1 00:00:32,220 --> 00:00:33,990 John Greenewald: That's right, everybody. As always, thank you 2 00:00:33,990 --> 00:00:37,800 so much for tuning in and taking this journey inside the black 3 00:00:37,800 --> 00:00:40,530 vault with me. I'm your host, John Greenewald, Jr, founder and 4 00:00:40,530 --> 00:00:44,520 creator of the black vault.com. And we are on the eve of the 5 00:00:44,520 --> 00:00:48,660 much anticipated UAP hearing. Now joining me today and I'm 6 00:00:48,660 --> 00:00:52,110 excited about this interview, is investigative journalist and 7 00:00:52,110 --> 00:00:57,090 professor at at John Hopkins, Matt Laszlo. Matt, thank you so 8 00:00:57,090 --> 00:00:59,010 much for taking the time out of your day. I know you've been 9 00:00:59,010 --> 00:01:02,700 incredibly busy. But thank you for joining us. Thanks for 10 00:01:02,700 --> 00:01:05,940 having me. Absolutely. And the reason why I'm looking forward 11 00:01:05,940 --> 00:01:08,340 to this, and I told you this off the air, but I want to tell you 12 00:01:08,340 --> 00:01:11,580 on as well, is I have a lot of respect for those that actually 13 00:01:11,580 --> 00:01:15,030 get out into the field. They talk to people, they do their 14 00:01:15,030 --> 00:01:18,480 own journalism, which is actually pretty rare nowadays, 15 00:01:18,690 --> 00:01:22,740 simply because most people they sit in a chair, I call it copy 16 00:01:22,740 --> 00:01:25,620 and paste journalism, they take somebody else's work. They 17 00:01:25,620 --> 00:01:28,050 fumble around the words a little bit and they call it their own. 18 00:01:28,170 --> 00:01:33,420 But you're in the field, you are talking to Congressman senators, 19 00:01:33,660 --> 00:01:37,050 talking about the UA period, UAP hearing and beyond. But before 20 00:01:37,050 --> 00:01:39,870 we get into that, I want to back up a little bit. It's your first 21 00:01:39,870 --> 00:01:42,540 time on the show, hopefully, you'll come back. But give 22 00:01:42,540 --> 00:01:45,630 everybody a little bit of background about your, your 23 00:01:45,630 --> 00:01:48,120 work, and what is it exactly that you cover? 24 00:01:49,350 --> 00:01:52,590 Matt Laslo: So I've been covering Congress now 17 years 25 00:01:53,280 --> 00:01:59,520 for the contributor at VICE VICE News tonight. Rolling Stone 26 00:01:59,520 --> 00:02:04,110 Playboy, currently contributor at Wired Magazine and raw story. 27 00:02:05,070 --> 00:02:09,240 So I like to write for the fun ones, I guess, that historically 28 00:02:09,240 --> 00:02:13,110 I've covered Congress for a bunch of local NPR stations and, 29 00:02:13,530 --> 00:02:16,050 you know, regional outlets. So I'm also a board member of the 30 00:02:16,050 --> 00:02:17,850 regional Reporters Association. 31 00:02:19,350 --> 00:02:25,830 Yeah, then I've been teaching at Johns Hopkins for since 2016. I 32 00:02:25,830 --> 00:02:29,790 teach on history, the media history of rhetoric, but with an 33 00:02:29,790 --> 00:02:34,200 eye towards how politicians rhetoric has kind of adapted 34 00:02:34,230 --> 00:02:39,300 with new mediums over time. So yeah, I kind of love covering 35 00:02:39,300 --> 00:02:45,720 Congress, because I get a study lawmaker lawmakers and all that 36 00:02:46,290 --> 00:02:53,820 in real time. But I guess, take a few steps back. I come at 37 00:02:54,030 --> 00:02:58,950 Congress when I say I interview liars for a living. So even 38 00:02:58,950 --> 00:03:05,460 though I know congress, I kind of see through them. And I think 39 00:03:05,460 --> 00:03:08,910 they many of them kind of know it. So that's where I started 40 00:03:08,910 --> 00:03:13,200 this new venture, ask a poll.com. And especially knowing 41 00:03:13,200 --> 00:03:18,660 you know, because I'm a media prof and studying just the gross 42 00:03:18,690 --> 00:03:23,460 numbers. When I think trust in the media now, according to 43 00:03:23,460 --> 00:03:28,950 Gallup, it's, like 50% of Americans don't even distrust 44 00:03:28,950 --> 00:03:33,630 the media, they think reporters are actually actively lying to 45 00:03:33,630 --> 00:03:37,200 them. Which is where I came up with the idea of basketball, 46 00:03:37,230 --> 00:03:41,370 because I want to put the people in the driver's seat. So we call 47 00:03:41,370 --> 00:03:45,870 it the people power press corps. So you all send your questions 48 00:03:45,870 --> 00:03:48,690 in become a part of our community dialogue. And then I 49 00:03:48,690 --> 00:03:54,450 take those questions directly to lawmakers. Which I'm hoping 50 00:03:54,450 --> 00:03:59,340 we'll read some of you all the deep rooted cynicism that's in 51 00:03:59,340 --> 00:04:03,780 me, because I work with the press corps, and I can't say 52 00:04:03,780 --> 00:04:07,350 many of them have impressed me over the years. Some have, but 53 00:04:07,830 --> 00:04:12,810 yeah, I think I've avoided becoming a swamp creature, but 54 00:04:12,960 --> 00:04:16,680 always with your help. And then with the help of the bands I 55 00:04:16,680 --> 00:04:19,770 hang out with, I used to cover entertainment in the past life. 56 00:04:20,220 --> 00:04:22,830 John Greenewald: Okay, and what So then with all of that 57 00:04:22,830 --> 00:04:25,260 background, what got you to UFOs? 58 00:04:26,430 --> 00:04:28,920 Matt Laslo: So that's weird. This one at the start of this 59 00:04:28,920 --> 00:04:33,870 Congress. Remember, we had all these balloons floating over 60 00:04:33,870 --> 00:04:38,580 America. And then after they shot down that Chinese spy 61 00:04:38,580 --> 00:04:42,420 balloon? Well, within a span of three days, the Air Force shot 62 00:04:42,420 --> 00:04:46,560 down three objects. And I guess there's one in Alaska that we 63 00:04:46,560 --> 00:04:49,830 still don't know what it is, which had been pressing senators 64 00:04:49,830 --> 00:04:54,360 Murkowski and Sullivan on to see if they were going to request 65 00:04:54,360 --> 00:04:58,020 actual video that shoot down from the Pentagon because I know 66 00:04:58,020 --> 00:05:03,540 they've been briefed on it. But so That's where the press corps 67 00:05:03,540 --> 00:05:07,680 me included, you know, started looking into this book very 68 00:05:07,680 --> 00:05:16,050 broadly, just that UAPs. But then David Gresh, hit like 69 00:05:16,380 --> 00:05:22,170 symbol, and seeing lawmakers react to him, What especially 70 00:05:22,170 --> 00:05:26,670 one of our first interviews was Marco Rubio, the Vice Chair of 71 00:05:26,850 --> 00:05:30,300 the Senate Intelligence Committee. And what he said is, 72 00:05:31,740 --> 00:05:34,980 you know, we get a ton of these whistleblowers, you know, and 73 00:05:34,980 --> 00:05:38,640 have over the years since he's been here in Washington, but he 74 00:05:38,640 --> 00:05:42,450 said this was the first one that was vetted by the Inspector 75 00:05:42,450 --> 00:05:50,580 General, deemed important and deemed parts verifiable, or 76 00:05:50,580 --> 00:05:56,910 verified. And so seeing Rubio and others reactions to his 77 00:05:56,910 --> 00:06:02,190 claims, and especially what woke up Congress, while David gross 78 00:06:02,190 --> 00:06:07,320 claims there's recovered craft, that the US government has, you 79 00:06:07,320 --> 00:06:11,910 know, that one will be able to hopefully either see the graph 80 00:06:12,000 --> 00:06:15,750 or not, you know, that one should be fairly easy to verify 81 00:06:15,750 --> 00:06:19,410 if we get through all these layers of classification and 82 00:06:19,410 --> 00:06:23,940 government secrecy, but the second claim of grush, that the 83 00:06:23,940 --> 00:06:28,800 government had all these saps or Special Access Programs, that it 84 00:06:28,800 --> 00:06:32,430 kept hidden from Congress, well, that me as a congressional 85 00:06:32,430 --> 00:06:36,360 junkie that made my hair stand up. And I knew that was 86 00:06:36,360 --> 00:06:40,440 something that I could take to every single lawmaker and say, 87 00:06:40,440 --> 00:06:44,400 Hey, this whistleblower who the inspector general, that it 88 00:06:44,400 --> 00:06:48,450 didn't says and threw on Congress's lap, he says the 89 00:06:48,450 --> 00:06:52,560 federal government is lying to you, you know about these saps. 90 00:06:53,100 --> 00:06:57,150 And so many lawmakers still haven't looked into David 91 00:06:57,150 --> 00:07:01,680 grudge. But I'm still confronting all of them with 92 00:07:01,680 --> 00:07:04,950 that claim. You know, so part of it is coming from that 93 00:07:05,400 --> 00:07:10,620 congressional Institutionalists angle. And knowing that this 94 00:07:10,620 --> 00:07:13,590 Congress, like the past Congress, and the one before it, 95 00:07:14,580 --> 00:07:18,900 Congress these days, just seeds, most all of their power to the 96 00:07:18,900 --> 00:07:22,410 executive branch. And, again, professor and a congressional 97 00:07:22,410 --> 00:07:28,530 junkie. And so this issue for one, like, what, the year two 98 00:07:28,530 --> 00:07:32,220 years ago, even like predating the first congressional hearing, 99 00:07:32,250 --> 00:07:36,060 50 years on this, even after that hearing, if you would ask 100 00:07:36,060 --> 00:07:40,050 lawmakers about UFOs or UAPs, you know, they'd laughing You 101 00:07:40,050 --> 00:07:44,220 know, they make a joke out of it. Not so in this Congress. And 102 00:07:44,220 --> 00:07:49,830 so, there's this interesting window that opened, and yeah, I 103 00:07:49,830 --> 00:07:55,740 was there. And I had asked a poll.com lined up. So especially 104 00:07:55,740 --> 00:08:00,900 once I did a Wired magazine piece on, you know, kind of 105 00:08:01,110 --> 00:08:07,170 putting grush in what we call a conspiratorial Congress, you 106 00:08:07,170 --> 00:08:10,320 know, some people, you know, the conspiracies in this Congress 107 00:08:10,320 --> 00:08:13,560 run the gamut. Who would we see testify last week in the house? 