1 00:00:30,960 --> 00:00:33,030 John Greenewald: That's right everybody. As always, thank you 2 00:00:33,030 --> 00:00:37,470 so much for tuning in and making this your podcast or your live 3 00:00:37,470 --> 00:00:40,950 stream of choice. I'm your host, John Greenwald, Jr, founder and 4 00:00:40,950 --> 00:00:45,690 creator of the black vault.com. And today isn't a fun show to 5 00:00:45,690 --> 00:00:48,840 bring to you. But it is fascinating nonetheless. Now, 6 00:00:48,840 --> 00:00:52,950 why I say it's not fun is that the US government, namely the 7 00:00:52,980 --> 00:00:57,900 Department of Defense, in my view, in again, I want to stress 8 00:00:57,900 --> 00:01:01,680 that this is my opinion at this point, has done one of the 9 00:01:01,680 --> 00:01:07,440 biggest push backs on the general public accessing UAP 10 00:01:07,440 --> 00:01:11,760 related information. This is a tactic that I've yet to see. And 11 00:01:11,760 --> 00:01:16,920 this is something that may spell some bad news for us that are 12 00:01:16,920 --> 00:01:20,280 seeking that transparency. Now. This is a theme on my show that 13 00:01:20,280 --> 00:01:24,000 I talk a lot about the secrecy, the secrecy, the secrecy. I've 14 00:01:24,000 --> 00:01:27,060 been always intrigued by that for decades have been intrigued 15 00:01:27,060 --> 00:01:31,020 by that. However, it is getting worse. Now I know that's not a 16 00:01:31,020 --> 00:01:35,130 popular stance to take. I know everybody's all excited that 17 00:01:35,130 --> 00:01:37,920 Congress and politicians are involved and, and they're 18 00:01:37,920 --> 00:01:41,970 pushing budget legislation. And that's all great. But from the 19 00:01:41,970 --> 00:01:45,720 standpoint of trying to access that, that information, it's 20 00:01:45,720 --> 00:01:49,170 getting worse. Now, why is that? And then the last couple of 21 00:01:49,170 --> 00:01:53,400 weeks, it's really gotten worse. Now, I wrote a story. Let me 22 00:01:53,400 --> 00:01:55,980 bring it up for you here just to kind of give you an update 23 00:01:55,980 --> 00:02:01,800 because this particular story I primarily had written about the 24 00:02:01,800 --> 00:02:04,830 mozal orb you remember that leaked video, couldn't get the 25 00:02:04,830 --> 00:02:08,550 DOD to acknowledge essentially what it was or anything like 26 00:02:08,550 --> 00:02:13,770 that. This was this was leaked. This was something that I deep 27 00:02:13,770 --> 00:02:20,940 down felt was likely classified. And again, I won't get into it a 28 00:02:20,940 --> 00:02:25,500 lot here but likely classified. Despite what we were told, 29 00:02:26,040 --> 00:02:28,830 especially with the way that it was filmed. I believe the 30 00:02:28,830 --> 00:02:33,060 Baghdad Phantom was more easily proven being shot by the MQ nine 31 00:02:33,060 --> 00:02:36,720 Reaper drone. That that was something that was classified. 32 00:02:36,990 --> 00:02:42,150 Well, I went after documentation on the MO Zool orb. And it 33 00:02:42,150 --> 00:02:45,210 finally came back that everything and I mean everything 34 00:02:45,240 --> 00:02:48,150 that I had requested, which includes off stress it again, 35 00:02:48,150 --> 00:02:52,920 everything. I go for memos, reports, photos, videos, I've 36 00:02:52,920 --> 00:02:56,580 got kind of standard legal jargon to cover the gamut on 37 00:02:56,580 --> 00:03:01,530 what I'm going for. Everything was classified on this case. So 38 00:03:01,680 --> 00:03:04,830 essentially, they are acknowledging that there's 39 00:03:04,830 --> 00:03:08,940 something there. Like what what it means that we don't know, 40 00:03:09,330 --> 00:03:14,100 it's likely labeled A UAP. But we again, don't know. But 41 00:03:14,100 --> 00:03:18,240 regardless, they acknowledged it and said that everything was 42 00:03:18,240 --> 00:03:23,130 classified. Well, that in turn means without a doubt, the 43 00:03:23,130 --> 00:03:26,910 material that leaked is likely classified because that did not 44 00:03:26,910 --> 00:03:29,910 come up. So obviously, there's a little bit of an assumption 45 00:03:29,910 --> 00:03:32,970 there meaning that this is quote unquote, genuine, I don't really 46 00:03:32,970 --> 00:03:36,030 have a doubt that it is just trying to be fair to the to the 47 00:03:36,030 --> 00:03:39,450 evidence here. So on the assumption that this is real, 48 00:03:39,600 --> 00:03:43,200 this letter essentially solidifies that it is classified 49 00:03:43,230 --> 00:03:47,010 because they didn't release it. So you can see here go through 50 00:03:47,010 --> 00:03:50,460 the letter. This was the letter excerpt. Exemption B. One is 51 00:03:50,460 --> 00:03:55,890 national security. So that was the main crux of the story. That 52 00:03:55,890 --> 00:04:00,270 was the main point. But I had seen something in this case that 53 00:04:00,270 --> 00:04:04,320 I didn't really see before. Now look down here. You can see 54 00:04:04,500 --> 00:04:08,340 hopefully, you can see my arrow there on your screen. The second 55 00:04:08,340 --> 00:04:12,270 reason that or excuse me, technically the third reason 56 00:04:12,930 --> 00:04:17,280 that it was withheld second being B five, which is internal 57 00:04:17,280 --> 00:04:20,580 communication and deliberation. So you see that it's kind of 58 00:04:20,580 --> 00:04:23,580 standard hate that exemption, but it's there nonetheless quite 59 00:04:23,580 --> 00:04:26,730 frequently. But the third exemption that they cited is 60 00:04:26,730 --> 00:04:30,930 this one here B seven A, which could reasonably be expected to 61 00:04:30,960 --> 00:04:34,860 interfere with enforcement proceedings enforcement meaning 62 00:04:34,860 --> 00:04:40,110 law enforcement, B seven e, which would disclose techniques 63 00:04:40,110 --> 00:04:43,950 and procedures for law enforcement investigations or 64 00:04:43,950 --> 00:04:48,930 prosecutions, or would disclose guidelines for law enforcement 65 00:04:48,930 --> 00:04:52,980 investigations or prosecutions if such disclosure could 66 00:04:52,980 --> 00:04:59,010 reasonably be expected to risk circumvention of law. Now that's 67 00:04:59,010 --> 00:05:03,690 a pretty big Legal mouthful, but essentially it just does not 68 00:05:03,690 --> 00:05:07,650 want to give out any information because it considers whatever it 69 00:05:07,650 --> 00:05:12,090 is entwined in that case, because this this particular 70 00:05:12,300 --> 00:05:15,750 Freedom of Information Act request was geared towards that 71 00:05:15,750 --> 00:05:19,770 Mozilla orb, whatever it is pertaining to that they have 72 00:05:20,430 --> 00:05:25,380 kind of lumped up into a law enforcement umbrella and are 73 00:05:25,380 --> 00:05:30,450 denying access to it citing those exemptions. Now, if this 74 00:05:30,480 --> 00:05:34,530 stood alone, I would be intrigued by it, but not 75 00:05:34,530 --> 00:05:40,980 concerned. However, multiple other cases around this time 76 00:05:41,430 --> 00:05:48,900 started coming up with the same exact exemption be seven, law 77 00:05:48,900 --> 00:05:51,720 enforcement, law enforcement proceedings law important 78 00:05:51,720 --> 00:05:55,470 enforcement investigations. Now, you'll see why that that's a 79 00:05:55,470 --> 00:05:59,280 concern in a second. But the two other cases at this time they 80 00:05:59,280 --> 00:06:03,510 came in around the same time was one request that was for all 81 00:06:03,510 --> 00:06:08,760 