1 00:00:31,440 --> 00:00:33,300 John Greenewald: That's right everybody. As always, thank you 2 00:00:33,300 --> 00:00:37,050 so much for tuning in and taking this journey inside the black 3 00:00:37,050 --> 00:00:40,380 vault with me. I'm your host, John Greenewald, Jr. And today, 4 00:00:40,590 --> 00:00:44,610 we are diving into the newest UAP report released, which for 5 00:00:44,610 --> 00:00:48,990 many was a huge fat, nothing burger as many of them likely 6 00:00:48,990 --> 00:00:53,610 are. For others like myself, I like to dig in, dive in, look at 7 00:00:53,610 --> 00:00:56,670 every single character, why they did some things, why they didn't 8 00:00:56,670 --> 00:00:59,880 do some things. And just kind of break it down that way. Because 9 00:01:00,030 --> 00:01:04,050 even though the report may not have a whole lot of information 10 00:01:04,050 --> 00:01:07,410 we can use, there are things that you can deduce from it, 11 00:01:07,590 --> 00:01:11,700 that if you use the FOIA or even if you're just kind of curious 12 00:01:11,880 --> 00:01:15,720 and want to dig in a little bit more, it really kind of is 13 00:01:15,720 --> 00:01:19,080 helpful to look at these types of things in a different lens. 14 00:01:19,290 --> 00:01:23,580 And that's my intent for videos like these. So let's just go 15 00:01:23,580 --> 00:01:28,200 ahead and get right into it. Let me pull up the presentation, if 16 00:01:28,200 --> 00:01:31,530 you will. And some slides, I'm not going to read the whole 17 00:01:31,530 --> 00:01:35,970 report to you. But I am going to break down some of the parts 18 00:01:36,150 --> 00:01:39,750 that were most interesting to me now the report was only 16 19 00:01:39,750 --> 00:01:44,820 pages. And let me stress, I urge you to read the whole thing. I'm 20 00:01:44,820 --> 00:01:48,090 not going to go over everything, like I said. So you know, you 21 00:01:48,090 --> 00:01:52,740 might find something interesting that I didn't. So it's very much 22 00:01:52,740 --> 00:01:55,680 a matter of perception and how we approach these topics. But 23 00:01:55,680 --> 00:01:59,100 what I'm going to go through with you. And I'm going to read 24 00:01:59,100 --> 00:02:03,000 some sections, especially for the audio version, but read some 25 00:02:03,000 --> 00:02:05,580 sections, so we can go through it and kind of talk it out a 26 00:02:05,580 --> 00:02:10,080 little bit and see some of the interesting parts of this, but 27 00:02:10,080 --> 00:02:14,790 also some of the concerning parts, as well. So for those 28 00:02:14,790 --> 00:02:18,000 watching on YouTube, and then throughout some of the other 29 00:02:18,120 --> 00:02:21,750 social media networks where this video may pop up, in the show 30 00:02:21,750 --> 00:02:25,680 notes section, you will find a direct link to the black vault 31 00:02:25,680 --> 00:02:29,160 with the entire report. So you can download, follow along with 32 00:02:29,160 --> 00:02:32,580 me on this video, download it for yourself, read it, print it, 33 00:02:32,760 --> 00:02:35,280 put it on your wall frame it, throw darts at it, whatever you 34 00:02:35,340 --> 00:02:42,240 like to do. But that link is is there for you. Now, with these 35 00:02:42,240 --> 00:02:45,330 reports, even though it's only 16 pages, a lot of times they 36 00:02:45,330 --> 00:02:48,480 will put what's called an executive summary. So the report 37 00:02:48,480 --> 00:02:52,650 itself is you know, roughly 12 pages or so minus the table of 38 00:02:52,650 --> 00:02:55,890 contents and cover page and the executive summary. So the 39 00:02:55,890 --> 00:02:59,130 executive summary is roughly a page page and a half of taking 40 00:02:59,130 --> 00:03:02,730 the report condensing it down, making it a little bit more 41 00:03:03,330 --> 00:03:06,600 digestible for those who don't like the nitty gritty details. 42 00:03:06,930 --> 00:03:09,120 So that's where we're going to start and I'm going to go 43 00:03:09,120 --> 00:03:12,300 through some of the paragraphs that I think properly summarizes 44 00:03:12,570 --> 00:03:16,290 some of the things that we're learning with this. I'll quote 45 00:03:16,320 --> 00:03:20,040 The report covers unidentified anomalous phenomena UAP reports 46 00:03:20,040 --> 00:03:26,910 from 31 August 2022 to 30 April 2023, and all UAP reports from 47 00:03:26,910 --> 00:03:30,840 any previous time periods that were not included in an earlier 48 00:03:30,840 --> 00:03:35,370 report. The all domain anomaly resolution office received a 49 00:03:35,370 --> 00:03:42,210 total of 291 UAP reports during this period, consisting of 274 50 00:03:42,420 --> 00:03:46,500 that occurred during this period and another 17 that occurred 51 00:03:46,500 --> 00:03:51,480 during previous reporting periods from 2019 to 2022. But 52 00:03:51,480 --> 00:03:53,700 had not been conveyed in previous submissions. In other 53 00:03:53,700 --> 00:03:57,120 words are just getting the report post any previous 54 00:03:57,120 --> 00:03:59,970 reporting that they did, and they were in those past 55 00:03:59,970 --> 00:04:04,530 timeframes, really wordy for such a kind of simplistic data 56 00:04:04,530 --> 00:04:08,370 point. during the reporting period, Arrow received no 57 00:04:08,370 --> 00:04:11,610 reports indicating UAP sightings have been associated with any 58 00:04:11,610 --> 00:04:14,760 adverse health effects. However, many reports from military 59 00:04:14,760 --> 00:04:19,290 witnesses do present potential safety of flight concerns. And 60 00:04:19,290 --> 00:04:21,750 there are some cases where reported UAP have potentially 61 00:04:21,750 --> 00:04:25,380 exhibited one or more concerning concerning performance 62 00:04:25,380 --> 00:04:29,340 characteristics, such as high speed travel or unusual 63 00:04:29,340 --> 00:04:33,210 maneuverability. Aero has deconflict these cases with 64 00:04:33,210 --> 00:04:36,180 potential us programs and continues to work closely 65 00:04:36,210 --> 00:04:39,480 closely with its DOD and intelligence community mission 66 00:04:39,480 --> 00:04:43,800 partners to identify and attribute any objects found in 67 00:04:43,800 --> 00:04:47,580 these cases. Additionally, Arrow continues to investigate and 68 00:04:47,580 --> 00:04:50,790 research all cases and its holdings. While the mere 69 00:04:50,790 --> 00:04:54,480 presence of UAP in the airspace represents a potential hazard to 70 00:04:54,480 --> 00:04:57,900 flight safety. None of these reports suggest the UAP maneuver 71 00:04:57,900 --> 00:05:02,370 to an unsafe proximity to civil or military aircraft, positioned 72 00:05:02,370 --> 00:05:05,610 themselves in flight paths, or otherwise posed a direct threat 73 00:05:05,610 --> 00:05:09,030 to the flight safety of the observing aircraft. Although 74 00:05:09,030 --> 00:05:11,790 none of these UAP reports have been positively attributed to 75 00:05:11,790 --> 00:05:16,170 foreign activities, these cases continue to be investigated. And 76 00:05:16,170 --> 00:05:20,460 it should be important to point out, if if it's not obvious to 77 00:05:20,460 --> 00:05:23,130 you, I take away from all of this, that this is just the 78 00:05:23,130 --> 00:05:27,780 reports in this particular period. So not the totality of 79 00:05:27,780 --> 00:05:30,720 everything aro has collected. So just kind of keep that in mind 80 00:05:30,720 --> 00:05:34,830 that even though it's a fairly uneventful and kind of snoozy 81 00:05:35,100 --> 00:05:39,210 expos A of this particular time period, it is just that 82 00:05:39,210 --> 00:05:43,230 particular time period. So they may have other cases that have 83 00:05:43,230 --> 00:05:49,170 done health hazards after the encounter, that maybe was not in 84 00:05:49,170 --> 00:05:52,320 this time period, but something in the past. So just kind of 85 00:05:52,320 --> 00:05:56,370 keep that in mind that this is the lens of the timeframe, a 86 00:05:56,370 --> 00:06:00,810 smaller timeframe, not a summary of everything that they have. 87 00:06:02,100 --> 00:06:04,290 While this progress is facilitating collection and 88 00:06:04,290 --> 00:06:08,310 analysis of the UAP problem set, the continued volume and 89 00:06:08,310 --> 00:06:12,690 unidentified nature of most UAP is a direct consequence of gaps 90 00:06:12,870 --> 00:06:16,620 in domain awareness. These gaps are the direct result of 91 00:06:16,620 --> 00:06:20,940 insufficient data secured by radar, electro optical infrared 92 00:06:20,940 --> 00:06:25,260 sensors, the presence of sensor artifacts such as IR flare, and 93 00:06:25,260 --> 00:06:28,080 optical effects, such as parallax that can cause 94 00:06:28,110 --> 00:06:32,520 observational misperceptions, based on the ability to resolve 95 00:06:32,520 --> 00:06:36,210 cases to date. With an increase in the quality of data secured, 96 00:06:36,510 --> 00:06:40,500 the unidentified and purported anomalous nature of most UAP 97 00:06:40,950 --> 00:06:45,060 will likely resolve to ordinary phenomena, and significantly 98 00:06:45,060 --> 00:06:52,470 reduced the amount of UAP case submissions. To me, this is the 99 00:06:52,470 --> 00:06:56,640 most concerning part of this report. Now, any viewers of this 100 00:06:56,640 --> 00:06:59,850 channel, you'll know that I talk a lot about the secrecy 101 00:07:00,450 --> 00:07:04,830 surrounding UAP and why it's there, and