108 00:08:13,980 --> 00:08:22,410 RFK, Jr. etc. And so, after that, you know, I got a lot of 109 00:08:22,410 --> 00:08:25,980 pushback from the UFO community, because of the piece was a 110 00:08:25,980 --> 00:08:28,920 little more snarky, but that's because it was, you know, 111 00:08:28,950 --> 00:08:31,440 putting a mirror up to this congress and kind of asking a 112 00:08:31,440 --> 00:08:36,450 question, Will this Congress be taken seriously, even if they do 113 00:08:36,450 --> 00:08:42,540 uncover craft or something like that? And so, yeah, got a front 114 00:08:42,540 --> 00:08:47,790 row seat and seeing you all your energy, your knowledge, saying, 115 00:08:47,790 --> 00:08:50,910 hey, ask these questions. You didn't ask this. But then also 116 00:08:50,910 --> 00:08:55,800 seeing the reaction to, you know, Laszlo snark aside, were 117 00:08:55,800 --> 00:08:59,790 like, I think I interviewed six or eight lawmakers. Usually for 118 00:08:59,790 --> 00:09:03,960 a feature, I'll interview 15 to 20 lawmakers, only eight or 10 119 00:09:03,960 --> 00:09:09,780 make the piece. Sometimes that's been 50. Senators every once in 120 00:09:09,780 --> 00:09:14,730 a while. And so yeah, seeing the energy from the community, and 121 00:09:15,450 --> 00:09:19,260 seeing some members of Congress really take it seriously. But 122 00:09:19,260 --> 00:09:23,910 others just brush it off. That just left me with more 123 00:09:23,910 --> 00:09:24,630 questions. 124 00:09:25,169 --> 00:09:27,359 John Greenewald: Before we get into the specifics of exactly 125 00:09:27,359 --> 00:09:29,669 who you spoke with. You mentioned a couple already. But 126 00:09:30,059 --> 00:09:34,319 what do you think has changed from this Congress to those 127 00:09:34,499 --> 00:09:38,939 past? You mentioned David grush. Is it all hinging on that one 128 00:09:38,939 --> 00:09:43,019 whistleblower, or obviously the UFO conversation has really went 129 00:09:43,019 --> 00:09:46,559 into overdrive in the last five and a half years or so? What 130 00:09:46,559 --> 00:09:49,799 what do you feel has changed that put this kind of on the 131 00:09:49,799 --> 00:09:50,819 docket so to speak? 132 00:09:51,990 --> 00:09:55,500 Matt Laslo: Well, there's this interesting notion of whether 133 00:09:55,530 --> 00:09:59,280 lawmakers are supposed to lead their constituents or whether 134 00:09:59,280 --> 00:10:02,220 they're supposed to be Read by their constituents and it's, you 135 00:10:02,220 --> 00:10:07,470 know, kind of both and, but so this one lawmakers do tend to be 136 00:10:09,000 --> 00:10:12,780 way behind on many issues from their constituents. But I think 137 00:10:12,780 --> 00:10:20,970 the polls are now like 65% or so of Americans are now. I forget 138 00:10:20,970 --> 00:10:24,630 the exact language, but they believe that there's life out 139 00:10:24,630 --> 00:10:29,040 there beyond us. And I think part of that stems from, you 140 00:10:29,040 --> 00:10:32,340 know, us being in this new technological era with 141 00:10:32,340 --> 00:10:36,600 smartphones or seeing a lot more things that aren't easily 142 00:10:36,600 --> 00:10:42,120 explained away. And so yeah, Congress in the last one started 143 00:10:42,120 --> 00:10:45,300 looking into this. And I'm curious, and I want to circle 144 00:10:45,300 --> 00:10:49,170 back with those lawmakers. But I'm curious if that was because 145 00:10:49,170 --> 00:10:53,610 of increased pressure from their constituents. But you definitely 146 00:10:53,610 --> 00:10:59,370 have more lawmakers in this Congress, who are open to the 147 00:10:59,370 --> 00:11:09,930 idea of extraterrestrial beings out there, and it and then even 148 00:11:09,930 --> 00:11:12,690 you couple that with what we're seeing right now come in from 149 00:11:12,690 --> 00:11:17,280 the James Webb Space Telescope. And so like, our very limited 150 00:11:17,280 --> 00:11:22,050 finite understanding of things just got a lot bigger, if still 151 00:11:22,050 --> 00:11:26,700 very limited. And, you know, every week, it seems we're 152 00:11:26,700 --> 00:11:29,970 learning new things about the solar system from the James Webb 153 00:11:29,970 --> 00:11:34,980 Space Telescope. So as our smartphones are collecting more 154 00:11:34,980 --> 00:11:38,640 here on Earth, James Webb is collecting more out there in the 155 00:11:38,640 --> 00:11:42,000 nether regions. And I think it's kind of this perfect combo. 156 00:11:42,630 --> 00:11:45,870 Well, and then you throw grush, into the mix, boom, that's the 157 00:11:45,870 --> 00:11:49,500 perfect combo. For that's three, so not a 158 00:11:50,610 --> 00:11:54,240 John Greenewald: perfect trio. So those that you've talked to, 159 00:11:54,240 --> 00:11:57,450 I know that you've talked to Congressman timbre Chet of 160 00:11:57,480 --> 00:12:00,750 Tennessee, let's let's start there, because he's leading the 161 00:12:00,750 --> 00:12:04,170 charge with this hearing tomorrow. And arguably, he is 162 00:12:04,200 --> 00:12:09,960 the absolute most vocal about a conspiracy and cover up months 163 00:12:09,960 --> 00:12:14,700 ago, I was surprised to see him retweet one of my tweets about 164 00:12:14,700 --> 00:12:17,430 UFOs. Now it's becoming a little bit more common for him to do 165 00:12:17,430 --> 00:12:21,000 that. But just straight out calling it a cover up. I was 166 00:12:21,000 --> 00:12:23,760 surprised by that, because not every day were sitting Congress, 167 00:12:24,240 --> 00:12:27,240 congressman or Congresswoman tweet stuff like that. And 168 00:12:27,240 --> 00:12:30,270 again, now it's becoming more frequent. So let's start with 169 00:12:30,270 --> 00:12:33,870 him. What is your experience been with him? And as somebody 170 00:12:33,870 --> 00:12:37,440 who has covered Congress for so long? What are you What is your 171 00:12:37,440 --> 00:12:41,310 reaction to his feelings about UAP and the importance of this, 172 00:12:41,340 --> 00:12:42,840 this cover up that he wants to highlight 173 00:12:43,919 --> 00:12:47,669 Matt Laslo: her chats this super interesting guy, if you listen 174 00:12:47,669 --> 00:12:50,249 to some of the audio that we posted, we posted, I think, 175 00:12:50,309 --> 00:12:53,999 maybe two interviews with him on Ask a poll.com. And in the 176 00:12:53,999 --> 00:12:58,049 middle of the interview, you know, he'll stop three, four 177 00:12:58,049 --> 00:13:01,529 times, because all of these lawmakers, Republicans and 178 00:13:01,529 --> 00:13:06,149 Democrats are stopping him to say hello. In the last one, I 179 00:13:06,149 --> 00:13:11,519 think it was. Congressman, Jesse Jackson, who I didn't even know 180 00:13:11,519 --> 00:13:14,099 was a congressman, I'm from Illinois, but it's Reverend 181 00:13:14,189 --> 00:13:19,559 Reverend Jesse Jackson, son, perchance, a Republican from 182 00:13:19,559 --> 00:13:24,299 Tennessee. And so to hear Jackson like, stopped him and 183 00:13:24,299 --> 00:13:27,329 for chat said, Hey, thank you so much for checking on me when I 184 00:13:27,329 --> 00:13:32,369 was sick, and then said, hey, when you're down, you better 185 00:13:32,369 --> 00:13:36,089 come down into the south, I want to treat you to some good old 186 00:13:36,089 --> 00:13:40,469 southern barbecue. I was just like, why? You just don't see 187 00:13:40,469 --> 00:13:45,029 that kind of bipartisanship in this Congress. And I think a big 188 00:13:45,029 --> 00:13:50,489 part of that is just the jovial, genteel nature of Bridgette, you 189 00:13:50,489 --> 00:13:55,949 know, he's always cracking jokes. He's got this light side 190 00:13:55,949 --> 00:13:59,189 to him, that is really appreciated in the building 191 00:13:59,189 --> 00:14:03,539 where, you know, where, historically there was a caning 192 00:14:03,539 --> 00:14:07,349 in the building. Now there's, you know, digital death threats 193 00:14:07,349 --> 00:14:13,799 flying between the parties. And so he stands out for that. Who 194 00:14:13,799 --> 00:14:19,529 had a alone with his thoughts on UAPs and UFOs. And so, it's 195 00:14:19,529 --> 00:14:25,169 interesting now to see, you know, as the hearing day 196 00:14:25,169 --> 00:14:29,699 approaches, and last week after their big press conference, you 197 00:14:29,699 --> 00:14:33,929 know, you started hearing a lot more of the mainstream reporters 198 00:14:33,959 --> 00:14:41,549 hop on the issue, kind of looking for looking for 199 00:14:41,549 --> 00:14:44,519 something to embarrass them with? I forget the questions 200 00:14:44,519 --> 00:14:49,829 they were asking. But one reporter was, Well, I think they 201 00:14:49,829 --> 00:14:52,379 were just asking straight up, you know, about aliens or 202 00:14:52,379 --> 00:14:56,369 whatever. And not asking about David grush. You know, and you 203 00:14:56,369 --> 00:15:01,169 can kind of tell I'm curious about grush And what he knows 204 00:15:01,439 --> 00:15:06,659 when I hate the term gotcha journalism or whatever, but the 205 00:15:06,659 --> 00:15:11,279 questions felt leading in a dishonest way. And so it's going 206 00:15:11,279 --> 00:15:15,329 to be interesting to see how her chat and Congresswoman and 207 00:15:15,329 --> 00:15:18,749 appalling Aluna how they handle this. There's also a couple of 208 00:15:18,749 --> 00:15:24,239 Democrats who were going to be at the hearing who are, you 209 00:15:24,239 --> 00:15:29,459 know, fully on board with this. And so it's it'll be 210 00:15:29,459 --> 00:15:33,569 interesting. You know, the interview I, we dropped last 211 00:15:33,569 --> 00:15:39,089 night on ask a poll was with oversight chair James Comer. And 212 00:15:39,869 --> 00:15:45,479 I can't tell like he told me, yeah, I haven't even looked into 213 00:15:45,569 --> 00:15:49,919 David grosses claims at all. And he said, I can't tell if he's 214 00:15:49,919 --> 00:15:55,319 trying to wash his hands of this and say, Hey, this is all on for 215 00:15:55,319 --> 00:16:00,479 Chet and Luna. Or if he thinks there's a there there, you can 216 00:16:00,479 --> 00:16:04,949 tell that, you know, Burrtec complained last week, about 217 00:16:05,219 --> 00:16:10,229 different staffers from the intelligence community, whether 218 00:16:10,229 --> 00:16:13,709 that staffers from Congress from the Intel Committee, I don't 219 00:16:13,709 --> 00:16:16,829 know. But he was complaining that there's just been all this 220 00:16:16,829 --> 00:16:21,989 pressure on this hearing, and that people were getting cold 221 00:16:21,989 --> 00:16:29,219 feet. And so when the lights click on tomorrow, with, you 222 00:16:29,219 --> 00:16:35,759 know, the media from around the globe. In attendance, it'll, 223 00:16:35,939 --> 00:16:40,559 it'll be interesting to see for Warren, the case for Chet moon 224 00:16:40,559 --> 00:16:46,499 and make, and that the witnesses obviously make. And it's gonna 225 00:16:46,499 --> 00:16:51,059 be interesting to see how the media responds to that. Now, it 226 00:16:51,059 --> 00:16:55,709 seems like the dynamics here, like with many dynamics in 227 00:16:55,709 --> 00:17:01,199 Congress, or that the Senate investigations are currently a 228 00:17:01,199 --> 00:17:07,259 little more trusted. Even what Comey himself told me, because, 229 00:17:07,259 --> 00:17:11,309 you know, I asked him about these charges that, you know, go 230 00:17:11,309 --> 00:17:14,579 these far right, Freedom Caucus people are running this hearing. 