communications between arrow and the private organization UAP x. 82 00:06:09,900 --> 00:06:13,890 Now, I won't go too deep into UAP X. But this was nothing 83 00:06:13,890 --> 00:06:18,300 nefarious, I requested communications between arrow and 84 00:06:18,300 --> 00:06:23,790 lots of private organizations to see what was being communicated 85 00:06:24,000 --> 00:06:27,660 back and forth. Because some of these organizations were openly 86 00:06:27,660 --> 00:06:33,360 admitting to talking to arrow. So that's public domain. You 87 00:06:33,360 --> 00:06:35,820 know, I mean, that they they openly admitted this, they 88 00:06:35,820 --> 00:06:41,430 posted it on social media. So I utilize stuff like that and went 89 00:06:41,430 --> 00:06:45,450 after it. So the request for all just the communications, all 90 00:06:45,450 --> 00:06:49,350 emails and letters, I even quoted it here, all emails and 91 00:06:49,350 --> 00:06:53,700 letters exchanged between any members of Arrow and The UAP. X 92 00:06:53,700 --> 00:06:58,350 organization. And then a second request all records pertaining 93 00:06:58,350 --> 00:07:02,700 to the interviews of Dr. Robert Jacobs, and Robert solace. That 94 00:07:02,700 --> 00:07:07,890 also is a quote from the second case that was denied. Now, as we 95 00:07:07,890 --> 00:07:11,580 know, Robert solace has openly admitted to being interviewed by 96 00:07:11,580 --> 00:07:15,030 Eero again, this was all public knowledge. He posted it on 97 00:07:15,030 --> 00:07:19,380 Twitter and talked about it in a podcast. So I consider that 98 00:07:19,410 --> 00:07:22,260 essentially fair game. I mean, if you're going to openly talk 99 00:07:22,260 --> 00:07:25,110 about that, that let's let's see the interview, you know, are 100 00:07:25,110 --> 00:07:28,440 there transcripts? Is there audio, video, all of that would 101 00:07:28,440 --> 00:07:35,280 be FOIA a bowl and with some exception, releasable so we 102 00:07:35,280 --> 00:07:38,700 could we could get it and a case in point, Luis Elizondo 103 00:07:38,730 --> 00:07:42,450 interview with his DoD IG complaint, I got that although 104 00:07:42,450 --> 00:07:46,860 redacted. And that was expected, you can read the majority of it. 105 00:07:46,860 --> 00:07:50,610 So that's what I was going for here yet. All of them the mozal 106 00:07:50,610 --> 00:07:56,490 orb, the arrow and UAP X communications, and the 107 00:07:56,490 --> 00:08:00,840 interviews of Robert solace, and Robert Jacobs, all UAP related, 108 00:08:01,680 --> 00:08:05,430 but very different in the scope of their request, interviews, 109 00:08:05,790 --> 00:08:12,540 investigation in a military action area, and communications. 110 00:08:12,570 --> 00:08:16,020 So three that were all scoped very differently with their 111 00:08:16,020 --> 00:08:20,670 request. But all yielded the same response all be seven all 112 00:08:20,670 --> 00:08:24,660 law enforcement investigation. Now what that essentially means 113 00:08:24,660 --> 00:08:28,770 in a nutshell, is that B seven is one of the one of I wouldn't 114 00:08:28,770 --> 00:08:34,230 say V. But one of the hardest exemptions to fight in an in an 115 00:08:34,230 --> 00:08:36,990 appeal, because there's no going against if it's a law 116 00:08:36,990 --> 00:08:40,530 enforcement investigation, and you could hurt law enforcement, 117 00:08:40,590 --> 00:08:44,280 investigative techniques or potentially a prosecution as 118 00:08:44,280 --> 00:08:50,070 this letter says. That's, that's tough to get beyond fighting 119 00:08:50,070 --> 00:08:53,760 national security or a be one exemption on something 3040 120 00:08:53,760 --> 00:08:58,140 years old. I'd rather go up against that, than then be seven 121 