the lack of official 102 00:07:04,830 --> 00:07:08,580 explanation of why it's there. But on top of that, the 103 00:07:08,580 --> 00:07:13,860 parallels between the 1950s 1960s primarily through 104 00:07:13,860 --> 00:07:19,470 the late 1960s, of how the government and military at that 105 00:07:19,470 --> 00:07:23,250 time, had set up the investigations that they did, 106 00:07:23,580 --> 00:07:27,090 ultimately, we refer to it as Project Bluebook. But there were 107 00:07:27,090 --> 00:07:32,610 a few programs in there. And how they dealt with it, why they did 108 00:07:32,610 --> 00:07:37,140 it. And ultimately, them closing everything. And then we didn't 109 00:07:37,140 --> 00:07:41,700 hear about UFOs literally for decades and decades. I talk a 110 00:07:41,700 --> 00:07:44,970 lot about the parallels, because it has concerned me now for a 111 00:07:44,970 --> 00:07:48,960 couple of years, that that is exactly what is playing out now. 112 00:07:49,560 --> 00:07:54,330 Now for those who don't know me, I know and believe based on 113 00:07:54,360 --> 00:07:59,040 evidence, both through FOIA and outside of FOIA, that there's 114 00:07:59,040 --> 00:08:03,060 something to these phenomena. I say it plural, I think that 115 00:08:03,060 --> 00:08:06,660 there's multiple facets to this, I think there may be multiple 116 00:08:06,660 --> 00:08:09,600 Well, there's obviously multiple explanations, some of which are 117 00:08:09,600 --> 00:08:11,340 just very earth based. 118 00:08:13,050 --> 00:08:17,580 And I'm not here to argue the the alien hypothesis to you. But 119 00:08:17,580 --> 00:08:22,260 rather that there is a section here that we humans, I think 120 00:08:22,260 --> 00:08:27,240 just don't quite understand yet. And that I believe is is evident 121 00:08:27,600 --> 00:08:32,550 throughout history. But when you get to the investigations, like 122 00:08:32,550 --> 00:08:35,580 again, Project Bluebook, you see how that played out? You 123 00:08:35,580 --> 00:08:39,240 juxtapose that with how this is playing out, all of a sudden, 124 00:08:39,360 --> 00:08:43,860 you start to see things really unfolding in the exact same way. 125 00:08:44,160 --> 00:08:47,430 And this, again, has been a concern of mine for quite some 126 00:08:47,430 --> 00:08:51,870 time. Now put it visually for you. It all started with a 127 00:08:51,870 --> 00:08:55,020 threat. Now I'm obviously talking about Project Bluebook. 128 00:08:55,170 --> 00:08:58,560 But also juxtapose that again with today that it all started 129 00:08:58,560 --> 00:09:01,260 with a threat that there was a problem the military had to 130 00:09:01,260 --> 00:09:05,400 investigate, because there was a public interest on top of that 131 00:09:05,400 --> 00:09:10,530 threat, the concern in the post world war two environment, you 132 00:09:10,530 --> 00:09:14,730 know, through 1946 4748, that timeframe when you got into 133 00:09:14,730 --> 00:09:17,640 project sign, then grudge and then project Bluebook. 134 00:09:17,640 --> 00:09:23,100 Ultimately, that public interest coupled with the threat pave the 135 00:09:23,100 --> 00:09:28,410 way for a decade, a couple of decades long UFO investigation, 136 00:09:29,130 --> 00:09:31,950 but the evidence once it came out more and more, you can 137 00:09:31,950 --> 00:09:36,150 realize that it was much less a investigation, but rather much 138 00:09:36,150 --> 00:09:41,040 more in explanation. Now that is a whole video presentation in 139 00:09:41,040 --> 00:09:44,670 itself. I've talked a little bit about it in past videos, I won't 140 00:09:44,700 --> 00:09:48,270 regurgitate it all here. The project Bluebook was a farce. 141 00:09:48,540 --> 00:09:53,130 But it had to deal with those two things the threat and the 142 00:09:53,130 --> 00:09:57,810 public interest that was not going away. The UFO phenomena 143 00:09:57,810 --> 00:10:01,620 was given more credibility at the At time by military 144 00:10:01,620 --> 00:10:05,730 personnel and prominent politicians as it progressed, 145 00:10:05,730 --> 00:10:08,880 which prolong funding and interest, you look at those 146 00:10:08,880 --> 00:10:13,020 former and current at the time, military personnel that were 147 00:10:13,020 --> 00:10:17,100 saying things, sometimes in books, sometimes in press 148 00:10:17,190 --> 00:10:21,330 conferences, and you fast forward through the mid 60s, 149 00:10:21,480 --> 00:10:24,930 then you have people like Gerald Ford, prior to him becoming 150 00:10:24,930 --> 00:10:30,930 president, pushing the UAP issue as a huge concern, and something 151 00:10:30,930 --> 00:10:34,650 that needed to be dealt with. A lot of this sounds familiar, you 152 00:10:34,650 --> 00:10:38,340 start exchanging some of these names with people today. And 153 00:10:38,340 --> 00:10:43,080 they fit almost identically to how this has played out in the 154 00:10:43,080 --> 00:10:46,860 past. Now, all of that interest, the threat and all of that 155 00:10:46,860 --> 00:10:50,700 dialogue in the public sphere, led to the military, obviously 156 00:10:50,700 --> 00:10:54,030 starting grudge sign later Bluebook and doing the 157 00:10:54,030 --> 00:10:58,950 investigation for decades, looking at the cases, digesting 158 00:10:58,950 --> 00:11:04,500 everything, and then coming to a quote unquote, conclusion. They 159 00:11:04,500 --> 00:11:08,070 concluded that the majority of the cases were explainable. Now, 160 00:11:08,100 --> 00:11:11,820 even by their own admission, it was not everything. There's a 161 00:11:11,820 --> 00:11:16,530 famous number 701 that remained unidentified after a project 162 00:11:16,530 --> 00:11:20,940 Bluebook closed. However, the problem with that is once you 163 00:11:20,940 --> 00:11:24,870 start looking at a lot of the cases, you realize that 701 164 00:11:24,870 --> 00:11:30,840 Number was likely much, much larger. On top of that, the the 165 00:11:32,130 --> 00:11:35,100 section on the black vault that I call from the desks of brought 166 00:11:35,100 --> 00:11:39,120 project Bluebook added other case files that were found from 167 00:11:39,120 --> 00:11:44,430 a former project Bluebook personnel member in a garage 168 00:11:44,430 --> 00:11:47,760 somewhere, you realize that there were cases that weren't in 169 00:11:47,760 --> 00:11:52,890 the massive data set that is now at the National Archives, a lot 170 00:11:52,890 --> 00:11:57,780 of stuff didn't survive, it got either destroyed, shredded, or 171 00:11:57,780 --> 00:12:01,380 copies were taken home by other people. But the fact remains 172 00:12:01,380 --> 00:12:06,090 that that 701 Number likely isn't accurate at all. Another 173 00:12:06,090 --> 00:12:08,760 quick point on that when I posted project Bluebook 174 00:12:08,760 --> 00:12:12,510 documents, gosh, probably close to a decade ago, and created 175 00:12:12,510 --> 00:12:17,220 this massive search engine kind of turned into an ugly story of 176 00:12:17,280 --> 00:12:21,600 copyright claims by ancestry.com. I'll bore you with 177 00:12:21,600 --> 00:12:26,010 that story another day. But the bottom line was at got major 178 00:12:26,250 --> 00:12:31,350 press and publicity. And as a result, people from the 1960s 179 00:12:31,350 --> 00:12:35,250 and even 50s were writing me directly because they found 180 00:12:35,520 --> 00:12:40,110 their sighting in the Bluebook files that even though it was 181 00:12:40,260 --> 00:12:43,050 readily available, if they cared to go to the National Archives, 182 00:12:43,500 --> 00:12:46,020 the resource that I had created allowed people to search for it 183 00:12:46,020 --> 00:12:50,040 and find it like that. And so they did and I started compiling 184 00:12:50,040 --> 00:12:54,060 responses from people that stretched into the double 185 00:12:54,060 --> 00:12:56,940 digits. I'm not talking about hundreds, but rather probably 186 00:12:56,940 --> 00:13:02,970 1520 people that had found their case file, saw what the 187 00:13:02,970 --> 00:13:06,750 government and military labeled it as. And they said there is no 188 00:13:06,750 --> 00:13:10,470 way that this was the explanation for my case, and 189 00:13:10,470 --> 00:13:14,490 that they changed part of the facts behind it. And I started 190 00:13:14,490 --> 00:13:18,270 piling these up realizing Wow, Bluebook was much more of a 191 00:13:18,270 --> 00:13:21,270 farce than I than I ever realized. So sorry to go off on 192 00:13:21,270 --> 00:13:24,450 that tangent. But all of the statistics and stuff that we've 193 00:13:24,450 --> 00:13:29,520 learned about Bluebook, in my opinion is provably false, that 194 00:13:29,520 --> 00:13:33,660 the the percentage of unexplained is likely much, much 195 00:13:33,660 --> 00:13:38,130 larger. And I think that that's an important point to punch with 196 00:13:38,130 --> 00:13:43,440 that particular era. So even though they claim that most were 197 00:13:43,470 --> 00:13:48,210 explainable, they convened a panel back in the 1960s, of 198 00:13:48,210 --> 00:13:53,220 scientists to independently look at the findings. And you kind of 199 00:13:53,220 --> 00:13:57,030 look at the NASA effort and stuff like that you start to 200 00:13:57,030 --> 00:14:00,780 juxtapose all of this, it seems very, very familiar. But that 201 00:14:00,780 --> 00:14:04,200 being said, that panel of scientists came together, looked 