1 00:00:16,379 --> 00:00:19,559 John Greenewald: A similar story has circulated for decades. 2 00:00:21,479 --> 00:00:26,849 Rumors of crashed nonhuman spacecraft, alien bodies, and 3 00:00:26,849 --> 00:00:31,049 tales of deep dark conspiracies and cover ups concealing at all. 4 00:00:31,740 --> 00:00:35,130 Glenn Dennis: They definitely weren't humans, as we know 5 00:00:35,130 --> 00:00:38,490 humans, but they could be from another planet Earth. The 6 00:00:38,490 --> 00:00:41,490 doctors were explaining this that they couldn't be from our 7 00:00:41,490 --> 00:00:45,030 planet. They had to be an alien. It had to be something Yes, but 8 00:00:45,030 --> 00:00:47,070 not not in. 9 00:00:47,820 --> 00:00:51,840 John Greenewald: But this week, David Charles grush, or the UFO 10 00:00:51,840 --> 00:00:56,280 whistleblower, as the media has labeled him speaks out, and 11 00:00:56,280 --> 00:01:00,690 essentially confirms that all these are retrieving non human 12 00:01:00,690 --> 00:01:05,400 origin. Technical vehicles, call it spacecraft, if you will, non 13 00:01:05,400 --> 00:01:09,150 human, exotic origin vehicles that have either landed or 14 00:01:09,150 --> 00:01:13,470 crashed. Join me John Greenwald, Jr. as I dive into the story, 15 00:01:13,470 --> 00:01:17,400 and explore some elements you may not have seen and highlight 16 00:01:17,400 --> 00:01:22,440 some, well, I'll let you decide what it all means. Stay tuned, 17 00:01:22,830 --> 00:01:25,890 you're about to journey inside the black vault. 18 00:01:53,130 --> 00:01:55,560 That's right, everybody. As always, thank you so much for 19 00:01:55,560 --> 00:01:58,830 tuning in and taking this journey inside the black vault 20 00:01:58,830 --> 00:02:02,130 with me. I'm your host, John Greenewald, Jr. and today we are 21 00:02:02,520 --> 00:02:06,180 taking a dive into the new story that I'm sure most of you have 22 00:02:06,180 --> 00:02:09,330 heard about. I know that some of you may not have a complete 23 00:02:09,330 --> 00:02:13,710 vested interest in UFOs, or UAP. But this one is one of those 24 00:02:13,710 --> 00:02:17,730 stories that has gone around the world, talking about a brand new 25 00:02:17,880 --> 00:02:22,170 whistleblower, which to my surprise, was not one shot in 26 00:02:22,170 --> 00:02:25,830 silhouette, or not one that was just called a senior defense 27 00:02:25,830 --> 00:02:29,400 official, but rather was named and there was a picture in the 28 00:02:29,400 --> 00:02:33,990 story, all of which was incredibly surprising to me. 29 00:02:33,990 --> 00:02:36,960 Because with these types of stories, generally, you get what 30 00:02:36,960 --> 00:02:40,560 I just mentioned, which is very hard to follow up on. But this 31 00:02:40,560 --> 00:02:42,960 story was a little bit different. So what I want to do 32 00:02:42,960 --> 00:02:46,530 with this video is essentially take a dive into that story, and 33 00:02:46,530 --> 00:02:53,460 not tell you how to think or how to believe or anything like 34 00:02:53,460 --> 00:02:56,430 that, of course, I'm going to say upfront, I'm skeptical for a 35 00:02:56,430 --> 00:02:59,580 couple of different reasons, which we will go over some of 36 00:02:59,580 --> 00:03:04,200 those points that I think need to be said. But in the same 37 00:03:04,200 --> 00:03:07,230 respect, I want to tell you that I'm not dismissing this 38 00:03:07,230 --> 00:03:10,410 whistleblower in the slightest, quite the contrary, I'm eager to 39 00:03:10,410 --> 00:03:14,730 see how some of this plays out where this goes. So I don't want 40 00:03:14,730 --> 00:03:19,440 to say that I'm trying to sway you one way or the other. But 41 00:03:19,440 --> 00:03:21,930 rather, I want to bring the pieces of the puzzle that I 42 00:03:21,930 --> 00:03:25,770 think are worthwhile to you. So let's just go ahead and and 43 00:03:25,770 --> 00:03:28,770 start diving into this. Let me bring up the visuals to start to 44 00:03:28,770 --> 00:03:33,690 go over exactly what it is that we are dealing with. Some of 45 00:03:33,690 --> 00:03:36,330 this for some of you may be a little bit of a review, if 46 00:03:36,330 --> 00:03:39,270 you've been living and breathing the story that I know some 47 00:03:39,270 --> 00:03:43,770 people have been. But for those that also haven't really been 48 00:03:43,770 --> 00:03:46,320 acquainted with it, or maybe you just saw some headlines, but 49 00:03:46,320 --> 00:03:49,650 didn't have time to to look it over. I'm hoping this will give 50 00:03:49,650 --> 00:03:53,340 you a better understanding of what that story is. Now with any 51 00:03:53,340 --> 00:03:58,140 video like this, wherever I talk about someone else's story or 52 00:03:58,140 --> 00:04:02,310 work or whatever it may be upfront, I always urge you 53 00:04:02,310 --> 00:04:05,910 please, in the link below, you will see something that links 54 00:04:05,910 --> 00:04:09,600 over to the article, which was first published on the debrief. 55 00:04:09,840 --> 00:04:13,830 If you have not read it in full, I urge you to do so I want to 56 00:04:13,830 --> 00:04:18,030 make sure that I do not omit anything of importance. But of 57 00:04:18,030 --> 00:04:21,990 course, I'm human. So i and plus I have what I think is 58 00:04:21,990 --> 00:04:24,900 important, but sometimes something else may be important 59 00:04:24,900 --> 00:04:28,500 to someone else and go John, why didn't you omit that? Well, I 60 00:04:28,500 --> 00:04:32,760 don't want to be accused of that. So upfront, I always urge 61 00:04:32,760 --> 00:04:36,810 you please look at the article. So you have essentially 62 00:04:36,840 --> 00:04:40,830 everything. But with this video, I want to go over what I feel 63 00:04:40,830 --> 00:04:45,150 are more of the major points that work for and work against 64 00:04:45,180 --> 00:04:48,480 the story to help you get a better idea. In addition to 65 00:04:48,480 --> 00:04:51,960 that, I want to go outside of that article to again give you 66 00:04:51,960 --> 00:04:56,070 more puzzle pieces more context and more understanding of of 67 00:04:56,070 --> 00:04:59,820 what we are dealing with. Now as I mentioned, this was a story 68 00:04:59,820 --> 00:05:03,030 that we was published in the debrief. When I first saw the 69 00:05:03,030 --> 00:05:05,100 headline, of course, it's intriguing intelligence 70 00:05:05,100 --> 00:05:09,450 officials say us has retrieved crash of non human origin. Who 71 00:05:09,450 --> 00:05:12,930 wouldn't be intrigued by that. And again, I expected those 72 00:05:12,960 --> 00:05:17,970 silhouettes or senior defense official labels, but with no 73 00:05:17,970 --> 00:05:21,570 names or any types of details because everyone's anonymous. On 74 00:05:21,570 --> 00:05:24,630 the contrary, there was a picture and a name. The other 75 00:05:24,630 --> 00:05:27,990 thing that surprised me from the get go were the authors, the duo 76 00:05:27,990 --> 00:05:31,290 Leslie Kane and Ralph Blumenthal, you've probably 77 00:05:31,290 --> 00:05:34,710 recognized them because they publish articles together in the 78 00:05:34,710 --> 00:05:39,360 past on the same topic, but have primarily done it for the New 79 00:05:39,360 --> 00:05:43,320 York Times. Now, even though I harp on the New York Times a 80 00:05:43,320 --> 00:05:46,440 lot, I was still surprised to see this type of a headline 81 00:05:46,440 --> 00:05:50,700 written by this duo published in the debrief that is not in any 82 00:05:50,700 --> 00:05:53,610 way meant to be insulting or demeaning to them, I would 83 00:05:53,610 --> 00:05:57,450 replace the debrief and put the black vault right in there, if 84 00:05:57,450 --> 00:06:01,050 they came to me and wanted to publish the story. Simply 85 00:06:01,050 --> 00:06:04,140 because with a headline like that, and a story of this 86 00:06:04,140 --> 00:06:08,250 magnitude, I feel if the story is strong, it shouldn't be with 87 00:06:08,250 --> 00:06:12,000 sites like ours, it should be in some type of a much bigger 88 00:06:12,000 --> 00:06:15,690 masthead to not only reach a bigger audience, but also to 89 00:06:15,690 --> 00:06:18,900 give it a little bit more weight. Yet again, that is not 90 00:06:18,900 --> 00:06:22,380 meant to be an insult towards the debrief. But rather I was 91 00:06:22,380 --> 00:06:25,620 just simply surprised to see it. It's got to be said, it's got to 92 00:06:25,620 --> 00:06:30,330 be pointed out why the debrief. Now before we dive into the 93 00:06:30,360 --> 00:06:34,770 story itself, that was kind of answered by the author's after a 94 00:06:34,770 --> 00:06:37,830 lot of people were asking the same questions I was, why the 95 00:06:37,830 --> 00:06:40,380 debrief, because there was a rumor going around that the 96 00:06:40,380 --> 00:06:47,070 Washington Post was going to, to publish this groundbreaking 97 00:06:47,070 --> 00:06:50,520 story that dealt with Crash retrievals, and so on and so 98 00:06:50,520 --> 00:06:55,560 forth, which the story obviously was was dealing with. So was 99 00:06:55,560 --> 00:07:02,340 that the Washington Post story and what happened there? To my I 100 00:07:02,340 --> 00:07:06,180 would say a little bit surprised as well. There was a coordinated 101 00:07:06,180 --> 00:07:09,930 message message by both authors posted on Facebook and Twitter 102 00:07:09,930 --> 00:07:13,890 with the exact same wording, just minus the name replaced 103 00:07:13,890 --> 00:07:18,270 from Lesley to Ralph on both respective posts. That stated 104 00:07:18,270 --> 00:07:21,630 this to be clear, the Washington Post did not pass on our story, 105 00:07:21,900 --> 00:07:24,570 Ralph and I took it to the debrief because we were under 106 00:07:24,570 --> 00:07:28,770 growing pressure to publish it very quickly. The post needed 107 00:07:28,770 --> 00:07:32,610 more time. And we couldn't wait. You'll see the identical message 108 00:07:32,610 --> 00:07:36,480 posted by Ralph Blumenthal, just replacing the name from Ralph to 109 00:07:36,480 --> 00:07:40,710 Lesley, but everything else was the same. Now, it's not 110 00:07:40,710 --> 00:07:43,590 surprising that they're on the same page. They're both on the 111 00:07:43,590 --> 00:07:46,170 byline and they wanted the message out. I was just 112 00:07:46,170 --> 00:07:49,200 surprised by it, because they immediately went on the 113 00:07:49,200 --> 00:07:52,620 defensive about the Washington Post, and wanted to make it 114 00:07:52,620 --> 00:07:55,350 clear that they took it to the debrief, because they were being 115 00:07:55,350 --> 00:08:01,230 pressured to publish it. My red flag went up on being pressured, 116 00:08:01,230 --> 00:08:03,600 pressured by who now if it's pressure, because there's a 117 00:08:03,600 --> 00:08:06,720 rivaling journalist out there, that was potentially getting the 118 00:08:06,720 --> 00:08:10,080 scoop. Well, that's okay. I mean, I guess let's just go 119 00:08:10,080 --> 00:08:12,480 ahead and say it so that way, we don't start thinking that 120 00:08:12,480 --> 00:08:16,620 there's something else that may be nefarious going on. I know, I 121 00:08:16,620 --> 00:08:19,110 get my hate mail when I post questions like that, but it 122 00:08:19,110 --> 00:08:23,700 needs to be asked what pressure who was pressuring? And in what 123 00:08:23,700 --> 00:08:27,090 way was the story potentially rushed? All of those are, I 124 00:08:27,090 --> 00:08:30,300 think legitimate questions have a story with this magnitude. So 125 00:08:30,300 --> 00:08:33,240 I'm not really sure why that hate mail is there. For me when 126 00:08:33,240 --> 00:08:37,560 I post those questions. I did post it to Lesley directly on 127 00:08:37,560 --> 00:08:41,880 Facebook, when I first saw her post, however, that from the 128 00:08:41,880 --> 00:08:44,310 recording of this video had never been responded to by 129 00:08:44,310 --> 00:08:49,440 Lesley. I don't expect one. But regardless, pressure by whom 130 00:08:49,470 --> 00:08:53,400 that was what I was asking. And I think that the readers deserve 131 00:08:53,400 --> 00:08:56,310 a little bit of clarification there as well. And again, if it 132 00:08:56,310 --> 00:08:59,940 was just simply a rival journalist that was getting a 133 00:08:59,940 --> 00:09:03,030 scoop, they didn't want to be scooped. That's fine. But 134 00:09:03,030 --> 00:09:04,980 obviously, then the whistleblower is going out to a 135 00:09:04,980 --> 00:09:07,470 lot of different people just talking to everybody, which is 136 00:09:07,470 --> 00:09:11,940 also I think, okay, but it just, I don't know, it doesn't seem 137 00:09:11,940 --> 00:09:14,310 right. There's something that doesn't smell right there. I'm 138 00:09:14,310 --> 00:09:16,470 not trying to make a mountain out of a molehill there, but I 139 00:09:16,470 --> 00:09:19,530 think it's still a viable question. So let's go into the 140 00:09:19,530 --> 00:09:21,990 story itself. So now that we know that it was published by 141 00:09:21,990 --> 00:09:25,830 the debrief, the whistleblower that you see pictured here on 142 00:09:25,860 --> 00:09:30,450 the video, David Charles grush, he is the whistleblower as they 143 00:09:30,450 --> 00:09:34,110 are calling him. Let me read you. I'm not going to read the 144 00:09:34,110 --> 00:09:36,810 whole article through this, but I'm gonna read you some snippets 145 00:09:36,810 --> 00:09:39,570 from the debrief article and again, I urge you to read the 146 00:09:39,570 --> 00:09:43,950 entire thing linked below. They describe David as this a former 147 00:09:43,950 --> 00:09:46,770 intelligence official turned whistleblower has given Congress 148 00:09:46,770 --> 00:09:50,220 and the intelligence community Inspector General, extensive 149 00:09:50,220 --> 00:09:53,850 classified information about deeply covert programs that he 150 00:09:53,850 --> 00:09:57,870 says possess, retrieved intact and partially intact craft of 151 00:09:57,870 --> 00:10:03,030 non human origin the information he says has been illegally 152 00:10:03,060 --> 00:10:06,510 withheld from Congress, and he filed a complaint alleging that 153 00:10:06,510 --> 00:10:10,830 he suffered illegal retaliation for His confidential disclosures 154 00:10:10,980 --> 00:10:13,140 reported here for the first time. 155 00:10:14,490 --> 00:10:18,660 The whistleblower David Charles grush 36, a decorated former 156 00:10:18,660 --> 00:10:22,230 combat officer in Afghanistan, is a veteran of the National 157 00:10:22,230 --> 00:10:26,040 Geospatial Intelligence Agency where NGA, and the National 158 00:10:26,040 --> 00:10:29,760 Reconnaissance Office or NRO, he served as the reconnaissance 159 00:10:29,760 --> 00:10:32,970 offices representative to the unidentified aerial phenomena 160 00:10:32,970 --> 00:10:41,130 Task Force from 2019 to 2021. From late 2021, to July of 2022, 161 00:10:41,310 --> 00:10:45,210 he was the NGA is CO lead for UAP analysis. And it's 162 00:10:45,210 --> 00:10:49,560 representative to the task force. Now what I put in red, 163 00:10:49,560 --> 00:10:54,150 there are key parts of this work, we're creating a timeline 164 00:10:54,150 --> 00:10:57,840 and and what I want you to do is just remember that timeline that 165 00:10:57,840 --> 00:11:01,290 there's not a test at the end. But rather, these are important 166 00:11:01,290 --> 00:11:03,660 things that are published. And these are the things you look 167 00:11:03,660 --> 00:11:05,520 for in an article because we start placing this 168 00:11:05,520 --> 00:11:09,270 whistleblower, at certain agencies at certain times, and 169 00:11:09,270 --> 00:11:13,320 timelines are incredibly important when trying to figure 170 00:11:13,320 --> 00:11:17,160 out these types of stories. So that information, I believe, was 171 00:11:17,160 --> 00:11:20,700 crucial to understanding where he was, and what type of access 172 00:11:20,700 --> 00:11:25,320 that he had, and what exactly was he doing. Now, a quick side 173 00:11:25,320 --> 00:11:29,310 note, in that timeline, you guys might recall from this channel, 174 00:11:29,310 --> 00:11:32,280 and also one of the articles I published on the black vault.com 175 00:11:32,520 --> 00:11:37,590 was about a NRO system called sentient that had discovered a 176 00:11:37,590 --> 00:11:41,520 tic tac shaped object. Now, I won't go through the whole story 177 00:11:41,520 --> 00:11:44,280 again, I've got a whole video on it. I'll link that in the show 178 00:11:44,280 --> 00:11:48,060 notes below. But per the timeline grush, the 179 00:11:48,060 --> 00:11:51,720 whistleblower would be at the NRO, at the time that these 180 00:11:51,720 --> 00:11:55,740 documents I got were written, it's quite even possible that he 181 00:11:55,740 --> 00:11:59,370 wrote one of the emails where the name was redacted, about how 182 00:11:59,370 --> 00:12:04,710 the NRO could support the task force. I'm maybe more convinced 183 00:12:04,710 --> 00:12:07,050 he wrote it than not at this point. But that's just a pure 184 00:12:07,050 --> 00:12:12,900 guess. But given that he was the the lead at the NRO for this, 185 00:12:13,140 --> 00:12:16,380 it's likely that he was probably writing these emails about how 186 00:12:16,380 --> 00:12:20,190 the NRO could support the UAP Task Force. And then, of course, 187 00:12:20,190 --> 00:12:24,000 would have direct knowledge of the sentient system. And its tic 188 00:12:24,000 --> 00:12:28,440 tac shaped object observation that was documented in a heavily 189 00:12:28,440 --> 00:12:32,040 classified report. So I'll link those documents below. But I 190 00:12:32,040 --> 00:12:34,500 wanted to give you that side note, because it's interesting 191 00:12:34,500 --> 00:12:40,020 to put that person now at the NRO, into that story, which I 192 00:12:40,020 --> 00:12:45,480 didn't have before. One of the other people that were revealed 193 00:12:45,480 --> 00:12:49,620 in this story was Charles Charles McAuliffe, the third. He 194 00:12:49,620 --> 00:12:54,810 is the lawyer, he's representing the whistleblower grush. And his 195 00:12:54,810 --> 00:12:56,880 background is pretty interesting. He was the first 196 00:12:56,880 --> 00:13:00,810 Inspector General of the intelligence community that 197 00:13:00,810 --> 00:13:05,670 started on October 7 2010. And he stayed in that position until 198 00:13:05,670 --> 00:13:10,590 March of 2017. Now he's in the private sector. He works for 199 00:13:10,590 --> 00:13:15,450 Compass Rose Legal Group, and he is again representing the 200 00:13:15,450 --> 00:13:20,190 whistleblower in this case. Another person revealed was 201 00:13:20,190 --> 00:13:24,300 Colonel Carl nel he was the Army's liaison for the UAP Task 202 00:13:24,300 --> 00:13:30,990 Force from 2021 to 2022. Quick descriptor from the debrief on 203 00:13:30,990 --> 00:13:35,130 Nell Carl E. Nell, a recently retired Army colonel and current 204 00:13:35,130 --> 00:13:38,640 aerospace executive who was the Army's liaison for the UAP Task 205 00:13:38,640 --> 00:13:43,200 Force from 2021 to 2022. And worked with grush there 206 00:13:43,290 --> 00:13:47,760 characterizes grush as beyond reproach. Now, I kind of took 207 00:13:47,760 --> 00:13:51,090 away from the article that Colonel Nell with his 208 00:13:51,090 --> 00:13:54,960 distinguished background himself was there essentially as a 209 00:13:55,710 --> 00:13:58,860 character witness to backup the credibility of the 210 00:13:58,860 --> 00:14:03,120 whistleblower. In his words, he was beyond reproach, obviously, 211 00:14:03,120 --> 00:14:08,910 grush was very revered by the fellow army liaison for the UAP 212 00:14:08,910 --> 00:14:12,270 task force. So obviously, they work together in that regard, 213 00:14:12,270 --> 00:14:15,870 how much that's still yet to be seen. But now we're starting to 214 00:14:15,870 --> 00:14:19,980 piece together another piece of the puzzle, the army liaison for 215 00:14:19,980 --> 00:14:24,240 the task force, another person labeled which there was a little 216 00:14:24,240 --> 00:14:27,060 confusing aspect to this for some, not everybody, but hey, 217 00:14:27,090 --> 00:14:29,490 I'll put myself under the bus for me. I didn't catch it the 218 00:14:29,490 --> 00:14:33,090 first time. There was somebody by the name of Jonathan gray 219 00:14:33,360 --> 00:14:36,630 that was described in the article, and they were 220 00:14:36,630 --> 00:14:40,200 essentially there to backup and corroborate the testimony of the 221 00:14:40,200 --> 00:14:43,320 whistleblower. Now, at first glance, you think Jonathan gray 222 00:14:43,320 --> 00:14:46,290 is a person but you have to read through a lot more of the 223 00:14:46,290 --> 00:14:49,830 article to realize that Jonathan gray is not a name at all, but 224 00:14:49,830 --> 00:14:53,280 rather a pseudo name. Let me read the non and this was a 225 00:14:53,280 --> 00:14:57,120 quote starting from the person identified as Jonathan Gray, the 226 00:14:57,120 --> 00:15:01,770 nonhuman intelligence phenomena phenomenon is real, we are not 227 00:15:01,800 --> 00:15:05,700 alone, Gray said retrievals of this kind are not limited to the 228 00:15:05,700 --> 00:15:09,690 United States. This is a global phenomenon. And yet a global 229 00:15:09,690 --> 00:15:16,170 solution continues to elude us. Those are powerful statements. 230 00:15:16,350 --> 00:15:18,960 And I was excited because after seeing Russia's picture and 231 00:15:18,960 --> 00:15:23,280 name, I just wrongfully assumed that Jonathan Gray was someone 232 00:15:23,310 --> 00:15:26,460 else named sadly, it was an anonymous source using a 233 00:15:26,460 --> 00:15:30,180 pseudonym. I'm not here to harp on grammar and stuff like that. 234 00:15:30,180 --> 00:15:33,030 I think the right answer would have been to put Jonathan gray 235 00:15:33,030 --> 00:15:37,170 in quotations since we are using pseudonym. I did, the article 236 00:15:37,170 --> 00:15:40,020 did not. But I will read to you what the article said. And 237 00:15:40,020 --> 00:15:43,020 admittedly, I missed this the first time that I read it, 238 00:15:43,080 --> 00:15:46,200 because it is quite a bit down from Jonathan Gray's 239 00:15:46,200 --> 00:15:49,890 introduction and his cooperation of the whistleblower. They 240 00:15:49,890 --> 00:15:53,160 stayed at Jonathan Gray, the intelligence officer 241 00:15:53,160 --> 00:15:56,310 specializing in UAP analysis at the National Air and Space 242 00:15:56,310 --> 00:15:59,400 Intelligence Center, is speaking publicly for the first time 243 00:15:59,550 --> 00:16:02,820 identified here under the identity he uses inside the 244 00:16:02,820 --> 00:16:08,070 agency. I didn't know that Neysa uses identities on the inside. I 245 00:16:08,070 --> 00:16:10,980 mean, that's kind of a fun fact of true, but still kind of a 246 00:16:10,980 --> 00:16:15,840 wonky way to use an anonymous source. But regardless, it's 247 00:16:15,840 --> 00:16:20,580 anonymous. So me harping on the lack of quotation marks, I 248 00:16:20,580 --> 00:16:23,760 missed it. So I'm making sure you guys understand. This is 249 00:16:23,760 --> 00:16:26,460 somebody who works within again, ASIC or the National Air and 250 00:16:26,460 --> 00:16:29,700 Space Intelligence Center, unnamed, we don't know a whole 251 00:16:29,700 --> 00:16:32,160 lot of their background. And again, anonymous sources are 252 00:16:32,160 --> 00:16:35,100 actually okay, this is one of those examples that I really do 253 00:16:35,100 --> 00:16:38,340 wish it was identified earlier. But regardless, it's there to at 254 00:16:38,340 --> 00:16:42,960 least support a story. I'm not keen on him still. But again, 255 00:16:42,990 --> 00:16:45,870 they're part of journalism. So this is an example that's much 256 00:16:45,870 --> 00:16:50,310 better instead of doing the whole story, on and on anonymous 257 00:16:50,310 --> 00:16:53,460 sources, rather, now we have somebody named and anonymous 258 00:16:53,460 --> 00:16:56,370 source backs it up. That's a little bit more what they're 259 00:16:56,370 --> 00:17:00,360 used for in journalism in my book anyway. So let's get into 260 00:17:00,360 --> 00:17:05,100 the claims of the whistleblower. And, and again, he's labeled as 261 00:17:05,100 --> 00:17:08,100 the whistleblower. I'm not trying to make any derogatory 262 00:17:08,100 --> 00:17:13,230 statement by labeling him that David grush says, and let me 263 00:17:13,320 --> 00:17:16,080 quote the article so you know exactly what he's saying. Greg 264 00:17:16,080 --> 00:17:19,170 said the recoveries a partial fragments through and up to 265 00:17:19,170 --> 00:17:22,080 intact vehicles have been made for decades through the present 266 00:17:22,080 --> 00:17:26,490 day by the government, its allies and defense contractors. 