231 00:17:15,389 --> 00:17:18,839 You know, they're loonies, that that that comer is like, hey, 232 00:17:19,289 --> 00:17:23,849 Chuck Schumer just moved a UAP bill. So even comer himself was 233 00:17:23,849 --> 00:17:29,519 saying, hey, it's not just us. It's not just the friends, right 234 00:17:29,519 --> 00:17:34,979 members. And so Bridgette, says, take it back to him. He's 235 00:17:34,979 --> 00:17:43,469 interesting, because he's not. I wouldn't say he's intellectually 236 00:17:43,469 --> 00:17:48,059 respected or maybe any illogically respected by the 237 00:17:48,059 --> 00:17:50,969 other side of the aisle. You know, this is a hyper, hyper 238 00:17:50,969 --> 00:17:58,049 partisan Congress. But collegially, you know, they love 239 00:17:58,049 --> 00:18:03,329 him. And so there is an innate trust they have with him because 240 00:18:03,359 --> 00:18:07,259 he's been genuine, you know. And so it'll be really interesting 241 00:18:07,259 --> 00:18:13,199 to see how he threads that needle. And this does make me 242 00:18:13,199 --> 00:18:17,699 want to talk to him talking to him. Later today, before we go 243 00:18:17,699 --> 00:18:22,049 live tonight, with dropping some more of our exclusive 244 00:18:22,049 --> 00:18:27,509 interviews, I'm now curious how bro chat first got into this 245 00:18:27,509 --> 00:18:32,759 issue, you know, with Congresswoman Lena, or Luna, she 246 00:18:32,759 --> 00:18:36,329 was Air Force, you know. And so I haven't talked to her about 247 00:18:36,329 --> 00:18:40,949 now she got into it. But you know, you can see what a lot of 248 00:18:40,949 --> 00:18:44,309 the videos coming out are the newer ones that the government 249 00:18:44,309 --> 00:18:47,729 has been releasing, even in the last hearing couple of years 250 00:18:47,729 --> 00:18:53,399 ago, who that's Air Force footage. And so yeah, thanks for 251 00:18:53,399 --> 00:18:55,829 the question for Mr. Burchett. I'll circle back once the 252 00:18:55,829 --> 00:18:56,249 answers. 253 00:18:56,490 --> 00:18:58,620 John Greenewald: Yeah, no. And I'm glad you did. Maybe I'll 254 00:18:58,620 --> 00:19:01,920 throw this out to you if it sparks another question, because 255 00:19:02,400 --> 00:19:04,590 I posted this on social media, but I want to bring it up to 256 00:19:04,590 --> 00:19:07,530 you. I very much am looking forward to the hearing tomorrow. 257 00:19:07,530 --> 00:19:10,290 I want to see what's going on. And we'll talk about whether or 258 00:19:10,290 --> 00:19:12,690 not they made the right decisions in your mind on the 259 00:19:12,690 --> 00:19:18,660 witnesses that they did show did choose. But that being said, the 260 00:19:18,660 --> 00:19:22,860 pushback that the ramp up to this, especially in the last 261 00:19:22,860 --> 00:19:25,740 week has been fascinating for somebody like me to watch, 262 00:19:25,920 --> 00:19:29,610 because I've been in and around this field for a long time. I 263 00:19:29,610 --> 00:19:32,430 deal with all government secrets. But UFOs has always had 264 00:19:32,430 --> 00:19:35,700 kind of a special place in my heart just for a personal 265 00:19:35,700 --> 00:19:39,270 fascination, reason, no experience of my own, but it's 266 00:19:39,270 --> 00:19:44,790 just a curiosity. And the ramp up to this has seen Burchett 267 00:19:44,790 --> 00:19:49,740 have these push backs from NASA when he said NASA backed out of 268 00:19:49,740 --> 00:19:54,270 tomorrow's hearing. And then NASA to my surprise, which I 269 00:19:54,270 --> 00:19:57,630 don't see often anyway, with this topic responded to a friend 270 00:19:57,630 --> 00:20:01,320 of mine, Dan Warren, so props to him who was the question, why 271 00:20:01,320 --> 00:20:05,160 did you back out? And NASA completely said no, we didn't. 272 00:20:05,850 --> 00:20:09,780 That I think it was David Spergel, who was invited, but 273 00:20:09,780 --> 00:20:12,960 declined, which is kind of understandable if they don't 274 00:20:12,960 --> 00:20:16,380 want to get entwined with the the whistleblower talk, I mean, 275 00:20:16,380 --> 00:20:19,140 I can understand that from from their perspective. They're also 276 00:20:19,140 --> 00:20:22,680 not dealing with classified information much in NASA anyway. 277 00:20:22,680 --> 00:20:26,370 So it's, to me it's a faulty scientific study anyway. But 278 00:20:26,370 --> 00:20:29,820 that's a different show. But pushback from NASA, and then 279 00:20:29,820 --> 00:20:33,720 push back from Eglin to where Eglin put out the statement that 280 00:20:33,720 --> 00:20:36,180 said, Well, they're just not cleared to, to hear the 281 00:20:36,180 --> 00:20:40,200 information. So when you hear Burchett, and Congresswoman 282 00:20:40,200 --> 00:20:43,200 Luna, say, we were denied access and got in a fight with the 283 00:20:43,200 --> 00:20:46,380 general, that base fires back and says, Hey, wait a minute, 284 00:20:46,380 --> 00:20:48,960 you guys aren't even cleared. So I'm not saying who's right or 285 00:20:48,960 --> 00:20:52,830 wrong. All I'm saying is it's so fascinating to see play out. And 286 00:20:52,830 --> 00:20:55,290 I want to know, what the congressmen and Congresswoman 287 00:20:55,290 --> 00:20:58,170 are, are essentially going to do with that, because that's 288 00:20:58,170 --> 00:21:02,310 challenging their credibility in an open forum. What are your 289 00:21:02,310 --> 00:21:04,410 thoughts on that? What are your thoughts on the pushback? Do you 290 00:21:04,410 --> 00:21:07,140 think it's all just part of the cover up? Do you think it's 291 00:21:07,140 --> 00:21:09,330 political grandstanding? Is it both? 292 00:21:10,530 --> 00:21:15,780 Matt Laslo: This is the curious one. And it's, you know, so I'm 293 00:21:15,780 --> 00:21:18,990 a congressional reporter, you know, I go to the White House a 294 00:21:18,990 --> 00:21:24,060 couple times a year, but it's a waste of my time, a man of the 295 00:21:24,060 --> 00:21:29,280 people, or something like that, you know, like, the access we 296 00:21:29,280 --> 00:21:32,970 get in Congress, and I know the institution. And that's where a 297 00:21:32,970 --> 00:21:37,860 reporter like me, is going to naturally have to rely on 298 00:21:37,860 --> 00:21:41,760 reporting from, you know, people at the Pentagon who are sourced 299 00:21:41,760 --> 00:21:46,920 their people who are sourced at NASA. And because right now, I 300 00:21:46,920 --> 00:21:51,390 guess I don't have a good answer to that. Because I do not see, 301 00:21:51,390 --> 00:21:56,640 you know, in my 17 years, I can't remember an agency like 302 00:21:56,640 --> 00:22:04,020 NASA, really stepping in it, you know, and calling a congressman 303 00:22:04,020 --> 00:22:11,580 a liar. Publicly like that. So even, I did a triple take last 304 00:22:11,580 --> 00:22:16,830 week, and I'm still in the midst of that triple take it, and 305 00:22:16,830 --> 00:22:22,110 especially with NASA coming out so strong there. Well, now just 306 00:22:22,110 --> 00:22:25,170 per chat, or Luna, say, hey, we want to follow up hearing. 307 00:22:26,550 --> 00:22:29,970 Because it seems like you guys want to talk, you know, you 308 00:22:29,970 --> 00:22:34,770 know, maybe they don't have much to say maybe they do. And so 309 00:22:34,770 --> 00:22:40,860 that's that one was curious. To me. I'm seeing like when 310 00:22:40,890 --> 00:22:45,630 Bridgette told me last week, that the staffers were getting 311 00:22:45,630 --> 00:22:48,960 more involved and that they were, you know, you started to 312 00:22:48,960 --> 00:22:52,320 hear more of the Whisper campaigns, you know, trying to 313 00:22:53,760 --> 00:22:59,400 discredit the investigation in the house, not so much 314 00:22:59,430 --> 00:23:02,340 discrediting the lawmakers, but you'll probably hear it more 315 00:23:02,340 --> 00:23:07,410 will well know. There'll be couched in the terms of AVS to 316 00:23:07,440 --> 00:23:12,000 Freedom Caucus, folks. Whereas these issues don't really have 317 00:23:12,000 --> 00:23:15,030 much to do with that, you know, Freedom Caucus is supposed to be 318 00:23:15,030 --> 00:23:19,500 focused on fiscal issues and stuff like that. And then seeing 319 00:23:19,500 --> 00:23:22,980 some of those other Democrats up there and including Senator 320 00:23:22,980 --> 00:23:27,090 Kirsten Gillibrand. She's been really pushing forward with the 321 00:23:27,090 --> 00:23:31,200 investigation in the Senate. And same with Rubio over there. And 322 00:23:31,200 --> 00:23:36,120 so this one doesn't cut across those normal political lines. 323 00:23:37,320 --> 00:23:41,700 But in the lead up to this hearing, it kind of in the past 324 00:23:41,700 --> 00:23:46,530 week, it's felt like it's the normal partisanship, you know, 325 00:23:46,680 --> 00:23:50,220 Biden administration, you know, Pooh poohing anything coming 326 00:23:50,220 --> 00:23:58,320 from these two fringe rate. Lawmakers. When you take a step 327 00:23:58,320 --> 00:24:03,420 back and in reality, no, it's not to fringe lawmakers. A lot 328 00:24:03,420 --> 00:24:07,050 of lawmakers in this Congress have a lot of questions and the 329 00:24:07,050 --> 00:24:10,680 Pentagon, NASA had not been forthcoming with them in the 330 00:24:10,680 --> 00:24:17,580 past, at least in a satisfactory way to many lawmakers. So I get 331 00:24:17,580 --> 00:24:21,750 the pushback from those agencies. But show us your 332 00:24:21,750 --> 00:24:22,380 cards. 