202 00:14:04,200 --> 00:14:09,180 at decade's worth of cases. And they determined that the UFO 203 00:14:09,180 --> 00:14:12,600 phenomena, whatever it may be, was not a threat to national 204 00:14:12,600 --> 00:14:16,170 security didn't warrant further investigation, and recommended 205 00:14:16,170 --> 00:14:19,980 that the investigation be closed. And that's exactly what 206 00:14:19,980 --> 00:14:24,000 the US Air Force did. They halted the investigation, they 207 00:14:24,000 --> 00:14:28,710 stopped it and for well over 40 years, the government stopped 208 00:14:28,710 --> 00:14:33,000 talking about UFOs and bought them decades. Now documentation 209 00:14:33,000 --> 00:14:36,450 proves that's not entirely true. They wanted you to believe they 210 00:14:36,450 --> 00:14:40,740 didn't care. But in reality, the CIA, the NSA, the DIA, and quite 211 00:14:40,740 --> 00:14:44,580 a few other places, were still collecting and looking at UFO 212 00:14:44,580 --> 00:14:48,690 reports from around the globe. So that also was a lie by the US 213 00:14:48,690 --> 00:14:54,360 government. However, they used kind of that, that effort to 214 00:14:54,360 --> 00:14:58,680 justify them saying, Oh, we just don't care about UFOs we looked 215 00:14:58,680 --> 00:15:02,730 at it we gave it a shot. and everything is primarily 216 00:15:02,760 --> 00:15:07,050 explainable the cases, and I'm paraphrasing their point on 217 00:15:07,050 --> 00:15:12,810 this. But the cases that did not have an explanation, they felt 218 00:15:12,840 --> 00:15:17,550 if they had better data, better instrumentation, or essentially 219 00:15:17,550 --> 00:15:21,720 more data in front of them about those respective cases, they 220 00:15:21,720 --> 00:15:26,220 too, would be identified. That's exactly what I just read to you 221 00:15:26,220 --> 00:15:29,940 from this new report, that essentially they're saying if we 222 00:15:29,940 --> 00:15:33,240 have better data, that we'd likely be able to solve the 223 00:15:33,240 --> 00:15:37,200 majority of these. Well, the reality is they probably could, 224 00:15:37,200 --> 00:15:41,070 but it's the small percentage of stuff that truly is anomalous. 225 00:15:41,250 --> 00:15:43,710 Don't take my word. I'm not guessing. That's Dr. Kirk, 226 00:15:43,710 --> 00:15:47,220 Patrick's word that he said in the congressional hearing that 227 00:15:47,220 --> 00:15:52,050 he took part in that there was a small percentage of truly 228 00:15:52,050 --> 00:15:56,160 anomalous cases that they could not identify that they were 229 00:15:56,160 --> 00:15:59,790 collecting. And I did the math at the time with his percentage 230 00:15:59,970 --> 00:16:04,530 that he gave it was roughly about 30 to 40 cases, or so, 231 00:16:04,980 --> 00:16:08,370 obviously, a rough estimate. But that's a lot of cases that 232 00:16:08,370 --> 00:16:11,250 they've collected that would be truly anomalous. Now, what's his 233 00:16:11,250 --> 00:16:16,260 definition of truly anomalous that it's hard to tell? We don't 234 00:16:16,260 --> 00:16:20,070 really know that. But for him to go on the record and say that, 235 00:16:20,430 --> 00:16:24,300 that, to me is a big deal. But those types of statements are 236 00:16:24,300 --> 00:16:28,200 lost in these reports, these types of reports AR better data, 237 00:16:28,200 --> 00:16:32,760 everything explainable? Well, that's probably not true, given 238 00:16:32,760 --> 00:16:36,240 the documented history that we can already call back on. And 239 00:16:36,240 --> 00:16:40,650 it's playing out the exact same way. Now, moving on from that 240 00:16:40,650 --> 00:16:45,780 point, this was another really fascinating section to me that I 241 00:16:45,780 --> 00:16:50,940 bet the majority of people just kind of skipped. Now the 2022 242 00:16:50,940 --> 00:16:56,670 report on UAP, published by the same office, headed by arrow, 243 00:16:56,670 --> 00:17:00,060 and then they consulted with other places as well, I put it 244 00:17:00,060 --> 00:17:02,490 in quotes, because it was actually published in 2023, they 245 00:17:02,490 --> 00:17:07,410 were very late on it. But that's why it's in quotes, the section 246 00:17:07,470 --> 00:17:12,360 of where they say, the agencies they coordinated with were 247 00:17:12,360 --> 00:17:15,990 listed. That, to me is fascinating, because here's the 248 00:17:16,200 --> 00:17:22,080 comparison of the newest report, which is over here. And the 2022 249 00:17:22,080 --> 00:17:27,240 report, which came out early, early in 2023. And you look at 250 00:17:27,240 --> 00:17:33,660 the growth of consulting agencies that arrow is working 251 00:17:33,660 --> 00:17:36,930 with. Now, that's encouraging, it means that they really are 252 00:17:36,930 --> 00:17:40,590 branching out. So kudos to them, because it really shows some 253 00:17:40,590 --> 00:17:44,370 growth there that they're not confining themselves to data to 254 00:17:44,370 --> 00:17:48,180 only a handful of agencies, but rather, it's grown considerably. 255 00:17:48,540 --> 00:17:52,470 Now I went through one by one, the yellow highlights are the 256 00:17:52,470 --> 00:17:54,720 ones that we already heard before. The ones that aren't 257 00:17:54,720 --> 00:17:58,290 highlighted at all, are brand new, that they were not in the 258 00:17:58,290 --> 00:18:01,800 previous report. And you'll see two pink highlights in there 259 00:18:01,800 --> 00:18:05,520 too, which are, again, easily missed. And I'm not I'm not 260 00:18:05,520 --> 00:18:08,010 really sure what the explanation is here. But I think it's worthy 261 00:18:08,010 --> 00:18:11,310 of a mention that in the 2022 report. 262 00:18:12,720 --> 00:18:17,520 OD and eyes nem aviation, in conjunction with Arrow made that 263 00:18:17,520 --> 00:18:24,030 report. This newest was drafted by Arrow and ODNI is National 264 00:18:24,030 --> 00:18:28,830 Intelligence manager for military integration. So that's 265 00:18:28,830 --> 00:18:33,750 nem mill, not nem. Aviation. So there was a change there that 266 00:18:33,750 --> 00:18:36,510 name aviation doesn't even appear here. Now, is there an 267 00:18:36,510 --> 00:18:40,230 easy explanation for that? Possibly. But I actually tried 268 00:18:40,230 --> 00:18:44,610 to search in Google for this military integration. And every 269 00:18:44,610 --> 00:18:48,660 one of the links minus one at the recording of this video, by 270 00:18:48,660 --> 00:18:52,140 the way. So that could change later. But at the recording of 271 00:18:52,140 --> 00:18:54,330 this video, when I Googled this and tried to research it a 272 00:18:54,330 --> 00:18:57,300 little bit more, because that's new to me. They were all 273 00:18:57,300 --> 00:19:03,420 references to this UAP report. Meaning is it new? Is it a name 274 00:19:03,420 --> 00:19:06,810 change from them aviation one, name, aviation still has a 275 00:19:06,810 --> 00:19:10,530 website. So either they haven't updated yet and this is a new 276 00:19:10,530 --> 00:19:14,610 name, or there was a change. Why for that change? Not really 277 00:19:14,610 --> 00:19:18,720 sure, but I think it's worthy of note there. The other pink 278 00:19:18,720 --> 00:19:23,100 highlight ODNI is nem economic security and emerging 279 00:19:23,940 --> 00:19:31,680 technology. This may also be a variation of the previous ODNI 280 00:19:31,680 --> 00:19:35,700 nem emerging and disruptive technology. But it's worthy of 281 00:19:35,700 --> 00:19:40,170 note because it is different and the DIA is missing. Dia was in 282 00:19:40,170 --> 00:19:45,060 the 2022 report, not in the new one. So also of note, why not? 283 00:19:45,090 --> 00:19:50,760 Where did the DIA go? They exhaust all contributions that 284 00:19:50,760 --> 00:19:54,600 they can give. Is it a mistake? You know, your guess is as good 285 00:19:54,600 --> 00:19:57,480 as mine, but I at least wanted to point that out as we go 286 00:19:57,480 --> 00:20:02,640 through the report itself. One other point that came out that I 287 00:20:02,640 --> 00:20:05,640 felt was interesting the increase in reporting is in part 288 00:20:06,000 --> 00:20:08,550 due to deepening federal relationships and Arrow's 289 00:20:08,550 --> 00:20:12,780 ability to incorporate new reports into its adjudication 290 00:20:12,780 --> 00:20:16,440 and research process. UAP mission partners continue to 291 00:20:16,440 --> 00:20:19,590 coordinate collaborate and streamline processes. With these 292 00:20:19,590 --> 00:20:23,910 new reports, as of 30, April 2023, Arrow has received a total 293 00:20:24,060 --> 00:20:29,010 of 801 UAP reports. So obviously, showing the growth 294 00:20:29,040 --> 00:20:32,190 obviously, the screenshot prior that I just showed you, 295 00:20:32,460 --> 00:20:39,150 justifies this kind of, again, explosive, increase that may be 296 00:20:39,150 --> 00:20:42,540 explosive is a little bit too dramatic there. But the increase 297 00:20:42,540 --> 00:20:46,020 in reporting the increase of data that's becoming available 298 00:20:46,020 --> 00:20:48,930 to them, it's because they are branching out and coordinating 299 00:20:48,930 --> 00:20:52,590 with more and that's encouraging. The report, it may 300 00:20:52,590 --> 00:20:54,570 be hard to see on your screen here, but it's not really 301 00:20:54,570 --> 00:20:58,980 important. Gave some pie charts, which