267 00:17:26,880 --> 00:17:30,870 analysis has determined that the objects retreat retrieved are of 268 00:17:30,870 --> 00:17:34,050 exotic origin, non human intelligence, whether 269 00:17:34,050 --> 00:17:37,560 extraterrestrial or unknown origin based on the vehicle 270 00:17:37,560 --> 00:17:41,100 morphologies and material science testing and the 271 00:17:41,100 --> 00:17:44,220 possession of unique atomic arrangements and radiological 272 00:17:44,220 --> 00:17:48,960 signatures. He said, Now, the parenthetical nonhuman 273 00:17:48,960 --> 00:17:51,930 intelligence whether Extra Terrestrial unknown origin, 274 00:17:51,930 --> 00:17:56,370 people are having fun with that. Obviously, if it's a nonhuman 275 00:17:56,370 --> 00:18:00,150 intelligence, of course, I think everyone's insinuating aliens 276 00:18:00,150 --> 00:18:04,140 here, including the whistleblower. So to put in 277 00:18:04,170 --> 00:18:07,380 unknown origin, I mean, what are we talking about? The 278 00:18:07,380 --> 00:18:12,180 civilization lives in the ocean? I don't mean to make light of 279 00:18:12,180 --> 00:18:14,910 it, but it's just kind of one of those quirky things with the 280 00:18:14,910 --> 00:18:19,110 story. What exactly are you trying to say? If it's not 281 00:18:19,110 --> 00:18:21,960 alien, right, if that's one possibility, what is this 282 00:18:21,960 --> 00:18:24,180 unknown origin you're talking about? Is there another 283 00:18:24,180 --> 00:18:28,020 civilization of people that you're insinuating live here in 284 00:18:28,020 --> 00:18:32,250 the ocean, so they're not technically alien? I'm sorry to 285 00:18:32,250 --> 00:18:36,090 point out the wonkiness but there is some wonkiness to to 286 00:18:36,090 --> 00:18:40,680 those types of statements. So for me, I wish that he would 287 00:18:40,680 --> 00:18:43,770 just expand on it. But that, you know, that's just me. I just 288 00:18:43,770 --> 00:18:46,680 wanted to point out the parenthetical. Why does he have 289 00:18:46,680 --> 00:18:50,070 to differentiate unknown origin from Extra Terrestrial if no 290 00:18:50,070 --> 00:18:53,340 matter what he's saying that it's non human technology. 291 00:18:55,740 --> 00:18:58,260 Now, here's a little bit more, when you read through the 292 00:18:58,260 --> 00:19:01,830 article and get a little bit deeper into it. This is where it 293 00:19:01,830 --> 00:19:06,750 starts to, I think hurt the story a little bit. Let me quote 294 00:19:07,470 --> 00:19:10,380 Gratias investigation was centered on extensive interviews 295 00:19:10,380 --> 00:19:13,230 with high level intelligence officials, some of whom are 296 00:19:13,230 --> 00:19:16,440 directly involved with the program. He says the operation 297 00:19:16,440 --> 00:19:19,170 was illegally shielded from proper congressional oversight, 298 00:19:19,350 --> 00:19:21,900 and that he was targeted and harassed because of his 299 00:19:21,900 --> 00:19:25,650 investigation. Gresh said that the craft recovery operations 300 00:19:25,650 --> 00:19:30,180 are ongoing at various levels of activity, and that and that he 301 00:19:30,180 --> 00:19:33,870 knows the specific individuals, current and former who are 302 00:19:33,870 --> 00:19:37,800 involved. Individuals on these UAP programs approached me in my 303 00:19:37,800 --> 00:19:40,920 official capacity and disclose their concerns regarding a 304 00:19:40,920 --> 00:19:44,430 multitude of wrongdoings such as illegal contracting against the 305 00:19:44,430 --> 00:19:47,670 federal acquisition, regulations, and other 306 00:19:47,670 --> 00:19:50,940 criminality and the suppression of information across a 307 00:19:51,330 --> 00:19:56,700 qualified industrial base and academia grush said those are 308 00:19:56,700 --> 00:20:00,900 powerful statements to make. But now we realize is what it's 309 00:20:00,900 --> 00:20:04,740 based off of. It's not grush his experience whatsoever. It's him 310 00:20:04,740 --> 00:20:09,600 talking to other people. So this entire story, I don't And again, 311 00:20:09,630 --> 00:20:15,240 I don't want to just completely negate it, but is built on 100% 312 00:20:15,240 --> 00:20:19,200 anonymous sources that grush brought together people that he 313 00:20:19,200 --> 00:20:23,430 spoke with during his time at the UAP Task Force, and 314 00:20:23,430 --> 00:20:26,400 conducted interviews and talk to people and people brought him 315 00:20:26,400 --> 00:20:31,290 stories. But nowhere has he said, and Ross Coltart who's one 316 00:20:31,290 --> 00:20:36,150 of the other journalists who had tackled this story, as well said 317 00:20:36,150 --> 00:20:38,970 on his podcast, and I'm paraphrasing, but essentially 318 00:20:38,970 --> 00:20:44,520 grush had had not seen any type of, of non human craft, he had 319 00:20:44,520 --> 00:20:48,180 not touched any of the type of material that he had reference, 320 00:20:48,300 --> 00:20:51,750 but rather just heard about it. Now, that's going to be an 321 00:20:51,750 --> 00:20:54,240 important point, because I don't want you to think that I'm here 322 00:20:54,240 --> 00:20:58,110 demeaning the story, or trying to degrade it based on that, but 323 00:20:58,110 --> 00:21:00,480 put a pin in it, because that might make sense a little bit 324 00:21:00,480 --> 00:21:03,390 more. And a point that I definitely want to deal with, 325 00:21:03,690 --> 00:21:07,680 later on in the presentation. I won't read all of this for you. 326 00:21:07,680 --> 00:21:11,580 But this goes a little bit more into detail about grush. Then 327 00:21:11,700 --> 00:21:14,730 compiling all this information through interviews and stories 328 00:21:14,730 --> 00:21:17,940 that people were telling him. He compiled that and essentially 329 00:21:17,940 --> 00:21:22,170 passed it on. He had stated he was denied, or the UAP taskforce 330 00:21:22,170 --> 00:21:26,280 was denied access to certain areas that they they essentially 331 00:21:26,280 --> 00:21:29,460 couldn't touch. Again, I just want to read a couple points. 332 00:21:29,460 --> 00:21:33,000 I'm not going to read all of this. In May of 2020 Tim 333 00:21:33,030 --> 00:21:37,050 McCullough filed member that's the attorney filed a disclosure 334 00:21:37,050 --> 00:21:41,790 of urgent concerns complaint of reprisal on behalf of grush with 335 00:21:41,790 --> 00:21:45,960 the intelligence community inspector general about detailed 336 00:21:45,960 --> 00:21:48,930 information that grush had gathered beginning in 2019. 337 00:21:49,170 --> 00:21:52,860 While working at the UAP Task Force, an unclassified version 338 00:21:52,860 --> 00:21:55,650 of the complaint provided to us states the Gresh has direct 339 00:21:55,650 --> 00:21:59,400 knowledge that UAP related classified information has been 340 00:21:59,400 --> 00:22:03,120 withheld and or concealed from Congress by elements of the 341 00:22:03,120 --> 00:22:06,510 intelligence community. Jumping ahead according to the 342 00:22:06,510 --> 00:22:11,580 unclassified complaint, in July 2021, grush, had confidentially 343 00:22:11,580 --> 00:22:14,820 provided classified information to the Department of Defense 344 00:22:14,820 --> 00:22:18,210 inspector general concerning the withholding of UAP related 345 00:22:18,210 --> 00:22:22,110 information from Congress. He believes his identity and the 346 00:22:22,110 --> 00:22:25,350 fact that he had provided testimony were disclosed to 347 00:22:25,350 --> 00:22:29,520 individuals and or entities within the Department of Defense 348 00:22:29,700 --> 00:22:32,820 and the intelligence community outside the Inspector General's 349 00:22:32,820 --> 00:22:37,380 office. As a result, grush suffered months of retaliation, 350 00:22:37,410 --> 00:22:40,950 retaliation and reprisals relating to these disclosures 351 00:22:40,950 --> 00:22:45,030 beginning in 2021. He asked the details of these pilots 352 00:22:45,060 --> 00:22:48,360 reprisals be withheld, for to protect the integrity of the 353 00:22:48,360 --> 00:22:52,530 ongoing investigation. Jumping ahead, the intelligence 354 00:22:52,530 --> 00:22:58,560 community Inspector General found his complaint. Let me 355 00:22:58,560 --> 00:23:00,930 start that over the intelligence community Inspector General 356 00:23:00,930 --> 00:23:05,310 found his complaint credible and urgent in July of 2022. 357 00:23:05,910 --> 00:23:09,420 According to grush, a summary was immediately submitted to the 358 00:23:09,420 --> 00:23:12,150 director of the National Intelligence Avril Haines, the 359 00:23:12,150 --> 00:23:14,790 Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and the House 360 00:23:14,790 --> 00:23:18,810 Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. The complaint was 361 00:23:18,810 --> 00:23:22,470 drafted and signed by McAuliffe and his Managing Partner, moving 362 00:23:22,470 --> 00:23:24,900 along a whistleblower whistleblower reprisal 363 00:23:24,900 --> 00:23:28,050 investigation was launched. And grush began his communication 364 00:23:28,050 --> 00:23:30,270 with the staff of the congressional intelligence 365 00:23:30,270 --> 00:23:33,600 community committees and private closed door sessions. According 366 00:23:33,600 --> 00:23:36,090 to grush, certain information which he obtained in his 367 00:23:36,090 --> 00:23:39,480 investigation, could not be put before congressional staffers 368 00:23:39,600 --> 00:23:42,420 because they did not have necessary clearances, or the 369 00:23:42,420 --> 00:23:45,450 appropriate investigative authority. I won't dissect that 370 00:23:45,450 --> 00:23:49,230 last part. Again, there's a little bit of red flag there on 371 00:23:49,230 --> 00:23:56,340 the investigation. However, I'll let that play out on how the 372 00:23:56,370 --> 00:24:01,530 Inspector General and Congress responds to this as it moves 373 00:24:01,530 --> 00:24:04,920 forward. I'll let you know what the Inspector General's Office 374 00:24:04,920 --> 00:24:09,210 for the intelligence community said to me, which isn't much. 375 00:24:09,540 --> 00:24:12,990 But other than that, I'll let that play out. I'm not gonna sit 376 00:24:12,990 --> 00:24:16,110 here and nitpick everything. But that gives you a bit of an idea 377 00:24:16,110 --> 00:24:19,770 of what the story was, what it was built on what the claims 378 00:24:19,770 --> 00:24:25,080 were, and why this is going to the inspector general. Why he 379 00:24:25,080 --> 00:24:30,480 felt that he was being wrongfully treated. We don't 380 00:24:30,480 --> 00:24:34,110 know the details of that. But okay, we understand that the 381 00:24:34,110 --> 00:24:37,050 investigation has gone ongoing. So he didn't want to talk about 382 00:24:37,050 --> 00:24:40,050 it. But regardless, we have a pretty good idea of what the 383 00:24:40,050 --> 00:24:44,310 story is. Well, the media really glommed on to this and 384 00:24:44,310 --> 00:24:47,610 rightfully so it's, it's a pretty amazing story. went onto 385 00:24:47,610 --> 00:24:50,220 the cover of the Drudge Report, column three position one, 386 00:24:50,250 --> 00:24:54,690 that's a very coveted spot. I watched those new spots very 387 00:24:54,690 --> 00:24:57,720 closely myself. I like to see what's in the media. It's not 388 00:24:57,720 --> 00:25:02,430 about UFOs really kind of ever. But rather, it really shows you 389 00:25:02,430 --> 00:25:05,580 a lot of the hot topics that's going on in the political world 390 00:25:05,580 --> 00:25:10,320 and, and when UFO stories break, sometimes drudge will cover 391 00:25:10,320 --> 00:25:13,380 them. This is one of those examples. But when things go on 392 00:25:13,380 --> 00:25:17,070 there, copy and paste journalism takes over. And you just have 393 00:25:17,070 --> 00:25:20,970 this insane amount of coverage, which has happened with this 394 00:25:20,970 --> 00:25:25,410 story. But in the process, a lot of things start getting lost. 395 00:25:25,440 --> 00:25:27,720 And we're going to deal with some of that in a moment. You 396 00:25:27,720 --> 00:25:29,850 can see these are just some of the headlines as of the 397 00:25:29,850 --> 00:25:34,320 recording of this video. From the independent Fox News News 398 00:25:34,320 --> 00:25:38,160 Week, there's the original debrief article here. This is 399 00:25:38,160 --> 00:25:40,470 the news nation article, the video piece on that actually 400 00:25:40,470 --> 00:25:45,270 wasn't bad. I know it got a lot of flack. But I was pleasantly 401 00:25:45,270 --> 00:25:47,100 surprised that some of the questions and some of the points 402 00:25:47,100 --> 00:25:51,540 being pushed, were actually pretty good. And I felt it was a 403 00:25:51,540 --> 00:25:53,940 fairly balanced story. I'm sure I'll get hate mail for saying 404 00:25:53,940 --> 00:25:57,180 that. But I think news nation did good. Some of the other 405 00:25:57,180 --> 00:26:00,150 ones. There you go. There's a whole laundry list of other 406 00:26:00,150 --> 00:26:03,840 ones. But those are some of the major ones. So let's break down 407 00:26:03,840 --> 00:26:06,390 some of the points of the story that I think some people are 408 00:26:06,390 --> 00:26:11,550 missing, or those that are often misconstrued or misunderstood. 