00:08:58,170 --> 00:09:01,080 to be honest with you. Some attorneys may disagree with me, 122 00:09:01,080 --> 00:09:05,850 but B seven is a tough one. Because now it automatically if 123 00:09:05,850 --> 00:09:10,500 this is if I'm right, this automatically takes anything 124 00:09:10,500 --> 00:09:13,650 that arrow is looking at anything that arrow is doing 125 00:09:13,650 --> 00:09:17,010 anything that they are investigating it and exempts it 126 00:09:17,010 --> 00:09:20,970 from top to bottom like that. No, it doesn't even have to be 127 00:09:20,970 --> 00:09:25,590 classified. It doesn't even have to be any type of threat to 128 00:09:25,590 --> 00:09:28,020 national security. It doesn't have to violate anybody's 129 00:09:28,020 --> 00:09:32,100 personal privacy. None of that. So b b one out the window B six 130 00:09:32,100 --> 00:09:34,470 out the window. All those exemptions. They don't have to 131 00:09:34,470 --> 00:09:38,490 fall back on now, because they have one that they can. Now I'm 132 00:09:38,490 --> 00:09:44,670 hoping that this isn't as bad as I fear that maybe and this is an 133 00:09:44,670 --> 00:09:48,930 option. Maybe it's for privacy. Maybe this locks down the 134 00:09:48,930 --> 00:09:52,170 ability for let's say whistleblowers to come forward 135 00:09:52,170 --> 00:09:56,490 or witnesses to come forward. That shields them from FOIA. But 136 00:09:56,490 --> 00:09:59,640 if that's true, be six is there to shield them from FOIA. So I 137 00:09:59,640 --> 00:10:02,700 don't know know how much that is going to apply here. We will 138 00:10:02,700 --> 00:10:06,750 wait and see, depending upon you know how all this plays out, 139 00:10:06,779 --> 00:10:10,529 but I have constant contacted the Pentagon, I tried to get a 140 00:10:10,529 --> 00:10:15,599 DOD official stance on this, asking, Hey, you have released 141 00:10:15,599 --> 00:10:19,289 arrow related material before and B seven was never an issue, 142 00:10:19,649 --> 00:10:24,989 you have denied other UAP related material in full even B 143 00:10:24,989 --> 00:10:29,819 seven was never an issue. So this is new. This is 100%, a new 144 00:10:29,819 --> 00:10:33,809 tactic that I have not seen before in this way, B seven is 145 00:10:33,809 --> 00:10:38,219 not unheard of. So please don't get me wrong. But the blanket 146 00:10:38,219 --> 00:10:42,389 denials, which I'm seeing, again, with these three requests 147 00:10:42,449 --> 00:10:47,009 that had different scopes, that is new, and that makes me very, 148 00:10:47,009 --> 00:10:51,209 very worried moving forward from a legal standpoint, because 149 00:10:51,209 --> 00:10:54,719 fighting it is very, very hard. Now, that was a couple of weeks 150 00:10:54,719 --> 00:11:01,799 ago. Fast forward now to this week. And there were a couple of 151 00:11:01,799 --> 00:11:08,999 others that had been denied as well. You can see here, they 152 00:11:08,999 --> 00:11:16,679 were forced Pacific arrow serial case numbers, be seven denied. 153 00:11:18,059 --> 00:11:21,899 Also, they use the law enforcement. Or excuse me, they 154 00:11:21,899 --> 00:11:24,329 use the national security exemption in addition to the law 155 00:11:24,329 --> 00:11:28,319 enforcement, but law enforcement was there. The second thing 156 00:11:28,319 --> 00:11:32,939 denied. This was I went over the Robert solace, and Robert Jacobs 157 00:11:32,969 --> 00:11:37,889 interviewed denied. This was for all other interviews that arrow 158 00:11:37,889 --> 00:11:42,869 had done, so any of them. And I and I said that I would exclude 159 00:11:43,649 --> 00:11:46,169 Robert solace and Robert Jacobs, because I had already filed a 160 00:11:46,169 --> 00:11:48,719 different request for