1 00:00:06,660 --> 00:00:08,640 John Greenewald: Hey, did you see the government's new UAP 2 00:00:08,640 --> 00:00:11,940 report? Well, unless you had expectations of disclosure about 3 00:00:11,970 --> 00:00:16,560 aliens, you might be pleasantly surprised. Join me, John 4 00:00:16,560 --> 00:00:20,400 Greenewald Jr. As we take a deep dive into what the report is all 5 00:00:20,400 --> 00:00:24,630 about, leave and take a look at what they conveniently left out. 6 00:00:24,930 --> 00:00:28,980 Stay tuned, you're about to journey inside the black vault. 7 00:00:55,800 --> 00:00:58,170 That's right, everybody. As always, thank you so much for 8 00:00:58,170 --> 00:01:01,530 tuning in and taking this journey inside the black vault 9 00:01:01,530 --> 00:01:04,230 with me, I'm your host, John Greenewald, Jr, founder and 10 00:01:04,230 --> 00:01:08,100 creator of the black vault. And today, we are going to deep dive 11 00:01:08,100 --> 00:01:12,270 into that newest UAP report. Now, if you have no idea what 12 00:01:12,270 --> 00:01:16,110 I'm talking about, about a week ago, there was a report that was 13 00:01:16,110 --> 00:01:19,740 released by arrow, the government's UFO investigative 14 00:01:19,740 --> 00:01:24,660 office in the Pentagon, and they needed to get Congress by their 15 00:01:24,660 --> 00:01:29,280 own legislation, they passed a historical report. Now that came 16 00:01:29,280 --> 00:01:33,120 out. And to my surprise, it was actually I would say more 17 00:01:33,120 --> 00:01:37,110 thorough, and arguably even better than I expected. Now, I 18 00:01:37,110 --> 00:01:41,550 always keep my hopes fairly low. for stuff like this, just simply 19 00:01:41,550 --> 00:01:44,070 for the obvious reason of they generally aren't going to 20 00:01:44,070 --> 00:01:48,120 deliver what we want. And that would be the absolute truth. And 21 00:01:48,120 --> 00:01:50,610 when you read through this thing, albeit it is very 22 00:01:50,610 --> 00:01:54,900 detailed, there's a lot to it, I was surprised that it was a lot 23 00:01:54,900 --> 00:01:58,920 lengthier than I expected. There were quite a few let downs along 24 00:01:58,920 --> 00:02:01,740 the way. So here's what we're going to do, we're going to dive 25 00:02:01,740 --> 00:02:05,610 into the report. Now keep in mind as I go over this, it is 26 00:02:05,610 --> 00:02:10,020 not an endorsement of what the US government is saying or 27 00:02:10,020 --> 00:02:14,400 claiming, unless I state otherwise, I think that there's 28 00:02:14,400 --> 00:02:17,250 a lot of evidence to the contrary of what the government 29 00:02:17,250 --> 00:02:20,790 is claiming. But I think overall, I think they've skirted 30 00:02:20,790 --> 00:02:24,750 some pretty important pieces of information. So we're gonna go 31 00:02:24,750 --> 00:02:27,240 over the report, we're gonna go over what they don't deal with 32 00:02:27,240 --> 00:02:30,930 what they do deal with, what's wrong, what's right, what, what 33 00:02:30,930 --> 00:02:33,600 do we think about the whole thing. And as always, I'm 34 00:02:33,600 --> 00:02:36,840 interested in what you think as well. So if you are watching on 35 00:02:36,840 --> 00:02:40,350 YouTube, if you're on the live stream, there is a chat room 36 00:02:40,350 --> 00:02:43,530 active while this premieres please feel free to take part 37 00:02:43,530 --> 00:02:46,860 but also post your comments. That way we can see what you 38 00:02:46,860 --> 00:02:50,760 think. Because I don't always claim to be right. When we dive 39 00:02:50,760 --> 00:02:52,920 into these things, I try and give as much context as 40 00:02:52,920 --> 00:02:57,240 possible, labeled my opinion where applicable, but obviously, 41 00:02:57,240 --> 00:03:00,450 I want to dive in with all of you guys together. Because we're 42 00:03:00,450 --> 00:03:04,710 all on the same team here trying to figure this out and make 43 00:03:04,710 --> 00:03:08,790 sense of all of this because it is incredibly hard to do. So let 44 00:03:08,790 --> 00:03:15,150 me go ahead then and get up the presentation here. That way I 45 00:03:15,150 --> 00:03:18,600 can kind of go over with you guys the report. Now, I'm going 46 00:03:18,600 --> 00:03:20,730 to stress to you guys, I know that these deep dives aren't for 47 00:03:20,730 --> 00:03:22,980 everybody, we are going to go into some of the nitty gritty 48 00:03:22,980 --> 00:03:26,130 details. And you're going to roll your eyes just simply 49 00:03:26,130 --> 00:03:30,240 because you will not believe the government you want to hear 50 00:03:30,240 --> 00:03:33,300 something else. They're not going to give it to you. So let 51 00:03:33,300 --> 00:03:37,050 me just again, say that upfront, this isn't an endorsement, but I 52 00:03:37,050 --> 00:03:40,290 think it is important to lay the groundwork of what the US 53 00:03:40,290 --> 00:03:44,100 government is trying to claim what they are trying to say with 54 00:03:44,100 --> 00:03:48,150 all of this, because it is important context to the grander 55 00:03:48,240 --> 00:03:52,200 picture. Now the report itself report on the historical record 56 00:03:52,410 --> 00:03:55,710 of US government involvement with unidentified anomalous 57 00:03:55,740 --> 00:04:01,140 phenomena. That's the report. Title, here's the first page of 58 00:04:01,140 --> 00:04:04,830 it, just so you can kind of get an idea if you have not seen it. 59 00:04:04,830 --> 00:04:08,310 Now forgive me here, I'm gonna move one of my screens just as 60 00:04:08,310 --> 00:04:14,880 we go, so I don't lose you. And get my laser pointer up. Sorry 61 00:04:14,880 --> 00:04:18,570 about that. So obviously, this is the title page, like I 62 00:04:18,600 --> 00:04:20,700 mentioned, and I want to show you guys I won't read every 63 00:04:20,700 --> 00:04:26,490 single word, but this is the table of contents. Now the Table 64 00:04:26,490 --> 00:04:29,040 of Contents gives a pretty good idea of everything that they 65 00:04:29,040 --> 00:04:32,370 cover. And as I already mentioned, fairly detailed. You 66 00:04:32,370 --> 00:04:35,220 can see here, the different sections, section one, the intro 67 00:04:35,460 --> 00:04:37,770 section to the executive summary. That's what we're going 68 00:04:37,770 --> 00:04:41,730 to hang on quite a bit. I'll tell you in a moment why, but 69 00:04:41,730 --> 00:04:43,860 we're going to stick around the executive summary for quite a 70 00:04:43,860 --> 00:04:47,790 bit, scope and assumptions of the actual report and 71 00:04:47,790 --> 00:04:51,180 investigation that went into this section for accounts of US 72 00:04:51,180 --> 00:04:56,430 government UAP investigatory programs since 1945, so they 73 00:04:56,430 --> 00:05:00,480 went all the way back to 1945 and work their way A to the 74 00:05:00,480 --> 00:05:03,420 present day. Again, I'll give them a little bit of credit 75 00:05:03,420 --> 00:05:06,810 there, that's fairly impressive, because there's a lot to deal 76 00:05:06,810 --> 00:05:10,260 with. And with that said, that's also why I'm not going to go 77 00:05:10,260 --> 00:05:13,110 over the whole report with you guys, even though that this is a 78 00:05:13,110 --> 00:05:17,730 deep dive, it's 60 Plus pages or so for the total report, there's 79 00:05:18,060 --> 00:05:21,090 references and citations, and so on. And there's a lot to read. 80 00:05:21,360 --> 00:05:25,470 So in addition to this video, if you haven't already, read it, 81 00:05:25,530 --> 00:05:28,350 take some time, if you're interested in this, you may not 82 00:05:28,350 --> 00:05:31,170 buy into all of it. I don't I'll tell you that right up front. 83 00:05:31,410 --> 00:05:34,230 But it doesn't matter. Take a look at all of the information 84 00:05:34,230 --> 00:05:37,590 because there is much much more than what I'm about to deal 85 00:05:37,590 --> 00:05:40,740 with. In this video, I'm only going to skim the surface and 86 00:05:40,740 --> 00:05:44,340 talk a little bit about what I feel is, again, in my opinion, 87 00:05:44,430 --> 00:05:47,400 the most important parts. So you can see here when they go back 88 00:05:47,400 --> 00:05:51,150 to 1945 They are literally going all the way back to Project 89 00:05:51,150 --> 00:05:57,030 saucer signed grudge twinkl grudge the reestablishment of IT 90 00:05:57,690 --> 00:06:00,210 project bear that they talk about you don't hear about that 91 00:06:00,210 --> 00:06:03,870 a lot, the Robertson Panel, the dirt, the dirt into reporter 92 00:06:03,870 --> 00:06:09,060 Durant report, Project Bluebook, all sorts of stuff is in this 93 00:06:09,060 --> 00:06:13,260 history. So my kudos, because that's a lot, there's a lot 94 00:06:13,260 --> 00:06:18,120 there. But I also must add, it's also the government side of 95 00:06:18,120 --> 00:06:21,330 this, the the the what they want you to believe about some of 96 00:06:21,330 --> 00:06:24,750 these programs. And we'll also dive into that as well when we 97 00:06:24,750 --> 00:06:27,480 get to project Bluebook. But you can see here just through the 98 00:06:27,480 --> 00:06:30,000 table of contents all the way through the Roswell 99 00:06:30,000 --> 00:06:33,420 investigations, there were a couple of different Roswell 100 00:06:33,420 --> 00:06:37,710 explanations along the way over the decades, that was in the 90s 101 00:06:37,710 --> 00:06:41,490 in the 2000s. So they deal with all of that, and right up to all 102 00:06:41,490 --> 00:06:46,050 SAP and a tip and then the task force, the UA P Task Force. And 103 00:06:46,050 --> 00:06:48,960 then right up to arrow, you can see over here, they deal with 104 00:06:48,960 --> 00:06:52,560 NASA study, arrow, as I mentioned, and so on. So lots 105 00:06:52,590 --> 00:06:57,780 lots in that section alone to go over. And I won't be going over 106 00:06:57,780 --> 00:07:00,930 all of it. But just wanted to give you a rundown of what is 107 00:07:01,350 --> 00:07:04,980 overviewed. In this report. Moving on Section Five 108 00:07:04,980 --> 00:07:07,860 assessment of interview claims of US government involvement in 109 00:07:07,860 --> 00:07:11,490 hidden UAP programs, it kind of goes into what they heard 110 00:07:11,490 --> 00:07:15,540 through witnesses and various interviews that they did, no one 111 00:07:15,540 --> 00:07:19,950 is named in this report. But they did give everyone a number. 112 00:07:20,250 --> 00:07:24,240 And later in the report, we'll go over this section, they kind 113 00:07:24,240 --> 00:07:27,570 of just give everybody just that a number and no name. So you 114 00:07:27,570 --> 00:07:31,020 have to kind of fill in the blanks. Some you will be able to 115 00:07:31,200 --> 00:07:35,130 others kind of a mystery, we can kind of all speculate and guess 116 00:07:35,130 --> 00:07:39,180 on who some of these individuals are. But don't expect names. As 117 00:07:39,180 --> 00:07:41,850 we go through here, we just have to fill in the blanks. But you 118 00:07:41,850 --> 00:07:45,750 can see here all the different types of claims that they have 119 00:07:45,750 --> 00:07:50,250 tackled in this section six investigation into named US 120 00:07:50,250 --> 00:07:53,850 government sensitive programs. Again, what they learned from 121 00:07:53,850 --> 00:08:00,330 those just a lot here. And this was a little bit of a surprise 122 00:08:00,330 --> 00:08:03,540 to me, you can see it just keeps going. This is more of of the 123 00:08:03,540 --> 00:08:08,520 report table of content contents. Here's a section eight 124 00:08:08,520 --> 00:08:11,160 here testing and development of US national security and space 125 00:08:11,160 --> 00:08:14,490 programs most likely accounted for some portion of UAP 126 00:08:14,490 --> 00:08:18,300 sightings. And then it goes into all sorts of different programs, 127 00:08:18,330 --> 00:08:21,510 some of what you've likely heard of others, maybe not so much, 128 00:08:21,750 --> 00:08:24,720 very cool history there. But that's where it starts to veer 129 00:08:24,720 --> 00:08:29,070 away from, I think, a viable explanation for a lot of these 130 00:08:29,070 --> 00:08:33,420 cases, and rather, just gets into fluff. And that historical 131 00:08:33,420 --> 00:08:37,680 fluff is used to not only bulk up the report, but give Congress 132 00:08:37,680 --> 00:08:41,820 and anybody in the general public that reads this may be 133 00:08:41,820 --> 00:08:44,280 something to fall back on. And they try and sell the 134 00:08:44,280 --> 00:08:47,790 explanation that there's a lot of government secret programs 135 00:08:47,790 --> 00:08:50,370 out there Special Access Programs, stuff you don't hear 136 00:08:50,370 --> 00:08:55,170 about for decades, that could apply to some UAP cases. And in 137 00:08:55,170 --> 00:08:59,220 some cases, that's probably true, but not all. But they 138 00:08:59,220 --> 00:09:02,070 spent a lot of time going through all of these different 139 00:09:02,070 --> 00:09:05,820 programs, trying to sell that narrative, and to be honest with 140 00:09:05,820 --> 00:09:09,900 you, that's tried to be done for decades with the US government, 141 00:09:10,080 --> 00:09:13,830 and nothing has really even stuck. In fact, when they try 142 00:09:13,830 --> 00:09:17,310 and do that, like the CIA did with the YouTube flights, they 143 00:09:17,310 --> 00:09:20,070 generally just stick their foot in their mouth by saying, hey, 144 00:09:20,310 --> 00:09:25,080 remember all those 1950s UFO sightings? That was us? That was 145 00:09:25,080 --> 00:09:28,620 one of their tweets that they tried years and years ago. And 146 00:09:28,620 --> 00:09:30,840 when you actually look in the documentation, you realize it's 147 00:09:30,840 --> 00:09:33,690 wrong. So this isn't a new narrative for them. They've been 148 00:09:33,690 --> 00:09:37,560 selling this for decades. Sadly, they just keep failing at it, 149 00:09:37,770 --> 00:09:40,950 but they keep trying again and again. So you got to give them 150 00:09:40,950 --> 00:09:44,430 to you got to give that to them that at least they're trying but 151 00:09:44,490 --> 00:09:48,030 sadly kind of fallen flat on explaining this away as top 152 00:09:48,030 --> 00:09:48,930 secret programs. 153 00:09:50,520 --> 00:09:52,260 When I said that we were going to stick with the executive 154 00:09:52,260 --> 00:09:56,430 summary for a bit I meant it and here's why. When you have a 155 00:09:56,430 --> 00:10:01,680 60 7080 100 or 300 page report That's a lot to go over. You 156 00:10:01,680 --> 00:10:05,820 know, even for people like me who love this stuff, sometimes 157 00:10:05,820 --> 00:10:08,400 it gets a little bit tedious. So with a lot of government 158 00:10:08,400 --> 00:10:11,340 reports, they create what's called an executive summary. And 159 00:10:11,340 --> 00:10:14,910 this essentially takes the 60 pages or so when it comes to 160 00:10:14,910 --> 00:10:19,710 this report, or however many it may be, and they shrink it all 161 00:10:19,710 --> 00:10:23,880 down into something that's much more manageable, readable, and 162 00:10:23,910 --> 00:10:27,630 won't take a whole lot of your time versus reading the entire 163 00:10:27,630 --> 00:10:30,180 report. So I'm gonna hang out here for a little bit in the 164 00:10:30,180 --> 00:10:33,000 report and go over some of the sections and conclusions. To 165 00:10:33,000 --> 00:10:36,510 give you guys an overview of what narrative the government is 166 00:10:36,510 --> 00:10:39,660 trying to sell you with this report. I believe that there is 167 00:10:39,660 --> 00:10:43,260 evidence to support that they are not completely accurate 168 00:10:43,260 --> 00:10:47,160 here. But in fairness, I also believe that there's evidence to 169 00:10:47,160 --> 00:10:51,210 support that they are, and it all falls back on information 170 00:10:51,210 --> 00:10:54,180 that's obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, in 171 00:10:54,180 --> 00:10:58,800 some cases, information that's been around for decades. Sadly, 172 00:10:58,800 --> 00:11:01,710 this report just doesn't deal with it. So you'll kind of see 173 00:11:01,710 --> 00:11:04,800 as we go through here, that their stuff to support what the 174 00:11:04,800 --> 00:11:08,160 US government is saying, and their stuff to combat what the 175 00:11:08,160 --> 00:11:11,310 US government is saying. And I'll try and deal with as much 176 00:11:11,310 --> 00:11:14,820 as I can, in the in the timeframe here for this 177 00:11:14,880 --> 00:11:18,240 presentation. But diving into the executive summary, you can 178 00:11:18,240 --> 00:11:21,600 see here, it starts in section two. And for those that want to 179 00:11:21,600 --> 00:11:24,090 follow along, you can go ahead and click on the link in the 180 00:11:24,270 --> 00:11:27,660 show's description, whether it's here on YouTube, or if you're 181 00:11:27,660 --> 00:11:32,760 listening to the audio podcast version. Arrow found no evidence 182 00:11:32,760 --> 00:11:36,150 that any US government investigation, academic 183 00:11:36,150 --> 00:11:39,570 sponsored research, or official review panel has confirmed that 184 00:11:39,570 --> 00:11:42,600 any sighting of a UAP represented extraterrestrial 185 00:11:42,720 --> 00:11:48,600 technology. This obviously was the biggest blow to those 186 00:11:48,630 --> 00:11:53,280 wanting disclosure, that David grush has been around during the 187 00:11:53,280 --> 00:11:57,180 time that this report was being written and researched. The 40 188 00:11:57,300 --> 00:12:00,780 people that he claimed that he talked to those people have been 189 00:12:00,780 --> 00:12:04,230 floating around with stories, some of which may have talked to 190 00:12:04,230 --> 00:12:08,280 arrow, we don't know again, the list of names. But there's a lot 191 00:12:08,280 --> 00:12:11,850 that people have wanted. So for them to just start off saying 192 00:12:11,850 --> 00:12:15,030 Nope, there's no evidence of aliens kind of popped the 193 00:12:15,030 --> 00:12:19,020 balloon, pardon the pun, of quite a few people and their 194 00:12:19,020 --> 00:12:22,350 expectations, their hopes, their dreams, their wants their 195 00:12:22,350 --> 00:12:27,630 desires, with reports like this, because as more of this happens, 196 00:12:27,840 --> 00:12:31,590 as more of these reports are created and generated, and they 197 00:12:31,590 --> 00:12:37,290 come out into the public realm. That balloon gets popped over 198 00:12:37,290 --> 00:12:42,330 and over and over. And that disclosure dream that some 199 00:12:42,330 --> 00:12:45,780 people have been claiming is underway. Some people, even 200 00:12:45,780 --> 00:12:49,890 former government personnel, claiming that disclosure is 201 00:12:49,890 --> 00:12:55,560 underway and or happening as we speak. This is not disclosure in 202 00:12:55,560 --> 00:12:58,470 the way that many people have been preaching about. So that's 203 00:12:58,470 --> 00:13:01,980 going to make some people cringe a little bit. But this is the 204 00:13:02,010 --> 00:13:05,760 claim that the US government is making in this report. They say 205 00:13:05,790 --> 00:13:10,290 although many UAP reports remain unsolved, or unidentified arrow 206 00:13:10,290 --> 00:13:14,130 assesses that if more and better quality data were available. 