409 00:26:11,940 --> 00:26:14,760 Now, this is not my opinion here. This is actually backed 410 00:26:14,760 --> 00:26:17,460 up. Anybody can can back this up. But I think it needs to be 411 00:26:17,460 --> 00:26:22,260 said, I've dealt with dotser before on this channel. That's 412 00:26:22,260 --> 00:26:25,380 the Defense Office of pre publication and Security Review 413 00:26:25,380 --> 00:26:29,250 or again dotser. DOPPS are essentially reviews for the 414 00:26:29,250 --> 00:26:31,410 Department of Defense Information that people want to 415 00:26:31,410 --> 00:26:36,330 put in books, manuscripts. And in this case statements to 416 00:26:36,330 --> 00:26:40,290 ensure that no classified information gets out to the 417 00:26:40,290 --> 00:26:44,640 public. Now it was mentioned in the article for the debrief that 418 00:26:44,640 --> 00:26:48,360 a review took place of brushes statement that he was going to 419 00:26:48,360 --> 00:26:51,930 be providing to the debrief, essentially blowing the story 420 00:26:51,930 --> 00:26:56,160 wide open. Let me quote the debrief. In accordance with 421 00:26:56,160 --> 00:26:58,800 protocols. grush provided the Defense Office of pre 422 00:26:58,800 --> 00:27:01,770 publication and Security Review at the Department of Defense 423 00:27:01,920 --> 00:27:06,270 with the information he intended to disclose to us. His on the 424 00:27:06,270 --> 00:27:10,410 record statements were all cleared for open publication on 425 00:27:10,410 --> 00:27:18,630 April 4, and six 2023 and documents provided to us. We 426 00:27:18,630 --> 00:27:21,300 haven't seen those documents, we have no idea but we can assume 427 00:27:21,300 --> 00:27:24,510 that maybe you did a DD Form 1910 or something similar, there 428 00:27:24,510 --> 00:27:27,870 may have been something similar regardless of how he did it DOPS 429 00:27:27,870 --> 00:27:30,540 or cleared it for open publication. 430 00:27:32,910 --> 00:27:36,270 What is being misconstrued about dotser and has been for quite 431 00:27:36,270 --> 00:27:41,580 some time is if DOPPS are clear something for public release, 432 00:27:41,670 --> 00:27:46,710 they essentially endorse it. That is not true. They are very 433 00:27:46,710 --> 00:27:51,540 clear about the fact that they do not fact check or endorse 434 00:27:51,600 --> 00:27:55,530 accuracy, but rather, they go through character by character, 435 00:27:55,530 --> 00:27:59,490 word by word and line by line to ensure that no classified 436 00:27:59,490 --> 00:28:04,050 information is being put out there in print in a presentation 437 00:28:04,200 --> 00:28:07,470 in a statement that whatever is submitted to them. That's what 438 00:28:07,470 --> 00:28:11,370 they insure. And on social media. I saw this a lot. Well, 439 00:28:11,550 --> 00:28:15,090 the DoD cleared this this is disclosure. And no I'm not 440 00:28:15,090 --> 00:28:17,580 exaggerating. A lot of people thought that this was disclosure 441 00:28:17,820 --> 00:28:23,550 that a DOD person was cleared to come out and admit to alien 442 00:28:23,550 --> 00:28:28,830 wreckage. That is not true in the slightest, you can take a 443 00:28:28,830 --> 00:28:37,770 100% purely fabricated pile of steaming made up stuff and give 444 00:28:37,770 --> 00:28:42,900 it to dotser for review. Now I should say if I haven't already 445 00:28:43,140 --> 00:28:46,530 doctors there for former DOD personnel who are required to do 446 00:28:46,530 --> 00:28:50,970 this and this case grush Luis Elizondo will have to do it with 447 00:28:50,970 --> 00:28:54,150 his book if he's not in the process already. Those are the 448 00:28:54,150 --> 00:28:56,610 types of people that have to submit. So it's not like anybody 449 00:28:56,610 --> 00:28:59,700 from the public, but rather former DOD. Okay, so sorry for 450 00:28:59,700 --> 00:29:02,820 that that quick caveat. So that you just bring that steaming 451 00:29:02,820 --> 00:29:06,540 pile of fiction to them, they review it, they'll still give 452 00:29:06,540 --> 00:29:10,410 you a stamp. As long as there's no classified information in 453 00:29:10,410 --> 00:29:13,920 there, they will give the same exact exact stamp of approval. 454 00:29:13,920 --> 00:29:17,520 Let me give you an example of what it looks like when they 455 00:29:17,520 --> 00:29:20,130 give their stamp of approval. This was skinwalkers at the 456 00:29:20,130 --> 00:29:25,260 Pentagon, that was all about Skinwalker Ranch and OS app. And 457 00:29:25,260 --> 00:29:29,370 you'll see here the Department of Defense dotser The case 458 00:29:29,370 --> 00:29:32,880 number cleared for public release may 11 2021. Here's the 459 00:29:32,880 --> 00:29:38,100 required disclaimer that Dr. had them put on the book. The views 460 00:29:38,100 --> 00:29:40,920 expressed in this publication are those of the author and do 461 00:29:40,920 --> 00:29:44,130 not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of 462 00:29:44,130 --> 00:29:48,000 the DoD or the US government. The public release clearance of 463 00:29:48,000 --> 00:29:52,530 this publication by the DOD does not imply DoD endorsement or 464 00:29:52,530 --> 00:29:56,670 factual accuracy of the material. Were appropriate in 465 00:29:56,670 --> 00:30:00,780 order to protect personally identifiable information. and 466 00:30:01,380 --> 00:30:04,350 protected health information names and personal details have 467 00:30:04,350 --> 00:30:07,890 been changed. That's all standard. That's what Doppler 468 00:30:07,890 --> 00:30:12,090 does. So I wanted to clear up that point because again, that 469 00:30:12,090 --> 00:30:17,010 is often misconstrued right now, not only on social media, but in 470 00:30:17,010 --> 00:30:20,100 some journalist outfits that this was clear, then they don't 471 00:30:20,100 --> 00:30:24,600 explain what doctor was sorry, debrief that includes you as 472 00:30:24,600 --> 00:30:30,360 well. Now, in fairness to one of the co founders, Tim McMillan, 473 00:30:30,630 --> 00:30:34,260 they did a supplemental article, very similar to what the New 474 00:30:34,260 --> 00:30:37,890 York Times did back in 2017. They have their main article, 475 00:30:37,890 --> 00:30:41,340 and then it's like, this is how we did it. Well, this was kind 476 00:30:41,340 --> 00:30:45,390 of echoing that. They had their main article, which I just went 477 00:30:45,390 --> 00:30:48,000 over the points with you. They had a supplemental article that 478 00:30:48,000 --> 00:30:51,840 was essentially a q&a between one of the debrief staff 479 00:30:51,840 --> 00:30:56,070 members, Christopher plane, who sat down and asked a bunch of 480 00:30:56,070 --> 00:31:01,590 questions to to Tim McMillan as how do you vet this story? How 481 00:31:01,590 --> 00:31:04,440 do you how do you fact check it? And so you go through this, and 482 00:31:04,440 --> 00:31:08,400 to Tim's defense, he had put in there the detail about doctor 483 00:31:08,400 --> 00:31:11,280 that it is not an endorsement, so I want to make sure that I 484 00:31:11,280 --> 00:31:14,040 compliment Tim McMillan there for putting that into his 485 00:31:14,040 --> 00:31:17,160 interview to ensure that his readers did not think that it 486 00:31:17,160 --> 00:31:20,760 was a DOD endorsement. But, I mean, I kind of wish that it was 487 00:31:20,760 --> 00:31:22,830 in the original article, because that's what most people are 488 00:31:22,830 --> 00:31:25,920 going to read. That's what the copy and paste journalists were 489 00:31:25,920 --> 00:31:31,230 using as kind of the basis. And so the Doppler note got got 490 00:31:31,800 --> 00:31:37,410 parroted, but the reality of what dots are does, did not. And 491 00:31:37,410 --> 00:31:39,780 that's what's kind of frustrating. So hopefully, that 492 00:31:40,020 --> 00:31:43,290 clears up a point for you. Another thing that the article 493 00:31:43,290 --> 00:31:47,850 didn't do, which I was a little surprised at, was the fact that 494 00:31:48,120 --> 00:31:52,350 there was no reach out for any official statement. Now I've 495 00:31:52,350 --> 00:31:56,850 said this 1000 times, and I'll say it 1000 times over because a 496 00:31:56,850 --> 00:32:00,810 lot of my biggest haters love to throw this into my face. The 497 00:32:00,810 --> 00:32:06,570 official line from the DoD slash the Pentagon is not necessarily 498 00:32:06,570 --> 00:32:11,520 in an endorsement if you publish. It's part of the story, 499 00:32:11,520 --> 00:32:14,730 though. And I would think that anybody would reach out if you 500 00:32:14,730 --> 00:32:19,380 are trying to cover any topic, even if it's a no comment, to 501 00:32:19,380 --> 00:32:22,710 get the official line. It's important. So I'll stress it 502 00:32:22,710 --> 00:32:25,530 again. Just because you publish, it doesn't mean that it's an 503 00:32:25,530 --> 00:32:29,580 endorsement. But rather it is part of the story. So why you 504 00:32:29,580 --> 00:32:34,260 ignore that? I don't know this article ignored that. Unless 505 00:32:34,260 --> 00:32:37,980 they didn't publish it and did contact them, I don't know. But 506 00:32:37,980 --> 00:32:41,220 I did end up getting a confirmation from the Pentagon 507 00:32:41,670 --> 00:32:48,930 of what their view is on this in relation to brushes, claims. Of 508 00:32:48,930 --> 00:32:52,080 course, it's everybody's favorite Sue golf, she is the 509 00:32:52,080 --> 00:32:56,730 only one that responds to UAP related queries. That's our 510 00:32:56,760 --> 00:33:01,260 portfolio. So that's why we see her name all the time. She gets 511 00:33:01,260 --> 00:33:05,130 a bad rap from some corners of this conversation. But she does 512 00:33:05,130 --> 00:33:09,660 speak for the DOD, she doesn't speak for herself. So that said, 513 00:33:09,690 --> 00:33:13,380 this is the quote, to date, Arrow has not received any 514 00:33:13,380 --> 00:33:17,100 verifiable information to substantiate claims that any 515 00:33:17,100 --> 00:33:19,590 programs regarding the possession or reverse 516 00:33:19,590 --> 00:33:23,010 engineering of extraterrestrial materials have existed in the 517 00:33:23,010 --> 00:33:26,910 past or exists. Currently, Aro is committed to following the 518 00:33:26,910 --> 00:33:30,900 data and its investigation wherever it leads. Arrow working 519 00:33:30,900 --> 00:33:33,810 with the Office of the General Counsel and the Air Force Office 520 00:33:34,020 --> 00:33:38,010 of Special Investigation has established a safe and secure 521 00:33:38,010 --> 00:33:42,150 process for individuals to come forward with information to aid 522 00:33:42,150 --> 00:33:45,600 arrow in its congressionally mandated historical review. 523 00:33:47,100 --> 00:33:50,040 Arrows historical review of records and testimonies is 524 00:33:50,040 --> 00:33:54,510 ongoing. And, and due to Congress and due to Congress by 525 00:33:54,510 --> 00:33:59,040 June of 2024. Arrow welcomes the opportunity to speak with any 526 00:33:59,040 --> 00:34:02,190 former or current government employee or contractor who 527 00:34:02,190 --> 00:34:05,130 believes they have information revelant relevant to the 528 00:34:05,130 --> 00:34:09,270 historical review. That's the end quote. Now, obviously, 529 00:34:09,300 --> 00:34:12,450 that's not my endorsement of the DoD position, but rather that's 530 00:34:12,450 --> 00:34:15,630 part of the story. So there you go. One thing I tried to get the 531 00:34:15,630 --> 00:34:20,550 Pentagon to elaborate on was whether or not grush has spoken 532 00:34:20,550 --> 00:34:25,110 to arrow because then that makes this statement at least connect 533 00:34:25,320 --> 00:34:28,890 to that first line arrow has not discovered any verifiable 534 00:34:28,890 --> 00:34:32,760 information to substantiate claims. So have they dealt with 535 00:34:32,760 --> 00:34:36,180 the claims from grush? And they can't substantiate it or in 536 00:34:36,180 --> 00:34:39,360 fairness, maybe they haven't talked to him yet. Or at all or 537 00:34:39,360 --> 00:34:44,190 refuse to who knows. They have not responded to my question as 538 00:34:44,190 --> 00:34:47,130 of the recording of this video, but hopefully you see my point 539 00:34:47,130 --> 00:34:51,210 in pushing that because, okay, they can say whatever they want, 540 00:34:51,420 --> 00:34:54,540 but if they haven't talked to grush well, then how can you how 541 00:34:54,540 --> 00:34:57,330 can you say you haven't discovered any verifiable 542 00:34:57,330 --> 00:34:59,610 information? When I'm asking you about a whistleblower? You 543 00:34:59,610 --> 00:35:02,550 haven't talked? To yet, but on the contrary, if they did talk 544 00:35:02,550 --> 00:35:05,610 to him and couldn't substantiate anything, we should hear about 545 00:35:05,610 --> 00:35:10,890 that. But again, I have yet to see that at all. 546 00:35:14,040 --> 00:35:17,820 Then the question comes up, but his arrow cleared at all is 547 00:35:17,820 --> 00:35:20,970 arrow, does arrow have enough clearance that of grush goes to 548 00:35:20,970 --> 00:35:23,970 them and say, hey, look, XY and Z. This is what I learned 549 00:35:23,970 --> 00:35:28,260 program names, agencies. He spills it all in a skiff for 11 550 00:35:28,260 --> 00:35:33,300 hours at a time, and says, Okay, Dr. Kirkpatrick do your thing. 