1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:00,270 Unknown: So 2 00:00:09,090 --> 00:00:11,610 Brian Entin / NewsNation: basically Dr. Kirkpatrick today said that 3 00:00:11,610 --> 00:00:14,460 he had tried reaching out to UFO whistleblower David Graeber 4 00:00:14,460 --> 00:00:17,160 several times to talk to him recently and didn't get a 5 00:00:17,160 --> 00:00:21,000 response. David grush sent me that text message and said, I 6 00:00:21,000 --> 00:00:25,200 have zero emails or calls for men. That is a lie. 7 00:00:29,100 --> 00:00:32,670 John Greenewald: It has become a classic example of he said, he 8 00:00:32,670 --> 00:00:33,030 said, 9 00:00:33,120 --> 00:00:35,640 David Grusch: I was happy to give sage counsel to him on 10 00:00:35,670 --> 00:00:38,040 where to look when he took the helmet era. 11 00:00:38,160 --> 00:00:40,860 John Greenewald: The head of the Pentagon's UFO office says the 12 00:00:40,860 --> 00:00:44,790 UFO whistleblower ignored their requests to come in and talk. 13 00:00:45,300 --> 00:00:50,970 The UFO whistleblower says that was all a lie. But now, thanks 14 00:00:50,970 --> 00:00:55,290 to the Freedom of Information Act, the evidence is out. Text 15 00:00:55,290 --> 00:00:59,820 messages, signal exchanges, and emails all tell more of the 16 00:00:59,820 --> 00:01:06,000 story that you haven't heard. Until now. What exactly was 17 00:01:06,000 --> 00:01:11,940 said? When did they say it? And who else got involved? rejoin 18 00:01:11,940 --> 00:01:15,600 me, John Greenwald, Jr. as I take a deep dive into these new 19 00:01:15,600 --> 00:01:19,830 records, and put it all into a chronological display of how it 20 00:01:19,830 --> 00:01:24,150 all went down. Why weren't these handled before they set up? The 21 00:01:24,150 --> 00:01:27,960 meeting? Stay tuned, you're about to journey inside the 22 00:01:27,960 --> 00:01:28,830 black vault. 23 00:01:53,820 --> 00:01:56,400 That's right, everybody. As always, thank you so much for 24 00:01:56,400 --> 00:01:59,820 tuning in and taking this journey inside the black vault 25 00:01:59,820 --> 00:02:02,430 with me. I'm your host, John Greenewald, Jr, founder and 26 00:02:02,430 --> 00:02:05,550 creator of the black vault. And tonight, we're doing another 27 00:02:05,550 --> 00:02:08,040 deep dive. Now I know these videos aren't for everybody. 28 00:02:08,250 --> 00:02:12,300 They can get long. And my guess is this one will be long. And 29 00:02:12,300 --> 00:02:15,780 the reason is, is we have to dive into some documents I just 30 00:02:15,780 --> 00:02:19,080 posted last week, that of course caused quite a bit of 31 00:02:19,080 --> 00:02:22,890 controversy. Now if you're not aware of what I'm referring to, 32 00:02:23,040 --> 00:02:25,500 I received a batch of documents through the Freedom of 33 00:02:25,500 --> 00:02:30,480 Information Act that we're about arrow the Pentagon's UFO office 34 00:02:30,690 --> 00:02:35,400 about their invitations to invite the UFO whistleblower 35 00:02:35,400 --> 00:02:38,940 into their office and essentially spill the beans. 36 00:02:38,970 --> 00:02:42,210 What do you got to know what can we verify? Now of course, that's 37 00:02:42,210 --> 00:02:45,000 a nutshell version. Clearly they have a lot of safeguards with 38 00:02:45,000 --> 00:02:49,110 security classes of classified details, stuff like that. So not 39 00:02:49,110 --> 00:02:51,630 necessarily in their office, they'd be in a skiff or secure 40 00:02:51,630 --> 00:02:57,240 area. But regardless, it was there, again, effort to get him 41 00:02:57,270 --> 00:03:00,720 in there. Now, here's the controversy. When David grush 42 00:03:00,720 --> 00:03:03,870 testified before Congress, he claimed that aro never reached 43 00:03:03,870 --> 00:03:06,960 out to him when Dr. Shawn Kirkpatrick later did an 44 00:03:06,960 --> 00:03:10,860 interview in October, and he stated that David grush ignored 45 00:03:10,860 --> 00:03:15,030 four or five or, or refused attempts, these multiple 46 00:03:15,030 --> 00:03:18,360 attempts, David grush, then countered back in October and 47 00:03:18,360 --> 00:03:22,770 said that was all a lie. Well, I am to find out the truth. So I 48 00:03:22,770 --> 00:03:26,490 filed some foils. And here we are. So we're going to dive into 49 00:03:26,490 --> 00:03:29,040 all of these documents. Now normally, I go through the 50 00:03:29,040 --> 00:03:32,130 documents in the order that I received that why that way, you 51 00:03:32,130 --> 00:03:35,340 guys can go through and follow along with me. But during this 52 00:03:35,340 --> 00:03:37,800 presentation, I did something a little bit different. I 53 00:03:37,800 --> 00:03:41,100 rearranged them all to essentially be in chronological 54 00:03:41,100 --> 00:03:44,100 order makes a little bit more easier for a presentation like 55 00:03:44,100 --> 00:03:47,910 this also makes it easier for you guys to understand. So I put 56 00:03:47,940 --> 00:03:50,430 all of the documents together, we're gonna go through all of 57 00:03:50,430 --> 00:03:54,090 them. They consist of emails, they consist of signal tests, 58 00:03:54,120 --> 00:03:57,480 text messages. Wow. What's up with that? under FOIA? Yes, 59 00:03:57,480 --> 00:04:02,250 under FOIA, and we'll get into that, and of course, a breakdown 60 00:04:02,250 --> 00:04:05,220 by the US government of their attempts. Now, the biggest 61 00:04:05,220 --> 00:04:08,550 question here, oh, did David grush lie? Well, I'm not here to 62 00:04:08,550 --> 00:04:11,700 say yay or nay on that. I'm here to show you guys the evidence. 63 00:04:12,330 --> 00:04:16,830 Anybody can verify it. And you decide the answer to that. I'm 64 00:04:16,830 --> 00:04:20,550 not here to say either way. I will say though, things are not 65 00:04:20,550 --> 00:04:24,300 always what they seem. And in this case, it very much seems to 66 00:04:24,300 --> 00:04:27,510 be the case. So let me go ahead and pull up some visuals here 67 00:04:27,510 --> 00:04:30,510 for you guys. Excuse my eyeline. But I'll be looking at my 68 00:04:30,510 --> 00:04:34,200 monitor here kind of reading some stuff to you, and going 69 00:04:34,200 --> 00:04:38,310 over these particular records now. First, what I want to do is 70 00:04:38,310 --> 00:04:42,600 get over some housekeeping stuff. Once I posted these 71 00:04:42,600 --> 00:04:45,810 documents if you're a user of social media, specifically X but 72 00:04:45,810 --> 00:04:50,280 Reddit was was always also rampant, with some conspiracy 73 00:04:50,280 --> 00:04:56,430 theories about this. There was I would say the most transparency 74 00:04:56,430 --> 00:05:01,770 that I can give to this process during During me seeking out 75 00:05:01,770 --> 00:05:04,350 these documents, and the conspiracy theories that have 76 00:05:04,350 --> 00:05:07,320 kind of flown is that I'm working with the Pentagon, that 77 00:05:07,320 --> 00:05:11,550 they're essentially feeding me these documents, so I can put 78 00:05:11,550 --> 00:05:16,080 them online, they strategically do it. So I can go ahead and be 79 00:05:16,080 --> 00:05:20,400 used as a pawn for them. I have all sorts of accusations. The 80 00:05:20,400 --> 00:05:23,850 bottom line is, however, for those who paid attention from 81 00:05:23,850 --> 00:05:27,240 day one I actually posted when I was requesting them why I was 82 00:05:27,240 --> 00:05:31,020 requesting them. And I sat and wait, a lot of people thought I 83 00:05:31,020 --> 00:05:35,730 got them very quickly. Well, from October to to early 84 00:05:35,730 --> 00:05:40,620 November to April of 2020. For your you're talking about five, 85 00:05:40,620 --> 00:05:44,370 six full months of waiting, that's still a long time. So I'm 86 00:05:44,370 --> 00:05:46,620 not really sure where a lot of these conspiracy theories came 87 00:05:46,620 --> 00:05:48,810 from. So let me do some housekeeping in the beginning, 88 00:05:49,020 --> 00:05:54,810 here is the exact wording of what I requested in my request. 89 00:05:54,990 --> 00:05:58,350 Now I have some boilerplate language that is the same on 90 00:05:58,350 --> 00:06:02,100 every single request. So I'll spare you guys the legal jargon 91 00:06:02,100 --> 00:06:05,280 on that. But let me get to the meat of what I was requesting. 92 00:06:05,280 --> 00:06:08,460 And it was the following. This is what I said directly from the 93 00:06:08,460 --> 00:06:11,610 FOIA request. Dr. Shawn Kirkpatrick, head of the arrow 94 00:06:11,610 --> 00:06:14,880 office has gone on the record in a recent media roundtable 95 00:06:14,880 --> 00:06:18,930 stating he and or his office has tried to contact UFO 96 00:06:18,930 --> 00:06:21,750 whistleblower David grush, numerous times, but those 97 00:06:21,750 --> 00:06:26,220 invitations were declined. I respectfully request a copy of 98 00:06:26,220 --> 00:06:29,640 records, electronic or otherwise of the following all forms of 99 00:06:29,640 --> 00:06:32,520 documentation that showed the above attempts to invite David 100 00:06:32,520 --> 00:06:35,880 grush to speak with arrow, I understand part of this request 101 00:06:35,880 --> 00:06:39,990 may overlap FOIA 24 F 0265. Again, just a legal reference, 102 00:06:39,990 --> 00:06:42,270 because there was probably some overlap there. So I didn't want 103 00:06:42,270 --> 00:06:46,380 them to cancel one and I'd wait longer. But feel this may extend 104 00:06:46,380 --> 00:06:49,290 beyond just emails hence, the request seeking out 105 00:06:49,290 --> 00:06:52,290 documentation relating to the above statement given to the 106 00:06:52,290 --> 00:06:55,590 media by Dr. Kirkpatrick, I agree to limit the scope of 107 00:06:55,590 --> 00:06:59,760 search to all records dated July 2020 22, through to the date of 108 00:06:59,760 --> 00:07:02,910 processing this request through to the data processing this 109 00:07:02,910 --> 00:07:05,880 request is key. Now this is a trick that I've learned. So you 110 00:07:05,880 --> 00:07:09,720 FOIA people out there, I would pay attention to this one. When 111 00:07:09,720 --> 00:07:12,480 you file a request, you have to give a date range. This is 112 00:07:12,480 --> 00:07:15,360 important because it plays specifically into the conspiracy 113 00:07:15,360 --> 00:07:19,860 theories about me, but also why this particular document came up 114 00:07:19,890 --> 00:07:23,550 when it came after I filed the request. When you say through to 115 00:07:23,550 --> 00:07:26,340 the date of processing this request, most agencies if you 116 00:07:26,340 --> 00:07:29,550 don't say that will cut it off at the moment you submit your 117 00:07:29,550 --> 00:07:33,270 request. So it may take them two years to process it. But they'll 118 00:07:33,270 --> 00:07:36,750 cut the date off on the day that you requested the information. 119 00:07:37,020 --> 00:07:40,770 However, if you word it this way, admittedly, it is a 120 00:07:40,770 --> 00:07:44,670 crapshoot, it is a gamble, there is no guarantee that they will 121 00:07:44,670 --> 00:07:48,330 do this. But I have learned that in some cases. And this one 122 00:07:48,330 --> 00:07:52,290 specifically, they will then put the cutoff date when they begin 123 00:07:52,290 --> 00:07:56,700 to process your request. So in this case, it was well after the 124 00:07:56,700 --> 00:08:01,230 original submission date of early November. So that is key 125 00:08:01,230 --> 00:08:03,540 because you'll see the responsive document was dated 126 00:08:03,540 --> 00:08:07,860 January of 2024. That also played into the to the 127 00:08:07,980 --> 00:08:12,150 conspiracy theories about me. But you can see by the actual 128 00:08:12,150 --> 00:08:15,930 request, what I did, I also didn't specifically request 129 00:08:15,930 --> 00:08:19,620 signal messages. There was a lot of people that accused me of 130 00:08:19,740 --> 00:08:23,970 getting some kind of tip or lead know, the reason why I worded 131 00:08:23,970 --> 00:08:27,180 the request that I did any and all information and that I feel 132 00:08:27,180 --> 00:08:30,270 that it may extend beyond emails, that is a way to 133 00:08:30,270 --> 00:08:35,910 separate it from the case 24 F 0265. So I believe that all of 134 00:08:35,910 --> 00:08:41,160 this is, albeit sometimes gruesome, and boring, because 135 00:08:41,160 --> 00:08:44,790 it's just the nitty gritty, nitty gritty, you have to deal 136 00:08:44,790 --> 00:08:49,740 with it. Because those people that are that are spouting those 137 00:08:49,770 --> 00:08:54,090 those conspiracy theories about this and how the Pentagon is, is 138 00:08:54,090 --> 00:08:57,150 working with me on this. Nothing could be farther from the truth. 139 00:08:57,270 --> 00:08:59,850 So there's the evidence that I wanted to go over with you guys. 140 00:09:00,000 --> 00:09:04,260 And the very specific legal wording of what spawned this 141 00:09:04,260 --> 00:09:06,720 particular FOIA request. Now when I say that I couldn't have 142 00:09:06,720 --> 00:09:09,930 been more transparent. I actually on the same day that I 143 00:09:09,930 --> 00:09:13,050 filed, announced it to everybody. So there was no 144 00:09:13,050 --> 00:09:16,740 secret there was no sleight of hand here or something that 145 00:09:16,740 --> 00:09:20,040 someone fed me and I'm making it all up. All you got to do is 146 00:09:20,040 --> 00:09:24,720 look at these particular screenshots here as proof Oops, 147 00:09:24,720 --> 00:09:29,490 excuse me as proof that I was filing it on November second 148 00:09:29,490 --> 00:09:32,550 2023. What I said was in a recent media roundtable 149 00:09:32,550 --> 00:09:34,860 discussion, Dr. Shawn Kirkpatrick, the head of Arrow 150 00:09:35,010 --> 00:09:38,490 stated the arrow has sent an invitation to David grush, quote 151 00:09:38,490 --> 00:09:41,490 at least four or five times but over the last eight months, 152 00:09:41,700 --> 00:09:45,360 those invites were declined. Then David grush told new news 153 00:09:45,360 --> 00:09:48,840 nation that was a lie. So this morning I filed a FOIA requests 154 00:09:48,900 --> 00:09:52,980 case. Seeking evidence to the above claim by Dr. Kirkpatrick. 155 00:09:53,010 --> 00:09:55,620 I'm guessing somewhere those invitations are documented, 156 00:09:55,770 --> 00:09:59,100 they'd have to be unlikely reside in unclassified files, 157 00:09:59,310 --> 00:10:03,360 given the nature of contact and will be hard to exempt given the 158 00:10:03,360 --> 00:10:06,510 open admission by Dr. Kirkpatrick that they were sent. 159 00:10:06,810 --> 00:10:11,580 Let's find out who's telling the truth. And I put a screenshot of 160 00:10:12,270 --> 00:10:16,230 the interview that Dr. Kirkpatrick did put a screenshot 161 00:10:16,260 --> 00:10:20,190 of the news nation interview that David gross responded 162 00:10:20,190 --> 00:10:24,180 saying I have zero emails or calls from them. That is a lie. 163 00:10:24,180 --> 00:10:28,620 That was October 31, I believe was the interview. So in 164 00:10:28,620 --> 00:10:33,420 essence, it was a he said, he said story. It was one person 165 00:10:33,420 --> 00:10:37,740 had one stance, the other had the other stance, one was saying 166 00:10:37,740 --> 00:10:40,200 one was lying. It was like, Okay, well, let's just try and 167 00:10:40,200 --> 00:10:43,710 settle this. What I said down here proved to be absolutely 168 00:10:43,710 --> 00:10:46,800 true. They were all unclassified invitations. They were 169 00:10:46,800 --> 00:10:51,840 documented, and you're about to see all of them. One last things 170 00:10:51,840 --> 00:10:55,050 of housekeeping here is the actual FOIA response. This way, 171 00:10:55,050 --> 00:10:57,780 anybody who's taking notes or wants to challenge me on how I 172 00:10:57,780 --> 00:11:01,650 got this, documents and proves everything that I have stated 173 00:11:01,650 --> 00:11:06,060 November 2 2023, was when I filed I'll spare you all the 174 00:11:06,060 --> 00:11:08,280 legal jargon here on this letter, but I invite you to 175 00:11:08,280 --> 00:11:11,130 pause the video and read it. Here's the four year case number 176 00:11:11,130 --> 00:11:15,420 that anybody can go ahead and request information on, again, 177 00:11:15,450 --> 00:11:19,530 can't be more transparent on this. Now let's talk about the 178 00:11:19,530 --> 00:11:21,840 responsive documents and start breaking this down. 179 00:11:23,430 --> 00:11:25,920 Again rearranged them a little bit from the FOIA case. So when 180 00:11:25,920 --> 00:11:29,340 you download the PDF, I always leave them in the same order 181 00:11:29,340 --> 00:11:31,920 that I got. But in this particular presentation is 182 00:11:31,920 --> 00:11:34,710 jumbled a little bit. To give you a chronological breakdown, 183 00:11:34,920 --> 00:11:37,680 I'm going to read to you what was called a memorandum for 184 00:11:37,680 --> 00:11:43,170 record. This was dated January 8 2024. Again already addressed 185 00:11:43,170 --> 00:11:47,430 why this is post dated after my FOIA requests all stemmed from 186 00:11:47,430 --> 00:11:50,790 the wording of how I requested the information, subject line 187 00:11:50,790 --> 00:11:54,630 all domain anomaly resolution office invitations to interview 188 00:11:54,630 --> 00:11:58,290 Mr. David grush. I don't want the all domain anomaly 189 00:11:58,290 --> 00:12:01,740 resolution office or arrow extended multiple invitations to 190 00:12:01,740 --> 00:12:05,370 Mr. David grush. For the purpose of conducting an oral history 191 00:12:05,370 --> 00:12:07,920 interview in support of the congressionally directed 192 00:12:08,040 --> 00:12:11,790 historical record report, invitations both direct and 193 00:12:11,790 --> 00:12:15,210 through intermediaries to interview Mr. grush regarding 194 00:12:15,210 --> 00:12:18,060 his claim knowledge of US government, possession of 195 00:12:18,060 --> 00:12:21,660 extraterrestrial material, and reverse engineering programs 196 00:12:21,870 --> 00:12:27,750 were met with negative results. I item two, the following 197 00:12:27,750 --> 00:12:31,080 attempts were made by director, arrow and staff to encourage Mr. 198 00:12:31,080 --> 00:12:34,560 grush to provide information to arrow on the record and in an 199 00:12:34,560 --> 00:12:37,470 appropriately secure environment. The National 200 00:12:37,470 --> 00:12:41,070 Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023 authorizes 201 00:12:41,070 --> 00:12:44,550 arrow to receive reporting about US government activities and 202 00:12:44,550 --> 00:12:48,600 events related to UAP regardless of classification level or 203 00:12:48,600 --> 00:12:54,270 carpet compartmentalization of the information. Here's the 204 00:12:54,270 --> 00:12:58,440 breakdown, timeline wise per their memo, and then we'll break 205 00:12:58,440 --> 00:13:01,440 it down even further. But this is from the memo breaking down 206 00:13:01,440 --> 00:13:05,550 the chronology of their timeline between June 8 and 20, excuse me 207 00:13:05,580 --> 00:13:11,970 between June 8 2023 And June 13 2023, Director arrow engaged 208 00:13:11,970 --> 00:13:15,480 in a dialogue with person