we've seen in the past, 302 00:20:58,980 --> 00:21:01,860 obviously just updated with the newest numbers. The first one 303 00:21:01,860 --> 00:21:05,580 reported UAP morphologies, these are the shapes that just seem to 304 00:21:05,580 --> 00:21:11,400 be a very elusive dataset. The was a 2021 classified report 305 00:21:11,400 --> 00:21:14,880 that I got partially released through FOIA showed that they 306 00:21:14,880 --> 00:21:18,480 wanted to redact for national security reasons, the shapes of 307 00:21:18,480 --> 00:21:24,240 all the UAP and examples of the shapes of those UAP. My appeal 308 00:21:24,240 --> 00:21:27,480 on that is still open. Obviously, they have lessened 309 00:21:27,510 --> 00:21:31,920 that a little bit. So hopefully, we'll see some encouraging 310 00:21:31,920 --> 00:21:35,070 results from from that specific appeal. But that pie chart 311 00:21:35,070 --> 00:21:39,780 obviously is breaking down some of those shapes. The biggest 312 00:21:39,960 --> 00:21:46,140 data set, or the data portion, 53% not reported. Excuse me, so 313 00:21:46,530 --> 00:21:52,170 why, who knows. But you've got orbs sphere, as the biggest 314 00:21:53,040 --> 00:21:55,710 reported shape, and then it breaks it down from there, 315 00:21:55,710 --> 00:21:59,160 rectangle, triangle disc, cylinder, all stuff that you can 316 00:21:59,160 --> 00:22:02,520 probably just guess on your own. But interesting that the 317 00:22:02,520 --> 00:22:06,450 majority of cases don't even report a shape, while those that 318 00:22:06,450 --> 00:22:12,240 do 25% are round spheres and orbs. This is a pretty pointless 319 00:22:12,240 --> 00:22:16,950 chart if you ask me. Reported lights for fiscal year 2023. 320 00:22:18,060 --> 00:22:24,540 Lights 21%, no lights 79%. But there's so many variables in 321 00:22:24,540 --> 00:22:26,820 that that would make that actually matter. Was it a 322 00:22:26,820 --> 00:22:31,500 nighttime or daytime sighting? Was it instrumentation only if 323 00:22:31,500 --> 00:22:35,670 it was just instrumentation only would that instrument be able to 324 00:22:35,670 --> 00:22:39,690 see or deduce lights on or off so many different, you know, 325 00:22:39,690 --> 00:22:42,150 factors there, which kind of makes that a little bit 326 00:22:42,150 --> 00:22:45,990 pointless? Why I point that out is I think they just like to 327 00:22:45,990 --> 00:22:48,480 beef up these reports, you'll notice as you go through the 328 00:22:48,480 --> 00:22:51,690 report to they, they love to skip like half pages, they'll 329 00:22:51,690 --> 00:22:55,830 start a new page just sometimes seemingly randomly. And I think 330 00:22:55,830 --> 00:22:58,590 it's just to increase the page count a little bit to make it a 331 00:22:58,590 --> 00:23:02,550 little bit more, you know, complete in their, in their 332 00:23:02,550 --> 00:23:06,750 view. Here's some more visuals and eye candy. We kind of see 333 00:23:06,750 --> 00:23:10,440 these from time to time, the exact same graphics, I mean, and 334 00:23:10,440 --> 00:23:14,280 they've just updated numbers, the altitudes of which UAP are 335 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:19,770 reported breaking it down. And then obviously the heat map of 336 00:23:19,770 --> 00:23:22,500 distribution of reports this is another kind of pointless one. 337 00:23:22,530 --> 00:23:25,350 Obviously, there's data bias here because they're only 338 00:23:25,350 --> 00:23:29,370 collecting it from military installations, which obviously 339 00:23:29,370 --> 00:23:32,490 will limit you to where our military installations are going 340 00:23:32,490 --> 00:23:35,850 to be heavy in the US. And obviously looking at other parts 341 00:23:35,850 --> 00:23:39,840 in the world have a US presence, so on and so forth. So it's kind 342 00:23:39,840 --> 00:23:46,590 of a biased chart, but you know, eye candy nonetheless. Now, here 343 00:23:46,590 --> 00:23:50,010 is kind of a breakdown of some more interesting stuff. I hate 344 00:23:50,010 --> 00:23:54,000 to read a whole page to you. But again, for audio reasons on the 345 00:23:54,000 --> 00:23:58,230 podcast itself, I think it's important. Increased FAA 346 00:23:58,230 --> 00:24:01,350 reporting, shifting geographic collection bias and morphology 347 00:24:01,350 --> 00:24:04,590 trend, which is obviously what I just went over with kind of how 348 00:24:04,590 --> 00:24:08,190 silly some of those those charts are when it comes to the bias. 349 00:24:09,120 --> 00:24:13,380 Arrow has received over 100 UAP incident reports from FAA that 350 00:24:13,380 --> 00:24:17,370 contribute to the trend analysis of activity over the US and 351 00:24:17,370 --> 00:24:22,530 adjacent waters of the incident reports FAA, FAA has shared with 352 00:24:22,530 --> 00:24:26,430 Aero the vast majority concern sightings of unidentified lights 353 00:24:26,430 --> 00:24:30,420 without specific shape at widely varying estimated altitudes from 354 00:24:30,420 --> 00:24:35,010 less than 5000 feet up to 60,000 feet. None of these reports 355 00:24:35,010 --> 00:24:37,680 suggest the UAP were exhibiting anomalous characteristics 356 00:24:37,920 --> 00:24:41,850 maneuver to an unsafe proximity to civil aircraft, or posed a 357 00:24:41,850 --> 00:24:45,240 threat to flight safety to the observing aircraft. arrow will 358 00:24:45,240 --> 00:24:48,240 continue to add these reports as appropriate to the active 359 00:24:48,240 --> 00:24:52,710 archive where they will be used in the overall trend analysis. 360 00:24:53,280 --> 00:24:57,060 No health slash physiological impacts from UAP incidents 361 00:24:57,060 --> 00:25:00,990 reported to date, no encounters with UAP have been confirmed to 362 00:25:00,990 --> 00:25:04,260 have directly contributed to adverse health related effects 363 00:25:04,260 --> 00:25:08,700 to the observers ODNI and DOD acknowledge that health related 364 00:25:08,700 --> 00:25:11,280 effects may appear at anytime after an event occurs. 365 00:25:11,610 --> 00:25:16,050 Therefore, any reported health implications related to UAP will 366 00:25:16,050 --> 00:25:21,990 be tracked and examined if and when they emerge, data, data and 367 00:25:21,990 --> 00:25:24,390 intelligence sources received through various intelligence 368 00:25:24,390 --> 00:25:28,650 channels. Arrows new integrated analysis process ensures the raw 369 00:25:28,650 --> 00:25:32,820 intelligence related to UAP from various intelligence disciplines 370 00:25:33,180 --> 00:25:36,480 are assimilated into all source data packages analyzed by teams 371 00:25:36,480 --> 00:25:41,520 of scientists and intelligence analysts. Aeros analysts scour 372 00:25:41,520 --> 00:25:44,790 multiple classified and unclassified databases to 373 00:25:44,790 --> 00:25:49,320 identify any existing data on each UAP case, prioritizing 374 00:25:49,320 --> 00:25:52,980 technical sensor information that yields the highest quantity 375 00:25:52,980 --> 00:25:57,900 of pertinent, valuable data for review. As the office employs 376 00:25:57,900 --> 00:26:01,380 more sensors specifically tailored, tailored for UAP 377 00:26:01,380 --> 00:26:04,620 detection, the amount and variety of technical data 378 00:26:04,620 --> 00:26:07,770 produced will increase, facilitating more and better 379 00:26:07,770 --> 00:26:13,650 analytic analytic fidelity. Arrow program updates in regards 380 00:26:13,650 --> 00:26:17,490 to the analytic division, arrows analytic efforts are confirming 381 00:26:17,490 --> 00:26:20,190 that only a very small percentage of UAP reports 382 00:26:20,190 --> 00:26:24,120 display interesting signatures, such as high speed travel, and 383 00:26:24,120 --> 00:26:28,410 unknown morphologies. The majority of unidentified objects 384 00:26:28,410 --> 00:26:32,040 reported to arrow demonstrate ordinary characteristics of 385 00:26:32,040 --> 00:26:35,760 readily explainable sources. While a large number of cases in 386 00:26:35,760 --> 00:26:38,910 arrows holdings remain technically unresolved, because 387 00:26:38,910 --> 00:26:43,770 of lack of data. Does that sound familiar? Without sufficient 388 00:26:43,770 --> 00:26:47,310 data, these cases cannot be resolved. For the few objects 389 00:26:47,310 --> 00:26:49,440 that do demonstrate characteristics of interest. 390 00:26:49,740 --> 00:26:54,180 Arrow is approaching these cases with objectivity and analytic 391 00:26:54,180 --> 00:26:58,470 rigor. This approach includes physical testing, and employing 392 00:26:58,470 --> 00:27:01,140 modeling and simulation to validate analyses and the 393 00:27:01,140 --> 00:27:04,170 underlying theories. And then peer reviewing those results 394 00:27:04,170 --> 00:27:08,610 before reaching any conclusion. Look, this is, in my opinion, 395 00:27:08,610 --> 00:27:12,330 the more interesting part I know it's dry to hear me read. But 396 00:27:12,330 --> 00:27:14,490 for those on the podcast, I think it's important to hear 397 00:27:14,490 --> 00:27:18,600 this as I show it to you on the video versions. You look at 398 00:27:18,600 --> 00:27:21,240 this, and it sounds great. It seems like they're really 399 00:27:21,240 --> 00:27:24,510 approaching this in the right way. But as you go through this, 400 00:27:24,540 --> 00:27:27,450 you look at how much time they spent on what they can explain. 