do we 46 00:02:58,650 --> 00:03:01,350 have the slide deck that Jay used when we got the brief 47 00:03:01,350 --> 00:03:05,400 previously, Jay says there is a video version of the brief that 48 00:03:05,400 --> 00:03:09,600 is available on sipper net or Jay wicks. Sharif has J's email. 49 00:03:09,690 --> 00:03:12,450 He is not available by phone today and can reach out to him. 50 00:03:12,450 --> 00:03:15,990 Thanks, Mike. Now, there's two big things that came from this, 51 00:03:16,020 --> 00:03:18,000 this email. This is why you got to read everything really 52 00:03:18,000 --> 00:03:22,560 carefully, because you can get 150 pages. And it's just all 53 00:03:22,560 --> 00:03:26,970 boring all essentially administration stuff and snoozy 54 00:03:26,970 --> 00:03:30,420 material. And then bingo, you come across this, the two things 55 00:03:30,420 --> 00:03:34,860 are this, the head of the UAP Task Force, Jay Stratton. Now as 56 00:03:34,860 --> 00:03:37,830 I'm doing this video right now, we know that that's not a 57 00:03:37,830 --> 00:03:42,600 surprise, in the beginning of 2022. This was one of the first 58 00:03:42,600 --> 00:03:46,800 times that we had official documentation to acknowledge it. 59 00:03:47,250 --> 00:03:50,280 I don't recall the exact date that I think politico was the 60 00:03:50,280 --> 00:03:53,730 one that later had published his name, obviously, he came out 61 00:03:53,760 --> 00:03:56,820 came out with an interview. So again, that doesn't sound like a 62 00:03:56,820 --> 00:04:00,270 big deal. But at the time, this was the first time that placed 63 00:04:00,300 --> 00:04:06,600 Jay Stratton as the head of the UAP Task Force. I had discovered 64 00:04:06,810 --> 00:04:12,300 Jay Stratton's name back in like 2019 and realized that when I 65 00:04:12,300 --> 00:04:16,410 had broken that story, where they commented on the gimbal, go 66 00:04:16,410 --> 00:04:20,970 fast and FLIR videos, and said that they were deemed as 67 00:04:20,970 --> 00:04:25,470 unidentified aerial phenomena. That was a statement given by 68 00:04:25,470 --> 00:04:28,800 Joseph grad Usher from the the press office. But it was 69 00:04:28,800 --> 00:04:32,490 actually Jay Stratton that I found out in a later FOIA 70 00:04:32,490 --> 00:04:37,680 request that wrote all of that. So I knew that he was somebody 71 00:04:37,680 --> 00:04:42,240 to watch and I've been chasing documents on him since 2019 or 72 00:04:42,240 --> 00:04:46,980 so and knew that he was someone to watch and watched him and it 73 00:04:46,980 --> 00:04:49,800 took a couple of years for it to finally be revealed that he was 74 00:04:49,800 --> 00:04:53,190 the head of that task force and was heavily involved in all 75 00:04:53,190 --> 00:04:59,430 this. So here he is, obviously leading a briefing, telling NASA 76 00:04:59,610 --> 00:05:02,940 Hey, There's a video recording of this. So that was something 77 00:05:02,970 --> 00:05:06,900 that was very important about this this one email. So what I 78 00:05:06,900 --> 00:05:10,710 did was I took that filed a FOIA request, when after the video, 79 00:05:11,070 --> 00:05:17,490 it took up until this week to get a response. And they denied 80 00:05:17,490 --> 00:05:22,680 the whole thing. Specifically, I requested this all releasable 81 00:05:22,680 --> 00:05:26,100 portions of the classified briefing video created by Jay 82 00:05:26,100 --> 00:05:29,940 Stratton that was circulated to NASA and likely other agencies 83 00:05:29,940 --> 00:05:35,370 in October of 2020. Per NASA FOIA requests case number, I 84 00:05:35,370 --> 00:05:38,610 discovered that a video does exist and should be responsive 85 00:05:38,610 --> 00:05:41,580 to this request. For reference, I'm attaching that email to this 86 00:05:41,580 --> 00:05:44,100 request. So that's what I'm talking about, you can use that 87 00:05:44,100 --> 00:05:49,590 information as evidence. Here was their response. The UAV, the 88 00:05:49,590 --> 00:05:52,590 UAP Task Force has informed this office that the video you're 89 00:05:52,590 --> 00:05:55,440 requesting is exempt from release under FOIA exemption 90 00:05:55,440 --> 00:06:00,810 five US Code, Section Five, five to be one, which protects 91 00:06:00,810 --> 00:06:03,480 national security information concerning the National Defense 92 00:06:03,480 --> 00:06:07,380 or foreign policy from disclosure, provided that it has 93 00:06:07,380 --> 00:06:10,710 been properly classified in accordance with substantive, 94 00:06:10,740 --> 00:06:14,730 substantive and procedural requirements of executive order 95 00:06:14,790 --> 00:06:19,920 13526. And in essence, it's all classified. It's national 96 00:06:19,920 --> 00:06:24,060 security information. They don't want to give it to us. I have 97 00:06:24,090 --> 00:06:28,590 appealed this already. I filed that appeal yesterday, just 98 00:06:28,590 --> 00:06:32,940 simply because here we are. Approximately three years later, 99 00:06:33,690 --> 00:06:37,770 information is coming out from the US government. I'll be at 100 00:06:37,770 --> 00:06:41,640 very, very slowly, but this recent UAP hearing with new 101 00:06:41,640 --> 00:06:46,140 videos, I feel that there should be something within this 102 00:06:46,140 --> 00:06:49,380 classified briefing to be released. Now, for those who 103 00:06:49,380 --> 00:06:52,860 aren't aware of either my background or what has been 104 00:06:52,860 --> 00:06:56,820 achieved with the FOIA in the past, classified briefings, 105 00:06:56,910 --> 00:07:02,220 classified videos can absolutely be released through FOIA. Okay, 106 00:07:02,250 --> 00:07:06,000 100%, full stop. So some people doubt that Well, John, it's 107 00:07:06,000 --> 00:07:09,540 classified, of course are going to deny it, you got to get out 108 00:07:09,540 --> 00:07:13,410 of that mindset. There are releasable portions of 109 00:07:13,410 --> 00:07:18,690 classified documents, photos, and videos. So they are able to 110 00:07:18,690 --> 00:07:23,700 go and blur the sensitive areas, and release the rest or fully 111 00:07:24,120 --> 00:07:28,590 remove and omit certain sections of a video. The National 112 00:07:28,590 --> 00:07:31,680 Reconnaissance Office is a prime example where you can get 113 00:07:31,680 --> 00:07:36,780 classified videos or even briefing material. And what they 114 00:07:36,780 --> 00:07:40,890 do is they literally make the screen black, and pull the audio 115 00:07:40,890 --> 00:07:44,640 all together and literally redact a video. So all of that 116 00:07:44,640 --> 00:07:49,140 is very doable. That's what they do. That's how they do it. 117 00:07:49,200 --> 00:07:52,170 There's, there's millions of examples over the decades of 118 00:07:52,170 --> 00:07:55,650 them doing just that. So I believe that there is some 119 00:07:55,650 --> 00:07:59,670 releasable portion of this. So I filed the appeal yesterday, and 120 00:07:59,670 --> 00:08:04,110 I'm fighting it where we ended up, I really don't know. But why 121 00:08:04,110 --> 00:08:08,070 I want to bring these stories to you guys, is essentially 122 00:08:08,460 --> 00:08:13,470 solidifying where we're at. And as I recently talked about on 123 00:08:13,470 --> 00:08:17,250 this channel, and on this podcast with Dan Warren, that 124 00:08:17,250 --> 00:08:20,280 you're essentially creating a timeline, a timeline that 125 00:08:20,280 --> 00:08:26,400 documents every single step, where we are, what the state of 126 00:08:26,400 --> 00:08:30,120 everything is, and hopefully, you know, in the years to