redacted regarding arrows 209 00:13:15,480 --> 00:13:18,870 authorities and encourage that person to have Mr. grush contact 210 00:13:18,900 --> 00:13:23,280 arrow. Note that this person is a known close associate of Mr. 211 00:13:23,280 --> 00:13:26,790 grush. And the dialogue made it clear that this person was in 212 00:13:26,790 --> 00:13:33,330 contact with Mr. grush. On June 12, and 13th 2023 Director arrow 213 00:13:33,330 --> 00:13:36,630 discussed with a professional staff member or PSM. You'll 214 00:13:36,660 --> 00:13:39,660 you'll see that a few times in this presentation of the US 215 00:13:39,660 --> 00:13:42,540 Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Mr. grush, his 216 00:13:42,540 --> 00:13:46,410 refusal to speak with arrow. The PSM stated that he would contact 217 00:13:46,410 --> 00:13:50,430 Mr. grush and request Mr. Gresh his email address. The PSM made 218 00:13:50,430 --> 00:13:53,070 the offer after the director made it clear that Arrow did not 219 00:13:53,070 --> 00:13:56,580 have Mr. Gresh his contact information. It's a little 220 00:13:56,580 --> 00:13:59,370 bothersome that they couldn't find his email address or 221 00:13:59,370 --> 00:14:03,750 contact information but regardless, on June 26 2023, 222 00:14:03,750 --> 00:14:07,260 Arrow staff contacted interviewee redacted and asked 223 00:14:07,470 --> 00:14:09,690 for Mr. grush his current telephone number so that an 224 00:14:09,690 --> 00:14:13,860 invitation can be extended to Mr. grush interviewee contacted 225 00:14:13,860 --> 00:14:17,880 Mr. grush on Arrow's behalf, and an invitation was rebuffed by 226 00:14:17,880 --> 00:14:23,580 Mr. grush. On June 28 2023, Director arrow contacted a PSM 227 00:14:23,580 --> 00:14:26,340 with the US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence after 228 00:14:26,340 --> 00:14:29,490 Mr. Gratias appearance before Congress and asked for any 229 00:14:29,490 --> 00:14:33,210 information reported to Congress by Mr. grush that arrow may be 230 00:14:33,210 --> 00:14:37,590 able to identify. The director also reminded the PSM of the 231 00:14:37,590 --> 00:14:40,710 agreement that if a witness expressed apprehension about 232 00:14:40,710 --> 00:14:43,890 coming to arrow, that arrow would send a staff member to 233 00:14:43,890 --> 00:14:47,640 congressional spaces to record the information into the US 234 00:14:47,640 --> 00:14:53,130 government record in support of that historical report. On July 235 00:14:53,130 --> 00:14:57,960 27 2023, Arrow staff conducted an interview of interviewee 236 00:14:57,990 --> 00:15:01,380 redacted who revealed that he wouldn't It who revealed that he 237 00:15:01,380 --> 00:15:05,220 would be having dinner with Mr. grush. The following day arrow 238 00:15:05,220 --> 00:15:10,200 staff to include the director asked this person to invite Mr. 239 00:15:10,200 --> 00:15:14,130 grush to contact arrow for an interview. Arrow staff made it 240 00:15:14,130 --> 00:15:17,310 clear that the interview would be conducted in a secure 241 00:15:17,310 --> 00:15:22,110 facility in accordance with the law, and the tone of the 242 00:15:22,110 --> 00:15:25,980 interview would be friendly and non confrontational, as are all 243 00:15:25,980 --> 00:15:31,350 arrow interviews. On October 6 2023, Arrow staff conducted a 244 00:15:31,350 --> 00:15:35,370 secure call an interview with interviewee redacted, and as 245 00:15:35,370 --> 00:15:38,190 that he also encouraged Mr. grush to agree to a secure 246 00:15:38,190 --> 00:15:41,490 interview, so that Mr. Gratias claims might be introduced into 247 00:15:41,490 --> 00:15:44,940 the US government record in support of their historical 248 00:15:44,940 --> 00:15:50,070 report. Interviewee is known to be a close associate of Mr. 249 00:15:50,070 --> 00:15:57,240 Gresh. During the previous several months director arrow as 250 00:15:57,240 --> 00:15:59,940 to PSM with the US Senate Committee on armed services to 251 00:15:59,940 --> 00:16:03,420 encourage Mr. grush to provide information to arrow during an 252 00:16:03,420 --> 00:16:07,800 official interview. On November 10 2023, Mr. grush contacted 253 00:16:07,800 --> 00:16:10,950 arrow at the urging of congressional staff members and 254 00:16:10,950 --> 00:16:13,860 agreed to be interviewed in Arlington, Virginia on November 255 00:16:13,860 --> 00:16:18,840 14 2024. Arrow provided Mr. grush with a memorandum from the 256 00:16:18,840 --> 00:16:21,990 Director of Special Access Programs, Department of Defense 257 00:16:21,990 --> 00:16:25,080 that made it clear arrow is authorized to receive 258 00:16:25,080 --> 00:16:29,280 Compartmented Information. Mr. Gresh was also told that arrow 259 00:16:29,280 --> 00:16:32,010 would obtain a similar memorandum from the director 260 00:16:32,160 --> 00:16:35,400 controlled access Program Office, Office of the Director 261 00:16:35,400 --> 00:16:40,320 of National Intelligence. On November 14 2023, Mr. grush, 262 00:16:40,320 --> 00:16:43,620 failed to show at the agreed upon location and time for an 263 00:16:43,620 --> 00:16:47,550 interview with arrow. Upon contacting Mr. grush, you stated 264 00:16:47,550 --> 00:16:50,370 that he is not convinced that arrow is authorized to receive 265 00:16:50,370 --> 00:16:55,230 varying levels of classified and sensitive information. So this 266 00:16:55,230 --> 00:16:58,410 right here told you that they had a meeting set up if you 267 00:16:58,410 --> 00:17:03,600 didn't catch it. grush didn't even show. So you'll see here 268 00:17:03,600 --> 00:17:07,650 why. And this is the argument and controversy from these 269 00:17:07,650 --> 00:17:12,360 documents. The controversy as he didn't show because he felt aro 270 00:17:12,360 --> 00:17:16,770 didn't answer his questions. However aro felt that they did 271 00:17:16,770 --> 00:17:21,120 and they had ample evidence to show it. Congress was also 272 00:17:21,120 --> 00:17:25,320 urging based on what they knew for him to go in. It's kind of a 273 00:17:25,320 --> 00:17:30,870 mess. It really is. And you see here that there's a lot more to 274 00:17:30,870 --> 00:17:34,740 the story than we what we heard on news interviews and 275 00:17:34,770 --> 00:17:38,370 congressional testimony. And so that, to me, was kind of like a 276 00:17:38,370 --> 00:17:42,090 head scratcher. He didn't even show to a scheduled meeting. 277 00:17:42,390 --> 00:17:46,320 You'll see more as we go through the information here exactly why 278 00:17:46,320 --> 00:17:50,550 he didn't show and exactly why or exactly how that played out. 279 00:17:52,200 --> 00:17:57,180 On November 19 2023, arrow again contacted Mr. grush via email, 280 00:17:57,390 --> 00:18:00,480 and stated We invite you to speak to arrow regarding any US 281 00:18:00,480 --> 00:18:04,290 government programs or activities related to UAP dating 282 00:18:04,290 --> 00:18:08,730 back to 1945. In accordance with the National Defense 283 00:18:08,730 --> 00:18:12,780 Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023 aro is authorized to 284 00:18:12,780 --> 00:18:15,840 receive any information related to UAP regardless of 285 00:18:15,840 --> 00:18:18,450 classification, and notwithstanding any 286 00:18:18,450 --> 00:18:22,200 nondisclosure agreement you may have signed, we would be glad to 287 00:18:22,200 --> 00:18:26,010 meet with you in a skiff so that you could share information with 288 00:18:26,010 --> 00:18:29,490 us. This specific invitation was coordinated with the Office of 289 00:18:29,490 --> 00:18:33,780 General Counsel, Department of Defense, Mr. grush, again, 290 00:18:33,930 --> 00:18:36,900 declined the invitation despite previously agreeing to an 291 00:18:36,900 --> 00:18:41,310 interview. And again, Mr. Gresh cited various security concerns 292 00:18:41,310 --> 00:18:44,340 that arrow is authorized to receive information of any 293 00:18:44,340 --> 00:18:50,460 classification level regarding UAP. On January 8 2024, Arrow 294 00:18:50,460 --> 00:18:53,130 provided Mr. Grosh with a memorandum from the director 295 00:18:53,130 --> 00:18:56,070 controlled access Programs Office, Office of the Director 296 00:18:56,070 --> 00:18:59,520 of National Intelligence that states arrow was authorized to 297 00:18:59,520 --> 00:19:02,100 receive information which is subject to US government non 298 00:19:02,100 --> 00:19:06,090 disclosure agreement. Arrow also informed Mr. grush that there is 299 00:19:06,090 --> 00:19:09,330 a standing invitation to be interviewed by Arrow regarding 300 00:19:09,330 --> 00:19:13,050 his claims of UAP and US government activity and events. 301 00:19:13,830 --> 00:19:16,620 During interactions between arrow and Mr. grush from 302 00:19:16,620 --> 00:19:21,960 November 2023 to January 2024, it became evident that Mr. grush 303 00:19:21,960 --> 00:19:25,350 had no intention of providing arrow with information regarding 304 00:19:25,350 --> 00:19:29,730 his claims. This assessment stands despite the NDAA for 305 00:19:29,730 --> 00:19:33,300 fiscal year 2023 And the enclosed memorandums from the 306 00:19:33,300 --> 00:19:35,880 Department of Defense and the Office of the Director of 307 00:19:35,880 --> 00:19:39,930 National Intelligence, making it clear that arrow is authorized 308 00:19:40,050 --> 00:19:45,300 to receive all levels of information related to UAP. That 309 00:19:45,300 --> 00:19:49,470 was a heck of a memo to go over. But you can see that clearly the 310 00:19:49,470 --> 00:19:53,880 DoD according to them, was reaching out to grush through 311 00:19:53,880 --> 00:19:58,560 various means. Each and every time it was declined. And 312 00:19:58,590 --> 00:20:02,190 clearly, there was issue with David grush, who did not want to 313 00:20:02,190 --> 00:20:06,300 come into arrow. If he didn't set up the meeting and didn't 314 00:20:06,330 --> 00:20:10,620 show, I can understand His concern was really the root 315 00:20:10,620 --> 00:20:14,940 cause of that. But how is it that he could go all that way 316 00:20:14,940 --> 00:20:20,730 set up the meeting the time and just not show? So so what 317 00:20:20,730 --> 00:20:24,690 happened was it was an under advice of counsel, maybe. But 318 00:20:24,690 --> 00:20:27,660 why wouldn't he have that advice prior we know who is his 319 00:20:27,720 --> 00:20:31,560 attorney is with Charles McCullough, the former IC IG. So 320 00:20:31,710 --> 00:20:35,280 clearly, he's got an incredibly intelligent attorney behind him. 321 00:20:35,610 --> 00:20:38,370 So if it was based on legal counsel, why didn't he get that 322 00:20:38,370 --> 00:20:43,200 counsel prior? Because he was he was clearly proactively after 323 00:20:43,230 --> 00:20:45,630 declining a bunch of invitations, it seems 324 00:20:45,900 --> 00:20:49,890 proactively now reaching out to arrow and saying, Hey, let's 325 00:20:49,890 --> 00:20:54,480 let's chat. And from that memo between November 10, and 326 00:20:54,480 --> 00:20:59,100 November 14, there obviously was a telephone conversation, at 327 00:20:59,100 --> 00:21:02,100 least one that said over everything up. So being 328 00:21:02,100 --> 00:21:04,560 proactive, why would you not consult your attorney like, hey, 329 00:21:04,560 --> 00:21:07,740 what do I have to have in writing here? That's a very 330 00:21:07,740 --> 00:21:10,470 interesting piece of this puzzle that you'll see even more play 331 00:21:10,470 --> 00:21:13,860 out here as we go through the documents. So the next batch of 332 00:21:13,860 --> 00:21:18,150 records I'm going to go through is essentially the supporting 333 00:21:18,180 --> 00:21:23,130 evidence to this memorandum. So per my request, seeking out all 334 00:21:23,130 --> 00:21:24,690 of these attempts, 335 00:21:25,950 --> 00:21:29,370 part of those attempts were text messages to Christopher Mellon. 336 00:21:29,940 --> 00:21:33,210 Now, it's not every day you get signal text messages through the 337 00:21:33,210 --> 00:21:37,320 Freedom of Information Act, but in this case, you do. It's not 338 00:21:38,400 --> 00:21:43,290 common, but not not unheard of. So this happens for multiple 339 00:21:43,290 --> 00:21:46,170 reasons. We'll get into it after we go over the text messages. 340 00:21:46,620 --> 00:21:49,380 But it was a little bit of a surprise because I was expecting 341 00:21:49,380 --> 00:21:53,130 more emails, maybe some letters or memos. I wasn't expecting 342 00:21:53,130 --> 00:21:58,320 text messages. They start on June 11 2023. And they start 343 00:21:58,320 --> 00:22:02,700 with thanks. So clearly, there was dialogue between Sean 344 00:22:02,700 --> 00:22:07,050 Kirkpatrick and Christopher Mellon, prior to this. Yes, I 345 00:22:07,050 --> 00:22:10,950 filed for those text messages now as well. Now that I know 346 00:22:10,950 --> 00:22:14,100 they exist, but in this particular document dump, it 347 00:22:14,100 --> 00:22:18,600 starts at June 11. You can see Christopher Mellon saying 348 00:22:18,600 --> 00:22:23,010 thanks, we don't know for what. And then on June 12, this is 349 00:22:23,010 --> 00:22:26,340 what Shawn Kirkpatrick says. Now, as we go through this, all 350 00:22:26,370 --> 00:22:32,250 the blue boxes are Shawn Kirkpatrick, and the gray boxes 351 00:22:32,310 --> 00:22:37,980 are Christopher Mellon. Enter Kirkpatrick grush has made 352 00:22:37,980 --> 00:22:40,770 claims that he's contacted us and we've never responded. 353 00:22:41,100 --> 00:22:44,880 That's just not true. He's also made claims that we don't have 354 00:22:44,880 --> 00:22:48,630 access to investigate his claims. That is also not true. 355 00:22:48,930 --> 00:22:52,320 If I recall correctly, you indicated he refused to come 356 00:22:52,320 --> 00:22:56,250 talk to us. And you're quoted as suggesting as such, I'd suggest 357 00:22:56,250 --> 00:22:59,160 you emphasize the need to come speak with us. You have the 358 00:22:59,160 --> 00:23:03,960 contact email. Enter Christopher Mellon. Hi, Sean, do you have a 359 00:23:03,960 --> 00:23:07,680 specific example of Dave Dave claiming he's contacted arrow 360 00:23:07,950 --> 00:23:11,340 and your office refused to respond? That sounds strange as 361 00:23:11,340 --> 00:23:14,640 during a conversation yesterday, he told me arrow was not a 362 00:23:14,640 --> 00:23:18,870 lawfully designated recipient of his whistleblower info, hence 363 00:23:18,870 --> 00:23:22,410 his reason for not contacting arrow. I also do not recall 364 00:23:22,410 --> 00:23:25,830 saying Dave refused to come talk to arrow. I certainly did not do 365 00:23:25,830 --> 00:23:29,610 so in the debrief article or my article in Politico, and I've 366 00:23:29,610 --> 00:23:33,540 done no interviews yet about Dave. Shawn Kirkpatrick. It was 367 00:23:33,540 --> 00:23:36,570 on the interview Sunday, Pentagon is preparing a 368 00:23:36,570 --> 00:23:40,620 response. His assertion that we aren't lawfully empowered is 369 00:23:40,620 --> 00:23:45,720 clearly incongruent with the law. Christopher Mellon, I'll be 370 00:23:45,720 --> 00:23:49,020 happy to check on that. Contrary to press reports, Dave still 371 00:23:49,020 --> 00:23:53,610 retains his attorney who is a former NSA and IC IG Chuck 372 00:23:53,610 --> 00:23:56,700 should know if anyone does. Kirkpatrick there is a 373 00:23:56,700 --> 00:24:00,090 significant misconception between the authorities in 374 00:24:00,090 --> 00:24:05,580 question the title 50 authorities we we do have are 375 00:24:05,580 --> 00:24:11,280 for CI purposes not taking in information. The law is very 376 00:24:11,280 --> 00:24:14,790 clear about that and if he has a concern he should have as 377 00:24:14,790 --> 00:24:21,870 attorney discuss with OGC we we've had we've had many people 378 00:24:21,870 --> 00:24:28,500 come share appropriately the information that okay, so you'll 379 00:24:28,500 --> 00:24:30,540 see here I'm going to stop real quick. You'll see here that 380 00:24:30,540 --> 00:24:36,510 there's grammatical errors reading Kirkpatrick I don't know 381 00:24:36,510 --> 00:24:41,070 if that's just rage tweeting. Or if he's like, you know, just 382 00:24:41,910 --> 00:24:45,570 Cerise not not liking him. I don't know. So forgive my 383 00:24:45,570 --> 00:24:48,270 stumble reading. I'm trying to make it as clear as possible and 384 00:24:48,480 --> 00:24:51,360 forgot to note his grammatical errors because there is one part 385 00:24:51,360 --> 00:24:55,590 of that that actually may be a typo that a lot of people are 386 00:24:55,590 --> 00:24:57,930 making a big deal of and I'm not sure if it should be a big deal 387 00:24:57,930 --> 00:25:01,680 yet. We'll see. We'll get to that. In a minute, but let me 388 00:25:01,680 --> 00:25:03,690 see here the law is very clear about that. And if he has a 389 00:25:03,690 --> 00:25:07,080 concern he should have as attorney discuss with OGC. 390 00:25:07,080 --> 00:25:10,830 That's the Office of General Counsel within the DOD. We've 391 00:25:10,830 --> 00:25:13,500 had many people come share appropriately the information 392 00:25:13,500 --> 00:25:17,010 they have from various places. Chuck is wrong. If that's his 393 00:25:17,010 --> 00:25:20,400 advice, melon, I'll be happy to raise with Dave and get back to 394 00:25:20,400 --> 00:25:23,970 you. Kirkpatrick if nothing else he needs to contact us. And 395 00:25:23,970 --> 00:25:28,530 we'll introduce his attorney to the Office of General Counsel. 396 00:25:29,100 --> 00:25:33,330 I'll reach out to him today says Christopher Mellon. Also Mellon 397 00:25:33,330 --> 00:25:36,510 I spoke with Dave and his first question was Why hadn't aro 398 00:25:36,510 --> 00:25:41,280 gotten all the info from the IC IG? It is all there and fully 399 00:25:41,280 --> 00:25:43,980 documented to include confirmation that program is 400 00:25:43,980 --> 00:25:49,980 real from active cleared insiders. Mellon, I spoke with 401 00:25:49,980 --> 00:25:52,740 Dave and his first Oh, excuse me, I'm sorry, that's just 402 00:25:52,740 --> 00:25:55,770 repeated from the screenshot. Kirkpatrick comes in after that 403 00:25:55,860 --> 00:25:59,070 Department of Justice has to release it since it's part of a 404 00:25:59,070 --> 00:26:03,120 criminal investigation. Now DOJ is Department of Justice. 405 00:26:03,150 --> 00:26:06,060 However, the question that was asked by David grush through 406 00:26:06,060 --> 00:26:10,110 Mellon was about the IC IG. A lot of people are making a big 407 00:26:10,110 --> 00:26:13,230 deal out of this line that the Department of Justice is 408 00:26:13,230 --> 00:26:17,880 involved. Maybe the IC IG figured out a criminal aspect 409 00:26:17,910 --> 00:26:21,030 that was essentially confirmed or confirmed enough to then 410 00:26:21,030 --> 00:26:23,850 forward over to the Department of Justice for criminal 411 00:26:23,850 --> 00:26:26,880 investigation. That is absolutely a possibility. 