333 00:24:23,250 --> 00:24:26,370 John Greenewald: Yeah, and, and this is we can move on from from 334 00:24:26,400 --> 00:24:28,860 our chat after this. But But one last kind of thing when when 335 00:24:28,860 --> 00:24:33,840 he's coming out with these very bold claims. And I posted 336 00:24:33,840 --> 00:24:36,690 myself, I mean, I've followed the Air Force's connection to 337 00:24:36,690 --> 00:24:41,970 this literally for 2627 years now. Just drilling in through 338 00:24:41,970 --> 00:24:46,200 FOIA, especially with that military branch. What I consider 339 00:24:46,200 --> 00:24:49,380 this massive cover up about the topic, but at the top of the 340 00:24:49,380 --> 00:24:51,060 show, and I'm paraphrasing because I don't remember your 341 00:24:51,060 --> 00:24:54,390 exact quote, you said that you had that you essentially 342 00:24:54,390 --> 00:24:59,700 interview professional liars. That's how you said it right. So 343 00:24:59,730 --> 00:25:03,240 with That's a journalist. What's that? 344 00:25:03,990 --> 00:25:06,060 Matt Laslo: Say I interviewed buyers for living 345 00:25:06,330 --> 00:25:09,150 John Greenewald: liars for a living. So with that being said, 346 00:25:09,750 --> 00:25:13,320 from, from a journalist standpoint and your experience, 347 00:25:13,650 --> 00:25:17,430 you look at these essentially warring factions at this point, 348 00:25:17,430 --> 00:25:22,110 you know, it's a war of words, but, but they're butting heads 349 00:25:22,110 --> 00:25:26,790 like this in a public forum on Twitter, for the most part, how 350 00:25:26,790 --> 00:25:30,210 do you know really? who to believe? Do you push the 351 00:25:30,210 --> 00:25:32,940 military brands to show their cards? Do you push the 352 00:25:32,940 --> 00:25:35,880 politicians to maybe step up a little bit more and say, hey, 353 00:25:35,880 --> 00:25:39,000 look, NASA fired back at you to show us how they backed out? Did 354 00:25:39,000 --> 00:25:42,660 they confirm? And then say, you know, what, never mind or did 355 00:25:42,660 --> 00:25:46,710 somebody intervene? The one that I'm stuck on is is Bridget's 356 00:25:46,710 --> 00:25:52,410 claim about the Pentagon giving pushback on witnesses that and 357 00:25:52,410 --> 00:25:55,590 correct me if I'm wrong, I took away from that, that he had 358 00:25:55,590 --> 00:25:59,160 other people that he wanted to appear, the Pentagon pushed 359 00:25:59,160 --> 00:26:02,700 back, they they essentially lost those one or two, or however 360 00:26:02,700 --> 00:26:06,780 many people but have graves forever. And Grusha at this 361 00:26:06,780 --> 00:26:09,330 point. So again, correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm most 362 00:26:09,330 --> 00:26:13,320 intrigued by that. Who do you as a journalist push back on the 363 00:26:13,320 --> 00:26:16,260 hardest to try and show their cards and kind of prove what's 364 00:26:16,260 --> 00:26:16,950 being said? 365 00:26:18,420 --> 00:26:24,120 Matt Laslo: All of them. Whether it's the agencies who are, you 366 00:26:24,120 --> 00:26:28,110 know, they're they have their fiefdoms and more money, and 367 00:26:28,110 --> 00:26:33,630 they want to protect. What because it's power play, you 368 00:26:33,630 --> 00:26:36,570 know, even though we're seeing this with classified 369 00:26:36,570 --> 00:26:40,380 information, you know, whoever has most secrets or whatever, 370 00:26:40,380 --> 00:26:44,940 you know, there's power that comes with that. This one's 371 00:26:46,200 --> 00:26:51,330 interesting, because I don't, you know, the interview we put 372 00:26:51,330 --> 00:26:55,860 out last night with comer. He kind of again, washed his hands 373 00:26:55,860 --> 00:26:58,830 of it and said, Oh, I think projets now gotten everyone he 374 00:26:58,830 --> 00:27:05,100 wanted, when, like a month ago, comer told me that two witnesses 375 00:27:05,100 --> 00:27:10,050 who per chat wanted, didn't pass his committee's, you know, more 376 00:27:10,050 --> 00:27:15,630 political background check. And so I'm still a little confused 377 00:27:15,630 --> 00:27:20,850 on this one as to whether Burchett has everything he 378 00:27:20,850 --> 00:27:25,380 wants? Because it doesn't seem like he does, but then you have 379 00:27:25,560 --> 00:27:28,950 chair comer saying, you know, head of the whole Oversight 380 00:27:28,950 --> 00:27:32,490 Committee, saying, Yeah, you know, we gave him every one he 381 00:27:32,490 --> 00:27:38,880 wanted it one interesting thing when I was first getting into 382 00:27:38,880 --> 00:27:44,220 this, just like a month ago, I heard her chat on. Steve Bannon 383 00:27:44,220 --> 00:27:49,560 is the war room, talking about oh, and what he said then stood 384 00:27:49,560 --> 00:27:54,420 out to me, because he said, his feeling was that him and Luna 385 00:27:54,420 --> 00:27:59,580 only have one shot on this. And so he made it seem like, at 386 00:27:59,580 --> 00:28:03,270 least initially, they were just granted one hearing on this. And 387 00:28:03,270 --> 00:28:07,740 so that's, you know, all your marbles. We'll see how tomorrow 388 00:28:07,740 --> 00:28:13,350 goes. Because just knowing how the public is hungry for 389 00:28:13,350 --> 00:28:20,670 answers. And even what playing this tonight on our live 390 00:28:20,670 --> 00:28:24,120 listening session, but Adam Schiff, you know, he got booted 391 00:28:24,120 --> 00:28:26,730 off the Senate and her party got booted off the House 392 00:28:26,790 --> 00:28:30,450 Intelligence Committee. But so he hasn't really been able to 393 00:28:30,450 --> 00:28:36,570 look into grush. But he's still got big questions about these 394 00:28:36,570 --> 00:28:40,350 phenomenon. And you know, he was just the head of the House 395 00:28:40,350 --> 00:28:46,170 Intelligence Committee. So the fact that he's curious, he had 396 00:28:46,230 --> 00:28:51,210 all this classified information, but still has questions and not 397 00:28:51,210 --> 00:28:58,590 answers. That makes me think that Pentagon people in those 398 00:28:58,590 --> 00:29:02,310 communities aren't being forthcoming. Now, whether that's 399 00:29:02,310 --> 00:29:06,570 a National Security claim, or whatever, or whether it's 400 00:29:06,600 --> 00:29:10,650 actually them, covering this stuff up and keeping it secret 401 00:29:10,650 --> 00:29:15,900 from Congress. It seems like this Congress is really set on 402 00:29:18,750 --> 00:29:21,930 putting a period of putting a fine point on that debate. So 403 00:29:21,930 --> 00:29:27,300 that at least by the end of this, we'll know, it seems we'll 404 00:29:27,300 --> 00:29:32,790 know where the secrets are. And hopefully, they'll be public by 405 00:29:32,790 --> 00:29:36,030 then. You know, because it seems like right now in Congress, 406 00:29:36,570 --> 00:29:40,050 there's a couple of different full court presses are going on. 407 00:29:41,130 --> 00:29:46,440 Senate side House side, but then also Intelligence Committee and 408 00:29:46,440 --> 00:29:52,080 armed services committees exploring it and so intelligence 409 00:29:52,080 --> 00:29:54,360 committee is going to be different than Armed Services 410 00:29:54,360 --> 00:29:59,220 Committee. Armed Services is more focused on war and the 411 00:29:59,460 --> 00:30:03,840 Pentagon On an machinery of war, all that stuff. And so, 412 00:30:04,170 --> 00:30:08,880 Intelligence Committee, they have a broader portfolio, they 413 00:30:08,880 --> 00:30:15,240 also know a lot more secrets, and are also held to a higher 414 00:30:15,240 --> 00:30:17,850 standard. They know a lot of stuff that they're not allowed 415 00:30:17,850 --> 00:30:21,930 to tell us. And so that's again why Senator Gillibrand is an 416 00:30:21,930 --> 00:30:25,170 interesting one to watch, because she's on both the Armed 417 00:30:25,170 --> 00:30:27,990 Services Committee and the Senate Intelligence Committee. 418 00:30:28,320 --> 00:30:30,780 So she's kind of got a foot in both worlds. 419 00:30:32,340 --> 00:30:35,250 John Greenewald: Did it surprise you at all that, and you 420 00:30:35,250 --> 00:30:38,010 mentioned comer, he kind of washed his hands of it that 421 00:30:38,010 --> 00:30:42,900 these lawmakers don't have more of a clue. I know some of them 422 00:30:42,900 --> 00:30:46,260 do and follow it pretty closely. But when you talk about the 423 00:30:46,260 --> 00:30:51,090 claims of David grush, you are talking about humanity altering 424 00:30:51,090 --> 00:30:55,440 world changing information, that would have an impact not only on 425 00:30:55,440 --> 00:31:00,210 our knowledge about our place in the universe, but so much more. 426 00:31:00,420 --> 00:31:04,830 I mean, the implications are absolutely staggering. So does 427 00:31:04,830 --> 00:31:08,040 it surprise you that more aren't leading the charge? 428 00:31:12,000 --> 00:31:18,060 Matt Laslo: Yes, and no. It's rare that you see, you know, 429 00:31:18,240 --> 00:31:21,630 lawmakers kind of have their fiefdoms, you know, some might 430 00:31:21,630 --> 00:31:25,620 be tax long. So they're going to be on the Ways and Means 431 00:31:25,620 --> 00:31:29,070 Committee, you know, you're a farmer boom and serve on the 432 00:31:29,070 --> 00:31:36,600 Agriculture Committee. You have a lot, it kind of annoys us in 433 00:31:36,600 --> 00:31:41,520 the press corps. Because you have a lot of lawmakers who it 434 00:31:41,520 --> 00:31:45,420 almost feels like, they put blinders on just so they don't 435 00:31:45,420 --> 00:31:48,990 have to talk to us, you know, whether it's about what former 436 00:31:48,990 --> 00:31:53,490 President Trump is doing over here, or, you know, whether it's 437 00:31:53,490 --> 00:31:57,270 what Hunter Biden's doing over here, you know, so they, some 438 00:31:57,270 --> 00:32:01,050 lawmakers really stay in their lanes. But again, that's why 439 00:32:01,380 --> 00:32:02,430 this issue 440 00:32:03,780 --> 00:32:08,760 stood out to me, because hey, I think it's Rubio who says, you 441 00:32:08,760 --> 00:32:12,870 know, either he's got either grush was given bad information, 442 00:32:13,410 --> 00:32:13,950 or 443 00:32:15,000 --> 00:32:18,900 pardon my French, but Wake the fuck up. Like, these are seismic 444 00:32:18,900 --> 00:32:23,670 claims. And the fact that the Inspector General, vetted them, 445 00:32:23,820 --> 00:32:29,250 sent them to Congress, that puts them at another level, where? 446 00:32:31,200 --> 00:32:35,160 Yeah, maybe it has surprised me a little bit to see I mean, cuz 447 00:32:35,610 --> 00:32:39,300 you were going to talk about it. But Congress is about to be gone 448 00:32:39,300 --> 00:32:42,810 after this week, for the whole month of August. So one thing 449 00:32:42,810 --> 00:32:45,300 I've been doing is trying to interview every United States 450 00:32:45,300 --> 00:32:51,150 senator on UAPs. who oppose and David grush, in particular, so 451 00:32:51,150 --> 00:32:56,610 I've now talked over 60% of senators, and the vast majority 452 00:32:56,610 --> 00:33:00,930 of them seem totally unaware, it seems like I'm kind of the first 453 00:33:00,930 --> 00:33:04,800 person to mention it to them, or they had heard about it, but 454 00:33:04,800 --> 00:33:09,120 hadn't really looked into it. Now, the people, hopefully by 455 00:33:09,120 --> 00:33:12,330 the end of this week, I'll have well, hopefully, I'll have all 456 00:33:12,330 --> 00:33:15,360 the senators, but I only have two members left on the Senate 457 00:33:15,360 --> 00:33:19,620 Intelligence Committee, still the interviewer looking for you, 458 00:33:19,740 --> 00:33:22,530 Michael Bennett, and Dianne Feinstein. But 459 00:33:23,520 --> 00:33:26,670 John Greenewald: the solid fans of this show, so you're in your 460 00:33:26,670 --> 00:33:27,180 good shot. 461 00:33:28,740 --> 00:33:32,520 Matt Laslo: Oh, and so I'm curious, because some members in 462 00:33:32,520 --> 00:33:38,160 the Senate Intelligence Committee, who was it? Why one 463 00:33:38,190 --> 00:33:41,520 can equipped but he's like, Well, if I knew that I couldn't 464 00:33:41,520 --> 00:33:45,090 tell you could have been TELUS or one of them. Who had so it's, 465 00:33:45,810 --> 00:33:48,960 it's interesting. And with some of the Senate Intel members, you 466 00:33:48,960 --> 00:33:52,200 kind of get the feeling that they know some things that 467 00:33:52,200 --> 00:33:59,460 they're not allowed to tell us. So I'm curious if pressure 468 00:33:59,490 --> 00:34:05,640 builds on them on the broader intelligence community, where, 469 00:34:05,670 --> 00:34:10,140 you know, if pressure builds on Congress from the public, 470 00:34:11,340 --> 00:34:14,220 Congress is going to keep demanding more and more answers. 