207 00:13:14,580 --> 00:13:18,330 Most of these cases also could be identified and resolved as 208 00:13:18,360 --> 00:13:24,480 ordinary objects or phenomena. What's kind of frustrating about 209 00:13:24,480 --> 00:13:28,560 lines like that is you don't know how to solve something if 210 00:13:28,560 --> 00:13:31,320 you don't have the evidence. So how can you just say, Well, if 211 00:13:31,320 --> 00:13:33,480 we had the evidence, we'd solve it. And it's not 212 00:13:33,480 --> 00:13:36,990 extraterrestrial, it's not anything. Now, I should say, for 213 00:13:36,990 --> 00:13:41,040 those who don't know me, I don't argue the E T hypothesis here. I 214 00:13:41,040 --> 00:13:44,220 don't come at you and say it has to be alien, because we can't 215 00:13:44,220 --> 00:13:48,540 explain it. But if we're doing a scientific study, and cases 216 00:13:48,540 --> 00:13:52,080 don't have viable data, what do you do? Assume what that data 217 00:13:52,080 --> 00:13:55,230 is, if you were to get it? No, of course not you figure out a 218 00:13:55,230 --> 00:13:59,820 way to get it. And when you look at UAV, UFO and UAP history, and 219 00:13:59,820 --> 00:14:02,820 you go back now literally decades, if you want to believe 220 00:14:02,820 --> 00:14:05,580 the OS app stories, and the government was really funding 221 00:14:05,580 --> 00:14:08,100 UAP research, we'll deal with that a little bit more in a bit. 222 00:14:08,100 --> 00:14:10,800 But if you really believe all those stories, right, and take 223 00:14:10,800 --> 00:14:16,230 them for what they are and their UAP studies, what did they do 224 00:14:16,230 --> 00:14:19,680 for all those years and spent 10s of millions of dollars? What 225 00:14:19,680 --> 00:14:23,850 did they do? They still here in 2024, issuing reports saying, 226 00:14:23,850 --> 00:14:26,670 well, we just don't have good data. Well, what in the world 227 00:14:26,670 --> 00:14:30,930 were all these investigative programs doing? Spending 10s of 228 00:14:30,930 --> 00:14:35,250 billions of dollars like OSS, AP that we can prove? And when I 229 00:14:35,250 --> 00:14:38,340 say prove, we know the money went there, whether it was 230 00:14:38,340 --> 00:14:41,250 mismanaged or not, that's a different conversation. But 231 00:14:41,250 --> 00:14:46,050 regardless if if they really were trying to investigate UAP 232 00:14:46,050 --> 00:14:50,370 and UFOs What did they do with that money? What did a tip do? 233 00:14:50,430 --> 00:14:54,090 If you believe all the stories there that Luis Elizondo headed 234 00:14:54,090 --> 00:14:57,420 this program within the Pentagon? What did they do for 235 00:14:57,420 --> 00:15:01,620 years according to his side of the story? It was from 2007, or 236 00:15:01,620 --> 00:15:04,410 2008, again, depending upon which Interviewer You listened 237 00:15:04,410 --> 00:15:08,460 to, all the way through 2017, that he was doing the a tip 238 00:15:08,670 --> 00:15:11,580 program. So let's just say it wasn't even a program, it was a 239 00:15:11,580 --> 00:15:14,910 portfolio and he didn't even have funding for it. And he was 240 00:15:14,910 --> 00:15:19,410 trying to, to do something when it came to UAP. What exactly did 241 00:15:19,410 --> 00:15:22,530 they do? And I think those are all important questions, as 242 00:15:22,530 --> 00:15:26,940 taxpayers look from the outside, in that 10s of millions of 243 00:15:26,940 --> 00:15:32,010 dollars that we can prove have been spent, or people's times in 244 00:15:32,010 --> 00:15:35,430 their free time, whatever, whatever the explanation is, we 245 00:15:35,430 --> 00:15:38,970 still don't have data to look at. So that's what's frustrating 246 00:15:38,970 --> 00:15:42,120 about this is that we keep hearing this over and over. And 247 00:15:42,120 --> 00:15:44,880 if you know, your UFO history, when you go back to Bluebook, 248 00:15:45,030 --> 00:15:48,360 they use some of the same excuses, that they couldn't 249 00:15:48,360 --> 00:15:52,890 solve a certain number of cases, on paper, they claimed 701. But 250 00:15:52,890 --> 00:15:58,020 if you look at it's probably a much larger number. They lacked 251 00:15:58,020 --> 00:16:01,470 data. And they even said back then decades ago, if we had 252 00:16:01,470 --> 00:16:04,890 data, we can solve these cases, from a scientific perspective, 253 00:16:04,890 --> 00:16:07,830 how can you say that? Right? If you don't have the data, then 254 00:16:07,830 --> 00:16:11,130 you don't have the data, you can't assume what the data is. 255 00:16:11,190 --> 00:16:15,480 That's not science. That's just simply an explanation, not a 256 00:16:15,510 --> 00:16:18,930 investigation. So you have to look at the difference there. So 257 00:16:18,930 --> 00:16:21,360 I was frustrated to see that right off the bat in the 258 00:16:21,360 --> 00:16:26,310 executive summary here, that in 2024, they are continuing that 259 00:16:26,310 --> 00:16:29,550 line, that they can't solve amount of certain amount of 260 00:16:29,550 --> 00:16:32,730 cases. But don't worry, if we had more data, we probably 261 00:16:32,730 --> 00:16:35,280 could. Well, those are assumptions that aren't fair to 262 00:16:35,280 --> 00:16:38,040 make, because you don't know what the data is clearly because 263 00:16:38,040 --> 00:16:42,900 you don't have it. Arrow found no empirical evidence for claims 264 00:16:42,900 --> 00:16:44,790 that the US government and private companies have in 265 00:16:44,790 --> 00:16:47,340 reverse engineering extraterrestrial technology, 266 00:16:47,760 --> 00:16:50,850 Arrow determined based on all information provided to date, 267 00:16:51,180 --> 00:16:54,480 the claims involving specific people known locations, 268 00:16:54,660 --> 00:16:58,200 technological tests, and documents allegedly involved in 269 00:16:58,200 --> 00:17:01,470 or related to the reverse engineering of extraterrestrial 270 00:17:01,470 --> 00:17:05,280 technology are inaccurate, additional claims will be 271 00:17:05,280 --> 00:17:12,990 addressed in volume two. It then starts to go through a bullet 272 00:17:12,990 --> 00:17:18,000 point list of some of the claims that they looked at, and 273 00:17:18,000 --> 00:17:22,170 essentially the conclusions that they came out with. And these 274 00:17:22,170 --> 00:17:25,110 are important to look at because again, it did summarizes a much 275 00:17:25,110 --> 00:17:29,670 lengthier explanation later in the report. But they interviewed 276 00:17:29,730 --> 00:17:34,770 about 30 witnesses or so for this particular report and took 277 00:17:34,770 --> 00:17:39,390 the main claims and this is kind of what they they dove into UAP 278 00:17:39,390 --> 00:17:42,780 non disclosure agreements aro has found no evidence of any 279 00:17:42,780 --> 00:17:47,010 authentic UAP related NDA or other evidence threatening 280 00:17:47,010 --> 00:17:52,050 death, or violence for disclosing UAP information. A 281 00:17:52,050 --> 00:17:57,420 CIA official allegedly managed UAP experimentation, the named 282 00:17:57,540 --> 00:18:01,560 former CIA official was not involved in the movement of 283 00:18:01,560 --> 00:18:06,240 extraterrestrial technology. The same former CIA officer signed a 284 00:18:06,240 --> 00:18:10,680 memo rejecting a claim made by interviewees that he managed the 285 00:18:10,680 --> 00:18:15,270 movement of an experienced experimentation on off world 286 00:18:15,270 --> 00:18:19,110 technology. Now we can have our guests on who the CIA official 287 00:18:19,110 --> 00:18:22,860 is, maybe people are bantering or even figured it out. I 288 00:18:22,860 --> 00:18:26,520 haven't seen it by the recording of this. And yeah, I might have 289 00:18:26,520 --> 00:18:30,030 a couple ideas. But as I start to read through this, whether 290 00:18:30,030 --> 00:18:33,270 true or not, and you believe the government or not, I don't know, 291 00:18:33,420 --> 00:18:36,090 to be honest with you what the right way is here. I think it's 292 00:18:36,090 --> 00:18:39,240 a mixture of both. But when it comes to claims like this, I 293 00:18:39,240 --> 00:18:42,690 kind of feel like these are the names that we've come to know. 294 00:18:43,050 --> 00:18:46,680 And that they say things to the general public. And they say 295 00:18:46,680 --> 00:18:50,070 them over and over, and sometimes for decades on end. 296 00:18:50,370 --> 00:18:53,310 And when push comes to shove, and now they're under oath or 297 00:18:53,310 --> 00:18:57,180 giving on the record statements to a US government investigative 298 00:18:57,180 --> 00:19:02,370 agency for the DOD. It's like they back up and say, Oh, well, 299 00:19:02,370 --> 00:19:02,640 no, 300 00:19:02,670 --> 00:19:06,210 I never really, I never really said that. I never really meant 301 00:19:06,210 --> 00:19:10,560 that, or back off from the story altogether. Or maybe they've 302 00:19:10,560 --> 00:19:13,950 made the claims more in private. And then again, when push comes 303 00:19:13,950 --> 00:19:16,380 to shove, their name gets dropped to an investigative arm 304 00:19:16,380 --> 00:19:19,980 like Arrow arrow says, Hey, what's the truth behind this? 305 00:19:19,980 --> 00:19:22,590 And they go, no, no, that's maybe a little misunderstanding. 306 00:19:23,040 --> 00:19:25,830 I don't know. That's speculation. I'm label labeling 307 00:19:25,830 --> 00:19:28,740 that speculation. But I think as I've read a couple of these 308 00:19:28,740 --> 00:19:32,100 things, and some of which are in this presentation as we move 309 00:19:32,100 --> 00:19:35,070 forward, keep that in the back of your mind because it makes 310 00:19:35,070 --> 00:19:38,220 you wonder these names that keep coming around that have been 311 00:19:38,220 --> 00:19:42,480 around for decades that find themselves in these programs, 312 00:19:42,720 --> 00:19:46,470 and the claims that they make in the general public. When that 313 00:19:46,470 --> 00:19:50,070 push comes to shove, are they backing up to the US government 314 00:19:50,070 --> 00:19:53,700 and going on actually, that's not the way it is, and they back 315 00:19:53,700 --> 00:19:58,590 off of it? Just something to keep in mind. Alleged UAP 316 00:19:58,590 --> 00:20:02,010 intelligence community document An alleged 1961 special national 317 00:20:02,010 --> 00:20:05,400 intelligence estimate that was quote leaked to online sources 318 00:20:05,460 --> 00:20:08,910 suggest the Extra Terrestrial nature's The Extra Terrestrial 319 00:20:08,910 --> 00:20:13,950 nature of UFOs. Is inauthentic. Yeah, pretty confident I know 320 00:20:13,980 --> 00:20:17,880 what document that would be to likely tied to the MJ 12 stuff. 321 00:20:18,420 --> 00:20:21,720 Regardless, you know, a lot of these documents have surfaced 322 00:20:21,720 --> 00:20:26,010 over the years. This is what arrow was brought. And that 323 00:20:26,010 --> 00:20:28,890 really surprised me as I started going through this, that that's 324 00:20:28,890 --> 00:20:32,250 what they spent their time on. Aliens present during a DOD 325 00:20:32,250 --> 00:20:36,300 technology test. Arrow reviewed information related to an 326 00:20:36,300 --> 00:20:39,030 account of an interviewee overhearing a conversation about 327 00:20:39,030 --> 00:20:42,960 a technology test at a military base where aliens allegedly were 328 00:20:42,960 --> 00:20:46,500 observing an arrow judges that the interviewee misunderstood 329 00:20:46,500 --> 00:20:50,760 the conversation claimed that a military officer touched an 330 00:20:50,760 --> 00:20:55,110 offworld craft. an interviewee claimed that an unnamed former 331 00:20:55,110 --> 00:20:58,890 military officer explained in detail how he physically touched 332 00:20:58,890 --> 00:21:03,120 an extraterrestrial spacecraft is inaccurate. The claim was 333 00:21:03,120 --> 00:21:06,990 denied on the record by the named former officer who 334 00:21:06,990 --> 00:21:11,460 recounted a story of when he touched an F 117 Nighthawk 335 00:21:11,460 --> 00:21:14,640 stealth fighter that could have been misconstrued by the 336 00:21:14,640 --> 00:21:19,800 interviewee, though the named former officer does not recall 337 00:21:19,800 --> 00:21:24,630 having this conversation with the interviewee. So it's another 338 00:21:24,630 --> 00:21:27,570 one of those instances where somebody goes to arrow and say, 339 00:21:27,570 --> 00:21:31,110 Hey, I was told this by so and so. And then so and so goes in 340 00:21:31,110 --> 00:21:34,590 there and arrow questions AMA, and they go no, I mean, I was 341 00:21:35,130 --> 00:21:39,150 touching maybe an f1 17 stealth fighter but not UFOs. How much 342 00:21:39,150 --> 00:21:42,750 of this is the interviewees mistake? Or how much is this the 343 00:21:42,750 --> 00:21:48,210 interviewee truly hearing what he did, or she recollecting that 344 00:21:48,210 --> 00:21:51,360 two arrow and then that person that made the claim backs off? 345 00:21:51,720 --> 00:21:55,530 So to me again, there's a couple instances where you you can't 346 00:21:55,530 --> 00:21:59,910 help but think that that is a potential possibility. Test of 347 00:21:59,910 --> 00:22:02,370 offworld technology and interviewee claimed that he 348 00:22:02,370 --> 00:22:05,520 witnessed what he believed to be the testing of extraterrestrial 349 00:22:05,520 --> 00:22:09,810 technology at a US government facility almost certainly was an 350 00:22:09,810 --> 00:22:14,100 observation of an authentic, non UAP related technology test 351 00:22:14,100 --> 00:22:18,720 that's strongly correlated in time, location, and description 352 00:22:18,870 --> 00:22:23,970 provided in the interviewees account. UAP disclosure study 353 00:22:23,970 --> 00:22:28,590 interviewees claimed that between 2004 and 2007, the White 354 00:22:28,590 --> 00:22:33,120 House requested a research institute in Virginia studied 355 00:22:33,120 --> 00:22:36,540 the theoretical societal impacts of disclosing that UAP are 356 00:22:36,540 --> 00:22:40,260 extraterrestrial in origin. Arrow confirmed that the study 357 00:22:40,260 --> 00:22:43,410 was conducted, but it was not requested by the White House. 358 00:22:45,240 --> 00:22:47,820 Named companies allegedly experimenting on alien 359 00:22:47,820 --> 00:22:51,960 technology, Arrow has found no evidence that US companies ever 360 00:22:52,290 --> 00:22:56,820 possessed offworld technology. The executives, scientists and 361 00:22:56,820 --> 00:23:00,510 chief technology officers of the companies named by interviewees 362 00:23:00,810 --> 00:23:04,680 met with the director of ero and denied on the record that they 363 00:23:04,680 --> 00:23:08,070 have ever recovered, possessed, or engaged in reverse 364 00:23:08,070 --> 00:23:13,680 engineering of extraterrestrial technology. experimentation on 365 00:23:13,680 --> 00:23:17,190 alleged extraterrestrial spacecraft sample, Arrow has 366 00:23:17,190 --> 00:23:20,190 concluded that a sample from an alleged crashed offworld 367 00:23:20,190 --> 00:23:25,230 spacecraft that arrow acquired from a private UAP investigating 368 00:23:25,440 --> 00:23:30,840 organization and the US Army is a manufactured terrestrial alloy 369 00:23:30,960 --> 00:23:34,830 and does not represent offworld technology or possess any 370 00:23:34,830 --> 00:23:38,760 exceptional qualities. The sample is primarily composed of 371 00:23:38,760 --> 00:23:42,420 magnesium and zinc and then it goes on from there. In other 372 00:23:42,420 --> 00:23:47,790 words TTSA and to the stars. And we can fill in that gap because 373 00:23:47,790 --> 00:23:50,670 we know that to the stars Academy of Arts and Science, 374 00:23:50,670 --> 00:23:54,210 which has now been rebranded into the entertainment company 375 00:23:54,210 --> 00:23:58,230 of to the stars media, founded by Tom DeLonge. That's how Luis 376 00:23:58,230 --> 00:24:02,520 Elizondo came and got introduced to the world. Chris Mellon was 377 00:24:02,520 --> 00:24:05,610 involved with that, again, a lot of those names that you hear 378 00:24:05,610 --> 00:24:08,880 over and over Dr. Howell put off, who had ties back to all 379 00:24:08,880 --> 00:24:12,960 SAP and Bigelow Aerospace. During the OSS AP days, fast 380 00:24:12,960 --> 00:24:18,090 forward was part of TTSA still is from what I understand, or at 381 00:24:18,090 --> 00:24:21,150 least the last I checked anyway, but regardless, a lot of the 382 00:24:21,150 --> 00:24:24,600 same names involved with that organization, they acquire a 383 00:24:24,600 --> 00:24:28,440 piece of an alleged UAP ship from Linda Moulton Howe. If 384 00:24:28,440 --> 00:24:31,110 you're not familiar, I did a long interview with Linda. 