them, since they had openly admitted 161 00:11:48,719 --> 00:11:52,349 being interviewed. So sorry, one point of clarity there. So all 162 00:11:52,349 --> 00:11:57,749 interviews, 100% of them, they claim are exempt. So I would 163 00:11:57,749 --> 00:12:01,259 hope or think that if somebody like Robert Solace is coming 164 00:12:01,259 --> 00:12:05,399 forward, saying, Here's my story, here's my name, I was 165 00:12:05,399 --> 00:12:09,359 interviewed by arrow that they could release that because 166 00:12:09,359 --> 00:12:13,649 there's no privacy issue there. But that that, you know, maybe a 167 00:12:13,649 --> 00:12:17,459 different story in a different video altogether. So bottom line 168 00:12:17,459 --> 00:12:20,849 here is the usage of B seven, and I know it gets dry and 169 00:12:20,849 --> 00:12:24,989 snoozy boring with the legal jargon. But this is something 170 00:12:24,989 --> 00:12:30,239 incredibly problematic to those advocating for transparency with 171 00:12:30,239 --> 00:12:33,389 the US government. The last thing that I will address for 172 00:12:33,389 --> 00:12:36,059 all of you to talk about it from time to time, but this is a 173 00:12:36,059 --> 00:12:39,449 perfect video to bring it back up. Is that a rebuttal that I 174 00:12:39,449 --> 00:12:43,739 see when I talk about stuff like this is John who cares about 175 00:12:43,739 --> 00:12:48,179 FOIA? Who cares about you, you are wasting your time you'll 176 00:12:48,179 --> 00:12:51,929 never get answers through FOIA. The politicians are pushing for 177 00:12:51,929 --> 00:12:56,159 answers, they will bring it to us. The problem is, is that the 178 00:12:56,159 --> 00:13:01,409 politicians adhere to the same secrecy that's laid on them as 179 00:13:01,409 --> 00:13:04,739 we do. If you watch the media, you see that a lot in the 180 00:13:05,519 --> 00:13:10,319 political arena where outside of UFOs, they are utilizing FOIA as 181 00:13:10,319 --> 00:13:14,669 well, or they fall back on private citizens or private 182 00:13:14,669 --> 00:13:18,509 organizations and therefore your work to help their congressional 183 00:13:18,509 --> 00:13:22,889 pushes for for answers. My whole point there is people can 184 00:13:22,889 --> 00:13:27,089 dismiss FOIA all they want and fall back on politicians. 185 00:13:27,389 --> 00:13:30,359 However, evidence shows politicians will actually fall 186 00:13:30,359 --> 00:13:35,489 back on FOIA a lot, as well. So this is a a valuable tool, no 187 00:13:35,489 --> 00:13:38,579 matter how you slice it or dice it. But on top of that, and 188 00:13:38,579 --> 00:13:42,839 above all else, politicians will get met with the same secrecy 189 00:13:43,079 --> 00:13:48,269 that we do, or those that are cleared, will be ushered into a 190 00:13:48,269 --> 00:13:52,649 skiff told the real stuff, the stuff you and I want to know. 191 00:13:53,009 --> 00:13:55,379 And then they will come out and go, Well, we're taking care of 192 00:13:55,379 --> 00:13:58,859 it. And we want answers. And we'll have a hearing and like 12 193 00:13:58,859 --> 00:14:01,799 years, and we'll talk about it again and nothing will get done. 194 00:14:01,799 --> 00:14:06,629 But don't you worry. Vote for me in November. So that's the type 195 00:14:06,629 --> 00:14:09,299 of thing that I worry about where people are falling too 196 00:14:09,299 --> 00:14:12,599 much on politicians. And yes, they've done some great work 197 00:14:12,599 --> 00:14:17,519 thus far. And yes, there's some legislation. But secrecy is at 198 00:14:17,519 --> 00:14:21,149 an all time high. How do you marry the two politicians are 199 00:14:21,149 --> 00:14:25,829 getting answers, yet the secrecy is at an all time high. That 