551 00:35:33,330 --> 00:35:36,810 And he doesn't have access to everything. How could he 552 00:35:36,810 --> 00:35:41,160 understand it? Now, this is the argument about title 10 versus 553 00:35:41,160 --> 00:35:44,100 title 50. Now, I'm not gonna sit here and bore you to death with 554 00:35:44,100 --> 00:35:46,890 all the legalities of the difference between the two. But 555 00:35:46,890 --> 00:35:50,250 the nutshell is Dr. Kirkpatrick had stated that he didn't quite 556 00:35:50,250 --> 00:35:53,160 necessarily have the appropriate clearances for title 50 557 00:35:53,160 --> 00:35:59,880 material, and maybe would not be able to substantiate claims like 558 00:35:59,880 --> 00:36:03,420 this. So I'm, you know, definitely on board with that. 559 00:36:03,450 --> 00:36:06,870 Does arrow have that clearance? And we just don't know, we would 560 00:36:06,870 --> 00:36:10,200 hope that they would, you know, we're crossing our fingers as 561 00:36:10,200 --> 00:36:13,140 the general public that he would. But we don't know that 562 00:36:13,140 --> 00:36:17,100 for sure. There's a lot of title 10 versus title 50 information 563 00:36:17,130 --> 00:36:19,770 out there. Again, I'm not going to bore you to death with the 564 00:36:19,770 --> 00:36:23,220 legality, because I won't pretend that I understand all of 565 00:36:23,220 --> 00:36:26,610 the nitty gritty details about the difference between access 566 00:36:26,760 --> 00:36:30,300 and title 50 and title 10 authorities, but I invite you 567 00:36:30,300 --> 00:36:33,930 all to brush up on it. One thing I can comfortably say a lot of 568 00:36:33,930 --> 00:36:37,140 people that are debating this and arguing and online, likely 569 00:36:37,140 --> 00:36:41,250 don't know the difference either. So with that said, I 570 00:36:41,250 --> 00:36:45,570 think there's a lot of legal area here that even you know, 571 00:36:45,570 --> 00:36:48,810 congressional scholars may struggle to truly grasp, because 572 00:36:48,810 --> 00:36:52,860 it does get a little bit convoluted. But on that point, 573 00:36:52,860 --> 00:36:58,350 that arrow may not have access to all of this, I believe dotser 574 00:36:58,350 --> 00:37:03,150 would now keep in mind dotser, again, is the arm of the DOD, 575 00:37:03,450 --> 00:37:08,250 that will review all the way up to the top secret level, every 576 00:37:08,250 --> 00:37:12,480 level of classification, that if information is going out into 577 00:37:12,480 --> 00:37:17,100 the open in whatever form that it is, will they put the stamp 578 00:37:17,100 --> 00:37:22,380 of approval on it? During the course of that process, dotser 579 00:37:22,380 --> 00:37:25,110 will also reach out to what are called the OCA A's are the 580 00:37:25,110 --> 00:37:29,010 original classifying authorities. And in turn, those 581 00:37:29,010 --> 00:37:33,630 will have access to certain aspects of information. So I 582 00:37:33,630 --> 00:37:37,380 will leave and I don't know 100% of every in and out of dachser 583 00:37:37,380 --> 00:37:40,890 nor does anyone unless you worked within dotser. Okay, 584 00:37:41,250 --> 00:37:43,620 there's a couple of DOD instructions you can call on. 585 00:37:43,740 --> 00:37:46,830 But I believe that the protocols themselves on how they operate, 586 00:37:46,920 --> 00:37:50,040 nobody in the outside world, including me is going to be able 587 00:37:50,040 --> 00:37:53,310 to recite the whole thing. But what I can comfortably say from 588 00:37:53,310 --> 00:37:56,400 the documentation, and the instructions that we can look at 589 00:37:56,790 --> 00:37:59,790 is that if they don't have let let's just assume for a moment 590 00:37:59,790 --> 00:38:03,330 that they don't have clearance to look at 100% of every single 591 00:38:03,330 --> 00:38:08,310 thing out there. They do reach out to OCS or again the original 592 00:38:08,460 --> 00:38:12,750 classifying authorities. For example, the videos that were 593 00:38:12,750 --> 00:38:15,990 submitted to Doppler by Luis Elizondo just to put this into 594 00:38:15,990 --> 00:38:20,790 context in this with the same subject matter they were shot by 595 00:38:20,790 --> 00:38:26,880 the US Navy Luis Elizondo put on that paperwork, drones and 596 00:38:26,880 --> 00:38:32,790 balloons. Now I'm only bringing that up because of Luis Elizondo 597 00:38:32,790 --> 00:38:35,460 is response. That's not my attempt to take a jab, but 598 00:38:35,460 --> 00:38:37,590 there's a point where I'm bringing that up, because that 599 00:38:37,590 --> 00:38:42,030 is a huge concern of mine that that he did that but here's my 600 00:38:42,030 --> 00:38:46,470 point. Luis Elizondo, his response was that Doppler was 601 00:38:46,470 --> 00:38:51,750 not cleared to know that what was on those videos depicted UAP 602 00:38:52,440 --> 00:38:57,450 but the Navy was so if you don't believe me, you can believe Luis 603 00:38:57,450 --> 00:39:01,140 Elizondo, because if that is true, and I do have my doubts, 604 00:39:01,380 --> 00:39:07,290 but if that is true, and dotser was not cleared, the OCA was 605 00:39:07,410 --> 00:39:11,430 those are your Luis Elizondo is words, and that the OCA knew 606 00:39:11,430 --> 00:39:15,300 what they were approving now. Let's now draw that to Gratias 607 00:39:15,300 --> 00:39:22,380 claims if he goes to dotser, and brings all of that information, 608 00:39:23,070 --> 00:39:27,390 to dotser, to clear to bring out into the open world about 609 00:39:27,390 --> 00:39:30,540 Special Access Programs, this that and the other thing, I 610 00:39:30,540 --> 00:39:34,080 would venture to guess he may have encroached into classified 611 00:39:34,080 --> 00:39:39,330 territory, explaining to dotser some of that material and in 612 00:39:39,330 --> 00:39:46,500 turn dotser could go to the CIA or the NRO or the NGA, or 613 00:39:46,530 --> 00:39:50,460 whomever and say we've got a guy who's looking for clearance for 614 00:39:50,460 --> 00:39:55,950 this. And assuming that the idea that doctors not cleared they go 615 00:39:55,950 --> 00:40:00,210 to the OCA and go okay, can you guys clear this and they either 616 00:40:00,210 --> 00:40:03,750 say yay or nay. Now going back to the Russia story, all of it 617 00:40:03,750 --> 00:40:07,680 was cleared. Now we can safely say by that clearance, nothing 618 00:40:07,680 --> 00:40:12,660 was classified. But in that process, if anything had any 619 00:40:12,660 --> 00:40:17,190 ounce of truth to it, I believe wholeheartedly, it would have 620 00:40:17,190 --> 00:40:22,590 been classified even a sliver of it. And we know that by 621 00:40:22,590 --> 00:40:26,400 documented evidence that I've been focusing on now for a 622 00:40:26,400 --> 00:40:30,480 couple of years. And when people don't like this, from me, those 623 00:40:30,480 --> 00:40:34,710 who advocate for disclosure and believe that we are on the path 624 00:40:34,710 --> 00:40:40,170 to disclosure, people hate this when I profile it, but it needs 625 00:40:40,170 --> 00:40:46,350 to be profiled, because the the secrecy around UAP is clamping 626 00:40:46,380 --> 00:40:53,550 down harder and harder and harder. That's documented. So 627 00:40:53,550 --> 00:40:58,380 from a legal standpoint, from the United States Code, Chapter 628 00:40:58,380 --> 00:41:03,210 Five, Section Five, five to our ability for that freedom of 629 00:41:03,210 --> 00:41:08,970 information is being hindered by that secrecy. And I have 630 00:41:08,970 --> 00:41:12,960 numerous articles profiling that when it comes to UAP, and how 631 00:41:12,960 --> 00:41:18,870 they don't want to tell you a thing, reams of classified 632 00:41:18,900 --> 00:41:22,440 information that is blacked out from top to bottom or withheld 633 00:41:22,440 --> 00:41:27,090 entirely. This newest one down here, the classified Mozu orb 634 00:41:27,090 --> 00:41:30,870 UAP case, which we found out is entirely classified. There's not 635 00:41:30,870 --> 00:41:34,800 a single anything that they can release to us. And in that 636 00:41:34,800 --> 00:41:38,520 process, I discovered a new tactic, which I'll also be 637 00:41:38,520 --> 00:41:42,000 dropping a video on this channel a very soon. But I did write an 638 00:41:42,000 --> 00:41:47,220 article about it last week, a new tactic to withhold that 639 00:41:47,220 --> 00:41:51,510 information, all claiming it's a law enforcement investigation. 640 00:41:53,550 --> 00:41:59,640 If the documented evidence, and a long string and trail and 641 00:41:59,640 --> 00:42:03,150 train of evidence that I could put forward to you shows that 642 00:42:03,150 --> 00:42:07,860 UAP related anything is heavily classified and exempt through 643 00:42:07,860 --> 00:42:13,590 FOIA. If grush went to DOPPS, or with anything that encroached 644 00:42:13,590 --> 00:42:18,360 into that classified territory, even if the longshot assumption 645 00:42:18,360 --> 00:42:22,500 dotser didn't have access, their process would take them to 646 00:42:22,530 --> 00:42:26,730 agencies that did. And if it encroached into a SAP or an 647 00:42:26,760 --> 00:42:33,330 unacknowledged area, enough in that process, word would travel 648 00:42:33,810 --> 00:42:38,220 that would say dotser. No. And that's it. They wouldn't give 649 00:42:38,220 --> 00:42:43,440 their stamp of approval. You see this when you get into and I can 650 00:42:43,440 --> 00:42:46,470 go on for hours, and I won't but you see this in the legal 651 00:42:46,470 --> 00:42:51,720 process the checks and balances when challenging decisions 652 00:42:51,960 --> 00:42:55,290 through FOIA and denials and national security information 653 00:42:55,590 --> 00:42:59,250 that sometimes when you file an appeal, that office that you are 654 00:42:59,250 --> 00:43:05,490 filing to will go back to the OCA I've countless examples of 655 00:43:05,490 --> 00:43:09,480 this. And they will they will say John is challenging your 656 00:43:09,480 --> 00:43:13,770 denial that this is classified information. And I see this a 657 00:43:13,770 --> 00:43:17,790 lot with the Navy. Then that OCA that the office in the Navy goes 658 00:43:17,790 --> 00:43:20,550 back to the appellate authority and says, Sorry, it's 659 00:43:20,550 --> 00:43:24,630 classified, the appeal letter letter will essentially state 660 00:43:25,080 --> 00:43:28,080 that the appellate authority cannot grab all of that 661 00:43:28,080 --> 00:43:31,470 classified information and look at it and go, Yeah, you guys are 662 00:43:31,470 --> 00:43:35,580 right. I wish that was the case. But rather they say that they 663 00:43:35,580 --> 00:43:39,210 have to trust the OCA has authority to look at that 664 00:43:39,210 --> 00:43:43,020 information and make that determination. And so then they 665 00:43:43,020 --> 00:43:48,000 will backup the Navy in those cases. So with that said, that 666 00:43:48,000 --> 00:43:53,760 is a prime example, that not all parties will be privy to 100% of 667 00:43:53,760 --> 00:43:58,020 the information, but the checks and balances system works, that 668 00:43:58,020 --> 00:44:03,030 the person that is in charge, ie the OCA will then look at that 669 00:44:03,030 --> 00:44:07,590 and go No, but I'm not going to tell you why. And that authority 670 00:44:07,770 --> 00:44:11,910 coming back to Grusha story dotser goes okay, and they don't 671 00:44:11,910 --> 00:44:17,160 get the stamp of approval. And yet in this case, it absolutely 672 00:44:17,160 --> 00:44:22,440 did. So I know that that turned into a long winded explanation, 673 00:44:22,440 --> 00:44:26,430 but it has to be explored. If any of this encroached into a 674 00:44:26,430 --> 00:44:31,140 classified territory, all except the argument that arrow may not 675 00:44:31,140 --> 00:44:36,120 have that access. Okay, so I'll accept that. But since he went 676 00:44:36,120 --> 00:44:39,060 through the Doppler process, and brought a lot of these 677 00:44:39,060 --> 00:44:41,850 statements forward, you can't just go around and start 678 00:44:41,850 --> 00:44:45,720 spouting off about Special Access Programs and their scope. 679 00:44:45,810 --> 00:44:49,830 It doesn't matter if you're not showing progress reports, or 680 00:44:49,830 --> 00:44:54,960 quarterly summaries or whatever, that doesn't matter. The scope 681 00:44:55,050 --> 00:44:59,340 of Special Access Programs and beyond is classified in nature. 