385 00:24:31,530 --> 00:24:35,490 Shortly after she sold that piece to the stars Academy for 386 00:24:35,490 --> 00:24:40,410 what was reported as I believe $35,000. She goes into great 387 00:24:40,410 --> 00:24:44,250 detail. Arrow got a hold of it. And they communicated with the 388 00:24:44,250 --> 00:24:47,370 army which by the way, I'm going after through FOIA all those 389 00:24:47,370 --> 00:24:52,500 communications between the army and arrow, but they investigated 390 00:24:52,500 --> 00:24:56,880 it and found that it was absolutely nothing extraordinary 391 00:24:56,970 --> 00:25:02,010 whatsoever. They go On with some of their conclusions arrow 392 00:25:02,010 --> 00:25:05,370 assesses that all of the named individuals or excuse me all of 393 00:25:05,370 --> 00:25:08,910 the named and described alleged hidden UAP reverse engineering 394 00:25:08,910 --> 00:25:12,360 programs provided by interviewees either do not exist 395 00:25:13,020 --> 00:25:15,750 are misidentified authentic, highly sensitive national 396 00:25:15,750 --> 00:25:18,390 security programs that are not related to extraterrestrial 397 00:25:18,390 --> 00:25:22,440 technology, exploitation, or resolve to an unwarranted or 398 00:25:22,440 --> 00:25:26,160 disestablished program. Obviously, here, we're now 399 00:25:26,160 --> 00:25:30,900 leaning towards the David grush, slash UFO whistleblower claims 400 00:25:31,020 --> 00:25:34,830 that we've heard a lot about in the last year, he claimed a lot 401 00:25:34,830 --> 00:25:37,260 about this, that there's 40 People floating around that he 402 00:25:37,260 --> 00:25:40,680 talked to, that essentially led him to those conclusions, 403 00:25:41,280 --> 00:25:44,700 whether you want to call it hearsay or not, there is still 404 00:25:44,700 --> 00:25:47,730 no supporting evidence that's been put forward by this with 405 00:25:47,760 --> 00:25:54,570 whistleblower to support any of that, and I think that arrow, 406 00:25:54,600 --> 00:25:58,500 although has not talked to David grush, as far as I'm aware, 407 00:25:59,550 --> 00:26:02,010 there's been a couple of different varying explanations 408 00:26:02,010 --> 00:26:07,200 why, but it sounds like arrow in one story, did not get back to 409 00:26:07,200 --> 00:26:10,830 David grush. That came from the Congressional hearing that David 410 00:26:10,830 --> 00:26:14,460 grush took part in. The other one was that David grush, did 411 00:26:14,460 --> 00:26:19,260 not essentially trust arrow or Dr. Shawn Kirkpatrick did not 412 00:26:19,260 --> 00:26:22,200 want to get the interview done, because he didn't trust them. 413 00:26:22,560 --> 00:26:26,460 Whichever way you slice it or dice it. It sounds like that 414 00:26:26,460 --> 00:26:29,850 Arrow did interview people that that maybe came from David 415 00:26:29,850 --> 00:26:34,110 Gratias List of 40. They looked into those claims, and they 416 00:26:34,110 --> 00:26:38,700 couldn't verify them. Now, here's what I'll say. Would 417 00:26:38,700 --> 00:26:43,530 arrow have access to that? And in my personal opinion, the 418 00:26:43,530 --> 00:26:47,790 answer would be no. It doesn't matter. That arrow has all of 419 00:26:47,790 --> 00:26:51,750 this access, and they claim they have access, and the DoD really 420 00:26:51,750 --> 00:26:55,500 wants them to have that answer. Let's play a hypothetical here. 421 00:26:55,950 --> 00:26:59,490 If they really had extraterrestrial exploitation 422 00:26:59,670 --> 00:27:04,920 programs of technology that was out of this world, you would not 423 00:27:04,980 --> 00:27:08,670 hear from them. I just don't think you would. And I think 424 00:27:08,670 --> 00:27:12,270 that people that have those beliefs that are coming forward, 425 00:27:13,080 --> 00:27:16,050 I think some of them are genuine. I think David grush is 426 00:27:16,080 --> 00:27:20,130 absolutely genuine, conveying the information that he has. I'm 427 00:27:20,130 --> 00:27:24,060 skeptical about the roots of his claims. And I still question why 428 00:27:24,060 --> 00:27:26,910 he hasn't shown his doctor review. I think that that is 429 00:27:26,910 --> 00:27:31,770 crucially important to this. But despite that skepticism, I do 430 00:27:31,770 --> 00:27:35,880 think that he's genuine, I think that he did his investigation, 431 00:27:36,180 --> 00:27:41,070 he he probably did talk to 40 people, you probably recognize a 432 00:27:41,070 --> 00:27:44,880 lot of the names that he talked to, or you may not recognize 433 00:27:44,880 --> 00:27:49,950 their names, but I bet you $1 That that day spoke to people 434 00:27:49,980 --> 00:27:54,090 that you recognized. And so I think that that genuine 435 00:27:55,140 --> 00:27:59,970 conveying of the information is just that it's genuine. But if 436 00:27:59,970 --> 00:28:04,920 there's no concrete evidence to anybody, highlight, or 437 00:28:04,920 --> 00:28:08,430 spotlight, I should say to the public, that we should have it, 438 00:28:08,430 --> 00:28:10,350 the general public should have it. None of that should be 439 00:28:10,350 --> 00:28:12,360 classified. In my opinion. 440 00:28:13,980 --> 00:28:17,460 You can't fight this. And that's what's frustrating. And I've 441 00:28:17,460 --> 00:28:21,060 said it for years, even prior to David grush. Coming around, when 442 00:28:21,060 --> 00:28:26,160 you highlight stories, that are just that stories, you're going 443 00:28:26,160 --> 00:28:29,610 to get traction from the sensationalism of it, but you're 444 00:28:29,610 --> 00:28:34,080 not going to have it solidify with the general public, and and 445 00:28:34,080 --> 00:28:39,600 really coalesce into a movement. If you don't bring evidence 446 00:28:39,600 --> 00:28:44,430 along with it. I posted on social media. A week or so ago, 447 00:28:44,520 --> 00:28:48,210 when this report came out. And I said essentially, it's time for 448 00:28:48,210 --> 00:28:50,580 the quote unquote, whistleblowers, and I put it in 449 00:28:50,580 --> 00:28:56,010 quote, to become whistleblowers, without quotes. My entire point 450 00:28:56,010 --> 00:28:58,560 there is that yes, we can label whomever we want as a 451 00:28:58,560 --> 00:29:01,920 whistleblower with their stories. But if they don't back 452 00:29:01,920 --> 00:29:06,330 it up with actual evidence, we can never show it to Sean 453 00:29:06,360 --> 00:29:10,440 Kirkpatrick or arrow or anybody involved, or show it to the 454 00:29:10,440 --> 00:29:14,700 cameras on mainstream media and go look, the US government won't 455 00:29:14,700 --> 00:29:20,250 tell you, but we will. And I would absolutely, in my personal 456 00:29:20,250 --> 00:29:24,840 opinion, bet $1, again, that nobody who comes forward with 457 00:29:24,840 --> 00:29:28,140 proof of extraterrestrial technology is going to be taken 458 00:29:28,140 --> 00:29:33,030 away in cuffs for breaching their NDA or security clearance. 459 00:29:33,270 --> 00:29:36,990 Because I don't believe that it's justified to keep something 460 00:29:36,990 --> 00:29:42,060 like that secret or classified. It's why I push as much as I do 461 00:29:42,240 --> 00:29:45,240 on this particular topic with the US government. There are 462 00:29:45,240 --> 00:29:49,110 some cases away from UFO stuff that I think should be 463 00:29:49,110 --> 00:29:53,160 classified and remain so there's stuff with UFOs that I actually 464 00:29:53,160 --> 00:29:57,450 think sure I can understand why that's classified like the 465 00:29:57,450 --> 00:30:01,200 sensor system that might be from a class If I had platform or 466 00:30:01,890 --> 00:30:05,730 radar or whatever detection system sure I get it, that's 467 00:30:05,730 --> 00:30:09,030 classified technology, and rightfully so. But the 468 00:30:09,030 --> 00:30:13,170 technology that it's capturing if it truly is out of this world 469 00:30:13,170 --> 00:30:17,430 shouldn't be classified at all. So it just shouldn't be. And so 470 00:30:17,430 --> 00:30:20,100 somebody comes forward and proves to the world, right? They 471 00:30:20,100 --> 00:30:24,180 change humanity. Imagine if the US government, carted them off 472 00:30:24,180 --> 00:30:27,240 away to Guantanamo Bay, and said, This is where you're gonna 473 00:30:27,240 --> 00:30:30,450 be the rest of your life and lock the key and lock the cell 474 00:30:30,450 --> 00:30:33,510 and throw away the key. I don't buy it, I really just don't. 475 00:30:33,540 --> 00:30:36,360 Okay. So that's why I said, let's get those quote unquote, 476 00:30:36,360 --> 00:30:40,080 whistleblowers to now be whistleblowers come out, come 477 00:30:40,080 --> 00:30:43,140 out with this information, and just put it out there. Because 478 00:30:43,140 --> 00:30:47,460 these stories are not getting us anywhere. It's not because I 479 00:30:47,460 --> 00:30:50,190 don't want to believe them. It's not because I want the mystery 480 00:30:50,340 --> 00:30:55,440 to linger. It's, it's time, it's just time for the evidence, no 481 00:30:55,440 --> 00:31:00,180 more talks, no more books, no more private lectures to groups, 482 00:31:00,330 --> 00:31:04,770 none of that. If you want to change humanity, just change it, 483 00:31:05,010 --> 00:31:09,090 come out with it. And I guarantee then you would have a 484 00:31:09,090 --> 00:31:13,260 movement, nobody is going to be carted away to jail for that. 485 00:31:13,470 --> 00:31:16,380 And you will change humanity in the process. But they're nowhere 486 00:31:16,380 --> 00:31:19,380 to be found. They have the secret groups and secret 487 00:31:19,380 --> 00:31:23,070 beliefs. And according to some people, they leak their secret 488 00:31:23,070 --> 00:31:26,010 breadcrumbs to bloggers and stuff like that. That's 489 00:31:26,040 --> 00:31:29,250 ridiculously silly. Because if there's evidence floating out 490 00:31:29,250 --> 00:31:32,910 there, now's the time, especially after a report like 491 00:31:32,910 --> 00:31:37,080 this comes out. Arrow assesses that the inaccurate claim that 492 00:31:37,080 --> 00:31:39,720 the US government has reverse engineering extraterrestrial 493 00:31:39,720 --> 00:31:43,380 technology, and is hiding it from Congress is in large part, 494 00:31:43,620 --> 00:31:47,670 the result of circular reporting from a group of individuals who 495 00:31:47,670 --> 00:31:51,990 believe this to be the case, despite the lack of any 496 00:31:51,990 --> 00:31:59,250 evidence. The same thing that many of us have said, for years, 497 00:31:59,280 --> 00:32:02,760 those that feel there is something to these phenomena, 498 00:32:03,000 --> 00:32:05,460 that there is something to this topic, and I'm speaking about me 499 00:32:05,460 --> 00:32:08,400 with that I believe that there's something to this. But my 500 00:32:08,400 --> 00:32:12,870 biggest fear was that the same types of people, do they really 501 00:32:12,870 --> 00:32:16,500 have the keys to the cosmos that they know, all of the government 502 00:32:16,500 --> 00:32:21,300 secrets and everything there is to know about extra terrestrial 503 00:32:21,300 --> 00:32:24,900 technology and, and secret government programs. And it's 504 00:32:24,900 --> 00:32:28,830 all the small group of people? Or are those the storytellers 505 00:32:28,830 --> 00:32:33,510 and the real story is hidden somewhere else? That it's that 506 00:32:33,510 --> 00:32:39,270 it's not within the reach of of a podcast, or an upcoming book. 507 00:32:39,600 --> 00:32:43,440 But rather, you have to fight for that truth. And by fight, I 508 00:32:43,440 --> 00:32:47,850 mean, seek it out. You have to do whatever legal means that you 509 00:32:47,850 --> 00:32:50,910 can with the US government. I hate the war rhetoric. So that's 510 00:32:50,910 --> 00:32:57,810 why I wanted to correct the fight reference there. But every 511 00:32:57,840 --> 00:33:02,310 legal way to do this, and if if and if it's a whistleblower 512 00:33:02,310 --> 00:33:05,370 coming out and giving that information that should not be 513 00:33:05,370 --> 00:33:08,130 legally classified. That's one of those rare instances where 514 00:33:08,130 --> 00:33:12,870 I'd support it, bring them out, let's see that information. And 515 00:33:12,870 --> 00:33:16,770 yet, they're they're not there. It all routes to the same group 516 00:33:16,770 --> 00:33:19,860 of people. So now, it's not me telling you that, right? It's 517 00:33:19,860 --> 00:33:24,000 not mainstream media. Now, the US government is saying to that 518 00:33:24,000 --> 00:33:27,630 doesn't mean it's true. But I hope that you guys recognize 519 00:33:27,630 --> 00:33:30,840 that that this is problematic, that we hear those same people 520 00:33:30,840 --> 00:33:34,560 over and over and over with their stories. And nothing has 521 00:33:34,560 --> 00:33:38,040 ever proven. So now, the government is congressionally 522 00:33:38,040 --> 00:33:42,090 mandated to do this report. And they're hearing from the same 523 00:33:42,090 --> 00:33:45,390 people coming to the same conclusion that many of us have, 524 00:33:45,750 --> 00:33:50,310 that a lot of these guys are just spewing out stories. And 525 00:33:50,310 --> 00:33:53,910 that's what's frustrating. Because they're not looking, 526 00:33:53,970 --> 00:33:57,510 they meaning arrow, at the real information, the government 527 00:33:57,510 --> 00:34:01,620 documents, the intelligence reports, and the data that we 528 00:34:01,620 --> 00:34:07,170 know is there. Instead, they're focusing on stories. And that's 529 00:34:07,170 --> 00:34:09,720 what's frustrating for someone like me, and I'll deal with that 530 00:34:09,720 --> 00:34:12,360 towards the end of this on how much they really have missed. 531 00:34:13,980 --> 00:34:16,470 Arrow notes that although claims that the US government has 532 00:34:16,470 --> 00:34:20,580 recovered and hidden spacecraft back to the 1940s and 50s, more 533 00:34:20,580 --> 00:34:24,900 modern instances of these claims largely stem from a consistent 534 00:34:24,900 --> 00:34:28,050 group of individuals who have been involved in various UAP 535 00:34:28,050 --> 00:34:33,630 related endeavors since at least 2009. What happened in 2009, all 536 00:34:33,630 --> 00:34:37,290 SAP was stood up and was underway. Dr. Howell put off 537 00:34:37,290 --> 00:34:41,220 Robert Bigelow, Dr. Colin Keller, her all of the names 538 00:34:41,220 --> 00:34:45,420 that we're seeing today. It seems like that's who they're 539 00:34:45,420 --> 00:34:48,690 referring to here that they're the ones that are routed to the 540 00:34:48,690 --> 00:34:52,110 stories. Many of these individuals were involved in are 541 00:34:52,110 --> 00:34:55,470 supportive of a canceled dia program, and the subsequent but 542 00:34:55,470 --> 00:34:58,380 failed attempt to re establish this program under the 543 00:34:58,380 --> 00:35:02,220 Department of Homeland Security. hauled Kona Blue. That's new 544 00:35:02,250 --> 00:35:06,630 Kona Blue is new. Now we knew back in January, Dr. Shawn 545 00:35:06,630 --> 00:35:12,480 Kirkpatrick had said that there was this effort to get DHS to 546 00:35:12,510 --> 00:35:16,890 continue us up. Now, in fairness to James McCaskey, the DIA 547 00:35:16,890 --> 00:35:22,110 scientist, who on again, on the DIA side headed OS app, they 548 00:35:22,110 --> 00:35:24,540 brought that out, I believe in skinwalkers at the Pentagon 549 00:35:24,540 --> 00:35:30,030 first, that there was an effort to get DHS involved. But no one 550 00:35:30,030 --> 00:35:35,160 knew the name Kona Blue, and no one knew the extent of it. I'll 551 00:35:35,160 --> 00:35:38,280 bring up Kona Blue later in the slide presentation, because it 552 00:35:38,280 --> 00:35:41,460 does go in this report goes into more detail. But I think I'm 553 00:35:41,460 --> 00:35:44,970 going to hold off going into much detail on it. Because I 554 00:35:44,970 --> 00:35:49,230 smell a deeper dive on Kona Blue, and what's going to come 555 00:35:49,230 --> 00:35:53,100 out, I don't have that firsthand knowledge. I don't know exactly 556 00:35:53,130 --> 00:35:56,070 what's going to come out. But let's just say I have a feeling 557 00:35:56,070 --> 00:36:00,300 that there's going to be more documentation from DHS. I've had 558 00:36:00,300 --> 00:36:04,920 a case since January for it. We also know that through Stephen 559 00:36:04,920 --> 00:36:07,590 Green Street and the New York Post who was monitoring the 560 00:36:07,590 --> 00:36:11,520 error website noted that Kona documents may be added there. 561 00:36:12,000 --> 00:36:15,180 They have removed that link. But essentially it was like they 562 00:36:15,180 --> 00:36:19,680 were editing a live page. And to Steven green streets credit 563 00:36:20,250 --> 00:36:23,130 noted that that the report was likely on its way out because 564 00:36:23,130 --> 00:36:26,940 they had a dead link, but it was programmed in and then this Kona 565 00:36:26,940 --> 00:36:31,980 Blue reference with documents. So there was that as well. And 566 00:36:33,060 --> 00:36:35,790 Shawn Kirkpatrick has also referenced Kona Blue material 567 00:36:35,790 --> 00:36:39,150 being released. So all of these kinds of puzzle pieces are 568 00:36:39,150 --> 00:36:42,060 fitting together that that there's going to be more to that 569 00:36:42,300 --> 00:36:46,530 on what they wanted to do with continuing off SAP but failed to 570 00:36:46,530 --> 00:36:51,360 do it because DHS said no, that's not of interest. Arrow 571 00:36:51,360 --> 00:36:54,330 assesses that UAP sightings and reports of the sightings to US 572 00:36:54,330 --> 00:36:58,020 government organizations and claims that some UAP constitute 573 00:36:58,020 --> 00:37:01,320 Extra Terrestrial craft and that the US government has secured 574 00:37:01,320 --> 00:37:04,620 and is experimenting on an extraterrestrial technology have 575 00:37:04,620 --> 00:37:08,130 been influenced by a range of cultural, political, and 576 00:37:08,130 --> 00:37:11,550 technological factors. Arrow bases this conclusion on the 577 00:37:11,550 --> 00:37:16,230 following factors. The aggregate findings of the US government 578 00:37:16,230 --> 00:37:19,770 investigations to date have not found even one case of UAP 579 00:37:19,770 --> 00:37:23,460 representing offworld technology. None of the programs 580 00:37:23,460 --> 00:37:26,010 mentioned by interviewees are UAP reverse engineering 581 00:37:26,010 --> 00:37:29,130 programs, and all the authentic programs have been properly 582 00:37:29,130 --> 00:37:31,380 notified and reported to Congress through the 583 00:37:31,380 --> 00:37:35,610 congressional defense and or intelligence committees. Arrow 584 00:37:35,610 --> 00:37:38,850 has no evidence for the US government reverse engineering 585 00:37:38,850 --> 00:37:41,580 narrative provided by interviewees, and has been able 586 00:37:41,580 --> 00:37:45,030 to disprove the majority of the interviews interviewees claims, 587 00:37:45,270 --> 00:37:48,450 some claims are still under evaluation, curious, but what's 588 00:37:48,450 --> 00:37:53,040 still under evaluation. Error determined that a piece of metal 589 00:37:53,040 --> 00:37:56,010 alleged to be recovered from an offworld spacecraft is ordinary 590 00:37:56,010 --> 00:37:58,830 of terrestrial origin, and possesses no exceptional 591 00:37:58,830 --> 00:37:59,400 qualities. 592 00:37:59,610 --> 00:38:02,550 So I'll say it again, if there really is those UAP reverse 593 00:38:02,550 --> 00:38:05,550 engineering programs, I don't believe arrow would have access 594 00:38:05,550 --> 00:38:08,730 to it. I believe they would stay in the black world, I believe 595 00:38:08,730 --> 00:38:13,110 that they would not be put out to the public and quite possibly 596 00:38:13,110 --> 00:38:16,890 Congress would be left in the dark as well. That is proven by 597 00:38:16,890 --> 00:38:21,540 decade's worth of programs that have not been told to Congress 598 00:38:21,570 --> 00:38:25,500 or if they have, it's a very small select group of congress 599 00:38:25,500 --> 00:38:28,800 that's made aware of these and their security oaths takeover, 600 00:38:28,830 --> 00:38:32,010 that they are properly briefed, but they don't go to a press 601 00:38:32,010 --> 00:38:34,830 conference or whatever, and start talking about whatever 602 00:38:34,830 --> 00:38:37,530 highly classified program they may have been briefed on 603 00:38:37,530 --> 00:38:43,140 privately. So whole point being, this is all silliness to me. 604 00:38:43,710 --> 00:38:46,110 Because when you look at government secrets as a whole 605 00:38:46,110 --> 00:38:49,470 that goes back decades and decades and decades, inside and 606 00:38:49,470 --> 00:38:53,310 outside the UFO arena, there are secrets here that I just don't 607 00:38:53,310 --> 00:38:56,730 believe would come out, and an unclassified report all because 608 00:38:56,730 --> 00:39:00,240 Congress says You better tell us what you did with UFOs and UAP. 609 00:39:00,480 --> 00:39:03,300 I think that there's enough evidence now to support that 610 00:39:03,300 --> 00:39:07,770 there is a massive secrecy layer over this topic. And it is not 611 00:39:07,770 --> 00:39:12,720 as easily dismissed, as this report wants to have us believe. 