200 00:14:25,829 --> 00:14:29,069 doesn't make any sense to me that secrecy will transfer to 201 00:14:29,069 --> 00:14:33,239 the politicians as well. They will adhere to the same 202 00:14:33,359 --> 00:14:36,809 guidelines of speaking out or not speaking out when they're 203 00:14:36,809 --> 00:14:40,739 not supposed to, and what remains in a skiff. What happens 204 00:14:40,739 --> 00:14:45,149 in a skiff stays in a skiff, and we will never find out about it. 205 00:14:45,569 --> 00:14:49,259 I hope that I'm wrong. But this is something that's huge and the 206 00:14:49,259 --> 00:14:52,079 Pentagon not getting back to me. I have tried and I've tried and 207 00:14:52,079 --> 00:14:55,439 I've tried. I have followed up numerous times I will continue 208 00:14:55,439 --> 00:14:58,559 to do so because I think that this needs to somewhat be 209 00:14:58,559 --> 00:15:02,519 addressed and hopefully It's not as bad as, as I'm kind of 210 00:15:02,519 --> 00:15:08,609 fearing here. But maybe maybe it is. And we will be at the mercy 211 00:15:08,849 --> 00:15:12,029 of the Department of Defense having a once a year hearing 212 00:15:12,449 --> 00:15:15,959 that's to the public. And they'll give us one, maybe two 213 00:15:15,959 --> 00:15:19,559 videos, half of which are explainable. Anyway, the other 214 00:15:19,559 --> 00:15:23,039 half may be tagged on identified from the government, but 215 00:15:23,129 --> 00:15:27,659 seemingly online sleuths can find a very viable explanation 216 00:15:27,659 --> 00:15:32,129 within like eight seconds. So that's not the good stuff. We 217 00:15:32,129 --> 00:15:38,339 know by that testimony. There is a small, I'll be at single 218 00:15:38,339 --> 00:15:43,469 percentage, number of the overall 800 Plus caseload that 219 00:15:43,469 --> 00:15:47,579 is truly anomalous. According to Dr. Shawn Kirkpatrick, who leads 220 00:15:47,579 --> 00:15:51,149 the UAP investigative effort. That's the stuff that I want to 221 00:15:51,149 --> 00:15:53,939 go through under FOIA. That's the stuff that we need to 222 00:15:53,939 --> 00:15:57,419 legally fined for, not the bread crumbs that they want to throw 223 00:15:57,419 --> 00:16:02,069 out there. And make us all go wow, ooh, colors. And look at 224 00:16:02,069 --> 00:16:06,059 this stuff. Because it's a joke. We know that there's more there. 225 00:16:06,479 --> 00:16:10,199 And with each of these types of things happening, like slapping 226 00:16:10,199 --> 00:16:15,419 a B seven exemption, blanket on nearly everything arrow related, 227 00:16:16,109 --> 00:16:19,499 that takes that material that again, I'll be at single digit 228 00:16:19,799 --> 00:16:24,149 and puts it lower, and lower and deeper and deeper and deeper 229 00:16:24,149 --> 00:16:28,709 until it's inaccessible. Until it's untouchable. No politician 230 00:16:28,709 --> 00:16:32,339 is gonna go down there and bring it out to you. They may even be 231 00:16:32,339 --> 00:16:35,999 able to see it, but the likely never ever tell you or show you 232 00:16:35,999 --> 00:16:40,739 about it. And that's the problem with today's conversation and 233 00:16:40,739 --> 00:16:43,889 the world that we live in. When it comes to UAP. Secrecy is 234 00:16:43,889 --> 00:16:48,089 deepening. Prove me wrong politicians. Please, I will 235 00:16:48,119 --> 00:16:53,459 apologize if you guys somehow pierce this veil of secrecy and 236 00:16:53,459 --> 00:16:56,669 this changes but until then, it's going the opposite 237 00:16:56,669 --> 00:17:00,839 direction from my vantage point, and that's a concern. Until next 238 00:17:00,839 --> 00:17:04,109 time, this is John Greenewald, Jr, signing off, and we'll see 239 00:17:04,109 --> 00:17:04,409 you then