682 00:45:00,659 --> 00:45:05,669 sometimes just the codename is a classified codename. So you 683 00:45:05,669 --> 00:45:08,099 can't just go around spouting that. So you go to doctor and 684 00:45:08,099 --> 00:45:11,759 you say, Yeah, I want to, you know, I'm making up a name you I 685 00:45:11,759 --> 00:45:14,969 want to talk about red Talon, right? And it's a classified 686 00:45:15,059 --> 00:45:19,499 site, but I won't say what red Talon is all about. Well, that 687 00:45:19,529 --> 00:45:24,119 very name can be classified, and they won't give a stamp. And 688 00:45:24,119 --> 00:45:28,709 then they, they, they will push it back and say no, but that's 689 00:45:28,709 --> 00:45:32,339 not what happened in this case. So we have to look at the 690 00:45:32,339 --> 00:45:36,839 realization of the process we were told, and what that process 691 00:45:36,869 --> 00:45:41,159 actually means. I hope I'm wrong. Don't get me wrong. Look, 692 00:45:41,279 --> 00:45:44,879 I mean, if, if this was some kind of way of starting 693 00:45:44,879 --> 00:45:50,729 disclosure, cool, but that's just not how this is going. So 694 00:45:50,759 --> 00:45:57,449 for that story, to be pitched to dotser, and they got the stamp. 695 00:45:57,719 --> 00:46:00,479 I think that's actually a red flag, despite some people 696 00:46:00,479 --> 00:46:02,879 thinking that it was a good thing. I think it actually may 697 00:46:02,879 --> 00:46:09,269 work against it. The point I brought up earlier, where are 698 00:46:09,269 --> 00:46:11,909 those documents from Doppler, and so on that were shown to the 699 00:46:11,909 --> 00:46:15,719 journalists, where are they? I'm kind of curious what Gresh 700 00:46:15,719 --> 00:46:20,789 brought to DOPPS? Or what adopts or sign off on? Was it literally 701 00:46:20,789 --> 00:46:23,429 verbatim the statements that they gave? Okay, well, I took 702 00:46:23,429 --> 00:46:26,729 from the article that, but I would like to see the actual 703 00:46:26,729 --> 00:46:30,719 document. Because if that is true in the article, that the 704 00:46:30,719 --> 00:46:34,709 statements that grush gave were approved, there's absolutely no 705 00:46:34,709 --> 00:46:37,379 reason not to share that form. Because it's an unclassified 706 00:46:37,379 --> 00:46:41,519 form. We know that it has David's name on it. Well, that's 707 00:46:41,519 --> 00:46:44,339 fine. He wanted his name out there. So his name would be on 708 00:46:44,339 --> 00:46:50,339 it. I'd be surprised if the document that they got, well, 709 00:46:50,369 --> 00:46:53,249 let me take that back. Know that it may even have a name, let's 710 00:46:53,249 --> 00:46:58,649 just we'll skip some conjecture there. Has a name of adopter 711 00:46:58,649 --> 00:47:01,709 reviewer or somebody else blacked it out? Who cares? But 712 00:47:01,709 --> 00:47:04,319 show us the information that was submitted to dotser that was 713 00:47:04,319 --> 00:47:07,109 signed off on take away the personally identifying 714 00:47:07,109 --> 00:47:09,749 information for those that work inside the government. But if 715 00:47:09,749 --> 00:47:12,089 you showed it to the journalists, and the journalists 716 00:47:12,089 --> 00:47:16,409 are claiming that everything that was said to us by grush was 717 00:47:16,409 --> 00:47:21,869 approved by dots are great. Let's see the paperwork. Now, 718 00:47:21,869 --> 00:47:27,119 some equate questioning brushes story, or these types of claims. 719 00:47:29,789 --> 00:47:33,569 He's a liar. How dare you call him a liar? How dare you 720 00:47:33,569 --> 00:47:40,199 challenge him. But that's not what this is about. See, when 721 00:47:40,229 --> 00:47:46,019 you realize in the story, beyond these staggering claims, that 722 00:47:46,019 --> 00:47:51,089 grush was simply talking to people. You cannot hold the 723 00:47:51,089 --> 00:47:54,989 belief that the United States government and military for 724 00:47:54,989 --> 00:47:59,579 decades has covered up UAP wreckage of non human 725 00:47:59,579 --> 00:48:04,409 technology, and was successful in doing so. But fast forward 726 00:48:04,409 --> 00:48:08,609 now post 2017. And people want that out. You cannot believe the 727 00:48:08,609 --> 00:48:11,759 government would be successful in wanting to do that, but not 728 00:48:11,759 --> 00:48:16,679 hold the belief that grush himself may be misled, that it's 729 00:48:16,679 --> 00:48:22,769 not about being a liar or that crushes is is risking his life 730 00:48:22,769 --> 00:48:26,309 and career for this. But why would you put it past the 731 00:48:26,309 --> 00:48:29,159 government or not put it past the government that they would 732 00:48:29,159 --> 00:48:34,109 do something like that? Some of the loudest voices that come 733 00:48:34,109 --> 00:48:38,549 after me for saying How dare you question a military decorated 734 00:48:38,579 --> 00:48:45,389 officer are the same people that thrash Admiral Thomas Wilson for 735 00:48:45,389 --> 00:48:49,049 denying a certain event happened, who also happens to be 736 00:48:49,259 --> 00:48:53,969 highly decorated. There's a selective belief system here. 737 00:48:54,479 --> 00:48:58,349 But each case is absolutely unique to one another. So you 738 00:48:58,349 --> 00:49:01,619 have to drill in. And just because you question somebody 739 00:49:01,619 --> 00:49:04,679 doesn't automatically mean that they are a liar. But you also 740 00:49:04,679 --> 00:49:07,799 can't put it past the fact that he is being misled because the 741 00:49:07,799 --> 00:49:11,099 laundry list of people that he spoke with, and the hours upon 742 00:49:11,099 --> 00:49:14,999 hours of interview audio that he recorded or videotaped. I don't 743 00:49:14,999 --> 00:49:19,169 really know what he amassed when none of us do, I don't think but 744 00:49:19,169 --> 00:49:22,709 regardless the hours that he brought together that formulated 745 00:49:23,279 --> 00:49:29,429 his belief that they were covering up non human craft, who 746 00:49:29,429 --> 00:49:34,709 are those people? Why aren't they out there speaking to 747 00:49:34,709 --> 00:49:41,249 Congress, why do they have a conduit? Somebody who is really 748 00:49:41,309 --> 00:49:48,029 like in fairness to him, putting his whole face out there to be 749 00:49:48,029 --> 00:49:51,809 the conduit of the stories. Number one, it doesn't help if 750 00:49:51,809 --> 00:49:54,779 any of you are watching this, which I doubt you are. But if 751 00:49:54,779 --> 00:49:58,319 you are, it's done. It doesn't help. It absolutely doesn't 752 00:49:58,319 --> 00:50:00,899 help. If you want to bring your story out, you can do so and 753 00:50:00,899 --> 00:50:05,549 remain anonymous. Congress will listen. They've said it JELA 754 00:50:05,549 --> 00:50:09,179 Bran said it, that they are they're ready to listen. So if 755 00:50:09,179 --> 00:50:15,359 you have the information, then put it out there. But to then go 756 00:50:15,359 --> 00:50:18,059 to somebody else, and then that's somebody else then goes 757 00:50:18,209 --> 00:50:21,719 and says, Hey, wait, look what I've figured out. And then he 758 00:50:21,719 --> 00:50:24,239 believes that he's being mistreated. Well, that's all the 759 00:50:24,239 --> 00:50:28,139 more reason not to use a conduit. Somebody who's being 760 00:50:28,169 --> 00:50:32,789 forced to feel the need to do this. And hey, all the more 761 00:50:32,789 --> 00:50:36,179 power to you and kudos for, for having that mindset. If this is 762 00:50:36,179 --> 00:50:39,539 all true, it should be out there. But do not put that on 763 00:50:39,539 --> 00:50:46,139 somebody else. Those anonymous sources that he is conveying the 764 00:50:46,139 --> 00:50:49,799 stories for at this point, they're the ones that need to 765 00:50:49,799 --> 00:50:57,929 come out. If Luis Elizondo lead some secret UAP investigative 766 00:50:57,929 --> 00:51:02,519 effort called a tip, which I know, is controversial when you 767 00:51:02,519 --> 00:51:05,369 watch this channel, I mean, there's certain aspects to that 768 00:51:05,369 --> 00:51:09,689 story. I'm sorry. There's just like no evidence to support some 769 00:51:10,109 --> 00:51:12,959 of what is being said. But let's just get beyond the controversy. 770 00:51:13,889 --> 00:51:17,819 In the amount of time that he ran that program, does he see 771 00:51:17,939 --> 00:51:22,409 the same thing that grush saw? Because if anybody was in the 772 00:51:22,409 --> 00:51:27,299 position to see it, it would be him, right. That's the pedestal 773 00:51:27,299 --> 00:51:30,419 that so many people have put him on, that he was in the position 774 00:51:30,419 --> 00:51:33,419 to essentially see all of this? Well, you know, what? Now's the 775 00:51:33,419 --> 00:51:37,979 time to put up. If he wants to support grush, which I'll show 776 00:51:37,979 --> 00:51:40,619 you a screenshot in a second, which I know he does. But I'm 777 00:51:40,619 --> 00:51:45,509 talking about naming names, and pointing fingers. Now is the 778 00:51:45,509 --> 00:51:49,289 time do you really think that Luis Elizondo if saying the 779 00:51:49,289 --> 00:51:51,809 truth will get arrested? I'm sorry, I don't, I don't believe 780 00:51:51,809 --> 00:51:56,009 that. If these people came out and their information changed 781 00:51:56,039 --> 00:52:00,449 the planet, you really think they're gonna get arrested for 782 00:52:00,449 --> 00:52:05,099 that? I laughed, because I don't buy it. They're not releasing 783 00:52:05,099 --> 00:52:10,169 strategic plans for the middle of of the war in Ukraine, or 784 00:52:10,349 --> 00:52:16,859 secret troop placements in Iran, or, or secret spying programs on 785 00:52:16,859 --> 00:52:20,129 people, they are talking about something that all of humanity 786 00:52:20,669 --> 00:52:27,689 should know. So if you have that knowledge, I do not believe at 787 00:52:27,689 --> 00:52:32,699 this point, that you would be arrested. I just don't, if you 788 00:52:32,699 --> 00:52:36,629 came out, you showed your face on CNN or Fox News or whomever, 789 00:52:36,989 --> 00:52:39,839 you're not going to be led away in cuffs, there's too much. 790 00:52:40,229 --> 00:52:43,319 Imagine what the government would go through, there would be 791 00:52:43,319 --> 00:52:47,849 anarchy. If somebody came out with a scientific proof of 792 00:52:47,849 --> 00:52:51,569 discovery, that humanity is not alone, all of a sudden, they're 793 00:52:51,569 --> 00:52:54,989 like carted away No way. I don't buy it. I just don't maybe 794 00:52:54,989 --> 00:52:57,989 that's wishful thinking. Who knows, but I just don't buy it. 795 00:52:58,319 --> 00:53:03,539 So these conduits that are being used to convey the stories is 796 00:53:03,539 --> 00:53:07,469 silly. I think people should absolutely come out. But that 797 00:53:08,339 --> 00:53:12,929 aside, that again, goes back to don't say I'm calling this guy a 798 00:53:12,929 --> 00:53:17,489 liar or anybody who questions his story or anybody, but rather 799 00:53:17,489 --> 00:53:21,689 you have to accept the reality that it's possible he is being 800 00:53:21,719 --> 00:53:26,549 played. Also. This was another part of the story that started 801 00:53:26,549 --> 00:53:30,029 to fall apart for me. It wasn't in the article, Luis Elizondo 802 00:53:30,029 --> 00:53:34,529 wasn't named at all. But Luis Elizondo, at least, through his 803 00:53:34,529 --> 00:53:38,339 support, have a link to the article and said this to Dave, 804 00:53:38,399 --> 00:53:43,289 the whistleblower, my friend and former colleague, thank you for 805 00:53:43,289 --> 00:53:47,339 your courage and honesty. What was interesting by that was 806 00:53:47,339 --> 00:53:50,189 friend and former colleague well, just what because they 807 00:53:50,189 --> 00:53:53,879 were DOD. Okay, well, that's cool. Friend, okay, they're 808 00:53:53,879 --> 00:53:58,409 friends. Also nothing against either one of them. But man, I 809 00:53:58,409 --> 00:54:02,399 was let down to see it. Like, why is everybody connected now? 810 00:54:02,399 --> 00:54:05,939 Oh, I'll be fair here. Maybe they work together. Right? Well 811 00:54:05,939 --> 00:54:09,209 Remember how I talked about the timeline earlier in this 812 00:54:09,239 --> 00:54:12,359 presentation. That's where stuff like this comes into play. 813 00:54:12,989 --> 00:54:16,589 Before I get into the timeline, one person that I think needs to 814 00:54:16,589 --> 00:54:21,269 be cited here is Brian Bender, the author for the political 815 00:54:21,269 --> 00:54:26,699 piece that broke the story about Luis Elizondo and a tip and he 816 00:54:26,699 --> 00:54:30,209 chimed in on one of the Twitter threads. He meaning the 817 00:54:30,209 --> 00:54:35,129 whistleblower Dave grush is also a close ally of Elizondo which 818 00:54:35,129 --> 00:54:36,869 is important context I think. 