612 00:39:13,140 --> 00:39:16,350 Again, I'm not preaching the alien narrative. But what I am 613 00:39:16,350 --> 00:39:20,580 saying is that all of this fluff that's in here are dealing with 614 00:39:20,580 --> 00:39:24,510 those unsubstantiated stories, but the real stuff, the stuff 615 00:39:24,510 --> 00:39:26,970 that does come out through documentation throughout CIA, 616 00:39:26,970 --> 00:39:30,960 DIA, NSA, so on and so forth. They just ignore it. They just 617 00:39:30,960 --> 00:39:33,960 don't even deal with it. In this book. They deal with the cover 618 00:39:33,960 --> 00:39:37,230 stories of Bluebook and grudge and all of those UFO 619 00:39:37,230 --> 00:39:40,380 investigative programs, but they don't deal with the 620 00:39:40,380 --> 00:39:43,440 documentation. Beyond that. That's what's frustrating. 621 00:39:44,460 --> 00:39:47,280 Several factors domestic and international, most likely 622 00:39:47,280 --> 00:39:50,160 influenced sightings reports in the belief by some individuals, 623 00:39:50,370 --> 00:39:53,850 that there is a sufficient proof that some UAP represent Extra 624 00:39:53,850 --> 00:39:56,490 Terrestrial technology. So again, they're just driving this 625 00:39:56,490 --> 00:40:00,810 home over and over and over about it's not alien. Since, but 626 00:40:00,810 --> 00:40:04,050 they're not dealing with the actual information and evidence 627 00:40:04,050 --> 00:40:08,040 that they have that has come out through FOIA and that people 628 00:40:08,040 --> 00:40:13,080 like me have question for literally decades. Arrow 629 00:40:13,080 --> 00:40:15,960 assesses that some portion of sightings since the 40s have 630 00:40:15,960 --> 00:40:19,410 represented Miss identification never before seen experimental, 631 00:40:19,740 --> 00:40:23,580 and operational space rocket and air systems, including stealth 632 00:40:23,580 --> 00:40:25,830 technologies and the proliferation of drone 633 00:40:25,830 --> 00:40:29,010 platforms. I showed you in the table of contents, they show all 634 00:40:29,010 --> 00:40:32,580 of these different programs, and so on and so forth. But what's 635 00:40:32,580 --> 00:40:35,850 interesting is that you really can't attribute any of these top 636 00:40:35,850 --> 00:40:40,350 secret programs to the military sightings that have been 637 00:40:40,350 --> 00:40:44,100 documented, like the tic tac encounter, even though I am 638 00:40:44,100 --> 00:40:47,790 skeptical about that being anything but a classified 639 00:40:47,790 --> 00:40:50,970 platform being tested, they still haven't explained it yet. 640 00:40:51,240 --> 00:40:55,860 So I may be skeptical and say that's likely what that is just 641 00:40:55,860 --> 00:40:59,340 by the story and the evidence and so on. But it hasn't been 642 00:40:59,340 --> 00:41:02,460 confirmed yet. And you even go back to the Blue Book Day, some 643 00:41:02,460 --> 00:41:05,610 of the bigger cases like the Socorro landing, that people 644 00:41:05,610 --> 00:41:09,630 have theories on the one where there was a test of a lunar 645 00:41:09,630 --> 00:41:13,680 lander. Another one was a hoax from neighboring students. I 646 00:41:13,680 --> 00:41:16,740 know people have theories, but the government has never been 647 00:41:16,740 --> 00:41:21,810 able to connect those dots. So they try and claim overall, hey, 648 00:41:21,930 --> 00:41:25,920 this was us, or the large part it was us, but they don't deal 649 00:41:25,920 --> 00:41:29,100 with the stuff again, from the military side. They kind of 650 00:41:29,100 --> 00:41:31,980 gloss over that. And they want the general public to believe 651 00:41:31,980 --> 00:41:36,540 these blanket responses. Oh, it was it was just us. Don't worry 652 00:41:36,540 --> 00:41:39,810 about that. And I go back to that CIA tweet. They tried it 653 00:41:39,810 --> 00:41:43,800 years ago with the utu. And yet not a single major sighting, 654 00:41:44,220 --> 00:41:47,340 from the mid to the late 50s, when they were flying, the utu 655 00:41:47,700 --> 00:41:51,030 lined up to anything that they could actually connect. But that 656 00:41:51,030 --> 00:41:55,380 didn't stop them from trying. So that's why I always press look 657 00:41:55,380 --> 00:41:58,770 at the actual documentation, look at the information that's 658 00:41:58,770 --> 00:42:03,180 available. Don't listen to these silly reports, use these reports 659 00:42:03,270 --> 00:42:06,480 to work backwards and see how they came to these conclusions. 660 00:42:06,750 --> 00:42:10,650 If evidence supports it, great. If evidence doesn't support it, 661 00:42:10,980 --> 00:42:14,850 then even better, because then you get to see a little bit more 662 00:42:14,850 --> 00:42:18,720 of that picture. And try a little bit harder for the 663 00:42:18,720 --> 00:42:21,510 evidence to support or refute what the government is saying. 664 00:42:23,460 --> 00:42:26,790 If it wasn't obvious already, this was Volume One, there is 665 00:42:26,790 --> 00:42:30,360 going to be a volume two. So this particular one that we've 666 00:42:30,360 --> 00:42:35,250 been going over, it covers the findings from 1945 to October, 667 00:42:35,250 --> 00:42:39,060 the end of October and 2023. Last year. Essentially that's 668 00:42:39,060 --> 00:42:41,910 their their cutoff date, so they have to cut it off somewhere, 669 00:42:42,150 --> 00:42:45,240 then they deal with that, write the report and then release it. 670 00:42:46,380 --> 00:42:48,990 Volume Two will include any findings resulting from 671 00:42:48,990 --> 00:42:52,320 interviews and research completed from one November 2023 672 00:42:52,590 --> 00:42:57,000 to 15, April 2024. So now they're going to they're going 673 00:42:57,000 --> 00:43:00,060 to go back, then here we are almost in April, what is it? 674 00:43:00,540 --> 00:43:04,200 March 19. Once we get to mid April, then they're going to 675 00:43:04,200 --> 00:43:07,800 start creating that volume too. So who have they talked to what 676 00:43:07,800 --> 00:43:11,130 more information findings did they make? Who knows kind of a 677 00:43:11,130 --> 00:43:13,950 crapshoot to guess at this point, but that will then be 678 00:43:13,980 --> 00:43:18,120 Volume Two, so much more modern. Hopefully they will deal with 679 00:43:18,120 --> 00:43:21,150 the tic tac hopefully they will deal with some of these other 680 00:43:21,150 --> 00:43:24,600 cases. I know they're trying to explain away the the go fast and 681 00:43:24,600 --> 00:43:27,150 the gimbal. And in fairness, they might be right, that 682 00:43:27,150 --> 00:43:30,720 science and the debate about glare and not glare and it's 683 00:43:30,720 --> 00:43:35,160 going fast. No, it's not that science is over my head. I don't 684 00:43:35,160 --> 00:43:38,880 even care to pretend to know what they're talking about with 685 00:43:38,880 --> 00:43:43,800 their calculations. All I know is that it's a mess. And all I 686 00:43:43,800 --> 00:43:48,630 know is that it's pitted skeptics, against believers and 687 00:43:48,630 --> 00:43:51,390 everyone in between. And everybody just seems like 688 00:43:51,390 --> 00:43:55,440 they're caught up in those cases, arguing for months and 689 00:43:55,440 --> 00:43:59,220 years on end about trying to solve those particular cases. 690 00:43:59,520 --> 00:44:03,030 It's almost not to sound conspiratorial, it's almost like 691 00:44:03,030 --> 00:44:07,560 that's the plan. Like let those things leak. Because Have you 692 00:44:07,560 --> 00:44:10,200 ever noticed that no one really got in trouble. They did their 693 00:44:10,200 --> 00:44:14,040 investigation and into those three videos that came out. And 694 00:44:14,310 --> 00:44:18,210 obviously the story was completely bunk, by the way that 695 00:44:18,210 --> 00:44:22,050 I can comfortably say because the story we were originally 696 00:44:22,050 --> 00:44:28,290 told about the FLIR, the gimbal in the end of 2017, and then the 697 00:44:28,290 --> 00:44:33,180 go fast in March of 2018. The stories behind those was just 698 00:44:33,180 --> 00:44:38,190 bunk, how they came out why they came out. Just not the same. 699 00:44:38,220 --> 00:44:42,210 It's not the same story. But why wasn't anybody ever really held 700 00:44:42,210 --> 00:44:44,700 accountable for taking information from the Department 701 00:44:44,700 --> 00:44:48,300 of Defense? And according to Christopher Mellon, bending the 702 00:44:48,300 --> 00:44:53,490 rules, then leaking out don't mind my dog leaking out I agree. 703 00:44:54,150 --> 00:44:58,590 Leaking how the information to Christopher Mellon in the 704 00:44:58,590 --> 00:45:04,770 parking lot of the Pentagon. Those are stories that are being 705 00:45:04,770 --> 00:45:07,200 told and documentaries and podcast interviews by 706 00:45:07,200 --> 00:45:12,060 Christopher Mellon himself, and then conveyed by others with no 707 00:45:12,060 --> 00:45:15,870 problem whatsoever. Imagine if they were to take information 708 00:45:15,870 --> 00:45:19,260 about, you know, I don't want to get in too much trouble, but a 709 00:45:19,260 --> 00:45:23,700 political figure of some kind or their family of some kind, and 710 00:45:23,700 --> 00:45:29,220 then bent the rules to get that out on a on a CD ROM package and 711 00:45:29,220 --> 00:45:32,220 leaked it out to somebody to feed to the media, in the 712 00:45:32,220 --> 00:45:35,490 Pentagon parking lot. Do you think that somebody would care 713 00:45:35,490 --> 00:45:39,690 about that? And the answer is yes. But it's like with the UFO 714 00:45:39,690 --> 00:45:43,170 and UAP stuff and the leaks that not only stopped with the FLIR, 715 00:45:43,170 --> 00:45:47,460 the gimbal in the go fast, but rather went all the way for a 716 00:45:47,460 --> 00:45:51,060 couple of years, where you had various photographs that leaked 717 00:45:51,060 --> 00:45:54,930 out that it seemed like there was no problem. And then the 718 00:45:54,930 --> 00:45:57,660 Pentagon would even say, oh, yeah, that's utilized by the UAP 719 00:45:57,660 --> 00:46:01,470 Task Force. But but we can't comment past that. Really? Like 720 00:46:01,470 --> 00:46:05,430 how does that not matter to anybody there. And yet, when 721 00:46:05,430 --> 00:46:09,720 others are involved with leaking information on other topics, or 722 00:46:09,720 --> 00:46:14,490 sneaking stuff out on a Discord server, which I believe 723 00:46:14,550 --> 00:46:18,540 happened, they're charged immediately, and they're gone 724 00:46:18,540 --> 00:46:22,260 after? So what are we doing here? Like, what is it with 725 00:46:22,290 --> 00:46:25,260 UFOs? And UAP? That makes the Pentagon go up that who cares? 726 00:46:25,260 --> 00:46:27,900 It's leaking, yet all this other stuff leaks, and all of a 727 00:46:27,900 --> 00:46:30,540 sudden, you're like, boom, boom, boom, seeing investigation, 728 00:46:30,540 --> 00:46:34,530 prosecution? What's going on there? And again, it's like, 729 00:46:34,830 --> 00:46:38,610 that's the intention keep everybody screaming about 730 00:46:38,700 --> 00:46:42,330 algorithms and glare and not glare? And is it turning? Is it 731 00:46:42,330 --> 00:46:46,020 rotating? Is there really a fleet of them or not, just keep 732 00:46:46,020 --> 00:46:48,630 them busy over there, because they're not going to see what's 733 00:46:48,630 --> 00:46:52,170 going on over here. And for me, that's the greatest trick of a 734 00:46:52,170 --> 00:46:55,530 magician, I've talked about that analogy for years, look at my 735 00:46:55,530 --> 00:46:59,100 right hand, so you don't see what's going on in my left. And 736 00:46:59,100 --> 00:47:03,480 that is the absolute number one strategy to government secrecy. 737 00:47:03,930 --> 00:47:06,960 It's also why I call it the counter intelligence value to 738 00:47:06,960 --> 00:47:10,080 the UAP conversation, because you have no idea what the 739 00:47:10,080 --> 00:47:13,080 government actually knows or believes, what they have found 740 00:47:13,080 --> 00:47:15,960 out or what they're still investigating, you have no idea. 741 00:47:16,170 --> 00:47:18,390 And then you've got all these voices that have come out. And 742 00:47:18,390 --> 00:47:21,000 they've all got different varying degrees of their story. 743 00:47:21,390 --> 00:47:24,390 Many of them work together. But even their stories don't align. 744 00:47:24,690 --> 00:47:28,560 It's like they want to mess you up with your thinking. It's like 745 00:47:28,560 --> 00:47:32,370 they want to mess the topic up. It's like they want to destroy 746 00:47:32,880 --> 00:47:37,260 what has been built for decades of those that have looked into 747 00:47:37,260 --> 00:47:40,410 this topic and have come to the conclusion based on documented 748 00:47:40,410 --> 00:47:43,950 evidence, official FOIA responses, and even outside of 749 00:47:43,950 --> 00:47:46,350 the government, the investigations that they've done 750 00:47:46,350 --> 00:47:50,100 independently, have come to the conclusion for themselves. There 751 00:47:50,100 --> 00:47:52,800 is something to this, yet these other former government 752 00:47:52,800 --> 00:47:54,900 officials come along, everybody's got all these 753 00:47:54,900 --> 00:47:58,710 stories, nothing's backed up. And where are we at? We're with 754 00:47:58,740 --> 00:48:03,810 where we're at is now we have a report that the majority of the 755 00:48:03,810 --> 00:48:06,480 mainstream media just bought hook line, hook, line and 756 00:48:06,480 --> 00:48:10,410 sinker. And they want the general public to go, I guess 757 00:48:10,410 --> 00:48:13,620 there's really not anything to that UFO topic. And then you're 758 00:48:13,620 --> 00:48:16,500 gonna see the decade, the cover up last for a couple of decades, 759 00:48:16,530 --> 00:48:20,460 again, or half a century again, and then they're not going to 760 00:48:20,460 --> 00:48:23,460 deal with it. And that's why I've always been passionate 761 00:48:23,730 --> 00:48:26,640 about pushing back on these stories, because when they're 762 00:48:26,640 --> 00:48:30,840 only stories, in the end, they will hurt. And I believe that 763 00:48:30,840 --> 00:48:37,020 this is a prime example of how they have hurt. Moving on in the 764 00:48:37,020 --> 00:48:39,900 report, they talk about Project Bluebook, again, more in depth, 765 00:48:39,930 --> 00:48:42,390 and then they go into the results of all the varying 766 00:48:43,410 --> 00:48:47,310 projects that they deal with from again, 1945 all the way 767 00:48:47,310 --> 00:48:50,190 through all SAP a tip and beyond. And they talked about 768 00:48:50,190 --> 00:48:52,620 the results. And what was kind of interesting, if you didn't 769 00:48:52,650 --> 00:48:56,280 catch up just from a historical perspective, the project 770 00:48:56,280 --> 00:48:59,580 Bluebook label is kind of the stance that the US government 771 00:48:59,580 --> 00:49:04,980 has had had, for literally decades, it became prior to 2017 772 00:49:04,980 --> 00:49:08,160 when we found out about a tip, really the centerpiece to my 773 00:49:08,160 --> 00:49:11,550 research, not because of blue book itself. But because that 774 00:49:11,550 --> 00:49:15,210 was the stance of the US government. What you see on the 775 00:49:15,210 --> 00:49:18,750 right of your screen, there is the fact sheet on UFOs that the 776 00:49:18,750 --> 00:49:22,590 US Air Force, and many government agencies would send 777 00:49:22,590 --> 00:49:26,580 out and they sent it out for decades, trying to make anybody 778 00:49:26,580 --> 00:49:31,260 like myself believe the findings of project Bluebook and 779 00:49:31,260 --> 00:49:35,520 essentially it's verbatim no you have no UFO reported, 780 00:49:35,520 --> 00:49:39,000 investigated and evaluated by the US Air Force demonstrated 781 00:49:39,000 --> 00:49:42,600 any indication of a threat to national security. You can see 782 00:49:42,600 --> 00:49:46,200 here that's pretty much verbatim number two, there was no 783 00:49:46,200 --> 00:49:48,960 evidence submitted to or discovered by the US Air Force 784 00:49:48,960 --> 00:49:51,630 that sightings represented technological developments or 785 00:49:51,630 --> 00:49:54,870 principles beyond the range of then present day scientific 786 00:49:55,140 --> 00:49:58,560 knowledge. You can see that pretty much right there 787 00:49:58,560 --> 00:50:01,140 scientific knowledge number three There was no evidence 788 00:50:01,140 --> 00:50:04,080 indicating that sightings categorized as on identified are 789 00:50:04,080 --> 00:50:07,980 extraterrestrial vehicles. Look at that. It's right there. So 790 00:50:07,980 --> 00:50:10,350 what essentially they were doing that because this is today's 791 00:50:10,350 --> 00:50:14,670 report, you know, in 2024, this was created decades ago. It's 792 00:50:14,670 --> 00:50:19,050 the same darn thing. Now, I don't expect them to change the 793 00:50:19,050 --> 00:50:22,350 findings and project Bluebook. But my whole point here is that 794 00:50:22,350 --> 00:50:26,520 these facts that were conveyed on these fact sheets and sent 795 00:50:26,520 --> 00:50:31,680 out again, to people like me, there were no supporting facts, 796 00:50:31,770 --> 00:50:35,400 factual evidence to go along with those facts. They were in 797 00:50:35,400 --> 00:50:38,940 quote, facts. They were just kind of made up. Because when 798 00:50:38,940 --> 00:50:42,270 you actually look at the evidence, I'm not saying that it 799 00:50:42,270 --> 00:50:47,520 was alien or extraterrestrial. So with that reference, excluded 800 00:50:47,520 --> 00:50:52,200 on that there were clear violations of military Aerospace 801 00:50:52,200 --> 00:50:55,680 has training exercises, and what could be defined as a national 802 00:50:55,680 --> 00:51:00,600 security threat. So the fact that they're still trying to say 803 00:51:00,600 --> 00:51:05,190 that is ridiculous. So they're, they're going by the same 804 00:51:05,190 --> 00:51:09,150 playbook, but the same evidence that debunked blue book as a 805 00:51:09,150 --> 00:51:12,990 true investigation. And rather, I just label it a explanation. 806 00:51:13,200 --> 00:51:16,410 Because when you deep dive into that history, and it is pretty 807 00:51:16,410 --> 00:51:18,960 interesting, but when you deep dive into it, you realize it 808 00:51:18,960 --> 00:51:22,500 wasn't a investigation, they were simply trying to explain to 809 00:51:22,500 --> 00:51:26,850 the general public, almost exactly like they are doing now. 810 00:51:27,180 --> 00:51:30,210 Get the general public to believe what we want them to 811 00:51:30,210 --> 00:51:34,320 believe, put forward these statements, these claims and 812 00:51:34,320 --> 00:51:38,580 say, Hey, trust me, bro, we investigated it, we are arrow 813 00:51:38,580 --> 00:51:41,880 and they said, No, they're not doing any extra terrestrial 814 00:51:41,880 --> 00:51:46,110 recovery programs, or there's not this claim or that claim to 815 00:51:46,110 --> 00:51:49,200 be supported. And we believe them. So they discount all of 816 00:51:49,200 --> 00:51:51,930 the witnesses that came in, because they only came in with a 817 00:51:51,960 --> 00:51:56,250 memorandum or on the record statement after their interview. 