471 00:34:15,330 --> 00:34:19,050 And so there might be things that are classified now, that 472 00:34:19,860 --> 00:34:23,940 may become unclassified in the near future. And I'm curious how 473 00:34:23,940 --> 00:34:29,850 this one plays out. Because even though you have many lawmakers 474 00:34:29,850 --> 00:34:32,700 playing ostrich, you know, tossing their head in the sand. 475 00:34:34,290 --> 00:34:38,070 You got some of the most powerful lawmakers, especially 476 00:34:38,070 --> 00:34:43,530 in the Senate, investigating this and so we'll see there's 477 00:34:43,530 --> 00:34:48,570 definitely a clash going on here. Between the intel 478 00:34:48,570 --> 00:34:50,040 community and your congress. 479 00:34:51,660 --> 00:34:53,490 John Greenewald: Going backwards, I think you said it 480 00:34:53,490 --> 00:34:57,000 was a comer interview where he said that they kind of had one 481 00:34:57,000 --> 00:34:58,650 shot was that comer that said that 482 00:35:00,000 --> 00:35:04,260 Matt Laslo: Burchett said it to Steve Bannon. But he made it 483 00:35:04,260 --> 00:35:08,520 seem like that was coming from comer slash coming from Speaker 484 00:35:08,520 --> 00:35:09,150 McCarthy. 485 00:35:09,330 --> 00:35:11,460 John Greenewald: Gotcha. So they have like one shot to kind of 486 00:35:11,460 --> 00:35:14,520 prove this if they're going to devote more time in the future 487 00:35:15,030 --> 00:35:16,050 with that, 488 00:35:16,860 --> 00:35:20,370 Matt Laslo: and that's for this Congress. And, again, that's 489 00:35:20,370 --> 00:35:24,750 where like if they hit home run or you know, get a triple 490 00:35:24,750 --> 00:35:29,520 tomorrow, we might see another one. Especially looking at those 491 00:35:29,520 --> 00:35:37,650 poll numbers 65% of the American people have? Well, I think they 492 00:35:37,650 --> 00:35:40,530 have an answer, but you know, they want to know more. 493 00:35:41,670 --> 00:35:44,160 John Greenewald: Now, I want to say real quick, just to make 494 00:35:44,160 --> 00:35:47,430 sure that those on the audio version of this know, you've 495 00:35:47,430 --> 00:35:50,250 said your website a few times, I've flashed it on screen for 496 00:35:50,250 --> 00:35:53,970 those watching on YouTube. But it's ask a poll.com that spelled 497 00:35:54,000 --> 00:36:00,660 a SKAPO l.com. So make sure you've got the one L in there. 498 00:36:00,900 --> 00:36:05,370 And there's tons of of articles here to read. And the one thing 499 00:36:05,370 --> 00:36:08,250 I haven't mentioned is a lot of these are exclusive just to your 500 00:36:08,250 --> 00:36:11,580 reporting, you're not parroting from the the other news 501 00:36:11,580 --> 00:36:14,010 agencies, you are the one getting these recordings, you're 502 00:36:14,010 --> 00:36:17,850 putting them online. So again, kudos to you for that. So back 503 00:36:17,850 --> 00:36:23,100 to the witnesses for tomorrow, if it is that one shot? Do you 504 00:36:23,100 --> 00:36:27,090 feel with everything that you've done and writing the articles 505 00:36:27,120 --> 00:36:29,580 that are on your website? And so many exclusives, you're 506 00:36:29,580 --> 00:36:35,160 obviously doing your homework? Is this a setup for a potential 507 00:36:35,160 --> 00:36:39,180 home run? Or do you feel there should have been other people in 508 00:36:39,180 --> 00:36:42,900 the hot seat, even those currently in government that may 509 00:36:42,900 --> 00:36:46,200 have given them more of that home run versus a base hit? 510 00:36:47,370 --> 00:36:52,590 Matt Laslo: And this is where this one's interesting. And I'm 511 00:36:52,590 --> 00:36:56,610 a journalist and 2023. My thoughts don't matter. If 512 00:36:56,610 --> 00:36:57,900 anything I get in the way 513 00:36:59,580 --> 00:37:06,960 that this one's super curious. Because, again, you have the 514 00:37:06,960 --> 00:37:13,620 Senate and the House investigations. Not quite I 515 00:37:13,620 --> 00:37:17,640 mean, they're going in tandem, but not together. No, they're 516 00:37:17,640 --> 00:37:21,570 going parallel, but not in tandem. And so it seems like the 517 00:37:21,570 --> 00:37:25,170 house their investigation is much broader. And Congresswoman 518 00:37:25,170 --> 00:37:29,970 Luna, she tells me that, you know, she hopes this hearing 519 00:37:30,990 --> 00:37:35,700 presents to the American people prove that there is life out 520 00:37:35,700 --> 00:37:42,960 there beyond Earth. Now, you wouldn't hear any senators say 521 00:37:42,960 --> 00:37:46,650 that. You might have some senators kind of thinking that. 522 00:37:47,610 --> 00:37:51,900 And so it's interesting that the house, their case is going to be 523 00:37:51,900 --> 00:37:55,350 broader. Your team, it seems like they're going to give a 524 00:37:55,350 --> 00:38:03,030 little more history into past government programs, exploring 525 00:38:03,030 --> 00:38:09,000 UFOs and whatnot. And some people are asking us that ask a 526 00:38:09,000 --> 00:38:14,220 poll like hey, oh, just for chatting them Do they have any 527 00:38:15,810 --> 00:38:21,780 plan to subpoena? The people who corroborate David grush, the 528 00:38:21,810 --> 00:38:25,260 whistleblower story? Well, Senator Gillibrand in the 529 00:38:25,260 --> 00:38:29,040 Intelligence Committee in the Senate, her investigation would 530 00:38:29,040 --> 00:38:31,860 actually go through the Armed Services Committee, where she's 531 00:38:33,150 --> 00:38:36,120 the chairwoman of one of the subcommittee's overseeing this. 532 00:38:37,290 --> 00:38:42,810 Well, she's told me that she wants to hear grush and the 533 00:38:42,810 --> 00:38:46,380 other people named in that first story by the debrief were 534 00:38:46,500 --> 00:38:51,780 crushed came out. That one will be interesting. And that's 535 00:38:51,780 --> 00:38:56,130 actually my question for Gillibrand tonight or this week. 536 00:38:56,460 --> 00:39:00,540 I'm curious if she's got a plan for hearing, and if she still 537 00:39:00,540 --> 00:39:06,420 wants to crush and the other people mentioned in that article 538 00:39:06,540 --> 00:39:09,780 that seem to corroborate his story. Now, it seems like what 539 00:39:09,780 --> 00:39:14,130 we have in the house tomorrow is grush. And not so much people 540 00:39:14,130 --> 00:39:20,970 corroborating his story. But corroborating the broader story, 541 00:39:21,000 --> 00:39:26,130 you know, and so that's where I think having a divided Congress 542 00:39:26,130 --> 00:39:26,730 is great. 543 00:39:27,900 --> 00:39:32,670 John Greenewald: Yeah, I can agree with that. Just to clarify 544 00:39:32,700 --> 00:39:36,240 with this, the those named in the debrief article, is she 545 00:39:36,240 --> 00:39:40,290 going for the ones that were truly feeding grush the 546 00:39:40,290 --> 00:39:43,680 information, or there were two that were mentioned in the 547 00:39:43,680 --> 00:39:48,210 debrief Article One was anonymous, but went through or 548 00:39:48,210 --> 00:39:51,810 was listed with a pseudonym. I think that was Jonathan Gray, 549 00:39:51,840 --> 00:39:55,230 but that was that was a false name. And then the other one, I 550 00:39:55,230 --> 00:39:58,470 think the last name was Nell I forget the first name but that 551 00:39:58,470 --> 00:40:01,200 being said, was she talking about Then, or was she talking 552 00:40:01,200 --> 00:40:08,070 about truly getting to the root of where grush heard about the 553 00:40:08,070 --> 00:40:14,250 non human craft and the non human dead pilots that he 554 00:40:14,250 --> 00:40:14,970 referenced? 555 00:40:16,020 --> 00:40:18,960 Matt Laslo: The way I read it? And again, I'll circle back with 556 00:40:18,960 --> 00:40:23,400 her? That's a great question. The way I read it was, she 557 00:40:23,400 --> 00:40:26,970 wanted those people immediately tied to grush. And mentioned in 558 00:40:26,970 --> 00:40:31,680 the article, or who spoke in the article, and corroborated his 559 00:40:31,680 --> 00:40:37,920 story. But then, you know, if Congress does its job, you know, 560 00:40:37,920 --> 00:40:43,200 you keep pulling threads. And so I think, the way I understood it 561 00:40:43,200 --> 00:40:48,060 was, hey, once we get him, you know, if we don't see anything, 562 00:40:48,060 --> 00:40:52,320 and you know, and we get verifiable good testimony from 563 00:40:52,320 --> 00:40:56,730 these folks, then hey, we want to keep going. And I think 564 00:40:56,760 --> 00:41:00,120 that's where I could see it, broadening out, but I think 565 00:41:00,360 --> 00:41:04,680 jeweler Brandon them want to start with, you know, just start 566 00:41:04,680 --> 00:41:08,850 small with what you can prove, and then slowly build your case 567 00:41:08,910 --> 00:41:13,080 and work, work your way out from there. But I'm not a senator. So 568 00:41:13,080 --> 00:41:15,360 there's a lot of stuff that I'm not privy to. 569 00:41:15,869 --> 00:41:18,539 John Greenewald: No, no. And I appreciate your your your 570 00:41:18,539 --> 00:41:20,819 expertise and feedback on it, because we're all kind of 571 00:41:20,819 --> 00:41:25,589 learning together, about how this is playing out. And the one 572 00:41:25,589 --> 00:41:29,279 thing that concerns me is something actually that you that 573 00:41:29,279 --> 00:41:33,179 you really just briefly touched on. But as they they start 574 00:41:33,179 --> 00:41:36,059 small, and they kind of you know, branch out more and more. 575 00:41:36,719 --> 00:41:40,259 What worries me is that there are term limits to the senators 576 00:41:40,289 --> 