412 00:26:27,090 --> 00:26:31,680 However, those that are touting this in the media and new op eds 413 00:26:31,680 --> 00:26:36,390 and so on, have not confirmed it. Now why I pointed out 414 00:26:36,390 --> 00:26:40,350 Kirkpatrick is kind of again, I'm not trying to sound rude 415 00:26:40,350 --> 00:26:43,770 here, but kind of his rage texting, where he's clearly he's 416 00:26:43,770 --> 00:26:47,730 got a lot of grammatical fumbles here and there, misspelling 417 00:26:47,730 --> 00:26:51,360 you'll see some more here, as I read through it. Was his 418 00:26:51,360 --> 00:26:54,570 response maybe that that in his head, he's thinking criminal, 419 00:26:54,810 --> 00:26:58,050 slash investigation slash law enforcement, and he says it by 420 00:26:58,050 --> 00:27:01,500 mistake, or Is this legit? Now some of you may think that I'm, 421 00:27:01,710 --> 00:27:04,860 I'm stretching their look, I'm just I'm a stickler for 422 00:27:04,860 --> 00:27:08,490 confirming these things because of a text message from somebody 423 00:27:08,490 --> 00:27:12,510 who's having those spelling or grammatical errors, or both, can 424 00:27:12,510 --> 00:27:18,720 probably easily mistaken, do typing in DOJ versus IC IG. 425 00:27:19,200 --> 00:27:22,740 While he's, you know, typing in haste, the texting in haste. So 426 00:27:23,040 --> 00:27:26,520 that's a possibility. I have yet to see confirmation of it. I 427 00:27:26,520 --> 00:27:28,890 don't necessarily doubt it. I think it's interesting no matter 428 00:27:28,890 --> 00:27:31,440 what, but I don't think we should just start screaming that 429 00:27:31,440 --> 00:27:34,920 the DOJ is involved, like some people are doing as I record 430 00:27:34,920 --> 00:27:40,110 this, we just don't know yet. So back to Kirkpatrick, DOJ has to 431 00:27:40,110 --> 00:27:42,690 release it since it's part of a criminal investigation. They 432 00:27:42,690 --> 00:27:45,960 haven't yet he needs to come tell us separate from his 433 00:27:45,960 --> 00:27:52,530 criminal complaint. So Mellon, he obviously doesn't have to do 434 00:27:52,530 --> 00:27:56,610 so. And he even said, quote, how do I know Sean is not a target 435 00:27:56,850 --> 00:28:00,720 of the ongoing criminal investigation. In parentheses, 436 00:28:00,720 --> 00:28:05,940 he's got an exclamation point. However, that being said, I 437 00:28:05,940 --> 00:28:09,600 explained your request regarding his attorney contact office 438 00:28:09,600 --> 00:28:12,270 government counsel and suggested he do so to show full 439 00:28:12,270 --> 00:28:15,960 cooperation. He said that if you can provide OTCs contact info, 440 00:28:15,960 --> 00:28:19,290 he'll pass it to his attorney. By the way. He also said his 441 00:28:19,290 --> 00:28:23,070 claim about contacting you dates to a conversation the two of you 442 00:28:23,070 --> 00:28:30,330 had many months ago on a quote, Tandberg, t a n d, b e r g and 443 00:28:30,330 --> 00:28:33,600 parentheses he has SP question mark that spelling even he 444 00:28:33,600 --> 00:28:37,140 doesn't really know what he's talking about, but trying to 445 00:28:37,140 --> 00:28:41,760 convey that to Kirkpatrick. So conversation many months ago on 446 00:28:41,760 --> 00:28:45,420 a Tandberg system, and that you didn't follow up after that 447 00:28:45,420 --> 00:28:48,750 call. I'm not trying to adjudicate that issue, just 448 00:28:48,750 --> 00:28:52,170 telling you what he said. Apparently, that is what his 449 00:28:52,170 --> 00:28:55,800 statement was referring to. So if you can provide an OGC email 450 00:28:55,800 --> 00:28:58,770 or phone number, I'll get that to Dave right away. And 451 00:28:58,770 --> 00:29:03,300 hopefully his attorney will promptly contact OGC. Back to 452 00:29:03,300 --> 00:29:07,170 Kirkpatrick. All of that is both absurd and false. I have had a 453 00:29:07,170 --> 00:29:10,980 conversation I have. Here's another fumble. I believe he 454 00:29:10,980 --> 00:29:15,120 meant I haven't had a conversation with him for years. 455 00:29:15,570 --> 00:29:18,690 That coincides with multiple interview quotes and so on. 456 00:29:18,810 --> 00:29:21,360 Anybody can fact that have checked that that he hadn't 457 00:29:21,360 --> 00:29:24,540 talked to him for quite a few years, even David grush had said 458 00:29:24,780 --> 00:29:31,080 it was 2022. So obviously, at least one or two years. So I 459 00:29:31,080 --> 00:29:34,320 think that was yet another typo, but I haven't had a conversation 460 00:29:34,320 --> 00:29:36,570 with him for years. If he wants this brought out and 461 00:29:36,570 --> 00:29:40,050 investigated, then yes, he obviously does have to his 462 00:29:40,050 --> 00:29:43,470 continued refusal to speak with us only hurts his case. I've 463 00:29:43,470 --> 00:29:47,580 contacted congressional OGC to reach out to him so they can 464 00:29:47,580 --> 00:29:51,300 explain the law. Haven't had a conversation for years. See, so 465 00:29:51,300 --> 00:29:54,480 that now he goes back and he corrects himself. Our statement 466 00:29:54,480 --> 00:29:59,280 will simply be that he's refused to speak with arrow. Melon comes 467 00:29:59,280 --> 00:30:02,100 back. Okay, so Sounds good happy to help when I can don't 468 00:30:02,100 --> 00:30:06,240 hesitate to kick my tires off based on something. By the way, 469 00:30:06,360 --> 00:30:11,640 there isn't a congressional OGC as such. Kirkpatrick there are 470 00:30:11,640 --> 00:30:16,200 congressional lawyers that get law. Mellon to be clear whom 471 00:30:16,200 --> 00:30:19,830 shade, whom should Dave expect to hear from, if you cannot 472 00:30:19,830 --> 00:30:25,320 provide a point of contact at DOD. Current Patrick's then 473 00:30:25,320 --> 00:30:28,140 corrects himself again. So again, I'm just stressing this 474 00:30:28,140 --> 00:30:31,500 about that DOJ thing because I think it's key, he corrects the 475 00:30:31,500 --> 00:30:36,660 get law into vet law. So that's what he's correcting there. 476 00:30:39,930 --> 00:30:43,830 Hill OGC generally advised members only that's what 477 00:30:43,830 --> 00:30:47,130 Kirkpatrick said they advise their employers, not members of 478 00:30:47,130 --> 00:30:49,800 the public. So essentially what he's saying here, if you're kind 479 00:30:49,800 --> 00:30:53,370 of lost, because I had read it a couple times as well. Obviously, 480 00:30:53,370 --> 00:30:55,950 the DOD has an office of government counselor, excuse me, 481 00:30:55,950 --> 00:31:00,870 Office of General Counsel of lawyers, attorneys. I know for a 482 00:31:00,870 --> 00:31:05,520 fact that a few of my FOIA cases, quite a few actually go 483 00:31:05,520 --> 00:31:09,930 through that particular office, when some of these documents are 484 00:31:09,930 --> 00:31:12,810 released, they are involved, they're going through the law, 485 00:31:12,930 --> 00:31:16,500 they understand how it works. So especially when you tie in FOIA 486 00:31:16,500 --> 00:31:20,280 releases, they're right there to essentially make sure nobody's 487 00:31:20,280 --> 00:31:23,340 crossing any legal line. Obviously, they are involved in 488 00:31:23,340 --> 00:31:26,610 processes like this as well. So they're the attorneys for the 489 00:31:26,610 --> 00:31:31,350 DOD, where that kind of back and forth got a little mumbled was 490 00:31:31,350 --> 00:31:35,850 that it was brought up that the hill, Congress has essentially 491 00:31:35,850 --> 00:31:38,670 an equivalent to an OGC. That's where melon says, No, they 492 00:31:38,670 --> 00:31:41,910 don't. And then Kirkpatrick was like, they have attorneys that 493 00:31:41,910 --> 00:31:45,240 advise their members, not for the public, but members of 494 00:31:45,240 --> 00:31:48,840 Congress. So a lot of these fine details are very important when 495 00:31:48,840 --> 00:31:51,840 you see these things play out. Because you know, even these two 496 00:31:51,840 --> 00:31:54,450 guys who are obviously very knowledgeable about how the 497 00:31:54,450 --> 00:31:57,450 government works, they're still not jiving when they're 498 00:31:57,450 --> 00:32:00,000 conversing with each other, because it's an incredibly 499 00:32:00,000 --> 00:32:03,870 convoluted process with a lot of nooks and crannies. And it 500 00:32:03,870 --> 00:32:06,930 really kind of goes to the root of that whole, the right hand 501 00:32:06,930 --> 00:32:09,600 doesn't know what the left hand is doing, primarily because the 502 00:32:09,600 --> 00:32:13,200 left hand doesn't even know the right hand exists. So you kind 503 00:32:13,200 --> 00:32:16,980 of see it play out here with two powerhouse minds that came that 504 00:32:17,190 --> 00:32:19,980 come from the government or came from the government. And they 505 00:32:20,010 --> 00:32:23,730 don't even match up with, with, again, their knowledge of how it 506 00:32:23,730 --> 00:32:26,940 all works. And that's not an insult, but rather that's how 507 00:32:26,940 --> 00:32:29,670 this is playing out that they're just not on the same, not on the 508 00:32:29,670 --> 00:32:37,350 same page. So let me see back to back to Kirkpatrick. It's either 509 00:32:37,350 --> 00:32:40,650 a lawyer at the hill or a lawyer in DOD, who am I sending them 510 00:32:40,650 --> 00:32:44,490 to? Either the law is law or we can scrub having anyone else 511 00:32:44,490 --> 00:32:47,460 come see arrow. So obviously Kirkpatrick is getting a little 512 00:32:47,460 --> 00:32:51,750 miffed at this point. Mellon says you can't tell chuck to go 513 00:32:51,750 --> 00:32:54,270 to various committees on the Hill, it needs to be someone who 514 00:32:54,270 --> 00:32:57,780 represents arrow in the executive branch. I'll support 515 00:32:57,780 --> 00:33:00,870 Mellon on that from the little that I do know about this? That 516 00:33:00,870 --> 00:33:04,860 yes, that would essentially be who they have to talk to, for 517 00:33:04,860 --> 00:33:08,760 safety as well, that if the DoD attorneys are going to promise 518 00:33:08,790 --> 00:33:12,960 something, then obviously, when he goes into the DOD, he's got 519 00:33:12,960 --> 00:33:16,380 something to fall back on. mellem continues, there are a 520 00:33:16,380 --> 00:33:19,500 dozen Hill committees on majority and minority counsel 521 00:33:19,500 --> 00:33:23,490 who may not even agree. Kirkpatrick depends on how badly 522 00:33:23,490 --> 00:33:26,400 people want this sorted out, send me Chuck's contact info. 523 00:33:27,060 --> 00:33:30,870 Then Mellon says not without his permission, obviously. How about 524 00:33:30,870 --> 00:33:34,350 I relay your contact info here to chuck, what's interesting is 525 00:33:34,470 --> 00:33:38,310 Chuck McAuliffe information is public on the website. I'm not 526 00:33:38,310 --> 00:33:40,620 going to display it here to prove what I just said. But the 527 00:33:40,620 --> 00:33:43,620 last time I checked, it was on the website. And then it's how I 528 00:33:43,620 --> 00:33:46,770 contacted him. Sadly, I was ignored the few times that I 529 00:33:46,770 --> 00:33:50,040 did. But regardless, the the information is there, the law 530 00:33:50,040 --> 00:33:54,960 firm is public. It's got a phone number. So why this like, Hey, 531 00:33:54,990 --> 00:33:58,770 give me his phone number. Hey, can you get me a hey, can you 532 00:33:58,800 --> 00:34:02,550 it's like, what can you not just put in a.com or use Google? You 533 00:34:02,550 --> 00:34:06,030 guys are investigating UAP for the Department of Defense. Can 534 00:34:06,030 --> 00:34:08,970 you really not just use Google for finding somebody's contact 535 00:34:08,970 --> 00:34:11,640 information? So that kind of stuff just drives me nuts when 536 00:34:11,640 --> 00:34:14,490 you see this back and forth. But it kind of shed some light of 537 00:34:14,790 --> 00:34:18,060 you know, how all this is playing out behind the scenes 538 00:34:18,060 --> 00:34:25,200 and it's it's silly in a lot of ways. Kirkpatrick Oh, I'm sorry. 539 00:34:25,200 --> 00:34:28,470 The last thing that after not without his permission, 540 00:34:28,470 --> 00:34:30,750 obviously, again, this is Mr. Melon. How about I relay your 541 00:34:30,750 --> 00:34:33,840 contact information to chuck, this will get sorted out of 542 00:34:33,840 --> 00:34:36,510 that. I have no doubt. It is only a matter of how quickly and 543 00:34:36,510 --> 00:34:39,960 by whom? Kirkpatrick I'm not giving my contact info out. 544 00:34:40,710 --> 00:34:43,680 Given the harassment and threats. That's why we have a 545 00:34:43,680 --> 00:34:48,870 secure mechanism. I don't even know if you want me to comment, 546 00:34:48,870 --> 00:34:51,480 and that's just so silly at this point. I mean, there's obviously 547 00:34:51,480 --> 00:34:54,450 government public numbers that they could give out especially 548 00:34:54,450 --> 00:34:59,610 to a former IC IG. I mean, come on. Kirkpatrick continues and 549 00:34:59,610 --> 00:35:02,280 yes, you are defending and adjudicating and you're 550 00:35:02,280 --> 00:35:05,310 undermining the very organization you're purported to 551 00:35:05,310 --> 00:35:09,270 help establish for this person. So now that miffed Dr. 552 00:35:09,270 --> 00:35:12,600 Kirkpatrick just kind of went up a little bit. So you can clearly 553 00:35:12,600 --> 00:35:15,630 see now he's telling Mellon upset, essentially, that he's 554 00:35:15,630 --> 00:35:18,660 kind of obstructing this process. It's like you, you, by 555 00:35:18,660 --> 00:35:21,690 your own admission help set this up. Now you're really just not 556 00:35:21,690 --> 00:35:24,390 letting this play out, like, you know, and these guys are not 557 00:35:24,390 --> 00:35:28,920 coming together here trying to connect David grush to arrow and 558 00:35:29,250 --> 00:35:32,790 it was it was very telling to read through this for the first 559 00:35:32,790 --> 00:35:37,410 time. Mr. Melon comes in really odd I try to bring everyone to 560 00:35:37,440 --> 00:35:42,030 arrow I can. I'm trying to help put Dave in touch with your GC 561 00:35:42,030 --> 00:35:45,870 or general counsel, if you can provide simple contact info. I'm 562 00:35:45,870 --> 00:35:49,830 not judging the claims between you and Dave, and and have not 563 00:35:49,830 --> 00:35:53,250 claimed his claims are accurate. I'm going to stop right there. 564 00:35:53,280 --> 00:35:57,600 I'm going to repeat it again. I have not claimed his claims are 565 00:35:57,600 --> 00:36:02,670 accurate. That's a very telling admission by Christopher Mellon. 566 00:36:03,060 --> 00:36:06,600 I'm not trying to read into that too much. I'm just trying to 567 00:36:06,600 --> 00:36:10,380 show you what Christopher melons mindset is that he's not 568 00:36:10,380 --> 00:36:14,370 vouching for the story itself. He's vouching for David Gratias 569 00:36:14,370 --> 00:36:18,420 credibility, which I would do the same with his background. 570 00:36:18,420 --> 00:36:23,460 It's very impressive. But to the accuracy of his claims, even 571 00:36:23,460 --> 00:36:26,580 Christopher Mellon, who knows more than all of us, I'm sure 572 00:36:26,880 --> 00:36:30,570 about David Gratias story and who the 40 people are that he 573 00:36:30,570 --> 00:36:34,620 talked to, and all of that if he's still ready to not go on 574 00:36:34,650 --> 00:36:37,920 not ready to go on the record and say, Yeah, I believe his 575 00:36:37,920 --> 00:36:42,960 claims. To me, that's very telling. So definitely take note 576 00:36:42,960 --> 00:36:46,350 of that part. To continue on with Mr. melons, words, I've 577 00:36:46,350 --> 00:36:50,610 said he is sincere and credible, and his and other claims, which 578 00:36:50,610 --> 00:36:54,930 I expressly called allegations, warrant investigation, all of 579 00:36:54,930 --> 00:36:59,400 which is, you know, very admirable to say. So kudos to 580 00:36:59,400 --> 00:37:02,910 him, because I agree with it. I have no idea what you or Dave 581 00:37:02,910 --> 00:37:07,530 discussed or when, and, or when, and I'm not taking a position on 582 00:37:07,530 --> 00:37:12,510 that, or even the underlying claim of recovered materials. So 583 00:37:12,510 --> 00:37:15,330 he doesn't even have a stance on the recovered materials. Also a 584 00:37:15,330 --> 00:37:19,710 very, very interesting tell here. Because, you know, do some 585 00:37:20,040 --> 00:37:23,940 do some thinking about who Christopher Mellon circle is. 586 00:37:24,300 --> 00:37:27,930 And he's not ready to make any claims. Again, very telling. 587 00:37:28,290 --> 00:37:32,640 That's not to be, again, overly reading into something critical 588 00:37:32,640 --> 00:37:37,290 or negative, but rather, pointing this out, because a lot 589 00:37:37,290 --> 00:37:40,590 of people can miss that. So it's very telling about where 590 00:37:40,590 --> 00:37:44,010 Christopher melanism, this. And you'll see here, let me pull up 591 00:37:44,010 --> 00:37:48,630 the laser pointer. So I'm kind.dot.if anybody uses signal, 592 00:37:48,630 --> 00:37:51,780 you know that there's more here. That's why there's a Read More 593 00:37:51,780 --> 00:37:54,810 link. And when you when you tap on that on your phone, it 594 00:37:54,810 --> 00:37:58,350 extends the message. So signal will only show you a certain 595 00:37:58,350 --> 00:38:02,550 amount of characters. And then you have to do read more. Sadly, 596 00:38:02,550 --> 00:38:04,920 when these screenshots were taken, they didn't do that. Now 597 00:38:04,920 --> 00:38:08,880 I have filed a request for the extended text. Will I get that 598 00:38:08,880 --> 00:38:13,860 no idea. But and in fact, that was in my appeal. But I want the 599 00:38:13,860 --> 00:38:19,560 whole text to see you know what exactly. Mr. Mellon had gone on 600 00:38:19,560 --> 00:38:22,560 to say, because to me, that was one of the more interesting text 601 00:38:22,560 --> 00:38:27,990 messages that he sent. It was very, I guess, personal in the 602 00:38:27,990 --> 00:38:31,650 sense that it was direct to what he believes or what he's not 603 00:38:31,650 --> 00:38:35,250 ready to believe. But he wants investigated. Very, very 604 00:38:35,250 --> 00:38:40,980 important, kind of crucial to see that. And we didn't. So 605 00:38:40,980 --> 00:38:44,460 we'll see if that screenshot comes. However, the next message 606 00:38:44,460 --> 00:38:47,700 that Mr. Mellon sent, Dave can now say, quote, Shawn has 607 00:38:47,700 --> 00:38:50,820 refused to provide me or my attorney the contact information 608 00:38:50,820 --> 00:38:57,870 that would allow us to picking up right here, sorry, this, 609 00:38:57,990 --> 00:39:00,870 these are the screenshots, I just have to match it up. Dave 610 00:39:00,870 --> 00:39:04,500 can now say, Shawn has refused to provide me or my attorney the 611 00:39:04,500 --> 00:39:06,780 contact information that will allow us to discuss legal 612 00:39:06,780 --> 00:39:10,530 concerns we have with providing testimony to arrow, I'm not your 613 00:39:10,530 --> 00:39:13,260 enemy. And I'm not saying this to provoke or irritate you. 614 00:39:13,500 --> 00:39:17,820 Moreover, having once been in similar jobs, I recognize you 615 00:39:17,820 --> 00:39:21,690 have a big pile of work and responsibility on your plate. I 616 00:39:21,690 --> 00:39:24,360 only mentioned this because it seems you must have some legal 617 00:39:24,360 --> 00:39:27,870 representation, and assuming they are competent. It seems to 618 00:39:27,870 --> 00:39:30,960 me a discussion. It would help to get Dave's testimony into 619 00:39:30,960 --> 00:39:34,620 your system. That it seems to me should be a win for all. 620 00:39:35,340 --> 00:39:38,370 Kirkpatrick I've asked the Office of General Counsel for 621 00:39:38,370 --> 00:39:41,970 contact information. Melon Great. Kirkpatrick waiting to 622 00:39:41,970 --> 00:39:45,750 hear back. Melon. I will be happy to provide that to Dave 623 00:39:45,750 --> 00:39:48,450 and Chuck if you'd like. I think you have a fascinating and 624 00:39:48,450 --> 00:39:51,120 important job. And I want nothing more than to see the 625 00:39:51,120 --> 00:39:54,120 process work. Please don't think I am out to make your job 626 00:39:54,120 --> 00:39:58,560 harder. Kirkpatrick actually, Dave can't say any such thing. 