818 00:51:56,910 --> 00:51:59,400 Then they go to the private sector, and they go to these 819 00:51:59,400 --> 00:52:02,250 aerospace companies say, Hey, do you guys have a piece of 820 00:52:02,250 --> 00:52:05,190 extraterrestrial technology? And the aerospace company says, 821 00:52:05,190 --> 00:52:07,740 Well, no, we don't. And here's a, here's a statement on the 822 00:52:07,740 --> 00:52:11,670 record. And we'll sign a memo stating that arrow believes them 823 00:52:11,670 --> 00:52:15,090 but discounts the witnesses. Is that fair? Not really, because 824 00:52:15,090 --> 00:52:20,850 it's not scientific. It's an explanation, the same playbook, 825 00:52:21,330 --> 00:52:26,550 that blue book did from the 50s. And 60s, is being done today. 826 00:52:26,760 --> 00:52:30,090 And you can see that they're using the exact same word from 827 00:52:30,090 --> 00:52:33,900 DACA, from documents decades ago, to describe blue book then, 828 00:52:34,200 --> 00:52:40,710 and they are still doing the same tactic today. What's also 829 00:52:40,710 --> 00:52:44,490 kind of funny, too, is when you all you got to do is factcheck. 830 00:52:44,490 --> 00:52:51,690 Okay, again, I get so worked up, I guess you could say just 831 00:52:51,690 --> 00:52:55,320 simply because they try and pass off the same stories over and 832 00:52:55,320 --> 00:52:58,470 over and over. And when you look at Roswell? Look, I don't know 833 00:52:58,470 --> 00:53:00,390 what happened at Roswell. I don't know if it was alien or 834 00:53:00,390 --> 00:53:03,660 not. What I can prove beyond any shadow of a doubt, is that their 835 00:53:03,660 --> 00:53:07,110 explanations just don't make sense. If they really wanted to 836 00:53:07,110 --> 00:53:10,800 explain it away, they wouldn't have had to do so now like four 837 00:53:10,800 --> 00:53:13,680 different times. And when you look at their fourth 838 00:53:13,680 --> 00:53:15,960 explanation, because it did change from the weather balloon 839 00:53:15,960 --> 00:53:19,080 to then the top secret mogul balloons, and they tried to 840 00:53:19,080 --> 00:53:23,220 claim the flights lined up when you just hone in on this part of 841 00:53:23,220 --> 00:53:27,090 the 2024 report. And they deal with the Roswell investigation 842 00:53:27,090 --> 00:53:29,970 inquiries. You can see here it'll go through all the 843 00:53:29,970 --> 00:53:32,790 different history and again, great history read it really 844 00:53:32,790 --> 00:53:35,940 urge you to, they come up with the same points, you know, that 845 00:53:35,940 --> 00:53:40,980 they've tried to drill for, for decades now. That the alien 846 00:53:40,980 --> 00:53:44,130 bodies quote unquote, were essentially these crash test 847 00:53:44,130 --> 00:53:48,360 dummies that the US Air Force was using that those bodies that 848 00:53:48,360 --> 00:53:50,850 were seen in a hospital because why would you take a dummy to a 849 00:53:50,850 --> 00:53:56,040 hospital, we're actually connected to a 1956 KC 97 850 00:53:56,040 --> 00:53:59,940 aircraft accident where 11 Air Force pilots were killed, and a 851 00:53:59,940 --> 00:54:03,660 1959 man balloon mishap in which two air force pilots were 852 00:54:03,660 --> 00:54:06,510 injured. So what they were doing was connecting those witnesses 853 00:54:06,510 --> 00:54:10,350 that saw bodies within the hospital, maybe mangled humans, 854 00:54:10,350 --> 00:54:13,650 I hate to say it that way but being either killed or injured 855 00:54:13,650 --> 00:54:16,740 in these incidents. That was that was the dot they were 856 00:54:16,740 --> 00:54:19,290 trying to connect to these witnesses that were coming 857 00:54:19,290 --> 00:54:23,070 forward and the Roswell incident. But but the problem 858 00:54:23,070 --> 00:54:26,700 was, and again, even in 2024, they still haven't dealt with 859 00:54:26,700 --> 00:54:30,120 this, that the crash test dummies weren't invented until a 860 00:54:30,120 --> 00:54:33,930 couple of years after Roswell allegedly happened anyway. So 861 00:54:33,930 --> 00:54:36,600 what you're looking at there, Sierra Sam was the first crash 862 00:54:36,600 --> 00:54:40,680 test dummy ever to be invented by Alderson research labs, and 863 00:54:40,710 --> 00:54:45,180 Ciara engineering company back in 1949. And those two incidents 864 00:54:45,180 --> 00:54:49,980 if you caught it when I set it 1956 and 1959. Those were 865 00:54:49,980 --> 00:54:55,590 connected back to the 1947 incident. Is everyone wrong? Did 866 00:54:55,590 --> 00:54:58,590 they all get their dates wrong? They all misremembered. Sure 867 00:54:58,590 --> 00:55:03,090 maybe or is This ridiculous is this now explanation number 868 00:55:03,090 --> 00:55:08,940 four, not as as truthful as they could be. And I lean towards not 869 00:55:08,940 --> 00:55:14,700 as truthful as they could be. Now, what's beyond the 870 00:55:14,700 --> 00:55:18,750 historical perspective on this, they do go to what we hear about 871 00:55:18,750 --> 00:55:25,350 a lot more nowadays. And that is all SAP and a tip. Some people 872 00:55:25,350 --> 00:55:29,160 love this. And it's interesting to see how it is interpreted in 873 00:55:29,160 --> 00:55:32,430 different ways from those who want to believe certain things 874 00:55:32,430 --> 00:55:36,270 about this. Now, I have stuck with the facts. I hope you guys 875 00:55:36,300 --> 00:55:39,120 know that with me when it comes to a tip and the claims that 876 00:55:39,120 --> 00:55:42,720 have come out over the years, backed up by official 877 00:55:42,720 --> 00:55:45,540 documentation when I try and make a claim or refute a claim. 878 00:55:46,110 --> 00:55:49,650 And I do my best to stay as factual as I can. So when I got 879 00:55:49,650 --> 00:55:53,130 to this section, I read it with great interest. And sure enough, 880 00:55:53,130 --> 00:55:59,160 it actually deals with a very big problem that has been around 881 00:55:59,160 --> 00:56:02,400 for years when it comes to OSS, AP and a tip. And what is the 882 00:56:02,400 --> 00:56:05,970 difference between OSS AP and a tip? Was there a difference? And 883 00:56:05,970 --> 00:56:10,830 I've pointed out that Dr. Howell put off in a lecture quite a few 884 00:56:10,830 --> 00:56:11,640 years ago now 885 00:56:12,960 --> 00:56:16,380 said that a tip was only a nickname that OS app was the 886 00:56:16,380 --> 00:56:20,100 actual program. And the $22 million did not go to a program 887 00:56:20,100 --> 00:56:24,990 called a tip. It went to all sap the contractor bass that was all 888 00:56:24,990 --> 00:56:29,040 part of Bigelow Aerospace run by Robert Bigelow. These are all 889 00:56:29,040 --> 00:56:32,280 names and stories we've heard about for years. But when you 890 00:56:32,280 --> 00:56:36,450 dig into these claims, if you just listen to how put off it 891 00:56:36,450 --> 00:56:38,760 kind of makes sense because I would get attacked right from 892 00:56:38,760 --> 00:56:40,710 people that would listen to how put off and they'd come to me 893 00:56:40,710 --> 00:56:43,410 and say, John, you're saying you're not finding any aid tips 894 00:56:43,410 --> 00:56:46,560 stuff, but this is why it's only a nickname. It's not really the 895 00:56:46,560 --> 00:56:51,090 program or SAP was the program that was the UFO investigation 896 00:56:51,180 --> 00:56:55,260 effort that everybody is talking about. But you have to admit 897 00:56:55,260 --> 00:56:59,340 Luis Elizondo because Luis Elizondo said no, no, no. Os app 898 00:56:59,580 --> 00:57:04,260 was a program. And a tip was a program. I ran that program. 899 00:57:04,290 --> 00:57:07,710 That's what Elizondo says. So now, Louise Elizondo, and Dr. 900 00:57:07,710 --> 00:57:10,770 Howell put off, they completely contradict each other. I pointed 901 00:57:10,770 --> 00:57:14,880 that out for years. And yet, no one seems to those that want to 902 00:57:14,880 --> 00:57:18,180 believe everybody, no one seems to care about the contradiction. 903 00:57:18,180 --> 00:57:20,670 They just say they're all telling the truth, which can't 904 00:57:20,670 --> 00:57:24,360 be true, but they just believe all sides. And I'm the bad guy 905 00:57:24,360 --> 00:57:27,570 for actually questioning it. But in this report, they deal with 906 00:57:27,570 --> 00:57:31,230 it, and they say the following note on program names, the names 907 00:57:31,230 --> 00:57:34,650 OS app and a tip have been used interchangeably for the name of 908 00:57:34,650 --> 00:57:38,460 this program, including on official documentation. I'd like 909 00:57:38,460 --> 00:57:43,590 OS up. A tip was never an official DoD program. However, 910 00:57:43,590 --> 00:57:47,370 after Ossip was cancelled, the ATEP moniker was used by some 911 00:57:47,370 --> 00:57:51,930 individuals associated with an informal, unofficial UAP 912 00:57:51,930 --> 00:57:56,340 community of interest within DOD that researched UAP sightings 913 00:57:56,490 --> 00:58:00,240 from military observers as part of their ancillary job duties. 914 00:58:00,630 --> 00:58:04,320 This effort was not a recognized official program, and had no 915 00:58:04,320 --> 00:58:09,030 dedicated personnel or budget. Don't kill the messenger on 916 00:58:09,030 --> 00:58:11,850 this, because I know I'm gonna get hate mail and this part will 917 00:58:11,850 --> 00:58:14,850 be clipped out and chopped up. And I'll be taken out of 918 00:58:14,850 --> 00:58:19,230 context. But the government actually has supporting evidence 919 00:58:19,230 --> 00:58:22,200 of this. When you look at all the documentation that has come 920 00:58:22,200 --> 00:58:25,410 out, it actually fully supports what the US government said, 921 00:58:25,830 --> 00:58:29,250 that explains the confusion on the whole aerospace versus 922 00:58:29,250 --> 00:58:32,280 aviation debate. For those that have been around this channel 923 00:58:32,280 --> 00:58:36,210 long enough. I don't regret that one bit. And the reason is, is 924 00:58:36,210 --> 00:58:39,390 because I smelled back then there was a problem with the 925 00:58:39,390 --> 00:58:43,110 name, that it turns out that that whole aviation versus 926 00:58:43,110 --> 00:58:47,370 aerospace thing was absolutely a debate worth having. Why? 927 00:58:47,520 --> 00:58:51,930 Because it actually led to this, that a tip was not a program at 928 00:58:51,930 --> 00:58:55,560 all. It took a couple of years. But it actually was revealed 929 00:58:55,560 --> 00:58:59,310 that Louise Elizondo himself sent a letter to the to the 930 00:58:59,310 --> 00:59:01,890 Department of Defense in the Pentagon, namely the press 931 00:59:01,890 --> 00:59:06,570 office, to get them to change their stance on his duties with 932 00:59:06,570 --> 00:59:11,190 a tip. He conceded in one of those letters, that maybe you 933 00:59:11,190 --> 00:59:12,810 shouldn't call it I'm paraphrasing here, but 934 00:59:12,810 --> 00:59:16,500 essentially, don't call it a program, call it a portfolio, if 935 00:59:16,500 --> 00:59:21,270 you will. In other words, he finally conceded that this is 936 00:59:21,270 --> 00:59:24,900 true, that it was not an official program. If it's a 937 00:59:24,900 --> 00:59:29,040 portfolio that was done unofficially, great. I really 938 00:59:29,040 --> 00:59:32,730 wish that they would have come out with that type of a story in 939 00:59:32,730 --> 00:59:36,570 the beginning. I really do. Because I wouldn't have been as 940 00:59:36,570 --> 00:59:40,170 skeptical I would have bought it. I have reams of evidence to 941 00:59:40,170 --> 00:59:45,240 show that there was something to the UFO and UAP issue and that 942 00:59:45,240 --> 00:59:49,350 it was being ignored. And if Luis Elizondo had come out and 943 00:59:49,350 --> 00:59:53,550 said, Hey, look, when I could I was running this portfolio, 944 00:59:53,550 --> 00:59:56,220 would it call it whatever you want at that point, but no one 945 00:59:56,220 --> 00:59:59,340 really knew because no one cared. No one cared about this 946 00:59:59,340 --> 01:00:02,160 issue, but I knew It was important, I would be all over 947 01:00:02,160 --> 01:00:05,070 that. That would be something that would be completely 948 01:00:05,070 --> 01:00:08,220 believable. But that's not what we were told. So now the 949 01:00:08,220 --> 01:00:12,780 government has tried to make sense of this mess. And they're 950 01:00:12,780 --> 01:00:15,540 coming up with the same conclusions that many of us have 951 01:00:15,540 --> 01:00:19,590 had for years that it was not a program. When I say there's 952 01:00:19,590 --> 01:00:23,220 evidence to support this, there are documents that have come 953 01:00:23,220 --> 01:00:26,940 out, that used a tip interchangeably with offset. 954 01:00:27,180 --> 01:00:31,770 Why? Because Harry Reid did when he tried to get it in 2009 to 955 01:00:31,770 --> 01:00:34,830 become a sap. That's what he referred to it as as the 956 01:00:34,830 --> 01:00:38,580 nickname. That's what they wanted to call us up. Within 957 01:00:38,580 --> 01:00:43,290 dia, they then started talking internally using that acronym, 958 01:00:43,470 --> 01:00:47,100 because that's how Harry Reid referred to it. And it was the 959 01:00:47,100 --> 01:00:52,080 advanced aerospace threat and identification program. So they 960 01:00:52,080 --> 01:00:55,920 had an and in there. So it was like another variation of it. So 961 01:00:55,920 --> 01:00:58,590 the documentation actually supports what the government is 962 01:00:58,590 --> 01:01:03,420 saying here. And you'll see here as we dive a little bit deeper 963 01:01:03,420 --> 01:01:06,780 into the section, that there's even more evidence to support 964 01:01:06,840 --> 01:01:11,970 this section of the report. Although investigating UFOs 965 01:01:11,970 --> 01:01:14,550 slash UAP was not specifically outlined in the contract 966 01:01:14,550 --> 01:01:17,760 statement of work. The selected private sector organization 967 01:01:17,760 --> 01:01:21,300 conducted UFO research with the support of the DIA program 968 01:01:21,300 --> 01:01:25,740 manager. We know for a fact that that's Dr. James McCaskey. Why, 969 01:01:25,830 --> 01:01:29,280 because it was on the original bid solicitation that was public 970 01:01:29,280 --> 01:01:33,690 for all not classified and posted on the Internet back in 971 01:01:33,690 --> 01:01:38,250 2008. Seeking out bids, they only collected bids for a couple 972 01:01:38,250 --> 01:01:42,480 of weeks. And how many actually bid on it. Just one? And you 973 01:01:42,480 --> 01:01:45,660 guessed it, it was Robert Bigelow. It was falsely reported 974 01:01:45,660 --> 01:01:49,740 that Lockheed put in a bid as well, how that came to pass and 975 01:01:49,740 --> 01:01:53,520 why it was reported that way, I don't know. But clearly, this 976 01:01:53,520 --> 01:01:59,310 was only one bidder. That was Robert Bigelow and bass OS app 977 01:01:59,310 --> 01:02:02,670 slash a tip. So they're now using it interchangeably because 978 01:02:02,670 --> 01:02:06,360 they find it the same, also investigated an alleged hotspot 979 01:02:06,390 --> 01:02:09,870 of UAP and paranormal activity at a property in Utah, which at 980 01:02:09,870 --> 01:02:11,970 the time was owned by the head of the private sector, 981 01:02:11,970 --> 01:02:16,410 organization, or bass, including examining reports of shadow 982 01:02:16,410 --> 01:02:21,420 figures that's in quotes, and quote, creatures and exploring, 983 01:02:21,420 --> 01:02:26,130 quote, remote viewing, and, quote, human consciousness 984 01:02:26,220 --> 01:02:30,960 anomalies. The organization also plan to hire psychics to study 985 01:02:30,960 --> 01:02:34,560 inter quote, interdimensional phenomena, believed to 986 01:02:34,560 --> 01:02:41,460 frequently appear at that location. Do excuse me, di a did 987 01:02:41,460 --> 01:02:45,990 not seek nor specifically authorized this work, though a 988 01:02:45,990 --> 01:02:49,980 DIA employee set up and manage the contract with the private 989 01:02:49,980 --> 01:02:54,840 sector organization. In other words, yet again, this is 990 01:02:54,840 --> 01:02:57,690 something that we've spoken about for years right here on 991 01:02:57,690 --> 01:03:02,490 this channel, what was official? And what was off the rails? Why 992 01:03:02,490 --> 01:03:05,700 is this important? Because it puts everything that's happened. 