00:41:44,759 and politicians both term limits as Max as they can go. But also 577 00:41:44,759 --> 00:41:48,629 they may get voted out. With that being said, what my worry 578 00:41:48,629 --> 00:41:53,759 is, is this takes forever with anything government related 579 00:41:53,759 --> 00:41:56,489 takes forever. But with with politicians, you know, they want 580 00:41:56,489 --> 00:41:59,729 to do these hearings, and then six months, a year, year and a 581 00:41:59,729 --> 00:42:02,879 half later, they'll do another one. It worries me that the 582 00:42:02,879 --> 00:42:05,489 people that really are the driving force here, they could 583 00:42:05,489 --> 00:42:10,559 be gone by that. And you lose that, that that motivation to do 584 00:42:10,559 --> 00:42:15,179 this. So how much if any, how much does that impact all this? 585 00:42:16,620 --> 00:42:19,800 Matt Laslo: I hear that 100% And this we're I'm constantly 586 00:42:19,800 --> 00:42:24,510 playing devil's advocate, but on counter to that could be paid. 587 00:42:25,230 --> 00:42:29,550 Harry Reid's been gone from the Senate for a long time. But what 588 00:42:29,550 --> 00:42:34,920 we saw last week with Schumer and Gillibrand young in rounds, 589 00:42:34,920 --> 00:42:39,060 and you know, that six group, well, they push through and got 590 00:42:39,060 --> 00:42:43,650 included in the National Defense Authorization Act, or NDAA. They 591 00:42:43,650 --> 00:42:49,020 got included in that. A measure that Harry Reid, you know, very 592 00:42:49,020 --> 00:42:54,330 much close to his heart, you know, a bill demanding, 593 00:42:56,190 --> 00:43:01,440 basically, full transparency, it seems on UAPs, their chosen 594 00:43:01,440 --> 00:43:05,580 term. And so that's where, oh, in Chuck Schumer, the majority 595 00:43:05,580 --> 00:43:10,770 leader, his office told me that, you know, the inspiration for 596 00:43:10,770 --> 00:43:14,610 that measure wasn't David grush inspiration for that was Harry 597 00:43:14,610 --> 00:43:18,150 Reid, you know, in his legacy. And so that's where sometimes 598 00:43:18,150 --> 00:43:23,070 you do see members pass the baton. Sometimes that's within 599 00:43:23,070 --> 00:43:28,920 their delegation, but honestly, I haven't seen yet Jackie Rosen. 600 00:43:29,670 --> 00:43:34,050 She, the senator, one of the senators from Nevada, and then 601 00:43:34,170 --> 00:43:38,040 Catherine Cortez Masto. Neither of them were really too familiar 602 00:43:38,040 --> 00:43:41,220 with crush Rosen, at the end of our interview, or later that 603 00:43:41,220 --> 00:43:44,760 day, she found in she goes, Well, now that you alerted me to 604 00:43:44,760 --> 00:43:47,310 this gruff guy, she goes, I'm gonna have some interesting 605 00:43:47,310 --> 00:43:51,150 reading tonight when I get home. And so that's where sometimes 606 00:43:51,150 --> 00:43:55,470 you see that baton passed within a delegation or, you know, if a 607 00:43:55,470 --> 00:43:58,950 Democrat passes the seat to a Democrat, or vice versa, 608 00:43:58,950 --> 00:44:03,330 Republican to a Republican, but then also, you see it just not 609 00:44:03,330 --> 00:44:06,930 within state delegations. Sometimes there's someone else 610 00:44:06,930 --> 00:44:10,140 in Congress who maybe wanted to be at the forefront of the 611 00:44:10,140 --> 00:44:13,590 issue. But maybe right now, they're a freshman lawmaker, and 612 00:44:13,590 --> 00:44:16,140 they're kind of waiting to see what happens in tomorrow's 613 00:44:16,140 --> 00:44:20,640 hearing. And so that's where I hear you and you Yeah, you raise 614 00:44:20,640 --> 00:44:24,630 a good point on why to be a little pessimistic. Because the 615 00:44:24,630 --> 00:44:28,350 people who are out in front of this issue are louder and seem 616 00:44:28,350 --> 00:44:30,960 more knowledgeable than we've seen in the past. 617 00:44:32,400 --> 00:44:37,170 But then maybe there's a little hope for optimism that they can 618 00:44:37,170 --> 00:44:39,390 share that wealth, for lack of a better term. 619 00:44:40,500 --> 00:44:43,110 John Greenewald: The one thing that I wanted to ask you just 620 00:44:43,110 --> 00:44:46,860 again, because you're on the ground there. The last UAP 621 00:44:46,860 --> 00:44:51,900 hearing with the Senate and Kirsten Gillibrand was obviously 622 00:44:51,900 --> 00:44:55,020 there the whole time. There was one other senator a third had 623 00:44:55,020 --> 00:44:59,850 shown up asked a question then left. I was really let down at 624 00:44:59,850 --> 00:45:02,970 one It appeared to be to the general public, a lack of 625 00:45:02,970 --> 00:45:07,380 interest. There was rumors, but I mean, we can't confirm it. At 626 00:45:07,380 --> 00:45:10,620 least the general public can't at this point that more people 627 00:45:10,620 --> 00:45:12,540 showed up to the classified briefing that happened right 628 00:45:12,540 --> 00:45:15,780 prior. And that's, that's fine for the classified hearing. And 629 00:45:15,780 --> 00:45:18,630 that's fine. But if they truly are the voice of the people, I 630 00:45:18,630 --> 00:45:21,900 would hope that they would want to show up at the public 631 00:45:22,020 --> 00:45:26,970 hearing, get as much information for for their constituents as 632 00:45:26,970 --> 00:45:31,350 possible. So with that said, what's the rumblings on who's 633 00:45:31,350 --> 00:45:34,290 going to show tomorrow? Like, I mean, are a lot of people 634 00:45:34,290 --> 00:45:37,560 telling you that should be showing up are going to show up? 635 00:45:37,560 --> 00:45:39,930 Have you? Have you even explored that at all? 636 00:45:40,860 --> 00:45:45,060 Matt Laslo: haven't totally explored it, but the house tends 637 00:45:45,060 --> 00:45:50,130 to be different, and even for tomorrow, sounds like I 638 00:45:50,130 --> 00:45:54,300 confirmed, you know, the chair, James Comer told me that he 639 00:45:54,300 --> 00:45:57,480 plans to be there because he wants to learn about the issue. 640 00:45:58,980 --> 00:46:03,420 And comer gave them the huge massive oversight hearing room, 641 00:46:03,810 --> 00:46:07,980 even though it's a subcommittee investigating this, they're 642 00:46:07,980 --> 00:46:11,970 getting the big hearing room, which makes me think, you know, 643 00:46:12,000 --> 00:46:14,910 especially with all the cameras that are going to be there and 644 00:46:14,910 --> 00:46:19,530 all the media from across the US, but then across the globe, 645 00:46:19,980 --> 00:46:24,060 you would think that many members would want to come for 646 00:46:24,060 --> 00:46:28,650 that. But also, that's just kind of the nature of the house and 647 00:46:29,520 --> 00:46:36,090 how they work. The Senate. They just historically, and even 648 00:46:36,120 --> 00:46:43,260 today, they tend to respond less quickly to what the people are 649 00:46:43,260 --> 00:46:45,660 thinking, you know, part of that it's the way the Founders 650 00:46:45,660 --> 00:46:50,430 intended it giving them six year terms. Which, you know, one 651 00:46:50,430 --> 00:46:54,420 could argue, oh, they're becoming experts on the issues 652 00:46:54,420 --> 00:46:58,920 under their purview, which would help for this issue with some of 653 00:46:58,920 --> 00:47:02,730 those folks on these committees. But I'm curious if you didn't 654 00:47:03,150 --> 00:47:09,660 hold that same hearing. today. If you wouldn't have a fuller, 655 00:47:09,930 --> 00:47:15,690 or at least more people come in and sit on that Dyess. Because 656 00:47:15,690 --> 00:47:21,960 remember, just two years ago, this was so novel and new hadn't 657 00:47:21,960 --> 00:47:26,370 been done in 50 years. And so yeah, most news outlets were 658 00:47:26,400 --> 00:47:31,920 leading with, you know, not funny X file jokes, you know, 659 00:47:33,840 --> 00:47:36,960 jokes that they thought were funny that no one else did. And 660 00:47:36,960 --> 00:47:43,170 so that's where you're starting to see the issue taken more 661 00:47:43,170 --> 00:47:48,600 seriously in Congress, but then also outside of it. And I am 662 00:47:48,600 --> 00:47:54,210 kind of intrigued on how you know, what the headlines are, 663 00:47:54,510 --> 00:47:57,060 after tomorrow's hearing. And I think that could have a pretty 664 00:47:57,060 --> 00:48:01,860 big impact on what the Senate does, or how many people would 665 00:48:01,860 --> 00:48:07,980 show up to publicly attached their name to this. Yeah. And 666 00:48:08,130 --> 00:48:11,100 we'll see, I think that's one that only time will tell. And I 667 00:48:11,100 --> 00:48:16,290 think, you know, even though the media, the press corps isn't 668 00:48:16,290 --> 00:48:20,520 going to be up on the Dyess. I think we play a pretty big role 669 00:48:20,520 --> 00:48:25,950 in this. And I think Thus far, we've largely done a disservice. 670 00:48:26,610 --> 00:48:28,950 John Greenewald: This may be a real dumb question. I just don't 671 00:48:28,950 --> 00:48:33,630 know the answer. Is there a list or is it publicized on what 672 00:48:33,630 --> 00:48:36,840 media outlets are approved to attend? Because because there is 673 00:48:36,840 --> 00:48:40,320 an approval process? Right. Not really, 674 00:48:40,320 --> 00:48:43,470 Matt Laslo: like So technically, I have my own Bureau, the Lazlo 675 00:48:43,470 --> 00:48:52,320 congressional Bureau LCB. So I just emailed and asked to RSVP 676 00:48:52,890 --> 00:48:59,850 share. suspicious package. Oh, I'll clear. So yeah, I haven't 677 00:49:00,480 --> 00:49:03,990 heard back from them yet. But glad that suspicious package is 678 00:49:03,990 --> 00:49:12,120 cleaned up. And so we'll see. Even like my usual thing, I 679 00:49:12,120 --> 00:49:15,060 don't even want to be inside the hearing room. All like listen to 680 00:49:15,060 --> 00:49:16,290 it. But then I started 681 00:49:16,290 --> 00:49:18,090 John Greenewald: Did you say you do want to be or don't want to 682 00:49:18,090 --> 00:49:19,680 be? I don't want to be 683 00:49:19,740 --> 00:49:22,230 Matt Laslo: I stand in the hallway listening to it on C 684 00:49:22,230 --> 00:49:25,920 span. And then when lawmakers leave, that's when I asked them 685 00:49:25,950 --> 00:49:29,340 in 21 questions as follow ups to their questions for the 686 00:49:29,340 --> 00:49:33,990 witnesses. Yeah, that's what I've been doing for 17 years and 687 00:49:34,020 --> 00:49:36,240 John Greenewald: you just made the UFO community happy that's 688 00:49:36,240 --> 00:49:40,080 camping out as we speak outside of the room, hoping to get a 689 00:49:40,080 --> 00:49:42,030 seat because there's a lot of rumors that they're not even 690 00:49:42,030 --> 00:49:47,220 going to get a seat but so yeah, I'm kind of surprised to hear 691 00:49:47,220 --> 00:49:48,990 that you stay out in the hallway. But now I totally 692 00:49:48,990 --> 00:49:51,120 understand why. So we don't know. 693 00:49:51,780 --> 00:49:54,120 Matt Laslo: I'll pop in and I'll take some notes because I'm a 694 00:49:54,120 --> 00:49:58,890 feature writer. So I always take notes like what color ties folks 695 00:49:58,890 --> 00:50:02,670 are wearing, you know Get a picture when the witnesses come 696 00:50:02,670 --> 00:50:06,210 in and then kind of get a picture of the media frenzy. Get 697 00:50:06,210 --> 00:50:14,760 a sense of it. Yeah, I I'm sitting in a seat, neutered for 698 00:50:14,760 --> 00:50:17,580 lack of a better term. You know, I got my microphone, I want to 699 00:50:17,580 --> 00:50:18,180 use that. 700 00:50:18,360 --> 00:50:21,360 John Greenewald: No, that's That's seriously commendable. 