627 00:39:58,710 --> 00:40:06,180 He hasn't asked me for it. Anything only you? Again, 628 00:40:06,210 --> 00:40:11,280 they're just not jiving in this conversation. So it's it's it's 629 00:40:11,280 --> 00:40:14,910 just I can't say it enough. It's fascinating to see this play out 630 00:40:14,940 --> 00:40:19,200 that this was the effort, one of the efforts to get grush in 631 00:40:19,200 --> 00:40:24,420 there. And how much of a mess it really was. Mellon comes back 632 00:40:24,420 --> 00:40:27,750 actually, he probably can and might, but that doesn't matter. 633 00:40:27,750 --> 00:40:30,870 I have no specific reason to believe he will. And I am not 634 00:40:30,870 --> 00:40:33,510 proposing that to him. Just trying to close the loop and 635 00:40:33,510 --> 00:40:40,380 move things toward a good outcome. Thanks. Let me see 636 00:40:40,380 --> 00:40:40,740 here. 637 00:40:42,180 --> 00:40:46,140 Okay, so that was June 12, and June 13, all those text messages 638 00:40:46,140 --> 00:40:50,430 that I went over, okay. Then it jumps to in the screenshot 639 00:40:50,490 --> 00:40:53,670 yesterday. Now, we don't know when Kirkpatrick took the 640 00:40:53,670 --> 00:40:57,570 screenshots or assuming it was Kirkpatrick. So we have no idea 641 00:40:57,570 --> 00:41:03,360 what date this is, but whomever took the screenshot, and 642 00:41:03,360 --> 00:41:08,550 whatever date it was, Kirkpatrick had sent Mellon and 643 00:41:08,550 --> 00:41:11,610 I'll quote here, this is the official position of the 644 00:41:11,610 --> 00:41:14,760 Pentagon released to media Tuesday approved by OGC. And the 645 00:41:14,760 --> 00:41:18,630 Secretary, by law arrow may receive all UAP related 646 00:41:18,630 --> 00:41:21,570 information, including any classified national security 647 00:41:21,570 --> 00:41:24,720 information involving military intelligence and intelligence 648 00:41:24,720 --> 00:41:28,980 related activities at all levels of classification, regardless of 649 00:41:28,980 --> 00:41:32,520 any restrictive access controls, Special Access Programs, or 650 00:41:32,520 --> 00:41:36,360 compartmented. Access Programs. Moreover, there is no 651 00:41:36,360 --> 00:41:39,750 restriction to arrow receiving any past or present UAP related 652 00:41:39,750 --> 00:41:43,290 in and then you have that read, more frustrating link that they 653 00:41:43,290 --> 00:41:46,440 didn't read more. Now, if you Google just any part of that 654 00:41:46,440 --> 00:41:50,790 string, you will come up with that language that has been used 655 00:41:51,210 --> 00:41:57,180 in congressional language in some news, pieces and press 656 00:41:57,180 --> 00:42:02,910 statements and stuff, going back to October ish, of 2023. So that 657 00:42:02,910 --> 00:42:06,900 may be around this time that it went from June to October ish, 658 00:42:07,230 --> 00:42:11,100 don't really know. Sadly, we can't really confirm it. I filed 659 00:42:11,100 --> 00:42:15,120 FOIA cases after the receipt of this to hopefully figure that 660 00:42:15,120 --> 00:42:18,120 out. But regardless, that's what we're we're kind of left to 661 00:42:18,120 --> 00:42:20,910 wonder, kind of doesn't matter. We know the language was there. 662 00:42:21,060 --> 00:42:23,820 Melon responds, I passed that along today for as attorneys 663 00:42:23,820 --> 00:42:27,930 review, per your message, above all, seek to avoid further 664 00:42:27,930 --> 00:42:30,000 communication, unless it is something that seems 665 00:42:30,000 --> 00:42:34,770 extraordinarily urgent, or you initiate well, okay, I'll get 666 00:42:34,770 --> 00:42:37,860 that off to Dave and his attorney this morning. Thanks. 667 00:42:39,720 --> 00:42:43,560 That was it. That was all of it. And I want to point out one 668 00:42:43,560 --> 00:42:50,010 thing to you guys here. That it was, let me see I have a better 669 00:42:50,010 --> 00:42:54,450 slide for it here. You set disappearing message time to one 670 00:42:54,450 --> 00:42:58,050 week, that is a message that whomever is using signal in this 671 00:42:58,050 --> 00:43:02,820 case, Kirkpatrick in that last right before he sent the this 672 00:43:02,820 --> 00:43:05,850 official position of the Pentagon text, he set the 673 00:43:05,850 --> 00:43:09,840 messages on signal to be wiped after seven days. Signal, how's 674 00:43:09,840 --> 00:43:11,820 that feature, because it's an encrypted method of 675 00:43:11,820 --> 00:43:14,460 communicating. But it's a way to essentially hide what you're 676 00:43:14,460 --> 00:43:17,940 communicating. So if you feel that it's sensitive, you can 677 00:43:17,940 --> 00:43:21,330 keep it for a week, and then the app will just completely wipe it 678 00:43:21,330 --> 00:43:25,320 out after a week. There's a lot of problems there. And a lot of 679 00:43:25,320 --> 00:43:28,440 people missed that because nobody was talking about it. And 680 00:43:28,440 --> 00:43:32,220 I tweeted it out or exited out. However you say that now posted 681 00:43:32,220 --> 00:43:36,210 it out on x and social media platforms like hey, you guys are 682 00:43:36,210 --> 00:43:40,560 mad that signal messages got released through FOIA. That was 683 00:43:40,560 --> 00:43:44,880 actually a legit thing to do, not only in the failure, case 684 00:43:44,880 --> 00:43:47,880 response, but even to use signal which I'll talk about right now. 685 00:43:48,300 --> 00:43:52,230 But you guys aren't talking about the fact that it was 686 00:43:52,230 --> 00:43:55,710 switched to then erase everything. So what are we 687 00:43:55,710 --> 00:43:58,500 erasing? Did he save it within the timeframe of the week, 688 00:43:58,620 --> 00:44:02,010 because you have to do that. Now again, most people were upset 689 00:44:02,010 --> 00:44:07,770 that the signal messages were sent to me in a FOIA request 690 00:44:07,770 --> 00:44:12,210 response, privacy concerns were brought up. There were a lot of 691 00:44:12,240 --> 00:44:14,940 again, I call them those conspiracy theories, those 692 00:44:14,940 --> 00:44:19,020 allegations that I was being fed this information, essentially 693 00:44:19,020 --> 00:44:21,780 maliciously, so that I could put it out there to the general 694 00:44:21,780 --> 00:44:26,040 public. Obviously, that's all silliness. But on top of all of 695 00:44:26,040 --> 00:44:30,930 that, Luis Elizondo had chimed in publicly, he's got a very 696 00:44:30,930 --> 00:44:34,650 large following very, very dedicated fan base. Anybody who 697 00:44:34,650 --> 00:44:38,970 follows Him knows that and he's got a lot of popularity in this 698 00:44:38,970 --> 00:44:43,830 particular field. Even he went out of his way to essentially 699 00:44:43,830 --> 00:44:48,840 spotlight the signal messages being put out, in kind of, in my 700 00:44:48,840 --> 00:44:54,120 opinion, fueled the flames a little bit. And the reason I say 701 00:44:54,120 --> 00:44:58,320 that is for this, he posts publicly retweets it. Retweets 702 00:44:58,320 --> 00:45:02,730 Christopher melons. post about my article and my four year 703 00:45:02,730 --> 00:45:07,020 release, and then responds this way, Chris. I wonder when did 704 00:45:07,020 --> 00:45:10,680 DoD authorized Kirkpatrick to use the signal app for official 705 00:45:10,680 --> 00:45:13,590 US business and correspondence? You and I would have been 706 00:45:13,590 --> 00:45:16,470 crucified for doing that while we were in the government? And 707 00:45:16,470 --> 00:45:20,670 when did they allow personal identifiable info of US citizens 708 00:45:20,670 --> 00:45:25,800 to be released, contrary to Privacy Act of 1974? I guess 709 00:45:25,800 --> 00:45:29,310 it's more of the same regarding rules that apply quote to the 710 00:45:29,490 --> 00:45:37,620 but not to me. Now, look, he's got a big following. And I and 711 00:45:37,620 --> 00:45:40,470 I'm a big supporter that if you do have a big following, even if 712 00:45:40,470 --> 00:45:42,900 you have a small one, but more importantly to those that have a 713 00:45:42,900 --> 00:45:46,500 big one, when you put allegations out there like that, 714 00:45:46,530 --> 00:45:50,640 you need to back it up. Now in fairness to Mr. Elizondo, maybe 715 00:45:50,640 --> 00:45:56,160 he just wasn't aware. And that's fine. But when I received these 716 00:45:56,160 --> 00:45:59,820 text messages through FOIA Yeah, I was really curious about it. I 717 00:45:59,820 --> 00:46:03,870 knew they had come out through past FOIA cases before the the 718 00:46:03,870 --> 00:46:06,930 cases that I knew about were actually through litigation. But 719 00:46:06,930 --> 00:46:11,310 through US Code, Chapter Five, section 552 Are the FOIA signal 720 00:46:11,310 --> 00:46:15,600 messages and text messages have come out before. So it's, in my 721 00:46:15,600 --> 00:46:20,160 opinion, irresponsible to start blasting that to, you know, 150 722 00:46:20,160 --> 00:46:23,910 plus 1000 people to kind of fuel that because then there were 723 00:46:23,910 --> 00:46:27,750 people that were saying I should be sued for publishing these 724 00:46:27,750 --> 00:46:30,540 documents, regardless of getting them through FOIA. Now, that's a 725 00:46:30,540 --> 00:46:32,490 loot anybody with a legal background knows that that's 726 00:46:32,490 --> 00:46:37,440 ludicrous. But the digital mob mob doesn't care about that. So 727 00:46:37,440 --> 00:46:39,930 they just use that as part of their, you know, lynch mob 728 00:46:39,930 --> 00:46:44,550 strategy to essentially get fueled by a post like this. But 729 00:46:44,550 --> 00:46:47,940 they actually don't look at the evidence. Now, I did what I'll 730 00:46:47,940 --> 00:46:51,690 call an article, but it was more of an ex post that broke down 731 00:46:51,690 --> 00:46:57,090 the DoD instructions on how to use non government apps, 732 00:46:57,240 --> 00:47:00,810 messaging apps, non DoD controlled is what they call 733 00:47:00,810 --> 00:47:05,130 them, messaging apps for DOD business. Now, to summarize it, 734 00:47:05,130 --> 00:47:08,970 I won't read all this to you. But to summarize it, yeah, it is 735 00:47:08,970 --> 00:47:13,830 kind of frowned upon, but it's not banned. It's not fully 736 00:47:13,830 --> 00:47:17,400 banned. You can do it as long as you follow a certain set of 737 00:47:17,400 --> 00:47:20,670 rules. So you're not sending classified information. That's 738 00:47:20,670 --> 00:47:24,090 one of the obvious ones, or more sensitive information that may 739 00:47:24,090 --> 00:47:26,610 not be classified, but essentially more of the 740 00:47:26,610 --> 00:47:30,030 sensitive government business that you conduct. They do not 741 00:47:30,030 --> 00:47:33,210 want you to use it for that. But when you look at the messages 742 00:47:33,210 --> 00:47:36,750 that I went over, what was it doing, it was setting up a 743 00:47:36,750 --> 00:47:39,930 meeting, and that's all that it was the only personal 744 00:47:39,930 --> 00:47:42,990 identifying information that was spilled was Christopher melons 745 00:47:42,990 --> 00:47:45,690 name. He was communicating with a government official and 746 00:47:45,720 --> 00:47:49,350 anybody with a FOIA background, let alone a government 747 00:47:49,350 --> 00:47:52,470 background will realize that the moment that you communicate with 748 00:47:52,470 --> 00:47:56,100 a government official, it becomes FOIA trouble. I've 749 00:47:56,220 --> 00:48:00,540 spoken about that for years. It's why I've gotten bass, you 750 00:48:00,540 --> 00:48:03,870 know, private corporation emails through FOIA. It's why I've 751 00:48:03,870 --> 00:48:06,720 gotten numerous other corporation corporate emails, 752 00:48:06,930 --> 00:48:11,910 through FOIA. It's just how it works. But the DOD, again, has 753 00:48:11,910 --> 00:48:14,730 that stance where they can use these apps, you go through that 754 00:48:14,730 --> 00:48:18,000 text message, all he was doing was trying to set up a meeting. 755 00:48:18,120 --> 00:48:21,390 So it wasn't sensitive at all. There were no phone numbers, 756 00:48:21,480 --> 00:48:24,810 social security numbers, bank account numbers, anything 757 00:48:24,810 --> 00:48:27,930 personally identifying information. And again, the only 758 00:48:27,930 --> 00:48:31,440 thing that came close to it was, was Mr. Melons name, but given 759 00:48:31,440 --> 00:48:35,370 his past, and his very public 760 00:48:36,690 --> 00:48:41,130 image, talking about UAP, being involved with getting arrow set 761 00:48:41,130 --> 00:48:46,920 up, what privacy violation was there. So not only was the use 762 00:48:46,920 --> 00:48:50,760 of signal authorized, and again, I go through the instructions in 763 00:48:50,760 --> 00:48:54,270 this ex post online, I'll link it in the show notes below. So 764 00:48:54,270 --> 00:48:57,060 you have it. But there was also no personally identifying 765 00:48:57,060 --> 00:49:01,170 information, there was no violation of the Privacy Act of 766 00:49:01,170 --> 00:49:05,940 1974. All those allegations do is fueled the digital mob, 767 00:49:06,210 --> 00:49:10,500 Kirkpatrick made reference to harassment and threats, it fuels 768 00:49:10,530 --> 00:49:14,430 stuff like that, just simply because people get so fired up 769 00:49:14,520 --> 00:49:18,300 thinking that these personal private messages are leaked out, 770 00:49:19,320 --> 00:49:21,870 which isn't true, that they're published through FOIA 771 00:49:21,870 --> 00:49:25,170 illegally, which isn't true, that there's a violation of the 772 00:49:25,170 --> 00:49:29,910 Privacy Act, which isn't true. It all plays a role in that. So 773 00:49:29,910 --> 00:49:32,550 I think that there needs to be that responsibility with people 774 00:49:32,550 --> 00:49:36,120 that have large following, to maybe research these things a 775 00:49:36,120 --> 00:49:39,390 little bit. And if a mistake is made, we all make them myself 776 00:49:39,390 --> 00:49:43,410 included. Just correct it so then that way, your you know, 777 00:49:43,440 --> 00:49:47,160 fan base doesn't go nuts, those on people like myself, and 778 00:49:47,160 --> 00:49:51,990 saying I should be sued, or worse for themselves worse, go 779 00:49:51,990 --> 00:49:55,290 after people in the government that have investigative arms 780 00:49:55,290 --> 00:49:59,400 like the FBI at their disposal. So you know, let's be a little 781 00:49:59,400 --> 00:50:01,770 bit more responsive. But when we're making claims like that, 782 00:50:01,950 --> 00:50:05,640 but I do want to give credit to Mr. Christopher Mellon, who 783 00:50:05,940 --> 00:50:09,630 stated this in a recent article about the documents that I got, 784 00:50:10,260 --> 00:50:13,650 he says, quote, the release surprised, but did not offend me 785 00:50:13,650 --> 00:50:18,090 as I'm a strong supporter of government transparency. So from 786 00:50:18,090 --> 00:50:21,540 what I've seen anyway, he's not out there saying a violation of 787 00:50:21,540 --> 00:50:26,100 his privacy was was was done here, that there was no privacy 788 00:50:26,100 --> 00:50:29,670 act violation. So again, I just want to kind of stress that 789 00:50:29,670 --> 00:50:33,300 point, because that fuels so much of that conspiracy fire 790 00:50:33,540 --> 00:50:38,370 that leads into people harassing others like Kirkpatrick that, 791 00:50:38,640 --> 00:50:40,890 you know, that little thing called stigma that so many 792 00:50:40,890 --> 00:50:44,760 people want to go away? Well, that kind of fuels that as well 793 00:50:44,760 --> 00:50:48,120 that all you've got are a bunch of loud people screaming all 794 00:50:48,120 --> 00:50:51,420 these legal allegations and stuff like that, when the bottom 795 00:50:51,420 --> 00:50:54,180 line is there isn't any. So let's be a little bit more 796 00:50:54,300 --> 00:50:57,360 responsible when people start forwarding around those those 797 00:50:57,360 --> 00:51:00,480 allegations. And again, credit to Mr. Mellon, and I'll say 798 00:51:00,480 --> 00:51:03,990 this, I've said it before, I'll say it again, out of that whole 799 00:51:03,990 --> 00:51:07,650 bunch, because I know I'm highly critical of a lot of them. Just 800 00:51:07,650 --> 00:51:09,900 simply because there's a lot of lack of evidence to a lot of the 801 00:51:09,900 --> 00:51:13,350 claims. Mr. Mellon seems like the most genuine, and I was 802 00:51:13,350 --> 00:51:17,580 happy to see the signal messages. And yeah, it may have 803 00:51:17,580 --> 00:51:20,400 surprised him. But he says that he wasn't offended, and I'm 804 00:51:20,400 --> 00:51:23,640 happy to see that. But for someone like me, it's supported. 805 00:51:23,640 --> 00:51:27,930 Why I think that he is actually one of the more genuine in that 806 00:51:27,930 --> 00:51:31,470 group, that yes, we all have fumbles, we all have mistakes, 807 00:51:31,470 --> 00:51:35,520 we can all be nitpicked to death, to try and be made to 808 00:51:35,520 --> 00:51:39,330 look bad. But honestly, I really do think melons, intentions are, 809 00:51:39,480 --> 00:51:43,830 are genuine, I think they stem from from something that we we 810 00:51:43,830 --> 00:51:47,160 may not have even heard of where they stem from. But I do think 811 00:51:47,160 --> 00:51:51,660 that I'll be at mistakes have been made. I think that he's a 812 00:51:51,660 --> 00:51:55,170 genuine person. So kudos to him for not flipping out about those 813 00:51:55,170 --> 00:51:59,130 signal messages, and also double kudos to him for supporting 814 00:51:59,130 --> 00:52:03,540 transparency over secrecy. Because what seems to me those 815 00:52:03,540 --> 00:52:07,500 that scream transparency and demand at the loudest are the 816 00:52:07,500 --> 00:52:10,590 ones that are continuing to gate keep information from you as 817 00:52:10,590 --> 00:52:15,720 well. So really keep that in mind. So anyway, moving on from 818 00:52:15,750 --> 00:52:19,620 from from that, but that was one thing that I wanted to tackle in 819 00:52:19,620 --> 00:52:22,860 this deep dive was were those allegations because they became 820 00:52:22,860 --> 00:52:27,510 rampant against me. And again, many were calling for me to be 821 00:52:27,540 --> 00:52:30,810 sued and how could I invade privacy and stuff like that 822 00:52:30,810 --> 00:52:34,860 ridiculous. So one of the other text messages that came up, 823 00:52:35,340 --> 00:52:38,580 again, going back to the chronology here was in June 26. 