819 00:54:39,720 --> 00:54:43,590 Another tweet right underneath it, in fact, I would even say 820 00:54:43,590 --> 00:54:49,590 Lou groomed him a bit for several years now. Now I don't 821 00:54:49,590 --> 00:54:52,590 pretend to know all of Brian Bender sources, but I will say 822 00:54:52,590 --> 00:54:56,940 this of all the journalists that are out there. I would say Brian 823 00:54:56,940 --> 00:55:00,510 Bender has had the most prestigious position that he 824 00:55:00,540 --> 00:55:05,580 that he had at politico of, again, those that are that are 825 00:55:05,580 --> 00:55:09,000 kind of covering this, but but definitely when he broke this 826 00:55:09,000 --> 00:55:12,510 story. He was one of the two I knew New York Times gets most of 827 00:55:12,510 --> 00:55:16,350 the credit. But Brian Bender was right there with a piece on it 828 00:55:16,350 --> 00:55:19,860 as well. He worked on that, as well. And I think he even said 829 00:55:19,860 --> 00:55:24,060 that certain things in there were. I'm paraphrasing, and I 830 00:55:24,060 --> 00:55:27,090 don't want to put words in his mouth. But I think that in one 831 00:55:27,090 --> 00:55:29,790 tweet, he said that he felt he was misled, which I think is a 832 00:55:29,790 --> 00:55:33,690 pretty big point to make. But but to further that, that there 833 00:55:33,690 --> 00:55:36,840 were things that came out that weren't necessarily the the 2017 834 00:55:36,840 --> 00:55:40,230 story, that that obviously has morphed since then. Now he's 835 00:55:40,230 --> 00:55:44,580 moved on. He's not a political anymore, and still actively 836 00:55:44,580 --> 00:55:47,910 interested and even engaged in the UAP topic, but not not a 837 00:55:47,910 --> 00:55:52,590 journalist. So in that, by his own words, he says he doesn't 838 00:55:52,590 --> 00:55:56,670 work as a journalist anymore. So that said, it's important to 839 00:55:56,670 --> 00:56:01,050 show the context of how Brian Bender, obviously has a little 840 00:56:01,050 --> 00:56:04,530 bit more knowledge here about the situation and draws a 841 00:56:04,530 --> 00:56:07,620 connection between the whistleblower and Luis Elizondo. 842 00:56:09,840 --> 00:56:14,400 Now you'll see here the dates from 2019 to July of 2022. 843 00:56:14,400 --> 00:56:19,080 Through his tenure at the NRO and the NGA, the whistleblower 844 00:56:19,080 --> 00:56:22,380 was working on the task force, but we also have to keep in mind 845 00:56:22,380 --> 00:56:27,600 Elizondo retired in 2017. October for to be exact. So 846 00:56:27,600 --> 00:56:30,600 again, where is that friendship forming from maybe outside? 847 00:56:30,630 --> 00:56:33,630 Again, that's fine, or did they work with each other? Because 848 00:56:33,630 --> 00:56:36,120 I'm sure that a lot of people are gonna say, well, they're all 849 00:56:36,300 --> 00:56:40,110 connected in this UAP research, but the timeline doesn't really 850 00:56:40,500 --> 00:56:46,890 afford that. You will also keep in mind that some of you may not 851 00:56:46,890 --> 00:56:51,450 remember this statement. I got this an April of 2021. But I 852 00:56:51,450 --> 00:56:54,210 believe at the time, Luis Elizondo was making the claim 853 00:56:54,210 --> 00:56:57,420 that he was still actively engaged, and essentially working 854 00:56:57,420 --> 00:57:01,320 with the UAP Task Force at that time. So I got the Pentagon to 855 00:57:01,320 --> 00:57:04,980 actually address that. They said Luis Elizondo departed the DoD 856 00:57:04,980 --> 00:57:09,330 in October 2017. He has no position in the UAP, TF. And the 857 00:57:09,330 --> 00:57:14,460 UAP. TF has not involved him, and it's ongoing work. So this 858 00:57:14,460 --> 00:57:17,250 was around the time that grush was involved in the UAP TF. So 859 00:57:17,250 --> 00:57:20,580 again, if he was working with them, great, but there's no 860 00:57:20,610 --> 00:57:24,180 connection whatsoever there. Again, that's where the timeline 861 00:57:24,180 --> 00:57:28,140 is important. So what is that connection? So yeah, I know some 862 00:57:28,140 --> 00:57:30,660 of you will hate me for saying it. I just wish I didn't see 863 00:57:30,660 --> 00:57:33,480 that. Because it doesn't for me, it doesn't have it's like seems 864 00:57:33,480 --> 00:57:36,660 like everybody is connected in some way. If it was work 865 00:57:36,660 --> 00:57:40,980 connected, great. I look forward to seeing to seeing that. It 866 00:57:40,980 --> 00:57:44,220 just doesn't seem that way for Brian bender to come in and say 867 00:57:44,220 --> 00:57:47,790 this guy who has been groomed for years. I know enough about 868 00:57:47,790 --> 00:57:50,040 Brian bender to know that He's not just going to make that up 869 00:57:50,040 --> 00:57:54,270 in a tweet. If this was like some, you know, off the wall 870 00:57:54,300 --> 00:57:58,170 Twitter account that had two followers. I wouldn't even be 871 00:57:58,170 --> 00:58:01,710 bringing it up. But it was the original journalist who broke 872 00:58:01,710 --> 00:58:06,000 the a tip story who's saying this guy was groomed by Elizondo 873 00:58:06,000 --> 00:58:09,240 and that he's a close ally. Yeah, that that piques my 874 00:58:09,240 --> 00:58:11,850 interest a little bit, I would definitely want to dig in more 875 00:58:11,850 --> 00:58:16,350 and, and explore why. But another weird thing. And, you 876 00:58:16,350 --> 00:58:18,870 know, there's no love lost between this guy in me. He 877 00:58:18,870 --> 00:58:23,700 doesn't care for me at all. I you know, full disclosure, I've 878 00:58:23,700 --> 00:58:28,320 had the guy block for quite some time goes by the name UFO Joe 879 00:58:29,100 --> 00:58:32,820 made a post and people were screenshotting this because I 880 00:58:32,820 --> 00:58:36,330 think that this took an even bigger hit, if you want to call 881 00:58:36,330 --> 00:58:40,080 it that, on how the story unfolded. Now, I will say again, 882 00:58:40,080 --> 00:58:42,930 I'm eager to see how it plays out. But let me read to you this 883 00:58:42,930 --> 00:58:47,640 claim. I know this will make some folks cry too bad. When 884 00:58:47,640 --> 00:58:51,060 Dave grush first decided to reach out to the media. It was 885 00:58:51,060 --> 00:58:54,780 over a year ago and it was to George Knapp and Jeremy Korbel. 886 00:58:55,260 --> 00:58:58,890 And thanks to George Knapp and Jeremy Korbel. I was introduced 887 00:58:58,890 --> 00:59:03,030 to Dave last August when I went to see the weaponized pair speak 888 00:59:03,030 --> 00:59:07,410 at the Star Trek convention here in town. You'll be hearing more 889 00:59:07,410 --> 00:59:11,490 from George Knapp and Jeremy Korbel. about their relationship 890 00:59:11,490 --> 00:59:15,780 with Dave in the very near future. I forgot to add in the 891 00:59:15,780 --> 00:59:20,430 hotel room where we hung out, Jeremy Korbel George Knapp and, 892 00:59:20,640 --> 00:59:25,680 and grush and I all recited the opening scene to the Wrath of 893 00:59:25,680 --> 00:59:28,920 Khan. And I know folks have a lot of questions about my 894 00:59:28,920 --> 00:59:32,550 original tweet. But the answer will come from Jeremy Korbel and 895 00:59:32,550 --> 00:59:35,970 George Knapp on weaponized hopefully soon, because I want 896 00:59:35,970 --> 00:59:39,930 to hear it. I wouldn't be bringing this up to you. Except 897 00:59:39,930 --> 00:59:43,980 for the fact that core Bell had retweeted it and said promise 898 00:59:44,190 --> 00:59:46,650 that George Knapp and I will tell this a central part of the 899 00:59:46,650 --> 00:59:50,970 sequence of events soon. This UAP puzzle is like an iceberg. 900 00:59:51,210 --> 00:59:54,540 We see so little above the surface and in the media, not 901 00:59:54,540 --> 01:00:01,620 for long, I suspect. So what's up with that? He's at a Star 902 01:00:01,620 --> 01:00:05,760 Trek convention going after George Knapp and Jeremy Korbel. 903 01:00:06,600 --> 01:00:10,050 Now that's cool because corbello Nap have broken some interesting 904 01:00:10,050 --> 01:00:14,100 stories in the past. Not all I know that the most recent has 905 01:00:14,100 --> 01:00:17,490 been the most controversial, especially with with my 906 01:00:17,490 --> 01:00:21,540 interpretation of it. But regardless, a Star Trek 907 01:00:21,540 --> 01:00:26,220 convention like that's, that's their meeting. Now that was in 908 01:00:26,250 --> 01:00:33,960 August, I believe that was of 2022. And one of the quotes from 909 01:00:33,960 --> 01:00:38,460 the debrief article said from late 2021, to July of 2022, he 910 01:00:38,460 --> 01:00:42,660 was the NGA is CO lead for UAP analysis and its representative 911 01:00:42,660 --> 01:00:50,670 to the task force. So does that mean that it was a month after 912 01:00:50,670 --> 01:00:53,280 he stopped his work with the UAP task force that he was chopping 913 01:00:53,280 --> 01:00:57,540 this around, which is fine, but let's put that into proper 914 01:00:57,540 --> 01:01:01,410 context. But then when you read deeper into the debrief article, 915 01:01:01,410 --> 01:01:05,490 you realize that's thrown out the window, because it stated 916 01:01:05,490 --> 01:01:10,350 grush left the government on April 7 2023. So that was just 917 01:01:10,530 --> 01:01:15,660 what a month and a half ago, two months ago. grush left the 918 01:01:15,660 --> 01:01:19,290 government on April 7 2023. In order he said to advance 919 01:01:19,290 --> 01:01:21,660 government accountability through public awareness, he 920 01:01:21,660 --> 01:01:24,570 remains well supported within intelligence circles. And 921 01:01:24,570 --> 01:01:27,810 numerous sources have vouched for his credibility, all that is 922 01:01:27,810 --> 01:01:32,310 went fantastic. But it's a red flag to me that if he was still 923 01:01:32,310 --> 01:01:35,070 within the government, he was out there at a Star Trek 924 01:01:35,070 --> 01:01:39,600 convention chopping the story around. Now that may ultimately 925 01:01:39,600 --> 01:01:44,160 not be the case. So I am eager to see how Jeremy Incore Bell 926 01:01:44,160 --> 01:01:49,410 and and George Knapp talked about this meeting at the Star 927 01:01:49,410 --> 01:01:53,640 Trek convention, but all the more reason not to have some guy 928 01:01:54,150 --> 01:01:57,780 calling himself UFO Joe out there, going we were singing in 929 01:01:57,780 --> 01:02:01,170 a hotel room together, while the guy was still in government out 930 01:02:01,170 --> 01:02:08,670 there. pitching a story. I don't get that. But to further that, 931 01:02:09,300 --> 01:02:14,250 why would Korpela nap? Just let it go? Like, did it not pass 932 01:02:14,400 --> 01:02:19,320 their test? Which would be super intriguing to hear? Simply 933 01:02:19,320 --> 01:02:24,000 because Well, nevermind. I'd be surprised if it didn't pass 934 01:02:24,000 --> 01:02:26,430 their test. I'm surprised they didn't want to break the story. 935 01:02:28,710 --> 01:02:32,670 So what happened there? I don't know. But I bring this part up. 936 01:02:32,670 --> 01:02:36,090 Because this is where the story is starting to get wonky that 937 01:02:36,090 --> 01:02:38,280 this guy is at a Star Trek convention. While he's still 938 01:02:38,280 --> 01:02:41,190 working for the government, essentially pitching his story. 939 01:02:41,400 --> 01:02:44,580 That doesn't make sense. But in fairness, I'll wait for that 940 01:02:44,580 --> 01:02:49,200 explanation that Jeremy Corbyn says is coming. I contacted the 941 01:02:49,200 --> 01:02:52,050 Inspector General of the intelligence community you see 942 01:02:52,050 --> 01:02:57,060 them referenced as the IC IG in the debrief story. That's where 943 01:02:57,090 --> 01:03:00,300 grush had submitted his complaint that after he started 944 01:03:00,300 --> 01:03:05,220 talking about all that material that was centrally being blocked 945 01:03:05,220 --> 01:03:10,170 off by the UAP ATF meaning that they couldn't have access to it 946 01:03:10,170 --> 01:03:12,780 yet he was collecting all this information. He starts getting 947 01:03:12,780 --> 01:03:16,410 reprisal and getting treated badly. We don't know the details 948 01:03:16,410 --> 01:03:21,420 of that yet, but submitted the complaint. And and his attorney 949 01:03:21,420 --> 01:03:24,570 who was very impressive attorney was the one that's that's 950 01:03:24,570 --> 01:03:30,120 representing him. The IC IG or Yeah, the IC IG Intelligence 951 01:03:30,120 --> 01:03:34,980 Committee. Anyway, acronym acronym. I see IG stated this to 952 01:03:34,980 --> 01:03:39,030 me, as of this morning, the Office of the Inspector General 953 01:03:39,120 --> 01:03:42,750 of the intelligence community declines to comment, so they 954 01:03:42,750 --> 01:03:45,900 don't want to touch it. Now, to expand on that a little bit. I 955 01:03:45,900 --> 01:03:50,970 think I understand why the DoD IG, the Inspector General for 956 01:03:50,970 --> 01:03:56,460 the Department of Defense, which does differ from the IC IG. They 957 01:03:56,460 --> 01:04:01,980 have the same approach to when anybody asks them questions 958 01:04:01,980 --> 01:04:06,540 about a whistleblower complaint. They will shut it shut it down. 959 01:04:06,570 --> 01:04:09,930 They don't want to talk about it. You get into some very dicey 960 01:04:09,930 --> 01:04:11,010 legal areas. 