701 00:50:21,360 --> 00:50:24,330 That's, that's awesome. That's awesome to hear. With 702 00:50:26,070 --> 00:50:28,380 Matt Laslo: C span makes it happen, because then I can hear 703 00:50:28,380 --> 00:50:28,710 them. 704 00:50:29,039 --> 00:50:31,469 John Greenewald: Yeah, yeah. And for those who don't know, if you 705 00:50:31,469 --> 00:50:35,009 don't watch C span, they're also broadcasting. And I'm gonna put 706 00:50:35,009 --> 00:50:39,089 it in the show notes link below. Not only will Matt's website be 707 00:50:39,089 --> 00:50:41,189 in there, and some of the articles that we've touched on, 708 00:50:41,369 --> 00:50:43,979 there's tons of stuff though, please go check out his website, 709 00:50:43,979 --> 00:50:47,489 ask a poll.com. You can see it on your screen there. If you're 710 00:50:47,489 --> 00:50:52,979 listening to the audio, it's as K pol.com. And again, check out 711 00:50:52,979 --> 00:50:55,349 all of his exclusives because he really has been killing it 712 00:50:55,349 --> 00:50:58,889 lately. So I I'm gonna, this will probably be one of the last 713 00:50:58,889 --> 00:51:02,039 questions here as we round third on the interview, and I want you 714 00:51:02,039 --> 00:51:04,379 back in the field rather than talking to me, because it's an 715 00:51:04,379 --> 00:51:07,709 important day. Tomorrow, obviously, we're on the eve of 716 00:51:07,709 --> 00:51:12,269 it. So get as much as you can out there. But I think Matt, the 717 00:51:12,269 --> 00:51:15,089 journalists probably wouldn't want to answer this. But Matt, 718 00:51:15,329 --> 00:51:19,349 my friend now, what do you expect tomorrow? What's your 719 00:51:19,349 --> 00:51:21,989 prediction on when you're listening on C span in the 720 00:51:21,989 --> 00:51:24,899 hallway? What do you think's going to happen during the 721 00:51:24,899 --> 00:51:26,969 hearing? And what do you think the immediate reaction is going 722 00:51:26,969 --> 00:51:28,859 to be to the general public? 723 00:51:30,030 --> 00:51:34,860 Matt Laslo: I in this even includes Professor Laszlo. I 724 00:51:34,860 --> 00:51:39,060 gave up on all predictions when Donald Trump won the GOP primary 725 00:51:39,060 --> 00:51:46,140 in 2016. I come from a family of conservatives. And I'm like, 726 00:51:46,140 --> 00:51:52,110 Well, I got that one wrong. And so we'll see I definitely 727 00:51:52,110 --> 00:51:57,570 expecting a lot of snark, from some members of the media. We're 728 00:51:57,570 --> 00:52:02,880 already starting to see that on the Twitter's or exes, or 729 00:52:02,880 --> 00:52:06,090 whatever, we're calling it these days. Yeah. Social media, we're 730 00:52:06,090 --> 00:52:11,880 starting to see that. Um, I definitely expect Luna in her 731 00:52:11,880 --> 00:52:19,590 chat to come out. Very prepared to make a definitive argument. 732 00:52:19,770 --> 00:52:25,410 Now. We'll see if they can back it up. And the question for that 733 00:52:25,410 --> 00:52:29,430 is, how much are they allowed to back it up? You know, because we 734 00:52:29,430 --> 00:52:33,060 hear about the briefing, they got that they had to demand down 735 00:52:33,060 --> 00:52:37,770 in Florida, where, you know, Mac aids, and then they say, you 736 00:52:37,770 --> 00:52:43,170 know, and Luna and Bridgette they say they saw videos are 737 00:52:43,170 --> 00:52:46,890 whatever of craft that could not be human according to their 738 00:52:46,890 --> 00:52:52,230 knowledge. I'm so curious, are we the American people going to 739 00:52:52,230 --> 00:52:55,980 be allowed to see any new footage or anything like that? 740 00:52:56,010 --> 00:52:58,710 Or are they going to be hampered? In how much of the 741 00:52:58,710 --> 00:53:02,040 case they can actually bring to the American people, you know, 742 00:53:02,040 --> 00:53:04,950 and so, with that, I just don't know, they're going to 743 00:53:05,610 --> 00:53:11,940 definitely push the envelope in. In his they're going to want to 744 00:53:12,630 --> 00:53:17,430 release as much as they can. Now, the game might be rigged 745 00:53:17,460 --> 00:53:20,700 from the get go. So well, you 746 00:53:22,710 --> 00:53:25,170 John Greenewald: know, just to add to that, I mean, my two 747 00:53:25,170 --> 00:53:28,740 cents if it's even worth that, I wouldn't expect any type of 748 00:53:28,740 --> 00:53:32,850 visuals whatsoever, because, sadly, Congress is not a release 749 00:53:32,850 --> 00:53:36,630 authority. You need somebody like a Kirkpatrick or somebody 750 00:53:36,630 --> 00:53:40,470 in there that can spearhead that that release authority movement 751 00:53:40,470 --> 00:53:42,450 to get a new video out there. But 752 00:53:42,479 --> 00:53:48,059 Matt Laslo: true. This is 2023. Congress doesn't have a hearing 753 00:53:48,059 --> 00:53:51,659 without a visual aid and some kind. So yeah, we're enough. 754 00:53:52,559 --> 00:53:57,539 Maybe the replay the old videos, we'll see. But even this week, 755 00:53:57,539 --> 00:54:02,639 you know, clicking around, there's a lot of footage out 756 00:54:02,639 --> 00:54:07,679 there that I don't think the American public has seen, you 757 00:54:07,679 --> 00:54:12,629 know, we might have seen it. Some of it in the last hearing. 758 00:54:13,139 --> 00:54:17,069 We might, personally you me and others, and UFO Twitter 759 00:54:17,069 --> 00:54:20,099 community, we might have seen it, but that's where I'm curious 760 00:54:20,099 --> 00:54:23,999 how much the actual American public and seen on this and so 761 00:54:25,049 --> 00:54:27,509 who knows, pop your popcorn if you got it, 762 00:54:27,660 --> 00:54:31,260 John Greenewald: but yeah, no, that's exactly right. And the I 763 00:54:31,260 --> 00:54:35,250 know I said last question, but if I can just throw in one more. 764 00:54:35,250 --> 00:54:39,870 Do you have you heard rumblings that and before I asked this, we 765 00:54:39,870 --> 00:54:41,700 haven't really talked about it and I want to stress the 766 00:54:41,700 --> 00:54:45,240 importance of the two witnesses. We keep talking about grush but 767 00:54:45,240 --> 00:54:48,510 obviously Ryan Graves and David Fraser are both important voices 768 00:54:48,510 --> 00:54:52,530 in this. I don't have anything bad about the bad to say about 769 00:54:52,530 --> 00:54:55,890 their testimony. I think it's great to get it on the record. I 770 00:54:55,890 --> 00:54:59,670 don't expect anything new from them only because they have done 771 00:54:59,700 --> 00:55:02,220 their rounds of media interviews, and so on and so 772 00:55:02,220 --> 00:55:04,440 forth. But I want to make sure that I add that into the show 773 00:55:04,440 --> 00:55:06,570 because we haven't really touched on them at all. Their 774 00:55:06,570 --> 00:55:08,550 voice is incredibly important. 775 00:55:09,240 --> 00:55:13,230 Matt Laslo: See, I'm a reporter. So the question to you, are you 776 00:55:13,500 --> 00:55:17,070 Did it surprise you to see those two witnesses alongside Gresh? 777 00:55:17,430 --> 00:55:18,780 John Greenewald: Or did? Yeah. 778 00:55:19,080 --> 00:55:19,890 Matt Laslo: Right. Why is that? 779 00:55:20,520 --> 00:55:23,850 John Greenewald: So, and again, this has to be prefaced with 780 00:55:23,880 --> 00:55:27,720 their voices are incredibly important. Yeah. However, for 781 00:55:27,720 --> 00:55:30,660 those who have paid attention, and even just a small amount of 782 00:55:30,660 --> 00:55:34,500 attention, both individuals have done their rounds on media 783 00:55:34,500 --> 00:55:36,420 interviews, I don't think there's really any reason to 784 00:55:36,420 --> 00:55:39,330 doubt them. I don't think that there's any reason that they 785 00:55:39,330 --> 00:55:43,140 have to be under oath, but rather maybe submitted 786 00:55:43,140 --> 00:55:47,460 statements to support what I felt should be a more of a 787 00:55:47,460 --> 00:55:55,140 bigger hearing grush, I don't have a big what's the right word 788 00:55:55,140 --> 00:55:58,740 I'm looking for, like, like, a big problem with I don't know if 789 00:55:58,740 --> 00:56:01,590 that's the right way to say it. Not that I have a problem with 790 00:56:01,590 --> 00:56:04,830 the other two, but we've heard it and I think that if they are 791 00:56:04,830 --> 00:56:09,120 going for the home run, I would have loved to have seen, you 792 00:56:09,120 --> 00:56:12,510 know, again, grush, but bring in somebody else that's supporting 793 00:56:12,510 --> 00:56:15,960 him that that that told him the information. And let me just 794 00:56:15,960 --> 00:56:21,420 quickly say, why the dotser review process of of grush, who 795 00:56:21,420 --> 00:56:26,490 approved the, at least we're led to believe this approved him 796 00:56:26,490 --> 00:56:31,380 speaking about dead non human pilots about non human craft, 797 00:56:31,530 --> 00:56:34,410 and everything that he says we are led to believe that he 798 00:56:34,410 --> 00:56:38,340 cleared it with Doctor, that's not an endorsement, but rather 799 00:56:38,430 --> 00:56:41,820 that there's no classified information there. So then bring 800 00:56:41,820 --> 00:56:46,770 somebody in who had that firsthand. You know, I saw that 801 00:56:46,800 --> 00:56:51,270 that non human dead body or I work next door to whatever the 802 00:56:51,270 --> 00:56:53,760 story is, and I'm not trying to make light of it, but like, 803 00:56:53,760 --> 00:56:57,090 whatever it fill in the blank, that's who I would have liked to 804 00:56:57,090 --> 00:57:00,780 have seen. So again, not taking away from David forever, or Ryan 805 00:57:00,780 --> 00:57:04,080 Graves. They're awesome individuals. I'm