824 00:52:38,580 --> 00:52:41,310 And not too long after the brunt of the conversation between 825 00:52:41,310 --> 00:52:46,680 Kirkpatrick and Christopher Mellon differences here. We 826 00:52:46,680 --> 00:52:49,440 don't know who this particular person is. If you match it up 827 00:52:49,440 --> 00:52:54,690 with the memo, it's likely a interviewee that they had an 828 00:52:54,690 --> 00:52:59,400 arrow on identified person but the dates match up, says Do you 829 00:52:59,400 --> 00:53:02,040 have a phone number and or email for David grush. I'd like to 830 00:53:02,040 --> 00:53:05,760 invite him in for an interview. Not sure if this is Kirkpatrick 831 00:53:05,940 --> 00:53:10,020 or an arrow representative. Again, for the memo says arrow 832 00:53:10,020 --> 00:53:13,380 staff, they would likely say director if it was Kirkpatrick, 833 00:53:13,380 --> 00:53:16,200 but regardless, didn't have a name, so I'm going to point that 834 00:53:16,200 --> 00:53:18,540 out. I would like to invite him in for an interview. The 835 00:53:18,540 --> 00:53:20,790 interviewee says yeah, but let me ask him first he has bad 836 00:53:20,790 --> 00:53:24,300 blood was Shawn going back to 2015? I'll tell him that only 837 00:53:24,300 --> 00:53:28,320 you want to talk to him. And so yeah, I mean, I'll correct 838 00:53:28,320 --> 00:53:31,680 myself there. That's clear that it's not Kirkpatrick doing the 839 00:53:31,770 --> 00:53:36,630 talking here. A lot of text messages to keep straight here. 840 00:53:36,630 --> 00:53:39,300 So I apologize for my mistake, but yeah, obviously an arrow 841 00:53:39,300 --> 00:53:42,930 staff member, interviewee or, excuse me, the arrow person so 842 00:53:42,930 --> 00:53:45,570 it sounds like a plan. Thank you. The interviewee says dang 843 00:53:45,570 --> 00:53:49,500 it. Dave will only say that Shawn knows how to contact him. 844 00:53:49,530 --> 00:53:53,580 He rolls his eyes. There really is bad blood was Shawn from 845 00:53:53,580 --> 00:53:56,310 Dave's perspective, the arrow member says interesting 846 00:53:56,310 --> 00:54:00,690 response. Well, thanks for checking, much appreciated, this 847 00:54:00,690 --> 00:54:04,230 reduction here is likely the name much appreciated. So 848 00:54:04,230 --> 00:54:09,000 obviously yet another attempt shut down. That was June 26. And 849 00:54:09,000 --> 00:54:14,280 June 27. That David grush This is key was made aware and 850 00:54:14,280 --> 00:54:19,410 refuses to chat. Now, Shawn Kirkpatrick learned about the 851 00:54:19,440 --> 00:54:24,120 the release of these documents, and the release of that text 852 00:54:24,120 --> 00:54:27,750 message and the public dialogue now of this bad blood. So 853 00:54:27,930 --> 00:54:30,240 Stephen Green Street from the New York Post who had a 854 00:54:30,240 --> 00:54:35,280 connection with Kirkpatrick Rumor has it that he did an 855 00:54:35,280 --> 00:54:37,530 interview with him so that's going to be airing on the New 856 00:54:37,530 --> 00:54:40,890 York Post's YouTube channel soon. But that being said, 857 00:54:40,920 --> 00:54:44,010 Greenstreet reached out to Kirkpatrick asked him about the 858 00:54:44,010 --> 00:54:47,850 bad blood. Kirkpatrick responded saying I barely knew grush he 859 00:54:47,850 --> 00:54:51,660 never worked for me. He briefed me once that I can recall when I 860 00:54:51,660 --> 00:54:56,280 was deputy director of US Space comm perhaps around 2019 I 861 00:54:56,280 --> 00:54:58,920 believe he came in with Jay Stratton to discuss starting 862 00:54:58,920 --> 00:55:02,910 their research and The UAP Task Force, I don't recall him prior 863 00:55:02,910 --> 00:55:07,380 to that time. I don't know any more now than I did at that time 864 00:55:07,410 --> 00:55:10,140 of those messages what he's talking about when he refers to 865 00:55:10,140 --> 00:55:14,100 bad blood since 2015. I was on assignment elsewhere at that 866 00:55:14,100 --> 00:55:17,970 time, I had many people come to briefed me. I also have a 867 00:55:17,970 --> 00:55:21,180 reputation for not suffering fools. And when briefers come in 868 00:55:21,180 --> 00:55:25,320 ill prepared and deliver a poorly thought, through thesis, 869 00:55:25,500 --> 00:55:28,800 I will pick out the flaws in the argument. Perhaps he was one of 870 00:55:28,800 --> 00:55:34,860 those. No idea. So I had no relationship with grush. He 871 00:55:34,860 --> 00:55:37,920 never worked for me, the only thing I recall was him coming 872 00:55:38,130 --> 00:55:41,730 with Stratton, I have no idea what he's referring to. So that 873 00:55:41,730 --> 00:55:46,320 was Kirk, Patrick's response. Now going back to the text 874 00:55:46,320 --> 00:55:49,830 messages, this was another signal back and forth, another 875 00:55:49,830 --> 00:55:54,330 person that is redacted. So we don't know who this is. Blue is 876 00:55:54,330 --> 00:55:57,990 going to be Kirkpatrick, this other person is in Greg grush, 877 00:55:57,990 --> 00:56:00,330 has made claims that he's contacted us. And we've never 878 00:56:00,330 --> 00:56:03,270 responded, that's just not true. He has also made claims that we 879 00:56:03,270 --> 00:56:07,320 don't have access to investigate his claims. That's also not 880 00:56:07,320 --> 00:56:10,350 true. If I recall correctly, you indicated he refused to come 881 00:56:10,350 --> 00:56:13,200 talk with us, I'd suggest you emphasize the need to come speak 882 00:56:13,200 --> 00:56:17,640 to us, given his false statements and assertions. I 883 00:56:17,640 --> 00:56:22,860 will, but why don't you call or text him. I don't have contact 884 00:56:22,860 --> 00:56:26,250 info. And I can only contact through the secure mechanism. So 885 00:56:26,250 --> 00:56:29,730 I'll need an email. Further, Mellon is stating that he spoke 886 00:56:29,730 --> 00:56:32,130 with him and grush states that arrow is not a lawfully 887 00:56:32,130 --> 00:56:36,450 empowered organization to receive his info. This other 888 00:56:36,450 --> 00:56:40,920 person SMH or shakes my head. I'll reach out and try to reach 889 00:56:40,920 --> 00:56:44,670 grush this week, as well as requesting an email. Then we've 890 00:56:44,670 --> 00:56:47,610 got a bunch of redacted B seven e that's like law enforcement 891 00:56:47,610 --> 00:56:51,630 investigation exemption. This unknown person, it's really a 892 00:56:51,630 --> 00:56:55,650 perfect example of why we need arrow. No more redaction headed 893 00:56:55,650 --> 00:56:59,160 in Skiff Kirkpatrick well of crushes lawyer successfully 894 00:56:59,160 --> 00:57:01,860 makes the case that we aren't lawfully empowered, there will 895 00:57:01,860 --> 00:57:05,760 be a lot less appetite to keep arrow a lot of people focused on 896 00:57:05,760 --> 00:57:09,690 this text message. I felt it was snarkiness. That essentially 897 00:57:09,690 --> 00:57:13,680 sure the long shot that if he proved that we were not 898 00:57:13,680 --> 00:57:16,440 lawfully, meaning arrow was not lawfully able to receive the 899 00:57:16,440 --> 00:57:20,520 information, then arrow would go away, essentially a good thing 900 00:57:20,520 --> 00:57:23,970 to those that are doubting arrows, legitimacy, so on and so 901 00:57:23,970 --> 00:57:27,390 forth. Other people tried to read into that and spin it a 902 00:57:27,390 --> 00:57:32,310 different way. That's just how I took it given Kirk Patrick's 903 00:57:32,790 --> 00:57:36,420 kind of tone throughout many of the messages that we've already 904 00:57:36,840 --> 00:57:41,880 gone through here. So you decide what exactly he meant by that. 905 00:57:42,390 --> 00:57:44,640 But I think it was just essentially more of a challenge, 906 00:57:44,640 --> 00:57:48,270 like look, it would be, it would only behoove them to prove that 907 00:57:48,270 --> 00:57:51,960 we're either lying or not clear to receive everything or 908 00:57:51,960 --> 00:57:55,380 whatever, and we'll just go away, which would be what that 909 00:57:55,380 --> 00:57:57,750 group would want. Anyway, if they don't trust arrow, they 910 00:57:57,750 --> 00:58:01,050 don't want them around. So there will be a lot less appetite to 911 00:58:01,050 --> 00:58:01,710 keep arrow. 912 00:58:03,810 --> 00:58:07,860 Now that conversation was 12 and 13, just like the melon 913 00:58:07,860 --> 00:58:11,700 conversation, and while reading it, I kind of realized I won't 914 00:58:11,730 --> 00:58:13,980 go back on the slide, but I think that that was pretty much 915 00:58:13,980 --> 00:58:17,220 a copy and paste of how he started the conversation with 916 00:58:17,220 --> 00:58:20,760 melon the same way and I just didn't realize it until I read 917 00:58:20,760 --> 00:58:24,240 it out loud to you guys. So he probably just, you know, copied 918 00:58:24,240 --> 00:58:27,630 it from one to the other person here. And then the dialogue 919 00:58:27,630 --> 00:58:33,090 spiraled elsewhere. Now jumped to the 28th Kirkpatrick reaches 920 00:58:33,090 --> 00:58:37,020 out to him. Hey, what is Rubio talking about? This kind of just 921 00:58:37,020 --> 00:58:40,890 makes me believe that this is maybe a PSM maybe part of, you 922 00:58:40,890 --> 00:58:45,690 know, Rubio's crew or one of the committees. So I don't know for 923 00:58:45,690 --> 00:58:48,600 sure. I'm sure someone else may want to try and figure it out. 924 00:58:48,600 --> 00:58:51,960 Or maybe they have figured it out. But as I record this, I 925 00:58:51,960 --> 00:58:54,780 just look at it seems like a congressional staff member, 926 00:58:54,780 --> 00:58:57,300 something like that, because obviously Kirkpatrick is now 927 00:58:57,300 --> 00:59:01,320 reaching out to him saying, what is Rubio talking about? This 928 00:59:01,320 --> 00:59:03,420 unknown person says he's referring to previous witnesses 929 00:59:03,420 --> 00:59:05,580 that provide a testimony regarding the cash crash 930 00:59:05,580 --> 00:59:08,490 retrieval program. Those witnesses will not go to arrow 931 00:59:08,490 --> 00:59:11,070 they were asked to Kirkpatrick do we have notes from their 932 00:59:11,070 --> 00:59:14,970 testimony and their program names, owners anything I can 933 00:59:14,970 --> 00:59:20,640 verify? The unknown person I can review and back in office on 934 00:59:20,640 --> 00:59:24,270 vacation for a few more days. Definitely a few program names. 935 00:59:25,380 --> 00:59:30,840 Now, we jumped to July 21. Great job on the interview glad they 936 00:59:30,840 --> 00:59:34,380 allowed it to happen. So clearly. Now this is that one of 937 00:59:34,380 --> 00:59:37,440 the first interviews Kirkpatrick had done, whoever this was 938 00:59:37,440 --> 00:59:41,640 reached out congratulated him. Kirkpatrick says thanks, still 939 00:59:41,640 --> 00:59:44,730 need those alleged program names. And this person says I'll 940 00:59:44,730 --> 00:59:49,710 talk to leadership and get back. Let me see the Kirkpatrick 941 00:59:49,710 --> 00:59:52,890 response CNN was sent over yesterday with one of my 942 00:59:52,920 --> 01:00:04,080 findings. I don't know what CNN stood for. So you guys might be 943 01:00:04,080 --> 01:00:07,860 able to Google that real fast. I, to be honest with you forgot 944 01:00:07,860 --> 01:00:11,790 to look it up, but I don't know what it stood for. Kirkpatrick 945 01:00:11,790 --> 01:00:15,000 continuously agreement, as I recall was if someone came to 946 01:00:15,000 --> 01:00:19,200 you all, we would be invited to participate. So I can document 947 01:00:19,200 --> 01:00:23,100 and investigate. That hasn't happened. Yet, I've had you all 948 01:00:23,100 --> 01:00:26,640 over to participate. As it stands, Congress is not enabling 949 01:00:26,640 --> 01:00:29,910 us to actually do the job set in law for us to do and is 950 01:00:29,910 --> 01:00:33,930 withholding information from the office, Congress sets up raises 951 01:00:33,930 --> 01:00:37,230 a lot of questions. So clearly, Kirkpatrick is now snapping back 952 01:00:37,230 --> 01:00:40,740 clearly, this is somebody from a, you know, congressional 953 01:00:40,800 --> 01:00:46,650 committee or office, either Rubio or someone else raises a 954 01:00:46,650 --> 01:00:49,020 lot of questions, he says, so he just kind of feels like 955 01:00:49,020 --> 01:00:52,530 everybody's just not allowing him to do the job that he was 956 01:00:52,530 --> 01:00:56,430 asked to do, or mandated to do. This person comes back since you 957 01:00:56,430 --> 01:00:59,280 started interviewing, we've had no one we didn't send your way. 958 01:00:59,460 --> 01:01:03,300 So that's just not true. So now they're starting to have 959 01:01:03,300 --> 01:01:06,870 disagreements. That is the end of those particular text 960 01:01:06,870 --> 01:01:11,100 messages. Now, interesting time light note, we all found out 961 01:01:11,130 --> 01:01:17,940 about David Gresham, the debrief on June 5 2023. So I'm sticking 962 01:01:17,940 --> 01:01:20,580 with the same it's kind of jumping around chronologically 963 01:01:20,580 --> 01:01:23,130 sticking with the same conversations to make it easy to 964 01:01:23,130 --> 01:01:28,920 understand. But June 5 2023, is when we all first heard about 965 01:01:28,920 --> 01:01:32,130 David grush. In the public sphere. Putting that into 966 01:01:32,130 --> 01:01:37,080 context with these next emails, this begins to start really 967 01:01:37,080 --> 01:01:41,220 shaping the picture of what happened with an arrow after the 968 01:01:41,220 --> 01:01:45,540 debrief article first put David grush, his name out there. Now, 969 01:01:45,540 --> 01:01:48,450 this is the Senate Armed Services Committee staff member, 970 01:01:48,570 --> 01:01:52,290 you'll see in a couple emails from now how we can deduce that 971 01:01:52,440 --> 01:01:55,530 the name is redacted. The picture here is going to be who 972 01:01:55,530 --> 01:01:58,650 the email is from. You'll see it's fully redacted. But you'll 973 01:01:58,650 --> 01:02:01,290 see later on how we can determine it was the staff 974 01:02:01,290 --> 01:02:05,520 member. The staff member says Sean grush confirmed to me that 975 01:02:05,520 --> 01:02:08,520 he does not intend to avail himself of the arrow Safe Harbor 976 01:02:08,520 --> 01:02:11,460 process to tell you what he spent many hours telling the DoD 977 01:02:11,460 --> 01:02:15,360 IG, the IC IG and the two Intelligence Committees about 978 01:02:15,360 --> 01:02:18,960 UAP. He's reported through the media in recent days that he was 979 01:02:18,960 --> 01:02:22,530 not able to share some of the information he has with the two 980 01:02:22,530 --> 01:02:25,800 Intelligence Committees because they lacked the program access 981 01:02:25,800 --> 01:02:29,160 he's assuming accurate media reporting. That means that he 982 01:02:29,160 --> 01:02:34,650 has either that he has told either or both DoD ici G's about 983 01:02:34,650 --> 01:02:38,220 one or more saps that the Intel committees are not access to. 984 01:02:38,940 --> 01:02:42,150 The Armed Services Committee are not allowed by process rules to 985 01:02:42,150 --> 01:02:44,790 interview Grosh about any of this because the IC 986 01:02:44,790 --> 01:02:48,030 whistleblower process is tightly controlled by the Intel 987 01:02:48,030 --> 01:02:52,470 committees. What this means is that the DoD IC IG is no 988 01:02:52,470 --> 01:02:56,190 something from grush. The Congress as a whole is not aware 989 01:02:56,190 --> 01:03:00,150 of that as a reason for you to go to the IGs and ask for access 990 01:03:00,330 --> 01:03:06,360 as they deem appropriate for you to essentially see what Gresh is 991 01:03:06,360 --> 01:03:09,840 reporting. If waived programs are involved, there would need 992 01:03:09,840 --> 01:03:13,050 to be a way for you to convey this to our staff directors. But 993 01:03:13,050 --> 01:03:15,930 there is also just a basic reason for you to try to get all 994 01:03:15,930 --> 01:03:20,580 the information that Gresh has provided to the IGs. Now this 995 01:03:20,580 --> 01:03:23,700 gentleman chimes in this is David Kozik. He's the director 996 01:03:23,700 --> 01:03:27,300 of congressional activities for the office of the Undersecretary 997 01:03:27,300 --> 01:03:32,100 of Defense for intelligence. He says, weighing in, there's no 998 01:03:32,100 --> 01:03:35,970 way in heck that DOD and IC IG will give any third party raw 999 01:03:35,970 --> 01:03:39,960 information ever. IG investigations are a blackbox 1000 01:03:39,960 --> 01:03:43,350 for a reason, the best Shawn will get from them as a filtered 1001 01:03:43,350 --> 01:03:47,670 report that the IG releases to everyone. Bottom line, best 1002 01:03:47,670 --> 01:03:51,330 course of action is still for Mr. grush to speak to arrow per 1003 01:03:51,330 --> 01:03:55,710 their confidential process that one Congress directed in law. If 1004 01:03:55,710 --> 01:03:58,920 he doesn't, I fear the best assessment you will ever get 1005 01:03:58,920 --> 01:04:04,320 from ero is a reflection of a reflection. FYI, Shawn won't 1006 01:04:04,320 --> 01:04:10,350 have an access problem. Ie he has no SAP or cap restrictions. 1007 01:04:10,560 --> 01:04:15,210 It's the IG divide. Of course, if he did speak to the Intel 1008 01:04:15,210 --> 01:04:18,300 committees, they can always provide their transcripts slash 1009 01:04:18,330 --> 01:04:22,530 notes to Shawn for his review, my two cents. I underline this, 1010 01:04:22,530 --> 01:04:27,990 that's my emphasis has no SAP or cap restrictions whatsoever. 1011 01:04:28,950 --> 01:04:36,060 That is not subject dependent. That was the internal line that 1012 01:04:36,060 --> 01:04:41,160 these guys knew was the case for them, that there was nothing. 1013 01:04:41,520 --> 01:04:45,990 Now why I say no subject specific is David grush. felt 1014 01:04:45,990 --> 01:04:48,960 that it may have been that it was only UAP. And if it touched 1015 01:04:48,960 --> 01:04:53,580 on a non UAP related sap that connected to it. It didn't 1016 01:04:53,580 --> 01:04:57,360 matter. And that's what the DoD s position was. I'm not here 1017 01:04:57,360 --> 01:05:01,350 endorsing it. I'm just telling you internally Everybody was on 1018 01:05:01,350 --> 01:05:04,980 the same page from the Office of General Counsel to the director 1019 01:05:04,980 --> 01:05:10,500 of congressional activities, to the arrow office, to ODNI. to 1020 01:05:10,500 --> 01:05:13,830 DOD, sabko. Everywhere, they were all on the same page that 1021 01:05:13,830 --> 01:05:16,410 they could receive this information. The only one that 1022 01:05:16,410 --> 01:05:19,770 seemingly was not and was uncomfortable was David grush. 