come, 127 00:08:30,120 --> 00:08:33,390 we can, we can call back on that and see where we're at. But in 128 00:08:33,390 --> 00:08:36,150 the same respect, I think these stories are important because of 129 00:08:36,150 --> 00:08:38,640 all the different people that telling you that are telling you 130 00:08:39,450 --> 00:08:43,410 that we're on some path to disclosure. And for me, it's 131 00:08:43,410 --> 00:08:46,560 quite the opposite. And that's why the stories are important 132 00:08:46,560 --> 00:08:50,670 because people can talk all day long. They can go on the media, 133 00:08:50,820 --> 00:08:54,090 go on their media appearances, they can go on their podcasts, 134 00:08:54,330 --> 00:08:56,880 even go on their YouTube channels, post Twitter, videos, 135 00:08:56,880 --> 00:09:01,080 whatever, and hype it all up and say two big things are come I 136 00:09:01,080 --> 00:09:05,850 just saw another video, right before I recorded this, of 137 00:09:05,850 --> 00:09:10,890 somebody saying months from now. Things are coming out. You won't 138 00:09:10,890 --> 00:09:14,190 believe it. Well, I don't believe it to be blatantly 139 00:09:14,190 --> 00:09:17,250 honest with you because we're not on that path. If there's a 140 00:09:17,250 --> 00:09:21,690 whistleblower that's coming out, fantastic come out why wait? The 141 00:09:23,160 --> 00:09:26,520 I believe the channel name is the good trouble show recently 142 00:09:26,520 --> 00:09:31,380 did an interview with Senator Kirsten Gillibrand. And in that 143 00:09:31,380 --> 00:09:36,450 interview, part of it was incredibly interesting to me 144 00:09:36,450 --> 00:09:40,110 simply because it was being stressed about this 145 00:09:40,110 --> 00:09:43,920 whistleblower protection, that if people are fearing reprisal 146 00:09:43,920 --> 00:09:48,600 from NDAs, or whatever, she's saying, We'll protect you. And 147 00:09:48,600 --> 00:09:51,210 she even went too far. And I'm paraphrasing, but she went as 148 00:09:51,210 --> 00:09:54,240 too far to say, Hey, if you don't feel the language is there 149 00:09:54,240 --> 00:09:57,690 to protect you? Let me know and we'll get that language into the 150 00:09:57,690 --> 00:10:02,190 bill to ensure your protection That, to me was an amazing 151 00:10:02,190 --> 00:10:05,280 revelation from that interview. The rest was a little, you know, 152 00:10:05,280 --> 00:10:09,420 standard and what we've heard 1000 times over, but kudos to 153 00:10:09,420 --> 00:10:13,980 that channel for, for bringing that forward. But that being 154 00:10:13,980 --> 00:10:18,300 said, that whistleblower part and her really being openly 155 00:10:18,300 --> 00:10:20,970 honest saying will protect you, if you've got information. 156 00:10:21,360 --> 00:10:24,030 Let's, you know, let's figure out if you're not protected, 157 00:10:24,030 --> 00:10:27,600 why, and we'll we'll fix it. That to me was was mind blowing. 158 00:10:27,780 --> 00:10:30,960 So all those people that are making these promises, and, you 159 00:10:30,960 --> 00:10:33,450 know, talking about their anonymous sources and off, I can 160 00:10:33,450 --> 00:10:37,470 only tell you everything I know, well, fine. I Kirsten Gillibrand 161 00:10:37,470 --> 00:10:40,320 is ready for you, the United States Senate is ready for you. 162 00:10:40,320 --> 00:10:45,120 So, so go out there and you know, do do your thing, you 163 00:10:45,120 --> 00:10:47,280 know, spill those beans, blow that whistle, do whatever you 164 00:10:47,280 --> 00:10:49,740 need to do, because the protection is there. If that 165 00:10:49,740 --> 00:10:53,670 doesn't happen, then you know, it's time to stop believing all 166 00:10:53,670 --> 00:10:56,580 those voices, because it's getting really tiresome, because 167 