401 00:27:27,930 --> 00:27:32,490 And then just kind of like weave in subtly, that small percentage 402 00:27:32,490 --> 00:27:35,460 of cases that they can't and yeah, yeah, we're looking at it. 403 00:27:36,000 --> 00:27:38,700 But they don't really focus on that. And let's face it, that is 404 00:27:38,700 --> 00:27:43,080 what this is all about. Do any of us care about those cases? 405 00:27:43,080 --> 00:27:46,950 They can explain? No, but they spend the most time on that. I 406 00:27:46,950 --> 00:27:49,440 think it's an important thing for them to point out their 407 00:27:49,440 --> 00:27:53,100 investigation processes are working. Phenomenal. That's 408 00:27:53,130 --> 00:27:56,610 awesome. Kudos to them. Let's get beyond that, though. Let's 409 00:27:56,610 --> 00:28:00,000 talk about that small percentage of cases now that we hear about 410 00:28:00,000 --> 00:28:00,750 yet again, 411 00:28:00,960 --> 00:28:03,390 we heard it from Kirkpatrick in that hearing that already went 412 00:28:03,390 --> 00:28:06,810 over. Now we're hearing it and writing in these reports that 413 00:28:06,810 --> 00:28:10,290 there is that small percentage. Now, before all the debunkers 414 00:28:10,290 --> 00:28:13,080 out there start screaming at me. No, that doesn't mean that it's 415 00:28:13,080 --> 00:28:18,780 alien. But when you couple that with the inner woven data, 416 00:28:18,990 --> 00:28:22,470 analyses above, in this report, that they couldn't connect it to 417 00:28:22,470 --> 00:28:25,050 any foreign adversary starts to get a little bit more 418 00:28:25,050 --> 00:28:30,180 interesting. When you add in that woven in, we tried to look 419 00:28:30,180 --> 00:28:35,250 for essentially, US assets and didn't find any. You couple all 420 00:28:35,250 --> 00:28:37,980 that together, you've got a pretty kind of interesting thing 421 00:28:37,980 --> 00:28:42,480 here. But in this report, it's like point zero 1%. And it's 422 00:28:42,510 --> 00:28:45,690 largely lost by all this other fluff. And they're like, yes, 423 00:28:45,690 --> 00:28:49,830 we're great. We're identifying almost everything. And that's 424 00:28:49,830 --> 00:28:54,540 what really resonates with the mainstream media that doesn't 425 00:28:54,540 --> 00:28:57,990 really do a good job analyzing this, they'll sit Kirkpatrick 426 00:28:57,990 --> 00:29:01,260 down like you did with CNN, oh, the majority of cases are 427 00:29:01,260 --> 00:29:05,130 explainable. Great. Who cares then? Right? Well, sadly, that 428 00:29:05,130 --> 00:29:08,790 is how they approach this, not the right approach. But sadly, 429 00:29:08,850 --> 00:29:15,450 that's how they approach. So those are the little things that 430 00:29:15,450 --> 00:29:19,860 you have to look at in these types of reports, because they 431 00:29:19,860 --> 00:29:24,660 hide things, and they subtly put in the most interesting aspects, 432 00:29:25,080 --> 00:29:30,570 interwoven with a bunch of fluff. Strategic Communications 433 00:29:30,570 --> 00:29:34,650 Division. Aro successfully exercises the process for 434 00:29:34,650 --> 00:29:39,750 declassifying data in full motion videos of UAP events for 435 00:29:39,750 --> 00:29:44,250 an open congressional hearing held on 21 March 2023. This 436 00:29:44,250 --> 00:29:46,560 process is a complicated synchronized effort that 437 00:29:46,560 --> 00:29:49,830 involves various stakeholders and information owners with 438 00:29:49,830 --> 00:29:54,270 differing processes. Arrow is working to standardize and Rutan 439 00:29:54,330 --> 00:29:58,440 routinized routines routinize. This declassification process to 440 00:29:58,440 --> 00:30:02,610 ensure as much transparency as possible, not a word I use every 441 00:30:02,610 --> 00:30:06,210 day. Arrow has launched a public facing website that shares 442 00:30:06,210 --> 00:30:10,050 information about its mission operations UAP analytic trends 443 00:30:10,050 --> 00:30:16,410 and statistics, and declassified UAP data and footage. The 444 00:30:16,410 --> 00:30:19,290 website will also link to aro secure mechanism for authorized 445 00:30:19,290 --> 00:30:22,860 reporting of UAP. Arrow has established classified 446 00:30:22,860 --> 00:30:26,310 collaboration mechanisms to encourage cooperation on UAP 447 00:30:26,310 --> 00:30:31,590 investigation and research among government agencies. Now, this 448 00:30:31,590 --> 00:30:33,990 is obviously resonating with me, they're talking about 449 00:30:33,990 --> 00:30:38,970 declassification as a huge problem when it comes to arrow 450 00:30:39,390 --> 00:30:42,540 and the information that they are collecting. Now to give you 451 00:30:42,540 --> 00:30:45,090 guys a little bit of a behind the scenes look and how I'm 452 00:30:45,090 --> 00:30:47,880 approaching this and have actually for the last couple of 453 00:30:47,880 --> 00:30:52,890 years, is that obviously arrow as that that arm in the DOD, 454 00:30:53,460 --> 00:30:56,850 that's collecting all this information from not only DOD, 455 00:30:56,850 --> 00:31:00,090 military branches, and so on, but also it seems like assets 456 00:31:00,120 --> 00:31:04,290 outside Department of Homeland Security, like Customs and 457 00:31:04,290 --> 00:31:07,230 Border Patrol, stuff like that. So obviously, they're going out 458 00:31:07,230 --> 00:31:11,130 there and they're collecting all of this information. The way to 459 00:31:11,130 --> 00:31:15,000 kind of nutshell, what I just read to you is this, they cannot 460 00:31:15,000 --> 00:31:17,850 look at that and go Yeah, yeah, let's just declassify it and 461 00:31:17,850 --> 00:31:21,720 send it out. Rather, the, let's say Customs and Border 462 00:31:21,720 --> 00:31:27,600 Protection or DHS as a whole, or wherever that asset first came 463 00:31:27,600 --> 00:31:31,290 from. That's called the OCA, the original classifying authority. 464 00:31:31,470 --> 00:31:34,320 They're the ones that actually have to review it, for 465 00:31:34,320 --> 00:31:38,190 declassification. So yeah, there are some aspects of this that 466 00:31:38,190 --> 00:31:41,940 get a little bit complicated. But this is also in my opinion, 467 00:31:42,390 --> 00:31:45,000 kind of another one of those things, that arrow is trying to 468 00:31:45,000 --> 00:31:48,330 make things a lot more complicated arrow doesn't have 469 00:31:48,330 --> 00:31:52,290 to do anything, when it comes to the declassification, they just 470 00:31:52,290 --> 00:31:57,660 have to ultimately ask the agency to declassify the 471 00:31:57,660 --> 00:32:00,660 material, put it through the review. And I think that this is 472 00:32:00,660 --> 00:32:03,660 what they're referring to, I'm guessing a little bit there. But 473 00:32:03,660 --> 00:32:06,690 it's just based on what I read to you that that I think that 474 00:32:06,690 --> 00:32:10,530 they're making this a little bit bigger than it should. So what 475 00:32:10,530 --> 00:32:14,280 I've been doing is kind of reversing this process. I'm 476 00:32:14,280 --> 00:32:19,200 going to various agencies and military branches, outside of 477 00:32:19,200 --> 00:32:23,820 arrow, and outside of the the office of Secretary of Defense, 478 00:32:23,820 --> 00:32:27,060 which is where you file arrow related request to going to 479 00:32:27,060 --> 00:32:31,620 outside agencies, and requesting all UAP material, including 480 00:32:31,620 --> 00:32:36,510 photos and videos, and testimony and so on, that they sent to 481 00:32:36,510 --> 00:32:42,780 arrow. Now, all of those cases are still underway. So I'm not 482 00:32:42,780 --> 00:32:45,180 trying to tease that I've got anything that I haven't shown 483 00:32:45,180 --> 00:32:48,060 you guys, I publish things very, very quickly when they come in. 484 00:32:48,600 --> 00:32:52,530 But what I'm trying to show you is arrow is making it seem like 485 00:32:52,530 --> 00:32:56,610 they're doing this very long drawn out process for 486 00:32:56,610 --> 00:33:00,150 declassification. And it's really complicated. So what I'm 487 00:33:00,150 --> 00:33:05,220 doing is trying to fast track it, that as long as as for 488 00:33:05,220 --> 00:33:07,620 whatever reason, they would try and put this under a law 489 00:33:07,620 --> 00:33:10,620 enforcement exemption. And that is going to be another video 490 00:33:10,620 --> 00:33:12,750 just so you guys know, that is something I've talked a lot 491 00:33:12,750 --> 00:33:15,600 about on social media in the last couple of months, I have 492 00:33:15,600 --> 00:33:19,740 refrained from doing a video on this because I was hoping to get 493 00:33:19,740 --> 00:33:24,510 a pentagon comment on it, they refuse. So heads up that I'll 494 00:33:24,540 --> 00:33:28,710 definitely break this this down for you even more. But for the 495 00:33:28,710 --> 00:33:31,590 sake of this video, as long as they don't say it's a quote 496 00:33:31,590 --> 00:33:34,710 unquote law enforcement investigation, there's no reason 497 00:33:34,710 --> 00:33:39,600 that they can't declassify it. Or if it's unclassified already, 498 00:33:39,810 --> 00:33:42,510 there's no reason why they can't release it. So it's kind of that 499 00:33:42,510 --> 00:33:47,430 roundabout way of filing FOIA is to go to, let's say, an agency 500 00:33:47,430 --> 00:33:53,220 like DHS, or the FAA, or whatever, and say, Okay, here's 501 00:33:53,220 --> 00:33:56,610 a four