1023 01:05:19,950 --> 01:05:23,340 The only exception was what is referenced here as the IG 1024 01:05:23,340 --> 01:05:27,690 divide. Essentially, what that means in plain English is all of 1025 01:05:27,690 --> 01:05:30,630 that law enforcement investigation, all of that 1026 01:05:31,590 --> 01:05:36,990 research that the IGs do, it is cordoned off from everyone else 1027 01:05:36,990 --> 01:05:40,890 for a reason that way that they can be independent and not worry 1028 01:05:40,890 --> 01:05:45,450 about their information going somewhere else. But if Congress 1029 01:05:45,480 --> 01:05:49,350 had transcripts or whatever, from their interviews, they 1030 01:05:49,350 --> 01:05:53,910 could legally without any problem whatsoever, take all of 1031 01:05:53,910 --> 01:05:57,420 that and give it to arrow. It seemed like from those messages 1032 01:05:57,420 --> 01:06:01,020 I read prior, that was the full agreement that if somebody went 1033 01:06:01,020 --> 01:06:04,440 to Congress, Rubio's office, a committee testified and closed 1034 01:06:04,470 --> 01:06:08,070 behind closed doors, even in a skiff in a classified setting, 1035 01:06:08,340 --> 01:06:12,660 that whatever was was was taken from that, whatever information 1036 01:06:12,660 --> 01:06:15,060 they got. And they ended the interview saying, I don't want 1037 01:06:15,060 --> 01:06:18,330 to go to arrow, that didn't matter. That information could 1038 01:06:18,330 --> 01:06:21,570 then be given to arrow, they were cleared to receive it, and 1039 01:06:21,570 --> 01:06:24,840 they can verify it, they can vet it, that goes to the heart of 1040 01:06:24,840 --> 01:06:28,620 what Kirkpatrick had texted, saying, okay. Essentially, I'm 1041 01:06:28,620 --> 01:06:31,050 paraphrasing this, but essentially, I don't care if 1042 01:06:31,050 --> 01:06:34,980 they're not going to come for me. Come see me. Let's get 1043 01:06:34,980 --> 01:06:39,750 program names, dates, anything I can verify. That too, was kind 1044 01:06:39,750 --> 01:06:43,560 of spun in the social media sphere. But I think it was just 1045 01:06:43,560 --> 01:06:47,040 the two scientists, they just want the details. They don't 1046 01:06:47,040 --> 01:06:49,110 care about the personal differences. It's the evidence 1047 01:06:49,110 --> 01:06:52,320 or the lack thereof. So is there something that he can verify? 1048 01:06:52,470 --> 01:06:55,440 And that's what he was looking for. So if Congress could share 1049 01:06:55,440 --> 01:06:59,820 that, then they would the only divide was that invest? The 1050 01:06:59,820 --> 01:07:02,910 inspector general investigations. That was it. So 1051 01:07:02,910 --> 01:07:06,930 this email also became key to me. Just showing hey, look, 1052 01:07:06,990 --> 01:07:09,900 Kirkpatrick had unrestricted access to at all 1053 01:07:11,220 --> 01:07:13,980 that unknown staff member comes back really helpful. Dave, 1054 01:07:13,980 --> 01:07:16,890 thanks, did not know that executive branch folks are in 1055 01:07:16,890 --> 01:07:20,160 the same boat. We are, will urge grush to come through Shawn's 1056 01:07:20,160 --> 01:07:22,920 portal. So here we are again in June 7 from another 1057 01:07:22,920 --> 01:07:26,790 congressional committee staff member to go to the aero portal. 1058 01:07:26,820 --> 01:07:31,530 Sean Kirkpatrick now chimes in all I did speak with the DoD IG, 1059 01:07:31,770 --> 01:07:36,210 they went on my behalf to the IC IG to request the classified 1060 01:07:36,210 --> 01:07:42,210 transcript. Why? Because grush gave nothing to the DoD IG and 1061 01:07:42,210 --> 01:07:46,680 claim the same thing he told you that it was icy Compartmented 1062 01:07:46,920 --> 01:07:51,600 Information and they couldn't have it. The IC IG declined to 1063 01:07:51,600 --> 01:07:56,700 acquiesce my request reminds me of Jack Sparrow. I am fairly 1064 01:07:56,700 --> 01:07:59,280 confident I know what compartments he is referring to 1065 01:07:59,280 --> 01:08:02,760 because I did my job. But I cannot confirm 100%. If he 1066 01:08:02,760 --> 01:08:08,400 doesn't come see me. As David COVID points out, the SSCI could 1067 01:08:08,400 --> 01:08:12,870 give me the transcript. So here he is now reinforcing that he 1068 01:08:12,870 --> 01:08:16,260 can receive this from Congress. But the more important part here 1069 01:08:16,350 --> 01:08:21,540 is even the DoD IG was not given anything that according to them 1070 01:08:21,570 --> 01:08:25,650 to Kirkpatrick, they're saying, yeah, he denied us kind of 1071 01:08:25,650 --> 01:08:31,140 anything to it would essentially be with the IC IG. And they said 1072 01:08:31,170 --> 01:08:35,430 no, because they, as they put it, put themselves in a black 1073 01:08:35,430 --> 01:08:38,220 box for a reason. They don't want anybody touching their 1074 01:08:38,220 --> 01:08:41,130 investigation. That's the whole point of an inspector general. 1075 01:08:41,280 --> 01:08:44,490 They don't want other offices kind of peeking in and hearing 1076 01:08:44,490 --> 01:08:48,360 what they've what they've heard. So what that information is, who 1077 01:08:48,360 --> 01:08:51,840 knows. But if Congress heard anything, the Senate heard 1078 01:08:51,840 --> 01:08:57,420 anything, they could turn it over. That unknown staff member 1079 01:08:57,420 --> 01:08:59,790 comes in. Sean press reports indicate that he said he could 1080 01:08:59,790 --> 01:09:02,850 not provide everything he knows to the Intel committees because 1081 01:09:02,850 --> 01:09:05,730 they were not cleared. So I concluded that he had access to 1082 01:09:05,730 --> 01:09:09,690 some DoD sap that the Intel committees are not access to and 1083 01:09:09,690 --> 01:09:14,280 inferred that the IC IG would not have access either. So now 1084 01:09:14,280 --> 01:09:17,760 he's kind of hinting that the IC IG may be not again, this is 1085 01:09:17,760 --> 01:09:20,580 kind of third hand information through this email. But 1086 01:09:20,580 --> 01:09:23,760 regardless, even the Intel committees were not access to 1087 01:09:23,760 --> 01:09:27,750 certain information. So maybe he denied them as well. So it seems 1088 01:09:27,750 --> 01:09:31,440 like grush wants to talk but refuses to talk to everybody. 1089 01:09:31,680 --> 01:09:34,740 Yet. Everybody's telling him we're cleared. And I've said 1090 01:09:34,740 --> 01:09:38,550 this before, but I'll say it again, in this section, here and 1091 01:09:38,580 --> 01:09:42,150 in this video, that I think that an attorney would at this point, 1092 01:09:42,180 --> 01:09:46,350 have a field day. You have so much unclassified information 1093 01:09:46,590 --> 01:09:50,700 that I got through FOIA little old me and I'm a nobody. Any of 1094 01:09:50,700 --> 01:09:54,060 this would be available through a discovery process or even 1095 01:09:54,060 --> 01:09:58,110 through a FOIA process for legal counsel for David grush if they 1096 01:09:58,110 --> 01:10:01,320 went down that route, regardless All of this information that I 1097 01:10:01,320 --> 01:10:05,790 got was unclassified. And so you have so much information that 1098 01:10:05,820 --> 01:10:09,930 internally through the DoD ODNI, again, rattling off all those 1099 01:10:09,930 --> 01:10:12,960 offices and people that were involved, that stated, they were 1100 01:10:12,960 --> 01:10:16,380 telling Russia, you have zero reservation here, you should 1101 01:10:16,380 --> 01:10:20,280 have zero reservation because we're cleared. If they took any 1102 01:10:20,280 --> 01:10:24,480 action against him whatsoever, a lawyer would have a field day, 1103 01:10:24,540 --> 01:10:28,440 there's too much here. There's just it's an overwhelming amount 1104 01:10:28,620 --> 01:10:32,370 of paper trail, that everybody was on the same page, that arrow 1105 01:10:32,370 --> 01:10:35,700 could hear it. Was there some legal gray area that somebody 1106 01:10:35,700 --> 01:10:39,690 could latch on to? I'm sure there always is. But again, an 1107 01:10:39,690 --> 01:10:43,050 attorney would have a field day, if they put all of these emails 1108 01:10:43,050 --> 01:10:46,740 in front of a judge and or jury and said, Look, everybody was 1109 01:10:46,740 --> 01:10:50,760 telling my client that he was free and clear to say things. 1110 01:10:51,000 --> 01:10:54,120 Now you're telling me he goes in there and says what they asked 1111 01:10:54,120 --> 01:10:59,880 for, and he has these reprisals. He has this whatever action 1112 01:10:59,880 --> 01:11:03,930 against him criminal, whatever, whatever he's fearing will 1113 01:11:03,930 --> 01:11:09,720 happen. If that happened, there's no way that that that 1114 01:11:09,720 --> 01:11:13,890 would pass. I'm sorry, I just don't see it. I can see the 1115 01:11:13,890 --> 01:11:16,740 comments from my haters. Now, John's not an attorney. You're 1116 01:11:16,740 --> 01:11:20,040 not grush. And he has this to fear. Well, you know what he has 1117 01:11:20,280 --> 01:11:23,850 fans in Congress in the Senate. He's got people who support him. 1118 01:11:23,850 --> 01:11:27,450 He's got an incredibly powerful and very intelligent attorney. 1119 01:11:27,570 --> 01:11:31,170 He's got very powerful people that believe in him and back him 1120 01:11:31,380 --> 01:11:34,770 all of this information from people that others will claim 1121 01:11:34,770 --> 01:11:37,860 don't like grush. Yet they're saying the exact same thing. 1122 01:11:38,970 --> 01:11:43,200 Internally, there's no way I'm sorry, I just don't see it. If 1123 01:11:43,200 --> 01:11:46,830 it ever goes to court, I'd be surprised. But regardless, I 1124 01:11:46,830 --> 01:11:49,800 think any attorney would have a field day, there's absolutely 1125 01:11:50,160 --> 01:11:54,960 too much evidence. Now back to the June 7, communications back 1126 01:11:54,960 --> 01:11:58,380 and forth, Kirkpatrick comes in. Let me expand a bit I know 1127 01:11:58,380 --> 01:12:01,560 everything he meaning grush was briefed to and had access to and 1128 01:12:01,560 --> 01:12:05,430 have far greater access. So he did not have access to some DoD 1129 01:12:05,430 --> 01:12:09,810 SAP and the ice didn't have. And if he did, he could have told 1130 01:12:09,810 --> 01:12:14,370 you. Similarly, he didn't have access to some ice cap, a cap as 1131 01:12:14,370 --> 01:12:17,820 a controlled access program versus a special access program. 1132 01:12:18,090 --> 01:12:22,230 That couldn't be shared. If he found some program, he wouldn't 1133 01:12:22,230 --> 01:12:26,370 know whose it was unless he had super user access, or someone 1134 01:12:26,370 --> 01:12:30,840 who did help him look it up. He didn't. Therefore, he can't make 1135 01:12:30,840 --> 01:12:34,800 the argument that whatever he found, couldn't be shared. If he 1136 01:12:34,800 --> 01:12:38,220 or others thought it was an illegal program, then again, he 1137 01:12:38,220 --> 01:12:41,010 can't make the argument that it couldn't be shared with either 1138 01:12:41,010 --> 01:12:45,210 the DOD, or the icy committees based on his assertion, they 1139 01:12:45,210 --> 01:12:48,420 didn't have clearances. It sounds very much like playing 1140 01:12:48,420 --> 01:12:54,240 the two halves against the middle to hide something that 1141 01:12:54,270 --> 01:12:59,490 clearly now shows that if it was illegal, and he was bringing 1142 01:12:59,490 --> 01:13:03,180 that that illegal aspect forward, I interpret that that 1143 01:13:03,180 --> 01:13:06,630 he would have no restrictions whatsoever, obviously, 1144 01:13:06,630 --> 01:13:10,020 safeguarding the classified portions of this, but if there 1145 01:13:10,020 --> 01:13:15,420 are a legal program, SAP cap or otherwise, that there are no 1146 01:13:15,420 --> 01:13:17,760 restrictions. So what Kirkpatrick is drilling home 1147 01:13:17,760 --> 01:13:21,300 here is like, Hey, he's free to tell us he's free to tell you 1148 01:13:21,300 --> 01:13:28,440 guys he's free to tell. But he's clearly not unknown staff member 1149 01:13:28,440 --> 01:13:33,090 comes in tracking. Thanks, Shawn. And then later that day, 1150 01:13:33,090 --> 01:13:35,490 he cannot tell the Armed Services Committee staff 1151 01:13:35,520 --> 01:13:39,030 anything once he entered the IG process, were forbidden from 1152 01:13:39,060 --> 01:13:43,320 even asking. Furthermore, if a wave SAP is involved, he could 1153 01:13:43,380 --> 01:13:47,460 not talk to the Armed Services Committee staff about it because 1154 01:13:47,460 --> 01:13:55,050 we are not accessed. That was June 8. Kirkpatrick that day, he 1155 01:13:55,050 --> 01:13:59,250 wouldn't know if it was waived if he found it. And as I said, I 1156 01:13:59,250 --> 01:14:03,570 know what he actually what he was actually briefed to. I've 1157 01:14:03,570 --> 01:14:07,440 been told by the Inspector General, the UAP related 1158 01:14:07,440 --> 01:14:11,820 investigation has been closed for a year. He is free to tell 1159 01:14:11,820 --> 01:14:16,680 us and you're free to ask. There's no excuse for not 1160 01:14:16,680 --> 01:14:20,940 providing an authorized disclosure. So he's drilling at 1161 01:14:20,940 --> 01:14:24,090 home to everybody on this distribution list. That includes 1162 01:14:24,090 --> 01:14:27,330 the Armed Services Committee, staff member, whomever that was 1163 01:14:27,540 --> 01:14:32,190 people within the DOD, and it will my give the opportunity 1164 01:14:32,190 --> 01:14:35,040 that these are people outside the DOD, who knows. But 1165 01:14:35,040 --> 01:14:38,070 regardless, he's telling everybody he's, he's free at 1166 01:14:38,070 --> 01:14:43,980 this part. The key from this IG the UAP, excuse me, according to 1167 01:14:43,980 --> 01:14:47,400 the IG, the UAP related investigation was closed for a 1168 01:14:47,400 --> 01:14:50,640 year. Now you'll see in the next email, we don't know if that's 1169 01:14:50,640 --> 01:14:55,860 the DoD OIG investigation, the IC IG or both? Not really sure, 1170 01:14:55,860 --> 01:15:00,630 but clearly Kirkpatrick knew the the INS on that into allegation 1171 01:15:00,690 --> 01:15:05,760 and had been closed since 2022. That staff member comes back, 1172 01:15:05,760 --> 01:15:08,970 you know how things work, he could have heard that a PGM is 1173 01:15:08,970 --> 01:15:12,570 waived. Now PGM, I believe would be the program guidance 1174 01:15:12,570 --> 01:15:16,770 memorandum to something. So that he felt, you know, through that 1175 01:15:16,770 --> 01:15:20,880 memo that something was a way of SAP. Again, interesting insight 1176 01:15:20,880 --> 01:15:24,390 here that the staff member from the Armed Services Committee, 1177 01:15:24,540 --> 01:15:27,750 and Kirkpatrick now are kind of going back and forth, because 1178 01:15:27,780 --> 01:15:31,830 they're trying to figure out exactly what's going on. But 1179 01:15:31,830 --> 01:15:36,000 PGM, I believe, is that program guidance memorandum? And the 1180 01:15:36,000 --> 01:15:39,030 staff member goes on? What do you mean by you're free to ask? 1181 01:15:39,540 --> 01:15:44,100 That one I thought was pretty self explanatory, meaning the IG 1182 01:15:44,100 --> 01:15:47,730 investigations were closed. And given all the facts that 1183 01:15:47,730 --> 01:15:51,000 Kirkpatrick had laid out there, the congressional committees 1184 01:15:51,000 --> 01:15:55,590 could press for answers and ask David grush for the details. The 1185 01:15:55,590 --> 01:15:58,530 second part, though, was a good question, what UAP related IG 1186 01:15:58,530 --> 01:16:02,310 investigation, are you referring to the one on grush, or the 1187 01:16:02,310 --> 01:16:07,140 broader review that was unanswered, at least in the 1188 01:16:07,140 --> 01:16:10,980 course of this foyer release? I have gone after that string of 1189 01:16:10,980 --> 01:16:14,550 emails as well. So hopefully, we'll go ahead and get more 1190 01:16:14,580 --> 01:16:19,620 insight at a later date. But regardless, I mean, it seemed 1191 01:16:19,620 --> 01:16:23,670 that key Inspector General, investigation was closed, 1192 01:16:23,700 --> 01:16:29,010 likely. This is just to guess the IC IG side because it was 1193 01:16:29,010 --> 01:16:33,900 specific to grush. But we'll we'll see aggression as claims 1194 01:16:33,900 --> 01:16:38,220 of the programs and so on. So we'll see. But I'm just guessing 1195 01:16:38,220 --> 01:16:38,850 at that point. 1196 01:16:41,520 --> 01:16:47,010 Now, July 26 2023, this took place. This was the 1197 01:16:47,010 --> 01:16:51,300 congressional UAP hearing in which David grush appeared. Now 1198 01:16:51,300 --> 01:16:53,760 let me go ahead and play this clip for you. So you can hear 1199 01:16:53,760 --> 01:16:59,070 exactly what David grush said. Now, keep in mind, this is July 1200 01:16:59,070 --> 01:17:03,270 26. A lot of what we went over was in June. So like six weeks 1201 01:17:03,270 --> 01:17:06,480 prior, all those different people that aro had reached out 1202 01:17:06,480 --> 01:17:10,770 to trying to get involved with with grush. The Bad Blood 1203 01:17:10,770 --> 01:17:14,760 comments. Clearly grush was talking to arrow staff members 1204 01:17:15,060 --> 01:17:18,660 that and he was stating that there was bad blood between him 1205 01:17:18,660 --> 01:17:21,570 that he did not want to come in. There were a lot of denials. 1206 01:17:21,690 --> 01:17:23,610 This is what he said under oath. Okay, 1207 01:17:23,610 --> 01:17:25,350 Congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna: on the 19th of April, Dr. 1208 01:17:25,350 --> 01:17:28,830 Kirkpatrick, head of Arrow had said that he did not find any 1209 01:17:28,830 --> 01:17:32,100 evidence of UAPs. You also stated that you had in your 1210 01:17:32,100 --> 01:17:34,560 interview that you briefed him on information that you are 1211 01:17:34,560 --> 01:17:38,130 uncovering, but that he did not follow up with you. Were the 1212 01:17:38,130 --> 01:17:41,280 items that you divulge to him pertinent to national security. 1213 01:17:42,150 --> 01:17:45,600 David Grusch: Yes, him and I had a classified conversation April 1214 01:17:45,600 --> 01:17:52,080 2022. Before he took over arrow in July to 2022. And I provided 1215 01:17:52,080 --> 01:17:53,490 him some concerns I had, 1216 01:17:54,030 --> 01:17:55,110 Congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna: do you know why he might not have 1217 01:17:55,110 --> 01:17:55,890 fallen up with you? 1218 01:17:57,540 --> 01:17:59,550 David Grusch: Up, I unfortunately cannot read his 1219 01:17:59,550 --> 01:18:03,510 mind. I wish he did was I was happy to give sage counsel to 1220 01:18:03,510 --> 01:18:06,870 him on where to look when he took the helm of Arrow. 