glad that their 806 00:57:04,080 --> 00:57:07,830 voices and faiths are out there, and they need to be. But I think 807 00:57:07,830 --> 00:57:10,950 with a hearing like this, and you nailed it, that this is what 808 00:57:10,950 --> 00:57:14,460 you heard anyway. So wherever the true source of this should 809 00:57:14,460 --> 00:57:18,900 be a home run, that nails that, and I feel that this issue 810 00:57:18,900 --> 00:57:24,000 deserves at that home run the Grand Slam. And it's not that 811 00:57:24,000 --> 00:57:26,520 those two individuals won't give it. It's just they won't get 812 00:57:26,520 --> 00:57:30,120 anything new. And I'll close the thought with this a lot of the 813 00:57:30,120 --> 00:57:33,630 rebuttal that I keep seeing to that, because I have voice that 814 00:57:33,630 --> 00:57:37,380 opinion here in the last week or so. The rebuttal is we have to 815 00:57:37,380 --> 00:57:41,700 start somewhere. We have to we have to build a base and branch 816 00:57:41,700 --> 00:57:47,400 out from that. My response to that, if I may, is that we have 817 00:57:47,400 --> 00:57:50,100 been there. We have built the foundation now for a couple of 818 00:57:50,100 --> 00:57:55,020 years. It started in 2021. With the UAP report. We know pilots 819 00:57:55,020 --> 00:57:58,350 are seeing them and military training exercises and military 820 00:57:58,350 --> 00:58:05,400 operation areas that information that foundation is there, no one 821 00:58:05,700 --> 00:58:10,200 can can refute that. So it's great that Ryan Graves and David 822 00:58:10,200 --> 00:58:13,290 favor are there and their voice is in the mix. Don't get me 823 00:58:13,290 --> 00:58:16,380 wrong. But we're reinforcing something that we already 824 00:58:16,380 --> 00:58:21,630 established in 2021. We need to take that next step, hit those 825 00:58:21,630 --> 00:58:25,200 people that grush was talking to hit even grush under oath with a 826 00:58:25,200 --> 00:58:30,000 few more pointed questions, and go from there. But that's what 827 00:58:30,000 --> 00:58:32,580 I've liked to see not to go off on a tangent. This is about you 828 00:58:32,580 --> 00:58:36,000 mad I'm not me. That's my reaction. 829 00:58:36,420 --> 00:58:40,620 Matt Laslo: And this is where to take it back to to be questioned 830 00:58:40,620 --> 00:58:44,940 for years. But this is where maybe it was six. But it'll be 831 00:58:44,940 --> 00:58:48,450 interesting. Because again, we have the Senate side. And so I'm 832 00:58:48,450 --> 00:58:51,990 curious. I mean, we're gonna ask for chat now. I'm curious what 833 00:58:51,990 --> 00:58:55,470 their calculation was, and whether they were thinking, Oh, 834 00:58:55,470 --> 00:59:01,290 hey, let's paint the broader picture of grush there, and then 835 00:59:01,350 --> 00:59:04,200 when the Senate has their hearing, you know, they'll 836 00:59:04,200 --> 00:59:10,410 connect the dots more especially with Luna which she was telling 837 00:59:10,410 --> 00:59:14,430 me made it seem like she really wanted to get the American 838 00:59:14,430 --> 00:59:19,710 people more up to speed on some of these conversations that are 839 00:59:19,710 --> 00:59:23,790 probably settled in UFO Twitter for lack of a better term. And 840 00:59:23,790 --> 00:59:31,380 so who knows a lot of times we think all these steps for 841 00:59:31,380 --> 00:59:34,710 lawmakers and then it turns out like Nope, this is what they 842 00:59:34,710 --> 00:59:38,490 did. You know, these are the people who read time. So 843 00:59:39,840 --> 00:59:41,400 John Greenewald: you could absolutely be right that they're 844 00:59:41,400 --> 00:59:44,370 trying to lay the foundation and and inform the American people I 845 00:59:44,370 --> 00:59:47,280 think maybe I'm in the not to say it's the right or wrong 846 00:59:47,310 --> 00:59:51,570 mindset but more in the mindset that they've had they meaning 847 00:59:51,570 --> 00:59:54,960 the American people have had their chance to pay attention to 848 00:59:54,960 --> 01:00:02,250 the 25,000 news articles. And and news broke podcasts and, you 849 01:00:02,250 --> 01:00:05,760 know, going a little bit broader with the podcasts and stuff like 850 01:00:05,760 --> 01:00:07,980 that. But I mean, mainstream media has covered this a lot. 851 01:00:08,130 --> 01:00:10,800 For me, I'm in that mindset that, hey, if you're not paying 852 01:00:10,800 --> 01:00:13,890 attention yet, then you're probably just not paying 853 01:00:13,890 --> 01:00:17,280 attention, you know, let's move on, for those that have paid 854 01:00:17,280 --> 01:00:20,730 attention. Because if there is something to Grusha his claims, 855 01:00:20,730 --> 01:00:25,050 if there's something to that, let's not give the foundation 856 01:00:25,050 --> 01:00:28,710 yet again, about pilot seeing this, that foundation is laid, 857 01:00:28,740 --> 01:00:32,850 let's drive this home. And that's, that's where I'm at. We 858 01:00:32,850 --> 01:00:33,600 can only hope 859 01:00:35,460 --> 01:00:38,310 Matt Laslo: grush, for lack of a better terms, the shiny objects 860 01:00:38,310 --> 01:00:43,170 of the day, because he's the shiny frickin object. You know, 861 01:00:43,170 --> 01:00:46,020 and I think they have a lot to deal with just with him and his 862 01:00:46,020 --> 01:00:50,790 claims. But, hey, I'm not a member of Congress is I don't 863 01:00:50,790 --> 01:00:53,430 want to be for one. But also, I don't think I could ever get 864 01:00:53,430 --> 01:00:57,480 enough people to vote for me. So I got no dog in this. But just 865 01:00:57,570 --> 01:00:59,910 John Greenewald: I bet I bet there's at least one or two 866 01:00:59,910 --> 01:01:03,060 watching this video that absolutely would vote for you. 867 01:01:03,060 --> 01:01:08,880 So Joking aside, though I My sincere compliments for your 868 01:01:08,910 --> 01:01:12,480 journalism, for going out there for getting the story for not 869 01:01:12,480 --> 01:01:15,930 sitting at your desk and just kind of writing whatever. So 870 01:01:15,930 --> 01:01:19,890 much respect for that, man, I really do appreciate your angle 871 01:01:19,890 --> 01:01:23,430 and you pushing for answers. But obviously your time today. So 872 01:01:23,430 --> 01:01:24,240 thank you for that. 873 01:01:25,050 --> 01:01:27,750 Matt Laslo: I've been talking about seven miles a day chasing 874 01:01:27,750 --> 01:01:31,290 these lawmakers. They're only in like three days this week, and 875 01:01:31,290 --> 01:01:33,420 then they're gone on next month. So 876 01:01:33,570 --> 01:01:35,190 John Greenewald: they're pulling the heavy work week again, 877 01:01:36,090 --> 01:01:39,510 Matt Laslo: talking about like 5060 interviews a day, this 878 01:01:39,510 --> 01:01:42,720 topic and then others as well. Oh, in all those interviews with 879 01:01:42,720 --> 01:01:46,590 the senators, they're going to slowly or a certain point, it 880 01:01:46,590 --> 01:01:50,910 will be a waterfall, but they're going to start dropping very 881 01:01:50,910 --> 01:01:54,150 regularly, once Congress leaves for the month of month of 882 01:01:54,150 --> 01:01:58,650 August. So stay tuned. Your lawmakers should be on the list. 883 01:01:59,400 --> 01:02:02,250 John Greenewald: Ask a poll.com is the website Matt Laszlo is 884 01:02:02,250 --> 01:02:05,700 the investigative journalist and Professor extraordinaire. I want 885 01:02:05,700 --> 01:02:09,120 to make sure that we plug this tonight if you are watching the 886 01:02:09,120 --> 01:02:13,620 premiere of this on the blackfalds channel, make sure 887 01:02:13,620 --> 01:02:19,290 that shortly after on Matt's discord correct. So you can get 888 01:02:19,290 --> 01:02:23,070 more information on this on his website. But on your discord 889 01:02:23,070 --> 01:02:27,690 channel. Give everybody a rundown. So they will come from 890 01:02:27,690 --> 01:02:30,240 this interview to you over there. What are you going to be 891 01:02:30,240 --> 01:02:32,340 doing? Yeah, 892 01:02:32,520 --> 01:02:34,590 Matt Laslo: we're going to be we're calling them listening 893 01:02:34,590 --> 01:02:39,060 sessions. But again, because I have all these raw interviews, 894 01:02:39,060 --> 01:02:41,400 you know, raw exclusive interviews with so many members 895 01:02:41,400 --> 01:02:46,440 of Congress. It it's easier because I have a day job writing 896 01:02:46,440 --> 01:02:52,290 for a handful of magazines and whatnot. I'm like, oh, it's 897 01:02:52,290 --> 01:02:56,880 easier in real time just to play some of the new audio live for 898 01:02:56,880 --> 01:03:00,630 you all. And so Congressman timbre Chet is promised me an 899 01:03:00,630 --> 01:03:04,890 exclusive today. If you're gonna happen at tonight's house, vote 900 01:03:04,890 --> 01:03:09,990 at 630. Or give me a call. So we're gonna have fresh stuff 901 01:03:09,990 --> 01:03:14,430 from him and from some of these questions, and then also gonna 902 01:03:14,430 --> 01:03:19,110 play some fresh, never before heard Adam Schiff tape, and then 903 01:03:19,110 --> 01:03:25,470 also Senator Mike rounds. People had questions about why. What 904 01:03:25,470 --> 01:03:30,750 was the term they use? 19 times and Schumer's? UAP. Bill, non 905 01:03:30,750 --> 01:03:33,420 human intelligence, human intelligence. Yeah. So we have 906 01:03:33,420 --> 01:03:36,570 one of Schumer's co authors, Senator Mike rounds explaining 907 01:03:36,570 --> 01:03:41,490 why they use the term nonhuman intelligence, which to give a 908 01:03:41,490 --> 01:03:44,730 tease on it, he says does encompass AI? 909 01:03:47,250 --> 01:03:49,740 John Greenewald: That's awesome. That's very, very cool. Well, 910 01:03:49,740 --> 01:03:52,590 I'm gonna definitely try and tune in myself to that. Make 911 01:03:52,590 --> 01:03:56,130 sure you check out the website again, ask a poll.com. You'll be 912 01:03:56,130 --> 01:03:58,530 able to see all the details about joining that discord 913 01:03:58,530 --> 01:04:01,620 channel and the live chat tonight. Matt, thank you again 914 01:04:01,620 --> 01:04:03,750 for your time. Get out there into the field. Get some more 915 01:04:03,750 --> 01:04:06,300 audio for all of us, because we're, we're lapping it up, man. 916 01:04:06,300 --> 01:04:07,500 We really do appreciate it. 917 01:04:09,030 --> 01:04:10,860 Matt Laslo: I take orders. Yes, sir. 918 01:04:12,000 --> 01:04:14,130 John Greenewald: Very good, Matt. Thanks again. And thank 919 01:04:14,130 --> 01:04:16,590 you all for listening and watching. This is John 920 01:04:16,590 --> 01:04:18,870 Greenewald, Jr, signing off, and we'll see you next time.