00:10:56,580 --> 00:11:00,330 the reality is what I just showed you guys, the reality is 168 00:11:00,330 --> 00:11:03,390 the fact that no, they are not being more transparent, it is 169 00:11:03,390 --> 00:11:06,570 the opposite. The UAP hearing said that they wanted to do some 170 00:11:06,570 --> 00:11:09,870 forward facing website, where they can unclassified 171 00:11:09,870 --> 00:11:13,500 information and release it to you. Some, we're excited about 172 00:11:13,500 --> 00:11:17,460 that. First of all, we'll see if it ever happens. Second of all, 173 00:11:17,490 --> 00:11:21,990 I'm not happy about that at all, simply because you know, they 174 00:11:21,990 --> 00:11:25,320 will cherry pick to death, the things that they put out to you 175 00:11:25,680 --> 00:11:31,320 that you will just have to trust that they are putting some type 176 00:11:31,320 --> 00:11:35,310 of valuable information out there. The reality is, they will 177 00:11:35,310 --> 00:11:40,890 likely pick the bottom 5% of the trash that they get, and 178 00:11:40,890 --> 00:11:43,650 sometimes literal sense. If it's, you know, airborne clutter 179 00:11:43,650 --> 00:11:47,490 or plastic bag or whatever, that that's what they're going to put 180 00:11:47,490 --> 00:11:51,480 out there. And society will just go wow, this is great. They're 181 00:11:51,480 --> 00:11:55,890 releasing UFO videos, no, I will ramp up the FOIA request in 182 00:11:55,890 --> 00:12:00,510 cases at that point. Because that means they will literally 183 00:12:00,510 --> 00:12:04,050 cherry pick what they put out to you. If they had any desire for 184 00:12:04,050 --> 00:12:07,680 transparency, they would have gotten it done by now. This was 185 00:12:07,680 --> 00:12:10,800 done late last year that they submitted a draft. So I'm not 186 00:12:10,800 --> 00:12:13,770 placing blame on anybody but the Department of Defense as a 187 00:12:13,770 --> 00:12:16,830 whole. Because they say one thing, and they they're not 188 00:12:16,830 --> 00:12:20,070 doing it. And there's been more than enough time for them to 189 00:12:20,070 --> 00:12:23,340 accomplish that. So that's where we're at. That's why I think 190 00:12:23,340 --> 00:12:26,310 that the stories are important. Those whistleblowers are out 191 00:12:26,310 --> 00:12:29,730 there. I said it recently, and it got posted on on Twitter and 192 00:12:29,730 --> 00:12:34,290 social media as well put up or shut up. Now's the time, Senator 193 00:12:34,290 --> 00:12:38,730 Gillibrand is ready to protect all of those people. So if 194 00:12:38,730 --> 00:12:42,090 you've got knowledge, don't go to a YouTube or don't even go to 195 00:12:42,090 --> 00:12:45,900 me, I'm not asking for that information. I don't want it. I 196 00:12:45,900 --> 00:12:49,530 want you to go and do your thing. If you are legitimate, 197 00:12:49,740 --> 00:12:56,130 and go to the Senate, and go make this right. But until then, 198 00:12:56,160 --> 00:12:59,790 this is what we've got. That's why these stories are important. 199 00:12:59,820 --> 00:13:04,230 And that's why even though sometimes, I feel like a broken 200 00:13:04,230 --> 00:13:06,600 record bringing very similar stories to you. This is 201 00:13:06,600 --> 00:13:09,750 classified this as classified, it's still important to deal 202 00:13:09,750 --> 00:13:13,110 with nonetheless. So there you go. Again, if you're listening 203 00:13:13,110 --> 00:13:15,360 on the audio podcast version, make sure you send your feedback 204 00:13:15,360 --> 00:13:19,860 if you'd like these shorter feeds to to listen to that said, 205 00:13:19,980 --> 00:13:22,950 thank you so much for listening and or watching. This is John 206 00:13:22,950 --> 00:13:25,320 Greenewald, Jr signing off, and we'll see you next time.