1221 01:18:06,000 --> 01:18:08,460 John Greenewald: Happy to give sage counsel when he took the 1222 01:18:08,460 --> 01:18:13,890 helm of arrow. Now we've already gone through a lot of attempts 1223 01:18:13,890 --> 01:18:17,190 to get to him. And we've already gone through the numerous people 1224 01:18:17,190 --> 01:18:20,940 that said grush refuses to talk to you. We already went through 1225 01:18:20,940 --> 01:18:23,970 that bad blood comment that Kirkpatrick has no idea what 1226 01:18:23,970 --> 01:18:27,990 he's talking about. He never mentions that here said that 1227 01:18:27,990 --> 01:18:31,110 they had a classified conversation prior. But he never 1228 01:18:31,110 --> 01:18:35,310 followed up meaning Kirkpatrick never reached out. I will let 1229 01:18:35,310 --> 01:18:38,460 you guys decide on whether or not that was misleading. That 1230 01:18:38,460 --> 01:18:41,520 was under oath. That was something that he said to 1231 01:18:41,520 --> 01:18:45,930 Congresswoman Luna when she was asking about him not following 1232 01:18:45,930 --> 01:18:50,370 up with David grush. So when you look at all those attempts, is 1233 01:18:50,370 --> 01:18:55,200 that true? Is it false? Is it semantics? Is he ignoring 1234 01:18:55,200 --> 01:18:58,500 important facts? always interested in your comments 1235 01:18:58,500 --> 01:19:02,970 posted below behind? So we're gonna fast forward now from that 1236 01:19:02,970 --> 01:19:08,940 July 26 Hearing to the October 31 2023. roundtable. And this 1237 01:19:08,940 --> 01:19:12,870 was a controversial roundtable simply because Kirkpatrick held 1238 01:19:12,870 --> 01:19:19,530 it invite only and it was off camera and only certain people 1239 01:19:19,530 --> 01:19:25,110 were asked to attend. Others like Stephen Green Street I know 1240 01:19:25,110 --> 01:19:29,040 posted about it. There were a couple others as well tried to 1241 01:19:29,070 --> 01:19:33,360 get access to it. And they were declined that they wanted to 1242 01:19:33,390 --> 01:19:36,180 essentially keep it small. Why it sounds like you're 1243 01:19:36,180 --> 01:19:39,420 controlling a narrative. I do have an open case for the 1244 01:19:39,420 --> 01:19:42,780 invitations that went out and who they went to. So we'll we'll 1245 01:19:42,840 --> 01:19:45,810 we'll see who exactly was invited. I don't think that will 1246 01:19:45,810 --> 01:19:49,950 be exempt. So that being said, in this media roundtable 1247 01:19:51,420 --> 01:19:54,270 Kirkpatrick was asked specifically about David grush. 1248 01:19:54,270 --> 01:19:57,090 The question was so David grush. The whistleblower came forward 1249 01:19:57,090 --> 01:20:00,000 to news nation says he reached out to you to share his this 1250 01:20:00,000 --> 01:20:03,240 debris and that you didn't follow up. So did you follow up 1251 01:20:03,240 --> 01:20:05,850 and investigate his claims? He says he still hasn't heard from 1252 01:20:05,850 --> 01:20:09,390 you. So ultimately, why haven't you to connect it? Dr. 1253 01:20:09,390 --> 01:20:12,660 Kirkpatrick says So Mr. grush, since arrow has stood up, and 1254 01:20:12,660 --> 01:20:15,990 since I've been director has not come to see us and provided any 1255 01:20:15,990 --> 01:20:19,770 information member Kirkpatrick already said prior to taking 1256 01:20:19,770 --> 01:20:23,130 over arrow, he met with Jay Stratton and David grush. So 1257 01:20:23,130 --> 01:20:26,580 that absolutely is true. Since arrow stood up grush has been 1258 01:20:26,580 --> 01:20:29,760 nowhere to be found the follow up question and so he's always 1259 01:20:29,760 --> 01:20:32,820 says that he briefed you before you assumed your position and 1260 01:20:32,820 --> 01:20:36,120 arrow. Have you had the chance to follow up on any of the 1261 01:20:36,120 --> 01:20:39,300 inquiries that he made or talked to any of the witnesses? 1262 01:20:39,540 --> 01:20:42,150 Kirkpatrick says, so the last time I believe I spoke with Mr. 1263 01:20:42,150 --> 01:20:45,540 grush was when I was with Jay to at US Space Command about five 1264 01:20:45,540 --> 01:20:48,630 years ago, and it was not on this topic. Now. We have 1265 01:20:48,630 --> 01:20:52,020 interviewed a whole range of people over 30 people now, I 1266 01:20:52,020 --> 01:20:54,510 think we've interviewed most of the people that he may have 1267 01:20:54,510 --> 01:20:57,690 talked to, but we don't know that. And we've extended an 1268 01:20:57,690 --> 01:21:01,650 invitation at least four or five times now, for him to come in 1269 01:21:01,650 --> 01:21:06,300 over the last eight months or so. And and has been declined. 1270 01:21:07,290 --> 01:21:11,610 That was key. That was that was Kirkpatrick saying we've tried. 1271 01:21:11,850 --> 01:21:14,820 We keep reaching out. And we've gone over some of those 1272 01:21:14,820 --> 01:21:19,650 attempts. The documentation is there. This was October 31. As I 1273 01:21:19,650 --> 01:21:23,700 mentioned, that night news nation who has been following 1274 01:21:23,700 --> 01:21:27,720 the story, obviously, they did Ross cold hearts interview with 1275 01:21:27,750 --> 01:21:32,160 an error that on news nation. They did a follow up story that 1276 01:21:32,160 --> 01:21:36,300 night, the same night that this roundtable took place, contacted 1277 01:21:36,300 --> 01:21:40,800 David grush and Gresh stated, I have zero emails or calls from 1278 01:21:40,800 --> 01:21:46,080 them. That is a lie. Now, people are trying to mince words here. 1279 01:21:46,410 --> 01:21:51,090 Well, zero emails or calls from them. Technically, that's true, 1280 01:21:51,600 --> 01:21:55,830 that there was no direct email because arrow, according to the 1281 01:21:55,830 --> 01:21:59,850 documentation, and albeit incredibly silly, didn't have an 1282 01:21:59,850 --> 01:22:03,570 email address for him. No one would share it with them. And he 1283 01:22:03,570 --> 01:22:07,800 didn't have any phone number to use, hence why aro didn't call 1284 01:22:07,800 --> 01:22:11,910 David grush directly. So that part is technically true. But is 1285 01:22:11,910 --> 01:22:16,080 it fair? You see all of the invitations that David grush had 1286 01:22:16,080 --> 01:22:20,190 gotten, and it was David grush. His refusal not to give his 1287 01:22:20,220 --> 01:22:24,180 email address, not to give his phone number because of the bad 1288 01:22:24,180 --> 01:22:28,170 blood was Shaun Kirkpatrick that he kept denying it through the 1289 01:22:28,470 --> 01:22:32,070 the congressional staff member and whoever arrow interviewed, 1290 01:22:32,190 --> 01:22:35,730 obviously redacted names in the documents, but regardless, all 1291 01:22:35,730 --> 01:22:40,170 connected to David grush. Now if all of that is a fabricated lie, 1292 01:22:40,530 --> 01:22:43,560 then I would imagine by the time I've recorded this video that 1293 01:22:43,560 --> 01:22:47,400 David grush through either Ross Coltart and news nation, or the 1294 01:22:47,400 --> 01:22:51,240 debrief where he's been before, or you know, find someone else 1295 01:22:51,540 --> 01:22:54,360 to put out a statement going, Whoa, that like that never 1296 01:22:54,360 --> 01:22:58,410 happened. I never got in touch. Now, I do know that this story 1297 01:22:58,410 --> 01:23:01,860 has reached David grush. And I do No, he's not too happy about 1298 01:23:01,860 --> 01:23:08,760 it. Why didn't he say anything on October 31? Why didn't he 1299 01:23:08,760 --> 01:23:14,310 say, look, I wasn't specifically contacted by by Kirkpatrick. But 1300 01:23:14,820 --> 01:23:17,970 even if I was I've already declined their invitation from 1301 01:23:17,970 --> 01:23:21,480 their staff members or whomever? There should have been some kind 1302 01:23:21,480 --> 01:23:24,900 of elaboration here in the interest of transparency, that 1303 01:23:24,900 --> 01:23:29,850 arrow has tried. But if Kirkpatrick does whatever to 1304 01:23:29,850 --> 01:23:35,790 upset grudge in the past, and that's still there, say it, this 1305 01:23:35,790 --> 01:23:38,970 is your opportunity. But instead, this is the statement, 1306 01:23:38,970 --> 01:23:43,440 I have zero emails or calls from him. That is a lie. Well, is it 1307 01:23:44,070 --> 01:23:48,510 again, you guys decide, but it's really weird to see it all laid 1308 01:23:48,510 --> 01:23:54,240 out on a timeline. Now, that was October 31. Now 10 days later on 1309 01:23:54,240 --> 01:23:58,260 November 10. Now, David grush reaches out to arrow Good 1310 01:23:58,260 --> 01:24:02,610 morning. This is for redacted name for coordination purposes. 1311 01:24:02,910 --> 01:24:06,900 Please give me a call to discuss conditions and admin items. And 1312 01:24:06,900 --> 01:24:09,750 then in parentheses, or excuse me, in a redacted square, it's 1313 01:24:09,750 --> 01:24:15,210 likely his phone number. Now it's on the record. Now he's now 1314 01:24:15,240 --> 01:24:19,830 arrows got his email address and phone number. The next email was 1315 01:24:19,830 --> 01:24:24,540 November 13. Clearly from some time in between the 10th and the 1316 01:24:24,540 --> 01:24:28,830 13th. What is likely a telephone conversation took place between 1317 01:24:28,830 --> 01:24:32,820 this staff member and David grush. And this November 13, 1318 01:24:33,030 --> 01:24:36,930 early in the morning 813 email states Mr. grush. Attached are 1319 01:24:36,930 --> 01:24:40,530 the two items we spoke about the verbal legal advisement that we 1320 01:24:40,530 --> 01:24:43,800 review prior to the start of every interview, and the 1321 01:24:43,800 --> 01:24:47,220 memorandum for record from sabko. That makes it clear that 1322 01:24:47,220 --> 01:24:50,700 ero can receive Compartmented Information from interviewees. 1323 01:24:50,910 --> 01:24:54,540 Our address is and it's redacted. I will meet you in the 1324 01:24:54,540 --> 01:24:59,700 lobby. See you tomorrow at 10. So, obviously, in the course of 1325 01:24:59,700 --> 01:25:03,690 their calm versation they spoke about those two items. David 1326 01:25:03,690 --> 01:25:07,950 Gresh agreed to show up that next morning. So it was t minus 1327 01:25:07,980 --> 01:25:14,430 25 and almost 26 hours. And that was it. Everything was all set. 1328 01:25:14,730 --> 01:25:18,180 Now I don't have the verbal legal advisement, because that 1329 01:25:18,180 --> 01:25:21,390 was not provided in the foyer release. I have filed a case for 1330 01:25:21,390 --> 01:25:24,360 that, because I'm curious, what are they telling every interview 1331 01:25:24,360 --> 01:25:27,150 so it wasn't specific to Grosh. It was every interview, I want 1332 01:25:27,150 --> 01:25:32,340 to see whatever that verbal legal advisement that we, that 1333 01:25:32,340 --> 01:25:35,880 they review. So they may do it verbally, but obviously it's a 1334 01:25:35,880 --> 01:25:39,420 script of some kind. I'm going after it. However, the MFR from 1335 01:25:39,420 --> 01:25:43,410 sabko was there that would be this I'll spare you reading the 1336 01:25:43,410 --> 01:25:46,110 whole thing. I will read the highlighted passage, which is 1337 01:25:46,110 --> 01:25:49,320 the most important representatives of the all 1338 01:25:49,320 --> 01:25:53,100 domain anomaly research or excuse me resolution office, are 1339 01:25:53,100 --> 01:25:55,800 authorized to speak to persons and or conducting interviews of 1340 01:25:55,800 --> 01:25:59,100 persons that currently have or previously had access to 1341 01:25:59,100 --> 01:26:01,680 sensitive US Government Information activities and or 1342 01:26:01,680 --> 01:26:05,010 materials. Individuals with current or previous access to 1343 01:26:05,010 --> 01:26:08,490 unidentified aerial phenomena related information, which is 1344 01:26:08,490 --> 01:26:11,310 subject to US government non disclosure agreement are 1345 01:26:11,310 --> 01:26:14,430 authorized to provide this otherwise protected information 1346 01:26:14,670 --> 01:26:20,940 to ero representatives. So those NDAs that are often fallen back 1347 01:26:20,940 --> 01:26:25,020 on by not only David grush, but others, security clearances, so 1348 01:26:25,020 --> 01:26:29,190 on and so forth. This spells it out from Major General David ABA 1349 01:26:29,940 --> 01:26:36,480 of the DoD Special Access Programs Office, or sabko. You 1350 01:26:36,480 --> 01:26:41,670 can't get more clear than that. Again, any attorney would love a 1351 01:26:41,670 --> 01:26:44,490 memo like that to use. You'll see later though there's 1352 01:26:44,490 --> 01:26:49,020 actually another one that used from ODNI. To support that arrow 1353 01:26:49,050 --> 01:26:53,220 was absolutely clear to hear everything. So that was sent to 1354 01:26:53,250 --> 01:26:58,770 David grush. Now, November 13, same day, this is in the 1355 01:26:58,770 --> 01:27:01,620 afternoon. Good morning, redacted name. Thank you for 1356 01:27:01,620 --> 01:27:07,290 sending these items as a former agency level sat mo I think even 1357 01:27:07,290 --> 01:27:11,070 sabko and cavco. I take security policies very seriously. In the 1358 01:27:11,070 --> 01:27:15,900 DoD sabko memo, the term UA P related is not defined. Fiscal 1359 01:27:15,900 --> 01:27:20,370 Year 2023 NDAA, section 1673. Subsection B defines it as the 1360 01:27:20,370 --> 01:27:23,760 following quote, any activity or programs by a department or 1361 01:27:23,760 --> 01:27:26,400 agency of the federal government, or a contractor have 1362 01:27:26,400 --> 01:27:29,850 such a department or agency relating to UAP, including with 1363 01:27:29,850 --> 01:27:33,030 respect to material retrieval, material analysis, reverse 1364 01:27:33,030 --> 01:27:35,730 engineering, research and development, detection and 1365 01:27:35,730 --> 01:27:38,430 tracking developmental or operational testing, and 1366 01:27:38,430 --> 01:27:40,890 security protections and enforcement. 1367 01:27:42,450 --> 01:27:44,640 The key issue here is that many of these activities have 1368 01:27:44,640 --> 01:27:46,860 conventional classified or compartmented security 1369 01:27:46,860 --> 01:27:50,730 classification guides that also cover non UAP activities as 1370 01:27:50,730 --> 01:27:54,270 well. To discuss the UAP related activities will also expose 1371 01:27:54,270 --> 01:27:57,540 these conventional SAP mission areas. An oral history interview 1372 01:27:57,540 --> 01:28:01,620 subject must also be absolved of this obligation to protect this 1373 01:28:01,620 --> 01:28:06,030 information as well. Some of it may be bigoted or waived, and 1374 01:28:06,030 --> 01:28:10,110 then he cites the DoD Instruction. Furthermore, as 1375 01:28:10,110 --> 01:28:13,530 discussed Friday, I'm seeking an ODNI cavco determination to 1376 01:28:13,530 --> 01:28:16,530 absolve an oral history interview subject of any NDAs 1377 01:28:16,530 --> 01:28:21,180 relating to UAP related and adjacent IC cap information. 1378 01:28:21,210 --> 01:28:24,240 Additionally, in my particular case, in order to horizontally 1379 01:28:24,240 --> 01:28:27,600 protect a portion of my oral history, testimony previously 1380 01:28:27,600 --> 01:28:30,450 provided to IC IG and the intelligence committees, we 1381 01:28:30,450 --> 01:28:33,960 would need to conduct the interview at the HCS operation o 1382 01:28:33,990 --> 01:28:41,400 restricted handling level. Has the CIA Office of Security or 1383 01:28:41,400 --> 01:28:44,550 Directorate of operations provided a memo in this regard 1384 01:28:44,550 --> 01:28:48,180 for oral history interview subjects? Has the OS provided a 1385 01:28:48,180 --> 01:28:51,600 memo to also cover manage need to know projects not directly 1386 01:28:51,600 --> 01:28:55,590 reported to ODNI cavco? Lastly, what sign policy does arrow have 1387 01:28:55,590 --> 01:29:00,690 to receive nontidal 10. saps, ie do your NFC as the EOP NFC 1388 01:29:00,690 --> 01:29:03,840 security director, director, national program management 1389 01:29:03,840 --> 01:29:09,900 staff Oh USD ins or doe sabko or SAP OG provided a a memo similar 1390 01:29:10,140 --> 01:29:14,250 to the DoD sabko memory you provided. What an absolute 1391 01:29:14,250 --> 01:29:19,320 mouthful to go over, but it just seems like things were addressed 1392 01:29:19,380 --> 01:29:24,330 with, you know, the sabko memo from from DOD. And then just 1393 01:29:24,330 --> 01:29:29,490 like all these other things come out later. So we're, we're, 1394 01:29:29,490 --> 01:29:32,010 we're all these questions, and we don't know we're not privy to 1395 01:29:32,010 --> 01:29:35,250 the telephone conversation. But where were these questions in 1396 01:29:35,250 --> 01:29:38,010 that telephone conversation? Where were these questions when 1397 01:29:38,010 --> 01:29:41,250 he initiated contact? Because, again, we know he's had legal 1398 01:29:41,250 --> 01:29:44,670 counsel for quite some time. And I'll say it again, a very 1399 01:29:44,670 --> 01:29:49,290 powerful and very intelligent one at that. So why weren't 1400 01:29:49,290 --> 01:29:53,070 these handled before they set up? The meeting and I'm not 1401 01:29:53,070 --> 01:29:56,520 really sure about that. But the response from the arrow person 1402 01:29:56,520 --> 01:29:59,220 was Mr. grush. The law is clear and that we can receive 1403 01:29:59,220 --> 01:30:02,280 information all classification levels we can discuss when you 1404 01:30:02,280 --> 01:30:08,460 come in. So that's where they have left it. Until we get to 1405 01:30:08,460 --> 01:30:13,800 the morning of November 14, the day of the meeting 10:34am 1406 01:30:13,830 --> 01:30:17,100 meeting was at 10. I've been waiting in the lobby for over 1407 01:30:17,490 --> 01:30:20,940 been late waiting in the lobby over 30 minutes. Are you showing 1408 01:30:20,940 --> 01:30:28,590 up? So clearly stands them up doesn't even show up. And arrow 1409 01:30:28,590 --> 01:30:32,610 was, was clear that they could talk it all over now, in 1410 01:30:32,610 --> 01:30:37,320 fairness to this, I mean, I want to be fair here. He never made 1411 01:30:37,320 --> 01:30:39,390 it clear. David Grace never made it clear. He wasn't going to 1412 01:30:39,390 --> 01:30:43,890 show up. But what would be the harm is if you show up, and then 1413 01:30:43,890 --> 01:30:46,350 say, Look, I need answers to these questions. Maybe they'll 1414 01:30:46,350 --> 01:30:49,830 have somebody from OGC there from the general counsel office, 1415 01:30:50,160 --> 01:30:54,270 to say, Well, we're here to to Absolutely. address your 1416 01:30:54,270 --> 01:30:58,350 concerns, or, or something, you could easily just say, forget 1417 01:30:58,350 --> 01:31:02,760 it, I'm out. Why would you just not even show I mean, you're, 1418 01:31:02,790 --> 01:31:06,510 you know, they're not going to torture you to, to say anything. 