year request for everything that you guys have 502 00:33:56,610 --> 00:34:01,200 transferred over to arrow in the last year and a half or 503 00:34:01,200 --> 00:34:04,890 whatever, however long they've been around and see what 504 00:34:04,890 --> 00:34:09,420 happens. And I do have movement on a lot of those cases, will it 505 00:34:09,420 --> 00:34:12,180 produce results, your guess is as good as mine, I never get 506 00:34:12,180 --> 00:34:15,210 excited. But I just wanted to give you guys a little bit of 507 00:34:15,210 --> 00:34:20,880 that, behind the scenes of how that works. Bottom line, I think 508 00:34:20,880 --> 00:34:24,090 arrow is really beefing up the report in areas that they 509 00:34:24,090 --> 00:34:27,240 shouldn't, and really kind of making some things a little bit 510 00:34:27,240 --> 00:34:31,560 more time consuming than it should be. Because you know, 511 00:34:31,590 --> 00:34:37,080 with the FLIR gimbal and go fast videos being unclassified from 512 00:34:37,080 --> 00:34:41,160 their from their capture. And I got that in writing, they never 513 00:34:41,160 --> 00:34:43,650 had to go through a declassification process. They 514 00:34:43,650 --> 00:34:46,410 did, however, have to go through a security review, because 515 00:34:46,470 --> 00:34:49,590 unclassified information can be controlled. But I think with 516 00:34:49,590 --> 00:34:52,140 those facts, I think that there's a lot of other 517 00:34:52,140 --> 00:34:57,720 information out there. In those 801 cases, that likely 518 00:34:57,720 --> 00:35:00,630 unclassified and likely can be easily seen monetized 519 00:35:00,900 --> 00:35:05,580 declassified and released to the public, so I'm trying, but I'm 520 00:35:05,580 --> 00:35:08,700 hoping that that might expedite this. This process of Arrow 521 00:35:08,700 --> 00:35:11,760 doesn't step in the way and block that. But again, that'll 522 00:35:11,760 --> 00:35:15,630 be the topic of a future video hopefully pretty quick. Back to 523 00:35:15,630 --> 00:35:18,780 the report way forward, the space and maritime domains need 524 00:35:18,780 --> 00:35:22,860 to be fully integrated into arrows processes. Airborne UAP 525 00:35:22,860 --> 00:35:28,320 continue to dominate UAP reporting with 290 of the 291 526 00:35:28,320 --> 00:35:31,320 reports from this reporting period occurring within this 527 00:35:31,320 --> 00:35:35,220 domain, and consequently, the relationship between arrow and 528 00:35:35,580 --> 00:35:39,060 air domain elements such as nem mill, the airforce including 529 00:35:39,060 --> 00:35:42,750 basic and the Air Force Research Lab, and air command elements 530 00:35:42,750 --> 00:35:46,110 remains strong, and continues to deepen and expands in terms of 531 00:35:46,110 --> 00:35:50,130 collection, analysis, exploitation, and resolution. 532 00:35:51,330 --> 00:35:55,620 Collaboration with Space Force US Space Command NRO and NASA is 533 00:35:55,620 --> 00:35:59,310 well underway. That's one thing I failed to point out to you. 534 00:35:59,310 --> 00:36:03,210 But it reminded me here, the Space Force was not included in 535 00:36:03,210 --> 00:36:07,770 that 2022 report breakdown of collaborators, but was in this 536 00:36:07,770 --> 00:36:11,850 report. So obviously, there's movement in the space domain. 537 00:36:12,420 --> 00:36:17,550 And if you ask me, that we'll probably whether or not we see 538 00:36:17,550 --> 00:36:21,870 it or not, who knows, produce the most interesting aspects of 539 00:36:21,870 --> 00:36:25,920 what arrow does. Because now they're obviously tying things 540 00:36:25,920 --> 00:36:30,060 to commercial aircraft and to drone technology and stuff like 541 00:36:30,060 --> 00:36:32,790 that, you look at that breakdown of the chart of elevations. 542 00:36:33,600 --> 00:36:37,350 Obviously, you know, we've got very much a bias in that 543 00:36:37,350 --> 00:36:41,430 particular domain. But when you start looking at the Space 544 00:36:41,430 --> 00:36:48,690 Command, equipment, sensors and the data that they collect, you 545 00:36:48,690 --> 00:36:51,690 look at the Space Force and the data and the instrumentation and 546 00:36:51,690 --> 00:36:55,590 the data they collect. That's going to change that a lot. In 547 00:36:55,590 --> 00:36:57,780 my opinion, sure, you're gonna have instrumentation that's 548 00:36:57,780 --> 00:37:01,770 looking towards Earth, not necessarily away from Earth. So 549 00:37:01,770 --> 00:37:05,760 it may help in certain areas, let's say at a 35,000 foot 550 00:37:06,090 --> 00:37:08,970 elevation, that's that that's fine or altitude, that's fine. 551 00:37:09,480 --> 00:37:12,900 But when you get above that, and you start talking about 552 00:37:13,200 --> 00:37:16,140 instrumentation that may not be looking at Earth, but rather 553 00:37:16,140 --> 00:37:19,950 looking out that is, is something pretty fascinating. 554 00:37:20,220 --> 00:37:24,690 The NRO, which although isn't new in this time period, for 555 00:37:24,690 --> 00:37:27,540 those who haven't seen it, look up the document that was 556 00:37:27,540 --> 00:37:32,400 published, I did a video on it as well, on this channel of the 557 00:37:32,550 --> 00:37:37,050 sentient system, the artificial intelligence highly classified 558 00:37:37,050 --> 00:37:43,890 NRO system that detected a tic tac UAP their words, not mine, a 559 00:37:43,890 --> 00:37:48,600 tic tac UAP, just a couple of years ago. So when you look at 560 00:37:48,600 --> 00:37:52,260 all of that, you realize, okay, right now, sure, a lot is 561 00:37:52,290 --> 00:37:59,100 explainable a small percentage of, of, of cases that 562 00:37:59,100 --> 00:38:02,160 remain anomalous. But when you start adding in the Space 563 00:38:02,160 --> 00:38:06,390 Command, the Space Force, and really start utilizing the data 564 00:38:06,390 --> 00:38:11,280 collected, like, like from the NRO, or from the NGA, you have a 565 00:38:11,280 --> 00:38:15,300 whole new world, you really do. And that's not based on any kind 566 00:38:15,300 --> 00:38:18,030 of guesses or anything like that. It's a whole new world, 567 00:38:18,030 --> 00:38:21,510 because you look at the systems that those places have. And it's 568 00:38:21,510 --> 00:38:25,350 a hell of a lot different than the FAA, or arguably even 569 00:38:25,350 --> 00:38:29,820 someplace like NASA. So you look at those types of, of 570 00:38:29,820 --> 00:38:33,780 surveillance systems that they have, I think it's going to be a 571 00:38:33,780 --> 00:38:37,140 whole new world, what we will learn as the general public, 572 00:38:37,170 --> 00:38:40,770 what will be the people here, your guess is as good as mine, 573 00:38:40,770 --> 00:38:44,280 but encouraging nonetheless. And I think that internally, they're 574 00:38:44,280 --> 00:38:49,530 going to see that data skew a lot. Case closure report, this 575 00:38:49,530 --> 00:38:55,260 was kind of interesting. attached as a pilot example of 576 00:38:55,260 --> 00:38:59,400 the result of arrows full phase analytic process, the files and 577 00:38:59,400 --> 00:39:02,640 accompanying data in each case have been given to arrows IC and 578 00:39:02,640 --> 00:39:07,020 s&t partners for their analysis. And this resolution resolution 579 00:39:07,020 --> 00:39:10,110 report reflects arrows to termination based on the 580 00:39:10,110 --> 00:39:14,370 results. These case resolutions and accompanying unclassified 581 00:39:14,370 --> 00:39:19,380 analyses will be published on Arrow's website. So that's all 582 00:39:19,410 --> 00:39:22,770 great, right, encouraging, we're being transparent with the 583 00:39:22,770 --> 00:39:28,020 public. This is what you guys will get the report itself case, 584 00:39:28,350 --> 00:39:33,720 quote, Western United States, aid may 2023, is when they 585 00:39:33,720 --> 00:39:37,230 solved it, and it looks like you you see here what they do, I'm 586 00:39:37,230 --> 00:39:40,290 not gonna read the whole thing but key findings, intelligent 587 00:39:40,290 --> 00:39:46,890 assessment case essentials. They obviously were likening this to 588 00:39:46,890 --> 00:39:52,350 commercial aircraft traveling on different air routes to, again, 589 00:39:52,350 --> 00:39:56,760 just just kind of like that case breakdown summary, explaining 590 00:39:56,760 --> 00:40:00,000 what these are and we'll likely get a ton of these as time goes 591 00:40:00,000 --> 00:40:05,250 was on solving cases, fairly much like Project Bluebook did, 592 00:40:05,430 --> 00:40:09,180 because keep in mind those were available to the media. If the 593 00:40:09,180 --> 00:40:12,120 media asked at the time they were not classified, there were 594 00:40:12,120 --> 00:40:16,350 some classified cases. But the majority of them were open to 595 00:40:16,350 --> 00:40:19,500 the general public. So yet again, when you look at what 596 00:40:19,500 --> 00:40:22,950 they're doing here, they're going to probably bombard you 597 00:40:22,950 --> 00:40:27,780 with commercial aircraft, drones, maybe even the 598 00:40:27,780 --> 00:40:30,660 exhaustive and F 18. If they want to go there, they've 599 00:40:30,660 --> 00:40:35,610 already said parallax in their report here, IR glare, all 600 00:40:35,610 --> 00:40:38,580 things that we've seen bantered about through social media 601 00:40:38,580 --> 00:40:43,260 ramblings. However, here, they