993 01:03:05,910 --> 01:03:09,810 And that's been claimed, since 2017. About these programs into 994 01:03:09,810 --> 01:03:14,310 perspective, what was official, and what was not all SAP was 995 01:03:14,310 --> 01:03:19,170 officially a forward looking Aerospace Technology Research 996 01:03:19,200 --> 01:03:25,260 exploration program that looked into 12 different types of 997 01:03:25,260 --> 01:03:28,560 advancements. And these programs have been done before I found 998 01:03:28,950 --> 01:03:32,850 another one called Project outgrowth, it happened about 40 999 01:03:32,850 --> 01:03:37,200 years before OS app, whole point being, these are not new types 1000 01:03:37,410 --> 01:03:40,500 of programs. This is something that that happens, they want to 1001 01:03:40,500 --> 01:03:44,550 look into the future. What can our enemies have? What could we 1002 01:03:44,550 --> 01:03:47,910 have? How can we get there, so on and so forth? So what was 1003 01:03:47,910 --> 01:03:53,730 official? It was that what was unofficial? Was this UFO UAP 1004 01:03:53,730 --> 01:03:57,270 invested paranormal, human consciousness anomalies, remote 1005 01:03:57,270 --> 01:04:02,040 viewing, and creatures that veered completely off the map. 1006 01:04:03,150 --> 01:04:05,970 The documentation supports the first part of what I just told 1007 01:04:05,970 --> 01:04:08,820 you, the aerospace research the forward looking into 40 years 1008 01:04:08,820 --> 01:04:14,430 into the future, what type of advancements could they have 1009 01:04:14,430 --> 01:04:17,340 what are called from lift or propulsion, or, again, there was 1010 01:04:17,340 --> 01:04:22,200 a list of about 12 of them. That is all supported. Nothing has 1011 01:04:22,200 --> 01:04:25,800 come out to support UAP or paranormal phenomena on these 1012 01:04:25,920 --> 01:04:31,260 ASA documents. Point being. It puts everything into perspective 1013 01:04:31,470 --> 01:04:36,000 on what we've heard. And it also should, it won't for some 1014 01:04:36,000 --> 01:04:39,870 people, but it should make us question some of the other 1015 01:04:39,870 --> 01:04:44,070 claims, because this is not what we were told. And at this point, 1016 01:04:44,220 --> 01:04:47,520 you can dismiss the government report, but in this particular 1017 01:04:47,520 --> 01:04:51,030 section, evidence exists to back it up just does don't kill the 1018 01:04:51,030 --> 01:04:56,250 messenger. So with that said, it is right to question some of the 1019 01:04:56,250 --> 01:04:59,700 claims from those people that have been around the same core 1020 01:04:59,700 --> 01:05:02,850 group With that the government has found at the root of some of 1021 01:05:02,850 --> 01:05:06,960 these bigger claims, it's right to question them. And don't ever 1022 01:05:06,960 --> 01:05:10,080 hesitate to do so. Don't be intimidated either. Because 1023 01:05:10,080 --> 01:05:13,320 there's a lot of people out there attorneys included, that 1024 01:05:13,320 --> 01:05:17,100 will send you legal threatening letters. If you're digging into 1025 01:05:17,100 --> 01:05:19,890 documentation like this and publishing them. That's a true 1026 01:05:19,890 --> 01:05:27,900 story. So don't hesitate to question because there is ample 1027 01:05:27,900 --> 01:05:31,890 reason to do so. Just prior to do these cancellation of the 1028 01:05:31,890 --> 01:05:35,040 program, the private sector organization proposed as a new 1029 01:05:35,040 --> 01:05:38,580 line of effort to host a series of, quote intellectual debates 1030 01:05:38,760 --> 01:05:41,610 at academic institutes to influence the public debate, 1031 01:05:41,880 --> 01:05:45,240 which included hiring supportive reporters, and celebrity 1032 01:05:45,240 --> 01:05:48,690 moderators. I don't know what they were trying to turn that 1033 01:05:48,690 --> 01:05:54,690 into. But clearly, they were trying to do something else. To 1034 01:05:54,690 --> 01:05:57,180 be honest with you, I immediately kind of thought of 1035 01:05:57,180 --> 01:05:59,970 the Soul Foundation and Dr. Gary Nolan and what they're doing 1036 01:05:59,970 --> 01:06:01,890 with these intellectual debates on their end. 1037 01:06:04,320 --> 01:06:07,410 Obviously, he's tied into some of the same people in this 1038 01:06:07,410 --> 01:06:11,100 group. So is that a private sector continuation of this? Are 1039 01:06:11,100 --> 01:06:14,520 they looking for government funding to try and continue this 1040 01:06:14,520 --> 01:06:18,660 conversation? Who knows? But it was a fascinating look inside 1041 01:06:18,690 --> 01:06:22,410 this era of all of these types of claims, and what the 1042 01:06:22,410 --> 01:06:25,410 government has concluded. So again, I'm not here to say, Oh, 1043 01:06:25,410 --> 01:06:27,570 you got to believe the government. But I hope you see 1044 01:06:27,570 --> 01:06:31,620 enough that you should question a little bit more than how the 1045 01:06:31,710 --> 01:06:34,770 how much the general public has been questioning in the last 1046 01:06:34,770 --> 01:06:39,450 seven years or so. The OSS have a tip contract with the private 1047 01:06:39,450 --> 01:06:42,810 sector organization produced expository papers addressing the 1048 01:06:42,810 --> 01:06:46,710 12 scientific areas tasked in the contract statement of work, 1049 01:06:47,040 --> 01:06:49,860 the scientific papers were never thoroughly peer reviewed. 1050 01:06:50,430 --> 01:06:53,610 Instead, os app slash a tip reviewed a large number of 1051 01:06:53,610 --> 01:06:57,390 project Bluebook and private cases, and conducted interviews 1052 01:06:57,390 --> 01:07:01,710 of UAP observers and conducted unrelated work on alleged 1053 01:07:01,710 --> 01:07:04,470 paranormal activities at the private sector organizations 1054 01:07:04,470 --> 01:07:08,790 property in Utah or Skinwalker Ranch. They you can even see 1055 01:07:08,790 --> 01:07:12,330 here that they didn't find any UAP casework that was worth 1056 01:07:12,330 --> 01:07:17,280 mentioning by all sapper a tip why not? Where the $22 million 1057 01:07:17,610 --> 01:07:20,850 go. All saps last a tip was terminated in 2012. Upon the 1058 01:07:20,850 --> 01:07:24,600 completion of its deliverables due to DIA and DOD concerns 1059 01:07:24,600 --> 01:07:28,890 about the project. After OS app slash a tip was terminated. Its 1060 01:07:28,890 --> 01:07:32,280 supporters unsuccessfully attempted to convince DHS to 1061 01:07:32,280 --> 01:07:35,940 support a new version of the effort dubbed Kona Blue, there's 1062 01:07:35,940 --> 01:07:41,880 Kona Blue again. So obviously, they didn't want to let this 1063 01:07:41,880 --> 01:07:46,710 contract go. They tried very, very hard to keep it going at 1064 01:07:46,710 --> 01:07:51,390 DHS, but obviously failed. Other history that it deals with 1065 01:07:51,390 --> 01:07:53,970 foreign and academic investigator, investigatory 1066 01:07:53,970 --> 01:07:58,620 efforts, you see here that it goes into the project manage, or 1067 01:07:58,620 --> 01:08:03,990 excuse me project magnet. We which if you look at UFO history 1068 01:08:03,990 --> 01:08:06,690 has been around for quite a few years. But obviously this arrow 1069 01:08:06,690 --> 01:08:11,040 report goes into a lot of those efforts on foreign soil to look 1070 01:08:11,040 --> 01:08:17,130 into the UFO and UAP issue. Jumping to Section Five of the 1071 01:08:17,130 --> 01:08:19,080 report, assessment of interviewee claims of US 1072 01:08:19,080 --> 01:08:21,720 government involvement and hidden UAP programs, again, 1073 01:08:22,080 --> 01:08:24,930 didn't have any evidence in here that they spoke with David 1074 01:08:24,930 --> 01:08:28,410 grush, or that David grush gave them any undeniable evidence, 1075 01:08:28,500 --> 01:08:31,140 but essentially was talking about those claims that 1076 01:08:31,140 --> 01:08:34,920 circulate and route to David grush and the 40 people that he 1077 01:08:34,920 --> 01:08:38,100 says that he talked to, you can see here as of September 1078 01:08:38,100 --> 01:08:42,750 17 2023, Aro interviewed approximately 30 individuals. So 1079 01:08:42,780 --> 01:08:48,030 we can have an idea now of how many people aro talk to they 1080 01:08:48,030 --> 01:08:50,790 came up with two different narratives that they kept 1081 01:08:50,790 --> 01:08:53,820 hearing over and over with what they labeled as the primary 1082 01:08:53,820 --> 01:08:57,660 narrative, and then the secondary narrative. The primary 1083 01:08:57,660 --> 01:09:01,020 narrative alleges that the US government and industry partners 1084 01:09:01,290 --> 01:09:04,230 are in possession of and are testing off world technology 1085 01:09:04,230 --> 01:09:07,740 that has been concealed from congressional oversight, and the 1086 01:09:07,740 --> 01:09:13,860 world since approximately 1964. And possibly since 1947. If the 1087 01:09:13,860 --> 01:09:17,670 Roswell events are included. The narrative asserts that the UAP 1088 01:09:17,670 --> 01:09:21,600 program possesses as many as 12 extraterrestrial spacecraft. 1089 01:09:22,380 --> 01:09:24,510 These were the stories that they were hearing and essentially 1090 01:09:24,510 --> 01:09:28,410 that narrative that formed former CIA official involvement 1091 01:09:28,410 --> 01:09:31,290 and movement of alleged material recovered from a UAP crashed 1092 01:09:31,290 --> 01:09:35,340 tonight on the record arrow interview and obtained a signed 1093 01:09:35,370 --> 01:09:39,450 statement from the former CIA official who was specifically 1094 01:09:39,480 --> 01:09:44,010 named by Arrow interviewees. The former official stated he had no 1095 01:09:44,010 --> 01:09:49,500 knowledge of any aspect of this allegation. kind of curious 1096 01:09:49,500 --> 01:09:54,210 again, who that CIA official could be. The official signed a 1097 01:09:54,210 --> 01:09:58,170 memorandum for the record, attesting to the truthfulness of 1098 01:09:58,170 --> 01:10:02,580 his statements essentially the CIA A guy said, what he did put 1099 01:10:02,580 --> 01:10:06,690 it on paper and signed it. I have filed a FOIA for that MFR, 1100 01:10:07,200 --> 01:10:10,650 I'm not gonna let that go. aerospace companies denied 1101 01:10:10,650 --> 01:10:13,140 involvement in recovering extraterrestrial craft. We've 1102 01:10:13,140 --> 01:10:16,530 talked about this a little bit in the beginning, Arrow met with 1103 01:10:16,530 --> 01:10:18,810 high ranking officials, including executives and chief 1104 01:10:18,810 --> 01:10:22,380 technology officers of the named companies, all denied the 1105 01:10:22,380 --> 01:10:25,440 existence of these programs, and attested to the truthfulness of 1106 01:10:25,440 --> 01:10:29,700 their statements on the record. So all they had to do is put 1107 01:10:29,700 --> 01:10:33,300 something on paper and say, No, we didn't do it. And apparently 1108 01:10:33,300 --> 01:10:38,250 arrow believed them, which is kind of silly, because what 1109 01:10:38,250 --> 01:10:42,870 gives them the power to just say, Oh, I'll sign a memorandum 1110 01:10:42,870 --> 01:10:46,950 for the record. And, and that's all it takes. Because as far as 1111 01:10:46,950 --> 01:10:50,310 I know, there's probably quite a few witnesses out of the 30 that 1112 01:10:50,310 --> 01:10:53,520 did the exact same thing. So why are they discounted yet? The 1113 01:10:53,520 --> 01:10:56,370 aerospace industry, whomever they are, because they're not 1114 01:10:56,370 --> 01:11:01,350 named? They signed? A memorandum and up well, yeah, none of those 1115 01:11:01,350 --> 01:11:04,680 claims are substantiated. It doesn't make sense. But I do 1116 01:11:04,680 --> 01:11:09,510 fall back on the thing. I'll say the third time. If, if it was 1117 01:11:09,510 --> 01:11:14,310 really going on, I don't think if arrow knocked on the door of 1118 01:11:14,310 --> 01:11:18,030 Lockheed and said, Hey, are you are you doing guys involved in 1119 01:11:18,030 --> 01:11:22,560 the Extra Terrestrial crash retrieval programs? Or whatever? 1120 01:11:22,920 --> 01:11:26,190 And Lockheed goes, Oh, my gosh, we have to tell you guys now you 1121 01:11:26,190 --> 01:11:30,540 asked. Okay, here you go. I don't see that happening. I 1122 01:11:30,540 --> 01:11:34,560 really don't know. Whether or not a company like Lockheed 1123 01:11:34,650 --> 01:11:39,150 would have that in the private sector. Or if it would be kind 1124 01:11:39,150 --> 01:11:43,350 of buried deep inside a military or government installation. 1125 01:11:43,590 --> 01:11:46,740 That's a topic for another day. But let's just assume that they 1126 01:11:46,740 --> 01:11:49,890 are, do you think arrow knocking on the door or picking up the 1127 01:11:49,890 --> 01:11:52,950 telephone and setting up a meeting would make it all just 1128 01:11:52,950 --> 01:11:56,850 kind of come out into the open? I don't I don't see it, you 1129 01:11:56,850 --> 01:12:00,360 know, it's just it's it's kind of laughable the way that that 1130 01:12:01,320 --> 01:12:03,570 is conveyed here in the report. And to be honest with you, I 1131 01:12:03,570 --> 01:12:07,710 would have loved to have been a fly on the wall in that that 1132 01:12:07,710 --> 01:12:10,770 meeting, like when they set it up. And they obviously have to 1133 01:12:10,770 --> 01:12:14,550 take safeguarded precautions because I'm guessing that they 1134 01:12:14,550 --> 01:12:18,390 had classified portions of the conversation. So you set the set 1135 01:12:18,390 --> 01:12:20,670 this up in a secure room, and then you sit down and go, Okay, 1136 01:12:20,700 --> 01:12:24,570 so do you guys have any extra terrestrial I mean, like what 1137 01:12:25,020 --> 01:12:29,040 true or not, it just must have been like a, you know, a crazy 1138 01:12:29,040 --> 01:12:33,930 thing to be in the room to witness. Here's another fun 1139 01:12:33,930 --> 01:12:36,810 section. This is revisiting the to the stars Academy and the 1140 01:12:36,810 --> 01:12:39,990 piece of the alleged UAP stuff. sample of alleged alien 1141 01:12:39,990 --> 01:12:43,290 spacecraft is an ordinary terrestrial metal alloy. Arrow 1142 01:12:43,290 --> 01:12:45,120 learn through an interviewee that a private sector 1143 01:12:45,120 --> 01:12:48,030 organization claimed to have in its possession, material from an 1144 01:12:48,030 --> 01:12:51,600 extraterrestrial craft from a crash at an unloaded unknown 1145 01:12:51,600 --> 01:12:56,220 location from the 1940s or 1950s. And it goes into the 1146 01:12:56,220 --> 01:13:01,230 various claims about it. Arrow and a leading Science Science 1147 01:13:01,230 --> 01:13:04,560 Laboratory concluded that the material is a metallic alloy 1148 01:13:04,560 --> 01:13:08,520 terrestrial in nature, and possibly a United States Air 1149 01:13:08,520 --> 01:13:12,660 Force origin based on its materials, I have filed a FOIA 1150 01:13:12,690 --> 01:13:15,930 the US Air Force origin really kind of piqued my interest a 1151 01:13:15,930 --> 01:13:20,850 little bit. So I have filed FOIA as as you can imagine, on that 1152 01:13:20,850 --> 01:13:23,430 as well, seeking out the communications between aero the 1153 01:13:23,430 --> 01:13:27,780 Air Force, what scientific analyses did they do on this, to 1154 01:13:27,780 --> 01:13:31,050 try and get it because when it comes to the Army's agreement 1155 01:13:31,050 --> 01:13:34,560 through the credo, what's called the credo, and to the stars 1156 01:13:34,560 --> 01:13:39,090 Academy, that will likely be exempt. Because it may be 1157 01:13:39,090 --> 01:13:44,040 proprietary information, exempted under B four, which is 1158 01:13:44,040 --> 01:13:46,890 very frustrating, I've run into that already with researching 1159 01:13:46,890 --> 01:13:52,980 the Krita. But regardless, that may be a roadblock. But if aro 1160 01:13:53,010 --> 01:13:59,040 obtains the piece and does their own independent investigation, I 1161 01:13:59,040 --> 01:14:02,430 do not believe that should be exempt. And I will find it if 1162 01:14:02,430 --> 01:14:06,750 they try it. So it's no longer because it was obtained with 1163 01:14:06,750 --> 01:14:11,370 permission. It is no longer proprietary, because nobody 1164 01:14:11,370 --> 01:14:15,750 funded it from the corporate side, the US government did. So 1165 01:14:15,990 --> 01:14:19,980 whether or not I will get it or not that will, we'll see. But my 1166 01:14:19,980 --> 01:14:23,460 whole point being is that I don't believe they have any 1167 01:14:23,460 --> 01:14:27,660 legal ground to say, Oh, we were going to exempt this for 1168 01:14:27,660 --> 01:14:31,530 proprietary reasons or corporate secrets or whatever. I believe 1169 01:14:31,530 --> 01:14:34,590 that that should be open. So I have filed for all of that. But 1170 01:14:34,590 --> 01:14:38,790 interesting to note that got that material, tested it and 1171 01:14:38,790 --> 01:14:42,960 came up with nothing. Here's that section that I talked about 1172 01:14:42,960 --> 01:14:45,870 where they revisit Kona Blue and give a little bit more detail 1173 01:14:45,870 --> 01:14:50,190 and it was pretty interesting because I do kind of sense that 1174 01:14:50,190 --> 01:14:53,550 there will be more information coming out on this. So I'll do a 1175 01:14:53,550 --> 01:14:56,520 future video. But just to give you guys a brief overview Kona 1176 01:14:56,520 --> 01:14:59,790 Blue was brought to Arrow's attention by interviewees who 1177 01:14:59,790 --> 01:15:03,270 claim him that it was a sensitive DHS compartment to 1178 01:15:03,270 --> 01:15:07,470 cover up the retrieval and exploitation of quote, non human 1179 01:15:07,470 --> 01:15:11,910 biologics, Kona Blue traces its origins to the DEA managed OS 1180 01:15:11,910 --> 01:15:13,470 app slash a tip program 1181 01:15:14,730 --> 01:15:19,020 that quote non human biologics. There's only one guy that really 1182 01:15:19,020 --> 01:15:23,430 spearheaded the use of biologics in the last year or so. And that 1183 01:15:23,430 --> 01:15:29,100 would be David grush. Is this connected to the claims that he 1184 01:15:29,100 --> 01:15:32,820 believes and that he's conveyed to Congress? Did someone go to 1185 01:15:32,820 --> 01:15:39,120 David grush and connect this Kona Blue program and claim that 1186 01:15:39,120 --> 01:15:43,350 it was a sensitive di d h s compartment to cover up the 1187 01:15:43,350 --> 01:15:48,120 retrieval and exploitation of non human biologics? Because if 1188 01:15:48,120 --> 01:15:52,470 that part is true, it connects back to you guessed it, the same 1189 01:15:52,470 --> 01:15:56,580 small core group of people that have made grandiose claims for 1190 01:15:56,580 --> 01:16:02,070 years and even decades about UFOs, UAP and aliens. They 1191 01:16:02,070 --> 01:16:06,150 always seem to be connected to these types of stories. So the 1192 01:16:06,150 --> 01:16:10,380 fact that that is in quotes non human biologics, and that is 1193 01:16:10,380 --> 01:16:13,740 something that we've heard from from David grush. We can start 1194 01:16:13,740 --> 01:16:18,000 to piece together potentially, who his list of 40 is, and that 1195 01:16:18,000 --> 01:16:21,510 would probably include Dr. Hal put off and those that were 1196 01:16:21,510 --> 01:16:25,080 surrounding the OSS app slash a tip program. They turned around 1197 01:16:25,200 --> 01:16:29,730 and fed David grush. The nonhuman biologics quote claim 1198 01:16:30,000 --> 01:16:34,740 that the Kona Blue program was covering that up. Obviously, the 1199 01:16:34,740 --> 01:16:38,130 Kona Blue program didn't exist on that level to cover it up. It 1200 01:16:38,130 --> 01:16:42,360 never was stood up. But if that's what he was hearing, in 1201 01:16:42,360 --> 01:16:45,480 fairness to David grush, he probably heard it from people he 1202 01:16:45,480 --> 01:16:49,170 thought were legitimate. That speculation there, but I found 1203 01:16:49,170 --> 01:16:53,070 it incredibly intriguing that the nonhuman biologics was in 1204 01:16:53,070 --> 01:16:59,280 quote, in quotes as connected to Kona Blue and the DHS extension 1205 01:16:59,310 --> 01:17:03,420 of, or at least a proposed extension of aos app slash a 1206 01:17:03,420 --> 01:17:08,070 tip. When dia cancelled this program, and supporters proposed 1207 01:17:08,070 --> 01:17:11,640 to DHS that they create and fund a new version of OS app slash a 1208 01:17:11,640 --> 01:17:16,170 tip under a special access program. This proposal codenamed 1209 01:17:16,260 --> 01:17:19,740 Coda blue, would restart UAP investigations paranormal 1210 01:17:19,740 --> 01:17:23,340 research including alleged human consciousness anomalies that's 1211 01:17:23,340 --> 01:17:26,610 in quotes, and reverse engineer any recovered offworld 1212 01:17:26,610 --> 01:17:31,170 spacecraft that they hoped to acquire. This proposal gained 1213 01:17:31,170 --> 01:17:34,830 some initial traction at DHS, DHS to the point where a 1214 01:17:34,830 --> 01:17:40,470 prospective Special Access Program or P SAP was officially 1215 01:17:40,470 --> 01:17:43,500 requested to stand up this program, but it was eventually 1216 01:17:43,500 --> 01:17:48,690 rejected by DHS leadership for lacking merit. So obviously, it 1217 01:17:48,690 --> 01:17:54,840 got traction at DHS that really piques the interest of me simply 1218 01:17:54,840 --> 