961 01:04:12,570 --> 01:04:20,970 But I do know this, the IC IG if they receive explicit permission 962 01:04:20,970 --> 01:04:28,710 from grush to acknowledge the complaint, they will. I do know 963 01:04:28,710 --> 01:04:32,790 that based on documentation, which I didn't make a slide for, 964 01:04:32,790 --> 01:04:36,570 but I'm happy to link that in the show notes below as well. 965 01:04:37,350 --> 01:04:46,080 But there is proof that if grush says, Hey, I will allow you to 966 01:04:46,080 --> 01:04:49,560 acknowledge this, that they will how much farther they will go 967 01:04:49,560 --> 01:04:52,650 from that I'm not really sure. But why I bring that up is why 968 01:04:52,650 --> 01:04:56,550 didn't the authors of this piece do that? This was yet another 969 01:04:56,550 --> 01:04:59,940 opportunity to give weight to this now I'm not saying that the 970 01:05:00,000 --> 01:05:04,500 complaint wasn't submitted. But what if they did validate the 971 01:05:04,500 --> 01:05:09,630 quotation that it was considered credible. And the wording that 972 01:05:09,630 --> 01:05:12,210 they used? I forget what the slide said I had it in the 973 01:05:12,360 --> 01:05:15,720 earlier slide, but regardless credible and so on, why wouldn't 974 01:05:15,720 --> 01:05:18,960 you want that validated, but we don't know what quote that came 975 01:05:18,960 --> 01:05:21,330 from. We don't know where that document is, we haven't been 976 01:05:21,330 --> 01:05:26,040 shown anything. And that is yet another, what I call a red flag 977 01:05:26,370 --> 01:05:29,700 is why not? Now it may show up tonight, for all I know, or 978 01:05:29,700 --> 01:05:32,160 tomorrow, and I'm looking forward to it. But it should 979 01:05:32,160 --> 01:05:36,270 have been in the original piece. So that type of documentation is 980 01:05:36,270 --> 01:05:41,580 crucial to help evidence to help give some evidence to what is a 981 01:05:41,580 --> 01:05:47,880 largely evidence LIS story. It's just a bunch of claims. I'm so 982 01:05:47,880 --> 01:05:51,390 excited, we have a face and a name. But in essence, he is just 983 01:05:51,390 --> 01:05:54,690 telling you what anonymous sources told him. So even though 984 01:05:54,690 --> 01:05:58,710 he's highly decorated, which is awesome. We have no idea who the 985 01:05:58,710 --> 01:06:02,820 other people are. Even though he may be 100% telling you the 986 01:06:02,820 --> 01:06:06,300 truth on what he was told, we have no idea if he is being lied 987 01:06:06,300 --> 01:06:10,470 to. We have no idea who's telling him these stories. We 988 01:06:10,470 --> 01:06:14,520 have no idea if he got caught up with with the same cast of 989 01:06:14,520 --> 01:06:18,150 characters that we've heard about for quite a few years now, 990 01:06:18,270 --> 01:06:22,080 some of which have very questionable backgrounds, and 991 01:06:22,080 --> 01:06:27,060 I'll let you fill in the blanks. But I truly believe that people 992 01:06:27,060 --> 01:06:31,830 are being misled, that I wholeheartedly believe, and that 993 01:06:31,830 --> 01:06:36,570 there are certain characters out there that will say one thing 994 01:06:36,600 --> 01:06:40,380 and say they have your best interest at heart. But deep down 995 01:06:40,380 --> 01:06:44,340 they do not. Now that sounds conspiratorial, and I'm not 996 01:06:44,340 --> 01:06:49,080 saying that that's a official psyop something against the 997 01:06:49,080 --> 01:06:52,980 community. I'm not saying any of that. But what I am saying is 998 01:06:52,980 --> 01:06:56,280 people are being misled. That's provable time and time again, 999 01:06:56,280 --> 01:07:01,290 there are certain things that are irrefutable. on them being 1000 01:07:01,290 --> 01:07:06,510 wrong using actual evidence. And no, it's not a Susan golf 1001 01:07:06,510 --> 01:07:10,740 statements. And it's not all just because of a FOIA request. 1002 01:07:11,490 --> 01:07:14,520 But rather, if you look at the information and you start 1003 01:07:14,520 --> 01:07:18,450 putting things together, you can only use interviews that some of 1004 01:07:18,450 --> 01:07:21,690 these people have done. That's it No, take the government 1005 01:07:21,690 --> 01:07:25,500 totally out of the equation. And you put their interviews 1006 01:07:25,500 --> 01:07:27,750 together, you'll get a completely different story. Why 1007 01:07:27,750 --> 01:07:31,740 is that? So that's what makes me go back to that whole, like, 1008 01:07:31,740 --> 01:07:35,490 it's not bad to question anybody. Because we have no idea 1009 01:07:35,490 --> 01:07:38,220 that in their journey, they're absolutely telling you the 1010 01:07:38,220 --> 01:07:41,460 truth. grush could be completely honest with everything that he's 1011 01:07:41,460 --> 01:07:46,020 saying to you. But people could be lying to him. And we have to 1012 01:07:46,020 --> 01:07:50,190 consider that because you cannot believe in some grand conspiracy 1013 01:07:50,190 --> 01:07:53,580 and cover up which by the way I do I think that that's provable. 1014 01:07:53,850 --> 01:07:58,200 But you cannot believe that the government is doing a grand 1015 01:07:58,200 --> 01:08:01,440 cover up about all this, but also not believe that there are 1016 01:08:01,440 --> 01:08:05,430 certain aspects of these stories, wherein there are 1017 01:08:05,430 --> 01:08:08,160 people being misled. You can't just say no, that's not 1018 01:08:08,160 --> 01:08:11,160 possible. He is completely highly decorated. Well, great. 1019 01:08:11,190 --> 01:08:14,460 He is. That doesn't mean he's not being lied to. And that 1020 01:08:14,460 --> 01:08:18,360 doesn't mean that people are not misleading him, or pointing him 1021 01:08:18,360 --> 01:08:22,110 in the right wrong direction versus the right one. And in 1022 01:08:22,110 --> 01:08:27,090 turn, he's misleading all of us, not because he wants to. But 1023 01:08:27,090 --> 01:08:32,490 just because he doesn't know. That's a big possibility. I can 1024 01:08:32,520 --> 01:08:36,330 already see the hate mail. I'll get for that. But regardless, we 1025 01:08:36,330 --> 01:08:41,250 have to look at it. So what does all this mean? Now I will say 1026 01:08:41,250 --> 01:08:45,750 this, to end it on a positive note. Even though there are 1027 01:08:45,750 --> 01:08:50,220 problems with the story itself, and essentially the root of 1028 01:08:50,220 --> 01:08:54,450 where these claims are, what can we do with the story? If he was 1029 01:08:54,450 --> 01:08:57,960 purely anonymous sources? Well, the answer would likely be kind 1030 01:08:57,960 --> 01:09:01,860 of nothing. But contrary to that there's a lot of great things 1031 01:09:01,860 --> 01:09:06,030 that we can come up with through this story. And we can start 1032 01:09:06,030 --> 01:09:08,940 putting puzzle pieces together like the army liaison and 1033 01:09:08,940 --> 01:09:14,490 Colonel now, like the NRO, and the NGA whistleblower who we've 1034 01:09:14,520 --> 01:09:18,360 labeled the whistleblower, but his tenure at both agencies and 1035 01:09:18,360 --> 01:09:22,290 his connection to all of this, that opens up FOIA requests not 1036 01:09:22,290 --> 01:09:25,590 only on those two individuals, but also additional requests to 1037 01:09:25,590 --> 01:09:31,320 the IC IG to the NRO, to the NGA, and to the army, amongst 1038 01:09:31,350 --> 01:09:35,730 some others. And yeah, I've filed quite a few to start not 1039 01:09:35,730 --> 01:09:39,810 only fact checking some aspects of the story, but even away from 1040 01:09:39,810 --> 01:09:43,560 the grandiose claims that are being presented. The story was 1041 01:09:43,560 --> 01:09:47,250 crucial to put certain pieces of the puzzle namely these names 1042 01:09:47,430 --> 01:09:51,180 and individuals and some extra puzzle pieces with the agencies 1043 01:09:51,180 --> 01:09:55,680 themselves, put them all together, to file more requests 1044 01:09:55,770 --> 01:09:59,700 and to start figuring out where we can go next. So it doesn't 1045 01:09:59,700 --> 01:10:02,970 matter. or if it's just a big old pile of steaming fiction. 1046 01:10:03,960 --> 01:10:07,350 What happened with this article gave us some new information 1047 01:10:07,350 --> 01:10:11,670 that we can use. And that's a plus. So I'm happy for that. And 1048 01:10:11,670 --> 01:10:15,180 and, and intrigued and encouraged that finally, we got 1049 01:10:15,180 --> 01:10:18,540 some names and some new pieces of information. But the grander 1050 01:10:18,540 --> 01:10:21,090 claims, the ones that are obviously making the headlines. 1051 01:10:21,840 --> 01:10:24,870 I think the jury's still out on that as it should be. Because 1052 01:10:24,870 --> 01:10:29,820 despite everything that I went over, at the end of the day, we 1053 01:10:29,820 --> 01:10:33,540 have absolutely nothing to support regrets that. So I'm not 1054 01:10:33,540 --> 01:10:37,440 branding, Brett branding Him a liar. That's not what that is 1055 01:10:37,440 --> 01:10:41,850 about. But we have absolutely nothing. Hopefully, the 1056 01:10:41,850 --> 01:10:46,320 information that he passed on, has some type of tangible 1057 01:10:46,320 --> 01:10:51,720 something for them to look at, hopefully, hopefully, the people 1058 01:10:51,720 --> 01:10:54,510 behind grush, the ones that were feeding him all this 1059 01:10:54,510 --> 01:11:01,470 information, they come forward, I truly hope that we see that 1060 01:11:02,280 --> 01:11:06,540 even if they are anonymous sources in some future article. 1061 01:11:06,870 --> 01:11:11,040 I won't dig that. But hopefully their information will somewhat 1062 01:11:11,580 --> 01:11:15,810 be verifiable by someone out there. But Congress is ready 1063 01:11:15,900 --> 01:11:19,290 Gela Branda, saying, if you feel you're not being treated right 1064 01:11:19,290 --> 01:11:23,700 come my way. Now's the time. I said in a video not too long 1065 01:11:23,700 --> 01:11:27,090 ago, it's time to put up or shut up. I'll repeat that sentiment, 1066 01:11:27,270 --> 01:11:30,300 it really is time to put up or shut up. Stories are great 1067 01:11:30,600 --> 01:11:34,170 stories like this. I'm not sure if they help or hurt in the long 1068 01:11:34,170 --> 01:11:37,740 run. We're all in this together to try and figure it out. But at 1069 01:11:37,740 --> 01:11:41,010 least we got a few puzzle pieces. But regardless, these 1070 01:11:41,010 --> 01:11:44,550 are just still stories when it comes to the big claims. So 1071 01:11:44,550 --> 01:11:47,640 those people they need to come out in the open. Let's see what 1072 01:11:47,640 --> 01:11:51,330 happens. I'm here to hear it. Hopefully, if you'd like to show 1073 01:11:51,330 --> 01:11:53,400 you like this presentation, please give a thumbs up. It's a 1074 01:11:53,400 --> 01:11:56,700 big help here on YouTube. If you're listening to the audio 1075 01:11:56,700 --> 01:12:00,360 podcast form, just know that I do have a video, just go to www 1076 01:12:00,360 --> 01:12:05,550 dot the black vault.com/live, you'll be able to see all of the 1077 01:12:05,550 --> 01:12:08,820 live streams that I do. And make sure you subscribe to that 1078 01:12:08,820 --> 01:12:11,130 channel, turn those notifications on. And on the 1079 01:12:11,130 --> 01:12:13,350 opposite end of the scale. If you're watching the video, have 1080 01:12:13,350 --> 01:12:16,800 no idea i turn these into audio podcasts or the majority of 1081 01:12:16,800 --> 01:12:20,700 them, not all of them. But I do do that as well. Please feel 1082 01:12:20,700 --> 01:12:23,730 free to go to that website, the black vault.com You'll see 1083 01:12:23,730 --> 01:12:28,020 podcast at the top all sorts of ways to subscribe or just go to 1084 01:12:28,020 --> 01:12:32,640 your favorite podcast platform, iTunes, Spotify, whatever it is 1085 01:12:32,640 --> 01:12:36,330 under black vault, radio, and that's how you can download it. 1086 01:12:36,480 --> 01:12:39,930 Always interested into your thoughts and comments. Of course 1087 01:12:39,930 --> 01:12:42,690 I always ask please be respectful, but post them in the 1088 01:12:42,690 --> 01:12:45,600 comment boxes below. I try to respond when I can. But I'm 1089 01:12:45,600 --> 01:12:48,630 always eager to see where you agree where you disagree. What 1090 01:12:49,080 --> 01:12:53,160 didn't I think of what I missed? All that good stuff. We'll see 1091 01:12:53,160 --> 01:12:56,490 you there in the comments. This is John Greenewald Jr, signing 1092 01:12:56,490 --> 01:12:57,780 off, and we'll see you next time.