are officially putting it on 602 00:40:43,260 --> 00:40:47,010 paper as explanations. So they're gonna bury you in those 603 00:40:47,010 --> 00:40:49,800 but those small percentage again, those cases that were 604 00:40:49,800 --> 00:40:53,520 woven into this report and alluded to hinted at, you kind 605 00:40:53,520 --> 00:40:56,130 of have to put the pieces of the puzzle together, you likely 606 00:40:56,130 --> 00:40:59,220 won't see those. What about the Space Force? When that gets into 607 00:40:59,220 --> 00:41:01,590 play? Are we going to see anything that comes from that 608 00:41:01,680 --> 00:41:05,850 likely not, not the way the secrecy is going? So again, it's 609 00:41:05,880 --> 00:41:09,780 it's all about perception and optics, when it comes to stuff 610 00:41:09,780 --> 00:41:13,650 like this. That's not conspiracy talk. That's history. And that's 611 00:41:13,650 --> 00:41:17,850 well documented history, that the era of project Bluebook, it 612 00:41:17,850 --> 00:41:21,270 was all about the optics. Hey, media, if you want to look at 613 00:41:21,270 --> 00:41:25,770 our reports, come on in. Let's show it to you look at this 614 00:41:25,770 --> 00:41:29,700 weather balloon case, look at the swamp gas case. Look, we 615 00:41:29,700 --> 00:41:33,780 have scientists that say it's swamp gas. So it has to be swamp 616 00:41:33,780 --> 00:41:37,740 gas. And that's exactly what they did at the time. Here we 617 00:41:37,740 --> 00:41:40,440 see the roots of something very similar. But in the 21st 618 00:41:40,440 --> 00:41:44,820 century, a website that will have cases very much like this, 619 00:41:45,090 --> 00:41:48,660 that essentially here case status resolved. The lights were 620 00:41:48,660 --> 00:41:52,560 aircraft up to 300 nautical miles away from the sensor. It's 621 00:41:52,560 --> 00:41:55,620 great that they can solve it, I won't even fight it. It probably 622 00:41:55,620 --> 00:41:58,830 is lights from a commercial aircraft. But the problem is, is 623 00:41:58,830 --> 00:42:01,800 that it's the optics and perception that they want to 624 00:42:01,800 --> 00:42:05,730 give, call it psyops if you will call it whatever you want, call 625 00:42:05,730 --> 00:42:10,410 it PR. But that's exactly what Bluebook did. The optics and 626 00:42:10,410 --> 00:42:13,020 perception then was that the majority of the cases were 627 00:42:13,020 --> 00:42:17,220 easily explainable. What they didn't tell you then was that 628 00:42:17,220 --> 00:42:20,550 there was a percentage that they really couldn't identify, they 629 00:42:20,550 --> 00:42:25,050 admitted to 701. But they likely skewed the number down again, 630 00:42:25,080 --> 00:42:30,000 verifiable, there are been books written by people, much smarter 631 00:42:30,000 --> 00:42:34,560 than me, that analyzed all that data looked at it and assumed 632 00:42:34,560 --> 00:42:38,670 that the 701 was wildly wrong. But regardless, even if it was 633 00:42:38,670 --> 00:42:42,210 right, they didn't want you to really look at those cases that 634 00:42:42,210 --> 00:42:45,480 were unidentified, some of them really didn't have the evidence, 635 00:42:45,510 --> 00:42:48,300 that's fine, gonna happen. But there's other ones that just did 636 00:42:48,300 --> 00:42:52,140 not have an explanation. Nor do they, to this day, we're seeing 637 00:42:52,140 --> 00:42:55,050 the roots of the exact same thing. And that's what's 638 00:42:55,050 --> 00:42:58,230 worrisome. Because again, you're gonna get bombarded by this, 639 00:42:58,230 --> 00:43:01,710 look at these phenomenal pictures here, that they 640 00:43:01,710 --> 00:43:05,670 released on the report. If you squint and turn your head 641 00:43:05,670 --> 00:43:08,250 slightly, you can see the commercial lights, I don't know, 642 00:43:08,250 --> 00:43:11,310 whatever, that's what it is, apparently western US UAP shape 643 00:43:11,310 --> 00:43:15,000 distorted, due to sensor vibration. So you're gonna see a 644 00:43:15,000 --> 00:43:17,610 lot of this kind of stuff that you just kind of like fall off 645 00:43:17,610 --> 00:43:20,760 your chair, and who cares, I'm not going to waste the bandwidth 646 00:43:20,760 --> 00:43:25,380 to load this and print it. So that's, in my opinion, the 647 00:43:25,380 --> 00:43:29,100 optics and perception of what we are seeing unfold. And that is 648 00:43:29,490 --> 00:43:33,300 kind of really upsetting. It really is frustrating. And 649 00:43:33,510 --> 00:43:35,670 although a lot of people see me as more of a skeptic and 650 00:43:35,670 --> 00:43:39,150 debunker, I guarantee you, I'm not and it's for reasons like 651 00:43:39,150 --> 00:43:41,850 this, because when you take history, and you take the 652 00:43:41,850 --> 00:43:44,670 evidence that's available to us, you don't need the 653 00:43:44,670 --> 00:43:47,580 whistleblowers to tell us that there's more to this story than 654 00:43:47,580 --> 00:43:50,910 they want us to know. You don't need a rocket scientist to 655 00:43:50,910 --> 00:43:54,720 figure out, hey, look, their perception and the optics of all 656 00:43:54,720 --> 00:43:59,190 of this is likely skewing reality in order to push a 657 00:43:59,190 --> 00:44:04,920 certain agenda. And that agenda is to deal with the threat. And 658 00:44:04,920 --> 00:44:09,000 the public interest very much like Project Bluebook did. Those 659 00:44:09,000 --> 00:44:12,900 are the same words that we keep hearing about today? Public 660 00:44:12,900 --> 00:44:15,300 interest, massive public interest, we see it in FOIA 661 00:44:15,300 --> 00:44:18,450 documents. We see it in emails, we hear about it in the press 662 00:44:18,600 --> 00:44:21,990 and the press statements. The public interest is partially 663 00:44:21,990 --> 00:44:25,200 fueling this, based on those from the military from the 664 00:44:25,200 --> 00:44:28,620 government pushing what narrative is the threat 665 00:44:28,620 --> 00:44:33,090 narrative, exactly how it was back then. So it's incredibly 666 00:44:33,090 --> 00:44:36,300 fascinating to see those parallels. Now one thing that I 667 00:44:36,300 --> 00:44:39,960 do want to point out, I didn't make a slide for it, but I will 668 00:44:39,960 --> 00:44:45,030 link it after the show. I had received maybe going back a year 669 00:44:45,030 --> 00:44:51,930 ago or so a breakdown of arrows cases. Now what they gave me was 670 00:44:51,930 --> 00:44:57,810 essentially like the spreadsheet graph of hundreds of six digit 671 00:44:57,810 --> 00:45:02,640 numbers essentially The case numbers that coincided with 672 00:45:03,000 --> 00:45:08,460 cases like this. Now case, Western United States, how many 673 00:45:08,460 --> 00:45:13,290 western United States cases do they have? It's such a silly way 674 00:45:13,290 --> 00:45:17,700 to label these things. I don't quite understand understand the 675 00:45:17,700 --> 00:45:22,410 logic there. But why I bring this up? Is that if you were to 676 00:45:22,410 --> 00:45:26,310 ask me, and this is pure speculation, put the alarm on, 677 00:45:26,310 --> 00:45:30,720 it's just speculating. But those six digit numbers represented 678 00:45:30,720 --> 00:45:35,910 cases like this. Do you see a six digit number on here that 679 00:45:35,910 --> 00:45:40,050 coincides with that database? They sent me through FOIA? I 680 00:45:40,050 --> 00:45:45,510 don't. Hopefully, I didn't miss it. But it's just two pages. So 681 00:45:45,510 --> 00:45:48,810 I think I didn't, but please correct me if I'm wrong. What's 682 00:45:48,810 --> 00:45:52,650 my point? Those six digit numbers mean something 683 00:45:52,650 --> 00:45:56,370 somewhere. And they should have reports that coincide with 684 00:45:56,580 --> 00:46:00,990 western United States to a six digit number. Where am I going 685 00:46:00,990 --> 00:46:05,460 with this? I think the unclassified, sanitized, boring 686 00:46:05,460 --> 00:46:08,580 as heck reports are going to be what you and I are fed through 687 00:46:08,580 --> 00:46:12,450 that website, which they outlined extensively in this 688 00:46:12,450 --> 00:46:16,020 report. But I believe that there's going to be another 689 00:46:16,020 --> 00:46:20,730 layer of reports of the ones that they do not push, the ones 690 00:46:20,730 --> 00:46:23,820 that do coincide with those six digit numbers, the ones that 691 00:46:24,000 --> 00:46:28,230 maybe aren't unclassified. And those are the ones internally 692 00:46:28,230 --> 00:46:31,200 that they're using and sharing with their industry partners in 693 00:46:31,200 --> 00:46:35,250 the intelligence community. You know, that I'm filing requests 694 00:46:35,250 --> 00:46:38,880 for stuff like that, because the one piece of the puzzle, which 695 00:46:38,910 --> 00:46:42,420 to me was useless, like what the hell can I do with hundreds of 696 00:46:42,420 --> 00:46:46,650 six digit numbers that don't coincide with anything? This 697 00:46:46,650 --> 00:46:51,300 comes out, and it just put a light bulb in my head, that 698 00:46:51,300 --> 00:46:54,540 there's a whole nother layer to this. Now, we can assume that 699 00:46:54,540 --> 00:46:56,910 there's classified reports. So no, that's not some huge 700 00:46:56,910 --> 00:46:59,880 revelation. But I think that there's actually another layer 701 00:47:00,120 --> 00:47:04,290 of published internal published reports that they're sharing 702 00:47:04,290 --> 00:47:06,900 within the intelligence community, that I don't think 703 00:47:06,900 --> 00:47:09,870 they're going to name it Western United States, they're going to 704 00:47:09,870 --> 00:47:13,380 have probably some other more descriptive name, but case 705 00:47:13,380 --> 00:47:18,900 number 752368. And then they're going to coincide that number. 