01:17:58,020 because you're looking at a paper trail there. Now, it's no 1219 01:17:58,020 --> 01:18:03,120 longer just a proposal or a one page one off, but rather a paper 1220 01:18:03,120 --> 01:18:07,290 trail on who was interested in this, why would they be 1221 01:18:07,290 --> 01:18:11,370 interested in it? Why would DHS want to look into human 1222 01:18:11,370 --> 01:18:15,480 consciousness anomalies, and go from there, so those paper 1223 01:18:15,480 --> 01:18:19,260 trails are golden. I love stuff like that live for stuff like 1224 01:18:19,260 --> 01:18:23,100 that. It is critical to note that no extraterrestrial craft 1225 01:18:23,100 --> 01:18:26,310 or bodies were ever collected. This meat material was only 1226 01:18:26,310 --> 01:18:30,450 assumed to exist by Kona Blue advocates, and it's anticipated 1227 01:18:30,450 --> 01:18:33,390 contract performers. This was the same assumption made by 1228 01:18:33,390 --> 01:18:36,600 those same individuals involved with the OS app slash a tip 1229 01:18:36,600 --> 01:18:40,230 program. That obviously ties right back to the same core 1230 01:18:40,230 --> 01:18:43,620 group of people. Those names that we've heard quite a bit 1231 01:18:43,650 --> 01:18:48,060 about, and even from in the last seven, eight years, Robert 1232 01:18:48,060 --> 01:18:51,420 Bigelow, Dr. Howell put off Dr. Colum Kelleher, all the people 1233 01:18:51,420 --> 01:18:55,110 that were involved in that original offset program. Fast 1234 01:18:55,110 --> 01:18:58,530 forward to the Kona Blue proposal. That is what the 1235 01:18:58,530 --> 01:19:02,610 government is seeing all routes to those people get absolutely 1236 01:19:02,610 --> 01:19:07,290 no evidence exists, according to this report. So I'll revisit my 1237 01:19:07,290 --> 01:19:09,540 statement one more time. It's time for the quote 1238 01:19:09,570 --> 01:19:13,590 whistleblowers to become whistleblowers without quotes, 1239 01:19:13,800 --> 01:19:19,290 if Dr. Hal put off truly has the key to unlocking the cosmos 1240 01:19:19,290 --> 01:19:22,620 here, and that he was involved, it's time to come out with it. 1241 01:19:23,310 --> 01:19:26,580 If any of the people that David grush talk to you all the list 1242 01:19:26,580 --> 01:19:31,860 of 40 and I'm completely wrong that Dr. Hal put off his on that 1243 01:19:31,890 --> 01:19:36,540 that list. That's fine. We know Dr. Eric Davis is by his own 1244 01:19:36,570 --> 01:19:40,410 admission, he's posted that on Facebook that he's one of those 1245 01:19:40,410 --> 01:19:45,240 people that fed David grush information. Then let David or 1246 01:19:45,240 --> 01:19:49,890 excuse me, let Eric Davis come out and bring that information 1247 01:19:49,890 --> 01:19:53,550 with him. Time to become a whistleblower. Stop at the 1248 01:19:53,550 --> 01:19:59,280 Facebook posts. Stop at these private organization lectures 1249 01:19:59,280 --> 01:20:03,630 where you hint Drop breadcrumbs. Stop teasing a book for years on 1250 01:20:03,630 --> 01:20:08,820 end. If there is something there, and people are holding 1251 01:20:08,940 --> 01:20:15,270 the keys to unlocking this for us all, who are the gatekeepers? 1252 01:20:16,350 --> 01:20:22,590 The government. Maybe this report truly did convey the 1253 01:20:22,590 --> 01:20:25,080 roadblock all the way up to the roadblock that they met. And 1254 01:20:25,080 --> 01:20:27,990 they didn't know that they were at a roadblock. And the doctor 1255 01:20:27,990 --> 01:20:30,690 how put off the doctor Eric Davis says that Luis Elizondo 1256 01:20:30,690 --> 01:20:35,910 the David brushes, the list of 40 witnesses, who then becomes 1257 01:20:36,240 --> 01:20:40,740 the true gatekeepers of the secrets, the US government? No, 1258 01:20:40,740 --> 01:20:42,390 because I'm sorry, I don't believe arrow would have the 1259 01:20:42,390 --> 01:20:46,200 access. There I said it, I don't believe that they would be able 1260 01:20:46,200 --> 01:20:49,770 to get a Lockheed Martin to just come clean and go, Okay, you 1261 01:20:49,770 --> 01:20:54,750 guys are asking, so we'll tell you, it ain't gonna happen. So 1262 01:20:54,750 --> 01:20:57,780 the people that are dropping the breadcrumbs, if they really do 1263 01:20:57,780 --> 01:21:02,790 have the secrets, those are the gatekeepers. And you don't need 1264 01:21:02,790 --> 01:21:06,360 to take my word for that. Just look at the definition, they are 1265 01:21:06,360 --> 01:21:09,840 holding the secrets, if people want to fall back that they have 1266 01:21:09,840 --> 01:21:12,750 security clearances, and this that and the other thing, fine. 1267 01:21:13,050 --> 01:21:17,580 But I will still give my opinion and say that there is no way 1268 01:21:17,670 --> 01:21:20,850 that the government will cart them off. If they change 1269 01:21:20,850 --> 01:21:24,750 humanity, as we know it and prove that there are non human 1270 01:21:24,750 --> 01:21:28,470 biologics floating around in our atmosphere, flying 1271 01:21:28,500 --> 01:21:31,710 extraterrestrial technology, and being reverse engineered in the 1272 01:21:31,710 --> 01:21:36,600 private sector. Not going to happen, I just don't see it. So 1273 01:21:36,600 --> 01:21:40,230 now's the time, drop the quotes around whistleblower, and become 1274 01:21:40,230 --> 01:21:43,920 a whistleblower. And bring the evidence, because after all 1275 01:21:43,920 --> 01:21:47,640 these decades of people making these claims, if they don't have 1276 01:21:47,640 --> 01:21:51,930 it, then it's time to just stop. Okay, it's time to just go away. 1277 01:21:52,290 --> 01:21:54,570 If you really have it, but you don't want to show it, then it's 1278 01:21:54,570 --> 01:21:58,050 time to go away, if you really have it, but you fear reprisal. 1279 01:21:58,500 --> 01:22:02,310 If you're not going to show it, then just go away. Because this 1280 01:22:02,310 --> 01:22:06,150 report stems from the same core group of people making these 1281 01:22:06,150 --> 01:22:09,000 claims. And this is where we ended up. So no congressional 1282 01:22:09,000 --> 01:22:12,870 legislation is going to change that. No government report is 1283 01:22:12,870 --> 01:22:16,710 going to change that. No whistleblower without backing up 1284 01:22:16,710 --> 01:22:20,100 their claims is going to change that what do you need evidence. 1285 01:22:20,880 --> 01:22:24,900 And that's what they have to do to come out at this point. I 1286 01:22:24,900 --> 01:22:28,770 said it months ago, on social media years ago, maybe even now, 1287 01:22:29,040 --> 01:22:34,470 it's time to put up or shut up. And that's it. Because there is 1288 01:22:34,470 --> 01:22:37,470 something to this topic that warrants further scientific 1289 01:22:37,590 --> 01:22:42,780 investigation, stop ruining the idea and concept that more 1290 01:22:42,780 --> 01:22:46,410 scientists will want to investigate this by just 1291 01:22:46,410 --> 01:22:49,470 conveying the stories that lack evidence, because any real 1292 01:22:49,590 --> 01:22:53,430 scientist, once you get their attention, is going to look our 1293 01:22:53,430 --> 01:22:56,310 direction, right to the conversation that we're all 1294 01:22:56,310 --> 01:22:59,280 having. They're going to look at those stories and realize their 1295 01:22:59,280 --> 01:23:03,570 stories. What is being put in the spotlight above all else are 1296 01:23:03,570 --> 01:23:08,730 stories that lack evidence. So let's prove it. Or get out of 1297 01:23:08,730 --> 01:23:13,110 the way. And let the scientists and those that that really can 1298 01:23:13,110 --> 01:23:17,340 do a true scientific endeavor, move to the forefront of this 1299 01:23:17,670 --> 01:23:21,270 and take it to the next level. To get the data they need to 1300 01:23:21,270 --> 01:23:24,390 solve the mystery once and for all, or at least take a step. 1301 01:23:25,170 --> 01:23:29,160 Because those types of lectures, the podcast, the YouTube thing, 1302 01:23:29,190 --> 01:23:34,500 things, none of that pushes this forward. It only pushes it 1303 01:23:34,500 --> 01:23:38,370 forward to the to the believers that are already pushed forward 1304 01:23:38,640 --> 01:23:42,750 on their own. They don't need to be pushed anymore, but they feel 1305 01:23:42,750 --> 01:23:45,240 like they're more validated. That's the only thing that comes 1306 01:23:45,240 --> 01:23:49,230 out of this when you actually lack evidence, but still convey 1307 01:23:49,230 --> 01:23:51,720 your stories and write your books, do your podcast and do 1308 01:23:51,720 --> 01:23:55,020 your YouTube videos. That's the only thing that happens here. 1309 01:23:55,500 --> 01:23:58,530 Because Congress is losing interest. I'm sorry, they just 1310 01:23:58,530 --> 01:24:01,560 are there's a dwindling number of people that are talking about 1311 01:24:01,560 --> 01:24:05,670 this legislation isn't passing for a reason. Probably because 1312 01:24:05,820 --> 01:24:10,530 it's not worded correctly. None of that stuff is happening the 1313 01:24:10,530 --> 01:24:15,060 way that it should. So it's time for the evidence or just get out 1314 01:24:15,060 --> 01:24:18,210 of the way. There's enough evidence to support that 1315 01:24:18,210 --> 01:24:21,180 scientists should be involved that I believe wholeheartedly, 1316 01:24:21,990 --> 01:24:24,420 but if you highlight the stories, they don't care, 1317 01:24:24,540 --> 01:24:27,840 they're just going to make fun of it. I think it actually 1318 01:24:27,840 --> 01:24:30,990 started raining here. Hopefully I don't lose power as I'm 1319 01:24:30,990 --> 01:24:32,820 recording this Arrow. 1320 01:24:33,300 --> 01:24:36,060 Arrow has determined that modern allegations that the US 1321 01:24:36,060 --> 01:24:38,820 government is hiding offworld technology and beings largely 1322 01:24:38,820 --> 01:24:41,640 originate from the same group of individuals who have tied to the 1323 01:24:41,640 --> 01:24:44,910 canceled OS happy to program and a private sector organizations 1324 01:24:44,910 --> 01:24:48,600 paranormal research efforts. They are punching this over and 1325 01:24:48,630 --> 01:24:54,090 over and over. And I believe there's a reason for that. You 1326 01:24:54,090 --> 01:24:56,730 can see here in the next highlighted passage, I won't 1327 01:24:56,730 --> 01:24:59,100 read it all because it gets really kind of confusing with 1328 01:24:59,100 --> 01:25:01,740 all the different numbers and so on. I told you they were no 1329 01:25:01,740 --> 01:25:05,190 names, but they rather gave the interviewees numbers. And they 1330 01:25:05,190 --> 01:25:09,480 labeled the people that they they talk to, you can kind of 1331 01:25:09,480 --> 01:25:13,530 see like the breakdown of who they were. You see a couple of 1332 01:25:13,530 --> 01:25:16,890 them have repeatedly voiced these claims and various public 1333 01:25:17,070 --> 01:25:19,710 and private venues, and they have petitioned Congress in 1334 01:25:19,710 --> 01:25:23,280 various capacities on UAP issues, they've not provided any 1335 01:25:23,280 --> 01:25:26,340 empirical evidence of their claims to arrow that could 1336 01:25:26,340 --> 01:25:30,420 absolutely very much be true. And all you have to do is look 1337 01:25:30,420 --> 01:25:32,460 at some of the names I've rattled off some of the names I 1338 01:25:32,460 --> 01:25:36,000 haven't rattled off, and look at the contributions that they have 1339 01:25:36,270 --> 01:25:40,380 really cool stories, but they don't back it up. And arrow is 1340 01:25:40,380 --> 01:25:43,770 telling you the exact same thing. So dismiss arrow, and I'm 1341 01:25:43,770 --> 01:25:46,980 telling you the exact same thing. Dismiss me look what the 1342 01:25:46,980 --> 01:25:52,290 government came came with. Pick one, right, dismiss us both look 1343 01:25:52,290 --> 01:25:55,980 what other people are saying, Look at what smart scientists 1344 01:25:55,980 --> 01:25:59,190 are saying that are outside of the UFO arena that have taken 1345 01:25:59,190 --> 01:26:02,460 the time to look in what do they say stories, hearsay, you see a 1346 01:26:02,460 --> 01:26:06,240 lot of that over and over and over what is lacking evidence, 1347 01:26:06,510 --> 01:26:09,030 this breaks down all the different types of people that 1348 01:26:09,030 --> 01:26:14,130 they looked at. I also want to point out that they give a lot 1349 01:26:14,130 --> 01:26:19,050 of those different program names and, and projects that they want 1350 01:26:19,050 --> 01:26:23,670 to attribute to UAP. And when I say they the US government. And 1351 01:26:23,700 --> 01:26:27,390 you can see some of the stuff going back to the 1940s with the 1352 01:26:27,390 --> 01:26:30,540 Manhattan Project, that they're trying to connect the excessive 1353 01:26:30,540 --> 01:26:34,230 secrecy behind some of these programs. And some of these 1354 01:26:34,230 --> 01:26:38,460 designs like what you see on your screen now to UAP. In the 1355 01:26:38,460 --> 01:26:42,060 encounters that we've seen. Now, no, they're not trying to claim 1356 01:26:42,090 --> 01:26:45,090 it's 100%. But they are trying to claim there's a big 1357 01:26:45,090 --> 01:26:48,030 connection. Well, like I pointed out earlier, and I'll point out 1358 01:26:48,030 --> 01:26:51,420 again, there is no evidence to connect some of these bigger 1359 01:26:51,450 --> 01:26:55,170 cases that we've talked about, that are documented in 1360 01:26:55,170 --> 01:26:59,280 government files to some of these projects. They've tried 1361 01:26:59,280 --> 01:27:03,330 before. They failed before. They're trying it again, why 1362 01:27:03,330 --> 01:27:06,450 they think they'll succeed this time. I have no idea. But that's 1363 01:27:06,450 --> 01:27:09,720 what they're trying to do, silly. But that's what it is. 1364 01:27:11,190 --> 01:27:13,890 Now jumped down to section nine that conclusion to date, Arrow 1365 01:27:13,890 --> 01:27:16,530 has not discovered any empirical evidence at any sighting of a 1366 01:27:16,530 --> 01:27:20,220 UAP represented offworld technology or the existence of a 1367 01:27:20,220 --> 01:27:23,400 classified program that had not been properly reported to 1368 01:27:23,400 --> 01:27:27,120 Congress. Look, the first part of that. Okay, we keep hearing 1369 01:27:27,120 --> 01:27:29,880 that over and over the second part of that, would arrow have 1370 01:27:29,880 --> 01:27:32,370 access to those programs that have not been reported to 1371 01:27:32,370 --> 01:27:36,900 Congress? My guess would be no. So that to me is just kind of 1372 01:27:36,900 --> 01:27:39,630 like what it is what it is, I just kind of put that on the 1373 01:27:39,630 --> 01:27:44,280 backburner. I don't really look at it much. But that being said, 1374 01:27:44,280 --> 01:27:46,260 that was their conclusion, right? All summed up in these 1375 01:27:46,260 --> 01:27:49,080 two paragraphs here. And the Volume Two is on the way, 1376 01:27:49,260 --> 01:27:55,020 hopefully, later this year. So look, as I just kind of went 1377 01:27:55,020 --> 01:28:00,120 over, there are things in this report that absolutely are bunk. 1378 01:28:00,210 --> 01:28:02,940 They're silly. I think the government is putting their foot 1379 01:28:02,940 --> 01:28:05,790 in their mouth in a couple of these areas, some of which I've 1380 01:28:05,790 --> 01:28:09,300 gone over. You look at the history, what they've talked 1381 01:28:09,300 --> 01:28:12,420 about, I dealt with Roswell, a little bit, Project Bluebook, 1382 01:28:12,420 --> 01:28:14,970 you look at all the silly explanations, which by the way, 1383 01:28:14,970 --> 01:28:17,460 going back to the Roswell thing, I didn't point this out earlier, 1384 01:28:17,820 --> 01:28:20,910 they did not mention in this report that a lot of the 1385 01:28:20,910 --> 01:28:25,350 documentation was destroyed about Roswell, the GAO came out 1386 01:28:25,350 --> 01:28:28,950 with that in their report, yet arrow conveniently leaves it out 1387 01:28:28,980 --> 01:28:32,310 of this report, just simply saying, Oh, it's project Mogol, 1388 01:28:32,310 --> 01:28:36,090 balloons and so on. So again, doesn't really equate to alien 1389 01:28:36,120 --> 01:28:39,600 when you look at that, but it just shows you how silly it is, 1390 01:28:39,810 --> 01:28:43,050 when you look at the evidence or the lack thereof. And then you 1391 01:28:43,050 --> 01:28:45,300 see what the claims the government is trying to make. 1392 01:28:45,420 --> 01:28:48,750 They don't really match up at all. But they go through a lot. 1393 01:28:48,780 --> 01:28:51,240 And I was very pleasantly surprised when I saw that. 1394 01:28:51,780 --> 01:28:54,450 Because they did go into that that history. And it's 1395 01:28:54,450 --> 01:28:56,940 important, whether you're not you believe it's a real 1396 01:28:56,940 --> 01:28:59,070 investigation, or you believe the findings of blue book and 1397 01:28:59,070 --> 01:29:01,830 all those programs. That's irrelevant. It's important 1398 01:29:01,830 --> 01:29:06,000 history to understanding the topic, and understanding how we 1399 01:29:06,000 --> 01:29:10,710 got here today. But what I was also surprised, but not 1400 01:29:10,710 --> 01:29:16,320 pleasantly surprised about was what they ignored. And it was 1401 01:29:16,320 --> 01:29:19,290 the fact that and this goes back to what I've said for years, 1402 01:29:19,650 --> 01:29:23,310 when you spotlight the stories, and you spotlight the stuff that 1403 01:29:23,310 --> 01:29:26,490 lacks evidence, when you put that in front of somebody who 1404 01:29:26,490 --> 01:29:30,090 finally is taking the opportunity to look at it, and 1405 01:29:30,090 --> 01:29:33,210 you kind of essentially put all that out front, and they look at 1406 01:29:33,210 --> 01:29:36,180 it and there's absolutely nothing to support it. What 1407 01:29:36,180 --> 01:29:39,960 happens, you get a report, like what we just went over stuff 1408 01:29:39,960 --> 01:29:43,560 that dismisses the grandiose claims, which in some cases is 1409 01:29:43,560 --> 01:29:47,550 likely very warranted. But what about the stuff that they do 1410 01:29:47,550 --> 01:29:51,420 have the evidence that the government has come clean about, 1411 01:29:51,660 --> 01:29:54,060 although sometimes you have to fight for it through FOIA and, 1412 01:29:54,300 --> 01:29:58,560 and appeals and lawsuits and litigation. But when that 1413 01:29:58,560 --> 01:30:02,580 evidence comes out What happens to that, and in this report, 1414 01:30:02,610 --> 01:30:06,930 they didn't deal with it. One example would be the fact that 1415 01:30:06,930 --> 01:30:11,070 it was about a decade where the US Air Force that one military 1416 01:30:11,070 --> 01:30:14,340 branch that is surprisingly, mum and has been throughout this 1417 01:30:14,340 --> 01:30:19,200 whole conversation, playing very little role in the public part 1418 01:30:19,230 --> 01:30:23,220 of this conversation when it comes to UAP. had on the books 1419 01:30:23,220 --> 01:30:26,460 through the late 90s, early 2000s, all the way to the late 1420 01:30:26,460 --> 01:30:34,170 2000s a regulation to report and document unidentified flying 1421 01:30:34,170 --> 01:30:37,410 objects that their military pilots were encountering. I have 1422 01:30:37,410 --> 01:30:41,070 documented proof that when I went to the one receiving end, 1423 01:30:41,070 --> 01:30:45,570 which was NORAD for these service reports, they said, 1424 01:30:45,570 --> 01:30:49,350 Well, we were not subject to FOIA, but they did look under a 1425 01:30:49,350 --> 01:30:52,590 NORAD regulation where they try and mimic and honor the spirit 1426 01:30:52,590 --> 01:30:55,980 of the FOIA that they found absolutely nothing, no service 1427 01:30:55,980 --> 01:31:00,330 reports on UFOs. And the reason why NORAD was not subject to 1428 01:31:00,330 --> 01:31:04,050 FOIA was because they're under Canadian control as well. So US 1429 01:31:04,050 --> 01:31:07,350 law didn't apply. Well, to quickly summarize the end of the 1430 01:31:07,350 --> 01:31:11,220 story, the Canadian government sent me hundreds of service 1431 01:31:11,220 --> 01:31:15,450 reports that went through NORAD on unidentified flying objects. 