1419 01:31:06,510 --> 01:31:10,950 So that part was very confusing to me, to where you you go all 1420 01:31:10,950 --> 01:31:13,560 the way to set it up, then the night prior, the day prior, you 1421 01:31:13,560 --> 01:31:17,370 have all these new questions, then just don't even show up. 1422 01:31:17,520 --> 01:31:20,760 And then you say this arrow staff with due respect, I will 1423 01:31:20,760 --> 01:31:23,100 need answers to my questions before I will be comfortable 1424 01:31:23,100 --> 01:31:26,160 meeting, please provide responses so that we can 1425 01:31:26,160 --> 01:31:28,590 hopefully move forward and schedule the meeting. The law 1426 01:31:28,590 --> 01:31:31,350 may grant your office need to know but does not establish 1427 01:31:31,350 --> 01:31:34,110 policies and procedures with various data owners. I've 1428 01:31:34,110 --> 01:31:36,960 managed multicompartment activities throughout my career, 1429 01:31:37,140 --> 01:31:40,650 my entire career and multiple dcsa security professional 1430 01:31:40,650 --> 01:31:43,410 certifications. I did not ask these questions for mere 1431 01:31:43,410 --> 01:31:48,270 curiosity. That's all fine. He's got an amazing background. So I 1432 01:31:48,270 --> 01:31:51,300 would never go head to head on him with national security 1433 01:31:51,300 --> 01:31:56,130 knowledge. I totally get that. But from an outsider looking in 1434 01:31:56,130 --> 01:31:59,100 and seeing this, there's absolutely no reason he should 1435 01:31:59,100 --> 01:32:01,470 have stood him up. He should have marched in there with his 1436 01:32:01,470 --> 01:32:06,120 attorney demand answers. Because in the interest of of that, I 1437 01:32:06,120 --> 01:32:09,090 think Mr. Mellon put it in one of his text messages. He was 1438 01:32:09,090 --> 01:32:12,630 encouraging him to try and play ball with arrow in the interest 1439 01:32:12,630 --> 01:32:17,040 of that, go see what you know, what are you going to be met 1440 01:32:17,040 --> 01:32:20,850 with? And then if you're not comfortable, just say, sorry, 1441 01:32:20,850 --> 01:32:23,820 I'm out and then get up and go. There's nothing that would stop 1442 01:32:23,820 --> 01:32:28,620 him. He's not subpoena. He's not in cuffs. So what's going on? It 1443 01:32:28,620 --> 01:32:33,780 just didn't make sense to me at all. Their response, Mr. grush, 1444 01:32:33,780 --> 01:32:36,090 we received your email we get back to you shortly. That was 1445 01:32:36,090 --> 01:32:40,050 November 14. Thank you. This is from David gross. Thank you. I 1446 01:32:40,050 --> 01:32:43,080 apologize for the confusion this morning about my whereabouts. I 1447 01:32:43,080 --> 01:32:46,200 should have been more clear in my email on Monday. You know, 1448 01:32:46,200 --> 01:32:49,410 credit to him for apologizing. But, again, all my questions 1449 01:32:49,410 --> 01:32:54,510 still stands. Now, this was sent November 15. This was the next 1450 01:32:54,510 --> 01:32:57,960 day I put it here. It was part of that string of emails I read 1451 01:32:57,960 --> 01:33:02,910 earlier. What Sean Kirkpatrick did at that time that morning 1452 01:33:02,910 --> 01:33:09,060 after grush stood them up. He forwarded that whole string of 1453 01:33:09,060 --> 01:33:13,260 emails to someone we don't know who and Kirkpatrick says further 1454 01:33:13,260 --> 01:33:16,890 records, please save. Note the opening paragraph at the 1455 01:33:16,890 --> 01:33:21,390 beginning of this email thread from redacted name. What he's 1456 01:33:21,390 --> 01:33:25,470 doing here, whomever he's sending it to, he's making sure 1457 01:33:25,470 --> 01:33:29,370 they have record of everything. Now, DOD record retention 1458 01:33:29,370 --> 01:33:33,630 schedule should stipulate that all Kirkpatrick material is 1459 01:33:33,660 --> 01:33:38,610 saved anyway. But who he sent it to? That's kind of key to 1460 01:33:38,610 --> 01:33:41,850 understanding what he's setting up here. He's obviously doing 1461 01:33:41,850 --> 01:33:45,540 this for a reason. He obviously has alarm bells going off that 1462 01:33:45,540 --> 01:33:48,990 grush says, Yeah, I'll come in, and then never shows, and then 1463 01:33:48,990 --> 01:33:52,440 has all of these security concerns. Something was being 1464 01:33:52,440 --> 01:33:56,760 set up. Something got triggered on November 15. For Kirkpatrick 1465 01:33:56,760 --> 01:34:00,600 to say, okay, here, we're going to save everything. And so he 1466 01:34:00,600 --> 01:34:03,750 sent it to an unknown individual. Fast forward to the 1467 01:34:03,750 --> 01:34:07,710 19th arrow got back to David grush. I believe it's a 1468 01:34:07,710 --> 01:34:11,310 different person, not the one he was talking to that set up the 1469 01:34:11,310 --> 01:34:14,970 meeting. I believe that it was someone else simply because of 1470 01:34:14,970 --> 01:34:18,240 the way that it was signed, and you look at the indentation. 1471 01:34:18,720 --> 01:34:22,380 That's where minutiae matters is because then you can all be it. 1472 01:34:22,380 --> 01:34:25,140 You can't figure out the name of the person. Now we know it's 1473 01:34:25,140 --> 01:34:29,070 someone else that got involved. And they stay we invite you to 1474 01:34:29,070 --> 01:34:32,010 speak to arrow regarding any US government programs or 1475 01:34:32,010 --> 01:34:37,200 activities related to UAP dating back to 1945. In accordance with 1476 01:34:37,200 --> 01:34:39,750 the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal 1477 01:34:39,750 --> 01:34:43,560 Year 2023. Arrow is authorized to receive any information 1478 01:34:43,560 --> 01:34:46,500 related to UAP regardless of classification, and 1479 01:34:46,500 --> 01:34:49,470 notwithstanding any non disclosure agreement you may 1480 01:34:49,470 --> 01:34:54,090 have signed, we would be glad to meet you in a skiff so that you 1481 01:34:54,090 --> 01:34:58,110 could share information with us. So whoever that was, was 1482 01:34:58,110 --> 01:35:02,490 essentially putting it out there. that you have the 1483 01:35:02,490 --> 01:35:06,750 standing invite. It's cleared. We're cleared the balls in your 1484 01:35:06,750 --> 01:35:11,070 court. November 19. Thank you for your email, David gross says 1485 01:35:11,100 --> 01:35:13,980 I had expressed specific concerns both directly via email 1486 01:35:13,980 --> 01:35:17,280 and through counsel. And those specific concerns have not yet 1487 01:35:17,280 --> 01:35:20,310 been addressed in writing. Please reference those emails in 1488 01:35:20,310 --> 01:35:25,020 this chain key for someone like me. He expressed them through 1489 01:35:25,020 --> 01:35:28,860 email, we saw that He also expressed them through counsel, 1490 01:35:28,980 --> 01:35:31,800 I haven't seen that. Which means that there's probably more to 1491 01:35:31,800 --> 01:35:34,830 this email chain and more to these communications, you better 1492 01:35:34,830 --> 01:35:38,010 believe I'm going after it. And the reason is, is because I want 1493 01:35:38,010 --> 01:35:41,160 to see the dates where did they land on the timeline? You know, 1494 01:35:41,190 --> 01:35:43,500 what, what happened there. So you always look for little 1495 01:35:43,500 --> 01:35:48,570 pickups like that to kind of build off of. So he tells arrow 1496 01:35:48,570 --> 01:35:51,150 to go ahead and reference those questions, Mr. Gresh, during our 1497 01:35:51,150 --> 01:35:54,810 conversation on November 1020 23. So notice, it's going 1498 01:35:54,810 --> 01:35:58,650 back to likely the telephone conversation, no indentation, so 1499 01:35:58,650 --> 01:36:01,710 we're probably back to that other person. We discussed your 1500 01:36:01,710 --> 01:36:04,140 comfort level with relaying sensitive information to arrow 1501 01:36:04,140 --> 01:36:06,780 and the possibility of Arrow obtaining a memo from Capco that 1502 01:36:06,780 --> 01:36:10,590 clearly states that arrow can receive cap information similar 1503 01:36:10,590 --> 01:36:14,850 to the sabko memo I provided you attached is that memo from ODNI 1504 01:36:14,850 --> 01:36:19,440 Capco note the date here January 8, so we've jumped ahead quite a 1505 01:36:19,440 --> 01:36:24,540 bit, but arrow is trying to get and appease what David grush had 1506 01:36:24,540 --> 01:36:28,650 requested in his list. Again, I want to reiterate that in 1507 01:36:28,650 --> 01:36:31,410 accordance with the National Defense Authorization as fiscal 1508 01:36:31,410 --> 01:36:34,770 year 2023, arrow is authorized to receive any information 1509 01:36:34,770 --> 01:36:38,010 related to UAP regardless of classification, and 1510 01:36:38,010 --> 01:36:40,560 notwithstanding any nondisclosure agreement, you may 1511 01:36:40,560 --> 01:36:43,650 have signed our invitation to discuss possible US government 1512 01:36:43,650 --> 01:36:47,970 programs, events, or activities related to UAP still stands, 1513 01:36:48,030 --> 01:36:51,960 have a good afternoon, signed, whomever that was David grush 1514 01:36:51,960 --> 01:36:55,230 states. Good afternoon. Thank you, we'll review please address 1515 01:36:55,230 --> 01:37:01,440 my specific concerns that I sent on 19 November 2023. Now that 1516 01:37:01,440 --> 01:37:02,940 was all January 8. 1517 01:37:05,970 --> 01:37:09,660 That was the date the memo going back to the original document 1518 01:37:09,660 --> 01:37:13,500 that I first started this long presentation over when that was 1519 01:37:13,500 --> 01:37:17,940 written. So after all of this arrow then just decided he's not 1520 01:37:17,940 --> 01:37:21,900 coming in no matter what we say. It does not look like they tried 1521 01:37:21,900 --> 01:37:25,230 to take a stab at those questions. Maybe because they 1522 01:37:25,230 --> 01:37:31,470 feel that the cap code, the sabko letter, and the NDAA for 1523 01:37:31,470 --> 01:37:34,170 fiscal year 2023 that they continue to reference over and 1524 01:37:34,170 --> 01:37:37,500 over and over those three particular things. Take care of 1525 01:37:37,500 --> 01:37:40,980 all of that. All of these internal records on top of all 1526 01:37:40,980 --> 01:37:45,390 of that reinforce it. So that memo was created January 8, to 1527 01:37:45,390 --> 01:37:48,870 bring all that information together and document their 1528 01:37:48,870 --> 01:37:52,710 track record of trying to reach out to him contact him through 1529 01:37:52,710 --> 01:37:56,130 different intermediaries then their contact directly, his no 1530 01:37:56,130 --> 01:37:59,040 show on the meeting and essentially trying to meet him 1531 01:38:00,480 --> 01:38:02,910 what I would call meet him halfway and say okay, you asked 1532 01:38:02,910 --> 01:38:07,740 for this letter, we got ODNI to send it and here it is. This is 1533 01:38:07,770 --> 01:38:12,360 undated. But you can see it's a Capco there, designator number 1534 01:38:12,360 --> 01:38:18,660 23 Dash 003. So it was likely created in 2023. Representatives 1535 01:38:18,660 --> 01:38:22,020 of all domain anomaly research office are authorized to speak 1536 01:38:22,020 --> 01:38:24,810 to persons and or conduct interviews of persons that 1537 01:38:24,810 --> 01:38:29,280 currently have or previously had access to sensitive US 1538 01:38:29,280 --> 01:38:32,460 Government Information activities and or materials. 1539 01:38:32,460 --> 01:38:36,570 This one also talks about specifically the non disclosure 1540 01:38:36,570 --> 01:38:39,810 agreements that was signed by the director of the controlled 1541 01:38:39,810 --> 01:38:44,880 access program central office. Again, they were trying to reach 1542 01:38:44,880 --> 01:38:50,490 out to him and give him every every piece of comfort that they 1543 01:38:50,490 --> 01:38:54,300 could to say you can come in here. Now what I'm interested 1544 01:38:54,360 --> 01:38:58,800 not being a lawyer, and but seeing now all of this unfold, 1545 01:38:59,220 --> 01:39:02,640 and posting it, you know, online for the first time most of this 1546 01:39:02,640 --> 01:39:06,720 was have has never been seen by the public before as a non 1547 01:39:06,720 --> 01:39:10,950 attorney, but I love legal stuff. I would love to see an 1548 01:39:10,950 --> 01:39:16,350 argument by an attorney, let's say Charles McCollum come out 1549 01:39:16,350 --> 01:39:22,710 and say this is what they did not meet for us. Not through 1550 01:39:22,710 --> 01:39:27,000 YouTubers conveying what grush has said not through journalists 1551 01:39:27,000 --> 01:39:32,370 on news nation or some blog or whatever they get David grush 1552 01:39:32,370 --> 01:39:36,690 talk to let's hear from the attorney. You know, let's hear 1553 01:39:36,690 --> 01:39:40,890 that argument. Because to me, it's all there now. And why it 1554 01:39:40,890 --> 01:39:45,720 matters is it goes to the heart of grush just not showing up and 1555 01:39:45,720 --> 01:39:50,370 not getting the DOD, the congressionally mandated effort 1556 01:39:50,550 --> 01:39:54,690 that so many people wanted for so long, getting them that 1557 01:39:54,690 --> 01:39:59,070 information. Now, what we have to understand it at this point 1558 01:39:59,640 --> 01:40:06,150 is that Dr. Kirkpatrick was clearly the guy that David grush 1559 01:40:06,300 --> 01:40:09,930 had an issue with, nobody can deny that it's all there in 1560 01:40:09,930 --> 01:40:12,960 black and white. Why it didn't come up in the congressional 1561 01:40:12,960 --> 01:40:16,200 hearing under oath. That's too bad. It's a shame. That was a 1562 01:40:16,200 --> 01:40:19,800 perfect opportunity, because of everything that transpired prior 1563 01:40:19,800 --> 01:40:24,750 to that. And the clear, quote, Bad Blood comment that was said 1564 01:40:24,750 --> 01:40:29,340 by David grush, as associate all of that was palpable. It's, it's 1565 01:40:29,370 --> 01:40:33,810 there, it's clear. So why not bring that up? We don't know. 1566 01:40:34,440 --> 01:40:40,110 But what we do know now here in April of 2024, is that Dr. Shawn 1567 01:40:40,110 --> 01:40:44,940 Kirkpatrick is completely gone. He's not there anymore. That the 1568 01:40:44,940 --> 01:40:48,870 reluctance, per the information per the evidence that I've gone 1569 01:40:48,870 --> 01:40:53,340 over with you. The reluctance was there because of Dr. Shawn 1570 01:40:53,340 --> 01:40:57,570 Kirkpatrick. So now he's gone. He's out. He's doing his media 1571 01:40:57,570 --> 01:41:01,080 tour with other podcasts. And he's doing it as a private 1572 01:41:01,080 --> 01:41:04,230 citizen, all the more power to him seems like a lot of people 1573 01:41:04,230 --> 01:41:07,680 love doing that. That's fine. But he's gone. Now. He has 1574 01:41:07,680 --> 01:41:10,560 nothing to do with arrow. So what's wrong with the new 1575 01:41:10,560 --> 01:41:16,500 director has since January 8 2024, to date, anything taken 1576 01:41:16,500 --> 01:41:19,530 place with David grush? Now, I would imagine grush would make 1577 01:41:19,530 --> 01:41:23,970 it very known if he did. Why? Well, because he's made those 1578 01:41:23,970 --> 01:41:28,290 steps known in the past about his IG complaints and and what 1579 01:41:28,290 --> 01:41:33,810 he has done. So why have we not seen that yet? And has anything 1580 01:41:33,810 --> 01:41:37,560 taken place? Well, you could imagine I've got cases to try 1581 01:41:37,560 --> 01:41:41,190 and figure that out, too. But the bottom line is now, in my 1582 01:41:41,190 --> 01:41:44,940 opinion, there are no excuses when it comes to Kirkpatrick 1583 01:41:44,940 --> 01:41:48,780 being involved. And from the legal standpoint, let's hear 1584 01:41:48,780 --> 01:41:52,860 what the excuses now. Again, not through these third hand, 1585 01:41:52,860 --> 01:41:55,950 people, I talked to Grosh. And he said this now, let's hear 1586 01:41:55,950 --> 01:41:59,550 from his attorney, I think the general public has a right to 1587 01:41:59,550 --> 01:42:03,450 know, I know this was a really long, deep dive. I know they're 1588 01:42:03,450 --> 01:42:06,600 not for everybody. If you've made it this far, kudos to you 1589 01:42:07,140 --> 01:42:09,690 for sticking with me for that long. But it's important not 1590 01:42:09,690 --> 01:42:12,690 only for myself to go over it verbally, I do a lot of this for 1591 01:42:12,690 --> 01:42:16,080 myself too, because it helps me understand and absorb the 1592 01:42:16,080 --> 01:42:20,220 information more speaking out loud. But also for you all to 1593 01:42:20,220 --> 01:42:23,640 kind of see that timeline to kind of hear it instead of 1594 01:42:23,640 --> 01:42:28,350 reading it in a pile of, of pages thrown into a PDF file, 1595 01:42:28,530 --> 01:42:32,100 but rather hear somebody talk about it, and to talk with you 1596 01:42:32,100 --> 01:42:35,370 about it. That's what I'm here to do. So with that said here on 1597 01:42:35,370 --> 01:42:38,010 YouTube, if you're watching live, or if you're watching the 1598 01:42:38,010 --> 01:42:41,460 replay, put your comments below. I'm always interested in and 1599 01:42:41,460 --> 01:42:44,520 please keep it kind down there. If you agree with me disagree 1600 01:42:44,520 --> 01:42:47,250 with me, or whatever you want to say, again, just please keep it 1601 01:42:47,250 --> 01:42:50,460 clean, but put them down there and, and let me know what you 1602 01:42:50,460 --> 01:42:53,580 think. The biggest help you can do. If you like these types of 1603 01:42:53,580 --> 01:42:56,610 videos, I do short ones too. So they're not all always very 1604 01:42:56,610 --> 01:42:59,880 long, but liked the video, put a thumbs up there. If you're 1605 01:42:59,880 --> 01:43:03,270 listening on the audio podcast version, I aim for five stars, 1606 01:43:03,360 --> 01:43:05,700 please help me by putting a review out there clicking the 1607 01:43:05,700 --> 01:43:09,330 thumbs up button. It truly truly helps. And of course making sure 1608 01:43:09,330 --> 01:43:12,510 you're subscribed notifications on that way when I do live 1609 01:43:12,510 --> 01:43:16,470 streams drop these types of videos, you will be notified 1610 01:43:16,590 --> 01:43:19,800 when I do so on the note of the audio podcast. If you're not 1611 01:43:19,800 --> 01:43:23,190 aware, a lot of these presentations do go to the 1612 01:43:23,220 --> 01:43:26,700 podcast feed obviously it's audio only. So you missed the 1613 01:43:26,700 --> 01:43:30,210 visuals. But that's why I read a lot so you guys can just listen 1614 01:43:30,210 --> 01:43:33,720 while you work or run or jog or whatever you do with your 1615 01:43:33,720 --> 01:43:38,040 podcast. It's under the black vault radio on nearly every 1616 01:43:38,040 --> 01:43:42,330 podcast network out there. So just search for black vault 1617 01:43:42,330 --> 01:43:45,810 radio, subscribe and again, if you can leave a review it's very 1618 01:43:45,810 --> 01:43:50,580 very helpful to me. quickest way to get get the news from the 1619 01:43:50,580 --> 01:43:53,370 black vault to the last thing before I say goodbye. Make sure 1620 01:43:53,370 --> 01:43:56,460 you're subscribed to social media channels. But I am most 1621 01:43:56,460 --> 01:44:03,000 active on AIX, the handle is simply black vault c o m 1622 01:44:03,030 --> 01:44:07,680 like.com. Without the dot black vault comm that's my handle. 1623 01:44:08,070 --> 01:44:12,210 That's where I'm most active you see things. Even right prior to 1624 01:44:12,210 --> 01:44:16,620 recording this video dropped an ex post out there of what I 1625 01:44:16,620 --> 01:44:20,310 consider kind of breaking news in this genre of records being 1626 01:44:20,310 --> 01:44:26,070 destroyed of the emails of Dr. James McCaskey, the OSS, app 1627 01:44:26,070 --> 01:44:29,850 director. And if you follow that whole story and know the name, 1628 01:44:29,970 --> 01:44:32,760 you'll know that that's kind of a detriment to trying to unravel 1629 01:44:32,760 --> 01:44:36,180 that whole era of this whole story but that's another video 1630 01:44:36,210 --> 01:44:39,510 in itself. Thank you so much for listening and or watching truly, 1631 01:44:39,510 --> 01:44:43,080 truly appreciate you hanging with me on these deep dives. I'm 1632 01:44:43,080 --> 01:44:46,140 John Greenewald, Jr signing off, and I'll see you next time