706 00:47:19,080 --> 00:47:22,320 With the report itself. That's generally how government reports 707 00:47:22,320 --> 00:47:25,980 work. When you have things serial numbered, labeled, 708 00:47:26,850 --> 00:47:31,350 whatever term you want to use, for their respective operations, 709 00:47:31,350 --> 00:47:35,070 there's always a unique identifier, to those particular 710 00:47:35,070 --> 00:47:39,660 reports. You don't see it here. So I'm searching for those other 711 00:47:40,020 --> 00:47:44,190 layers that I believe are there. So that useless document, 712 00:47:44,310 --> 00:47:47,430 although had a little, it's kind of interesting, just got a heck 713 00:47:47,430 --> 00:47:51,330 of a lot more interesting to me. For that. Here's the last slide. 714 00:47:52,740 --> 00:47:53,730 And that is 715 00:47:55,469 --> 00:48:00,179 the index of key terms or glossary of terms 2020 report 716 00:48:00,959 --> 00:48:03,989 had what you see there on the right side of the screen. The 717 00:48:03,989 --> 00:48:06,749 left side of the screen is the newest report, you see a heck of 718 00:48:06,749 --> 00:48:10,589 a lot more. Now, why this is interesting is a lot of these 719 00:48:10,589 --> 00:48:13,349 terms did not appear in the report. So generally, when you 720 00:48:13,349 --> 00:48:19,529 see things in an index, or death, like key definitions is 721 00:48:19,529 --> 00:48:22,169 another label I've seen in various government reports. 722 00:48:22,469 --> 00:48:25,109 Essentially, you see those definitions are the words that 723 00:48:25,109 --> 00:48:30,089 they're defining in the index, in the actual report, and a lot 724 00:48:30,089 --> 00:48:34,049 of these you don't have in the actual report. So where did 725 00:48:34,049 --> 00:48:37,649 these terms come from? Well, what's interesting is they come 726 00:48:37,649 --> 00:48:42,809 from somewhere, just not this report, you look at spaceborne 727 00:48:42,839 --> 00:48:45,929 UAP, they already have that defined sources of anomalous 728 00:48:45,929 --> 00:48:49,289 detections above the Karman Line, ie 100 kilometers above 729 00:48:49,589 --> 00:48:53,969 Earth mean sea level. So they're defining all this already. Just 730 00:48:53,969 --> 00:48:56,639 as the Space Force and Space Command collaborations are 731 00:48:56,639 --> 00:49:00,869 underway. Now, that's good. Again, not a huge revelation. 732 00:49:01,079 --> 00:49:03,899 But the fact that they have this already set means they will 733 00:49:03,899 --> 00:49:07,529 likely start filling out these categories. And these labels of 734 00:49:07,529 --> 00:49:13,019 spaceborne UAP airborne UAP is a given seaborne UAP is another 735 00:49:13,019 --> 00:49:16,919 given trans medium UAP. So I don't have to read you all the 736 00:49:16,919 --> 00:49:19,859 definitions, those are pretty self explanatory. But again, you 737 00:49:19,859 --> 00:49:23,549 start to see these flushed out from the 2022 report, you don't 738 00:49:23,549 --> 00:49:28,349 have them. In fact range. Fowler, by remember, did not 739 00:49:28,349 --> 00:49:32,189 exist in the newest report. So I'm kind of curious those range 740 00:49:32,189 --> 00:49:35,549 valor reports. Look, they're they're kind of cool to look at. 741 00:49:35,819 --> 00:49:37,859 But I think that what we're dealing with with the range 742 00:49:37,859 --> 00:49:41,879 valor reports are mostly incursions by drones and stuff 743 00:49:41,879 --> 00:49:45,029 like that into training exercises. Years ago, I got 744 00:49:45,029 --> 00:49:50,639 something very similar from the NCIS of drones, going over 745 00:49:50,849 --> 00:49:53,969 military training installations. They were more hobbyists than 746 00:49:53,969 --> 00:49:56,879 like, you know, espionage or anything like that. But 747 00:49:56,879 --> 00:50:00,869 regardless, it's you know, not a good thing to do. So A range 748 00:50:00,869 --> 00:50:04,619 Fowler's, I think really kind of lean towards very explainable, 749 00:50:04,859 --> 00:50:08,339 important but very explainable objects, interesting to see 750 00:50:08,339 --> 00:50:12,869 range, Fowler's has dropped off from the glossary of terms. And 751 00:50:12,869 --> 00:50:16,889 it's, I don't want say replaced by but obviously spaceborne, 752 00:50:16,889 --> 00:50:21,569 UAP, and so on, kind of took its place, so to speak, that that's 753 00:50:21,569 --> 00:50:26,339 what they're focusing in on here. So I would definitely read 754 00:50:26,339 --> 00:50:29,489 those definitions see the difference? Because it's 755 00:50:29,489 --> 00:50:34,019 interesting. And I know some of these are, some of these 756 00:50:34,019 --> 00:50:36,899 observations get a little bit dry and are like, what, why does 757 00:50:36,899 --> 00:50:39,839 that really matter? But what's interesting is that when you do 758 00:50:39,839 --> 00:50:43,529 juxtapose history, documented history evidence from decades 759 00:50:43,529 --> 00:50:45,929 ago and see how things are playing out in a certain way, 760 00:50:46,559 --> 00:50:50,729 you have to start to digest and realize, okay, there may be some 761 00:50:50,729 --> 00:50:54,119 parallels here that we're not on the path to disclosure that some 762 00:50:54,119 --> 00:50:58,319 people want, but rather one of strengthening secrecy. And 763 00:50:58,319 --> 00:51:02,039 that's a that's a bad thing. And why I like to point all of this 764 00:51:02,039 --> 00:51:05,489 out, is to kind of spread that awareness out there because we 765 00:51:05,489 --> 00:51:09,929 can't lose sight of the ball, we can't lose sight of the finish 766 00:51:09,929 --> 00:51:13,529 line. Finish Line, meaning we have to get through this era of 767 00:51:13,529 --> 00:51:17,339 increased secrecy, we have to figure out why the DoD added 768 00:51:17,339 --> 00:51:21,989 numerous other layers to my FOIA requests, but obviously others 769 00:51:21,989 --> 00:51:27,179 as well. But the secrecy layers are piling on top of secrecy 770 00:51:27,179 --> 00:51:33,299 layers. And in the coming days, I will break down exactly what 771 00:51:33,299 --> 00:51:40,019 all that means and the problem that it's caused. But above all 772 00:51:40,019 --> 00:51:44,159 else, what I like to point out, is that entwined in some of this 773 00:51:44,159 --> 00:51:49,319 dry, boring, obviously, Government speak of trying to 774 00:51:49,739 --> 00:51:53,459 calm the nerves of everybody and say, Oh, I lose interest, 775 00:51:53,459 --> 00:51:58,109 because there's nothing here. There are things put into there, 776 00:51:58,379 --> 00:52:01,109 that once you pick up on you realize there's something here. 777 00:52:01,649 --> 00:52:05,039 And it coincides with that small percentage that we knew about 778 00:52:05,039 --> 00:52:08,369 decades ago and reinforced it once more evidence came out. 779 00:52:08,549 --> 00:52:12,809 We're seeing that again, the small percentage is what keeps 780 00:52:12,809 --> 00:52:16,469 people like me around but me specifically, around because 781 00:52:16,469 --> 00:52:19,829 there's something here that the US military and government can't 782 00:52:19,829 --> 00:52:23,759 identify. And they'll admit it if you pay attention, but they 783 00:52:23,759 --> 00:52:27,359 want you to get lost in the fluff of commercial aircraft 784 00:52:27,359 --> 00:52:32,519 lights. And we can explain it just give us more data. Don't 785 00:52:32,519 --> 00:52:35,459 get lost in that read between the lines and sometimes you 786 00:52:35,459 --> 00:52:38,219 don't even have to read between the lines then the lines just 787 00:52:38,219 --> 00:52:41,549 got to read them. I hope you enjoyed it. If you're watching 788 00:52:41,549 --> 00:52:45,089 here on YouTube, please give a thumbs up it is a huge help to 789 00:52:45,089 --> 00:52:49,319 me to have you do that. The biggest help just share the 790 00:52:49,319 --> 00:52:52,379 channel if you find these videos worthwhile. I know that not 791 00:52:52,379 --> 00:52:54,779 everybody agrees with me. That's okay. That's what this channel 792 00:52:54,779 --> 00:52:57,329 is all about. It's about the dialogue. That's why I love the 793 00:52:57,329 --> 00:53:01,769 live streams because the chat rooms are always flying. There's 794 00:53:01,769 --> 00:53:04,859 always great calm comments from everybody. I love to read all 795 00:53:04,859 --> 00:53:08,369 that. So please Please share the channel if you find anything 796 00:53:08,369 --> 00:53:11,969 worthwhile. Thumbs up if you're listening on the podcast five 797 00:53:11,969 --> 00:53:14,909 star reviews is what I aim for. I won't tell you what to do, but 798 00:53:14,909 --> 00:53:18,149 just add a review nonetheless because it helps across the 799 00:53:18,149 --> 00:53:21,959 board. Thank you so much for listening and or watching 800 00:53:21,989 --> 00:53:24,959 wherever you might be doing. So. This is John Greenewald Jr 801 00:53:24,959 --> 00:53:26,849 signing off. And I'll see you next time