1432 01:31:15,780 --> 01:31:20,070 My whole point, the US Air Force, and their history of post 1433 01:31:20,070 --> 01:31:23,670 project Bluebook of investigating UFOs was not only 1434 01:31:23,670 --> 01:31:27,660 covered up, but on top of that, proven by the Canadian 1435 01:31:27,660 --> 01:31:31,020 government. Aero doesn't deal with those types of things at 1436 01:31:31,020 --> 01:31:35,670 all. Why are military branches and government agencies lying 1437 01:31:35,850 --> 01:31:39,210 about their UFO and UAP information? And why have they 1438 01:31:39,210 --> 01:31:43,110 lied for decades, if there's absolutely nothing to any of 1439 01:31:43,110 --> 01:31:47,010 these claims? That doesn't make sense. They also don't talk 1440 01:31:47,010 --> 01:31:50,310 about the intelligence files because when you dig, even post 1441 01:31:50,310 --> 01:31:54,780 project Bluebook into the 70s and beyond, they talk about UAP 1442 01:31:54,900 --> 01:31:59,760 material being carried hand carried to somebody's office 1443 01:31:59,760 --> 01:32:04,650 within the CIA, that there was some type of UFO something that 1444 01:32:04,650 --> 01:32:08,220 was connected to a case that piqued the interest of the CIA 1445 01:32:08,220 --> 01:32:11,280 internally. This document actually goes on to talk about 1446 01:32:11,280 --> 01:32:15,000 an informal effort to essentially keep tabs on the UAP 1447 01:32:15,000 --> 01:32:19,080 conversation. This was years after the US government 1448 01:32:19,080 --> 01:32:23,280 completed their investigation. And they maintained interest the 1449 01:32:23,280 --> 01:32:29,250 CIA was still actively involved. The National Security Agency has 1450 01:32:29,250 --> 01:32:34,680 hundreds of communications dealing with UFOs that blow well 1451 01:32:34,680 --> 01:32:39,240 past the project Bluebook era and go through the 70s, the 80s 1452 01:32:39,270 --> 01:32:44,190 and the 90s, most of which are classified top secret to this 1453 01:32:44,190 --> 01:32:47,490 day, when I tried to get these further declassified and get 1454 01:32:47,490 --> 01:32:51,720 these redacted redactions lifted. There are hundreds of 1455 01:32:51,720 --> 01:32:56,910 these pages, the NSA lost each and every one, at least so they 1456 01:32:56,910 --> 01:33:01,080 claim. So these redactions will stick forever. Doesn't matter 1457 01:33:01,080 --> 01:33:04,050 what congressional legislation is passed. It doesn't matter 1458 01:33:04,050 --> 01:33:08,640 what UAP Disclosure Act is, is is created. It doesn't matter. 1459 01:33:08,820 --> 01:33:12,150 According to the National Security Agency. It's all gone. 1460 01:33:12,180 --> 01:33:16,230 Anyway, the originals were destroyed. And these redacted 1461 01:33:16,230 --> 01:33:21,300 with black and white out are the only things that remain. What is 1462 01:33:21,300 --> 01:33:24,840 so secretive about the intelligence on UFOs that is 1463 01:33:24,840 --> 01:33:27,210 being collected around the world sources and 1464 01:33:27,210 --> 01:33:31,800 methods Absolutely. redact that, is that all of this likely not? 1465 01:33:32,130 --> 01:33:35,160 So what is it that they're hiding, but the NSA isn't alone? 1466 01:33:35,550 --> 01:33:37,860 You look at the Defense Intelligence Agency, this is 1467 01:33:37,860 --> 01:33:42,660 only to have numerous pages that are found within the CIA's files 1468 01:33:42,870 --> 01:33:48,240 of heavily classified UAP and UFO related material. I received 1469 01:33:48,240 --> 01:33:52,530 these in the late 90s. And there are hundreds of them. I years 1470 01:33:52,530 --> 01:33:56,400 ago, did the exact same thing with the DIA that I did, the NSA 1471 01:33:56,430 --> 01:33:59,250 requested what are called Mandatory declassification 1472 01:33:59,250 --> 01:34:03,780 reviews, to try and get all of these redactions lifted. By the 1473 01:34:03,780 --> 01:34:06,330 way, they didn't even use black ink, they use a razor blade to 1474 01:34:06,330 --> 01:34:09,990 cut out these pages and photocopied pages with holes in 1475 01:34:09,990 --> 01:34:13,470 them because they didn't want to waste the ink. When I finished 1476 01:34:13,470 --> 01:34:16,680 the cases, and the MDRs got to the end, you know what the DIA 1477 01:34:16,680 --> 01:34:22,440 said they lost each and every one of their intelligence papers 1478 01:34:22,620 --> 01:34:26,940 on UFOs. So these documents here that are keeping tabs on UFO 1479 01:34:26,940 --> 01:34:30,240 related information and even here, a UFO research 1480 01:34:30,240 --> 01:34:33,900 organization in China. They're all gone. They're all lost to 1481 01:34:33,900 --> 01:34:37,890 history, no congressional legislation, no UAP Disclosure 1482 01:34:37,890 --> 01:34:40,710 Act are going to bring these back from the shredders, at 1483 01:34:40,710 --> 01:34:43,890 least are so they claim. Well, they make the government 1484 01:34:43,890 --> 01:34:47,070 actually come clean and say yeah, we rely on for decades and 1485 01:34:47,100 --> 01:34:50,610 we actually do have all of these. Well, we can only hope, 1486 01:34:51,210 --> 01:34:55,200 but probably not. The report also didn't talk about the 1487 01:34:55,200 --> 01:34:59,340 excessive secrecy that remains to this day. And if you ask me 1488 01:34:59,460 --> 01:35:04,320 it's a lot worse today than it was decades ago. In fact, it's a 1489 01:35:04,320 --> 01:35:08,430 lot worse than it was just 10 years ago. This is the security 1490 01:35:08,430 --> 01:35:11,490 classification guide likely has been revised by now I've got 1491 01:35:11,490 --> 01:35:16,440 multiple cases for more recent versions. But regardless, I 1492 01:35:16,440 --> 01:35:20,970 expect something very similar to this blacked out Top Secret, Top 1493 01:35:20,970 --> 01:35:25,830 to bottom. They do not want you to know why they are keeping UAP 1494 01:35:25,980 --> 01:35:31,170 and UFO information secret. This guide actually defines the 1495 01:35:31,170 --> 01:35:37,860 secrecy. This is what is used by our US government on UAP 1496 01:35:37,860 --> 01:35:43,440 information to say if UAP information is classified, and 1497 01:35:43,770 --> 01:35:49,020 today, everything is where does it stem from this guide. But the 1498 01:35:49,050 --> 01:35:53,010 UAP report doesn't talk about any of that excessive secrecy. 1499 01:35:53,250 --> 01:35:58,350 In my opinion, not only is this secrecy excessive, on top of 1500 01:35:58,350 --> 01:36:02,310 that they are employing tactics, including a law enforcement 1501 01:36:02,310 --> 01:36:07,830 exemption to take arrows files and keep them secret. So if 1502 01:36:07,830 --> 01:36:11,700 they're not classified, or if I by some stroke of luck, can 1503 01:36:11,700 --> 01:36:15,210 fight what's called a b1 exemption classified because 1504 01:36:15,210 --> 01:36:18,600 it's secret or, or top secret, if I'm lucky enough to try and 1505 01:36:18,600 --> 01:36:22,140 fight that there's already a second layer that they've put on 1506 01:36:22,500 --> 01:36:26,670 that stems from exemption B seven, or a law enforcement 1507 01:36:26,700 --> 01:36:30,420 investigation. I have appealed those on numerous occasions, 1508 01:36:30,510 --> 01:36:34,740 I've lost each and every one. I always like to highlight the 1509 01:36:34,740 --> 01:36:37,770 successes when it comes to appeals. But sometimes you have 1510 01:36:37,770 --> 01:36:41,640 to highlight the failures. Why doesn't the report the one that 1511 01:36:41,640 --> 01:36:44,790 we just got this year, talk about this excessive secrecy? 1512 01:36:44,880 --> 01:36:48,510 It's not all sources and methods. It's not all classified 1513 01:36:48,510 --> 01:36:53,280 platform sensor technology. And how do we know that? Easy. When 1514 01:36:53,280 --> 01:36:57,090 a Russian jet decides to spray gas over one of our MQ nine 1515 01:36:57,090 --> 01:37:01,830 Reaper drones, we have a video circulating our media like that. 1516 01:37:02,490 --> 01:37:05,970 They review it, they declassify it, we see it in full, it's 1517 01:37:05,970 --> 01:37:09,450 crystal clear. It's beautiful footage. And you see the Russian 1518 01:37:09,450 --> 01:37:13,830 jet go and spray fuel. What's my point? There is something about 1519 01:37:13,830 --> 01:37:17,400 UAP information that they don't want you to see. They hide 1520 01:37:17,400 --> 01:37:21,030 behind the sources and methods explain explanation and 1521 01:37:21,030 --> 01:37:24,870 exemption. They hide behind the well we can't tell you how our 1522 01:37:24,870 --> 01:37:29,460 classified platforms work. They hide behind that. But what they 1523 01:37:29,490 --> 01:37:32,910 don't want you to realize is putting the pieces together of 1524 01:37:32,910 --> 01:37:36,930 this puzzle that they'll show you that Russian jet spraying a 1525 01:37:36,930 --> 01:37:41,430 highly classified platform like the MQ nine, but they won't show 1526 01:37:41,430 --> 01:37:46,050 you anything about UAP. Why not? What's the difference? There is 1527 01:37:46,050 --> 01:37:49,290 no difference, or at least there shouldn't be if we are to 1528 01:37:49,290 --> 01:37:53,250 believe what they're trying to sell. In this report. They also 1529 01:37:53,250 --> 01:37:55,920 don't talk about our spy satellites, how the fact that 1530 01:37:55,920 --> 01:37:59,010 the National Reconnaissance Office has a highly classified 1531 01:37:59,010 --> 01:38:04,770 platform called sentient, which sees tic tac shaped objects very 1532 01:38:04,770 --> 01:38:09,060 much like the 2004 incident, but all the way into the last couple 1533 01:38:09,060 --> 01:38:14,250 of years. What are they seeing what software or what ability 1534 01:38:14,280 --> 01:38:19,200 within the sentient system allows them to see and detect 1535 01:38:19,260 --> 01:38:23,520 these tic tac shaped objects? This was a highly classified top 1536 01:38:23,520 --> 01:38:29,970 secret briefing on one of those observations. The report doesn't 1537 01:38:29,970 --> 01:38:32,910 mention anything like this, at least not the public one. They 1538 01:38:32,910 --> 01:38:35,430 just want to pass off that it's not extraterrestrial, and it's 1539 01:38:35,430 --> 01:38:38,550 not anything they can't explain if they have the proper data. 1540 01:38:39,120 --> 01:38:43,290 They clearly have the proper data. The data is there, seeing 1541 01:38:43,710 --> 01:38:47,670 these tic tac shaped objects, and yet, they don't deal with 1542 01:38:47,670 --> 01:38:52,680 that in the report, maybe volume two. They also don't deal with 1543 01:38:52,680 --> 01:38:59,070 the highly classified nature of this report and topic. So the 1544 01:38:59,070 --> 01:39:02,850 report is unclassified. They give it to the public, but they 1545 01:39:02,850 --> 01:39:06,810 don't deal with the real secrecy behind UAP. This is a 1546 01:39:06,810 --> 01:39:11,160 declassified also top secret memo on unidentified aerial 1547 01:39:11,160 --> 01:39:13,890 phenomenon Now they call it unidentified anomalous 1548 01:39:13,890 --> 01:39:17,670 phenomena. You can see here it's only declassified because they 1549 01:39:17,670 --> 01:39:23,970 redacted almost every single word. That's the secrecy that 1550 01:39:23,970 --> 01:39:29,970 this is on. That's the level that all of this is on. Why if 1551 01:39:29,970 --> 01:39:33,150 all of this is easily dismissed, and really does stem back to a 1552 01:39:33,150 --> 01:39:35,640 core group of people that are kind of creating these 1553 01:39:35,640 --> 01:39:39,810 cockamamie conspiracy theories, fine. I can understand that in 1554 01:39:39,810 --> 01:39:43,980 parts of the conversation, but the report conveniently left out 1555 01:39:44,160 --> 01:39:48,000 the real stuff. The real information the real question 1556 01:39:48,000 --> 01:39:51,630 marks that people like me have. Sure we can argue all day long 1557 01:39:51,630 --> 01:39:55,830 about gimbal FLIR glare speed of the go fast whether or not Luis 1558 01:39:55,830 --> 01:39:59,550 Elizondo really headed a tip whether or not David grush has 1559 01:39:59,550 --> 01:40:02,910 first hand and knowledge are not whatever we can argue until our 1560 01:40:02,910 --> 01:40:06,300 face turns blue. The bottom line with those arguments is we don't 1561 01:40:06,300 --> 01:40:10,650 know the answer at the end of the day. But the report doesn't 1562 01:40:10,650 --> 01:40:13,800 want you to look at this and ask about this. They just want to 1563 01:40:13,800 --> 01:40:17,760 deal with that greatest trick of a magician. Look over here. So 1564 01:40:17,760 --> 01:40:21,660 you don't see what's going on over here. And that is exactly 1565 01:40:21,690 --> 01:40:25,740 what this report has done. That is exactly what they want you to 1566 01:40:25,740 --> 01:40:29,880 believe. There's nothing here. There's nothing to it, stop 1567 01:40:29,880 --> 01:40:33,870 asking questions, and stop looking for answers. We've 1568 01:40:33,870 --> 01:40:38,250 explained it. We did it through the 1960s. The the project 1569 01:40:38,250 --> 01:40:42,360 Bluebook era we solved it. No, they didn't. evidence showed 1570 01:40:42,360 --> 01:40:45,300 otherwise. Why would they have to change their story on 1571 01:40:45,300 --> 01:40:48,960 Roswell, so many different times wire dates not matching up? 1572 01:40:48,960 --> 01:40:51,960 Well, they blame all the witnesses. None of that makes 1573 01:40:51,960 --> 01:40:54,930 sense. So even though there's a lot you can prove with this 1574 01:40:54,930 --> 01:40:57,840 report, and to give the government credit, they did a 1575 01:40:57,840 --> 01:41:01,260 lot of homework on it. They conveniently left out the 1576 01:41:01,260 --> 01:41:05,340 information that you don't hear as much about, it's not as sexy 1577 01:41:05,340 --> 01:41:08,430 as somebody going up to Congress under oath saying, Well, I heard 1578 01:41:08,430 --> 01:41:11,520 stories about non human biologics. That's sexy. That's 1579 01:41:11,520 --> 01:41:14,490 headlines, right? That's what you get in the spotlight. But is 1580 01:41:14,490 --> 01:41:17,670 that really what we need? Until we see the proof of that non 1581 01:41:17,670 --> 01:41:21,060 human biologic, let's look and ask the important questions on 1582 01:41:21,060 --> 01:41:25,200 stuff we can prove and fall back on with actual evidence. That 1583 01:41:25,200 --> 01:41:28,110 doesn't mean it just has to stay with FOIA. FOIA is not 1584 01:41:28,110 --> 01:41:31,890 everything. A lot of my haters always say, John thinks FOIA is 1585 01:41:31,890 --> 01:41:35,040 everything. No, it's not. It's just what I love more than 1586 01:41:35,040 --> 01:41:39,030 somebody's story. And I stand by that, but it's not everything. 1587 01:41:39,330 --> 01:41:43,290 And no one can ever cite where I've said it. But it's a great 1588 01:41:43,320 --> 01:41:47,070 starting point. And I think that when the government agencies 1589 01:41:47,070 --> 01:41:51,540 like the CIA, the DIA, the NSA, the Pentagon itself, all has 1590 01:41:51,540 --> 01:41:54,840 pieces of the puzzle that when put together, negate this 1591 01:41:54,840 --> 01:41:58,380 report, it's worth asking about, and it's worth paying attention 1592 01:41:58,380 --> 01:42:02,460 to less about the stories more about the evidence. That's what 1593 01:42:02,460 --> 01:42:05,700 I'm all about. Listen, I hope you learned at least one thing 1594 01:42:05,700 --> 01:42:09,690 throughout this presentation. Obviously, as I said up front, 1595 01:42:10,050 --> 01:42:14,400 it is not everything. There's a lot in this report, I urge you 1596 01:42:14,430 --> 01:42:19,830 don't just judge it on what I say or, or what other 1597 01:42:19,860 --> 01:42:24,600 researchers say or media outlets or bloggers or whomever. Don't 1598 01:42:24,630 --> 01:42:29,880 read it for yourself. Take in what works for you when it comes 1599 01:42:29,880 --> 01:42:35,160 to information that you want to stick with or dismiss, whether 1600 01:42:35,160 --> 01:42:37,470 that means you believe the government or not whether that 1601 01:42:37,470 --> 01:42:40,950 means that supports Luis Elizondo or not, whether it 1602 01:42:40,950 --> 01:42:44,220 supports David grush or not, whether it supports the whole 1603 01:42:44,220 --> 01:42:48,120 offset movement or not, doesn't matter. Read it, 1604 01:42:48,150 --> 01:42:50,850 I really urge you, I'm a big advocate for people having 1605 01:42:50,850 --> 01:42:53,640 access to this information. That's why I run the black 1606 01:42:53,640 --> 01:42:59,070 vault. That's why in the links below, here on YouTube, or if 1607 01:42:59,070 --> 01:43:02,310 you're listening on the podcast platforms, it's under the black 1608 01:43:02,310 --> 01:43:05,040 vault radio, if you're not aware, you can get these types 1609 01:43:05,040 --> 01:43:08,820 of shows through those podcast platforms. Look at the show 1610 01:43:08,820 --> 01:43:11,550 notes. I offer links. If you found it worthwhile, please hit 1611 01:43:11,550 --> 01:43:14,310 the thumbs up button. I shoot for five stars on the audio 1612 01:43:14,310 --> 01:43:19,470 review. So please take a moment. It's a huge help to me offer off 1613 01:43:19,470 --> 01:43:23,130 of those reviews. I won't tell you what to put but I do aim for 1614 01:43:23,130 --> 01:43:25,890 the five stars to do aim for the thumbs up. And if you are on 1615 01:43:25,890 --> 01:43:28,320 Youtube, you're new to the channel. Please make sure you're 1616 01:43:28,320 --> 01:43:31,230 subscribed. Turn the notifications on that way when 1617 01:43:31,230 --> 01:43:34,110 these videos do drop or I do more live streams. Take your 1618 01:43:34,110 --> 01:43:37,770 questions live, you'll be notified that said this is John 1619 01:43:37,770 --> 01:43:40,560 Greenewald Jr signing off. And we'll see you next time.